HomeMy WebLinkAboutELEVATION CERTIFICATEf9111LDING STREET A )DRES CITY '6 nFrnTY f1FSCRIPT ION (l F-"=RAI- EME ITIONAL I ELEVA Tin ortant: Re, SECTIOIJ A - P (Including Apt Unit 5 •72S t�t En'-rEN-'Q.citCE it and$lock Itun,bels,' Z B A/ E TTC-e or N6,#NNY7") IJ IJAD 1927 1- SECTION B - FLOOD IN fENCY MANAGEMENT AGENC` )OD INSURANCE PROG,� `jA 6 W CERTIFICA IF' the Instructions on pages 1 - 7. Drumm' nWNER INFORMATION A CG4a //✓ Yo.) OR P.O., ROUTE AND BOX; 10: _W STATE t)•, etc._ Use a Cmmenls area, If neriss:+ STUM; SOURCE: I— GI'S U'Y NAD 1983. LI USGS O RANCERATE. MAP (FIR O. M.B,, No.3067-007 7 Expire's December 31, 2005 ' :Or ■ rA!r��i��/� w fB1 I'rFIP COMMUNITY NAME G COMMUNITY tJli^+PER B2; COUNT Y r+nme �b� I- ,20285 5T Ld4L cc s7 �.oc'L r- �-Pn f1A. MAP AND PA !EL B5. 5l1FFlx - B6. FIRM nIDEY B7. FIRM PANEL Be FI OOD BTo a AO. 115TAT.ETLbe depll of Iloodding)j ) 1NUMBER RATE EFFECTIVE/REWISE DATE 7011F(5) -L2 ///c03j/ N�� e /9 9/ ff R 10 Indicate file source of the Rase Flood Elevalion WE) data or base flood d plh enlered in B9 r JJ FIS Profile FIRM [__I Comnlunily Delermined I 101her (Desclihe) T11 I. Indicate the elevello datum used foi the BPE In 89. I NGVD 1929 I_I NAVD 19118 1-1 nlhgr Wescnl?e) 1112 Is the building located In a Coastal Bailler Resources System (CBRS) alea or Olherwlse PIplecla(l Area (UR ):?' D Yes 1 IJo Designellon Dale: _ SECTION C - BUILD114G ELEVATION 114FORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) •CcnsUticllon Drawings- K 1Euilding Under Consinrclibl" I—IFhilshed Conslrucllon C1 Building elevellons eie based on: j- , 'A new Elevallon Cerflffcale will be�requiied when construc(Ion of Ih building Is ComPlele. C,?. Building Diagram Nuinber (Select the building diagram most similar to the building for which This cerligcale Is being cornpleled - SaE pages B and 7.•df no dlagiam sccuralely IPPiesenls the building, provide a sketch or.pilotoginph.)- T;J. Eleveaor�s —Zones Al-A30, nE, Ali, A (wl p, BFE), VE, Ji-V30, V (with BFE), AR, AR/A, AWAF, FAR/A I-A30, AR/AI I, AR/AO Complete Ilerns C3.e-I below accordin tp file building diagram specified In Item C2. Slate the rialunl used. It the datum Is diflerenl from file dalum'used for (he BFE In Secllull�, cunveii the datum to that used for the BFE. Show field measurements and datum conversion caiculallorl. Use the space provided or the Comments ere@ of Section D or Section G. as applopi,l Rle, to document the datum CAnVer510n Datum GUD Gonveuslon/Commenls ------ F_levalion reference rnark used Does the elevation teference n,m lk used bppear on the FIRM? 11 L1 No G a) Top of bo(lom floor (Including basemen( or enclosure)# CT b) Top of next lilglrer Ilpor iT c) Bollom of lowest I,DFIZDIIIal slRlchnal member (V zones only) — 0.(I") too / 2/ o d) Allached garage (lop of slab) ' ' — It.(In) .E $ 2 n� SCANNED O e) I_owesl elevellon of machm machinery mullor equipent " servicing the building (Describe In a Comments area.) fl'(I") ;E BY U � I_owesl adJaceni (finished) grade (LAG) 4 B q.7n) „ F, S°t. LudeCounbi ❑ g) I lighest edlecent (Mished) grade (I IAG) p openings �fI�g✓ U 23 ermenenl o emir s (flood vents) wllhln 1 ft. above atl a en( fade 1, No: of n 11 Total area .of all permanent openings (flood vents) In C3.h f f h sq. In. (sq- cm) SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENG114EER, OR ARCHITECT CER'fI-'-A I IOra This cerllffceflon Is Io be signed end sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or arcl,Ilect aumori7ert by law to ce,llfy eltvalion Inform.@"on, 1 r.erfifp 11,a(ins Information In Sections A, B. nn(1 C bit furs eelVir1cere represents my besf, efforts 10 iularprel file d@fa livnilnble. ! Imderslend Thal errP false Sf01en1e/1I 111ey be L7u d labia bV nne Of 1111P1ISOnlr)e111 uridLlCF_IJSE IJUMOr RSeCliOn lDDI Cr_Ri IFIER'S hIAME _Co 1:_ E Lpt�, T/IJj SuF„ey�P_S COMPANY NnME lI1LE 7 UR U�4�C' _VKE CeASf .