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LU 00 °U r- °U ° Q�QLL JUU U 2 ¢ ¢2 W O J It URUw9I.-6 °F- - <, U zao2o� °p �O O° 00 d1-- UZ 2 (o mUz�wo I O I O 0- z F--Z UF- °zz °= aLLW �Z Uw 0 m¢ J Qf- m �za(°n(anzI U O U O I-i O — ¢OpaF w¢°° �UU` ° w 1-w I••UwZw Oz Vi a wC7-nOLL° �F_ d. U. M U Z�UF 00>_000 Cnz LCOw co 2W°w0 F-0 °U)ULL O II II II II II �-mJ d(L F- Z (0 '1 IQm J Q >> O '0 W U x> E O LL O LL ILL LL II II II II II II I_ W> a- >C o 'F- F- w z U w U U°OW�m• -1 CO 0U) W U- dZ< J�-z INW �co z LLW p LL d O.' d Q »SODU JJ N II��° QmLI ¢ �M W W � 9_ rn , I T I + I i 1 i IIBI I I a J o ^ f11 rfii�✓� i Q/ N ly 6'P. U) m _ ..(,_ oA�"J"/may, +e seee�•��q�ti a III -u J JI J? wi'— V 00 1 \' 1 -I k .,6 .E L I e `I f 1 I- I� II�1��•I Connector Schedule Truss Bearing Truss Connector Cray Connector Fasteners point Uplift ID Uplift 9 3861 1 3965 (1) 5,18" ATR drilled and epoxy D91G MGT into bond beam with 12-min. 14 4563 2 7930 2 Ply embedment and (22) 1 Od to girder per strap. All other trusses ALL <1000 MTS18 1 1000# (14) 10d x 1 1/2" to Frame All other trusses ALL <1810 HETA20 1 1810# (9) 10d x 1 1/2" to CBS Valley Supporting Framing (4) lOd <250# VTCR 1 370# Trues (3) 10d x 1 1/2"" Trusses truss Connector Notes: Do not substitute connectors Do not sheath trusses before all straps are in place Attach valley trusses and piggy back trusses, if present, to main trusses per truss manufacturer drawing. Truss to truss connection by truss company, installed per manufacturers specs. Lateral forces perpendicular and parallel to wall has been considered (less than 300 p.l.f.) Contractor to approve temporary bracing to prevent toppling of trusses, see HIB-9. Other specs, if different from above, have priority. A.T.R. = All Treaded Rod Drill and Epoxy Set all A.T.R. Use either "Hilti" C-100 or Simpson Epoxy Tie Epoxy (2) VGT with (2) 5/8" ATR and (32) SDS 1/4" x 3" at each fastener —� 0.00, F See Footing Details 131 Ply Pre Eng. Truss i Allowable Uplift 8890 lbs. Applied Uplift: 7991 lbs. (2) HDU4 with (2) 5/8" ATR and (10) SDS 1/4"' x 2 1/2" at each fastener Allowable Uplift: 4000 lbs. Applied Uplift: 7997 lbs. 4 x 6 P.T. Column (2) HTT4 Tension Tie with (1) 5/8" dia. x 8" Wedge Bolt to concrete and (18) 16d x 2 1/2" to column. Typ. at each fastener Allowable Uplift: 8470 lbs. Applied Uplift: 7991 lbs. Aline with Wall Framing Interior Brng. Column Detail Typical at each Brng. at B01 G Gals. Cap 2" dia. Galv Pipe Set ballard 12" from appliance Galv. Collar (4) 1/4" x 2 1/4� Typical Conc. Foundation Tapcons Bollard Detail 5/8" drywall MKIM See Footing Details 5/8`" drywall 2 x 4 plate 1/2"" gyp. d.w. /-RI I batt insulation Garage 2 x 4 studs 16-o.c. 2 x 4 p.t. plate fasten with 8d `cased hard nails 12'"o.c. wood base Adj. Wall at Garage INTERIOR WALL FRAMING Non Load Bearing: Metal Studs (25 Gauge). Crimper may be used in lieu of screws. Walls to stop at Bottom Cord of roof trusses. Fastening Requirements Top Track to Truss Cord / Roof Framing with 1" "S" screw at 24o.c. Sill Track to Conc. Slab with DN37P8 "Hilti" Shot 1l or Stub Nails 16"o.c. Studs to Top & Sill Track with One 3/8" „S„ pan head screw each side Bottom Cord of Truss Ir 7 p plate gyp. d.w. ads 24'o.c. ud Grade p.t. sill plate base A Hard Coil 12"o.c. max. Concrete Foundation Interior Wall Section OPTIONAL Grout filled CBS cell with #5 vert. 8x16x8 CBS Exterinr Wall ...... ......... I x 2 p.t. 24"o.c. see wall section for insulation type gyp. d.w. Typical 2 x 4 stud bearing wall 2 x 4 p.t. stud fastened to filled cell with 1/2"" dia. 6" long wedge bolt with 1/8` x 2" washer 6' from ends and 24' o.c. Brng. Wall Attachment Detail No