HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANSfor wall continuation oce Civil Emolmiccring Drawings m:1 I T -- - - -------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - ... - - - 4 - - - - - - t4 till J1 KADdb:: it �� I 1 ,. , _s_t � ` �. 1 J - - - - - - - - - - - - - I L --------------------------------- J .. ----------------- ---- _- ------- 51antwall i cxh. fan ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- • ArFVPf ir — — - — — - — — — — — 7- - - - - - - - - ... - : ZA, 'U And I If 1! N A L.AN JI,P :i �.,' It p1l ilini, ------ ---------------------------------------------- ----------------- it- --- Al i N14 it, I,!, r tc Fir, if 1 P WAIIV MCH111ijfi extend roof on cantilever bcarric, Lepb A0 � extCmi,;l roof on cantilever beams below ----------- for wall Continuation acc Civil Emeirccriro Drawings wire mc5h Wirltiow5" wl removable clear Texan panels wire mesh vicwport w/ insulated alLIM. structural panel "roof" horizontal open[mo doors concave joint finish C55 wall at tti-I __1P ;t- 11 --fit ---------- - ----- NOTE: 5cc Civill Emellreel PrawlmolI; for ie slhq of wall CxtCt151o116 z 2v� 5L-D �, uhlt Ede rou p � E si ot SCANAED BY 11 Olt vat 10 114 - ret .4t 1Z -D 1 iT D verify top of ft'e, min. 24" below actual fin. grade (typical) a open trench drains 3" dia. x 1/4" steel /cols. below , I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 ' 1 , I , , 1 1 I ' 1 1 j-i------ ® - 1 ' 1/2" recess 1__1_____________L_ for door ' threshold \ I , 1 , 1 , 1 , I , 1 , I , 1 , I -- ,------------ ' enclosed steel mesh cnuteabovc __ __ 1 F-4 ; 7 L Qk - .. .q..N I _ l 1 ' I , _ 1 I , . '.�91I i,r, Mai" ' 1 W ss"r�.+w�''"�-per.,• .. y iyk y� A $ �T r�{' r' �,. ` 1, �" q'�r. , F_5 _ ; Y 2" foam board insulation under slab in indicated areas only F-5 1 IL UF3 F3 ------------ �n v Y• v` `r �� c V 1 1 nA - _ _ 1 i I _ ------------ 1 .. .. 1 &X C1 1 1 F t 1 1 ry� _ (4�3 _ r L j 1 O< kn I - - ' - - - _ , - , l --------- __-,___.-_.--__--1,- ,_ _ _ I L �__.. -_ -___ __ _ _ _ x --^�- _'�'- k - - LL Rm = slope aerv' e area 1 1/2" = : j = _ : : ' _ 000-F'51 Ffber negh relnfor-ced cbnc. Glob w/#4' _at f 12'_' c. both was bottom-wl_.006" of va or _ to floor, dry I y -poly _ rier_overarcated, comp ct�d clean 4 F-4 -r ----=- ---=- - = -- :- --- - ----- --- - -- -- -i---- - -_- -=-----� I , I I I , Q I 1 ; o 1 t I ------------ I I 1 I ------------- ' F-1' N I , I , 1 1 ; 1 , I , I , 1 , I , I , 1 1 , cast this area at 0' 0" remaining area of fleoor to be sloped to drains t J 2'' drop, s ope out 1/2'' recess t PV drains for door cone, clean -out box w/ threshold m. diamond plate cw\ _------------------------- _----------------------------------------------- ______-_ - _____-_ 6" f VC dr Inns F eel 5 c li e eel u I e Mark 5izc Kcinforcing Top Ft'g. Elcv, Kcmarks F-1 2' 0" x 6 0" x 1' 0" #4'S at 6'' ox, both wa 5, bottom varice-scc 5itc Plan (2) 12'' x 12" plfastere w/(4) #5 vcrt. F-2 6' 6" x 2' 0" x L (5) #5's cont, w/ #5 across at 12" ox. (j 2' O" wall footine F-3 3' 0" x 1' 2" t x L (3) #5'r, cont. ww/ corner bars 0101, sloped drams, see Details F-4 2' 6" x 1' 6" x L (3) #5'6 cont, w/ corner bars OI O" F-5 1' 6" x 1' 6" t x L 3 #5's tort, w/ #4 across at 12" ox. 0101, F-6 4' 0" x 1' 2" t x L (5) #516 tort, w/ #4 across at 12" 0.0. O' o" NOTE: See Civil Engineering Drawings for details of island and cau5way construction, note that Civil Engineer is to provide structurally adco[uate conditions for foundations shown for this Structure. I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 , 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 F }VC to -r--- san(tary system I , I , I , 1 , I , I , 1 , 1 , 1 , I , I , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1, I , I , I , I , wI F-4 I r� i r �jls -- -- - - - -- - - - - ^' I { 1 la IF I I I d I a --------------------- U L GM nli�/ ru� THESE PLANS ARID ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIL.D INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH i,1L ;�,4"PLICASLE CODES, St LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR CO LI REVIEWED BY DATE 12 —D 0 "IFLAN3 AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR NO INSPECnON WILL BE MADE (5roup HOU5MO U�t Fouil��tio►� See Civil Ere. Flans for details &fir. grades Scale 1/4" -1' 0" I y1sQb„': f L U O L � Q °S-Zt L Ij In L u b Z it N3�ua N O i aSNT u s �sNT43 iv°FSu0 o NOS OQ L U aT3��OLL m i L t N N Q � N Z. LUQN U O it O U O L a 0b S IL N L U t L L L N Y U U T L L UUUQS OS �a+vuQU7d el- 41 0 L U L 7 U 111 U LL LL V I m og N �ti p i -----------------------------------� . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Uyn1 V�-----------, ------------ i( W AA O N C e I O O n _ 1 DpIVN I� OH chutes 314° .. C,pQNo� I � II I 1 ✓C --- - ----------------- / ---- ------------ ------ II I 11 I II I --------------- ----- ❑ C— -:— - ��bWS ;; filled cells w/ #5 vent. ;& #5 dowel to footing \—.—.—.—. —•— I 4' 0 o c and as shown � ---- --- ' ii u 1 n 'y 121 8„ QI Q n O �i—.—.4.01.•-0..LL—.��.— 12 8 8 8 I V CJ I G C/ I I I I O II hyydronic heating O p--------------------0- -- -------- -----a - .I ctrcult in floor slab 1 typical of (6) ;; 11 � — — —El walls below ther'moccuple sensor in rC ;; each heated conc. slab ;;- — - — - — - — - — 4 I I 1 ' \\. �_ _ - -- — o _ - - --- -- - ° 11 , n e Q ' 0 `I" Service Brea � it , , � � II , , ,' 1 "� � � ;; "�' � �� _ ;_; workbench from recycled _ _. ✓ 271 4" plastic 2x6 pla '�stic "lumber" ZI 22' 01'------------------ ---- l8" L------------8 " i` polar water ' _ control5 T p p , hcatlno collectors -----'— I I I &um ' above on roof 2A40BC w reinforced CB5 wall T /' �j fire cxt. Lai 771 5-1 , ------L-'- - '---------------- -'------------------ --------------------------------- - -- - O O Elcc Panel v A OElcc. n ce cr ( / O �I 119 gal hot water � storage tank, w/ U L'1 AUX. galy. pan conc, hand hole w/ i i 23 200 oal propane traffic rated cover Char water heater w/ AUX. galy. pan UL label thru ro roof vent V,(\ I/Jl} ` o PP/^' ^� ' ----, 4'x,5' vert. 5/8" CDX plywood backboard on 1 1/2'' gale. hat ch nnel5 at 12" O.C. )1" 64 „ 2' b g 4 „ 20' b,, i, 4 11 I 10' 0" 1 ,''/' 421 8 11 1 , II j i �rcup 5c it 13, 4 1, 31 4 II (2) swecec PVC coed. w/ all rode,,tion p" cornerp to Introduction 1 �I 0 N N u S_- U Cenn ` k� n 0 (,}E,' cxtend roof on cantilever smooth finish soffit 1 beams below under overhang '' ""`'' ' viewports below ------------------------------------------ ____ _________ _____ _______ ________ ________ _______________________________________ 777 10 Y l.' 1 1 h_.._.. , 1 a 1.' , n , 1 , 1 I 1 I 1 I , , i I 8" steel "Z'1 purlfns_' I t2'0 1" 5antana Tolymar" ccflfng panels fastened w/ self ; tapping screws at 8" o.c. I I I ______}_,_____ ____________ ______ y/ ____________ _______� _ __, ___ _____ — ______ ______ _ J -- - --------- -- -- - J - - - - _fi ------ �------- ------- ------------------------------------------------ fi r, -� _ _-- -_--_ �--------- -- --- - - o - - -- — - - ------ enclosed steel mesh chute to Introduction Building 3" dia. x 1/4" steel ' I / cols. below --- - ------ ----------- - _ _ r�______ _____ — _____ ______ _____________ _._____ _ \ 1r I Irr I f ----'-- ---_—_____— —- ———— — --——————— r _ ----- ------------ - =l---�: - - - ------�--- ------------ --------- 1 , � ; fi _ 77,77 ----.- --I- ,_C_____ I _._ -_ 1_:_-_- �- I II II I II ' 1 iiiii%1_ i- __'_'f11I____._fllj_-_'_ _—_ v y _ _ - - iL ___ - � ___ _f_ -_._t-__'_ _�__'__�' : _(f/�yj fC IIr IIr =-a-=- L i LJ L_ --�- -=1---=-�-- -fi-=---a- ----- =--- ------ k--- - -------4 - -- --- =- - --- - =----- -; --------- ------ -1 - —_-______ __—________ 1 ' -- ----- - - - - -- ------------- -- ------ - - - - -- - - -- -- - - --- - - - - ------- ---- - - - - -- ------ --- --------- - -- - ---- - - - - -- - - --------- - - - - -- ---------------------------- <<< s, annc sMIZDW ccllfng on1 1/4" galy. h t h At2'011 oca c¢ - - I j (1) 1/2" x 8' anchor bolt at a ' i� each bearing of"Z' purkns Aoi _ -- _-____ _..___ _------_ _____, _f-_ --- .I ---:-_I - - _I�----_ _ I --------- -- -- - --_ -- -------LA ----- ��o� &=r�rnin� plan 5CaIC 1/4" = 1` 0" beam & Gohhector 5chedu(e 1511 OR" Como. (4) #5 Cont. pourcd conc. pourcd conc. rake beam - min, dimension 8" x 12" conc - cxtend steel 24 fnto TB s TB-2 W///G%l/i`//rJ��1.t�//M 811 x 1611 CB5 (4) #6 w/ #3 tics at 121' O.C. {� CB-1 .�\\\\\\\\\� 11 8 x 20 It (4) #5 w/ #3 tics at 12 O.C.pourcd C5-2;x 811 x 20" 4 46 w/ #3 tics at 811 O.C. cantilevered pourcd conc - extend steel 24" into rake beam COf`tl'iCG"COr'S Index Allowable Loads Actual Loads Remarks MarTl/2ttx c U Ifft L-1 L-2 U lift L-1 L-2 X-1 81' A 2000 1200 1 1/2" dia steel washers at each anchora e pofiit Y q lku,A� U L U p94 U E 13 U a3nuw 4�U9L U �°Tw3 US L US 9 -t, U Oy U S V O U� 61 OS~ UQ L U X Q NLLLNO LL U w L o�QuON p vj LL -ls u- 01 U S L lUl V U U S � S L S LS 7(N O p— F s v a o U I Q M —14 U � L 4 4 L N LL LL ��m 0 N O O S � O U � Z L .2 o .� i Ig L v U � 3 0 L IL 0 N um A S._ U N L � � � o � o s S U >) U p � =U � J D 0 N (O U 5hcet If GrOUp Hou5,�� Ufit �c�Ie 1/ 2 = 1` 0" "5utlerib 11" mil finish 26 cage galvalume roofing 8" "Z" purkmn 5 at 2' 0" o.c. 1,51 top beam smooth rrletal soffit panels �� �� 4' G" cantilevered concrete beams '` , i from each interior wall N S � a U Z L � o o � IL L 1 U _ L U U � K u ° 7 IL u ' Q U N m � � h S °L IA o O N � IE C" drop to fin. grade � �' v base wall � N L S � � 0 O v J L � -1-N Vi a % 06 k e "Butlerlb il" mil ffnieh 26 Poe galvalumc roofing 8" "Z" purline at Z' 0" O.C. aalvalume cave trim smooth metal / soffit panclo 4' 6" cantilevered concrete beams from each interior wall 2" x 2" x 1/4" wire mesh reinforced panels w/ 2" x 2" x 1/4" perimeter angles, removable 3/8" clear Icxan ext. glazing viewport beyond \ Exteriar f�re� i:. Zi ,pia I I1 1 , , I 1 t 15' edge beam 8X16" Cont. min. poured beam w/ (4) #5 tort. & #3 tics at 2' 0" o.c. #5 double hooked dowels at 1' 4" o.c. across headers 8" x 16" CB5 header w/ (2) #7 Cont. 8" x 12" cont. minimum poured beam w/ (4) #5 cont. platforms beyond R-11 "taylorcd Foam of Florida" foamed in place block insulation \ Unit 8" x 16" CB5 header w/ (2) #7 Cont. 12 2 �0 i IN PAP 8" x 12" cont. minimum poured rake. beam w/ (4) #5 cont. nom.8"x5"x16"CMU wall w/ 9 gagc galy. "Dur-o-wal" ladder tics at each third coursc Unit #5 vert. in filled cells mill finish galvalumc 6 gagc "Butler Rib I1" pa cis installed per mfYr, 55 CI 110 mph wind zone accep ante 3" vinyl faced Fiberglas in & K-19 F'glas Vari s top beam 8" x 12'' cont. riirl ttNr'�=h� poured beam �— w/ (2) #7 cont. 1` ari�nna oducte "Polyrn d panels cell' g of Units on y #5 double hooked dowels Z at 1' 4" o.c. across headers 2" x 2" x 1/4" wire mesh reinforced panels w/ 2" x 2" x 1/4'' perimeter angles Unit CON, -Ave joint finished CB5 wall u'IXa" i , , , , , , , 1 , , , i , , , , , 1 , 1/2" x 8" A.B. at each "Z" purlin & wall intersection dl g/g" MKDW cclling� on 1 1/2" galy. hat channelo at Z' 0" o.c. 1 1/2" 20 gage galy. hat channels at 2' 0" o.c. 8" x 16" CB5 header w/ (2) #7 Cont. 6 gage oily. chain -link panels over windows service �orri�or workbenches from 2x6 recycled plastic lumber i t galvalumc cave trim1`_ structural"C" 3" vinyl faced j Fiberglas ins. & R-19 F'glas 1/2" A.B. at 2' 0" o.c./ r galvalumc gutter & D5 9l 4 t edge beam seal along trim 8" x 16" slopcd top poured conc. beam w/ (2) #5 cont. & #3 tics at 2' 0" o.c. concave joint finished Cl wall insulated "low-&" glazed vinyl awning windows mom. 8" x 8" conc. sill w/ 3/4" recess & (1) #4 cont L� L i U�VU q,r'Y w�43 s, IJ lip to L L 4� L]ISUS E 4)T U +sN T4 u L u y or�u0 �sT3vo�Q > nLLLmN a o mUo L O�LOvOU 61 L WLUMOPLL 0. L U-,U 1. e . 