HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998/1999 ;:",? .....-,-.. \ HE~RN December 21, 1998 Mr. John Bruhn, Commissioner Saint Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Annex Fort Pierce, FL 34982 RE: Requested List of Concerns - Homeowners Meeting 12/9/98 Dear Commissioner Bruhn: Thank you for this opportunity to submit a list of our concerns regarding St. Lucie County. With the new commission, hopefully, we are turning over a new leaf and all these issues will be carefully addressed. We already see changes for the better and are grateful at least the new commission is open to more public opinion and input. St. Lucie County must proceed to bring our county back! Our reputation has slipped to the embarrasing point and only with the cooperation of the Commission and the public can this be accomplished. I think you realize, after chairing this homeowners group for your first time, there are many very concerned citizens who are willing to fight for their county. If you have any questions concerning the list we are providing we hope you will ask for an explanation. We look forward to more open government with the new commission. This is very important. This County belongs to its people. Please copy this list to the other Commissioners and Homeowners membership. Thanks and Happy Holidays. Sincerely ~vpe~~~ Bill and Jeanne Hearn 5051 Tozour Road. Fort Pierce, Florida 34946 · (561) 461-7527 · Fax (561) 468-8688 · List of Concerns " Commissioners need to take charge; County Administrator should carry out their orders. County Administrator has been running the county with very little Commission leadership. Code Enforcement should be proactive - reactive is not working. We must protect residents and business owner's investments if we are to become a quality community. Eliminate staff recommendations. Eliminate Administrative Variances. Staff should present all sides of an issue at the public hearing and then let Commissioners decide. Workshop important issues. Not only infonnative workshops, but workshops public can input and assist in finding the best solution. Comprehensive Plan. Critical review and update needs to be done. Also we need to adhere to Comp Plan as we have not done so historically. As Department of Community Affairs pointed out St. Lucie County defers too much to the LDR so it can be manipulated. This does not make for a secure, quality county. Eliminate staff presenting facts to Commissioners behind the scenes. Public is entitled to hear that side of the issue, that staff is presenting. Port and Airport should be developed by private enterprise. Stop wasting money on these 2 boondoggles. Port & Airport have wasted staff time and engeries that should have been spent on important county projects (roads; computer system, facilities etc.). Protect wetlands on airport property. Purchase no more airport property, as promised. Protect our natural resources - our most valuable assets. Indian River Lagoon, Reefs, Seagrasses, North and South Savannas, Capron Shoals. Public Access to Lands Acquired for Public Use. North Savannas including Lake Indrio (sand mine), Harbour Pointe as well as property with conservation easements. Public Hearings. Staff should have available all infonnation pertaining to issue on date advertised. Staff and Commissioners should keep an open mind to public concerns and input. All facts presented by staff should be accurate and complete, and not biased. Flyover to port not needed - enhance N. 2nd Street, that would benefit present port users. Flyover should not be considered until private enterprise develops area and then they should share the infrastructure cost. Let's not 'build and they will come' as we have done at the airport entrance and tenninal building. Advertising our county. Pathetic. Use Ad Agency in St. Lucie County. Keep the jobs at home! Billboards on county landfill are so weak. See for yourself. Visit our Chamber of Commerce on Virginia Avenue. See for yourself St. Lucie County literature in side room mixed in with Martin, Indian River etc. Visit Turnpike rest area and see all the brochures from everywhere in State except St. Lucie County. Also check State border welcome centers - usually nothing on St. Lucie County. County Employees should live in St. Lucie County. We have too many, especially our top personnel, living outside St. Lucie County. This takes their civic involvement and their property taxes to the county in which they reside. A personal interest would make for a better employees. Bill and Jeanne Hearn 5051 Tozour Road Fort Pierce, FL 34946 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JOHN D. BRUHN COMMISSIONEr- \t~ rv \ Dear Homeowner Association Representative, I understand that some changes have been made in regard to whom I should mail the Homeowner Assoc. Meeting correspondence. If you are no longer the person responsible for receiving this information would you be so kind as to call the office or drop me a note. I would be most appreciative. Have a very happy holiday! l!! PS: If you or your Homeowners Group are no longer interested in getting any correspondence, could you also respond to this letter. ('" p ['. -, " r.:J r";~. m ~ (u I:J 1 \\1 IÇ, ..h n 3-,,\.1; ['0 U".y__~.,! n g ..,,! !! t: ': ! n', ! ¡ U ;~ .. L' : D EC 2 2 1998 ' l_.' ¡ \ L ._,___c,,, ,,_.._-1 JOHN D. ßf\UHN, District No.1. DOUG COWAf\D, District No.2· PAULA A. LEWIS, District No.:3 . Ff\ANNIE HUTCH\NSONQQriclN¡:¡;i'\;-..\::LI~h=.fr:~Ç,%istrict 0.5 County Administrotor - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue . Fort Pierce, FL34982-5652 · (561)462-1410 · FAX(561)462-2131 · TDD(561)462-1428 SUN COM 259-1406 Again, Thank YOU! ,. . ; 4\¿ò)q~ ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FROM: Commissione John Bruhn Ray Wazny, C mmunity Development Director tk- TO: DATE: ics of Discussion SUBJECT: In response to your offices recent request, please let me try and update you on a number of topics that are scheduled to be discussed at the Monthly Homeowners meeting on January 13, 1999. A.) Indrio Development Activity, At the present time there is very little new development activity under review in the Indrio Road Corridor. There are no site plans of development reviews underway for the area from North Kings Highway to North US #1. There have been no new development plans submitted for the portion of Indrio Road between North Kings Highway and 1-95 in the past few months. The only recent project approved in this area was a small mini-warehousing operation at the intersection of Ft Pierce Boulevard and Indrio Road, The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is in the process of completing a corridor design study along Indrio Road from 1-95 to North Kings Highway, This project will ultimately provide of the multi-laning, with medians, of this roadway, No construction schedule has yet been established for this project. B.) Billboards along 1-95 St. Lucie County's sign regulation allow for the erection of billboards along 1-95 and the Turnpike in any industrial or agricultural zoning district. To put a billboard up along either 1-95 or the Turnpike, you must also obtain a permit from the State of Florida. FDOT will issue a permit for a billboard provided that the local LAND USE DESIGNATION is for a nonresidential category. The billboards that have recently been erected along 1-95 have been erected in the MXD and SD Land Use _ categories. These land use categories permit as the primary use non-residential activities. They also permit residential activities, but these are subordinate to the non-residential uses, So far, it appears that these signs are compliant with our current sign regulations. C,) Pepper Trees along 1-95 For the past year, the FDOT has been removing exotic vegetation from the 1-95 Right-of-way. In the areas north of Orange Avenue they have been bush hogging the pepper trees that have grown in the right-of-way, This has resulted in an opening up of the right-of-way to the adjacent private properties, The County participates in several programs to remove pepper trees, Pepper trees are generally recognized as an exotic plant that crowds out the native plants and eventually becomes the only plant ... " December 29, 1998 Page 2 Subject: January 1999 Homeowners Meeting that will grow in certain areas, The County in the past has not objected to the FOOT's removal of these invasive plants from the FOOT right-of-way. D,} Kings Highway and Orange Avenue On December 29, 1998, FOOT permitting official, representatives of the Flying J Travel Plaza and County staff meet at this intersection to review the operation for addressing the design problems at this intersection. After about an hour on site, it was generally agreed that Flying J would assist the State and the County in trying to solve the traffic flow problem at this intersection. The final scope and degree of this assistance is still to be negotiated. FOOT is proposing that certain minor modifications be made to this intersection that should result in an increased turning radius for westbound to northbound traffic and through this action hopefully eliminate much of the vehicle overlap into oncoming traffic that is now taking place. FOOT permitting officials indicated that they do not have any funds to do this work themselves. As you know the County has no funds to put to this project either. However, we believe that there may be some way to shake out some minimal funding from the State to complete an interim solution to this problem until larger funding appropriations can be made to fully expand this intersection. This is an ongoing matter that my office will be staying on top of. As we get more information, we will let you now, If you have any other questions, please let me know. RW/DJM/cb HOMEOWNERS1 (a56) cc: County Commissioners County Administrator Ass!. County Administrator County Attomey County Engineer Traffic Engineer Planning Manager Inì¡ n." .. f. [f-G~-- ! ': 11 \~ r~ í~i'ìl I Ii) - --'--~ I!! I' ~:' DEC 3 0 1998 i d ¡ L_ I co,::, OFFICE ..."'...----......- . ."', ~"" ~ ~ '~(~;, v " . ~ å ::-':}&:'''. -, ~ ~~~ ~<1:~;~i~> ... 0" *,' . :k~ ~ ~ ;:'.;, :. :~- .",~,,, o -". . .:. . r:r '.., /,~. 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'.c - æ: .... t- -"~ C till -n ..- ......3 .-=Z- "'"'2~ Z þ;.;j~~ ::... ---~ ÞO!j > ~, ,2 ~~ ,J : ~... ~~C . c: ~.. - ,',¡:~~;,:,,~:~1~" (>"~','>:¡~'."",-..'r.<:~:' __")1,...,',:'.',',., .i:.. ,þ', '. :, 'y:', .. ._'.r.. ,',,,,'.',,. t ",'."',',. .,¡;,,~': ~, ~~~, H£~RN Mr. John Bruhn, Commissioner Saint Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Annex Fort Pierce, FL 34982 \ l7~ 1),1 tL- f Je " ~ f¡ ,1' V fÌ f Opt' December 21, 1998 RE: Requested List of Concerns - Homeowners Meeting 12/9/98 Dear Commissioner Bruhn: Thank you for this opportunity to submit a list of our concerns regarding St. Lucie County. With the new commission, hopefully, we are turning over a new leaf and all these issues will be carefully addressed. We already see changes for the better and are grateful at least the new commission is open to more public opinion and input. _ _ __..I ..