HomeMy WebLinkAboutZIP SYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL,y. ,� frr { � � '•i � L { ] S � �.. l � Ci Y f � Sys J •'i.`'S ` J �. ® s �i: e , I •A I >, a i ey rJF t s i 4i It Y ( rv���J'��� ', ,♦ r ).. .n`� .'''t 1 �IJ 3tfy j` �♦,, rf �� r ♦ n a :F , `" ] .-S4w ; ' r r, x >.T y, r s' �', i. s... ,1 •� yam. :per { J 4 J J 4 Cs � J �' •�' � � $• � � y ..� , ,.;ice J' I � � ,: J 4,* �1 �` y w . `. r�. !»'� �R s? h 3. , ,-.i t n aI? ] ' - y `,�{�� j y' � w r r� � 1 � .•� ' ,r T ��•y S=t. ' _� -_�' t+?�. ,,y'�P � Sot }4 t � � ,� ~ r w' ,. , ){ � .� • ' -i �� TM17 r,r system aoorsw_au_ SHEAT+IHo_ FASTER. TIGHTER. ENERGY EFFICIENT. r !i FNpN iNE � x CIIEATOHS OF pdV= Or•,Frl 4lhntl:aT feb, ZIP System°Roof & Wall Sheathing INSTALLATION MANUAL Contents 02 ZIP System' Sheathing Installation On Roofs 03 ZIP System'" Tape Installation - Roof Panel Seams 04 ZIP System" Tape Installation - Roof Panel Seams (continued) 05 Roof Covering Installation Instructions 06 ZIP Systems Roof & Wall Sheathing Installation 07 ZIP System" Tape Installation - Panel Seams ATTENTION: This Installation guide is Intended to provide general Information for the designer and end user. The following guidelines will help you safely and properly Install the ZIP System- Roof & Wall wall sheathing. We urge you, and anyone Installing this product, to read these guidelines in order to minimize any risk of safety hazards and to prevent voiding any applicable warranties. This manual Is a general Installation guide and does not cover every Installation condition. Proper Installation shaft be deemed to mean the most restrictive requirement specified by Huber Engineered Woods (HEW), local building code, engineer or architect of record or other authority having jurisdiction. You are fully and solely responsible for all safety requirements and code compliance. For additional Information contact Huber Engineered Woods LLC. ZIP System' Rool & Well Sheathing Safety Guidelines • Follow all OSHA regulations and any other safety guidelines and safety practices during installation and construction. Useapproved safety belts andler harnesses or otherraP protection equipment. Install ZIP System panels and tape only in dry eondlions and on dry surfaces Do not install in rain, snow, frost or other A ppery conditions - Wear rubber-soOd or other high -traction footwear while nstaling ZlP.System sheathing n a rod applicafam Do not wear footwearwfih wan soles a heels. Ensure the roof ng surface is free tram oil, chemicals, sawdust. cirt. toots, electric cords. a:r hoses, clothing and anything else that might create a tripping hazard. Ins:as temporary toe boards along the ZIP System sheathing roar surface What Is ZIP System- Roof & Wall Sheathing? ZIP System Roof & Wall sheathing is code -recognized as a wood structural panel, rooling uncierayment (ICC-ES ESR-1473), water -resistive barrier and au barrier (ICC-ES ESR-1474). ZIP System Roof & Wall sheathing has a built-in moisture barrier that lels you say good-bye to building paper or housawrap on the walls and felt paper on the roof - Simply install the panels, tape the seams, and you have a structural wall sheathing, water - resistive barrier and air barrier or a structural tool sheathing and roofing undedayment all from one product. %DAPSystemR,l aaera wall 11)4 r lrie FASTER. TIGHTER. ENERGY EFFICIENT. OB ZIP System' Roof & Wall Sheathing - Window Installation Flanged Windows & Brick Mould Windows 09 ZIP Systeme Roof & Wall Sheathing - Window Installation Brick Mould Windows (continued) 10 ZIP System° Roof & Wall Sheathing - Penetration Openings 11 ZIP Systems Roof & Wall Sheathing Installation Details 12 ZIP System' Roof & Wall Sheathing Installation Details (continued) ZIP System Roof & Wall sheathing can be used with a range o1 exteror claddings and roof coverings. Approved wall coverings include brick, vinyl, stone, wood fiber cement, wood and cedar shakes traditional hard coat stucco and specified drawable EIFS applications however it is not recommended for use with adhesively attached EIFS Approved roof coverings include asphalt -fiberglass shingles, metal