HomeMy WebLinkAboutGENERATOR PAPERWORKNCLUDES- O True Power" Electrical Technology O Two)Jde LCD'Mulillingual Digital Evclugan" Qoritrcller (Engllsh/Spanish/ Freneh/Pbrtuguese) 0 Two Transfer'Swftch Options Available: 100.Amp, 16 Qircuit SIV10 or .200 Amp Service Rated Smart Switch. See Page 5 for Details, O Electronlc Governor 0 StandardWi-FI'" Remote Monitoring 0 System Status & Maintenance Interval LED Indicators 0 Sound Attenuated Enclosure 0 Flexible Fuel Line Connector 0' Diract-To-Dirt CoMposffe Mounting Pad 0 Natural Gas-PrLP Gas Qperagon 0 6Year Limited Warranty 3 P`-J.. ,��t:. E RIP, A C 0 Gpp pp ��pp �,L ��p �a�ff��-'p��p_ 2�- LJARDO/ri1NUO LOJLSg ORS SCANNED Residential Standby Geneyat®ys St. Ode County Air -Cooled Gay Engine Standtly Power Rating Models 6007036-1. GOOiO37-1 IAILIMInUrn - Slsque) - W IeW GO Hz Model 6007O354 (Alvinhum - Gisqua) -16 kW GO Ha Models G007o93-1, G007035-1 (Aluminum- Eisque) -20 kW 601-1a Models GOO704S-P, C007042 2 (Altrnlinum - Bisque) - 22 kW 60 H: ST.LUCIE COUNTY PLAN REVIEW 0 Listed and Labeled by the Southwest Research InsGtufe alto Installation asclose•as 18' (457 mm) lo.a stwclure.' GAust be located away from doors, w/ndows, and fresh air intakes ehd irr Accordance with local codes. trips.•//assets.st:ll.�rglPprn/Dtrtr;raryD,LiYad'�mducls/ ConslracdonlMusrylP]3 a - C 71Fi y3L+a4-01-01 R11OPd/ 11-r-A l 1115CLb EYATE - me USAonly, care UL FIEF Q)PY O INN'OUATigEENG)PJEGESLGFd6RLGOR0U57ESYlh'Gareatiheheaflo)Generac's '6 success to Providing the most mlia6le generators possible. Genamc's G-Force engine Uncap offers added peace of mind and reliability, for when you need iI the most. The G-Force series engines are purpose built and designed to handle the rigors of Mended ran Dmas In high lempemtures and (xkemeupereting cdndlllons. O TRUE POSIER'- ELECTGICAL TECHNOLOGY: Superior harmonics and sloe wave 0 form produce lass then '5%Total Harmon)" Dislonion for utility quality power. This allows conGdeN operation of sensfliva electronic equipment and micro -chip based appliances, such Be variable speed WAG systems. O TESTGROIELWA: J PRDTOTYPETESTED J SYSTEM TORSIONAL TESTED J NEMA•NG122EVALUATION d MOTOR STARTING ABILITY D MOORS LIPIK- REMOTE PdONITOR)NG: FREE wflh,every 'Guardian Series Home slandhygenemtor. Allawsyou b monitor me status ofyoergeneratorirom anywhes In the nand using a smariphone, lable( or PC. Fasity access fnlormafidn such as the current operating status and malnlenance alerts. Connect your account Id your auOod2ad Mite -dealertoi (ssL,fdendlyandproaclivesemfce. Wig) Moblle Link,you are taken care olbelore =F;; IherieD.'pow,L�Wlagr�-.... . QUIETiFST- Nola: COL cwafloallon onlyapplles lovnbundled unilsandunils paclaged with limitedebcail.trvilcties. Unlls padaeadwilh Ne SnadSd h ceditled in SOLID -SPATE, FREQUEifIcY COIAPENSATED UOLTAGS REGULATION. This stale-of-the-brl power maximizing regulation system Is standard on all Genemc models. II provides oplund"d FAST RESPONSE to changing load oondilfons and MAXIMUM MOTOR STARTING CAPABILITY by eleobOnically torque-malching the surge loads to the engine. Digital voltage regulation Of an11 SINGLE SOURCE SERums RESPONSE from Genarac's adeash'e dealer network provides pads and service know-how for the entire unli, from the engine to the sinallest eleectronlc Component. O ®ENERAG TP.APISFER GIVITCRES: Long Ufa and reliability are synonymous wilh'GENERAG POLYER SYSTEMS. One reason (di this confidence is Thal the GENERAC product line includes its own Irensler systems and controls for lofalsyslem compatibility. wIGENERAE �r-, UENEIRAC 16/20/22 W ffeatuves and beneff as 0 Sousa GFarce design Maximizes engine "breathing"'for increased fuel efficlebcy. Pliteau'lioned cylinder walls and plasma moly rings helps the engine ran cooler, reducing oil consumption resulting in longer engine life. 0' "Spiny-lok" cast iron cylinder walls Rigld construction and added durability provide long engine life. o Electronic fgnition/spark advance These features combine to assure smooth, quick starting every time. o Full pressure lubriaatiansystem- Pressufted lubrication to alivital bearings means betterperformanGa, less maintenance and longerengine Iffe.Now featuring up Ica 2year/2Dg hour oil change infervaL o Low oil prespure