HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL✓ 8/23/20 19 BOS Home Login User Reglstradon Hot Toplm ;,t Product Approval DSER: Public User Florida Building Code Online,' Submit Surcharge Statse Facts I Pubiicedons � Contact Us . BCIS Site Map I Unks sesr ft2du—d A MjTj Menu > M lduci or Aoyliradon Seal ch > Qppll�Ytion LIY > Application Detail FL # Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method FL21443-R1 Revision 2017 Approved Structall Building Systems, Inc. 350 Burbank Rd. Oldsmar, FL 34677 (813) 855-2627 Info@stmctall.com Kenny Matuza info@structall.com Ken Clay 350 Burbank Road Oldsmar, FL 34677-4906 (800)969-3706 kclay@stmctall.com Ken Clay 350 Burbank Road Oldsmar, FL 34677 (800) 969-3706 kclay@structall.com V- p two rn Roofing Products Introduced as a Result Evaluation Report from a Floes^' I Professional Engineer 6 Evaluation Report - Hardco Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Do Kim Evaluation Report MCA®NNED ®Y St. Lucie r'nnnty p or a Ucensed Florida Florida Llcense PE-49497 ary Quality Assurance Entity TI RADCO LLP dba RADCO A Twining CorQuality Cpady COPY D Validatedyrence Contract Expiration Date James/2022 L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK Engine I LE Y s Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code FL21443RI COIFL21443COI certificate of lndeoendenceoof independence odf 1708.2 https://www.floddabuilding.org/prlpr app d0.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtgHSolOoKvoRqe/a2fyMxh /o2frnWQaFNu%2b5sh9b1 REXUKKYyKtyQ%3d%3d 1/2 8/23/2019 Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summary of Products Method 2 Option B 09/28/2017 10/02/2017 10/08/2017 12/12/2017 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 21443.1 Snap-N-Lock Composite Panel 3"xO.024"xllb EPS Composite Panel Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No FL21443 R3 fI 2017 FBC Structall 31n-024-1LBS panel Installation DWG.pdf Verified By: PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC Design Pressure: +88.69/-88.69 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: In HVHZ, product shall be used In structures meeting Evaluation Reports the requirements of FBC Section 1626.1, unless Impact FL21443 RS AE Structall 024-030 Evaluation Report-2017 FBC.pdf protection Is provided. See Installation drawing for design pressures and spans. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 21443.2 Snap-N-Lock Composite Panel 3"x0.030"x11b EPS Composite Panel Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL21443 111 II 2017 FBC Structall 31n-030-ILBS panel Installation DWG.pdj Impact Resistant: No Verified By: PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC Design Pressure: +88.69/-88.69 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: In HVHZ, product shall be used in structures meeting Evaluation Reports the requirements of FBC Section 1626.1, unless Impact protection Is provided. See Installation drawing for design FL21443 RI AE Structall 024-030 Evaluation Report-2017 FBC.pd pressures and spans. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Back Neat Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Read. Tallahassee R 32399 Phone- 8504197-1824 The State of Flanda Is an AA/EEO employer. Copynoht 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: privacy Statement :: Am"Iblley Statement:: Refund State Under Florida law, small addresses am public records. If you do not want your a -mall address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the oRlre by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *pursuant to section 455.275(I), Flanda statutes, eaerdive October 1, 2012, licensees Iltensed under Chapter 455, P.S. must provide the Department Mth an email address If they have one. The emalls provided may be used for offal communloation with the Ilcemee. However email addresses are public record. If you do Trot wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address whirh ran be made available to the public. To determine If you am a licensee under Chapter 455, RS., please dldr bSol, P,oduet Approval Accepts: gag