HomeMy WebLinkAboutGENERATOR PAPERWORK13- RACC. CUARBOAIN® SERIES SCANNED D Residenfial Standby GaRfoys BY ��rr-Coined Gas Enadmi St. LucieCounfy INCLUDES: 0 TiuePowerr'Electrical Technology O Two J.He WD Willingual Digital Evotuj6m' Coletroller(EngltsWSpanish( Ftench/Pbrfuguase) O Two Traitsfer W1tCh Options Available: 1 OaArdp, 16 Circuit Switch or 200 Amp Service Rated Smart Switch. See Pege'Sfor Details. 0 Efecbonic C7oVernor fl Standard wr-FP" Remote Monitoring • System Stah)s & Maintenance interval LED Indicators O Sound Attenuated Enclosure a Rex-blp Fuel Line Connector ©' Diract-To-Dirt Composite M6unUng Pad © Natural Gas-pr LP Gas Operation 0 5 Yea UmhedWananly 0 Listed and Labeled by the Southwest Research bostitufe allowing inclallabbn 0s'doseas 18' (457 mm) Io.a sWcWe.' "dfusj bg located away ham doors windows, and hash afr intafresand ih accordance with local codes. htNsy/r-ss�ss.:li.mWG�,�ry/DirYorya,Z�ae�ittivlc/ Cons7mcrTcnfed'✓�%�73 fhC 2b1 )3C04D74; RaAFar O L4NBNA7i@e'€a !NELa€JEN?RfaafflIs 7myliffiameatheheadof6enedc's '6 success io providing the motlmTiable generators possible. Genemc's GForce engine Ilneup aM addedpeaca of mindandreliabllity forvrhen you need It the most. The G-Fome series engines are purpose built and designed to handle The rigors of aftled nnl times In high tempemf nas Endebmmenpetpting cdrdlioas. 0 Tflbe VdEWR— 6LEDIRICAL TECIIHOLDGY: Superior harmonlrs end sine wdve p '�- form produce less ihan'5% Total HannnakDisiodionfar Offlyqualiypower.ihlsallows oom dent one at on of sensitive elecVonic equipmen(and m c o ch p based appliances, snAfts variable speed HVAC systems. - Standby Power Rating 6=:cdWs 611070S6-1. GOF;037-1 [Al urnlrum - etsquei - i61cW CD W Model Go070„•5-1 (Aluminum - Bisque) -I a Y'.AI W Fia t ird2ls G00�39-1. 0007flaS-7 (nunvn!.•m - ESsque) -?O 1,W o0 Hz tradpls G007045-?, 6007042 2 (Aluminum -bisque) - 21 kW oo H,- CUBS Note. CUL ceNhcallon enfyapplfes tounbundled onifMdUMIS paclaged wigs limited cifcYlmnlch'es Units pacbgad vn7h 0e SmartSvAchare UL eergbed in Iha USAcnly. SOL D,101 ; I'MME :'.+CY Calpm :IED LrDLTAK RigilLATIDN, This stale-0Hhe-arlpovrer ma>9mfzing regulation system Is standard on all Gmards models. II provides oplimfzed FAST RESPONSE to changing load conditions and MAXIMUM MOTOR STARTING CAPABILITY by eledrordbally forqus-malching the surge loads to the engine. Digital voltage regulation al tT%. 0413LE £OLR99 SMCERESPO.,rc born Becomes a*nsive dealer nehyodr provides pads and service Inovrhew for the entire unit from BE engine to the smallest e@cbonic component O TESTC ae • O taEfV€W THAIISPER SWITCHES: Long WE and reliability are J PROTOTYPE TESTED d NFkAMBI-VEVALUATION synorrymous wifh'GEXWC POVII SYSTEMS. One reason idYlhis J SYSTEM TDRSIONAL TESTED J MOTOR STARTING ABILITY cadence is that the GENERAC produR line includes its ptm bansler sysems and commis for total system eompaUbfflty. .- i] MtORILE LINY" Re?,OTk 6T0HITORiga. FREE with every'Guardmn Series Home . slandhygenealoc Allowsyou to mongarme stains ofyogUggqratorimmanyw mInUm "' FENERAB -{��r, world using a smarlphene, tablet or PC, 6sfly access intormaOan such as The current PROMISE ' .•� {�� �_a : -a operating status and maintenance alerls. Connect your account to yourauUmrized service dealer for fast blandly and pmactiveservica VAIN Mobile I.M. you are taken rare dbelme the nest powefoulage. 168/20/22 W 178atuires and belle 64s .0 Geperac GForce design Maaimi➢es engine "breathing"'for nareased fuel effieienca! I'Me au'h'oned eyliaderwails and plasfrna maly helps the engine ran captor, reducing oil consumptlan resuffing in longer engine life. trings 0' "Spiny-lok"cast ironcyllnderwa0s Rigid construction and added durability provide long engine life 0 Electronic ignitiaysparkadvanoe These features combine to assure smooth, quick slarlfng every gme. 1 0' Pogpressure lobdcationsyStem Pressurized lubijoallon loallvital bearingsmearis bellerperformarma, less maintenance and. longer engine Iffe. Now fealurmg up Ica 2year/200 hour oil change interval. 