HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997/2000St. Lucie County Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Roger Poitras Administrative Annex -Conference Room 3 Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Regular Meeting -October 16, 2000 - 5:30 PM AGENDA Call to Order: Larry kennings, Chairman Roll Call: Larry kennings, Chairman New Business: 1. Approve minutes from the duly 17, 2000 meeting • Discussion? • Introduction of Interim Leisure Services Director -Pete Keogh 2. Interim Leisure Services Director will: a. Give overview of changes within the department b. Solicit ideas and recommendations from the board Old Business: Open for discussion Member Comments: H:RAB Agenda.doc ~;'~~l` I~l ~~ s O~ 1 _ v C.oo~ ~ I...{f~) ~~ l CC,. ADMIN. rJFFICE St. Lucie County Recreation Advisory Board Meeting August 21, 2000 -Regular Meeting Roger Poitras Administrative Annex -Conference Room 3 Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 SYNOPSIS OF MINUTES Members Present: Members Absent: StafF Present: Meetin4 Convened: New Business: Larry Jennings, Glenn Rains, Harold Phillips, Gayle Dellman John Picchiarini, Douglas Skidmore, Robert Taylor Don McLam, Projects Manager Tim Coolican, Golf Course Manager ~j I~~~ Larry ]ennings, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:03 PM. Fairwinds Golf Course - Tim Coolican, Golf Course Manager requested that the rate for County Resident cardholders be increased from $34 to $35 from December 19 through April 18. The Golf Course does 46% of all business during these months. County resident cards are purchased for $50 per year, and non-resident rates are $42. After a lengthy discussion, Gayle Dellman moved to have motion accepted and have fees risen. This motion was seconded. MOTION CARRIED. Open discussion regarding the new golf course. RAB members would like to attend the Workshop that Tim is in the process of scheduling regarding the new Golf Course. Members would like to voice their opinions regarding having an 18-hole course instead of the proposed 9- hole course. It was motioned for by Larry ]ennings and Gayle Dellman seconded. FRDAP GRANT UPDATE - Don McLam, Leisure Services Projects Manager, gave an update regarding the FRDAP Grants that the County has already acquired for this year. The first grant is being used for the South County Regional Stadium, and the second is being used for the Dollman Beach Park project. Mr. Mclam advised the RAB members that each year the County can apply for 2 or 3 grants per year, and since we have already received two of the possible three, he advised that the County plans to apply for the third to be used to do some much needed work at the Savannas Recreation facility off of Midway Road. Invited members to attend an organizational meeting for the Savannas FRDAP Grant application to be held on Wednesday, August 23, 2000, at 5:30 PM in Room 101 of the Civic Center. OLD BUSINESS: Rasmussen House -The County is working with David Cleveland with Habitat for Humanity and Herb Beach from the White City Park Improvement Club. The course of action that is being looked at right now is to put the house North of the Home Improvement Club Building and put in an alleyway on their property. This way the building will be used by the Habitat for Humanity, which is anon-profit organization; it will stay in the White City area and be maintained as a historic building. Indrio Road School House - Mr. Mclam informed the RAB who participated in the making of the Master Plan for the moving of the School House that it was ready to be moved at this moment. Also, informed that the Erosion Sea Wall at Northport Marina Island is completed, and that it has been renamed to River Park Marina. AAU BASEBALL TOURNAMENT -Don McLam passed out packets that were provided by then Recreation Manager Albie Scoggins. Member Comments: Don McLam reminded the RAB to think of ideas and options that they would like to see FRDAP Grant monies to be used for the upcoming year. Larry Jennings regarding a Master Plan for improvements at Lawnwood Stadium -for the addition of three Rugby fields, 2 Softball fields, and that shows a 5 court basketball gymnasium, a swimming pool, and a new proposal for a BMX bike track. Mr. ]ennings also asked if there is a 2~/z-acre plot that can be used for a BMX track. He also commented that a year ago he provided to the Leisure Services Director a Master Plan to show to the Board for these suggestions, but to date at least one Commissioner has not heard of such a plan. H:RAB Minutes.doc Actual meeting was taped. St. Lucie County Recreation Advisory Board July 17, 2000 -Regular Meeting Ro er Poitras Administrative Annex -Conference Room 3 9 Ft. Pierce, FL 34954 MINUTES Members Present: Larry Jennings, Robert Taylor, Gayle Delman, Harold Phillips, Douglas Skidmore, Glenn Raines Members Absent: John Picchiarini (excused) Staff Present: Albie Scoggins, Recreation Manager, Patti Raffensburger, Special Facilities Manager Guests Present: Wn Chesley, President of the over 60 & 70 Softball League The meeting was called to order by Larry Jennings, Chairman at 5:40 p.m. A motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting was made by Doug Skidmore and seconded by Gayle Delman. New Business: Savannas -Patti Raffensburger, Special Facilities