HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTEMAN PROPANE TANK PAPERWORKSCANNED st Luc Ucie Courm, m 305 West King Street * East Flat Rock, NC 28726 - Ph: 800-438-7277 Fax: 828-692-0258 - www.mminutemanproducts.com rim /gf6f4 /W" Anchorsi l c. General Installation Notes for to installing the anchors, check for underground utilities. Always used insulated gloves when turning anchors Into the ground to prevent possible shock. '2. The anchors and straps shown here on are designed to resist the buoyancy forces from an empty.tank fully submerged above or below ground, lateral forces generated from seismic zorfe 4 activity, and 175 MPH EXP. "D" winds. 3. Earth Auger anchors shall have a minimum pullout value of 4,7251bs. when used In the soil type that a specific anchor is designed for (see sal! test probe and soft classiilication chart). 4. In the event earth augers are precluded from installation, alternate tethering designs can be submitted for consideration. Alternate concrete anchors; THDHLS, 210 JDH, and210 ..-JDH can be used in concrete slabs or footers. �5. Strap shall be; 1 1/4" x 0.035 Galvanized Steel Strap Zinc Coating meets ASTMD93953 C-115. Upright tanks can use optional 1/4" coated aircraft cable, 2000 lbs. General purpose reinforced PVC lay flat water discharge hose or equivalent must be used to cover galvanized strap where ever it can potentially come in contact with the fuel tank. 7. Id all cases when tanks up to 350 gallons are placed in areas of soil types In a., b., c., and d at.least 2 straps and 4 anchors are required (see auger anchors). Pacific Consulting Engineers 2150 Bell Aye., Saito 145 • Sauemcato, GA 9583g • (916) 564-M • Pax: (916) 564.6029 email ' ddahmenocemaol.com MINUTE MAN ANCHORS, INC. , TANK THEATHERING & SEISMIC STABILIZATION DP'NMEN � a Design Loads: Flotation - Tank empty 2010 CBC and IBC NL1t�272�Os .a fully submerged above or below ground. Seismic Importance Factor...... 1 r9 rr9i+i* Site Classification .....................E Sds......................................1.68 M Soil Class 2, 3, 4(a), & 4(b) Auger Anchors 4636 DH , 4636 EZDH ,6?'k 445ODH 65ODH 76ODH Mhanum Soil Test Probe Readng 276350 inch pounds For Probe Ream _q Bebw276 hch pounds call Mnute Man Products a°:Soil Class 2 and 3 requires auger anchors a minimum of 36" in length. b. Soil Class 4(a) requires auger anchors a minimum of 48" in length. c. Soil class 4(b) requires auger anchors a minimum of 60" in length. b. For soil class 5 call Minute Man Products. Concrete Slab Anchors THDHL.S-Dry 210 PDH-Wet 210 JDH-Wet NCRETE ANCHORS WITH STRAP FOR PROPANE TANKS T k SIZE NUMBER OF STRAPS VOLUME OF CONCRETE P. IOL-10 gallon 2 20 cubic ft. i500 galiun ' 2 21 cubic ft. ' 2000 gallon 3 27 cubic ft. (1 yard) 1500 gallon 3 27 cubic ft. (1 yard) *Calculation formula for determining pre-existing slab or footer volume: Length x Width x Height (in inches).-1728" +Cubic Feet Page 2 ]1... A440VA464 JV'" if 1, MID 0 ry Ar xt • it wr . I jj WIL 29 III 1 PROPANE CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. All pipe and fittings above ground and Inside building shall be SCH..40 Galvanized ASTM A120, or AGA approved corrugated 8tainle"ss steel,(C.S.S.T.) pipe. 2 All,polypipe and fittings shall be ASTM D251-3 or ASTM D2517 and,shall;bye burled outside underground at a depth of 18" with warning; tape and tracer wire. 3. All p1po,and meter locations are approximate and subject to chpnge. .4 All polypipe shall be joined by heat fusion or approved mechanical. -couplings. 