0 Low ail prespure shutdown system 5huldown protection prayeats catastrophic engide damage due to few all. 0 High lemperefureshutdown Prei�edfsdamage due tooverhea0ng. uarrEaaiee-- 0 Revnfving field Allows for a smaller, light vislght unit that operates 25% more of 1cfen0y than a revolving armature generator. b Skewedslaior Produces asmpofhoutput i4meformfor eompatlbiliywith electronic equipment 4 Displaced phase excllaGon Maximizes motor slarting capa§illy. 0 Automatic; voltage regulatfon Regulatestheoulpldvnfteto.0%pieventsdamaging voltage spikes. 0 HL2200listed Foryopisafely. Teanetea Switch fit �'Ffteab➢e) - b Fallyautomatic Transfersyourvital electrical loads tothe energized sourceofpower. 0-NEMA3R Can beInstalled inside oroutsdeforMimumflexibility. 0 Ramaamounting Mounts nearyourMating distribution Opel for simple. low-cost installation. HvoluFlopw Coatmis 0 Aula/ManaaWlf illuminated bnitons Selects the operating made and proyfdes easy, ata-glance status indication In any condition. 0 Tvrb-IbufLCD mufilinoal display Prnvldeshameowners aasflyvhslble logp of history, iltaldanance arid events up to 5o occurrences. o gealed, raised buttons Smooth, Weather-ros slam user interface for pmgremming and operations. .b Utilityvollaga-sensing Coasfanllymonflors uIlllty'volage, selpbinls 65%dropout, 80. pick-up, of standard voltage. o Genem7ar"Ilagesensing Consfardy manitors.garperalorvDillago to ensure the'qleanasi polver delivered to flip home. o LIERtyintemrpi ddlay Preyems nuisance start-ups of the engine, adjuslable 2-1500 seconds from the factory default seigng of five (5) seconds by a qualflled dealer. 0 Engieewarm-up 'BisuresengineIsreadytoassumetheload,sefpofntppproxmately5seconds. © Engme Coot-down -Alialvs efrgae to cool pdoria shutdown, sdpofnl approximately 1 mtr ute. 9 ' Progfammable exemise Dperetes engine to preventbflseal drying and damagg between power outages by running the generator for 5 erTn s every other week Also offers a selectable setting for weekly or monthly pperatfon providing dawligtyand Pulantially lower fuel oasis to the owner. o Smarlbattery charger Delivers charge to the battery only when needed at varying rates deprandingonoutdooraktemperature. CompahMe with lead achdurd AGM -style batteries. Q Main lime circuit hreaker Protects generalorfmm overload. o Electronic gavemdf Maiplains constant 60 Hz frequency. FFnIF 0 SAf weather protective eaclo'sme Sound aRenualed endusures ensure quiet operation and.proaclion against moiherrrahrre, witivaaoYng winds tip to 150 mph.Hlrfgdkey locldng'rcof panel forsecurily. Lift-oul froel foreasyacaess to allrout ne maintenance hams. Electmslat cally applied teaturad epoxy paint fur added durability. o Enclosed cdgcel g ode mu(fief 0uiel,ytifical grade mu0lear lS mounthd inside the unit to-prevani Injuries. 0 Smau comp4 attractive M&Oor aneasy, eye appealing Insallatidn, as close as 18" (457 mm) m-myfrom a building. GENERACO faen:G`17�Yt¢ri J�:KvRl .. —� _ - _ _ _ y+.+•.Mcy 0 1 it (305 mm) fladble fuel line connector Absorbs antroenerator vibration when connec{ed to dgfd pipe. o Direct to -dirt composle rmumWtg pad Complex lattice design prevents setting or siRfig of the gamnalotsystem. O Integral spdimemirap Prevents padicles and moisture from entegng4he but hiturfalt r and engine, prolonging engine life. �ma:e'sklanti¢rA-g O AhililytnvjewgenemYorslatus Monger your4arievitor via your smarlphare, labial, or cumpiderat anytime via the Mobile I-InIcapplicaton for O Abgitytovievtgenerator&emfse/Hwand TotafHours O Abifitytovisygenefalormaltfenanceinfoimagon o MonihtyfopoawilbpmWousmonth'sactiviiy. o Abiliitytovlewgeneraftrbaterynionnallon o Weather information eomplele peace of mind Bevlew the generators complete protection profile for exercise hoors.andtolal hours Provides maintenance information foryour specific model genemtorwhan scheduled maintenance is due Detailed monthly reports provide historical generator information Buff in battery diagnostics d1splaymg, current state of the battery Wiles detailed local ambient wealher conditions for generator location a"-J IBM= kW specifications �;;ne7ai�y Model GD97035-1, GOD7036-1, GOWil38-0, G007039-1 G00764$2, GOU7,049-2 Baled Mryimum Continuous Pawer Capacity (LP) Bated Atidmmn Contfnuousp6wCapacry ING) 9alddvolhge Baled Maximum Continuous Lead Cumnl-240VOM ((PING) Total Harmonic DLslordon Main Line 6cull Beaker Phase Number or Rotor Poles AaleelAUmquency PmHerFador likeyAequiremeral (nor included) Upit Weight PON) Dunenslons (LXWx t9 kVmm Sound output in db(A) at 23 A(? m)wilh generatoropeming of normal lead" Sound output in dB(A) at 23 D (/ m) valh generator In Quiet -Test"' IuW-speed exercise mode" U697007.1 (161(N). {201t_d) (22 kln9 :18,,09D Walls'1 20,080 4]alisp 22a090 Walls' 16,000 Wads" 18,0DOWalis' 19,500 Mile 240 240 240 6B.7/66.7 88.9/75.0 91.7/81.3 Lesstban 5% less firm 5%. Less lh'an 5%. - 70 Amp 90 Amp 100Arnp 1 1 4 2 2 2 69 Hz 69 Hz 60HZ 1.0 1.0 1.0 12 Volts, Group 2611540 CCA Minimum or Group 35AGM 650 pCA-Mipimum 406/186 448/203 4661211 48 x25x29 /1218 x 638 x732 67 67 67 55 55. 