Manager, reviewed the renovations at the Savanna's Campground. She also gave a attendance comparison from 1988 - 99. A resolution has been submitted to the Board of County Commissioners to freeze the rates at the Savanna's. Patti is forming a committee to review the rate schedule and will bring the findings back to the Recreation Advisory Board once the committee finalizes the rates. Rassmussen House - On the recommendation of Herb Beach, White City Improvement Club, Glenn Raines proposed that the Rassmussen House be relocated at the Savannas Campground. Patti mentioned that there were 2 options for the house. One location is for the house to be located near the bathrooms and the nature trails at the Savanna's Campground, the other is to trade with a lady in White City whose property floods, and give her a piece of property from the Economy property. She then spoke about marketing, advertising, and the rate structure at the Savanna's. Ms. Delman asked about the State Grant that the department was supposed to get. Patti informed her that there had been a mistake and that we would not be getting the grant. She then discussed possible ways of cutting construction costs for renovating the campground, i.e., inmate labor. Ms. Delman asked if there were any services and /or amenities that we could offer to make us more competitive with other campgrounds. Patti stated that there were several things that we could improve upon, but, that we would not try and compete with also stated that there were not enough funds presently available top tai ~p~l.~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ I Jl~.. 2 6 2000 CG. ADMIN. OFFICE Mr. Skidmore asked if the County ever thought about privatizing the operations of the Savanna's. Patti informed him that the County had indeed considered it, but that it did not receive any response to the RFP that was posted. Mr. Skidmore went on to say that the County should either make a commitment to restoring the campground or they should shut it down. He also feels that the camping population does not mind spending more money for the extra amenities. Mr Jennings proposed that the funds for renovating the campground should come from the overflow from the general fund. His contingency is for the repairs to be done a little at a time, so as not to incur additional debt. Mr. Phillips asked about the conditions of the Nature Trails at the park. Patti informed him that they were in need of repair. Mr Phillips feels that there is great potential at the Savanna's for bird watching if we were to upgrade the trails. Mr. Skidmore felt that people want the beauty of nature but not feel that they are in the woods. He feels that we should gear the amenities at the campground toward those campers that will stay long term and not for just the weekend. Mr. Phillips asked if the study that Patti had compiled reflected the demographics of the population that presently used the park. Patti stated that it only gave numbers of visits. Patti asked that the board read the report at their leisure and if they had any question to feel free to call her. She went on to say that the new rate structure would be modeled after the State parks. Mr Raines asked what was the operating cost for the park. She stated that the current budget was $180,000, but that it did not include the salaries of the two part time employees, she also said that the new budget for the campground would be $250,000 this coming year. Mr. Raines asked if we could operate the campground off of revenues alone. Patti stated in order for that to happen that a 60% occupancy rate was the break even point for operations of the campground. Mr. Raines then questioned how much would it take in repairs to bring the campground up to 60% occupancy. Patti stated that a previous study showed $850,000. Discussion then centered around possible revenue generators. Mr. Skidmore stated that the Board should meet out at the Savanna's. Mr. Raines felt that we should invite a general contractor to meet with the Board at the site to give some ideas on cost of repairs. Mr. Jennings then thanked Patti for her presentation. Recreation Program Report: Albie Scoggins, Recreation Manager, gave the Board a report on summer programming. The numbers are up for summer camps due to a good product and effective marketing. There are currently 55 campers at Dan McCarty and 60 - 75 campers at Lincoln Park. He also informed the Board of the AAU Baseball Tournament that took place at Lawnwood Baseball Complex and the St. Lucie County Sports Complex over the 4~' of July weekend. Thirty-five teams participated in the event. Nineteen teams came from out of town and spent three days in area hotels. Due to the rain and the poor field conditions at the Lawnwood Baseball Complex, the tournament had to be finished at the St. Lucie County Sports Complex /Thomas J. White Stadium. Albie stated that he would get the economic impact numbers from the tournament for the Board. He said that he would add the girls softball tournament economic impact numbers in his report. Mr. Phillips asked if renovations were scheduled for the drainage problem at Lawnwood Baseball Complex. Albie stated that he did not know what plans Mr. Keogh, Parks Manager, had for the Complex, but should be consulted and Parks staff should make the recommendations