HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997/1998 Doug Anderson Co Admininistrator DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning Division MEMORANDUM FROM: St. Lucie County Land Acquisition Selection Committee . 0~~) Diana Waite, Environmental Planner ill ~ TO: DATE: April 20, 1998 41~\ Ai SUBJECT: Cancellation of April 23. 1998 Meetings 5:30 P.M., Roger Poitras Building Annex Third Floor, Conference Room 3 This is to notify you that the regularly scheduled S1. Lucie County Land Acquisition Selection Committee Meeting of April 23. 1998 will be cancelled. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be on May 28, 1998. DW/ctm H:\ WP\LASC\CANCEL.MEM illŒ&ŒU\YIŒ@ APA 2119gB ~ J CO. ADMIN. OFFICE Doug Anderson St. Lucie County Land Acquisition Selection Committee Co AdmininistratOJ Environmentally Significant Lands Program Roger Poitras Administration Annex Conference Room 3 5:30 P.M. Thursday January 22, 1998 AGENDA ,/ J/:IrS / 11ft CALL TO ORDER AGENDA ITEM 1: Agenda · Recommended Action: Approval of January 22, 1998 Agenda AGENDA ITEM 2: Minutes · Recommended Action: Approval of September 25, 1997 Minutes AGENDA ITEM 3: Election of a LASC Chairman and Vice Chairman · Recommended Action: Elect a LASC Chairman and Vice Chairman to serve through 1998. AGENDA ITEM 4: Appointment of Port St. Lucie Board of Real Representative to the LASC. · Recommended Action: Forward a Recommendation to the Board of the County Commissioners to appoint Kevin Solin, Jr. to the LASC as Representative for the Port St. Lucie Board of Realtors. AGENDA ITEM 5: Reports on New ESL Sites: Juanita A venue Scrub Site (ST083) St. Lucie Village Scrub Site (ST084) Natch and etal Scrub Site (ST085) North Ft. Pierce Realty Corp Scrub Site (ST086) Southern Fruit Groves, Ltd (ST087) Bass and Bryant Site (ST088) · Recommended Action: Information Only fõ)ICII'Œ~ Ul1 JAM 16 ms æJ AGENDA ITEM 5: Ranking of ESL Sites · Recommended Action: Rank ESL Sites co. ADMIN. OFFiCe If any porion decide. to appeal any decioion made by the St Luci. County Board of Commilrionen' with nepect to _ matter oonoiderecl at luch meeting or hearing. that porion lhaII need a record of the proceedingI. and for luch a purpoo.. that penon may need to OIIItue that a verbatim record of the proceedingI u. made, which record includeo the teotimony and evidence upon which the appeal u. to be bued. If you have any queotiono, pI.... call (407) 462-1S76. Doug Anderson Co Admininistrator St. Lucie County Land Acquisition Selection Committee Environmentally Significant Lands Program Roger Poitras Administration Annex Conference Room 3 5:30 P.M. Thursday September 25, 1997 AGENDA CALL TO ORDER \1< /t¡2% c¡ Ú'" AGENDA ITEM 1: Agenda · Recommended Action: Approval of September 25, 1997 Agenda AGENDA ITEM 2: Minutes · Recommended Action: Approval of August 28, 1997 Minutes AGENDA ITEM 3: Williams Property Report · Recommended Action: Information Only AGENDA ITEM 4: Giovanis Property Report · Recommended Action: Information Only AGENDA ITEM 5: Update on ESL Projects · Recommended Action: Information Only If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the St. Lucie County Board of Commissioners' with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, that person shall need a record of the proceedings, and for such a purpose, that person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, If you have any questions, please call (407) 462-1576. H:\ WP\LASC\AGN9.97 r:- In r~ ¡ ~ 1"1 \ " Ii [1..1 i " , ~i I' u 5 1997 --.~---_._-- if.' Iì '\ l__. -.- CO, ,f,[li',';:N. CFFICE : "---~- ____......,1 ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND ACQUISITION SELECTION COMMITIEE AUGUST 28, 1997 MINUTES COMMITIEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Betty Lou Wells; Honorable James Alderman; E. H. Klueppelberg, Jr; Commissioner R. Duke Nelson; Sherwood Lee Mitchell, Erik Martin; J. P. "Butch" Terpening; and Jane Brooks. COMMITIEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Ken Sattler, Dr. Ed Novak; Karen Knapp; David DeWitt; Rob Johnson; and Bob Bluestone. OTHERS PRESENTS: David Kelly, Planning Manager; Diana Waite, Planner III; Steve Fousek, Environmental Lands Specialist; Susan Lawrence, Grants SupeIVisor; Donald Cole, Property Acquisition Manager; Mortimer Williams; Bob Jernigan; Jutta Karibo, Planner I; Anna Toland, Planner II; and, Carol Moler, LASC Secretary. Chairperson Betty Lou Wells opened the meeting at 5:40 p.m. She asked for changes or additions to the agenda. She wanted to make a change to the agenda and add announcements before the approval of the minutes. She asked Diana and Carol to have the approval of the agenda as Item #1 from now on. Judge Jim Alderman wanted to know why we need to approve the agenda. Chairperson Wells said because this is not really our agenda. It is given to us by staff and she said there should be an opportunity for additions or deletions. Commissioner R. Duke Nelson indicated that it would be appropriate for staff to present this and Chair to work with staff on this. He did not feel that this was necessary. He said this can come under Other Business. Chairperson Wells asked if there was consensus among the Committee, or if we should have approval of the agenda. Ms. Waite said that the approval of the agenda was appropriate and announcements could be handled under Other Business. Chairperson Wells added that she would rather put them in the beginning, before anyone has to leave. Commissioner Nelson agreed and asked that we move on. Land