HomeMy WebLinkAboutINSTALLATION - SET UP PAPERWORK�L J :SEP 16 2019 ST. Lucie County, pens PagC. r v.v,.. .. r..., �.r. ♦: n::an.s 9arq Jo r,.� 9 Y1.. x� Llr•cv•. n. H, almL a !'n ONp, �..p . . +u ,. ' =�4bCtleSn� !�" i �rtpassurtreatM lan0er J �B� — _ Uon-WaAaoe on allh�!ls and landingY/f� Rmoftd edges end mners f Seeps WO nds mu¢ be MWdMsedseparately fD1M Biwa =� ., a, �, Mr wMe ptffifwm an a9 code steps il6w UU 1, 2a t WO. ��,�, a,il St Luliaf n►►nh/ 4 4''`-.y ty Lote• F '� 12-439W...... 3a^R u u•9.................32-MRC pp 32-a112c...... 30-9 = 21.8........ 12-d011 Y� 12-442M..... 39-M a 24-2-0- rioaro....... 12-44138 12-441W......30-9 a 28M.......... . . .....12-46114 - 12-443S�1S.....30-F : 32-0-0- r sutm.......12-4411ad 1 12-GOM..... .3e a .. -H a 39- .......... ...32-4e16C t n --- ,� 12-4X0 41u.....38M a 40-a-- r19arm....... 12-441a0 ' �.':i�S• 12-N17C...... 30-W : 4.................12-4417R 2-H 12-441HC......38-0 a 40-0........... ..12-44UM _ uv9sOOM fads 94 aau L22-4414....... 36.9 [cnnomy Steps and Raft same ca suUm n as aH code steps Reduced platform stets tam yaw needs Hmuded alumaum falls Steps and MM must be purtlutsed separately qp _ l sass tto. DirC33"40ma aide Haft 12-43M.... —32-W a: 26-9, %a- slattaa..... 12-MRIM. 12-4398....... 34-R a 16.0, 24- 1latf_.... 22-4399 12-440011...... 30M a 26-H, 14- H,-*'..s-..... 12-N0eg -12-4402..... ..30-W : 24-a. 24- flatfa®..... 12-4406 12-NO2H...... 38-W a 32-4. 14- Hlas£om.... .12-44070 12-4401.......38w s 32-2, 24- H1atYem....32-44094 r Steps Our PAcergtmOnde steps on he ardnedtofit ury application Cae4Q ure sales staff for Information more , ([,r Comoanv Downdpalft � GGJ� i .rd cardlNore contm*_i� Qk Site NOR JG� �G�� p>< NRIIIP 5� a OQ`� T-S G httpJ/aflmticprinmupply.conVid791ktml 9/6 AFTR®V-ED pR®DUM Fop, THE ACTIM1.0 U014s- Lvi0B1LE 110ME SAP TS' PRODUCTS ���... IDba ®liver p.0. BoX 8f467e,9 1,011enwald, Tennessee 38462 tvjr,a..--- 1�1b. t,�w ?ad Area 7Boil so0 5,310 qt 5,310 560,0000 a a6lon 2 650 31450 q 4 0 5,340 5'3000 �An 11770 ' 31560 ' 6,000 6' " 1..7 1,790 2' 4.000 5'00 6�p00 6,000 16" X 16 1.78 3,000 4,000 5'0 7 090 7'0" 2,000 "x 16" 2.0 3,000 ' 16 2,000 4,T30 5,910 y,598 5' 16" x 18" 2.0 3,550 5,598 6,400 2,360 4,750 5.938 6'40 7,500 ' x 18 `/�' (rounded) 2.360 2,375 3,563 7,g00 18 `/,, x l8 `/? X 15116" 2.375 3,563 4,750 6,250 81250 t x /6 2.375 5 g00 6,875 9'2 9.000 1°o;"718 h % . 2.4 2,500 3,750 2.5 4,125 7,500 9,000 2,75fl 7" x 22,. 2.75 3 006 4,500 6,000 T,500 9,000 8,000 20" x 3.0 4,500 8, 00 8,000 8'00 8,000 " x 22'h" (rour►ded) 3.0 3,0� 6,000 8'�0 '0 8 000 I7 h1724„x24°/» 4.0 4'000 6.000 8' 8000 000 rounded) 4.0 4,698 7,047 S' 21.13"x29.13/" 4.698 » � 23 /a X 31 s BAD CQId�LO:11�° CIO pad Arez 19 �b. Z9 fib' 3,�p ' N/A Bad Deseriptioa 9,600 mid -rooter Conii oration 4.8 4,g00 10,000 N/A 5 000NIA an ' 20" x 7.v on top 5.0 12.000 (2)1314" X 26'/,' as a base 6.0 6 000 .Three (3)1r., - )a DEL 4 Plastic OT1CB1 Plash' OT1CB2 were test on CNN Pier (C9f The 0p boards _ate 19110 Or 1"x8"xl Xa� d cap APgRCySD PIE F CR TH'%�,C rUp D II W'ES MANI,MST pI,yA'rl � OF R®NM pRW�� 6t co onueB... 