HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSPERMIT# 1908-0177 ISSUE DAM 0UNT.1'Y­_ !,i- P R PLANNING & DEVELOPMZNT 1 Building & Code Compliance BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTORAGREEMENT OCT 3 2019 Permitting Department St. Lucie County, W 1-44 01 a�= A have agreed to be (Company Nam the 6Agq,-f-r7e_-_ Sub -contractor for Syn'ergy Homes, LLC SCAN (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) BY For the projectIocated at 12192 Riverbend Trace, Port St. Lude, FL 34984 StludeCoui It is understood that, if there is, any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. coI SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Ryan Davis PRINT NAME OBC1254289 COLYNTY CERTIFICATION INUMBER State of Florida, County of Petra Beach The foregoing instrument was signed before me thNaLclay of 20_6 . Ryan Davis who Is personally knomm _2�prhaspnodntedu us Identification. STANIP Deanne Johnson Print Name orNoutry Public ,,WJV ---------------- V 0�7_1 `4 k, DEANNE L. JOHNSON i MYCOMSSIONOGWIM EXPIRES: July 17,2021 Rewrised it/ifiaom SMeCONTELAMOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) %X lk Qt�(11_16 - . I PIUNTNAME RKNAVCER�TIMVLTION NITAIDER State offlorlda. Cocotyof_4A_%A9APL Tberbregainghan. meat vrasaigued before me this. day of r wbo Is personally knotI has produced a asidentification. e.RIS 4MALHAMM 0' Si aturverNotaryp"bHe WMAP42,2021 ED PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BY Building & Code Compliance Div4sk—_ StludeCountv I I sevens ASM BUILDING PERNIIT RECEIV, crffl� SU B-CONTRACTOR AGREENI ENT I OCT 3 2019 Permitting Department St. LL�qt@d;QAq"g FL 1_.oT y Name/Individual Name) the pan -contractor for Synergy Homes, LLC el LL rh Sub (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 12192 Riverbend Trace, Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above incritioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Ryan Davis PRI%7 NAME CBC1254289 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NILTAIDER State of Florida. County of Palm Beach ment wss signed before me 1hi&!1a) of 20]q by Ryan Davis nawn who is personally k '41r has produced R Deanne DEANNE L. JOHNSON %IY COMMISSION 0 GG25194$ EXPIRES: July 17.2021 Revised 1111641016 STAMP "' "f sL ACO.1% ;0!4, "AE(Qu2liricr) �o be (4 Lu u Pk- PRIN-r N*,k.N IE / g 6 ig, 9 COUNTYCERTIFICATIONNUNIDER State of Florida. Countyof 03VLLcc The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of nrAUNq' 20_1Sby who is personally knmvn_Zor has produced a as identification. Signature of Notary P0114 Print Some or Notary Public x RHONDA LAFFER MY COMMISSION # GGO 72� EXPIRES January 08, 2021 STAMP PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT � Building & Code, Compliance BUILDING PERIMIT SUB-CONTRACTORAGREEWNIENT For the project located at 1219.2- Riverbend Trace, Port St Lucia, FL 34984 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID '�) It is. understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project. the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie (�ounty will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 27�� - CONTIZACTOR SIGNAWRE (Qualifier) Ryan Davis PRIMNAME CBG1 254289 COUN-17Y CERTIRCATIONNUMBER State of Florlda.,County of Palm Beach Theforegoing instrument was sl . gned before me this'l day of' 20 Ig by Ryan Davis who is personally known �(or has produced A STA'.%IP Deanne Johnson D SON '51845 CONINJISSION961- S:J Y172201-1 R.vi.cd I 1IL6aO]6 �SL41r-CCNTRAC`r0R SIGIVAIV-94r(Qualifier) PRINT NMIE C. cov-#�- EIR� State of Morida, County of -M R f) T he foregoing Instrument was signed before melhis _�_ day of oeh 20 jab M\&UQ rnC�2.11 who is�personally known 11P has produced a asid tifiCatio ( OQ 0 STAMP ale ftn��c Q G)%r\ b Print 'Narne of Notary Public 919 1 PERMIT# 1908-0177 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Co a r-1- the BUILDING PERAHT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEIENT SCAN ED By St Lucie Conn& RKELA"EIVED OCT 3 2019 Permittin? Dg rtment Sub -contractor for Synergy Homes, LLU (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 12192 Riverbend Trace, Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned I project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 'P, a::� - — CON'MILCTOR SIGMATURE (Quallfler) Ryan DaNtis PRINiTNAME CBC1254289 COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER State of Florida, County of Paint Beach The foregoing instrument �vas signed before me ibis -Xoday or -AJLUS4- 2da by Ryan Davis k.myn _)4_or has prodund a 5 Identificstrion. Signature orNotary I ubli Dear IQS PrintName arNotary Public SUB.CONTRACTWA SIGNATURE (Qualifler) a4-% 4 A.7 ei,)e tv-f PRINT NAME 66C Z936&S---�F COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER State of Florida, County ol`2L��I—Zzf- The foregoing Instrument vras signed before me thix.;;L4D- day of 09&3 20ZI.k- &AAn oWAAOnf*— vrho ispersonallyknoirnk_or has produced a_ as identification. SrAX81P STAMP Signature of Notary Public V Print Name of Notary Public I ry Public State of Florida 4AW, DEANNELJOHNSON .um, lsub.,. B.I. �of Flwid.� V tc11aMGAi.1Je 01 ecum", "e"'10 M C, " Mly I 'sio' C30 274202 My coMMISSION 0 GWIMMS % - 1012022 lb,,, Exp1rest I VQW2022 EXPMES: July 17,2021 S.P 'a Revised H11612016 as;