HomeMy WebLinkAboutSURVEYS)UNQAFFV SUFU,, =,J /09"02—ble—'l LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ABBREVIATIONS: SURVEYORS NOTES: (Supplied by Client) Lot 40 in Block 55 SET - Set 5/8" irony��Gbar V7ith cap marked 'PSM 5543' 1. Unless othertyise noted only platted easements of INDIAN RIVER ESTATES yelloty FD=Found 5/8' Iron Rebor are shotyn hereon. UNIT EIGHT RO.W. - Right of Way 2, All Lot dimensions shorn are per plot unless according to the plat thereof W Measured otherbise shodn. as recorded In Pl at Book 10 P=Value as platted 3. No underground utilities or Improvements *ere pages 73 C=Value as calculated located unless olherfrise shopn. of the Public Records al R- Radius of curve L =Length of curve 4. This site lies reilhin Flood Insurance Rate Ma 1 St. Lucie County, Florida. D= Delta of Curve FFE=Finished Floor Elevglion Zone X Mop( 121l ICO281 J Doled. 2-16-12 5. Flood Zone shoyn hereon is an interpretation OH--OH--OH—Over Head ryi yes by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. X—X—X-- Chain Link Fence The flood zone should be verified by a -C] bfl- Plastic Fence 0--0--0-_ Food Fence determination agency. CONC. Concrete 6. Bearings shoyrn hereon are based on the Center = line of PALM DRIVE as being N00'0O'D0'E C.P.= Concrete Pad Covered according to the Plot described hereon. = FPL Transformer Pad 7, P,U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drains ( 9 B3QCov.= = 1'�oler Meter Easement. ®= o*er Pole 8. The accuracy of this survey Is premised on fill m = Electric Box expected use of the survey. The expected use / ® = Utility Box purpose of Ihis survey is home construction. = Well Accuracy - 1 loot in 7,500 feet or better. —%/U = Drainage Proposed and Ex.,tin 9, Additions or Deletions to this surveyma b other than the signing surveyor is prohibited E)RA I NAG E PLAN yithoul yrllten causer 1w = DRAINAGE PROPOSED = EXISTING ELEVATION AND EXISTING ®= PROPOSED ELEVATION LOT 38 BLOCK 55 ... FFE = 18.94 m LOT 39 BLOCK 55 a j I TOP OF FORMBOARDS 18.95 i— I o ID IR .Ion S90'00'00"E 125.00 6? e s ti o FD III ' FD IR:p\k1 ' V �� e 47.05' 25.20' 1 15 _ IN PLACE FORM BOARDS 1 0 TOP ELEVATION = 18.90 gj p 19' 15.n' 2518' 0 1 n D JJ 6.10' N� C> 1 s > ID.IY 0 C)' CD R 47.07' 3141' z i I p I � si Vlr N90'00'0 'E<&10M0 1pA S#'ALE h --------? --- ND SITE BENCIWA ( x PAINT�qEDp AIL IN ROAD ELEVATION . tygq — 50' RO.W'. - 20' ASPHALT ROAD TW SAVANNAH STREET ALL ELEVAM NS SH* HM04 ARE BASED DN 4011111 AWWAN YERTi DATIdI OF 190 (NAVD.'66) -CITY WATER & SEPTIC SCALE: 1"=30' miianTIC Lana uesignS DATE: 3,28,18 of the Treasure Coast. LB7468 751 16 Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 DRAWN: S'f\JC Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 2018-0190 ALD5543Qagmail.mm (772)398-4290 DATE: REVISIONS filed to: SCAT NM [Olt/ Sf.Curiprini r Homes of Norlh*est Florida. ceru 4 loot lee survey snoxn nereon Is true c :used on acluol measeur cmenls taken in the Iiele etthe Ifininvo Technical Slondords al Chapter oaNnletralim code. PSM 5543 M u'n.Im,AeINa1 abnn James A.CesiroJr; '�•MRw .,,,EQ NOT VALID WITHOUT ANAUDI�FNTICATED ELECTRONIC SIGNANRE ANDAUMENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL q 4 u' n.w FIELD I34•3LW 0�_/?asp012&� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: -(Supplied by Client) Lot 40 in Block 55 of INDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT EIGHT according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 10 pages 73 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. ABBREVIATIONS: SET = Set 5/8" iron r,,ggbar yy//ith yellow cop marked PSFA 5543' FD=Found 5/8" Iron Rebor O.W. = Right of Way M= Measured P=Value as platted C=Value as calculated R= Radius of curve L = Length of curve D= Delta of Curve FFE=Finished Floor E.lev tion OH--OH--OH-= Over Head(lies X—X—X-= Chain Link Fence -0-o-o-= Plastic Fence 0--O--()-= Food Fence CONC. = Concrete C.P.