HomeMy WebLinkAboutAAF GUIDE PLANS3"x48"x0.32 composite panel mof 2x85 vinY siding 2x6smb Existing Mobile Home �r 3x3x0.90 12'6" ex span 2'8 6. 12ft Dograrea No Door Existing Wood Derk wiN stairs 16 FT It 18R aft SCANNF BY St LudblOwtv Sheets # Douglas Sonneville AAF GUIDE TO ALUMINUM Drafted By: CONSTRUCI]ON Tri-County Aluminum Inc Scale: 1/4" = 1' 1 925 Nettles Blvd OF 3 Jensen Beach,Fl. 34941 IN HIGHWIND AREAS 2010 EDITION 219 Easy Street Exposure C Fort Pierce,Fi 34982 Velocity I60 T12-461-0993 ]R-216-]]e0 3"z48"x0.32 composite panel roof kill E�ri pll� 2x6 sorb Open o creen Dore �3x0.9Qpos Max span ]'6" � Max span 7'6" 12R 2z3x0.45girt Handle baa siding Ewsting Wood Deck 3R �z. g xi. gr xx. g —� 3z3z0.9 Max span 9'30" _3z3z0.90�y Max span 5'10" pen area no score 14R x3z0.90� Max span 5'10" 2z3x0.45 gIK 2x3x0.49 g1rt 2x3x0.46 girt 3 6" HaNle boa siding 3 " 3R Existing Wood Deck r r. - t � ��'�� Sheets # Douglas Sonneville 1 925 Nettles Blvd OF 2 Jensen Beach, FI 34941 AAF GUIDE TO ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION IN HIGHWIND AREAS 2010 EDTION Drafted By: Tri-County Aluminum Inc 119 Easy Street Fort Pierce FI, 34982 772-461-0993 772-216-7780 Scale: 1/4 = 1' Exposure C Velocity 160 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1) SCOPE: The prescriptive methods presented in this construction guide provide wind resistant de- signs and construction details for various types of aluminum framed patio and accessory struc- tures, lumber framed utility sheds, secondary covers for mobile home roofs, glass enclosures (which may also be known as "sunrooms') and handrails and guards. 2) LIMITATIONS: a. Provisions of this construction guide are intended to insure structural integrity for resisting wind loads. Notes are provided at the beginning of each chapter specifying general param- eters for each structure type. Where specific construction requirements are not given, ap- propriate requirements of the Florida Building Code shall prevail. gillred;bTtthe building ,official - "— ----" "" 3) Individual elementof a structure not in strict compliance with or addressed by this construction guide may be engineered without requiring engineering for the entire structure, according to the requirements of the Florida Building Code. 4) It is recognized that many alternatives are available to the designer for providing wind resistance. This guide does not intend to prevent the use of such structurally equivalent alternative methods (FBC 104.1.1). 5) MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: a. Screen shall have a maximum density of 20X20 mesh with a maximum thread diameter of .013". b. Aluminum extrusions shall comply with ASTM B 221 and have a minimum wall thickness of .040" (actual dimension without tolerance). c. Aluminum sheet and plate shall comply with ASTM B 209. d. Steel fasteners shall have a minimum ultimate tensile strength of 60 ksi and a maximum ultimate tensile strength of 120 ksi and shall be coated for corrosion resistance. e. For foundations, #5 bars shall be used and minimum concrete cover over reinforcing bars shall be 3" where the concrete is cast against and permanently in contact with the earth; or, 11/2" otherwise. 