for the improvements. Mr. Raines asked if there were plans to have the two press boxes repaired. Albie stated that he would check into it and get back to the Board. Albie informed the Board that the pools are doing well. Adam Pozniak, Aquatics and Safety Coordinator, is working on his wish list for the pools. The problem is that enterprise facilities all over the County are struggling. He further stated that if the pools are to be successful then they too need attention from the general fund. Mr. Jennings asked if there were any comments from the Board. Mr. Phillips said that the pools were experiencing the same plight as the Savanna's. Albie stated that the Port St. Lucie pool bears the brunt in sustaining the other two pool due to the fact that the Port St. Lucie residents have more disposable income than the north county residents. Albie went on to inform the Board of the difficulties in finding qualified staff to run the pool programs and the pools operating hours. Ms. Delman asked what would happen to the pools if we were to close their operations. Albie stated that they would probably just sit there in ruin. Mr. Jennings stated that, currently, there are plans for a private organization to build an aquatics center in St. Lucie County. Albie stated that he would recommend that if the pools did not generate enough money during season to offset the cost of operations during the winter months then the pools should be closed. Mr. Jennings asked if there were any high school swim teams that utilized our pools. Albie informed him that Centennial High School occasionally utilized the Port St. Lucie pool. Mr. Jennings suggested that if we were to offer athletic swimming programs, then we would have school board involvement to help in the operating costs. Old Business: Security at Open Space Park Nothing has been done on improving Open Space Park due to lack of funds. Albie stated that he has not had the opportunity to speak with the County's grant writer, Jody Roiser. Also, he has not heard anything from Officer Serig, Ft. Pierce Police Department regarding any other funding sources for security cameras, or added patrols in the area. Mr. Jennings asked Albie if he would please follow up on this issue and perhaps get representation from the St. Lucie County Sheriffs Office for the next Recreation Advisory Board meeting. Albie said that he would and suggested a workshop in order to get feed back from the public as to what type of facilities and amenities that they would like to see in St. Lucie County. Mr. Win Chelsey, President of the over 60 & 70 Softball League, is proposing a 2million dollar two year project that will add 10 softball fields to St. Lucie County. The proposed locations are; two fields at Lawnwwod, three fields at Sandhill Crane, and five fields at Torino Parkway. With the additions of these new fields St. Lucie county will be better equipped to host future softball tournaments. Mr. Jennings thanked Mr. Chelsey for his input, and called for a motion to adjourn. Motion for adjournment was made by Mr. Taylor and Mr. Raines seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:14 p.m. r ~~ s,~_._..___.- ~, 71998 CO. ADMIN. OFFICE DEPARTMENT OF LEISURE SER S Administration -- MEMORAND M 98-81 TO: FROM: DATE: Board of County Commissioners J.E. Doughney, III, D' ctor of Le re Serv ~ptember 17,1998 SUB.IECT: ~ Recreation Facilities Exchange On September 3, 1997, repr~tatives of cie County Leisure Services and the City of Fort Pierce Public Works began a series of weekly meetings to ensure appropriate service levels were being maintained on mutually operated park facilities. Recognizing overlapping service areas existed within the Fort Pierce municipal limits, specifically from both agencies providing sports field maintenance, horticulture, custodial services, and pool operations, staff addressed the feasibility of a park exchange. The proposed exchange would entail County responsibility for Ilous Ellis Pazk (13'~ & Avenue M) with all existing pazk elements, i.e. municipal pool, four (4) basketball courts, restroom facilities, one (1) little league training field, play lot equipment, one (1) football field, with concession stand/pressbox, and pazking lots. Staff projects a cost of $44,616.14 to sustain County service level standazds. In return, the City of Fort Pierce will assume jurisdictional maintenance responsibility for South Beach Boardwalk, Bandstand Pazk, the County Library -Main Branch, and Old Fort Site, at a combined annual maintenance projection of $43,688.90. From a County Administration perspective, this restructuring of services will diminish travel times and corresponding expenditures for gas, oil, and equipment maintenance. The Parks Division will realign their Division maintenance facilities to include an equipment hub at Ilous Ellis Pazk to provide maintenance functions for a more cost effective disbursement of services. As part of this arrangement, revision of our Interlocal Agreements need to address future capital improvements to our respective acquisitions. As a result of endorsement by both City and County Commissions, the attorneys have prepared the attached Interlocal Agreement for ratification. i. ~I~15~ ~:~ c~ wam~mawr x:~w~vBSrs^~~i.