HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - ROARD PAGE 1. FZABWARR WARRANT LIST N11- 07-DEC-2024 TO 13-D EC,-2024 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 001 General Fund 979, 455. 5'7 0.00 001001 Recreation Special Events 5, 30V . 98 0.00 001009 Gen-One Time Funding 1, 000.00 0.00 001311 FDEM EMPA Grant FY2024 128 . 10 0.00 001433 FCTD Planning Grant Program SFY25 130.00 0 .00 001630 US Treasury American Rescue Plan 58, 362 . 50 0 .00 001660 Comm Svcs Block Grant FY 23-24 2, 096.85 0.00 001663 FHA Section 112 MPO Planning Grant 2,201 .02 0 .00 001665 US Dept of HHS CSBG FY24-25 6,368 , 55 0 .00 001834 TCERDA 87934 0.00 001835 Artificial Reef Program 45.34 ano 101 Transportation Trust Fund 56, 590,98 0 .00 101001 Transportation Trust Interlocals 19. 62 0.00 102 Unincorporated Services Fund 20, 449.02 0 . 00 102001 Stormwater MSTU 61,038 .03 0 .00 107 Fine & Forfeiture Fund 94,015.06 0 .00 101002 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar 2, 446.29 0 .00 101003 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-BOD Mhz Opor 332,020.56 0.00 101006 F&F Fund-Court Related Technology 6, 150,06 V00 101009 F&F One-Time Funding 7,704 .58 0 .00 ill, River Paik I Fund 545.03 0.00 112 River Park TI Fund 138 . 86 V00 113 Harmony Heights 3 Fund 2V .69 V00 114 Harmony Heights 4 Fund 68 .40 0.00 115 Sheraton Plaza Fund 67 .05 0.00 116 Sunland Gardens Fund 78 .13 0.00 117 Sunrise Park Fund 16. 92 0.00 118 Paradise Park Fund 46.31 0.00 119 Holiday Pines Fund 101 . 49 0.00 120 The Grove Fund 39.84 0.00 121 Blakely Subdivision Fund 0.54 0.00 122 Indian River Estates Fund 95. 95 0.00 123 Queens Cove Lighting 19istI13 Fund 49.20 0.00 126 Southern Oak Estates Lighting 24 .89 0.00 127 Pine Hollow Street Lighting MSTU 91. 52 0.00 128 Kings Hwy Industrial Park Lighting 110.09 0.00 130 SLC Public Transit MSTU 12, 471 .25 0.00 130144 FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant 72 .13 0.00 130146 FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility 290.93 0.00 136 Monte Carlo Lighting MSTU14 Fund 336.54 0.00 138 Palm Lake Gardens MSTU Fund 43. 12 0,00 139 Pahn Grove Fund 183. 93 V00 140 Airport Fund 7, 762 . 97 0.00 140001 Port Fund 376.79 0.00 140420 FDOT Southside Road Extension 2, 98VOO 0.00 160 Plan Maintenance RAD Fund 37V33 0.00 183 Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir 21, 2137 . 38 0.00 183006 Guardian Ad Litem Fund 952 . 14 0.00 A 90 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 2 FXAHWARR WARRANT LTST #11- OJ-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE, EXPENSES PAYROLL 184235 Ft Pierce Heach Shore Protection Pr 4, 44V07 0.00 185024 FHFC SHIP 2023-2024 vjawoo 0.00 187200 FFWCC N. Causeway Island BoaL Ramp 11, 060. 14 0.00 189117 HUD SLC HOME Consortium FY2020 20, 699.16 0.00 190 Sportm Complex Fund 34, 906M 0.00 310005 Impact Fees-Law Enforcement, 2, 506, 110 .00 0.010 310010 Impact Fees-Library "North"' 206. 43 0.00 310011 Impact Feeo-Library "South''' 5,207.07 0.00 310014 Impact Fees-Park "South'' 4,074 . 95 0.00 310016 Impact Fees-Transportation "North" 4. 658. 90, 0.00 310017 Impact Fees-Transportation"Central" 5, 207. 68 0.00 31001B Impact Fees-Transportation "South" 11, 491.20 0.00 316 County Capital 42, 670.00 0.00 319 Infrastructure Surtax Capital 490, 911.09 V00 362 Sports Complex Improv Yund 9, 620.00 0.00 401 Sanitary Landfill Pund 011, 433.16 0.00 41B Golf Course Fund 7, 533.24 4, 53.9.20 4VI Water & Sewer. District Operations 10, 572.29 0.00 478 Water & Sewer District R&R 20, 531 .50 0.00 479 Water & Sewer Dist.-Cap Facilities 103. 112.20 0.00 491 Building Code Fund 4, 898 . 06 0.00 505 Health In Fund 75, 743.00 0.00 505001 Risk Management Fund 3, 031 .08 0.00 611 Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund 142 .84 0.00 625 Law Library 1, 211 . 46 0.00 630 Medical Examiner Agency Fund 14, 717 . 98 0.00 631 Victim Services Agency Fund 56, 048 .28 0.010 Sol Bank Fund 1,467, 384 . 0 0 .010 GRAND TOTAL: 7, 505,270. 3'0 4, 539. 210 91 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE FZAHWARR WAIU ANT LIS'T 1111- 07-DEC -2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND SUMMARY- MOSQUITO FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 145 Moaquito Fund 70, 944 .59 0.00 id? Bear Point Mitigation Fund 447 .08 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 71, 391 .6-) 0.00 92 12/13/24 ST. MIClE, COUNT Y - HOARD PAGE FZABWARR WARRANT LIST 011- 01-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND SUMMARY- EROSION FUND TIME EXPENSES PAYROLL 184 Erosion Control Operating Fund 308 .11 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 308 .71. 0.00 93 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059428 Fowler, Jamie Fowler/Gainesville/ACC-1 FAC c 291.45 !0059435 Lilley, Sr, Robert B Educational Programming 387.50 !0059436 Monds Jr, James A Rent for Latonya Ferguson 1832 5,500.00 !0059437 Persons, William E GNP Programming 225.00 !0059439 Ramos, Daniel Ramos/Safety Harbor/CVSO ABC C 103.00 !0059448 Avalon Risk Management Insuran Foreign Trade Zone #218 900.00 !0059453 Brink's Inc Armored Car Services -Finance 511.98 !0059458 Children's Home Society of Flo MANDATED COSTS 6,000.00 !0059459 CMS Communications Inc Cisco 8832 Multiplatform Phone 16,300.00 Cisco 8811 IP Phones New 77,550.00 CHECK TOTAL: 93,850.00 !0059460 Correctional Risk Services Inc Inmate Medical Expenses FY 202 12,612.63 Inmate Medical Expenses FY 202 1,375.82 Inmate Medical Expenses FY 202 10,542.14 CHECK TOTAL: 24,530.59 !0059463 Day Dreams Uniforms Inc (2) L608 Button-Down Shirts 54.00 Uniforms: Walton Road Maintena 296.75 Uniforms: Downtown 285.00 CHECK TOTAL: 635.75 !0059464 DEH Kingdom Management Inc ADM Zone Lawn Maintenance 2,730.94 RRIT Zone Lawn Maintenance 767.00 DNT Zone Lawn Maintenance 278.46 SLW Zone Lawn Maintenance 528.45 WAL Zone Lawn Maintenance 710.86 CHECK TOTAL: 5,015.71 !0059469 Fastenal Company Operating Supplies as Needed 205.59 Janitorial Supplies, Miscellan 43.08 CHECK TOTAL: 248.67 !0059471 Heritage Landscape Supply Grou Chemicals and Fertilizers -Ou 88.75 Chemicals and Fertilizers NOT 5,376.72 Chemicals and Fertilizers NOT 7,879.71 Chemicals and Fertilizers -Ou 4,562.00 Chemicals and Fertilizers -Ou 177.50 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059471 -Continued Chemicals and Fertilizers NOT 793.16 Chemicals and Fertilizers NOT 206.00 CHECK TOTAL: 19,083.84 !0059473 Hulett Environmental Services Pest Control 14.50 Pest Control 14.50 CHECK TOTAL: 29.00 !0059475 Insight Public Sector Inc Migration Services Cisco Calli 8,496.00 VMware Workspace One Standard 4,575.00 CHECK TOTAL: 13,071.00 !0059481 Kerner LLC Aquatic Vegetation Control 150.00 Aquatic Vegetation Control 152.10 Aquatic Vegetation Control 26.96 Aquatic Vegetation Control 65.00 Weed and Vegetation Control Sa 361.00 Weed and Vegetation Control Sa 451.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,206.06 !0059485 Life Safety Systems Inc of the TRD33-Hands Clinic Remodel 22,899.27 TRD Zone As Needed 1,134.72 RRIT Zone Maintenance 75.00 WAL Zone Maintenance 150.00 DNT Zone Maintenance 75.00 SLW Zone Maintenance 75.00 TRD Zone Maintenance 540.00 ADM Zone Maintenance 75.00 CHECK TOTAL: 25,023.99 !0059493 Orchard Grove Venture LLC DOH Rent/1810 Woodland Cir Ver 1,070.00 !0059496 Ravinia Port St Lucie LLC Rent for Quenithia Wright (302 2,835.00 !0059500 Reliant Fire Systems Inc SLW Zone Maintenance 255.00 DNT Zone Maintenance 75.00 TRD Zone Maintenance 960.00 ADM Zone Maintenance 375.00 WAL Zone Maintenance 165.00 RRIT Zone Maintenance 45.