tiles and panels, clay and concrete tiles. slate and slate -type shingles and wood shakes and shingles Follow all deciding and roof covering manufacturer's installacon msla:ctions ZIP System Roof & Wall sheathing can be used on buildings of Type III (Roof Applications ONLY) and Type V construct:on and construction permitted under the IRC. ZIP System- Roof & Wall Sheathing Includes: ZIP System shealhing panels with bukPin moisture banter with preprinted lasten'ng and tape guides - ZIP System tape Storage and Handling Set panel stack on three supports (stickers) to keep off the ground Outdoors, cover panels loosely with waterproof protective material. Anchor covers on top of the stack, but keep away tram sides and bottom to assure good air circulation In high moisture environments, cut banding on the panel stack to prevent edge damage. ZIP System- Roof & Wall Sheathing Notes and Limitations: Do not use on roots with slopes less than 2112 • Do not use abutted against general stone or masonry without providing a minimum of a 112- gap. Do not install ZIP System tape in temperatures less than 20, F ZIP System products are not recommended for manufactured housing applications that are built under a federal building code administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Do not use panel edge clips (H-Clips) with ZIP System Rool & Wall sheathing without expressed written approval from Huber Engineered Woods - Do not use ZIP System tape to permanently seal around circular mot projections (plumbing vents, pipes, curved walls etc.) Contents (continued) Well Coverings ZIP System Roof 8 Wall sheathing should be covered with the finished roof covering or exterior cladding within 180 days of installation. Finished roof and exterior cladding products should be installed per the manufacturer's installation instrumlons. • Per the recommendalion of the Western Red Cedar Lumber Association and the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory, wood siding should he primed before installation. When original moling or cladrings am removed and replaced on existing ZIP System sheathing, the roof or wan should be covered with an additional roofing underfayment or water resistive barrier prior to Installation of the new finished rooting or cladding. Note: to cladding systems requiring multiple layers of water -resistive barriers, like traditional hard -coat stucco, ZIP System sheathing Is Intended only to replace the first layer. Wag Blown Cellulose Insulation - In addition to following manufacturer installation instructions, we recommend a maximum moisture content of the cellulose of less than 25°5 measured at the inside surface of the ZIP System panel before closing the wail cavity, Secondary Coatings Do not apply secondary coatings or treatments to ZIP System Rool 8 Wall sheathing panels with the exception of the following: . HEW approved fire resistant coatings. Fire resistant coatings must be tested and approved by HEW for use with ZIP System panels. Field applied water-soluble borate insecticide or fungicide treatments applied to the non overlay side of the panel. See technical tip 'Termite Treatments on ZIP System Roof 8 Wall Sheathing,' on zipsystemcom for mare information. - Permeable laminated radiant ban ier foil or paint. For a radiant harrier foil or coaling to be considered permeable, it must have an applied penneance of five perms or greater as tested by the ASTM E 96 wel cup standard. For a radiant foil, the pooneance evaluation would include any adhesive andlor backer used to lamma;e a foil. For a radiant painVcoating, the permeance evaluation should be conducted at the applied thickness of the painVcoaling. LP SYS=Pool and wag sheanrg rtyaas W, am 6m"M m miL4usErtrynm sysems. " H9e AWXII n not npuved 4 cola -M 1213Z IS sNn raxd)aW S9 14023 man rakd! p0dxannx caxgae v;.easung •I Na to" dces MI er¢cd 2a' oc UA r:c i. ,I%xd does ml armed 93 or or 12 ox!156 poi W 58 Mftoaim=vs.