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lUilliam H. Hough & Co: 100 Second Avenue South, Suite 800 St. Petersburg, FL 33701-4386 (727) 895-8880 ~ (800) 800-0061 Fax: (727) 895-8895 Letter to all HFA Staff and Board Members Heather Young St. Lucie County Housing Finance Authority 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 RE: Holiday Gift For The Housing Industry Dear Heather, January 4, 2001 C oo Vb ~~. •• ' '' j P ~ `. S~~i ~~~~ ~: _, _ ~ , . ` ~:;~ `~~ ,. ,w ~ JAN :~ L Ct.. ,~, ~i 12 2001 j ~ ~~ ;~ ~ We at William R. Hough & Co. hope that you had a wonderful holiday season. We wanted to make each of you aware of an important gift that the housing industry received from Congress and the President at the end of 2000. On Friday, December 15, Congress approved its omnibus tax and spending bill that was later signed by the president, which will raise each state's private activity bond cap in two stages to the greater of $75 per capita or $225 million from the current $SO per capita or $150,000,000 by 2002. The phase in will commence on January 1, 2001 and will increase the per capita allocation in the state of Florida to $62.50. On January 1, 2002, the full allocation amount of $75 per capita will be realized. Another important change is that after 2002, the amount of allocation per capita will be indexed to increase with inflation. St. Lucie County is in Private Activity Allocation Region 9. In 2000, Region 9 received Private Activity Allocation in the amount of $8,976,242. In 2001, Region 9 received Private Activity Allocation in the amount of $12,299,928. For local housing fmance authorities in the State of Florida, the passage of this bill means that the amount of allocation attributable to each issuer or region increased by 28.704% on January 1, 2001. The reason the amount is slightly higher than the true increase of 25% is that in Florida, the manufacturing pool is funded in the fixed dollar amount of $75,000,000 and 50% of all remaining allocation dollars are transferred to the regional pool. This was a great victory for the housing industry and will result in more low-income homebuyers and renters being served. We look forward to working with yoe in 2001 anal hope you have a happy and prosperous new year. WILLIAM R. HOUGH & CO. ~~,YVU~n 1~'~u~ Kathryn Driver Vice President Single Family Program Director ~. ~,~~=~,. KD/ljb MEMBER: NASD/SIPC I n a e s t m e n t s S i n c e ~~~ ~- r~ ~' ;, ~ ~ ~!~; ~`a ;^ ~, , x ' ; 1 , , ~- 1+ 1962 '~ ~ t, ST LUCIE COUNTY. FLORIDA PURCHASE CONFIRMATION LETTER AND CHECK REQUEST FORM ~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~a ~~f-;-cam. TO: FROM: DATE: MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: Fr Hama AT NFA VENDOR: # ~ 9~m p n Rnx 5(Rnm nRLANDO. FL 32856 REASON: AMOUNT OF CHECK: $ ~sn nn ACCOUNT TO BE CHARGED: 181-1900-554000-100 ~ DEPARTMENT HEAD: APPROVAL: xX MAIL CHECK TO VENDOR HOLD CHECK FOR PICK UP IN FINANCE 0~. ~i ~/2~ C'~c~ ~~1 ~~ ~~~ r ~ OIC `~ Q,~td `f~ ~~'~~, fix, c~ Received: 10/27/00 ~'S9PM~ 9046735044 -> HP LaserJet 3100; Page HEALTHSOUTH PAGE 02 10/27/2000 13:54 9046735044 • One HealthSouth Parkway Biumiwghaln+ AL 35243 MEMORANDUM ~~ ~~ ~' V TO: Annual Flu Shot Clients FROM: Alice Gerken, A,dzninistrator DATE: October 27, 2000 SUBJECT: Flu Serum Update ~~ ;~ ~,~ ~ v V J D ;l4 ~~ .~ fl ~~ As you are aware there has been a lot of national publicity in the last couple of weeks regarding the shortage az>.d delay of flu vaccine. As a vendor, Healthsouth Occupational Health pre-booked 6000 doses of flu serum last spring and as of today we have only received 500 doses. We have orders with two different distributors currently and check in with theznt on a daily basis. We have been told we should receive another shipment within the next week or two. Because of the shortage at this time, we at Healthsouth felt that the seru~nn we did receive needed to be given to those individuals in the highest risk groups. Therefore, we held a flu shot clinic for the Ormond Beach Senior Center this morning from gam -noon and administered all of our available doses during that time. Although the normal flu vaccine season is from October to Mid November there will still be plenty of tune to develop immunity from the vaccine if the shots are given in late November and early Aecember. For companies with whom flu shot clinics have been canceled we will make every attempt to re-schedule your clinics during the Months of November and December. I apologize for any inconveniettce this delay may cause your company. I would like to thank you personally for your patience and understanding regarding this matter. Xours in health, ,Alice M_ Gerken Administrator 1~~~,~ ~~ / ~ 6 Der 'p ~~~~CM~l~ l~~ ' OCT 2 7 2000 ' `' ~ J f _, CC.. ADP!!;N. QFFICE ~ az~ioo hsmerno.dot - ST. LUCIE COUNTY FLORIDA PURCHASE CONFIRMATION LETTER AND CHECK REQUEST FORM TO: FROM: DATE: MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: '"wR.,,.TT n~ `~"r~~'nTNTTV AFFATRC FINANCE & ACCOUNTING OFFICE VENDOR: # 3474 2555 SHUMARD OAK BLVD. REASON: ~ ~nnnmT a ~nTAT 4PF['TAT T~T4TRTC'T FFF CT (+ f1TTCTNr FTNANC`.F AUTHORITY AMOUNT OF CHECK: $ ~ ~~ nn ACCOUNT TO BE CHARGED: DEPARTMENT HEAD: APPROV. XX MAIL CHECK TO VENDOR HOLD CHECK FOR PICK UP IN FINANCE FY 2000/2001 ANNUAL SPECIAL DISTRICT FEE Section 189.427, F.S. and Rule 96-50.003, F.A.C. Department of Community Affairs (850) 922-5431 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 District: St. Lucie County Housing Finance Authority Heather Young 2300 Virginia Ave. Ft. Pierce, FI 34982 Invoice Number: 7591 Date Invoiced: 10/01/2000 Payment must be postmarked by: 1 210 612 0 0 0 ANNUAL I LATE I PAYMENTS ~ TOTAL FEE FEES APPLIED DUE $175.OOI $O.OOI $O.OOI $175.00 PLtA~t r~CCr i n~~ rv~. ~ ~..~...,... --- - - -- --------------- DETACH AND RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT. District: St. Lucie County Housing Fin~.nce County: St. Lucie Amount Due: $175.00 Payable to: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS MAIL TO: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING OFFICE 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 Invoice Number: 7591 Date Invoiced: 10/01/2000 Payment must be postmarked by: 12/06/2000 FOR DCA USE ONLY -POST TO: Special District Information Program 52800197 2-510080-001000 DETACH AND RETURN THIS PORTION INSTEAD OF A PAYMENT, IF APPLICABLE. ZERO ANNUAL FEE CERTIFICATION SECTION. This section is to be completed only by the registered agent of those special districts that can certify that ALL of the following statements are true and accurate as of the certification date: 1. This special district is not a component unit of a general purpose local government as defined in the Governmental Accounting Standards Board's Statement No. 14, issued in June 1991 effective after December 15, 1992. 2. This special district is in compliance with the reporting requirements of the Department of Banking and Finance. 3. This special district reported $3,000.00 or less in annual revenues to the Department of Banking and Finance on its Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 1998/1999 (Special districts created after that fiscal year must attach a current income statement verifying $3,000.00 or less in revenues for the current fiscal year. 4. This certification will be returned to the Department at the address below postmarked by 12/06/2000 and, 5. This special district understands that if DCA determines any of these items to be inaccurate, this special district must pay the appropriate fee when invoiced. DCA will verify these statements within 30 days of receiving this form. I, the undersigned registered :agent, do hereby c~ riify cn behalf of St. Lucie County Housing Finance Authority (St. Lucie) that to the est o my now a ge an a ie , o t e a ove statements containe erein an on any attac ments ere true, correct, complete, and made in good faith as of this date. I understand that any information I give may be investiga verified with the Department of Banking and Finance and the state Auditor General. Registered Agent's Typed Name Registered Agent's Signature Heather Young Date - .. ,~ ~_ _ _. - -...' MAIL TO: Department of Community Affairs, Special District Information Program, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100. ng reason v7 ozc O ~_ v V Q W O H m cn a vaiC DCA-SDIP-002 Effective 3/17/1999 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS "Helping Floridians create safe, vibrant, sustainable communities" IE8 BUSH STEVEN M. SEIBERT Governor Secretary October 1, 2000 To All Special Districts: Re: Special District Annual Fee Requirements for Fiscal Year 2000/2001 (October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2001) Enclosed is the Fee Assessment Form for fiscal year 2000/2001. This letter answers common questions about the special district annual fee. How much is the special district annual fee and when is it due? The special district annual fee is $175.00. To avoid monetary penalties, the payment must be postmarked by December 6, 2000. We qualified for a zero special district annual fee last year. Do we need to complete and return the "Zero Annual Fee Certification Section" this year? Yes. To approve a zero special district annual fee, Special District Information Program staff must verify that the special district reported $3,000.00 or less in revenues to the Department of Banking and Finance on its Annual Financial Report for the most recent fiscal year in which complete annual data is available from the Department of Banking and Finance. The most recent fiscal year in which this data is available is fiscal year 1998/1999. Therefore, any special district that reported $3,000.00 or less in revenues for fiscal year 'I 998/1999 is eligible for a zero fee if such special district certifies that it meets all the requirements on the "Zero Annual Fee Certification" and returns it postmarked by December 6, 2000. What if our special district annual fee is not postmarked by December 6, 2000? The fee will be late and the Department of Community Affairs will assess a fine of $25.00 pursuant to Section 189.427, Florida Statutes, and Rule 9B-50.003, Florida Administrative Code. If the special district fails to remit $200.00 within 30 days, the Department of Community Affairs will assess an additional $25.00 fine.. ISSS SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD • TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 Phone: 1850) 488-8466/Suncom 278-8466 FAX: 18501 911-0781/Suncom 291-0781 Internet address: www.dca.state.fl.us/ ftautu- KEI~s cllarl swM+r ww. a crkial sus Conesm PiNd OMke A~ a critlpl sus carcrn Fi•Id ano. :»~ i7venw -+~••r. suir~:u 2oS Eer M~ suwr. suir. to A~Wdan. Plaids ]]OS62137 ~rlew. Plaidf )7a]6/i11 All Special Districts Page Two What if we do not pay the special district annual fee at all? Pursuant to Section 189.4044, Florida Statutes, any special district failing to comply with its special district annual fee requirements for two consecutive fiscal years is subject to an inactive status declaration and legislative dissolution. What is the purpose of the Special District Annual Fee? In 1989, the Florida Legislature created the Uniform Special District Accountability Act of 1989 (Chapter 189, Florida Statutes), and charged the Department of Community Affairs with the responsibility of administering the Special District Information Program. To pay the costs of administering this program, Section 189.427, Florida Statutes, directs the Department of Community Affairs to establish a fee schedule. Rule Chapter 9B-50, Florida Administrative Code, sets forth this fee schedule. In summary, the Special District Information Program does the following: Maintains a file on each special district that contains the special district's creation document, map, and registered agent's name and address. Maintains specific information about each special district in a computer database and uses that database to produce The Official List of Specia! Districts. The Special District Information Program must distribute this fist to the Legislature, certain state agencies, and all cities and counties by October 1 each year. This list helps those state and local agencies meet their statutory requirements and operate more efficiently. In addition, the Special District Information Program provides the list to state and university libraries, sells it at cost to private organizations, and provides it free of charge to any special district requesting it, if such special district is in compliance with its annual fee requirements. Special districts use the list to communicate and coordinate with each other. In addition, the Special District Information Program commonly provides customized special district data to the Legislature, the media, the public, special districts, other states, students, and governmental agencies. Provides technical assistance to special districts to help them comply with financial requirements and when necessary, coordinates time extensions to allow them extra time to comply with such requirements. This is an important part of Florida's Local Government Financial Reporting System. When necessary, provides enforcement assistance to state agencies and local governments in collecting delinquent financial reports from special districts. All Special Districts Page Three Publishes the Florida Special District Handbook. This handbook summarizes the general procedure for operating special districts. Last year, the Special District Information Program distributed this handbook to each special district in compliance with its annual fee requirements. Anyone may download it from www.dca.state.fl.uslfhcd/programslsdia. The Special District Information Program also cosponsors an annual special district educational conference with the Florida Association of Special Districts. The next educational conference is scheduled for June 6 - 9, 2001. For more information, please call the Florida Association of Special Districts at (800) 454-1014 or visit www.fasd.com. We would appreciate your prompt compliance with the special district annual fee requirements by December 6, 2000. If you have any questio please call Ms. Melba Hawkins or Mr. Jack Gaskins at (850) 922-5431 (Bunco i X5431)/ or send an a-mail to Jack.Gaskins aC~.dca.state.fl.us. / ~~ 4~~..~ M. SMSrg Enclosure (Invoice) ,- '~ ST LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA PURCHASE CONFIRMATION LETTER AND CHECK REQUEST FORM TO: ~ FTNAN(''F FROM: nnT T['T ANT)FR 4(1 T DATE: A PR TT 7, 1999 MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO• "L'D"nmrR~iv~r nr~ f [)MMiTNiTV AFFAIRS . FINANCE & ACCOUNTING OFFICE VENDOR: # 3474 2555 SHUMARD OAK BLVD. AP-2 REASON: Fi' 199R/A9 ANNTTAT cnFrrer rncTRTrT FFF - CT C' NCITT4TNC'T FTNANC F. AUTHORITY AMOUNT OF CHECK: $ ~ 75 nn ACCOUNT TO BE CHARGED: DEPARTME] APPROVAL: xx MAIL CHECK TO VENDOR HOLD CHECK FOR PICK UP IN FINANCE . FY_ 1998/1999 ANNUAL SPECIAL DISTRICT FEE Invoice Number: 4629 ' Date Invoiced: 03117/1999 Section 189.427, F.S. and Rule 9B-50.003, F.A.C. Department of Community Affairs (850) 922-5431 Payment must be postmarked by: 05/21/1999 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd. pNted Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 ~ es as T e been stated• , 0~ ANNUAL LATE PAYMENTS TOTAL District: St. Lucie County Housingy~~~-ae~~~~(~~f'itY I ~~;w a~~ ,.~, ~CA~~c: FEE FEES APPLIED DUE pp. # ~~ 'OM Heather Young ~.-~ 2300 Virginia Ave. page Ft. Pierce, FI 34982 Signed $175.00 $0.00 $0.00 $175.00 I'LtA,t nCCr ~ nl~ rvr~ ~ ~.......... . --- - - -- ----------------- DETACH AND RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT. District: St. nce Invoice Number: 4629 Date Invoiced: 03117/1999 Payment must be postmarked by: 05121/1999 County: St. Lucie Amount Due: $175.00 Payable to: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS MAIL TO: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING OFFICE 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 FOR DCA USE ONLY -POST TO: Special District Information Program 528040 2-510080-001000 DETACH AND RETURN THIS PORTION INSTEAD OF A PAYMENT, IF APPLICABLE. ZERO ANNUAL FEE CERTIFICATION SECTION. This section is to be completed only by the registered agent of those special districts that can certify that ALL of the following statements are true and accurate as of the certification date: 1. This special district is not a component unit of a general purpose local government as defined in the Governmental Accounting Standards Board's Statement No. 14, issued in June 1991 effective after December 15, 1992. 2. This special district is in compliance with the reporting requirements of the Department of Banking and Finance. 3. This special district reported $3,000.00 or less in annual revenues to the Department of Banking and Finance on its Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 1996/1997 (Special districts created after that fiscal year must attach a current income statement verifying $3,000.00 or less in revenues for the current fiscal year. 4. This certification will be returned to the Department at the address below postmarked by May 21, 1999 and, 5. This special district understands that if DCA determines any of these items to be inaccurate, this special district must pay the appropriate fee when invoiced. DCA will verify these statements within 30 days of receiving this form. I, the undersigned registered agent, do hereby certify on behalf of St. Lucie County Housing Finance Authority that to the est o my now a ge an a ie , o e a ove statemen s containe erein an on any attac ments ereto are true, correct, complete, and made in good faith as of this date. I understand that any information I give may be investigated and verified with the Department of Banking and Finance and the state Auditor General. Registered Agent's Typed Name Heather Young Registered Agent's Signature ~ Date y~7 ~q~ MAIL TO: Department of Community Affairs, Special District Information Program, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100. B Title Date y DCA-SDIP-002 Effective 3/17/1999 ST LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Finance PURCHASE CONFIRMATION LETTER AND CHECK REQUEST FORM FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney DATE: May 28, 1998 MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: Florida ALHFA P. O. Box 1343 Windermere, Florida 34786 VENDOR NO. 19307 REASON: Membership Dues for 711198 - 711199 AMOUNT OF CHECK: $350.00 ACCOUNT TO BE CHARGED: 181-1900 0 554000 ~ DEPARTMENT HEAD_ Douglas„M. Anderson, County Administrator APPROVAL: (X ] PLEASE MAIL CHECK TO VENDOR - ~ ~~ # a a ~' ~/~ ~- [ ] SEND CHECK TO DEPARTMENT [ ] HOLD CHECK FOR PICK UP IN FINANCE. MEMORANDUM DATE: May 1, 1998 TO: Florida ALHFA Members FROM: Lisa Fisher, Executive Director RE: Membership Dues for period 7/98 - 7/99 Dues for the Florida Association of Local Housing Finance Authorities are now due. Please complete this form and mail with your check and conference registration to Florida ALHFA , P.O. Box 568007, Orlando, FL 32856. If you have any questions please call, (407) 481-2324. X Regular $350.00 (Local HFA'S) Associate $550.00 Name: St. Lucie Countv Housing Finance Authority Address: 2300 Virginia ,4venue, 3rd Floor .4dministration Annex Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (561) 462-1422 Fax: (561) 462-1440 aOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ATTORNEY Daniel S. McIntyre Heather Young ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY James W. Lancaster, Jr. ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Katherine Maclsenzie-Smith ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Via Federal Express Ms. C.J. Pipkins Assistant Executive Director Escambia County Housing Finance Authority 25 West Cedar Street,- Suite 530 Pensacola, FL 32501 Dear Ms. Pipkins: December 2, 1998 ~~ Re: Escambi County Housing Finance Authority Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 1999 Enclosed please find nine (9) executed originals of the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners and St. Lucie County Housing Finance Authority resolutions for the 1999 bond - program. I am also enclosing the recorded interlocal agreement and the two (2) Requests for Allocation. Ifyou require anything further from the Authority at this time, please do not hesitate - to contact me. Sincerely, • ~-- - Heather Young Assistant County Attorney - Enclosures - ~ ~ ~ ~ d xYi ~ --.--.- Copies to:_ County Administrator ~ : ~a~. - - DEC 3 ~- Finance Director - _ - - _ 1 ~ - _ Robin Jackson, Esquire ~_.___._-.