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'r-+ 6 THICKEN CURB TO 10"AROUND 7RAISH --- ENCLOSURE FOR FENCE PLACEMENT - - - �w/NO - -- l FL EL NO E ; 'O ,, �j + -UE, L INES �t 1. 4(31 I i ' 7/ \ > d - -r49 b + \ l� r _ MAINTA M (_©> N i J D I' P� 70 r it r-_----- - -- I MAINTA N MINIMUM TWEEN FOR 41 11 � t © Q" x TO It R: AI FUELS' L NE: TWEEN STORM s P41.NT POST AND RAILS 45 � ;O' — - FUELS -INES. CONOCO CHARCOAL I 1i1 10' AN 141, fi��AN � NF7s F'1' "R41N T4N< 4 Fr� NSEF1 TF 5�,1 RNCL05AE No (3) _\ Ti- � I 2� T-415 ISLN441 AND NC S7FEL aN, %/`\' T ' °_ . 26'I it BUT i5 FORMED CCNCRETE, JJ T� / �\ `\ _* INSIDE F C1 WARPEC TJ �CRM COLUMN W'R4P TYpIC / -- --- - SEE G2.2 CUQINCs TO MATCu OTHER -ram, �.. ��\ �U� \-�-''�est cc I \ - 2Z � f ,� � - �� � _ _✓; (5 `� �� / ` � ` -, I (( 3 -- ' 3.2 44 O� i38 I'r 31 r (3a7. types5 32/ / X. A wet col. 44(/✓1 /� ty� "0 - .. "��� 4 �44 - L ji fe /tfY LJ 'T C,�i f SEE r-Jt'LS 4 ELE, IC41- FLANF, o - - • CONTINUED y 2 O ai ANCG �5 ------ _ -- --- - S V -_ No. DEcCR�IE.,PTION Nc G�S�R'P'IGN i DIESEL "i Gr a 0 E 74 STEED COLD; N 2?J PER.IM� ER LIN�K OF GANG Y RG BO✓c C) TOP OF FUELS ISL ��ti- 2� CONTINUOUS MODULAR TRENCH DRAIN y/ END CAP OU'.LET. - - TOP OF CONCRETE SLAB e F IELS AREA 2? NOT USED O.G. Di,�"E'ER CUT-OUT IN STEEL COLUMN IIII Ills= r �3(D NOT USED - BETE OUTLET LETS O.C. DIAMETER P'vC DRA'�N ._% —- - N CON T !NUOJS SEALANT � PIP I � 4 1 C�) CLEAN-O' IT W'TH WATERPROOF COVER 31 NOT us'ED G � u " PPE O STORM DRAIN UNDERGROUND 5-157EM ) "NOT a EG Cb REINFORCED-CONCRETE-OC71NG SEE DE7AIL E ON r12_i 33 NOT USED 34)NOT U5ED T �8 FREE7ELE55 ;U,4TER H`I'DRANT PER =LUMBING PL4N::;_ 3� SAND-7R4P/CA7GH 5A5!N. SEE C ✓iL 5HEFT C'5 9� FLEXIBLE F'IF','N(-;:- CONNECTOR BETWEEN PIPE 4 ELECL,. VER1 ICAL ),_.0T 10N �\ R` b) PIPING E BOW TOWARD S;ORM U, , R 5 ., ST' M NOT USED 11) N01 USED 31) MASTER FUELS D!SPENSER w' ASSOCIATED P.0_5. CAD r i l NO? USED READER `E-:EFAL. SEE FUELS 4 FLEC?RiG4LPLA 5ATELLITE rUELS DISPENSER. SEE FUELS FL4N5. - 39) 3" DIA: HCRIE. PIPE RAIL WELDED T0.3" DIA. SCHEDULE 40 (23; 4 PIPE BOLLARD5 2' ©` ABOVE Fl1\115H GRADE 4 EX ENDED -- -- - - - -- — -- - 3' " LOW INSW GRADE ENC45ED IN 6" OF GONG. ON - --- ---. 31 STEED FACED OJRS AT RAISED 3' O" WIDE CONCRETE p BELOW F r --- -- T R TO RAIL ON DE Alt CiGl.3) -- - a =I 1 -� 14� IuG�J��D AS PER FUEL PLANS �40) COMP, ESSED AILR R "!) (2� EEL/EOX SET IN CONCRETE. SEE �I PLJMBiNG AND RZ-1 5 DR41JING5. NOT USED �4! NOT JSED I't IN ' NEON T IP' ✓ATI � G r- (_, 6 SE EO S R NG. SEE E__ GNS �N �_.I, 42 NOT LISED 261 L NOT USED �; 26✓ !ISM NOT USED `43) NOT U5ED 19 FILL BOTTOM OF STEEL COLUMN �/ SOLID. WATERPROOF, '44 HEA'✓`" DUTT CONCRETE SLAB. SLGPE PER ARROWS TO 24 - % NON -SHRINK GROUT SLOPED TOWARD PIPING OUTLET. �J DRAIN ACROSS CURB tO %UTTER 4 FJEL FARM 1 {7 2©, STEEL. FACE OF FUEL iSLANC PAN. CATCH 5451N. It 45 �' 6" TALL x E''m rorr. DIAME?ER CONCRETE -FILLED C-CLU �N WR<' P rYPIGA_ _ 22 �� - i "� � i SEE G22 _J GALVANIZED PIPE E301_LARD SE W, 3' EXPOSED 4 . L- 'PRODUCT, F1ES DI,5FEN5ER PER FUELS PLANS. 3 m" ENCASE) IN 6' OF CONCRETE ON ALL SIDES. -- -,. - 2 - _.. (21J »PRODUCT, FUE�� Dl�f cNSER Fr_R rUELS PL4N5. 46/ FUELS ADDITIVE TANK w! LOCKABLE ACCE55 4 DISPEN5- G !23 J USNAP r F ac L a' ING HARDWARE. `RC'✓IDF BY OLJNER UNDER SEEP. Ems, BENT SAL'✓AN 'ED 1 EE F'E DOLL�RD PER CGN"SAC'. FUELS PLANS. NO.. _, Na- I� 1� n ��. ti- 21 PRECAST CONCRETE TRASH RECEPTACLE. 48 NOT USED ,4cSoLINE [5LILA D� _ :� O�i I NORTH � � 151 -FLYING J" INSET, L.IGNTED TEXT. SEE ELEVATIONS ON G2'. 6'-O" HiCsH, EXTRA HEAv DUTT, BLACK PVC COATED, F ='!EI. h 3 F' ! ?P r ci ANS. 1',r E NDUSTRIAL CHAIN -LINK FENCING w/ LOCKABLE GATES f �6; 541 EEC. -FACED CURB AT RAISED �'-© WIDE CON..R_TE �- ISLAND AS PER FUELS P11.ANS. ''GASOLINE FUEL ISLANDS) 45 5HGWN. PROVIDE BLACK F-Rlv,4C7 SLATS INSERTEC 'TO CHAIN LINK MESH. 5C1, COLUMN -MOUNTED COMPRESSED AIR REEL.. SEE PLUMBING 4 FUELS PLANS. FAINT REEL BOX CONOCO C �ARGCAL. CONCRETE BARRIER AT E:ara END OF DIESEL i5LANDS- T SEE FUELS DR.AW'INGS FOR DET41-NOT PA!N'CD. c, p 53> RIDGE LINE OF DRIVE SLAE TO ALIGN '^-T FIND CF IS�ANC:: t1 l5 i / (Opp. SIDE. R^ r SHOWN. ,; B 21) 35 K) Vo RE'✓i5lON5. SUEMIS�iONS Date +yam � gyp 14�' � -- ,,�:.-�� I� / ",�;•. a design build company wa' 50 WEST 990 SOUTH, BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH 84302-878 (801) 734-6407 �05 NAME Vle ' LI-r G t=L rRAAiNe T r G1.5 (47) SITE DETAILS ,.- tic i ea. -' -- - - _1-- v 8284 S luc '' % % '_ l � •�, R:JIP'NEC R4WING NO. 0 _ D T�I CONS r� - DATE—y ,GALE - -- I _ AS Ncr ✓ f c P P ,r 1 L T' . f= r, C i r /A� J I 4Y ✓ I I ��y r 1 11 w.:lre a��I n I (� 4 L\- I 1 < WHITE AGM 1 1 / GOUN5G.A iE vyv / LITEL''T� "< 1 / c,, CoLJM5 T� /� 1 L/ a0ttlN-LIGUTING • � / % I MOUNT \v /' i / < „ r� 40 Ill. METAL ;v v LIGHTS i \ /`l SEE �'- v FCF tGYJ'IPMEN' tJ LITE GACI4 - I RED AGM CHARG0.4L 4RET AGP'f - :+� A "Yn .aR� R ArM --- -- --' ELLOw ACM BACKLIT LOGC ANC " I ^ EXT FEE) NCOLOR 6 c -->k-- ---- ---- ------ ----- — _ _ -_ —_---- 1, SEE SPE,. 6EC7ION 09010- -0R PANT COLORS - - I I 1'1 FOR CO.UMN CANCP'! FOOTING EL E'✓. `✓IEWEG' HE NORT-I c ✓ vIEWED PF,0`1 ThE NORM SEE DETAIL I/G1.5 1 ` 7 4 0 I W ITE A_M ~! FL PING ° -- V I ! G_. ` BACKLIT L(-40 AN[, U.H''TE AC" 1 - TEXT RED IN COLCR i RED ACM i I i -. GONG_ 5A5F=- 1 II "',N GAINCPY rGOTING�. vIE.UED FROI" -, HE NORTH =�-yING STRIPE ,u! DOWN _IGH ING -O I r I I � P 1 i J j L 1 I � I 15 4 {y.,URF4C_ MOUNT ,, --`---�----� —1 1 I I I 4 C 1 I 1 --P. '18 PLAC L -- ES L--1 L-' I 1 I I I '� =uE� ISLAND I I SEE FUEL PANS OANOPY COLUMNS: =OR rQU'PMENT ', _ 'Y P. 6 PLACES I i LOGf,'ION I I I F'L1iNG 57RiPE AG21 ui GOWN LIGHTING NGRII- E3 /a =11011 —G�OLN LITE FA5C - /g!pn EL ANOPY r M / 5URF4CE MCILINT �_. i O '"ETAL /l/�'L i ��-U,� / ' - 4L GE L';r-LiT5 -A FUEL 15LANG5��� 5EE FUEL PLANS . / FOR EQUiPMENT .CCATION / V a41•. �. \, BarIC LIT "FLYING J' 10_1 h BACK LI LOGO ON FACE OF CANOPY M14TERI4L <E�rINS L EGEN1D a THE DIESEL A *=LUSH ALU INU'' COMr=c�SiTE FASCIA W,' PAINTED CCLJ`1N5, SEE SPEC SEC*ION 09010 FOR FAINT COLOR, ANL; «22a. FLU5H ^1ETAL �OF;-!T ROOF DRAINS ANL. INTER''O_l:i N DOL1 N SPOUTS. CANOE= • 5k�,4LL BE ENGINEERED TO ^^-ET LOCAL WIND LOAD R�QuIREMENTS- T!�E �31='.NCRAL C—ONTR4C —CR 5-44L.- P!RC'✓'DE FOOTINGS. THE OU)NER WILL. OR �� O0 -TS THRU TI-,E CANOF't CCNTRACTOR, THE ANC 0 R BOLTS 5;4,4LL BE INSTALLED El- T--E GENERAL CONTRACTOR, THE CANOPY 5UFPLIER 5144L.L SUPF'L'' AND INSTALL THE LICZ"T FIXTURES T -IIE ELECTRICA_ CON FR CTOR SHALL FRCVIDE CONG'UIT AND WIRE FOR Lk! -,TS AND M4<Fz ALL ELECTRICAL C,.ONNEC'rIONS RGQJIR�=.. Nc. �REv15iO1N5.5J2"^ISS'O'\5 � Oa:e a design build company I WEST 990 SOUTH, BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH 84302-878 (801) 734-6407 -'E FL''ING J TRAVEL FLAZA - FUEL ISLAND CANOPY REFLECTED CEILING AND ELEVATIONS L RAWN PRO.;E' NO. F;JKF- CPECKED SER 3 -- -- - GK St uGgll REVIEiI I�� DRAWING NO, W' COTE Z o I-15-?8 SCALE Cf 1. 