HomeMy WebLinkAboutROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVITPianning & Deveiopment Services Buiiding & tode.ReguI Ign-oivision 2300viTginia,ftenue Fort Pierce, FL 3092 RECEIVED 7?2-462=216S1or772462-2172 NOV 12 2919 'Fax: 772-4624-40 ST. Lucie County, Permitting AGOF IN9PEcnoNAFr1bAV1 SCANNED /� BY °Re: Pierrmitif 09 `I: St. Lucie County 1,, 1 . U L Iitensedas a(n)Contractor-*/Engineer/Architect (Please: print name L circle license type). *FS468 Building Inspector *General,. Suildjag,.Resideatial arRoofing Cai+ttactororanylndividualcertykd uhder468RS. to makesuch an inspettlm On or about 1, jc�— :I �qJ i did personallyinspect the roof deck na"ilint= (pate), work Based upon that examination I have determined:the installation was done accordingrto the current edition ofthe,Florida Existing Building Code Section 708 or the product approval submitted (whichever is most strigent). Signature and Seal STATE%0FFLGR(QS COUNTY-oP Via- UC';le License # f�fgre this 12 day of O, 20�! bY� 1'Ii1 ll 1YL1V�,`- Who !s personalty known to me orwho has produced as idebtiflcatia Notary Public, State o � Rn WM sS OMGVG 6&6S() Signature of Notary s IXFOiS;t)Eck202t Commission Number: _ + - lststale N`surance En