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" , ~ ~ St. Lucie County, Florida Citizens' Budget Committee Agenda Friday, December 16,2005 7:30 a.m., Conference Room # 3 St. Lucie County Roger E. Poitras Administration Annex Convene meeting Roll Call, announcements Minutes 1. ,¡Jr ¡1 1/ //IJ .,oS /a.J t;F f'I tr~~t7 r ~ Update on Implementation of Recommendations for Criminal ~ Justice Study. (Mark Godwin) 2. Hurricane Recovery Update. (Faye Outlaw) 3. Funding for Clerk of Court Building. (Doug Anderson) 4. Funding Special Needs Shelter. (Doug Anderson) 5. Update status of decision packages for January 2006 Strategic Planning Session. (Doug Anderson) -- Adjournment Next CBC meeting: January 20,2006 ~~©pnW7~ 1m . ,,~' 1 r 2~'" l~ ..L~.. .' !,.;ij~ CO. ADMIN. OFFICE Draft CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: November 18, 2005 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:35 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Lillie Miller, Ron Parrish, William "Bill"Casey, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick, Randy Ezell, Carl Hensley and Steven Messer. MEMBERS ABSENT: Jay L. Mc Bee, Toby Philpart, Debbie Hawley, Edward Lounds, Troy Ingersoll and Linda Bartz. OTHERS PRESENT: Dr. Kalmanoff, Pat Bradley, Toby Long, Marie Gouin and Doug Anderson. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; CBC members got news at this meeting that Jacquelene Burke notified staff of her decision to resign to the CBC. Carl Hensley introduced Randy Ezell to committee members; he is the Clerk of Court new appointee to this committee. MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the August 19,2005 meeting, Ron moved for approval and Bill seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. Space Needs Study Staff is working on planning the County's space needs for the next 15 years. Doug introduced Dr. Kalmanoff, from the University of California Berkeley and the Institute for Law and Policy Planning (ILPP), who previously made the criminal justice study for the County, which has been recommended by Mark Godwin to be implemented to speed up the processing of pending cases and, consequently, reduce the jail population. Now he has been hired to perform a space study for all county facilities. Doug listed a number of projects that staff is considering to propose to the BOCC to develop (e.g.: maybe build a campus for the County Administration building), for which this study will surely prove to be an asset. Dr. Kalmanoff began his presentation by stating that based on past experience with other counties and on the fact that this is one of the fastest growing - if not the fastest - counties in the Country, it's hard to believe that we count with enough funds to build all the necessary infrastructure today, let alone in the future. The way building spaces has happened historically - the norm -, not just in this governmental entity, but_ everywhere, is in response to demands from the most "powerful" department heads and just based on who complains the most for their space needs, within scarce resources in a tight environment - competing for it; not on an accurate study of how the departments operate and interact with the public, or other facilities/ departments. The result is that management ends up building spaces without having time to think about economies (e.g.: Could these two departments share a building? Could I be out in the country where it would be cheaper to build and operate? Is an industrial facility really needed downtown, having trucks come in and out of small streets, or would it be sufficient to just have a small satellite office at the main office and operate from a facility in the outskirts?). He also pointed out the smallest cost is usually the at the beginning of the investment (planning, capital cost of building/ acquiring the facility), the greater one is the operating cost within the following twenty years. If it is planned correctly, it saves money in the long run (Usually, costs are much less about the building and much more about the way it works: how or where it is built - did it cover the true needs or did it create new and unnecessary expenses). He also gave a few more examples of ways the operating costs could increase/decrease based on the decisions made at the time of planning spaces, and stated this is why it is so important to create a framework at the planning phase, stick to it and review it periodically, to get the best results. The costs saved by just one of these decisions made right, may cover the cost of the entire study. Dr. Kalmanoff proceeded to explain the methodology of how the study is performed. First, they analyze how each of the entities that conform the County government has grown and don't make the immediate assumption that they will expand at the same rate, but determine what factors have influenced the need for more space or resources. Based on interviews with the Department Heads, historic data and other factors, such as population and/or demographics, the data base is compiled, different aspects are analyzed (each department independently) and recommendations are made in terms of projected size and