41 _ _ ., --- C INK GROUT --RC IDED AND IN5TALLED ANOP MANLI �'TURE WRAP rtRAMEI:JORK NOT FACT SHOUV FOR CLARITY I= V if ALUM'+NUM GOMA05�Tc I �I� � 4 I I PANELS C01,uMN LURAF I - - - --- J TO M4TI FL-tINGCOLOR l k r 5 RESAR EAG MADE PROGRA 1 j COLOR TO BE GLO if ARCTI LIJ4TE I! I I 1I I if / W' LE ✓ELING SELF LCC< N' �,.. NUTS, 2' Co' E 5EDI`IEN- fl AND 6' PROJECTION, ANCuOR$CLTS PRCv' B- ` O111N`cR THRU P SEt�= A�1 I I I ' "S REESAR � EAC:; C^RNA ;:4 G A. STEEL INSET PA E I BEND RIVET TO M --- ---- -- - - -- NTERI R S'uH - -- -- - --- - �- - —� — rOLOR TO ZM'T-E FLYING J RED ' IT �I _ r 'S REBAR EA4 BY C ERU ]DER LA or-. if i cr 4'-0if I it � `. I !• iz`r CA I AN0f=`ILI if l I I I�I 4A JII _ i r { ALUMINUM COMf'051TE �- -� - RAF -5 :/a, -- - LL 50 , CCL i EQUAL EQUAL1-14,GE-RCGRAM ' a — ✓� GO NOT U5E I COLOR TO BE 6LO55 c F a ARCTIC UJi.ITc FOR ELECTR!q .: STUB-uF5 ! I'. ✓, 24 GA, STEED INSET PANE / BLIND R:VET TO ACM --- - — - �INTERIOR SIDES. i COLOR 7G BE I"IA7TE FETING J RED (0 G OF, d I --.% c LUI IA � O y U' u E 7HE6E AREAS FCR FOR CANOPY E: EGTRI� 5TU5- LUMINUM COMFCS'iE PANEL _ a JII ONLT. EY END CCNDU175 .., c -- ` L L OFFS r URAF 5EE CE?AIL C �! daC la i �l ✓� �� PEN APF Y DPI 15 U� THENAPFLY EA�- �N_I SEE ..46E (NUMBER Cr- CONDU[ : a V,aR SE CONCRETE COLUMN COVER By WAU3AU TILE O ` ( IGN N WiR 4 F l :1 � a� j II I I I I i GA. STEED N7 ETI f 4Ni ND RI ,/Ef TC =RIOR 5 DEe =LOR TO BE E V J REC ('- - r' N� _ ,F_ k • HE5 ,JIJL l:l li\ UJ :i i �,• I l !\u. 0� i� T FL'I INS � •'�N � �5. _ iN �p> (�-ANOF'E" . FOR (;ONO(I 5T�'LE 4 1 �,�� x � ���� I8 �:� �L� ANGLE. 0 COL. UJ���� , UNSEE 4LT. L)wC�. �JIT'�NO REFER TO DETAIL D ON G2 _' �nGSI �� ��✓N� �r� r + �. I �Jfl • HIS F-4C1171' WILL FEE FL1 NN J � �. ,LNG _-+45 �L INE, OP` GOLu""� , • '.i � C41NOFY tC'LU Nu' k44V a )NG � G�N��:�C� J� ��.�.M. ,.lJ��,r✓. I III � I II I � I I Y I - PANELS CC'"Ut IN UJRAF A_L S,DES. COLOR TO MATC;-: E 'T NG J I ' � "'AGE PROGRAM � ^OLOR TO BE G-_055 ARCTIC w-II-E I 1j I I �� ZI � � I / � c ti - `� � Ri_ fl • ss Is, 1 ! 4 a design build company, 60 WEST 990 SOUTH, BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH 84302-878 1801) 734-8407 NO ;G4LE I CtF <IG �) CR' ST._LUCIE G' ^' CR? WIN6 T LE • �,!- ,4SOLINE ISLAND Q��I peaV\ riI L�' IN DPI SEAL ROJEG )O. GaEGKE.. SERIEv ,,, REVI_AEC - nQAk ING NO 2,2 -15-98 45 NOTED - 0 GENERAL A. Mobilization: Mobilization shall meet the requirements of FDOT Section 101. This work shall include, but is not limited to, operations necessary for the movement of personnel, equipment, supplies, and incidentals to the project site, and for the establishment of temporary offices, buildings, safety equipment and first aid supplies, sanitary and other facilities, as required by State and local laws and regulations. the costs of bonds and any required insurance, and any other preconstruction expense necessary for the start of work, excluding the cost of construction materials, shall also be included in this section. This section also includes any and all work related to the final cleanup. B. Construction Surveying: The Contractor shall provide all construction staking utilizing the boundary survey and benchmarks provided within the plan. The Contractor is responsible to verify all benchmarks prior to use to ensure that they have not been disturbed and to protect all control points, benchmarks and property corners during the course of the project. The Contractor shall bear the cost of any necessary restating or resetting of the points provided. C. Soil Testing: Soil Testing shall be performed by a certified testing laboratory employed by the Contractor. EARTHWORK AND GRADING Materials and construction methods for earthwork, excavation, embankment and grading shall meet the requirements of FDOT Section 120 and shall be performed to acquire final grades, elevations and typical sections as shown on the plans for the proposed work. A. Clearing and Grubbing: Clearing and grubbing shall meet the requirements of FDOT Section 110 and shall be performed within the limits of the project work. This work shall include, but is not limited to, the removal of existing trees, brush stumps, roots and other objectionable material to a depth of 18 inches below the natural ground or design grade, whichever is lower. The areas to be cleared and grubbed generally consist of that portion of the project defined on the clearing plan and is primarily citrus grove, both viable and abandoned. An existing residence shall also be demolished and an existing well abandoned in accordance with all applicable regulations and requirements. Permits for all demolition and well abandonment shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Fees for disposal of debris shall be the Contractor's responsibility. All material shall be removed from the site of the project and shall be disposed of in accordance with local, regional, State and Federal laws, regulations and ordinances. Designated trees are to be preserved and the Contractor shall take all necessary action to ensure the preservation of the denoted trees. The removal of any trees designated for preservation shall result in the Contractor replacing said tree with a tree of the some variety and equal or greater size. B. Rough Grade: The Contractor shall grade the site to meet the requirements of FDOT Sections 110 and 120 and shall conform to the lines, grades, and typical sections as shown on the plans. C. Fine Grade: The Contractor shall grade the site to meet the requirements of FDOT Sections 110 and 120 and shall conform to the lines, grades and typical sections as shown on the plans. D. Sod: Sod shall meet the requirements of FDOT Section 570, 575, and 981 and shall be placed according to the landscape planting plan. E. Seed and Mulch: Seed and mulch shall meet the requirements of FDOT Sections 570, 575, and 981 and shall be placed in all areas not designated for sod or landscape planting. RAINAGE IMPROVEMENT Materials, trench excavation, pipe laying and backfilling operations for drainage improvements shall meet the requirements of FDOT Sections 125 and 430. Pipe shall be laid in true alignment in a pipe trench with an adequate supporting value and "bedded to the detail shown in the plans and FDOT Section 430. All backfill shall be compacted to a minimum density of 95 percent of the maximum density as determined by AASHTO T-180, unless otherwise shown on the plans. The Contractor shall provide all materials and labor to complete the work for drainage improvements at the locations, sizes, and types shown on the plans for the following items: A. Elliptical Concrete Pipe: Elliptical concrete pipe shall meet the requirements of FDOT Section 941. B. Corrugated Metal Pipe: Corrugated metal pipe shall meet the requirements of the North St. Lucie River Water Control District and FDOT Section 943. D. Precast concrete catch basins shall meet the requirements of ASTM C-478 and 64T FDOT Section 425. Catch basins shall be Class I concrete and shall be constructed to the detail as shown on the plans. E. Storm Manhole: Storm manholes shall meet the requirements of ASTM C-478 and 64T FDOT Section 425. Storm manholes shall be Class I concrete and shall be constructed to the detail as shown on the plans. F. Trench Drain: Shall be ACO K100S system trench drain, or approved equal, presloped at 0.6% with Heavy Duty grate. See specification section 02725. G. Mitered Ends: Shall meet the requirement of FDOT Roadway and Traffic Design Standards Standard Index No. 272. Pipe lengths shown on the drawings do not include the length