HomeMy WebLinkAboutFDS ENGINEERING LETTERS249 Maitland Ave., Suite 3000 Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 P: (321)972-0491 1 F: (321)972-0484 1 E: info@fdseng.com U Website: www.fdseng.com CA#9161 ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SCANNED July 17, 2019 BY St. LucieCounty Building Department Ref: Adams Homes Lot: Lot 1 Blk 5 Sec 34 Subdivision: St. Lucie County - Waterston Address: 5301 San Benedetto Place Model: 1820 B RHG KA # 19-4240 Truss Company: Builders First Source Date of drawings: 6/7/19 Job No.: 1788692 Wind Speed: 160 Exposure: C Truss Engineer: Walter P. Finn To whom it may concern, We have reviewed the truss design package for the project referenced above. This truss package complies with the original design intent and the underlying structure will accommodate all indicated loads. We approve the truss package without comment based upon the truss layout and truss profiles supplied to us by the Truss Company with truss profiles sealed by the Truss Engineer. Please note, this review is only for general conformance with the design concept of the project. Contractor or sub -contractor is responsible for matching all structural components and details shown in the construction documents. Contractor or sub -contractor is also responsible for confirming all quantities and dimensions; selecting appropriate fabrication processes and techniques; and coordinating work with all other trades. Note: Truss ID's may vary. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, "166181e8,0i1i .•'• 00� M. 6p 04 7/17/2019 1�7/ 0, 9 No 82126 % Carl A. Brown, P.E. ; t7 T dd 0- FL. # 56126 p�: F� 26 F : •�<U "Doing Business with a Service Mindset and an Eye forIlYe� I, ItsNv��, D 249 Maitland Ave, Suite 3000 1 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 Ir= P: (321)972-0491 1 F: (321)972-0484 1 E: info@fdseng.com Website: www.fdseng.com ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES November 27, 2019 Building Department IDS / KA Project #: Builder / Contractor: Plan / Model: Community / Lot / Block: Address: Application / Permit #: To whom it may concern, N-10335 :t•x Name SCANnE3 Stluce Couniv Name, Elevation, Garage Community / xx / xxx xxx Street Name, City, State, Zip 1908-0292, 1908-0293, 1908-0295, 1908-0259, 1910-0393, 1911-0052, 1910-0436,1910-0437 1908-0291,1908-0262, 1910-0439,1908-0264, We have been informed that the submitted plans for the aforementioned project have not met the code compliance requirements necessary for approval. Please find our responses to the areas of deficiencies or corrections required to achieve compliance. 1. Comment: Please provide product approval point numbers Response: See attached product approval chart 2. Comment: Provide compaction note Response: ASSUMED ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE AFTER COMPACTION: 2000 PSF SEE SOILS REPORT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS IF SOIL CONDITIONS IN THE PROJECT DO NOT MEET OR EXCEED THE CAPACITY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO FOUNDATION POUR FOR VERIFICATION OF FOUNDATION DESIGN. SOIL TO BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% OF MAX. DRY DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY ASTM -1557 (MODIFIED PROCTOR) IN EQUAL LIFTS NOT TO EXCEEDING 12". THE FOUNDATION SIZES INDICATED ON THE FOUNDATION PLAN HAS BEEN DESIGNED FOR A MINIMUM SOIL BEARING CAPACITY OF 2000 PSF. e`° `Opp• M. 80 If you have any question