----•- CO• Ap~PiN. OFFICE JOHN D. D(IUHN, Disrricr No. 1 KEN SATTLER, Disrricr No. 2 PAULA A. LEWIS, Disrricr No. ~ GARY CHARLES, Disrricr No. 4 CLIFF DARNES. Disrricr No. 5 County Adminisrroror -Douglas M. Anderson 2500 Virginia Avenue 3rd Floor Admin. Annex Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Phone (561) 462-1415 FAX (561) 462-1440 TDD (561) 462-1428 Division Serial No. Prior Division Scrim Nn. STATE OF FLORIDA DIVISION OF DOND FINANCE NOTICE OF 1NTENT TO ISSUC DONDS AND REQUEST FOR WRITTEN CONFIRMATION PART I (lo lx complcted Hy applicmH) ! i Dnte:_Ji_~nt~ary~ 1, 1999 Namc, address and phone numlxr of person who prepared ibis Notice (confirmation or rejection will be sent to this person unless oUtcnvisc directed): ,i i Gordon R. Jerni an ~' Namc: 9 -Phone: 8( 50-) 932-7077 Address: 25 West Cedar Street, Suite 530 Pensacola, FL 3250'. lssuingAgency; Cscambia County Housing finance Authority Company(ifapplicahlc): Rcqucslcd Amowri: $ Is this a Supplementary Nolicc? Yes No x Check one of the following; Manufacturing Facility (as defined in Section 159.803(10), P.S.) Florida First Business Project (as defined iu Scetion 159,803(1 I), F.S.) (Governor's Oflice of Tourism,'fradc and Economic Development certification mus be attached) Multifamily housing Single Family housing x Other (If "Outer", specify) ' Is this a Priority Project under Stale law? Ycs No Purpose: Sinale Familv Mortaaae Rev nnP Rond Program for St Iuc`ia onnt~ to be issu d by th~_mhi a Cnnnty lln~~isi n, 1'i name Anthori ry s. 1470 or similar iRC Approval Datc: Or t~ha r 1 S 1 9 9 R ApprovingAuthorit.y(UnitofCovernmcnt); Board of County- Commissioners of St. Lucie County ConlcmplalcdDatc(s)of!ssuc; February, 1999 i I IIISRGIIY Cl'sR'Fll~l"I'IIA'I'Tlfl's F,i,L'Cl'GD OhhiCIAI. OR VO'1'III APl'110YAL RIdQUIRISD I'URSUANTI'O ]47(t) OF'I'lll's 1NTL'11NAL 11HYCNUIS COllli IIAS DIsl'sN ODTAINISD ON'PIIC DA']'L INUICA'I'1sD AROVC, AND THATTItIs AMOUN'I'RTsASONAl1LYRX1'IsCI'RDTODI'sRISUIkIr17T'(7I1~ 1:FINANCINC>;QUALSA'('LCAST90ry Olr'1'IIC AMOUNT RISQUI'sS'I'1'sll Al10VL. SignauucoflssuingAgcncy0fticial ) -c.-:.-~ ---- ~ lssuingAgcncy0fficial-lypcdorprintcdNamcand'Title Robert Davis, Chairman D4il'OR'fANTI Legal Opinion (Section 159.805(1), F.S.) enclosed: N' $100.00 filing Fee enclosed; x PART 11 Qo be complcted by the Division of Dond Finance) Rcccivcd by: bate and Timc Rcccivcd: - Adjusted Date Rcccivcd (pursuant to Section 159.8081 or 159.8083, P.SJ Slants (confinncd or rejected); AmountCunlirmcd::~ ConfirintAonVnlidTlvough; - Amount Pending (if any): $ Comm!enls: Category of Confirmation: ' - '['ille: 1)ireclor, Division of Pond Finance ISSUISIt IS 1~!dRlslil' ADVISED'I'l1A'1"1'11!8 CONhIIth1A'l'ION 15 CONUI'1'IONAI,ANDSIIALLNOT Dls CONSIDI'sR[sD I~ INr\L UN'I'1L ANU UNLISS (1)'1'111; DI V ISION ItlClil V1sS't'1i4I1sLY NO'1'IRICA'1'ION Oh ISSUr\NCIi OF'I'1lts IIONUS 1'UI15Ur\N'1"f0 SISCI'ION ]59.8115(5)(u), FLOIt1UA S'1'A'1'U'I'1'sS, AND (2) Tills UIV]SiON IIAS ISSUIsU ITS F1NAh CONFIRMATION OF ALLOCATION (hOIIM 1SF 2007-IS) WI1'II RF.SPISCT'PO'1'IIIS BONDS. (Form DP2006-G/1-1-97) JoAnne Holman, Cierk of the Circuit Court - St. Lucie Count File Number:l.6?7b97 OR BOOK 1185 PAGE 0~~7~-. Recorded: 11-19-98 10:02 A.hf. FORM OF INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this ~.Z~"day of October, 1998, by and between the ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and politic organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "Escambia Authority"), and the HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a public body corporate and politic organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "Local Authority"); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Part N of Chapter 159 of the Florida Statutes, (the "Act") authorizes the creation of housing finance authorities within the State of Florida (the "State") for the purpose of issuing revenue bonds to assist in relieving the shortage of housing available at prices or rentals which many persons and families can afford; and WHEREAS, the Escambia Authority has resolved to issue at one time or from time to time, not exceeding $100,000,000 Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, initially designated as, (Multi-County Program) Series 1999 (the "1999 Escambia Bonds"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 143 and 146 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), the amount of qualified mortgage bonds (as defined in Section 143 of the Code) which may be issued in each year is limited by a private activity volume cap which has been established for such purpose within the State; and WHEREAS, the limitations upon available portions of the private activity volume cap prevent the separate issuance of bonds for each county from being feasibly and economically accomplished; and WHEREAS, the Escambia Authority has authorized a sufficient amount of 1999 Escambia Bonds to fund, or to refund or refinance outstanding obligations, the proceeds of which will be used to finance a portion of the anticipated demand during the proposed Origination Period for qualifying single family mortgages ("Mortgage Loans") -0f both Escambia County and St. Lucie County, as_ well ascertain other counties which may also participate ir~a joint bond program; and WHEREAS, the aggregation of mortgage loan demand and the securing of the related_amount of the cumulative State private activity _volume cap- (the "Allocation Amount") granted by the State through 1999 (the "Authorization Period") for the purpose of issuing qualified mortgage revenue bonds to finance MCL-08/20/98 Rev-10/08/98-6329-lucyia OR BOOK 1185 PAGE 0772 qualifying single family residences to be occupied primarily by first-time home 'buyers will result in a wider allocation of fixed expenses and certain other economies of scale; and WHEREAS, unless such economies are realized, the issuance of qualified mortgage revenue bonds for such purpose would be less economical, resulting in high mortgage costs to qualified mortgagors; and WHEREAS, Sections 159.603 and 159.604, Florida Statutes, authorize St. Lucie County (the "Participating County") to approve the issuance of qualified mortgage revenue bonds through the Escambia Authority to alleviate the shortage of affordable housing within the Participating County, which approval has been granted by a resolution of the Board - of County Commissioners of the Participating County adopted on October f~;°`1998 (the "County Resolution"); and WHEREAS, Sections 163.01, 159.608 and 125.01, Florida Statutes, and the County Resolution authorize this Agreement by conferring the authority to exercise or contract by agreement upon the Escambia Authority to exercise those powers which are common to it and the other parties hereto and to include the Participating County within the Escambia Authority's area of operation pursuant to Florida Statutes, Section 159.603(1) for the purpose of issuing bonds based on the Allocation Amount to (i) make available funds to finance qualifying single family owner-occupied residences located within the Participating Counties in accordance herewith, (ii) establish the reserves therefor, and (iii) pay the costs of issuance thereof (collectively, the "Program"). NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: Section I. Allocation Amount; Substitution of Bonds. The Local Authority hereby authorizes the Escambia Authority to issue, reissue, remarket or refund qualified mortgage revenue bonds, in the form of its Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds (the "Bonds") from time to time based on the Allocation Amount through the Authorization Period- for the purpose of financing the Program and making funds available for qualifying single family owner-occupied residences in the Participating County to the full extent permitted by the Act. Any 1999 Escambia Bonds issued for such purposes in the Participating County are hereby deemed to be in full substitution for an equivalent principal amount of the Local Authority's bonds that could have been issued for such purpose. The Local Authority hereby authorizes the Escambia Authority to utilize the Local Authority's Allocation Amount on behalf of the Local Authority, as part of its plan of finance for the purpose of funding the Programt including among other things, financing of qualifying single family mortgages in -the Participating County, and the Escambia Authority is hereby - _ designated as the bond issuing authority for the Local Authority through~ie end of the Authorization Period with respect to all such Allocation Amounts. The proceeds of the 1999 Escambia Bonds shall be. allocated and applied. to the funding, or refinancing of or refunding obligations, the proceeds of which will be used far the funding of Mortgage Loans within the various Participating Counties and for reserves and the payment of costs of issuing the 1999 N[CL-08/20/98 Rcv-10/08/98-6329-lucyia OR BOCK 11.85 PAGE 077.=, Escambia Bonds, all in accordance with final program documents approved by =the Escambia Authority. All revenues generated by bonds issued pursuant to this Agreement and by the use of the proceeds thereof, will be administered by the Escambia Authority, or its agents, and all payments due from such revenues shall be paid by the Escambia Authority, or its agents, without further action by the Local Authority. Section 2. Administration. The Escambia Authority hereby assumes responsibility for administering this Agreement by and through its employees, agents and officers; provided, however, that the Local Authority retains and reserves its right and obligation to require reasonable reporting on programs designed for and operated within the Participating County, including, but not limited to, reasonably available mortgagor or profile data. The Escambia Authority and its agents shall provide the Local Authority with a copy of the transcript of documents and proceedings for the 1999 Escambia Bonds and such reports as may be necessary to comply with disclosure requirements and to account for funds generated by this Agreement. The Escambia Authority shall have full authority and responsibility to negotiate, define, validate, market, sell, issue, reissue, deliver, refund or remarket its Bonds in the maximum Allocation Amount, based upon mortgage loan demand and available Allocation Amounts permitted by law, to finance qualifying single family housing developments in the Participating County and to take such other action as may be necessary or convenient to accomplish such purpose. Each Participating County may apply -for the full Allocation Amount available for such County. It is agreed that the initial regional Allocation Amount for the 1999 Escambia Bonds in St. Lucie County and other Participating Counties located within the same bond volume allocation region under Section 159.804, Florida Statutes, shall be allocated ratably between St. Lucie County and such other Participating Counties within such region based upon lender demand. All lendable proceeds of the 1999 Escambia Bonds attributable to the mortgage loan demand in St. Lucie County shall be reserved for use in originating Mortgage Loans in St. Lucie County for an initial period of one hundred and twenty (12a}-days or until July 1, 1999 whichever is later. The issuance and administration costs and expenses related to the 1999 Escambia Bonds issued to finance the housing Program and administration of such Program shall be paid from proceeds of the 1999 Escambia Bonds and revenues generated from the housing Program. Section 3. Program Parameters. (A) Upon request of the Escambia Authority, the Local Authority shall, to tie extent permitted by law, (1) approve, establish._and update, from time_to - time as necessary, upon the- request of the Esca_mhia Authority, such Program parameters including, but not limited to, maximum housing price and maximum adjusted family income for eligible borrowers, as may be required for _ any bonds issued by the Escambia Authority pursuant to this Agreement and - (2) approve the allocation of Mortgage Loan moneys for each lending institute offering to originate Mortgage Loans within the Participating bounty. Unless NICL-08/20/98 Rev-10/08/98-6329-lucyia DR BOCK 1185 PAGE O'~74 otherwise notified in writing by the Local Authority, the Escambia Authority may from time to time approve and establish such maximum price and family income amounts at the maximum levels provided pursuant to the Code without further action of the Local Authority or Participating County. (B) The fees and expenses of the Local Authority and the fees and expenses of its counsels shall be paid from the proceeds of the Program in the manner and to the extent mutually agreed upon by the officials of the Local Authority and the Escambia Authority at or prior to issuance of the 1999 Escambia Bonds. Section 4. Term. This Agreement will remain in full force and effect from the date of its execution until such time as it is terminated by any party upon ten (10) days written notice to the other party hereto. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is agreed that this Agreement may not be terminated by the Local Authority during the Authorization Period, or by any party during any period that the 1999 Escambia Bonds issued pursuant to the terms hereof remain outstanding, or during any period in which the proceeds of such 1999 Escambia Bonds (or investments acquired through such proceeds) are still in the possession of the Escambia Authority, or its agents, pending distribution, unless either (1) the parties to this Agreement mutually agree in writing to the terms of such termination or (2) such termination, by its terms, only applies prospectively to the authorization to issue 1999 Escambia Bonds for which no Allocation Amount has been obtained or used by the Escambia Authority and for which no purchase contract has been entered into. It is further agreed that in the event of termination the parties to this Agreement will provide continuing cooperation to each other in fulfilling the obligations associated with the issuance of Bonds pursuant to this Agreement. Section 5. Indemnity. To the full extent permitted by law, the Escambia Authority agrees to hold the Participating County and the Local Authority harmless from any and all liability for repayment of principal of, premium, if any, and interest or penalty on the 1999 Escambia Bonds issued - pursuant to this Agreement,- and the members, officials, employees and agents of the Participating County and the Local Authority harmless from any and all liability in connection with the approval rendered pursuant to Sections 159.603 and 159.604, Florida Statutes. The Escambia Authority agrees that any offering, circular or official statement approved by and used in marketing the 1999 -Escambia Bonds will include a statement to the effect that Bond owners may not look to the Participating County or the Local Authority and their respective members, officials, employees and agents for payment of the 1999 - Escambia Bonds issued pursuant to this Agreement and interest or premium or penalty thereon. - _ - - - MCL-08/20/98 4 Rev-10/08/98-6329-lucyia OR BOOK 11.85 FAGE 0775 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Agreement have caused their names to be affixed hereto by the proper officers thereof as of the fie. day of C3 ~s~.h-, , 1998. ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY (SEAL) ATTEST: By It : Chairman By: Its• Secretary _ - HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA B Its: Chairman ATTEST: ~ ' $ - f ~~=G~ .. Y Its: c~retary (SEAL) MCL-08/20/98-6329-lucyia 5 ST. LUCIE HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY October 15, 1998 Minutes Members Present: Chairman Bob Davis, Diana Wesloski and Luz Baez Members Absent: Joyce Nix CHAIRMAN: The Housing Finance Authority of St. Lucie County, Florida will now conduct a public hearing regarding the participation by St. Lucie County and the St. Lucie County Housing Finance Authority in the multi-county single family mortgage loan program offered by Escambia County, FL through the Escambia County Housing Finance Authority. Notice of today's public hearing was published on September 24, 1998 in The Tribune, and on September 28, 1998 in the The Port St Lucie News Would Special Housing Counsel to the St. Lucie Authority, Robin Jackson, please read into the record the notice of this public hearing? ROBIN JACKSON, ESQUIRE, SPECIAL HOUSING COUNSEL: Thank you Mr. Chairman The public notice reads as follows: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING For the purpose of Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, notice is hereby given that the St. Lucie County Housing Finance Authority (the "St. Lucie Authority"), will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, October 15,1998, at 2:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers, located at 2300 Virginia Avenue, Third Floor of the Roger Poitras Annex Building, Fort Pierce, Florida 34982, (561) 462-1419, to consider the approval of a plan of finance to provide capital including the issuance from time to time by the Escambia County Housing Finance Authority (the "Escambia Authority"), on behalf of the St. Lucie Authority, St. Lucie County and other participating counties, of not exceeding $100,000,000 Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, initially designated as (Multi-County program), Series 1999. The St. Lucie Authority will participate in an amount not to exceed $10,000,000 in connection therewith. The proceeds of such bonds together with funds from other sources available to the Escambia Authority, will be used to finance, or refund outstanding _ _ obligations, the proceeds of which will be used to finance, the purchase of single _ family residences to be occupied primarily by first-time hom~_buyers o~_ - ___ -- moderate, middle or lesser income within St. Lucie County and various other - counties in the State of Florida. The bonds and interest thereon shall not constitute a debt of the Escambia _ Authority within the meaning of any provisions or limitations of the statutes or Constitution of the State of Florida, St. Lucie County, or other participating counties or Housing Finance Authorities, including the St. Lucie Authority, but will be payable solely from payments made from the revenues generated from the housing program. nor the St. Lucie Authority shall ever be required to (i) levy ad valorem taxes on any property within its territorial limits to pay the principal of and premium, if any, and interest or penalty on the Bonds or to make any other payments provided for under the proposed plan of finance or financing agreements, or (ii) pay the same from any funds of St. Lucie County or the St. LuciS Authority whatsoever. Adoption of this Resolution does not authorize or commit the expenditure of any funds of St. Lucie County or of the St. Lucie Authority to pay the costs of issuance of such Bonds. The Bonds are limited, special obligations and will not constitute a debt of the State of Florida, St. Lucie County, Escambia County, or other participating Counties or of the St. Lucie Authority, the Escambia Authority or other participating Housing Finance Authorities, but will be payable solely from payments made from the revenues generated from the Escambia Multi-County Single Family Housing Program. Section 6. AII resolutions or parts thereof of the St. Lucie Board in conflict with the provisions herein contained are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby superseded and repealed. Section 7. After motion and second the vote on this Resolution is as follows: Chairman Gary Charles ~ ~ AYE Vice-Chairman Paula Lewis AYE - Commissioner John D. Bruhn AYE Commissioner Cliff Barnes AYE bICL-08/20/98 - 4 rev-09/10/98 rev-09/ 16/98 rev-10/03/98-6329-stlures Section 8. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Duly adopted in regular session this ~ day of ~f ov~be/, 1998. ~~~n y .~ ~y.~ _ ~~~, G BOARD OF COU1~1'IY COMMISSIONERS ~, ' '~.:~='°; ~p ST. LUCIE COUN~'Y, FLORIDA `G~~F COUNTS •F~. ATTEST: By: ~Y` Chairm MCL-08/20/98 rev-09/ 10/98 rev-09/ 16/98 rev-10/08/98-6329-stlures APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: By: _~y,.w. ~..:L - - Assistant County Attorney 5 .. v p v tn^ $o. n ~ m m s7n s M .~ r ~ -'^;'~ 7 0 o m 0 G 'o °- • o N D D A y ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ xo v~ ».? A r»a =~ m 2 CJ~ C ° Op .°.r ~. .~ am. N Q O is 3 ° a~ ~ i ~ W ryr~ " ~_ ~~~ ° w .: rdr ar a 3R»d ~ w r ~dg M O n O s T W ~ o O O~ r ~ x ~ d~a$ ~ "' a Td O.O r w ON ~ ~'~~id O N a°} r a a$ o q G dq 7 N (1N p"~AO 7 M o a' 3 0 mq 0 3~~lr ^ .`C N o s Q 7 ~ > ~ ~ S ~ n O ~ O w ~ `C 4 ~_. a Q a ~ ~ ~~~g 0 0 ~ .~ 3~ e~ r m Mal 3 q o dam, f C°°-d a ~ -'n m N v ~$a~ w m o ~ o ~°^ Q m 7Om 7 ' C N d ~ D w ,Z C -•~A .+ p d ' r~ d _ ~ r 71 N .~ Q O Q mm Q M 4 7 d ti M W O~ Yp O N0 4 3 , n. o x v' m m 1 ~3s~ . m N ~ ~ o d d ~ .7 m a>> ~ ~ ~ Nr<r ~ ' ~ 'o p d ~ C1T7 s a .,c o 3 ° . n g 3 0 X . 0 ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Hf ~~ -_1D ~~~ ..o $ •-. sD w m v < rAeo fA N 3 Q c c D f ~ o „ ~ , T p On Q n ~ D 1 1 I m NNH Z n { C Vf m n Q N w ... ~ fA n• a , i O 0 C ~'rt (~ ~' -1 m ~ o~ x o . .~ 70 ~ D 1 m p rn ~ ~o H z O r Z ~ m o l0 1 x ~ G~ ~ ,; c~~ ~ m -n m ~ p ~ H z v= p 0 ~ , X C ~ m v o ~ Z » $ ~. o ~ Z to D o H C) ~ . ~~ ' N m m ~ „~ ' c n m O Z ~ m ~ ~ f .. O r D ^ ~ m O ~ ~ ~ -.. N .v o_ O 'Ori o° ~~ • r • N 3 0 m D ~~°_ '.