= Concrete Pad Coy.= Covered R FPL Transformer Pad B3= t(ater Meter ®= ogler Pole fD = Electric Box ® = Utility Box _ Well -rvr\� = Drainage Proposed PROPOSED PLOT PLAN (0DBJEdi TO dONTRAdTOR HEALTH DEPT.. AND BUILDINd DEFT. APPROVAL) SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. Unless other*ise noted only plotted easements are shown hereon. 2. All Lot dimensions sho*n are per plat unless other*ise sho*n. 3. No underground utilities or improvements Were located unless otherwise shown. 4. This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rote Ma Zone X Mapy 12111CO281 J Dated. 2-16-12 5. Flood Zone sho*n hereon is on interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency. 6. Bearings shotyn hereon are based on the Center line of PALM DRIVE as'being N00'00'00"E according to the Plat described hereon. 7. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Droinag Easement. B. The accuracy of this survey is premised on th expected use of the survey. The expected use / purpose of this survey is home construction. Accuracy = 1 foot in 7,500 feet or better. 9. Additions or Deletions to this survey map by other than the signing surveyor is prohibited Without Written consent. ALL ELEVAT104S SHOO HEREON ARE BASED ON NORTH AVERICAN VERTICAL DAIoU OF 1988 (NAVA.'88) LO -CITY WATER & SEPTIC un LOT 38 BLOCK 55 U F FFE = 18.94 0 o _i Cn a LOT 39 BLOCK 55 VACANT o FD IR D S90°00'00"E ae 125.00 A3 Ati I I 47,00' I 14 25.30 \ \\.l I 52.70' e# O 37.00' o b ppppllli O CD Zoo O" 24.10' rp OI Li). \ A \\�, x / n / ,u r.i $ 25.30' � O �I \ \\ d N LL: as 0 o / tL �/ 4.70' LF_1 --I < \'t` \\ w W o o o I I N C3 N �i O �I O II O' \\ a ido- i O CN CD /// O I� I Z e— o 47.00' 3330' 7.Or F' It I ts Di " I I L--� h�o • �;o J N90a00'0 'E 100.00 _126.00' , 5 FD IR FD IR SALE A MIN.SETBACK — —� — — — — -- —FRONT-— r FAE. SHON FOR PERVITBNO PURPOSES ONLY ACTUALL F.F.E. *U BE BASED ON HEALTH DEPARIVENT CRITERIA. IFFE NOT TO BE LESS BUN III- OVER AVERAGE 50' R.O.W, - 20' ASPHALT ROAD REAR, SAVANNAH STREET TECH SCANNIED 56UU PALM DRIVE Certified to: Adams Homes of NdrthWest Florida, Inc. SCALE: 1"=30, Atlantic Land Designs 2fi 18 of the Treasure Coast, LB7468 DATE:3 / / 764 NE Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 1 hereby cerlily that the survey sho(/n hereon is true and correct DRA04: SW�JC Mailing Address: 9SIGRE d on actual measeurements taken in the held. This P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 s the Vinimum Technical Standards of Chapter 5J-17 inistrative code. " 4Fh s"o 2018-0190 ALD5543@gmail.com (772) 396-4290 DATE: REVISIONS �� PSM5543 OglullyslgnMbyLrrc,Afn4ol,. oN; m.lamn 0. Ceslm IL wPNntl[ I<M Cagm 7/2/19 PLOT PLAN A. Cesiro Jr� 9/8/19 ADD FFE _ �raflCS019WW15:119iML(/ f. gAR°F $` 0 WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC LAST FIELD DATE:6/26/19 AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL �saxve+p4 =X�1ul ►_ O O CD O I �I O• O O O. O NI I d 125.06 r J 0 FD IR FD IR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Supplied by Client) Lot 40 in Block 55 of INDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT EIGHT according to the plot thereof as recorded in Plot Book 10 pages 73 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County. Florida. pui-, .21 8 '019 jP . Lucie ABBREVIATIONS: SET = Set 5/8' iron rebor With yellow cap marked 'PSM 5543' FD=Found 5/8' Iron Rebor R O.W.