HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBMITTED PAPERWORK----------- -=--PART I - SYSTEM STATE OF FLORIDA )F HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES SPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION PERMIT Authority: Chapter381, FS Chapter 1 OD-6, FAC CONSTRUCTION Treatment Tank /a Permit Number j 61 SPECIFICATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL --------------- Septic tank or Grease aerobic unit � gallons interceptor gallons Septic tank or aerobic unit gallons Dosing tank gallons Graywater tank gallons Laundry waste tank gallons Other Requirements: (a) (b) (c) (d) r 8 (e} _ Minimum Draintreneh OR Minimum Absorption Size - — --- - Bed Size Square Feet Square Feet Square Feet Square Feet �Od Square Feet Square Feet Square Feet Square Feet SCANNED Installation must be in accord with requirements of chapter 1 OD-6, FAC. StludArmlhhr A system construction permit is valid for a period of one calendar year from date of issue. Final installation inspectidn and approval is required before the system covered: Invert pf stub -out for�AlAts�J.t to be C(r 9 / r Hg' ��� benchmark. Invert of stub -out for to be benchmark. Invert of stub -out for to be benchmark. Invert of stub -out for to be benchmark. Fill quality and quantity: EXCAVATION MUCrT BE CHECKED n7THSOrn-nmrrrnr•r•'c•n r-1n it DRAINPIELL INSTALLATION (f) Other. TL AREA O DRAINPIELD IS SUBJECT TO SATURATION FROM n raT m na 7rr.n mrt r, r1...n r 1\llvY to li�z�u.0 r iw. i .., a m,..rn APPROVAL. m System design and specifications by: a�t�cra��• Construe ioh authorized by: (' o(,f County Public Health Unit Title L O Date J/,L<- Note: Completed copies of this form will be provided to the applicant, installer and the building department. AUDIT CONTROL NO. S: ( •43Cy11"7 $QUAR) MILE HRS-H Form 4016, Feb 85 (Obsoletes previous editions which may not be used) a Pa Of 2 (Stock Number.. 5744-001-4016-0) g `.• Sanmarc Homes - Lot 12, The,Reserve - Clough Residence s. FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Septi'on 9. C.ompl iance Program - -Residential Point System Method Version 2..0 January, 1989 Department of Community Affairs _ P,rilitout generated by EP189 and submitted in lieu of Form 900-A-89 THIS COMPLIANCE FORM IS VALID IF SUBMITTED BEFORE JANUARY 1, 1990 PROJECT NAME: Z& -FERM`ITTING-OFiGE AND ADDRESS: 4 T /Z ------------------------------ ---------- CLIMATE ZONE: 4 5 -------------- BUILDFR: - --. .-sal✓�.fo/z �- iss�-S---------- PERMIT NO.: -------------- --------------- OWNER: OWI,IER: `/ /f _ JURISDICTION NO.: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- z BUILDING OFFICIAL, COMPONENT- - VALUE CHECKLIST SCANNED STRUCTURE TYPE: a7VWYYiiIV��VV 1i�� Single'Fami I PREDOMINANT FVE OVERHANG Length: 2.00 � t71.6��Af.(111flt1� PORCH OVERHANG Length: 13.00 WINDOWS Single Tint Total Area: 577.3 �_- WALLS 1. ' fTExt NormWtBlock._;L_-nt Area:. 1489.7 R=Value: 5.0 Axt Wood Frame. Area: 170.7 R-Valtie: 11.0 3. Adj Wood Frame Area: 349.9 _ R-Value: 11.0 _ D 0 0 R S 1. -Ext. Wood_ _ - Area: 64.0 _ 2. Adj Insulated Area: 17.8 3. Fxt Insulated Area: 20.0 CE 11. 1 NGS 1. FLAT Under Attic Area: 4041.0 _ _ R-Value; 19.0 FLOORS 1. Slah-on-Grade Perim: 306.0 i R-Value: 0.0 _ DUCTS Uncond. Space Length: ALL. _ R-Value: 4.5 COOL I NG . . 