41 oo�L_ s W� L U U L L U U V U S 11 S S L x X 0 O O E-16}+UOV 7 Q air terminate of bonded o a lightning -a L protection system m m galvalumc ButicrKib-ll p roofing system on 1 1/2" N galy, hat channels at � T t 0.c, �m o Varies o og N top beam �9 N 0 �r6o 8" "Z' purllns at 2' 0" o.c. I Ceiling in animal care areas - , a-�sredu�ts-"�$lymar" .--6eli-d-pfasticyarrcl-�--- �� 8" x 12" cont. minimum poured rake beam w/ (4) #5 cont. &#3 tics at 2' 0" o.c. K-11 "Taylored Foam of Florida" foamed in place block Insulation -- (D_2 at all raked walls U U +� C m S � ° z U L L o O L 4 LL L N i U m \ mom. 8" x 8" x 16" CMU wall i w/ 9 gage gal v. "Dur-o-wal" LL ladder ties at each third coursc p ; �° L Interior N s S 9) O 9) 1 exterior access 4;,, �' 1 6" drop to fin. grade 1 horz, door " x 8" x 16" CMU wall�,,:slope floor to slopcd drain ge galy. "Due o wal 4" 3000 psi conc. slab x8"C135slllw/ 1 w/66x1010wwmon ties at each third 006'' poly vapor barrier \ { #5 dowel at filled cells 4' 3000 psi conc. slab 4" - 3000 psi conc. slab , 1, w/ 66x1010 wwm on 1 \ 1 w/ 66x1010 wwm on °`' 006" poly vapor barrier 1 b cast in place drains treated, compacted 1 treated, compacted clean sand fill 006 poly vapor arner .a N O % h1!r'1 1 clean sand fill L cess for C55 wall treated, compacted clean sand fill 11W, 9 " add #5'9 at i' 4" o.c. _ , 0 1 �15B Waif ✓ �/ r. .V`. F`, o � : ``, o0.. ✓ `' o j`/ / / ga17 m boa ryl boardnul�l6n////////�I/bonl y /earrdefh¢'ated,pQ� VV,qH 5ec�t1®h Scale 3/4" -1` 0" -3e Scale •3�4". =1' 0" �-3orO Scale 3/4" =1' 0" f�-Jo�O Scale 3 -3.ro Scale 3/4" =1` 0" �-3,� — ' - base of C155 wait _NS s -U T ion /^A�oarn boardinsulat� � j \ \ d � \u heated portions ] o u O 3— Sheet — If 4nA / \ Je�O i Q to 3" x 3" x 114" steel angles along edges of "chute" - weld 1/2" x 3" double steel plate wt. solid .250' x 2" x 2" woven wire mesh 3/4" x 11/2" polypropylene solid welded Into angle frames continuous bearing block top & bottom O O.______0------- 0. _______pr________O_..__i O -------- --- ' 1/4" x nam. 2' 8"w x 4' 0"h \\\\ I horn movement steel plate door 11/2" x 11/2' x .25" steel tube w/ ' 1/2" dla. Type 316 55 hinge pins at reaction points I I , , , I I T O _ _ I , r " -CL-_------ Or______�_____i9.__------ Q._------- 0- p 4" X 4" X .25" angle locking A.S. \ operating handle 4" x 0.25" pipe column, \Hlnede bracket 1/2" steel hinge plate w/ (4) 1/2" x 7" anchor i bolts (ti ' I I eat. ,,--x�, O.H. Chute Door A-3,7 Scale 3/b" =1, oaf ^ m yg 17 - �e,x�,�.N � I ++g li,hf t Ih+edYey Is 3" x 3" x 1/4" steel angles along edges of "chute" - weld .1/2" x 3" double steel plate w/. sxsild .250" x 2" x 2" woven wire meeh 3/4" x 11/2" polypropylene solid welded into angle frames continuous bearing block top & bottom 1.1 Lj4" X 4" X .25" angle locking plate wl (2) t/2" x 6" A.6 O _-0rt______t.p____h___.p_ f— ' , I \ 1/4" x mom. 2'"w x , \` ,! 3' 4"i, horn m�vemcnt steel plate door I I , 1 I - I , , I I I I I I I �-O------- o--------- o ------- *-o--- - aJ door pulls thru slot cast Into wall XV1 5Hding Door 1,A-3.7 -talc 3/8" = 1' a' �to NJ - ��KJ HM door \ & frame r%< 30" lam. glass in metal frame'\ \ \ 0 0 ADA lockset double twieti" locks O ADA sill X11 HM, irloulatecd 1-3.7% 5c>ale 3/5" = 1' 0" r 55 wall VII Vertical Door -3.7 Scala 3/6" = 1' 0" fixed wire mesh ---t- in Steel tube frame wire mesh door In otecl tube frame HM door / & frame / / / o a ADA lockect double twice, locks Y ADA sill X1[I HM, irloulatecl A-3.7 Scale 3/8" = TO" 2" Pulley -----.„ e- �: . II , I I , , I I 1 I , I , I I „ I 1 Unit ; ; 5crvicc II Corr. I I I , I , I , I , „ I , , I , I I L I i, v II4, C Y xV11 W M A-3.7 0.25" wire - 2" x 2" mceh inf ill - 3" x 4" etcel tube frame to xlx W M q_3.7 6 gage galy. chain link w/ 21/2" x 0.25" galy. pipe framer,, 2 pr. hinges, lock plate 6' 0If " Y' r. , j_ + - 0 N x] W M -_ A 3. 00.25" wire - 2" x 2" mceh infill - 3" x 4" etecl tube frame 3" x 3" x 1/4" steel angles along edges of "chute" - weld .250" x 2" x 2" woven wfre mesh welded Into angle frames 1/2" x 3" double steel plate w/, solid 3/4" x 11/2" polypropylene solid continuous bearing block top & bottom ------ Cr________O____i o 1/4"xnom.2'Fwx4'O"h hart movement steel plate door 11/2" x 11/2" x .25" steel tube w/ ` I ; 1/2" ella. Type NEED 55 hinge pfns at reaction Pointe , , I O O , ,-, ; ' 4"X4"X.25"angle locking plate w/ (2)1/2" x 6" A.B. ' operating handle � / Hingde bracket 1/2" steel hfnge plate w/ (4)1/2" x 7" anchor i bolts , , , r: xV rior CHutic Door A-3.7 1/6" etccl plate door & ete-c-1 frame I x Door Schfclule Mo Size Type Thickne55 Door Mat'I. Frame Remarks 301 40 XI 1/4" Plate steel steel herzeperalyel(A4Jeer W1W(dlea OAM 302 PR XII 13/4" insulated HM HM ADAlans unklmkeet&AWddt6't AP UmpersJOsse HUXAcloser, HAM Yotot'#702MI) Npe, rents t04 Athreewsl 303 PIZ3068 Xll 13/4" insulated HM HM ADA law umklwksa&"malt eXWL. ,pmeJelsse lke,ADAdeeer, HAGR bt e'$7AO224HV NW, We 0274 Atkreshdd t74 3068 X 2 1/2 ealy. chain link QaIV 6#w cnan Ink In 2VTO.25s,w. steel trane, Jm M,Ixk plate 305 3068 XVIII " 2" x .25" wire mesh Oaly 29xrxrMremoshwieteelwyefra,e.4n,M;look pl,u 306 3065 XIV 2" " x .25" wire mesh Oaiv ax2 x2'Mrem»hw/eteefa�e haro, knMe look p,ee 307 3434 XVI 1/4" I Steel Steel hort aawatg dWyJaorwi daMe lack plans 308 3434 XV11 1/4" plate 5 I Steel wnwa epaaleg door w/ ee,ble let Macs 309 3434 XV] 1/4" plate steel \ 5teel'- WM epwdinI AWgeoor w/JelMe tat does 310 3068 MY 2" 2" x .25" wire me steel 2Fx2'x2"Mre mush Wefm wye haro,Joiklo belt piste 311 306a XIV 2" 2" x .25" wire mesh -' -tee( 2s x2'x2"Mre mesh wieteel,nde frr^a. AoWe bck pine 312 3434 XV] 1/41, plate steel Steel hom ot",kr4 elAsAoor wi sable leek 0" 313 3434 XV 1/4" plate 5teel s e( k,rzeaaa,e1Wwaeeerwl,w140OdKaew 314 3434 XV 1/4" late Steel 5tc b= slants elwwpinor w/double lak pines 315 3434 XV 1/4" plate steel Steel ,,,du�eeerMukelakra.. 316 3434 XV 114" plate steel steel ,,�; dWn9 eoerM bMelar Nos 317 3434 XV 1/4" plate steel steel hart OWS1114 r ' rr/eaMe lock 318 3434 Xv 1/4" plate steel 5tcel hen. swoons OWN 4por M JdM4at µsae 319 Not urcd�=' 3?..0 3008' XIV 2" 2" x .25" wire mesh Steel .2FxTx2"Mremeohwloww4enale.40,MCakp�u 29'x2'x2"Mremcehw/oimayefr".4mbldIoA na 3F?)1 3068 XIV 2" 2" x .25" wire mesh steel 3`[ 3068 X111 13/4" insulated HM HM ADA lam handle lakld&ftakdta. HAOR N#Wn'l7AP224HD hinge. rmte, 4Athneskold set*ol AD IM110061eckAMP)OU K46Ethaton'0780224HDhiwrmb J274Athra"k-si*# 2 xTx2"Are mceh whetted arse fraw Muble lock plate 3e,3 3d_5 PI23068 Xlll 1 3/4" (nsulatcd HM HM 3065 XIV 2 2 x .25' wire mesh StCCI L 3 >�vv° US t87m p u C U �0.41U EL>," N �asv [ T U vvNv43 +' U 4,SUp S L L m n."L° )@ o 0 3 p4r°U4, o L V1 p p S LL N L6 L s U S L L L m mi duo>1 vvvusaS 1 a u v o V d T u v d S Q U z o o " 1IL0 O � v LL 0 U — 7 C , ° N N I S � � � O N U� S- N 0 � � Q 7S -- u- -_ S � s � — U 4, ] U 7 � L J F _o K U 5hee� �m so 3" x 3" x 1/4" Steel 4' 1 „ angler, along edgce of chute" - weld .250" x 2" x 2" woven wlre mesh welded Into angle frames ------------- -- ------� , I ' , ' I � ' I I ' I , ' , I ' 1 I ' , I ' 1 I ' I I ' I , ' I ' I I ' I , ' I I I , , ' I � I 2540 1/4" steel slide ' I door beyond I ' CJ clear Chute Cro55 5cotioh 1"-1'0" 3" x 3" x 1/4" Steel angles along edges of "chute" - weld .250" x 2" x 2" woven wire, mcsh I 3/4" Type 316 55 Thru- bolt w/ aircraft grade wired nut / 1/2" steel hinge plate / / x 2" x .25" steel tube w/ 1/2" dia. Type 316 55 Hinge Plate himoc in at reacts poi reaction paints edge of wall beyond (2) 1/2" x 6" anchor bolts 1 1/2" x 2" x .25" steel tube weld anglcto steel tube - - ---- Look Plan Mcdco cyllndcr padlock edge of wall beyond 1 1/2" x 2" x .25" steel tube, O O' , weld angle to steel tube L__ Look E l ev Mcdco cylinder e � padlock Door 2" = 1' 0" 1/2" x 3" double steel plate w/. solfd 3/4" x 1 1/2" polypropylene Solid Continuous bearing block top & bott 114" x norm. 2' a"w x 4' 0"h horz. movement steel plate door 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x .25" steel tube w/ 1/2" dfa. Type 316 55 hinge pins at rnartinn nofnt5 ----1------------------------- Type X1 - Chute Door - H, <H Elva I / / / / / 4" X 4" X .25" angle I------- ocking plate w/ (2) 1/2" x 6" A.B. 1 1/2" x 2" x .25" steel tube w/ dia. Type 316 55 hinge pins at reaction points Hinge bracket 1/2" steel hinge plate w/ (4) 1/2" x 7" anchor bolts Hall (2)1/2" x 6" anchor bolts edge of wall beyond r b 3/4" Type 316 55 thru bolt w/ aircraft grade ue wired nut Hinge Plate Plan ii/2"x2e tube steel lever tube 1/4" x mom. 2' 5"w x 4' 0"h horz. movement steel plate door C155 wall beyond 1/2" x 3" double steel plate w/, solid 3/4" x 1 1/2" polyprope- lync solfd continuous bcaring block top & bottom / i/2" x 5" A.B. at 1' 4" o.c. ---------i i 1/4" thru bolts at 1' 4" o.c. 3" x 3" x 1/4" steel angles along edges of "chute" - weld .250" x 2" x 2" woven wire mesh welded Into angle frames it =110" a' x 16" C155 header w/ Q (2) #5 1/2" x 3" double steel plate w/. solid 3/4" x 1 1/2" polypropylene solid continuous bcaring block top & bottom 3" x 3" x 114" steel angles along edges of "chute" - weld .250" x 2" x 2" woven wire mcsh welded into angle frames 1/2" x 3" double steel plate w/. Solid 3/4" x 11/2" polypropylene solid continuous bearing block top & bottom 2" x 2" 1/2" rL w/ 1/2" galy. anchor bolts at 1' 0" o.c. around -_-� 0 perimeter 5" x 5" conc. poured sill w/ (1) #4 cont. exterior C155 wall Unit interior floor level Chute&Door 5ectioh 1"=110" 3/5" clear Lexan sheet w/ 1/4" x 2" washer head exte r i o r machine bolts, drilled & tapped into steel tube. Lexan panel to be removable 2" x 4" x 0.25" Steel tube V F� v perimeter frame, all welded 2" x 2" x 0.25" steel wire mesh fnflll panel 1 1" x i" x 1/5" angles'/ w/continuous welds to 2x4 tube 1/2" x 3" x 7" steel plate w/ (2) 3/5" x 6" A.B. at 1' 0" 0.c. F,qfleI Det,�iiI wil�ow 1/2" x 3" x 7" steel plate, w/ (2) 3/5" x 6" A.B. at 1'0" O,c. 2" x 4" x 0.25" steel tube u perimeter frame, all welded ------------- '�,2" x 2" x 0.25" steel wire mesh inflll panel - 1" x 1" x i/5" angles w/continuous welds-------�� to 2x4 tube I, reinforced masonry opcning I e wire ` foH Fgref & Door 2" x 4" x 0.25" steel tube perfineter frame, all welded fixed In place wire mesh panels I .a n pp p.y exterior/interior fixed In place wire mesh panels removable 3/a" clear Lexan panels 2" x 4" x 0.25" steel tube r `� perimeter frame, all welded*" verify size on building Elevations/sections ��,',',r �: provide 3/4" thick white polypropolync panels for interior openings 2" wide opening thru Sliding rail