HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSr C rLx t7g {s.rr /.irry. mt F??',N.,rj'•«v ti'�: the Z e. For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPM TJr SERVIC" . EuRding & Code Comaplyamee DWon SMLDING PERK rr • SUB-CONIRAC:TOR AGRtEM M SGAN ED BY St. Lucie Cou* have agreed to be Sub -contractor for W , n n s //c fi e_ p.rtrCo el ( � t:omractor) N It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding ourparticipation with the above mentioned Project, the,,Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. . t��CONTBACrAR�SIGNATORE (QaoG6et) COUNTYC�T>FICATIorrNUn,sER State ofFlorida, Csooty of .,-LY` 4.Vt _1,.Q,, Tye foregafogfastramertw2§ ssf9nAed before me tbfs_dW of .20___•by Who is personsgy Imawo � or has produced a as f lend&adon. ` STAMP oa� StgNotery Pabhc 1� 32fL1 cF- PrintName ofNotary Pabbc �NntaN puEik�aS9 oY FbrMa Kegl Budka a pty Ceal11115daa.FF 97a543 RavisedII/10016 so,po� Exptreao5f255?0?A �/ O RACTORSIGNAT (Qualifier) L a �,;�,":.-t L •Z t/: 5 —tom►. /3 hs PRINTNAME COUMCERTIFICATION NUMBER State ofFlorida,County of"] %.P, The fomgaingindrumeMwas sfgaed before me tbis_1 � day of •20�by � WV'Q.1tl a It VI rr who IspersonabyfmownlLorhas produced a asidendficadon. p 'P� A S•rAMP `S�gaature ofNofmypabGc PrmtIgame ofNolaryPnblit RMI CUBBEOC•SEn#GG022p76ober21;2D2DifatiNiirt�gppps85�70t9 PbAr d1d BY St. Lucie Coi ntx dd =Esa isF'der.Wyttm9mlopffign i 14� M16®df*ffW05.d5"My.ABAOdi .O dbigsno6w6iAtip����� aejoi Bonding ghd C'Ok bpjgpjlDi +d sP�� 1�Ss i � dim �da� �Dr ttFD dd 04 Oft Char. donb-99mawr WWI. d?N'��N.43'uDad:6APR➢iff€rD' _.. _— . —� i_ . ' r3N1!- ITIf�6�F" N f i ids logo. ....... .ftt60ffillw 9.Ba.9'D&ROFB.i? vC A`e QIAt$9B�lBt7.d�&�9AAig'Bi ;�� � , !,.. i�6�8!'6pSA$�A.4'$AR16R6v94:FA p&Q b€fA►BYIIB:h.�s �ayof '•'SkB�1iFP 8DR$+@,4liNWRRf,0YP.54 R6�(♦Bf'®PB.FR&fkL9 &YOf F9�1#�Flf—ldlrii _ : $4�ac+coRRilY9n?BR'n _ . Fk@Bpd'B9A669A., 44bAb1Y8F3 wWiW9A'A-a4Bibmgi69RBF e . R.4�&R�$Fa81fBR. .. RB�4Rd+�Fl�9A: AmA . l�melAFBB —Fgl'arb. �kB��.BfAFy'�A�IB FPAt�@:H69±�9F9F}'3'' ' t�+y OOROTHYANNBASK19N ' �� NIY CBLAFFMW MhdISSIONRGG 03Q145 9a�`�� A EXVIRES:Ocfol)V. 2020 } �� of"." Bonded Tf ut4 ;YPu6$aUnde.toter ,• �+ Y'�iEYbi AERMrf # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division . St;ANNE® . - —.— • $UMDTiVG PERMTf BY M-CONnUCTORAGPLEEWNT St. Lucie County Comfort Control o'f St. Lucie County, Ific. haveagreed•t9le (Company NamwIndividaal Name) the HVAC Sub-contfaetorfor Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) (Primary Comm) For the project located at It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above Inentione.d.. project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St Lucie County will be advised pursuant tothe filing.of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTORS ATURE(Quaese4 Matthew Lyle Wynne PRIPFrNA11IE COUNTY CERTMCATIONN NUMBER -- Smt, ofmowda, Cotmty of The foregoinginstrumentwsssituedbefdremeshk _dsyof . who 4personany imown �or has prodnceda i II •illillillilljllllllll1111; Revised 11/1612016 8288 COUNTY CERTWCATroA` NUMBER swt2ofmoriaa.c,nntref��yC.�-2 • 6 The 11oregobcfitshumentwssslgaed beforemothis 'aayof `. 20_ 1w QSM Z:sa n 8fvrl5i�(i who is persongy known ✓r has prodattda as identification, STAMP. STAMP SigoatoreofNotnyPnbl' , o 90T Y Print NameofNataryPuhae , +`Y`'•aQ'" OOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION# GG 030145 +� EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 °%;$,'oY1. bonded Thm NotaryPublk Undenvdkvs L66-d 7,000/Z000d tLO-1 999L8L83LL d.Ioo suipiing auuAM -WO896=Z6 9t, 60-ZI. SCANNED BY - St. Lucie County n ..... ...... DOkoTH VANNBASKIN f COMMISSION #GO 03DI45 DOROTHYANN BASKIN EXPIRES: Odtobpr2,2020 MYCOMM'SSIONPGG039145 . . . . . . . EXPRE&OCtOW22020