&Tha a Coed= L IW urtziai mraa red bt9imd. ZIP System" Roof & Wall Sheathing Installation Manual 11X ZIP System"' Sheathing Installation on Roofs Overview: ZIP System Roof & Wall sheathing is composed of ZIP System panels and ZIP System seam sealing tape. ZIP System, Root & Wall Sheathing panels should be fully installed before the seam sealing tape is applied In general the ZIP System root sheathing panels should be installed from the lowest point on the roof to the highest It is at the discretion of the installer whether to apply tape from the lop down or from the bottom up. However, working Imm the highest sections of the roof and working down will min mize root Imflx on the tape. The following Installaton steps are presented as guidelines and a general culline of the inslallalion process, These are manufacturer installation recommendations —please visit zipsystem com for a library of flashing and installation detads. You are frilly and solely responsible for all safety requirements. Good construction and safely practices should be followed at all times. Step 1. Ensure that the panel surface is dry and dean of any nails, sawdust, or other debits or protrusions prior to installing or walking an the panels. After ensuring compliance with all OSHA and local code safety guidelines, Install ZIP System sheathing panels with the moisture barrier surface lacing outside The long edge (8') should be oriented perpendicular to the framing members, and panels should be installed with the 4' edge seams staggered a minimum of 24", 1y8'spacilg between square edges of all a*cem panels is recommended, in accordance with industry standards for wood Shealhng. (Tongue & Groove panels are designed to self -space and do not require manual spacing on the 8 edges,) Step 2. Ensure that ZIP System panels span at least three fmmng members and a framing member Supports the entire 4' edge of the panels. Fasten the ZIP System Roof & Wall sheathing panel to the framing members with code approved fasteners spaced at the appropriate edge and intermediate spacing. It is the responsibility of the general contractor to verify proper fastener type and spacing pear to instagation. Apply the fasteners 316" from the panel ends and comers. An ideal Installation would be where fastener heads are flush with the panel surface However, due to variations in materials and limitations on equipment, this may be difficult to achieve in some situations it Is not required to tape over overdriven fasteners unless the fastener head creates a hole through the entire panel thickness. Please see the technical tip, `Overdriven Fasteners in ZIP System Roof and Wall Sheathing' for more information. Step 7. Install temporary toe boards as necessary when applying the ZIP System sheathing panels up the slope of the roof planes. 9' Pont Edgee Ire• The WrCpX edge praklo is designed to acoommeate mrernerml panei expansion and does not mquav manual gapping along me 8' edges 4' Panel Edges 141• 7- Nlairr"n 1 8' space when) a' edges meet Unicue edge pnotile is on 9' )oges only 03 ZIP System'" Tape Installation -Roof Panel Seams Apply ZIP System tape after all ZIP System Roof & Wall sheathing panels are fully fastened to roof -framing members. Only ZIP System tape should be used to seal the seems of ZIP System panels. Ensure that the panel surfaces are dry and Ime of any nails. sawdust and other debris, or protrusions Avoid stepping on tape in high temperature environments. ZIP System tape Is a contact tape that requires pressure for an adequate seal. Step 1 - Apply ZIP System tape in every vertical and Horizontal panel seam. It is at the discretion of the installer whether to apply tape from the lop down or from the bottom up. However, working from the highest sections of l the roof and working down will m.nimize loot traffic on the tape. Ensure that the tape is centered over the seam within +r. NZ to provide adequate coverage and to ensure that wrinkles in the tape are minimized. Ensure that tape lengths are continuous across the 6' horizontal edge of the panels. It splices are unavoidable, create an overlapping splice of at least 3'. App:y moderate pressure onto the surface of the tape to ensure a secure bond between the panel and the tape Use ZIP System tape gun or tape roller to apply pressure to the tape and smooth out any