1. Central- A/C - , SEER: 10.00 - J... -M4ultizone: Credit 2. Central A/C S`ET€R- 10.00 Multisone: Credit HEAT LNG 1. Strip Heat STRIP: 1.00 Multisone: Credit 2. Strip• -Beat STRIP: 1.00 Multisone: Credit HOT.-A-ATER -- -= Bedrooms: 4 1. Electric EF: 0.91 2. E 1 e c t. r i c F. F: 0.91 _----_- ---- Conditioned Floor Area: 3345.0 AS,BUILT POINT'S / BASE POINTS . -- 100 = 64554.2 64974.8 GLASS TO FLOOR AREA RATIO = 0.1726 { EPI 99.4 --� PRESCR4XT-_VF__.MEASURES (Must. be met or exceeded by all residanc:es) a ------------------- ,OMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS )INDOWS 904.1 Mnximum of 0.5 CFM per linear foot of operable s.<,sh crank. EXTERIOR & 904.1 Maximum of 0.5 CFM per sq. ft. of door.area. 1DJACENT_DOORS - includes sliding -glass doors, solid core, - -------------------------------- wood -pane_ ,___i•rzs_ulated,_cr g-la_ss doors only,. -• I-— EXT. .JOINTS & 904.1 ---------------------------------------------- To be caulked, gasketed-, weatherstripped or . ,RACK$ otherwise sealed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JATER HEATERS 904.2 Must bear label indicating compliance• w/ASHRAE sT,andard 90 or comply with efficiency and s-andby loss requirements. Switch or clearly - m.,rlced circuit breaker (electric), or cut-off (,as) must be provided. An External or built ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - _ i.r,-heat trap must he provided. >WIMMiNG POOLS 904.3 Spas and heated ponls must have covers (except 4 SPAS solar heated). Non-commerc!,al)ponls must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have -------------_-- minimum thermal efficiency of 75X ----_-- iOT �d:1TER --------------------------- 904.-4 ------------------------------- "Insulation is required only for recirculating 'IPES systems. -In such cases, piping heat loss shall b,: limited to 17.5-BTU/H/Linear Ft. of pipe_ --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------'-- iHOWE.R.HEADS __ 904.5 Wvter flow must be restricted to no more than 3 g-,llons per minute at 80.PSIG. iVAC DUCT 903.2 Constructed in accordance with industry CONSTRUCTION 904.6 standards & local mechanical codes. Ducts in U.-tconditioned space must be insulated to minimum R-4.2 & joints must be sealed. iVAC CONTROLS SIparate readily accessible manual or automatic tnermostat for each. system. ------------_-------------------------------------------------------------------- 114SULATION 904.9 Ceilings -Min R-19: Common Walls - Frame R-11 or CBS R-3. F-ame Common Ceilings & Floors R-11. xx INFILTRATION REDUCTION PRACTICE COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST ++ 'OMPPNENTSREQUIREMENTS 'RACTICE #2 Comply with Practice #1 and the following. ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 3xterior Walls & Floors Top plate penetrations sealed. Infiltration barrier installed. Sole plate/floor joint'. c;u I ked or sealed. "vc t a r i nx__ l•Ja_LI s_&_Cs_il_i n gs ) u c t W o r k ire.pIace.s .. Sxhaust Fans Pane trat ions., ioint=_andsran><= o.n inter-Lor surface caulked, sealed, and gasketed Ductwork in unconditioned space must be sealed. Equipped with outside combustion air, doors, •andjI,ye dampers_ Equipped with damper_s:­ Combustion devices s.ee 903.2—(f). -- - ,ombustion Appliances Provided with outside combustion air. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^--------------------------------------------------------- n Accordahnce witSec. 