~ ¡"''';...n r"'1" rrmntv back! Our reputation has slipped to the ~ 1~ List of Concerns .' Commissioners need to take charge; County Administrator should carry out their orders. County Administrator has been running the county with very little Commission leadership. Code Enforcement should be proactive - reactive is not working. We must protect residents and business owner's investments if we are to become a quality community. Eliminate staff recommendations. Eliminate Administrative Variances. Staff should present all sides of an issue at the public hearing and then let Commissioners decide. Workshop important issues. Not only informative workshops, but workshops public can input and assist in finding the best solution. Comprehensive Plan. Critical review and update needs to be done. Also we need to adhere to Comp Plan as we have not done so historically. As Department of Community Affairs pointed out St. Lucie County defers too much to the LDR so it can be manipulated. This does not make for a secure, quality county. Eliminate staff presenting facts to Commissioners behind the scenes. Public is entitled to hear that side ofthe issue, that staffis presenting. Port and Airport should be developed by private enterprise. Stop wasting money on these 2 boondoggles. Port & Airport have wasted staff time and engeries that should have been spent on important county projects (roads, computer system, facilities etc.). Protect wetlands on airport property. Purchase no more airport property, as promised. Protect our natural resources - our most valuable assets. Indian River Lagoon, Reefs, Seagrasses, North and South Savannas, Capron Shoals. Public Access to Lands Acquired for Public Use. North Savannas including Lake Imlrio (sand mine), Harbour Pointe as well as property with conservation easements. Public Hearings. Staff should have available all information pertaining to issue on date advertised. Staff and Commissioners should keep an open mind to public concerns and input. All facts presented by staff should be accurate and complete, and not biased. Flyover to port not needed - enhance N. 2nd Street, that would benefit present port users. Flyover should not be considered until private enterprise develops area and then they should share the infrastructure cost. Let's not 'build and they will come' as we have done at the airport entrance and terminal building. Advertising our county. Pathetic. Use Ad Agency in St. Lucie County. Keep the jobs at home! Billboards on county landfill are so weak. See for yourself. Visit our Chamber of Commerce on Virginia Avenue. See for yourself St. Lucie County literature in side room mixed in with Martin, Indian River etc. Visit Turnpike rest area and see all the brochures from everywhere in State except St. Lucie County. Also check State border welcome centers - usually nothing on St. Lucie County. County Employees should live in St. Lucie County. We have too many, especially our top personnel, living outside St. Lucie County. This takes their civic involvement and their property taxes to the county in which they reside. A personal interest would make for a better employees. Bill and Jeanne Hearn 5051 Tozour Road Fort Pierce, FL 34946 - BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JOHN D. BRUHN COMMISSIONEr. Dear Homeowner Association Representative, ;1:; ,~hg "'é : r'lL- f I understand that some changes have been made in regard to whom I should mail the Homeowner Assoc. Meeting correspondence. If you are no longer the person responsible for receiving this information would you be so kind as to call the office or drop me a note. I would be most appreciative. Have a very happy holiday!!!! -_.~-- -~1-~~\"'~" ,(¡.\ \\ ~\ \i ~.,. ...... It, II." \.(, .-" -- \ i. \ \.' ,.-,.- ' fl.. .____;;.----- \1,'.' t£t \ , ~ JOHN D. ORUHN, District No.1. DOUG COWARD, District No, 2 . PAULA A. LEWIS, District No.:3 . FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, District No.4· CLIFF OARNES, District No.5 County Administrotor - Douglas M. Anderson 2JOO Virginia Avenue . Fort Pierce, FLJ4982-5652 . (561)462-1410 · FAX (561) 462-2131 · TDD (561) 462-1428 SUN COM 259-1406 - ·1 Þ " Property & Homeowners Association Meeting January 13, 1999-Conference Room Three-9:30 A.M. AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Self-introduction of Property & Homeowner Representatives 4. Approval of the December 9th, 1998 minutes 5. Guest Speaker ( Paul Phillips, Airport Director) 6. Old Business 7. New Business 8. Adjournment Reminder: The next meeting will be Wednesday, February 10, 1999 ,." ., St. Lucie County Property & Homeowners Association December 9th, 1998 MINUTES Convened: 9:30 A.M. Adjourned 10:53 A.M. The regular monthly meeting of the Property & Homeowners Association was held December 9th, 1998 at 9:30 A.M. in Conference Room Three of the County Administration Building. Present: John D. Bruhn, Vice-Chair Board of County Commission Linda Brown, Adm. Asst., Commissioner Bruhn Doug Coward, County Commissioner, Dist. 2 Charlene Burgess, Adm. Asst. , Commissioner Coward Liz Martin, Adm. Asst. , Commissioner Hutchinson Jeni Brock-Steele, Press Journal Joe Anne Severino, Spanish Lakes Fairways HMO Pres. Louis Severino, Spanish Lakes Fairways Claire Iglouer, Lakewood Park Val Scorse, River Park Buster Scorse, River Park Shirley Burlingham, Ocean Resort-North Beach Homeowners Association Veronica Jubinsky, Ocean Village Charles Grande, Presidents Council of Hutchinson Island Bob Bangert, Holiday Pines Jack Connolly, Spanish Lakes HOA Jeanne Hearn, Indrio Resident Julie McKay, Presidents Council of South Hutchinson Island Edward McKay, Presidents Council of South Hutchinson Island Kit Linberger, Savanna Club POA 1 .' " Commissioner Bruhn welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 9:32 A.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Bruhn and followed with each representative introducing themselves. A motion was made by Louis Severino to approve the October 14t\ 1998 minutes. The motion was seconded by Charles Grande and passed unanimously. Shirley Burlingham began by thanking the County for giving the homeowners the opportunity to submit names for placement on the P & Z Board. Old Business Bob Bangert expressed concerns about the Flying J guardrail problems. The guardrail had been removed. ( A joint on sight meeting is scheduled for 12/29/98 with FDOT, Community Develop., and the engineering firm of Culpepper & Terperning, Inc. to discuss potential remedies to this and other issues. (See attached letter.) An update on the results of this meeting should be available for introduction at the next Homeowners Meeting. Louis Severino opened discussion about the street light and guard rail at Indrio and Johnson Road. The street light is in place, however, the guard rail is being wiped out every eight (8) weeks or so. Joe Anne Severino submitted a list of dates when these incidents occurred. (Enclosed) (Mike Bowers, Road & Bridge Superv. has been contacted and is submitting a written report to be introduced at the next Homeowners Meeting.) Val and Buster Scorse brought up concerns about the delay in finishing the drainage project in River Park and the wasted manpower. Commissioner Bruhn stated that he would contact Mike Bowers, Road & Bridge Superv. to see if we can't get the job completed. (Mr. Bowers was contacted and is submitting a written report with a completion date estimate included. This will be introduced at the next Homeowners Meeting.) 2 " New Business Bob Bangert stated how refreshing it was to hear the Commission question the County Departments. Commissioner Bruhn said that we would be hearing a lot more of that Mr. Bangert also emphasized how important the homeowners groups are. He brought up the fact that sometimes they fail to bring up issues that affect the whole County. At this point, Mr. Bangert introduced a list of problem areas that he feels need to be addressed. (See Enclosed) (At Commissioner Bruhn's suggestion we will address two (2) of these issues at each meeting. In addition, he suggested that each homeowners group submit to his office an individual list two weeks prior to the meeting so these can be resolved or addressed before the next meeting.) Charles Grande opened discussion on the Chamber of Commerce and its accountability to the County in regards to the funding we give them each year. Commissioner Bruhn concurred that he is very skeptical of the Chamber's accountability and stated that for many years no one questioned what was being done with the money. He stated that he is giving them one more year. If they don't cut it this year, he is not going to give them any more money. Commissioner Bruhn discussed looking for grants and how we had to create our own team to find them. Charles Grande brought up concerns about the lack of economic development in our the County's Comprehensive Plan. He suggested that we bring in the correct type of businesses not short lived businesses. Bob Bangert opened up a discussion on economic development by bringing up the billboards on 1-95 advertising for other counties such as the Indian River Mall. Val Scorse brought up the condition of our malls and various concerns were brought by the members. Bob Bangert was concerned with the types of businesses (post office, social security office, etc.) that move into our malls after the consumer type businesses relocate or go out of business. Veronica Jubinsky mentioned the safety concerns at our malls. Commissioner Bruhn stated that although we are offering more incentives and space to businesses, they see money in Vero Beach and Stuart. He stated that this is a mistake because we are supporting their businesses when we could be supporting our own. Commissioner Bruhn brought up that property., 3 .. taxes are less in other counties so a lot of businesses open at the county line rather than open here in St. Lucie County. Claire Iglouer requested that the County stay on top of the P & Z Board. Discussion by group about P & Z allowing too many exceptions, variances, etcetera to accommodate one business or individual. Joe Anne Severino mentioned that she felt that there was insufficient parking in neighborhoods for RV's, boats, etcetera. She suggested that in new planning, parking areas be part a part of the plan. Commissioner Bruhn discussed the lack of proper zoning for the past twenty to thirty years has ruined Ft. Pierce. This needs to be changed. He also stated that conditional use is also abused. Louis Severino opened discussion about the "Walton Road Bridge". Concerns voiced by members were the fee and how people could believe that it is going to cover the cost of the bridge. It was also mentioned that the taxpayers would have to foot the bill. Another concern was predisposition of the bridge and justification of need for bridge and the dollars already spent. Edward McKay voiced particular concern about the MPO's role in the projected bridge, particularly the $267,000 study. He also brought up the lack of fairness of who is delegated to make decisions about the bridge. Charles Grande gave reference to the Volmer Report which is supposed to give justification for the bridge. (Commissioner Bruhn has obtained a copy and is now reviewing.) Jeni Brock Steele, Press Journal questioned Commissioner Bruhn about the lack of trust the public has for County staff. Commissioner Bruhn concurred that we need to rebuild the public trust and accountability of staff is a must. Several comments made in reference to lack of trust due to double talk and information not being available until the last minute. Commissioner Coward reiterated the need for public trust. Jeanne Hearn requested that the Homeowners/Public be involved with the development of the County's Comprehensive Plan. She also requested the application/permitting list promised by Community Development. (Contacted Ray Wazny, Community Development Director. He is mailing the list to each Homeowner Association with apology. (See Enclosed) 4 · ,'- Meeting adjourned at 10:53 A.M. Reminder: Our next meeting will be Wednesday, January 13, 1999 at 9:30 A.M. in Conference Room Three. HA VE A SAFE AND HAPPY HOLIDAY cc: Board of County Commissioners Doug Anderson, County Administrator Dan McIntyre, County Attorney Ray Wazny, Community Development Director 5 FROM Culpepper&Terpening 5614649497 12-07-98 04:55PM TO 4621735 -144 P .111 C1~~~:~~~, : December 7, 1998 Consulting Engineers ~ Land Surveyors 2980 SOUIh 25th Str..t . Ft. Pi9tC11, F\. 