Acquisition Selection Committee August 28, 1997 Page 2 Chairperson Wells asked that they approve the agenda today, and if you choose not to do it next time, it is up to you. Commissioner Nelson made a motion to approve the agenda. Mr. Klip Klueppelberg seconded the motion. The Committee voted 8-0 in favor of the motion. AGENDA ITEM 1: Minutes of July 24, 1997. Chairperson Wells asked for additions and corrections to the Minutes of July 24, 1997. She had a correction at the bottom of the first page. She asked for a sentence about the property under serious consideration (FIND site - Walton Scrub) to be stricken from the record, because it doesn't pertain to the subject there. She asked that it be clarified to say, the other lh of the property is expected to be available for County management... because this does concern our Committee. She explained that FIND is buying about 50 acres and are going to use only about 25 of it. She said that they have said that they would give the other ~ to the County. Commissioner Nelson asked to clarify whether this was actually a reflection of what was said verses what is the fact. He asked is this what you said. He explained that all the secretary is doing is paraphrasing what you said. Chairperson Wells said it may not be an error of transcribing, it may not have been too clear statement on my part. She said she would like the minutes to be correct as to what the situation is. Commissioner Nelson stated that this may have been what was said. He recommended amending the minutes at the meeting today. Chairperson Wells made a motion to amend the minutes with these corrections. Mr. Nelson seconded the motion. Chairperson Wells asked Mr. Don Cole about the Quarterly Report done by the Property Acquisition Office, that might be available for the Committee. Mr. Cole explained that this was given previously to the Committee at a prior meeting. He said it will be updated quarterly. Land Acquisition Selection Committee August 28, 1997 Page 3 Chairperson Wells noticed from the minutes that she neglected to give the phone number for Bud Wild and Pete Guettler, for anyone interested in a site visit to his property. It is 489-9090 at work and 489-6507 at home. She gave Pete Guettler's phone number as 461- 8345 at work or 466-1586 after 6 p.m. Commissioner Nelson amended his motion to include these changes. Judge Alderman mentioned one more amendment on page 7, third paragraph, where he is referred to as the Vice-Chairman, when Dr. Novak is the Vice-Chairman. Chairperson Wells asked that the Minutes reflect that Ms. Karen Knapp arrived just before Agenda #1. Chairperson Wells called the motion on the amendment to the motion including all of the previous changes. The motion was approved as corrected. The vote was 6-0, with 2 abstaining. Mr. Butch Terpening and Ms. Jane Brooks did not attend the meeting of July 24, 1997. AGENDA ITEM 2: Update on the status of the Indrio North Savannahs Project Mr. Don Cole reported that Parcel #1, (small tract on U.S. #1), is under negotiations with their Attorney and we are waiting for a response. He said that Parcel #2, the Smith Parcel, a 7.2 acre site on Indrio Road, has been negotiated and accepted at 90% of the appraised value. He said that FCf is going to fund 50% of the total cost, including the acquisition fees for appraisals, surveys and title work. He said the value is at $235,000, we negotiated a purchase price of $210,000. He reported that they are getting an up-to-date survey on the Parcel #3 from Harbor Branch. Mr. Cole reported that they have received 87 of the title commitments and appraisals have been sent to FCf. The review appraiser has 45 days to review these to make sure that they are within FCf guidelines. He mentioned that the appraisals sent weighed 21 pounds each and they sent three sets as required, during the UPS Strike. He indicated that, although the review appraiser has 45 days to reply, he can apply for extensions. He may need to with a stack that high. Mr. Cole stated that on Lots 4 - 228, they are waiting for title commitments on them. They have 89 of them. He said it takes a very long time. These were ordered in May and it takes a long time to get these things through. Land Acquisition Selection Committee August 28, 1997 Page 4 AGENDA ITEM 3: Wehle Property Report Ms. Waite said that Anna Toland will be reporting on her visit to the Wehle site. She indicated that the property is located on South Hutchinson Island and was submitted for consideration by this Committee. Ms. Anna Toland showed some photographs giving an overall view of the property. She stated that the site is about 2 miles south of the St. Lucie County Power Plant. She noted the location of the St. Lucie County Wastewater Treatment Facility, Sands Property and the property being considered with 4.96 acres. She stated that it goes from the ocean to the lagoon with A-1-A cutting through. Ms. Brooks asked if this was adjacent to Ocean Bay. Ms. Toland said no, and pointed to the location of Ocean Bay and there is cleared piece of property in between the two. She reported that 90% of the property is Brazilian Pepper thicket, with a sliver of Mangroves. She said the 10% is in excellent condition and is coastal strand and dune vegetation. She noted the native vegetation on the picture. Ms. Jane Brooks said you are bringing this before us, because the owner submitted it, and not because we went looking for it. Ms. Waite said yes. Commissioner Nelson asked what makes this site unique. Ms. Toland explained that the