structural concrete shall be stripped until it has reached at least 80% of the 28 day design strength. Design, Erection, & Removal of all formwork, shores, & reshores shall meet meet the ACI Standards 347 and 301 Contractor to verify all building setbacks prior to the start of construction. A formboard survey shall be submitted to the building department for approval prior to pouring concrete. SOIL STATEMENT: Foundation has been designed for a soil bearing capacity of 2000 p.s.i Fill shall be laid in layers of 6". Each layer to be compacted to 95% compaction. If the contractor encounters, while digging the foundation, any discrepancy to suggest the soil may be inadecuate, he must immediately report it to the owner and the Architect or Engineer so as to order a soil boring test. Dowel Rod Repair Note In the event vertical steel has been omitted from the down pour locations, drill 5" into concrete (no closer than 3 3/4" from edges and 5" from ends of cap walls) Remove dust per manufacturers instructions and use Two part epoxy to anchor the #5 rebar in place. Use either "Hilti C-100" or Simpson Epoxy -Tie. GENERAL FOUNDATION NOTES Concrete shall be a minimum of 4" thick over clean, compacted, termite treated fill and 6 mil polyethylene vapor barrier. If concrete slab contains 6"' x 6"' 10/10 WWM provide 1 "' coverage Concrete shall have at minimum compressive strength of not less than 3,000 p.s.i. All 90% hooks are to be extended 10" minimum beyond the turn. Field bends are to be done cold and the diameter of the bend, measured on the inside of the bar, is not to be less than six bar diameters. Minimum coverage for rebar shall be 3" in footings and 1 1/2" in bond beams. Hooks may be rotated horizonitally if required to achieve minimum coverages. Reber overlap shall be 48 bar diameters. 30" for #5 rebar The foundation design assumes that the soil has a minimum load carrying capacity of 2000 p.s.f. In the event the soil bearing capacity falls below 2000 p.s.f. This foundation plan may be superceded by Foundation Design Engineer. Satisfactory compaction test of fill does not verify lower soils are adequate. All specifications and dimensions to be verified by contractor. All exterior slabs shall slope a minimum 1/8" per foot for drainage pre engineered trusses 24' o.c. See Truss — Layout 5/8" drywall J II II 5/$" drywall (2) 2 x 4 plate with SP4 with (6) 10d x 1 1/2" at each stud -11/2" gyp. d.w 2 x 4 studs 16"o.c. 2 x 4 p.t, plate with SP4 with (6) 10d x 1 1/2" at each stud wood base see footing details 1/2" dia. wedge bolt with 3" x 1/8 washer 7" embedment 24"o.c. Brng. Wall Detail F-1 F-2 F-5 18" x 16" mono. footing 18" x 16" mono. footing with (2) #5 rebar cont. with (2) #5 rebar cont. and curb 18" x 16" mono, footing with (2) #5 rebar cont. 16" 8" 4" to 6" 4" 4"' 4„ 16- F 18" 18" CURB FOOTING INTERIOR STEP FOOTING MONO. EDGE FOOTING AT GARAGE F-3 F-4 F-6 8"' x 8" mono, footing Recess 4" at Shower with (1) #5 rebar cont. 18"' x 18"" mono. footing 8" with (2) #5 rebar cont. 4" 4" 4" 4" 4„ _L 4 4 16" 14" 18 18" TYP. SHOWER THICKENED EDGE RECESS INTERIOR BRING. FOOTING CONCRETE TILE ROOFING ON "PEEL & STICK" UNDERLAYMENT ON (1) LAYER OF 15# FELT OVER 19/32" CDX PLYWOOD 12 6� SEE CONNECTOR SCHEDULE PRE ENG. WD. TRUSSES 24"c.c.