57 �W�iOe Type of rngine GENEBAC G-Force 1008 Series NumberOlLy1mders 2 2 2 pBpUcemml 999 cc 999 cc 999 cc CyrNderBlOck Alumintem w/Casl kon Sleeve . ValvaAmangameal Overhead Valve Overhead Valve Overheativalve IgalllonSysrem Solid-sla(e W/Magneto Solid-state YXINHI nele SOAdaWle V lIpgnelo Govemorsstem - Elesnufflc Electronic Comltresion Ratio 33s1 9.5:1 9.6:1 Starter 12VDC 12 VDC 12VDG all Capacity Including Hier Approx, t_9 ql/1.8L APper 1.9 q1/1.8L Apnrox. 1.9 ql/1.8L DpemUngipm - 3,600 3,600 Fuel.Consumplfen ' Naluia7 Gas 0a/h 112 Load 2U4 (6,78) 228 (0A6) Fpll load 3U9 (8.75) 361 (8.58) 32i 0.26j Liquid Propane 0a/lu (q 11k) w) 1)21oad 7.4 [203) p,701 67 (237) [8.99] 92 (P 58)19.57) FLI) Load 107 (2A4)111.111 130 (3:55)111481 142 0'.90) (14.77) Nole: Fuei.aIrm must be sized for fallioad 8equietl IuelpressaueNgenerlOf fuel Welalall loadmnges-3.5-7'xaler column gas,10-12'welerwWnn (19-22mm marmrry) Two -Una Plain Test MulgOngual LCO➢isplay Mode BullanwAilu Manuel o9 Beady 10 Auawam enance Messages ' Fn9lneAwlHour'slndicaGon Rogmrnmable sdd Bela/bebveen 2-150g seconds Uaiy Vnitagelnss/Retum to UG6yAdprsizble (BrownoulSelling) Futile Sol Capable BcwciseMFxercise Set Error Warning AuNAIa(nVMaintena9c¢ Logs Fngine Shd Sequence SRderdocir-nll! Snidd BatleryGharger ChaigejraulV'Wff9AC Warning Lnw11z8ery%8aderyPrablem Protection andBaBery Condition Indication AvlomaBcVolta9eAegutaOori Oh OverandUnderVolUge Pmledlan Under-Ftequenry/Ovedoad/5@pper Overaducol ProlactIon SO* Fused/Fuse Problem Protection Automatic InWOU Pmssme/F1igh 08Tumptualum Shuldoun Ovemrant/0verspeed_(@ 72lpipm Sense lass Shutdown Ngh EngineTempemlun: Shbidowd Intend RmlMooAecl Nruing Production Common External Fault Capabiffy FieldUpgmdable.Hmm cam 5mple 16er interlacefor ease of opwaDOd. %aulimeGcStart on WililyOros. 7 dayaeerchm S4al wimsWtl ervn6oll, milslays art It ufifity fats. transfer to Imtl lakes place. Slops 9m'LJlawe`fisreniaved Ooalmi•and chimpas6'0 operale. Standard 3landaid Standard (pmg®nma61¢ by dederonly) Frnm 140-071 V/190-216 V Standard 50 Brands FSch Cyclic cmnWng:1Race on, 7 rest (98sec maximum daa6an). Slirteecm5mf rep ngageungl5sesa8erpnglne hasslappbd. Staffew Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Sladdard Standard Standard Slandald Standard ^6ound1eve3vzWmL•m Lnalmrdd0e gzns lm:SmNlnJe lahatmei o hwsde Mftg Mwr.2Yb1 F*auepmanq muufalb1;*paamdz¢Raft. 6:1fiLbns-bsdbyrWDEaLb 4xsopDb1w mmvq•p= fv4tdurz ac ol6le vf�6p•pml^dol[age. No cecdmdms62'yisa✓ab62l.LumfuW. Wlydfn9s LdzcmNanava6h B55514.13DN46 erW o4Y6>/I> A Alad�moLic:'n6zoyu z�avneVacvNjuiumfmweil Dpsudlatlmsesyet6:ufiagajoWe cauwganA�sWlunped'ave.atfi:u$anmpawadlmnP.m4� MadmmP:nndmemcs�md35Pemtlk ezdtl.oaDlalfa76am4o�sbarteseatnztaWaioe9ldnseaz°aSwa:t peaNlotrarBaSpm•f)a6oazl6Cf66"i). Uniftnifdos 3 :a§ �;°,sad 1 s eeesfEg� 0 16 space, 24 circuit, breakers not Included. o Hectdcallyoperalad,mechanically-held contacts for feel positive conneeimns © Rated forill classes of load,100%bqulpmentrated, both inducthveand -resistive. 0 2-pole, 250 VAC oortactors. O 30 millisecond tr'ansfertlme. O Dml coil design. o Rated for bath copperandaluminum condoctors. o Main contacts -am silver prided or silver allay to resist welding and sliuking. o pUvML 31i aluminum outdoor enclosure allows for indoor or DuldoDr mounting flexilift. O Multi listed for Bse with I' standard, tandem, GFCI and AFCI breakers from Siemens, Mummy, aca and Square D for the most flapblu.and cost eifectfva install. Dimensions eigma 7 .73 9.4 17$4 lYUCAagges Conducler Lug NeNal Wg Grecmd Wg 1Ar gi4 P/D-#14 ?l0=d`74 Slin"ve Baled Smarr Switch Feeia,fes 0 Includes Digjlal Power Management Technology standard (DPM). O Intelligently manmgas up to fourair conditionerloads with no additional hardware. (9 Up -to fourmom large (240 VAC) loads can be managed when used in conjunction with Smad Management Modules (SMMs). O Eleohiiatiy othimled, mechanically -held contacts for fas4 clean connedons. o Rated for all classes of load, l Og% equipment rated, both inductive and msis- two. O 2-jade, 250 VAC conladors. A Se)vice equ(pment-mad dust coil design. O Rated for both afuodmDnand copper conductors. 