shutdown system Shutdown protection preyents catastrophic engine damage due to low all. o High temperature shutdown Proiafils damage due to overheating. o Revolving field Allows for a smaller, light Weight unit that operates 25% more efficiently than a revolving armature generetor. ,0 $kawsidstaftr Produces asmoolhoutput wavetormfor compatibility with electronlcequipment. (J Displaced phass exeihatfon Maximizes motor starling capabil!ty. 0 Automatic Qollageregulation Regulatestheoulputvoltage to±l%prevents damaging voltage spikes. O HL2200listed Foryotifsafety. ' Transfer Switch {dtF<+¢tiele.9tSB®) - 0 Fullyamema0c - Transfers -your vital electrical leads tothe energized sodreeofPower. 0 'HEMASR Can be installed inside or outside formaximumflex!.huy. 0 Remote mounting Mounts near your existing distribution panel for simple, low-cost Installation. Evolution, Controls' 0 Aulo/MinuaUOft Illuminated buffbns Selects the operating mode and provides easy, at -a -glance status indication in any condition. o Two-Ifne'LCD multilingual display Provides homeowners easily -visible logs of history, maintenance and events up to 50 occurrences. o Seated, raised buttons Smooth, waather-resistant user interface for programming and operations. .0 DBlityvoltage:sensing Constantly monitors ugllty'vollage, selpbints 65% dropout, 60'Y pick-up, of standard voltage. 0 6eneralarvpllagesensin9 Consfardly Monitors generator voltage to ensure the dleanesl power delivered to the home. ,0 Uldiy interrupt delay Preyents nuisance start-ups of the engine, adjustable 2-1500 seconds from the factory detaott so0ingof -five (5) seconds by qualified dealer. 0 Eggfoewamwp Ensures engine Is ready to assume the food, selpolntapproxirnately5seconds. 6 Engine cool -down -Allows eligme to coal pflorto shutdown, selpofnl approximately 1 minute. 0 Progtemmable e%ercise Operates engine to prevenfbilseal drying and damadic between power outages by running the generator for 5 minutes every other week Also offers a selectable setting far weekly or monthly operation providing flexibility and potentially lower fuel costs to the owner. o Smarl battery chatger Delivers charge to the battery only when needed at varying rates depending on outdoor air temperature. Compatible with lead acid and AGM -style batteries. o Main line circull-breaker Protects generator from overload. o Electronic goverhor Wristlet constant 60 Hz frequency. Unit o SAE weatherprotedgve enclosure Sound attenuated enclosures ensure quiet operation and. protection against mother nature, withstanding wlndsup to 160 mph. Hinged key locking'roof panel for security. Lift out front foreasyaccessto alf routine maintenance Yams. Electrostatically applied textured epoxy paint for added durability. o Enclosed critical grade muffler Quiet.011cal grade mufflar Is mounted inside the unit . to-praveril Injuries. o Small, compact, attractive Makerfor an easy, eye appealing Installation, as close as 18" (457 mm) away from a building. GENERACO 16/20/22 RW features and benefits 1 it (305 mm) flexible fuel line connector Absorbs anygeneridor vibration when connected to riold pipe. o Direct -to -dirt Composite mounting pad Corajdax lattice design prevents settling or sjokiAD of the generator system. O Integral s.edimentinap prevents particles and moisture from epleTing-the fad regulator and engine, prolonging engine life. ftmoTa 410311toring 0 Ability to view generator status— MODIfor your generator via Your smadPhOne; labial, Or cOMPulgral any time via the Mobb Link applicalion rot complete peace of mind Q AbUilyto View generator &Efc1setRun and Tqlat Hours Review the genecaloes complete projection plants for exercise hoors.and total hours 0 Ability to vjpAy Denandor Maintenance Infornuglop Provides maintenance ink)MIRUOTI for Your specific model genardtor 'when scheduled radnienance Is due • Monflity-rel)DIt With Previous Menifft a0fivily, Detailed monthly reports provide historical generator information • AN* 10 view penuenitbr battery Information Built In battery diagnostics displaying current stale at the badeq • Weather Information Provides detailed local ambient weather conditions for generate, location 16/20/22 k CsEfa9yt33B8 Mgdel 0007035-1 GOD7036-1 G007038-1 000703M (101)7 BaledMaximumConlinuous Pmver Capacity (LP) Bated Maximum Continuos Power Capacity INS) Naledybltage Bated Maximum Continuous Load Current-240 Volts (LP/NG) Total Harmple DLslotlion Mein WeCircuit theater Phase Number of Rotor Poles BaledAC Frequency PowerFaclm Ba`gery8equhamerl (not Included) unit weight (16/k9) mm Winslow (LxWx H) irV Sound output In db(A) at 2311(7 m) with generalorOperaling ai normal load" Sound output in dB(A) at 23If (7 m) with generator in 0utei Tesl- Ioiv-speed exercise made" r 6607637.1 (181M1)' (20'k117 04W2,.G007A43-2 .