~ 2~~ c e o ~:~ 3 1 1 y 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~3~~ ~r• D n n r C N z{ W N v a~G mm ~ O N 3 ~D ~ n p~pD r °m n~~ 3 ~ - m m:Z C _ ~ -1 "'~ r y a~ C1 ~ I O ~ ? C { r 3~ ~ 3 ~ ~~ ~. I`- D 3 0 e ~ X Q. 0 z r H U W J Q U O N Z O Q a O a a Q ~U ~Z ~ W a v~ wW o~ T O a E H O W I ~o ~ ~ O ac ^ Q d W 0 tYi Q W t a = U 0 J 1 c u Q N z W W m W w U N W N Z W a X /W^ V Z J W Q F- " LL" 0 ~ i rn ' ~ ~ ~' M N o io - 'a ~ E 'c ~- x CW C ~ ~ ° ~ .•. E r-1 W a ~ ~ } U e E I I ~ I" .~ ~ .~ ~ ~ , a ~ g ~ ~ e °`~ LL ~ ~~; a ,'~ ~ ~' d' ~' N ~ (~ ~' ~ a ~ ~ ~n ~ a y E E C7 Q M O ~ °° O ° = ~ n E • o o d~~ ai= o~Z ~ ~ i ~ ~ l0 d 69 ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u O ~~ ° o>;~ "r o ~ b o=E~a a E o10LL ° o .a= ri p E « n Ca `8 m na ~ _ rn ~u~~ E occ •»° W a O ° Y ~~Em •oe to ° r E xx o u •.- d ~t ~'4~ ~W oC € o O U p p~ .u '~ •~ ' M Y ,,, } w O aE :°'~° to bZ ~ o~L »au~ °$~; • a L:.y a E>vtl ~ ~ c ~ . 'o o H F- o • ~ v ~a u o ~ W ~ u Z ook ~ tln i a T ~ : 0 ~ W ~ p• L ; (~ z A c euN~ . _ .;~ «c p o o ; $ ° a ~~ J 'o U ~ o~c~ tno JV ~~ ~ ~, W 00 I \ C r C~ 8 c a vLL `. °~~ r ~ U F O o ~ e ~ ^ ° c ~ ° 2 ~ C!) W Ol ~ O ° eu u'w ° ° .o .o ~ ° F z 3 0 a.. a° .e~_ ~ ~ d~ ~H ~ N ~ q u Y`e a M 4e f H 01 uo; .. ~~ ~ ~ r--I i W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ o o ~ ~ x h ao :~~ g a ac ~' o u-o C7 W o ,o ~ ~ , o; 0 r w ~ I t> c w° w w o -E•wea >' Q ~° ~ ~ ~ a fl a: v o$?i n INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Douglas Anderson, County Administrator FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney ~~ C.A. NO: 99-469 DATE: April 6, 1999 SUBJECT: Housing Finance Authority - FY 1998/1999 Special District Fee Attached please find the invoice for the Housing Finance Authority's 1998/99 Special District Fee. Funds are included in the Authority's budget for this expenditure. Please process the invoice for payment. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Attachment HY/ Copies to: Finance Director Management and Budget Manager ©© ~~ ~~/ `-, ~~. ~~ ~\ vJ~ r . .. _~ ~' ~, ..r. ~=_~~ y All proceedings before the St. Lucie Authority are electronically recorded. All persons are advised that, if they decide to appeal any decision made at this public hearing, they will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence up which the appeal is to be based. At the time and place fixed for said public hearing persons who appear will be given an opportunity to express their views for or against the proposal to issue said bonds, and any written comments received by the St. Lucie Authority will be considered. Anyone with a disability requiring assistance to attend this meeting should contact the Human Services Manager at (561) 462-1777 or TDD (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. Housing Finance Authority of St. Lucie County, Florida Robert Davis, Chairman Publish: September 24,1998 CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Would the Assistant County Attorney, Heather Young, please into the record the title of St. Lucie County Housing Finance Authority Resolution 98-O1 related to this public hearing and the actions to be considered today by the St. Lucie Authority. HEATHER YOUNG, ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY: Thank you Mr. Chairman. The Notice was also published in the Courier the same week as the other notices. The title of the St. Lucie County Housing Finance Resolution 98-01 reads as follows: RESOLUTION N0.98-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING A JOINT PROGRAM WITH THE ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY, FOR THE ISSUANCE BY THE ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE - AUTHORITY OF ITS SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1999 (MULTI-COUNTY PROGRAM), ON BEHALF OF ST. LUCIE - COUNTY AND THE HOUSING FIP~TANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY TO FINANCE QUALIFYING SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE LOANS IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING THAT SUCH ESCAMBIA BONDS CONSTITUTE LIMITED, SPECIAL OBLIGATIONS; - - APPROVING THE FORM OF AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION - AND DELIVERY OF AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY; PROVIDING CERTAIN OTHER DETAILS WITH RESPECT THERETO; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. We now ask if Gordon Jernigan, Executive Director of the Escambia County Housing Finance Authority would like to make any comments. Mr. Jernigan indicated that the program provides safe, affordable housing for St. Lucie County. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. We will now open the public portion of the hearing. Does any member of the public wish to be heard on this matter? If so, please step forward to the microphone. Seeing none, would any members of the Authority wish to comment on this matter? There were no comments. CHAIRMAN: Do either of our attorneys wish to make any comments? Robin Jackson pointed out that any comment in the Resolution referring to St. Lucia was St. Lucie. CHAIRMAN: There being no further comments on this matter, I ask for a motion and a second that the public hearing be closed. The motion was made by Diana Wesloski and seconded by Luz Baez. Bob Davis, Diana Wesloski and Luz Baez voted in favor-of the motion. The motion carried. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. I would now ask for a motion and a second to adopt proposed Resolution 98-01. The motion was made by Diana Wesloski and seconded by Luz Baez. Those members in favor of HFA Resolution 98-01 Bob Davis, Diana Wesloski and Luz Baez; those members opposed; none. The motion carried. Heather Young stated the Resolution would go on the Agenda for the Board of County_ Commissioners on October 27, 1998 at 9:00 a.m. if any of the members wanted to attend. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Monica Taibl Legal Secretary - St. Lucie County Attorneys Office - - RESOLUTION NO. 98- a 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING FIlVANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING A JOINT PROGRAM WITH THE ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY, FOR THE ISSUANCE BY THE ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ITS SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1999 (MULTI- COUNTY PROGRAM), ON BEHALF OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY AND THE HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY TO FINANCE gUALIFYING SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE LOANS IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING THAT SUCH ESCAMBIA BONDS CONSTITUTE LIMITED, SPECIAL OBLIGATIONS; APPROVING THE FORM OF AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY; PROVIDING CERTAIN OTHER DETAILS WITH RESPECT THERETO; AND PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Chapter 159, Part 1V, Florida Statutes, authorizes the creation of housing financing authorities with the purpose of issuing revenue bonds to assist in alleviating a shortage of housing available at prices or rentals which many persons and families can afford; and WHEREAS, Sections 159.603 and 159.604, Florida Statutes, authorize the Board of County Commissioners of . St. ~ Lucie County, Florida (the "Governing Body"), to approve the operation of the Escambia County Housing Finance Authority (the "Escambia Authority"), within the territorial boundaries of, and the issuance by the Escambia Authority of revenue bonds to alleviate the shortage of affordable housing and capital available for investment therein within St. Lucie County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the Escambia Authority has by resolution previously authorized a plan of finance for the issuance from time to time of not exceeding $100,000,000 Escambia County Housing Finance Authority Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, initially designated as Multi-County Program, Series 1999 (the "Escambia Bonds"); and _ _ WHEREAS,- the Eseambi~ Authority has expressed an interest in _ _ pursuing a joint program with the Housing Finance Authority of St. Lucie - County (the "St. Lucie Authority'? for the issuance by the Escambia Authority of a sufficient principal amount of the Escambia Bonds to finance qualifying single family mortgage loan programs for Escambia County and St. Lucie County and certain other counts th>-ough amulti-county single family housing program (the "Escambia Multi-County Single Family Housing Program"); and MCL-08/20/98 rev-09/10/98-6329-sUureshfa WHEREAS, by combining the authority to issue single family mortgage revenue bonds of the Escambia Authority, St. Lucie County and the St. Lucie Authority and certain other issuers desiring to participate in the issue, the Escambia Authority will be able to make available mortgage loans at rates below the rates otherwise possible if the St. Lucie Authority attempted a separate issue; and WHEREAS, such a program would benefit St. Lucie County and aid in alleviating a shortage of affordable housing and capital available for investment therein within St. Lucie County; and WHEREAS, in order to participate in such Escambia Multi-County Single Family Program and to approve the issuance of the Escambia Bonds, the St. Lucie Authority pursuant to Section 147(fl of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Code"), has held a public hearing on behalf of St. Lucie County, the Escambia Authority and Escambia County this 1ST- day of 'U ~'~ 1998, following notice of such hearing given in the form required by the Code by publication more than fourteen (14) days prior to such public hearing; and WHEREAS, in order to participate in the Escambia Multi-County Single _ Family Program and to approve the issuance of the Escambia Bonds, the St. Lucie Authority desires to approve the form of and to execute and deliver an Interlocal Agreement with the Escambia Authority and to take such -other actions as are necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1. Authority. This Resolution is adopted pursuant to the provisions of the Florida Housing Authority Law, Part IV of Ehapter 159, Florida Statues (the "Act"), and other applicable laws. SECTION 2. Findings. The St. Lucie Authority has found and determined and hereby declares that: (A) In order- to realize the economies of scale afforded by aggregating the separate single family mortgage revenue bond programs for the St. Lucie Authority and the Escambia Authority, it is in the best interest of St. _ _ _ _ Lucie County and the St. Lucie Authority to authorise the Escambia Authority _ - to issue the Escambia Bonds to finance single family mortgage loans for both _ _ Escambia County and St. Lucie County which qualify under the Act: __ (B) The St. Lucie Authority on the date hereof has held a public hearing required by Section _ 147_(fl of the Code after giving such notice as rewired thereby. Such public hearing was conducted at the time and place advertised and at such hearing reasonable opportunity was provided for all interested individuals to express their views, both orally and in writing, on the MCL-08/20/98 2 rev-09/ 10/98-6329-stlureshfa issuance of the Escambia Bonds. The St. Lucie Authority shall provide the minutes of such public hearing to the Governing Body for approval as the applicable elected representative or governmental unit. (C) In order to implement such Escambia Multi-County Single Family Housing Program and to approve the issuance of the Escambia Bonds, it is in the best interest of the St. Lucie Authority to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with the Escambia Authority. SECTION 3. Authorization of Form of Interlocal Agreement. The execution and delivery of the Interlocal Agreement, authorizing the Escambia Authority to issue its Escambia Bonds to finance qualifying single family mortgage loans in St. Lucie County, a proposed form of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" (the "Interlocal Agreement") is hereby authorized. The form of the Interlocal Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is hereby approved, subject to such changes, modifications, insertions, omissions, substitutions and such filling of blanks therein as may be approved and made in such form by the officers of the St. Lucie Authority and the Escambia Authority executing the same, such execution and delivery to be conclusive evidence of such approval. SECTION 4. Authorization to Execute. The Chairman or Vice Chairman and the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of the St. Lucie Authority are hereby authorized and empowered to execute and deliver -the Interlocal Agreement, subject to such changes, modifications, insertions, omissions, substitutions and filling of blanks therein as such officers executing the same shall approve, such execution to be conclusive evidence of such approval and to affix thereto or impress thereon the seal of the St. Lucie Authority. The appropriate officers of the St. Lucie Authority are hereby further authorized to execute and deliver such other intergovernmental agreements, applications, consents, or other documents and instruments as may be necessary to implement the Interlocal Agreement, including, without limitation, applications for up to the maximum available private activity bond volume allocations pursuant to Chapter 159, Part VI, Florida Statutes, for the purposes set forth in the Interlocal Agreement. SECTION 5. Approval of Issuance of Escambia Bonds and Public Hearing. The -St. Lucie Authority hereby approves, within the meaning of Section 147(fl of the Code, the Escambia Authority's plan of finance and the issuance by the Escambia Authority from time to time, of not exceeding $100,000,000 Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, initially designated as Multi-County Program, Series -1999, for funding the Escambia Authority's -- program for Mortgage Loans, and the public hearing related thereto held by the St. Lucie Authority on the date hereof: The St. Lucie Authority hereby requests the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County approve, within the meaning of_Section 147(fl of the Code, the Escambia Authority's plan of finance and the issuance by the Escambia Authority of not exceeding $100,000,000 Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 1999, Multi-County Program, and the public hearing related thereto by the St. Lucie Authority_on the date hereof. MCL-08/20/98 rev-09/ 10/98-6329-stlureshfa s SECTION 6. No Expenditure of Funds; Limited, Special Obligations. Adoption of this Resolution does not authorise or commit the expenditure of any funds of St. Lucie County or of the St. Lucie Authority to pay the cost of issuance of such Escambia Bonds. The Escambia Bonds are limited, special obligations and will not constitute a debt of the State of Florida, St. Lucie County, Escambia County, or other participating Counties or of the St. Lucie Authority, the Escambia Authority or other participating Housing Finance Authorities, but will be payable solely from payments made from the revenues generated from the Escambia Multi-County Single Family Housing Program. SECTION 7. Effective Date. The approvals and authorizations provided in Sections 3, 4 and 5 of this Resolution are expressly contingent upon and this Resolution shall become effective upon the adoption by the Governing Body of a resolution approving and authorizing the Escambia Authority to operate within the territorial boundaries of St. Lucie County with respect to the issuance of its Escambia Bonds. MCL-08/20/98 4 rev-09/ 10/98-6329-stlureshfa DULY ADOPTED by the Housing Finance Authority of St. Lucie County, this i 5~ day of Q ~~- , 1998. HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY (SEAT,) . Its:Chairrnan ATTEST: B Its:Secr MCL-08/20/98 5 rev-09/10/98-6329-stlureshfa RESOLUTION NO. 98-dam A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY TO OPERATE WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY ON BEHALF OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY AND THE HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO FINANCE gUALIFYING SINGLE FAMII,Y MORTGAGE LOANS; AUTHORIZING THE HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH THE ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE ' AUTHORITY; APPROVING A FORM OF AND EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT; APPROVING THE ISSUANCE BY THE ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF NOT EXCEEDING $100,000,000 SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1999 (MULTI- COUNTY PROGRAM) ON BEHALF OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY AND THE HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, PURSUANT TO SECTION 1470 OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE - CODE OF 1988, AS AMENDED; PROVIDING THAT SUCH BONDS CONSTITUTE LIMITED, SPECIAL OBLIGATIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Chapter 159, Part IV, Florida Statutes, (the "Act") authorized counties to create housing finance authorities to exercise powers of the Act within their boundaries or outside their boundaries with the consent of the governing body of the territory outside their area of operation; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Escambia County, Florida, (the "Escambia Board") on May 29, 1980, adopted Ordinance No. 80-12, by which it created the Escambia County Housing Finance Authority (the "Escambia Authority") - and authorized the Escambia Authority to exercise all powers under the Act; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, (the "St. Lucie Board") has found a shortage of affordable housing and capital for investment therein and a need for a housing finance authority to function in St. Lucie County and did accordingly create the Housing Finance Authority of St. Lucie County, Florida (the "St: Lucie Authority"); and WHEREAS, it is not practicable at this time under existing Florida and Federal - _ laws and regulations for the St. Lucie Authority to issue its bonds for the purpose of implementing a single family housing program, although the shortage of such single - - _ _ farnily housing and-capital for investment therein is continuing in St. Lucie County; _ and WHEREAS, the Escambia Authority has by resolution duly adopted on March - 10, 1998 (the "Escambia Resolution") authorized the issuance from time t_o time, of not _ - exceeding $1_00,000,000 Single, Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Multi-County Program, and initially designated as Series 1999 (the "Bonds"), in connection with its MCL-08/20/98 rev-09/ 10/98 rev-09/ 16/98 rev-10/08/98-6329-stlures multi-county single family housing program (the "Escambia Multi-County Single Family Housing Program"), and has indicated to the St. Lucie Board and to the St. Lucie Authority its willingness to exercise its powers in St. Lucie County to finance single family housing therein as permitted by the Act upon approval of the St. Lucie Board and the St. Lucie Authority; and WHEREAS, Section 147(fl of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Code") requires public approval of certain private activity bonds and the plan of finance therefor by an applicable elected representative or governmental unit following a public hearing and the St. Lucie Board, constitutes an applicable elected representative or governmental unit; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 147(fl of the Code a public hearing was scheduled by the St. Lucie Authority, on behalf of the St. Lucie Board, the Escambia Board and the Escambia Authority forl~, October, 1998, at ?