= Right of Way M Measured P=Value as plotted C=Value as calculated R= Radius of curve L = Lenqth of curve FFE=Finished Floor Elg lion OH--OH--OH— Over Head ryires X—X—X-= Chain Link Fence -0-1H3-= Plastic Fence 0-0-0-= Food Fence CONC. = Concrete C.P.= Concrete Pad Coy.= Covered I FPL Transformer Pod B3= ater Meter ® = votier Pole [0 = Electric Box E = Utility Box = Well Drainage Pr000sed PROPOSED PLOT PLAN (OUBJEdT To doNTRAdTOR HEALTH DEPT.. AND BUIUJINd DEPT. APPROVAL) SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. Unless other Wise noted only platted easements are shown hereon. 2. All Lot dimensions shown are per plot unless other Wise shown. 3. No underground utilities or improvements Were located unless other Wise shown. 4. This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rate Ma; Zone X Map# 12111CO281 J Dated. 2-16-12 5. Flood Zone shown hereon is on interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency. 6. Bearings shown hereon are based on the Center line of PALM DRIVE as being N00'00'00'E according to the Plat described hereon. 7. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainog( Easement. 8. The accuracy of this survey is premised on IN expected use of the survey. The expected use / purpose of this survey is hone construction. Accuracy = 1 foot in 7,500 feet or better. 9. Additions or Deletions to this survey map by other than the signing surveyor is prohibited Without Written consent. ALL ELEVATIONS SHO'IN HEREON ARE BASED ON NORTH AVRCAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (N.AVD.'8E) LO —CITY WATER & SEPTIC LOT 38 BLOCK 55 Y o z FFE = 18.94 co-1¢ LOT 39 BLOCK 55 VACANT f— o FD IR ,,13 S90°00r00"E ,,3125.00 rn tf) U O oC4 m N 37.00' \ \�S o csa \ N \ \ 47,00' N SWALE m M I I a w = U 24.10' � o 4.70' W w c p� 1 m r.i g r< r 3330' 7.01 Ia u 100.00 FDOH in St. Lubie County E v4effinent eafth — — — Site Plan Approved for Construction 0 5'L3 I L1 I6�0 ry I5.30' I o� O bigc O a " 00 I o I5.30' L, F , O N I O I a CM a l O l ate+ CD o p Na �RI 3Q is 16.61 I I L__J oo^= <:�. IV. I R\1' °.61 — >b%% — Supersedes All Previous Site Plans for 50' R.O.W. - 26 ASPHALT ROAD )STDS #SG S�F-/90%Y3& Well # SAVANNAH STREET SCALE: 1"=30' Atlantic Land Designs of the Treasure Coast, LB746a DATE: 3/28/1 8 754 NE Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 DRA*: SW\JC Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 2018-0190 ALD5543@gmail.com (772) 398-4290 I DATE: I REVISIONS II LAST FIELD DATE:6/26/19 Certified to 66 I _ FD "IF SITE BENDIUARK X PAINTEDNAIL IN ROAD ELEVATION ASSU4 QQO DATUV SCANNED St. Ldbiecounty Homes of Northwest Florida, Inc. nereby certify that the survey shown hereon is true and correct ind is based on actual measeurements taken in the field. This survey meets the Vinimun Technical Standards of Chapter 5J-17 'lorida administrative code. ��yt,nc;re PSM 5543 amuur+ha W+�.