locations to cover the future needs for resources and, consequently, space. Dr. Kalmanoff introduced Pat Bradley, who is heading the team and she explained they are at the initial stage, working with the departments and elected constitutional officers getting a feel of what is going on in the County. Bill Casey inquired in what way does this study differ from a "wish list" from the each of the department heads and stay true to actual future needs. Pat Bradley stated the study takes into account several factors, not just what the department heads estimate they will need. Besides this projection they perform several independent projections for staffing and she explained some of the different factors they may consider, depending on the department's function. Dr. Kalmanoffs concluded that, for now, they had just attended to this meeting to report they have started the process and his team will come back to this committee to report their findings, to submit it to their consideration and request their input, so that the CBC members and staff can brainstorm for possible solutions (to think of ways to allocate funds, phase implementation, etc.). He added there will be several drafts before a final report is issued and then, they also need to be humble, because these kind of projections inevitably grow obsolete with embarrassing speed; therefore will need to be reviewed and updated along those next fifteen years. Stratee:ic Plannine: Session Doug explained the way the Strategic Planning Session (SPS) is organized this year (3 sections)and stated it is one of the most important SPS put together in recent years, because it will affect the next ten years. The Commissioners have also given staff their input on the proposed agenda. The topics that have been proposed by the different Department Heads have come down to the following: Topic 1: Should the county adopt 1/2 cents sales tax for specific projects, for how many years? This would have to go before the public as a referendum. Should it be voted yes, the County's Financial Advisor projected the estimated revenue, over the next 20 years (Approx. 200,000,000). Part of the money would be borrowed and part of the money would be used "as pay a you go" (It would pay for roads). This topic ties in with number 2. Topic 2: Roadway Funding Needs. Some of the critical projects are widening some sections of Midway, and Kings Highway. Topic 3: Should the County negotiate donations of land in West county for additional regional parks? (They may be also needed for other services, such as libraries). Where will we stand twenty years from now and should we set aside land for the different County Services provided today withing the current service boundaries? Land is going up in price rapidly and it may be necessary to accept donations today to have county owned land in strategic locations for when the service boundaries expand. Topic 4: Should we increase MSTU for stormwater? This was developed in 1997 and have not increased it over the years (it's a millage rate) and both cities have increased theirs dramatically. Topic 5: Should the County estimate a growth fee for the unincorporated area to be paid by the developer for Citizen Budget Committee Meeting November 18, 2005 page 2 items not covered by impact fees? This fee cannot be mandated without State Legislation and at this time, it is not supported at the State level, to impose such fee (However, it could be voluntary). Staff is studying the possibility to implement, in lieu of a growth fee, a different procedure to collect the impact fees and Doug gave as an example, the developments around Kings Highway: staff is ofthe opinion, based on studies received, that the road impact fee is artificially low. They have made calculations of what it should be and they have been in conversations with every developer in that area so that they agree to pay the road impact fees upon the final plan approval, at the level they should be at the time. This money will go towards the Kings Highway area. But, if there was a growth fee, it would be implemented to also fund other very much needed services, such as law enforcement officers, personnel for regional parks and so on. This is why staff wants to ask the BOCC if they want to pursue this matter. Topic 6: Could the County Create a Kings Highway Community Redevelopment Area (CRA)? To determine if this is possible, several studies would have to be carried out, to determine if the area qualifies to be a CRA or not. Doug explained that when a CRA is established, any property value taxes that are collected at the moment of the creation continues to go to the governing jurisdiction, but any increases have to be redirected to benefit directly within the boundaries of the CRA. Topic 7: Could the County create a CRA for Midway road corridor from US1 to Turnpike? This question will be modified to state to consider the possibility to establish a CRA from US1 to SR70. Pat Ferrick stated the residents of White City are circulating petitions to oppose the creation of a CRA within their limits. Property owners disagree with the way the term of the CRA would affect them. Copies of the statutes were handed out at the meeting for CBC members information. There was some discussion on this matter and members agreed a study should still be performed to determine if it qualifies and determine its boundaries. Topic 8: Impact fee for emergency shelters? This item was removed from the original list because, after some discussion, staff determined that if the schools will be used as emergency shelters and a special needs shelter will be built, it is not necessary to build more buildings just for that specific use. Therefore there is no need to impose one more fee to the residents. Topic 9: Essential Maintenance Projects. Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, is putting together this list. Topic 10: Funding space needs. The importance of this item was discussed at the beginning of this meeting. Topic 11: Where should the new EOC be located? It will be discussed at the 911 Board of Governors December 1, 2005. They will make a recommendations and the BOCC needs to make the final decision on this matter (Initially, it was considered the Fairgrounds would be the best location for the EOC - Staff will update committee members on this matter as soon as possible locations are determined). Topic 12: Should the County reinstate indigent health care funding? This may require setting up a taxing district, which would include this item and a trauma center. Topic 13: Where should the historical village be located? This concept is growing and there is a lot of interest from several community residents, who have not only offered to donate land, but also buildings and funds for this project. Doug also went over a summary of these topics handed out at the meeting and stated a consultant has been hired (Mr. H. Marlowe) to help plan and coordinate them in the best way possible (for details, please refer to the handout). Staff encouraged committee members to make plans to attend this SPS, to will be held in Panther Woods on January 30 and 31 and to continue to give their input towards the preparation of the topics to be discussed in the coming weeks. Citizen Budget Committee Meeting November 18,2005 page 3 Other issues New procedures for Public HearinQs. Doug informed CBC members that staff will request the BOCC to consider establishing some added rules to the ones already in place for the Public Hearings, such as the time the public comment time allotted to every person that requests to speak, signing up to speak (even if it is during the meeting) and other rules that would allow a better management of the time the BOCC meetings last (recent meetings have gone for well over six hours). Old business Carl inquired about a few issues that have been ongoing these last months and not resolved: FEMA reimbursement: we have got some money back. Faye will make a (short) presentation on the status of Frances, Jeanne and Wilma hurricanes at the next meeting. Conflict with the City of Port St. Lucie in regards of collection of impact fees: the situation has not changed. They refuse to do so. Funding for the Research and Education Park: it is in our Legislative Request and the Legislative Delegation will push for it. Propertu Taxes There was some discussion over the fact that it is the public perception that the millage rates have stayed almost the same, property values have increase in some instances up to 300% in the last two or three years and, therefore, the money collected has increased "dramatically" (again, public perception). Staff and committee members agreed on the fact that, currently, the money that is coming which is not being used on the operations budget is going directly into replenishing the Emergency Fund, which was depleted by the recent disasters and as the millage rates will continue to decrease more and more in coming years, as population increase. It is also important to point out that it is the public's perception that this is the situation, as those that complain are the new residents, when they see that the prior owner of the property was paying a much smaller amount of taxes than they have to pay today (this is because residents that have homestead exemption are also protected in terms that their property value cannot be increased by more than 3%/year) and they are appraised at current market value. Therefore is a relatively small portion of homeowners who are affected by the high increase in values. Quorum Some members commented on the recent quorum problem the CBC has been having. They inquired if the members can be polled to see if they want to continue to be in the committee, or ifit would be better to notify their appointing Commissioner/Constitutional Officer to replace them. NEXT MEETING The next CBC regular meeting is scheduled to be held on Friday, December 16, 2005 at 7:30 a.m., In Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary Carl Hensley, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting November 18, 2005 H:\O SecrelarylO OMB\CBC\Min\11'18wpd page 4 N en en Q) .... ~>- 0 0 Q) -- -- -- ë3 ~ C') c () a> E c ::I CO -- C en 0 >- CO ::I E Ü a> .... 0 0 Q) en a> :m a> ..::t:. Ü (.) .... a> a. 