9 Main contacts arasiiverpfatedursiIveralloytoresistweldingand sticldng. 0 NEMA/UL 311 aluminum outdoorencloslm: allows for indoor oroutdoor mount- 'fngf1mildifty. oilmeftsions GENE PRAC switch options —— Model . 0007036-1 (151(W) No. of Poles 2 current 0aling(Amps) - i00 Vollagill?M9( C) 12D/240. 10 UIIlityvu112Ae M4Dr (Fad)' 80% -Pickup -Dropout 65% iiwf ro VODfwi -appm Isoc rz ,Jsas bi- xeuy for 5 minutrs' standud UL Listed slandard Tolal CirmhAv llabld 24 Tandem*k.ejPip; oiIkes Blandems CkcuOHruakerPro@cted Awila51e HM53ymmebical 10,00D f yn dmrent@ 250 VOHs =ftnOlion of Evolution Controller Exercise can be'setio weekly ormonthly Model G007037-1 06 kM101107039.1 (20 KM/ 6097043-2 (ZZ kw) Na oleole ? CurreaMfing (Amps) 200 Volfage Hating (VAC) 120fa40, 10 u ft Voltage Monitor (FOO)' -Pick-up BD% HAM toning approz 13 sec nxerdses bi-aw.ekly for 5nr01W Standard UL Llsled Shndard EnrJosumType NEMNUL 3B . CkcW[Ereme[P.mleGed 22,000 LUD HMS 250 MCM---6 *funetion of Evolution Controller F73jafse can be set to weekly or mop* Fresh Air flair Wnf60aadan and C0000ng install unit where air inlet and outlet openings will not become obstructed by leaves, grass, snow, etc. li prevailing winds mill cause blowing or drifiiing, consider using a windbreak at a safe distance to profebt the unit. W�P er-Ingmess Afoidanca Select -a location on high ground where water lev- els will not rise and flood the generator. This unit should not operate in, or be subjected to, standing wafer. Instail unit where rain gutter downspouts, roof run- off, landscape irrigation, water sprinklers, or sump pump discharge does not flood unit or spray enclo- sure, including any air inlet or outlet openings. &-tess moisture can cause excess corrosion and decAass life expectabry of the Oft. r@3GmMy to UNWI es o Contact local utility providers and verify proposed site selection meets all required uit7ity placement requlrahi&* before installation- This could affect warranty coverage. Remember, laws and or codes may regulate dis tance and location of unit to speofic utili fes. - It is recornmertc d to pick a doeaiion y4iaie the generator is as dose as passr'ble- to the transfer swig and the fuel supply while verifying the site location conforms -to the rest of the Site Selection secimn. verity VW-Fi forge See lM-Fi manual shipped with the unit if planning to use the M-F feature. n Use a suitable cart or equipment to -carry generator, including wooden pallet, to insia➢afion sire. Place cardboard between cars and generator to prevent any damage or scratches to generator Do liar' lift, carry, or move generator by grasping the loufrers. Doing so may. bend or damage the sheet Mehd. Site Selection .and Preparation -SultaIblle Mounting Surface See Figure 3.4. Prepare a redtingular area approximately 5 in (127 mm.) deep (A) and approximately 3 in (76.2 mm)'longer and wider (B) than the generator on all sides. 0 Figure 3-4 Compaaferg Gpayel or b runaele lid Select base type as desired or as required by local laws or codes. The generator is typically placed on pea gravel, crushed stone, or a concrete pad_ Follow all applicable codes i f a concrete pad is required - Verify surface- where generator will be mounted is compacted, leveled, and will not erode ever time. Generator must be levejwllhin 0.5 in (13 ram) all around. Mace ent On !moots, P0e mffornff, and Other Supporting Structures res Where requIved: to place generator on a roof, plefform, deck, or other supporting structure, gEnerBfbi' must be placed in accordance wifh the requirements in iVFPA 37, Section 4.1.3. Generator can be located I in (457 mm) torn structures having combustible walls and 6 f; (1.62 m) from any operable' opeping in the shvefure. Surface