+wuwoi. ` ames eslro Jrl,°<; �w`.:k �;:�,� • A m,=mwmar,eaimaam � srnrsa NOT THOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC Ea Qoa.o. SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL ea I' B-C:) U N QAFZY S U FZ\/EY I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ABBREVIATIONS: SURVEYORS NOTES: (Supplied by Client) SET = Set 5/8" iron rebor With 1. Unless othertyise noted only platted easements Lot 40 in Block 55 of yellow cap marked "PSM 5543" INDIAN RIVER ESTATES FD=Found 5/8 Iron Rebar are shown hereon. UNIT EIGHT R.O.W. = Right of Way 2. All Lot dimensions shown are per plot unless according to the plot thereof M= Measured otherlyise shown. as recorded in Plot Book 10 P=Value as plotted 3. No underground utilities or improvements Were a 73 C=Volue as calculated located unless otherwise shown. pages R= Radius of curve 4. This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rate Map of the Public Records of L = Length of curve Zone X Mop# 12111CO281 J Dated. 2-16-12 St. Lucie County, Florida. D= Delta of Curve FFE=Finished Floor Elev lion 5. Flood Zone shown hereon is an interpretation OH--OH--OH—= Over Head �ires by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. X--X--X—= Chain Link Fence The flood zone should be verified by a �o- = Plastic Fence determination agency. 0--0--0—= Wood Fence 6. Bearings shown hereon are based on the Center CONC. = Concrete line of PALM DRIVE as being N00'00'00"E C.P.= Concrete Pad according to the Plat described hereon. Cov.= Covered e 7• P•U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drains Q= FPL Transformer Pad 9 M toter Meter Easement. ®= Polyer Pole 8. The accuracy of this survey is premised on the m = Electric Box expected use of the survey. The expected use / ® = Utility Box purpose of this survey is home construction. _ Well Accuracy = 1 toot in 7,500 feet or better. r. = Drainage Proposed 9• Additions or Deletions to this survey map by and Existingother than the signing surveyor is prohibited 0FRAI NAGE PLAN IWithout Written consent. DRAINAGE PROPOSED INGxryR` = EXISTING ELEVATIONAND o x�ory = PROPOSED ELEVATION � LOT 38 BLOCK 55 FFE = 18.94 m LOT 39 BLOCK 55 LO Cn j TOP OF FORMBOARDS 18.95 'L0 I-CDJ I FD IR y. 0h S90000'00"E 125.00Oil," Ax il ® I 47.05' `V 25.20' I 52.75 IN PLACE FORM BOARDS o� $ Op TOP ELEVATION = 18.90 ;Jp 13.36' 25.18' 00 o51 36.89' I O 0. 7 w o OIL CCDD 3 w v o I \6 � 6.16 'LM O �' I N> ` 4 x 61 10.17' O < O7 II D. x � O o p o OI m O I CD Z CD 47.07' 33.41' J CD I o C/) OI C� LO � O r " 6 _125.00' as J x N90600'00'E xy� 100.00 FD IR FD IR \A� SCALE \ A'L ode NAIL SITE BENCHMARK X PAINTED } IN ROAD ELEVATION = 17.00 J 50' R,O.W. — 20' ASPHALT ROAD ASSUMED DATUM SAVANNAH STREET �+/�A p�r� ALL ELEVATIONS SHO#j HEREON ARE BASED ON NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (N.Av.D.'88) d7lel'aI�1Vr�r u r�t;1AU to In� —CITY WATER & SEPTIC BY �°te prpye� St. LucieCounty 5609 PALM DRIVE SCALE: 1 "=30' Atlantic Land Designs of the Treasure Coast, LB7468 DATE:3/28/18 764 NE Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 DRAWN: SW\JC Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 2018-0190 ALD5543@gmail.com (772) 398-4290 DATE: REVISIONS 3/30/20 1 FORM BOARD TIE IN 9/8/19 1 ADD FFE LAST FIELD-DATE:3/30/20 Certified to: Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, Inc. I hereby cerlily that the survey shoifn hereon is true and correct and is based on actual measeuremenls taken in the field. This survey meets the Minimum Technical Standards of Chapter 5J-171Iµ cell Florida administrative code. ceRTlrlcAra PSM 55413 Digitally signed bylames A Cesira Jr. \ DN: cn=lames A. Cosine Jr, o=Atlantic Land James A. Cesiro Jr: Designs of the TC, ots, email-lims5533@gmall.com, c=US In STAFF OF Date 2020,111.011633.40-0 00' O� NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC Fl•aRI9� SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL HBO sane+D' r I "BOUNUAFRY SURVEY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Supplied by Client) Lot 40 in Block 55 of INDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT EIGHT according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 10 pages 73 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. Unless othertyise noted only plotted easements are shown hereon. 