only unique thing about this site is it contains sea turtle nesting on the beach. She said that Mr. Martin could probably elaborate more about this. Mr. Erik Martin informed the Committee that this narrow stretch of beach has been historically the highest density nesting sections of Hutchinson Island. It has been a high density area for loggerhead and some nesting by green turtles and leather backs. Mter a brief discussion about the length and width of the site, Ms. Jane Brooks said that this piece is too small with too many exotics and not adjacent to any other piece and is not a priority. Ms. Toland said this has been identified this as part of the Blueways Program, called the narrows. Land Acquisition Selection Committee August 28, 1997 Page 5 Ms. Waite said that this is part of an area identified within a Florida National Area Inventory study done several years ago. She said the study and identified 65 sites with coastal natural communities from Volusia or Brevard County south and this was one of them. The site started with the Wehle property and ran south a mile or more. She said they called it the narrows. She stated that there were not a lot of sites identified in St. Lucie County. In conjunction with the land to the south, it is significant. Mr. Butch Terpening indicated that the narrows is under no funding program, he did not see picking this up on its own, without any specific significance to it. Ms. Waite stated that we do not go after sites without matching funds. She said that once they are ranked, matching funds are sought. Mr. Terpening said one of the criteria is that with a smaller piece, it must be contiguous and this does not meet that. Ms. Waite said this is for information only and there will be a meeting to rank the properties in October. She stated that if it was an A site, we would seek funding sources. Judge Alderman indicated that from this discussion, there doesn't seem to be any interest and it won't make A status. AGENDA ITEM 4: Update on ESL projects and a discussion of upcoming ranking of proposed ESL sites. Ms. Waite reminded the Committee that the 3rd annual ranking of properties will be on the 4th Thursday in October. Mr. Terpening requested receiving the information on all the parcels before the ranking, so we can give a thorough going over. Ms. Waite agreed and said site visits could be arranged in the meantime. Ms. Waite gave members a copy of the evaluation matrix for ranking the sites. She mentioned that there are only 4 properties to be ranked at the time. There was general discussion regarding ranking procedure. She explained that some parcels were brought before the committee for ranking at different times of the year because of grant deadlines. However, she added each site is still included in the October ranking. Land Acquisition Selection Committee August 28, 1997 Page 6 Ms. Brooks asked which sites are going to be ranked. Ms. Waite stated that it would be Calvin Browning, the Carlton Road Lakelas Nine, 80 acres site; David Berman, 70 acres on North Indrio Road; and Wehle Property. She also asked that two other sites which were submitted be considered. She mentioned that recently, it was pointed out that according to our Manual, 2 times per year sites are to be presented. She said that if we had a lot of sites, it would make sense. She indicated that with only 5 or 6 properties submitted in a year, we have submitted and discussed them as they come in. She said she would like to submit additional sites to the Committee next month, so they can be ranked in October. She asked if there were any objections to that. Judge Alderman asked what they are. Ms. Waite said that one is along the North Fork and one is along the South Savannas. Chairperson Wells asked if these sites were already A sites. Ms. Waite indicated that one of the sites is adjacent to the City owned next to the South Savannas and the County managed property North of Midway Road. She described it as similar to property we have looked at before. The property is between the railroad track and the marsh area. She said it contains scrub, oaks, and wetland habitat. She stated that it was brought to her recently. . She indicated that another piece was brought in last week, which is along the North Fork, south of the existing North Fork project boundaries. Mr. Kelly added that if you follow the Manual strictly, you won't review these for six months. He said with the few we have, we can submit them for you. Ms. Brooks made a motion to be given these parcels next month. Mr. Erik Martin seconded the motion. Upon the roll call, the motion was approved 8 - O. Ms. Waite gave a handout to the Committee of all the projects which have been ranked to date. She explained that the project name is next to the name on the profile sheet name. Judge Alderman asked for an oral update on the negotiations for these projects since the completion of the Quarterly Report. Mr. Cole indicated that the Terrain and Wild Properties contracts were sent back down to South Florida Water Management District with recommendations. He said that they have offered them 90% of the appraised value. He stated that South Florida has had some Land Acquisition Selection Committee August 28, 1997 Page 7 changes in staff with a new person to be taking over. He reported that they have a letter to go to him on where we are and what we need. He said that the ball is in South Florida's court. Judge Alderman asked about the Cypress Creek Property. Ms. Waite explained that this is still in the funding phase. She