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DIRECTORY OF PAGES PV-1 PROJECT SUMMARY PV-2 SITE PLAN PV-3 SINGLE -LINE DIAGRAM PV-4 SAFETY LABELS PV-5.1 ATTACHMENT PLAN 5.1 PV5.2 ATTACHMENT PLAN 5.2 PV5 ATTACHMENT DETAILS PV-7 FIRE SAFETY PLAN MODULE DATASHEET OPTIMIZER DATASHEET X Z ARRAY WIRING BOX DATASHEET INVERTER DATASHEET a MOUNTING SYSTEM DATASHEET MOUNTING SYSTEM ENGINEERING LETTER UL 2703 GROUND AND BONDING CERTIFICATION ANCHOR DATASHEET PROJECT DETAILS PROPERTYOWNER LENY ABREAU PROPERTY ADDRESS 413 COCONUT AVE E, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34952 US APN ZONING RESIDENTIAL USE AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ONE -OR TWO-FAMILY DWELLING GROUP (GROUP R3) AHJ UTILITY COMPANY FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO ELECTRICAL CODE 2014 NEC (NFPA 70) FIRE CODE 2015 NFPA 1 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY GREEN MINDED SOLAR LICENSE NUMBER EC13007555(ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR) ADDRESS PO BOX 417, SKYLAND, NC 34698 PHONE NUMBER (813)644-8589 CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE - I O_ _ • � I REVIEWED FOR; ;CODE' COMPLIANCE {. STa_ LUCIE_C0UNTY BOCK m t -- - c m ) ST.LUCIE COUNTY ` PLAN REVIEW' BLDG,- DATE: ELIE DATE PLUMB: DATE MECR- DATE: i MaP date 02019 1 PLOT PV-1 SCALE: NTS 2 LOCALE FILE Copy PV-1 SCALE: NTS FjUe C,; SCOPE OF WORK THIS PROJECT INVOLVES THE INSTALLATION OF A PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SYSTEM. SOLAR PANELS WILL BE RACKED USING A PREENGINEERED RACKING SYSTEM. THE RACKED MODULES WILL BE ELECTRICALLY CONNECTED WITH DC TO AC POWER INVERTERS AND INTERCONNECTED TO THE LOCAL UTILITY USING MEANS AND METHODS CONSISTENT WITH THE RULES ENFORCED BY THE LOCAL UTILITY AND PERMITTING JURISDICTION. ROOF HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND DEEMED CAPABLE OF HOLDING THE NEW LIVE ROOF LOADS AS DESIGNED. ALL WORK PERFORMED AND MATERIALS USED WILL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH FBC 2017, 6TH EDITION. THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THE PURPOSE OF DESCRIBING THE DESIGN OF A PROPOSED PV SYSTEM WITH ENOUGH DETAIL TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS. THE DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RELIED UPON AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR FOLLOWING MANUFACTURER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. THE SYSTEM SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL MANUFACTURERS LISTING AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, AS WELL AS ALL APPLICABLE CODES. NOTHING IN THIS DOCUMENT SHALL BE INTERPRETED IN A WAY THAT OVERRIDES THEM. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFICATION OF ALL CONDITIONS, DIMENSIONS, AND DETAILS IN THIS DOCUMENT. SYSTEM DETAILS DESCRIPTION NEW GRID -INTERACTIVE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM WITH NO BATTERY STORAGE DC RATING OF SYSTEM 11,160W AC RATING OF SYSTEM 10,000W AC OUTPUT CURRENT 42.OA INVERTER(S) 1 X SOLAR EDGE SE1000OH-US MODULE MISSION SOLAR MSE310SOBT ARRAY WIRING (3) STRINGS OF 12 INTERCONNECTION DETAILS POINT OF CONNECTION NEW SUPPLY SIDE AC CONNECTION PER NEC 705.12(A) UTILITY SERVICE 1201240V 1Q INSIDE PANELBOARD SQUARE D D222NRB, 2-POLE, 60A, 240VAC SITE DETAILS ASHRAE EXTREME LOW 0°C (32°F) ASHRAE2%HIGH 33°C(91°F) CLIMATE DATA SOURCE VERO BEACH MUNICIPAL AIRPORT (KVRB) WIND SPEED 180 MPH (ASCE7-10) RISK CATEGORY II B �- J I _ WIND EXPOSURE CATEGORY GROUND SNOW LOAD P-120125 Green Minded (IW4Solar ._..,......gym. W ~ co n O W 0 C/) W Q O CV Lr, LL W J 0 Lu Lu m `C O d � 0O Pv-1 N P-120125 Green Minded ` Solar z W 04 � W W � Z W c>7 � o LL H O W W 0— W Z U -- �� IN PROPOSED ROOF -MOUNTED PHOTOVOLTAIC w � O � ARRAY. 4:12 (18°) SLOPED ROOF, 28 PV MODULES Q (� J (BLACK FRAME, BLACK BACKSHEET), 90° AZIMUTH ,J Q O (N) PROPOSED ROOF -MOUNTED PHOTOVOLTAIC O Lu U (n O2 ARRAY.4:12 (18°) SLOPED ROOF, 8 PV MODULES Cn (BLACK FRAME, BLACK BACKSHEET), 268- AZIMUTH m F'--' ALL ARRAY CIRCUITS SHALL BE ROUTED THROUGH W Q THE INTERIOR OF THE BUILDING, AND WHERE 3 POSSIBLE, ALONG THE BOTTOM OF LOAD BEARING Q �- MEMBERS. NO CONDUIT SHALL BE INSTALLED ABOVE THEROOF. 0 1 SITE PLAN i PV-2 SCALE: 1 ° = 20' SITE PLAN DOC ID:120125-150135-0 DATE: 817119 CREATOR: M.A. REVIEWER: C.T. REVISIONS Ff PV-2 GENERAL NOTES EQUIPMENT LIKELY TO BE WORKED UPON WHILE ENERGIZED SHALL BE INSTALLED IN LOCATIONS THAT 1 SATISFY MINIMUM WORKING CLEARANCES PER NEC 110.26. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE ONLY COMPONENTS LISTED 2 BY A NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY FOR THE INTENDED USE. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FURNISHING ALL 3 EQUIPMENT, CABLES, ADDITIONAL CONDUITS, RACEWAYS, AND OTHER ACCESSORIES NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE AND OPERATIONAL PV SYSTEM. -WHERE DC PV SOURCE OR DC PV OUTPUT CIRCUITS ARE RUN INSIDE THE BUILDING, THEY SHALL BE 4 CONTAINED IN METAL RACEWAYS, TYPE MC METAL - CABLE, OR METAL ENCLOSURES FROM THE POINT CLAD OF PENETRATION INTO THE BUILDING TO THE FIRST READILY ACCESSIBLE DISCONNECTING MEANS, PER NEC 690.31(G). r- I r I PV MODULE 1� OPTIMIZER PM1-36 31OW Q o® 0© �J JUNCTION BID) JB1 2 INVERTED n m,000w PV SYSTEM DISCONNECT (200A MSP W/200A MCB) I 0© UTILIJY METER KWHR 240110V lip, 3W GEC INVERTERS REF. It QTY 1 MAKEANDMODEL I SOLAR EDGE SE10003HUS ACVOLTAGE I 24GV GROUND I UNGROUNDED I MAXOCPDRATING I fi0A I RATEDPOWER I MAXOUTPUTCURREM I 10,000W I 4ZGA MAX INPUT CURRENT I 27.UA MAXINPUTVOLTAGE I400V I CECWBGHIFDEPFIUIFNCY 99G% DISCONNECTS OCPDS REF QTY MAKEANDMODEL RATED CURRENT lBAD(RATEO VOLTAGE REF. OTY. RATED CURRENT MAXVOLTAGE SWI I SQUARE D D222MiB OR EQUIV. 