HomeMy WebLinkAboutUTILITY PAPERWORK ACCESS - UTILITY EASEMENT�. EXHIBIT 66F-3" P.I CITY OF PORT-ST Licm- UTILITY SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT 900 SE Ogden Lane Port St Lucie, FL 349e3 (772) 873-8400 (772) 873-W5 Fax JesusA Merejo, Director NOvernber 7, 2005 — Lorraine W. Lewis 315 SW Salerno Rd. Stuart, FL 3M7 RE: Parcel I093427.311-0002-000_9 Dear Ms. Lewis: Via FAX 860-go-Som SC N ED BY f3f 9 i 165 innnt, The City of Port St Lucie is the service provider for Water -and wastewater service to Your property. Water and wastewater mains are adjacent to the Property As we have discussed by telephone, in order to accommodate the construction of your home and to loop the water main system, the City of Port SL Lucie is agreeable to the following: 1. Creation of a new non-ezdusive 19 Utility Easement on the south side of the north 4W section of lot 1, Block 2, Hidden River Estates and z Exlansion of the existing non-exclusive 10' Utility Easement on the West side of Lot 1. Block 2 to run north to meet the South East comer of Lot 37. block 254. Section 06 (Parcel ID#3420-525-0283-000-6) in the City of Port SL Lucie. Once the above items have been completed the City of Port St. Lucie will be agreeable to the abanr{onment'of the V Utility easement on the north side of Lot 1, B(ock 2 in Hidden River Estates. SUnuitansous creation and abandonment of the, above easements may be possible. If you need to contact me for further assistance, please call the number shown above. Sincerely, 1� ey Southerly, PE Engineering Division Manager c: Frantz Fenalon . File id Wd6S: r0 SOW 49 •noN £E79£4: 'ON XUA '1d30 9NI2MNIMa ALI-IM 15d : WOM r ' Prepared by and return to: Port St. Lude Utility Systems Dept 900 SE Ogden Lane Port St Lucie, FL 34983 ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT T IS kl-e j ENT, granted this L� day of �w 200�, by ✓z.tr'l ti tl" iS as "Grantor," to the CITY OF ISORT ST. LUCIE, a Florida municipal corporation, whose mailing address is 900 SE Ogden Lane, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34983, its successors and assigns, as "Grantee." (Wherever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee' Include all the parties to this instrument and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns.) WITNESSETH: Grantor, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby conveys, grants, bargains and sells unto the Grantee, a perpetual, exclusive easement for utility purposes, on the following described lands located in Port St. Lucie, Florida, to wit: See attached Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein by reference. Subject to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. Grantor and Grantee agree that there shall be no improvement constructed within the boundaries of the easement area which would restrict the operation and maintenance of, or result in harm to, Grantee's public utility facilities and Grantee may require the removal of any such improvement. Should the Grantor not remove the offending Improvement, it shall be subject to removal or destruction by the Grantee, without liability or responsibility thereof to the Grantee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused these presents to be ecuted the date and year first above, written. Z4'1-'f C411,411 — A S OAA- Si C. u e. /' ' Signature i .� r r v f f' "- t'r rrx ra<— c��'�J�� Printed Name y) SCANNED in' STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing innstrument was acknowledged before me this day of 200J by - v�iC�i n_ C0 Pi��S as of Said iYerson (check one) LORRIE L CRIDER Notary Public - State of Florida ' q:..: a,- My Commscicn Exp. Aug. 28, 2808 •.F...m Conimisaior- BDD 324838 spaded ThmJyh At c g NoWry 4 r, 'sonally kngyWvnn to me, as id6tifie6tion. 1% Printed Name J`jai Notary Public, State ofL Page 1 of 4 •v V I11 Printed Name STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument 200fg, by J Said (check one) —c RIE L- CRIDER bic-State of Florida emn Exµ Aug 28.2008 EX., iwon t!DD 324838 u�r ta3Wea1 sta2tyam Signature s c acknowledged before me this 4 day of CAS' n ��t l Puy as 1 of personally knoyyrr tq me oy ❑/ rody el _ as idgnYific- tion. / /� / /p / 7 Printed Name Notary Public, State of Page 2 of 4