wrinkles. - Take special rare to remove any voids and: or trapped air at splice areas and T-Joints. Step 2. For valley areas of Imm ng, we recommend you use 6- wide ZIP System tape This tape is wader than panel seam tape and is designed to give you optimal protection in valley areas. Starting from the bottom and working your way up. apply one continuous piece of 6- tape so that the center of the tape is over the valey seam. - Use the tape gun or tape roller to apply pressure to the tape to ensure proper contact with the panel and to eliminate any wrinkles that might have occurred In the tape. Take special care to seat tape completely into the valley. Note: It is Important to pay extra attention to valley taping as water is directed toward the valleys during rain events. Sell -adhering ice and water barriers may be required by code. ZIP System tape Is not considered a replacement for self -adhering Ice and water barriers. Therefore, when sell -adhering Ice and water barriers are required, they should be Installed In addition to ZIP System tape. Fwt To'pa. Roma T overlap. 15ecorKlTaps Pwco ZIP System" Roof & Wall Sheathing Installation Manual M ZIP System" Tape Installation - Roof Panel Seams (continued) Step 3. If 6' ZIP System tape is not available, use two continuous pieces of 3.75' ZIP System panel seam tape over the entire length of the valley seam. overlapping the pieces on the valley seam by at least 1'. Starting from the bottom, install the first piece of tape overlapping the valley seam by at least 1'. Use the tape gun or tape roller to apply pressure to the tape to ensure proper contact with the panel and to eliminate any wrnkles that might have occurred in the tape. Apply the second piece of tape, overlapping the first piece in the valley seam by 1'. Repeal use of the tape gun or roller to make sure the tape is adequately adhered and lightly pressed into the valley seam Note: . It Is Important to pay extra attention to valley taping as water Is directed toward the valleys during rain events. - Self -adhering ice and water barriers may be required by code. ZIP System tape Is not considered a replacement for self -adhering Ice and water barriers. Therefore, when self -adhering lee and water barriers are required, they should be Installed in addition to ZIP System tape. Step 4 To provide temporary weather protection to motMall intersections of dormers or other wood -sheathed proteolions, apply 2- of the tape width up the vertical projection from where it intersects with the roof The remaining tape width can be adhered to the ZIP System roof sheathing panels. 1 - Use the tape goner tape roller to apply pessure to the tape and smooth out any wrinkles Step S. - install ZIP System tape over hips and ridges by centering the tape over 1 the peak seam. Apply tape in sufficient length to completely extend the length of the hip or ridge Starting from the lowest point of the hip and working up. press tape into place keeping tape centered over the hip. Apply moderate pressure onto the surface of the tape to ensure a secure bond between the panel and the tape Cut ridge tape as required for ventilation prior to install ng ridge vent. Step 6. - ---- - - - — Tape over toe board nail holes once the toe boards are removed, working from the highest toe boards to the lowest. Fnlpea+ al laps I'tOfvp ism pan or law 05 Roof Covering Installation Instructions ZIP System Roof t3 Wall sheathing is a code recognized sheathing and undedayment and is approved for use with the following roof coverings. Asphalt -fiberglass Shingles Metal Roots (shingles and panels) Clay Tile Concrete Tile - Slate and Slate•type Shingles Wood Shingles Wood Shakes When installing roof coverings, follow applicable codes and manufacturer's suggested tnstructions. Some roof coverings require a slip -sheet in addition to conventional underlaymenl. Where slip-sheels are required. they should be installed over 2P System sheathing panels. Note: Visit zipsystem.com for updates and installation details Asphalt -fiberglass Shingles Apply asphalt shingles directly to ZIP System sheathing. For roots with a slope of 2,112 or