of the mitered end as indicated on Index No. 272. H. Pipe lengths are intended to reflect the length of pipe from centerline of structure to centerline of structure. I. Reduced Cover: All storm drains with less than the minimum cover indicated on the detail sheets shall hove o thickened base constructed in accordance with the details contained in the plans. PAVING IMPROVEMENT All paved areas shall meet the requirements of AASHTO Specificatii FDOT and St. Lucie County and shall be constructed to the typical secl as shown on the plans. The Contractor shall retain the services of an independent testing to conduct all required testing and retesting to comply with these Specifications. The Owner shall bear the cost of initial testing and the Contractor shall correct any deficient work at his own expense. A. Asphaltic Concrete: Asphaltic concrete materials and construction methods shall meet the requirements of FDOT Sections 300, 320, 330 and 331 and shall be Type S-1 with thickness as specified. Prime Coats shall meet the requirements of F60T Sections 300-1 through 300-7 and shall have an application rate of 0.10 gallons per square yard, unless a variation rate is approved by the Engineer. B. Base: The base course shall be cemented coquina shellrock in accordance with FDOT Section 250 and shall be of the thickness specified on the plans and as shown on the typical sections on the plans. The base shall be compacted to 98 percent of the maximum density as determined by AASHTO T-180. Construction methods shall be in accordance with FDOT Section 250. C. Subgrade: The subgrade shall be of the thickness specified on the plans and construction shall be per FDOT Section 160, Subgrade shall xtend six inches beyond the edge of the base course or back of curb within the limits shown on the plans. Subgrade shall be compacted to 98 percent of the maximum density as determined by AASHTO T-180 and shall have a minimum Florida Bearing Value of 75 p.s.i. D. Concrete Curb: Concrete curb shall meet the requirements of FDOT Section 520 and shall be constructed to the typical section as shown on the plans. Special F Curb will be utilized within the truck parking area and the curb shall be thickened to 8" where subject to perpendicular truck traffic. E. Painted Traffic Striping: Painted traffic stripes shall meet the requirements of FDOT Section 710, 6" wide white stripes shall be used for the parking lot stripes. F. Stop Sign and Bar: Stop signs and bars shall meet the requirements FDOT Section 700 and the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and shall be constructed in the locations as shown on the plans. Materials, construction methods, required tests, testing methods and construction tolerances for the potable water distribution system shall meet the requirements of the current AWWA Specifications, FDEP, FDOT, and Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority. Materials, trench excavation, pipe—loying and backfilling operations shall meet the requirements of FDOT Sections 125 and 430. Pipe shall be laid in true alignment in a dry pipe trench with an adequate supporting value and "bedded" to the detail as shown on the plans and FDOT Section 430. All backfill shall be compacted to a minimum- density of 95 percent of the maximum density as determined by AASHTO T-180, unless otherwise shown on the plans. A. PVC Water Main: PVC pressure pipe shall meet the requirements of AWWA C-900 and/or an approved equal with outside diameter equal to that of standard ductile iron pipe and minimum wall thickness of DR-25, Class 100 or DR-18, Class 150. Minimum cover shall be 30 inches, unless otherwise noted. Water mains shall be blue in color or marked as approved by the Owner. B. Gate Valve with Box: Gate valves 12 inches or smaller shall meet the requirements of AWWA C-500 and shall be ductile iron, resilient seat type with mechanical joints. Valves shall be designed with a minimum working pressure of 200 psi. Each valve shall have the valve type, size, rating, and manufacturer cast into the body. C. Ductile Iron Fittings: Water main fittings shall be cast or ductile iron and shall meet the requirements of AWWA ANSI A21.11 (AWWA C-110), Class 250, cement lined and seal coated. Fittings shall be designed with a minimum working pressure of 250 psi. All fittings shall be restrained with mechanical restraints. D. Sample Point: Sample points shall meet the requirements of FDEP and the Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority and shall be constructed to the typical section as shown on the plans. E. Fire Hydrant Assembly. Fire hydrants shall meet the requirements of AWWA C502 and C600, Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority and the St. Lucie County Fire Department and shall be constructed to the typical section as shown on the plans. Minimum working pressure shall be 150 psi. F. Testing: All pressure and leakage testing shall meet the requirements of AWWA Specifications, the Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority and FDEP. The potable water system shall be tested at a pressure of 150 psi for a minimum of 2 hours. No visible movement of the system shall occur and leakage shall not exceed: L = ND P 7400 Where: L = allowable leakage in gallons per hour N = number of joints in the length of pipe being tested D = nominal diameter of the pipe in inches P = average test pressure during the leakage test, in pounds per square inch Following the leakage test, the Contractor shall flush the pipeline of all foreign matter and disinfect all potable water mains and services. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer and Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority at least 48 hours in advance of any testing procedures. G. Fire mains where specified as PVC shall conform to AWWA C-900, Pressure Class 200, DR-14. Where Ductile Iron Pipe is specified it shall be Class 52. H. Fire Mains shall be tested at 200 p.s.i. and such testing shall conform to NFPA 24 (latest) requirements and a representative of the Fire Marshall's office shall be present for the testing. I. Fire main must be installed and certified by a Contractor specifically licensed to install fire prevention mains. J. Mimimum cover of water mains shall be 30", pipes with cover less than 30" shall be concrete encased or shall be ductile iron pipe, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM Materials, construction methods, required tests, testing methods and construction tolerances for the wastewater collection and transmission system shall meet the requirements of the current AWWA Specifications, FDEP, and Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority. Materials, trench excavation, pipe —laying and backfilling operations shall meet the requirements of FDOT Sections 125 and 430. Pipe shall be laid in true alignment in a dry pipe trench with an adequate supporting value. If normal dewatering efforts fail as specified in FDOT Section 430, a minimum six inch compacted rock bed shall be used. All backfill shall be compacted to a minimum density of 95 percent of the maximum density as determined by AASHTO T--180, unless otherwise shown on the plans. Pipe laying shall proceed upgrade with spigot ends pointing in the