— R20 Icynene Insulation U Q N C4 © 0-- Oct',00 L.LU 0 Z � M C CD LL co � Itt W I- Q) 'a LO 00 4)o Q J LPL C4 r- Q N :. tl U Z L1J } O 1O LU W d 1 V J Q� 1-- Q U C N /Lu � r, S O ca Z m U LU r, _ U) v Q 1 r CM T LO GALV. DRIP EDGE ON _,/X u 5/8" D.W. 1x3P.T.ON2x8 � FASCIA 1 x 2 P.T. 0 FIRESTOP U J Q 2`0"" (2) COURSE BEAM LU z z \ BLOCK WITH (1) #5 p REBAR AND FILLED LU LU W Q J WITH GROUT IN 0 —I L- EACH COURSE 8 x 16 x 8 C.M.U. z WITH #5 VERT. DOWEL N m Z) 1N GROUT FILLED CELLS U = O W H v (n 0 LU TWO COAT 1 x 2 P.T. FURRING 24"o.c. o O W z U STUCCO FINISH J LLI J R4.1 FOIL 1NSUL, Lu (1) N OVER FURRING RE V y. �a� M O 1/2"' GYP. D.W. 1 U OO Fi L;REIEM ��PEjDFOR ^� date revision 1 x 2 P.T. /VAl'fJ 3/15/20 Spray Foam FIRESTOP Insulation CODE CO PLIANCE. ST• UCI CO NTH' Bc Y drawn &I. 4" checked i. GRADE date 7/28/19 J scale 4" 3000# FIBERMIX CONC. as noted OVER .006 VAPOR BARRIER job number ON CLEAN, COMPACTED, 19035 3000# CONC. FOOTING TERMITE TREATED FILL meet WITH (2) #5 REBAR Typical Wall Section wlAA,E' A-4 [A Product Approval Affidavit Form Category Subcategory Approval Numbers Manufacturer Model Number Glass Type Attachment Method Building Design Pressures Product Rated Design Pressures A. EXTERIOR DOORS Swinging FL#: 17184.1 Plastpro Fiberglass Impact Head & Sill: 6" from corners. Jambs: 6- from corners and 14 1/2-o.c. max. Use 1/4- dia. Tapcons with 1 1/4" embedment in concrete. +38.7 -42.1 +/- 50.0 Sliding FL#: 20838.1 CWS $$QQ Impact Head & Sill: 6" max. from frame corners and 4"" from each Astragal or Interlock. Jambs 18"o.c. max. P Hooks 12-o.c. Use 1/4- dia. Tapcon with 1 3/4" embed. into concrete Use (2) anchors at each location +36.2 -45.7 L+/- 50.0 Sectional FL#: 15371.2 DAB Door Co. 824 N.A. 5/ 16"" x 1 Lag Screws (Full Tread) One at each Steel Track Brackket.et. +21.3 -24.1 +36.0 -44.0 B. WINDOWS Singlehung FL#: 5823.1 CWS 8100 Impact Head & Sill: 4- from corners and 14'o.c. Jambs: 4" from corners and 14" o.c. Max. 4"" from meeting rail. Use 1/4' Tapcon with 1 3/4" embed. into concrete +38.7 -50.0 +/- 65.0 Fixed TFL�#: 17387.1 CWS 8150 Impact Head & Sill: 6" from corners and 12"o.c. Jambs: 6- from corners and 12- o.c. Use 1/4" Tapcon with 1 3/4- embeded into concrete +40.5 -54.0 LL,600J Mullion FL#: 9520.1 CWS Horiz. Tube Impact (4) 3/16" Tapcons at each clip to concrete with 1 3/4" embedment +38.7 -50.0 +/- 80.0 D. ROOFING PRODUCTS Roofing Tiles FL#: 7804.1 Entegra Concrete (2) #8 Screw to deck Ridge Anchor FL#: 6046.2 D.C.S.M. Ridge Anchor 1 1/2- self sealing screws 16""o.c. or approved roof nail 6-o.c.-65.2 With sealant -112.0 Roof Underlayment FL#: 5259.1 Polyglass USA Polystick TU Plus Direct bond to deck -65.2 -135.0 4" Stuc 12-Stucc Entry Detail scale: 1 /2- = V-0" 14'-8" 0 I J with (2) d Filled with t. Columns to he bottom of PLUMBING NOTES: Plumber to consult with contractor and equipment ordered for rough in dimensions. Verify all dimensions with the floor plan. The floor plan dimensions dictates all other dimensions on other sheets. Do not scale drawings, if any conflicts arise, contact the Architect or Engineer for clarification prior to construction. All sanitary lines 2- or less shall have a slope of 1/4" per foot minimum. All sanitary lines above 2" shall have a slope of 1/8" per foot minimum. Provide Anti -Scalding Valve in all showers. Lowest living area floor elevation (refered as 0.00') to be set by a professional land surveyor to the required building department elevation, but not less than 18- above the crown of the road. REVISION PY REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE COUNTY SOCC U 1--1 Q. CV I- tY W 00 � � 1"� V z M C C7 -J Ln b.0 U -� � LU o i N a °° 0 -J LPL h Q ui v (n U a U_ LU a� > 0 _J o Lo O W a) a) 4-) 0 M ai U h v > W � c� = o Z , U LU r, _ V) v CU Q 00 M ,r w U Z 0 c3 W uJ Q J 0 D W U w o J N w z 0 UJI z 4 J H LL LL 2 z n d- 0 00 7A N a O J U- O U w J date re,ision 3/15/20 Vinyl Windows & S.G.D. 3/15/20 Roof Tile Attachment drawn cl, checked s.l. date 7/28/19 scale as noted job number 19035 sheet A-%