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,875.00 !0059501 Ricoh USA Inc Copies -Maintenance & Supplie 56.04 !0059504 Sheriff St Lucie County Hurricane Milton Reimbursement 411,152.00 !0059507 St Lucie County School Board St. Lucie Public Schools 125,703.85 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 3 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059516 Toshiba America Business Solut copies 19.70 Copy Machine Rentals 128.83 CHECK TOTAL: 148.53 !0059518 Treasure Coast Courier Service Courier Services 500.00 !0059520 Veterans Security Corps of Ame Security Guards 1,678.95 !0059522 Wendel Architecture P.C. Professional Architectural Ser 42,932.00 09856578 City of Port St Lucie Acct #0759464079545/LIB 191.95 Acct #0759464079546/LIB 54.48 Acct #0874055027122/Parks SF 12.65 Acct #0874055205957/FAC 598.23 CHECK TOTAL: 857.31 09856580 Crown Castle Fiber LLC Internet/Ethernet various loca 5,147.35 09856581 Deng, Shao Wen Rent for Jermaine Paul 1790 SW 7,000.00 09856583 DLF Media Consultants Inc 04/26/25 Safety Festival Regis 100.00 09856586 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #52416-07026 220.62 09856588 Gale Group Books for Library Branches 65.58 Books for Library Branches 72.79 Books for Library Branches 67.17 CHECK TOTAL: 205.54 09856590 GovExec Holdings LLC NACo High Performance Leadersh 12,000.00 09856604 Sam's Club LPCC Operating Supplies as Nee 275.66 Pay County Sam's Membership 45.00 Pay County Sam's Membership 45.00 Pay County Sam's Membership 90.00 Pay County Sam's Membership 45.00 Pay County Sam's Membership 45.00 Pay County Sam's Membership 45.00 Pay County Sam's Membership 110.00 CHECK TOTAL: 700.66 09856613 Treasure Coast General Contrac DOH Improvements 81,337.00 Retainage 4,066.85- CHECK TOTAL: 77,270.15 C0034057 All Contractor Services Inc Sewer Maintenance and Repair A 780.00 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 4 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0034057 -Continued Sewer Maintenance and Repair A 1,145.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,925.00 C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287325373641 34.99 Acct #287314365932 679.00 Acct #287319080969 90.68 Acct #287309946177 10.00 Acct #287321799726 136.02 Acct #287311421624 136.02 Acct #287313331740 1,001.42 Acct #287309951724 170.22 Acct #287319652809 171.01 Acct #287312453254 1,440.25 Acct #287306759533 171.01 Acct #287308956177 240.99 Acct #287310467883 2,208.05 Acct #287311289090 2,438.00 Acct #287314366299 272.04 Acct #287310116450 280.44 Acct #287309535518 307.03 Acct #287315612065 442.62 Acct #287310359846 312.34 Acct #287311401038 327.18 Acct #287313332021 371.97 Acct #287316003091 493.70 Acct #287307035895 583.01 CHECK TOTAL: 12,317.99 C0034060 Baker & Taylor Inc Books for Library Branches 121.28 Books for Library Branches 148.65 CHECK TOTAL: 269.93 C0034061 Bluetriton Brands Inc water cooler rental 2.99 Cooler Rental Fees 5.98 Water Delivery Service 41.94 Water Delivery for HR C16-12-6 2.99 Water, Drinking (Including Dis 27.96 water cooler rental 2.99 Water cooler rental and water 2.99 Water cooler rental and water 48.93 CHECK TOTAL: 136.77 C0034062 Carlon Inc CO2 Tank and Backup Tank month 243.50 CO2 Tank and Backup Tank month 106.05 CO2 Tank and Backup Tank month 212.10 CO2 Tank and Backup Tank month 194.70 CHECK TOTAL: 756.35 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 5 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0034065 Comcast Business Internet and Equipmen 289.97 Internet Service 291.85 Internet Service 378.70 CHECK TOTAL: 960.52 C0034089 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Copier Lease 223.74 Copier Lease 42.57 Copier Lease 223.74 Copier Lease 50.60 Additional Copies 115.82 Copier Rental/Lease 113.97 CHECK TOTAL: 770.44 C0034092 UniFirst Corporation ADM01 41.27 Floor Mat Cleaning Service-LPC 28.89 CHECK TOTAL: 70.16 C0034093 Verizon Wireless Services LLC Acct #642100400-00017 20.62 Acct #642100400-00039 30.06 Acct #642100400-00030 72.14 Acct #842106256-00001 126.09 Acct #642100400-00018 162.91 Acct #642100400-00027 216.42 CHECK TOTAL: 628.24 H0005137 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 5,547.98 V0024464 CMS Communications Inc Cisco 8800 Key Exp Mod Phone w 1,158.00 V0024468 Fort Pierce Utility Authority Acct #93000345-221458/IT 79.00 V0024469 Fort Pierce Utility Authority Acct #93000368-221458/IT 79.00 V0024470 Fort Pierce Utility Authority Acct #93000047-221458/IT 195.46 V0024471 Fort Pierce Utility Authority Acct #10008510-221458/IT 347.48 V0024472 Fort Pierce Utility Authority Acct #93000374-235064/IT 502.29 V0024473 Fort Pierce Utility Authority Acct #93000223-246592/HSE-CLK 519.47 V0024474 Fort Pierce Utility Authority Acct #93000232-230712/IT 523.23 V0024475 Fort Pierce Utility Authority Acct #93000281-230713/IT 1,480.58 V0024476 Fort Pierce Utility Authority Acct #93000032-221458/IT 4,387.47 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 6 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0024483 Reed Elsevier Inc License for Public Record Sear 220.50 V0024496 Fort Pierce Utility Authority Acct #14000004 11/24 8,933.39 V0024497 Fort Pierce Utility Authority Acct #10003433-233211/Parks Fe 282.16 Acct #10003433-233211/Parks Fe 12,705.48 CHECK TOTAL: 12,987.64 V0024498 SHI International Corp Adobe Acrobat Enterprise Subsc 31,896.00 Adobe Creative Cloud 3,835.96 Adobe InDesign 860.18 CHECK TOTAL: 36,592.14 FUND TOTAL: 979,455.57 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 7 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 001001-Recreation Special Events CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059464 DEH Kingdom Management Inc Lawn Maintenance 5,387.98 FUND TOTAL: 5,387.98 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 8 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 001009-Gen-One Time Funding CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059451 Bowman Consulting Group Ltd In 06/30/24-Professional Civil En 1,000.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,000.00 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 9 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 001311-FDEM EMPA Grant FY2024 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0024465 Directv Inc Cable Television for EOC 128.10 FUND TOTAL: 128.10 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 10 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 001433-FCTD Planning Grant Program SFY25 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059429 Harrison, Rachel L Other Contractual Services 130.00 FUND TOTAL: 130.00 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 11 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 001630-US Treasury American Rescue Plan CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059513 The Counseling Center Inc Mental Health Services 2,100.00 09856612 Tetra Tech Inc Engineering 56,262.50 FUND TOTAL: 58,362.50 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 12 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 001660-Comm Svcs Block Grant FY 23-24 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059492 Okeechobee Board Of County Com Family And Social Services 2,096.85 FUND TOTAL: 2,096.85 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 13 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 