~d ET .T ,TS PARK SERVICES PERFORMED NUIYlBER OF SERVICINGS ANNIIAL COST MOWIlvG ( 42 54831.67 L-ANDSCAPE ~tiAINTE~1'ANCE I 12 51821.14 TREE TR111rIl1~iNG 1 51910.44 ~'I'TLT7FR I ; I 51666.19 LTTTER CONTROL & TRASH REI~iOVAL 104 SU, IOI.54 RESTROOMS AND COURTS I 260 52956.18 BaL LFIELD YIAI~"'IENr~~1CE I 250 53164.84 B~~T.T.FTET.D R~(OVATION I 1 51541.03 IRRIGATION I 12 51000.00 POOL 1~tiAINTEVANCE ~ 515,430.76 I TOTAL I I 547 423.79 ~. ~ ~~~~'-~ ~~ go 7j G 5 ~~ ELLIS PARK SERVICE PE.RFORMID COST PER SERVICE MGW'Pi1G $ 115.03 f~.ours per visit 7.50 1 Operator @ 511.01 per hr. 1 Mower $104.64 1 Truck & trailer 5138.50 Sm~11 tools 521.00 -°- - _ Fuel 5279.30 LANDSG~PE ~! ~: ANCv $ 151.76 "Hours per visit 5. 1 Employee @ 511.77 hr. 1 Truck :134.34 1 Utility car 563.00 1 Sprayer X30.00 Small tools 514.00 Fuel X34.20 Cze~*.iicals :176.00 TiZ~' iRI~!LVG 51,910.=~4 ::ours per visit 32.0 2 Operators @ 516.09 & X13.73 hr. Trick & czir_ cer @ X4.80 hr . 8.-nal.l tools 57.00 Fuel. 530.40 FE-~TILIZPti G ~ 555.39 .ours per visit 2.0 2 Oaerators @ $14.36 & 513.75 hr. 1 Truck @ 55.03 hr. 1 Tractor @ 517.54 hr. 1 Spreader 510.91 Fertilizer 5193.00 per visit Fuel $27.24 L~'T_TE~ CCNT3GL & 5 125.97 T~.SH RE:^.CVAL Coors per visit 5.0 2 F~loyees ? 511.77 & 511.01 hr. 1 Truck X134.54 Fuel 598.80 Su~lies 52`0.40 RE~CCMS $ 11.36 Rours per visit .50 1 Employee @ 511.01 hr. 1 Truck 5133.49 Foe? $247.00 Sucplies X125.19 NO.OF SERVICINGS ANNUAL COST 42 54,831.67 12 51,821.14 1 S1, 910.'--=~ 3 51,666.19 IC4 513,101.54 250 52,956.13 S~tVICE PERFORMED $AT 7.FTFT.n MAINTF.'~1ANCE , Hours per visit .50 1 F.cnployee @11.77 1 Tr~c'.c X134.54 1 Field conditioner $234.00 Fuel X494.00 COST PER SERVICE X12.17 NO.OF SERVICINGS BALLFIELD RENOVATION X1,541.03 Hours per visit _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 Eiroloyees @$11.77&$II.Ol~hr. - - - ~~ - Truclcs & trailer $148.56 Tractor @17.54 hr. Tiller X25.71 Field conditioner X1.80 hr. Fuel X7.60 Clay X250.00 Annual cost per service includes For~*nan @14.85 hr. 260 1 ANNUAL COST $3,164.84 $1,541.03 OLD FORT SITE SERVICES PERFORIYIEI) NUMBER OF SERVICINGS ANNUAL COST MOWING 26 $2742.69 LANDSCAPE 1~tiAIN'I'ENANCE 6 5478.40 TREE TRINT~NINi G 1 54133.28 LITTER CONTROL 52 52519.10 TRASH REMOVAL 104 51984.12 TOT.-~L 511 857.9 OLD FORT SITE SERVICE PERFORMID COST PER SERVICE MOWING $ 10 .4 Hours per visit 2.0 3 Employees @ $16.20, $13.14 & $12.30 hr. 2 Trucks & trailers @ $135.88 3 Mowers @ $213.93 Fuel $36.01 __-_ - LANDSCAPE MAIi~VANCE $ 79.73 Hours per visit 2.0 1 Employee @ $13.14 hr. 1 Truck $72.30 (nemicals $44.00 Fuel $4.74 TREE TRIMMING $4,133.28 Hours per visit 120.0 2 Operators @ $16.09 & $13.73 hr. Truc'.c & chipper @ $4.80 hr. Sma11 tools $7.00 Fuel $114.00 LITT~ CONTROL $ 48.44 Hours per visit 1.0 3 Fsnployees @ $16.20,$13.14 & $12.30 hr. 1 Truck $72.30 Fuel $15.43 TRA,~H REMOVAL $ 19.07 Hours per visit .50 2 Flnployees @ $16.30 & $14.36 hr. 1 Truck @ $5.03 hr. Supplies $19.04 Fuel $109.20 NO.OF SERVICINGS 26 6 1 52 104 ANNUAL COST ~, T2.69 $ 478.40 $4,13 .28 $2,519.10 $1,984.12 Annual cost per service includes Foreman @ $20.48 hr. SO~JTH BEACH BOARDWA~.K ~~ SERVICES PERFORMED NU`IYIBER OF SERVICINGS ANNiTAL COST MOWII~tG 26 $954.01 LANDSCAPE bti4INTENANCE 12 53165.00 TREE TRINIlI~IIIVG 1 I $374.43 LITTER CONTROL 260 54359.1 I TRASH RE1iI0VAL 104 51756.28 RESTROOMS 365 54087.24 TOTAL I 514 b96.b i SOUTH BEACH BOARDWALK SERVICE PERFORr~ COST PER SERVICE NO.OF SERVICINGS ANNUAL COST MOWING $ 36.71 26 $ 954.61 Hours per visit 1.50 1 Employee @ $13.14 hr. Truck & trailer $87.54 1 Mower $121.30 _ __ _ _ _ __ Fuel $33.63 ~NDSCAPE ~J~EN~CE $ 263.75 12 $3,165.00 -Hours per visit 1.0 herbiciding 24.0 hedges 2 Employees @ $15.69 & $15.76 hr. 1 Truck $120.65 Sma11 tools $17.00 Chemicals $44.00 Fuel $212.80 'TREE TRIl~IING $ 374.43 1 $ 374. !~ 3 Hours per visit 5.0 2 Operators @ $16.09 & $13.73 hr. Truck & chipper $4.80 hr. Sma11 tools X7.00 Fuel $7.60 LITTER CONTROL $ 16.76 250 $4,359.11 Hours per visit .50 2 Employees @ $15.76 & $15.69 hr. Truck $60.32 Fuel $212.80 ~cg R~IOVAL $ 16.88 104 $1, 756.28 Hours per visit .50 2 Employees @ $15.76 & $15.69 hr. Truck $b0.32 Supplies $22.08 Fuel $98.80 RES'rR00-~IS $4, 087.24 Lifeguards 208 hrs. per yr. Labor $2,999.36 Supplies $1,087.88 _ _ _ Annual cost per service includes Foreman @20.48 hr. BAl~tDSTA1~TD PARK SERVICES PERFORMED NZTNIBER OF SERVICINGS Al~1NUAL COST MOWING 42 $1408.58 - L~~IDSCAPE 1 -. ANCE 12 $1768.2 TREE TRIlI~INIIIVG I $270.24 F~RTII.IZING 4 $363.90 LTI'TER CONTROL 1~6 $1881.70 IRRIGATION 12 $500.00 TOT-~L ` I $6192.94 BANDSTAND SERVICE PERFORMID COST PER SERVICE NO.OF SERVICIlVGS ANNUAL COST MCWNG ~ 33.53 hours per visit .50 2 Employees @ $14.68 & X9.57 hr. Truck & trailer $130.93 2 Mowers $165.27 Sinail tools X39.80 -`_~- Fuel X79.70 42 LANDSCAPE MAIr~1ANCE $ 147.37 12 Hours per visit .i5 2 E~roloyees @ X13.99 & X9.11 hr. `^.uiching-4 E~rcployees @ X14.68, X13.99, X9.57 & X9.11 hr. Trsc'.c X51.80 Small Tools X14.00 Chemicals $64.56 Mulc'~ $143.50 Fuel X22.80 $1,408.58 X1,768.52 TREE TRIl~MI~1G ~ 270.24 1 S 270.24 Hours per visit 8.0 2 Coerators @ X16.09 & X13.73 hr. Truck & chipper 4.80 hr. Small tools X8.00 Fuel $7.60 FERTILIZING - $ 90.97 4 ~ 363.90 Hours per visit .50 4 Employees @ X14.68, X13.99, $9.57 & $9.11 hr. 2 Trscks $97.80 Fertilizer $17.03 per visit Fuel X28.26 Small tools X7.00 LITII~ CONTROL $ 12.06 156 X1,881.70 Homes pe*_- visit .50 2 Fmnloyees @ $13.99 & X9.11 hr. 1 Truck A $79.90 Annual cost per service includes Foreman @ X18.36 hr. L8 ~ V O) V1 A ~~CA ~~mp1 001 A^~ cD Q... ~ (N(~~1CA ~~fA ~ZC ~ ~ 8r 01 O'er d V fl: ~O C7 p +~t7 ~Zn ~C/11y. pO+j S C7 S~ ~ n O~ 0 p N~ O (p ~ O d (] C7 d O ~~ ~ 01 a? ~ 3 ~ w~~ S A Z TGD ~~ ~ ~~ Q ~ n .. en, ~ ~ ~~ ~ wQa d+~~ ~ ' 07 ~ ~ f] O W ~m v ~~ ~O"c O!0 ~ m m ~~ ~ a^ C ~ ,~ ^' > ,c~i NO n ~ x ~~~ ~ ,c Sie O C x S n ~ O1 fD ~ a y ~ a W N ~ ~1 m~ m r~~ d r r O A "~ C n .