(22 kW) 18,,000 Walls`; 20,000 Wails' 22s90U Walls- 16,000 Watls°' 18,000 Wags' 19,500 Welts ° .240 240 240 66.7/66.7 83.3/75.0 91.7/B1.3 Less0an 5% Less than 5% less Ihan 5% _ 70Amp 90Amp. 10OAmp. 1 1 1, 2 2 2 60 Hz 69 Hz 60Hz 1.0 1.0 1.0 12 Volts, Group 2611540 CCA Minimum or Group 35AGM 650 CCA-MInhum 406/186 449/203 466/211 48 x25x29 /1218 X638 X 732 67 67 67 55 55 57 Tpe of Engine GENFAAC G-Force 1000 SeriesF NumhgrolCylinders 2 2 2 ALsplacemenl Cylinder Block 999 cc 999 cc 999 cc veiva"llamenl Aluminum w/Cast Iron Sleeve Ignition System Overhead Valve Overheatl Valve Overhead Valve Gwammion Solid -slant w/Magpelo Solid-state sv/Magnelo Sa6tlrslale w/Maynelo Compression BaOo FIB Electronic Elecimnic Electronic Starter g5:1 9.5:1 9.5:1 oil Bapadlyincluding filter 12 VOC ADprowl.:9 ql/1.8L 12 VOC Appiox 1.9 qi/1.8L 12VDC Approx 1.9 qt/1.8L OpemMgrpm . Fuel.Comdmp8on 8,600 3,600 3,600 ' Natimi)'Gas 6s/hr,(ms/hr) 172 Load Full Load Z1B,(6.17) 2A4 (5.78) 228 (0:46) Liquid Propane 85/1hr (gaVlir)1Vitr) 309 (8.75) 361 (8.52) 327 j926) V2 Lead Full Load 74 (2,03) [7.701 87 (2.37)18.991 92 (43) [9.57] 107 (2,94) (11.11] 130 (156)113.481 Note: Fuel pipomusl be sJzed for lull load. Required Ito 1pmssum In generator fuel inlolalall ioadmnyes-3.6-7°water column (7-13mm mercury) lornaluml gas, 10-12'walerwlumn 'or'!P gas F., BTU wnlonl multiply B'/hrx 2500 (IP) m 1N/nrx lcDD (NG). For Meoaloulo content. mulliniv ma/hr <na 15 a ar ft „aAr. W o.: run-, 142 (9.90)114.77] (19-22 rem memory) Tao-Uns Plain Text Mu1811ngual LCO Display Mode'BUNMAulo Manual 01 Beady to BuryMainlenance Messages Engine Bun Hours Indication . Programmable slad delay bomeen 2-1500 seconds Udlil VogageLoss/Beldm to U801y AO)usolde(Broamoul Selling) Future SDI Capable Fxercfser/Emrcise SDI Error Waning Rrm1AlapVMafnlenagce Logs Enotne Sian Sequence S1Wffi Lock-b)d Stuart Battery Charger Charger F411AMlssiogAC Warning WBal ery/BaOery Problem Projection and Sagely Condition Indl,don AulomaVe9dlizge Be9ula6oh vilA Over and Under Voltage Protection Under-Frequenry/ovedoad/Steppel overeuhenl Prolmllan SafelyFused/Posa Problem Protection Automatic Lmv'011 PressureMlgh 00 Temperature Shutdown OVarmanlVOversDeed & 72 Hr)Apm Sense Lass Shutdown High DilineTemDerature ShUldowd mlemal Faug1hicenscl Wding Projection Common Fatemal Fault Capability Field UpgmdablaFinnuarq 5'unple user Interface for ease of opamthuL Aulomagc Sled on U61ify raflure.7 day exerciser. Start wimsladercohl ul• uniislzys on. I! ull0ly falls, Water to load takes place. Slops dniLAbwer is removed: Control and chargersliti opemle. Standard Siandeid Standard (grogrammahld by deafer mtly) Frdm140-171 V/190-216V Standard 50 Events Each Cyclic cranking. 16see no, 7 real (90 sec maximum duration). Sladera*ol re engageun015 See afldi en91, he, slOppbd. Standard Smndard Standard Slbodaid Sla dartl Standard Standard Standard Standard standard Standard Standard UJ 16/20/22 kW switch options U Re lied CiFeurlS SY,u ays§ „ Dagut ps O 16 space, 24 circuit, breakers not included. O Electrically operated, mechanically -held contacts for fast, positive ionnectfons O Rated forall classes of load,100% equipment rated, both Inductive and resistive. _ .2-pole, 250.VAC.contactbrs. O 30 millisecond transfertime. O Dual coil design. O Rated for both copperand aluminum conductors. O Maln conlacisram silver pWild or silver alloy 6 reslidwelding and sticking. O NEMA/UL 3!