60A 240VAC _ _ Fl-2 2 fi0A 240VAC NOTES OFTMIZERS PROVIDE RAPID SHUTDOWN FUNCTIONALITY REQUIRED BY AEC690.12. THE SPECIFIED OPTIMIZER CAN BE SUBSTITUTED WITH AP400, P405, P370, P505, OR P340, THESE OPTIMIZERS HAVE AN INPUT VO ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE THE OUTPUT VOLTAGE RANGE OF THE MODULE AT THE DESIGN TEMPERATURES, HAVE MAX INPUT IS ABOVE THE MAX OUTPUT CURRENT OF THE MODULE, AND A MAX POWER INPUT THAT IS ABOVE THE RATED POWER OUTPUT OF ®UNGROUNDED SYSTEM DC CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COLOR -CODED AS FOLLOWS, DC POSITIVE SHALL BE RED (OR MARKED RED) AND DC NEGATIVE SHALL BE BLACK (OR MARKED BLACK) ALL METAL ENCLOSURES, RACEWAYS, CABLES AND EXPOSED NONCURRENT -CARRYING METAL PARTS OF EQUIPMENT SHALL BE GROUNDED TO EARTH AS REQUIRED BY NEC 250.4(BI AND PART III OF NEC ARTICLE 250 AND EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SIZED ACCORDING TO NEC 690.45. THE GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM SHALL ADHERE TO 69047(B) AMID 250.169. THE DC GROUNDING ELECTRODE SHALL BE SIZED ACCORDING TO 250.166 AN ADDITIONAL ARRAY GROUNDING ELECTRODE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC SECTIONS 250.52 AND 250.54 UNLESS THE ARRAY © STRUCTURE IS SUITABLE TO SERVE AS A GROUNDING ELECTRODE AS PER NEC SECTION 250.2 THE LOAD SERVED BY THE ARRAY IS INTEGRAL WITH THE ARRAY, OR THE PREMISES EXISTING WIRING ELECTRODE IS LOCATED WITHIN 6FT. AS PER NEC SECTION 690.47(D) ®MAX DC VOLTAGE OF ARRAY FIXED BY THE INVERTER AT 400V REGARDLESS OF TEMPERATURE THE MAX DC VOLTAGE OF THE MODULE AT O'CIS EXPECTED TO BE 43.3V (0'C-25'C) X-0.128VIC.40.IZV=43.3V). PV SYSTEM DISCONNECT SHALL BE A VISIBLE KMFE-BLADE TYPE DISCONNECFTHAT IS ACCESSIBLE AND LOCKABLE BY THE UTILITY. THE DISCONNECT SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN 10 FT OF UTILITY METER ®POINT -OF -CONNECTION IS ON THE SUPPLY SIDE OF SERVICE DISCONNECT. INSIDE PANELBOARD ENCLOSURE USING UNUSED TERMINALS, TERMINALS THAT ARE SUITABLE FOR DOUBLE LUGGING, OR USING OTHER LOCALLY -APPROVED METHODS AND HARDWARE. IN OOMPUANCEWITH NEC 705.12(A). CONDUCTOR AND CONDUIT SCHEDULE W/ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS CURRENTCARRWNG TEMP. CORP FILL CONL MAY CURRENT BASE DEBATED TERM. AMP.@TERM. D TYPICAL CONDUCTOR CONDUR/CABLE CONDUCTORSCONOUR OCPD EGO FACTOR FACTOR CURRENT (125%) AMP. AMP. TEMP. RATING TEMP. RATING ICPBLE 1 3 IOAWGPVWIRE, FREEAIR WA WA 6 AWG BARE, COPPER 0.76(55-C) 1.0 1 15A 18.75A 55A 41.BA 76'C 50A COPPER 8AWGWWN-2, VCIA. FLEXIBLE 6 WA 12 AWGTHWN-2 0.76(53-C) 0.8 15A 18.75A BSA 33.44A 90'C SSA 2 1 COPPER STEEL COPPER 6AWGTHWN-2, 0.75 CIA. LFMC 2 WA 10AWGTHW&2• 0.96(33-C) 1.0 42A 525A 75A 72A 75'C 65A 3 1 COPPER COPPER 4 1 6AWGTHWN-2, 0.75'DIA LFINC 2 fiQAX2 IOAWGTHW&2 0.96 (33'C) 1.0 42A 5254 75A 77A 75'C 65A CAPPER COPPER 1 SCALE: NTS DIAGRAM GENERAL ELECTRICAL NOTES UTILITY HAS 24-HR UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TO ALL 1 PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM COMPONENTS LOCATED AT THE SERVICE ENTRANCE. 2 MODULES CONFORM TO AND ARE LISTED UNDER UL 1703. CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT SHALL BE LISTED AS 3 SUNLIGHT RESISTANT PER NEC ARTICLE 300.6 (C) (1) AND ARTICLE 310.8 (D). CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO WET LOCATIONS SHALL BE 4 SUITABLE FOR USE IN WET LOCATIONS PER NEC ARTICLE 310.8 (C). GROUNDING NOTES ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PROPERLY GROUNDED PER THE 1 REQUIREMENTS OF NEC ARTICLES 250 & 690 PV MODULES SHALL BE GROUNDED TO MOUNTING RAILS USING MODULE LUGS OR RACKING INTEGRATED 2 GROUNDING CLAMPS AS ALLOWED BY LOCAL JURISDICTION. ALL OTHER EXPOSED METAL PARTS SHALL BE GROUNDED USING UL-LISTED LAY -IN LUGS. INSTALLER SHALL CONFIRM THAT MOUNTING SYSTEM HAS BEEN EVALUATED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH UL 2703 3 "GROUNDING AND BONDING" WHEN USED WITH PROPOSED PV MODULE. ALL GROUNDING SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE LISTED 4 FOR THEIR PURPOSE IF THE EXISTING MAIN SERVICE PANEL DOES NOT HAVE A VERIFIABLE GROUNDING ELECTRODE, IT IS THE 5 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO INSTALL A SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING ELECTRODE. AC SYSTEM GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR (GEC) 6 SHALL BE A MINIMUM SIZE #8AWG WHEN INSULATED, #6AWG IF BARE WIRE. EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SIZED ACCORDING TO NEC ARTICLE 690.45, AND BE A MINIMUM OF 7 #10AWG WHEN NOT EXPOSED TO DAMAGE, AND #6AWG SHALL BE USED WHEN EXPOSED TO DAMAGE GROUNDING AND BONDING CONDUCTORS, IF INSULATED, 8 SHALL BE COLOR CODED GREEN, OR MARKED GREEN IF #4AWG OR LARGER THIS OX UMEM HAS BEEN CREATED FOR THE PURPOSE OF DESCRIBING WE DESIGN OF A PROPOSED PHOTOVOLTAIC MINER SYSTEM WIN ENOUGH DETAIL TO DEMONSTRATE COMFIUMCE MN ALL APPUCPBtE C W ES AND REGULATIONS. THE DOCUMENT SHOULD NOT BE I I II UPON AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR FOLLOIMNOM4NUFACTURERINSTPIIATIONMAMIPLS.INSTA ERSHALLINSTAI EGUPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERINSTALLATIONMANUAL6. NOTHING INNS DXUMENTGHOULD BE INTERPRETED IN AWAY THATOVERRIDESTHEINSTRUCTONS IN MANUFACTIRERINSTAILATONMANUALS. P-120125 (4Green Minded wSolar C Lu I- 00 CV tI> C13 Lu Lu U Lu cM Lu I Lu Q LL Lu Q rr-- O = ON LW U co C) or- M (— W Q or O F— Cl l� V SINGLE -LINE DIAGRAM PROJECT ID: 120125 DATE: 08/07119 CREATED BY: M.A. CHECKED BY: C.T. REVISIONS PM DC RACEWAYS 0 JB1-TRANSITION BOX SOLADECK 0783-3R-6ER6 OO NEC690.31(G)(3) AND IFC605.11.1 (S -INVERTER EDGE SEt0000H-US 4O DC DISCONNECT(11) (SOLAR O O O RATED MPP CURRENT: 27.OA RATED MPP VOLTAGE:400V SW1 - DISCONNECT MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE: 480V SQUARE D D222NRB MAX CIRCUIT CURRENT: 45.OA O O O O NEC 690.53 MSP-MAIN SERVICE PANEL O AC DISCONNECT(SWI) O MAXIMUM AC OPERATING CURRENT: 42.OA MAXIMUM AC OPERATING VOLTAGE: 240V NEC 690.54 OSEE NOTE NO.4 (DC RACEWAYS) OEACH DEVICE WHERE ENERGIZED, UNGROUNDED CIRCUITS MAY BE EXPOSED DURING SERVICE. (J61, H) NEC 690.35(F) OAC SOLAR DISCONNECT(SW1) PHOTOVOLTAIC AC DISCONNECT NEC OANY AC ELECTRICAL PANEL THAT IS FED BY B BOTH THE UTILITY AND THE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM (SWi, MSP) 3 EACH DISCONNECTING MEANS FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC EQUIPMENT (JBI, 11) OSEE NOTE NO.5 (SWi) L TAIC SYSTEM EQUIPPED RAPID SHUTDOWN LABELING NOTES ALL PLAQUES AND SIGNAGE REQUIRED BY 2014 NEC 1 AND 2015 NFPA 1 WILL BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED. LABELS, WARNING(S) AND MARKING SHALL COMPLY WITH ANSI Z535.4, WHICH REQUIRES THAT DANGER, WARNING, AND CAUTION SIGNS USED THE STANDARD 2 HEADER COLORS, HEADER TEXT, AND SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL ON EACH LABEL. THE ANSI STANDARD REQUIRES A HEADING THAT IS AT LEAST 50% TALLER THAN THE BODY TEXT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 110.21(B). A PERMANENT PLAQUE OR DIRECTORY SHALL BE INSTALLED PROVIDING THE LOCATION OF THE SERVICE 3 DISCONNECTING MEANS AND THE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DISCONNECTING MEANS IF NOT IN THE SAME LOCATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 690.56(B). LABEL(S) WITH MARKING, 'WARNING PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE; SHALL BE LOCATED AT EVERY 10 FEET OF EACH DC RACEWAY AND WITHIN ONE FOOT OF 4 EVERY TURN OR BEND AND WITHIN ONE FOOT ABOVE AND BELOW ALL PENETRATIONS OF ROOFICEILING ASSEMBLIES, WALLS AND BARRIERS. THE LABEL SHALL HAVE 3/8" TALL LETTERS AND BE REFLECTIVE WITH WHITE TEXT ON A RED BACKGROUND LABEL(S) WITH MARKING, "PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN," SHALL BE LOCATED 5 AT POINT -OF -INTERCONNECTION OR AT MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT THE LABEL SHALL HAVE 3/8' TALL LETTERS AND BE REFLECTIVE WITH WHITE TEXT ON A REDBACKGROUND P-120125 4 Green Minded Solar W ~ � co J O U) W QQ Cn w ::D L¢ Or- co Q W ::D o U OU CV Ln IL W J O I� a SAFETY LABELS PV-4 ROOF PROPERTIES ROOF MATERIAL COMPOSITION SHINGLE (1 LAYER) SLOPE 4/12 (18.4°) MEAN ROOF HEIGHT 22.5FT DECK SHEATHING 15132" OSB CONSTRUCTION TRUSSES (2X4 TOP-CHORD),161N OC MODULE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES MODEL MISSION SOLAR MSE310SOBT DIMENSIONS (AREA) 65.51N X 39,31N X 1.61N (17.9 SO FT) WEIGHT 40.1LB MOUNTING SYSTEM PROPERTIES 114.OIN (ZONE 1) MAX. ALLOW. RAIL SPAN 84.OIN (ZONE 2) 67.OIN (ZONE 3 MAX. MOUNT SPACING 48.OIN (ZONES 1, 2, AND 3) MAX. ALLOW. 45.61N (ZONE 1) CANTILEVER 33.61N (ZONE 2) 26.BIN (ZONE 3 GROUNDINGAND TIN-PLATED, SOLID COPPER LAY -IN BONDING LUGS LISTED UNDERUL2703 NOTES TRUSS LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. ACTUAL 1 LOCATIONS MAY DIFFER AND CONTRACTOR MAY NEED ITO ADJUST MOUNT LOCATIONS. IN NO CASE SHALL THE MOUNT SPACING EXCEED'MAX. MOUNT SPACING' P-120125 G Green Minded Solar RIDGE 15 W ~ CV - - Cn LCi W LLI M w � Q u O U5 Lq EL Lu z U QJ O J O L¢ O U) SAVE _ Q W Q d 0 F� 0L El WIND ZONE I WIND ZONE II El WIND ZONE III (� 1 ATTACHMENT PLAN ORTHOGONAL PROJECTION V-5.1 SCALE: 118" =1' J ATTACHMENT PLAN DOC ID:120125-150135-0 DATE: 817ll9 CREATOR: M.A. REVIEWER: C.T. REVISIONS PV-5.1 A RACKING ELEVATION TRANSVERSE VIEW PV-6 SCALE: NTS IRONRIDGE UNIVERSAL FASTENING OBJECT WITH STOPPER SLEEVE IRONRIDGE END CAP COMP. SHINGLE ROOFING ------------------- ��on;-vE-�-m ROOF FRAMING SPACING - � D PV-6 IRONRIDGE UNIVERSAL PV MODULE FASTENING OBJECT IRONRIDGE XR100 RAIL _ B RACKING ELEVATION LONGITUDINAL VIEW PV-6 SCALE: NTS DECKING ATTACHMENT SPAN `ROOF FRAMING MOUNTING SYSTEM NOTES FLASHING SHALL BE APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS' INSTRUCTIONS. IF THERE IS ANY CONFLICT BETWEEN WHAT IS DEPICTED HERE AND INSTRUCTIONS 2 PROVIDED BYA MANUFACTURER, THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS SHALL P-120125 Green Minded (44W Solar 75 w IRONRIDGE UNIVERSAL -�� Oi) FASTENING OBJECT w IRONRIDGE XR100 RAIL Lu PVMODULE IRONRIDGE FLASHFOOT2 O ' 0 COMP. SHINGLE - SLIDE FLASHING ROOFING `� _ UNDER THE3RD Q - COURSE OF SHINGLES Lu ROOF UNDERLAYMENT ROOF FRAMING ROOF DECKING % Q - ``�----" --LAGISTRUCTURALSCREWS EMBEDDED INTO ROOF FRAMING U C ATTACHMENT DETAIL TRANSVERSE VIEW PV-6 SCALE: NTS XR100 RAIL COMP. SHINGLE