0397 Nashville, Tennessee 37216-0387 H e Pr►do . Home �deJ. 59002 TD 59003 TD Zia 59011 Np62 Hp12LS Sprit Beam ConIIeotor for 3„ 1-besm NIA 3,150 j "gdvdyed flat 'D3953-9 i sg -4 A0.031 STM 13fA 3,150 Sir, s4uwt s oiler wfhex suadad shaft saw cut NIA 3,150 fated 17116" x 2'/. zinc p 111A 3,150 _ With 2.6b0" x 4.815" lv steel .0aup 35 Sa strap IVPL 2.5" x 1300'adgmde 10 g 5 bolt and with 59002 nut 1 NIA `/i'x6'/l,Xy."used as L.ngrtudinat Bea' with 59w2 Connector aug a clamp �tudinal Bell" �, x 6 ,/4„ x 7 9 a from d nuts �nqwith S — gee 5 bolts an Clamp NIA Door & Window Supper Adlus%ble PeMemr Support Mm 16 X 16 I Ted on Head Bolt Concrete Anchor 3,150 3,150 4,725 4,725 4,725 4,725 4,725 e , 4,725 3,150 4,125 NIA NIA NIA I NIA NIA ., _.:cA 10110 4 AFPRCVED pR-: DUCTS INST ALLATY �N "F R THE FAC I'M4D RCMES MOBILE HOME SAFETY PRODUCTS Dba �liverTechnologies, Inc- P.O. Box 591467 Hohenwald, Tennessee 3892 86A Galvanized Auger Anchor Galvanized Auger Anchor 486B ioTnOWA Galvanued Auger Anchor 607B Galvanized J-Hook Concrete Anchor Galvanized Metal Stabilizer Plate OTMSP-1 Galvanized Metal Stabilizer Plate OTIVISPIG Plastic Stabilizer Plate 1055-19 Plastic Wedge (OTI) (ABS) 2410 Adjustable Outrigger 1055-11 Swivel Frame Clamp 012001 S-,vivel Frame Clamp OTSFT OT2002 Sidewall Strap Connector SIS xx W rod> double bolt bead ` with a single 6" disc .011 I Sidewall Quick Strap Connector OTQC rod, double bolt head with a single 6' disc %; x 60" rod, double bolt head with a single 7.5" disc T. x ,6"" rod, double bolt head with a j-hook 1 g" wide x 13'/z" depth Is" wide x 13'h" depth x 7'/'" side 12 ga. 742'(width x224 (tepn)g&)'95" 3.5" x 6.0" x 0.946" Bracket, Pipe and screw adjustment 3/16" 12" galvatmzed m upppelr bedam lower jaws for clamp g e A-36 Galvanized G-40 galvanized 7 gauge connector to hook sidewali brackets A-36/Galvanized '1193" thick sq- . .- �--a Q a Z m t mro FE t-= W .9 .0 a Cd m� - Exceeds requirements for all wind zones. Eliminates frame ties and stabilizers, saving time and money. si Versatile: provides combined lateral and longitudinal support, or only lateral, or Doty longitudinal © Flat pad design installs easily, eliminates digging and driving foundation pad into ground ® lup WHIM, nddvy yduyu su el Inuvivas stability at Utilizes adjustable tubing for structural Integrity with less inventory ® Easy to install and neatly packaged for warehousing and transport Lateral Longitudinal LateraULongltudinal FF EV Top-quality heavy gauge steel throughout system Versatile: provides combined lateral and longitudinal support, or only lateral, or only longitudinal Fiat pad design installs easiy eliminates digging and driving foundation pad Into ground Aue IGia�angh®rsft Longitudinal System Includes: 1 -20" Galvanzed Steel Pad 2 - Beam Clips with Hardware 2 -1.5" Square Bracing Tubes ! 0120355 39"" Longitudinal System for AN Zones 015090® �- LVIIatWlitl Ml O�VWP! ry! AB l�!lnna 0120357 53"" Longitudinal System for All Zones L.ateml/Longitudinal System Includes'. 