wall, cast w/ added top & bottom \ #5 vert. top & sides -� __________________________t , p 3" x 3" x 1/4" steel angles along edger, of "chute" - weld 1/2" x 3" double steel plate w/. solid .250" x 2" x 2" woven wire inesh 3/4" x 1 1/2" polypropylene Solid welded Into angle frames continuous bearfng block top & bottom LjHall 0 r----0---------4 -� --------art--------�--'-0----i ----------�-� -- i/4";x mom. 2';5"w x , 3' 4;'h horz. r1ovcme t ; Steel plate ddor I ' I I Nit I I I r r I , I , I I ----------- - -- 71 CB5 wall beyond 4" X 4" X .25" angle locking plate w/ (2)1/2" x 6" A.B. Typc XVl -Elevation r IF 1 1 I V I %./ V V exterior/interior 0 k.5 o-F C �h /Y « � +1 L ° O L 4)43 u £ U LU L L N U CL US f °340 p 43 L U N ° L L 4 £ L>1 3 +� � f UST U #� S N TS =� Ly, US �O U N L L t° N p U .3 o430 U�o U L U�pS L-N ,% U O V Q S S °S L U L L ID UUUUsas S L S x4-1 o p= F-%P000 < 5" x 16" CB5 header w/ 1/2" x 3" double steel plate w/. solid - 3/4" x 1 1/2" polypropylene Solid continuous bcaring block top & v bottom 3" x 3" x 1/4" steel angles N Along edges of "chute" - weld S 16 250" x 2" x 2" woven wire mesh -ii;s welded into angle frames Q_ I- 2" wide opcning thru wall, cast w/ added "— u- S #5 vert. top & sides wall beyond v s 1/2" x 3" double steel plate w/. Solid �— U 3/4" x 1 1/2" polypropylene solid continuous bearfng block top & p bottom CQ V 2" x 2" 1/2" FL w/ 1/2" galy. J anchor bolts at 1' O" o.c. around i- perfineter .fJ tA— --,5" x 5" colic, poured Slil w/ (1) #4 cont, L - Interior CB5 wall i - S Section Sheet r u , �`�i fixcd 1/4" steel platee both skies of opening ii<' above operating door l I 1 1 I 1' ..' rim C4x5.4 x channel steel frame o �I ___• ________________ __________________________________._______-__. 1 I I 1' I I 1 I , I I I 1 I \ I I I I I , I I I 1 , I I I I I I I I I 1 , I I I I I I I 1 I , I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I i I I I I I I I__________ ________________ ______________F ___ __ r�l ________________ =___—_—_ f_________ ________ ___________________________________________ ____ _______ i 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 l I I - I ` \ 1 , I 1 I 4 1 1 I I I I 1 I l 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 4r _ ______ I I I I i I I section Vertical Door a / 1rf �'P r / I nom. 40" x 40" x 1/4" steel plate door Elev�tioh 50,-�le 1'' — 1` 0'' �i CL operating cable _ V sch eO rVC thru wall tube 2" pulley counterwelght locking bar -:ti14" dia, gale. steel ------------------ ----------=====r_ -- ----------------� ' -----------------'- ------------- ------- -- - ---------------11 `. I II 11 11 �� II II II C 155 wall beyond Unit 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I , 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I , 1 i I J I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1' I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I service COrl�o , I, I, I, Interior Wall flan (4) 1/2" x 6" AB C46.4 x channel steel frame w/ 1/2" x ro" AB at 12" ox, fixed, rernovable 1/4" steel plate both elder, of opening above door 2" pulley CL operating cable C4x5.4 x c hannci steel frame 2" pulley -"-----C4x5.4 x channel steel frame _— counterbalance below 1/2" x 6" AB at 12" o.c. \ 2" pulley (door Dfta C4x5.4 x channel steel frame {� 1/2" dia. handle II counterbalance---'�'— ! 5 0" �� I I I I r-• r_. I •I I ,I 1 , I I L � Limon L U i0 0 N L m3CL O U L f N U +� L [ N OS F°Tm343 L43 43s�3>1 S �q- �s oU n OSF UO L U 4 i O p d> L N L L N 0 0 3Lu0 O L �+�lL Ldp OS BUOi)il us L L L L p u u u us as S L S X 0 0 p F % 03(ou7Q p, 0 � L V � N N O m p s u. u_ _O O cQ t j u U AL d'Np 0 I Pf; i r s u MF N � I Yti -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I , I I ' 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 , I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I ------- 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , I , 1 , I , 1 , 1 I 111 I , I , 1 , , I , I , ---------------------------------------------------- I _ _____ _ _ _ 1 1 I I 1 � I 1 I OA n n u n n n 11 11 11 i n n u X r 11 X X II II , II ❑ II _ p/Off a , 1 1 1 1 I 1 ---� - --1-- ---- ------ I I 1 -- --- -- ------ --- 1 J 1 11 Wp,Qfl Q � - ' +48' I ,1 ---------- I 11 11 , 1 wp/p�fl 11 I, .-.- \�._.-.-.-. II I, II , thermocouple Sensor In each heated cone. slab " camera JB w/ power — — & coax req'd, typ. " --- -- ---- - 1" Sch 40 PVC to 1. II 11 11 11 h dronlc heatfn ,I yy AA circuit In floor Slab —.—.—.—.—. typical of (6) ------------------ - O n n u " � Service area �1 ✓1= ---- - - I 4= O +421, Of ^I OE ---- ----- =---- -- '-mac--------------I UL label thru- `Y I roof vent �I i I II I II I I II I II I I II I I 11 I I I i` 1 'I �1 I 11 I 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 , 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I , I I 1 I I I 1 r I I I I I I , I / r I I I 1 I / 1 I I I , 1� I I 1 I/ I I I I 1 I I I\ I I I I I I I I Elec---- Panel "(3" - , --- - --- ----= I 1---------------------------------- --- - - - ----- - - ------ - - - ----- - --- fi 2 ; ' 1 EICG '1 ` '/ 11 i 1 1 ' Meter 'ig 1 i I I I I i wire mesh chute above i , i „ I II 1 I I 1 II I� 1 I I I II I 1 I 1 II I I I� fit) 2" PVC cond. w/ all electrical (I / ewcep" corners to Introduction 1 •1 II 200 Cal propanel water heater w/ aux. galy. pan 5/8" CDX plywood backlmo board Croup Q v 3 3 � s s Q 1L L u � In +i to a= � 1� Y 3 L � � U i L6 S u u u E S Z cJ U ctl v Lu O O r —J = f \ `f--' CA U N N X lS) It LU C (V O { > N LU Ts, OL x � N W uf) O n ; u u \ % is % ._� J J U S o boo (6 ,E to ro W w w vv 9� 1 =_ .R T 119 gal hot water 1 �ti otoraoc tank w/ p .d Aux. galy. pan h r WOW ML s �j� l�' J a 50afe 1/4" -- 1' 0" F,-�j f j e [ G Typc MLO - 200 amp - 30 circuit - 1 phase - 3 wire Load Watts A Cir-c. A B Circ. B Watts Load 1500 30 1 2 20 700 Lights EF-1 & 2 1500 30 3 4 20 700 Lights GFI Kccpt. 300 20 5 6 20 000 OF] Pccpt. GFI Izccpt. 900 20 7 8 20 900 GFI izccpt. Emcrg. Lights" 300 20 g 10 20 300 OF] Kcc t. Timcclock 300 20 11 12 20 300 Exit Lights Solar pump 300 20 13 14 — — 5parc Sparc — — 15 16 Sparc — — 17 18 — — Sparc Sparc — — 19 20 5parc — — 21 22 — — 5 are Spare — — 2 24 — — 5 are 5parc — — 2 2(0 — — 5 arc Sparc — — 27 2 — — 5 arc 5parc — — 2 30 — — Sparc Bus A 6100 20.7 KV f� m Bus B 4600 *not in accuulation ** Battery backup Total = 10700 watts / 240 Volts = 44.6 amps Note: Circuit # 5hown to determine number & size of breakers, f anel directory shall Show as -built circuits 2" UG cond. to elec. servlce UL ground rod max. 25 ohms to ground x, u•- I��ryov�Ri TG-1 I ITC-2 (3) 3/0 In 2" rVC cond. meter Panel G 200A 30 clr �\ zoos Panel I ph disc. Electrical F,iser #4 ground bond to rcbar In NT5 k 1 : to san- servlce 1 conc. clean-ou water line to a 4" FP w/ 4" PV no connection PVC to one itary service Trench dram - 5ahitary �iocr - Group Housing [ATE �s L�O 5 E7� conc. clean -out box w/ 1/2" PVC water line to anti -siphon wall valve L U U -C E L O L U O N3�u� Lsk L U l� U + i o S T 0 T �] S L� U S U 0 U IS N OS� 60 L U N T 3} U O L i�LO N L 61 K:43 p N t� LOON U O 0 L 3LU L� jj-.Ui U 43 S L L N U U % t L U U U OS �S S L S X 43 O 0- V g0u0(3--)d a �I ------------------ ------ I 'inuation j - _} j I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 � I , 1 , I , I , I , I , I , I , I , I I , I , I , I I I I ; I , I , I , I , I , I I I , I � 1 , I , + 1 , _ olarltwal exh. fan I 1 I •6?:i 1 1 :iii: d:ii 1 I 1 is j I 1 1 3 � :;:: • I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I — I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I z I I I I 1 1 I 1---------------1—�---- extend roof on cantilever beams III 5oUt� 1 1 1 I 1 ______—___ � NOovJ �----------- -_ _-----V EfLI F i W I N g o ►.► __�_ D.a�2 1 , I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 ILi91610. W®M[1fl ilYl4p N ^Irmo Nn:au II��Ixl1n 9 �eswme �' wmemiSrl} lax IM 4bL^Bl fi "9N IMNK Y�iq !i YI tPo J R R ?4�RLY M,r II`�I`11'IIgLL_++YY@@I�� yyp,H}8p® V� / IL�i'(NIrFtlIY9 Ip'J�49gMp C� ! [J1 '-S�egmau;wcdmsu> N extend roof on cantilever 19 0 beams below E U S L h L i. 3uu� continuatio N fl� o for wall oceEngirleering +' 0=00 Drawings �Y �r1t�rzs. wire mesh "wirndowo" w/ - removable clear Lcxam N os� 00 pancle �ou�d L N L u wire mesh vicwport w/ insulated alum. a o �� o - Structural panel "roof" L IS j L x �._. U-C Q U L L 0 aperiIm door6._._k-4I +i7DAp uwL z> u u u �s Qs-veL S L .E X 0 0 0 lPtrE G�NSj(?UGT4�H� F �+�uou �d - concave joint finish C135 wall Lh SO U F� E EO LI U U L u � � N � � u IL U- LL N O U East NOTE: See Cfvll Engfneering Drawings for dctafls of wall I'AN oN extensions �1/lJs ar. Lucy aouNTv I BUILDING DIVISION - - FI�VI,BWE FOR OO14 RlNIEWH'D BY DATE -- PLANS AND P gMIT MUST BB KEPT ON JOB OR I NO IN$A801'lON WILL HE MADE lorl A I5)Y tO 1 IL .. N S O � � s S � > o T � V v �7 U Sheet Group HoUoiig Uhit Elevi�tioh5 5ca1e1�411 ^ 110ll 5 verify top of ft'g. min. 24" below actual fin. grade (typical) IL1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I _-1 1 I j 1 I 4 I open trench drains Y dia. x 1/4" steel cols. below I ' , ' 1 , 1 I I I I 1 I , 1/2" recess for door threshold \ cncloocd steei mesh chute above L 7s L 0 F-5 Q2" foam board insulation under slab in indicated areas only F-5 P , ,.�i ° • a1. }•. • r� ?�i' •• � a° 'T , � • �l 6'S'F`• ' ''i� ° Y • ,ai r.r ♦ � a � '� i • 3 • �!'i •. �tG •aa • �.• aa- t • Ma• ! •'•�•}: • :.i • it•.s . •• y ! •, T. ryt�FW �.:�' °fir • r� i.iii; � • •• • a ,,�•• S•• , , • • !� • • , 4. � a:. 4 • !, .• . r a. • a • •.a • , y,a4 �"� '►. , i .'� ,i�c' •, ••, , •• a i .•��jpi i •L .'p ��, S , a• G•,.�.,�l ,,1 �" • i � a %.�' \ • •,s••$ ff '$ :a � � •,• ry.'a' •�•'�441 •�1a • �� • a• a ? • • °r S 'T,l`C�.�•rIIJ '' • ` �e•e" • t . e'Y.�.n 9• � • � • ;SS ••i • ri °•'� m' , r $•�'� ° �r ••�°. T.• • r (Y!!!{{{!!! � \ �,.''�°• °• 4'r •' fi • '> ¢°.• "y°• • 4frf � i •a•I ! ••R 11 t�}��• t • T i� \ w 3° a 2C �..: .. , _ a. • . a :K•k _i - r: '•S. • _e rXi�fih3.: a .• r , � r• • � : •a, °, ° d�'., r. •_ • Y• !7°, - 3r�ik. �i a� SR c'3w � •.d�k'P"�A'iEa. • 'i%"F' F\ 1 �. `Y 1 'vs- `vim � 'V� ^I� Ii�r_' V��y�,,,♦�� �' 'vim 'V� .v .V ^I�`r� ♦ i�iT• . �. a • a• a • • • a G• ri t� • @ G • • • , a S. `v rya •�.• •.• :. a'1. f •Yl..r !.•, '• • 1• a;; •t: •• o' �h; a• .YY t: �'� •" •!•T • •'•! M .• _ har• �� �: � a � ! a �- N a�' s� � ��,.,.• a. ' • • ipa •: .. ♦ •a+ a': y ••` v. � ♦ .., _ Pe. � •ice . a '•F•: a'r r ¢' 4},� a �:•i :t•},ts: rC'.•r ! •e,v` �'•�,i , a C ,. •'�J:� M .� •'. �' r. >Y µ • • f �,.. P�_�I!• f�•, .•. •�µ ,. „ •. ,.'e`\!R _ /c' .•� .� a` \ •a a i• ;➢ M ••: L..a • ° � ° ��. r a \° y ['� ! • r •• Y a a ,�,.t, •� t. Ici.:ri�a ° °i v � � • • •i •, ••:•�. M G•• t•! µY a a • ! ��: r•.r�• • Lab • .r� N r° .�:. a r•` ir a a • a .• 1 • a: T 4 .� ♦ - : a 4 b.G - � � t,,.• � a r ra a G 4 ,v r' - t T� �` ` �' i' �.i•�6 °+a °� t .i zR9 iar i• i ° • ' �. ♦ •Mw •. ♦ • •• - : r • � • T; \a • (�!' .! .v • • a, • ,r .�: d'••, a , • •�'i as 6• � ;S•I. �';. ,• ♦ • :� t , �i , ��'?• ra°• , y u.• .� ♦ �., ,6 I •.:q .( •. aa�i•1 pu_ .i- st r.4 r � d, t•. ' _ /'F �� ,R. •'• .. iv � ♦y as ♦'! � aw rrt • !• I'zM . 'r • r�. ' �� •• i •r. • • i' ,?