5. All'galvanized pipe shall be threaded. '-B' Ali pipe. shall be pressure tested to. 20 # PSI •for a period of 24 hours. vL: VI fie' ?" ! •a<.. ' AL UNDERGROUND TANK INSTALLATION 2" to 6'. DOWNGRADED AWAY FROM DOME I. s ANODE CABLE ' SACRIFICIAL ANODE �,�'�• ' ' MAGNESIUM ",q) J,. F• • ' ; RE(;QLATOR li " -Ay I SHUT GA'S OFF AT ' 31) 'SME YALYE {� •X ;. • A O EGaADE O. . •~• RUN IlG TAPE . yr RISE ' GRADE/SLEEVE CONCRETE I'J V � � � . C�.,��•- �., a �. • L .. 1 7 f to A. vRoenonouelo Braes eoRralllen SERVICE LINE /O' ! ..o TRACE HIRE Bulletin LP-7: R122H March 2010 Type, R122H First -Stage Regulator Introduction The Type Ri22H is an Underwriters Laboratories listed regulator designed for Two -Stage LP -Gas systems. The unit is designed to reduce the tank pressure to an outlet pressure of 10 psig. The .compact size makes it ideal for small domestic applications and underground tanks. The outlet pressure setting is nonadjustable and is factory set at a nominal 10'psig. Screened drip - lip vents are oriented over the outlet as standard. Features' .: • 20 Year Recommended Replacement Life —The R122H is designed using rugged time proven design concepts and constructed of corrosion resistant materials, Loth intemally and externally. With propr.installation and periodic inspection and mainterp; ice the R122H regulator will meet a 20 Year Recommended Replacement Life. • Dual Gauge Taps — Builtlin lA inch NPT gauge taps ori6ced to a numbeir,54 drill size on both the inlet and outlet side of the reggulator allow for easy testing. • Durahii" ` = A flrior''ocariirsn valve disc is utilized >>y to improve lookup perfomrance in systems with contaminated gas. • Improved Regulation — A:large fabric -reinforced diaphragm and stabilizer clip deliver accurate and stable regulation. ." • Easy Installation — The units compact size and easily accessible inlet and outlet wrench flats make installation easy even in the lightest installations. Figure 1. Type R122H FirstSrapa Regulator Superior Overpressure Protection — The combination of a high capacity relief valve and large vent provide overpressure protection that exceeds UL standards. When used in conjunction with a R622 or R652, the two -stage system will limit the downstream pressure from the second -stage to 2 psig even in a double failure situation. • Corrosion -Resistant —Added corrosion resistance from an internal and external coating process for all castings prior to painting, stainless steel relief valve spring and retainer and a corrosion resistant relief valve seat. • Positive Draining Spring Case — When installed property with the spring case vent pointed down, the design allows moisture formed in the spring case to drain out limiting the problems with corrosion and freezing water in the spring case. EMERSON. Process Management Bulletin., LP-7:. -R122H - Table 1. Ordering information TYPENUMSER' I . :i1:11 CAPACITY BTUIHR PROPANE") CONNECTIONS INLET x OUTLET NOMINAL OUTLET SETTING!1 71:22H-M� . 1.100.0m 1144rKh x 1Q-Inati NPT 10 P519 (0.69 bar) 1. N Figure 2. Type R12214DIntensions WINES Man) LP4= Equ]PMW"."i Emerson Proc"s Management Regulator Toobtlebgles. Im. USA - HeadVarters McXtnrwM Texas 75069-1872 USA Telephone: I (ON) 558-SM Telephone: 1 (M) 548-W4 For fwffter Inforrimbors visit www fisharregulatorsconifip Tim Emamn lapis a iniammilt sixi iwm wak of FirammEWtatC4.Al atiffftiaft mU*pMPWlY ;xVW;sa5P6Cft6C ff% RVWl3 a 111211(ONTO(Itly Palo CaFfta, lix. a ftarimsii at Eriwvxt pmm masiapissent. The Cwtxft Of M V311=5on are wawrM4 Wirilsirnational pspa,,, a* VA VON" elftailtias lisai m20a toeiaouut th& istaney, ftY= nDl to be Wnshed aswarxaws a ain WWL1MSt2nYM1aWWWMdM. PzsponsMNtxpmporsdocgon,l wdntammnLedxwEm EMERSON. CePm MMMORegUL'"ToduwWk% W— =Xl0;MRJ0!9 Reserved Process Management Bulletin 71.1 :R622 Jum 2010 Type .R622 Pressure Reducing Regulator • Will ...... • Prote Scree • Inlet and Outlet Pressure Gauge Taps Figure 1. 