reported that there will be a South Florida Water Management Board Meeting on September 11, 1997 at which time, they will rank the Save Our Rivers Projects and Cypress Creek/frail Ridge will be ranked as part of that process. She stated that the South Florida Water Management Staff is recommending approval of the project. The CARL Program is still reviewing the property as part of their Project Design Phase. CARL Staff will visit the Carlton, Varus, and Iglehart Properties on September 10, 1997 and are particularly looking at the management, property boundaries and ownership. She said there have been some boundary modifications; we are requesting to keep the boundaries consistent between the Department of Environmental Protection, South Florida Water Management District, and the County. She said that these will be finalized on December 5, 1997. She stated that in the meantime, the County is working on a Conservation Easement with Matt Sexton from The Conservation Fund. Mr. Cole indicated the only other thing is the Miller Property, west of the Wild Property and he said that they have approved their strategy for negotiations. The procedure was that they had to approve the way we were going to do it, and the contract was sent to South Florida for their approval. He added that there are an awful lot of approvals, and now, we want Mr. McIntyre to go over it to make sure we are covered. Judge Alderman asked about the Murphy-White and Round Hammock. Ms. Waite stated that FCf is reviewing their appraisals and they have the 45-60 day time frame to complete their review. Mr. Cole indicated that the review appraiser is inundated with all of this. He added that the North Savannas is just going to plow him under with 21 pounds. He said he is on his last extension for St. Lucie Pinelands. Ms. Waite informed the Committee that there is one more property that is not on your list that we have asked the State to fund along the North Fork as part of the Greenway Project. She said the White City Bridge Trail is a 20 acre purchase, 5 parcels, along the North Fork just south of Midway Road on the west side of the North Fork. Land Acquisition Selection Committee August 28, 1997 Page 8 Ms. Brooks asked if this was something that is not coming through this Committee. Ms. Waite said yes, that this is a grant program which funds 100% of the purchase price, so, we are not using any of the ESL Funds. She just wanted to give an update on what we were able to do. Mr. Cole reported that the title work for the Walton Scrub Property is done and he has ordered the appraisals and surveys. Chairperson Wells asked where this is connected to the FIND property of Walton Scrub. Mr. Cole said it is 1/2 of it. Ms. Waite explained that FCf is going to pay 50% of the project costs. Mr. Kelly added that even if we are not in it with money, we're in up to our ears in acquisition. Mr. Cole admitted that their department got into it to get it moving. Ms. Waite indicated that there is one small out parcel which is not part of FIND ownership, that if purchased, 1/2 would be ESL money. Other Business Chairperson Wells made announcements about a Design Charette on the Environmental Children's Learning Center. She handed out copies to the Members. She described this as part of the property south of Southern Oaks School, that is part of the North Fork Environmentally Significant Lands Purchase. It is 200 acres on the site of the learning center. It will be at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. Chairperson Wells said there is a Florida Urban Forestry Council Meeting. She handed out copies of the agenda. It will be held at the Indian River Plantation on Hutchinson Island in Jensen Beach. There are workshops on tree boards, urban planting and managing natural areas. She reported that these will be on the 26th, 27th and 28th. Mr. Jernigan said if there was interest in a site visit to Dr. Browning's property. He indicated it was mentioned in the June meeting. The ranking is coming up and FCf funding is extended until December. Land Acquisition Selection Committee August 28, 1997 Page 9 Commissioner Nelson suggestion calling for a September site visit. It was recommended that the secretary schedule an afternoon meeting. Chairman Wells agreed to let the secretary check with members by phone. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. H:\WP\MIN\LASC8-20.97 .. '. .. . Land Acquisition Selection Committee August 28, 1997 Page 9 Commissioner Nelson suggestion calling for a September site visit. It was recommended that the secretary schedule an afternoon meeting. Chairman Wells agreed to let the secretary check with members by phone. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. H:\WP\MIN\LASC8-20.97 " .. The ..~ Nature' conservancy® Florida Chapter September 3, 1997 Ms. Betty Lou Wells 1124 Jasmine Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Dear Ms. Wells, We were very happy to hear about your interest in the Nature Conservancy's work in Florida. I With the support of 42,000 individuals, foundations, and corporations, the Florida Chapter has protected more than 650,000 acres across the state since 1959. The Chapter currently owns and operates 43 preserves in Florida including the mile-long Blowing Rocks Preserve on Jupiter Island and the 6, 199-acre Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve in the panhandle. I I L I have enclosed the newsletters you requested along with brochures about the Florida Chapter and hope it will provide you with more information about our work and membership opportunities. If I can be of any further assistance feel free to contact me. We look forward to having you join us! Sincerely, ~¡J~ Michael P. Cantillo Membership Manager Enclosures 222 5. Westmonte Drive, Suite 300 . Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714 . 407 682-3664 . FAX 407 682-3077 lùrdt'd r(jpO cross paths witharw area, bears in the basin the estimatedl,SOO black eye cán at least spot where Department of Resource Management. Encroaching development has been one of the biggest threats not only to the survival of the bears and the other animals living throughout the Wekiva River Basin, but also to the water quality of the river. Stringent rules that the St. Johns district and local governments have put in place to provide a buffer from development have helped to protect the basin. "The true values of protecting the Wekiva River are yet to be seen," said St. Johns district Governing Board Chair Patricia Harden. "As the central Florida area continues to grow, the Wekiva River area will become more valuable as a place for all of us to go for recreation, and to get away from the stress of everyday life, which in turn benefits the economy. It's not just of value to wildlife - it's also of value to humans." One of the ultimate safeguards for the Wekiva River system has been bringing about 4,700 acres ofland along the river into public ownership. Nearly 2,850 of those acres are owned by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, with more than 1,500 acres owned by the St. Johns district and 325 acres owned by the Florida Audubon Society. Preserving those 1,500 acres along the Wekiva River has been a critical compo- nent to the District's overall work to protect the sensitive basin. Combining public dollars from local and state sources has made the District's land ownership within the basin possible. Funding comes from Florida's Preservation 20007tnd - Õu;- Riv~rspr;;gr;n~, .-- ~ñati~;-and the Seminole County Natural Lands Program - a voter Horizontal bite marks on trees are evi- dence not only of their presence, but also for their size the higher the marks, the larger the bears. The black bears, which average about 250 pounds, have tried to adjust to progress, and progress has attempted to adjust to the bears. "People say that bears are getting into their neighborhoods, but really it's the neighborhoods that are getting in the bears' habitat," said Pat Frost, assis- tant director of the St. Johns River Water Management District's 26 F LOR I D A W ATE R . Summer 1995 At:¡ :>rAfG: approved bond issue to purchase envi- ronmentally sensitive land within Seminole County. "The District has made significant strides in adding some permanent pro- tections to the Wekiva River system by bringing those 1,500 acres into public ownership," said Robert Christianson, director of the District's Planning and Acquisition Department. "That land not only helps to protect the sensitive ecosystem, but it also provides addi- tional recreational opportunities in the central Florida area." The District is continuing to work with other government agen . sider additional purchases wi basin and the surrounding areas that could provide further protection for the river system. Gliding downstream toward the convergence of the 10-mile Wekiva River and the St. Johns River, the resulting benefits become evident as redbreasted sunfish and striped bass lead the way through the tannic river- a harmless tea-colored stain in the water that comes from plant material along the floor of the river. The eight-mile Rock Springs Run fed by a spring releasing 42 million gallons of water each day from the Floridan aquifer - feeds into the Wekiva River from the west, joining the 48 million gallons a day released nom the spring at the state park. Even more fresh water deposits into the Wekiva River from the nine-mile Little Wekiva River, which carries water from springs outside of Orlando. Wildlife abounds along the Wekiva River system. It is not uncom- mon to spot sherman fox squirrels, sandhill cranes, bald eagles and deer while touring the river. "There probably isn't anywhere else in Florida that is as accessible while also being a legitimate wilder- ness," said Charles Lee, Florida Audubon Society senior vice president. "It's a good river for beginner canoeists, and the shoreline is a great opportunity to see wildlifè." ~ WAT E R A1A-M~ HJ=vr Dl..s rl!.,,/(!,.T pvBU CJ{J..T2l ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND ACQUISITION SELECTION COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 25, 1997 MINUTES COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Betty Lou Wells; Honorable James Alderman; E. H. Klueppelberg, Jr; Commissioner R. Duke Nelson; Sherwood Lee Mitchell, Erik Martin; Rob Johnson; Karen Knapp and Jane Brooks. COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Ken Sattler. Dr. Ed Novak; David DeWitt; 1. P. "Butch" Terpening and Bob Bluestone. OTHERS PRESENTS: Ray Wamy. Community Development Director; Diana Waite. Planner III; Steve Fousek. Environmental Lands Specialist; Susan Lawrence, Grants Supervisor; Donald Cole, Property Acquisition Manager; Jutta Karibo, Planner I; Anna Toland. Planner II; Bob Jernigan; Jean Alderman; and, Carol Moler, LASC Secretary. Chairperson Betty Lou Wells opened the meeting at 5:35 p.m. AGENDA ITEM 1: Approval of Agenda Chairperson Wells asked for approval of the agenda. Commissioner R. Duke Nelson made a motion to approve the agenda. Mr. Lee Mitchell seconded the motion. Upon the roll call the agenda was approved unanimously. AGENDA ITEM 2: Minutes of August 28,1997. Chairperson Wells asked for additions and corrections to the Minutes of August 28. 