34881 P.O. Box 13380 . Ft. Pierce, FL 34879-33«1 (561) 4e4·3S37 . Fax (SG1) 4&6·5487 Job No. 96-31 VIA: Fax (561) 462-1735 Ray Wazny Community Development Director St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia A venue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Re: Flying "J" Travel Plaza Orange A venue and KIngs Highway Intersection Dear Mr. Wazny: Please be advised mat this office, Flying "J" Travel Piau and the Florida Department of Transportation are aware of the concerns regarding the difficulty of truck turning movements at the intersection of Orange Avenue and Kings Highway at the recently completed Aying "J" Travel Plaza. The potential remedies for the situation were to be discussed between all parties at a meeting original1y scheduled for Tuesday, December 1, 1998. However, one of the parties concerned was not able to attend (>0 that date and the meeting has since been rescheduled at the project site for Tuesday; December 29, 1998. At that time possible revisions to the intersection to help alleviate the difficulty of the trucks making the northbound right hand turn from Orange Avenue on to Kin&s Highway will be discussed bctween all parties concerned. We will be happy to advise you of the outcome of that u=ting upon detmnination of the work that may be proposed to be done-ud the timing of same. If you should have additional questions, please feel free to contaCt tlús office. Sincerely. G, INC. ~:;~~=- Brett Culpepper, P.E., P.L.S. President 8C/rmd n'1!'_I1II'oIVlltn.. PROBLEM AREAS IN ST. LUCIE COUNIT - · Access to Harbor Point. Its been 2 years and no access. · Access to Sand Mine Property · Lies about the Airport · Lack of Code Enforcement in Lakewood Park · Traffic light at Wintergarden & 713 · Walton Rd. Bridge · St. Lucie County...Land of Billboards · Mobile Home Parks....lack of ad valorum taxes · Entrance to Port area. Don't need flyover. Improve 2nd St. · Watering down of cellular tower ordinance. · Gable house at Manatee center is a disgrace and example of extremely poor planning. · Need change in zoning at port area. . · Public funding by taxpayers of Chamber of Commerce by property owners is wrong! · County computers not yet Y2K ready. This could be a disaster! · Problems at Flying J corner. Orange Av~. & Ret. 713 · Far too many department heads that don't have confidence in County Administrator. · There needs to be far more investigation into the actions of the various departments. · 2 years wasted seeking funds for a cargo port which the people of the County voted against. PRIORITY LIST FOR OUR NEW COUNTY STATESMEN by: Veronica Jubinsky 1 . PLEASE CONTINUE COUNTY CCïroSSION EVENING MEETINGS. 2. Pro~ection, County. W~de, fran/against the obscene growth occurring at St. Lucl.e West -- so pl. tiful to see OUR LAND stripped of its protective trees and foliage -- JUST PITIFUL. 3. Amtrak Station for Fort Pierce. 4. Executi ve Airport - limited corrmercial. 5. Access to OUR HARBoUR POINrE. 6. POLITICAL AcrION GROUP. 7. Encourage our politicians to becaœ STATESMEN (like Abraham Lincoln). 8. Ci trus Packing Houses moved West where fruit grows. 9. Controlled burning of foliage overgrowth. 10. CONCENl'RATED EFFORT ON OPENING UP OUR PORT OF FORT PIERCE 'ill EDUCATION, CULTURE, TOURISM, REX::REATION, SAILING, FOR THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY PARADE IN 2001, FEBRUARY. Thank you, Sincerely, ~ St. Lucie County Coomissi ners/Statesrnen Mr. - Cliff Barnes and Mr. Doug Coward thank yc;>u for attending that great meeting M:>nday Everu.ng 12/7/98 about OUR AWESCME INDIAN ~ IAGOO~. Seeing you there, plus your. contrl.butl.ons Cll.ff, reflects a measure of cohesl.veness. Thank you again. " ':}6 \ 'v. ~ (-~') '~ YY\ ~n í' ,-\.. OS I ),;l~l1~ ~The toll on Hlltchinson . S· t. Lucie County Expressway Au- : thoritv members have received ~ yet aÍ10ther consultant's report telling them the obvious. , Vollmer Associates says 3.800 ve- - hìè!es a day would use a Walton Road . toll bridge to Hutchinson Island while 2,600 would use a Midway Road ' jtidge, That compares.to 14,850 a day on Fort Pierce's South Beach Cause- "way and 13,750 on Jensen Beach .. Causeway, both of which are free. :'" : In other words, most drivers ~ 'W:åuld rather travel for free, That is 1iäi-dly a surprise. The best beaches ai'é near the free causeways, so beachgoers would not save any dis- - tance by using the toll bridge. , - , 'Islana dwellers supposedly would 'benefit from more convenient shop- ping and a third evacuation route in ·case of an accident at the nuclear . ,pøwer plant But most of them don't S'eèm to mind a little inconvenience, - å'n'd the new bridge would be too close , tIJ the power plant to be a practical evacuation route, ..,.., The traffic report comes after a Vollmer report that told authority members winter tourists are more af- fluent than year-round residents, that Another consultants report does not make the case /or a third span to the island. most drivers are residents and that most people drive alone, Again, none of this amounts to earthshaking news, Nothing the consultants have said thus far is anything authority mem- bers should not have known already, The next step is to show whether the predicted traffic would be enough to rèpay $45 million in bonds. The re- port suggests a $1 toll but, assuming payments on 20-year bonds would be roughly 10 percent of face value per year, the toll would have to be more than $3 for a Walton Road bridge or nearly $5 for a Midway Road bridge, not allowing for operating costs, The only result of a toll bridge would be to set óff a new round of construction on the island that would make traffic even worse on the exist- ing bridges. The authority should scuttle the plans, Then the state should scuttle the authority. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR December 9, 1998 RAYMOND L W AZNY Ms. Frannie Hutchinson 3115 Maravilla Boulevard Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 c> 0Ä(V\J> L E Dear Ms. Hutchinson: I am sorry that the Development Activity Report was not available at the Homeowner's Association meeting today. I have attached a copy of the report for your use. ':. :. Please note that the format has been modified and the accuracy improved because of comments made in a prior Homeowner's Association meeting. Please cali me at 462-1590 if you have any question concerning the report. Sincerely, azny unity Development Director RW/sa cc: COnU1Ùssioner John Bruhn ConU1Ùssioner Doug Coward Land Development Coordinator Building & Zoning Manager JOHN D, OI\UHN, DisrriCT No, 1 . DOUG COWARD. DisrriCT No, 2 . PAULA A. LEWIS. DisrriCT No, J . FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, DisrriCT No, 4 . CLIFF OARNES. DistriCT No.5 County Adminisrraror - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce. FL 34982-5652 Administration: (561) 462-1590 · Growth Management: (561) 462-1553 Planning: (561) 462-2822 · Fax: (561) 462-1735 Code Compliance: (561) 462-1571 · Fax: (561) 462-1148 Jim Pentz A.A.R.P. 159 Calle De Lagos Fort Pierce. Florida 34951 Martin I. Veiner Fla. Property Owners, Inc. 2065 S.E. Van Kieft Avenue Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952 Don Barlowe High Point HOA, Section 1 204 Manatee Lane Fort Pierce. Florida 34982 Robert Bangert Holiday Pines HOA 5608 Eagle Drive Fort Pierce. Florida 34951 Vaughn Mcintire Indian River Estates 6009 Birch Drive Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Joseph Ruggiero Kings Isle Civic Association 1143 N.W, Lombardy Drive Port St. Lucie, Florida 34982 Carl Seeley Bel Aire Estates HOA 106 Vindale Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34951 Pat'Ferrick North Fork Citizens Coalition 4805 South 25th Street Fort Pierce. Florida 34981 Jim Simpson Parks Edge HOA 449 SW Belmont Circle Port St. Lucie, Florida 34953 Valliere Saks President's Council 9960 South Ocean Dr. Unit 505 Jensen Beach, Florida 34957 W. H. Hilson River Place II, HOA 1800 Old River Road Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Carl Conti Sandpiper Bay HOA 3073 SE Treasure Island Road Port St. Lucie. Florida 34952 Jeanne Stone Spanish Lakes Riverfront HOA 75 Camino Del Rio Port St. Lucie. Florida 34952 Jack Connolly Spanish Lakes Fairways HOA 14881 Tuean Fort Pierce. Florida 34951 Conner Consultants Debbie Crouse P. O. .Box 12249 Fort Pierce. Florida 34979 Walter J. Scott Venture III. HOA 10701 South Ocean Dr. # 681 Jensen Beach. Florida 34957 Deputy Mike DiPalenno St. Lucie County Sheriffs Dept. 4700 West Midway Road Fort Pierce, Florida 34954 Shirley Burlingham No. Beach HOA & Ocean Resorts Co-oP.lnc, 5312 Loggerhead Place Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 Claire Iglauer Lakewood Park HOA 8206 Fort Pierce Boulevard Fort Pierce, Florida 34951 Nick Yanaros South Beach Crime Watch 1639 Thumb Point Drive Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 Tommy Effend Harmony Heights HOA 4804 Evergreen Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34947 Ida Hawkins Indian River Drive Freeholders Association 8807 South Indian River Drive Fort Pierce. Florida 34982 Zelia Brown Nettles Island HOA 9801 South Ocean Dr, - Unit 987-2 Jensen Beach. Florida 34957 Charles Hendley Harmony Heights HOA 2201 San Diego Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34946 Jim Fielding Port St. Lucie HOA 1629·SE North Blackwell Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952 Kit linberger Savanna Club POA 8471 Schefflera Court Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952 Frank Monteleone Spanish Lakes Country Club Village 9 Ecuador Way Fort Pierce, Florida 34951 Helen Brand P .S.L. Homeowners Association 250 N.E. St. James Drive Port St. Lucie, Florida 34983 William Brennan High Point III. HOA 724 High Point Boulevard Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Joe Anne Severino Spanish Lakes Fairways 13971 Eneantardo Circle Fort Pierce, Florida 34951 Dorothy Smith Sun land Gardens HOA 1701 North 35th Street Fort Pierce, Florida 34950 Eleanor Eades Tiara Isles HOA 3120 North A-1-A Fort Pierce, Florida 34947 Diann McDonough Golf Villas Condo Association 2355 S.E. Seafury Lane Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952 Ron Brown Holiday Pines 5301 Suson Lane Fort Pierce, Florida 34951 Herbert Beach White City Improvement Club, Inc. 1012 Saeger Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Louis Severino Spanish Lakes Fairways 13971 Encantardo Circle Fort Pierce, Florida 34951 Calvin Johnson Timberlake Estates 1650 Timberlake Drive Fort Pierce, Florida 34945 T.A. Wyner Sunnier Palms Members Loëfge, Inc. 8800 Okeechobee Road # 36 Fort Pierce, Florida 34945 Nancy Spalding Coral Cove Homeowners Assoc. 