greater but less than a112, additional undedayment may be required. Install asphah-liberg"ass shingles according to applicable codes and manufacturer's installation Instructions Metal Roof Coverings Metal roof coverings may be appLed to ZIP System sheath ng provided that the roof covering manufacturer's installation instructions and applicable codes are followed. Fasteners used to secure the ZIP System Real & Wall sheathing panels to supporting framing must be compatible with the specific metal roof covering used Galvanized fasteners shall be used vrlh ga".vaned roof coverings, alum num-zinc coated fasleners shall be used with alum num-zinc coaled roof coverings and 300 series stainless steel fasteners shall be used with capper roots. Stainless steel fasteners are acceptable with all metal tool types. In addition, metal roof flashing shall also be made of a malaria: compatible with the specil.c metal tool covering used. Apply metal shingles on roofs with slopes of 3112 or greater. Clay and Concrete Tile Roof Coverings ZIP System Roof & Wall sheathing is intended to replace the first layer in a two -layer or mule -layer underayment system. When installing clay or concrete tile roof coverngs, follow the installation recommendalions of FRSA(TRI 07320 Install tile roofs according to applicable codes and manufacturer's 'installation instructions Slate and Slate -type Shingles Apply slate and slate -type shingles on tools wish s[opes of 4112 or greater Install slate and slate -type shingles according to applicable codes and rranufacturees installation instructions. Wood Shingles ZIP System Root & Wall sheathing is intended to replace the first layer of undedayment required by the IBC andlar the IRC. Additional layers of undedayment may be required by code depending on the local climate. Apply wood shingles on roofs with slopes of 3112 or greater Install wood shingles according to applicable codes and manufacturer's instalation instructions Wood Shakes ZIP System Roof & Wall sheathing is intended to replace the first layer of undedayment required by the IBC and/or the IRC. Additional layers of underlaymenl may be required by code depending on the local climate. ZIP System roof sheathing is not to be construed as a replacement for interlayment. Apply wood shakes on roots with slopes of 4/12 or greater. Install wood shakes accordng to applicable codes and manufacturer's installation instructions ZIP System, Roof & Wall Sheathing Installation Manual ZIP System° Sheathing Installation on Walls Overvlew: ZIP System Roof & Wall sheathing is composed of ZIP System panels and ZIP System seam sealing tape. ZIP System- Roof & Wall Sheathing panels should be fully installed before the seam sealing tape is applied. The fallowing installation steps are presented as a general outline of the installation process These are manufacturer installation recommendations —please visit zipsystem.com for a library of flashing and installation details You are fully and solely responsible for as safety requirements. Good construction and safety practices should be followed at all limes Step 1. Install ZIP System Root & Wall sheathing panels positioned wish the water -resistive barrier facing outside. The panels may be installed with the long side of the panel oriented either horizonlal:y or vertically to the training members. Walls that are designed to resist lateral shear forces and sheathed with wood structural panes typically require solid framing or blocking behind all panel edges. It oriented hodzomally, Mock horizontal jofits if wall is designed ler bracing or as a shear wall. IV spacing between square edges of all adjacent panels is recommended in accordance with industry standards for wood sheathing installation. , 8' Panel Edges Panel Edges 4Panel Edges Tlvunque edge piorile s desgned to accommodate incremental panel otp,IIl:ion and does not requre martial gipping all the 8 edges' Step 2. Fasten the panels to the Iramng members with code approved fasteners. Space fasteners 6' o c along supported edges and 12' o e. at intermediate supports unless otherwise specified by local code or the designer