6) FABRICATION REQUIREMENTS: 7) INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: a. Plumb and Level Tolerance: Members shall not deviate from level or plumb by more than one half inch (1/2) in 10 feet. b. Straightness Tolerance: Members shall not deviate from straight by more than one quarter inch (1/a'1 in 10 feet. GENERAL USER NOTES 1) Extrusions assumed to be alloy 600M and/or 6061T6 unless noted otherwise. 2) Tables which have numeric entries versus scalar variables (e.g. spans vs. load widths, or spans vs. wall heights) may be interpolated. AAF GUIDE TO ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION IN HIGH WIND AREAS (2010 Edition) 2.0 H Page i Chapter 2 - Screen Rooms GENERAL NOTES: CHAPTER 2 — SCREEN ROOMS 1) Design Pressures from ASCE7 with Internal Pressure Coefficients (GCpi) determined using Table 200, Importance Factor for Category I structures (0.87 for 100 mph zone, 0.77 for all other zones). 2) Extrusion Alloy assumed to be 600M or 6061T6 unless noted otherwise 3) Concrete anchor terminology: Expansion Anchor / Sleeve Anchor / Wedge Anchors are terms for various types of compression anchors. These different terms are used synonymously in this publication. 4) "Approved Masonry Fastener" for connection to foundation must meet the following specifications for 21/2" embedment into 2,500 psi (minimum) concrete: a) 3/8" 0: allowable tension 1,055 #, shear 1,716 # b) 1/4" 0: allowable tension 567 #, shear 394 # 5) For screen rooms constructed upon an approved lumber deck, 3/8" 0 Lag Screws embedded by 3" into SYP lumber frame can be substituted for the approved masonry fasteners specified in details C1 and C2. 6) Tables which have numeric entries versus scalar variables (e.g. spans vs. load widths, or spans vs. wall heights) may be interpolated. 7) Maximum Mean Roof Height is 30ft Allowable Roof Panel Spans (Table 201) are for Industry standard generic panel products, approved equivalent products may be substituted based upon product approval, in accordance with design pressures specified in Table 201. Screen Rooms built adjacent to Mobile Homes (the so-called "4th wall" structure): a) select beams, columns and foundations from Chapter 5 using type I or type II as appropriate b) provide lateral stability using cables from chapter 2 or K-Braces from Chapter 1, or connection to an appropriate shear resistant structure Maximum roof slope 70 or 1'/2" in 12" AAF GUIDE TO ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION IN HIGH WIND AREAS (2010 Edition) 2.0 1 Page 2 - a Chapter 2 - Screen Rooms OST STRLiCNR POST SPACING I POST SPACING I POST SPACING I POST SPACING 2'-6" 2'-6" (MAX.)ROOF PANEL CLEAR SPAN ROOF