001663-FHA Section 112 MPO Planning Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059429 Harrison, Rachel L Other Contractual Services 1,370.00 !0059433 Lane, Teresa S Other Contractual Services 300.00 !0059501 Ricoh USA Inc Equipment Rental 153.00 09856586 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #33975-58358/TPO 458.02 FUND TOTAL: 2,281.02 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 14 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 001665-US Dept of HHS CSBG FY24-25 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059492 Okeechobee Board Of County Com Family And Social Services 1,816.85 09856602 PHH Mortgage Corporation Rent for Ruth Vieux 3220 SW Hi 4,551.70 FUND TOTAL: 6,368.55 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 15 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 001834-TCERDA CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059468 Famoso Inc 25163 789.60 09856604 Sam's Club Pay County Sam's Membership 45.00 C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287320852957 45.34 FUND TOTAL: 879.94 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 16 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 001835-Artificial Reef Program CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287320559284 45.34 FUND TOTAL: 45.34 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 17 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 101 -Transportation Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059438 Radebaugh III, Cushman S Glass repair for equipment 510.00 !0059450 Batallan Enterprises Inc Subdivision 2 Mowing 9,925.80 !0059452 Brady Industries of Florida LL Janitorial Supplies 171.18 !0059483 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Engineering 2,475.00 !0059491 Mow 4 Less LLC Subdivision 3 Mowing 15,690.00 !0059495 Ranger Construction Industries Asphalt 144.00 !0059497 Rechtien International Trucks Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair 235.94 Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair 406.77 CHECK TOTAL: 642.71 !0059501 Ricoh USA Inc Equipment Lease 7.39 !0059509 Stewart Materials LLC Road Material 2,587.42 !0059510 STS Maintain Services Inc Median Mowing (North and South 1,450.00 Median Mowing (North and South 3,950.00 CHECK TOTAL: 5,400.00 !0059514 The Peterbilt Store South Flor Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair 1,277.41 09856585 Florida East Coast Railway LLC FEC Crossing Maintenance and L 3,934.00 C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287309946177 977.34 Acct #287309424323 1,129.93 Acct #287313642066 250.87 CHECK TOTAL: 2,358.14 C0034069 Fort Pierce Alternator and Sta Alternators, Batteries and Sta 236.98 C0034070 Gerelco Traffic Controls Inc Signal Maintenance / repairs 3,450.00 Signal Maintenance / repairs 750.00 CHECK TOTAL: 4,200.00 C0034072 Indian River Oxygen Inc Rental of Tank 44.00 C0034074 Kauff's of Ft Pierce Inc Towing of Heavy Equipment 357.50 C0034075 Kauff's of Ft Pierce Inc Towing of Heavy Equipment 195.00 Towing of Heavy Equipment 195.00 CHECK TOTAL: 390.00 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 18 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 101 -Transportation Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0034086 SSES Inc Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair 552.20 C0034088 Tiresoles of Broward Inc Tires 685.52 C0034089 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Copier Rental/Lease Road & Bri 269.02 Copies 87.66 CHECK TOTAL: 356.68 C0034090 Total Truck Parts Inc Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair 56.84 Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair 53.85 CHECK TOTAL: 110.69 C0034092 UniFirst Corporation Uniform Rentals 43.67 Rental of rags for Heavy Equip 38.09 CHECK TOTAL: 81.76 C0034093 Verizon Wireless Services LLC Acct #642100400-00046 36.07 Acct #642100400-00045 144.28 CHECK TOTAL: 180.35 H0005137 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 634.22 V0024466 EFE Inc Heavy Equipment Parts & Repair 514.92 V0024467 EFE Inc Heavy Equipment Parts & Repair 38.10 V0024477 Fort Pierce Utility Authority Acct #97001010-162643/R&B 3,085.01 FUND TOTAL: 56,590.98 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 19 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 101001-Transportation Trust Interlocals CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0005137 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 19.62 FUND TOTAL: 19.62 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 20 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 102 -Unincorporated Services Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059426 Chavarria Sanchez, Jennifer Environmental Regulations Comm 399.50 !0059432 Jones, Terence E LOT NEXT TO 1905 N 16TH ST 190.00 !0059455 Calvin Giordano & Associates I C20-01-124 WA #12 2,742.50 C20-01-124 WA #12 1,477.50 C20-01-124 WA# 13 3,510.00 CHECK TOTAL: 7,730.00 !0059468 Famoso Inc C22-09-710 839.04 C22-09-710 629.28 CHECK TOTAL: 1,468.32 !0059473 Hulett Environmental Services Monthly Pest Control Services 30.00 !0059478 Jack Krieger PA C95-09-636 824.50 09856583 DLF Media Consultants Inc 04/26/25 Safety Festival Regis 200.00 09856589 Gannett Media Corp St Lucie County Growth Mgmt Ac 472.44 St Lucie County Planning&Devel 4,354.76 CHECK TOTAL: 4,827.20 09856591 Haisley-Hobbs Funeral Home Inc Monthly Cremation Services 211.00 C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287307024967 267.00 Acct #287313453522 387.36 Acct #287311240935 448.54 Acct #287313135299 559.21 CHECK TOTAL: 1,662.11 C0034064 City Electric Supply Company Parts 582.00 C0034076 Konica Minolta Business System Additional Copies 80.81 Copier Lease 169.85 CHECK TOTAL: 250.66 C0034085 Seaway Veterinary Hospital PLL Spay/Neuter Assistance Program 1,235.00 C0034093 Verizon Wireless Services LLC Acct #642100400-00028 252.49 H0005137 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 587.04 FUND TOTAL: 20,449.82 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 21 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 102001-Stormwater MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059466 Environmental Land Development Drainage / Road Right-of-way M 31,114.32 Drainage / Road Right-of-way M 15,504.49 CHECK TOTAL: 46,618.81 !0059481 Kerner LLC Aquatic Vegetation Control 13,615.13 09856586 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #68245-20032/WQ 193.20 C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287311396528 502.68 C0034093 Verizon Wireless Services LLC Acct #642100400-00007 108.21 FUND TOTAL: 61,038.03 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 22 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 107 -Fine & Forfeiture Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059452 Brady Industries of Florida LL Operating Supplies -Custodial 583.42 Operating Supplies -Custodial 96.48 CHECK TOTAL: 679.90 !0059463 Day Dreams Uniforms Inc Uniforms: Courthouse 903.88 Uniforms: Jail Maintenance 1,265.96 Uniforms: Downtown 214.20 CHECK TOTAL: 2,384.04 !0059464 DEH Kingdom Management Inc SLW Zone Lawn Maintenance 618.80 DNT Zone Lawn Maintenance 538.42 CHZ Zone Lawn Maintenance 266.50 CHECK TOTAL: 1,423.72 !0059473 Hulett Environmental Services Pest Control 29.00 Pest Control 29.00 CHECK TOTAL: 58.00 !0059485 Life Safety Systems Inc of the DNT Zone As Needed 107 631.23 CHZ Zone Maintenance 375.00 SLW Zone 107 Maintenance 300.00 DNT Zone 107 Maintenance 150.00 RRJ Zone Maintenance 300.