ROOFING ROOF UNDERLAYMENT ROOF DECI MODULE FLASHFOOT2 INSTALL FLASHING ROOF FRAMING --_" EMBEDDED INTO ROO.. EMBEDDED INTO ROOF FRAMING D \ ATTACHMENT DETAIL (LONGITUDINAL VIEW) PTV SCALE: NTS CV Ln W L1J I— LLI LU Z U Of O C) LuOC) co m � f- Q d O d ATDETAILSNT PV-6 GENERAL NOTES ROOF ACCESS POINTS SHALL BE DEFINED AS AREAS WHERE FIRE DEPARTMENT LADDERS ARE NOT PLACED OVER OPENINGS (WINDOWS OR DOORS), ARE LOCATED 1 AT STRONG POINTS OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, AND ARE IN LOCATIONS WHERE THEY WILL NOT CONFLICT WITH OVERHEAD OBSTRUCTIONS (TREE LIMBS, WIRES, OR SIGNS). (NFPA 1 PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES SHALL BE LOCATED IN A 2 MANNER THAT PROVIDES TWO 3 FT WIDE ACCESS PATHWAYS FROM THE EAVE TO THE RIDGE ON EACH ROOF SLOPE WHERE THE MODULES ARE LOCATED. (NFPA 3 PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES SHALL BE LOCATED NO LESS THAN 3 FT BELOW THE RIDGE. (NFPA O3.0 FT. WIDE FIRE ACCESS PATHWAY, PER NFPA 1 O3.0 FT. WIDE FIRE ACCESS PATHWAY, PER NFPA 1 O3.0 FT. WIDE SMOKE -VENTILATION SETBACK, PER NFPA 3 O3.0 FT. WIDE FIRE ACCESS PATHWAY, PER NFPA 1 A PV MODULES INSTALLED ON ROOF WITH IRONRIDGE ROOF MOUNTING SYSTEM. THE MOUNTING SYSTEM IS OSLOPED RO WHEN INSTALLED WITH TYPE TED O OR4/12 2 MODULES. THEF MISSION SOLAR MSE310SQBT IS TYPE 1. O ROOF ACCESS POINT B FOR ROOF AREA 1 O7 ROOF ACCESS POINT A FOR ROOF AREA 2 1 FIRE SAFETY PLAN 1 P SCALE: 1" = BO ROOF ACCESS POINT B FOR ROOF AREA 2 PV MODULES INSTALLED ON ROOF WITH IRONRIDGE ROOF MOUNTING SYSTEM. THE MOUNTING SYSTEM IS O THEF WHEN INS ALL DFWITH TYTPE 10 OR421M0 ULES. MISSION SOLAR MSE310SQ8T IS TYPE 1. O3.0 10 FT. WIDE SMOKE -VENTILATION SETBACK, PER NFPA 3.0 FT. WIDE FIRE ACCESS PATHWAY, PER NFPA 1 it P-120125 14;r Green Minded Solar W U) � Lu p a. W U � � W W W Q = z O CV c� LL W U J O C/) Lu LLu COF OV C~ - 0 I-� a_ c 12 ROOF ACCESS POINT A FOR ROOF AREA 1 ALL ARRAY CIRCUITS SHALL BE ROUTED THROUGH C THE INTERIOR OF THE BUILDING, AND WHERE r 13 ALONG THE TE TBEARING MEMBERS. NO CONDUIT SHALL ABOVE THE ROOF. PV-7 300-31OW CLASS LEADING POWER OUTPUT 18.65 MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY -0,-+3% POSITIVE POWER TOLERANCE I High -Power, American Quality Musa Soure.Wephheaamerteredln San AnkrvO.e% ri goduk taafitlesomhe.Wepand Americanow�flityqwmpoduch emuangthe hloleseppwnwtlsidend l.=Memoand Wimers.ova ont Ev ny � iswell s,yrtedyorrtskendal, mnmercW and wtityappmntloa. Evene ry nv::IDnsDlarDaeagrpmda[thamneaana e,pw[Se:llwu:tn abnaaa regemtlena. pawlpg aameDt certnrmanre owr me Imlg-lem. www .misslonnalanrom I Ink@misalonsolan na CERTIFIED RELIABILITY O _ , Tested to 3XJEC Standards. PID Resistant ®SUPERIOR AESTHETICS ,All -black design coupled with outstanding power output Ideal for residential & mmme vial applications ®EXTREME WEATHER RESILIENCE 15600 Pa snow load (117 par) a 275 mph wind rating IIIIII� BAA COMPLIANT FOR GOVERNMENT PROJECTS BuyAmerican Act a American Recovery & Reinvestment Act 15-YEAR 11-YEA 11nFAH wanGum PRODUCT w4ggJwW 100% -Misslon lar Energy ananty 90% 80% 70% 1 5 30 15 20 25 YEARS CERTIFICATIONS IEC61815/IEC61730/IEC61701 UL3703 DD UL CEC 6 O '.Maeo eaEMamnaeaffi „Wlmm .IffleerenaMm. NssetmMYvnbl Mit4m SabrFneTY s'g mDlvuSaCnM,lefmtln[ m,tlMRaaDWmdem tle DmDubN ue,Kaw m M,'a un Dn1v4 an m b uxe. MISSION SOLAR ENERGY PERC 60 nmek+IPa,mn[mesmWmeimcmelW Isiq _hb_dWe_Type___ .... ^___ _MSeI_OS_SQBT __MSE_30_55[jar _ _. M_5_FJSO_'gBT_ power Qlput Finax Wp 30D 305 310 Momie Emdusy _ - _ Is _ _ ]BAS I8,35 18.65 Toi[rena T.316 0-a3% 0-e3% 'SM1erti1[ult Cn,rmt Itt q 4.5]3 _. 9,664 _..40.0 Opm ChcWtVultaee V. V COOB 40.10_ jutetl Cumnt ImP ~Vmp A _V 9.050 9102 -'33.14 9]45 PatedWltage- - 3112 3117 Namd Opemtlng Cel T.elnp�+�4e WOCF1 _44°C (x2_Q ____ _ __�_ TePmeatpaeeamdarcmPmax �_ _ o.4z]z/°e hmpe2two Caemcknt o}V ¢ _ _ _ g31B%/°C ,1 TnNcenbae C4,emclentpf he OA42%/K k OpenllryTempenNreRanga _. -40°C (<0°FlM r90°C 1194°_Fl_ 1wodesee Sedea FeeRating 30A__—_—___�m-t Fhe Sahryrlassificadon Type LOa55C imnt6 Back1rvdlULstandaN) _ 5600pa D1]paf) WgSaletyhnpaclVeiaby 25mmat23m/s Soh_CNIs P-[ype Mono-_ryztaei�e ST[on 1t5675mm1 _a -- Ce➢edenktbn� 60 [tlls16v10),Sbuabar Module dinmska 1664nmmi999nun R40mm.�_.._--.. 11 _- ,__ _ (6551i¢a39.331e.a15/Ib)_ Weight 382kg(40.1Im Lm,d Glace-..__32Mn(0.1261n)tem Mr _ __ .Lowiron, And-rene[Ove [oaths Frame mi fated allpninum alloy EnapauIznt _-, EBlylenevbwl a a,1!!e(EVyO _-- J-Bu wolenkn[IssalP6>wxn36rwa[-moea Gbla_ PVwbe, lmD9er in),!ii V11AWG Cove w' M"Mowpa0bk Conh_r_ ._. �Pameb Pa 305W 53' DDubk stack 36 936 28&48If>d __ —.___ _ _______ _. 