{aluminum outdoor enclosure allows for indoor or outdoor mounting flembility. • Multi listed for use with 10 standard, tandem, GFCI and AFCI breakers from Siemens, Murray, Salon and Square D for the mostllezible.and cost effective install, Qlmensions Height Widfh Depth Hf H2 Vd1 W2 bin 2E.75 •3G1 10.5 13's 6.91 non 679.4 764.3 2fifi.7 343,0 175,4 W1reRanges Conductor Lug Neutral Lug Ground Lug 1/0'014 710-#14 210-0-14 Befulce Hallso smaki 3VOCY1 Feaguiras O Includes Digital Power Management Technology standard (DPM). O Intelligently manages up to four air conditioner loads with no additional hardware. O UP 10 four more large (240 VAC) loads can be managed when used in conjunction with Smad Management Modules (SMMs). 0 Elochibally operated, mechanically -held contacts for fail, clean connections. o Rated for all classes of load,169% equipment rated, both Inductive and resis- tive. E) 2-pole, 250 VAC conlaclors. O Service equ(pmenlmletl, dual coil design. O Rated for bold aiuudnum end copper conductors. o Main contacts are.sflverpfatedorsilver alloy toresist welding and Eliciting. o NEMANL OR aluminum outdoor enclosure allows for indoor or outdoor mount- 'ing flexibility. Dimensions Model , Gaala36-i (161tW) 140. of Poles 2 Current Rating (Amps) 100 Vnn39enaV%00 (VAC) 120/240.10 Utility Voltage Monitor (Fixed)' -Hck-up Bg% Dmpml 65% Relurn)o lkileyr approx. l5sec Encelses fil ^vcaldy fors mioules- Standard UL❑sled Standard Total CIrclWsAvailable 24 Tandem Btuw,top abilllikes; 9landems Circuit Breaker Prole cled 'Avallable RMS Symmetrical 10.000 Fikll Current @ 250 Volts *Function of Evolution Controller Exercise can he settle weekly or mordhiy fi5odel G007e37-1 (16 kM/0007039.1 (20 kag/ 0907043-2 (22 kw) No. of PoNs p Currenl Nagni; blips) 200 Voltage Rating (VAC) 1201240, 10 ugllly vollalleMonflor (Fixed), -Pick-up e0% -Dropout 65% Refpm_la glifily' appmx 13 sec Exercises bi-lvaekly for 5 minutes' Standard UL Dsled standard EnclasureType NEMWL 3R . CirCullke4e(Prolecled 22,000 Lug Range 250 MGM- §6 "Function of Evolution Controller Exercise can be set to weekly or monthly Verify Wi-Fi Range See WI-Ff manual shipped with the unit IT planning to use the WI-Ff feature. `ITialnSPOiltetlen Recolr mendatlons Use a suitable cart or equipment to carry generator, including wooden pallet, to installation site. place cardboard between cart and generator to prevent any damage or scratches to generatoc Do not Gff, carry, or move generator by grasping the louvers. Doing sn may. bend or damage the sheet MAW. Feash AIr for Ventilaltion and C®®Bang Install unit where air inlet and outlet openings will no'i become obstructed by leaves, grass, snow, etc. If prevailing winds Will cause blowing or drifting, consider using a windbreak at a safe distance to profebt the unit. Watkeil' "11119Piess Avoidance Seieat•a location on high ground where water lev- els will not rise and flood the-g-eneraton This unit should not operate In, or be subjected to, standing wafer. Install unit where rain gutter downspouts, roof run- off; landscape irrigation, water sprinklers, or sump Pump discharge does not flood unit or spray enclo- sure, including any air inlet or outlet openings. Excess moisture can cause excess corrosion and decrease life expectancy of the unit. Proximity to utilities o Contact local utility providers and verify proposed site selection meets an required utility placement requirehidnfs .before installation. This could affect warranty coverage. Remember, laws and or codes may regulate dis-' tance and location of unft to specific utilities. It is'recommgn.ded to pick d location where the generator is as dose as possible to the transfer Placement On f�®®1��� °�fl�lsf®FrH39ff9 andswitch and the fuel supply, while verffyfng the site ®doer Supporting St . CStdNe� location conforms- to. the rest of Elie site selection section. Where required. to place generator on a roof, platform, deck, or other supporting structure, gendta'tot must be placed in accordance with the requirements in NFp 37, Section 4.1.3. Generator can be located 18 in (457 mm) from structures having combustible walls and 5 ft (1.52 m) from any operable' opening in the structure. Surface beneath the 'generator and beyond must be noncombustible to a minimum distance of 12 in (30.5 cm). Contact local Building Inspection Department or fire department to determine which noncombustible materials are approved for installation. Site SeleCtiOn and Pmsin,.Vin �u to bge INN unfing Surface Ice See Figure 3-4. Prepare a rectangular area approximately 5 in (127 mm) deep (A) and approximately 3 in (76.2 mm) -longer and wider (B) than the generator on all sides. o ss Figure SA compacted Gravel or concrete i-ad Select base type as desired or as required by local laws or codes. The generator is typically placed on pea gravel, crushed stone, or a concrete pad. Follow all applicable codes if a concrete pad is required. Verify surface' where generator will • be mounted is compacted, leveled, and will not erode over time. Generator must be levej within 0.5 in (13 mm) all around. 