~.m. and notice of such hearing was given in the form required by the Code by publication more than fourteen (14) days prior to the public hearing; and WHEREAS, the St. Lucie Authority has, on October ~.f , 1998, held the public hearing and provided at -such hearing reasonable opportunity for all interested individuals to express their views, both orally and in writing, on the issuance of the Bonds; and WHEREAS, the St. Lucie Authority on behalf of the St. Lucie Board, the - Escaxlbia Authority and the Escambia Board, diligently and conscientiously considered all comments and concerns expressed by such individuals; and WHEREAS, the St. Lucie Board desires to express its approval of the action to be taken pursuant to the Escambia Resolution and Chapter 159, Part IV, Florida Statutes and as required by Section 147(fl of the Code; and WHEREAS, the St. Lucie Board desires to authorize the St. Lucie Authority to undertake certain actions as necessary in connection with participation in the Escambia Multi-County Single Family Housing Program and the issuance, sale, authentication and delivery of the Bonds by Interlocal Agreement (the "Interlocal Agreement") with the Escambia Authority; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA: _ - Section ~. Because of the continuing shortage of affordable single family housing and capital for investment therein in-St. Lucie County and the continuing - impediments to a bond issue to alleviate such shortages as to single family housing, it= - is hereby determined that the St. Lucie Board consents to the Escambia Authority exercising its powers to issue the Bonds on behalf of St. Lucie County and the St. - Lucie Authority and to implement a plan of finance to provide capital from sources of - funds available to the Escambia Authority, including_but notlimited to a portion of the proceeds of the Bonds, and proceeds of obligations refunded by the Bonds, to establish a program to finance Mortgage Loans for single family housing within the MCL-08/20/98 2 rev-09/ 10/98 rev-09/ 16/98 rev-10/08/98-6329-stlures statutory boundaries of St. Lucie County ("Mortgage Loans"); provided, that the Es~ambia Authority and the St. Lucie Authority first enter into a written agreement setting forth the powers, duties and limitations of the St. Lucie Authority as they pertain to participation in the Escambia Multi-County Single Family Housing Program and the issuance, sale, authentication and delivery of said Bonds and the use of said Bond proceeds within St. Lucie County and payment of the issuance costs for such Bonds. Section 2. In furtherance of the purposes set forth in Section 1 hereof the Chairman or Vice-Chairman and Secretary or Deputy Secretary of the St. Lucie Authority are hereby authorized to execute such consents, intergovernmental agreements, applications, instruments or other documents as shall be required to implement participation by the St. Lucie Authority in the Escambia Multi-County Single Family Housing Program and to provide for payment of St. Lucie Authority's proportionate share of costs of the costs thereof, including but not limited to the costs of issuance of such Bonds, all as shall be approved by counsels to the St. Lucie Authority. Section 3. The Interlocal Agreement, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and made a part hereof, between the St. Lucie Authority and the Escambia Authority is hereby approved. The officers of the St. Lucie Authority are, upon due authorization and approval by that body, hereby authorized to enter into such interlocal agreements on behalf of the St. Lucie Authority, with such changes, modifications, insertions, omissions, substitutions, and such filling of blanks therein not inconsistent herewith as the officers executing same may approve, such execution and delivery to be conclusive evidence of such approval. The appropriate officers of the St. Lucie Authority are hereby further authorized to execute and deliver such other documents and instruments as may be necessary to implement such Interlocal Agreements, including, without limitation, application for up to the maximum available private activity bond volume allocations pursuant to Chapter 159, Part VI, Florida Statutes, for the purposes set forth in the Interlocal Agreement. Section 4. The St. Lucie Board hereby approves, within the meaning of Section 147(fl of the Code, the Escambia Authority's plan of finance and the issuance by the Escambia Authority from time to time of not exceeding $100,000,000 Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds Multi-County Program, initially designated as, Series 1999, for funding the Escambia Authority's program for Mortgage Loans, and such other actions to be taken by the St. Lucie Authority pursuant to the Escambia Resolution or Chapter 159, Part 1V, Florida Statutes, in connection with the issuance, sale, authentication and delivery of the Bonds. A copy of the minutes- of the public hearing held by the St. Lucie Authority on October /_~ , 1998, pursuant to Section 147(fl of the Code is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof. The related Resolution of the St. Lucie Authority_adopted October [~ 1998, is attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and made a part hereof. - _ - Section 5. The principal of and premium, if any, and interest or penalty on the Bonds and all payments required under the proposed plan of finance and financing agreements, including the Interlocal Agreement, shall be .payable solely_ by the Escambia Authority from the proceeds derived by~Yle Escambia Authority under the proposed plan of finance and financing agreements, and neither St. Lucie County MCL-08/20/98 rev-09/ 10/98 rev-09/ 16/98 rev-10/08/98-6329-sUures 0 75 rtorida Department of Kevenue -`tea Consumer's Certificate of Exemption This Certificate is DR-14 Non-transferable. R. 03/97 Issued Pursuant to Chapter 212, Florida Statutes v* Issue Date Expiration Date • Certificate Number Type of Onlanization 08/11/97 08/11!2002 66-02-017737-53C COUNTY This Certifies That ST LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 230o VIRGINIA AvE FED.ID#59-6000835 FT PIERCE FL 34982-5632 Is Exempt From the Payment of Sales and Use Tax on the Purchase or Lease of Tangible Personal Property, the Lease of Transient Rental Accommodations or Real Property. L.H. Fuchs Executive Director *~ ` 4.. Florida Department of Revenue DR-14 Z Important Facts R. 03/97 f R ~~ • Provide all vendors with a copy of your Consumer's Certificate of Exemption before making tax-exempt purchases. • Your Consumer's Certificate of Exemption is to be used solely for your organization's customary nonprofit activities. • Purchases by the exempt organization are only exempt when the Consumer's Certificate of Exemption is presented to the vendor and the payment is made directly by the organization. • Purchases made by an individual on behalf of the organization are taxable, even if the individual is reimbursed by the organization. • Transactions by an exempt organization such as sales or leases of tangible personal property, transient rental or sleeping accommodations, real property, or docking spaces are taxable. The organization must register for sales and use tax certification, and collect and remit sales tax on those transactions. Note: Churches are exempt from this requirement except when they are the lessor of real property (Section 12A-1.070, F.A.C.). • Changes in the organization's purpose, federal exemption status, or address must be reported immediately to the Department of Revenue. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THIS EXEMPTION BE USED FOR THE PERSONAL BENEFIT OF ANY INDIVIDUAL. ANY MISUSE OF THIS EXEMPTION WILL NECESSITATE ITS REVOCATION. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact: Central Registration 5050 W TENNESSEE ST TALLAHASSEE FL 32399-0100 904-487-4130 • • • • 'u • • ~ W • '~ ~ 0 xQ h ~ ~+ v O ~~ Q ~ b .~ a i 0 ~~ Ov O O < F `° d ~ C U C N v 3 _y .r _ r 0 L 3 :A N ~ - r^r 1~ `L 3 /-. 7 r 7 O •~ C u C G ~ c~ 0 0 D C O ~ .~+ ' ~ O n ~ .. ~ '~ ` U ~ ~ ' ~ ~ 00 O~ b ~:. V ~ cv 3 L. 'Y'' ° q Y v r. 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O ~ w C y ~ • ~ _ OQ to ~. -., "'1 to '+ ^ `< vCi Tii w ~ N G~ A r` ry ~• H n• ,~ ~ A~~ ~• ~ ~ n O H ~! b y ~ f9 ~ ~ j O. y ~' W '" _ ,~ o mot r ~ ~ - ~, s n r, ~ ~" b ~~ ~ a ~ o ~ ~ ~ o a ~ pA' ~om•~•c ~ w M v y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ] ~ ~ ~ • 5 ~' n ~ °~ ~ ~ • y ~ w O • .~-~ p • 7 ry .~ Q ~~:, ~ n ~'~ ,~~,~ ~ y ~ ,~ ~~ ~, r~. ~ V~ } 1'i ST r rrriF COUNTY FLORIDA 'URCHASE CONFIRMATION LETTER AND CHECK REQUEST FORM TO: FROM: DATE: NY ""' "'r'O~'' RFC(1RT Rr MART1tiA MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: VENDOR: # 601 FRONT STREET Confirmation Numbers: 202912, 202913, (1 cancellation KEY WEST, FL 33040 202914, 202915 # LAN 6 -12 , one reservation REASON: AMOUNT OF CHECK: $ 045 00 Bob Davis cancelled 6/30/97 #2029121 ACCOUNT TO BE CHARG,.~D: DEPARTMENT HEAD: APPROVAL: xX MAIL CHECK TO VENDOR HOLD CHECK FOR PICK UP IN FINANCE ~'"~-~ ~ ~ ice' ~ /~~~~ ST LUCIE COUNTY FLORIDA PURCHASE CONFIRMATION LETTER AND CHECK REQUEST FORM TO: FROM: DATE: MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: VENDOR: # WINDERMERE, FL 34786 REASON: AMOUNT OF CHECK: $ 2 5 0.0 0 ACCOUNT TO BE CHARGED: -SLL FTt~I~N~pARTMENT HEA~ ,-.^TT,-.T "°'"r ",.rn~ucnt~T t;; ,;t;y 97 t t ~~ROVAL: xX MAIL CHECK TO VENDOR HOLD CHECK FOR PICK UP IN FINANCE Conference Registration Fee Schedule (before June 30, 1997) FL ALHFA Members $125.00 Norz-Members $250.00 After June 30, 1997 $300.00 The registration tee includes conference materials, refreshments, bus tour and two dinners. Please wear registration badges to all conference functions. Guest Policy Florida ALHFA encourages conference attendees to bring guests. The conference registration fee provides for the attendee and one guest to attend conference functions. Those registering for the conference may register an additional guest(s) for $50.00 per person. Please advise us of the number of guests at the time of registration. Please request that your guest wear his or her guest badge to conference functions. Information Pier House Spa & Resort One Dural Street Key West, Florida 33040 1-305-296-4600 For Reservations 1-800-327-8340 Room Rate Standard Room $125.00 Pool, Spu, Beach Rooms $175.00 Please call for reservations prior to May 26, 1997 Identify yourself as a Florida ALHFA Conference Attendee TRAVEL EXPENSE REQUEST BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS June 11, 1997 Date ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Department Administr~ti_on TRIP INFORMATION Name & Job Title of Traveler BoB DAVIs Trip Destination Key West, State FL Purpose of Trip: FL Housing Finance Authoritv Conference Departure: Return: Date & Time Wed, July 9 1:00 A.I~ate & Time Sat July 12 . 5:00 p Warrant # Mode of Travel -Estimated Cost: County Vehicle $ XX Personal Vehicle $ 15 7 . 7 6 Rental Vehicle $ Airline/Private Plane $ Other $ Total Transportation Costs $ 15 7 . 7 6 Estimated- Additional Costs: Per Diem or Meals $ 51.0 0 Lodging $ 5 0 7. 0 0 Registration $ 12 5. 0 0 Other $ Total Additional Costs $ 6 8 3. 0 0 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 8 4 0. 7 6 BUDGET INFORMATION Budget Account Number I ~ I -1~ t70 - i U6~ - 5'{-D000 '`~ ~ ~ k L 3, DOO . ~ to be charged +~- t -~ l ~i +JD -- I DD - ~S5 ~1 ~ ~ U Current Balance $ t~ D ~) p . pr) ~ NG! IS FINANCE OFFICE APPROVAL APPROVAL & A HO IZATI Date ~ y~ !~ Department Head Approval J~'c.< <c-,a: c ~ a.. ~ l-f FLT Authorization: (check the appropriate level as required per Section 15.3e of the St. Lucie County Purchasing ManuaQ. ~j' ~-~`- De ment Head Authorizing ~ X74, W s ..,~, ~-(~.~ ounty Administrator S+gnature: Board of County Commission Date: / ~ 1. Finance 2. Authorizing Official 3. Requesting Department TRAVEL EXPENSE REQUEST BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Date June 11 , 19 9 7 Department Administration TRIP INFORMATION Name & Job Title of Traveler JIMMIE JOHNSON Trip Destination Key West, State FL Purpose of Trip: FL Housing Finance Authority Conference Departure: Return: Date&Time Wed, July 9 1:00 p.~ate&Time Sat., July 12. 5:00 p Warrant # Mode of Travel -Estimated Cost: County Vehicle $ XX Personal Vehicle $ 15 7 . 7 6 Rental Vehicle $ Airline/Private Plane $ Other $ Total Transportation Costs $ 15 7. 7 6 Estimated Additional Costs: Per Diem or Meals $ 51.0 0 Lodging $ 5 0 7. 0 0 Registration $ 12 5 . 0 0 Other $ Total Additional Costs $ 6 8 3. 0 0 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 8 4 0. 7 6 BUDGET INFORMATION Budget Account Number I cal-I~t~O-- ib0 -~~~D~d~' Tr2,4vr ~- 3,OUd~~ to be charged I ~a-1 - I ~(BD - lOD- ~~~~1 a.0~) - Current Balance $ I, Dr`7D, ~o RNC~ is. FINANCE OFFICE APPROVAL APPROVAL 8 AUTHORI Tt0 Department Head Approval -Date (~/ _ 23 ~/ Authorization: (check the appropriate level as required per Section 15.3e of the St. Lucie County Purchasing ManuaQ. /~~ .~~.. Department Head Authorizing ounty Administrator Signature: ~ ~~f~ •~ ~-- Board of County Commission Date: 1. Finance 2. Authorizing Official 3. Requesting Department TRAVEL EXPENSE REQUEST BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Date June 11 , 19 9 7 Department Administrat ~ on TRIP INFORMATION Name & Job Title of Traveler DIANA WESLOSKI Trip Destination Key West, State FL Purpose Of Trip: FL Housing Finance Authority Conference Departure: Retum: Date&Time Wed, July 9 1:00 p.i~ate&Time Sat. , July 12. 5:00 p Warrant # Mode of Travel -Estimated Cost: County Vehicle $ XX Personal Vehicle $ 15 7 . 7 6 Rental Vehicle $ Airline/Private Plane $ Other $ Total Transportation Costs $ 15 7 . 7 6 Estimated Additional Costs: Per Diem or Meals $ __ S ] _ 0 0 Lodging $ _ 338.09 Registration $ 12 5 . 0 0 Other $ Total Additional Costs $ 514. Ob TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 6 71.7 6„ BUDGET INFORMATION Budget Account Number 1 ~'I- tG,c'0 - ie0-ayoo©o - iF~~~E1- -''~~~OC •~'~ to be charged i~ l -- I a DU - I e o --5~ ~ a 0 L7 Current Balance $ ~ ~~ . L~ O - R PTiS FINANCE OFFICE APPROVAL APPROVAL & AUT ORI ION Department Head Approval to ~ ' ~i 3 Authorization: (check the appropriate level as required per Section 15.3e of the St. Lucie County Purchasing Manual). Department Head Authorizing County Administrator Signature: _ Board of County Commission Date: 1. Finance 2. Authorizing Official 3. Requesting Department CONFERENCE REGISTRATION attendees: Jimmie Johnson Name of Guest: ~ompany: St. Lucie County Housing Finance Authority address 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 'hone#: 561-462-1419 jax#: 561-462-1440 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Amount Enclosed $ 12 5.0 0 Send to FL ALHFA P.O. Box 1343 Windermere, FL 34786 Attendees: Victor Arias ame ue~/ Company: St. Lucie County Housing Finance Autho i Address: 2300 Virginia Avenue ~_ unt Enclosed $ 125 00 Send to FL ALHFA Phone#: 561-462-1419 P.O. Box 1343 Fax#: 561-462-1440 Windermere, FL 34786 __ __ - ---r-~---~--------------------~-----,---------- CONFERENCE REGISTRATION attendees: Diana wesloski Name of Guest: ~ompany: St. Lucie Count.y Housing Finance Authority address: 2300 Virginia Avenue Amount Enclosed $ 125.00 ~ Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Send to FL ALHFA 'hone#: 561-462-~ 419 P.O. Box 1343 'ax#: 561-462-1440 Windermere, FL 34786 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Attendees: Bob Davi s Company: Address: Amount Enclosed $ 12 5.0 0 Fort Pierce, FL 34982/ Send to FL ALHFA Phone#: 561-462-141 Fax#: 561-462-1440 P.O. Box 1343 Windermere, FL 34786 ' ri~+'~ ~~~ ~ ~" ~` ~' _•M^--- CONFIRMATION NUMBER C ~ ~- y sY. ~.~ ^ y ~• - -_ ~"~ , ' e uvu~SlrtU, Kcy''West. Florida 33040 w _ ,.47~JC"e;1 ,~, ~~ ~~(~~' ~ , Telephone (3051294.9541 ~- lil., ~ 47~JC'e9 n :;ARRIVAE pAT ~ ~ •ECS R ~~• rt Ls''t3 ` ~ 1 RI~pAR F~ , ~ i.` , •iROOM RATE ~) t' IS DEPOSIT ~..'; ~s~ '~~j~; ~ NN ~ :~J~S Y`1~ c # ~; ~_ , r :; : r, „' Gy~ THANK YOU F'bR YOUR RESE ATION. WE LOOK ORWARD TO WELCOMIN YOU '~ r ~ ' TO AVOID CHARGES, PLEASE CANCEL 10 DAYS PRIOR TO ARRIVAL DATE 6' L•j I 1 t) i ( ~ I I I I .. I.. .~. O I) i°•1 Y ;'i L; I I t•) IZ 1 ~~(~ I% ~~ :I';,1;! i i '(CHECK-AN TIMEI~(~Slf?(flif?h}II~IECK-OUTTIMEIS~I2NOON.,~yf I'~'(')I? I~I~::I~111!!)i'~~~iOiil~l' 1~lCl I;~.lfll i~~) L'lh! `:i 0 {! L! I I~ i ~ I: \ :I: Fi f` l~ I - •(~1? f1 a:1.,:1?: I•? I •' (` I? I ; :I: ~! (•~ (; ~1 i^•, :I i . I'1 P3 L:. I~ x 'c- ,' _ ;.:, I J I I? I~~ t ;1:~: a: l! F~: l i Y f l 1.1 l? i) f I' [ l:~l I a" `(1 F 1 ,,.., •. ~ ~''t :M 3 '3 3 11~. ~~ / ~., , • ~T I Il1i`dI C1lJ t ~^ s, r. 7 -- \ 1 -. - - - -- _ - _ ~~--- '' ~L','ONFIRb1ATION NUMBER ~~ 1 ~ , 'a =s R ~ '£ r)ne Din al titreet, Key West, Fluritla 331W0 ~' 1r~~`4,~,;i-,L,,..:_.F''`: _.. _. 'lclcphonel305)2')•1!)54l c' c~ '~ .:- ~ DEPOSIT 1. ; ~ ;~ '~„~,*~- _,. ---- ROOM RATE •) ;? c! i) i 5 ARRIVAL OATE•'f ~;,.~ jp~QARTURE• ~~~':~__. _. .~._ ._._ ____ -~-~- ~ - ~ I ~. II I '~ y~~1It 1~-~-,` 1~1~ 1, ~~ THANK YOU FORIYbII(~ Fits@~'~ATIt~>W`~E I.WKIF~R~1JSLF~~'iv VI21_COt~lf~ ~'~.... t .: ~ Jy I "` .). {:: ~~ I'1 Y. ~ I'11.1" ~.) I? (•:. r~~ I`C ~ ~. `~ 1-I TO AVOID CHARGES, PLEASE CANCEL 10 DAYS PRIOR TO ARRI'!AL DATE. ~.S (1 :Y 1~ (~~ ~ • ~ I _ I:° I t CHECK-1N TIME 1~.4~QO P.MS.CHECK-OUT TIME IS 12 NOON. I'~ (11? l?I'::f~ (ii`!11!'`3(li~ i'Y I'!I:'! IlI:1t1•T• , !:~) ~~ n •i 1~ /'; l 1 { : I~ I't . l~ l<. I i`! (; (; l! r'; i i . F~ I•~ I .I•~: ---- I~ L. :; ~?`.'t3•:•'. I:Jf~' Itil: ( L.) l!I I; 1'(.11,11%. I!I:: F'(1£aa 1 C1F~' • ~~' ~~~~ ~ ,~ ~ i y ~,....PS:' ' Wes d•?~![. ': ; iY... ~ -:4N•' 'e. :yF, ~ ~ . , .:. ;: ;. .; -, .;F ~ .. L:. ..~...~SJ CONFIRMATION NUFABER ~., ,, r j* ~ r C ~L ~ :k. ~ as'st9"~«1'1''.x,.., e - -.., • ~ '_':~' _,t~t~:fir:... ,,, ':'n.'7Cr:•}a~.::~$ ~F'z:.t: riY ~ 1^,'='85"' ;~k~ :~~~~~~ ~ D _ 9 ~~ ~ ~ D 2 >IT 1..:1 t~? :~. , +~ v ~ 2 2 ~. 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I3 -_ .. ~ ~ - ~ anuanag~o ~uatu~zeda E uo ___...._._:_- •-• • ST. LUCIE COUNTY FLORIDA PURCHASE CONFIRMATION LETTER AND CHECK REQUEST FORM TO: FROM: DATE: MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: rT A T LTTy A P.O.BOX 568007 VENDOR: # ~~~~~ (1RT ANT)(1 FT '2~R5~ REASON' • TTl1,.T ran rr A T LTL` A ~n~.Tt~~u~ATf F - AMOUNT OF CHECK: ~-~ aso• o0 ACCOUNT TO BE CHARGED: DEPARTMENT HEAD: APPROV MAIL CHECK TO VENDOR leis T= ~ '~ ~-78 xx HOLD CHECK FOR PICK UP IN FINANCE ~p V ~--' . '• i W V W U W ~, U d z -~O ~ [r~A, r^, W Yee L 1 Q A 'I ~ Q f N N v :v r Q +~ N G U ~ G O ~ U G .~ ~ ~ ~ •rl : +~ U Cr '~ ~ G ~ ' a N ~ ~'~ G ' ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~~x~a ~ ~ O O z ~ v G ~. ~: • ~: ~: a O; N; "b a N rn: d': M= G-~: U •• rl a: ~-1: Gad ri; d" ~: I~ N: d': ~O' ~, .~ ~. 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In :,~ : t r tiA rt ~ ~~ ~ ~ n ~ F-' A : P 7--' : P Y- ~3 O "C %Tj _ ~ ~ [/~7 y~ ' N . . ~ } ~ O ~I J l ~ ' w ~ p ~ p 00 ~' C1 ~ t ~ N C ~ rt f : , . ~ ~ ~ ~ .... m .' ~/ TRAVEL EXPENSE REQUEST BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Data JUNE 11, 19.9 8 ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Department COUNTY ATTORNEY TRIP INFORMATION Name & Job Title of Traveler JOY X State Fr, Trip Destination KEY WEST Purpose of Trip: FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY CONFERENCE Departure: Retum: Date & Time July 8 3 p m Oate & Time ~Tul~~~, 10 a . m. Warrant # Mode of Travel -Estimated Cost: County Vehicle $ XX Personal Vehicle $ 15 7.7 6 Rental Vehicle $ Airline/Private Plane $ Other $ Total Transportation Costs $ 15 7. 7 6 Estimated Additional Costs: Per Diem or Meals $ 51.0 0 Lod in $ 500.00 - 5~~ •G'``.~ Registration $ Other $ Total Additional Costs $ 5 51.0 0 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 7 0 8. 7 6 BUDGET INFORMATION Budget Account Number 181-1900-100-540000 to be charged 181-19 0 0 -10 0- 5 5 4 2 0 0 Current Balance $ FINANCE OFFICE APPROVAL APPROVAL & AU RI ON (, Department Head Approval Date ~ ~.~~i! Authorization: (check the appropriate level as required per Purchasing Manua. Department Head Authorizing County Administrator Signature• Board of County Commission Date: 15.3e of the St. Lucie County 1. Finance 2 Authorizing Official 3. Requesting Department TRAVEL EXPEL'-- "'-"' "-"T BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA -~ _r~ i:~ TRIP INFO Name & Job Title of Traveler soa D Trip Destination KEY WEST PUrpOS6 Of Trip: FLORIDA HOUSING FI' Departure: Date & Time July 8 , 3 p.m. Warrant # Mode of Travel -Estimated Cost: County Vehicle $ XX Personal Vehicle $ 15 7. 7 6 Rental Vehicle $ Airline/Private Plane $ Other $ Total Transportation Costs $ 15 7. 7 6 Estimated Additional Costs: Per Diem or Meals $ 51.0 0 Lodging $ 5 0 0. 0 0 Registration $ Other $ Total Additional Costs TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ $ 551.00 708.76 BUDGET INFORMATION Budget Account Number 181-19 0 0 -10 0- 5 4 0 0 0 0 to be charged 181-19 0 0 -10 0- 5 5 4 2 0 0 Current Balance $ FINANCE OFFICE APPROVAL APPROVAL & A ~ I N L ~/ Department Head Approval Date (/ "ZS - ~D Authorization: (check the appropriate level as required per Sectio 5.3e of the St. Lucie County Purchasing ManuaQ. Department Head Authorizing County Administrator Signature: -~- _ Board of County Commission Date: ~~ ~` ~ o - ~ - 1. Finance 2 Authorizing Official 3. Requesting Department TRAVEL EXPENSE REQUEST BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY FLORIDA TRIP INFORMATION Name & Job Title of Traveler Lvz_ BEAz Trip Destination KEY WEST State F . Purpose of Trip: FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY CONFERENCE Departure: Retum: Oate&Time July 8 3 p.m. Date&Time_7~u1~ 12, 10 a_m. Warrant # Mode of Travel -Estimated Cost: County Vehicle XX Personal Vehicle Rental Vehicle Airline/Private Plane Other Estimated Additional Costs: Per Diem or Meals Lodging Registration Other $ 157.76 Date JUNE 11, 19 9 8 Department COUNTY ATTORNEY Total Transportation Costs $ $ 51.00 $ 500.00 157.76 Total Additional Costs $ 5 51.0 0 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 6UDGET INFORMATION 708.76 Budget Account Number 181-1900-100-540000 to be charged 181-19 0 0 -10 0- 5 5 4 2 0 0 Current Balance $ FINANCE OFFICE APPROVAL Department Head Approval AL Authorization: (check the appropriate level as required per Purchasing Manua(j. Department Head Authorizing County Administrator Signature: Board of County Commission Daie: Date ~ ~~S ~~ 5.3e of the St. Lucie County 1. Finance 2 Authorizing Official 3. Requesting Department .j ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORH)A PURCHASE CONFIRMATION LETTER AND CHECK REQUEST FORM TO: FTNAN(:R FROM: T~r1T TC'T ANT~F.R ~(1N DATE: TT TNF. t 2, 1998 MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: PTFR Nr1T iRF VENDOR: # REASON: AMOUNT OF CHECK: $ t,5nn nn r~1piP,~ nigt,r~, @ $125/night) O~ Confirmation #'s: 345276-Bob Davis ~~ 345278-Joyce Nix ~ ,~ 345279-Luz Beaz ~ ACCOUNT TO BE CHARGED: tR~_~9nn_~nn_5annnn ~ ~zs~~~ DEPARTMENT HEAD: ~----- ~- APPROVAL: ~ MAIL CHECK TO VENDOR HOLD CHECK FOR PICK UP IN FINANCE day a'd~'~~H ~caat~xrr~~ra -,oN 'd~~ =sue O < ~ ~ t7 C X- 7 0 S a G 0 ~ < '~' h t~ ° O n r, s~ ~ O O" tOO ', O ~ eO W O• ~ O n d G~ 4. O t9 O ~ w ~~ `~ ~ ~' ~.