of record II ,s the responsibility of the general contractor to verily proper fastener type and spacing prior to installation. Apply the fasteners 3V from the ends and corners, An ideal installation would be where fastener heads are flush with the panel surface However. due to variations in materials and limitations on equipment, this may be dJricult to achieve in some situations It is not requ red to tape over overdriven fasteners unless the fastener head creates a hole through the entire panel thickness. Please see the technical tip "Overdriven Fasteners in Zip System Roof and Wall Sheathing," on zipsystem.com for more information, 16 ii hiainian I S' spaco where 8' paml edges meal a panol edges Unque edge pmLle does rot proMa the full M recommended space in Ihs stuation' Maintain 118' space whew q edges meet Ungoe edge pmlde ,s on 8 edges only' 07 ZIP System'" Tape Installation - Wall Panel Seams Apply ZIP System tape after all ZIP System Root & Wall sheathing panels are fully fastened to wall -framing members. Only ZIP System tape should be used to seal the seems of ZIP System panels, Ensure that the panel surface is dry and free of sawdust and din prior to taping, ZIP System tape is a contact tape that requires pressure for an adequate seal. Step 1. Tape all seams using ZIP System tape. Ensure that the tape is centered over the seam within 4. 112- to provide adequate coverage and that wrinkles in tape are minimal. Use the 21P System tape gun or roller to apply pressure to the tape and smooth out any wrinkles. Stop 2. Wherever tape splices occur at a horizontal or vertical seam, create an overlapping splice of at least T. J At T-jomts, the tape pieces should overlap by at least 1'. Apply moderate pressure onto the surface of the tape to ensure a secure bond between the panel and the [ape. Use the ZIP System tape gun or roller to apply pressure to the tape and smooth out any wrinkles. Take special care to remove any voids and/or trapped au at splice areas and Tgomts Step 3. Tape inside and outside comer seems y.cF1/y � natleomn.amn ,.�T-�Ouwm mma scrn Note: Tape over any areas of the panel or tape that are damaged during construction. ZIP System' Root 8 Wall Sheathing Installation Manual ZIP System -Window Installation Peasedelerlu'casutt Ile uee40m msbuctons of ww xvdjw mtroJ:>;lursr as>,H as mJu regu+emmts nymatartdalm br de b9allix ndelnAs Flanged Windows 1. Fasten the ZIP System sheathing 5 Cut a length of ZIP System tape or another l to the wood frame and install i adhesive -backed Flashing tape (must meet ICC. ZIP System tape to all wall panel ES Acceptance Criteria for Flashing Materials seams• as detailed in sections 1 j' ." (AC148)) and apply to the header, ensuring that 02 and 03. I .J the flashing overlaps the jamb flashings.- l !!! Once the tape is in place, use the tape gun or roller to seal the flashing to the sheathing. 00 NOT late scram Flange 2. ZIP System tape may be used as pan flashing it 6 From the interior• apply low-pressure polyurethane installed in accordance with Flanged window foam (for windows) between the tough opening (') installation details posted an zipsystem.com, and the window Frame. (Caulk sealant compatible '•I'-' j Other adhesive -based flashing tapes (must meet w.th the sill Mashing may be used at the sill if the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Flashing wwrials I opening between the sill flashing and window (AC1481) maybe used as pan flashing it installed I is too narrow to allow the use of low-pressure per ASTM 2112-07. Apply the flashing to cover polyurethane loam.) the bottom of the opening, overhanging onto the sheathing by at least 2- and extending a minitmim When using ZIP System tape, butyl, 100% of 6' up each jamb silicone or polyurethane sealants are acceptable. Do not use latex sealants with ZIP System ape. If using another [lashing tape. folow the flashing manufacturer's recommendation in selecting a sealant compatible with that Hashing, 3. Apply sealant around inside lace of mounting Brick Mould Windows flange Sealant must be gapped at the sin to permit drainage. In_sta'1 and level window per 1. Fasten the ZIP System sheathing manufacturers msla3abon instructions. Ved �• FY '�. to the wood frame and install .r . sealant compatilirlty with window manufacturer. '}! ZIP System tape to all wall panel When using ZIP System tape as pan flashing, • j seams, as detailed in sections butyl, 100% sicone or polyurethane sealants f f12 and 03 �l are acceptable Do not use latex or other water. 