direction of the flow. A. 8" PVC Sanitary Sewer Main: 8" PVC sewer main shall meet the requirements of ASTM D-3034 for SDR 35. Minimum cover shall be 36 inches, unless otherwise noted. If the minimum cover cannot be maintained,, sewer main shall be ductile iron pipe and shall meet the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50. Sewer mains shall be green in color or marked as approved by the Owner. B. DIP Sanitary Sewer Main: DIP sewer main shall meet the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C150/Al2.50. Minimum cover shall be 36 inches, unless otherwise noted. Sewer mains shall be green in color or marked as approved by Owner. DIP force main shall be epoxy —lined. C. Sanitary Manhole: Sanitary manholes shall meet the requirements of FT. Pierce Utilites Authority and shall be constructed in the locations, elevations, and dimensions as shown on the plans. Manholes shall be set plumb to line and grade and shall rest on a carefully graded, uniform bearing base. All concrete and or mortar mixed on —site (field mixed) for use on any component of the wastewater collection system shall be made with Type II Portland cement, masonry sand, clean properly sized gravel (if required) and clean, fresh water. In no case shall local on —site sand/dirt, rock or stones be used. Prior to placing any mortar/concrete/grout mix, the opening shall first be thoroughly prepared in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction and then a liquid bonding agent shall be applied to the surface(s) per the manufacturers instructions. The bonding agent of choice shall, be Acryl 60 as manufactured by Thoro System Products or an Engineer —approved equal. The approved group mixture for performing all concrete repairs, filling all voids between pipe and concrete wall and plugging leaks in concrete structures shall be Master Buildings Mosterflow 713 Grout or Engineer —approved equal, properly plugged as shown on the plans. D. Sanitary Drop Manhole: Drop manholes shall meet the requirements of Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority and shall be constructed in the locations, elevations, and dimensions as shown on the plans. Manholes shall be set plumb to line and grade and shall rest on a carefully graded, uniform bearing base. E. PVC Force Main: PVC force main shall meet the same 'requirements as PVC water main. Minimum cover shall be 30 inches, unless otherwise noted. Force mains shall be green in color and marked with the words "sewer main" as approved by the Owner. The price of ductile iron fittings, meeting the requirements ANSI A21.10 (AWWA C-100), shall be included in this cost. Fittings shall be mechanically restrained. F. Lift Station Complete: The 6 foot diameter lift station shall meet the requirements of Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority and shall be constructed in the location as shown in the plans. The Contractor shall submit a wet well shop drawing subject to the Engineer's and Owner's approval. The pumps shall be one of the three manufacturer's types specified only. The above ground piping associated with the RP backflow preventer shall be galvanized steel or copper. The panel and all electrical control devices shall be in accordance with standard Ft. Pierce Utility Authority specifications and requirements. H. Testing: The Engineer shall visually inspect all gravity sewer mains to verify conformance to the requirements of Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority the aid of mirrors and lights. This inspection shall be performed after the completion of all manholes, connection of all services and all compaction efforts, but prior to paving. A full pipe diameter shall be visible between all manholes. The Contractor shall repair or replace any portion that does not meet the specifications at his own expense. All force mains shall be pressure and leakage tested to, meet the requirements of the Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority which shall be the some requirements as water mains, except the test pressure shall be 100 psi. Existing Utilities and Structures Existing utilities, structures and facilities shown on the Drawings were located as accurately as possible from the records examined. No guarantee is made that all existing facilities are shown or that those shown are entirely accurate. The Contractor shall assure himself of the actual location of the utilities, structures, or facilities prior to performance of any work in the vicinity. The utility companies or utility agencies will co—operate with the Contractor's operations. Prior to start of the work, the Contractor shall request each utility agency to advise him of the location of their facilities in the vicinity. The Owner will assume no liability for damages sustained or cost incurred because of the Contractor's operation in the vicinity of existing utilities or structures, or to the temporary bracing and shoring of some. In the event that it is necessary to shore, brave, or swing a utility, the utility company or department affected should be contacted and their permission secured as to the method used for any such work. Restoration or Damaged Structures g S uctu es or Utilities: It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to repair, rebuild or restore to its former condition, any and all portions of existing utilities, structures, equipment, appurtenances or facilities, other than those to be paid for under this Contract, which may be disturbed or damaged due to this construction operation, at no cost to the Owner. Final Cleanup Upon completion of the work, but before final payment will be made, the Contractor shall clear and remove from the project area, all falsework, equipment, surplus and discarded materials, rubbish and temporary structures which result from the work under this Agreement, and shall restore in an acceptable manner, all property which has been damaged during the prosecution of the work. Record Information: Upon completion of the work, but prior to submittal of the request for final payment, the Contractor shall obtain and submit record information to the Owner. This information shall include the following: 1. Water and Wastewater Systems: a. Horizontal and Vertical location and size of all water mains, meters, services, valves, and hydrants; b. Horizontal and Vertical location, size and type of all sanitary manholes; sewer main diameter, inverts and lengths, and services: 2. Drainage System: a. High points and low points of swales; b. Locations and grate and invert elevations of all structures; c. Location, size, type, length and invert of all culverts. 