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,756.23 !0059500 Reliant Fire Systems Inc SLW Zone 107Maintenance 240.00 CHZ Zone Maintenance 360.00 DNT Zone 107 Maintenance 180.00 CHECK TOTAL: 780.00 09856604 Sam's Club Pay County Sam's Membership 45.00 09856614 Trilogy MedWaste Southeast LLC Waste Recycling of Drug Testin 318.92 C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287336418260 46.74 Acct #287313331865 46.74 Acct #287307565026 734.34 Acct #287313452405 226.70 Acct #287311234639 371.97 CHECK TOTAL: 1,426.49 C0034065 Comcast Acct #8535 11 477 0069496 311.54 C0034078 Meeks Plumbing Inc CHZ03 Repair Cast Iron Drain 125.00 C0034079 Mercedes Medical LLC Drug Testing Supplies SLC 24.00 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 23 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 107 -Fine & Forfeiture Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0034079 -Continued Drug Testing Supplies SLC 416.00 CHECK TOTAL: 440.00 C0034091 Trane U.S. Inc CHZ Zone Chillers Annual PM 32,668.00 C0034093 Verizon Wireless Services LLC Acct #642100400-00047 45.01 Acct #642100400-00004 468.91 CHECK TOTAL: 513.92 H0005137 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 1,039.44 V0024465 Directv Inc Cable Television for EOC 128.10 V0024486 Superior Floor Coatings LLC RRJ Emergency Flooring 42,020.00 RRJ Emergency Flooring 1,540.00 CHECK TOTAL: 43,560.00 V0024494 Fort Pierce Utility Authority Acct #14000012-224476/Judicial 4,088.02 Acct #14000012-224476/Judicial 2,269.54 CHECK TOTAL: 6,357.56 FUND TOTAL: 94,015.86 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 24 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 107002-Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059425 Anton, Christina Anton/Daytona Beach/NENA Fall 437.29 09856580 Crown Castle Fiber LLC Internet/Ethernet various loca 2,009.00 FUND TOTAL: 2,446.29 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 25 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 107003-Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0024480 Motorola Solutions Inc P25 Radio Service Agreement 314,761.00 V0024481 Motorola Solutions Inc PSIC and Conventional Equipmen 4,314.89 PSIC and Conventional Equipmen 4,314.89 PSIC and Conventional Equipmen 4,314.89 PSIC and Conventional Equipmen 4,314.89 CHECK TOTAL: 17,259.56 FUND TOTAL: 332,020.56 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 26 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 107006-F&F Fund-Court Related Technology CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059449 Bank of America N.A. P-Card Charges ending in 0714 300.00 P-Card Charges ending in 0714 3,042.20 P-Card Charges ending in 0714 59.64 P-Card Charges ending in 0714 332.08 P-Card Charges ending in 0714 2,408.61 P-Card Charges ending in 0714 8.33 CHECK TOTAL: 6,150.86 FUND TOTAL: 6,150.86 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 27 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 107009-F&F One-Time Funding CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09856576 Borrelli and Partners Inc Professional Architectural Ser 7,784.58 FUND TOTAL: 7,784.58 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 28 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 111 -River Park I Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 545.03 FUND TOTAL: 545.03 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 29 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 112 -River Park II Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 138.86 FUND TOTAL: 138.86 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 30 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 113 -Harmony Heights 3 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 27.69 FUND TOTAL: 27.69 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 31 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 114 -Harmony Heights 4 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 68.40 FUND TOTAL: 68.40 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 32 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 115 -Sheraton Plaza Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 67.05 FUND TOTAL: 67.05 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 33 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 116 -Sunland Gardens Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 78.13 FUND TOTAL: 78.13 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 34 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 117 -Sunrise Park Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 16.92 FUND TOTAL: 16.92 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 35 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 118 -Paradise Park Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 46.31 FUND TOTAL: 46.31 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 36 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 119 -Holiday Pines Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 101.49 FUND TOTAL: 101.49 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 37 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 120 -The Grove Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 39.84 FUND TOTAL: 39.84 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 38 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 121 -Blakely Subdivision Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 0.54 FUND TOTAL: 0.54 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 39 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 122 -Indian River Estates Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 95.95 FUND TOTAL: 95.95 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 40 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 123 -Queens Cove Lighting Dist#13 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 49.20 FUND TOTAL: 49.20 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 41 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 126 -Southern Oak Estates Lighting CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 24.89 FUND TOTAL: 24.89 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 42 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 127 -Pine Hollow Street Lighting MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 91.52 FUND TOTAL: 91.52 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 43 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 128 -Kings Hwy Industrial Park Lighting CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 110.09 FUND TOTAL: 110.09 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 44 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 130 -SLC Public Transit MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059503 Senior Resource Association In Advantage Ride Trips 11,344.78 C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287333649076 230.64 C0034093 Verizon Wireless Services LLC Acct #642100400-00020 504.98 C0034095 Xerox Corporation Copies 102.94 Copier Lease 166.69 CHECK TOTAL: 269.63 H0005137 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 121.22 FUND TOTAL: 12,471.25 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 45 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 130144-FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0005137 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 72.73 FUND TOTAL: 