+ C O V O p~ m~ "1 5 (D m ~ c m a i n d `a t'1 q ~7 W3m ~ w°i C ~ ~n ~~ m A ~3 n ~ ~'~+g O ~.+~ o y~~ o ;c~ rr 0 O ~ ~ ~ H ... 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W o~ ± ~ J~a ~ m ~ ~ w~ W BOA mlOm NIN~C ~O~C v GCVG 4t ~ w w ~ frA c.1~ -0.fW~'a m~_ w~'w wcnla>t av.r a>!~m nO~e 8~ N~QVf~w d~t00 vVCwa +CiO ONN ~N~ r~ - ------ m ' "53a .. m A m ~ 3mz~ C ~~-- 16-- i 99E: ~ : 5~~~~r.~ ~-R01~1 C I T f ATTY'iC I TY f1GR 4G_t7 d66 5492 r CITY OF RT -- r,.~ F' =' g13 k,p ~ ~ I ~ Z~ s ~ ~ I, ~ ~ ~~ -; . __- ciY't -=_- - OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY CITY HALL, t 00 NORTH U.S. 1 P.O. BOX 1480 FOR'( PIERCE, FLORIDA 34954-1480 SENT VIA TELECOPY September I5, I998 Daniel 5. McIntyre, Esquire Gonnty Attorney Board of County Commissioners St. Lucie County, Florida... __. 2300 Virginia Avenue 3rd Floor Admin. Annex Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 V ~~~~d RED Inte~local Agreement - l~tecreatioa Facilities Exchange Dear Dan: 1'EL. ('561) 460-2200 f'AX (561 }466-5492 ~~c D ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ { ~ 9 ....,- I ~ { ~, `~..../ CO. AQMIN. OFFICE I am enclosing a final dral3 of the Interloeal,4greepr>~ent regarding the abo~~+~~. ".'.iere is one change to ~2, City Responsibility, ~~vhich was discussed and ag.*'eed to between Gar;:. Fey: ch and Pack Doughney at a meeting yesterd::~y. We are thaeforc assumutlg this change is iL;~ce}>cable to all concerned. Assunvng this is acceptable: we will be presenting the agreement, as now drsli~tec:, to the City commission at its regu}arly sched~:iled meeting on September 21, 1995. Very truly yours ~ ~ Dittoted By Mt. Schwerer Bat Signed (n His ~ ~~ Absence in Order To avoid Delay 1e Moiling Robert V. Schwere1', Esq. Assistant City A,ttorr>tey RVS:cje ~ f enclosures ~ cc: Dennis W. Beach, City Iv"anager ~ r7~ Gary Fercti, Director of }'ublic Works '~ ~?•-'. S- ~ 998 1 - 59F"" ~ F20t 1 C. I T'.' ATT r /CITY' MCFt d8' d66 5d92 Ir~TERLOCAL ACREEII~ENT RECRIE:AT1(4N FACILITIES EXCHANGE THIS AGREEMiI';NT r.,ade and entered into this day of __, 1998> between CITY OF FORT PIEI~.CE, FLORIDA, hereinafter referred to as the "C:YT~Y" and ST. LUCIE COUNTY. FLORIDA,, .a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hers: inai ~cr referred to as the "CUUIVTY". R'HEREAS, tlxe CITY currently operates and maintains Illous Ellis Pazk ('l 3~' ,crd Avenue Ivt); and, 'WHEREAS, the COUN`T'Y operates and maintains South Beach Boazdw:tlk.. 13andstand Park, Old Fort Site and Old County Library Downtown Branch (grounds}; and, t'~~HEREAS, both the t:'ITY and the COUNTY recognize the need t~~ e~:change the maintenance responsibslities for the E~eilities and thereby prevent unvvananted duplicaii~;~n ~~3'services.:. IN CONSIDERATION O)E' THE MUTYJA)l. BENEFITS RECEIVED :~3I' EACH PARTY, the parties hereto mutu:;,lly agree as follows: 1. COUNTY RESP(:-NSIBIIL)<TIES: Effective October 1, 1998, the CE~U''~TY agrees to operate and maintain Illous Ellis Pazk (13~" and Avenue M~ including all cxistuy; park. elements, (~.e., municipal pool, four (4) l~csketbatl courts, restroom facilities, little league t~•au:ing facility, piaygroutxd equipment, football :field with concession stand and press box and X-arl~:i,1g lots) i~ a4corda*~ce with City standards. During the term of this Agreement, the COUNT',' rr:ay estab.ish aixd enfozce reau~nable rules and rE: gulations governing the use and hours of operation ir;>r this park. 2. CITY i2ESPONtiIBILITIES: Effective October 1, 1998. the ~~:[T'`.' agrees to maintain South Beach Boardwalk, :Eiar~~tarxd Parr, Old (:ourrty Library Downtown Br;xnc:b. (grounds} F'. 3 and the Old Fort Site including ai. existing park elements (i.e. restrooms, board~wa:l:s, ;I.~;ndscaping, +•-': t~- I ~~$ 2 : ~tGr ~1 FRO~•1 CITY ATT'Y'%C I TY P•1GR 4©7 466 5492 Interlocal Agreement Recreation Facilities Exchange Page: 2 and parking lots) in accordance ~>~ ith County standards. During the term of this ~±,gr::f:zY~ent, the CITY may establish reasonable rules and regulatiozu governing the use and hours ~:-f aFeration of each of these parks. 3. TERM: The tem~~ of this Agreement shall be indefinite. This Agreerz;;nt s:`zal! rezzew automatic•,aUy each year unless written notice is furnished by either party to the other of its intent to ternurzate this Agreement, such notice to be famished a minimum of ni~rze (9) months prior to October 1, of any year. 4. NO DISCR1MiN -TION: Both parties to this Agreement agree nog: ~:o ~:!iscriminate against any person on the basis ofrsioe, religion, national origin, age, sex, or marital ~tatu.~, irz the use of Facilities piusuant to the Agree,nent. S. COIMPLET~ >Lllti DERSTANDtNG: The Agreement cont:z;:z~s :i complete understanding of the parties heroto, notwithstanding any previous written or oral istzcFerstandings between the pasties on the same :,object. 