3. Paving and Grading: Finished elevation wherever design spot elevation was shown. The record information shall be certified by a Florida Professional Land Surveyor. Locations shall be made by reference to centerline stationing and offset or by other means acceptable to the Owner. Elevations shall be according to National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD). The information shall be submitted on a clean set of construction drawings which can be obtained from the Engineer. Guarantee: All materials and the installation thereof which are furnished and installed by the Contractor, under the terms of the Agreement, shall be guaranteed by the Contractor against defective workmanship, mechanical and physical defects, leakage, breakage, and other damages and failure under normal operation for a period of one (1) year from the date of final payment, said date to constitute the commencement of the one (1) year warranty period. All materials and installations proving to be defective within the specified period of the guaranty shall be replaced, without cost to the Owner, by the manufacturer or the Contractor. The period of guarantee of each such replacement shall be from and after the date of installation thereof. L ��IIIIIIIII' IIIIIIIIIIIIIII . z w rz W CD Z o ao u) W War o,M 1 11 o ; J ct� W wow` U 3((nw� w C3 OD Z N Z 0 0 0 C7 � � cD H 0 d � wl 0 w o Cr Ul N Z aD � R � H c s o I-T a z DAZE : . I DR1NING No. C1 1 OF 32 0 22.50' GRAPHIC SCALE 0 so 100 zoo 400 I I I I I ( IN FEET) 47.50' 1 inch = 100 ft_ I I~ I I _ I I '0 I I I -1 q52.51 Florida Department of Transportation right-of-way as described in Order Of Taking recorded in I I O.R. Book 247, Page 2860. � I I � I I � I I General Permit in favor of Southern Bell Telephone -I-I and Telegraph Company, recorded in Deed Book 220, I I II page 427, being a right of undefined width and 6 I I location over property now or formerly of Z I I John H. Baumker. I ml I nl I � tO I I � I I O Iwl � 1•, I I � INI m II j � I'I � ICI C IZI 3 i 100' o IQI C) IZI v ILo a General Permit in favor of Southern Bell Telephone - and Telegraph Company, recorded in Deed Book 220, page 428, being a right of undefined width for pole lines, etc., lying approximately 52 feet East of the centerline of Kings Highway within the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 12. Bolt Spike At West 1/4 Corner W 4 V A C A N T (Zoned IL) (Now Or Formerly Land Of Corbolly) North Line Of The SW 1/4 Of The NW 1/4 Of Section 12 Set 5/8' Iron Rod With Plastic Cap Stamped LB 4286 450.12' Overhead Utilitv Wires N 89'43'02" E (C) 48" Oak Tree 231.8' Overhead Utillt-Wires_ A N 89-42'48" E rk m 0 LO U) well • hed PARCEL 1 Found 3.5'x 3.5' Sandstone Concrete Monument 0.19' North And 0.73' West Found 4"x4" Concrete Monument Stamped 1859, 0.11' North 10. 4' And 1.02' East BILLBOARD Set 5/8" Iron F Plastic Cap Stai Found 4"x4" Co Stamped 1859, East Of Comer V A C A N (Now Or Formerly Land Of Noelke) 154.12� 564.24' (C) Set 5/8" Iron Rod With Plastic Cap Stamped LB 4286 Found 4"x4" Concrete Monument 0.30' South & 1.57' East Of Corner PARCEL 2 1HOuse ----Asphalt Drive 664.28' Parcel 24.438 Limited Access Right -Of -Way Set 5/8' Iron Rod With With \ Per 1-95 Maps Plastic Cop Stamped IB 4286 sd LB 4286 Found 4"x4" Concrete Monument ete Monument Stamped 1859, 0.11' South & 2.09' 'D' South & 1.5T East Of Corner Zoned IL)\ J 89'43'02" E (C) ao 218.69' (C) -k tyt113.43' 332.12' N 000T54 E (C) p V 60.0000 J ✓_ O 1 ri i� Fence Is On IP Property Line O I � O (� t v \ it 5/8" Iron Rod With 00 tic Cap Stamped LB 4286 ,A \ r N � t�D Limited Access Right -Of -Way Per 1-95 Maps 0 I East Line Of The ct 1/4 Of �: ILA The NW 1/4 Of Section 12 Z Fence 1.4' East Of Property Corner �. w N G 04 04 O Set 5/8' Iron Rod With - / \ 00I Plastic Cap Stomped LB 4286 � , G) z N I O ntains Limited Access y ores ± Right -Of -Way kP i- Per I-95 Maps \`2 - N 89'42'48" E 332.14 z N 89*42-48" E 332.14' I � i G1 Q PARCFI 3 w i� 0 0 O Z Set 5/8" Iron Rod With Plastic Cap Stamped LB 4286 Found 4"x4" Concrete Monument Stamped 1859, 0.17' South & 1.41' \I East Of Corner WITNESS CORNERS Set 5/8' Iron Rods W th Plastic Caps Stamped LB 4286 5.00' West & 5.00 Ecst of Property Corner On Property Li ie Found 4'x4" Concr to Monument Stamped 1859, 1. ' East Of Corner Fence Post At Corner WITNESS CORNERS \ Set 5/8" Iron Rods With Plastic Caps Stamped LB 4286 56.53 5,00' North & 5.00' East of Property Fence Is On Corner On Property Line Property Line`s Fence Post At Comer � �564.9T C S87-14 05 W D&C 719.03' (D) 04 80.00' (D) 664.32' _N 89'42'35" E -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ORANGE S 00'13'55" E. 2649.92' L z: z O O I-- i- A 5' Wide Easement in favor of Florida Power & Light U C Company, Recorded in O.R. Book 195, Page 814, the LI LLJ W N centerline of which lies 42.5 feet North of the South line of the North 1/2 of Section 12 and within the Township 35 South West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the the Northwest Range 39 East 1/4 of Section 12. Railroad Spike At Southwest Corner Of Section -` C A V 1 :5 62.9' Z o Fence 1 01 it 00 U N W Ln 74� S cn �� O r< Q, to O V) i 001 00 \ O cO 74.0' To Fence --Limited Access V , Right -Of -Way �- / Per I-95 Maps toy of 0 55% w N fo S .3 a 1 ' N It o s OJlg\de Z r o 0/ tp, k L�rO�\e ✓ \ L den Q�oPe`C•`V I 1 Z of y9 -P.O.B. \ O.R. Book 246 w Page 2370 O 6� ()a South Line Of The • r North 1/2 Of Section 12 Limited Access P O tl+ �✓ 24.3' OD '0 8.6' Shed o N Shed N o o tss' 24.3' 24.6' 8.1' W 1 story ` c A c6 House w 8.2' 24.5 DETAIL FOR BUILDING DIMENSION NOTES Bearing Base - The West line of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 12, as shown, is assumed to bear N 00'08'06' E. Property is currently zoned INDUSTRIAL, LIGHT (IL). LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1 The Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 12, Township 35 South. Range 39 East, St. Lucie County, Florida, LESS AND EXCEPT road rights -of -way. PARCEL 2 The Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 12, Township 35 South, Ronge 39 East, St. Lucie County, Florida, LESS AND EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion more particularly described in the Order of Taking recorded in O.R. Book 247, page 2860, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. PARCEL 3 The West 1/2 of the East 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 12, Township 35 South, Range 39 East, St. Lucie County, Florida, LESS AND EXCEPTING that portion more particularly described in the Order of Taking recorded in O.R. Book 246, page 2370, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Description taken from Ticor Title Insurance Commitment No. 95-2162 O Right -Of -Way O N Per 1-95 Maps Z 332.16' 1/4 Section Line 332.16' N 89'42'35" E _ - --- - - - - - 2762.02' (D) y Io \ �Mov N U E (State Road No. 68) cps ® O Line Described in O.R.Book 246, Page 2370 N 89-40'15" E (D) 221.83' (D) P.O.C. O.R.Book 246, Page 2370 L uC, °O ZLjj Z w a W N 21 (n LIJ LtJ a o a. 0- d! O j J � Wood LL WFw� U F- KNWN w o a ao r 0 0 0p Z N F w i J in Z O CD Q I� J �p � o U = � a O � � � a ~ W Z y 3 � - I U IL 0 L_ O L3 � U V) N >- _ C > Q '5;� 0 i LL_LL ::D m F Z N a � DATE . DRAWING No. C2 2 OF 32 ►U I I c .P 0 1 o ry 1 b BENCHIAAit1C IRON ROD w/ CAP $rAMPED LB 4286 TAMPED = 20..03 INV 12" CLAY 15. 2 I \ ( 1g bWPP N'PP + OI I I L +b 17 ♦1 a I I Nb' I I I, ,16 I I ,e I I `1a ^be I I '1 I ^1b II o- I + I:D 11. 1n *- I ,lo y `b.+ N M I :N II + I P I 66+ Q I I Q a+ O 1 I0 , bb+ W� i i •.1q+ f— W Q I __j (I 1�+ a Z :D ,lo o+ � Q Q S I U I 1q+ I �1 /I V ^bb+ U ' 1 0 '1q+ /I.%) o II `9+ 00 o Ui i o , h+ o O I Z I �( WPP `!