rim--7 ® �t21 Credit Card Safe https:lAvww.f(oddabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx9paramzvGEVXQwtDgtgHSolOoKvoRg0/02fyMx"/02fmWQaFNu%2b5sh9blREXUKKYyKtyQ%3d%3d 2/2 STRUCTALL BUILDING SYSTEMS PANEL SPAN TABLES: 3' x 0.024 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS (OPEN STRUCTURES -EXPOSURE B) 3' x 0.024 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS (OPEN STRUCTURES -EXPOSURE C) WIND SPEED NET ULTIMATE LOAD (PSF)l MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) WIND SPEED NET ULTIMATE LOAD (PSF)1 MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) .M13L7 L/180 L/240 w L/120 L/180 L/240 Ila 23.03 1722 11.64 110 27.96 15b3 1451 122a 10.47 Ian 27.41 1573 1059 220 3328 14.05 I3Q 1L15 9.43 130 3at6 1434 9.63 130 3986 12.7] 1250 tat"140 3730 13.09 @14'6 8.)4 140 45.30 11.62 IL61 9.30 7 9 150 42.82 1223 7.92 150 5240 1Y.68 10.79 aw a]5 160 48.72 I1.11 7.14 160 55..16 986 mou 7.70 5.98 ISO 61.66 10.15 5.]0 180 74AS 9.16 fl60 629 4.77 MULTIPLY ULTIMATE LOADS BY 0.6 FOR ALLOWABLE LOADS 3' x 0.024 x I - LB EPS PANELS (ENCLOSED STRUCTURES -EXPOSURE B) 3' x 0.024 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS (ENCLOSED STRUCTURES -EXPOSURE C) WIND SPEED NET ULTIMATE LOAD (PSF)l MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN ITT) WIND SPEED NET ULTIMATE LOAD (PSF)l MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/120 L/180 L/240 L/120 L/ISO L/240 110 1562 16.96 H.64 12.92 110 22530II120 2225 1&90 13,58 11.86 120 26.91 16n1 14.)4 12.43 10.]0 130 25.99 M17.46 14.95 12.63 10.91 130 3154 14.53 1380 1198 9]6NO 3023 1U5 11.74 IU21 140 3652 132) last 10b0 8.87 150 34AI 1323 IM92 9.19 150 41.93 12]9 12L8 A]] B.05 160 39.43 12A5 IM14 8.42 100 4]b9 1126 IIJO fl99 ]27 um 49.99 IIe3 8.72 7.5 180 was m25 929 ].SB 5.86 MULI1r4T ULIIMMIL LUAU] Hl U.b rUX HLLUWRILL LIJHBS 3' x 0,024 x I - LB EPS PANELS (PARTIALLY ENCLOSED STRUCTURES) (EXPOSURE B) 3' x 0.024 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS (PARTIALLY ENCLOSED STRUCTURES) (EXPOSURE C) WIND SPEEDF)l MATE MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) 'WIND SPEED NET ULTIMATE LOAD (PSF)t MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) 160.1A° L/120 L/180 L/240 ae 80 L9.461201527 14.62 5 M629.58 110 3M2 s N-09 6 got Man2 120 lassIL47 4 8.411301926 7..4514012.93 IE62 1065 IM34 8.62 8.62 130 4626 4626 ILp 8 ]AS140II.BO IIJ6 9.45 9.45 7.73 140 53b5 IM47 9 17�85.28 656 I501084 10.93 8.63 6:21 150 6-9 9b2 6 5.74 1601001 1016 )J)a 6.13 160 70AS 829 9 4ISO9.29 0.7q 6A4 qJl 180 88.69 8.31 8 3.55 MUL,Ll ULIH9HIL LIeHUJ Ill U.b tUK PLLUWABLL LUAD� PRODUCT APPROVAL DETAILS: • BLOO LODE 6lnmmONFLORNA81m UwOt OFUSE FORPATIOUSEO.VLYpOSXrA QRYU GRPORIS 4An0MVERS 411NROOMS 4cREFM ENCLOSURES I NOPIES 4)THFRSP111AR MMORMIU. NRSS Note I. All product performance speeJwtions and construction requirementsahsllbernginegedbya licensed design professional in accordance with the Aluminum Design Manual, Specificauiarcr & G.Welineefar Aluminum Serucrurer, WarhingMn, DC, for wind resistance in conformance to FBC Chapter 16 for Components and Cladding Loads, ASCE 7-10 Chapter 30 for RoofCompaments and Cladding for Enclosed and Open Stmctmrs. Effective area for wind load calculations based on 50 sq. feet (absolute value Ofwntmlling design wind pressure is shown on span tables). 2. Span schedule show maximum mofpmel spares between two sided clear supports as shown. 3. Wind load design pressures in slow tables are calculated in accordance To ASCE 7-10, Components &Cladding loads as required in FBC Table 2002A. Meanraofheightofsumnumsballnotexceed 15 fat shave grade. Span tables for open structures based on 7.5' max. mofslope and used the Ing. of fine Dow and obstructed Bow net pmssom coefficients. Spun tables for enclosed and partially enclosed strun ors bawls. 27' max. and 7' roofslope, respectively. 