1997. Commissioner Nelson made a motion to approve the Minutes of August 28, 1997. Mr. Lee Mitchell seconded the motion. Upon the roll call the agenda was approved unanimously. AGENDA ITEM 3: Williams Property Report Ms. Diana Waite stated that Ms. Anna Toland would give a report on the Ada Williams Property which is located along the east side of the City owned and County operated Savannas Recreation Area. Chairperson Wells asked if this site was in the City of Ft. Pierce. 1 Ms. Waite said that the site is within the unincorportated county. Ms. Anna Toland described the property. She said it is less than 3 acres. Ms. Waite explained that the property is about a mile south of Savanna Road. Ms. Toland stated that the site is on the west side of the railroad tracks. It transitions from scrub. right into the Savannas. She mentioned that there are no exotics. such as Brazilian Pepper. There are no scrub jays because it goes from high scrub down to a scrub hammock at a lower elevation and goes into the savannas with cord grass. sawgrass. and willow trees. She said that there are no listed species. She reported that there are gopher tortoises on the adjacent property. but, there were no active burrows. She said that there are scrub lizards on the site, but they are no longer protected by the Fish and Wildlife Service. Judge James Alderman asked if this property is contiguous to other public properties. Ms. Toland said yes. She said that the Savannas is City owned and County managed. Ms. Waite stated that this portion of the Savannas contains 600 acres. She said it extends from Savannah Road to Midway Road is the City owned, County managed part. She indicated that the part south of Midway Road is the State managed South Savannas. Judge Alderman asked about the property to the north and the south. Ms. Toland said that these are in private ownership. Chairperson Wells asked if the State was buying the property north of Midway. Ms. Waite stated that the State is buying a portion of the property on the South Savannas. She said they are all of the scrub up to the railroad tracks. She indicated that this is the same corridor where there are scrub jays. She mentioned scrub jays on the Walton Scrub Site which is a several miles south and Savannah Road FCT site to the north. Ms. Waite said this Committee might be interested in trying to purchase the scrub area adjacent to the South Savannas that are managed by the County. Judge Alderman asked if there is legal access. Ms. Toland said that there is Rio Vista Drive that comes down and stops just short of the railroad tracks. There is no crossing. She stated that this is where the owner would have to coordinate with FCC to see if they would grant access. She mentioned that the County or the municipality would determine if those upland areas are buildable. Judge Alderman asked if the County bought it. how would we get to it. 2 Ms. Waite indicated that it could be used. There is canoeing in the South Savannas and it could be used as a little park area, with picnic tables. She said that it could add to the recreation area but would mainly be used to preserve the ecosystem. Ms. Toland added that the potential from the enhancement of the ecological value of the community would be that the site would provide a buffer from development. She said that the species are being displaced from the habitat and this is a habitat that they could resort and go. She informed the Committee that management. not necessarily public access could be via the railroad right-of-way, Ms. Karen Knapp asked if there was the threat of development. Ms. Toland indicated that there is active development towards the tracks. She mentioned that scrub jays have moved out of the area, with the nearby development. Judge Alderman asked about the price. He said if it was cheap, it wouldn't hurt to get it. Mr. Lee Mitchell asked how many landowners are in that area. Ms. Toland said that there are a lot. She said that even down in the State owned portion, they do have a lot of out parcels within these areas that they are going to try and pick up to make the overall boundaries consistent. She said that this is just another efforts that the County would like to duplicate what the State is trying to achieve. Ms. Jane Brooks said that the State acquisition of this property on Indian River Drive has been going on for 25 years. She mentioned it was a headache for acquisition. Ms. Waite indicated that a lot of their headaches have come from property under water. Commissioner Nelson was concerned about the lack of scrub jays and Lakela's Mint, but recommended that the Committee take a look at the site. He made a motion to approve taking a look at the site. Judge Alderman said it has very little value to anyone because of the lack of access. He mentioned that the $5.000 asking price might be too much money for it. Ms. Waite said an appraisal would be done to determine the maximum purchase price.. Ms. Knapp asked how much of the property is upland. Ms. Toland said it is less than 1/4 upland property. Ms. Brooks added we are not supposed to buy wetlands. 