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Court Facilities Funds $1,222,771 212,520 150,587 Franchise Fees $ 1,585,878 . $ 678,225 . $10,922,972- 500.000 ' $11,422,972 . Available Nov. 21,2005 Transferred from Jail Constr, Savings Loan from Monumental Staircase Bond Issue $ 440,028*- $11,863,000 * Monumental Staircase Bond Issue Loan to Clerk of Courts Building BALANCE $ 1,238,000- 440,028 $ 797,972. NOTE: Project reserve will be established following completion of value engineering Also have requested $1,000,000 from Fort Pierce Redevelopment Agency $2,500,000 700,000 2.300,000 $5,500,000 3.400,000 $8,900,000 400,000 $8,500,000 NOTE: SPECIAL NEEDS SHELTER RECOMMENDED FUNDING SOURCES State Funding Mitigation Grant Parks Referendum Estimated Insurance Proceeds Demolition of Civic Center Available Have requested $1,800,000 from State Legislature's 2006/2007 Budget St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Strategic Planning Session Draft Strategic Plan 2.0 (Revision Dale: December 7, 2005) Introduction This plan is organized in three sections, Section one presents a number of goals and strategic choices for the board to consider regarding service and system enhancements or expansions. Section two presents choices for how the strategic plan can be funded over existing mechanisms and how the financial health of the county can be maintained. Section three presents choices about actions involved in the implementation of the plan. A number of items have been identified by both the BCC and staff, Items already scheduled for discussion have been placed in a "future events" section as well as some items which can be handled on an infonnational basis. Vision: S1. Lucie County will develop in an environmentally and economically sustainable manner using innovative growth management, economic development and fiscal management tools to create compact communities in natural protected settings and technology driven, higher wage jobs, Section One: New or Improved Services and Svstems Goal: Manage growth and development to produce high quality, sustainable compact communities 1. Do we want to institute transferable development rights county wide?-Brillhart 2. Do we want to consider targeted funding mechanisms and new staffing for large scale restGfation efforts for environmentally sensitive lands? If so, specific funding mechanisms will be discussed in section two, - Bessey 3. Should we continue and strengthen the linkage between development rights and public benefit? - Outlaw(check list) Goal: Diversify and strengthen the economic base of the county 1. Should the county continue to facilitate an effort to develop a conference centerlhotel complex at an appropriate site? - Daum 2. Among the funding tools in use for King's Highway, should the County study the feasibility of creating a King's Highway CRA? - Brillhart 3. Among the funding tools in use for Midway Road, should the County study the feasibility of creating a Midway Road CRA (US 1 to SR 70),- Anderson Goal: Support a stronger health and social safety net for county residents 1, Should the county facilitate a community consensus about a health care district? - Ryder 2, Should the county reinstate indigent health care funding? - Ryder Goal: Develop and maintain appropriate public facilities 1. Do we want a policy to encourage public private sector partnerships to develop new public facilities to be developed that would include mixed public-private uses? - Daum 2. Do we want to increase the maintenance budget for essential maintenance projects? If so, funding mechanisms will be discussed later. - Shinn 3. Where should the new EOC be located? - Southard 4. Does the BOCC confirm the location of the historic village at the fairgrounds?- Keogh Section Two: Fundine: the Stratee:ic Plan Goal: Diversify and strengthen the financial health of the county via alternative funding sources 1. Do we want to establish a five year goal for reduction in property tax rates with annual progressive targets? - Gouin 2. Should the county adopt Y2 cents sales tax for specific projects for how many years? 3. Should the MSTU fees for stormwater be increased? - Gouin 4. Should the county estimate a growth fee for the unincorporated area to be paid by the developer for items not covered by impact fees? - Anderson 5. Should we examine an ESL impact fee implementation? - Bessey Section Three: Implementine: the plan Goal: Maintain effective internal, inter-governmental and community relations 1. Does the BOCC wish to affirm its existing commitment and practices to working in partnership with other public entities? 