211 Marina Drive Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 Jeanne Hearn 5051 T ozour Road Fort Pierce, Florida 34946 Paul Solet PSL Homeowners Association 2231 S.E. Lucaya Street Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952 Roger Charles Charles Redi-Mix, Inc. Post Office Box 644 Murphy, N. C. 28906 Mark T aynton 9122 South U. S. # 1 - #507 Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952 Sandi Simmons Tiara Towers - Unit # 1002 3150 North A-1-A Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 Brian Birkmeyer Indian River Estates POA 5303 Silver Oak Drive Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Charles Grande Presidents CounciVHutchinson Island 9950 South Ocean Drive, Unit 705 Jensen Beach, Florida 34957 Doris Ripp Harbour Cove POA 2430 Harbour Cove Drive Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 Val & Buster Scorse River Park HOA 616 NE Beach Avenue Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952 Chartes Bicht Oakland Park Neighborhood Association, Inc, 701 Beach Court - Fort Pierce, Florida 34950 Iris Concannon Riverside Marina 2350 Old Dixie Highway Fort Pierce, Florida 34946 Kathleen Schelling, Alternate Indian River Drive Freeholders Association 12475 South Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, Florida 34957 Mrs, Lee Primerano River Park HOA 323 NE Holly Avenue Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952 Ed Daly Golden Ponds 1735 Walden Pond Drive Fort Pierce, Florida 34945 Bud Toepfer Sands/North Beach Association 3221 South Lakeview Circle # 105 Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 Frannie Hutchinson 3115 Maravilla· Boulevard Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Veronica Jubinsky Ocean Village POA 2400 South Ocean Drive, Unit 7123 Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 COpy MINUTES & AGENDA TO: B,O.C,C, COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR COUNTY ATTORNEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PRESS/PUBLIC BOX 11, . :li"""~lr"'''''''' i ~ -e ~.- I' ~ ~,~ )1 ~ ~¡å: ¡L~:j1 Ii ii~ \\~ i,:~ !I M i'.1 j\ ",,,,,,,,.,,-,.,,,,,,,,""""" ii~ rg i ~hCQ iit: J: .5' 1:'" CD ü\L ""~\. ill \i8 , ]~ Iii ~/= Ilð :1 ~~~ =1'-i f1ø. ,u. i :\ I!~ .- -1¡--f II ¡1 ; ,5 ~ U \1 \~ ~..g ,II~,~ Ii;:: '§ ~! 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('þ 00..... ...0. .....¡:;¡ o::SOQ .,.," ....., 'en <: - - vo po ::r o .....¡ ~ ~..... V> n> ... ::. ~ n> 'O!!. 5- ... -,.g ~ ::s po ... ::S::r'3"'::S 0'O00~ 08 Oo",,·~""o~::I "'0 ...::s ()O ::I'OV>~.., ~3 I:t'@, 30 :4'O-,0::s::S .....3!'"1"'3--c:: .., C::('þ'- V>v>~C::c::oO _, P 300.0.g =: ~~~ ~ '<::I::S(1)3 ~gC::¡;'-"'-~::Io 9-8.:' -;- 9- ::rõ ~ ~-< a õ' _~ £.;¡;,g-g g-. ~ :4 ~ ~ rIJ. '.. =- ~ a rIJ. e; ~ = ~ ~ rIJ. .~ _. = ~ ¡; = a ~ I . $- ~ 'IJ. g. = -0 a ii) f./> f./> <- 0 c: '" ::J ~ e:. -i = :T c: '" f./> a. = ¡u :< 0 <1> ! ("') <1> 3 0- <1> '" ? ~ to to .0> )0 .. .. ßOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS April 27, 1998 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Primerano 323 N. E. Holly Avenue Port St. Lucie, FL 34983 RE: Homeowners Meeting 4-24-98 Dear Mrs. Primerano, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ~~;r~ Please accept my apology for the disruption of your homeowners meeting, this was not my intent. My intent was to give a brief overview of the storm water management program and assure those residents that I and my staff were available to assist or correct problem areas in River Park. In the future any storm water work performed in River Park will have prior notice to each resident before any work begins. Please assure any resident that the work done so far will be completed with a minimum of disruption to their homes. I received only nine names of residents that wish to be contacted, six of which live on N. Naranja Avenue. Should you receive calls for assistance, I and my staff can be reached as follows; P. M. Bowers, Road & Bridge Manager, Owen D. Reagan, P.E., Drainage Engineer, Ray T. Murankus, Drainage Maintenance Supervisor at 462-2511. The following are the residents that signed for a~sistance from our staff; Mr. D. Porrett 135 N. Naranja Ave. (561) 879-6727 Mr. M. D'Addario 125 N. Naranja Ave. 878-9367 Mr. F. Musarra 115 N. Naranja Ave. 879-9111 Mr. R. Kenworthy 113 N. Naranja Ave. 871-5006 or 340-4023 ,:Mr; R. Battagtiéf~ ,.."~,... . S. Agostini 116 N.E. Beach Ave. 210 W. Arbor Ave. 340-2936 879-4056 Mr. D Van Wieren 105 N. Naranja Avenue 878-0814 or 335-5958 Mr. V. Bernota 145 N.E. Naranja Ave. 878-3446 M.C. Von Feldt 363 S. E. Tranquilla Again, please accept my apologies. In the future, the homeowner's association and each resident will receive prior notice for any storm water work to be performed in River Park. JOHN D, ßRUHN. District NO.1' KEN SATTLER, District No, 2 . PAULA A, LEWIS, District No, J . GARY CHARLES, District No, 4 . CLIFF ßARNES, District NO.5 County Administrator - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Ft, Pierce, FL 34982 Public Works: (561) 462-1485 · FAX (561) 462-2362 Division of Engineering: (561) 462-1707 Fax 462-2362 · Division of f\oad & ßridge: (561) 462-2511 FAX 462-2363 Division of Solid Waste: (561) 462-1768 FAX 462-6987 · TDD (561) 462-1428 .~r:""-'T"'._.'~'.':~'~ "",:,r_~·,.·~·.r_.,...,,·_<~-.,,·.f_.,....,_;. ':""'" c· ~ ., '"Y . . .' ., Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Primerano Homeowners Meeting 4-24-98 Page 2 ~IY' P. M. Bowers, Mana er Road & Bridge Division PMB:sb cc: Board of County Commissioners I'"\-'"JJ" . _n, County Administrator E. Rawlins Collerain, Public Works Director Donald B. West, County Engineer 00'·' Œ@rnßWIrn œ " '~ ..":"11:., APR ~Si ¡998 !.~ ! I ~- ] ". ___ <6Ø:,~Ø-~IN.. QEFICE_ .-..~ IT. c~ 'ØOlVIEO RS ~OTLINE If I MAR. & APR. 1997 , "- ..:;'. -.. ....."". -- ~ ...- 'HOMEOWNERS NEW YEAR AND NEW LOCATION SUCCESS From: Jim I am sony that many of you missed the January meeting at our new meeting hall. Our speaker was Ms. Betty Hardy fÌ'om the Roosevelt Bridge. She was very infonnative and explained the history of the various methods for crossing the river and the series of bridges that were cons1ructed. She explained the mild "S" of the bridge. I think all of us in attendance learned something. This is why I have always attended seminars, classes, meetings, etc. I have never had the capability of knowing everything and have always had the desire to learn as much as possible about as many things as I can. Our next meeting will be at Port St. Lucie Yacht Club at 7:00 P.M. on March 27, 1997. I hope many of you that not make the January meeting will be able to make this one. Our guest speaker will be Mrs. Carol Pendelton of Hospice of St. Lucie County. This affords you the opportunity to learn more about what is available, if the need ever arises. You will also be in the envious position of knowing about resources others are unaware of. Irs an opportunity to know of another program you may want to volunteer in. We all hope we will never need any assistance, but isn't it great to know that when a need is there it may be available. I was impressed with the . number of members at the meeting. We can do better, but some new people joined and many renewals. The yacht club was a great place to meet. Comfortable, cozy, with good lighting and circulation. We had to give up our cookies and coffee, but with the additional rental fee to selVe food, was beyond budget. Perhaps if we can increase our membership, increase our advertising income, get more people to the meetings to play SO/50, or other methods of funding and we could re institute it if you desire. We the officers have to look at resources availãble and spend as frugally as possible. Corne out and check out our new home. Meet some great citizens of Port St. Lucie. If time pemùts an open forum may again be available. The only thing is; Robert's Rules ask for the floor and be courteous. We can't do this if people leave the meeting upset because of inner action. October 11, 1995 Mr. Donald B. West, P.E, Public Works Department, Room 229 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 RE: Driftwood Manor Homeowners Association Water Project-M.S.B.U. Dear Mr . West: At the Driftwood Manor Homeowners Association general membership meeting on January 31, 1995, the residents of the Association authorized its Board of Directors to proceed with a neighborhood survey to ascertain the support for a Municipal Service Benefit Unit for the purpose of contracting with the Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority to construct city water lines within the subdivision. The membership voted to require two-thirds (66.7 percent) approval from the lot owners prior to proceeding with the project. Attached to this letter are 33 petitions, representing over 70 percent of the lot owners, that have indicated that they are in favor of forming a M.S.B.U. for this project. The Board of Directors are requesting that the Board of County Commissioners proceed with the process of forming a M.S.B.U including public hearings, interlocal agreements, and other required proceedings. Also, attached to this letter is a letter dated October 12, 1994, from Bob Davis to Jim Lancaster which lists the various estimated costs of the project. As you may be aware, much has already been accomplished to affect the formation of this M.S.B.U. Bob Davis has been authorized by the Board of Directors to act on behalf of the Driftwood Manor Homeowners Association. He can be contacted by phone at 461-1155, or at 1905 South 25th St., Suite 202, Ft. Pierce, Fl. 34947. Sincerely, Bill Haines, President cc: without attachments: Tom Kindred, County Administrator Dan Mcintyre, County Attorney Ron Brown, Public Works . , I-IIOøè OllJ;V£-fif!.. ~ flsS'è~~,/T ~/oIJI~,\~;~i;:;; .. ____ .._dU.__ ~_=-=~~¡ ._.' u. ,....._-.n_-::-~~_.c.C<I¡!f::.."'-:..:,-=-- ·n,." .______'u_. AARP Conununity Coordinator 'I Bel AÍI:e Estates Homeowners ::. Driftwood Manor Estates HOA I James Pentz Alfred C. Lagerstrom Stella pritchard , 159 Calle de Lagos 148 Vindale Avenue 1106 Driftwood Lane I Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Fort Pierce, FL 34951 White City, FL 34982 ". . .