-/LND---_ l^ —' c, 7I F ZIP CUUE nuuncc� �Z56 N, f. Cry I/Oi-- CE °F TENS EN l7c�c7r f3 / -24-V io Lo PiP EPI IUIJE - 2EPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDI710,•I; r -- Ponn B I-:t ,, JUL 00 / SEE REVER5E SIDE FOR CONTINUATION IMPORTANT: Inthese spaces, copy t' )rresponding information from Section A. Far In`su�ance Company Use a"y '- ` BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including At_::, _:pit, Su e, aLdl /r,¢Id . No,) OR P.O. ROUTE AND NO Policy Number �F Vol { Ty -A ZIP CODE Company.NAICNumber 3 p ?� SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER; OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for.(1) community official, (2) insurance agenUcompany, and (3) building owner. - COMMENTS k -T 4 I —I Check here if attachments S SECTION E `BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION {SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE)' For Zone AO and Zone A (without BFE), complete Items Ell '.through E4.If the Elevation Certificate is intended for use as supporting information for a LOMA or LOMR-F, Section C must be completed:. Et. Building Diagram Number_ (Select the building diagram most similar to the building forwhlch this certificate is being completed — see pages 6 and 7. If no'diagram accurately representsthe building, provide a sketch or photograph.) E2. The top,of the bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) of the building is L_LI ft•(rn)1 1 lin.(cm): LI above or L below (check one) toe highest adjacent grade. (Use natural grade, if available.) E3. For Building Diagrams 6-8 with openings (see page 7), the next higher floor or elevated floor (elevation b) of the building is. LLI fL(m) LLlin:(cm) above the highest adjacentg}ade. Complete Items C3.h and C3.i on front of form. E4. For Zone AO only: If no flood depth number is available; is the top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? 1_1 Yes 1 1 No ``I I Unknown The local official must certify this information in Section G. ' SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sections A, B, C (Items C3.li and C3.i only), and E for Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or community -issued BFE) or Zone AO must sign here. The statements in Sections A, B, C, and E are correct to the best'of m knowledge. e" PROPERTY OWNER'S OR.OWNER'S AUTHORIzEii REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME SIGNATURE DATE TELEPHONE . here if SECTION G - COMMUNITY INFORMATION (Ur 11UNAL) The local official who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete Sections A, B, C (or E), and G of this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable item(s) and sign below. G1. 1_I The information in Section C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and embossed by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by state or local law to certify elevation information. (Indicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2. 1_I A.community official completed Section E for a building located in Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or community -issued BFE) or Zone AO. G3. 1 I The following information (Items G4-G9) is provided for community floodplain management purposes. ISSUED G7. This permit has been issued for: L New Construction I_I Substantial Improvement G8. Elevation of as -built lowest floor (including basement) of the building is: _fL(m) Datum: G9. BFE or (in Zone AO) depth of flooding at the building site is: _ fL(m) Datum: LOCAL OFFICIAL'S NAME TITLE COMMUNITY NAME TELEPHONE SIGNATURE DATE - I_I Check here if attachments FEMA Form 81-31, JUL 00 REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS I_077 'T DERAEMERGENCY MANAGEMENT GEIJGY �+ `.