2 Scheduled discussions and reports The following items were identified by BOCC or staff and are already scheduled for discussion or a report is in development, therefore will not need to be discussed at the Strategic Planning Session. · Attainable and workforce housing issues will be addressed in a Nov 15th workshop, If further discussion is needed at the strategic planning workshop it will be scheduled, - Ryder (Attainable Workforce Housing Task Force) · Are we willing to accept payment from developers to pay for increased staffing resources and compensation dedicated to growth management TVC implementation? This issue will be addressed in a January workshop, - Outlaw · Are there any other land preservation strategies the county should consider that does not always involve county ownership? An infonnation packet on strategies in use will be delivered to the BOCC, - Bessey (Memo is done) · A presentation will be prepared for the BOCC on the county's use of energy efficient practices in its public facilities. - Shinn · A report will be prepared on the County's strategy to support a higher education & continuing education presence as a key component of economic development,- Daum · A report will be prepared on how the county's economic development strategy will support enhanced retail opportunities. - Daum · Environmental Resources will prepare a presentation for the BOCC on standards that would encourage "green" or sustainable construction in the county, including energy efficiency, - Bessey · Memo to BOCC with recommendations from staff on start time for public hearings?- Anderson · Do we need any additional efforts to protect water quality in the county? What is the changing role of298 drainage districts with respect to water quality? - Staff will meet with the Districts on December 1 th and there will be a workshop with the Board and Districts in February, West & Brillhart 3 (CBC) CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE SCHEDULE FOR MEETINGS YEAR 2006 1/ 20/ 2006 2/ 17/ 2006 3/ 1 7/ 2006 4/ 21/ 2006 5/ 19/ 2006 6/16/ 2006 7/ 21/ 2006 8/ 18/ 2006 9/ 15/ 2006 1 0/ 20/ 2006 11/ 17/ 2006 12/ 15/ 2006 Note: Meetings time /dates /place: 7:30 A.M,/Third Friday at month/ Cant, Room # 3 (CBC) CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE SCHEDULE FOR MEETINGS YEAR 2006 1/ 20/ 2006 2/ 17/ 2006 3/ 1 7/ 2006 4/ 21/ 2006 5/ 19/ 2006 6/ 16/ 2006 7/ 21/ 2006 8/ 18/ 2006 9/ 1 5/ 2006 1 0/ 20/ 2006 11/ 17/ 2006 1 2/ 1 5/ 2006 Note: Meetings time /dates /place: 7:30 A.M./Third Friday at month/ Cant, Room # 3 wW 0 0 0 0 o ~\~ CO eo 0 0 o M:,M Z= CD it) ~ 0 ~'" en", \ 0", '" '" '" '" M M 0 0 o 1'--\ CO N CD CD 0 CD OO\qo ~D en en en ~ it)CDN '" '" '" '" '" '" I'-- ~ N CO ~ ,It) WI. ~ 0 ~ tit tit ~ ~ ~ tit .,:» tit fh iiI-an UlZO UUlO Z&N t- >- t- ~ W .. % - I~ W ...J - :æ to \ u.:»a= W « en - ...J ~;=\ W \~ \~ \ C) :J « to \...J ...J Z-2\ :æ :æ :»ww\ - ...J...J « W \8 «« oa=u\ 0 ~ 1m LL 0 0 LLt-...J UwW \0 t-~...J W W IW I~ ~ 1« IIIZQ ~ ~ \~ OOLL \w -c \x æ I- :æ :æ :æ 'en Uu \w en ~ - - - >-%0 l- t- t- :»- en en en ~ ~O:J: ..I~ W W W >- w-tn .~ ...J ...J ...J I- >~ tñi « « \« ¡% o ..J (.) ~\~ l- t- \~ \ð 0 0 wt::o I- \t- \0 ~ :Ell- ~ It t- Z II . 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(!)CJ)«LL:c :c <c 0::: 0:: ~ O~~~6J W WLL Z CJ) LL LL - ..q (0 ~ ~ ~ ex:> I'- (0 ~ Eß- ~ ('f) I'- ~ ex:> ~ ('f) ~ ~ ..q ffl 0') ..q ex:> ..q ..q (0 ('f) (0 ffl -1 « ~ o ~ \ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATOR Mark J. Godwin MEMORANDUM TO: Douglas M. Anderson, County Administrator Mark J. Godwin, Criminal Justice coordinator!Ø December 14,2005 FROM: DATE: CC: Board of County Commissioners Dan McIntyre, County Attomey Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Faye Outlaw, Assistant County Administrator Public Safety Coordinating Council Citizen's Budget Committee ~~[o{ I 'VI / RE: Status Report of the Criminal Justice System Assessment As per your request of November 28,2005, I have nine (9) projects that I'm currently working on which will benefit not only the criminal justice system in St. Lucie County, but most importantly the average daily population at the County jail. These projects are as follows: 1. G.P.S. Electronic Pretrial - (Sentencing Altematives, Inc.) The implementation of this program will be starting in the next few days. As presented before the Board, the contract provides enough funding for 100 defendants to be selected and released by the courts on to this program. 2. The Board passed pretrial Release Program - Resolution No. 05-338, and an implementation committee for the development of a Pretrial Services Program was approved. I will be recommending that the committee (Chief Judge, Sheriff, State Attomey, Public Defender, Jail Director and Criminal Justice Coordinator) making a decision at the next meeting as to the type of program design, such as: 1. County run pretrial program (county staff operating program) 2. Utilize the current G.P.S. provider to perform this function 3. Utilize CUlTent reporting program in the County (CO.R.E.) JOSEPH E SMITH, DistricT No, 1 . DOUG COWAf',D, Disrricr No, 2 . PAULA k LEWIS, DistricT No, J . mANNIE HUTCHINSON, Districr No, 4 . CHRIS Cf',AFT, DisTrrcT No, 5 CounTy AdminisrroTor - Douglas M, Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · 3rd Floor Admin. Annex · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 . Phane (772) 462-1441 FAX (772) 462-1440 · TDD (772) 462-1428 I believe that this phase of pretrial release should be operational by late spring. National research has indicted that when fully operational, and with judicial participation, at least 20% of the jail population could be in one forn1 of pretrial release or another (GPS, Pretrial, Day Reporting). The current average jail population is 1,335 therefore; approximately 197 defendants would be participating (this is a very conservative figure). 