1 .20" Galvanized Steel Pad 1 . bV ACjUetable Lateral Tune WM H81dMrdrO 2 - Beam Clips With Hardware 2 -1.5" Square Bracing Tubes 0920377 39"" LatetailLLongtludinai System for All Zones 0120378 44" LateMULOngitudinei System for All Zones 9100279 Rn° i.M?rW--ON' "It"' gycf-m fnr all 7n, * Refers to the length of the bradng tube Lateral System lnclUdesa 1 - 20" Galvanized Steel Pad 1- SOr Adjustable Lateral Tube with Hardware 0120370 Lateral system tNd adaCked etmr roc&Cana R®plai;*Ment Pins for Pen Systems 0124368 16" Pin 7u..-w.,. c,awi in Chance wltwut NOWO LONGITUDINAL AND LATERAL BRACING SYSTEM OUTSIDE HOME 2- 39' FOR IS' TO 24' PIER 2- 44' FOR 25' TO 32' PIER 2- C,,9' FOR 41' TO 48' PIER Ji7z2-4V CARRAGE BOLT -MMLBC BEAM CLIP SCRM - W� MTP CARRIAGE BOLTS a Si Arc MIS � 1 s L. s>t• pug -24M ACA FRNM EFPL ILfd.E COLT mu WX NAY SP.NI UIF1iAt 9 MSE aP �I_JI' WX ®' Tva IIFIL iPAN CAAftfAfSE�W REAVf ally WASHER W/ 1/YFI-1(i' fNatwX MI I ATERAL OMFOVA NOTES: 1 T DRNE PWS MAY BE USED N1 GLASS 2 & 3 SOILS. 16' PINS MUSE BE USED IN CLASS 4 SOILS. MAXIMUM PIER HEIGHT- 48' N)AXIMUM SIDE9/ALL HEIGif 96' MAXIMUM BEAM SPACING 99.5' WHEN USMG LONGITUDINAL BRACES, 2ND PIER IN FROM THE END OF THE HOME MAY BE USED TO MAKE ROOM FOR BRACE TUBES. INW11E 11q/ NIOIORS �f� '"•••" ••`•_ m/,u m .cV�riI6 sm vIIX REV 3/6/02 1 wet �. rcwslrsmw sE rsuscaa ria 1 1/e Iwlcaac. Aa � SHG.6.lCA4W �•s 1 :u cn ' 0 f NAPt 104h0f �(YG INl�fi11G11EiOI� NA+sBp4�pWNM - MAX PIER ROGHT 32' 0 LABEL HOMES ONLY i. FLEET ' - MAX PEA HEIGHT 32' w&om LON'G(YuD AL AND LATERAL BRACES MUST BE USED ON ALL SYSTEMS •MULTTWIDE HOMES ONLY '4.3:12 MAXIMUM ROOF PITCH v9P MAX M)PNALL HEIGHTS PIN � r WA Ww+mncvF earnAsoa \ / rlcumNo,m.m.sawva C '� a>: vaA erssm '. ` — mom vr+. mmmmcelma '\ a;.L,e�I s.vaem cA vucaaACt�rsP: aaeaasaw asn�maA �vWAccorcWccsllsuWalc aA ''-LSGVW[AtLLORlG 10IX m 1. MLSESI�MIlOIC1A9..CG�aWASiLA4G M4ID MODR;4130-EMH 'VE♦♦t�Op�� CfI'1l1 1 LLStAt1II 4r/11eA iSWiNIR L�IHW'Iy+.� Z P INA 4D20AE9ACR�C6�1'WFM /6.IlOAWW]mJ 1. ALL f»$1®NIl�LWAW. aV.S Iq tQ I,OAIIM 53 RfaVl 1NIXIgGAIONa®.W.BIaY+Yq aaWRn C:N3,.9WgeIA.hA LWC. 1IMO ®AWR�9IDlAa'O��IDL. 2 411,91 11. -ALVAICW MAPS .n CLIEACH SM OR NONMAL alwmd& now rsyahesthm an mappn have I 1 =hm gAvadauian m proma imm the Ru.Ali smVpir4 mast be mwizd with &a andTa Dawn slap 1 I, +ill itsdt t^'Y�fI.4D COiA9 G 8� a TkASYl I M3-9I MMI salt berdaemm 3 oo the reap to its tenforait9 m the iiLR7C.'�,�3ehe{ii33�i@ilmeaeazc�a.Alirxia�sasttxm�txyl2"3oiS'. ftmp Ma38'kirmq Strap AtUah%43d nt Strap nam be faztary atacw 0 tu-ecoat=dng brackm Conneaiale deckers must have a IsIrm dip to prazzot t€te- strap from shaagedMFteld alwhed aitrp seals am KG Ionjer allowd for use en str3pto amch to. fiameOan - ractots or ttacss- GD STvivtl CoFnee :^r x'U8r ratiaus fi'.T?. Pan #59W2 r r.'rrmfirtg rmirucsh ao rrtba�- -ap 5plice FsictronsgL°cetl_S:ItgaBut:k rittint acceptable. tb len*hert a f=ory I l:lade. Strap io ite =�eK a double nirnpwaIspliee ts xfega L- d.C- c f lad use two crknp seals ewly Spaced. 