2. All Lot dimensions shoyfn are per plat unless otherwise shown. 3. No underground utilities or improvements Were located unless otherwise shown. 4. This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rote Map Zone X Mopp 12111CO281 J Doted. 2-16-12 5. Flood Zone shown hereon is on interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by o determination agency. 6. Bearings shown hereon are based on the Center line of PALM DRIVE as being N00'00'00"E according to the Plat described hereon. 7. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. 8. The accuracy of this survey is premised on the expected use of the survey. The expected use / purpose of this survey is home construction. Accuracy = 1 foot in 7,500 feet or better. 9. Additions or Deletions to this survey map by other than the signing surveyor is prohibited [DFRAI NAGE PLAN Without Written consent. DRAINAGE PROPOSED x�oy = EXISTING ELEVATION o AND EXISTING oy = PROPOSED ELEVATION t ` LO xti LOT 38 BLOCK 55 FFE = 18.94 m LOT 39 BLOCK 55 a rn > TOP OF FORMBOARDS 18.95Ln F_ CD I FD IR LO LO U CD 0 . N m If o UJ O J ofO Ln" CD I ABBREVIATIONS: SET = Set 5/8" iron rebor With yellow cop marked "PSM 5543" FD=Found 5/8" Iron Rebor R.O.W. = Right of Way M= Measured P=Value as platted C=Volue as calculated R= Radius of curve L = Length of curve D= Delta of Curve FFE=Finished Floor Eley lion OH--OH--OH-= Oyer Head �fres X--X--X-= Chain Link Fence -0--0-a = Plastic Fence 0--0--0-= Food Fence CONC. = Concrete C.P.= Concrete Pad Co v.= Covered R. = FPL Transformer Pad B3= oter Meter ®=Potyer Pole ® = Electric Box ® = Utility Box _ Well �r = Drainage Proposed and Exlstinq �y S90e00'00"E 125.00 6 b� �r -CD y t` x x 47,05' `-' `-4 25,20' 52.75 IN PLACE FORD BOARDS M $ o TOP ELEVATION = 18.90 ;J M p 00 36.89' F 13.36' 25.18' I' by 125.00' y x _.J 5 FD IR FD IR �r h 1a1r 47.07' Ln M N90000'0c SWALE 50' R.O.W. - 20' ASPHALT ROAD SAVANNAH STREET ALL ELEVATIONS SHO0j HEREON ARE BASED ON NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (N.A.y.D.'88) -CITY WATER & SEPTIC 5609 PALM DRIVE SCALE: 1 "=30' Atlantic Land Designs of the Treasure Coast, LB7468 DATE: 3/2 8/1 8 764 NE Jensen Beach Blyd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 DRAWN: SW\JC Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 2018-0190 ALD5543@gmail.com (772) 398-4290 DATE: i REVISIONS 3/30/20 1 FORV BOARD TIE IN I ADD FFE LAST FIELD DATE:3/30/20 w 3 FD - SITE BENCHMARK X PAINTED NAIL } IN ROAD ELEVATION = 17.00 .J ASSUMED DATUM SCANNED BY M. Certified to: Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, Inc. hereby certify that the suryey sho*n hereon is true and correct and is based on actual meoseuremenls taken in the field. This Furyey meets the Minimum Technical Standards of Chapter 5J-f71JM cAs, 'lorido administrative code. 0eeT3Tt 0re PSM 5543 DIgbilysIgned by James A. Cesim Jr. DN:cn=James A. Ceslro Jr.n=AdanOC Land James A. Cesiro Jr. Dedpldthe TC,nu, NW:2012MN.02@gmffimm,c=US �n STMH 01 DaIe:3030.04.W Ifi93A0-00'00' Or NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC ot0. rco SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL k8 suxveY