beneath the generator and beyond must be noncombustible to a minimum distance of U in (30.5 cm). Contact local Building Inspection Departmard or fire department to determine which noncombustible materials are ppprovedfor installation. Model # Product Description TheWt,FenabledLPfuellevelmonitorprovidesconstantmonitoringoftheconnectedLPfueltaL-Mon- . Plectra fuel level is an imppPantstop in matdng sureycurgenemforis ready to run during an G007005-B >hq-F LP Fuel Level Monitorhcringthe unexpected powerfail Status aleds are availablethrough a'free applicationto notify when yourl-Pfank is in Read of a refill. Every standby generator requires a battery to startthe system, Genemc Offers the recommended 25A wet G005819-g 25H Wet cell Battery cell ba my foruse w fh all air-cooled standby product (excluding PowerPact®). The pad wanoerrests underthe battery. Recommendedforuse if the temperature reguladyfatls below 6007101-0 Battery Pad Warner . 0 °)_ (-18'c). (Not necessary for use with AGM -style batteries). Oil wammrr slips direc0yoverfbe off Mier. Recommended for use if the temperature mguladyfalls below 0'F G007102-0 Oil Wanner (-18'C). Tlfabreather warmer is for use In extreme cold weather applications. For use with Evolution controllers GOD7103.1 Bmather Warmer only fh AFunates whew heavy icing occurs. Armlfary Transfer Switch The-medliay transfer Switch contact kit allows the transfer switch to lock cut a single largeelectrical load 0005921-0 Orimact fat you may not need. Not compatible with 50 amp pra-wfrgd witches. The&=ia base wrap snaps together around the bottom of the new air coaled generators. This Offers a rapt Peseta Base Wrap IOt G0070970-Rlsgm Fm*Reard s]detc; rnhNured appearance as well as offering protection from rodents and insects by covering the liking an Rotes foRAd In the base. If the generator enclosure Is scratched or damaged, ft is Important to touch up the paint to protectfrnm 0005703-0-Bisque PanRKh future oormsion.The paint kit includes the necessary feintto propedy maintain or touch up a generator . enclosure. . scheduled maintenance kits provide all the hardware necessary to perfume eompleteroutine G006485-0 Scheduled Maintenance Kit maintenance on a Generac automatic standby genand6r. . maintenance Smart Management Modules are used in conjunction w9 the Automatic Transfer Switch to increase its Smart Management Module Sm GOOS973-0 Sm rtMaAmps power managemeutcapabilities. Itpmvfdes addigonil powermaoagemen{flexibility notfound oany other power management system. L SMEw dimenst®ng & UPICS ©inerainnss6Can ae appmx'mele. Ader In "msWhAon nwmd Iw wd amenions, nO Nm' USE itA3E neM8J5AM5 FDA WSfN1J4NN PgAPU56. MC)Mr nEW Genetac Power Systems, Inc. - S45 W29290 HWY. 59, Waukesha, WI531BO - genemc-cmn ®201aeenezcPQriNeysrems, lau AAnC!M1s resuveSF➢sPec!L�aiens are �]eC fo duiCeir@oN retire Pat No.7a000Coe79d-X (aICi/1H) G N ERACP BIrB���rl Tu 6,n01d1fli 78 W MEMO ACCESSOMES Model G007000-0 UPC 696471070002 WE �1111,s Genemes Smart Power Mepagement System is designed to optimize the performance of a standby generator The system can consist ofup to 8 Individual Smart Management Modules (SMM). Unlike other load managementsystems that depend on another control device, the SMM modules are actually self -aware and operate' autonomously. Frequermy Is the true measure of generator enghra pednrmanceand does not need to fabtor in increased ambient temperatures, elevarwo changes orgeneraforfuel type. The modules monilar the frequency (Hz) of the power being produced by Generac's slandhy geneiatars. If frequency fags below a certain threshold, the modulo will automatically fnllow a power management algorithm to reduce the chance of a generator bverload condition. Tire modules on be set to a load priority between 1-8, or he set in a lock -out only mode for loads that jusl.simply do not need to ran in an outage. This reduces the minimum size of 8re generator for a more cost-effective solution. SMM SPECIFICATIONS ;.._...... _.._................................. _........................_............................_......_, ._246VAC(from Line input) CaniactVoltages _.............. _..._........ _.....w.......... ._._......_..._........................... ..............................................................._................