2 Crfa-mP per smr 37 ftFar Strkp Ten DmIng law amew head, auach ar�catsa�ictlmt IL` m 12 imk=& of map am at$3tbt w YM*..Q'am dm sassed ioli, `14- 3. Usi:g tib"Idmcxerota ing Lim Swap five complete mmi miniumnrn satil the vwm fs adequately teASleetd. ft STrct In ttolt eatil gush arifh oppmitt side of tilt 4. Hotd the bdt under too- .ion while downing the eat, drawing liit head of ft tok >z>o tt;<' V=ES5. After the bolt is betted imictet°iC, YSS caritimtato dgb= the nut u.'til ae- etaely L-Mmed Atlantic Supply FS, skirting top rail design provides 2.5 sq. holes of ventilation per lineal bot. Atlantic supplies FSl vent pen®ls that add an additional 4.2 eq_ inches of ventilation per lineal loot of panel in height. Th®r®fore, an average 28" high vented panel will provide an additional 9.8 sq. Inehea of ventilation per panel used. EX8hdELFm&- Typical 14' x 70' Name Q 165' lineal feet set at 28' height Top Dail Vent: 165 lineal feet x 2,60 N. Inches per foot 124 rscs. 28" vent panel: 124 pcs. x g,8 sq. inches per pc Total ventilation sq. inches Total Ventilation sq. ft. 412.5 sq. inches 215 2 sa inc�^ 1827.7 sq, has 1627,7 sq. inches / 144 11.3 sq. ft- of ventilation t A�M 9AA TiCK RAIL 1. Detrtmine a play fin mounting. Plate bottom edge of hack rat lwt below bottow edge'Of dxhomr-jUslm&n must offer solid sopportfor smichingendv dloadpnssuscforpanekandcails. 2 Beep the hank tall rtraiglrtand level Soap a chalk ltae around the home to SUW tile mp edge of thebteiM. 3. Corms srrewmg or aat7mg method forhath tad` Stutoo the bade aide ofthc home. Posido MMormffs in the c*I of the do, Sercwfau7 to allow Ex a deanuce of If16a from the bash r+t1 scutace. Note avoid tigltdy skewing or nailing back rail. A VII clatwee ollwM rot normal etpannon and contraction with tempentum change, Place a xrcw or nail in every Other 4m. 4. Provide a W gap between each lack sail geceon for normal 6umd a parawn. To install around sourer, refs to Step E. Paso A: INUALIE EL RIEL DE APOVO 1. Dewmiae un kWr Para d mon*Coloque dboule inferior del rid da apoyo jusm abajo dal borde inferior de L c. Errs ubic.ddn &be o&ecer un apoyo fiemequepemtita davarlos rirlra y tVmtar is pred6a por cup do vieato en lOa Panetta. 2. MWWW derecho. d rid do wporte y a niveL Marque mca linen oon el cotdd entitado shededor ae >a rasa porn guiar el bords MTee r del rid de apoyn 3. M&odo Comm paw davac d rid de apoyo. Comience ea la parts porteaor de 1z cm Coloque la claws en d centre de Is nrnaa pars davos. ktmdmcaios dhvorydejautnh te" de 1116- dude 1a agxrfide del aid de. apoye Nom No slats may njuatadamente d rid de %pop Una holpta de 11160 con 14 abed dd dew rw idli el eapacio aufidente pun absorber la aipansWn Y ==can oormala rest6unes de low ambim de tee Cokq= los lows en ranutmr alrmat 4. Dtje un equdo de IM enhe coda Md6n de rid de apOyo PM tetxr en cucnta la expanti6n drmia normal Porn imWard pmdneto ateodesor de IN agnime, connate dpw E MOM BBO(TOM RAIL 1. Ground preparation- Prapam ebe gmued so that it iv smooth, fie% Of loose dump% && to pmtmding OSMIM Guud tons uwm settling of newly vowed ground by M"dng the bosom rail on fretted (2"k2l hcudter. 2. Mast dw Swundlocatimi d'itectly below the outadet bottom edgt of the home. Use a level or plumb bob ro determine *a toudor at each cadet between each comer u 3. Snap a chalkHne Of etretch &nylon swing Odd the bottom Val � ia�de of th 4. Positionthebottomrailwiththebultkgtawud metes S. Drive gtottttdsp'dms every 19 icdux TRO sets of bola M provid16 in the bottom rAThey ate located inside the chatuxl Oft lb bads kg. Ground gptkca maybe driven in either hole at internals c 19 inches. 