July 19, 2004
Lorraine Lewisat.`�i e{lr8 �y�lf�ry
315 S.W. Salerno Road
Stuart, FL 34997
RE: Property Located off Hidden River Drive — Floodway Issue
Property ID # 3427-311-0002-00091
Dear Mrs. Lewis:
This letter will provide information relative to the development of the above referenced
property located along the North Fork of the St. Lucie River. As discussed, the lot,
provided legal access exists, can accommodate the construction of one (1) single-family
house. Access to the property appears to be via a parcel depicted as "Tract A" on the
plat. I would suggest that you confirm this access with your surveyor and you may also
call Ron Harris, the County Surveyor, at (772) 462-1721.
We are currently unsure how much of the site is located in the floodway for the river. You
will need to contact the St, Lucie County puilding and Zoning Department to access the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maps. Your surveyor will need to
indicate where the floodway and floodplaip lies with regards to your property. You may
also obtain information on the FEMA maps. at www.fema.aov.
Section 6.05.00 of the County's Land Development Code addresses development in the
floodway area. The general putegse of this Section is to promote the public health,
safety and general welfare and;,minimize public and private losses due to flood
conditions in specific flood prone deas. More specifically, Section 6.05.03 (E) states
that the County shall 'prohibit encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial
improvements and other developments unless certification (with supporting technical
data) by a registered professional engineer is provided demonstrating that
encroachments shall not result in any increase in flood levels during occurrence of the
base flood discharge" This document is commonly known as a "no net rise"
certification. In order.to proceed with the development of this site as a single family
residence, you will need to furnish the no net rise certification.
JOHN D. BRUHN, District No. t • DOUG COWARD, District No. 2 • PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. 3 • FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, District No. 4 • CLIFF BARNES, District No. 5
County Adminisrrotor - Douglos M. Anderson
2300 Virginia Avenue o Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652
Administration: (772) 462-1590 o Planning: (772) 462-2822 o GI5/iechnicol 5ervices: (772) 462-1553
Economic Development: (772) 462-1550 o Fox: (772) 462-1581
Tourist Development: (772) 462-1529 o Fox: (772) 462-2132
Should you have any additional questions, please call me at (772) 462-1590.
Interim Growth Management Director
cc: David Kelly, Planning Manager
Cyndi Snay, Planner III
Chris Lestrange, Civil Engineer/Plans Examiner
August 11, 2006
Frantz Fenelon
City of Port St. Lucie
Utility Systems Department
900 5E Ogden Lane
Port St. Lucie, FL 34983
Re: Mr. & Mrs. Lewis
Parcel I.D. 3427-311-0002-000/9
Hidden River Estates
Dear Mr. Fenelon:
Sr elIP,1��
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis asked that I write you to let you know that on January 24, 2006, St.
Lucie -County approved the abandonment of a 6 foot platted utility easement across Mr. &
Mrs. Lewis' property.
Resolution 06-034, abandoning the easement, has not yet been recorded due to the fact that
the Lewis' was working with the City of Port St. Lucie's Utility Department in regard to a new
utility easement. The easement was a condition of the Utilities' consent to the abandonment.
Once Mr. & Mrs. Lewis give the approved easement, I will record Resolution 06-034,
If you have any questions, please contact me at 772-462-1725.
ours trul -
r petty Acquisition Agent
Cc. County Attorney
Mr, di Mrs. Lewis
JOSEPH E. SMITH. Disrria No. 1 • DOUG COWARD, Dismct No. 2 • PAULA A. LEWIS, DIsMa No. J • FRANNIE HUTCHINSON. Dlsrrlcr No. 4 • CHRIS CRAFT, DisMa No. 5
Counry Adminisnoror - Douglas M. Anderson
2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982-5652
(772)462-1711 FAX(772)462-1440
web site: www.cO.sr-lucie.fl.us
Page 1 of 1
Paula Bushby - Re: Richard & Lorraine Lewis Single Family Residence 3427-311-
From: Paula Bushby
To: Amy Mott
Subject: Re: Richard & Lorraine Lewis Single Family Residence 3427-311-0002-0009
Thanks Amy, I will add it to my list.