1j based sealants P ' 4. Cut two pieces of ZIP System tape or another 2. It recommended by the window adhesive -backed Flashing tape (must meet ICC- manufacturer, cut a stripofwood ES Acceptance Criteria for Flashing Materials to function as a back dam at the (AC148)) and apply to each of the window )amb sill. The wood strip should have flanges, ensuring the jamb (lashings overlap the l : ; a length equal to the width of the sill flashing tough opening and a height and Once the la is lace, use the toe width of at least V2'. Position the tape p p gun or rower block at the inside edge of the to seal the Flashing to the sheathing4 window frame ZIP System - Window Installation Brick Mould Windows (continued) 3. ZIP System tape may be used as pan flashing if installed in accordance with brick mould window installation details posted on zipsystem.com. Other adhesive -based flashing tapes (must meet ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Flashing Materials (AC148)) may be used as pan flashing if instated per ASTM 2112-07. Apply the flashing to cover the bottom of the opening. overhanging onto the sheathing by at least 2' and extending a minimum of 6' up each jamb. 4. For vertical jambs, cut ZIP System tape or another adhesive -backed flashing lope (must meet [CC - ES Acceptance Criteria for Bashing Materals (AC1481) and apply to each of the window lambs, Ensure that they cover the entire inside of the rough opening as wet as overlap onto the sheathing by at least 2' Flashing shaD also extend above the rough opening, such that it w.11 protect 1' beyond the exterior trim of the window Once the tape is in place use the tape gun or roller to seal the flashing to the shealhing. S. Apply sealant to jambs and header allowing for drainage at the sill in accordance with window manufacturer's installation instructions When using ZIP System ape. use a butyl, polyurethana or 100% silicone sealant Do not use latex or other water -based sealants w.th ZIP System tape. When using another flashing tape, follow the flashing manufac-lurer's recommendations in selecting a sealant compatible with that flashing 6. InstaD and level window per manufacturer's installation instructions DE DISCLAIMER Thefdbwng MaS rtpresmt a Wars]mmim for Me pre inslaleton of wndmw gashing. Please deter tar: cult No trsaratlm ms1=1c is d you ssvdaw lmru6a:lumr as wet as Cade raqum:Mnh n you lumdarm or Nn nstyLalian detais Cut a piece of rigid head flashing so that when installed, it is flush with the edges of the exterior moulding of the window. Apply a bead of sealant to the back and bottom surface of the ngld head flashing Use sealant recommended flashing manufacturer. j} ` Secure the rigid head flashing to ZIP System wall sheathing 9. Cut a length of ZIP System tape or another adh save -backed Ilashng tape (must meet ICC-ES Acceptance Cntehia for Flashing Materials (AC148)) and apply to the rgld head flashing, ensuring that the adheswa-backed flashing overlaps the Iamb [lashings Once the tape is in pace, use the tape gun or holler to seal he flashing to the sheathing. 1 10. From the interior, apply low-pressure polyurethane foam (for vdndows) between the rough opening and the window Imme (Caulk sealant compatible with Of the MII [lashing may be usetl at the sill if the opening ' between the sit flashing and window is too narrow to oleo the use of low-pressure polyurethane foam) � L When using ZIP System tape, butyl. 10090 silicone p( 3I or polyurethane sealants are acceptable. Do not use latex or otter water -based sealants with ZIP System tape If mire another flashing tape, follow the gashing manufacturers recommendation in selecting a sealant compatible with that Hashing. ZIP System' Roof & Wall Sheathing Installation Manual 10 ZIP System - Penetration Openings FeDseae:ala[Lnsult W tale it j'OJE Iw15c'elvn bl U FOLIIi . dela r 1 PA,, IL1.11,1 YIEa1MnG J{—,� ,,E ,,XOI R.I GA LH(4 SI=S !'