3 Judge Alderman said he wouldn't pay more than a token for it. Ms. Waite added that this would be on the list for ranking next month and if anyone interested in a site visit, one could be arranged. Once it is ranked, the Committee could direct us to pick up adjacent areas to this site. Chairperson Wells said that Ms. Waite was reminding us that we need to rank this next month. Ms. Toland said that the area is inaccessible by canoe, unless the City manages and bums the Savannas. She stated there is a need for a regular bum. to keep the woody species from overtaking the area. It is at present over run and walking is possible. She said that the site ecologically has a value to the species habitating there. She did say that the owners of the property could alter the site, they have the right, and could change the ecological nature of the site. Chairperson Wells recommended waiting until next month to rank it A, B, or C. Commissioner Nelson withdraws his motion, for a lack of a second. AGENDA ITEM 4: Giovanis Property Report Ms. Waite reported that this site is within the St. Lucie Village and is being submitted to this Committee. because it eligible for 100% of funding from the FCT Program. as was the site, we helped them apply for last year. The application period will probably open in November. Although no funding will be coming from this Committee, ranking will be necessary by this Committee to give staff the recommendation to help them prepare their application, She noted that this is one of the scrub sites along No. U.S. #1. She mentioned another scrub site to the north that she would bring to the Committee next month. Ms. Toland described the site is 5.21 acres and is located at U.S. #1 and Old Dixie Highway. She said the slope is too dramatic to contain Lakela's Mint. She mentioned that there is disturbance of vehicle damage. invasive species on the property adjacent to U.S. #1 and soil displacement. She said the eastern boundary along Old Dixie Highway shows the intact native vegetation. She said that no gopher tortoises were observed, but it is likely. She said that scrub lizards were observed, but, the are not a species listed by the Fish and Wildlife any more. There was a brief discussion of scrub lizards. Chairperson Wells asked if there were any further questions before staff brings this back for ranking next month. Ms. Knapp said that staff indicated they were going to talk to the Mayor. She was interested in what the Mayor said. 4 Ms. Toland said this site will need immediate management. whereas the previous property would not need any proactive management. She stated that this is because of the off-road, the invasive species and disturbance to the site. Chairperson Wells asked Ms. Waite if she was going to be in touch with St. Lucie Village. Ms. Waite said yes, but that they will be doing a little more investigation before we need to get to that point. She indicated what this Committee could make a recommendation to staff know as to how they would like staff should proceed. She added that there is another parcel that will be submitted next month. Ms. Toland said the other parcel is a 56 acre site off of Juanita Avenue in Ft. Pierce. It is in excellent condition, possibly two families of scrub jays and gopher tortoises. She stated that it was just burned, so we won't need to bum it. Ms. Waite stated that this helps to meet our County goals for buying upland habitat. She said she would like direction from the Committee to approach the Village. She said she would like to see what options are available before approaching the Village. Ms. Knapp said oh really, before you talk to the Village. She asked how does staff feel about the price. Ms. Waite said she had not given it much thought, compared to some of the others we have looked at. it is significantly less and sounds reasonable. She stated that staff was not looking at price; we are primarily looking at opportunities for matching grants, endangered and threatened species on the property and the native habitat. The price on the profile sheet is just a guideline. Ms. Knapp indicated that the price on the profile sheet was only a guideline. Staff could hold off on talking to the Mayor. but. before she would want to know what the Mayor had to say. She asked if there was threat of development. Ms. Waite stated that there is threat of development on all of the U.S. #1 corridor because of its Commercial zoning. Judge Alderman asked what is the zoning of the property on Juanita A venue. Ms. Toland reported that the zoning is RM-5, Residential Multi-Family 5 dulac. There was a brief discussion of the burning of the property on Juanita Avenue. Agenda Item 5: Update on ESL Projects Ms. Waite reported that the LASC is moving forward with acquisition on a number of parcels. 5 Chairperson Wells handed out new quarterly reports from the Property Acquisitions Department. Mr. Don Cole explained that anything on the Status Report that is double-underlined is new. Ms. Waite said that Mr. Cole has gotten back one of the appraisals for Walton Road Scrub. Mr. Cole indicated that Ron Harris is doing the surveys. Ms. Waite stated that it should be about 3 months before an offer is made. Mr. Cole said he figured around the first of the year. Ms. Brooks said that Jim David had indicated that an appraiser had been out to Blind Creek today. Ms. Waite indicated that is a multiple agency acquisition and South Florida Water Management District is handling land acquisition. so will be a little bit slower. Chairperson Wells asked if this material on the Blueway was new. Ms. Waite indicated that was material requested. but members may have received it before. Ms. Waite said that Mr. Economy stopped by the office and asked that the Committee reconsider it. She said that the