~ Florida Property Owners, Inc. Martin Veiner P.O. Box 8046 Port St. Lucie, FL 34985 Golden Ponds Homeowners Mortimer Williams 10105 Mill Creek Lane Fort Pierce, FL 34945 High point-Sec III Homeowners Janet Dowler 533 S. Lakes End Drive - E2 Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Indian River Estates HOA Vaughn McIntire 6009 Birch Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Lakewood Park Property OWners Earl Jones, President 6608 Hulda Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34951 North Fork Citizens Coalition Pat Ferrick I 4802 South 25th Street Fort pierce, FL 34982 ---- -----...------ ----- -.-.--------- Beach Club Colony/Ocean HOA President's Council H.I. . Joseph A. Keohan 20~ EI Mar Drive, 203 B Jensen Beach, FL 34957 :River Park Homeowners ,Val Scorse 616 Beach Avenue Port St. Lucie, FL 34952 Sandpiper Bay Homeowners Elmo H. Doig 2411 S.E. Morningside Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL 34952 FPUA Bob Carman 2400 S. Ocean Drive, C-2358 Fort pierce, FL 34949 Harmony Heights Addition-HOA Fred C. Duval 4501 Mantanza Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Holiday pines P.O.A. Robert Bangert 5608 Eagle Drive Fort pierce, FL 34951 Islandia II Homeowners Ed Markow 9500 South Ocean Drive Jensen Beach, FL 3495 Nettles Island Homeowners ZelIa Brown 9801 S. Ocean Dr. Lot 987-2 Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Paradise Park Homeowners Charles L. Hendley 2201 San Diego Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34946 -_._._~~_.__.---- - Ridgecrest Mobile Home pk. TA William Hamlyn 291 Pecan Place Fort Pierce, FL 34946 River Place II Homeowners william H. Hilsõn 1800 Old River Road Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Savanna Club Civic Assoc. Dr. Karleen Hofmann, Pres. 8412 Gallberry Circle port St. Lucie, FL 34952 I, ' ( FPUA Mac Hamilton 1005 Kentucky Fort Pierce, FL 34950 High point-Sec I Homeowners Don Barlow 204 Manatee Lane Fort pierce, FL 34982 Indian River Dr. Freeholders Ida Hawkins 8807 S. Indian River Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Kings Isle civic Assoc. Joseph Ruggiero 1143 N.W. Lombardy Drive Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 North Beach Association Mabel Fawsett P.O. Box 3573 Fort Pierce, FL 34948 Port St. Lucie Homeowners Jim Fielding 1629 SE North Blackwell Drive Port St. Lucie, FL 34952-6651 ----- Rivergreen Villas P.O.A. Russel--·F. Anger 1782 S.E. Balmbral Court Port St. Lucie, FL 34952 Sand Crane Village Homeowners Connie Gomez 1592 Collette Circle Port St. Lucie, FL 34952 Spanish Lakes Country Club HO Frank Monteleone 9 Ecuador Way Fort Pierce, FL 34951 . '. .' L . . ~. .' .,;~~/~Vi~~~:~~~<~.~~?y·.'-~·:·.-.:. .'. '.;¡....:..-2..~ ~,;, :';",,;i~::,,; ';i;' i : SP?IlishLaicesJ·Få.irways HO Ge'J:a.ld LaVoy' 14517 Dulce Real Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34951 St. Lucie West Sharon Beal Community Relations Manager 590 N.W. Peacock Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 .-~--~---_.- -------..----- Venture III Homeowners Jack Scott 10701 S. Ocean Drive Jensen Beach, FL 34957 --_._.---~ Conner Consultants Betty Conner .--------_._.._._._._-_._~-- ---- --- -----------~._-----~---_._- ..--.... -.. --.---.--.----..-..-....-----.-.----- ---~-_._-_._- .._ .__ _______ __.______n___________ 11"'· "ì'!{ I: : I , i , , , .' ""\. ::·;/,<::':.·:I.ti'~·~j~·-:. ..,...:~.~.'y\:.~:,::';~":/:,.' '.'::>~:~i....:-·I.~i~:·:-::~~;]:1:~~f~:B~,:;~:·~~-.:~,-:.~~~--;,- .: .. -~--·--"~-~~'-----·-·ì ,I .,., .'<-"' ~~:i:~o~es Ríverfront HO 1:1 :~;,~~:~;:~:~sp~~:r~!:~~s 75 Camino Del Rio II 1701 North' 35th Street Port St. Lucie, FL 34952 II Fort Pierce, FL 34947 I Tiara Towers Homeowners John Redys 3150 North AlA, #1004 Fort Pierce, FL 34949 Tropical Isles Homeowners Katie S. Billie 363 Tropical Isles Circle Fort pierce, FL 34982 Windmill Point II Homeowners Jim Simpson 449 S.W. Belmont Circle Port St. Lucie, FL 34953 City of Port St. Lucie Mayor Robert Minsky 121 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 SLC Sheriff's Department Deputy Michael Dipalermo P.O. Box 2148 Fort Pierce, FL 34954 Greg Dampier 3603 Avenue "M" Fort Pierce, FL 34947 --- ...---.--- . -------- -.-------- --,.-------------- - ------.----. - -. ______ ____..._ _ un PROPERTY AND HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION MEETING M I NUT E S NOVEMBER 8. 1995 The regular meeting of the Property and Homeowners Association was called to order at 9:40 A.M. by Commissioner Havert L. Fenn. The following representatives were present: Mortimer Williams Al Lagerstrom Stella Pritchard Eason pritchard Mario Iadonisi Bob Bangert Ida Hawkins Ed Trainor Jeanne stone Joe Ruggiero James Fielding Deputy Hoffman Havert Fenn Ken Sattler Jim Hannan Pat DeRizzo Jean Hearn Betty Conner Elizabeth Martin Golden Ponds HOA Bel Aire Estates Driftwood Manor POA Driftwood Manor POA Savanna Club POA Holiday Pines POA Indian River Drive Freeholders Spanish Lakes # 1 Spanish Lakes Riverfront Kings Isle Civic Association port st. Lucie Homeowners St. Lucie County Sheriff's Department County Commissioner - District 1 County Commissioner - District 2 Candidate for Sheriff Concerned Citizen Concerned Citizen Conner Consultants Administrative Assistant to Commissioner Charles Commissioner Fenn called the meeting to order at 9: 40 A.M. and welcomed those in attendance. Commissioner Fenn asked Stella Pritchard to give the invocation which was followed by The Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Fenn asked the representatives to introduce themselves as well as the other guests. A motion was made by Al Lagerstrom to approve the minutes of October 11, 1995. The motion was seconded by Stella Pritchard and passed unanimously. Commissioner Fenn announced that we had two packets that were returned by the Post Office last month. The mailing labels had been ripped off by the mailing machine and we were unable to determine who missed getting their packet. We will be happy to mail out another packet to the Associations that did not get their packet. Commissioner Fenn informed everyone that Barbara Burse, his Administrative Assistant, is recovering and should be back to work the week of November 13th. NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION OF SURVEY RESULTS Commissioner Fenn reported that he had received some of the results from the survey he sent out last month. The survey asked each representative to list the three most pressing problems in the County that the Associations, as a group, could address for posi ti ve change. Commissioner Fenn read the reply from the Indian River Drive Freeholders Association Representative Ida Mae Hawkins. "We feel you are al ready addres sing the mos t pres sing probl ems in our County. II Commissioner Fenn thanked Mrs. Hawkins and asked if we could get this message out to everyone. He stated that he might just frame her reply and put it on his walll Mrs. Hawkins said their main problem is Indian River Drive and most of the homeowners know that they cannot afford to make the road private and maintain it themselves so there is no use complaining about the road. Commissioner Fenn commented that the survey indicated that a lot of groups feel our most pressing problem is drainage. The problem is we are allowing the stormwater to drain into the Indian River Lagoon and we want to try to control this runoff. Any time you have the amount of rainfall we have had over the last two months you are bound to have problems. Adding to the already existing problems, maybe four or five years ago the Community Development Department recommended to the County Commission that new homes being constructed be elevated a minimum of three feet above the crown of the road which creates an impact on the older homes in the nei ghborhood. Bob Bangert, Holiday Pines - two issues: ( 1) Their problem is have not been cleaned is impossible for overgrowth. the drainage ditches/canals. They since he moved there in 1978. It the water to pass due to the 2 Commissioner Fenn commented that some property owners are not sold on swales being placed in their yard but we have to have some mechanism that the water can drain into. We cannot put pipes everywhere and we can't put ditches in front of every home. Most homeowners that do have swales, do a very good job of maintaining them, mowing, etc. Mr. Bangert replied that the swales feed the stormwater into the ditches and then into the canals but they need to be cleaned out. (2) Post Office Sub-Station in Northern End of County- Commissioner Fenn stated that he didn't know how much involvement the Commission could have on keeping a sub-station open. He felt it was safe to say that a sub-station would be kept in that area but it may not be in Butterfield Drugs. The Post Office rents space from business offices which in turn generates more business for that particular business. Perhaps we could write a letter of encouragement to the local Post Office, however, the present station is supposed to remain in operation through the holidays. Spanish Lakes Riverfront - Jeanne Stone: There should be a more positive way that st. Lucie County, Fort Pierce and Port St. Lucie could be presented to our reading public. Commissioner Fenn commented on a newspaper article that Jean Hearn had provided indicating an advertisement in the paper stated that Hillcrest Memorial Gardens/Aycock Funeral Home was located in Vero Beach not Fort Pierce. The perception to outsiders of St. Lucie County, how it looks and why it is being described the way it is, is to the point that no one wants to be associated with st. Lucie County and in this case the City of Fort Pierce. I am sure you all know of many instances where the facility is actually located in St. Lucie County but they are using a Stuart, Jensen Beach or Vero address. The Jensen Beach area is somewhat difficult to deal with since Bell South changed the toll call areas which has added to the confusion. The people living in the southern end of our County on A-l-A have a Jensen Beach mailing address, not Fort Pierce. Spanish Lakes Riverfront - Jeanne Stone: A more positive reporting of our County should be given by the news media. The visioning process was positive but may be short- circuited by the news media. Our residents don't get involved unless it affects them directly. However, they do read the newspapers and in reading them you get the general impression that there is a great 3 deal of bickering going on between the various levels of government in st. Lucie County. Fort Pierce vs Port st. Lucie (utility expansion was given as an example). In the day to day running of both cities and the county - the long term view gets lost in the shuffle. The media could help by printing positive articles not negative all the time. Jean Hearn - The Hillcrest Memorial Gardens/Aycock Funeral Home newspaper article is a good example. The Homeowners Association Groups can make an impact and an impression with their Commissioners - try to help them have some reasoning behind saying we need to have good code enforcement and pride in our community. I f we don't build up our image we're going to lose the good businesses wanting to come in, either