} NATIDNAL FLOOD INSURANCEPRtAM r O.M.B. No. 3067-0 Expires December 31, 200` 565 ELEVATION CERTIFICA [ E hnportant' Read the Instructions on pages '1 - 7. Fa l �silleilce �orii�rl��� Ube wI I SECTION A - PROPERT; OWNER INFORMATION Fkc?' NumbePnr �t ll,mfJ�M BUILDING DINNERS NA O L/ n0. rIN Com an NAIL Nlrh,b@FG'1{,�j�7. f3111U)ING STREET ADDRESS (Including $pI., Unll, 5ulle,s tics r Bldg. No� R P.O. ROUTE ANU BOY. a CIT1" - STATE T,�rE,, (-D 4l ZIP CODF ���« _ PROPERII' DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block Humbeis, Ta>: Parcel Nymbef, L[:gal Descrinllon, arc.) pp��[�,���pp�''� SCAtl1BVICD L° T 7 z 8 A! E rr(_65_ �Sce.ra --- BUILDING USE (u:g., Resldenllill, Non-les 01111B1 Addition, Ccessor)•, etc. --a Comments area, II necessrtry) — �_— Vt11TUDE/LOIJGITUDE (UP IIUNAL) I IORIZONTAL DATUM: SOURCE: 1—I 3I'5 (l ype):-7771 DO or #R.$i!#d#") 1-1 IJAD 1927 1J NAD 1983 Ll USGS Quad Map LI le SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) itJFORMATIOIJ ' j al. NFIP COMMUNITY NAME 6 COMMUNIIV NU"^RER B2: COUNTY NAAAE fZo2BS sr L�4t Co ,f'�' r)c'L- C'��26rLb�(J B 1. MAP AND PA JEL 05 SUFFIX 06, FIRM INDEX B7. FIRM PANEL 08. PL()OU B9. BASE rLOOD ELEVATIONS NUMBER )DALE EFFECTIVE/REVISE DATE 701•IE(5) (7_one AO, use depth of flooding) To It10 Indicate the source of the Rase Florid Elevalion (BFE) dala or base hood d fill enlelerl imB9. 1 1 FIS Profile FIRM I.__I GOITIMunlly Delermined I l Other (Desclihe): _ 1111 Indicate the elevallo datum, used loi file RFE in 29: j NGVD 1929 I_I NAVD 19I10 1_I Oflier (I?escrihe): 1112 Is (he bullding located In a Coastal Basler Resources System (CBRS) ate@ or Otherwise rlolectPd Aren (OrA)7 1_I Yes I No Deslgnallon Dale: S ECT'ION C - BUILD114G ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRE^' Building Under �:onsrmrun„ I_ ••�•••--Co°slructlon (:i Building elevallons at based on: I. _;Conshuctlon Drawings' ly I 9 Anew Elevation Celllflcale will be/requited when consWcllon of Ihd building Is compete. C2 Building Diagram Number _1 (Select Ilie building diagram most sirr,itar to the building far which Ihis ceriifcale Is being completed - se pages a and 7. -If no diagram accuralely tepiesenls the bUllding, provide 2 sketch of p110109"I'll A G3. Elevalior3s — Zones Al-A3o, AE, AI -I, A (with BFE), vE, Vi-V30, V (with BFE), AR, ARIA, AR/AF„R1A.1-A30, AR/AI I, AR/AO Cotnplele Items C3.a-I below accordini�to the budding diagram specified In Item C2. Stale Ilia rlalunt used. If the datum Is diRerenl from the dalum'tised for the BFE In Se- - B, convert the datum to filet used for the BFE. Show field rneasilreInenls and dalum conversion calculallon. Use the space provided or the Comments area of Section D or Section G, as ar,p, Wvlale. to docurrlenl the datum conversloi Datum .•X/60P COnVE11eI0l1/CDIrII11er1IS Elevalion reference mark used Does the elevation reference n,nik usrrl nr,penr on the FIRM? lJ Y�efs Ll N D a) Top of bottom floor (Including basement or enclosure) '1 .3? It.(a �, , �,,�•e, { ¢ �Cn ¢; U b) Top of next higher floor — fl.(nn) r_l c) Boilom of ]owes[ horizontal slrticitnal member (V zones only) g (t") o 0 I.] d) Allached garage (lop of slab) g - E U e) Lowest elevation of machinery andlor equipment g servicing the building (Describe In a Comments area.) g'(1O) E " lowest adjacent (Nllshed) grade (LAG) o U g) Highest ad)ecenl (finished) grade (I IAG) — U It) No: of permanent openings (flood vents) within 1 ft. above adl5 ent grade D O 1) Total area of all permanent openl6g'i (flood vents) In 09.h s4- in. (sq. cm) _ SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGItJEER, OR (ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION lids cerllflcallon Is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or archllecf aulhori7 ed by la to ce lalilry elevation Informatlon. radify Ills( the Infomlafloll Ill Sections A, B, nrid C all (Ills Celt/ricafe IB(IIEsents my best efTwis to Infel),lef file.. dera nvoflnhfe. I undersland that any false slalenlerll nls), be pulks1lable bV One Or tlllpllSpnl718n( Ur7dLICEIJSE,IJUMr3r:RSeC�rJr1 1001. cSERAL�lV,-T-AId. 3 2/Jr b/ i/• F • �/11/O i.0 f —fl U � IJ rr E I'f:LdA Fnnn 0 i-M ,. Jl1L DD / SEE REVERSE SI s EIJ L7 cA CM n CONTINUATIOIJ I F.