ea5e;jm9n9t1� tAsa 11. No 82126 November 27, 2019 s * ? _ 7, 2019 ' November 27, 2019 STATE OF •<U: Carl A. Brown, P.E �O� ;T®d . Bo�nT-'ty: Luis Pablo Torres, PE FLPE# 56126 Ile 2 FLPE# 87864 OQ� 11 If Seal and Signature are not blue or can't be smudged contact FOR for authorization V "Doing Business with a Service Mindset and an Eye for Detail" D 249 Maitland Ave, Suite 3000 1 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 P: (321)972-0491 1 F: (321)972-0484 1 E: info@fdseng.com Website: www.fdseng.com ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES Sincerely, November 27, 2019 Carl A. Brown, P.E FLPE# 56126 ,sop u u r r'r.•. Opp M. 80 t' 1" 2'$�® Vt dy 18WM, l:'F 4u November 27, 2019 Luis Pablo Torres, PE FLPE# 87864 21 1ONAI—S\ � If Seal and Signature are not blue or can't be smu���9rddntact FOR for authorization "Doing Business with a Service Mindset and an Eye for Detail" 249 Maitland Ave, Suite 3000 1 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 lr= P: (321)972-0491 1 F: (321)972-0484 1 E: info@fdseng.com Website: www.fdseng.com ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES Product Approval Submittal Affidavit Duil_dingAddress: Contractor. Building Penult: Product Design Pressures Manufacture h'Iodel if Attachment Method Approval g Roofing: 1stChoicO I CODhTYAPR. MhdJstd s,Lid canfxs MIL SIM ESW124=ERJONO WAS. 318' A•:V HLADS. L PER SHOIW.E RTCOOSASO YA/ 3/8' MN T4MM71011 1HRV SHEATHM ROOFING VENTS: 1gv0.1 C.11 LAI FASTFA NITH]1C.VCt CALYM1IIW aNDE AV4HN.ir10 NO,. fIT15SO1 a1 MMuCf K. •Mnn •EDP YfAnlA rO^F Ar1A A• f. ed I ROOFING UNDERLAYMENT: isIChoice YIDO':A°' ITI'GULwwia7rA+.wsm•ML Dy7EJR "UNITSHLt1eEAPPLIEDA» FL13Z1D•N3 nnccmrclnc .' Cql M ♦ MI:Ar ^ ATTAOILD LY ACCOODA:it[N1TN B11 + 2nd Choice Overhead Garage Doors: 1st Choice +33.01,M0 1 CL6PAr T3Ab 1A.7 1'A6'P.T. HOOD lATT7W Ali 45)W.OALAB••PB01T3 rL1G5C41 2nd Choice +30.0/3E0 cwPAY p.7 R76y7BJG Swing Doors: 's1. +61.0/67.0 FlItLDfiASs OpJ1 L\S1N0 ZEMNATTA Imr TO UAnL'=V11TN 3/1c•x3• i6vCOV9M�'a•FlpU iOPAFORCHOfRlFRS¢I11N5 A\0]TN.23'o.D.Tlt7trARULTHED:ONFAiMC9v.!1 FL10i6y,y ind a67.0/4?.0 rIRID AIN ApKt. RYfiH r. 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Mullions: 1stCheiCe s1L')6 NIVdNDO1YS NKRM YCNtL iOHAilIlrL\4Tf NTrrA0R9 LT;.TIIPN SLCtSTBO CVPIIRO COWIlIC 3/:t•lAUIVErUMW111I UIVITMILVOTIITOaworl-kr FL115W.1 Ry11Z N1191GH.YJCR`J IITR/YHO/IWNL\T Ylfll l'NIYIAIi'I OAi•LyNL\T NtAI l'ATNICIJN mrr del+vr Fixed Glass: 1st Choice +50.0/S0.0 S IOR car 1141k oul M 3/1t•WIMN A%MA Ninl KIN. 1{O. EMBED. TO ALL FACTORY CMWATMS NRH AIL( t5110T MI.W&D FC117MC0.`4 SHWA RUW.311J 2nd Choice BE Flu" N/A6 SCRs OP SUMOM LN. To FRONIDE O/6• N.N. IMRV. I\TO'AVOD BLYX 3rd Choice Soffit: +55.0/.T5.0 KLTCAII LID 6' BEADED 1' RA'lb 10. O.t. LV R10503A H3 1st Choice n< cn n Hurricane Panels: 46 PSP PST/ 1st Choice .:6 PSfINT IBCWIGVESTONr/ PA•R1 elO.IHC. 4Y,rlxd SlwitW+. TxREcr A1xw.7cP IA•-00 VALE PMTL/(AhMA N•�NOAVTSATL345'O.C. DOnorAA�4l,`J�+E11nM. / L1GM]S / // rseb BOLT-/ M%131s CALKN bb Q • I Have reviewed the above components of cladding and have approved Ir : '� �c'•, ; use In the structure. (Architect or Engineer of record) • No 82126 Name: Carl A. BrownCertilicallon Number: FL q�' e Name: TODD M. BORN Cortirrcation Number: F1. 4 821 M� Name: Luis Pablo Torres Certification Number: S. # 87AFE "O If Seal and Signature are not blue or can't be smudged contact FOR for "Doing Business with a Service Mindset a autho'h _ 4 OR ID ndanE�P L't