to an exouse they are in Indian River County when they are really in st. Lucie County or to lack of code enforcement. Go to your Commissioners and keep it in mind at election time. Commissioner Fenn has been such an advocate of Community Pride. He took the north end of the County and U. S. 1 is so much better than it was five years ago because he interacted and he has also taken Sheraton Plaza and built that up. We need to take our own little neighborhood and clean it up and let our Commissioners know that we are interested in a better place to live. Mrs. Hearn also provided some small signs that could be placed on your bulletin board saying "Have Pride Do~t Litter - It's Your Community - Keep it Clean! " Port st. Lucie Homeowners Association - Jim Fielding: Gave an example that the signs as you exit I-95 at Port st. Lucie Boulevard you would see a sign that said Port st. Lucie -8 miles. That has been corrected. If you come out of Stuart you don't see any Port st. Luoie signs. You see a Rio and Jensen Beach sign and then a Fort Pierce sign - 14 miles. So, you drive 14 miles through something that doesn't exist. Ballantrae Golf Course is another example - the signs say Ballantrae Golf Course on the beautiful st. Luoie River Shores in Stuart, Florida. Now, if you can get there from Stuart you have got to fly! Now, this is something that we as homeowners have to fight. Everybody has to write letters not just me. We they oome up with these stupid things _ he indicated one that said "Port St. Looney" because newspapers love to print bad things not good things. We have got to stop this north-south county battle. One of the things the north oounty is battling is impact fees. Mr. Fielding stated that he objected to impact fees feeling that they are taxation without representation. Now, all of a sudden Fort Pierce wants to pullout and exempt certain areas. If this goes through, don't be surprised if south county files a class action law suit against the county. 4 Commissioner Fenn responded that one of the good things about impact fees is that th3 impact fees collected in a particular zone/area can only be spent in that zone/area. You canlt take impact fees from Port st. Lucie and spend them in Fort Pierce. Mr. Fielding commented that he didnlt like impact fees but they are here. If some are exempted then everyone should be exempted. Tom Kindred, County Administrator - Responded that the purpose of the exempt status for the City of Fort Pierce was based on the fact that you have a complete build-out in sections of the City (and this could apply to the City of Port st. Lucie as well). An area for instance, like the City of Fort Pierce, which is an old city where you already have your curbs, gutters, sewer and water, all of the infrastructure. So if you go in an demolish an old building or buildings to revitalize a section of the City does that revitalization put any more impact on the infrastructure than what the original building did? Mr. Fielding responded that it is not spelled out - just that we are going to exclude certain areas. Mr. Kindred - No, it is spelled out. I doni t know what your newspaper article says but you may not get all the facts from the newspaper. You have to see how the agreement is structured so that you will fully understand it. The concern of the City of Fort Pierce is, why should they pay a double tax when they are tying to re-develop certain areas of the city. Old areas that need to be re-vitalized and brought back up to standard are not impacting the infrastructure that is already in place. Mr. Fielding - Ilve been arguing over impact fees for a year. I just feel that if you are going to have them you should have them everyone or don't have them. Bob Bangert - We had Tom O'Neal here at one of our meetings about a year ago (former editor of the Tribune). At that meeting, we complained that we never find out anything about the north end of the county in the Tribune and Mr. 0' Neal said he would put a reporter on that area and it would be covered from then on. He didn't and we still have to go to the Vero Beach Press Journal to find out what is going on in the northern end of St. Lucie County. Al Lagerstrom - As a member of the Chamber of Commerce - we, along with the CountYI were trying to beautify the northern end of the 5 County along U. S. 1. and asked the County Administrator for an up-date. The vacant filling station at the County line was mentioned along with the Old Indrio Road School House and the old vacant Chinese Restaurant. Tom Kindred - The triangular piece of property, just after you cross the bridge between St. Lucie and Indian River County, is the area that the Chamber of Commerce Leadership St. Lucie Group and the County has been working on trying to improve. The Florida Department of Transportation owns the property and some problems had to be worked out with them. Those problems have been resolved and work will hopefully began soon. The filling station is privately owned and hopefully once the beautification of the property adjacent to them is completed it will encourage them to do something with that property. The Indrio Road School House Grant of $20,000 has been approved and those renovations will begin. The school is located in a remote area of the County and suffers, time to time, from vandalism. Commissioner Fenn on Unemployment - We have one of the highest rates of unemployment in the State except during the citrus season. The number of citizens in the County that work harvesting the citrus crops usually have no other job skills to fall back on once the season is over. Several groups are trying to help both from the public and private sector - the Chamber of Commerce and the Private Industry Council are two of them. We need industry here that will employ people year round and until we can do something with the unskilled labor market in the County we will continue to have high unemployment. Al Lagerstrom - The problems that new companies coming into the area face needs to be looked into - the remodeling of the Mobil Station on the Feeder Road and the Snapper Mower Company were given as examples. You need to have someone make a list of exactly what is required that can be handed out regarding permitting, etc. Jean Hearn - We need a II clearing house personll for new businesses to go to, as well as citizens, trying to build or remodel a home. You need some place to go to find out exactly what is required. County Administrator - We continue to hear these things but I think we have made improvements in the Community Development Department. You always hear that it is easier in Indian River County or Martin County to get permits but unless you run into a zoning problem or some other roadblock we are just as expedient as 6 the counties on either side of us. The "How Is Our Service" forms that are given out by the Community Development Department to customers are favorable. Mr. Kindred commented that he had not seen a form that had any permitting complaints in a long, long time. Sometimes when you hear these complaints and especially when you are remodeling an old filling station such as the case mentioned above you are faced with many, many more problems than the average remodeling project. other governmental agencies such as the Department of Environmental Protection become involved in the permitting process and the public sometimes thinks it is the County when it could be a State Agency causing the delay. Mario Iadonisi - Commented that when he moved into the Savanna Club he was given a document listing things that are not allowed - no utility sheds, clothes lines, etc. Government documents should be written in language that the average person can understand which in turn would cut down on frustration from the public and also costs. Unoccupied/Unsafe Buildings: Commissioner Fenn asked the County Administrator to comment on this. The County Administrator stated that the Code Enforcement Department had been given direction to start demolition of these structures. Currently there are about five that are being reviewed and within the next 60 - 90 days you should see some action. Angle Road and also the 31st Street area were menti oned. Commissioner Fenn - The School Board/Construction of New Schools _ was mentioned and he just wanted to reiterate that the Board of County Commission does not govern the school system. The School Board is responsible. The State of Florida has 67 counties and there are 67 School Districts. In many northern areas the school system comes under the Board of County Commission but not in Florida. Some northern states may have several school districts in one county. Al Lagerstrom - A stop light or flashing light at Winter Garden Parkway and the Feeder Road is desperately needed. Bob Frank formerly employed with the County, now with FDOT, had committed to placing a light at a Homeowners Meeting held last year. Bob Bangert also commented that he remembered the meeting and Mr. Frank had promised that at least a flashing light would be installed if not a red light. The County Administrator asked if Bob had been contacted since he joined FDOT and Mr. Lagerstrom replied that he had. 7 Port St. Lucie Homeowners Association - Jim Fielding: The budget process - Would like for all County Department Heads to speak before the Property & Homeowners Association Group explaining their budget. Sometimes when you read a newspaper article about a meeting you were at - you don't think you were at the same meeting. Commissioner Fenn responded that the Board of County Commission holds two night public hearings each year for the public to ask questions regarding the budget. The Budget Work Sessions the Commissioners have, usually during the month of July & August are open to the public, however, the Commissioners don't receive public comment during those Work Sessions. Al Lagerstrom commented that we have a new editor at the Tribune. Why not ask him to appear at a future meeting as a guest speaker? Why not break him in right? A comment was made that Tom O'Neal (the former editor) spoke before the group and it didn't break him in right. Commissioner Fenn commented that we can talk about budgets, raising taxes or lowering taxes all day long but years ago the Boston Tea Party was held because of taxation without representation. A comment was made II that they should see it now with representationl II Commissioner Fenn - asked if the group had seen the bumper stickers that said Recycle the County Commissioners? In all seriousness, Commissioner Fenn commented that high property taxes are going to be with us in the State of Florida for two very good reasons. One of them is that we do not have a state income tax like most of the northern states do. The second, is the $25,000 homestead exemption. A comment was made that the first $25,000 should be taxed and the second $25,000 be exempted so that everyone would pay some property tax. There are a lot of homeowners that don't pay any property taxes. The following list indicates the results of the survey replies recei ved: Holiday Pines Property OWners - Drainage, committee appointments, enforcement of covenants, Lakewoo~ Park Post Office Sub-Station, roads, ad valorem taxes and trash collection. 