• • a: �a ja �•i � ! •♦,.♦ � •M` % 'a '� •m. a • %° T7.' � M a° •♦ • Si b� -�! S. �v r i , � L• �< . �• • ,!a t� M•' ,!. • .• • - ,. • ,, � �•4• • a r e `l, r: r a! a.• • a�, � .�F"•' to "l •i �i: I �' y ••. Y ' •. a ; a :'ta7 +F9• •• isa -�• • a i i +di •• - i -• �-r4m i' s.° • a a • •_ t� ;Y:A• �� ��l .�� nr v yt. � T�r�i�'.v ,. V' . T a .� s � t. rx.� •.. r°� � � c �?;a. � �, , � . �' ✓<?i.)•fiil-_ l�r_ ✓•w .. . N X! ' ^I vt ''I • ^� Fv� `v v vv�J� y- v wi ''J ,' 'v• ' J h Pi � d� f ♦* P •T O•�, , - �r�12� e� •; •?" o a a � ' •� v at � i q a eT � ♦� et •• .° •: . I� i .• r to /c olopM to /rafrlo 1/211 recess for door threshold ® cicaln-out box v alum. diamond plate ------------------------------------------------------- --------- ---------------------------------- ---- -- --- 6" PVC dr Ins Mark Size Reinforcing ?op Et'g• Elcv. Kcmarke F-1 2' 0" x 5' 0" x 1' o" #4'6 at 6" ox. both ways, bottom varles-see Site, Plan (2) 12" x 12" pllaetere w/(4) #5 v-rt. F-2 6' 611 x 2' 0" x L (5) #66 cont, w/ #5 across at 1211 0.0. () 2' 0" wall footing F-3 3' 0" xL ()6 cont. wwcornerars o'nx12t eloped draine, ace Detalle F-4 2' 6" x 1' 6" x L (3) #5'6 cont, w/ corner bars 01011 F-5 11611 x 1' 6" t x L 3 #5's cont, w/ #4 across at 12" O.C. 01011 F-6 4' oil x 1' 2" t x L (5) #5'6 cont, w/ #4 across at 1211 OX, of V" NOTE: See Civil Engineering Drawings for de ails of i5[and and cau5way construction, note that Civi[ Engineer is to provide Structurally adco[uate conditions for foundations Shown for this 5tructurc. - I PDgI I'UL IP-ENI:H LINS4I NDN' ��rrotib��E �r�M sltAv 0*E USED Fi:PR 9rEt4 t*,b INSP' rROFI" 10 ExTEt\► 1H-P "a I14. ,E I i w 811 PVC to sanitary system I IMM 1/211 recess for door threshold __________________- I I I 1 1 1 •)A ADD �eed Lfidl`i L) 1�'X Tv& r i) Ji Group HOU51110 Umt Fouil atl'om r,1"11 See Civil Eno. 11[an5 for details & fin. oracleo 1/III --1'0" L U = LAOU u L, LObu us��m N3�uW NULp}1 S U i RS F 0 0 0 U N QS�7U(OQ U L N L L N N U U w 3aVQQ©a o L � 110 IL N -is lu p � S S L L U 43 Q Q L h L @ U U U US L L S L S x 41 O Q —' Fq0U00-1< C V .. N L � � � � s � > o o u = � V N �( V 5heet o AN 01 I IIII III I 90-10 m MIT - w r____________________________________ ___ ___ . r 1 Likit (typ.) 0 I , I 1 1 1 r � II 11 II iII O IIO n n n n II „ J OH chutes -/�------------- -- ---- n 11 MN I ee " O an — 1 , 1 , , 1 , , all 0-------------------- ---------------------- ©------i , I I I �I I 2" sill I ' 1 ' I------0----------------------------- ' 1 , „ -w ___rr__r___ ------ 1 I� .... ............I II i- .— n 12' 8 11g ,1 g' g '� II 8 ,1 — — I, II II �i OII hydronfc hhoath II lI ' " ciyrcult (n floQr 6 ab typical II thermocoyple sensor In II each heatQd COMIC. slab — II II ---- _______=___________o-__Ld rn Ell. 041 11 , I I II ----- D--------- II II II 1 \ \//7�^,,7I �------------ , ------------------------- �.! b 4 11 .' hot &cold water I I " •' �'I �� " O N 1 I II , \ 11 / I L II I I to all host blbbs I I I ,I-_ �/ 0 I I C solar water— ' I h;ating collectors I I I \ % ' I above on roof I___=-------_== . ----_-----'_'-=-----�------------- molded I-T I reinforced C65 wall \ I wire mesh chute above I I 1 31411 --------------------------- 10' 0 " I • I u i N n I u I u , II 'filled c ells w/ #5 vcrt. II & #5 dowel to footing u II I- 4' 0" O.C. and as show all lJ I �I 1 II O I II I II 410m. 8" C155 walls below Service Area workbench from recycled plastic 2x6 plastic "lumber" 2A40BC fire ext. --� ---- ------�-` -- -----� --- - ------------------ -- ---- - Elcc Panel 0 I O controls 1 I 1 , I &pump119 Elec Meter gal hot water TC-3.1 ��� 0 El storage tank w/ aux. galy, pan ' ' \ cork. hand hole w/ 200 gal traffic rated cove I water heater w/ n \ aux. gals. pan U- roof vent 4'x8' Vert, 5/5" COX plywood I I backboard on 1 1/2" galy. hat I channels at 12" ox. 71 0 , ----' 61 41, 6' 811 31 ,1 11 20' 0 11 1R1 A 1 it ----------------------------- (D 31 4 II 0 ip Croup H ou5i he U iii't Floor 11 sh 5cale1/4"=1'0" j,- ,i2) 2" PVC cond. w/ all electrical / sweep" corners to Intro4Auctlon O O N N r L N U L L S O U Us�� E > U U A)L L N V U S l8 7 N 3 U 0 V L S L +N41) '?-'OrN �s Na U N }1 S SN- S L Q1- Q Q N QS� U Q L 40 th u 3 Q 0 U l6 Qp �s 1L N S Q 0 _ L S X {] O 5 _____________________________________________ I , 1 , I 1 1 j \. \. .�\\. .\\\. ,�\\` l i i �V (J atj �6nv.�.;i, p � I I I I I I r� - � P51 � I--� 51•.1��+ enclosed steel mesh chute to Introduction Building 3" dia. x 1/4" steel icol s. below I i t- , 7_ , �f1 I III II II III I II it I II I Pit I �\_11 it 11 -.z 4" ,al, 1�� �1 �I III i � -� I 'I 1Zt`, -- --- I_- 1 f 1. I _ - -#t7�t l 1\ L- 11 �IIt �r �� v-�I� 1I 11�II� �r - I it II�I��I I =-i> �� I- _ -- -< - L L _117 1 1 _ I 1 17 7_ Z ' / _- _ _ _ 'I �� 1 �l I `�� I ,-l1 1 ��t , I_ �I C f \ � I 1 _I � t I ��, I •�l � �\ 1 � ` � \ - _ - - - - \ - - Iy. �� 1 .71j 1' �, I �� C�� I. -. L I �l 77 I 1 ll ; - - - - - - - - - � _ - _ - _ - _ - �_ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ _'f/= - _ -' - - f ;��,- 1-7YPlcatr e �e•cN �EP•(?I�►G -,_ :ter• �_. _. _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - _ - _ I - - - - IF I_I=I I I I_I J - , •F'mna+c -.. ��-....._ ct.. .... ••—_.--.n_ �- _ 1.,—^mr asss .-.nsr...... e. _.F �ma•.m.- aysr{�+�i�.�-f+�i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 j f I 1 \ , - ----------- I f l i r2 11 I-------- ----------------------- - /8" MIZDW ceiling on 1 1/4" yaly. bL � hat channels at 2' 0" O.C. _I (1) 1/211 x e' anchor bolt at I 1 each bearing of IT' purline I I 1Zoof & F r m�ng flan 50ale 1/4" = 1' o" E3eam & Cohhec-tor 5checlu1c E3c�ms„x�`-4„ poured conc. _ 119" xe" Como. (4) #5 Cont. TB-2 �/wa/f�/f�/f�&/W&/, 8" x 16" CB5 (4) #6 w/ #3 ties at 1 " O.G. poured conc. rake beam -min. dimension 8" x 12" poured conc -extend steel 24" into TB's CB-1 `'�\\\\\\\\\\\V 8" x 20" (4) #5 w/ #3 tics at 1 " O.C. CB-2 � ,�KXRK;% 8" x 20" 4 #6 w/ #3 tic5 at ' o.c. cantilevercd poured conc. -extend steel 24" into rake beam Conncctore Index Allowable Loads Actual Loade Kcmarke Mark V Type 1/2" x 5" A5 U lift 2000 L-1 L-2 Uplift 1200 L-1 L-2 1 1/2" dia s eel washers at each anchora e point 1 u � iuuv� U >=Iq 7 L 61 N3�vt6 °uaNu L US NQ U L�ut00 N °S� U 0 L ° 16T3Nu0 L NiL�I(1N p U Q1 43� L uO N � O }SOU 0 L L 5:I_ 0 LL N �u0i)fl_��S N i-1 U U S 1 L L vvUusos S LS XP o o— ��6�voU�d I T r 5heet Am p. , "Butlerfb 11" mil finish 26 gage galvalume rooffng 8"" "Z"' purlins at 2' 0" o,c, \ smooth metal soffit panels 4' 6" cantilevered concrete beams from each interior wall IZ-11 "taylored Foam of Florida" foamed in place block insulation 2" x 2" x 1/4" wire mesh reinforced panels w/ 2" x 2" x 1/4" perimeter angles, removable 3/3" clear [exam cxt. glazing viewport beyond \ x r, it (3 r, /-� r � 6" drop to fin. grade 4 (l eel l& AMP C 4 o,( ebv fe� llUbIr . 1E51 0'' \ edge beam 12 8" x 16" ront. min. 2 poured rake beam NG"yj , SIB• f Sl P# ; C w/ (4) #5 Cont. & �,II 5# C. #3 ties at 2' 0" o,c.��TFF i`i�~5 #5 double hooked dowels at 1' 4" o,c. across headers.:` edge beam a" x 16" C55 header w/ -------- (2) #7 Cont. 8"' x 12" Cont. min(mun poured beam w/ (4) #5coht. 3" x 12" cost. min(mun poured rake beam w/ (4) #5 Cont. pla­rerms beyond 3" x 16" C55 header w/ (2) 47 Cont. exterior access horz.door a', x 3" C55 sill w/ (1) #4 4" - 3000 psi conc. slab w/ 66x1010 wwm on .006" poly vapor barrier treated, compacted clean sand fill 'Na:- �15' f G t I () I'l UMit 0. `-------------- ------- ' mill finish galvalume 26 gagc "Butler IZfb 11" panels nstallcd per mf'r'e 55CC1 10 mph wind zone acceptance t vinyl faced Fiberglas ins. K-19 F'glas Vari s for beam 77 . . 0,C 3" x 12" Cont. ntinlniun>� y Poured began v/ (2) #7 :wont. 5 double ooked dowels / t 1' 4" o,c, across headers '" x 2" x 1/4" wire mesh ;Inforced pancle w/ 2" 21H x 1/4" perimeter Males oncave joint (n(shed CB5 wall puairw �Iw I,JI (2.) 44-+ lope floor to sloped drain - 3000 pal conc. slab l 66x1010 wwm on )06" poly vapor barrier rested, compacted lean sand fill 4' VM U,6 5' "�j galvalume 1/2"ave x 3" A.D.A.B, at _ each IT' puriin & wall int•croection structural "C" 3" vinyl faced / Fiberglas (ns, �- z3 & IZ-19 F'olas —� �cdge b am 1J2" A.S. at 2' 0" o.o •'t1. `; I�•� l,, galvalume gutter & D5 - - - at 411 5/S" MIZDW ceiling edge beam on 1 1/2" gale. hat - channels at 2' 0" O.C. seal along trim 1 1/2" 2.0 gage galy. haC, 3', x 16" sloped top I channels at 2' 0" o,c. poured conc. beam I w/ (2) #5 Cont. & #3 ties at 2' 0" o.c. 3" x 16" C55 header w/ --� concave joint 1 (2) #7 coat. finished C135 wall , l 6 gagc gaiv. chain -link panels over windows i s , workbenohes from ; 2x6 recyoled plastic "lumber" o. . . .______.:_-:_-___.:____- , 0 `-------------- insulated "low-e"' glazed vinyl awning windows mom. 3" x 3" conc. sill w/ 3/4" recess & (1) #4 cont horn. s"x3"x16"CMUWall w/ 9 gagc galy. "Dur-o-wal " ladder ties at each third course 3/41' recess for C55 wall c-)4 L L V O 0 os7�£ 7� U L 11 L U U S.N�Q U U 3:e L �0t S _w US UQ U OS�UQ L-6 N i Q r N N U L ON 0 U 3 O P a U S. sLL N WQ°uLL 4 U O fl f ID N 43 0 U %1 L U V U U S a S F ��ooU'ld 1 w L_ 'T 0. 0 U a 7 v � � _Q L N m p air terminals of bondrd u N ,lightning E 0 protection system a O galvalume 5utlerKib-II d o� c? u > roofing system on 1 1/2" N 'gale, hat channels at 2' o.c,� Var•i�e5 top beam \ 8>" "Z'" purlins at -ZO" o.c, ••�elllq��iJ�argl�al..�:a�a.,atasaa&.- - sv.Wd-�1as�(e-p>amfs- - 12 " cunt i poured rake beam wl (4) #5 Cont. &#3 ties at 2' 0" O.C. IZ-11 "?aylored Foam of 0 Florida" foamed in place <o block insulation -T5-2. at all raked walls S u L 0 .� +j I 1 L o 0 `n' m � s � mom. 3" x 3" x 16" CMIJ wall -w/ 9 gage gall/.'"Dur-o-wal" Q U rn " ladder ties at each third m � course 2Z J S O 10, N l4 , t r I o r ---- 4'" 3000 psi conc. slab w/ C 6x1010 wwm on 006" poly vapor barrier l �✓ N lli treated, compacted / clean sand fill -r it - - �base of } " C55 wall r N+ 2" foam board insulation a o under heated portions of slab only L�!aC.J ,7C��r' �.