-.............22DI240 VAC GonfactorCoil Voltage _ ........ _............................ _....... _:.... _.... ........................................................... ...;............ ........... >.__........... ..,.............. _.240 VAC CollVA Inrush ........ __......._.._........ .y........... .... ....... _._......................................................................:..................,._...._.._._..__....._..........._...._.....30 CoilVA Scaled .................... ................. ................................................ _...... _........................................... ................. ........ _... �...� ...6.5 Palese........ :_ _ ._ ,_.._ ........ _...-........ ._......... _... ........ _.................... _......................... _........... __.......... _.._...... .......... _......................... ....2 RasistiveAmps ... _............... _:........... ...... _. w...... ,.......... ._.......... ...,..................... _........................................................... ....... ......._.._..... ...... 50 KinducliveAmps_........_. __�.__....__......m.._.H_..._.___...................... ... _................................................................................................. ....-40 Locked........ ._..... ..._.... ._.............................. ...........:.._.........,..............__._.............._..........................................180 NEMA.....W.._.........z.......... _.._....._................ ___.......... ................... ,.................... ...... --..... ........... ........... ............... _...._....._..__-3R FtrclosgmSal ng........ ............................ ....... .... .....____....... ............... ................................. ... _.......................... ............ ............................ .......... LIL 50 FrequencySelectabilify..... ....... ....... ._.............. ............ .... ... .............. ........................................... ........ ..... ..._............................................. 60 Hz/ 60 Hz tag EN ERAwv--`�] a smart Management Modules (S M) Dimensions and UPC camug9-➢RA 5@H.gas/s9.061179.49,72111203.7194Weight Miul (@/kg)96fo94, ShippmgWe1gh1(1bfk9) 244/1.11 UPC CDde 69PAMI-0002 SMM Coatr®ls (located) behind the module cover) LED ON=LOAD DaNNEGiID LED AASHIS=LOAD SHED Fppjo;Tr LEDRASHss=aOMIN10GK0Ur ig LEDIMHSS= GENLOAGLOONOUr T 3ID DFF=NOMODULEPDWEA p LOCKOUT 1 .I DISARM Pdorifywaf (A) .80NMDdure-p6Ddty L6ckoufSwitch(3) poethsfoadfmmGpff*gwhCrgS LOfsDperagDgundergeneLatDrpawer. 74fMDR (C).➢iolesDDntaabroulputibraspecTmdfime (Ep(➢) ftdesmodulestausWABasyyiewingiluoughthe atgalvlew�?pindowlocded in6ie upper rightcomerof the module. GENEAC GeNerac power Systems, INe. < S45 W29299 HUi7, 59, WaukAaha, lM 531.89 - generac.eom @TDie 6ma'aCPvur �'sL•ills, In4 Ae n9Ne resercel AAaP'rl�Gonsale meselta c�ariAe o40oN nofice Pdtl Nn td0De0254�IM0 (t VfE/18J Site Selection and Preparation Section 3 Site Selection and Preparation Via sojecd0olfli Site selection is critical for safe generatar operation. It is important to discuss these factors with the installer when selecting a sitaJibrgeneraiorfnstallatlom o Carbon nrohoMde Fire prevention Fresh air for ventilation and cooling Water ingress prevention Proximity to utilities Sulfable mounting surface i7m fallowing pages describe each of these factors in detail. NOTE: The term "struplure is used throughout this see - Von to describe the home or building where generator is being installed. Illustrations depict a )L Oigal residential home. However, instructions and recommendations pre_ sented in this section apply to all structures regardless of f�rpe. See Figure 3-1. CO detectors• (K) must be used to monitor for CO and to wam individuals about the presence of CO,. CO detectors should be installed and tested in accordance with the CO detector manufacturer's instructions and warnings. Contact local building Inspection. department for any applicable requirements cogceming CO detectors. IMPORTANT NOTE: Common smoke alarms do NOT defect CO gas. Do. not rely on smoke alarms to protect residents or animals from CO. The o_ my way to detect CO is to have functioning