72.73 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 46 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 130146-FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0005137 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 290.93 FUND TOTAL: 290.93 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 47 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 136 -Monte Carlo Lighting MSTU#4 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 336.54 FUND TOTAL: 336.54 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 48 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 138 -Palm Lake Gardens MSTU Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 43.12 FUND TOTAL: 43.12 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 49 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 139 -Palm Grove Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059441 St Lucie County Property Appra Non-ad valorem assessments 202 183.93 FUND TOTAL: 183.93 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 50 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 140 -Airport Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059468 Famoso Inc Contract Labor -Janitorial 507.60 Contract Labor -Janitorial 507.60 Contract Labor -Janitorial 338.40 CHECK TOTAL: 1,353.60 !0059486 Lynch Fuel Company LLC Operating Supplies -Gas for M 387.66 !0059500 Reliant Fire Systems Inc Other Contractual -Fire Alarm 45.00 Other Contractual -Fire Alarm 90.00 Other Contractual -Fire Alarm 190.50 CHECK TOTAL: 325.50 09856577 C&D Industrial Maintenance LLC Building Mtc. -Hangar mtc.,re 317.66 C0034058 All County Lock & Key Operating Supplies -Locks, Ke 131.50 C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287313233817 599.82 C0034063 Cintas Corporation No 2 Operating Supplies-Rags, Mat S 56.49 C0034067 Dobbs Equipment LLC Equipment Maint. -Repairs to 1,078.82 C0034087 Thomas E Richmond Electric Inc Equipment Maint. -Electrical 2,905.00 C0034092 UniFirst Corporation Uniforms 50.13 Uniforms 48.47 CHECK TOTAL: 98.60 H0005137 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 508.32 FUND TOTAL: 7,762.97 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 51 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 140001-Port Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09856575 Adams Remco Inc Copies 21.32 C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287315980189 46.74 H0005137 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 308.73 FUND TOTAL: 376.79 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 52 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 140420-FDOT Southside Road Extension CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059446 AECOM Technical Services Inc Infrastructure 2,980.00 FUND TOTAL: 2,980.00 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 53 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 145 -Mosquito Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059484 Leading Edge Associates Inc Monthly Fleetvision Connectivi 1,205.45 09856575 Adams Remco Inc Color Copies 13.31 09856610 Sub Zero Ice Services Inc Dry ice services for Mosquito 1,053.00 09856614 Trilogy MedWaste Southeast LLC Pick up-Sharps containers/medw 95.46 C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287313488183 226.70 Acct #287313488183 45.34 Acct #287313488183 171.01 CHECK TOTAL: 443.05 C0034066 Decks & Docks Lumber Company I Lumber/hardware for Imp Div pu 220.50 C0034081 nexAir LLC Rental of tanks for Inspection 1,010.45 Rental of tanks for Inspection 1,043.00 Rental-oxygen/acetylene tanks 104.33 CHECK TOTAL: 2,157.78 C0034092 UniFirst Corporation Impoundment Div. Uniform Renta 76.06 Inspection Division Uniform Re 81.91 CHECK TOTAL: 157.97 C0034093 Verizon Wireless Services LLC Acct #642100400-00003 360.70 Acct #642100400-00003 793.54 CHECK TOTAL: 1,154.24 H0005137 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 494.00 V0024478 Fort Pierce Utility Authority Acct #14000005-168298/Mosquito 2,269.83 V0024487 Rentokil North America Inc Altosid XR-G Ultra 61,680.00 FUND TOTAL: 70,944.59 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 54 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 147 -Bear Point Mitigation Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09856611 Swampland Tours Inc Wildlife Survey 447.08 FUND TOTAL: 447.08 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 55 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 160 -Plan Maintenance RAD Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059473 Hulett Environmental Services Pest Control 14.50 Pest Control 14.50 CHECK TOTAL: 29.00 09856604 Sam's Club Misc. Supplies for the EOCWA 100.01 C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287307533005 119.22 V0024465 Directv Inc Cable Television for EOC 128.10 FUND TOTAL: 376.33 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 56 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 183 -Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059442 Starke, Jennifer A Starke/In county mileage 40.20 !0059449 Bank of America N.A. P-Card Charges ending in 0714 411.29 P-Card Charges ending in 0714 34.36 P-Card Charges ending in 0714 440.56 CHECK TOTAL: 886.21 !0059470 Foundations Wellness Center LL IOP, PHP in Patient and Transi 75.00 IOP, PHP in Patient and Transi 1,875.00 IOP, PHP in Patient and Transi 1,950.00 IOP, PHP in Patient and Transi 7,665.39 IOP, PHP in Patient and Transi 75.00 IOP, PHP in Patient and Transi 75.00 IOP, PHP in Patient and Transi 75.00 IOP, PHP in Patient and Transi 75.00 IOP, PHP in Patient and Transi 75.00 IOP, PHP in Patient and Transi 3,000.00 IOP, PHP in Patient and Transi 2,525.00 CHECK TOTAL: 17,465.39 !0059517 Transgate Recovery Solutions L Outpatient Treatment 350.00 Outpatient Treatment 525.00 Outpatient Treatment 525.00 Outpatient Treatment 175.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,575.00 C0034061 Bluetriton Brands Inc Bottled Water & Supplies 1,174.07 Water Cooler Rental 146.51 CHECK TOTAL: 1,320.58 FUND TOTAL: 21,287.38 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 57 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 183006-Guardian Ad Litem Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287323913950 952.14 FUND TOTAL: 952.14 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 58 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 184 -Erosion Control Operating Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0005137 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 308.71 FUND TOTAL: 308.71 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 59 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 184235-Ft Pierce Beach Shore Protection Pr CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059512 Taylor Engineering Inc Pre-Construction Services 3,434.63 Fort Pierce Shore Protection P 1,013.44 CHECK TOTAL: 4,448.07 FUND TOTAL: 4,448.07 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 60 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 185024-FHFC SHIP 2023-2024 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059482 KIB Construction Corp Replace Rotted Window Trims - 7,800.00 FUND TOTAL: 7,800.00 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 61 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 187200-FFWCC N. Causeway Island Boat Ramp CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059519 Vecellio & Grogan Inc North Causeway Island Park Imp 75,642.25 