553.907 Iz.5., Review of the plans and s-e cificationa `Hereby certify that the plans rand 1 covered by this calculation indicates specifications covered by this c3lcu- I compliance with the Florida Energy ation are in compliance with the I*Code. Before'construction is completed -lorida Energy Code. this building will be inspected for : I compliance in accordance with Section 1 553.908 F.S. )WNER/AGENT:`-ram, BUILDING OFFICIAL: )ATE: /Z - g__.-_ __1 DATE: a SUMMER CALCUI.,AT 1 ONS Y Y N X Y Y A rt N M N rt N K N N N} Y X,Y M M Y M Y M N Y N M rt N N M M N M X Y Y Y Y X M M N M Y M N M M/Y M Y N M Y N Y Y M N M M N X Y N Y MM M YEN Y N - --__= BASE __= I __= AS -BUILT GLASS ------------ - I ---------- OP. I EI,L-_ AREA x _BSPM =._ .POI NTS I TYPE SC OR I F_N AREA x SPM x SOF `_ . P01 NTS 11 7.4 47.8 353.7 ------------------- I Sill. TINT N 7.4 ----------------•------- 51 . 5 0.82 ` 310. R NE 48.6 71.7 3484.6 1 SG[.. TINT NE 35.0 76.6 0.82 2211.5 : St;L TINT NE 13.6 76.6 0.36 375.0 E- 177.5 -102.0 -1-8105.0 1 SGL TINT- E_ 5-1�0- 107-i-0792 `4482.7 S 1L, TINT E - 77.0 107.1 0.29 '2364. R 1 SGI. TINT E 34.3 107.1 0.31 1130.8. " 1 S ;G` TINT E 15. 2 107..1 0.78 1265. q SE 80.0 104.1 8328.0 1 S,I, TINT SE 38.0 110.3 0.42 1760.4 1 S;L TINT SF 20.9 110.3- 0.24 557.4 I S L. TINT SE 13.8 110.3 0.47 713.1 1 SGI., TINT SF__ 7.3 110.3 0.72 577.1 S 85.8 90.9 7799.2 I S•:,L TINT S 72.0 95.3 0.29 2082.1 - I..SG1. TINT - S - 13.8 98.3 0.95 1.295..5 SW 7.3 104.1 759.9 1 S31, TINT SW 7.3 110.3 0.72 577.1 .-W - 139.6 102.0 .14239. 2 'I S lL TINT W 20.4 107.1 0. 78 1698.4 1 S,L TINT W_ 36.4 107.1 0.85 3323.8 1 SGL, TINT W 12.0 107.1 0.28 364.4 - 1 S-IL TINT W 70.8 107.1 0.91 6914.3 NW 31.1 71.7 2229.9 '-- 1 S;L TINT NW 3.L:1_.. 76.6 0.86 2056.7 - -- -------------------------' 15.x COND, FLOOR / TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. --------- x GLASS = ADJ GLASS ------- GLASS AREA I AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS POINT ---=r-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 3345.0 -,. 577_-3 0.869 55299.6 48062.6 ------------ ------------ 34061.111 AREA x' BSPIl =-_POINTS I TYPE R-VALUF- AREA x SPM POINTS - WALLS----------- - I ------------------ Ext 1660.4 1.00 -1660.4 1 F. t NormWtBIock Int 5.0 1489.7 1.00 1489.7 1 E<t Wood Frame 11.0 170.7 1.90 324.3 Adj - 349..9 0.70 .244.9 I AIj Wood Frame 11.0 349.9 0.70 244.9 D00R:5----------- 1 Ext 84.0 4.80 403.2 1 F.xt: Wood - '64.01 7.20 460.8 1 E•xt Insulated - 20.0 4.80 96.0 Ad,j - 17.8 1.Flo - 28.5 1 Aij Insulated 17.8 1.60 26.5 CEILINGS ---------- 1 UA 3345.b 0.60"" '2007.0 I Linder Attic 19.0 4041.0 1.10 4445.1 F1.,00R_S---------- S 1 306.0 -31.80 -9730.8 1 Slah-on-Grade 0.0 306.0 -31.90 -9761.4 INFILTRATION --------- Practice 02 334S.0 10.90 36460.5 TOTAL SUMMER PO ]-FITS - 79136.3 1 67849.7 TOTAL x SYSTEM = -COOLING 1 TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = COOLIN,; SLIM PTS - MULT POINTS 1 C -114PON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS • -..- __.,.40 .-O4V3%;.G c:;c•,J.7 1.000 1, 1.3Z 'O.54U U,9U0 235L3.J N N N Nh N N N Y4 Y N X Y Y X Y N N N N N N Y# Y Y Y X X X N M X N Y N Y N k k N N N Y C N N N N M Y N.N N N N N N N Y Y N Y N N N# N Y N Y N N N N N N Y 'WI-NTER CALCULATIONS i 'N- X l'-Y-Y N N N•X N Y Y M N Y N N-F-iF:�['JLM X X X N N Y Y N -Y e M N Y N N Y N X N X Y N N X Y N N N X N N N N N N N. X N X X Y N N M Y Y N N N N Y N Y N BASE ___ ;. AS -BUILT GLASS ------=----- "- „ ORIEN AREA x BWPM ---------------- POINTS - I --TYPE SC OR-JEN AREA x WPM x WOF =.POINTS N 7.4 5.6 41.4 ------------ ; SCL TINT N 7.4 9.6 1.tl 78.9 iJE 48,6• 3,_5 170.1 I SIGI, TINT NE 35.0 7.3 1.17 299.2 SG-r. ' T'I NT NE 13.6 7 3--Y. 67i` 1 165. 