40' pwbk stack 28 )20 222.04 kW , Parch Weight Height Whin length Pallet - 26 LldOkx _ 45.35' 45.00_ _ _66.00 Mlnlon 5eln4,erryn,ervn,M.IgM1tta mab,pnlM1utinneM1nnwll0outmtlu .. kTT CERTIFICATIONS-& TESTS IEC 61215 / 61730161701, Salt mist UL 1703 hnsd -_-- -- d - - ®`Om CEC MSE310SQ8T. 310WP, 60CEUSOLAR MODULE CURRENT -VOLTAGE CURVE_ — ° m vPlageM R n Dprenbvdbge clurMedstla with depeladeae on iMadiance aMrtaaWe tenpemllue BASIC DESIGN (UNITS, mm) negotView Bad, View MISSION SOLA "N RO Miswn sd,. u„m I9Ioa S Nro@mlu ei,.Noharcem '^ W'+.Mmm�f oUetmma Power Optimizer For North America P320 / P340 / P370 / P400 / P405 / P505 PV power optimization at the module -level / Specifically designed to work with SolarEdge inverters / Up to 25%more energy / Superior efficiency(99.5%) / Mitigates all types of module mismatch losses, from manufacturing tolerance to partial shading / Flelible system design for maximum space utilisation solarefge.com Ma sO m X OT V Z N m X / Fast installation with a single bolt / Next generation maintenance with module - level monitoring / Meets NEC requirements forarc fault protection (AFCp and Photovoltaic Rapid Shutdown System (PVRSS) Module -level voltage shutdown for installer and firefighter safety solar - • • / Power Optimizer For North America P320 / P340 / P370 / P400 / P405 / P505 BAN In IXPoxNa co 3W 310 iW 96i SY5 w PLMeIAINvnhpN albunllun �MYl1 MPPiC�tl 8-40 0-� B-M IZS-305 125-03 Nt IJmbnrtn9 Coat Cwn! nw H lal I< Mc Mminum GC NPNCunml 1375 12b3 175 Ade Abanunfl&Mry e35 % 'v*.M EMhrcy W us % ore ctl B I.Namm sen3 �0 vrwurvp a 10 Is IP.w'nnpllmlren) p<OS/PSM 6 le AlanumsY4gleryN 15 35 50° Muen W" N Matimim Fwmr Pei SYAg Y]!O}15-sf — 5350 b+Jl^ Il]5T W l P>meivmmaom"lre unsen � CE ROHS StIaReck Basic Features a Stamped Seamless Construction a 18 Gauge Galvanized Steel a Powder CoatedSurfaces a Flashes into the roof deck a 3 Roof deck knockouts .5", .75", 1" w 5 Centering dimples for entry/exit fittings or conduit a 2 Position Ground lug installed a Mounting Hardware Included SnldDeck Model sD 0783 SolaDeck UL5O Type 3R Enclosures Available Models: Model SD 0783 - (3"fixed Din Rail) Model SD 0766-(6'slolted Din Rail) SolaDeck UL 1741 Combiner/Enclosures Models SD 0783-41 and SD 0786-41 are labeled and ETL listed UL STD 1741 according to the UL STD 1741 for photovoltaic combiner enclosures. Max Rated -600VDC, 120AMPS Model SD 0783-41 3' Fixed Din Rail fastened using Nodock System "Typical System Configuration 4- Din Rail Mounted Fuse Holders 600VDC 30 AMP 1- Power Distribution Block 600VDC 175AMP 1- Bus Bar with UL lug Model SD 0788d1 6' Slotted Din Rail fastened using steel studs "Typical System Configuration 4- Din Rall Mounted Fuse Holders 600VDC 30 AMP 4-Din Rail Mounted Terminal Blocks Bus Bars with UL lug -Fuse holders and terminalbbcks added In the Oeld must be LL Rated or recogelaed and meet 600 VCC 30 AMP - 11OC far fum holders, 600VM AMP - WC for n8 mounted Mmlinal blocks and 000 V i]SAMP 90C furPower Distribution Blocks, use copper Wue Conductors. , Comm Nmmed to allow Model 80078341,.1m4 MN Model SD 0766d1. wised with conduit or Wings, base B Do Rao mounted fuse hollers, Din Ral mourned fuse holders, enter dimpled for Wind bus bar and power dianImAlon temm.1 blocks end bus bars. Iwabans. block. RSTC Enterprises, Inc . 2219 Heimstead Road . Eau Cliare, WI 54703 Forproduct information call 1(866) 367-7782 Single Phase Inverter _with HD-Wav_e Technology for North America SE3000H-US / SE380OH-US / SE5000H-US / SE6000H-US / SE760OH-US / SE10000H-US / SE1140OH-US Adftl,,. Optimized installation with HD -Wave technology / Specifically designed to work with / Extremelysmall power optimizers / Record -breaking efficiency II Built-in module -level monitoring JF Fixed voltage inverter for longer strings / Outdoor and indoorinstallation / Integrated arc fault protection and rapid shutdown for Optional: Revenue grade data, ANSI C12.20 NEC 2014 and 2017, per article 690.11 and 690.12 Class 0.5(0.5%accuracy) / U1.1741 SA certified, for CPUC Rule 21 grid compliance / Single Phase Inverter Wit HD -Wave Technology for North America SE3000H-US/SE380OH-US/SE5000H-US/SE6000H-US/ SE760OH-US / SE10000H-US / SE1140OH-US SE3000H-US SE380OH-USSE500011-US SE6000H•US 5[]400H-US' SE1000DH-US SU14UUH-W I P%etlK RmrOApM1 3ml 3=02[ 33rep2Wv SW] 6Rtl®2[W SWO@20N 3NP 3TN II[W®2k"I Iar0@ABV VA 3�024LV.. -YN42/A' -�6P _� II[rA@'e 'VJ YA MumumKIWCCMM 3(YA 33W W2F®V SWa SWOp2Wv 1CUAp2Wv PCOVW. Wlge M'n�NomlAu lro.ifLl / Va[ K M¢¢WtM3e Min-IAn,.Maz n63-2W.Rn _ _ _ _ yl K Frep�enM{Nar:.41 59.3-W-WS" M[ Maumum Cam✓r+w50[Tn C:vrem®24W 125 M 21 15 32 @ a)5 A Mm'irrum Cdryrurus0l¢M1 cv Aom - I6 24 - - 45 A GFDII.ve9Ma 3 A UI.iMMrc6tt[In}IL.0 Pmlmnn Camry Co-Myrabk 'ks IbMb]s INPUT M 'rrumnC iwer®2NY [650 59W P50 93W tIB2 ISSW 176Sn Mat—, 'IXk r02WV su "so ISSW W 4ar¢bmm m Unq n2 ks Mmrrum lWA`pla9! AM NI! N>niW OClnprt Wl¢g 3B0 aW Ni Ma.mvn MpaGmvp2WJ BS 95 as I MS N 22 30s 'n MvmmM C.n VORM 9 1335 22 AA Mat,vxShWCim 10t 45 Ah Pearse-Pokvq Pmnuon Rs 4wN-ivhlsak%N Cl:xlun (WbSInSiNty MuYrunFrvin Fl6bq 93 992 % CK WegM1miflhb°y 9z W2a P' Ngrrtime Gostt Cmwrro' .25 w K W.V.rt COW''l S'xp/AWL F 3/1'maimvn/lad PWG 3/['Tlrvnryn/16JAW4 IX PprtCatlu[Sxe/a NStivgs/ AW6Ra j/P maLrym/H[Mp/WfiAWG a�i'Mlerum/1-39rhap/IOGAWL 01mtte�ms WN 5a4tl 5xtlm ww m 12.7 v 146 v 68/AM x 310° 94 213•u6a13/Sa0x3MAIB imm/ WeigMxMSarery Srmae R/W 351/114 262/n9 386/17b 6/kq .ss •W � curry wmn.m;On aPxrq �'^Pemvlvame -[om.tu/as o.swt-w�r/-wx wooer s/x PNs¢mflaY✓.g NSMPt%Qni x.1Y1M3MN1 -:t�m=,o=u®wm solaredge.com solar�@�xsazrowmw—.. :!•oe+ur.m ,�.awra,:azs,..w•+=�*=�a'°:.''.;.".t."—"°..°..".M'..'°"°'...e�.'�iu"wi�'�w[5::,,°'�'.".". ..a.....avM,.m.