Retainage 3,782.11- CHECK TOTAL: 71,860.14 FUND TOTAL: 71,860.14 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 62 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 189117-HUD SLC HOME Consortium FY2020 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059430 Holland, Michael J Rent for Elizabeth Benning 1,320.90 !0059440 Seibring, Clyde Rent for Lenora Adjuder 2,373.82 !0059443 Terry Jr, James W Rent for James Terry for the P 1,668.25 !0059444 Veling Jr, Gordon H Rent for Jose Mata 876.54 !0059461 Creative Choice Homes XX LTD Rent for Mary Raymond 681.11 !0059465 Eddill Equities LLC Rent for George Braverman 1,609.47 !0059472 Hopen International Properties Rent for Delphene Musgrove 2,303.52 !0059487 Mangrove Property Management L Rent for Scott Duncan 1,850.00 !0059502 Robert Storrow P.A. Rent for Charles Miller 1,359.34 09856592 Harbour Breeze LLC Rent for Debbie Jarrett (t0212 1,017.41 09856593 Hogan, Michael Rent for Patrick Travis at Por 1,650.00 09856594 Ingangi, David Rent for Gary & Joanne Malacho 941.13 09856595 KDL Holdings LLC Rent for Susan Radell 1,111.10 09856597 Lennard Road Partners Ltd Rent for Rosita Fox 1,277.89 09856598 Little, Danielle Rent for Carolyn Theriault 712.89 09856605 Sanctuary at Winterlakes LLC Rent for Gerald Malio 517.10 09856606 Shultz, David M Rent for Nancy Peszko 1,574.04 09856607 SP Crossings LLC Rent for Gladys Camacho 925.73 Rent for Lydia Hernandez 951.38 Rent for Maria Hernandez 454.55 Rent for Jacqueline Newton 718.43 Rent for Pilar Pena 1,036.71 CHECK TOTAL: 4,086.80 09856608 St Lucie Harmony Housing LLC Rent for Coreen Zeller 892.04 09856609 St Lucie Harmony Housing LLC Rent for Sharon White 876.41 FUND TOTAL: 28,699.76 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 63 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 190 -Sports Complex Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059471 Heritage Landscape Supply Grou Chemical and Fertilizers 3,216.00 Contract C23-06-416 317.00 Contract C23-06-416 300.00 Rye Seed 18,618.00 CHECK TOTAL: 22,451.00 !0059515 The Ware Group LLC Parts for Refrigeration, Ice M 3,485.34 09856584 Florida City Gas Co Acct #1126391 Meter #3205926 670.84 09856616 United Rentals (North America) C23+06-456 2,922.50 Delivery and pick up charge 475.00- CHECK TOTAL: 2,447.50 C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287313437744 136.02 C0034073 JRL Safe Clean LLC Carpet/Tile Cleaning 2,650.50 Carpet/Tile Cleaning 3,065.66 CHECK TOTAL: 5,716.16 FUND TOTAL: 34,906.86 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 64 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 310005-Impact Fees-Law Enforcement CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059504 Sheriff St Lucie County Law Enforcement Impact Fee Dis 2,506,118.00 FUND TOTAL: 2,506,118.00 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 65 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 310010-Impact Fees-Library "North" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059490 Midwest Tape LLC A/V for Library Branches 206.43 FUND TOTAL: 206.43 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 66 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 310011-Impact Fees-Library "South" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059490 Midwest Tape LLC A/V Processing Fee 23.78 !0059505 Song and Associates Inc Architect Services, Profession 5,111.85 C0034060 Baker & Taylor Inc VAS Processing Fee 26.32 VAS Processing Fee 45.12 CHECK TOTAL: 71.44 FUND TOTAL: 5,207.07 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 67 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 310014-Impact Fees-Park "South" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059466 Environmental Land Development Clean Fill 4,074.95 FUND TOTAL: 4,074.95 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 68 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 310016-Impact Fees-Transportation "North" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059494 Parrish & Edwards Inc ROW Acquisition 3,200.00 W0001231 Law Office of Daniel P Wurtenb Right of Way Dedication Florid 1,458.90 FUND TOTAL: 4,658.90 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 69 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 310017-Impact Fees-Transportation"Central" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09856596 Lennar Homes LLC PSL SQFT ISSUE 5,287.68 FUND TOTAL: 5,287.68 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 70 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 310018-Impact Fees-Transportation "South" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09856596 Lennar Homes LLC PSL SQFT ISSUE 11,491.20 FUND TOTAL: 11,491.20 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 71 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 316 -County Capital CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0024492 Dell Marketing LP Dell Latitude 5550 31,300.00 Docking Stations 4,100.00 CHECK TOTAL: 35,400.00 V0024493 Dell Marketing LP Dell Slim Soundbar SB521A w/de 670.00 27" Monitor P2725H 6,600.00 CHECK TOTAL: 7,270.00 FUND TOTAL: 42,670.00 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 72 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 319 -Infrastructure Surtax Capital CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059454 Brothers' Construction Inc Engineering 463,082.23 Retainage 23,154.12- CHECK TOTAL: 439,928.11 !0059477 Inwood Consulting Engineers In Engineering 594.78 !0059479 Johnson Mirmiran & Thompson I Engineering 50,449.00 FUND TOTAL: 490,971.89 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 73 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 362 -Sports Complex Improv Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059462 Custom Surface Solutions FL LL Emergency Repairs to numerous 9,620.00 FUND TOTAL: 9,620.00 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 74 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 401 -Sanitary Landfill Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059445 Accent Packaging Inc PARTS & REPAIRS @ SS 4,936.95 !0059447 Apple Industrial Supply Co HYDRAULIC HOSES AND FITTINGS 192.42 HYDRAULIC HOSES AND FITTINGS 114.36 HYDRAULIC HOSES AND FITTINGS 731.15 CHECK TOTAL: 1,037.93 !0059453 Brink's Inc Armored Car Services -Solid W 1,725.03 !0059456 Caterpillar Financial Services D6-20VP Lease C21-04-651 8,242.97 Property Taxes 6,179.85 962-14 Lease C24-01-073 10,343.66 962m Lease C20-10-872 6,071.95 Property Taxes 4,439.63 745-04 Lease C22-12-964 13,998.67 Property Taxes 12,139.11 Property Taxes 8,044.05 CAT 725 Lease C22-12-1026 9,240.10 966 MXE Lease C20-10-796 7,485.84 Property Taxes 4,482.83 336-07 Hydraulic Excavator Lea 9,175.29 Property Taxes 7,459.15 D5 Track Type Lease C24-04-776 5,482.38 Late Fees 274.12 CHECK TOTAL: 113,059.60 !0059457 CDM Smith Inc WA 24 emergency compliance 1,300.00 !0059474 Indian River County Board of C Recyclign Revenue Sharing per 8,987.14 !0059480 Kelly Tractor Co parts and services for Kelly e 2,867.89 parts and services for Kelly e 377.32 parts and services for Kelly e 1,536.50 parts and services for Kelly e 353.00 parts and services for Kelly e 630.18 CHECK TOTAL: 5,764.89 !0059485 Life Safety Systems Inc of the fire and alarms at operations 285.00 fire and alarms at operations 635.60 fire and alarms at single stre 275.