------LP CLUE L0P)P,9 —3?� REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITI07 IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy thi' "responding information from Section A. •onq_Numoeo ,. CITY 7Ro�tt� Z3 tACN 0' C a,e), iM SECTION D- SURVEYOR, ENGINErR,UHAKLH1IMil�amiirwr"w,.p.wl, 1-. , Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for (1) community official, (2) insurance agent/company, and (3) building owner. 1_I Check here if attachments SECTION E - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zone AO and Zone A (without BFE), complete Items E1. through E4. If the Elevation Certificate is intended for use as supporting information for a LOMA or LOMR-F, Section C must be completed. E1. Building Diagram Number _ (Select the building diagram most similar to the building for which this certificate is being completed — see pages 6 and 7. If no diagram accurately represents the building, provide a sketch or photograph.) E2. The top of the bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) of the building is LLI ft.(m) IJJin.(cm) Lj above or Lj below (check one) the highest adjacent grade. (Use natural grade, if available.) E3. For Building Diagrams 6-8 with openings (see page 7), the next higher floor or elevated floor (elevation b) of the building is L1J ft.(m) I—1 lin.(cm) above the highest adjacent grade. Complete Items C3.h and C3.i on front of form. E4. For Zone AO only: If no flood depth number is available, is the top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the community's flnnrinlain mananement ordinance? I I Yes I I No I-1 Unknown. The local official must certify this information in Section G. SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICA I IUN The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sections A. B, C (Items C3.h and G3.i only), ane t ror cone A (without a FEMA-issued or community -issued BFE) or Zone AO must sign here. The statements in Sections A, B, C, and E are correct to l M18,s0X3 COMMENTSn t p4/ of I I Check here if attachments SECTION G - COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local official who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete Sections A, B, C (or E), and G of this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable item(s) and sign below. G1. IJ The informationin Section C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and embossed by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by state or local law to certify elevation information. (Indicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2. IJ A community official completed Section E for a building located in Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or community -issued BFE) or Zone AO. G3. 1 1 The following information (Items G4-G9) is provided for community floodplain management purposes. ISSUED G7. This permit has been issued for: LI New Construction 1 1 Substantial Improvement G8. Elevation of as -built lowest floor (including basement) of the building is: _ ft.(m) Datum: 39. BFE or (in Zone AO) depth of flooding at the building site is: _ ft.