16/20/-22 W Model ¥ Product Description The Wi-Fl enabled LP fuel level monitor provides constant monitoring of the connected LP fuel tank. Mon- G007005.0 Wi-FI LP Fuel Level Monitor Ifo-Ing the LP tank's fuel level is an Important step in making sure your generator is ready to run doting an unexpected powerfallure. Status alerts are available through a'free application to notify when your LPtank is in need of a refill. G005819-0 26R Wet Cell Battery Every standby generator requires a battery to start the system. Generacoffers the recommended 26Awet -cell battery for use with all air-cobled standbypraduct (excluding PowerPact®). G097101-0 Battery Pad Warmer The pad warmerrests undertlei battery. Recommerededfor use If the temp aratere regularlyfalls below . 0 IF (-10 ^C). (Not necessary for use with AGM -style batteries). G0071D2-0 Oil Warmer Oil warmer slips directlyoVerthe oil Tiller. Recommended for use if the temperature regularly falls below 0^F (18 -C). 60071113-1 Breather Warmer The.bfeatherwarmer is for use in extreme cold weather applications. For use with Evolution controllers only Ih 68mates where heavy Icing occurs. G005621-0 Auxiliary Transfer Switch The-auedflafy transfer switch contact kit allows the transfer svqtoh to look out a single largeelaq1trical load Cdfdacl lot you may notneed. Not compatible with 50 amp pre -wired switches. Fascia Base Wrap Kit Gg07g27-0-Bisque The.lascla base wrap snaps togetheraround the bottom of the new air coaled generators. This offers a (Standard on 22 kW) 9168K colbured appearance as well as offering protection from rodents and Insects by covering the rifling hi IOggted In the base. It the generator enclosure Is scratched or damaged, it Is Important to touch up the paint to protect from 6095703-0 - Bisque Paint Kit future cormsi6n. The paint kit Includes the necessary paint to properly maintain or touch up a generator enclosure. G006485-0 Scheduled Maintenance F) Genemc's scheduled maintenance kits provide all the hardware necessary to perform completer routine maintenance on aGeneraoautomatic standby generatdr. , G006873-D Smart Management Module Smart Management Modules are used In conjunction with the Automatic Transfer Switch to Increase its (50 Amps) powermanagement capabilities. It provides additional powermanagemeniflesibilily not found In any other power management system. _ (�9BY1�9H5�0➢➢5 Uns Dloeirl sshm'm are Pleeftle.PeterID hUallm Mmal fix eradEMM12m DO NOT USETNESEDP/,DJSIONS FOR INKAWTIDNPURPMES. LEFT SIDE VIEW Model I UPC G007036-1 I 6964710.74154 G007037-1 696471074178 G007039-1 696471074192 G007042-2 696471074208 G007043-2 1 696471074215 sw.a w FROMvIEV,' Generac Power Systems, Inc. - S45 W29290 HWY. 59, Waukesha, WI 53189 - generac,com ®2018 GenemePmverSyslems. Nc.ADrlpMs rescrvel AespedGFz'ubns za svy'ttito ehznpe rdNmllnpDce Pzrt M1b. tOD0D00Dr94 H (Nina) J�u11 C 1 �Fiin,` ?'jy,mJtl'�l�ti i; tE Ik_- �� � ~� r ig � a M��F'31EIII Model .G007000-0 UPC 696471070002 �L�, us LISTED Generac's Smad Power Management Systetd is designed to optimize the performance of a standby generator. The system can consist of up to B Individual Smart Management Modules (SMM), Unlike other load management systems 'that depend on another control device, the SMM modules are aclually self -aware and operate- autonomously. Frequency is the true measure of generator engine perfdrmance'and does not need to (attar in Increased ambient temperatures, elevation changes or generator fuel lyge. The modules monitor the frequency (liz) of (he power being produced by 0enerac's standby geneiatars. If frequency fails below a certain threshold, the module will automatically follow a power management alifadthm to reduce the chance of a generator overload condition. The modules can he set to a load pdorily behveen 1-8, or be set In a lock -out only mode for loads that Just.sImply do not need to run in ad outage. This'reduces the minimum size of the generator for a more cost-effeclive solulfon. SMM SHWICATI®CIS _� ........