*9••k°,! RoHS f ZAL IRONRIDGE Built for solar's toughest roofs Flush Mount System IronRidge builds the strongest mounting system for pitched roofs in solar. Every component has been tested to the limit and proven in extreme environments. Our rigorous approach has led to unique structural features, such as curved rails and reinforced gashings, and Is also why our products are fully certified, code compliant and backed by a 25-year warranty. Strength Tested ® All components evaluated for superior structural performance. ®Class A Fire Rating Certified to maintain the lire resistance rating of the existing roof. UL Entire re system Listed System Entiresystem and components meal newest effective UL 2703 standard. Pre Certified Pre -stamped engineering [offers available Inmost states. Design Assistant ® Online software makes it simple to create, share, and price projects. 25-Year Warranty ' Products guaranteed to be free of impairing defects. — XR Rolle XR10 Rail A low -profile mounting rail for regions with light snow. • 6s;owningcapability • Moderate load capability • Clearandblackfinish — Clamps & Grounding 9 UFOs LL Universal Fastening Objects bond modules to rails. • Fully assembled& tubed • Single, universal size • Clear and black finish — Attachments® FlashFoot2 Flash and mount XR Rails with superior waterproofing. • Twisl-on Cap eases install • Wind -driven rain tested • Mill and black finish — Resources XR100Rail XR1000 Rail Bonded Splices The ultimate residential A heavyweight mounting All rails use intemn splices solar mounting mil. tell for commercial projects. for seamless connections. • 6'spannirg capability 12'spanning capability Sell -drilling screws • Heavy load capability Fxheme lead capability Varying versions for rails • Clear and black finish Clearancdizedfinish Farms secure bonding Stopper Sleeves CAMO Grounding Lugs Snap onto the UFO to Win into a bonded end clamp. • Bonds modules to rails • Sized ro match modules • Gear and black finish Conduit Mount Flash and mount conduit, strut, or junction boxes. • Twist -on Cap eases install • Wind -driven rain tested • Secures W or l• conduit Bond modules to rails while staying completely hidden. • Universal end -cam damp • Tool -less installation • Fully assembled Slotted L-Feet Orop-in design for rapid rail attachment • Secure rail connections • Slot for vertical adjusting • Gear and black finish Connect arrays to equipment ground. • Low profile • Single tool installation • Mounts in any direction Bonding Hardware Bond and abash XR Rails to roof attachments. • T & Square Boll options • Nut uses 7/16'socket • Assembled and lubricated Design Assistant Go from rough layout to fully NABCEP Certified Training 'NABS Earn free continuing education credits, - - - engineered system. Forfree. Go to lronRidge.ceMdesign while learning more about our systems. Go to lronRldge.comfoaining emrs wname•: i.o-nn nem.,..erv.e. us wmnw.nAvxan .e,mvam; #x.1rA o,.,. P...,y,v.—.n fro AA& IRONRIDGE 14952ep ryr Avenue A00-22, CA g454d ImnRitlge.mm Attn: Corey Geiger, COO, ImnRidge Inc. Date: September 7'h, 2018 Re: Stmcksal Certification and Span Tables for ImnRidge Flush Mount System This letter arickesses the structural performance and code compliance of ImnRidge's Flush Mount System. The Flush Mount System is a pmprietary rooftop mounting system used to support photovoltaic (PV) modules installed in portrait or landscape odem ition and set parallel to the underlying roof surface. PV modules are supported by extruded aluminum XR Rails and secured to the hells with IronMdge mounting clamps. The XR Rafts are side mounted to a selected roof attachment wth 318" stainless steel bonding hardware and then attached directly to the roof structure or to a stanchion that is fastened to the underlying mof structure. Assembly details of a typical Flush Mount installation and Its core components are shown in Exhibit EX-0015. The IrnRidge Flush Mount System is designed and certified to the structural requirements of the reference standards listed below, ter the load conditions and configurations tabulated in the attached span tables. ASCESEI 7.10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Cther ShucWms (ASCE 7-10) 2015 International Building Code (IBC-2015) Florida Building Code 6-Edition (2017) Building 2015 Aluminum Design Manual (ADM-2015) The tables Included in this letter provide the maximum allowable spans cf XR Rails in the Flush Mount System for the respective loads and configurations listed, covering wind exposure categories B, C. & D. root zones 1, 2 8 3, and mof slopes lrom 0e to 450. The span tables are applicable provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Span is rile distance between two adjacent mof attachment points (measured at the center of the attachment fastener) 2. The underling roof pitch, measured between mof surface and horizontal plane, is 450 or less. 3. The mean reafheighb defined as the average of the roof save height and the roof ridge height measured from grade does not exceed 30 feet. 4. Modub length shall not exceed the listed maximum dimension provided for the respective span table and module width shall not exceed 48'. 5. All Flush Mount components shall be installed in a professional workmanlike manner per ImnRidge's Flush Mount installation manual and other applicable standards for general mot construction practice. 