(m) Datum: LOCAL OFFICIAL'S NAME TITLE COMMUNITY NAME TELEPHONE Check here if attachment: FEMA Form 81-31, JUL 00 REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS ( vo,-fo,-#kkW' or FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD IIJSUF2ANCEPROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Imporlairt Read the Instructions on pages 1 - 7. SECTION A - PROPERT`I` OWNER ItJFORMATION �af�i1� �h cG�oi}✓- _ __ 55 (Including Api thin Sulle, and/or Slog. No.) OR R.O. ROUTE AND BOY. NO ri2S 12(-W • STATE --- •. (Lot and Block' I-17, el s.7a).Parcel Nymbef, Lpgal Description, etc:) 7 Z B /,/ E iT-6-5- �rrlT0a-1B5�QB77t1a/Y7idtlillorr CCPssor) etc—Use-aCommenls area II necessary.) OPTIONAL) I IORIZONFAL DATUM: SOURCE: I —I GI'S (l.ype)[_ 1_I NAD 1927 LI NAD 1983 1-1 USGS Quad Map . SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION O.M.B. No.3067-0077 Expires December31, 2005 R1. NI=1r VVMMVnIlr rvramn o,.�rvm..,. --.. ----- _ /ZazBs ST Loti,co_. .tom __ --I: AA —A D�ANEL B5 Slli FIX .B6. F�R}M.EIDEY, EFFECTIVE REN SB7. FIRM E LDATE BZc?I IF(R(7one AOrusOeOdeptl ortloodng)) t4U Oood d Ili enfelt. in'B9. P 10. Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevaliofi (BFE) data or base p (� FIS Prunle I�(FIRM L_-I (%ominunlly Determined (J Other (Describe): R I I. Indicate Pi elevello datum userf dot the BFE In B9: J OGVD 1929 I —I NAVD 1988 I-1 (Viler (Describe):. P12 Is file building located In a Coaslal Balder Resources Syslem jCBRS) ales of Olherwlse f)lolecled Area (OPA)?. I_I:Yes NO Deslgnallon Dale: SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVATION (INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) Buildln UnderConslmciion' 1_IFInIShed-Conslrucllon (:I Building elevations ale based all: IConsbucflon Drawings' 1—I 9 'A new Elevation Cerfiflcale will be required when construction of file building Is complete. C2 Building Diagram Hurnber_� (select Ilia building diagram most similar io file building fn,%+rich This certificate Is being cornpleled - see pages 9 and 7. -I[no dy ro lagrarn accuratelleesenls the building, provide a sketch or Phologr nPh.) G3, Elevenorre —ZonY1 es 1-Aso, nE,'nld, A (�.+Ifh BRE), VE, lM-V30, V (with BFE). AR,. ARIA, ARIAF., ARIA I-A30, ARIA( I, AR/AO Corliplele Items C3.8-1 below accordln to file building diagram specified In Item C2. stale. Ilia rlalunt used. If the datum Is different from life dalum'bsed for the BFE in Secflou�, converl the datum to that used for lbe BFE. Show field measurements and datum conversion calculation. Use the space provided or the Comments area of Seclton D or section G, as apPfolnlale, to dnCUmerfl file datum Conversion Datum GDp CDnVelal0nIC0lTlolenIS. ---_ Elevation reference mark used Does the elevatloll reference milk useri allpenr on the FIRM7 IJ Yes I —I No a) Top of bottom Moor (Including basemen) or enclosure)27/� b Fi.(rrp a U h) Top of next higher floor _ n:(Irf) LI c) Bollom of IDWesI horlZonlal'shucilnal nfember (V zones only) ❑ d) Attached garage (top of slab) — nl ❑ e) Lowest elevallon of machinery and/or equipmenl 6 E servicing file building (Describe In a Comments area.) U f) Lowest adjacent (flnlshed) grade (LA(7) O g) Ifighesl adjacent (flnlshed) grade (LIAG) 5 i yam.. U h) No: of permanent openings (flood vents) within 1 ft. above adJa enl grade � �� -•��J% Fl h Tolal area of all permanent openl6ge {flood vents) In C3.h st{. in. (sq. cm) SECTION D - SURVEYOR; ENGI FIEER, OR /)RCHITECT CER fn-Icn Ivw Tiffs cefllncallon Is to bB signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect"aulhnriz er.l by law to cal [lie 8(a fli'a n l)IeillralloR. I carti(y Ina( ine inrornleflon In Secnorls A, B. Will C On flits cerrt(lcafe represen(s my best erfnrl5 to In(CI))lef filP.. (Iafe avallFlhle. I understand Ihal ani' false LICEE statement may be_nrntl-ha We bV fine or6nprisonnle)rt under U.S. Code, Section d00f. NSE NUMaE R. Cjf211FIER'S NAME — rCEF'ZILP �?nrd �.Iy COI ANY NAME SU/rr Eyo�$. iILe R E CenSr nNa----_--CLODS _ �A NO 1 <>R ULr(oC' T� E .I I'Y - 51AIF ila cOOE_ ADDRESS 3zsy N.F. ��rJprCE ffUFlfrrl� .7EN5ErJCnc}1 LoP_IP r _ -. DATE 1 F-I EPI TUNE -siatiAi(me /� jl.-r- i' �f�z7 /oCo / _ � •� Z - 3� .SEE REVERSE SIDE F R I KEPI ACI fFLdA Fnun 91.1 JUL On Z rv- ALL PREVIOUS EDITIOt'H