HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOTICE TO CONTRACTORBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WYP COUNTY ------------- el Iff i E F L O R 1 D A + NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Building & Code Regulation Division SCANNED BY St. Lucie Count% St Lucie County Building Department will require the following items with submittal for all Building Permit Applications and Vegetation Removal Permit Applications. Residential Construction: 2 sets of construction plans, signed & sealed by Registered FL Engineer/Architect 2 surveys, signed & sealed by a Registered FL Surveyor Vegetation Removal Permit application with one (1) sealed survey, vegetation removal plan, & a landscape plan (if applicable per SLC Land Development Code Sections 7.09.03 and 7.09.041). Commercial construction: 3 surveys signed & sealed by a Registered FL Surveyor 3 copies of the Approved Site plan* if applicable ` 3 sets of construction plans signed &,sealed by a Registered FL Aichitect/Engineer Electronic copy of construction plans Landscape plan signed & sealed by Registered FL Landscape Architect Vegetation RemovalPermit application with one.(1) survey, approved site plan•, vegetation removal plan, and a landscape plan signed &sealed by a Registered FL Landscape Architect 'If the proposed construction. entails a drive-thru or if the proposed building will exceed.6,060 square feet, It will be necessary to obtain site plan approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please contact the Planning Development Services Department at (772) 462-2822 for further information. For additional Information please contact the Permitting Department at (772) 462-1653. www.suuciew.org 2300 Virginia Avenue. Farr Pierce, FL 34982-5652 PERMITnNG AND ZONING: Phone (772) 462-1553 FAX (772) 462-1578