+ 1 1 I I I BILLBOARD I I I �I II `b+ I r I I � 1 + I I I P WPP w/ RISER^,+ TOP OF HEADWALL 1 e.7o (NO FOUNCULVERT ,qua . I I Wf I \ TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE I I by I I ,q I STORM MH I RIM 2I.51 I I I I 1 4 CHU LIGHT o. Obb pq ry ,fib 0' ryp. ry0 CURB INLET INV 19.91 w/ RI -CHU BENCHMARK P-K NAIL w/ DISK STAMPED LB 4286 ELEV = 20.42 C OHU ASPHALT DRIVE 4b�, WPP w/ RISER 1 STORY HOUSE �b +^1' b 1+ O +^1 15" PALM (SPLIT) i^b a +^1 q +^61 +^1 1a+bb ++ b -WOODED- THE MAJORITY OF THIS GROVE +`bb WAS CLEARED IN THE 197O'S SOME REGRADING WORK WAS 4;; ^b� 4 be v a" . 16" PALM (SPLIT) +^b 1 +^0 ry +^0 y' +^b +^q0 18' OAK bbb GRAPHIC SCALE Q 0 20 40 80 ( IN FEET ) I inch = 40 rL umi q�+'l ,1 ,b — e+, O ,+ 0++ + 0 ,y a ,ti+ ,1' ,0' ,1',b' ^4 ^N ^b,1 ,1',b',b'^6 ,1' ,b' ,y',6:,b',b' ,y^b' •.6 {o' ^b' ..b',b' ,y mob' ,b' ,b'..y' ,b',b ,b,�b �y ,bry ,y NCHMARK ROD w/ CAP 7ELEV PED LB 4286 = 18.13 / +.,0' +'1 �`b�1+`11}lb 1'Ib+` +^1, +q} +^+^b++^y+^b^+^y0++'b+b0+'b+'b+y+b^+^b1+,y i BENCHMARK � IRON ROD w/ CAP STAMPED LB 4286 ELEV = 23.36 ,4 y DONE AT THAT TIME. +' b ,� ` I ^1'+^� (NOT MAINTAINED) 1 I 'g 1 +b +ba +'b,1 +`q� REMAINS OF CITRUS GROVE ^ TOP OF BANK 1 I �1' +^ p (NOT MAINTAINED) ' + 1 +0q +^q p WIRE FENCE +'1 a • ,b I }'b 3 +^b + 1 +,1� +^b0 +^66 4 m bh b ,h ?Ob by fN A CLUSTER OF PALM b 'b 10 `1b bry ,1y b�� k,10 ,try°h19 1y ^^b +^be +b +^b. }yy t^ + 6 + ry } t,1+0 fN ++^+^ +` + + + + f f +, + + } + } } + �7" OAK +\b 6 b' 24" OAK 4`b +`b • 0 b b < V +l' +,bg 100 O +'bp 1 +^1� + mob, K+`b Ld 8" OAK i0 , ® 1 + ,b' }\ o i, ry }`0 +^1 R+^b`i ++'bry+'� + +}'� +'by+11++`1 +'bry +`1 +^+1+^1q+ ++`1p +'11 f i +^1 i^1a++^+^b +^1' i +`y+ b+1 + ++ o-+`1^ +'bey+ +'bq t'++^b, +'bq + ry +'y+ 'y+b, q 'yq 1, co 0' lb O I 1 I /4�J t^0 I I V1 Oil ^1, b1 a + ^ +' 15" PALM +`b 1 ,lob bq +''1 � b 41 1 `1 '0^ ' / V be46" OAK +, q + + 24 OAK + y ,16,1�111g1b b01a O • 1 k b , o- p a , b •. b , b , b I I +,1. +, +^b.+^+^1}�t,1' #`1'+�+�+,1' +'1 +} -IN i,, b'.}+,E'' 1' +,0{,�b+mob +,1ry +'bp +�1ry +,�6� ,�y� ro, e I} Q e9 ^1y +^ 15" PALM I I LiJ 1 10 I I I 1 z 1y Oil+^1 +^bry I I ( I Z FqRROW (TYPICAL)_I I I Q +ll y I ,b6 ,b. A 1 1 I I 1 I Y k 1 ry ^b. } I 41 ^1 +, +^1 4 +^b?Fb+b 1 b LEGEND 1, 1 y 10 OAK {r _� SHRUB }^bry +^1 +.,11 SANITARY SEWER 15 bry WIRE FENCE ,' 1 +` • +' 1 , I STORM SEWER ,1� +4} +`°° b9 1b q1 - WATER 1 8T14 05 208 W .39 • +, p y +'yy S yGAS 1 '14'05" 719.03 p. *�� TOP O BANK b S� 87 W ,'} + + _ _�.w _ _ -��� OHU OHU OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE y 00 O q 76 -- _ _ -- , y rye-- -\- - -- - - - ----- - - - �. - - - ---r'� - - - - - - — - - - — - - - T- - - - - - - ---- - — - - - — - - - — - - -`-_ _ + ,y7� X X BARBED WIRE FENCE ° ati CURB INLET +ryS1 +ryya +�yy ryry�y // // WOOD FENCE ry FURROW „ti rye' ry--- — --- TOP OF BANK PROJECT BENCHMARK FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISC IN CONCRETE STAMPED 1-95 85 B 03 FLDT LOCATED ABOUT AT THE INTERSTATE 95 AND STATE ROAD 68 (ORANGE AVENUE) INTERCHANGE, IN MEDIAN, NORTH SIDE OF BRIDGE. ELEVATION 47.08 NGVD 1929. ORANGE AVENUE (ST 1TE ROAD 68) ASPHALT PAVEME T EDGE OF TREES b+ rye. STM MH STORM MANHOLE wV pQ WATER VALVE ' FIRE HYDRANT U WM WATER METER + WPP WOOD POWER POLE CPP CONCRETE POWER POLE * GA GUY ANCHOR BENCHMARK N.S.L.R.W.C.D.= NORTH ST. LUCIE RIVER WATER CONTROL DISTRICT m 0111111 Ili NI�IIIIII _ '41 U cn ry Z 0 U I K WM_ W W a o� 0— a1Np� J N0- 1..1_ U Fw— ��0, z a� w0 00�f� z N p JW 7 1n O _ J M ED 01 0 0. 2 U a c:1 O 7) CL I Lj V— M \ z 01 o � U z z CD ry CD O :D Ncn v �- �3 W 1._L Q Of LL O U r� r n (n c1 O z Q X A L LJ DATE DRAWING No. C3 3 OF 32 I I I , I �0 I I GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 00 ( IN FEET ) I inch = 40 ft 4^b^ +`hb +`hb +^ 1 00 +`Rh +^b'L +,RO +,b, +`kb +16, +,y0 Pro' y b +1by INV 12" RCP 14.12 +^6. 1 O INV le CMP 13.74 � I y 4 ry^� y I n `99 INV 48" RCP 12.59 +`b +^e 'p1 ^e 11 i hh M1 I 1 I M1^ I I I I INV 48" RCP 12.44 " 1 I o 19 ,1° _Tb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,bti INV 18" CMP 14.32 I ,0� GA a� - - - - - - - 'Oj.�- - - - - - �'T"+ - - - - CHU o OHU ae� WEI.> GA ^k ` n - - OFfQ-— y. WPP ^h' +bo M1 I hwpP +^yA +^ o TOP OF BANK +bh - _ _ _ �,+ — _ _ _ _ _ - - 1 o 0 " 564, 24' N 89'43 02 E 10 I I I I I Iz c 1 0 0 h M1 4 6 b k o 1 I I 1 4' 1 a b 'SI y bk} 1 0 0 M1, b. 1♦ h, b O b- 6 b 1 b• , , y`V O y I ?' O ry ?+ 1 , 1 1 !L . y. 1 9 b} b' 0 !b♦6. 6 9 h 6 0 y, b y b. I I k ♦b' ,0' ^b' .�b 1 0' b' ,b' 1 0' b' b' 1 b' 0 1I91' b' 0' 4�6- 1' b' , 4 0' 1 4 b' , 1 1 .� 1 ♦1' - 1 1 • ♦6 1 1 ♦h b 1 -- b 1 b b 1 , 6 b' b' 4- b 1 + 6' b ♦7 6- 6'+ ` -0b -0b `h-0b ib ♦b•. 4+-0b 4 I I ,10 I ♦11 I ,61I ,16 I ♦1k ,1ry ,1, .�+ I ,1 I ,h1 , , ,bb I `bh `bR `bh 1y� I ^b I t I I CL FUROW (TWIAL) N i WPP I I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I l 1 I 1 1 II I �o I I I I I I I I I I O W 1 I , bf b �J R ' } , b L k h ,' , .I OM1bO ' 1 ® O 1 h 01 0 h104 1,111�1M6? 1h 161 y♦1"''^1b,1!L ba 1}11 Ob`Y 101'D 4b ,b try 691 Obk ,1�♦�O ,lDOA,�o',y^,0 +,1' ♦�yb,b�`O� I z I bN ♦0 ♦b� ,b4 ♦bb♦be 1A ,b' ,b ,b71. ^0}1lb ,0. . b. 0h 1 ^1. b0^O. n�j1' 1'^O' 1 ^1' b' 1 6♦1' 1'♦0' 1' 0 1 +,0+1 6 ^1+1 +, 4j +^1 # + y ++ + } + + f1+tO++ y +b++ } + 1++r}+i+ + + + +�+ b4t+ 1 I y T y. ,1' 14 ,b O J CITRUS GROVE (MAINTAINED) I .I I ,I I ♦. I,h R, I O 0, b M1 0^ e R 9 M1 '! 0 0 0} b 0 0, 1 0 0 Q• b♦ o} 0, 0 `L k} p b`L,`b 010 O. 69 1 1 R 1 b b ry 6 b O M 1a1�1tib� a b b 0 b91ry 0 0 1 ry ^. b b ♦ h b 1, F + } , I , 0 0 0 bh,b1 y,1},b!1.05 0',1?^4r ♦by♦1.♦1 ,1. 6 ,1. ,1 ,1 ♦0. (1.1. ,19,b.,1. ^1. ^0• •.6. ,1.,1. ^1..�6. 1 ,�1' ♦1' ,�b' ♦1 16' •.b' ,1.�1'sb' , , ,bQ ,1 ,1 ,1 ,6 ,1• ^1• 1 b ^1• ♦1 ,1',b'i` .`F +^ 4++^1+`1 }^b+`y+^ +^ } +`ry+F"6+,1}"b+,+`b+`1 +•`¢'+`y }``° +^0� ry I + ,1' ^1.++�+++'fyi+++ + ++++ + +'�+ i + ++ + +`i i+ + +++ +++ + +{♦1+ + +++ + -0^00+F + + ,1 , , 6 b f +.y++ + ,1. ,1. I � 10 I ;I I �I I II I to I .I I 'I BENCHMARK IRON ROD w/ CAP STAMPED 1 4286 ELEV = 20.03 INV 48" .RCP 12.84- I Z_ 0 O 1 O 1, 1 O } 0 'h, , h O R, b, y M1 h ry a ry h ry> a h M1 b} h` h ;� by ♦ h M1} 0 1ti , b^ 1^ 1, N 0 116� 10 0�11^b'� 106o1y ,b. 1;D.1b1. b. ♦1ry 1h, }^b. A-;x ^h-v- ^y0 b 7 b 0 0 , 'L 0 1 , . 1. 6 0' , . ;p 0' } q 1. 0' 0' 0' Qr 4r 1' 0' b 4 b' b' 0 0' 0' 1' b , tr 1 ,b' b' ♦ 0 , ♦ , , , , + {� , y, , + i + +++� , + + I 1� ,1^ ♦1� 1. b+`1+`b+^1}`+++,0+^1} #+♦•^++`1+^b+`1+`1}1++`1+, +`e+`0+1 +'`�+`b'h+`+`0+` -0+'`1 +`+ +^++,+,b{, {,{,{, }♦{, +,1.F,b}♦+^+, +•`+ +`+''+ +` -0+ +ki +`-0 ++ + i+ ^M1i-F + ��b+ + .d'6�7+' + + ♦.o^ +1} b,Y try + +O ^1b `1. ^1. ♦,� u . ,1. ,1' , , , , , I ,b ♦ 1 I II Q w II (O O ,I = OD 0 o O O " OAK I ' Eli I I Z b0 Detl 0qe, ti bb b�b�bp06 bb ,y 0}^b ,1♦a♦ O h +0�0� lb1h OLOh 10 p0001101`1�1°,10�! 1�1;6°1y111M1 24" O0AK 0 OAK I +lb 9 ++,h' I },1i•`1}}`�'O ++ a'Fbb + b+i },1+� +'`O+♦1}♦�+"1 +♦�0+1+♦b�, 0 } �0f.,0'+,mob,{,1 �,b}b' o 30" ANGO I I APPR XIMATE LIOITS OF WATER WELL o I I EISTING GRAVE o SHED ' I I I= i I I I i I SHED 18" CHI I II , I I , , 1 I I ' ♦ b 0 0 ., 1 0 •. 1 1 0 6 0 h R 0 ,.h h M1} M1" 1 �� I .I I I I 0 .�0' , +^bi`�+ +'•b,b.,b. b',bb' ,�0',1.+,y.{,b+,y. ,1 a,b�,0.},`"��.,1+,�0. ♦0+,0t♦1+,�0.+,0}, +,b• + + I + +` + + + + I I + I 0 15" CAt� I 9+ I 1 1 I I I ' 1 STORY I I I I ^ I I b JV 11" CLAY 15.12 I M1 r b HOUSE I •-iL I o INV 19' i ev t, a. 20. a b ta49 +b� a.74 ASPHAf�T DRIVE 19. Vq INV 48" RCP112.82 If N_89043'02"_ E*�,�`_2.18,69_._ V 2" 13.7 - - _ - In I I N 0000 '54" 60„00' I o BENCHMARK IRON ROD w/ CAP STAMPED lH 4286 ELEV = 23.28 I I I > 'J q b �, 6� -0-0}�-0y+ N 0 by y� 6ry 06 b h^ h0 F b' hPh9 66 6' hey^ 6'� ,y�I4,1y0 ,aR 00 ,yy0 bb bbl k�b bR R� bry -0 F -0 WIRE FENCE ,h. 