7ype'R522 Presswe Reducing Regulator Introduction telief ieight Type R622 diiect-operated, spring -loaded regulators applications. These regulators can be used with provide economical pressure iedupng control in natural, manufactured, or propane gases and Have the a variety of re iimercia1, and industrial same inlet and outlet pressure capabilities. w� „41 FISHER' 9 EMERSON. Process management Body Size and End Connection Style(') 112 NPT inlet and outlet Maximum Allowable Inlet Pressure() Operating: 125 psig (8,6 bar) Emergency: 125 prig (8,6 bar) Except 1.8 to 2,2-inches w.c. (4 to 5 mbar) spring range which has operating and emergency pressures of 60 psig (41:barj Maximum Allowable Outlet (Casing) Pressute(1) Operating to Avoid'lntemai Part Damage: 3 paid (0;21 bar d) above outlet pressure setting Emergency,;20 psi (1;4'bar)'" Outlet Pressure'Ranges See Table 1'k-` ' Orifice Size - 118-inch (3,2 mm) orifice Flow Coefficients Wide -Open C. for Relief Sizing: 12.5 Wide-OV n C for Relief Sizing: 0.36 Ct: S5 IEC Sizing Coefficients 1 XT: 0.78 FD: 0.82 ' FL: 0.80 .. Flow Capacities SeeTable,2'<:r In addition, 'tyre P622'regulators have internal relief across the diaphragm to help minimize overpressure. Any outlet pressure above the start -to -discharge point of the non-ydjustable relief valve spring moves the diaphragm s6ff of the relief valve seat, allowing excess pressure to bleed out through the screened spring case vent. ' Table 1. Ouue( Pressure Ranges Pressure Registration Internal Relief Performance See Figure 4 Internal Relief Performance Start -to -Discharge is 8 to 22-inches w.c. (20 to 55 mbar) for setpoints from 1.8 to 204nches w.c. (4 to 50 mbar) Start -to -Discharge is 140 to 200% over setpoint from 20-inches w.c. to 2.2 psig (50 to 152 mbar) Sprmg,Case Vent Connections 314 NPT vidh removable screen Temperature Capabilitiesii) -20- to 160°F (-20- to 71 °C) Approximate Weight 2.35 pounds (1 kg) Construction Materials Body, Spring Case, Diaphragm Plate, and Orifice: Aluminum Diaphragm, Disk, and 0-ring: Nitrite (NSR) Adjusting Screw and Pushpost: Delrin® . Closing Cap: ASAThermoplastic (UV -Ray Resistant) Control Spring: Zinc -plated steel Machine Screw, Spring Seat, and Lever: Zino -plated steel Valve Stem: Zinc Relief Valve Spring, Relief Spring Retainer, Lever Pin, and Vent Screen: Stainless steel ` Specifications The Specifications secbOn Cats speciflcaiions forType R622 Pressure Reducing Regulators. As it originally comes from the factory, specifications for a given regulator are stamped on the spring case nameplate. PRESte`URg G£� • r OUT}fiJ ,J,.;-., ,, -CONTROL SPRUNG PART NUMBER CONTROL SPRING COLOR CODE SPRING WIRE DIAMETER, INCHES(MM) SPRING FREE LENGM INCHESa=) 1.6 to 224nChei W.t.'n(4to 5 mbar) 5 to 74ndWsw`C(12to 17 mbar) T14453To012 T143"T0012 Purge flange 0,051(1,30) 0.062(1,68) 3AN(86,4) 3.40(86,4) 6.5 to"a we:'(16 to 22 robot) Ti439W=12 Yellow Silver 0.067(1.70) 0.072(1,83) 3.61(917) 4.10(104) 910134ntlte9 W.c,(22to Wlrbor) 13 to 2D4kOres w.C.(32 tptmmbs) T14400T0012 TIODIT0012 Gray 0.080(2,03) 3.60(91,4) 1610 35-M&M9 W.C. (40 to 67 mbar} 1 to22 psto IM tb 152 maan T14402TOO12 T1440310012 Pink Llot BNue 0.093 (2,36) 0,106 (2,67) 3,52 (89,4) 3.66 (93,0) :Ei