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,195.60 !0059488 Martin County Board of County Recycling Revenue Sharing per 8,151.62 !0059491 Mow 4 Less LLC Mowing of common areas as need 1,150.00 Mowing of common areas as need 1,150.00 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 75 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 401 -Sanitary Landfill Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059491 -Continued Mowing of common areas as need 1,150.00 CHECK TOTAL: 3,450.00 !0059521 Waste Pro of Florida Inc Exclusive residential curbside 621,847.38 09856579 Conlan Tire Co LLC TIRES FOR CAT EQUIPMENT 640.24 TIRES FOR CAT EQUIPMENT 234.40 TIRES FOR CAT EQUIPMENT 35.00 TIRES FOR CAT EQUIPMETN 365.62 CHECK TOTAL: 1,275.26 09856586 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #95163-99335/SW 32.36 Acct #19022-36023/SW 16.45 Acct #44441-22404/SW 23.80 CHECK TOTAL: 72.61 09856604 Sam's Club Pay County Sam's Membership 45.00 C0034057 All Contractor Services Inc 2x Weekly pump out of portable 125.00 2x Weekly pump out of portable 125.00 CHECK TOTAL: 250.00 C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287309401010 1,088.70 C0034063 Cintas Corporation No 2 rugs/rags and mats approximate 198.91 C0034077 Liberty Tire Recycling LLC Tire removal and disposal 4,744.60 Tire removal and disposal 5,184.20 CHECK TOTAL: 9,928.80 C0034080 Midwest Motor Supply Co Inc Ops misc parts and supplies 45.66 Ops misc parts and supplies 6.30 Ops misc parts and supplies 251.26 Ops misc parts and supplies 173.80 Ops misc parts and supplies 333.60 CHECK TOTAL: 810.62 C0034081 nexAir LLC tank rental 379.45 C0034082 Palmdale Oil Company LLC LANDFILL-INV/GAS(141550) 17,859.36 bulk fluids used at oprations 3,578.88 CHECK TOTAL: 21,438.24 C0034083 Pierce AFL VF LLC PARTS AND SERVICES AS NEEDED 82.91 C0034084 Rubberedge LLC RUBBER EDGES FOR CAT EQUIPMENT 2,376.20 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 76 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 401 -Sanitary Landfill Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0034090 Total Truck Parts Inc PARTS AND REPAIRS AS NEEDED 316.72 C0034092 UniFirst Corporation Operations Uniforms 341.76 Single Stream Uniforms 102.37 CHECK TOTAL: 444.13 H0005137 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 470.02 V0024491 Cliff Berry Inc Truck and driver for haz waste 166.00 Truck and driver for haz waste 82.50 CHECK TOTAL: 248.50 V0024495 Fort Pierce Utility Authority Acct #52463640-155413/Solid Wa 551.15 FUND TOTAL: 811,433.36 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 77 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 418 -Golf Course Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059468 Famoso Inc Temporary Labor 522.07 Temporary Labor 322.46 CHECK TOTAL: 844.53 !0059473 Hulett Environmental Services Pest Control 30.00 !0059500 Reliant Fire Systems Inc Fire Alarm Testing & Monitorin 90.00 C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287320193670 45.34 V0024479 Fort Pierce Utility Authority Acct #14000003-206590/Golf 5,986.37 Acct #14000003-206590/Golf 347.00 CHECK TOTAL: 6,333.37 V0024499 Skechers USA Inc Golf Course General Ledger Nov 190.00 FUND TOTAL: 7,533.24 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 78 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 471 -Water & Sewer District Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059453 Brink's Inc Armored Car Services -Utiliti 572.22 !0059469 Fastenal Company Screw w/cap male plug 708.10 Screw w/cap male plug 148.10 CHECK TOTAL: 856.20 !0059476 Insource Software Solutions In Aveva Flex Customer 1 Year Sub 12,250.00 !0059501 Ricoh USA Inc Copies & Maintenance 23.55 Copies & Maintenance 45.23 CHECK TOTAL: 68.78 !0059506 St Lucie Battery & Tire Compan Repairs, Parts, & Service 80.64 Repairs, Parts, & Service 83.90 CHECK TOTAL: 164.54 !0059511 Sunshine State One Call of Flo Monthly Assessment Billing Tic 169.00 09856586 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #62577-58471 27.58 09856587 Fort Pierce Farms Water Contro Engineering review TD Rd WTP 9 741.60 C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287310521637 1,567.86 C0034065 Comcast Acct #8535 11 514 0502397 303.35 Acct # 8535 11 514 0540181 238.88 CHECK TOTAL: 542.23 C0034071 Horizon Distributors Inc Irrigation Parts 85.00 C0034087 Thomas E Richmond Electric Inc Electrical Repair & Maintenanc 212.50 C0034092 UniFirst Corporation Uniform Rentals 66.38 Uniform Rentals 135.00 CHECK TOTAL: 201.38 C0034093 Verizon Wireless Services LLC Acct #442358647-00001 497.90 Acct #642100400-00026 498.00 CHECK TOTAL: 995.90 H0005137 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 117.50 FUND TOTAL: 18,572.29 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 79 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 478 -Water & Sewer District R&R CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0024488 Tripp Electric Motors Inc LAS250-36-449TS, IEEE, TEFC, 2 20,531.50 FUND TOTAL: 20,531.50 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 80 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 479 -Water & Sewer Dist.-Cap Facilities CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059483 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Infrastructure 167,619.20 09856603 REM Associates Inc C24-07-658 3,600.00 C24-07-658 4,650.00 CHECK TOTAL: 8,250.00 C0034068 Ferguson Enterprises LLC Meters & supplies for Hibiscus 4,003.00 Meters & supplies for Ocean Pe 3,240.00 CHECK TOTAL: 7,243.00 FUND TOTAL: 183,112.20 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 81 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 491 -Building Code Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059453 Brink's Inc Armored Car Services -Plannin 542.10 !0059468 Famoso Inc C22-09-710 1,245.45 C22-09-710 681.72 CHECK TOTAL: 1,927.17 C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287307049464 1,441.14 C0034094 Visual Edge Inc PLOTTER HP DESIGNJET T3500 LEA 364.00 V0024489 US Fleet Tracking LLC C23-07-517 623.75 FUND TOTAL: 4,898.16 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 82 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 505 -Health Insurance Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059424 Abramowicz, Joyce C23-07-522 Specialist Agreemen 1,170.00 !0059434 Laurien, Letitia Worksite Wellness: 300.00 !0059473 Hulett Environmental Services Pest Control for CareHere Cent 68.00 Pest Control for CareHere Cent 68.00 CHECK TOTAL: 136.00 !0059498 Regenerative Medical Group Flo Wellness Contract with RMG -C 68,965.00 !0059501 Ricoh USA Inc Copies 22.85 09856578 City of Port St Lucie Acct #0180292212433/HR 180.78 Acct #0180292212428/HR 494.80 CHECK TOTAL: 675.58 09856599 Medical Cost Containment Servi Monthly Cobra Admin. Fee 216.00 C0034061 Bluetriton Brands Inc Water Delivery for PSL Clinic 77.88 Water Delivery for FP Clinic 19.97 CHECK TOTAL: 97.85 H0005131 Aetna Behavioral Health LLC EAP $2.89 ACCT 0846079 3,219.46 H0005137 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 59.01 H0005138 HealthEquity Inc DEC 24 FSA Admin Fee Client ID 881.55 FUND TOTAL: 75,743.30 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 83 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 505001-Risk Management Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059499 Relation Insurance Services of TULIP 2025-2026-Renewal policy 2,020.00 09856582 Digital Trusted Identity Servi Fingerprinting & Background Ch 526.00 C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287310470171 