8 E 1.77.5 -5.6 -994.0 1 SGT.-- T-1_NT --E 512;0 0.03 -2.7 L TINT_. _E_ - -. 7_7-.0 -2.0 -4.67 718.8 _ 1 SGL' TINT E 34.3 -2.0 -4.37 299.8 I S:;L TINT F. - 15.2 -2.0 -0. 21 B. S SE 80.0 -13.4 -1072.0 I S,L TINT SF. 36.0 -9.7 0.05 -18.=+ I SGL TINT SE 20.9 -9.7 -0.88 176.,E S>L. TINT SE 1.3.8 -9.7 0.17' -22.4 S••_ 85.8 -14.0 --1201.2 I S.41, TINT 1 SGL TINT SE 7.3 -9.7 0.68 -47. P. S 72.0 -10.2 -0.88 646.8 I SGL TINT S 13.8 -1.0.2 0,98 -1'37." SW 7.3 -13.4 -97.8 I SGI. TINT SW 7.3 -9.7 0.68 -47.f, W-__. 139.6 _-S'. G -781.8 I SGL, TINT W 20.4 -2.0 -0.21 B.P, 1 S„L. TINT W 36.4 -2.0 0.20 -14.c) I S-3L TINT W - -12. 0 -2.0 -4 . 71 113. 0 1 SGL TINT W 70.8 -2.0 0.53 -74.4 IdW 31.1 3.5 -------------------- 108.8 I S31, TINT NW 31.1 7.3 1.14 2.58.E ------------------------------------------------ _i5r.x CON,D.---FL.00R_-! .TOTAL .CLASS = ADJ. x GLASS = ADJ GLASS CLASS AREA ----•--------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS POINTS 15 3345.0 577.3 0.869-3826.•.4 -3325.6 2408.3 AREA x BWPM -------------------- = POINTS 1 TYPE. R-VALUE AREA x WPM = POINT`.': 1AL.L,S----------- I - :xt 1660.4 1.10 1826.4 I Ext. NormWtBlock Int 5.0 14,9.7 2.90 4320.1 I Ext Wood Frame 11.0 170._7 2.00 341.4 di 349.9 _ 1.80 629.8 I Adi Wood Frame 11.0 349.9 1.80 629.H BOORS ---------- 1 - xt 84..0 5.10_ 426.4 Ex_t Wood 64.0 7.60 486.4 I Fxt Insulated 20.0 5.10 102.0 dj 17.8 4.00 71.2 I Adj Insulated 17.8 4.00 71.2 PILINGS ---------- ; A-3345.0 0.60 2007.0`; Under Attic - 19.0 4041_.0 1.00 4041.0 L.00RS---------- - _ ..- ]b - 306.-p -1.90 -581.4 ,1 Slab -on -Grade 0..0 306.0 2.50 765.0 NFILTRATION---------- ; 3345.0 4.10. 13714:5 ; Practice N2 3345.0 4.10 13714.E OTAL WINTER POINTS I - - ---t4770. 3 - --------------------------------------------------- I 26879. A OTAL x SYSTEM = HEATING I TJTAI, x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = HEATINC, IN PTS MULT P01,NTS I COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS , X R X R N X NY X y X N N N Y X Y Y y y Y X, NN Y Y Y X M N X X X R N N X Y M Y X X Y M X N R Y N"i1 N Y N lI N R X Y y N Y X X X X X M Y R RRY M R R R X WATER HEATING Ay NYN.I BASE AS -BUILT JUM'-rjF x MOLT = --TOTAL T.ANI: VOLUME F-F TANK x MUL.T x CREDIT = TOTAL IEDRMS -------------------------------------------------------------- RATIO- MULT ,• 4-- 352.7..Q._, 14108. 0 I 50 0. 91 0.500 3411.0 1. 00` '' . 6822. 0 ...... 50 0.91 0.500 -3411.0 1.00 8822,0 - - 74108.0 I 13644.0 N N X N y N N Y Y N Y N Y Y N y N Y R_X N N k N Y N Y X N N X h X f X X N N N M N Y M N X N N N M Y Y N Y Y Y N N X N N M N k X X X y Y N Y X M Y N X N X f _._ __._�...._.�..._.. . ... SUMMARY y X N X N X X N N M Y N X X X N R X N Y X,Y Y Y Y X N Y N N R A N} Y Y y Y X Y N Y N X Y X N X N Y N N X X N Y Y N A Y X N N N Y XX Y N Y Y Y N X N N y} BASE ___ __= AS -BUILT :001 I IJG HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL I COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL, 'OINTS + POINTS + POINTS = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POINTS POINTS + POINTS + POIINTS = POINTS 4028-6-16838.2 - 14108.0 64974.8 23513.0 27397.2 13644.0 64554.2. Y Y M R N Y Y X EPI = 99,4 R Y h N X Y Y N R M Y N Y N Y y Y Y t