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' r ^y (n O O O 00 1 I I } 1� 11 bb 16 $'1a bry1ry111} b^ O a 0 y� 0 0 h b 1 0 h 1 h 0 k R } 0 ry 0 '4 b} } , y ., ♦, h 0 0 1 '� b M1 ry O +` +, +, {, {, {, i^1 +`1+'`1 +, +♦b +♦+•,b+♦y. +,b+♦1+,0.+♦y. {♦b�♦+'„b+,y. +1b.+,b+\b.+^h.+,6+,\b+,b.+,y. +^b+,b+,,o. +1y.b+.6+,b.{♦y.y. +,y. +^y. ,y+,b+^b. +,g. + 0,y0 ,bh ` V . .l 4 � II 1 BENCHMARK + ' R IRON ROD w/ CAP �b STAMPED LB 4286 o+ ELEV - 18.13 +`b + ,b +^ b MATCH LINE �+ `b } ,6�,1�,0 ,1 :66\14,10 ,1�+,6�� �,1 �b�b'�`O6 ,1ry,bl+,y9b�,b�,bky�bM1 60+67+ hry+ + a 'L o F ry i O o `L u' 'Y 0'l , , , , ,b yb',y' •6•,b',cr,cr 16" P LM (SPLIT) b0 ,b',b',b' ,b'.,b' ,y' ,♦b. ,h'♦b. I b +`b I I \bk U Z O � W/•� 0! a— U W O W W W 3V)e� CL � ��o a, 0 0 � _ LLJ w�wa U L �O� o Z V) W N w C) OrnI Z N O J 11 N O U S J M Ol 0 0 6 0 a 0f F__ LLJ \ 7 c 6Ls z C) N�N 0 v o 0 N � Z > ^L' W n Q C > cr_ v i CD F— I CL O CD! V z F r U ' ^ V U � X a no W 1 DATE DRAIMNG No. C4 4 OF 32 TRUCK 'TRAFFIC ENTRY Florida Department of right-of-way as desc Taking recorded in 0. Page 2860. 75 ZONING = CG LAND USE = MXD PASSENGER VEHICLE ENTRY 200' 22.50 47.50' I I 30' I I . 1 1 1 52.5' I I I I I I w Transportation ribed in Order Of _ R. Book 247, I I I I I Ila 1 , \I 1 1 1 1 � 1 1 I w ' ' OI I 1 1 Vi i 8 I 1 I 1 1i 1 I I I , �I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I 5.56' i �p N' L0 MI o I I I I Z I I �I 11 1 ' J 1 1 TURN LANES PER FOOT REQUIREMENTS z�B 1 i I I .ii I I I I � 1 1 � 1 I w 1 U) t w I I I I I � I 1 � 1 1 I I I I 1 1 D 50' R/W i 8 I 1 1 I I I I I I I - -- I I 30' 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I TIII 1 1 I 1 A I 1 -motO I � O i I 00 _ Q I I I' O TURN LANES PER i I Z FOOT REQUIREMENTS I I 443' 1 i 1' I 1 1 , 1 i ' w EMS'. 1 1 1 1 1 I I I ZI 1 I 1 I , 1 I I I I I I au ZONING - RV-11 LAND USE = MXD --W� f'-a- 65' ZONING = IL LAND USE = MXD North Line Of The SW 1/4 Of The NW 1/4 Of Section 12 -\ CANOPY HT.- 20.5' DIESEL ISLANDS 12' 154.12' 60' R/W ACCESS ROAD w E - 564.24' SCALE b 149 TRUCK PARKING CONVENIENCESTE I GAS L J RESOTRAURANT 1.33 ISLANDS I I (HT. = 33'1 CANOPY -f . 19 3140 4 1 IT.=20.5' 244.69' - 0� ... o1 1 1 1 BILLBOARD ffRPOSED WTFP�LLTROL STRUCTURE ROUNDSIGN - HT. = 35' GN AREA = 200 SF S 87"14'05" W O R A N G E ZONING = IL LAND USE = MXD Limited Access Right -Of -Way \ Per %1-95 Maps V \ N 89'43'02" E \ 218.69' ----- 'e&oa r 7'54" E i 00 N 00'0 60. � S C"r�7 STORMWATER DETENTION AREA 719.03' Limited Access Right -Of -Way Per 1-95 Maps Limited Access Right -Of -Way b Per 1-95 Maps F r z .d. o � N 3 i- � K o Z Z O 3 a W -06 00 o U 2 O O In Q 41 > . �O V6 P4 O )N 2 -GROUND SIGN - HT. = 35' 4 SIGN AREA = 200 SF �(O40. _ S A V E N U E (R/W WIDTH VARIES) NO DRIVEWAYS WITHIN 600' ,State Road No. 68) NO DRIVEWAYS WITHIN 600' o ORANGE AVENUE 0 I D i z rn 0 0 r DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS IM0 GRAPHIC SCALE ,0D a 50 100 200 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 100 ft. TABULAR DATA: 1. PROJECT NAME: FLYING J TRAVEL PLAZA 2. LOCATION: KINGS HIGHWAY AND ORANGE AVENUE 3: OWNER: FLYING J, INC. 4. ENGINEER & SURVEYOR: CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC. 2980 SOUTH 25th STREET FT. PIERCE, FL 34982 5. TYPE OF PROJECT: TRAVEL PLAZA & TRUCK STOP 6. GROSS PROJECT AREA; 1,064,534 S.F. (24.44 ACRES) 7. BUILDING. SIZE: 19,340 S.F. 8. EXISTING LAND USE: MXD 9. EXISTING ZONING: IL 10. FLOOD ZONE: X 11. SITE COVERAGE: SQUARE PERCENTAGE ACREAGE FOOTAGE OF SITE BUILDINGS 0.44 19,340 1.8% ASPHALT PAVEMENT 10.24 446,254 41.9% CONC. SLABS & ISLANDS 0.62 26,957 2.5% MISC. 0.21 9,241 0.9% TOTAL IMPERVIOUS 11.52 501,792 47.1% TOTAL OPEN SPACE 12.92 562,742 52.9% TOTAL SITE AREA 24.44 1,064,534 100.0% 12. PARKING: REQUIRED RESTAURANT (8,091 SF ® 10 SP/1000 SF) 81 SPACES CONY. STORE (4,461 SF ® 5 SP/1000 SF) 22 SPACES 103 SPACES PROVIDED AUTO & RV 120 SPACES TRUCK 149 SPACES HANDICAPPED SPACES REQUIRED 5 SPACES HANDICAPPED SPACES PROVIDED 6 SPACES LOADING SPACES REQUIRED 1 SPACE LOADING SPACES PROVIDED 1 SPACE 13. DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE: CONSTRUCTION TO BEGIN: JANUARY, 1997 CONSTRUCTION TO BE COMPLETED: JULY, 1997 14. UTILITY SERVICE: WATER = FT. PIERCE UTILITIES AUTHORITY SEWER - FT/ PIERCE UTILITIES AUTHORITY 15. SITE DRAINAGE: STORMWATER WILL BE ROUTED TO AN ONSITE DETENTION AREA AND DISCHARGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SFWMD AND ST. LUCIE COUNTY REGULATIONS. 400 T' -d U V) Z O a ^W LL Z U7 W O a_ Z Zf"� w �No� ll ^W �„{- d1 n o j _I 1 W I- W U .Li F- Z :) U o uxi to woav 001- zNo F li z U (D t� � cD Cn a 0 d 0 o a � = o I O r� H z rn o � chi z v -v N u- v� C i NC Q C � � U � F � V O O p n C) L.L I I I DATE : . DRAWING No. C5 5 OF 32 1 $ Limited Access Right —Of —Way Per 1-95 Maps North Line Of The SW 1/4 Of \ The NW 1/4 Of Section 12 �\ N 89.43'02" E U 218.69 1�41 154.12' ti c0 O 1 , 1 1 , ' O /' N 89 43'02" E-N �� • - -E 1 � 1 1 ct 1 i % i i l 7 AA � t I I i ' - 20i 00' i I I I % f+ _ '45' 9- i N \ i I ? (P I I v I13 i 'y/ �( IK N 1 .:, = 9o'00'00• _ 1 1 i•------ +-R = 0 50';-----1 i,w tD % \\ 1 R = 68.00'—i — L = 89.65" I o- I 108 81' / \> `-_____s._S 89'S1'S4' _—_;__ _____�___—__T_____ IIg \ \ x f 164.31'I E ;-- ' — ; S 89.51'54•iE �66.28� l I ; '\` i ,450.59' '�' i `\ % \ -N 89'52'12' W ` IXI ip 1 X, \ C �! \x /C k ` i``, it >{ x N I :1"I'- \. i `\481, Owl ! `'\ i / '`, i' `\ ! i i / `\\l ` i+ `•,� tan ` �'Y ` Ix `�``/ x />< >�`, \ i' \ / O ,* \AK Iy\ x� \,/ / WATER WELL /,( `:! w,/ �c' ,X/ �L/ ;�C' / x'l \i' 33 zYN i ♦ / `,, i' ! 1 1 !'t 15�•, pvE N " X ' -\� ' x/ \ / y' \� \� \,/ `X BE '\ ' 'r,' ABANDONED �C.; C ` % \ /� / / \ Ile y\ it t %' xJ'`, i Y\ ♦\ x / NOUSE TO BE J�' // `\ / \ // ` /' \ / i' \ \ � t i��! %x�' DEMOLISHI% i\ j` �\\ X i\ �\ //`\ i \ /\ ' n I j \x/ \r\� / \\i�< \n i�. O t75 tD taJ > k X JX,,\ ;'\ �^ oak\, x, i x\ �\\ Q ~ ?4. AK % �\ Ii O `,!'\`;! In Q CID x 'Ix IIx K Ile II Z /' �C\ if .\ TO REMAIN ,A, %(, ��,\ X, i°,, �, '� /'C\ ,`/t, /=�\ 10 '^ •I / \'i, ,''C TO REMAIN V / I � •F E%IS11N6. &LIFO `/X\ / \ if S87'14'05N 719.03' I 1 1 , 1, I 1 , ORANGE AVENUE (State Roa '\ >1'`,; INDICATES AREA OF CLEARING 100 ADDITIONAL AREA TO BE CLEARED AS OF 9-15-97 V s 'L 7 \ Lp tQ v \� o OZ 0\ P 0 N \ 0 0- 0 No. 68) 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 100 200 400 ( IN FEET ) I inch = 100 ft. I NOTES: 1. ALL AREAS INDICATED AS CLEARING AREAS SHALL BE COMPLETELY CLEARED AND GRUBBED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 110-2 ENTITLED "STANDARD CLEARING AND GRUBBING" OF THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, LATEST EDITION. 2. ALL DEBRIS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH ST. LUCIE COUNTY ORDINANCES AND WITH ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. NO DEBRIS SHALL BE BURIED ON SITE OR OTHERWISE DISPOSED OF ONSITE EXCEPT BY BURNING AS MAY BE PERMITTED. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE OBTAINING ALL PERMITS AND PAYMENT OF ALL PERMIT FEES AND/OR DUMPING FEES AS MAY BE REQUIRED. 