4. Each mofpanel shall be connected per design professional's instructions, but may use coma per details shown on this dwg. m each support (or other approved connection by design professional) w/ aria 0.040'thick, 6063-T6 aluminum base local. Edge panels shag be supported on min. three sides or per design professional's instructions. Details 1 & 2 are reflective ofthe boundary conditions Wilicad in the testing ofp.,Ia as referenced in the test rcimul. S. Composite panels shall be constructed using type 3105-HI54 aluminum facings, l or PCF ASIM C-578Imperial Foam & Insulation Manufacturing brand EPS adhered to aluminum facings with Mond M640 Series adhesive (by Rohm and Haas Company). Fabrication to be by Swetall panel products only in accordance with approved fabrication methods. 6. St ucmll mofpunels maintain a UL 1715 (Sr) class 'B' (ext) rating and arc NER-501 approved 7. This specification has been designed and "I be fabricated in accordance with the requirements of the Florida Building Code 6th Edition (2017 FBCI composite panels comply with Chapter 7 Section 720, Chapter 8 Section 803, Class A interior finish, and Chapter 26 Section 2603. AN local building code sm ndmems shall be adhered to as required. 8. The designer shall determine by accepted engineering pmcdee the design loads for site specific load conditions (including load combinational) using the data from the loads tables and spans in this approval. 9. Defection limits and allowable spars have been listed to meet FBC including the HVHZ In HVHZ, this product shall be mod in structures meeting the requirements of Section 1626.1, unless impact resistmece in accordance to the HVHZ requirements are mat, 10. Safety factor of2.0 has been use to develop allowable loads and spans Bow testing in accordance to the Guidelines far Aluminum Structures Part 1 and conforms to the FBC Chapter 16 and 20. II. Testing has been conducted in accordance to ASTM E72-05: Strength Test offsnehs for Building Consteactiort 12. Linear interpolation shall be allowed for figures within the tables shown 13. Panels with fan beams shall be considered equivalent to similar panels without fan beams. Design professionals may include the length ofthe fan bawl TO exceed shown figures as part of sins -specific rngincermg. 14. Reference cast mpons: Certified test reports STRI.002-03-01, STRL-002-03-02, SIRL- 0341 by PRI-Consnmuma Materials Technologies LLC. D❑ KIM ASSOCIATES, LLC CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ...1 ®9 Tarp. R. TC(M3)6AAYb 1 �. wRmoa,cr 4 J 10 'at Qa o a re El" Dz1- i ca ua vR Ou.2❑ �CJ asZOL me m W MME � an I ns 2b0 oan n :Oa¢ Unt O LL I Dmvdna N0.-1➢1027 I SHEET EIO.P SNS V/ IX'm FENDER WASHER AND NEOPRENE GAS'(ET R 12' aC. S. CO MAN, (EKIERIOR> �00000000001) O O O O 0000000000,)0000 (INIERIW) `XEWEIt/GVE RAL NW. 3QaG045 DETAIL 2 SEAL JOINT WITH CONTINUOUS CAULKING 0000 000000 i- )OOOO000000( ALA DETAIL I BOTTOM FACINGS 1 !NT R O KM • CROSS FFrTInN DETAIL 2 a TIP, '1 4' MAX WIDTH INTf RI "FR)N,. EPS CORE. ILB SEa AN) N.l£' SMS V/ INTEGRAL Y,'. WASHER ANG NE®RENE GASKET -� R 12' D.C. TOP L ROTTEN. OPTIONAL GUTTER OR DRIP CAP \ ALUMINUM BOTTCM-/ FACINGS Fes --CLEAR SPAN (L) INSIDE TO INSIDE CH. ENGINEER OF RECORD TO PROVIDE ALL ROOF CONNECTIONS 6 ADD THICKNESS OF 36' MAX IN FRONT 6 25% SUPPORTING STRUCTURE ➢ETAILS WALL FOR TOTAL OF PANEL WIDTH R SIDES IN ADDITION TO AND IN -LIEU OF PANEL SPAN: (12' MAX AT SIDES) DETAILS SHOWN. 3" EPS ROOF PANEL/ SPAN DESCRIPTION D❑ KIM ABSOCIATES. LLCCpN6ULTING eK�C�RN;NItl.C/ UBED TO BRARE-FOBNED NOSTRUCTURAL ECEIVNG CHANNEL moM•Ml% THICKNESS) ENGINEERS MIN IW BEARING LE4'm x 2• LAG SCREW P 2P OGPoeOi(miaRE LENGTH OF RECEMHG CHANNEL y. F IGGS,WE FASCIA iO EACH RAFTER TAIL TeL IB10105F-9955O WY x P LEND PAN MEAD LAG SCREWS RE ASTACHING RECEIVING CHANNEL _ _. ......... SOFFIT Q C OR) SOFFIT SEALANT A e m . BV LONG W®v LAG 1W ON SLOPE A. e . PA' LONG xAEWRT µC1®ts B N' O[. MAk. 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 000000000 NpST STRIICTNtE O O O O O O' (MASWRT OR Vf1p01 6 WZ w R' L Y'm VASXER AN O.G, LOP L BmTEN ORTRODEB CR BRARE-FORMED RpOF NEARER 63 RECEIVING E R' 6 A. p O- kT.LAnOi1 ADP CxnW2L W➢RA• MIN Sxl[KNESS) WITH RIM NI' BEARING LE4 O 0 6 A 13 S M.S. V/IK' 0 FENDER GASNET P ¢' OE. y � � 0 O mY_Z O `O coma: DETAIL 1 0 D. i —Q`n w Gom mj0 N J a 200 o Go m 0 t; [7fo 0 m O DL I Drswin0 No. -161027 1