8 Indian River Drive Freeholders Assooiation - Felt the County was already addressing the most pressing problems. North Beaoh Assooiation - Drainage, over-building on the barrier islands and traffic. Port st. Lucie Homeowners Association - Budget information and expenditure of funds. Bel Aire Homeowners Association - storm drainage, traffic light at Winter Garden Parkway, speed limit on Kings Highway between Spanish Lakes and Indrio Corners. Kinqs Isle Civic Association - Drainage, road improvements, review of county ordinances and enforcement. Spanish Lakes Riverfront Homeowners Association Cooperation between all government agencies, roads, financial responsibility and unemployment. River Place II Associati'on - Drainage, Palmer Expressway and retenti on ponds. Driftwood Manor Property OWners Association Unpaved roads, cleaning of swales and ditches, unsafe/unoccupied buildings. Parks Edqe - More attention given to the needs of the residents south of Midway Road, creation of reservoirs and construction of neighborhood schools. Florida Property OWners - Drainage, water & sewer system, lack of industry, road improvements, tax increases, over-valued properties that can't be sold and unregistered voters. Islandia II - Taxes and river pollution. Commissioner Fenn commented that the Board of County Commissioners, sitting as the Port & Airport Authority, are trying to come up with some kind of mechanism to the voters of st. Lucie County on what they think should be done on the Port of Fort Pierce. We are not there yet, however, in the mean time information on the port will be sent out for you to discuss with your homeowners group. The Port & Airport Authority did commit themselves to having something on the ballot in March 1996. Commissioner Fenn 9 commented that he is in favor of something being on the ballot even if it is nothing but a straw vote. Commissioner Fenn was complimented by those in attendance for this meeting and for serving as Chairman for the past year. Commissioner Fenn (District 1) announced that this is the last meeting of the Property and Homeowners Association that he will be Chairman. Commissioner Sattler (District 2) is scheduled to be Chairman for the next year. After no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 A.M. Reminder: The next meeting will be held December 13. 1995/ at 9: 30 A.M. in Conference Room Three. Respectively submitted, 7k~'c~~ ~. N\~ Eíi~~eth T. Martin Administrative Assistant to Commissioner Gary D. Charles, Sr. 10 ST. LUCIE COUNTY PROPERTY & HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION MEETING ROGER POITRAS ADMINISTRATION ANNEX BUILDING CONFERENCE ROOM THREE - THIRD FLOOR WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 13. 1995 AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Invocation by Mrs. Stella Pritchard 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Introduction of Representatives 5. Approval of November 8, 1995 minutes new Chairperson and Association 6. New Business Discussion of Port of Fort Pierce led by Commissioner Fenn - see *special note below 7. Old Business Response and follow-up to survey results 8. Adjournment 9. Next Meeting - January 10, 1986 * Special Note Association representatives were asked to discuss the enclosed port information with their Property & Homeowners group. Hopefully this has been done so representatives will be able to give some direction regarding the proposed port development and expansion ~ ., 11-0'3-95 08:48 ïî óI ØØl III Printing by Hearn 50S1 To:rour Road Fort Pierce. PL 34946 LI"'L ~ml11' (}¡¡ar/es ¡:-úJ\ $1; Z- ~ 2- / 3 " · " ..~ ~.æ >In e ~a r).1 Date: 11/9 Iyf' Nwnber of Pages: !1 Phone: (407) 461-7526 Fa.x: (407) 468-8688 iii.": · '¡'" · . :. " : '. . . " ;. .,', Do you real}" want ~n .....~e~~~~~~¡~':ts?· '....¡.~ ,~e,'~d;1.'~ think 80. ~t's why you W need'tö 'coastde¡; pre:u-rangernent. .. now. Talk to one of our ~ouwdorS 'ar.d .flnd .out 'Wl~jt is one of the most, econ~~~, .ical and lo~ " 8 you çan:do for.yout' fam- '.. ' ,1l1" ~t n=mQv~ the cia! and einøtJQrial ~r- '~d~~.~~tþ ~~~;,dU~g ,~ d~ffi~ult ti~.e. and, spares them. ~mâktng ':páinful: ,decLslons. Decisions rou would rather.m*e Y0Un1elf any- way. Taketþe t:bri,enow to complët~ärid 'm.aif the coup!:m b~low. .', . . ~ . . . ~ ,/ " ·1 , I P.O. Íb~ un '~V&öDêac'; '"'\,ttd\i 3.2961 e+07/4-6i-8912 "_ ........ ·..d ("........6~~:r -;';;"--" ç...·_·...·~U'plt~~ "n" 'II ~'ç - -_.~,~..-.--:".....- .-:............,....~ &AA.....&.,~..,~_I:".. .: ~. .... I'C "'''''1 , " . . . ' '. Pórt St... c!o .:ndVero:1'l.~, . ' . .~---_..~~~-~~~----~-----~--~~~~~~~~---~.~~.~---~--------~. . '~~;::ii~:~1:n~~~~~ ,: I , PÌCOi~ C'Cf11pleœ ~ní1.tnøII ~. eðYpònt<> Ih~ nt.o.., /lddf~'. Th~jf 100 eM or o¡, ig.d(~. ,: I N."ncn -~~.._-_.., --, , I FAX I I J. ~ 11 -LIT J,-' - - ~_______.~-----------_w- . i : i g~ t a ~ J ß.. a~ ): < t ('þ 1 a ~ ~ ~. ~1 ¡~ 11 ~~ ~ ~! 9_ t:J1_" 'fJ ~ ~ 0[ ~. ~a H it ~! ß ~~ IS ~. g. £r ii . ff () ~ { .. II I-i >~~r t. (1 '"t:i I"d ~~i· å "1 ::s e. ~ 8 ~ õ~ ...ø[ ! ~ ~ ~ g. .... . a.. ~ ; (1'1:; 0 ~ p.. ~~è> ~. 0", A- >oj 0 !' R' < g¡. t'iI n ~ ~~ ~ 0 :;i ...... o t:' n ' 8 ~ ~ ¡:: . p.. ro 00 .. éjI ø~2 I ~ --'''- ........- --....---.......-.........- - -----, " -~ '-'" / I, n _ <"-.-. .__ / / / II~ ---r-" { -'1 ~ /&C-Q~ ' ~." (Ízj JU<.-O -~ .___/ \ 'fVO ______ ". '~......~ .' . -¡ PORT OF FT. PIERCE DEEPENING Objective: Deepen the Port of Ft. Pierce to a minimum of 32 feet from its current 28 feet and evaluate the potential benefits of deepening to 36 feet to enable the Port to expand exports of citrus and other US products ana provide for additional imports needed as raw materials for growth and development. Background: . Port of Ft. Pierce is currently 28 feet deep with a 250 foot wide channel as a result of dredging completed in September 1995 by the Army Corps of Engineers The 28 foot deepening was a result of a 1984 Feasibility Report by the Army Corps that balanced the needs of1984 existing uses with cost and environmental considerations The average Florida port depth is 35 feet (See Attachment A) A minimum depth of 32 feet is required to accommodate today's world fleet utilized by exporters of citrus and other products. A depth of 36 feet would provide additional incremental efficiencies, particularly for citrus pellet exporters, aragonite importers and other potential bulk products. Justification: Development of infrastructure is critical to several industries located in Florida to increase US exports to expanding foreign markets. Port capacity must keep pace with growing international trade to global markets. To equalize the balance of trade, US ports must have the capacity to meet the growing demands of US exporters with a large volume of diverse products destined for foreign markets. If sufficient infrastructure is not in place and readily available, US business will be relegated to more costly methods of transporting product to market, slow participation in market growth or choose not to compete in certain markets. ' Florida's citrus crop will be 30% larger than today's crop by the year 2000. New packing houses and additional processing capacity is now being built to handle this volume. Additional infrastructure including farm to market roads and an expanded port in Ft. Pierce will be needed to keep pace with increasing exports. As early as 1991, Dr. W. Warren McHone stated in an Economic Development Analysis for the Port of Ft. Pierce that it is doubtful that the existing (1991) expansions at ports would be able to keep pace with the state's (Florida's) demand for port shipments. ¡ . Lower delivered prices in foreign markets will improve United States competitiveness in international markets and will ,provide for more rapid expansion into developing markets Costs for transportation of goods to global markets must be minimized to reduce overall delivered prices and provide US exporters with a level playing field on which to compete with its foreign competitors. To illustrate, the landed price of Florida orange juice is higher than Brazilian in Europe, partly the result of tariff inequity. The price of US orange juice includes the cost of the tariff when delivered to European markets, whereas, Brazilian juice lands in Europe at a price substantially less than Florida juice because it does not carry the US tariff. Lower freight costs would result in lower prices for US products, thereby enhancing their competitiveness. Florida citrus and juices must become competitive with Latin American producers to be able to compete in the global market. Demand for Florida citrus products is growing internationally. Growers and producers of citrus products must be able to quickly and efficiently transport products from growing regions to foreign markets. Currently, over 200,000 tons of citrus juice and 200,000 tons of citrus feed could be shipped from the Port of Ft. Pierce if it was deeper. This is estimated to grow to over 300,000 tons of juice and 325,000 tons of feed as markets grow and large southern groves mature. The state will require increased port capacity in the immediate region to meet export demands. The Indian River District (S1. Lucie, Indian River and Martin Counties) has 228,000 acres of citrus, one third of the Florida crop, with a $2 billion direct and indirect impact to the economy. St. Lucie County is now the top citrus producing county in Florida. Over 500,000 tons, 80% of fresh citrus produced in this region, is exported to Europe and Japan. Most of this is within 20 miles of the Port of Ft. Pierce, however only about 50,000 tons are shipped from F1. Pierce. Shipping from ports not readily accessible to the region requires trucking long distances which adds significant transportation costs, increases burdens on roads, increases fuel consumption and emissions, increàses in product transit damage and reduces shelf life of perishable products, all of which greatly reduces exporter's ability to compete. Dollars spent inefficiently moving goods to markets could be better spent marketing and promoting US goods in foreign markets. , i .' . Expansion of the Port of Ft. Pierce will expand existing business and develop new business resulting in more jobs and an improved economy. St. Lucie County had the third highest unemployment rate in Florida at 16% for September, 1995, three times the state average. Expansion of the Port of Ft. Pierce will have a significant positive impact on the economy and unemployment, according to the 1991 Economic Development Analysis. cited above. Currently the Port of Ft. Pierce ships approximately 150,000 tons annually. Deepening to 32 feet could expand throughput by over one million tons annually, The 1991 Economic Analysis cited previously showed that one million tons of cargo had an economic impact of 386 jobs', $8.3MM in wages and $27MM in output (gross sales). .' ATTACHMENT A· DEPTH OF FLORIDA PORTS PORT/HARBOR INNER CHANNEL DEPTH (In Feet) Tampa Harbor 43 Miami Harbor 42 Port Everglades 42. Manatee Harbor 40 Canaveral Harbor 36 Fernandina