HomeMy WebLinkAboutSURVEY'A Ol _V- A uj ZSGAWNED BY ';t bideCountv 9 w m 0 -W all or., or ..for .1 en. .11. I.re Al n.r. Jl— of2. P3 61a"" h MUM OF SANI ME th.11.'lN8gA.. or I oefle.y E.Ir M., o .... ild ..v. 1, .1 rvee, to ..d earn 1 a ..do ..l. eelntl "cic* soul" I' pnfllel le elq teat 'i I W-sin Mr. .1e i r o ainr or 1.1.11 M.o. E.It penllel le the Marto llne eL..la I., I I., n 1h. Oenall W0.11, woo, I" WO M. 1a.fL. l4ht.. 1W do, ;I ip.l. t. M., or to 10 By, 9N41, .1 11.1.0 0 1.010 SU11,01 N.. 23IJ JAM ES'A. KIRBY III REGISTERED LAND SURVMR —AA V� lo 1. I ,Ira JYrETCf/ Of S'URYEY The POINT of accimu INO Coma at a point where Cho North lino, or Lot y, Section 12, Township la South. Renoc e0 East, Intersects the West shore of the Indian River: thence running West .along the North line or the North 112 or sold Lot y, a d[steace or aaa.00 feat, to e pa l.1; thence Southerly parallel to the West right-of-way line of Indite River Drive, a dbtanee or Ia0.00 race, to a paint; thence East parallel to the North Ilea or said tot y to a point on the shore of sold Indian River: thence tender Northerly along the rest shore of said Indian River to the POINT OF eECtNN1Na. together with rIpa Tien rljhtr. �A� /� M�N O abNr: MGMVMIM/% MOJ I G'ERT/F/GATE OF 1'URYEyOR STATE OF FLORIOA COUNTY OF SAINT CUCIE ! NERCUr CERTIFY that the Survey represented NorthI Is it.0 and ..treat end made Under my direction and .as completed on W01143 There are no enrroecM•ats ercept as above. Doted this 19' day or taW 1981. S TA rE of FLOAIed' RogJstered Surveyor No. 2391 ' SCANNED BY St. LuciPCromti/ a JAM ES A. KIRBY III LAND SURVEYOR q ma lea. wRRY�EGGIIISST�E5gREEDD 2 pees¢ �Uocc Ooelb.-a-Wl P•,,.•-•c.v. wf-/fie % l V I „ww ov 1d11 r r�" _ z \ L FG ENO.• � ilpw[: N M Nam% NGl 0 I • � o gZiD � A a � \�\\ \\ ----- tF\ J'/t'ETC// -Of S!/R(iEY CERTLF/GATE OF J-!/R✓EyOR 1 The POINT OF BEGINNING being ae a point where Me North start OF FLORIDA lino or Lot f. Section 12, Township JC South. COUNTY OF SAINT LUCIE 1 'Range 40 East. IdlerSOCts the Was shore of Ch. Indian i 'River: thence running West along the North line Or the I MEREST CERTIFY Chet the Survey reprcaen lab berm.'. IS North 112 of sold Lot f, a distance of 400.00 feet, to o true and correct and made under my direction and was point; thence SOdtherlT parallel to the West right-of-way Completed 0n WMICI' 3 there are no eneroeehmmts line Of Indian River Drive, a distance or 'IOG.00 feet, to a ercept as sham. pelnL; thence East Oarallel to the North line f rold tat T - the shore of sold tndlan glIndi thence to a PointNor Iffy" me ender Northerly along the West bowie Of sold Indian River a Dated this day of uAA- 1981. �CANNr"-� to the PRIM OF BEGINX1Nt. toaather with rbarlan rlphts_ 1 er:ataw A 1 ,By I STATE Of FLOury + St. LucieCounfv gis Registered TAJat Ofed Surveyor N0. 1391 i "•4 JAM ES A. KIRBY III ' REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR NIo ORAept Adt4 ' re, ana we �5A �'$ M Phone PLA area aom Aea-9C1