020104anm l,o lnc R. Flush Mount System Cemfimtian User-1 /%� IRONRIDGE 14952ephyr Avenue Heyward, CA 9,11W 1E00.227-9523 ImnRidge.com The span tables provided in this letter are certified based an the structural performance of IronRldge XR Rails only with no consideration of the structural adequacy of the chosen roof attachments, PV modules, or the underlying root supporting members. It is the responsibility of the installer or system designer to verify the structural capacity and adequacy of the aforementioned system components In regards to the applied or resultant loads of any chosen array configuration. Sincerely, Gang Xuan, PE, LEED AP Senior Structural Engineer 02018 I.RW9e, Inc. FL Flush Mount Sysnam Ciez.fien Leeer-4 MODULE/%� The Rush Mount System may be used to ground andor mount a PV module complying with UL 1703 only when the specific module has been evaluated for grounding and/or mounting in Compliance with the included instructions. Unless otherNise noted,'x)W refers 10 the module power rating and both black and silver frames are included in the certification. •X Modules with 35, 40, or 45mm frames and model identifier aaSM66yyP=-xxx; "ere 'as" is CH Astromm Solar or A; W Is either 10 or 12; and -zz' is blank or (BL). Frameless modules with model identifier CHSM5610P(OG)-xxX. Atutoc Modules with 35 or 40mm frames and model Identifier AC-1ocrifla a-ZZ; where'Y' is M or P; 'as' is 125 Or 156; antl -ZZ' Is 64S, 60S or 72S. Modules with 35 and 40mm frames and model Identifier CSbY-xxxZ; where -W can be 1, 3 or 6; "V" can Canadian Solar be K, P, U, V, or X; and -r can be M. P. AG, MS, PX , MSD, P-AG, P-FG or PSD, MS -AG, MS-FG, or MS -SD. Frameless modules with model Identifier CSbY-xxx-FG; where "b" can be 3 or 6; "Y" is K. X, or P; and/r can be M-FG or P-FG. ET Solar Modules with 35, 40, or 50mm frames and model Identifier ET-Y6ZZxxxAA; where'Y' is P. L, or M;'ZZ- is 60 or 72; and "AA' is WS, WW BB, III W WG, WBAC, WBCO, VIRAGO. W WBCO or BBAC. Modules with 35, 40, or SOmm frames and model Identifier FXS-xxxYY-ZZ; where'xxx" is the module Flex power rating; "VV' is BB or BC; and'ZZ" is MAAI B, MAA1 W, MAB1 W, SAAI B, SAA1 W, SAM B, SAC1 W, SAD1 W SBA1 B, SBA1 W, SBC1 B, ar SBC1 W. GCL Modules with 35 and 40mm frames and and model identifier GCL-a6/YV xxx; where "a' can be M or P; and "YY' can be 60. 72. or 72H. GigaWah Solar Modules with 40mm frames and model identifier GWaxYY;where "YY"is either PB or MB. Hanwha Solar Modules with K).45, or 50runt frames and model itlenffer HSLaaP6-VY-1-xxxZ;"ere 'as' is either 60 or 72;'YY' is PA or P0; and'Z" is blank or B. Modules with 32, 35, 40, am 42mm frames and model Identifier aaYY-ZZ-xloc where use- can be O. or S.; "YY" Can be PLUS, PRO, PEAK, LINE PRO, LINE PLUS, or PEAK DUO; and'ZZ' can be G3, 11, Hanwha O CELLS G4, G4.1, L-G2, L-G2.3, L-G3, 1-43.1, L-G3y, L.G4, L-G4.2, L-Gby 1-04.21TAA, BFR-G3, BLK.G3, BFR-G3.1, BLK-G3.1, BFR-Gi BFR-G4.1, BFR G4.3, BLK-G4.1, Gi G4.1/SC, G4.17rAA, G4.1/ MAX, BFR 04.1/rAA, BFR G4.1/MAX, BLK G4.1?AA, BLK G4.1/SC, EC-G4.4, G5, Si L-05.2, or -G5.2 ' Hellene Modules with 40mm frames and model identifier VYZZ xx; where "YY' is 36, 60, 72, or 96; and'2Z' is M, P. or MBLK. Hyundai Modules with 35,40 and 50mm frames and model identfer HIS-YX Oi Where •Y' can be M or S; and 'Z2" can be MI, MF, MG, SG, RI, RG(BR, RG(BK), TI, or TG. Itek Modules with 40 or SOmm frames and model identifier 1F-xxx-YY; where "YY' is blank, HE, or BE, or SE7P Modules with 35, 40 and 45mm frames and model Identifier JAyyrz-bb-=Uaa; where'yy' can be M, P, JA Solar M6 or P6; -ze' can be blank, (K), (L), (R), (V), (BK. (FA), (TO), (FA)(R), (L)(BK), (L)C-Oi (R)(BK), (R) (TO), (V)(BK), (SK)(TG), or (L)(SK)(TG); "bb' can be 48, 60, 72, BOS01 or 72S01; and 'as' can be MP, St. SC, PR, RE, 3BB, 4BB, 4BS/RE, SEE. Modules with 40mm frames and model identifier JKMY omZZ-aa; where "Y" is blank or S; "ZZ' Is P, Jinko PP, M; and `W Is 60, 60B, 60J4, 60BJ4, 60(Plus), 60-V 72, or 7244 Frameless modules with model identifer JKMxxxPP-DV. Modules with 46mm frames end model Identifier KYuxZZ-AA; where'Y" Is D or U; "ZZ' is blank, GX, or Kyocera SX; and 'W is LPU, LFU, ❑PU, UPS, UPS. LFB, LFBS, LFBZ LP32, 3AC, 3BC, 3FC, 4AC, 4BC, 4FC,N 4UC, SAC, SSG. SFC, BUD, SEC, 6FC, BBC, 6MCA, or 6MPA. LG Modules with 35, 40. and 46mm frames and model identifier LG1oxYaZ-bb; "are'Y' is A. E. N, O, S; "a" is 1 or 2: "Z" is C. K, T. or W. and "lob° is A3. AS. 83. G3, G4, or K4. Li Modules with 40mm frames and model identifier LR6-YY-=M; where 'VY'cam be SO, 72, or 72HV. Mission Solar Modules with 40mm frames and model identfier MSExxxZZsa; where "ZZ" can be MM. SE, SO or SO; and'aa" can be IJ, 4J, 4S, 5K 5T, BJ. 6S, or 6W. AW. MODULE•. ILL •. Modules with 46mm frames end model identifter PV-MYYM=: where "YV" is LE or JE; end "ZZ' Mitsubishi is either HD. HD2, or FB. Motech IM and XS series modules with 40, 45, or 50mm frames. Modules with 35mm frames and model identifier D6VxxxZZaa; where "Y" con be M or P;'ZZ" can Neo Solar Power be B3A, Si E3A, E4A, 1-13A, H4A; and Lee can be blank, (TR, ME or ME (TR. Modules with 35 or 40mm frames and model identifier VBHN=YY=: where W. Is SA or KA: and Panasonic -ze is 01, 02, 0. 06, 06B, 11. 11 B. 15. 158, 16. 