�/',-I'll -1i �II •./ 1 Vo�, �V�IV V/�'ll �-1' �rl tJ S_ 11_ t6 o M) CN U � � u _J Art 1019 it) 3" x 3" x 1/4" steel angles along edgee of "chute" - weld .250" x 2" x 2" woven wire mesh / welded Into angle frames O O------- 0-_____r 0- 1/2" x 3" double steel plate w/. solid 3/4" x 11/2" polypropylene solid continuous bearing block top & bottom T________O____g O I I ' 1/4" x nom. 2' 8"w x 4' 0"h � horz. movement steel plate door 11/2" x 11/2" x .25" steel tube w/ 1/2' dta. Type 31655 hinge pins at reaction points / J. Or______.O._____ 4" x 0.25" pipe columns r- - I----------------------------------------- j ----------------- O.H. Chute Door A-3.7 scale 3/8" -,1 0" 3" x 3 x 1/4' steel angles along edges of 'chute" - weld .250" x 2" x 2" woven wire mesh welded Into angle frames 112" x 3' double steel plate w/. solid 3/4" x 11/2" polypropylene solid continuous bearing block top & bottom 4" X 4" X 25" angle Iocift Plate w/ (2)1/2" x 6" A-&/ A-3,7/ 5cale 3/811=11 0" I / __;'4�1-4" X, 4" X .25" angle lock( ng i plate w/ (2)1/2" x 6" A.B. j operattng handle Hingdebrackert 1/2" steel hinge plate w/ (4)1/2"x 7" anchor bolts 111 PiPt_Y E'f 141LJ;- H6 SLI n I t-H ti DAN2- door putts thru flat cast Into wall m , i `♦ HM door & frame ' 6%< 30" lam. olae, In metal ' frame`\ ♦ O 0 ADA locksct ; ♦ double twfst,' locks , ADA sill HM, insulated A-3.7 5cale 3/811 = v on r--------------------------------1 I �= 1 I I I /./ C 65 wall beyond\ JW�* Vertical Door ,A-JU Scale 3/8" =1' 0" H—NaP, JL1C_ 0j9WP*TPi ;' HM door ' & frame 0 0 ADA locksct ; doublc twist/' locks ADA sill H mk� 4I�sultecl -3.7 50al 3/8" =11 G" G f Id l IL _RT _1 1 �l '1�] > > L i rILL xv1 ki W M_ 3�caa� A 3, 0.2511 wire - 2" x 2" mesh Infill - 3" x 411 stccl tube frame X1 t -- - _ _-- ------ _ A-3" 6 gage galy. chain link w/ 21/2" x 0.25" galy. pipe frames, 2 pr, hinges, lock plate i \ I / r'�If1 II ITT i`1rr I4d'irT ��i r� fi�1,'_IfI(� llrl TT�I T'f CAI Ili1�� , Y ♦ ¢ ... T 7-T--1— P -T� i-rJ- 1 i��1�`'�i i r _r f\\T_ f� WM A-3.7 0.25" wire - 2" x 2" mesh inf ill - 3" x 4" steel tube frame L L O O L l i U U N 3" x 3" x 1/4" steel anglesA101 L double1/"polypropyplate w/. told 2"x x o 41 0 9 = 250' xx 24 woven wheel ash 3/4" 1 lene ylene solid welded Into angle frames / continuous bearf rg block top & bottom N o o +) ---- ------ r0-------- OT________O____. O / 1 I / / A ♦� 1 / ♦ 1 I \ I _ Ili i I � ♦� 1 O 4eP L C °TW3 43 1/4" x nom. 2' 8"w x 4' 0"h 0 s P T 4x =e +' S horz. movement steel plate door L i O Q O -11 11/2" x 11/2" x .25" steel tube w/ 1/2" dla. Type 316 55 hingc N U i O Q - pins at tg T 3 O Q > reaction pofnte 041 L o N N L 4-iuO 3 U 304e 0U O L 0:) p O S IL -- -- 71 u o Q m S It // puU OS S1S Fs- 9141 13 � Q ' i Z \r�4" X 4" X .25" angle locking V 1- / i plate w/ (2)1/2" x 6" A.B. Q ' operattng handle i C , 1 75 L u ' ' N > u N Hfngde bracket 1/2' tJ steel hinge plate w/ (4)1/2" x 7" anchor IL l bots �il Q 0 0 N 1t erior Chute Door A-3.7 1/811 steel plate door & steel frame oor 5chedu�e��' MAr 5ize Type thickness Door Mat'I. Frame Remarks 301 40 XI 1/4" plate Steel Steel horz oporamne dldng door w/"we lack 09" 302 Plz 8 XII 1 3/4" Insulated HM HM ADA loerhmdlelockeet&deadbdt.6Rb0'tanperedglmelite,ADA ciaoer,HA k"oton"Y7&4224111)Hnge,remko1274Athreshold 3 3 PIZ3068 XII 1 3/4" Insulated HM HM ADAlwerhmdle to kmt&deadbdt,6%MY tanperad daelfte, ADAcI ,HALER"Rocon"Y7&}224HP Nnga ranko#274 Athrethald 3 4 3068 M.. 21/2 galy. chaln Iink gale 6gage chen link In 2112"x00'0v. eted ftane, doublc pats 3 5 3065 Will NIC 2" x .25" wfrc mesh 0a1v 25'x2'x2"Mromcohw/atMIarjefr".4o Ltkplaw 3D6 3060 XIV 211 2" x .25" wfrc mesh gale .25'x2"x2°Mro math w/eted ar4of .Ao&Ia lock plate 307 3434 XVI 1/4" INtC Steel 5tCC1 horz operating didog door w/ ,lack plat, 308 3434 XVII 1/4" plan eel steel n:nical apertureda double lock plates 309 3434 XVI 1/4" plate 5tCCWt, Steel hdaorwldoum.kplata 310 3065 XIV 2" 2" x .25" wfrc , h 5tcel Vx2'Mromeeh w/eted andofra% doublo lock plate 311 3068 XIV 2" 2" x .25" wfrc mesh 5tey1" •26'x2'x2"Mr6mcehwletod andeframe, double lock plate 312 3434 XVI 1/4" Plate Steel CCI I horn oyeratingdldngdoor wl Aoublelakpates 313 3434 XV 1/4 late Steel Ste horn operatingdldngdoor wl double lockpates 314 3434 XV 1/411 plate 5tecl Par - Steel rating dhBngdoor w/ double lack plates 315 3434 XV 1/4" plate etccl 5tecl horn operatf gdoor w/double lock Fiala 316 3434 XV 1/4" plates Steel horn operative dldngdoo He lock Fiala 317 3434 XVI 1/4" pl 5tecl steel Wm oparmtho 611Jl doorw/doub1A ate 315 3434 XV1 1/4" ate Steel 5tCC1 homopetailneWing door w/do6lelock plat 319 Not Used 320 3068 XIV 2" x .25" wfrc mesh Steel R5'x2'x2"Mremath Watt! mr4ofrxw,JoL lelakplats 311 3068 X 2" 2" x .25" wfrc mesh StCCI .25'x2'x2"Mrs moth wlsted ando Praa. 4 4le lack plate x,aU 3E2 3068 III 13/4" Insulated HM HM ADAlwerhmdlelockmt Uhbolta, HAL'+K%tan'g7eO,224HDhingarwb$274AthriOW4.aaWgrd 30 3.5 PIZ30 XI11 13/4" Insulated HM HM ADAloarhmdlelockut Huahboils, HAGER%tonr7eP224H0hInge,romko g274 Athrashold aetigr. 29'x2"x2"Mrs mach wletcd angofrnmo, double lockpWa 8 XIV 2" 2" x .25" wfrc mc5h steel 3`F34 XVI 141 I'►-/' ie S fl 5-Tr. 1- F102Z-" �P. D rz I<II b�UvL I-.4GILS. e� v L N ., IL � 7 � u � ck CI-� 41 N L � U 5hcet go Md 3" x 3" x 1/4" stool angles along edges of f5 2 chute - weld . 250 x 2 x 2 woven wire me sh welded Into ah lC 9 O frames Ir,—' --------------------------------------------- 111 r. i A 2.8401/4" steel slide door beyond Ce' �I Lai r c.lc;% N Gq ftw;" x 1/4" steel angles along edges of "chute" - weld 250" x 2" x 2" woven wire mesh 3/4" Type 316 55 thru- bolt w/ aircraft grade wired nut = I C 0 00 Hinge Plate L.ucir, r le�irl O O,�r o kE I V. 1/2" x 3" double steel plate vr,r. 3/4" x 1 1/2" poly solid continuous bearing block top & bottom 1/2" steel hinge plate x 2" x .25" steel tube w/ 1/2" Type 316 55 hinge pins at reaction points edge of wall beyond (2)1/2" x 6" anchor bolts 11/2" x 2" x .25" steel tube weld angle to steel tube Medco cylinder padlock edge of wall beyond 11/2" x 2" x .25" steel tube ,weld angle to steel tuba {� Medco cylinder O padlock GII �1 furl �_ ___r..W - .- - /. i .' 1/4" x horn. 2' a"w x 4' 011h movement steel plate door lI _ 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x .25" steel tulac w/ f _- — " 1/2" dfa. Type 316 55 hinge pins at l_ f reactlanpoints _ / - ---- ---a----- :_-------+_ o -- _---------- ; ' 4"X4"X.25"anglel O1 �, - coking plate w/ (2) x 6" A.B. 1 1/2" x 2" x .25" steel tube w/ �1/2" dia. Type 316 55 hinge pins at reaction points ----- >� ;:@1 Hinge bracket 1/2" steel hinge plate w/ (4)1/2" x 7" anchor bolts / / r (c y' i -- ..-----------------------[�r)or Dcv. - H<�ll (2)1/2" x 6" anchor bolts cdgc of wall beyond �...A l 141 Type, 316 55 thru- bolt w/ aircraft grade wired nut `' - " 1 1/2' x 2" x .25" p l c� it lever tube -t; otcel 1/4" x norn. 2' b"w x 4' 0"h horn, movemr..nt steel plate v� / door y; CB5 waWN beyond O 1/2" x 3" double steel plate w/. �? solid N'4:" x 11/2" polypropa- lyne solid continuous bearing block toi; & bottom / ---'----' - 6 1/2" x " A.B. at 1' 4" o.c. / ii A., Y / --- ---_--, th bolts at 1' 4" O.C. �`'�• 3" x 3" /4" steel angles along a cs of "chute" - weld .2 Y x 2" x 2" woven ire me 1 welded Intc angle f mes � F x 16" C 155 ieadcr wl (2) #5 1/2" x 3" ;1OUL steel plate w/. solid i 5/4" x 1 1/2" lypropylene solid continuous b ring block top & bottom 3" x 3" x 1/4" eel anglcs along edges o 'chute" wel,1 .250" x 2" x 2 woven wire mesh welded Into a le frames 1/2" x 3" doul le steel plate w/, solid 3/4" x 1 1/2" >o1yipropy1cricocild continuous b aring block top & bottom 2" x 2" 1/2" 1 L w/ 1/2" galy. anchor bolts t 1' 0" o.c. around perimeter bitx a" cone. cured sill w/ (1) #4 cont. exterior C155"wall Interior ✓", j] c H Lit �; '�/�/(\�/� / r✓/l o o rl 11or1 1/2" x 3" x 7" steel plate w/ —�` (2) 3/8" x 6" A.B, at 1' 0" 0.c. 2 x 4 x 0.2. steel tube n perimeter frame, all welded "\ 1. x 2" x 0.25" steel --- - wire mesh Will panel . \i" x 1" x 1/8" anglcs w/contfnuous welds ------ to 2x4 tube �\ reinforced masonry opening ;I F-1 I -flt, "'o, r m a, 0 " O_O__� Li LT/ A, � PVC frame iHoulated, "low-e", grey tint glass 2" x 2" x 0.25" steel wire mesh infiif panel 0 IA slidlne ra -` top & bottom P� O 2" x 4" x 0.25" stccl tube perimeter frame, all welded 2" x 2" x 0,25" steel wire mesh inffll panel tell c;°� �'^�� �� C; 3/F clear LCXan sheet w/ 1/4" x 2" washer head ext c r l o r machine bolts, drilled & tapped into steel tube. Lexah panel to be removable 2" x 4" x 0.25" steel tube _ 20 r" .I perimeter frame, all welded 2" x 2" x 0.25" steel / wire mesh ihflll pariel ' 1" x 1" x 1/8" anglcs / — --- w/contfnuous welds to 2x4 tube 1/2" x 3" x 7" steel plate w/ (2) 3/8" x 6" A.B. at 1' 0" O.c, insulated alum. panel w/ wire mesh at exterior �1 exterior/inter provide 1/2" thick clear polycarbonate panels for exterior openings 0 2" x 4" x 0.25" steel tube perimeter frame, all welded a 0 2" x'2" x 0.25" steel wire mesh fnfill panel l,c 09W� E: O �, 2" x 4" x 0.25" steel tube proyfde 1/2" thick: clear u - perimeter frame, all welded polycarbonate panels for N d ifi 2" x 2" x 0.25" steel c>Sterigr o nlIrgs 2 x 4 x steel tube S wire mesh Infill panel p� perimeter frame,. all welded rfra U 7 h(0, UC Verify Roue 0peilitie t6 L if nominal olzei? Shown-1/2"=r0" o 2" wide o e o ast - added #5 Vert. top &sides p- c� ---^_—. ac fjI")C\ �!SltoP PIN / / , > q N m •, T �) >" y p l f c r� r00 , o o ,� 3" x 3" x 1/4" steel an los N along edges of "chute" - weld i/2" x 3" double steel plate w/, solid .250" x 2" x 2" woven wire mesh 3/4" x 1 1/2" polypropylene solid welded Into ahgle frarnoo continuous bearing block top & bottom L—J r---p- --'^4- ---------av-------- - =- --' l '/fir !`O,i �/T'' • , i / Y'/ ' _Cr t7;--------; -- p- -- stop An r i 'I - E.: 14" X 4" X .25" angle lockfhg plate w/ (2)1/2" x 6" A.5; ' C55 wall beyond Jlit'c1��11 9" x 16" C155 header w/ (2) #5 1/2" x 3" double steel plate vo/. solid Z" 3/4" x 1 1/2" polypr•opylenc solid _ continuous bcarfnq block top & — bottom -i, 03 3" x 3" x 1/4" steel angles N1 along edges of "chute" - weld S 250" x 2" x 2" woven wire mrsh welded into angle frames 2" wide opening thru wall, cast w/ added 45 Vert. -top & sides -S a-1 -- wall beyond Q Y3 1/2" x 3" double steel plate w/, solid '— U 4 3/4"x 1 1/2" polypropylene solid / continuous bearing block top & - �) bottom 2" x 2" 1/2" PI. w/ 1/2" galy. -A " anchor bolts at 1' 0" o.c, around S perimeter C Hi 49A - iO `5" x 5" cone. poured sill w/ (1) #4 cost. A - 43 fnterior CB5 wall 4-'' 14� _.... - ------ ---------------------- 1 i I 1 I I I I I I I 7 I i I I I I I � I ------------ --- --- = - - --- I I � I � I , I I I , I , I I I ' I 1 ' I \\ I I ' I \jam I I I I \ wire mesh chug I , I , I , I , I , I , 1 , (D f� I I I I I� 2" PVC cond. w/ all electrical sweep" corners to Introductfon i ;r heater w/ OAly. pan C: PX plywood :(ng board 119 eal hot water storaec tank w/ Aux, ealy. pan ------------------------------------ b 1.211 off 2 Scale 1/4" = 1' 0" 41 Typc MLO - 200 amp - 30 circuit - 1 pha5c - 3 wiry Load Watto A Circ. A B Circ. _D Watts Load 1500 30 1 2 20 700 Lfeht6 EF-1 & 1500 30 3 4 20 700 Llehte GFI P cc t. 20 5 --:ram rro 20 900 C FI kcc pt. GFI Fee Pt. _900— 1 900 20 7 s` -�`- 8 — 20 900 OF[ Kccpt. Emerg. U4 hts** 300 20 n- 10 20 900 OF[ 1:ec t. Timecloc 300 20 j1 n- 12 20 300 Exit Liehte `* Solar PL mp 300 20 13s'' 14 _—Spare- 5parc I - - 15 16 - = _ 5 are--_ Spare _ _ 17 15 Sparc 5pare - - - - 19� 21 �,` �- 2-- ` 2_ _ - _ Spare _ 5parc 5arc----- 5parc 1 - - 23-r" 27'aro--- _24 _ _ Spare - 5 p a r c De A u Total 6100 4�00 20.7 IOV A " not in accumulation —__ ** 5'attery backup 10700 watts / 240 volts == 44.6 amps Note 12rca Circuit # Shown to determine number & Olze of r�, Panel directory shall chow ao-built', circuity T u1 YJ N V! In (� (� < �¢ 9 4 Q 4J < _ U i1 !A to CQ C) l 1 sl lQ � W cV N X W ICT pL J W LIB SA_ z v 43 4:4- L X i� 4a `- a E (6 lu w i iri (3) 3/0 In Cond. meter, 2" UG cond. To Cleo. service UL. ground rod max. 2E5 ohms to ground sec ra I c I K 11 L,5;* " I O0 Id'UO rebar In ft'g. NT!� ) L U US d 7 61 dl 3 Q. U U 00 i}�0 d1 U p }7 E�2tB�L a�3 } L U c Ns U N L U g S d,OS�UU L U dST3+�UC)< i V N L L O N N L U nlOLN W N $p{�OUO� L 'QUO4�SL��L U t L ii L S ODUSL.t S. L .L �(yS P O O =- I %0A)4)Q %2' -= u .Z 013 C+� - �. �9 3 fl_ A Q.