6. NOT><CES: Any rn~tice, payment, demand, or communication require: d r~r' permitted to be given by any provision of thi.~ Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deeniz~d t > have been delivered arzd given for all purpose<. whether or not the same is actually received, if se;::it t~ y registered or certified mail, postage and charges prepaid, and addressed to the parties at the foU!~w'rlg address: AS TO CITY: Fort Pierce City Mszrzagez• P.G. Box 1480 Fort Pierce, Florida 349'i4 WITH A GOPY TO: Fori Pierce City Atto;-r~y P.O. Box 1480 Fort Pierce, Florida ? 49 ~~E P. 4 ' ~ = ! ~-1 ~=a~a8 w~ G~jP~ 1 F R0~~1 C : Tl ATTY!C I TY' ti1G~ 447 466 5492 Interlocal Agreement Recreation Facilities Exchange Pale: 3 AS TO COUNTY: St. Lucie County Administrator 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 349i!~2 V~TH A COPY TO: St. Lucie County Attor~ze~~ 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida :~~~~98.2 or to such other- address as the parties may from tune to time specify by writing. Any :;i.-ch r.~otice may at any limo be waived by the perse-n entitled to receipt of such notice. 7. AMENDMENTS;. No amendment, modification, or waiver of thi:; .Ag ~c.~ement, or am' part hereof; shall be valid or e1-Fective unless in writing and signed, grad aao waivf: r of ~~ny breach or condition of this Agree;<nent sha11. be deemed to be a waiver of any other condition ~ or subsequent breach whether of like or different. nature. $. FURTHF~R DOC~JMENTS: Each of the parties hereto hereby agreE~ tt-at try will e~cecute and deliver such fiuther ins::ruments and do such fiuther acts and things as rr~iy t.e necessary or desizal?le to carry out the purp~:,ses of this Agreement. 9. SECTIONS-CAP;.fION5: Sections aad other captions contained u~ ':his Agreernezzt ere for reference purposes only anti are in no way intended to descn~be, interpret, d<::`.ine or limit the scope, extent of intent of this Agreement or any provision hereof. I0. SEVERABILITI'_ Each provision of this Agreement is intended t~~ b-~ severable. If any term ar provision hereof i.:. illegal or invalid for any reason whatsoever, sur:h i:iie~gibility or P. 5 invalidity shall not effect the valic.ity of the remainder of this Agreement. ±~ ' 'ri- i :1qg ~' : X71 PP 1 FRO~•1 CITY' ATTY/CITY t`1GP 4D7 466 5492 Interlocal Figteement Recreation Facilities Exchange Page: 4 t 1. GOVERNING I.,:4'VI': Thais Agreement and the rights of the :?art7es shall be governed by and construed or enf~~rced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. 12. FxI,ING: EFF'EC'N',rtVE 17ATE: This Amt shall be filed with :l:~e C;lerk of the C~'ircuit Court of St. Lucie County, prior to its effectiveness. IN 'FITNESS W~EI2EU~E'~ the parties hereto have caused this instrument ~.o l:~c signed in their respective names by their pr~:~per offieiaLs and under their official seals this __._.__ day of __._ l 39$. A'TTES'T: BOARD OF' COUNTY COMMIS~~1O~~f1RS ST. LUCI)E COUNTY, FLORIDA Bv: r I?eputy Clerk ATTEST': D3' ~- City Clerk By: Chairman APPRpVED AS TO FORM ANI~ CORRECTNESS By: County Attorney CITY OF FORT PIERCE By: Mayor APPRUVED AS TO FUR1~1 ANb CORRECTNESS Bv: City Attorney P. 6 w STATE FARM n °® 9 INSURANCE ~ p March 24, 1998 DON MCLAM, RECREATION MANAGER ST LUCIE COUNTY DISTRICT 5 PARK RECOMMENDATIONS 1) FORT PIERCE INLET STATE PARK--NO RECS ~o: /~UC~ ~,,,~ clip / V ' /`'s ~NrjUi . 2) FREDERICK DOUGLAS MEM PARK--TOILETS NOT BAD NEED MORE --FIX DRAINS IN SHOWERS AND DRESSING ROOMS --NEED LIFEGUARD STORAGE AREA FOR THEIR EQUIP BOARDS, ETC AND LOCKERS FOR LIFEGUARDS WITH PRIVATE DRESSING TOILET AREA --NICE PAVILLION BUT BATHROOM BLD NEEDS SOME REPAIR 3) INDRIO ROAD PARK ---BBQ AREAS AND MORE LANDSCAPING 4) JAYCEE PARK--WEST SIDE--IMPROVE OFFS AT END WHERE --CURRENT KEEP THEM CLEAN --NEED SHi --CURRENT TRAILER RAMPS AS THERE ARE SEVERE DROP CONCRETE IS BROKEN OR WORN AWAY BATHROOM IS TERRIBLE AND NEED MORE BUT EWER DRESSING AREA BADLY PAVILLIONS AND BBQ AREAS ARE EXCELLENT 5) JETTY PARK--ALL OK BUT A SHORT PIER FOR FISHING WOULD BE NICE 6) BERGALIS PARK NO RECS 7) LAKEWOOD PARK REFER RECS TO MR MCLAMS DISCRETION AS THIS IS HIS NEIGHBO RHOOD 8) NORTH CAUSEWAY ISLAND--ADDED BATHROOMS --NEW SEATING BENCHES --NEED MORE BBQ PITS AND FRESH WATER SOURCES 9) PEPPER PARK BEACH------NEW BOARDWALKS --NEW BATHROOMS AND SHOWERS 10) PEPPER PARK RIVERSIDE--IMPROVE BOAT RAMPS --EXTEND BEACH --PROTECTIVE BUOYS FOR SWIMMERS --IMPROVE TOILETS AND NUMBER OF THEM 11) SOUTH BEACH BOARDWALK--NEED PICNIC TABLES AND PAVILLIONS --FACE LIFT ON PLANKING --BLOCK OFF USE PART BATHROOM LIFE GUARD LOCKERS --NEW BATHROOMS,PRIVACY SHOWERS,USE NON SKID PAINT --MORE BBQ PITS AND PAVILLION 12) SOUTH CAUSEWAY ISLAND--OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE A SHOWCASE PARK FOR THE CTY ---OUTDOOR AMPHITHEATER OR STAGE AREA FOR CONCERTS --NEED FILL DIRT OR SAND FOR BEACHES ~ --AREA NEEDS LEVELING WITH TRAFFI AND INGRESS WITH PARKING FOR CA O ~R.lYl R --NEED MORE WATERSIDE PICNIC AREA 13) SURFSIDE PARK-----__PNARK BINTEXOCELLENTDSHAPE~D MORE HE~M~ 3 ~RW~18SE CO. AQMIN. OFFICE ~w STATE FARM INSURANCE LTON ROCKS BEACH--COVERED PICNIC AREA --NEW ROOF TILES --OPEN FRESH WATER SHOWER --BATHROOMS NICE AND MAINTAINED 15) WAVELAND BEACH------NEED BIGGER PARKING LOT --GUT OLD CONCESSION STAND