}I'IC-1 �M F£COI.IUERCfGAI _ 0; :E L'GCS DICE ]E VRG'I6EO B! f UIe-11 4A!ICVi11 J!II)IP FIIFIxIFi G IF�� RISI,L(D>'J191(MG i>V:OR 4t •�4 %° 41IC1A. 14]II`I SChCIICC eC1IU4 SpEs [aFA iC4"U ' ..V, (xSIFE!IP'.GLEIMNApXESRE -1a'� :. ". 012RA t H..,51-1 B. 5151E11 11ry[X ai KL i.JOnItS _ e � ON E9 CR I/E WBRT:2 F1Y': ✓; OvcOVOE pAnGFSr;A -- n Y`t34 T4'P3. f 1'lR.'Ir-.v0 'MY. h55f1!4v lli FvniLL - 11.1111�TIIInG P� VCIn::X GAJUE! T,WEnCfO,i vARECECGES UKG55 APLXx{0>4:4'EO EOGE9 - II'SG L lm SES3tK LPE OR AGIIL%COA-eEDFLA9JUG LW1I IJEE' 4.%, N SeMEWE IROLI W WLI SICU MY TOP TO El*M ESaGIE V.V Os KBIEEf:E U [ ASM•.f. IJ' SBIEOG Wf EnSiCIEV O'IERLAV iAFE T Ill'J LIL'LI OF � ISLX AI TLt f.gpl%5 0 b 11 ZIP System Sheathing Installation Details on Walls — visit zipsystem.com for more details. WALL ASSEMBLY VWy1L r00D'FIBER CEMENT SIDING INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CLADDING MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION PECOMMENDATIONSI 21P SYSTEM D WALL SHEATHING WOOD OR LT. GA METAL STUDS TOP EDGE OE FLASHING TAPED TO WALL SHEATHING WITH ZIP SYSTEMb TAPE OR ADHESIVE BACKED FLASHING (MBSTMEETAC"91 - CODE APPROVED FLASHING ---- FOUE(OATION n41w ui. 9^(N� SnYw1 A':gtGI:V.I'f/C :9t99 :i141a1LLlEG'�ikA tN+: YI.^ul WRIW. W.1 !:.] IIEi451'A'. ov.l.vr_• n� axuAl � � ` UM1Jq .W ihfyxS.$:gq ' y s.:Nfw"RG:xuCpEEU.f M'.t lDS[9l�. Fii V CtS•:i�eu UAL:WP(YIt�C4 ice" fW.L9:r. AL ` WALL ASSEMBLV---- MCK4ENEER [ f AIRSPACE (AS PRESCRIBED BYr— LOCAL BUILDING CODE " ZIP SYSTEMb WALL SHEATHING WOOD OR LT, GA. METAL STUDS TOP EDGE OF FLAS UNG TAPED WITH ZIP SYSTELUD TAPE OR ADHESIVE BALKED FLASHING (MUST MEET AC 1:81 1 I _ CODE APPROVED BASE FLASHING---------. %-rE'_P HOLES:AS PRESCRIBED BY LOCAL BUMOVIG CODE) F " Yut.\IL+10.- IIxRX+T[RtN 4N Y.CE:.S rREt'NYfJ O[ f V Si5'E]4']'uLL Y'En:talC •� � � r4euuswrt(ss nRKxalse]+m:altu ux �•'� I.uHn[n cu:[n F'A[xts � . / 55]S:f IJD 14a[ nliiF.;Ef(1 � i`� �.� ' +i\EP+IL.VM1[S vl:p•SNNu•. � 1 vi4L SxFM1Uu•ni ]Sl•gHrTo AECnWSKEo.[ i• " r4YLEUCESUAESS l'IIQRI:IS: T1C41RCD 9! - Yglxg6LlPArinff)E(KFA ., I niIONm NS4t1.•rAt 6Mt.1IT4 wS YtL11xtU4I OEY:Fn.yAElCxp J9 LrM.: EA'glgtit<Cti Note: For oplllrLal air leakage reduction, all untaped edges of the panels can he caulked• gaslmted or sealed with a weather stripping material. ZIP System' Roof & Wall Sheathing Installation Manual IV ZIP System Sheathing Installation Details on Walls (continued) WALL BEYOND - - - i. f WALL ASSEMBLY ( BACKDAM PER WINDOW BRICK VENEER ,. I I MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION AIR SPACE (AS PRESCRIBED BY t ( RECOMMENDATIONS 11 LOCAL BUILDING CODE) ZIP SYSTEMvJ WALL SHEATHING ( WOOD OR LT. GA. METAL STUDS INSTALL CODE -RECOGNIZED 3 SILLIPAN FLASHING IN ROUGH ' OPENING PRIOR TO WINDOW i`{47 TOP EDGE OF FLASHING TAPED 'I INSTALLATION. i i WITH ZIP SYSTEW4 TAPE OR - ADHESIVE BACKED FLASHING. 1 70P EDGE OF FLASHING TAPED (MUST MEET AC768) _ I ! I I I WITH ZIP SYSTEM; TAPE OR Y ADHESIVE BACKED FLASHING. (MUST MEET AC 148) CODE APPROVED FLASHING WEEPS (AS PRESCRIBED BY I WEEPS (AS PRESCRIBED BY LOCAL BUILDING CODE) LOCAL BUILDING CODE) STEEL LINTEL / i CODE APPROVED FLASHING INSTALL WINDOW IN WALL ASSEMBLY ACCORDANCE WITH DETAILS BRICK VENEER 24A-24D OR 25A-25D / AIR SPACE (AS PRESCRIBED BY �„- LOCAL BUILDING CODE) ZIP SYSTEM!, WALL SHEATHING WALL BEYOND - - - - -- -- —_' 1 -- _ i WOOD OR LT. GA. METAL STUDS WALL ASSEMBLY CODE APPROVED CLADDING (INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CLADDING MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION RECOMMENDATIONS) EXTERIOR RIGID INSULATION DRAINAGE PLANE (MIN. 1,•) ZIP SYSTEM;) WALL SHEATHING WOOD OR LT. GA. METAL STUDS TOP EDGE OF FLASHING TAPED TO WALL SHEATHING WITH ZIP SYSTEM-J TAPE CR ADHESIVE BACKED FLASHING. (MUST MEET AC148)--• CODE APPROVED FLASHING FOUNDATION Note: For optimal air leakage reduction, all untaped edges of the panels can he caulked, gasketed or sealed with a weather stripping material.