85.64 V0024482 Protect My Ministry LLC Pre-Employment Background Scre 1,151.66 V0024485 Stericycle Inc C13-12-505 48.58 FUND TOTAL: 3,831.88 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 84 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 611 -Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287319652950 142.84 FUND TOTAL: 142.84 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 85 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 625 -Law Library CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059467 Everlove & Associates Amazon-copy paper 111-0342865- 37.10 Amazon-date stamp 111-0865191- 19.95 CHECK TOTAL: 57.05 V0024490 West Publishing Corporation Acct #1003226352 August 2024 3,740.73 V0024500 West Publishing Corporation Acct #1003294303 July 2024 1,706.84 V0024501 West Publishing Corporation Acct #1003294303 NOV 24 1,706.84 FUND TOTAL: 7,211.46 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 86 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 630 -Medical Examiner Agency Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059427 Epstein, Maxx Reimbursement for gas paid on 41.14 !0059431 Infinity Transportation Servic Body Transportation Services 9,063.34 !0059489 Medline Industries Inc Morgue Supplies 122.42 Morgue Supplies 123.27 CHECK TOTAL: 245.69 09856601 Pathology On The Go Inc Histology Services 500.00 09856615 Tyco Fire and Security Managme Annual Security Contract Renew 3,631.73 C0034059 AT&T Mobility Acct #287310937765 342.02 C0034061 Bluetriton Brands Inc Water Delivery Service 92.02 V0024484 Stericycle Inc Office Shred Services 802.04 FUND TOTAL: 14,717.98 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 87 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 631 -Victim Services Agency Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0059508 State Attorney 19th County Acc Salary Reimbursement for Octob 8,318.19 Salary Reimbursement for Octob 38,082.93 Salary Reimbursement for Octob 10,072.16 CHECK TOTAL: 56,473.28 09856600 Neon One LLC Multi-program database to spli 375.00 FUND TOTAL: 56,848.28 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 88 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 801 -Bank Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0005132 Florida Department of State State of FL Child Support Disb 3,702.98 State of FL Child Support Disb 15.00 CHECK TOTAL: 3,717.98 H0005133 Internal Revenue Service IRS Payroll Tax Payment 270,560.95 IRS Payroll Tax Payment 66,882.18 IRS Payroll Tax Payment 219,649.24 CHECK TOTAL: 557,092.37 H0005134 FL Retirement System Pension/Investment 851,756.50 H0005135 FL Retirement System Optional Retirement Program 421.50 H0005136 HealthEquity Inc Flexible Spending and Dep Care 12,757.38 Flexible Spending and Dep Care 1,141.66 CHECK TOTAL: 13,899.04 H0005137 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 38,047.01 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 2,450.07 CHECK TOTAL: 40,497.08 FUND TOTAL: 1,467,384.47 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND: 418 -Golf Course Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 7260 512000 Salaries 720000 2,269.60 512000 Salaries 720000 2,269.60 FUND TOTAL: 4,539.20 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 001 General Fund 979,455.57 0.00 001001 Recreation Special Events 5,387.98 0.00 001009 Gen-One Time Funding 1,000.00 0.00 001311 FDEM EMPA Grant FY2024 128.10 0.00 001433 FCTD Planning Grant Program SFY25 130.00 0.00 001630 US Treasury American Rescue Plan 58,362.50 0.00 001660 Comm Svcs Block Grant FY 23-24 2,096.85 0.00 001663 FHA Section 112 MPO Planning Grant 2,281.02 0.00 001665 US Dept of HHS CSBG FY24-25 6,368.55 0.00 001834 TCERDA 879.94 0.00 001835 Artificial Reef Program 45.34 0.00 101 Transportation Trust Fund 56,590.98 0.00 101001 Transportation Trust Interlocals 19.62 0.00 102 UnincorporatedServices Fund 20,449.82 0.00 102001 Stormwater MSTU 61,038.03 0.00 107 Fine & Forfeiture Fund 94,015.86 0.00 107002 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar 2,446.29 0.00 107003 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper 332,020.56 0.00 107006 F&F Fund-Court Related Technology 6,150.86 0.00 107009 F&F One-Time Funding 7,784.58 0.00 111 River Park I Fund 545.03 0.00 112 River Park II Fund 138.86 0.00 113 Harmony Heights 3 Fund 27.69 0.00 114 Harmony Heights 4 Fund 68.40 0.00 115 Sheraton Plaza Fund 67.05 0.00 116 Sunland Gardens Fund 78.13 0.00 117 Sunrise Park Fund 16.92 0.00 118 Paradise Park Fund 46.31 0.00 119 Holiday Pines Fund 101.49 0.00 120 The Grove Fund 39.84 0.00 121 Blakely Subdivision Fund 0.54 0.00 122 Indian River Estates Fund 95.95 0.00 123 Queens Cove Lighting Dist#13 Fund 49.20 0.00 126 Southern Oak Estates Lighting 24.89 0.00 127 Pine Hollow Street Lighting MSTU 91.52 0.00 128 Kings Hwy Industrial Park Lighting 110.09 0.00 130 SLC Public Transit MSTU 12,471.25 0.00 130144 FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant 72.73 0.00 130146 FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility 290.93 0.00 136 Monte Carlo Lighting MSTU#4 Fund 336.54 0.00 138 Palm Lake Gardens MSTU Fund 43.12 0.00 139 Palm Grove Fund 183.93 0.00 140 Airport Fund 7,762.97 0.00 140001 Port Fund 376.79 0.00 140420 FDOT Southside Road Extension 2,980.00 0.00 160 Plan Maintenance RAD Fund 376.33 0.00 183 Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir 21,287.38 0.00 183006 Guardian Ad Litem Fund 952.14 0.00 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 184235 Ft Pierce Beach Shore Protection Pr 4,448.07 0.00 185024 FHFC SHIP 2023-2024 7,800.00 0.00 187200 FFWCC N. Causeway Island Boat Ramp 71,860.14 0.00 189117 HUD SLC HOME Consortium FY2020 28,699.76 0.00 190 Sports Complex Fund 34,906.86 0.00 310005 Impact Fees-Law Enforcement 2,506,118.00 0.00 310010 Impact Fees-Library "North" 206.43 0.00 310011 Impact Fees-Library "South" 5,207.07 0.00 310014 Impact Fees-Park "South" 4,074.95 0.00 310016 Impact Fees-Transportation "North" 4,658.90 0.00 310017 Impact Fees-Transportation"Central" 5,287.68 0.00 310018 Impact Fees-Transportation "South" 11,491.20 0.00 316 County Capital 42,670.00 0.00 319 Infrastructure Surtax Capital 490,971.89 0.00 362 Sports Complex Improv Fund 9,620.00 0.00 401 Sanitary Landfill Fund 811,433.36 0.00 418 Golf Course Fund 7,533.24 4,539.20 471 Water & Sewer District Operations 18,572.29 0.00 478 Water & Sewer District R&R 20,531.50 0.00 479 Water & Sewer Dist.-Cap Facilities 183,112.20 0.00 491 Building Code Fund 4,898.16 0.00 505 Health Insurance Fund 75,743.30 0.00 505001 Risk Management Fund 3,831.88 0.00 611 Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund 142.84 0.00 625 Law Library 7,211.46 0.00 630 Medical Examiner Agency Fund 14,717.98 0.00 631 Victim Services Agency Fund 56,848.28 0.00 801 Bank Fund 1,467,384.47 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 7,585,270.38 4,539.20 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND SUMMARY-MOSQUITO FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 145 Mosquito Fund 70,944.59 0.00 147 Bear Point Mitigation Fund 447.08 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 71,391.67 0.00 12/13/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11-07-DEC-2024 TO 13-DEC-2024 FUND SUMMARY-EROSION FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 184 Erosion Control Operating Fund 308.71 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 308.71 0.00