AND INSTALL CONCESSION MAC NINES LETTING LIFEGUARDS STOCK AND USE MONEY FOR MAINTENANCE OR EQUIPMENT WITH STRICT ACCOUNTING 16) BLIND CREEK BEACH---NEED BATHROOMS AND OPEN RINSE OFF SHOWER 17) MIDDLE COVE BEACH---SAME OPEN SUGGESTIONS: IT WOULD ONLY MAKE SENSE TO HIRE AT LEAST TWO FULL TIME MAINTENANCE MEN WITH DUTY CHECKLIST FOR THE CARE AND CLEAN UP OF THE FACILITIES IN PLACE WITH PARTICULAR EMPHASIS ON KEEPING THE RESTROOMS CLEAN IF NOT EVERY DAY THEN EVERY OTHER DAY. IT WOULD ALSO BE IMPORTANT THAT THEY REPORT ANY IMMEDIATE REPAIRS THAT WOULD ENDANGER THE PUBLIC AS WELL AS LONG TERM REPAIR NEEDS FOR EACH OF THE COUNTY FACILITIES. I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO SUGGEST THAT THE COUNTY AUTHORIZE EACH OF THE HIRED LIFEGUARDS TO HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO ARREST AND DETAIN. AT THE LEAST THE NEW HIRES SHOULD BE DEPUTIZED OR GIVE THE LIEUTENANTS IN THE MARINE DIVISION THAT AUTHORITY WHICH WOULD CUT DOWN ON VANDALISM, LITTER, AND UNRULLY BEHAVIOR. RESPE FULLY SUBMITTED, GL NN RAINS CC;Cliff Barnes, County Commissioner, District 5 ~- ST. LUCIE COUNTY RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING -FEBRUARY 16,1998 - 5:30 PM Thomas J. White Stadium Conference Room ~~ ` AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: LARRY JENNINGS, CI~[~~1RMAN ROLL CALL: LARRY JENNINGS, CH[~~IRMAN NEW BUSINESS: I. Approval of December 15, 1997 and January 26, 1998, meeting minutes. II. Thomas J. White Stadium Improvements - Tour - Discussion OLD BUSINESS: I. Discussion of Map of County Parks. II. Update on FPL -Homeowners' Meeting(s). III. Other discussion at members' discretion. h: \wp~rab~rab-ag end. feb t199 `, ~`'~ ~ ' FEB t $ ''~,' ~~ 1,..-- _. ... FF1CE 1 CO. ADMW~-,.r=- ST. LUCIE COUNTY RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD DECEMBER 15,.1997 -REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: William Hicks, Robert Taylor, Doug Skidmore, Glenn Rains, Larry Jennings MEMBERS ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Jack Doughney, Leisure Services Director; Don McLam, Recreation Manager; Pete Keogh, Parks Manager, Albie Scoggins, Stadium Supervisor; Brad Keen, Assistant to the Director; Charlie Crowe, Office Assistant II. MEETING CONVENED: 5:40 PM *************** The minutes of the November 17, 1997 Recreation Advisory Board were unanimously approved. There was discussion of the Fairwinds Rate Card policy, and computerized tee times. It was stated that the computerized tee times system was working well in its first two weeks of use. Albie Scoggins, Stadium Supervisor, listed and explained current improvements to the stadium, including lighting, batting cage lighting, washers and dryers, new flooring and concrete pathways. Also discussed was new seating for the stadium and possibly a new scoreboard. William Hicks and Doug Skidmore elaborated on their respective parks that were visited. Some parks were in need of bathroom facilities, and most ponds in parks were overgrown, creating a possible safety hazard. Pete Keogh, Parks Manager, explained the possibility of a maintenance agreement with the YMCA of St. Lucie County. Don McLam, Recreation Manager, stated that the next meeting would be January 26, 1998, due to the Martin Luther King holiday. There being no further discussion or comments, meeting adjourned 7:00 PM. ST. LUCIE COUNTY RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD JANUARY 26,1998 -REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: Glenn Rains, Larry Jennings MEMBERS ABSENT: William Hicks, Doug Skidmore, Robert Taylor OTHERS PRESENT: Don McLam, Recreation Manager; Ron Aleks, Golf Course Manager; Steve Fousek, Environmental Lands Specialist; Karen Zeiss, Administrative Secretary. MEETING CONVENED: 6:00 PM *************** The minutes of the December 15, 1997 Recreation Advisory Board meeting were not approved, due to lack of a quorum. Meeting was called to order, and roll call was taken by Chairman Larry Jennings. A brief tour of the clubhouse facility was given, then discussion was begun. Mr. Ron Aleks, Golf Course Manager stated that he would like to find someone for the restaurant at the clubhouse. There was discussion of the computerized tee time machine and how some of the patrons were in favor, and others preferred not to use it. Mr. Aleks stated that many patrons were coached on using the system when they came to the golf course in person, and were more comfortable using it afterwards. There was discussion of possibly recruiting leagues to play during the summer, when business was a little slower. Mr. Jennings offered Mr. Aleks the Recreation Advisory Board's assistance, if needed. Mr. Don McLam, Recreation Manager continued his discussion regarding the map of County parks. He stated that he had attended the Lakewood Park Homeowners' Association meeting, but was not placed on the agenda as promised, but made some comments during the open comment portion of the meeting. Mr. Rains stated that he attended the White City Park Improvement Club meeting, at which he gathered vital information as to what the public's priorities were for that location. Some of the most important items were new restrooms, raising the playground equipment to a higher location, boat trailer parking, perhaps adding a canoe launch and rental facility, and the possibility of a picnic pavilion. Mr. Jennings closed the meeting stating that he would like to recommend Mr. Mike Leeds, and Mr. John Picciarini as future Recreation Advisory Board members. There being no further discussion or comments, the meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM. W 1 W `~_ r W H W H a ~" W ~/ W z ~ m ~ ~ rn ~ ~ M o as v •- •n ~n tD 1~ Q~ u7 T pQ ~ G ~ ~ ~ W ~ <- Ca ~ m ~ 00 ® m Q~ a0 m W (f) F GtiV ~ ~ C` ` N a f r r T .