CO alarms. Carbon 6u�1i noAde Asphy dation. Running engines pr6d4ce carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless, polsonous gas: Carbon monoxide, if not avorded, will resdit In death or serious injury, (000103) IMPORTANT NOTE: Move to fresh ear imma Irately and seek medical attention re ,you fee➢ sick, dl-zy,. mr weak while the generator is running or a€Fer ill stcpEk.. Generator exhaust contains carbon moho:ade (CO}—e poisonous, potentially lethal gas. that cannot be seen or Smelled. The generator must be installed in a well ventilated area away from windows, doors, and openings. The selected location should not allow eAaust gases to be drawn into structures where people or animals may be present. Carbon Manmade Detectors SiteSeiection and Preparation l'Otenum CO Entry P®isnis See Fimnre 3-1. Generator exhaust can enter a structure through large openings, such as wlndawd and doom. However, exhaust and 00 can also ssep into the structure through smaller, less obvious openings. protact the sttrbcctuara Verify structure itself is correctly caulked and sealed to prevent air from leaking in or out. Voids; - cracks, or openings around windows, boors, soffits, pipes, and vents can allow exhaust gas to be drawn into the structure. some e^anples of potential entry points are described and included -in, but not limited to, the accompanying table. 0917pe 3-1. Carbon Monoadde—Pofeaffaf Entry Points Ri Entry in Description / Comments A Windows and doors Archilerfural detaBs which can be (or are) opened to admif fresh air into the structure. B Garage door c0 can leak frdogara3e.rydoorfs bpen, ordoes not seal correctly when closed. c Attic vent Attic vents, ddge vents, crawl spare vanfs, and soffit vents can all admit generator exhaust D - Basament wndows Windows or hatches allowing ventilation to or from lower Is of a sfntcture. E Ft{mace intake / exhaust vent _ Air intake and aAausf pipes for lumace. F Wail cracks includes (bLitnotHralled to) cracks In wall, foundation, mortar, ar airgaps around doors, durdows, andpfpss. See Probecf the Sbuctrrra G Dryer vent 1=xhaust dud for clofi'res dryer. H Afn7ewrestrictions Sbijot u sl comdrs and locations with heavy vegetation restrict airilow. Fxhaustgases can collect` fd such areas. _ J Make up air eystem . fJLiPDJ2TAAITNOTE:169gcfrardcal and-gM!iy mufdoorafr fniske openings for HVAC supply arr ��'s shall be located not less than,IQ feet j3D48rrlm) Frorizonfaffy from the generator enclosure. See section 9e9 in the fCG Mechanical Code forany adrfr$anal requirements, i Fire Frevenflon The generator must be instailed at a safe distance away from hornbustibie 'materials. Engine, taliernator and eXfraust system components become very hot during. operation. Fire risk increases if unit is not correctly ventilated; !.-not correctly maintained, operates too close to combustible' mdiefiafs, or if fuel leaks gist Also, accumulations of flammable debris within or ouiside the generator en>;losure may ignite. Site Selection and Preparation Lnisiance Requil,pments See Figure 3°4' lognimum cleararroes must' be maintained around the generator erictosbre. These clearances are primarily ter fire .prevention, but also to erisure sufficient room for removing front and end panels far maintenance purposes. coa�az 1`urr ure X2. GeneraforDisfarrce Requirements I ID I ' Description IwInifian A Front and endI Mmlmum dlearance from the front and ends of generator must be 3 it (0.91 m). This includes clearance I shrubs, bushes; and trees. I B Rear clearance Fuel and electrical connections are made hem 18 in (457 mm) minimum clearance per RrFPA festing'fabeling, and listing, unless state or local cedes dictate otherwlse. C IWindDWStents, and cpanings. D I Bdsiing wall E I Removable fence NO operable windows, doers, vents, w ndow wells, or openings in the Well are permitted near any point of the generator. See Pofenfia/ CO EnSyPoirrfs for more informalfE) n. The gereratorshoufd not be placed closer. than 18 in (457 mm)'from erdsting walls. Aeemvvable barrier (non -permanent wlihout1botings) installed as amsi ual surround. Removable fence panels for servfclhg cannot be placed Ibss than 3 ft (0.91 m) In front of the generator. F I Overhead dam -an ce 1 5 it (1.52M) mwmtim