� +21. IL BENCH MARK #1, X-CUT IN HEAD NW CORNER OF THE Existing Zoning: AR-5 WALL. ELEVATION 23.496' NW 1/4 25-35-38 WITNESS CORNER Land Use Designation: Agricultural N 5045.9 E 4886.816816 NW PROPERTY CORNER FALLS PORTION 24-35-38 CITRUS GROVE BETWEEN DITCHES NOT INCLUDED Existing Road Crossing-,,, D.O.T. STATION 147+30.32 N I � I STRUCTURE N NORTH LINE SECTION 25-35-38 Goldsmith Ro a - - - - - - - - - - u _ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR GOLDSMITH ROAD (50'R/W) ------ - - - - - - - __ _--__-__ _ ISTINC I NORTH PR LIN 9°1 51"E 2527. FOUND A L I EXISTING 36" ME VERT N 4981,7654 CONSTRUCT NEW 36" CMP NGRTN WVERT 93.2• E 4833.1669 I � SOU" INVERT W.6' INVERT 15.2 EXISTING 36" CULVERT & DRIVE TO BE REMOVED ♦��e3\e 7.0' 77.0 III LnI 207 St ed s o s 7S•C Shellrock Ro Z Ln - -: I v" O z I__ v U BENCH MARK 12. 3/8 IRON ROD, ELEVATION 22.00' N 5000 CORNER TNESS91 E 5006.2253 EXLRING W* METAL CULVERT EAST INVERT 15.2' NEST INVERT 15.9' O Mi -�20' NiDE DIRT ROAD"- BENCH 91A$K /6, SEIRON ROD CAP %81Q2, ELEVAT 23.59' YATNESS CO N 4099.0071 \ E 6130.3140 I Z p�� Introduction nit & Existing Zoning: AR-5 U o r.¢up using co Land Use Designation: �� Agricultural � �jj I (f� fN, Z ELL ;;'_'1itON n INS:;" PROPERTY LINE 6 �N� Existing o ( Well 0 0Cn Q o r all v U I LL.I 0 Q LI w o LLJ DEAD CITRUS GROVE Z ROWS ARE EAST/WEST DIRECTIONAL 0_ w d F- I Z LLB zS.D' v 0' 77.0' I 65 o Q 0 CC O I U to o U V N Z F N J I W w R BENCH MARK /5, 5/8 RON ROD. ELEVATKXM ,2159' 6490 j NITNE1. CORNER N 11.2136 J E 5012.2136 I r� D.O.T, STATION 120+68.50 ExlsnNc DITCH SW PROPERTY souTH LINE NORTNrIEST GUA CORNER FALLS N 2319.9459 BETWEEN DITCHES E 483L4635 N 231&7664 E 4974-0628 -� SW CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 25-35-38 R Orange Avenue, S.R. 68 FILE COPY BENCH MARK /3, 3/8 IRON ROO. ELEVATION 19.95' VATHESS CORNER N 4932.3930 E 7473.1471 1/4 CORNER OF THE INW 1/4 25-35-38 NE PROPERTY CORNER FALLS IN DITCH PROPOSED SEPTIC AREA 5000t SQ. FT. AVAILABLE UNOBSTRUCTED AREA /SOIL BORING /1, ELEVATION 20.1' SOIL BORING /2, ELEVATION 20.0' Administration Outdoor Area Building -- -_� (2.2 acres) ' L i v A NORTHWEST QUARTER SECTION 25-35-38 CONTAINING 152.62 ACRES MORE OR LESS DEAD ROWS ARE Ej DIRECTIONAL a az Abandoned C► rus Grove alp to be restored to Native H It bitat EXISTING 16' METAL CULVERT NORTH INVERT 14.9' SOUTH INVERT 14.7 25-35-38 LINE PROCEEDS THROUGH CENTER OF DITCH S89 SW1/4 25-35-38 NOT INCLUDED CITRUS GROVE Existing Zoning: AR-5 Land Use Designation: Agricultural SOUTH PROPERTY BENCH MARK J4, 5/8 IRON ROD, ELEVATION 23,59' EXISTING DITCH CITRUS GROVE NE1/4 25-35-38 NOT INCLUDED 5.1 Midway Rd, S.R. 712 Subject Site TWP: 35S Range: 38E Section: 25 I Location Map Propery Description; Lot No. 211-0001-00012 Existing Zoning: AR-5 Land Use Designation: Agricultural PROPERTY CORNER FALLS IN DITCH N 2205,5082 E 740®:2527 Site Data: Existing Zoning AR-5 Proposed Zoning AR-5 Existing Use ._ Abandoned Grove Proposed Use Non -Commercial Research Facility Total Area 152.62 cc Administration Building 2,400 sf Parking required 12 spaces Parking provided 12 spaces Total Impervious Area 0.21 cc Buildings 9,402 sf (0.21 cc) Total Pervious Area - 152.41 cc Lakes 3.77 cc Open Space 148.64 cc SCALE: 1 "=200' 0 100 200 400 ST. LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT REVIEWED FOR CONIPLIANCE AND SUBJUCT TO FINAL FiELD INSPECTIO" $ ATE: _5- -J GO SEE ATTACHED i?r''iSION SHEET 2400 Rhode Island Ave. 'Tel: (561) 462-2312 Ft. Pierce, FL 349'0 Fax: (561) 462-2')-3 General Notes: 1 • All existing public or private roadways within 150' of the projects access points are shown on plan. 2. All utilities will be placed underground, 3. Existing Vegetation consists of Citrus and Brazilian Pepper. A revegetation plan to restore the site to a natural environment will be implemented at a later phase of the project. 0 o v1 o N 7) N Y ' LLML� mi 0 Z wwovl_Q Z =o J F.I.I2 U�EF-- QF-(n<W 000 0 Q W K 20_ Q _J v100000_0a- Z 0 U5 d' a o W 0 0 O Q; P O''4^^% � V) R»I JIM 6t W F_ H � 0 PROJECT # Oi 041 SHEET or STEEL SHEET PILE WALL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE DFTFNTION SWALE EL 22.4 21_4 W.Q. ELEV. T.O.B. EL. 20.4 4 8 - EL. 20.4 z 3" BLEEDER ® EL. 204 EL. 17.4 w a INV. EL 14.5 - 6 XX LF 15" CMP ® XX % EL 13.9 DETENTION SWALE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE DESIGN TOP OF BANK IESIGN CONTROL._ELEV._ WATER LEVEL 2EAK ELEV. 11.0 20' TYPICAL AT SHEET PILES TYPICAL LAKE SECTION NOT TO SCALE It 0 N -1 m 16' 16' DET. GRADING VARIES PER PLAN d SWALE EL 22.4 T.O.B. EL 20.4 J t t a EL 20.4 BDTTOM DET. SWALE e AVERAGE NAT#1RAL GROUND EL. 19.5t TYPICAL ISLAND SECTION NOT TO SCALE 5' 20' 5' w ACCESS ROAD w 15' SWALE S 9 15' SWALE 0 EXISTING NAT. GROUND ry� 2% 4�/ry 2X 0 6 AVERAGE EL. 19.00t 4% .. —a 4X — EL 20.6 i"" 4x EL 20.6 Jt t� — — EL. 18.0 j EL 18.0 SLOPE TO MEET EXISTING GROUND 6- COMPACTED SHELLROCK EL 19.0f, MAX. SLOPE 3:1 FBV 50 psi, 98X MAX PER ,AASHTO T-180. 12" STABILIZED SUBGRADE §8% MAXIMUM DENSITY PER AASHTO T-180. TYPICAL SECTION STABILIZED SHELLROCK ROAD NOT TO SCALE 20' Stab! lZeI Access Drive Stabilized Guest/Employee \f 3 Parking - tl• p� i, CN 1 N � d O N 1 s-5'E Abandoned Ci r1�us Grove Security Gate Administration to be restored to , sf Native Habitat Building Security Fence Nbl 20 Stabilized � /�// Road r� Lake Q / d Nro CD / N `'bA' Z / O c +! � � ro�i\ s• , x l �Q.i U -4�2 I \`N, Introduction % >. `\\ \, Facility a) .O o -Q � z \ � O \IL — -- N90-00'00"E Drairifiel�\� �I—L \ ZG Housing ' P 9 I 20' Truck Access VEHICLE ACCESS pE�N \ / n0N SWALE \ I 1 j II I � OUTDOOR AREA I 2.2 ACRES± SHEET PILE WALL 11 E INLET 1► I I I I I � / Lake N N Top of Bank Edge of Water 8209/ SCALE: 1 "=50' 0 25 50 100 0 V) LO } � V) Y Ll- m L� :2 0 Z w Cj Z o� ¢ �IUJ< ¢ H N¢ W O O O O¢WM=0_¢J l L5UELUE- Z 0 -> X W O 1 W J W aV A O � � W op* O O U V� J F— PROJECT # 02 04 SHEET OF L verify top of ft'e. min. 24" below 3" dia. x 1/4" steel actual fin. grade cols. below (typical) 1 I J_ r----------------------------- I I I I I � I 1 I I I � I I � l I � � I � I 1 � 1 I � 1 1 I y----------------------------- __ 1 1 W I I I ' " I______________; _� 1/2recess ' for door threshold 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , --•------------,11 AWE-1f- I I I � enclosed steel mesh ;--� chute above 1 I , 1 ; I , I I � I � i O ol: 1 , 1 1 ; 1 J I ICI ,n_yIII , I I I I 1 - 1 CF 1 1 I 1 r-- 1 , � I 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I i 1 Im M ✓1 P lJyI �,VF ' w 1 - � � • � I °« � 4m �rr �, S I JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIs IkIR.�r:�'I,�, 1§�'I��a',�... • c • • 1111111111111111111111E y' •,' �� 1 �V 1� • V y'' ti v� v r� v_, v. v• v� v v v v v v+ :�'��,,%'�a}erY'};;vYr�v�'..,�}nvY�:.vY�ti�'+}n^%,�•` y�•:i9.�:�•$✓.�•a�i�'. L•:�+k•:�9.•k'?'4i9,�'•:i�'•:i�•�'•I�9,•�9iti��•�'�9.3'__�___!�•:�i�`�� ►;+i r ♦A.r A.r A.r A.r A.r r.r A.r A.r A.e 1 llllJ it O P f �¢ P O ♦*�r .'a V r_ 'V v v v ..I •v 'v V . .v r. - v ,♦ vr.y, r, y. y+1 - •IA 'r� o •o i � i ♦. •• � ♦ OI i i :r r• t 1 n A/ • A • i 1 � t J 1�? ? { lA? ? ? v�?�lE:':tTtl.?l7ll.? �? li.•; ? •; ✓ •r ? ~ � •; v •* v ? P •� I •� i v v v � v v v �. v � � �a �'. .� �•.�ii �'..� ..�. i� tQ �. ?.�5.�✓.�Lk�?�9.Z'? ' •' ? ? k'? 4d'? .1i+ . r_ k'?�iL`?�'rt?t$.1' .,�.fr �? ? `•i�:i 1/2" recess for door threshold 1 - - - - 1 J I • - - -1 2" -I Lira , sope 1 1 � I o1 1 i dh r I ut 1II cast this arcs at 0' 0" r --_____-11 i i OI 011 ,✓t*a`�'�i,. i remaining area of fl or ; ; ��` •�; �' to be sloped to drains a 1/2" recess - f VC drains ». for door e threshold ! s "�1 _ y 1: �1M. iirY '�rp' r r ..0.' ♦� rT'11 p , r _. \. • , F e. 5M". i 1 �1 h v t r �±,�y{ »,,a is11,P, °'11" ` " r F�11 +. ).i1 .:y. ' 4 �..,♦ ""P�"0 I ; V" I Y C to ..,r. a rq'� .I 'dry" .,,° , a .X� r,,:n ,p'�r, =75" xa.Jp 'I:1 I sanitary ... � I1 � •MIA { � # u.E . s ° { �� �` , �' i,�. �'i,� � p;yl �'• 1; a" k`p I f d �' „�� � a+ �&` x � "t (a ><. 14� � Icy k,, � 1�;� g f �', "��.• fd+ �.la,d�`1,"� r ,,, �I, i � *� ri '�".: e I. M v .. �' rJ` : I I •rY�y�i.Y�ro �:1 �a(' A �gr 1 u; i;4 �� ��� Ir r ,k:.y'�� I ' +�d 1 I. °•"�J��#::. , �I, i+. l , a o> I � y. "ii � X w f, , w.y' v 21 4 �ou+��l��ioh 5che�lu�e Mark 5izc Kcinforcing Ft'g. Elm Kcmarks F-1 2' 0" x 5' 0" x 1' 0" #4'o at 6" o.c. both ways, bottom -5-see Site Plan (2) 12" x 12'' pflaoters w/(4) #5 vert. F-2 6' 6" x 2' 0" x L (5) #5's cont, w/ #5 across at 12" ox, ) 2' O" wall footfng F-3 3' 011 x 1' 2" t x L (3) #5's cost, ww/ corner bars 0101, sloped drains, See Detalis F-4 2' 6" x 1' 6" x L (3) #5's cost, w/ corner bars 0101, F-5 1' 6" x 1' 611 t x L 3 #5's cont, w/ #4 across at 12" ox. 0101, F-6 4' 0" x 1' 2" t x L (5) #5's cont, w/ #4 across at 12" ox. 0'0" #q4 � NOTE: See Clvll Enoinccring Drawings for dctal 5 of island and cau5way construction, note that C'vil Engineer i5 to provide structurally adcauatc orl ition5 .` for foundations Shown for this structure , I � ) THESE PUNS MID ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBtiECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES- ST. LUCiE: CCUNTY L' BUILt?i"erx DIVISION � REVIEWED FOR iaLI d DATE Ins! I C%TyIli M?J SILKEPT Ce '05 OR L- Id%3' Erd&. _.. YS SV-.I! H MADE U O u a u 0 U U- j 0 L V L 0 U US 6m v L L II, U U S 16 7 N3a ry1 U L V LS %_ L LTa3 ►3 L USQ p U �S4 OS� UO L -rj 43 �T3k�UO� i NL LLNN LU U N m �q- L U(9 N U U0aqu L A �VULS IL N o Z- US L L L 043 �LUpU %I L L U U U US S A vu I , i , 1 I 1 E 4 Y 1 ' I N f Ck W 9 >e A Group Housing Unit Founatl'o� plan See Civil Eno. plans for details & fin. grade 5calc 1/4" =1' 0" ti� { U - N L LL iL,� � s U >) � > o � � U O �—u _ � u 3 �U � L O T UJ v U a O tMI) W � `T u_ U 4t M I H I 1 1 1 I I I I I I --————————————————---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Llkit (ty p•) ,------- ---- i i I i I 1 I 1 1 1 Uy/ 1 G .L1 I 1 1 Slope 4" to drain I 12' Q II - 1 , 1 1 I S � L u � n u U II N N U n 11 u tU U u 8 O s u II L � V II ii �3 O i N O I II 1 _-----__, - -rn---- 1 Cfj I 111 ' I UI 111 ' 1 111 , 1 II 1••���� I , ' I I ' 1 E F-1 (7100 = cfm) above s • � n U i r-------- a ---------1 I 1 1 I I II hot &-------------- 1 n 1 cold H6 m° 11 11 v � 1 I n 1 o U L 1 1 n 1 n - W 3 I 1 _ • I • 1 II 1 1 II ' 1 :_. .