_ ..................................I........... ............240 VAC (from Line input) Contactor Coil Voltage ......................................... ...... ................ —....... ..................................:.............................................- ............. 220/240 VAC ' CoiiUAlnrgsh........................_...... .............................. . .. .. ..................................................................I.........;. ...... _:....... ,::,:.......................... 240 VAC CoilVA Sealed ...................... _. ..... .... ............................,...,........... _....................................................... ResistiveAmps.........................................................................I RL Inductive Amps .......................__...........,...,.................................................................. _............ ..................... 2 ....... , ......... ......... :.._............. ........................................ Looked Rotor Amps ....................... NEW ...................................,.............:....................................:............. . ....................... ......40 ..:.................:...._.._..........._...._...................... . SO 13R Fnpros ire Ral ng....... ........................ ............._....,.................. ............................................................................................_........................................� Frequency Selectabilliy....._............. ......................................:....UL 50 :........................................................................................................................... 50 Hz/ 50 Hz 4T� f� Il �G'r I>m If"il l/-'flWJ'x V::�y�I1 U'L�� RAe__.l4 3maM Management Modules (8MM) Dimensions and UPC I W, - 1 Model G00MM HelghF(in/fam) lit- 6.171156.8 H2 '236160 Width(in/mm) .197 7.06/179.4 W2 4,72/1'20 OepN (in/mm) 3.7194 Weight(lb/kg) 196./9.94. Shipping weigh,(1114) 2.44/1.11 UPC Code 69647160002 0 0 SMM Controls (located behind the module covey) I LED OH= LOAD 60➢NEGTm LOGKODT LED FLASN,S c LbAD SHE➢ PRIORITY LOAD OH LEG FLASH 3Gc 38 MIN LGCROur \ S fEAEAATOA LEG PIASH6s. GEN LOAG LOCKOIFT ', L) 7 LEDW`F=HOMO➢DI.EPOWER ® O P LG OKC ur TEST I DISABLED Priority Dial (A) •Sehimodure-pdodty LockoulSwitch (8) Prevents load from upending when Whom Is operating under generator power. Tepf 5whon(C). Disables contaotor output for aspeclgedtimb. PIUVRIDS Module status with easy viaMing through the external viewing window localed In thevpperright corner of the module. E N E iF Aff Genemo Power Systems, Inc. • S45 W29290 HWY, 59, Waukesha, WI531B9 = generae.com `'=- - ®2%e Gepe2CPm'1c5ys1ems,Ine.AOrioMz resercetl. AUspeeifisEUenSaR subieclW chanpe�eiNout nnfi<e. PdelNa 1pD00pZ54WMB (WOO) Site Selection and Preparaf[on Section 3e Site Selection and Preparation Me Selection Site selection Is critioal for safe generator operation. It is important to discuss these factors with the installer when selecting a site for generator installation. • Carbon mdnoxide a Fire prevention .0 Fresh air for ventilation and cooling o Water ingress prevention Proximity to utilities Suitable mounting surface The follomdrig pages describe each of these [factors in derail. NOTE: The term "structure" is used throughout this seo- ' flan to describe the home or building where generator is being installed. Illustrations depict a tyli'ical residential home. However, instructions and recommendations pre- sented in this section apply to all structures regardless of fype. See Figure 3-P. CO detectors- 0%) must be used to monitor for CO and to wam individuals about the presence of CO.. GO detectors should be installed and tested in accordance with the CO detector manufacturer's instructions and warnings. Contact [oval building inspection department for any applicable requirements cogceming CO detectors. IMPORTANT NOTE: Common smoke alarms do NOT defect CO gas. Do. not rely on smoke alarms to protect residents or animals from CO. The poly way to detect CO is to have functioning CO alarms. Asphyxiation. Running engines produce carbon inonbXide, a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas. Carbon_ monoxide, if not avoided, will result in death or serious Infury. (000103) IMPORTANT NOTE: Move to fresh alv.immmdiately and seek medical attention if you feel sick, dizzyy, or weak while the generator is remning or afeer It stopEk. Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide (CO) --a poisonous, potentially lethal gas.fhat cannot be seen or 'smelled. The generator must be installed in a well ventilated area away from windows, doors, and openings. The selected location should not allow exhaust gases to be drawn into structures where people or animals may be present. Carbon MonoA de Detectors Site .Sel$CtIOp and Prepafation Potential CO Entry points See Figure 3-1. Generator exhaust can enter a structure through large openings, sugh as windows and doors, However, exhaust 'and 00 can also seep into the structure through smalleF, less obvious openings. (protect the StrriRcture Verify structure itself is correctly caulked and sealed to prevent air from leaking In or out. Voids; ' cracks, or openings around windows; doors, soffits, pipes, and vents can allow exhaust gas to be drawn into the structure. Some examples of potential entry points are described and included -in, but not .limited to, the accompanying table. vuornl Figure 3-1. Carbon Mono;dde—Potential ,Entry Poinfs lD Entry Point Description I Commehts A Windows and doors Architectural details which can be (or are) opened to admitfresh air into the structure. i 13 Garage door CO can leak into garage.If door is open, or does not seal correctly when closed. C Attic vent Attic vents, ridge vents, crawl space vents, and soffit vents can all admit generator exhaust D - Basement windows Windows or hatches allowing ventilation to or from lower level of a structure. E Furnace intake I . Air intake and exhaust pipes for furnace. exhaust var t F Wall cracks includes (but not llmited to) cracks In wall, foundation, mort8 , or airgaps around doors, t4ndows, andpipes. See Pro€ectthe Structure. G Dryer vent Ekhaustdudtfor clothes dryer. H AHowrestnctlons Stnlctural comers and locations with heavy vegetation restrict airrcw Exhaustgases can collect in such areas. t - Ift9PPIMBIT NOTE. Bechanical and -gravity outdoor air intake openings for HVAC supp►y i J Make up alrsystem au systems shall be'located not le s than 9g, feet (3o48mmj h4iiicnially from the . ' generator enclosure. See section 4Ol in the iCC Mechanical Cade forany additional reiluiremants. Fire Prevention The generator must be installed at a safe distance away from conibustibie materials. Engine, alternator, and Pxhaust system components become very hot during. nPeration. Fire risk Increases if. unlf is not correctly ventilated, is not con ectly maintained, operates too close to combustible' materials, or if fuel leaks exist. Also, accumulations of flammable debris within or outside the generator eltclosure may ignite. Site Selection and Preparation DistanCG RequiFgMG;giS See Figlne3 2. Minimum clearances must be maintainedd around the generator enotosure. These clearances are primarily for fire .prevention, but also to ensure sumcient room for removing front and end panels Jot maintenbrIbe purposes. Figure 3 2. C�eaeratoYBisfarrce f2ecyuirerrien£s 1141782 iD . Description Definition ' A Front and end Minimum clearance from the front and ends of generator must be 3 ft (0.91 m). This includes clearance shrubs, bushes, and frees, B Rear clearance Fuel and electrical connections are made here, 18 in (457 mm) minimum clearance per NFPA tes ing;labeling, and listing, unless state or local codes dictate otherwise. C Windows; vents, No operable windows, doors, vents, window wells, or openings In the v✓all are permitted near any and openings. point of the generator. See Pofe77af CO ErrfiyPoints for more information. D Edsting wall The generator should not be placed closer. than 18 in (457 mmyrrDm existing walls. e barrier E Removable fence ed as aAual surround Removable l fence panels for servid g cannot be placed lesslthan 3 ft (0.91 m) in front of the generator.