distance from anysbuclure, overhang, or projections from well. DO NOTfnstall under wooden decks orshuctures. f I Maintenance and I Maneuvermdspace around generatbr rdrperfeiming rouiine maintenance tasks such is battery O senxicing replacement and engine service. Do not attempt to conceal generator with shrubs, bushes, or plants. Site Selection and Preparation Rye lathes, afanawdj9 and rzuialeff Generator installation must comply,' strictly with ICC VC,f , XIFPA 37, NFPA 54, NFPA 58, and NFPA 70 standards. These standards pfaschlbe the minimum safe clearancesaround and above the generatdt' enciosure. PAI 37 NFPA 37 is The The- National Fire Protection Association's standard for the installation and use of stationary combustion engines. Its requirements limit the spading of an enclosed generator set tiom a structure or wall, and rbquire generator to be located where it is readliy accessible br maintenance, repair; and "first responders. NFPA 37, Section 4.1.4, Engines Located Opidoors- ta€pzft n w2.swriorg/Wur MW9Prod/ Englnlas, and their weatherproof houdings. if provided, RacurrentsFfecfan.ssp?FroducEfR�73�Fuausf yft?�2 installed outdoors shall be located at least 5 ft (1.52 m) Bused on this testing and the requirements of NFpA s7, Rota openings in walls and at feast S fE (1.52 m) from Sec 4.1.4, the guidelines for installation of the generators structures. having campusflbfe walls, A minimum .listed above are changed to 18 in (457 mm) kom the separafran 'shall not be required where the following back side of' the yeneratnr to a stationary wall or building conditions exist: For adequate maintenance and allow dleararloe, the area above the generator should be at least 5 ff (1.52 m) WA a.minimum of 3 ft (0.91 tn) at the front and ends of the enclosure. This includes frees, shrubs, and bushes. Vegetation not in pompliance with these clearance p9rametets could obstruct air flow. In addition, exhaust fumes from the generator could inhibit plant growth. See Figure-3-2 and the accompanying descriptions. J� ® srrW In Ab. 2204-OM i Ulf U tI C6u.� 121 of Ewen 49 of WA 37 nsrm Br•. smiM1v-st gmemh uU*fdre._ki Admw. Tel . 1. The adjacent vvd of the structure has afire reels- farice rating of at least one hour. 2; 7 ha weatherproof enclosure is ccrpbucted of non- combustg5le ma%dals and it has -been demon- sffided that a fire within the enclosure will not ignite combustible materials.outside the enclosure. . AnnexA-7ExplauratcryT Laaawria/ A41.4 (2) Means of demonstrating compliance are by means of full scale fire test orby calculation prbcedures. Because of the limited spaces frequently available for installation, It has become apparent that exception (2) Vpukl be beneficial for many residential and commercial installations. The manufacturer eonh-acted with an independenttesting laboratory to run frill scale Ilre tests. NOTE. The Southwest Research Institute (SwRO is a naonally recognized r7ntd party festltig and '➢sting agency, SwRl testing approves 18 in (457 mm) installa- tfoh mtUmum front the rear panel' at the generator to an adjacent structure for fits Ptaoffbn. The criteria was to detemrine the worst case ice scenario vvriluh flee generator and to determine the ignifability of !%ins outside the engine enclosure at various distances. The enclosure is constructed of non-combustible materials, and the results and conclusions from the independent testing lab indicated that any fire within the generator enclosure would not pose any ignition risk to nearby cornbusUbles or sirudfwes, wfft or wfflhout nre 3ewice personnel response: 07E t W Cib7R WM 2 139 COR FACE® ➢47TE 313G CWR UUq­ NWH rMTi $ fm CHRR.P ok=— MTE 7 NO CHAR tray cBM0 FWIFt sMMP, roc VAUXES k I41 USA 91.9 MW oo2lea Figure ,-3 Souftresf Research lasSala MarMTg Generafor rtlaintenance Regular maintenance is crucial for minknizing axhaust emissions and reducing the risk of fire or equipment failure. For example. A dirty air filter or low engine oil level may cause engnne to overheat Incorrect spark plug gaps may cause engine back firing and incomplete combustion. WORTANT NOTE: Sao Maintenance sacgon of generator owners inanual to view a fable of ,scheduled maintenance - tasks and ¢racsd3tres. Perform all maintenamcp tasks as drreeted.