�..... _...:..................... II 11 Slope 4" to drainHEI ; 1, -1 Q a „ 11 11 8 11 8 11 11 1 N. 11 1 Y 11 ---- 4.7 ----------- ------------------©------ , V 11 11 O I 11 E 11 1 1 11 I, 11 I 1 II 11 II 11 1 II u I --------------------o-------� 1 4" ' 1 El 01 II I 11 I 11 ® , O O II II II ID Ij 1 I II 1 , ', 1 r° hot & ------ ----------- water L to all cold hose blbbS - I' I I I I -- - - - --- -- I O solar water hating colic tors 1 ; �6 „ move rooF dta• floor drains i on I I " I 1 1 _J n ' [ * relnforced CB5 wall I - -- -------------------------------- 1 0 sr` ill controls I I ; Elec Meter & pump off' TG -3.1 <. cone. hand hole w/ ij�" • '��� +''' traffic rated cove 4, II 1 1 � £ UL label r of venthru " a 'x8' vert. 5/8" CDX plywood p,,, backboarel on 1 1/2" ealy. hat hannels at 12" O.C. 1 _ i II I II Q , I 1 \ wire mesh chute above 1 1 1 1 I I i TO -- 64 6 8 914" ,'/ 20'0" 31 4 „ 101 O 1, 4 Q 11 i ci 591 ,I 11 ., „ , „ �r I 1 I 1 I I IIIIbJIII' II i 1 I 1 S2) 2" PVC cord. w/ all electrfoal Imo, sweep" corners to Introducr.fon A hs nY . Housi 5" x 2' 0" poured cone. col w/ (4) #6 vert. & #3 ties At 1' 0" O.C. 11 II I 1 Slope 2" to drafn ; 'fllled slope A" to drain „ c ells w/ #5 vert. 1 I& #5 dowel to footing I I- 4' 0" O.C. and as Show N " ' 121 a 11 " all ,1 a, Cl II 11 E 11 O , I I Inom, 8" C155 ,walls below I I I Li Service Area ; workbench from recycled plastic 2x6 plastic "lumber" 2A40BC — fire ext. :PIded LT , ' O 1 N i 1 1 A - O LO 119 oat hot water storage tank. W/ aux. only. pan 200 oat J water heater w/ aux, gale. pan 13'4" 31 4 ,1 �� scale 1/4 1 0 L V 0 U A US-,;s� > U V V U US R 7 0 U L S L mU ��r -E R-L 7RUS T U L SUS U m y�S UQ S r Ip USA x < U aT3��0 L p L L o U N V U mU 0 0 N L11 LUOU U 30{JOU� 0 L U 0] LL S VS L L L L m R+'Qh z L UUUU1: x ,AS LS xp o o= �HR�voU�< R L S U L U 'L T L Q U 4-1 0 u >u u_ i Cr NR U d) u1 `V U v� .• N O � � L U +, t o � � U O �—u _ � u �U 3 U Sheet kCD L1 9 Et00PitPL,Ad6= 0Ve.E< cYO" I V& P111 4. OULO .a '3c trecc- lip Ij h '.I 7iiIIAaE� l i t;bt oven 5Jg'�cr�x -------- ------------------------------- '_------------`------------r -----, 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I p� 1 I , I I I I II�I� I I IIL I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I extend roof on cant(levcr truss C)ut/h Y td' ---------,--I- ----------------------------------------- I I I I I I I y — i VJ. ,Y iEe><i I l lil I ii�e::� I I III ' I--L_—._____________________.________________ FILE COPY, wtrc mesh v(ewport w/ insulated alur. structural pancl "roof" horizontal open(ne doors wire mesh "Oldowo" w/ removable cicar Lcxan pancls concave joint finish C55 wall E `i V3 V � ``` Butler(Zib-11 mill fimioh Galvalumc room, sf(Stem Wc-,(: P ( A f,)1, Y %is C A yC r i 1 I I I I I I I I I I - , hutc Ines c(� { I retrc bl I I to In I , 1 1 I III I III I I {1IIII Il�i� �f t ' I I L--------------------------- _c--_.—_--_____J__I____.. ____—__ I 51arnt wall exhaust fans f, iI L US phi_ u3�g3�, N UUIg 0 U jig 1 S n U L US_N� U �T3�1xi0 L L N L� N N U 6 U 0 p N 30})00 0 L 5 IL N U U U V S S L S LS: P U O f F % P 4) -) d U �f ICI t� `t I 1V` S () t� Z s- '� L o L {3 I 0 � IL L �l Q� 11 NortI�IL E Group Houc:7i+ie Umit scale im-,, ^ 110II U T1 Q U1 G u N m O O N � i, 1(� L, I� K— � � 0 S= _� 0 _ T � U I U � � J 93 z Aj � 12000 ! OC Z 1 c works St. Lucie COunW Pub 4" 3000 1'S1 conc. slab WIGGX1010 -10 4" I � Group H�uSing Unit door Slopes F-5 washout in F washout in end of trench P end of trench ,)04".1, R02" x x x x x ZN - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -=---- =-----'-----= ---=--I J I fIX _I _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ - _ L _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ I .X X --f- -- -_ ' � X 1 1 -- . r ix4_ 1 _ __ _ L Pz WE Aw �IF F-4 #5's Cont. FKP (fiber refn- forced PVC) grate f x zr x 1/4" cont. Steel angle - both sides & ends of trench #4 x G" rebar al; 2' 0" ox weld to steel angle 250 pound load rated FKr (fiber refnforced PVC) grate 44 rebar at 2' 0" ox. (2) 44's cost, II: r II. 411 8 " 4 " '.006" poly vapor barrier ,a� I rc�G� A-3.2 — - box W/ date cover 5CGt! o m NT5 )ineering Drawiiloo for dctai(5 of com3truction, Top Ft'g. Elm Remarks ( )0' 4" slope V from CL to outside of slab 0, 0" 0101. 01011 ;tails & fin. eradco Scale VI" -1' 0" V� Icks v ® CQ -6 V � � U 3 S kA— N (0 DOOR'5 1 d w U >L $-!yoe � cage c1ao(�/�11�1vaL,J0"+ 9 Zl i1.!' ,�/ /� b-`- /✓,1 IMkY` {'� (Idfr dl7t%R� t�l3Vilb iAe-) \/4Ir417OWiI CA (g' Pj 1 °�� �� ha`•� �iiti}'�1 01 h e e- o ooA ________________________________________________________________________________------------------------------------------------------- _--------------- _------------------- � I ' 10,01, /fl q„ L V 2451 4 11 V6,I Va" 1914 1, 21 aIt 51 4,I 201, J I 1 41 011 4' 0CQ " � o o n . o 1 F' j -- �'j C El I I � ° I_I 1 - �3 VA if a VA IT ---- I ------ -- - --- - i U�I� � I ' ;--------- a ---------; N ® i s 1 c I � i" 1 1 1 I 1 A 7� slope 4" to drain I I ----- Un i 11 1 2J 5 II 5" sill O 1 10, 0 " solar water heating colle tors above on roof i' I ' L❑ 1 -- I I ' ' cold only 1 , I , 07 I I I , I ; 1 , I , a 1 , I n I i I I 1 1 6' 0 11 1 , wire mesh chute I nominal 4' x 4') 1 ' I ' ----- '--------- 1 ' I ' I I 10 I 111 4I" 6' 0 '1 1 � o Pon EEC 1100pl� - U L heater '� above o N ,H &C IF, slope 2" to drain n N CV 1 II 11, 511 11 5'I �— j all 1 11 u 1 11 11 1 1 1 " U n I T 121 511 ; CJ , 1 n 1 11 5-------- -- --- 5-5 ; 12 5 ' S 5 'fllw c ells w/ #5 v rt. o , E -- o , E ;& #5 dowel to foot ne o Ey O I- 4' 0" ox. and as how 1 "LIXIT" water supp mom. 5" C55 I I (typical) 2A405C walls below - ;MY = fire ext.15 OE M------- ----- ------------ ------------------------ _ _----------------------------- . . . ------------------- -------rill 11 ----- • 1 2' 2 0" 10' 0 1, 3!2 1. 10, 0 1, 21 O" r-------------- -----; ;------------------------ I H & C L I workbench from recycled _ -------------- ---------J L------------------------- I plastic 2xe plastic "lumber" cv ------------ 5ervice Brea molded LT H&C -------------------------- ------------------- -----------�--;--, - ,-- r _. -co- - •-1------------1---------;- ;------------a- I Elec Panel! 1 1 ; ' A "G 1" A 1 1 7100 cfm , 'Fa�a b0VC 1, ; fAn above ; controls Ki I i i &pump 119 gal hot water d I n FEE[ p storage tank w/ aux. gaiv. pan L, cone. hand hot-,w/ \'--------- ---- \ - - - ---- --- ----------------- , - Wa oal-------------_----------- ---- traffic rated over 1 --------- ----- `--- _ ---- - - - ---water-beatGK•W---- --------------- -_ Tr aux, gale. pan � Q 4'x5' ve . 5/5" CM plywood 4" Vrot 0It 21 20101, ! ---------------------- -----------------------------------------,7 �`--/--- r back1bo i on 1 1/2" galy. hat Channel Olt 12.1 O.C. 61 21, CJ 3�-hll 11 2.1 2' E71 rot 011 1 411 rot 0., II 4 I1 M l- VV4 2010.. 01O11 for septic system details • , 1 r------- -----; sec Civil Engineering Construction Documents I 1 I 1 / 1 1 I I I / I I I I 1 1 1 / I 1 1 1 1 I / I I I I I I , I 1 / I 1 I I I I / I 1 / I I I 1 / I I I I I I I I 1 / 1 1 '. (2) 2" PVC cond. w/ all electrical , sweep" corners to Introduction I I I I I I I ; 1 I I 1 I'v-a" 41 'p I � VA%T S , Fart1a Itit eri®r UN1r �vat1® only 0 i� Ce7 It �1��� �1�� SCale, 1/4"=1'Oil O N N DI' L L Si O 0 °s�q- £ L L ° U N3DL °oIva 0'U LA= mU EER�� £ L TS 3 V L �s NS, -1 U �S 0i? r US 0O U qD to N U 3oPou�o L L .i U 43 p S IL VI -6U0}}fl:��S U'= L L L p fl. 0 L U U U US QS y S L X X P 0 p- 1- % 43 1 Q op v u N UU L h m � _ = u O O L 0 N � U O O u_ LL LL OHO �l 1 N +21 S ° z U � _ L L o o L 1 � a u N IL 1 O ° 7 LL = 1 Q N U N S Lo O 0 CQ U .. N S_ s O � � � S , � U 3 O CN 0 T u U 3 �S O yo— N U Sheet Am 1 double 2x4 diagonal braces each end r______________________________________________ 'Illlll I I I i �IIIIII I I I I i 8" - 3000 psi Como. slab w/ (2) mats of #5's at a" ox. bath ways 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 2x6 studs at 1' 4" o.c. endwall behind gable end truss A3.6 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I extend roof on cantilever top cord of trusses v(ewports below - - i-----------�-----I----- T----- I ----- ----- ----- r ----- 1 ----- I.I.IIII ooth finish soffit ier overhang ------------------------------------ I I I I I I I 1 1 1 III I I I , a - I I� II�!III�L II:I�I� �� � .� I\-� t �, � �,��\_-I� I I I I I I ?::���j ��l � • � � � ��\ � � � � ,� i��� � I, ;h, I��I� I ,� .��� \��il I �� \ II I ,L � �-�� �- -=_�_ . �.� • \ L� L �� �. LAB `- -Y, � � � -=n; ---}=_ __�_ �l , ,I \ I•� —`I ,_ �l ,\ \,I•;\ til , —`� \ til ,� ,� ti�l� I ',� —�,I�\—� I I _____ ___• "`___ - I_ . I I � . 111 I I _ �' � l Il I _,h�- • I' �� I • -�l .. _� \ I • \ l_ � 'l. I` 'l I • I � I I . _:� I �•I L I' I LP I 1�=;� I� �� 1�=��Ij ;���\�� I-•,, I I I I ; ;� ���� \'- �' �� -'l ';:Z it � -\ \`�-i `�-\ �� �\� jl\•��� �\�� - �- �����.t :_� --- - ___ __'__ _ \ �I �• \ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ��IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII; IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I_____-L ___1______I 1 o Q I Ill a" x 12" rake beam w/ Z (4) #5 Cont. & #3 ties at 311 O.G. extend top cord over exterior roorm at each truss Scale 1/4" I 1 1 I I I i double 2x4 diagonal braces each end 1 I I 1 I i wood trusses at 24" ox. 8" x 16" C1 5 tie beam below / w/ (2) #7 Cont. & corner bars I I 1 I I 2x6 studs at 1' 4" ox, endwall beh(nd gable end truss I 1 1 1 I I B-1 I 1 I I I / V I I I 1 1 1 i i at 2' 0" ox, at each truss Beam & Cohhector 5chedu�e (5 e 2 I-Ti B Mark symbol/Texture 51ze Kcfmforcfmo Kcmarks T15-1 8" x 16" CB5 (2) #7 Cont. poured conc. TB-2 8" x 12" conc. 4 #5 wl #3 ties at 12" o. oured conc. rake beam - min. d(mcn(on 8" x 12" B-1 'WIM ';W� '' Y., 8" x 16" conc. (4) #6 w/ #3 ties at 8" O.C.poured conc. beam - add #6 truss bAr Connectors Indcx Allowable Loads Actual Loads Kemarks Markj Tyec Uplift I L-1 L-2 Uplift L-1 L-2 X-1 I LFTA 1200 1 750 1 Hughes Mf'g• fill Ito" �q (7, 6 � e� V r 1Wt ,/A; w1 -tF 5 „III '3F wt C9 N N N 0 0 ° 0 o n In l0 U N u- )L tL tL o boo > l p U .. N `V o 0 s S 1>) � � t 3 � � 0 o � =U 3 U 5hcet fir-, $04, 1-T.Jo 01 "Buticr(b 11" mil finish 26 gage galvalumc roofing smooth metal soffit panels Hardipl;ank siding over 30# roofing felt on 5/8" CDX plywood sheathing / 4a6onal2x4 bracing of trusses 2" x 2" x 1/4" wire mesh reinforced panels w/ 2" x 2" x 1/4" perimeter angles, removable 3/8" clear lexan cxt, glazing viewport bcyond Exterior Brea 6" drop to fin, grade r H* 12 �2 , , ,1 I � I #10 x 1 1/2" Type 316 pan -head screws at 2" ox. around \ perimeter of boot butyl sealant tape under base of pipe boot 24 gage ealvalume "5-v-crimp" roofing keep boot In flat area of roof w/ min 2" clear to crimps prefab, neoprene boot to fit vent thru roof, Install Type 316 55 hose clamp at Intersection w/vent. 1Zoof �'e+�etratlol� _3 Wood trusses - 24" O.C. %%: i%%/ / — _ .i'. lF ,. Pjb?{i UfAp 0/ ihP i l rr r O+ I'-q" top course " pHK block, cut as required for - aid 12 x ZH povJFQh Q o e I b (f t tl i 8"x8"CB5 gill w/ '(1) #4 exterior door platforms bcyond ---------- - - - -- ........... ..... j'ialJ)f� I 4" - 3000 psi conc, slab w/ 66x1010 wwm on 006" poly vapor barrier »< i treated, compacted s a re n orcemcn c n, w(sable side wl concave joints. 