16B, 17, or 18. Motlules with 35, 40, or 45mm frames antl model Identifier PSIO LA; where IV Is M or P; 'ZZ' Phono Solar is 20 or 24; and W is F, T or U. Prism Solar Frameless modules with model identifier I iYV-xxxEfSTC; where "YY' is 48 or 60. Modules with 30, 38 and 45mm frames and model identifier RECCCLYYZZ; where'YY- is M, PE, REC Solar TP, or TP2S; and 'ZZ' is Wank. BLK, SLV, or 7P Modules with 35.40 or SOmm frames and model Identifier JCxxx'AZZ;where"Y"is F, M or S: and Renescla 'a, Is Ab, Ab-b, Abh, Abh-b. AbM Abv-b, Bb, Btrb, Bbh, Bbh-b, BbM Bb*b, Db, or Dt-b. Renogy Modules with 40 or Wei frames and model Identifier ANG-xxXY; where -Y' is D or P. Motlules with 40mm frames and model identifier SNxxxV-2Z; who. IV is M or P; and I= is 10, or S-Energy 15. Modules with 40mm frames and model identifier SEG-6)(Y.xxx=; where -Yr can be MA, MB, PA. Seraphim Energy Group PB; and "ZZ" can be SB, WS, or WW. Modules with 40 and 50mm frames and model identifier SRP-xxx-BYy; where "YY" can be MA, MB, Seraphim USA PA, PS, OA.XX-XX, and OB-XX-XX. Sharp Modules with 35 or 40mm frames and model identifier NUYYna; where NY" Is SA or SC. Modules with SBmm frames and model identifier SYYZ-roe; where-YV- is SA or LA; SG or LG; and Sifab -Z"is M. P, or X. Modules with 40mm frames and model identifier PowerXT xxxY.ZZ; where'Y" Can be R or C; and Solaria 'ZZ' is SX, BY,, PX, PZ WX or WZ SolarTech Modules with 42mm frames and model identifier STU-xxLL where "1 Can be PERC or tiff. Smodule Plus, Protect, XL, Bisun, Bisun XL, may be followed by mars, poly Cr duo and/or black Sammodule SolarW6rld bk; modules with 31, 33 or 46mm frames and model Identifier SW-xxx. Thin film moduleswith 35mm frames and model Identifier STO-xxx or STO-moui Thin film Such frameless modules with model identifier STL.m or STL-rouA. Modules with 35.40, or 50mm frames and model identifier SE-YumZABCDE; where'Y" Is 0, F. H, SunEdiwn P.R,orZ;"P is 0or 4;"A'isB4O,D,E,H,1,J.K,1,M,or N; -B"is Bor W;'C"Is A or C;'Di is 3, 7. 8, or 9; and "E" Is 0, 1 or 2. Modules with 35, 38, 40, 46, or 50mm frames and model Identifiers OPTxxx-AA-B-YYV-Z Si or MVXXxx-AA-B-VYY-Z; where "AA"Is either 60 or 72; W is either 4 or 5;•VVY"Is either 100, 101,700.1 DO, or 181; and "Z" is blank or B. Modules with model Itlentifier Ab-roe-VV and standard (G3) or InvislMoum (G5) 46mm frame; Sunpower where 'A' Is either E, P or X; `b' can be 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, or 22; and -yr Can be Wank, NE, BLK, COM, PAC, D-AC, BLK-PAC, or BLK-D-AC. Sunpreme Frameless modules with model identifier GXB-xxxYY; where "YY" is Wank or SL Suntech Vd, Vem, Wdb, Wde, am Wd series modules with 35, 40, or 50mm frames. Modules with 35,40 or 46mm frames and model identler TSM-WYYZZ; whem'VY' is PAO5, PCOS, FOOS, PA14, PC14, P014, PE14, or DDO5; and "2P is blank, A, A.05, A.08, A.10, A.18, .05, Tuna .08, .10, .18, .0 .18D, 0.82, A.082(10, .002, .00S, OSS, CBS. A(II), A.08(10, A.05(II), A.10(I1), or A.18(10. Frameless modules with model IdentiOerTSM-xxx)i and'YV' Is either PEGS, PEG5.07, PEG14, DEG5(10, DEGS.07(10, or DEG14(10. Modules with 35 or 40mm frames and model identifer Wsy-xxxz6; where'f is either P CIT. antl Wlnelco -,if' is either M or P. Yingli Panda, YOE, and YGE-U series modules with 35. 40. or 50 mm frames. 0201H IRONRmOE. INC: VERSION"1.60 'FLUSH MOUNT INSTALLATION MANUAL-10 Em A& IRONRIDGE FlashFW2 The Strongest Attachment in Solar IroiRidge FlashFoot2 raises the bar in solar roof prdection. The unique water seal design is both elerated and encapsulated, delivering redundant layers of Irotection against water intrusion. In addition, the twit -on Cap perfectly aligns the rail attachment with the lagbolt to maximize mechanical strength. TwirtOn Cap RwFml2's unique Cap design encapsulates to its boll and bdn Into dam wn a write _ Three -Tier Water Seal I WTW Cap helps nwlr ot2 deliver Flasnfool2'6 mat erdYte tore WtiZee WBB super 6Wtwal strength, by adgning layers al protection. An elevated plaff. the 0 antl leg bolt in a mmmnalc diverts water away, while a slack of rugged loadpat components all to seal as nor. inch. The ¢eel Ia Man Utr-oncapualaled byte Cap. Flaolrmu to to fine .1. a°attmenl mpass the TA&l00 Wncl Mn Rain Test Installation Features QAlignment Markers Quickly align the flashing with chalk lines to find pilot holes. OB Rounded Comers Makes it easier to handle and insert under the roof shingles. OC Reinforcement Ribs Help to stiffen the flashing and prevent any bending or crinkling during installation. Benefits of Concentric Loading 1}00 11 G 1o00 a t17 z Traditional solar attachments have s horizontal offset between the rail and lag D so Twit, which introduces leverage on the lag g smd bolt and decreases uplift capacity. u' r C a0° _ �-wr�cur mny.umr FlashF002 is the only product to align the- - rail and lag bolt. This Concentric loading - - design results in a stronger attachment for ° l ° ' the system. Rail -to -Lag Offset (in) 1 Testing & Certification Structural Certification Designed and Certified for Compliance with the International Building Code & ASCEISEI-7. SlRlle Socket Size A cwtamaesign lag wit allows l I Water Seal Ratings you,b lnatto Rashr-ao2 wit Water Sealing Tested to UL 441 Section 27 'Rain Test" and TAB 100-95 *Wind Driven Rain Test" by Intertek. Me ®me Ina• socket size .ban In... mount Ratings applicable for composition shingle roots having slopes between 2:12 and 12:12. SysBm components. Wafer-SheddingDite water UL 2703 An way Wand a atoonwar& tlivede water away from Ina water mat. Conforms to UL 2703 Mechanical and Bonding Requirements. See Flush Mount Install Manual for full ratings. I E RECEIVED SEP 0 5 ',Ojq ST. Lucie County, Permitting