>>> Amy Mott 11/17/06 12:05 PM »>
Hi Paula, nobody gets away that easy! They need a veg permit too. Thanks for checking :)
>>> Paula Bushby 11/17/2006 11:57 am >>>
Good Morning Amy,
I have a question. The above parcel (Hidden River) received a Variance, GM-06-017 File AV-06-001. The house
permit is here and I do not see that a Vegetation Permit was applied for. Does the fact that they received the
Variance negate the need for a Vegetation Permit? If you need one, please let me know and I will add it to the
list of items that the Lewises need to provide us.
Thank you.
about:blank 11/17/2006
Page 1 of 1
Paula Bushby - Richard & Lorraine Lewis Single Family Residence 3427-311-
From: Paula Bushby
To: Amy Mott
Subject: Richard & Lorraine Lewis Single Family Residence 3427-311-0002-0009
CC: Christopher Lestrange
Good Morning Amy,
I have a question. The above parcel (Hidden River) received a Variance, GM-06-017 File AV-06-001. The house
permit is here and I do not see that a Vegetation Permit was applied for. Does the fact that they received the
Variance negate the need for a Vegetation Permit? If you need one, please let me know and I will add it to the
list of items that the Lewises need to provide us.
Thank you.
t or T'fliji,
about:blank 11/17/2006
From: Paula Bushby
To: Amy Mott �+GANNED
Date: 11/17/2006 1:02:16 PM c�eM
Subject: The Lewis Vegetation
St.F4 dPlA p ti ft/
The plot thickens, I will fax you over a copy of a Notice of Vegetation Removal Exemption that was applied
for on 8119/05 and expired on 8/25/06. The Exemption No. 20050836 was signed by Tom Rehyansky. I
do not know if the terms have been adhered to or not. So let me know if they still need a vege permit.
Let me know your fax number.
Thank you.
Jun 11 07 11:35a
3une 11, 2007
RE: Permi #D6111-0030
594 SE i de'�i`"i Dr
PSL, FL 34983
Attn: Doris
StUckare im.
Per our conversation today, this is notification that we are changing our electrical
contractor from
cEz will be bringing in their sub contractor letter with original signatures to
complete this change.
Please call me if you need any additional information.
Thank you, i
772r579e1200iscell RECEIVED
JUN f 12007
St. Lucie counfy. F,
Page 1
Date: November 9, 2007
To: Building Official
St. Lucie County Building Department
Re: North 40' of Lot 1, Block 2, Hidden River Estates
St. Lucie County, Florida
p()3 0
St. Luciarnow
This letter is to verify that the fin window nailed to a pressure treated wood buck as
shown on sheet A6.1 of the revised window details is acceptable. The wood buck shall
be attached to the concrete ICF wall with minimum 3/16" diameter tapcons spaced 12"
on center, and 6" maximum from the corners, with a minimum of 1-1/4" embedment into
the concrete.
have questions, (772) 486-1885.
yAichitect. 'k ', -
" ns`e Q_R-0017305
Date: November 9, 2007
To: Building Official
St. Lucie County Building Department
Re: North 40' of Lot 1, Block 2, Hidden River Estates
St. Lucie County, Florida
at 4 4.1clo P°/DVI:Yhi
This letter is to verify that the fin window nailed to a pressure treated wood buck as
shown on sheet A6.1 of the revised window details is acceptable. The wood buck shall
be attached to the concrete ICF wall with minimum 3/16" diameter tapcons spaced 12"
on center, and 6" maximum from the corners, with a minimum of 1-1/4" embedment into
the concrete.
" 'Fjease call if.}ou have questions, (772) 486-1885.