- ~ c w a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "" o t + ' ~ w ~ u~ 8 N ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~s„ tr1 to ~ U ~ ~ Y tom- ~ ` n ~ r~ ~ t~ a t~ ~ t~ ~ n a v n ~ .r o w w ~ e{ Y! ~ V (~ ti r t 'ti. 1 a ti. V ti. q ~" V r ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r r S V y r r ~ H V ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ Wf ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ S ~ ~ ti 0 7 h r ti f ~ ~ ] h ~. h ." G ~ , ~ 1 .- a L a ~ ` o a ~ r a k a a ~ T r r r r Q) a- r ~ ~' ~ ~ ti ~ n ~ ~ 1` 1` ti F-' ~{f 8 p 4 Of ~ ~ Q`l Q! r W ~ CC11 ~ r r Q7 ~- Q~ Q] (~ A A O 1 ~ \ h, G ~ A W _ A a ~ N ~ , a ~ ~ A M Q1 A s- d! Q1 ~ Qf e- w QS A QS ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ` d ~ a ~ ~ d ~ ~ m ~ }" ~ M N ` ~ a ~ ~ N - QO r ~i W IY~ ,Y /{\ W T n h -~ ..Y C 4Qp O O p O g pG Op 8 ooC O 0 p 0 ~/ ~ a i ~ n ~ ~ n 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 8 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 v 0 u~i 0 ~n 0 a 0 o c° ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ m ~ ~ Q~Q m~ ~ °: ~' ~ ~ ~ '' a~ ~ z Z }~ E ° 3 ~- ~ N :~ ~ ~, OC ~ c~~ m ~ ~ t~ z U LU c ;:, ~ ~ jj ~ C _ r • m "' `~ as ca `~~. E _ ~ L G. ~ :3 u. t ~ a al ~ ~ ~~1 1J C i a ~ ~ ~V _ ~ ~` J d ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ O I.L a ~~ m~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ - ~ ~ ~,~ .C ~ ~, ~ d~~ ~ ~m W ~ $ O ~ ~ ? . a~. C d aii ~ ~ V a ~ m ~` ~~ d CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: NEW BUSINESS: ~~ ~Yl(.~ ~S~sY ST. LUCIE COUNTY RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING -JANUARY 26,1998 - 5:30 PM Fairwinds Golf Course Clubhouse AGENDA LARRY JENNINGS, CFI~~IRMAN LARRY JENNINGS, CFG~IRMAN 1 ~~~ ~~~ I. Approval of December 15, 1997, meeting minutes. II. Fairwinds Golf Co~}rse Clubhouse - Tour - Discussion OLD BUSINESS: I. Discussion of Map of County Parks. II. Update on FPL -Homeowners' Meeting(s). III. Other discussion at members' discretion. p ~~~~d[~ i J ~; ~J 2 3 1998 CO. ADMIN. OFFICE ST. LUCIE COUNTY RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD DECEMBER 15,.1997 -REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: William Hicks, Robert Taylor, Doug Skidmore, Glenn Rains, Larry Jennings MEMBERS ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Jack Doughney, Leisure Services Director; Don McLam, Recreation Manager; Pete Keogh, Parks Manager, Albie Scoggins, Stadium Supervisor; Brad Keen, Assistant to the Director; Charlie Crowe, Office Assistant II. MEETING CONVENED: 5:40 PM *************** The minutes of the November 17, 1997 Recreation Advisory Board were unanimously approved. There was discussion of the Fairwinds Rate Card policy, and computerized tee times. It was stated that the computerized tee times system was working well in its first two weeks of use. Albie Scoggins, Stadium Supervisor, listed and explained current improvements to the stadium, including lighting, batting cage lighting, washers and dryers, new flooring and concrete pathways. Also discussed was new seating for the stadium and possibly a new scoreboard. William Hicks and Doug Skidmore elaborated on their respective parks that were visited. Some parks were in need of bathroom facilities, and most ponds in parks were overgrown, creating a possible safety hazard. Pete Keogh, Parks Manager, explained the possibility of a maintenance agreement with the YMCA of St. Lucie County. Don McLam, Recreation Manager, stated that the next meeting would be January 26, 1998, due to the Martin Luther King holiday. There being no further discussion or comments, meeting adjourned 7:00 PM. yy. _ _ , :~~'{': 1 1~ f: ': LEISURE SERVICES DEPARTMENT ~' Fairwinds Golf Course }~ r~ ti1 T; '~ : .~ ..:....MEMORANDUM _..,Y~_ _,cN i• k r ^eti" ~: TO: Jack Doughney, Leisure Services or ~ ~ ~ ~:' \ ~~; ~. FROM: Ron Aleks, General Manager 1' "- ,~ ~, n~, _l. .~~ ;~ DATE: December 10, 1997 SUBJECT: Recreation Adviso Board ends -December 15, 1997 \l The above referenced Meeting Agenda indicates a discussion of the Golf Course Card Poli ~ h cy, ~ ~. which resulted from a letter written to the Stuart News Editor by Mr. Robert Plessner. Mr. Plessner came to Fairwinds on Tuesday, December 9, to play a round of golf and I had the opportunity to speak with him about his expressed concerns. At the end of our conversation Mr. Plessner realized the purpose of our Policy and left the office satisfied. Since this issue has been resolved, and your approval this date; I ~vdl not be attending the December 15, Recreation Advisory Board Meeting. Thank you. Pn cc: Don McLam, Leisure Services/Recreation ~; :. -:_~~;; ,F~, -~ ~:-~'ti: ~ ~~q_t. a ~! t . q~; :`~+~ .. .~ . .. .'f `. ' ,2s' ,r~.A'sr / ~ ~ ~~~ .. , ~.$ 'kcf' ~~: :.. ~~ :L; .~~,:. t ~ ..'~ ~~ ~~,{( ~ - r ;^ - C? i ~ ~~rM a~ gv,. "' {'~~' q