PANEL CLEAR SPAN (MAX) PLAN VIEW - SCREEN ROOM (GABLE TYPE) NOTES: 1) KICKPLATE RAIL AND CHAIR RAIL ARE SECONDARY WALL MEMBERS (GIRTS), SELEC-r-R20MTABLE209_BVNIND-ZONE. 2) KICKPLATE AND CHAIR RAIL OPTIONAL, BL T:MAX.VE•RTICAL DISTANCE_BEfWEEN WALL'' HORIZONTALS. I$ 3) MAX. EDGE BEAM CANTILEVER IS 30% OF ALLOWABLE SPAN FOR SELECTED EDGE BEAM 4) MAX. ROOF PANEL CANTILEVER IS 2'-6" 5) MIN. AVERAGE INTERIOR HEIGHT IS T-0" 01�AX: R60F SLOPE 7°-(1?h" Ifl f2"> FOR ALLOWABLE SPANS, REFER TO: TABLE 201 FOR ROOF PANEL SPANS TABLE 202 FOR EDGE BEAMS TABLE 203 FOR POST SPANS TABLE 204 FOR GIRT SPANS 3" RISER OR COMPOSITE PANEL ROOF v � $ CABLE BRACING zar�i o z CHAIR RAIL 2X2 8 s §� °}° �T KICKPLATE RAIL X2 SEE FOOTING TABLE g AND F DETAILS --=-------------------------= GABLE END ELEVATION - SCREEN ROOM AAF GUIDE TO ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION IN HIGH WIND AREAS (2010 Edition) 2.0 1 Page 2 - 4 Chapter 2 - Screen Rooms RIDGE_ _ CLEAR SPAN / GABLE RIDGE BEAM SELECT FROM TABLE 202 OR 208 RIDGE BEAM J�/� ¢11111it LLL/JJ11-J1�111LLLLLLL/-��J�J..111111LT "17J I TTTTi T���/77777TTi Ti TTT���/777777T TTTT/�r / AL / / / / ✓ / / / / ✓ / / / 7SiRS>g COMPOSITEPANEL;ROOI'�i /./ EDGE I F-------_�_ I BEAM II WALL HEADER II I I 300/. OF la EDGE BEAM I I I .OWABL E SPAN) i.fREFER TOTABLE 203 II II FOR POST SELECTION I I I I C4 36" DOOR L-----------A LOCATION L— CHAIRRAILs----------NCIDENTAL r-------O DESIGN)CS I L IQCKPLATE RAIL—( X2Q-- I C3 // / 50LIDdQCKPLATE/ i i i i /^ I I/ i SOLID /KIfcKPLKrEi J . L L J 1 1" X 2" OB SOLE TYPICAL SIDE VIEW / SECTION FOR GABLE [TYPE] SCREEN ROOM NOTES: FOR ALLOWABLE SPANS, REFER TO: 1) KICKPLATE AND CHAIR RAIL OPTIONAL, BUT MAXIMUM TABLE 201 FOR ROOF PANEL SPANS VERTICAL DISTANCE BETWEEN HORIZONTALS 84" TABLE 202 FOR EDGE BEAMS 2) MINIMUM ROOF SLOPE (FALL) 1/2' PER FOOT FOR 3" TABLE 203 FOR POST SPANS RISER PANELS AND 1/4" PER FOOT FOR COMPOSITE PANELS TABLE 204 FOR GIRT SPANS 3) ALLOWABLE AVERAGE INTERIOR HEIGHT OF ROOM 84" 4) FOUNDATION PER "F" DETAILS, TABLES 205 / 206 Page 2 - 5 1 AAF GUIDE TO ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION IN HIGH WIND AREAS (2010 Edition) 2.0 Chapter 2 - Screen Rooms 1/8" ANGLE BRACKET WITH (9) #14 X 3/4" S.M.S. TO WALL MEMBERS. DETAIL C9 2 DOUBLE COMPRESSION SLEEVES 3" A.S.T.M. A-36 STEEL CLIP WITH 2-3/8" X 3" SLEEVE - ANCHORS TO CONCRETE DECK CLOSED WITH DOUBLE NUTS DOUBLE COMPRESSION SLEEVES STAINLESS STEEL CABLE C9 2 STAINLESS L CABLE THIS CLIP MAY ALSO BE USED ON SIDE OF CONCRETE SLAB. MAINTAIN 2" MIN. EDGE DISTANCE DETAIL (ALTERNATIVE 1) C10 2 **EACH WALL NOT LATERALLY SUPPORTED BY HOST STRUCTURE MUST BE CABLED - TABULAR VALUES REPRESENT WALLS PERPENDICULAR TO CABLED WALL FOR NUMBER OF CABLES REFER TO TABLE 211 CUT FROM 1" X S" ANGLE 1/8" STAINLESS STEEL CABLE r C10 TYPICAL WALL ELEVATION 1/8" STAINLESS STEEL CABLE DOUBLE COMPRESSION SLEEVES 3/8" SLEEVE ANCHOR 1 1/4"xS 5/8"xl/B" FLAT BAR DETAIL (ALTERNATIVE 