Harbor 32 Jacksonville Harbor 34 Palm Beach Harbor 33 Charlotte Harbor 32 Key West Harbor 30 Fort Pierce Harbor 28 St. Petersburg Harbor 24 Average = 35 Feet deep Source: US Army Corps of Engineers - Dimensions of Deep Draft Ports and Harbors of Florida '. : ,. , PORT OF FT. PIERCE DEEPENING OTHER POTENTIAL FACTORS Environmental Impact? The 1984 Army Corps Feasibility Report stated that environmental impact would be virtuàlly identical if the Port were deepened to 28, 30, 32, 34 or 36 feet. The majority of the impact would be caused by widening of the channel and enlargement of the turning basin_ These impacts were incurred and mitigated in the recent deepening to 28 feet. Very minimal additional environmental impact is expected if deepened to 32 or 36 feet. Additionally, a reduction in unnecessary trucking. will decrease environmental impact in other ways (e.g. air emissions and'fuel consumption) Alternative ports; could other ports be used in lieu of expan,sion of Ft. Pierce? The ports of the State of Florida serve their immediate region by exporting produced goods and importing materials and goods for construction and consumption. The reason we have fourteen state ports rather than three or four is because of prohibitive land transportation costs. Only when export facilities particular to a product are not available at a port (as is the case in Ft. Pierce) are products trucked long distances. The Port of Palm Beach is geared . toward container shipments and the shipment of sugar products, which are grown in the immediate region. It has a small area and no refrigerated space. Port Canaveral has refrigerated space, but is not adjacent to the market and has no rail access. To remain competitive, business must use ports within close proximity to the source and markets. With citrus crops expanding, port capacity must increase. Overall, port capacity in the US must expand to meet increasing demands. If ports are to be expanded, the right location to expand must be near the need. Concerns by other states? Texas and California also produce citrus. However, both California and Texas have well developed ports to service their growers. Additionally, 85 to 90% of US produced orange and grapefruit juice is produced in Florida and does not directly compete with these other states. Additionally, the markets outside the US are large enough to support exports from all states, provided the US can remain price competitive with other countries such as Brazil, Mexico and Cuba. Other priorities? National spending priorities should include port expansion. Port expansion adds jobs, increases economic output and enhances the quality of life. Port expansion in the US is very important to balancing the trade deficit. US products can compete in world markets, provided appropriate infrastructure is in place to efficiently move these products to the foreign markets. . · · · " · · · · · · · · · supporters? Many diverse interests support the expansion of the Port of Ft. Pierce including the following: St. Lucie County Commission St. Lucie County Port and Airport Authority St. Lucie County Chamber of Commerce St. Lucie County Visions 2020 =rask Force State of Florida Department of Commerce State of Florida Department of Transportation State of Florida Department of Community Affairs Florida Ports Council Tropicana Products, Inc. Marcona Ocean Industries Agrilog International Florida East Coast Railroad PERMll PORT OF FORT PIERCE I 'i '--' . <J v.<; U .1- V v' './Q/ y , , , , Z4./o ~ c.. 50.. ... '--'-- \ , \ \ , \ ..~ , , \ \ ' , ~ - T .... ..' .. , \ \ . .. -.. ....- .... ....... .. - ..- ~.. . .. .. .- .. -... \ '.~~~ ~s~~ v.\)\.~~o \ (,~~t.o~'-'- . ~\~" .. . ':". .. .. 'JO _...:_ ..,..... ...0: .~ .. .-.- ..... .. .... . ..-.'. -- .. .:~_.:. .";^: ~. _:..:.~~-:r_ __..,?-"","\ ?~o\\ ::::-::-'1. tP~.~..e;.. ~:::~:~~~ O,(J::~@'" fi· ,0) . -" --0 ,,-- ...... .. . ...- ..' /:.-:: .... /'". ,,,..... ...4" r-:·::L· . ... ./'" /'" ,. '.. ...::.... ..'" ,<,";../ .... .,- ...' A~" .-' .. -;-;."" ~/9·· ".........."" _,. ,,' /.-'!>-" ...'" " 'J ....::/4<; -./'< " 0 G F :' ,: r , (\. 0',_/1.1 ::f,tI., {),:..~\ II G\~ FOR GENERAL fNÞORMA TfON ONLY' ~\...,IO ,\ / \ pplicant: ST. LUaE COUN1Y PORT &. AIRPORT AUlHORI1Y 'ater Body:' INDIAN -RIVER ounty: ST. LUCIE atum: MLW Purpose: Original Work Sheet No.: Date: C8J 2 APRIL 2, PORT OF FORT PIERCE Maintenance c=J of 21 1993 REV. J-4-04 ~. ",-'~; .1 Deepwater ! port possible : I· . j busmess lure ¡ . ql~~-þ£- ' By Edward Filo I IV' r of the News staff p SL e..v ,,) / PORT ST. LUCIE - A deep- water port,balanced in its use be- tween recreation and cargo, is one of several w~ys to spur economic development in St. Lucie County, community members and business leaders said Friday. So are continued support for the revitalization of downtown Fort Pierce and the creation of a downtown for Port St. Lucie, said a group of about 150 officials, ed- ucators, busineSspeople and resi- dents. All are part of a countywide "visioning process" trying to come up with a blueprint to improve the . economy and quality of life. The committee, whichmét 'at the Indian River Cómmunity Col- lege campus in St. Lucie West, \ said a key to economic advance- \ ment is develQping an atmosphere ,conducive to high-quality job-. \ growth. " . ,,' . " "1 One way "to do that is to de- I Please see PORT on C3 I 5aturday, April 29, 1995 C3 + ¡ --.-_.-------- -.- ----... -.~."- ~ I 'PORT 'cie County International Airport as outlined in the airport's master plan. County Con:unissioner Denny Green said the county.can work with Port St. Lucie in making land-use changes in the city that would promote the creation of a downtown. Expansion and improvement of infra!>tructure, mainly roads, also are needed for healthy job growth, the group said, adding that the county should support a 6-cent in~ crease in the gas tax to pay for the potential roadwork. . Attorney. Harold Melvillè said one of the biggest ways to spur . CONTINUED FROM C1 velop the Port of" Fort Pierce' into á facility, that will not only attract larger cargo ships, but also, will make it· a stopping area for cruise ships, luxury yachts and tourists, the group said., The portis slated to undergo a $9 million deepening and widening ,this year ,to attract more a~d : larger cargo ships. Some commit- tee member,s said nearby South Cåuseway Island, owned by the : county,. ~ould be an ideal cruise : ship port. ' : . The' group also supported, the continueddèvelopment . of St. Lu- '-tJo , . . y!'- .~. ,~, . econm:nic development is'supþort for a countywide utility system, ' The visioning·· proce~,.·· '. pro; mpted by a·study last Yeá1"OUtl,in¡, ing problems that,are retardmg economic growth in ,St. Lucie County, is apartnership,.of the. chamber,county governrnent.liJ1d cities. . . <.,> '. That report said the countY;-hás' image prçblemsregarding;,;low pay, high crime, an, abòve~~~te.:: average dropout aµ4 ..unet'µpJoý~. ment rate and a ·heavyreliaricC;OI1,. . agriculture. "."..;~:.,?:;.(::~¡.'/ I " At the next:meeting,Sch~\1ledi:" for 7:45 a.m. May Sat the:sâirlè,: venue, the committeewillJòòKà~' visions for government::o:;':~>f~·.~...~ . . i.·..i.·'.,..,.. ..-.:-"."..' . I: ,: ~...\\ , " ,.' MEMORANDUM FROM: St. Lucie County VISION Task Force Butch Terpening ~ Task Force Chairman TO: DATE: April 28, 1995 *************************** Our third VISION Task Force session this morning was a great success. Over 150 task force members attended and actively participated in reaching consensus on the Infrastructure and Economic Development VISIONS for St. Lucie County. Attached are the key benchmarks developed from the first three sessions and a ballot. We urge you to complete the ballot and return it immediately to Luis Serna. Henry Luke will use the priorities established by your vote in his editing of the draft VISION. Thanks to those of you who attended this very important third session. We look forward to seeing you on Friday, May 5th at IRCC, St. Lucie West Campus (520 NW California Blvd.). We start promptly at 8:00 AM and suggest that you arrive before 7:45 AM for coffee and registration. At this session, we will address the Government and Leadership VISION and Strategies. See you on May 5th for our final Task Force session. BT/dj ~CONONUCDEVELOPMENT .\ ' ViSION There will be a PubliclPrivate Pàrtnership in St. Lucie County that creates a political and business climate conductive to Economic Development and high quality job growth while protecting our natural environment. STRATEGIES Targeted IndustrV 1. Industry clusters vital to St. Lucie Co~nty: · Manufacturing · Agri/Aqua business . · Multi-modal distribution hub using water, air, rail, highway, and information_ · Tourism · Research and development based on an expansion of the current Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, USDA Lab, IF AS, Smithsonian Marine Research Station, and other existing research facilities · Regional medical hub · International trade 2. Develop an economically viable mixed used seaport with cargo, tourism, r~creation, rpsort hotel, convention center, luxury yachting, cruise ship terminal, and aquarium components that includes the south causeway area 3. Develop the St. Lucie County International Airport in accordance with the existing master plan which includes provision for regularly scheduled jet and commuter passenger service, cargo traffic, airport related industrial facilities, and improved airport access 4. Develop Port St. Lucie as the regional hub for the area from Jensen Beach to Vera Beach 5. Create a High Speed Rail stop in St. Lucie County 6. Attract people with wealth to St. Lucie County 7. Provide an opportunity for production of movies and commercials Marketing Program 8. Develop a targeted marketing program around business/industry clusters with emphasis on retention, expansion, new enterprise development and relocation 9. Create a growing diverse economy with balanced well planned growth 10. Reduce the seasonal nature of unemployment by diversifying the employment base 11. Provide full employment for St. Lucie County at above average income levels 12. Establish regional economic development strategies with surrounding counties Business Climate 13. Provide the business climate that will encourage creation, expansion and relocation of business 1.4. Build developmental infrastructure that will support expansion of industry 15. Develop a competitive incentives program to attract higher income industries 16. Maintain user friendly government 17. Develop a predictable and common sense approach to environmental regulations 18. Produce globally competitive work force skills that increase productivity 19. Provide sources of seed capital and venture capital 20. Develop a foreign trade zone Port St. Lucie 21. Retrofit the City of Port St. Lucie to develop a central business district in a public/private partnership 22. Revise land use, zoning and development regulations in Port St. Lucie to increase the tax base Fort Pierce 23. Provide countywide support to revitalize the City of Fort Pierce 24. Provide incentives for private industry to invest in downtown Fort Pierce