1,W 6. lwWlQtion on coaaece. Use. a 31e masonry may &a a hok for a 3W way -w- and plutic deeva QVail an st xw material+ we aysilabk at mart hardvrue stun.) To install around comet, re&r m Step E. PAS% B: MOWAJE DEL RIEL INFERIOR t. Prepatacida dal pao de f am prepare el Piro do ounce qua, unifomx, da roan sudta% to OM to obehieulw qne wbrecak dal plan, pwmpla, iustalaciSa coma d wentamiento no unffw eapiece.d&aceavadoymonrmdodddiu#erkarmump"xzt madaatratada(rx27. �, 2 Margix It.ubicadba re. d Ow direenmeutc yo i it= O*M de fa cast Use no surd o rota plomada 1 determiaar rota abiadda en cask agalna. I Map on ilea coo d eosdd entiasdo0 coloque una nerd+ 4. Coloqueel ldeamPwnlapmadetapaldoludaelkluim pedmeno muado pot k km se. sun. 5. ktmh=lam dswe gtuem en d piso a cads 19 puigadas. E nel inferior se proporconon dos conjuntos de agujesos. PAt08 9e encucatran deotro dd caul, en Ia pars de coporte. Los dawn 8ruesas pan el P40 se pueden clavar a Una de eodquien de IN agujeros a una disancia de 19 pulgadas entre A 6. Insmlacida ea phva de conacto. Use on claw de 314° pan ma aposterk Asl memo se puede mladrar on 2g*ro pan on romtllo de 3116° 4po Molly con saes plistica. (Los matcriales de dawn y Ion tornft emb disponibles an h mayoriaa de )as femtafae). Para Instalar el producto akededor do las esquina%consults el Paso E. Ca PAKEL MALLATMN L Beginning 24° away from the lowest corner of the home, measure from the ground up to i-1l,Z° above the bottom edge of the back sail ofthe tentperaeueis below 40%with frozea gromtd, measure to T above the back nil edge.) 2 Messwement4onaWtoggtoundshould betaken emyl6"(width of pane}. 3. Cut the bottom of each panel to angle with the ground. Each cut panel section should align 90'to the bottom edge of the hams. Use aviation snips or apmva saw (with a fine toothed saw blade turned backwards) for cutting. 4. punch lock tabs every a along the top and bottom edge of cut pand sections (or outside pathos of each pane[ fare for 13' VatiBest). A Malco (SL-8) Snap Lock Retch tool is recommended. Consult your skirdng supplier for obtaining this tool. Tabs ate to be posidomd outward to catch on the booked edge ofthe rails. 5. Interlodc panels and insert into the bottom ram. Begin with the first panelinsated into the bottomnil. Lodttabs should suppast the hooked edge of the bottom rail. Insert nett paod section ism the imalockbooks ahmg the vertical edge ofthcp=4 Seat each panel securely into the bottom rail. Repent iaterloddag peach, forming about a 12-Loaf section. Resume pond cut and inwtxk method. To install around comer, refer to Step E. C3 C4 CS NSTALA�CI& DE LOS PANELES 1. Cometrrartdoa24°dehesqu�iaairtferiormisbajadelaatsa,mica desde lavuperfiae delpiso hasty 11/2° amba del bordeinferiordel riel de apoya (Si la temperatma ambienteduramcla itsslad6n es infedore losQTyelpiso art congchA midahssta3° arribadel horde del vial de apoyo). I. Las medicioaa en Pisa$ on &-snivel debeo hacerse a cada 16' (nacho de[ panel). 