4. THE EXISTING WATER WELL ON THE PROJECT SHALL BE ABANDONED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 110-10.1 OF THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, LATEST EDITION. 5. TREES TO REMAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED DURING THE FULL EXTENT OF ALL SITE CONSTRUCTION. APPROPRIATE BARRICADES, ETC., AS REQUIRED BY ST. LUCIE COUNTY SHALL BE PROVIDED. 6. DEMOLITION OF THE EXISTING HOUSE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS (INCLUDING THOSE RELATED TO ASBESTOS REMOVAL). DEMOLITION PERMIT & RELATED FEES SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. U M LA W W <En0K) J dttnp 4 (r, w W�w� U f— �Wto wo° v m� ix & FNo 0 0' rn 1 I o m a w d °d Z o U z Q o a J U Q 0 W m a sLJ g z_ � rn o a z — a c > LL L L- J d Z � � Q 0 " W U a DATE DRAWING No. C6 6 OF 32 n I I 104 L4 C18 106 N 89'43'- L C17 23 n- 90'02'15' I I X R - 33.56 I C79 L - 52.64' I I _ N 24 1 I I cc W 3' 03 ,07 R r � ; n m n $ n r z aO O Z nwi 1&50 n I- ; 3 I I A (n m w 0 m n- 235r39• g g 3.1 m I I i R= 130.00' - 25 p I 1 I$ �26 g L- 54.37' P z Z I I a 6- 00'00• R = 35- 35.00' lob I I z L - 54.98' a 66'02'21' 35.00' 15' I 1 R - I I 102 1. - 40.34' 1)--22 $ 109 ' I 101 L5 100 21/ 1 I R = 150.00' I L = 134.35' 28 1 $ 27 n = 90vo'ocr I 1 1 J5'R 5 R R - 98.50' L - 154.72' 1 1 I I I I ti ' I I I I 5.R I 10'R IO'R 5'R •1 I I S TRANSITION FROM 20 I STANDARD F CURB TO EXTRA WIDTH CURB 1 3 ' I I n - 5119'05• (E.O.P.) ' ' R = 150.00' ; $ = 134.55' 29 I I I I 30 I 1 O I I 1 I I I I I 1^ Y/ ; it $ 1 I a- in b U n n 24 0400% M 1 I 1 1 z CV � I 1 $ mso FOR LAYOUT OF DIESEL ISLANDS w AND SLABS IN THIS AREA - 1 1 g SEE SHEET G1.2. Z I I a. $ 69 1 I U ` vI 1 $ o CC 1 1 1 32 1 n - 3523'03' R = 75.00' Al I 1 $ I L - 46.32' 33 62 83 64 67 W � 1 307 65 88 �� • I I j 308 1306 A 30 9 0 39 305 310 1 ' 34 S5 1 1 ['� i 318 311 36 1 I I Q 1315 312 =70 37 1 I I 1 314 I ; Z 1 313 ' HOLDING $ d POND Q I 1 I I 1 1 3 I 1 I I 1 I _ pg4.69' L I I I 1 '� 1' rn 1'5/•E N89'S1'S4•W 1rl 101Z0.50' N $ i u� / JI I I I I I 1 I I .. I� I 1 I 0 1 I 1 I 1 71 75 74 564.24' 72 - 73 90 92 94 4 N 89-43'021- E �- N 00'07' 54" E 3 60.0C 55 �7 DETAIL SEE SHEET C-16 FOR ADDITIONAL SCALE DIMENSIONS 161.28' 7 \ a4s 450.59, J 79 m SEE DETAIL 9 SEE SHEET C-8 FOR DETAILED LAYOUT OF THIS PARKING AREA otwfl+ O 70' S 12,-y AiL11� 11 13 tQ116 18.15' na 117 C14N89'51'54"W203.71' 13119 120 C16=C2 121 118 11\ 112 y0 CJ STORMWATER DETENTION AREA 1 30, J 150 -- 15 1 157 51C1 saltSCN15515 40043' 5"E 154 152 S 117*14'05" w 0 R A N G E 89 91 93 95 1 u 78 96 od. FY:3 97 18 In - 90,0010 R - 80.00' L = 94,25' 17 M i` _ 0' 129 15.128 16� 6 Q w Ir Q z O F z w w 0 a 3 O 20' in G 4 N 99 0 9oro0'a0" n - 3r00.3o' R - 40,00' R - 40.00' L - 62.83' L - 28.33' 136 20' g 1274 ry N89'51 54'W 101.52' 137 ss2 Chi o $ o s�z o n = 5217'30• i 7�' ty R - 40.00' L - 35.51' 138 \140 G ° J� 147 146 139 149 143 141 a5� 9�� 42 OA .� 4 L^�2� C5 V 3 148�;) 145 C6 S8714'05"W C7 ���5 144 719.03' V A V E N U E (State Road No. 68)� tzs C 2 125 10 7 0 o- y �n V o y LO ..J 7 N �a 0tl,/A LA 0.091 V ' rri -- Limited Access Right -Of -Way Per 1-95 Maps I �-e 4u 0) 0i e. O) O 2 N GRAPHIC SCALE 60 120• ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 60 ft. LINE TABLE LINE DIRECTION I DISTANCE L1 S00'08 O6 W 40.00' L2 N87'14 05' E 20.00 1_3 N89'52'12 W 30.78 L4 S89'43 02 W 24.89' LS 589'S1 54 E 11.81 NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS AND RADII ARE TO FACE OF CURB, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Point Northing Easting Point Northing Easting 1 100.00 - 100.00 86 454.15 671.43 2 1315.15 102.87 87 459.15 671.44 3 1317.94 667.10 88 943.22 462.58 4 1377.94 657.24 89 942.90 597.58 5 1379.02 885.93 90 871.22 462.41 6 1221,95 953.03 91 870.90 597.41 7 966.56 998.42 92 823.22 462.30 8 242.09 996.77 93 822.90 597.30 9 134.69 818.20 94 715.22 462.04 10 558.00 101.08 95 714.90 597.04 11 327.48 531.13 96 939.16 667.57 12 _ 327.33 596.13 97 938.85 797.57 13 323.33 596.12 98 363.16 666.21 14 322.78 826.12 99 362.85 796.21 15 362.78 826.21 100 1106.60 164.19 16 362.69 866.21 101 1106.63 152.37 17 958.69 867.62 102 1141.71 117.46 18 958.83 807.62 103 1270.45 117.76 19 1018.33 807.76 104 1300.37 147.61 20 1019.89 357.17 105 1300.50 172.50 21 1118.39 357.40 106 1288.62 196.56 22 1118.62 258.90 107 1255.27 207.72 23 1295.93 259,32 108 1180.08 207.55 24 1255.23 226.22 109 1127.31 196.22 25 1180.04 226.05 110 NOT USED 26 1180.39 77.55 111 NOT USED 27 1066.14 172.41 112 232.54 130.31 2B 1064.64 169.77 113 232.46 165.31 29 945.76 264.49 114 267.46 165.39 30 946.12 112.49 115 267.14 301.99 31 779.56 112.10 116 317.14 302.10 32 779.38 187.10 117 281.64 337.31 33 709.68 158.58 118 231.94 386.61 34 697.23 204.60 119 301.94 366.77 35 695.35 203.87 120 301.46 590.48 36 694.83 205.80 121 231.46 590.32 37 686.14 203.45 122 286.50 633.57 38 667.78 , 269.41 123 317.95 658.29 39 678.40 272.28 124 295.49 691.38 40 653.45 366.46 125 273.02 724.48 41 653.19 475.25 126 313.02 724.57 42 651.19 475.24 127 312.78 826.10 43 651.19 477.24 128 362.78 826.21 44 590.19 477.10 129 362.67 876.21 45 590.19 475.10 130 953.28 877.61 46 588.19 475.09 131 953.19 912.61 47 588.21 467.09 132 988.19 912.68 48 560.21 467.03 133 988.12 943.47 49 560.15 492.53 134 953.12 943.39 50 613.15 492.65 135 953.04 978.39 51 613.10 514.83 136 342.13 977.00 52 645.10 514.90 137 342.46 830,06 53 645.08 522.90 138 216.54 905.79 54 653.08 522.92 139 168.44 825.BO 55 652.92 588.90 140 228.42 789.73 56 644.92 588.88 141 158.51 793.10 57 644.90 596.88 142 155.01 720.82 58 641.32 596.87 143 204.96 718.41 59 641.33 594.87 144 165.90 687.18 60 639.33 594.87 145 142.47 668.45 61 639.48 531.87 146 172.44 667.00 62 706.85. 176.70 147 171.47 647,02 63 715.53 179.05 148 141.51 648.47 64 718.35 183.95 149 163.02 627.57 65 708.24 221.34 150 198.89 592.72 66 714.51 223.04 151 148.94 595.14 67 717.33 227.94 152 129.63 195.17 68 706.56 267.76 153 174.57 193.00 69 808.26 295.26 154 142.83 161.10 70 912,89 356.00 155 160.69 143.32 71 914.34 361.47 156 192.44 175.22 72 886.72 409.08 157 192.54 130.22 73 881.25 410.53 305 698.06 116.41 74 783.66 353.88 306 698.03 126.41 75 667.42 322.44 307 708.03 126.43 76 1017,98 530.98 308 707.99 142.43 77 990.98 530.91 309 697.99 142.41 78 990.71 646.41 310 697.97 152.41 79 1017.71 646.48 311 681.97 152.37 80 459.01 731.44 312 681.99 142.37 81 423.01 731.36 313 671.99 142.35 82 423.15 671.36 314 672.03 126.35 83 428.15 671.37 315 682.03 126.37 84 428.16 666.37 316 682.06 116.37 85 454.16 666.43 CURVE RADIUS LENGTH DELTA Cl 45.00 35,34' 45'00 00 C2_ 45.00' 37.62 47'5401 C3 50.00' 36.14 41'24'35 C4 30.00 21.68' 41'24 35 C5 30.00' 21.68' 41-2435 C6 50.00' 36.14' 41'24 35" C7 70.00' 34.52' 2815'30 C8 35.00' 54.98' 90'00 00 C9 35.00 54,97 89-59 42" C10 50.00, .78.54 90'OO 00' C71 40.00' 39.07 55'58 04' C12 40.00' 65.62' 93'59 37" C13 70.00' 46.46 38'01'33 C14 70.00 54.86' 44'54 02 C15 50.00 39.18 44'S4 02" C16 35.00 54.98' 90'00'00 C17 30.00 46.91' 69'34 55" C18 30,00' 1 27.82' 1 53'07 48- C19 55.00' 1 35.79 137'17 16" 240 III �II II IIII IIII NNIIIIIPI U w Z } W Z of NWLLJ 12- 2 zx W W n �Nrn 0- Ln 0 11' _J UW�w� Z � U Ohm z� a� wo roW O N ZO F � J In z 0 U 0 11 0' CO a 0 0 z U ; 0 Q a o � � U �I w O � U J _00 J L N O ai IC ~ C > Z O u- 0 J F ~ 0 c g O 0 O DATE . DRAWING No. 7 C/ 7 OF 32