Sincerely; 'I t
H6ael dersQn
r Architects ',-
Jun 26 08 04;47p p,t
June 26, 2008
Page one of three
RE: Permit# 0611-0030
Attn: Ken Arnold
Dear Mr. Arnold:
St. V tlPiaP'rnmti
Per our conversation this morning I am faxing the 30 Day Temporary Power
Release and the Insulation Certificate. .
Since my husband and I are leaving town for a family reunion tomorrow, we
would prefer, if possible, to have the temporary power be in place starting
July 7 , as this is the day we return.
Please call me if there is any other information I need to get to you.
ThAnk your
k1 1,�
Lorraine "Rainie" Lewis
Cell: 772-579-1200 (except for July 1-3 when we'll be in the mountains)
JUN 2 6 2008
Public Works
St. Lucie County, FL
March 21, 2008
315 SW Salerno Road
Stuart, FL 34997
RE: Proposed Driveway at 594 SE Hidden River Drive
Dear Mr. Lewis:
St. LUCIp. I .onntt/
County staff met recently to discuss your driveway permit application for the above address.
As I am sure you are aware, the proposed location of the driveway will occupy a County
drainage easement that is the ouffall for a portion of Hidden River Drive. The consequences
of impeding these flows poses an unacceptable risk. It will be necessary for you to retain the
services of a professional engineer to design your driveway and ensure that the drainage is
Your driveway permit, when issued, will permit you to construct adjacent to the roadway. To
construct in the County's drainage easement, however, will require a Right -of -Way permit.
There is no charge for this permit. Please contact Natasha Taylor, at 772-462-2098, for
assistance with this process.
If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-462-1667.
*Michael V. Powley, P.E..
County Engineer
cc: Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator
Donald West, Public Works Director
Don Pauley, Road/Bridge Manager
Chris Lestrange, Code Compliance Manager
Ron Harris, County Surveyor
John Frank, Sr. Project Engineer
Natasha Taylor, Civil Engineer
Barbara Miller, Road/Bridge
James Beams, Road/Bridge
P ula.Bushby, Zoning Supervisor
J05EPH E. SMITH, Distria No. 1 • DOUG COWARD. District No. 2 • PAULA A. LEWIS. District No. 3 • CHARLES GRANDE. District No. 4 • CHRI5 CRAFT, District No. 5
County Administrator - Douglas M. Anderson
2300 Virginia Avenue • Ft. Pierce, FL 34982
Public Works: (772) 462-1485 • FAX (772) 462-2362
Division of Engineering: (772) 462-1707 FAX 462-2362 • Division of Rood G Bridge: (772) 462-2511 FAX 462-2363
w .co.sr-lucie.fl.us
Page 1 of 1
Paula Bushby - Mrs. Lewis - Hidden River
From: Paula Bushby SCANNED
To: Janet Licausi; JOAnn Rile By
Subject: rs:: ewis-Ni denRiv`er, S�.aiI1CIPP°niini�-
CC: Christopher Lestrange; Raymond Wazny
Good Afternoon Everyone,
I have spoken to Mrs. Lewis and she advised me that this very day the Utilities called her. They need her
husbands signature on the paperwork as well as hers. He has been out of the Country and has just returned.
They will do the Recording and Mrs. Lewis will notify me as soon as it is done and send me a copy as well.
The other issue: Prior to August of 1990 when the Lot Split Ordinance came into effect, part of Lot 1 of Hidden
River was split and added to the Lewises parcel. According to the LDC
page 6-17 Chapter 6 (Shoreline Protection) For a Platted Lot of Record the setback is 50 feet from Mean High
Water (Mark Twain) When there was no platted lot of record it is 75 feet.
Mrs. Lewises parcel is considered to be part of the Platt of Hidden River. Her setback is 50 feet and she applied
for a Variance of 10 feet.
Thank you.
about:blank 7/2/2007