owners of the White City Economy's Property. just north of Midway Road and east of Oleander Avenue. It was ranked as a "B" site by this Committee. She said that this property has been looked at for years, prior to the passage of the Bond Issue. St. Lucie County had ordered an appraisal on the property and there was a lot of interest about this property. She mentioned that she had not been on the property. but some of the members have been there in the past. She stated that some of the oldest trees in the County are on this property. It is a 45 acre site, with a CM, Commercial piece of Property to the front on U.S. #1. The asking price has been dropped to $650.000. It has an R-ll Zoning and the original appraisal was over $1 million. This was done 4 years ago. Chairperson Wells indicated that this was on our "B" list and we might consider next month to switching it. Ms. Waite asked for direction by the Committee for staff to obtain more information or request a site visit. Chairperson Wells advised that this is the site where five of us held hands around a huge oak tree. 6 Ms. Waite added that everyone was very impressed, including the members of the LAS and the County Commission...enough so, that they ordered an appraisal of the property. She did say that an additional appraisal would have to be done if it was considered for purchase. Ms. Knapp asked if the only access is off of Oleander. Ms. Waite indicated that there is access from U.S. #1 as well. She said that there was discussion in the past that the County would only be interested in the Multi-Family portion and exclude the CM, Commercial property on U.S. #1 from any potential purchase. Commissioner Nelson stated that is the CM, Commercial property is part of the property for this price, right. Ms. Waite indicated that it is available for sale, but, it has be included from the project boundaries for the purpose of this program in the past. Ms. Brooks asked about the access. Ms. Waite said there is enough access from Oleander. She added there is a 30+ foot strip. She stated that the profile sheets, includes the U.S. #1 road frontage. She said it would be up to the Committee whether to include the U,S. #1 property. She reported that the $650,000 included the U.S. #1 property. She mentioned the frontage is 187 feet in an "L" shape on U.S. #1. She said that this is listed as #STO-70 on the profile sheets. Ms. Waite indicated that she had been contacted by The Trust for Public Lands about this property. They thought they could initially work with the School Board to work something out between the two, to split the price between the County and the School Board. She said she did not think that the School Board was interested in the property. Ms. Knapp added that the last discussion was with the last Superintendent of Schools. so she advised speaking to the present Superintendent. Ms. Waite stated that Greg Chelius was in discussions with the School Board's attorney. Ms. Knapp said she would speak to them. Ms. Waite said that there are 47 acres, excluding the CM, Commercial property. Ms. Brooks added that she did not think that this Committee would want the CM, Commercial property . Ms. Waite stated that Mr. Economy said it would be $600,000 without the CM. Commercial and $650,000 with. 7 , . Mr. E.H. "Klip" Klueppelberg asked if you could buy it and sell and piece off. Ms. Waite indicated that she would have to check with the County Attorney. She did say that the State of Florida had to b~y a lot of lands which were not environmentally sensitive, just because it was a part of a package that was important to preserve, and in those cases. they had designated some as surplus property which are being sold. She said if they are doing it. we might be able to as well. Ms. Knapp asked that staff check into that for the next time for the Committee meeting. Mr. Mitchell reported on the site visit to the Browning property on Carlton Road. He said there are indian mounds dating back about 10,000 years, which have been worn down. Chairperson Wells stated that Mr. Jernigan had supplied all of us with a color photographed booklet of the property. Mr. Mitchell said that there were some very interesting old trees on the property. He saw some old Shag Bark Hickory Trees that he had never seen before. He stated that they were very unusual trees. Chairperson Wells said that this was presented as one of the largest mounds in the State. She asked if that was true. Mr. Jernigan said yes according to the State archeologist. He showed some spear points and sharks teeth found on the site. He mentioned finding an Okeechobee gourd, listed as an endangered species by the Fish and Wildlife and the State of Florida. which was used by the primitive indians as an eating utensil. Commissioner Nelson asked if the age of the spearheads had been varified. Mr. Jernigan said yes the State archeologist did. Ms. Waite verified that it is listed on the State files, Mr. Jernigan mentioned that they are doing another study on the site. He said that the Shag Bark Hickory is very fascinating, because they are not listed as being a Florida species at all, according to the University of Florida Press. He stated that they have been showed to be part of the Piedmount section of Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina. Commissioner Nelson said copies of those reports to verify this information to be helpful. Ms. Knapp said that this was discussed earlier, that an indian mound isn't necessarily a qualifier for selection" but, it is a plus. 8