~ ~ c ~7K'7~~° m y ~'oa? y. ti ~ o =~ CJ (~~ P7 b C c `~ ~ ~' .w-. C ~ 7 L°.. ~ ~ o N H b '^• tii .,. O• ~, ~' ~ <• O• v w .+ ts. to °' •, o ~ a ~ ~ o a o• -,y ;, o . o t") o Qo ~. ~- ~ o x' ~r O ~ t~ ~' ? ~.~- "' a vZ to o .y Q' re N y -., C" 9d 7"v ' -t . ° d :y to -1 ~, c w ~ +, ~• n o ~, !y ry ~ ~° t" .-. s a ~' `c ~• ~ ~ w e ~ ~ e9 p ,"!', 7d E' ~. ~ ~ ° d r ~ w o °c n y y °-° of ti ~ ~ o ~• ~ C ~ ~ "~ K A y' ° .o°. ~ ~ a ~ ,^" to ~ 'Zd. tAi] ~ w W ~ H ~ ~' '=1 ~ o ~, y .wy ~, ~ ~ o b ~ y 'y :,, r., ~ ~ ~ o n :: ~. ~ O i'.~, , C a '~7 `< o - s a .. p, p `+ a. o c ~. 7_C 't1 w Z w c, ~ N ~ ~ O ~ ~ n ~ y d O 'ti --1 0 ~ ~ ry ~ ~ 7d ~ ~° o .wy C n " :: ~• ~ , o ~ ~ ~ ~' 't7 ~ 'ti c ] ° y ~ i 'ti ~ ~ o w' ~ ti ~. ~ ?: ~ c_ c ~ ~ m ~ w ~e 't~ ~' two ct9o ~ top a '!:' Fn ~ :"+ ~ ~ --, -ate " C! 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S ? y ~ ~ J ~ L v ^ a f0 t° C ~ R' c ~ -, ~ 7c' V] c -, O d ... e ~ -+ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ a 7C K ~ o C ~ . ~ o ac] e O ° ° p o r. ~~ w v t ~ o ~ o c ~ • v ; F =?~s• ~ ~ x e y~~t~ ~ y b ~ o G O "'~ A ~' A~ ~~ ~V ~ o ~, o ,,., A 00 ,~ m A ~i r `-~ ~ ~ ~ ts. d O ~ ~ O b O ~' r1 ~ ~ ofi ~ C ~~ .•. ~ C' C ~ m C ~•• • • e • • • • • • • • e • TRAVEL EXPENSE REQUEST '~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Date June 11, 19 9 7 ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Department Administration TRIP INFORMATION Name & Job Title of Traveler JIMMIE JOHNSON Trip Destination Key West, State FL Purpose of Trip: FL Housing Finance Authority Conference Departure: Return: Date&Time Wed, July 9 1:00 ~.l~ate&Time Sat.. July 12. 5:00 p Warrant # Mode of Travel -Estimated Cost: County Vehicle $ XX Personal Vehicle $ 15 7. 7 6 Rental Vehicle $ Airline/Private Plane $ Other $ Estimated Additional Costs: Total Transportation Costs $ 15 7. 7 6 Per Diem or Meals $ 51.0 0 Lodging $ 5 0 7. 0 0 Registration $ 12 5 . 0 0 Other $ Total Additional Costs $ 6 8 3. 0 0 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 8 4 0. 7 6 BUDGET INFORMATION Budget Account Number i c~i-I~t~O~ ~ DD - `~'~ DODE? -r~,~ v C ~ . 1i ~_, t V o . Xo be charged I Ss-1 - I ~(DD - t OD- ric,~~ ~~ rrent Balance $ ~=. ..~, FINANCE OFFICE APPROVAL ":~ APPROVAL 8 AUTHORI TIO FINANCE nFopgTyiENT Department Head Approval Date (l/ ~~~~ Authorization: (check the appropriate level as required per Section 15.3e of the St. Lucie County Purchasing Manua. Department Head Authorizing ~~ ~~ _ ounty Administrator Signature: /~ ~~ - -` ~ Board of County Commission Date: 1. Finance 2. Authorizing Official 3. Requesting Department i~ egg `,~ a TRAVEL EXPENSE REQUEST BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Date June 11, 19 9 7 ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA --SLR "T\A°~ Department Administration TRIP INFORMATION Name & Job Title of Traveler BoB DAVIS Trip Destination Key West , State FL Purpose of Trip: FL Housing Finance Authoritv Conference Departure: Retum: Date&Time Wed, July 9 1:00 p.i~$te&Time Sat. , July 12. 5:00 p m. Warrant # Mode of Travel -Estimated Cost: County Vehicle $ XX Personal Vehicle $ 15 7. 7 6 Rental Vehicle $ Airline/Private Plane $ Other $ Estimated Additional Costs: Per Diem or Meals Lodging Registration Other Total Transportation Costs $ 15 7. 7 6 $ 51.00 $ 507.00 $ 125.00 Total Additional Costs $ 6 8 3. 0 0 Cti vi.';V 7 IU~IIL I TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 8 4 0. 7 6 BUDGET INFORMATION Budget Account Number (~ I -14 dD - i UL~ - 5 L{-DOOv '`~ ~ ~ k t-- 3~ ~'0 ~ ~ ~ to be charged t ~ t -~ 1 ~ "D -- 1 C~0 - 5~5 ~ ~ 0 ~ Current Balance $ I ~D ~ O . ~~~ FINANCE OFFICE APPROVAL ~~' ~ u JUN 2 4 1997 APPROVAL & A THO ~~ZATI FiiV Cti!~ '=r T F N l Department Head Approval Date I~~•~ ..T„ Authorization: (check the appropriate level as required per Section 15.3e of the St. Lucie County Purchasing ManuaQ. ~~ ~~~- De ent Head Authorizing ` /~~^ ~ ~,~ u1 ,.,~ 6-~, ounty Administrator Signature: 1 I`~'~ Board of County Commission Date: / ~ QS 1. Finance 2. Authorizing Official 3. Requesting Department . TRAVEL EXPENSE REQUEST BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Date June 11, 19 9 7 ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Department Administration TRIP INFORMATION Name & Job Title of Traveler DIANA WESLOSKI Trip Destination xey west, State FL Purpose of Trip: FL ~ xousincr Finance Authoritv Conference Departure: Retum: ~ ~I Date&Time Wed, Julv 9 1:00 p.~ate&Time Sat. , July L2-, 5;00 p m. Warrant # Mode of Travel -Estimated Cost: County Vehicle $ XX Persona! Vehicle $ 15 7. 7 6 Rental Vehicle $ Airline/Private Plane $ Other $ Total Transportation Costs $ 15 7 . 7 6 Estimated Additional Costs: Per Diem or Meals $ ~_ _ ~ ~~~ Lodging $ _ 3 3 8.04 Registration $ 12 5 . 0 0 Other $ Total Additional Costs $ 5-1-~'1T~ S~~(~ TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 6_Zl :~'C ' ~~ a •~ BUDGET INFORMATION Budget Account Number 1 ~'1- t~C~'U - i co-5yo 000 - t (~t~VE ~ 3. c~00 • c~c to be charged I ~ l -- I Q 00 - I o 0 -55 ~ ~ E ~ Current Balance $ ~ ~, c? e, . ~~ O - ~ P,;,S . J FINANCE OFFICE APPROVAL ~ ~ ~ [ ~ +~ ~sL~ ?; r~iai~ ~ ~, JUN 2 4 1997 I~ ~? APPROVAL A ORI ON I J~ 2G ,;;;~ 9% 1Ga 2Repartment Head Approval to ~~ N ,~ _',arMHN Authorization: (check the appropriate level as required per Section 15.3e of the St. Lucie County Purchasing Manua. Department Head County Administrator Board of County Commission Authorizing Signature: _ Date: 1. Finance 2 Authorizing Official 3. Requesting Department ~~ ~ .~, Q ~ ~.,v~,~.,~-ate ~ TRAVEL EXPENSE REQUEST OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Date June ~ ~ ~ 11 , 19 9 7 ~~ ~ C ~~EN~ ~' ~f}l~(p-lam BOARD ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Department Administra tion _ TRIP INFORMATION Name & Job Title of Traveler VICTOR ARIAS Trip Destination xey west , State FL Purpose of Trip: FL Housing Finance Authority Con erence Departure: Return: Date & Time Wed, July 9 1:00 p.~iste & Time Sat July 12 , 5 : OO p Warrant # Mode of Travel -Estimated Cost: County Vehicle $ XX Personal Vehicle $ 15 7. 7 6 Rental Vehicle $ Airline/Private Plane $ Other $ Total Transportation Costs $ 15 7. 7 6 Estimated Additional Costs: Per Diem or Meals $ 51.0 0 Lodging $ 5 0 7. 0 0 Registration $ 12 5. 0 0 Other $ Total Additional Costs $ 6 8 3. 0 0 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 8 4 0. 7 6 BUDGET INFORMATION Budget Account Number l4sl - I ~l D~ - 6 ~ ~ '~ `f ~ dD n - % ~t ~ vE ~ 3, ooD .pct to be charged ! ~' I - - °I ®D - l D o - 5 5 y ~ 0 Current Balance $ / 9 pm .~~ ° a.~. FINANCE OFFICE APPROVAL APPROV & AUTH RI ON // C Date U~ ~ 07~ ~ / Department Head Approval Authorization: (check the appropriate level as required per Section 15.3e of the St. Lucie County Purchasing Manua. Department Head County Administrator Board of County Commission Authorizing Signature: Date: 1. Finance 2. Authorizing Official 3. Requesting Department RESOLUTION NO. 96-02 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1996-97 WHEREAS, the St. Lucie County Housing Finance Authority has made the following determinations: 1. In order for the Authority to exercise its powers and duties as set forth in Crlapter 159, Part IV, Florida Statutes, it is necessary for the Authority to adopt a budget for Fiscal Year 1996-97. 2. The Authority has available funds from excess bond proceeds from previous years as well as interest earnings on such proceeds and certain administrative fees which are to be used to establish the Authority's budget for Fiscal Year 1996-961. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,by the St. Lucie County Housing Finance Authority, in meeting assembled this 13th day of June, the budget for Fiscal Year 1996-96 is hereby adopted as follows: Revenues i81-9910-800-389902 Fund Balance Forward -~L~,~00.00 Total $20, 000.00 A ro riations 181-1300-100-549150 181-1900-100-531000 ;~' 181-1900-100-540000 181-1900-100-547005 181-1900-100-549000 - 181-1900-100-554000 -1,8101900-100-554200 Special District Fees $ 175.00 Professional Services 15,375.00 Travel 3,000.00 Printing & Binding 100.00 Advertising 100.00 Dues .& Membership - 250.00 Training & Education 1,000.00 Total $20, 000.00 After motion and second the vote on this resolution was as follows: Chairman Bob Davis XX Vice-Chairman Victor Arias XX Commissioner Diana Wesloski XX Commissioner Joyce Nix XX Vacant ~ ~rn ~~~ ~\ rn ~oWOSO ~~ ~ ~~] p~j ~.~OO crn ~ °` ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~Z Z ~NO~C] ~ H ''d ~r- C~i ~% ~O O O ~ t"t"pH~ yHHt" ri O ryt~ r~ft~eY ~p/ G) w, ro W~~ FrFr1"r ~ N~ ~,~ ~! pp f+ 0 t/~~C]O~' O+fAD ~.°;" ~ ap~wn "' ~a ~ ~a~~o n ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ fD a ~' ~o i-+ rr ~ O N N N N N N llt p 'ro S OOOOOS OS ¢,y O SSSSSS S SSSSSS SS ~~ ~ S 6~ W W ~ N N N 9H0 wS ~ ~ ~ v J ~ ~ ~~ •: O~O-~-'Oln UOi OOOOOVOi Ut0 ~ ~ J ~ S~S~SW ~ SSSSSS ~S lr~ ~ O rf l.Ji Ut lJl lJ~ Ut Ipn t1t In Ipn ~ O OOpOpOOpS pS 00p00p00 OS ~~ {j S SOOSOS O SSSSSS SO i In ~~„ ~ W ~Oit OwOwOOOD O 00p0000 00 ~ ~ S~S~S~i S SOSSSS SS ~~ ~~ O~ H~ O 000000 O 0000p00 00 vv S SSSSSS S SOSOSS SS O O O O O O~ V V• GGGOOo O OVOVOV V OOOOOV ~V vv 8 SSSSSS S SSSSSS 8S .~~' ::T. LUCIE COU~`~TY NGUStNG FIN. RUTH. +3O:t DAMS 3aZ SOUTH ~IiaRr~NJA AVEiVUE ?oRr ~T. Lucy, ~~ 349a3 JOYCE iii{ 7SOi 1V;+1 :iT. LUCIE .TEST BLVD PORT ~T. LUCZc, FL 34951 DIA~dA ~,dESLO~SKI 1TJb `iUKFSIJE JrtlVc FORT ?Irr~Cct FL 34'~4i7 N) ~~`~ ',~ ~~ bb6~G79 0~~ ~~ ;a- 66b8C59 6obtiC59 i,a'+'' s~~~ 1~~ PaC~ ~~ ~~~ P~ ~¢~ ~-' Mary Alice Phelan C'~Zair Linda M. Batman Vice C~air Jean M. Chalmers Kathy G. Chinoy Peter M. Dunbar David H. Kratlien Peter Prieto Charles A. Stampelos Neil A. Sterlin~+ ~~: - o~, ~ b . iN _f. ~D W8 State of Florida COMMISSION ON ETHICS 2822 Remington Green Circle, Suite 101 P.O. Drawer 15709 Tallahassee, FL 32317-5709 Bonnie J. Williams Executive Director Philip C. Claypool Cienera~ ~.'ounse~ (904) 488-7864 Pllone 278-7864 - Suncom (904) 488-3077(FA~ MEMORANDUM TO: Local Agency Coordinator a ool FROM: Philip C. CI yp ~~~~ e ut Executive Director D p y SUBJ: Update of Financial Disclosure Mailing: List DATE: January 17, 1997 In order to compile the 1997 mailing list of officials and employees required to file financial disclosure, enclosed are printouts which reflect the information currently on record for your agency. Please indicate directly on the printouts any changes in employees and board memberships as of December 31. 1996. If a printout is blank, which indicates that the board was established within the last year, write in names and addresses of members serving as of December 31. WHO SHOULD BE LISTED Elected officers serving as of December 31, 1996 Officers elected in 1996 with the term of office beginning January of 1997 Appointed officials and employees serving as of December 31, 1996 Local officers and employees whose appointment or employment commenced in 1997 should not be listed as they should file disclosure within 30 days of accepting appointment or employment with your agency. See Section 112.3145(2)(b), Florida Statutes. This year's mailing list will include: Memorandum to Local Agency Coordinator Page Two January 17, 1997 Attached to this letter is a list of categories of "local officers" (Section 112.3145(1)(x)3, Florida Statutes) required to file financial disclosure. Please include under the "employees" listing for your agency only those individuals whose positions fall within these categories. Individuals serving in interim capacities should not be listed. WHAT ADDRESSES SHOULD BE USED Residence addresses should be provided for persons on the list. However, please do not provide home addresses for the following persons: active or former law enforcement personnel (including correctional and correctional probation officers); personnel of the former D.H.R.S whose duties include the investigation of abuse, neglect, exploitation, fraud, theft, or other criminal activities; firefighters; spouses of the above; county and municipal code inspectors and code enforcement officers; and personnel of the Department of Revenue or local government personnel responsible for revenue collection and enforcement or child support enforcement. Should you provide a business address, for our coding purposes, we will need you to indicate the county of residence for these individuals. DEADLINE Please return corrected printouts by February 14. 1997 to Florida Commission on Ethics Post Office Box 15709 Tallahassee, FL 32317-5709 Fax No.: (904) 488-9657 or 488-3077 A response is requested even if there are no changes to report. Your cooperation in meeting this deadline is appreciated. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION If you have any questions concerning the information requested, please contact Ms. Shirley A. Taylor, Staff Coordinator, at (904) 488-7864 or 1-800-262-8824. Enclosures .~..OCAL OFFICERS include the following positions for officers and employees of local government: 1) Persons elected to office in any political subdivision (such as municipalities, counties, and special districts) and any person appointed to fill a vacancy in such office, unless required to file full disclosure on Form 6. 2) Appointed members of each board, commission, authority, or council of any political subdivision, excluding members of solely advisory bodies (a governmental body with land-planning, zoning, or natural resources responsibilities is not considered an advisory body even if its work-product is solely advisory); expressway authorities and transportation authorities established by general law; community college district boards of trustees. 3) Persons holding any of these positions in local government: Mayor; county or city manager; chief administrative employee of a county, municipality, or other political subdivision; county or munici- pal attorney; chief county or municipal building inspector; county or municipal water resources coordinator; county or municipal pollu- tion control director; county or municipal environmental control director; county or municipal administrator with power to grant or deny a land development permit; chief of police; fire chief; munici- pal clerk; district school superintendent; community college presi- dent; district medical examiner; purchasing agent (regardless of title) having the authority to make any purchase exceeding 51,000 for the local govemmental unit. INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: St. Lucie County Housing Finance Authority r~ Vl FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney l/~ DATE: November 13, 1997 C.A. No: 97-1812 SUBJECT: Escambia County Housing Finance Authority Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 1998 On November, 17, 1997, the Housing Finance Authority will conduct a TEFRA Hearing regarding the Authority's participation in the Escambia County Housing Finance Authority's Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 1998, as set forth in attached Resolution 97-01. The 1998 Escambia County Housing Finance Authority program will provide low interest mortgage to qualified residents in each of the participating counties. The anticipated revenues of the bond program will be up to 70,000,000 dollars. Attached to this memo is also a copy of a proposed Interlocal Agreement which provides for the Escambia County to administer the bond program in St. Lucie County. On November 25, 1997 the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners will consider approval of the 1998 Escambia County program as set forth in the Boazd of County Resolution No. 97-280, a copy of which is attached. The documents have been reviewed and approved by the Housing Finance Authority's bond council. Staff recommends that the Housing Finance Authority adopt proposed Resolution No. 97- 01 and the Interlocal Agreement with the Escambia County Housing Finance Authority. submitted, ~" --~ Young t County Attorney HY/mt Enclosures Copies to: '} Management & Budget Manager Finance Director O ~~ ~ CO. ADMIN. OFFICE ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY 25 West Cedar Street, Suite 530, Pensacola, Florida 32501 (850) 432-7077 Fax (850) 438-5205 November 12, 1997 (Via Federal Express) Heather Young Assistant County Attorney 2300 Virginia Avenue 3rd Floor Admin. Ft. Pierce, FL 34982-5662 Re: Escambia County Housing Finance Authority Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 1998 Dear Ms. Young: Enclosed please find nine copies of the St. Lucie HFA Resolution with Exhibit "A" attached (i.e. form of Interlocal Agreement) and nine copies of the St. Lucie Board of County Commission Resolution and two Requests for Allocation. Once the resolutions and Requests for Allocation have been executed, please return eight (8) originals of each Resolution and both Requests for Allocation to the Escambia Authority. Also enclosed are original affidavits of publication from The Tribune, the Port St. Lucie News and the Florida Courier. In addition, I am also enclosing a clean copy of the Interlocal Agreement for recording purposes. Please have this Interlocal Agreement executed as well and then recorded in the public records of St. Lucie County. If you will forward a bill to the Authority and we will be happy to reimburse you for the cost of recording. I have enclosed apre-paid, self-addressed federal express label for your convenience in returning the documents. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you. Sincerely, ~ ~--- Karyn L. Orton Assistant Executive Director Enclosures ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY 25 West Cedar Street, Suite 530, Pensacola, Florida 32501 (850) 432-7077 Fax (850) 438-5205 MEMORANDUM TO: St. Lucie County Housing Finance Authority St. Lucie County, Florida _ FROM: Gordon R. Jernigan, Executive Director Escambia County Housing Finance Authori `~-' DATE: November 17, 1997 RE: Not exceeding $70,000,000 Escambia County Housing Authority Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bands, Series 1998 (Multi-County Program) ~, RECOMMENDATION: The Escambia County Housing Finance Authority requests the St. Lucie County Housing Finance Authority adopt the attached resolution approving a joint program with the Escambia County Housing Finance Authority for issuance of the above-referenced bonds. BACKGROUND: On February 25, 1997 the Escambia Authority issued $53,175,000 of its single family mortgage revenue bonds, to provide 6.55% fixed interest rate 30 year mortgages for first time home buyers in 15 Florida counties. Of these bond proceeds, approximately $5,350,000 was available to home buyers in St. Lucie County. On September 16, 1997, the Escambia Authority issued $28,035,000 of its single family mortgage revenue bonds to provide 6.30% fixed interest rate 30 year mortgages for first time home buyers in 11 Florida counties. Of these bond proceeds, approximately $3,335,000 was available to homebuyers in St. Lucie County. Due to the large demand for low interest rate home loans, the Authority desires to issue an additional series of bonds to provide the mortgage financing needed in St. Lucie County. The Escambia Authority adopted a resolution on July 1, 1997 indicating its intent to do so. The Authority anticipates several other counties participating in this issue thereby making the issue large enough to obtain an interest rate well below that available to the general public. Interlocal agreements will be entered into between the Escambia Authority and the Housing Finance Authorities of participating counties. The form of the interlocal agreement is attached as Exhibit A to the resolution before the Board for approval. When the Bonds are issued, below interest rate mortgage money will again be very attractive to the home buyers, and will allow many people to qualify for mortgage loans who otherwise might not be able to afford a home at conventional mortgage rates. Monies should be available for first time home buyers by late March 1998. RESOLUTION NO. 97- A RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING A JOINT PROGRAM WITH THE ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY, FOR THE ISSUANCE BY THE ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE _ AUTHORITY OF ITS SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1998 (MULTI-COUNTY PROGRAM), ON BEHALF OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY AND THE HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY TO FINANCE QUALIFYING SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE LOANS IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING THAT SUCH ESCAMBIA BONDS CONSTITUTE LIlI~IIT'ED, SPECIAL OBLIGATIONS; APPROVING THE FORM OF AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY; PROVIDING CERTAIN OTHER ' bETAILS WITH RESPECT THERETO; AND PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Chapter 159, Part IV, Florida Statutes, authorizes the creation of housing financing authorities with the purpose of issuing revenue bonds to assist in alleviating a shortage of housing available at prices or rentals which many persons and families can afford; and WHEREAS, Sections 159.603 and 159.604, Florida Statutes, authorize the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida (the "Governing Body"), to approve the operation of the Escambia County Housing Finance Authority (the "Escambia Authority"), within the territorial boundaries of, and the issuance by the Escambia Authority of revenue bonds to alleviate the shortage of affordable housing and capital available for investment therein within St. Lucie County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the Escambia Authority has by resolution previously authorized a plan of finance for the issuance from time to time of not exceeding $70,000,000 Escambia County Housing Finance Authority Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, initially designated as (Multi-County Program), Series 1998 (the "Escambia Bonds"); and WHEREAS, the Escambia Authority has expressed an interest in pursuing a joint program with the Housing Finance Authority of St. Lucie County (the "St. Lucie Authority") for the issuance by the Escambia Authority of a sufficient principal amount of the Escambia Bonds to finance qualifying single family mortgage loan programs for Escambia County and St. Lucie County and certain other counties through amulti-county single family housing program (the "Escambia Multi- County Single Family Housing Program"); and WHEREAS, by combining the authority to issue single family mortgage revenue bonds of the Escambia Authority, St. Lucie County and the St. Lucie Authority and certain other issuers desiring to participate in the issue, the Escambia Authority will be able to make available mortgage loans at rates below the rates otherwise possible if the St. Lucie Authority attempted a separate issue; and WHEREAS, such a program would benefit St. Lucie County and aid in alleviating a shortage of affordable housing and capital available for investment therein within St. Lucie County; and WHEREAS, in order to participate in such Escambia Multi-County Single Family Program and to approve the issuance of the Escambia Bonds, the St. Lucie Authority pursuant to Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Code"), has held a public hearing on behalf of St. Lucie County, the Escambia Authority and Escambia County this 17th MC410/21/97-6270.stlucie-reso-hfa -1- day of November, 1997, following notice of such hearing given in the form required by the Code by publication more than 14 days prior to such public hearing; and WHEREAS, in order to participate in the Escambia Multi-County Single Family Program and to approve the issuance of the Escambia Bonds, the St. Lucie Authority desire to approve the form of and to execute and deliver an Interlocal Agreement with the Escambia Authority and to take such other actions as are necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1. Authority. This Resolution is adopted pursuant to the provisions of the Florida Housing Authority Law, Part IV of Chapter 159, Florida Statues (the "Act"), and other applicable laws. _. SECTION 2. Findings. The St. Lucie Authority has found and determined and hereby declares that: (a) In order to realize the economies of scale afforded by aggregating the separate single family mortgage revenue bond programs for the St. Lucie Authority and the Escambia Authority, it is in the best interest of St. Lucie County and the St. Lucie Authority to authorize the Escambia Authority to issue the Escambia Bonds to finance single family mortgage loans for both Escambia County and St. Lucie County which qualify under the Act. (b) The St. Lucie Authority on the date hereof has held a public hearing required by Section 147(f) of the Code after giving such notice as required thereby. Such public hearing was conducted at the time and place advertised and at such hearing reasonable opportunity was provided for all interested individuals to express their views, both orally and in writing, on the issuance of the Escambia Bonds. The St. Lucie Authority shall provide the minutes of such public hearing to the Governing Body for approval as the applicable elected representative or governmental unit. (c) In order to implement such Escambia Multi-County Single Family Housing Program and to approve the issuance of the Escambia Bonds, it is in the best interest of the St. Lucie Authority to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with the Escambia Authority. SECTION 3. Authorization of Form of Interlocal Agreement. The execution and delivery of the Interlocal Agreement, authorizing the Escambia Authority to issue its Escambia Bonds to finance qualifying single family mortgage loans in St. Lucie County, a proposed form of which is attached hereto as Exh;bit "A" (the "Interlocal Agreement") is hereby authorized. The form of the Interlocal Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is hereby approved, subject to such changes, modifications, insertions, omissions, substitutions and such filling of blanks therein as may be approved and made in such form by the officers of the St. Lucie Authority and the Escambia Authority executing the same, such execution and delivery to be conclusive evidence of such approval. SECTION 4. Authorization to Execute. The Chairman or Vice Chairman and the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of the St. Lucie Authority are hereby authorized and empowered to execute and deliver the Interlocal Agreement, subject to such changes, modifications, insertions, omissions, substitutions and filling of blanks therein as such officers executing the same shall approve, such execution to be conclusive evidence of such approval and to affix thereto or impress thereon the seal of the St. Lucie Authority. The appropriate officers of the St. Lucie Authority are hereby further authorized to execute and deliver such other intergovernmental agreements, applications, consents, or other documents and instruments as may be necessary to implement the Interlocal Agreement, including, without limitation, applications for up to the maximum available private activity bond MCIr10/21/97-6270.stlucie-reso-hfa -2- volume allocations pursuant to Chapter 159, Part VI, Florida Statutes, for the purposes set forth in the Interlocal Agreement. SECTION 5. Approval of Issuance of Escambia Bonds and Public Hearin. The St. Lucie Authority hereby approves, within the meaning of Section 147(f) of the Code, the Escambia Authority's plan of finance and the issuance by the Escambia Authority from time to time, of not _ exceeding $70,000,000 Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, initially designated as (Multi-County Program), Series 1998, for funding the Escambia Authority's program for Mortgage Loans, and the public hearing related thereto held by the St. Lucie Authority on the date hereof. The St. Lucie Authority hereby requests the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County to approve, within the meaning of Section 147(f) of the Code, the Escambia Authority's plan of finance and the issuance by the Escambia Authority of not exceeding $70,000,000 Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 1998 (Multi-County Program), and the public hearing related thereto by the St. Lucie Authority on the date hereof. SECTION 6. -No Expenditure of Funds; Limited, 'Special Obligations. Adoption of this Resolution does not authorize or commit the expenditure of any funds of St. Lucie County or of the St. Lucie Authority to pay the cost of issuance of such Escambia Bonds. The Escambia Bonds are limited, special obligations and will not constitute a debt of the State of Florida, St. Lucie County, Escambia County, or other participating Counties or of the St. Lucie Authority, the Escambia Authority or other participating Housing Finance Authorities, but will be payable solely from payments made from the revenues generated from the Escambia Multi-County Single Family Housing Program. SECTION 7. Effective Date. The approvals and authorizations provided in Sections 3, 4 and 5 of this Resolution are expressly contingent upon and this Resolution shall become effective upon the adoption by the Governing Body of a resolution approving and authorizing the Escambia Authority to operate within the territorial boundaries of St. Lucie County with respect to the issuance of its Escambia Bonds. MCL-10/21/97-6270-stlucio-reso-hfa -3- DULY ADOPTED by the Housing Finance Authority of St. Lucie County, this 17th day of November, 1997. HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY (SEAL) Chairman ATTEST: Secretary MCIr10/21/97-6270-stlucio-reso-hfa '4' Exhibit "A" FORM OF INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of , 1997, by and between the ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and politic organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "Escambia Authority"), and the HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a public body corporate and politic organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "Local Authority"); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Part IV of Chapter 159 of the Florida Statutes authorizes the creation of housing finance authorities within the State of Florida (the "State") for the purpose of issuing revenue bonds to assist in relieving the shortage of housing available at prices or rentals which many persons and families can afford; and WHEREAS, the Escambia Authority has resolved to issue at one time or from time to time, not exceeding $70,000,000 Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, initially designated as, (Multi- County Program) Series 1998 (the "1998 Escambia Bonds"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 143 and 146 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), the amount of qualified mortgage bonds (as defined in Section 143 of the Code) which may be issued in each year is limited by a private activity volume cap which has been established for such purpose within the State; and WHEREAS, the limitations upon available portions of the volume cap prevent the separate issuance of bonds for each county from being feasibly and economically accomplished; and WHEREAS, the Escambia Authority has authorized a sufficient amount of 1998 Escambia Bonds to fund, or to refund or refinance obligations, the proceeds of which will be used to fund, a portion of the anticipated demand during the proposed Origination Period for qualifying single family mortgages of both Escambia County and St. Lucie County, as well as certain other counties which may also participate in a joint bond program; and WHEREAS, the aggregation of mortgage loan demand and the securing of the related amount of the cummulative State volume cap (the "Allocation Amount") granted by the State through 1998 (the "Authorization Period") for the purpose of issuing qualified mortgage revenue bonds to finance qualifying single family owner-occupied residences will result in a wider allocation of fixed expenses and certain other economies of scale; and WHEREAS, unless such economies are realized, the issuance of qualified mortgage revenue bonds for such purpose would be less economical, resulting in high mortgage costs to qualified .mortgagors; and WHEREAS, Sections 159.603 and 159.604, Florida Statutes, authorize St. Lucie County (the "Participating County") to approve the issuance of qualified mortgage revenue bonds through the Escambia Authority to alleviate the shortage of affordable housing within the Participating County, which approval has been granted by a resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of the Participating County adopted on , 1997 (the "County Resolution"); and MCIf09/17/97-6270-stlucie-is-hfa -1- WHEREAS, Sections 163.01, 159.608 and 125.01, Florida Statutes, and the County Resolution authorize this Agreement by conferring the authority to exercise or contract by agreement upon the Escambia Authority to exercise those powers which are common to it and the other parties hereto and to include the Participating County within the Escambia Authority's area of operation pursuant to Florida Statutes, Section 159.603(1) for the purpose of issuing bonds based on the Allocation Amount to (1) make available funds to finance qualifying single family owner-occupied residences located within the Participating Counties in accordance herewith, (2) establish the reserves therefor, and (3) pay the costs of issuance thereof (collectively, the "Program"). NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: Section 1. Allocation Amount; Substitution of Bonds. The Local Authority hereby authorizes the Escambia Authority to issue, reissue, remarket or refund qualified mortgage revenue bonds, in the form of its Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds (the "Bonds") from time to time based on the Allocation Amount through the Authorization Period for the purpose of financing the Program and making funds available for qualifying single family owner-occupied residences in the Participating County to the full extent permitted by the Act. Any 1998 Escambia Bonds issued for such purposes in the Participating County are hereby deemed to be in full substitution for an equivalent principal amount of the Local Authority's bonds which could have been issued for such purpose. The Local Authority hereby authorizes the Escambia Authority to utilize the Local Authority's Allocation Amount on behalf of the Local Authority as part of its plan of finance for the purpose of funding the Program, including, among other things, funding of qualifying single family mortgages in the Participating County, and the Escambia Authority is hereby designated as the bond issuing authority for the Local Authority through the end of the Authorization Period with respect to all such Allocation Amounts. The proceeds of the 1998 Escambia Bonds shall be allocated and applied to the funding, or refinancing of or refunding obligations, the proceeds of which will be used for the funding of mortgage loans within the various Participating Counties and for reserves and the payment of costs of issuing the 1998 Escambia Bonds, all in accordance with final program documents approved by the Escambia Authority. All revenues generated by bonds issued pursuant to this Agreement and by the use of the proceeds thereof, will be administered by the Escambia Authority or its agents and all payments due from such revenues shall be paid by the Escambia Authority or its agents without further action by the Local Authority. Section 2. Administration. The Escambia Authority hereby assumes responsibility for administering this Agreement by and through its employees, agents and officers; provided, however, that the Local Authority retains and reserves its right and obligation to require reasonable reporting on programs designed for and operated within the Participating County, including, but not limited, to, reasonably available mortgagor or profile data. The Escambia Authority and its agents shall provide the Local Authority with a copy of the transcript of documents and proceedings for the 1998 Escambia Bonds and such reports as may be necessary to comply with disclosure requirements and to account for funds generated by this Agreement. The Escambia Authority shall have full authority and responsibility to negotiate, define, validate, market, sell, issue, reissue, deliver, refund or remarket its Bonds in the maximum Allocation Amount, based upon mortgage loan demand and available Allocation Amount, permitted by law to finance qualifying single family housing developments in the Participating County and to take such other action as may be necessary or convenient to accomplish such purpose. Each Participating County may apply for the full allocation amount available for such County. It is agreed that the initial regional Allocation Amount for the 1998 Escambia Bonds in St. Lucie County and other Participating Counties located within the same bond volume allocation region under Section 159.804, Florida Statutes, shall be allocated ratably between St. Lucie County and such other Participating Counties within such region based upon lender demand. All lendable proceeds of the 1998 Escambia Bonds MC1.r09/17/97-6270-stlucie-is-hfa -Z' attributable to the mortgage loan demand in St. Lucie County shall be reserved for use in originating mortgage loans in St. Lucie County for an initial period of 120 days. The issuance and administration costs and expenses related to the 1998 Escambia Bonds issued to finance the housing Program and administration of such Program shall be paid from proceeds of the 1998 Escambia Bonds and revenues generated from the housing Program. Section 3. Program Parameters. (a) Upon request of the Escambia Authority, the Local Authority shall, to the extent permitted by law, (i) approve, establish, and update, from time to time as necessary, upon the request of the Escambia Authority, such program parameters including, but not limited to, maximum housing price and maximum adjusted family income for eligible borrowers, as may be required for any bonds issued by the Escambia Authority pursuant to this Agreement and (ii) approve the allocation of mortgage loan moneys for each Participant offering to originate Mortgage Loans within the Participating County. Unless otherwise notified in writing by the Local Authority, the Escambia_Authority may from time to time apprQVe and establish such maximum price and family income amounts at the maximum levels provided pursuant to the Code without further action of the Local Authority or Participating County. (b) The fees and expenses of the Local Authority and the fees and expenses of its counsels shall be paid from the proceeds of the Program in the manner and to the extent mutually agreed upon by the officials of the Local Authority and the Escambia Authority at or prior to issuance of the 1998 Escambia Bonds. Section 4. Term. This Agreement will remain in full force and effect from the date of its execution until such time as it is terminated by any party upon 10 days written notice to the other party hereto. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is agreed that this Agreement may not be terminated by the Local Authority during the Authorization Period, or by any party during any period that the 1998 Escambia Bonds issued pursuant to the terms hereof remain outstanding, or during any period in which the proceeds of such 1998 Escambia Bonds (or investments acquired through such proceeds) are still in the possession of the Escambia Authority or its agents pending distribution, unless either (1) the parties to this Agreement mutually agree in writing to the terms of such termination or (2) such termination, by its terms, only applies prospectively to the authorization to issue 1998 Escambia Bonds for which no Allocation Amount has been obtained or used by the Escambia Authority and for which no purchase contract has been entered into. It is further agreed that in the event of termination the parties to this Agreement will provide continuing cooperation to each other in fulfilling the obligations associated with the issuance of bonds pursuant to this Agreement. Section 5. Indemnity. To the full extent permitted by law, the Escambia Authority agrees to hold the Participating County and the Local Authority harmless from any and all liability for repayment of principal of and interest or penalty on the 1998 Escambia Bonds issued pursuant to this Agreement, and the members, officials, employees and agents of the Participating County and the Local Authority harmless from any and all liability in connection with the approval rendered pursuant to Sections 159.603 and 159.604, Florida Statutes. The Escambia Authority agrees that any offering, circular or official statement approved by and used in marketing the 1998 Escambia Bonds will include a statement to the effect that Bondowners may not look to the Participating County or the Local Authority and their respective members, officials, employees and agents for payment of the 1998 Escambia Bonds issued pursuant to this Agreement and interest or premium thereon. MCIr09/17/97-6270-stlucie-is-hfa -3- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Agreement have caused then names to be affixed hereto by the proper officers thereof as of the I l~'` day of ~ o ~ e M ~. /~ , 1997. (SEAL) ATTEST: ATTEST: Secretary (SEAL) ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING F: B HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Chairman MCL-09/17/97-6270-stlucie-is-hfa ~- s t The undersigned of the Housing Finance Authority of St. Lucie County, Florida, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of the Interlocal Agreement executed by the and as of , 199_. Date: , 199_ (SEAL) Its: MCL-09/17/97-6270-stlucie-is-hfa -5- RESOLUTION NO. 97- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY ~'O OPERATE WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY ON BEHALF OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY AND THE HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO FINANCE QUALIFYING SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE LOANS; AUTHORIZING THE HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH THE ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY; APPROVING A FORM OF AND EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN INTERLOCAL ,AGREEMENT; APPROVING THE ISSUANCE BY THE ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF NOT EXCEEDING $70,000,000 SINGLE FAMII.Y MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1998 (MULTI-COUNTY PROGRAM) ON BEHALF OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY AND THE HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, PURSUANT TO SECTION 147(f) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1986, AS AMENDED; PROVIDING THAT SUCH BONDS CONSTITUTE LIlI~IITED, SPECIAL OBLIGATIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Chapter 159, Part IV, Florida Statutes (the "Act") authorized counties to create housing finance authorities to exercise powers of the Act within their boundaries or outside their boundaries with the consent of the governing body of the territory outside their area of operation; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Escambia County, Florida, on May 29, 1980, adopted Ordinance No. 80-12, by which it created the Escambia County Housing Finance Authority (the "Escambia Authority") and authorized the Authority to exercise all powers under the Act; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, has found a shortage of affordable housing and capital for investment therein and a need for a housing finance authority to function in St. Lucie County and did accordingly create the Housing Finance Authority of St. Lucie County, Florida (the "St. Lucie Authority"); and WHEREAS, it is not practicable at this time under existing Florida and federal laws and regulations for the St. Lucie Authority to issue its bonds for the purpose of implementing a single family housing program, although the shortage of such single family housing and capital for investment therein is continuing in St. Lucie County; and WHEREAS, the Escambia Authority has by resolution duly adopted on July 1, 1997 (the "Escambia Resolution") authorized the issuance from time to time, of not exceeding $70,000,000 Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, initially designated as (Multi-County Program), Series 1998 (the "Bonds"), in connection with its multi-county single family housing program (the "Escambia Multi-County Single Family Housing Program"), and has indicated to the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County and to the St. Lucie Authority its willingness to exercise its powers in St. Lucie County to finance single family housing therein as permitted by the Act upon approval of the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County and the St. Lucie Authority; and MCLr10/21/97-6270stlucie-resobc -1- WHEREAS, Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Code") requires public approval of certain private activity bonds and the plan of finance therefor by an applicable elected representative or governmental unit following a public hearing and the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida (the "Board"), constitutes an applicable elected representative or governmental unit; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 147(f) of the Code a public hearing was scheduled by the St. Lucie Authority, on behalf of the Board, the Escambia Authority and the Board of County Commissioners of Escambia County, and notice of such hearing was given in the form required by the Code by publication more than 14 days prior to the public hearing; and WHEREAS, the St. Lucie Authority has indicated that the required public hearing was conducted at the time and place advertised and at such hearing reasonable opportunity was provided for all interested individuals to express their views, both orally and in writing, on the issuance of the Bonds; and - WHEREAS, the St. Lucie Authority on behalf of the Board, the Escambia Authority and the Board of County Commissioners of Escambia County, diligently and conscientiously considered all comments and concerns expressed by such individuals; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to express its approval of the action to be taken pursuant to the Escambia Resolution and Chapter 159, Part IV, Florida Statutes and as required by Section 147(f) of the Code; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to authorize the St. Lucie County Authority to undertake certain actions as necessary in connection with participation in the Escambia Multi-County Single Family Housing Program and the issuance, sale, authentication and delivery of the Bonds by Interlocal Agreement (the "Interlocal Agreement") with the Escambia Authority; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. Because of the continuing shortage of affordable single family housing and capital for investment therein in St. Lucie County and the continuing impediments to a bond issue to alleviate such shortages as to single family housing, it is hereby determined that the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County consents to the Escambia Authority exercising its powers to issue the Bonds on behalf of St. Lucie County and the St. Lucie Authority and to implement a plan of finance to provide capital from sources of funds available to the Escambia Authority, including but not limited to a portion of the procccds of the Bonds, and procccds of obligations refunded by the Bonds, to establish a program. to finance Mortgage Loans for single family housing within the statutory boundaries of St. Lucie County ("Mortgage Loans"); provided, that the Escambia Authority and the St. Lucie Authority first enter into a written agreement setting forth the powers, duties and limitations of the St. Lucie Authority as they pertain to participation in the Escambia Multi-County Single Ftimily Housing Program and the issuance, sale, authentication and delivery of said Bonds and the use of said bond proceeds within St. Lucie County and payment of the issuance costs for such Bonds. Section 2. In furtherance of the purposes set forth in Section 1 hereof the Ch~tirm~tn or Vice-Chairman and Secretary or Deputy Secretary of the St. Lucie Authority are hereby authorized to execute such consents, intergovernmental agreements, applications, instruments or other documents as shall be required to implement participation by the St. Lucie Authority in the Escambia Multi-County Single Family Housing Program and to provide for payment of St. Lucie Authority's proportionate share of costs of the costs thereof, including but not limited to the costs of issuance of such Bonds, all as shall be approved by counsels to the St. Lucie Authority. MCL-10/21!97-6270st1ucie-resobc -2- Section 3. The Interlocal Agreement, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and made a part hereof, between the St. Lucie Authority and the Escambia Authority is hereby approved. The officers of the St. Lucie Authority are, upon due authorization and approval by that body, hereby authorized to enter into such Interlocal Agreements on behalf of the St. Lucie Authority, with such changes, modifications, insertions, omissions, substitutions, and such filling of blanks therein not inconsistent herewith as the officers executing same may approve, such execution and delivery to be conclusive evidence of such approval. The appropriate officers of the St. Lucie Authority are hereby further authorized to execute and deliver such other documents and instruments as may be necessary to implement such Interlocal Agreements, including, without limitation, application for up to the maximum available private activity bond volume allocations pursuant to Chapter 159, Part VI, Florida Statutes, for the purposes set forth in the Interlocal Agreement. Section 4. The Board hereby approves, within the meaning of Section 147(1) of the Code, the Escambia Authority's plan of finance and the issuance by the Escambia Authority from time to time of not exceeding $70,000,000 Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, initially designated as (Multi- County Program), Series 1998, for funding the Escambia Authority's program for Mortgage Loans, and such other action to be taken by the St. Lucie Authority pursuant to the Escambia Resolution or Chapter 159, Part IV, Florida Statutes, in connection with the issuance, sale, authentication and delivery of the Bonds. A copy of the minutes of the public hearing held by the St. Lucie Authority on November 17, 1997, pursuant to Section 147(f) of the Code is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof. The related Resolution of the St. Lucie Authority adopted November 17, 1997, is attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and made a part hereof. Section 5. All resolutions or parts thereof of the Board in conflict with the provisions herein contained are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby superseded and repealed. Section 6. Adoption of this Resolution does not authorize or commit the expenditure of any funds of St. Lucie County or of the St. Lucie Authority to pay the costs of issuance of such Bonds. The Bonds are limited, special obligations and will not constitute a debt of the State of Florida, St. Lucie County, Escambia County, or other participating Counties or of the St. Lucie Authority, the Escambia Authority or other participating Housing Finance Authorities, but will be payable solely from payments made from the revenues generated from the Escambia Multi-County Single Family Housing Program. Section 7. After motion and second the vote on this Resolution is as follows: Chairman Robert Davis Vice-Chairman Diana Wesloski Commissioner Luz Baez Commissioner Victor Arias Commissioner Joyce Nix MCL.10/21/97-6270stlucie-resobc -3- Section 8. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Duly adopted in the regular session this day of , 1997. (SEAL) ATTEST: DEPUTY CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO FROM AND CORRECTNESS ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY MCL-10/21/97-6270stlucie-resobc -4- INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 11~' day of 01I . , 1997, by and between the ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and politic organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "Escambia Authority"), and the HOUSING .FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a public body corporate and politic organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "Local Authority"); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Part IV of Chapter 159 of the Florida Statutes authorizes the creation of housing finance authorities within the State of Florida (the "State") for the purpose of issuing revenue bonds to assist in relieving the shortage of housing available at prices or rentals which many persons and families can afford; and WHEREAS, the Escambia Authority has resolved to issue at one time or from time to time, not exceeding $70,000,000 Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, initially designated as, (Multi- County Program) Series 1998 (the "1998 Escambia Bonds"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 143 and 146 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), the amount of qualified mortgage bonds (as defined in Section 143 of the Code) which may be issued in each year is limited by a private activity volume cap which has been established for such purpose within the State; and WHEREAS, the limitations upon available portions of the volume cap prevent the separate issuance of bonds for each county from being feasibly and economically accomplished; and WHEREAS, the Escambia Authority has authorized a sufficient amount of 1998 Escambia Bonds to fund, or to refund or refinance obligations, the proceeds of which will be used to fund, a portion of the anticipated demand during the proposed Origination Period for qualifying single family mortgages of both Escambia County and St. Lucie County, as well as certain other counties which may also participate in a joint bond program; and WHEREAS, the aggregation of mortgage loan demand and the securing of the related amount of the cummulative State volume cap (the "Allocation Amount") granted by the State through 1998 (the "Authorization Period") for the purpose of issuing qualified mortgage revenue bonds to finance qualifying single family owner-occupied residences will result in a wider allocation of fixed expenses and certain other economies of scale; and WHEREAS, unless such economies are realized, the issuance of qualified mortgage revenue bonds for such purpose would be less economical, resulting in high mortgage costs to qualified mortgagors; and WHEREAS, Sections 159.603 and 159.604, Florida Statutes, authorize St. Lucie County (the "Participating County") to approve the issuance of qualified mortgage revenue bonds through the Escambia Authority to alleviate the shortage of affordable housing within the Participating County, which approval has been granted by a resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of the Participating County adopted on , 1997 (the "County Resolution"); and MCL-09/17!97-6270-stlucie-is-hfa -1- WHEREAS, Sections 163.01, 159.608 and 125.01, Florida Statutes, and the County Resolution authorize this Agreement by conferring the authority to exercise or contract by agreement upon the Escambia Authority to exercise those powers which are common to it and the other parties hereto and to include the Participating County within the Escambia Authority's area of operation pursuant to Florida-Statutes, Section 159.603(1) for the purpose of issuing bonds based on the Allocation Amount to (1) make available funds to finance qualifying single family owner-occupied residences located within the Participating Counties in accordance herewith, (2) establish the reserves therefor, and (3) pay the costs of issuance thereof (collectively, the "Program"). NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: Section 1. Allocation Amount; Substitution of Bonds. The Local Authority hereby authorizes the Escambia Authority to issue, reissue, remarket or refund qualified mortgage revenue bonds, in the form of its Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds (the "Bonds") from time to time based on the Allocation Amount through the Authorization Period for the purpose of financing the Program and making funds available for qualifying single family owner-occupied residences in the Participating County to the full extent permitted by the Act. Any 1998 Escambia Bonds issued for such purposes in the Participating County are hereby deemed to be in full substitution for an equivalent principal amount of the Local Authority's bonds which could have been issued for such purpose. The Local Authority hereby authorizes the Escambia Authority to utilize the Local Authority's Allocation Amount on behalf of the Local Authority as part of its plan of finance for the purpose of funding the Program, including, among other things, funding of qualifying single family mortgages in the Participating County, and the Escambia Authority is hereby designated as the bond issuing authority for the Local Authority through the end of the Authorization Period with respect to all such Allocation Amounts. The proceeds of the 1998 Escambia Bonds shall be allocated and applied to the funding, or refinancing of or refunding obligations, the proceeds of which will be used for the funding of mortgage loans within the various Participating Counties and for reserves and the payment of costs of issuing the 1998 Escambia Bonds, all in accordance with final program documents approved by the Escambia Authority. All revenues generated by bonds issued pursuant to this Agreement and by the use of the proceeds thereof, will be administered by the Escambia Authority or its agents and all payments due from such revenues shall be paid by the Escambia Authority or its agents without further action by the Local Authority. Section 2. Administration. The Escambia Authority hereby assumes responsibility for administering this Agreement by and through its employees, agents and officers; provided, however, that the Local Authority retains and reserves its right and obligation to require reasonable reporting on programs designed for and operated within the Participating County, including, but not limited, to, reasonably available mortgagor or profile data. The Escambia Authority and its agents shall provide the Local Authority with a copy of the transcript of documents and proceedings for the 1998 Escambia Bonds and such reports as may be necessary to comply with disclosure requirements and to account for funds generated by this Agreement. The Escambia Authority shall have full authority and responsibility to negotiate, define, validate, market, sell, issue, reissue, deliver, refund or remarket its Bonds in the maximum Allocation Amount, based upon mortgage loan demand and available Allocation Amount, permitted by law to finance qualifying single family housing developments in the Participating County and to take such other action as may be necessary or convenient to accomplish such purpose. Each Participating County may apply for the full allocation amount available for such County. It is agreed that the initial regional Allocation Amount for the 1998 Escambia Bonds in St. Lucie County and other Participating Counties located within the same bond volume allocation region under Section 159.804, Florida Statutes, shall be allocated ratably between Sf. Lucie County and such other Participating Counties within such region based upon lender demand. All lendable proceeds of the 1998 Escambia Bonds MCI.-09/17/97-6270-stlucie-is-hfa -2- attributable to the mortgage loan demand in St. Lucie County shall be reserved for use in originating mortgage loans in St. Lucie County for an initial period of 120 days. The issuance and administration costs and expenses related to the 1998 Escambia Bonds issued to finance the housing Program and administration of such Program shall be paid from proceeds of the 1998 Escambia Bonds and revenues generated from the housing Program. Section 3. Program Parameters. (a) Upon request of the Escambia Authority, the Local Authority shall, to the extent permitted by law, (i) approve, establish, and update, from time to time as necessary, upon the request of the Escambia Authority, such program parameters including, but not limited to, maximum housing price and maximum adjusted family income for eligible borrowers, as may be required for any bonds issued by the Escambia Authority pursuant to this Agreement and (ii) approve the allocation of mortgage loan moneys for each Participant offering to originate Mortgage Loans within the Participating County. Unless otherwise notified in writing by the Local Authority, the Escambia~_Authority may from time to time approve and establish such maximum price and family income amounts at the maximum levels provided pursuant to the Code without further action of the Local Authority or Participating County. (b) The fees and expenses of the Local Authority and the fees and expenses of its counsels shall be paid from the proceeds of the Program in the manner and to the extent mutually agreed upon by the officials of the Local Authority and the Escambia Authority at or prior to issuance of the 1998 Escambia Bonds. Section 4. Term. This Agreement will remain in full force and effect from the date of its execution until such time as it is terminated by any party upon 10 days written notice to the other party hereto. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is agreed that this Agreement may not be terminated by the Local Authority during the Authorization Period, or by any party during any period that the 1998 Escambia Bonds issued pursuant to the terms hereof remain outstanding, or during any period in which the proceeds of such 1998 Escambia Bonds (or investments acquired through such proceeds) are still in the possession of the Escambia Authority or its agents pending distribution, unless either (1) the parties to this Agreement mutually agree in writing to the terms of such termination or (2) such termination, by its terms, only applies prospectively to the authorization to issue 1998 Escambia Bonds for which no Allocation Amount has been obtained or used by the Escambia Authority and for which no purchase contract has been entered into. It is further agreed that in the event of termination the parties to this Agreement will provide continuing cooperation to each other in fulfilling the obligations associated with the issuance of bonds pursuant to this Agreement. Section 5. Indemnity. To the full extent permitted by law, the Escambia Authority agrees to hold the Participating County and the Local Authority harmless from any and all liability for repayment of principal pf and interest or penalty on the 1998 Escambia Bonds issued pursuant to this Agreement, and the members, officials, employees and agents of the Participating County and the Local Authority harmless from any and all liability in connection with the approval rendered pursuant to Sections 159.603 and 159.604, Florida Statutes. The Escambia Authority agrees that any offering, circular or official statement approved by and used in marketing the 1998 Escambia Bonds will include a statement to the effect that Bondowners may not look to the Participating County or the Local Authority and their respective members, officials, employees and agents for payment of the 1998 Escambia Bonds issued pursuant to this Agreement and interest or premium thereon. MCtr09/17/97-6270-stlucie-is-hfa -3- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Agreement have caused their names to be affixed hereto by the proper officers thereof as of the I~'day of I~.D d ~ b-aaL , 1997. (SEAL) ATTEST: By HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Chairman ATTEST: Secretary (SEAL) MCL-09/17/97-6270-stlucie-ia-h fa -4- ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY The undersigned Lucie County, Florida, does hereby certify Interlocal Agreement executed as of Date: 199 (SEAL) MCI,-09/17/97-6270-stlucie-ia-h fa of the Housing Finance Authority of St. that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of the by the and 199_. Its: -5- Division Serial No. Prior Division Serial No. STATE OF FLORIDA DMSION OF BOND FINANCE NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE BONDS AND REQUEST FOR WRITTEN CONFIRMATION PART I (to be completed by applicant) Date: January 1, 1998 Name, address and phone number of person who prepared this Notice (confirmation or rejection will be sent to this person unless otherwise directed): ` Name: Gordon R. Jernigan Phone:(850 ) 432-7077 Address: 25 WeGt- C'Pdar S rPPt, St~i tc~ ~~~ Pensacola, FL 32501 IssuingAgenry: Escambia County Housing Finance Authority Company (if applicable)c Requested Amount; Is this a Supplementary Noticed Yes No x Check one of the following: Manufacturing Facility (as defined in Section 159.803(10), F.S.) Florida First Business Project (as defined in Section 159.803(11), F.S.) (Governor's Office of Tourism, Trade and Econonuc Development certification must be attad~ed) Multifamily Housing (If "Other", specify) Single Family Housing x Ot11er Is this a Priority Project under State law? Yes No x Purpose: Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds for St. Lucie County to be issued by the Escambia County Housing Finance Authority s. 147(f) or similar IRC Approval Date: NovemhPr 17, 1997 Approving Authority (Unit of Government): Board of County Commissioners of St . Lucie County Contemplated Date(s) of Issue: March 1, 1998 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ELECTED OFFICIAL OR VOTER APPROVAL REQUIRED PURSUANT TO 147(f) OF THE IIVTERNAL REVENUE CODE HAS BEEN OBTAINED ON THE DATE INDICATED ABOVE, AND THAT THE AMOUNT REASONABLY EXPECTED TO BE REQUIRED FOR TI-IE FINANCING EQUALS AT LEAST 9096 OF THE AMOUNT REQUESTED ABOVE. Signature of Issuing Agency Offidal Issuing Agency Offiaat • typed or printed Name and Title Robert Davis, Chairman IMPORTANTI ixgal Opinion (Section 159.805(1), F.S.) enclosed: x $100.00 Filing Fee enclosed: PART II (to be completed by the Division of Bond Finance) Received by. Date and Time Received: Adjusted Date Received (pursuant to Section 159.8081 or 159.8083, F.S.) Status (confirmed or rejected): Amount Confirmed: $ Confirmation Valid Through: Amount Pending (if any): $ Comments: Category of Confirmation: •~ x Title: Director. Division of Bond Finance ISSUER IS HEREBY ADVISED THAT THIS CONFIRMATION IS CONDITIONAL AND SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED FINAL UNTIL AND UNLESS (1) THE DIVISION RECEIVES TIMELY NOTIFICATION OF ISSUANCE OF THE BONDS PURSUANT TO SECTION 159.805(5)(a), FLORIDA STATUTES, AND (2) THE DIVISION HAS ISSUED ITS FINAL CONFIRMATION OF ALLOCATION (FORM BF 2007-B) WITH RESPECT TO THE BONDS. (Form BF200G-G/1-1-97) NoTfctE f>F nueuc HF~w T~E~'TB~B~INE P.O. Box 69 Fnrt Pierce. St. Lucie Cuunty, Florida .H95+0069 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Maureen Seltzer Gawel, or Kathleen K. LeClair, who on oath says that he/she is publisher, business manager of The Tribune, a daily newspaper published at Fort Pierce in St. Lucie County, Florida; that the attached copy of the advertisement, being a nr rn rrr an T>\Tf' n>\T T~Tnt/FAARFR 17 1497 NOTI('E OF Prri51 l ~ nr rc i i~v ± ~ in the matter of ~pPROVAL OF A PLAN 0~ FINANCE TO PROVIDE CAPITAL etc. was published in said newspaper in the issues of October 21 1997 Affiant further says that The 'IY shuns is a newspaper publrsl:ed at Fort Pierce, >,n said St. Lucie County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuous- ly published in St. Lucie County, Florida, each day and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Fort Pierce, in said St. Lucie County, Florida, fora peri- od of one year next preceding the first publication of iris attached copy of advertise- ment: and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, Firm or co oration any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this d ise ent for pub icatio in th ~ aid newspaper. S to cr' ed fore a ~~I,(-j-ANNE SEIVESAC ~-~ My Comm Exp. 4/25/g8 N NOTARY ~ ed By Service Ins ' .. PUBLIC p 9.~, o~, No. CC367364 Notary Public °F ~` kr~sndglribwr Il~« ._ .. .. •,. ~` _ .. For the purpose of Section 147(1) ~ the IntemW Revenue Cods of 1986, a amended. notke b hereby given that F nanceuAuthortty theH( Sung Lucie Authority, wilt conduct a publ~ hearing on Monday, , November 17, 1997, at 2:00 ~, p.m. in the Commiaion Chambers. located at 2300 Virginia Avenue, thud Floor of the Roger Pottraa Annex Build- ing, Fort Pierce, Florida 34982, (361) 462-1419, to consider the approval of a pion of finance to provide, capital including the issuance from time to time by the Escambia County Housing FF Hance Authority (the -'Eacambia Authority'), on be• haft of the St. Lucie Authority, St. Lucie County and other . participating counties, of not exceeding $70.000,000 Sin-. gle Famiry Mortgage Revenue Gonda, initially designated as (Mutts-County Program), Series 1998. The SL Lucie Au- thority will participate in an amount not to exceed $10,000,000 in connection therewtth. he proceeds of such bonds ogether wtth funds from other tourcea available to the ~ Eacambia Authority, will be used to finance, or refund outstanding obUgations,_the proceeds of which will be used to finance, the purchase of single family residences to be occupied prlmadN by . flrot-time home buyea of moderate, middle or leaser in- come within St. Lucie County and various other counties in the State of Florida. fie bonds will not constttute o debt of the State of Florida, St. Lucie County, or other par- ticipating counties or Housing Finance Authoriflea, including the St, facia Authority, but will be potable coley from pay- ments made from the rev~- nues generated from the housing program. ,... .. - _ _ ~ All persona are advised that, tt they decide to appeal ant decWon made at ihia meet- ing, they wiB need ~ foord or the Proceedln ~eY mat need .such purpose. to ensure that a verbatim rec- ord of the proceedings e made, which record Includes the testimony and mew to upon which the appea be based. All Interested Persons are invtt- ed to present their comments at the time and Place set forth above. Housing Finance Authority of St. Lucia CounC ~ n Robert Davis. Publish: October 21, 1997 Published Weekly On Thursday Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Florida State of Florida County of St. Lucie ss Before the undersigned authority personally appeazed Chazles W. Cherry, who, on oath says that he is publisher of the Florida Courier, a weekly newspaper published at Fort Pierce, in St. Lucie County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING in the matter of _St. Lucie County Housing Finance Authority in the _ x/A Court, of St. Lucie County, Ida was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of _ Oct. 23, 1997 Affiant further says that the FLORIDA COURIER is a newspaper published at Fort Pierce, Florida, in said St. Lucie County, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been con- tinuously published in said St. Lucie County, Florida, each 'Thursday. And affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement fot'p~tbl'cation in said newspaper. ,, ' ~ ~ ~, Signature Sworn to and before me this ,~.1._day of Nov. ~. 19 97 ' 1 NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: MARY L KENDRICK NOTARY PUfi[,1C 5T:1TE OF FLORIDA COMhtiS~lON NO. CC45ti999 MIY COMMISSIOti EXP. APR. 30,1999 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING For the purpose of Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, amended, notice is hereby given that the St. Lucie County Housing Finer, Authority (the'6t. Lucie Authority'), will conduct a public hearing on Mond, November 17, 1997 at 2:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers, located at 2~ Virginia Avenue, Third Floor of the Roger Poitras Annex Building, Fort Pier• Florida 34982, (561) 462-1419, tb consider the approval of a plan of finance provide capital including the issuance from time to time by the Escambia Coui Housing Finance Authority (the "Escambia'Authority"), on behalf of the St. Lw Authority, St.Lucie County and other participating- counties, of not exceedi $70,000,000 Single Family mortgage Revenue 'Bonds,.initially designated (Multi-County program), Series 1998. The St Lucie Authority will participate an anwunt not to exceed $10,000,000 in connection therewith. The proceeds of such bonds together with funds from other sources available the Escambia Authority, will be used to finance, or refund outstanding obliq lions, the proceeds of which will be used to finance, the purchase of single fam residences to be oxupied primarily by first-time. home buyers of moderate, mi dle or lesser income within St. Lude County and various other counties in tf State of Florida. The bonds will not constitute a debt of the State of Florida, SL Lune County, other participating counties or Housing Finance Authorities, including the Lucie Authority, but will be payable solely from payments made from the re enues generated from the housing program. All persons are advised that, if they decide to appeal any decision made at th meeting, they will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, the may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, whk record indudes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be beset All interested persons are invited to present their comments at the time ar place set forth above: Housing Finance Authority of SL Lucie County, Florida Robert Davis, Chairman e Stuart News ar~d ,wM,~, Th The Port St. Lucie News (an edition of The Stuart News) STATF, OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MARTIN: COUNTY OF ST. I,UCIE: Before the undersigned authority appeared KATHLEEN N - PRITCI-TARO who on oath says that he/she nrrTs RFC ANAGER _ of The Stuart News, and The Port St. Lucie News, a daily newspaper Published at Stuart in Martin County, Florida, that the attached copy of advertisement, being a NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAPING in the matter of NOVEMBER 17 1997 FETING in the Court, was Published in The Stuart News ar:d The Port St. Lucie News in the issues of OCTOBER 22, 1997 Affiant further says that the said The Stuart News and The Port St. Lucie News is a newspaper published at Stuar*, in said Martin County, Florida with offices and paid circulation in Martin County, Florida, and St. Lucie County, Florida and that the said newspapers have heretofore been continuously published in said Martin County, Florida and distributed in Martin County, Florida and St. Lucie County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first. pul~>,lication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiaiit further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refu.r..d for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publicatia~i in the said newspaper. The Stuart 1~TCws has b~•~n entered as s~cord class matter at the post affice in Stuart, M~f.rtin Cou>iity, Florida, and Ft. Pierce, St. Lucie County, Florida and has been for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached c~ of advertisement. Sworn to and subscribed he rime 4 A 30TI~.,CT.tr'f`MA`~p OCTOBErR ~':"ui { FIJbIIC - ~13'A Of i~~"i~ei~~ y A. ~'4)~97:inlsslcn Fxp'r~s qpr 19, 2~uJ ~, r.e;~ ~,, t` ~ l,~I~. 1• Itr` c.Clc,r~ 5.~,--~ (Seal) _ I`:otary I'ublie NOTICE Of PUBLIC HEARING For the purpose of Section 147(f) of the Infernal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, notice is hereby given that the St. Lucie CourNy Housing Finance Authority the (St. Lucie Authority's will con- duct apublic hearing on Monday, November 17, 1997, at 2:00 p.m. in the Commission- Chambers, located at 2300 Virginia Avenue, Third Floor of the Roger Poitras Annex Building, Fort Pierce, Florida 34982, (561) 462-1419, to con- sider the approval of a plan of finance to provide capitol including the issuance from time ro time by the Escambia County Housing Finance Authority (the "Escambia R Authority'; on behalf of the St Lucie Authority, St. Lucie County and other participating counties, of not exceeding `70,000,000 Single Family. Mortgage Revenue Bonds; initially designated as (Multi- County Program), Series 1998. The St. Lucie Authority will portici- pote in an amount not to exceed `10,000,000 in connection therewith. The proceeds oh such bonds together with funds from other sources available to the Escambia Authority will be used to finance, or refund outstanding obligations, the proceeds of which will be used to finance the purchase of single family residences to be occupied'.. primarily by first-time=homebuyers''i of moderate, middla.i+or lesser income within St. Lucie'~ounty and various other counties; ii~,the State of. Florida. fit, The bonds will not constitute a debt of the State of Florida, St. Lucie County, or other participating counties or Housing Finance Authorities, including the St. Lucie Authority, but will be payable solely from payments made from the revenues generated ham the housing program. ~ All persons ore advised that, if they decide to appeal any decision made at this meeting, they will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is ro be based. All interested persons are invited to present their comments at the time and place set forth above. Housing Finance Authority of St. Lucie Count', Florida Robert Davis, Chairman Pub.: Oct. 22, 1997 ~~~ /~-- "/ay/~~ Lower mortgage rates hike home sales throughout area. By LINUS CHUA Palm Beach Post Staff Writer The drop in mortgage rates last month helped increase hotne sales for Realtors in Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast, who registered double-digit in- creases in sales. I{owever, the median sale price plunged 23 per- cent in the Treasure Coast, ,the biggest decrease statewide. Palm Beach County's existing home sales rose 19 percent to 624 homes, representing one of the highest increases statewide. In the Treasure Coast, existing home sales were up 10 percent to 144 homes. Statewide, January's existing home sales rose 8 percent to 6,106. All but the Fort Myers- Cape Coral area reported an in- crease in sales. The Florida Association of Realtors, which released the fig- ures Wednesday based on its monthly surveys, said the recent drop in mortgage rates was the ECONOMIC SCORECARD: EXISTING HOME SALES Lower mortage rates in January helped increase home sales in Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast. The median sale price rose slightly in Palm Beach County, but fell sharply in the Treasure Coast because figures last year were skewed with the sale of a few higher-priced homes. 1996 1995 ' ®®®® PALM BEACH COUNTY Units 624 524 ,~~~- Median $126,900 $123,700 price ~`' TREASURE COAST Units 144 131 Median $76,300 $99,600 -- price FLORIDA Units 6,106 x' 5,670 Median $90,600 -° $85,700 ~: price , SOURCE: Florida Association of Realtors ~, STAFF GRAPHIC ~~ r ~n~ 1 main factor in the increase m 900. But the median price to $126 represented a 30 percent increase sales. Average rates fora 30-year, , fell 23 percent to $76,300 in the from January 1994, the association fixed-rate mortgage rates, which i Treasure Coast. While the drop is significant, said. -- Although Martin and St. Lucie n this month fell to its lowest more than three years, dropped to last month's median price is actu- ted for the ll ' counties are grouped in the sur president of tl Alan Stewart vey 7.3 percent last month, compared y repor s usua ally what 1'he area's medi- asure Coast T , , C7reater Martin County Board o~ to 9.2 percent in January last year, orted tion re i h . re an price for existing homes sold Realtors, pointed out that average; i . p a e assoc t 000 loan, that would On a $120 last year was $78,100, the Realtors n. home prices are higher in Mart `+ , reduce monthly payments by $160 association reported. One Realtor said January County. Statewide, the median sale; ' to $823. The median sale price of Palm h i ' 199~i's $99,000 median pace was robably skewed by the sale of a price increased 6 percent toy $90,600, the statewide Realtors, omes ng s exist Beach County sold last month was up 3 percent p few higher-priced homes, which association reported. ~ ~~ ~, ~l~E~ ~ ~ /~~v~, ~~ c~~~ ~~~~ ~t/~ HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMEN ~ ~~ The HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FORT PIERCE, by this Agreement, shall hold harmless St. Lucie County, for any claims of liability of any kind, arising out of the placement of playground equipment on the Housing Authority's property located at 1011 North 23rd Street DATED this 1'~th Day of September ,1996. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FORT PIERCE BY: t .~_ Linda S. Dusanek Executive Director Witness: c ~,Q- ~.~~ ~ ~ . ~, ~~. ~`~ ~ Q ~U ~r~u~~ -. FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1996 Local- housing sales up , l0 percent Jack Minch TRIBUNE STAFF WRRER S"I': LUCIL COUN'T'Y - I-Ious- ing sales rose 10 percent in the St. Lucie-Martin counties region during January, compared to the same period a year ago. 'T'he lowest level in mortgage interest rates in nearly two years helped push sales, according to the Florida Association of Keal- tors. Ownership changed on 144 ex- isting homes in the two-county area during January compared to 131 sales in January ].995. Statewide sales were up 8 per- cent. There were 6,106 single- family existing homes sold in Florida during January com- pared to 5,670 in .January ].995. The average interest rate for a 30-year fixed mortgage was 7.3 percent during the first month of this year, which was lower than the 9.2 percent average in Janu- ary 1995. e~~- Housing Froth B6 harbor federal Savings Bank had a similar mortgage with a 7.6 percent interest rate Thurs- day. .fudging future home sales at tlr~ current rate is difficult, according to Bob Bluestone, a se- nior vice president with the bank. "Rates certainly are in a favor- able position but there are a lot oP other things that affect the real estate market. Just overall faith in the economy and the em- ployment situation," Bluestone said. /~~r-- .. At the same time sales rose, the median price of single-family housing in the two-county region fell 23 percent to $76,300 from $99,000 a year ago. The median is the price scale's middle, with half the houses over that and half below it. "'T'he median sales is kind of a funny figure," said Jeff Zipper, an association spokesman. "All it means is people could have bought more lower-end homes than higher-end homes that month. It doesn't mean that much." 'The median price of housing rose 6 percent statewide from $85,700 in January 1995 to $90,600 in January this year, ac- cording to the association. Turn to HOUSING/612