- F Overhead clearance 5 it (1.52'm) mitimt. distance from any structure, overhang, or projections from wall. DO NOT thitall under wooden decks or structures. Maintenance and Maneuvednd,spac6 around generatbr {drperTo(•rhing routine maintenance tasks sbch es battery servicing replacement and engine service. Do not attempt to conceal generator with shrubs, bushes, or Plants. Site S'eleotion and Preparation Fire Codes, Standards; and Guldelinei Generator installation must comply.'strictty with ]CC IFGC, NFPA 37, NFPA 54, NFPA 58, end NFPA 70 standards. These standards prescribe the minimum safe clearances around and above the generatorenclosure. NFPA 37 NFPA 37 Is the The National Fire Protection Associatlon's standard for the installation and use of stationary combustion engines. Its requirements limit the spacing of an enclosed generator set from a structure or wall, and require generator to be located where it is readily accessible for maintenance, repair, and •first responders. AMA 37, Section 4.1.4, Engines Located Outdoors: Engines, and their weatherproof housings. if provided, Installed outdoors shall be located at least 5 ft (1.52 m) ftom openings in walls and at feast 5 ff (1.52 m) from structures having combustible walls, A minimum separafion shall not be required where the following conditions exist 1. The adjacent wall of the structure has a fire resis- tance rating of at least one hour. 2. The, weatherproof enclosure is constructed of. non- combustible maferials and it has been demon- stf'ated that afire within the enclosure will not ignite combustible matedals.outsidethe enclosure, . AimexeA—Expldnatary Matddel AMA (2) Means of demonstrating compliance are by means of full scale fire test or by calculation procedures. Because of the limited spaces frequently available for installation, it has become apparent that exception (2) 'would be beneficial for many residential and commercial installations. The manufacturer contracted with an independenf testing laboratory to run full scale Piro tests, NOTE: The Southwest Research Institute (SwR) is a nationally recognized thud early testing and 'listing agency, SWRI testing approves 18 in (457 mm) installa- tion minimum from the rear panel'of the generator to an adjacent structure for fire protection. The sritejfa was to determine the worst casefire. scenario Within fh_e'generator and to determine the ignitablilty of Items outside the engine enclosure at various distances. The enclosure is constructed of non-combustible materials, and the results anti conclusions from the independent testing lab indicated that any fire within the generator enclosure would not pose any Ignition risk to •Nearby combustibles or strudtures, with or without fire 'service personnel response. ((( " T BY. s 414 nr Rn 37 usrm sr• swPovsst RT=s L,shlu[e .S_n Allfe,Eq tees � 7 IMTE i I3d CHAR SAX- rom 2 130 M% UA*- A!oTE 3 pd CAR pA N�- .d® ft= 4 [20 MA1",- . MIE 5 i30 Vav- NOTE 5 130 Canty. M)U-- ®® NOTE 7 130 MM I" VAdf -VM VA USA ri3199 012Fa'7 002155 Figure 3-3. Soadiwesg Research hisg ate Marking hitp✓Lunnnr�2.swrr.arg/u�udtvti/llsfprod/ Docuwenfsefecfion. asp?Pro ducM=973&lndusfe; y1D=2 Based on this testing and the requirements of NFPA 37, Sec 4.1.4, the guidelines for installation of the generators listed above are changed to 18 in (457 mm) from the backside of the generator to a stationarywall or building For adequate maintenance and airflow Clearance, the area above the generator should be at least 5 ft (1.52 m) with a.minimum of 3 ft (0.91 m) at the front and ends of the enclosure. This includes frees, shrubs, and bushes. Vegetation not in pompiiance with these clearance parametets could obstruct air flow. In addition, exhaust fumes from the generator could inhibit plant growth. See Figure 3-2 and the accompanying descriptions. Generator itilaintenance Regular maintenance is emissions and reducing failure. For example: ' crucial for minimizing exhaust the risk of fire or equipinerd A'dirly air filter or low engine oil level may cause engine to overheat Incorrect spark plug gaps may cause engine back firing and incomplete combustion. WPORTAHT NOTE: See Maintenance section of generator owner's manual to view a tgble of ,scheduled maintenance tasks and procedures. Perform all maintenance tasks as directed.