3. Comhllmeinf-dordecedapandenkvdos nddraniveldel pica CA& secridndep inelcoerado debeesmraescuadm (W) can el borde inferior de Is case. Use tgern de hojalatem o one dem eWctdo (con um boja de corn de diente fiw colocada a1 rev€$) pan rottsc Ion pandee. 4. Pedare Ia len&W de cierre cad& 4' a In largo del horde superior e infador de In secdow de panelea corados Serecomienda el use de una paomnadora de maw Malca (SL-8) Snap Lock Punch. Cot suhe con so pmveedor de cenc5a sober c6mo obtener esta hetnmiamm. Las kahg eras debeo colacatae hacia afuaa a fin de podereagancharel bottle de gancho de dos dries. i. Eaganehe los pandis c inuoddzcdw ea el del inferioa roan" eon el primer panel ina0ducido en d dd infeaoa Lu leng ems de tierce debm engaaeha= mfs aUa del borde Con gaaeho ddrielde,Mv. lmroduma fi siguiente seeddo de pand on los ganebos de endavamieato a 10 largo del borde vadcd de Its paadm Monte cads panel firmaments ea el rid m&dot RepJrc d coe"Mmiento de Im pamcs hash forum tma secei6a de ap IdImeme12pks-Reanndedtortedolespaneksy el mhodo de wdw2mkM. Pus insedar d poduem eo las esquit ? Cfi=Uh el peso E STEP D; INURLOCK FRONT RAIL W"H RACK RAIL 1. Stair saaPping one end of the &oat top tack into the back toP 14 creating the iaterlo& Paste dw front t rail Upward, its entire length until the font top rAH is c0mpletelyimulotked with du backraiL To OVEd p I each top rail section. inStall aowsd Comer, refit to Step E. PASO D; ENCLAVAMIEI W DEL RIEL FRONTAL CON EL RILL DE APOY0 L eaCdntte�ehandouacemoddriel&ontrksupedor enctavavtienur de vqu° pm &roar el de mpule d lid superior de uutiha en rods su longitud hasty qua d rid f+ored supm 2 T ntPlemnwate eogandmdo ea el rid de Vqo, � tads seai6n ddriel wPodor Para instelar el poducto en ]as ugaium, mmtdn dpaso E STEP E: CORNER INSMUMtON L Top bade nil — Ujm a 1" Vertical s& fium the To latrrlock hook sbwld be c mpketdy cut tbrongh. Notch 45' on bottom arcedleg. 2 Bottom rail — Notdr the back portion with sapt as Mus..E d Bead around a miner and ameh to the ground 3 Panels — Cut paod to proper height. Deftmine point of Comet k4, bend over a tdgc edge, kenning a uniform angle 4- Top fmatsatl—Blotch arboththe top and bottom hooks of the &uneraii asillmuated Bead around ebe mtaer and $t into theiaxdock with the top back tail. Referto Step D. FOUR PRE-NOTCNSD Top FRONT RAILS ARE INCLUDED IN TRIM PAIL, PASO IMSTMACift DEL PRODUCPO EN LAS ESQUINAS L noel aupaiorde aprryo —Naga ua torte vettied de V. dude ►aparte mpecioc Elgancho s"P&m de emdavamieata debe onfewe mglebme0te. Hags utm muema a V en 1a pats corvada inf:dm 2 Rid inferior — Corte la potd6n posterior con CUM. de hoJ;&= stein se maeann on !a tlusuadda. 126bk to nica 1. Ponds—Cmea'Poitd ya ddt�oraelepcopia,D d punto de doblex dobee d paad sobrc el borde de una mess pus [Omar uo dogato net& 4. Rid&ootviar&f—Cortelusgmxh sardoreioferior dd rid fronbl, seen se riusha on la %= Dolde h pieza airededor de 1a esrpuna y « &dWa on d weiavramimto eon al dd supedar do apgo. ConsakeelpasoD IN EL CONIUNTO TRIM PAK SS INCWYEN WATRO RIFLES SUPERIORES FRONTALES VA CORIADOS, f