2) !CIO 2 Page t-19 AAF GUIDE TO ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION IN HIGH WIND AREAS (2010 Edition) 2.0 Chapter 1 - Screen Enclosures REEER�-TO ROOF BEAM EAVE DESIGN PERTYPICAL CONNECRON DETAILS d-o DETAILS PER WIND ZONE o0 p J W ti O w �ly00. z Y� OPTIONAL B 2X2(FOR SCREENING) 20 v REFER TO DETAILS BELOW 46" MAXIMUM 0 0 KNEE BRACE SCHEMATIC ELEVATION ROOF BEAM i ROOF BEAM i m p—_____—__ _ _— —__ ®— _—_—_ FASTNERS 1/8" FLAT BAR ®� o, PER TABLE 110 O I STRAPS EACH SIDE Zr" W/ FAS EPS PEP. TABLE 110 2X3 HOLLOW NOTCHED TO__/ FIT OVER BEAM (OR POST ' ALTERNATE CONNECTION FOR 2) NOTE: MINIMUM SIZE OF MEE-BRACE IS 2X1X0.050" HOLLOW #mw1a -.-®m H 1/8" FL STRAPS EAC 0.0625" (1/16') "H" EXTRUSION W/ FASTNE ALTERNATE KNEE BRAG_ CONNECTOR TAI (MAINTAIN # OF FASTENERS PER TABLE 110) (FOR EAVE CONNECTION DETAILS AND SUPER GUTTER FASTENING REFER TO TYPICAL DETAILS) KNEE BRACE CONNECTION DETAILS / TRANSOM RISER WALL 0 AAF GUIDE TO ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION IN HIGH WIND AREAS (2010 Edition) 2.0 Page 1 36 ' I Chapter 2 - Screen Rooms DETAIL Cl UTILIZED FOR FOUNDATION CONNECTIONS WHERE NUMERIC VALUE IN PARENTHESIS FOR ALLOWABLE SPAN (TABLE 203) OF POST IS 1; AND, DOES NOT EXCEED SPACING VALUES IN TABLE 207 (TYPE I OR TYPE II). CI(a) IS A SPECIAL CASE WHERE SCREEN WALL IS FASTENED TO THE TOP OF A MASONRY WALL (REFER TO Cl(a) NOTES BELOW). TO PLACE A POST ON A MASONRY WALL, IT MUST SATISFY TABLE 203, TABLE 207 AND TABLE 215. COLUMNS (POSTS/UPRIGHTS) MUST NOT EXCEED ALLOWABLE SPANS IN TABLE 203. NUMBER IN PARENTHESIS IN TABLE 203 INDICATES THE APPROPRIATE LOAD CONDITION DETAIL (Cl OR C2). POST/COLUMN 4. /-2°X2"XI/8"ANGLE 4 EACH #14 SMS INTO POST WEB WALL FACE PARTIAL ELEVATION Cl TYPICAL Cl POST/COLUMN AT FOUNDATION 2 3/8" 0 X 2+h" EMBEDMENT (Y4" 0 MAY NOT BE USED) SECTION / SIDE ELEVATION Cl 2 N CONCRETE EXPANSION ANCHORS BY 21h"EMBEDMENT 6KIOX61 1611y9w:V 4 I'.411P14Lbb7Cl PLAN VIEW SECTION (WI 1)(2 SOLE PLATE) Cl TYPICAL Cl POST/COLUMN AT FOUNDATION 2 NOTES FOR CONNECTION Cl(a): 1) Cl(a) CONNECTION WITH ONLY 2 EACH 3/8" 0 CONCRETE FASTENERS; 2) COLUMNS MUST SATISFY BOTH COLUMN SPAN TABLE 203 AND 215 (THE LESSER OF THE TWO); 3) A 1X3 OB MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE 1X2 SOLE PLATE SHOWN. CENTER FASTENERS ON FILLED TOP COURSE POST/COLUMN 2°X2"XllB" ANGLE 2" LONG 2 EACH 414 SMS INTO POST D O WEB EACH SIDE OF POST SOLE PLATE TYPICAL Cl POST / COLUMN Cl. CONNECTION DETAIL FOR 8" CMU WALL 2 Allowable Post Heights (Spans [ft]) for 2 Each 3/8" 0Concrete Fasteners Table 215 Post Spacing in feet (Load Width) zone psf 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 110 13 18.5 16.8 15.4 14.2 13.2 12.3 11.5 120 15 16.0 14.5 13.3 12.3 11.4 10.7 10.0 130 18 13.3 12.1 11.1 10.3 9.5 8.9 8.3 140 21 11.4 10.4 9.5 8.8 8.2 7.6 7.1 a d AAF GUIDE TO ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION IN HIGH WIND AREAS (2010 Edition) 2.0 1 Page 2 -10