5/8" "Hardiplank" 4' x 81�— panelceiling #5 double hooked dowel s at 1' 4" o.c. across headers' 8" x 24" C135 header w/ (3) #7 cont. - extend min, 1' 4" past openings �"--- 2" x 2" x 1/4" wire mesh reinforced panels w/ 2" x 2" x 1/4" perimeter \ angles \ clean sand fill -.r -•AI-- ' ---- --- -------------' Uhit Wa�� Type 31655h clamp at vent, NT5 mill finish galvalu 26 gage "Butler I? II panels installed per mf'r 615CC1 110 mph wind zone cceptance It mill finish galvalumc 26 gage "Butler Rib II" panels installed per mf'r's 515CC1 110 mph wind zone acceptance l l I-' I 'I 1 r - a 13-1 Wood trusses - 24" O.C. 5/8" "Hard(plank" 4' x 8' ' panciceiling -1 Pctai f 12 X-1 2 top beam r all ton beam at wall ext. T54_� 8" x 16" C135 header w/ (2) #7 cost, nom. 6" x 8" conc. on top of C 155 beam w/ (2) #5 I TB-1 u, --------------------- o- II II / 11 nom.8"x8"x16"GMUwall w/ 9 gage gale. "Dur-o wal" " ladder ties at each third 'I course \ add 4 at sills l . e Olor 11 floor to sloped drain II II 4" - 3000 psi conc, slab w/ 6x1010 wwm on f0 " poly vapor barrier It II e od, compacted clog sand fill " om ` `--------------' galvalumc cave trim Wood trueoco - 24" O.C, Gable end truss 2x6s at 24" o.c. wall behlnd gable end truss 1/2" anchor bolts at 24" o.c. "Hardiplank" siding over 30# roofing felt & 5/8" CDX ply- wood siding Gabe Detaif E�. Koom I- - �I = . 11-If -- `. ------------- o- a C INaLl ectio+� Ec�.'�oom ;! ,4141/1 11,' i� extend roof w/ 2x4 top cord' 8" rake bcam w/ (4) #5 cont, x-1 typical roof & gutter cast bcam at 2/12 to match roof - rom. 8" x 12" w/ (2) #5 cont. 2x4 sub -fascia perf. alum. soffit 6 age galy. chain-llnk 8" x 24" C135 hePOAPI '/over windows (3) #5 tort. �c.rvi ce Corridor workbenches from 2x6 recycled plastic "lumber" 4" curb w/ #5 cont. & #4 x 12" dowels to footing at 2' 0" o.c. air terminals of bonded lightning protection system galvalumc Butler lKib-II roofing system on 1 1/2'' galy. hat channels at 2' 0. 0. varies top beam 1 Z; -_ "0. -93F a- ------------- galvalumc gutter & D5 top beam ib X-1 #5 vcrt at 2' 8" ox. concave joint finished CB5 wall (nsulated "low-e" glazed vinyl awning windows nom. 8" x 8" conc. sill w/ 3/4" recess & (1) #4 corm mom. 8" x 8" x 16" CMU wall w/ 9 gage galy. "Dur-o-wal" ladder ties at each third course curb w/ #5 cont, & #4 x 12" dowel s to footing at 2' 0" o.c. -30�% Scale 3/4" �1` Orl L 0 U Loo o„�� >-C u � L 1 L M t O S % :3 L o43L 0 43 ?e 0 U G L �LTig3 .� L� S N T 0 4S + >) N} S 0 Q S r O S U 0 L Ix 3 'x o < 0 L L N6r1 r Q UN 0 O 3ouo"-is o L W Q 0 0 S IL i� L 43 � 00l�Q0c S S L ] L L U m P o-, IS %1 r .� 000(�S QS UFS's 41'a' < 0 sl � N z � 0 L �4- S1 j � L Q °' m o p u_ tL O O 0 00 O 1121 p[ U L U 4� s__ N sLL 0 - S V 43 � J `> U q) V � � U T U J L �yQ— N o S L� U Sheet 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ I , 1 , I , I , I , I I I � I I 1 h ri I GF I __________ I -- ------ I _________ 7 NII �iF ; ; i I / 1 1 11 clec. heater OH I ------ ------------ I \ I I I II I II , I I II II II ; I I II II 11 1 / � I ❑ 11 , I - - - - - - - -- J I .. 1 i :..................... !! -- - - - - - - -' I ; DV2iitc,� � --------------------------------� I ' I I , I , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , I , I , 1 , I I--------'- 7 I 1 / ----------------------------- 0 � 1 I 1 , 1 , I , ' I I I ; ; 1 1 1 I , I O/ r +42" I I , I , 1 1 ' I ' 1 , wire mesh chute above 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , I , 1 , I , I , 1 , -I (------------------I -® ---------- ---- I 1 ice`------• --- -,--- - -\ ------I II I �f-f -r7- ' -----, I --- T`------------- ---________ .___r __�-_ i __ \� Elec P�ncl "( 1\GJI 1 1 I 1 -✓ a F 161a i S2) 2" PVC cond. w/ all cicctrfcal sweep" corncre to Introductlon r/ "111 C clec. heater OH - camera JB w/ power & coax ac rcq'd. - typ. -1"5ch40PVC to Mcch. CI. (Future) I i `1i nl —moo ot------ =---iiiiiiiiii;------- - - --- a �. ` Service �Crea /� '1 _ A / I , I ' �FI - -- b -` ___ ___.c___ _________ ____________L __ 1__________________________ I- 2 1 \� 119 gal hot water �,U U' rtoraac tank w/ aux. galy. pan 200 g<;I water heater w/aux. 0aly. pan 5/a" CDX ply coal backing boar Gro�p Hou�ing El�ctric�� ���h �� 11 Type MLO - 200 amp -30 circuit - 1 phase - 3 wire Load Watts A Circ. A B Circ, B Watts Load EF-1 & 2 1500 30 1 2 20 700 Lighte 1500 30 3 4 20 700 Lighto GFI Keopt 900 20 5 6 20 300 GFI 1Zecpt. GFI ;Zecp 900 20 1 7 a 20 900 OF[ IZecpt. Emerg. Ligh s** 300 20 9 10 20 900 GFI lZec t. Tfineclock 300 20 11 12 20 300 Exit Lighto ** Solar purr300 20 13 14 40 5000 Elec. Heater Spare — — 15 16 40 5000 Spare — _ 17K 18 40 5000 Spare — — 19 20 40 5000 Elec. Heater Spare — — 21 22 — — S arc Sparc — — 2 24 — — 5 arc Spare — — 2 26 — — 5 are Sparc -- — 27 28 — — 5 arc Spare — — 2 30 Bus 13 Bus B 14600 Total = 16100 30,7 KVA * not in accumulation ** 0700 watts / 240 volts = 127.9 amps battery backup Note: C brcakct rcuft # shown to dctermf ne number & elze of s, Panel dfrectory shall show as-bufit circuits 3 3 Z3 s s P In E � O 4A t tc > cn Q LL N O 1� O Z i-1 e� C (Q : L F v tit NS p_NS `U O Z N r- � V J Q \ c0 v h NO O °- T n n cV X N w n LL tL nt N !Nn >_�W v� X i� 1 V T< W W LL LL W U O u� S ° Z U r S- o 0 !L L L ° m L � u L � o O 0 iL L , u u N S 11L � •—� O N L u� •• N O � � (A— �— L -� u- � S � U � � > 0 _ � u � L N (A-- -1 Vl V 0 M 1"f 4" q _ - n BENCH MARK KI, X-CUT IN HEAD WALL, ELEVATION 23.496' WITNESS CORNER N 5045.6894 E 4886.9816 Existing Road Crossing_,, D.O.T. STATION 147+30.32 FOUND NAIL N 4981.7654 E 4833.1669 EXISTING 35' METAL GULVERT- EAST INVERT 16.1' WEST INVERT 1S6' EXISTING 36" CULVERTI & DRIVE TO BE REMOVED ISM i9 ICI I I M I Z � o w UN w c) IQ� w C � IN to �00 Z �n SIC N r7 N rN � 3 O iV O U) O O Q d 1n d CJ U w d LI J L = O w Q) (J Y W F- z LLJ 25. 0_� v zo' 77.0' O I d In N z w I" i m D.O.T. STATION 120+68.50 N 23' E 48, NW CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 25--35-38 NW PROPERTY CORNER FALLS BETWEEN DITCHES BENCH MARK 02, 3/0 IRON ROD, ELEVATION 22.00' ORNER IN 5000.3� E 5006.22�3 EXISVNp 35' METAL CULVERT EAST INVETIT I&Y WEST INwvT,s.9 o NORTH LINE SECTION 25-35-38 Goldsmith Road 20' VADE DIRT ROAD N ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR GOLDSMITH ROAD (50'RjW) - - ------ __--- -- ----- 1 51"E 2527. --- CONSTRUCT N W 36" CMP NOR INMETAL CAL H WR ,5.6' -\ INVERT 15.2 SOUTH IN`4z+T . II S�Sta ilize rack Roo Existing Grove Roads to Remain II ProjectVork & s Drainage Obyin 01 Boundary (type S� t- z F w _ j' himponzee Introduction Unit , Access Drives stabilized Shellrock) lop Group Housing Set F.F.E. ® 'A� 23.5 NGVD 20.6' ��I'''(((yyyELL LOCATION ' INSIDE PROPERTY LINE - Existing Well Administration Buil�in� 7 AREA OF WORK Cr-l'AtL. =Zi•5 C NER FALLS IN ITCH EXISTING SWALES AND BEDS -- '�-�- DRAIN EITHER DIRECTION (TYPICAL) - EXISTING DRAINAGE TO BE MAINTAINED ,�,,,,+ ,I OUSIDE OF PROJECT BOUNDARY *4dJW AALF#9000: SO. FT. k�-fr2U VA AREA `BEAU NATION 20.1' SOIL BORING Iq2, ELEVATION 20,0' BENCH MA ROD CAP 05 WITNESS COF N 4099.0O71 t E 6130.3140 Iry I'Lake I I I ! A¢FS Project Work & Drainage Basin SET 5/8 IRON ,1 Im ., 10 sue � 1* NORTHWEST QUARTE SECTION 25-35-38 CONTAINING 152.62 CRES MORE OR LESS DEAD CITRUS GROVE ROWS ARE EAST/WEST DIRECTIONAL BENCH MARK j5, 5/8 IRON ROD, ELEVATION 23.59' WITNESS CORNER N 2411.6490 E 5012.2136 EASIWG 16' METAL CXWRT NORTH INVERT 14.W SOUTH INVERT 14.7' j JW FKUYLK I Y SOUTH LINE NORTHWEST QUARTER 25-35-38 LINE PROCEEDS THROUGH CENTER OF DITCH C/ CORNER FALLS BETWEEN DITCHES N 2318.7664 E 4974.0628 SW CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 25-35-38 1* DEAD ROWS ARE E, SOU III LINE M 0 GROVE T DIRECTIONAL 10 1* BENCH MARK #3, 3/8 IRON ROD, ELEVATION 19.95' WITNESS CORNER N 4932.3930 E 7473.1471 1/4 CORNER OF THE /NW 1/4 25-35-38 54.5' BENCH MARK Ji 5/8 IRON ROD, ELEVATION 23.11IN WITNESS CORN N 2347 780 7 . 28 EXISTING DIT PROPERTY CORNER FALLS IN DITCH N 2295.50132 E 7496.2527 THIS SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY ORIGINALLY MADE TO DISPLAY EXISTING WELL LOCATION IN RELATION TO PROPERTY LINES. MODIFICATIONS 0'E MADE TO INCORPORATE TOPOGRAPHIC AND SI-PTIC INFORMATION. SCALE 1" = 200' RVEYOR'S NO County Public NOV 0 7 2000 St. I ucle County Public Wcrl,, 1. BEARINGS REFER TO RIGHT--OF-WAY MAP SECTION NO. 9452. BEARING BASE IS THE BASE LINE OF SAID MAP. 2. (P) = PLAT MEASUREMENT; (M) = FIELD MEASUREMENT 3. PROPERTY LIES IN FLOOD ZONE A, FEMA MAP #12111CO165 F, B-19-91. 4. THE LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHT-OF-WAYS, EASEMENTS, OR OTHER ENCUMBRANCES. 5. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOT LOCATED PER THIS SURVEY. 6. R/W = RIGHT-OF-WAY 7. FENCES, DITCHES, AND IMPROVEMENTS NOT LOCATED. 8. ALL MONUMENTS SHOWN ARE FOUND UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE, 9. THE PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY IS TO SHOW THE BOUNDARY LINES AND WELL ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE PROPERTY. _ 10. COORDINATES VALUES SHOWN ARE BASED ON AN ARBITRARY DATUM AND BEAR NO REFERENCE TO GEODETIC CONTROL. SURVEYOR'S NOTES: ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED FROM BENCH MARK #1. X-CUT IN HEADWALL, 7.1617 METERS, 23.496 FEET, NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM 1988. ALL OTHER BENCH MARKS ARE ESTABLISHED THERE FROM. CONVERSION FROM NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM 1988 (NAVD88) TO NATION GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM 1929 (NGVD29): NAVD88 + 1.475 = NGVD29. SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY OF THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER (N.W. 1/4) OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH, RANGE 38 EAST, SITUATED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. LESS AND EXCEPT THAT PART THEREOF OWNED IN FEE SIMPLE BY ANY PARTY FOR ROADS, CANALS, DITCHES, DRAINAGE AND WATER MANAGEMENT PURPOSES. FOR INSTITUTE FOR CAPTIVE CHIMPANZEE CARE AND WELL-BEING, INC. a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida CERTIFICATION: 1. INSTITUTE FOR CAPTIVE CHIMPANZEE CARE AND WELL-BEING, INC. a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida. 2. COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 3. THOMAS A. FOGT, ESQ, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SKETCH SHOWN HEREON IS A CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A SURVEY DONE UNDER MY DIRECTION AND IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. NO SEARCH OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS MADE FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS OF SAID DESCRIPTION. EASEMENTS OF RECORD NOT SHOWN UNLESS FURNISHED. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS SET FORTH UNDER RULE 61G17-6 F.A.C. BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS. ADDED IFOARM BD TIE-IN: :9/225/2000� ADDED CHRISTIAN FENEX REVISED: 4/26/2000 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER REVISED: 3/20/2000 1850 PALM BEACH ROAD, STUART, FL. FIELD SURVEY DATE: 12/9/99 P.O. BOX 2533, PALM CITY, FL, 34991 CHRISTIAN FENEX, PSM DRAWING COMPLETION DATE: 12/9/99 (561)283-2977 (561)283-2979 fax FLA. REG. #5102 F.B.: Li PG: 32 FILE: _99205.dwg NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. cone. clean -out box w/ 1/2" PVC water Ilne to antl-elphon wall valve Laundry tub Jnck1W ��nlR� Trench draln - t�L,pc 1/8" per foot to dean -out box - i 5anitary Kiscr - Introduction building We F � OPY S" P`/C to eal, Itary eervlce PVC to ean- ry eervlce 0 Sanitary Kisco'- Croup Housin ���aoS000F HTe L N LULU U N3�U�a U Q�U s T U l�s�N9 4-1 T }� US"0 U N O t U Q L U L i N L L L N N U U m fl 3 l O U L L V 43 1 LL LU LIN- N 4�SZUU %i U L L U S _ U U U S F- U}3 U 0V Q U N s � o U s �U S— U -4� U Sheet .VLt; *Ili I 1-1."A - d2o