3, Data Exchange - This project involves point-to-point data flow from the jail to the State Attorney, and to the Clerk. The Board approved the funding for the data lines. This project will provide case information automatical1y which should result in the faster process of cases, therefore, resulting in a more efficient process. The goal is to not only eliminate paperwork lag, but also reduce the average length of stay (ALaS) on the inmate population. No exact number can be estimated on how this project wil1 reduce the number of beds, but I will track the ALOS, as it relates to the net effect on jail population, The data lines should be in place in the next 30 days, and some data should be transmitted in the first quarter of 2006. 4, Mental Health Court - This is currently being developed by the Sub-Committee (Mental Health/Substance Abuse/Criminal Justice) of the Public Safety Coordinating Council. A Mental Health Court is moving forward and will benefit the entire system, especially the jail. It has been reported that 20% of the jail's population is comprised of inmates that suffer from various mental health disabilities, A Mental Health Court will address the needs of qualified defendants on a regular basis. This would ensure that proper treatment services would be put in place and actively monitored by the court, The committee believes that the Mental Health Court could be operational in January 2006. Mental Health Court in Alachua County currently has 20 participants that are not incarcerated. 5. Inmate Packet Proiect - Inmates not being transferred to the State prison system due to a paper flow process resulted in up to 75 inmates waiting an average of 5 weeks before they were transported. This large bottleneck has been resolved and the process is working much smoother now. I'm continuing to monitor this issue on a weekly basis. The current jail population would be at a higher count if this efficiency hadn't been implemented. 6. YOP Rocket Docket - In order to help resolve the huge number of probation violators in the County jail, due to the zero tolerance policy of the Department of Corrections, Chief Judge Roby allocated judicial resources to help reduce the length of time that yap defendants are awaiting their hearing. As of this week, the rocket docket has resulted in approximately 69 hearings being held, (25 cases have been sent to DOC, 26 cases received jail time, 14 were returned to supervision). I'm continuing to make recommendations and track this specialized court process. This is another process that if not implemented, the current jail population would be at a higher count (at least by 25 inmates). 7, Substance Abuse Treatment Beds - During the last PSCC meeting, I made the recommendation to have treatment dollars spent, by the Department of Corrections, for St. Lucie County defendants. Mr. Rick Hill, Circuit Director confinned that these funds ($1,000,000,00) have been allocated to DOC, but were not being utilized, These funds can be used for drug treatment beds, in lieu of incarceration. The motion was approved by the P.S,C.C., and a documented request was sent to DOC for this expenditure request. I will follow up with DOC's progress in contracting with a local provider. This funding could provide 60 treatment beds if contracted at 45.00 per day, with an outside provider. 8. Misdemeanor Case Management - I'm in the process of recommending that an expedited misdemeanor process be identified in cases that have already been given State Prison commitments in felony cases. These inmates can't be transported to State Prison due to the pending misdemeanor charges. I plan on working with the Jail, State Attorney's Office, Clerk and Judges to help with this process. Last month, 22 inmates that had already been sentenced to prison were still waiting at the county jail for their other cases to be resolved.' 9. Case Management - I have met with the computer programmer of the jail management system, along with jail officials. I will be receiving jail reports that will identify all pretrial cases that are in custody. I will then develop a case flow process and make recommendations to the Clerk, State Attorney, Public Defender and Judges that will result in jail cases being placed on a faster docketing track. The benefit of this process is that the average daily jail population will shrink. This case management process will result in more efficient coordination of all jail cases, 10. Civil Citation (Notice to Appear) Proiect - The St. Lucie County League of Women Voters workgroup has been reviewing civil citation data. Civil citation is a process whereby Law Enforcement officers have the discretion of giving a notice to appear in lieu of an arrest for certain crimes. This data has not been tracked before, and the early raw data reflects the following: Agency October 2005 November 2005 SLSO 5 9 PSLPD 9 Pending FPPD 37 61 This is an early fonn of Pretrial Release, and works saving not only bed space, but also the time it takes in having to book an defendant into the jail. Projections: Jail growth projections can be tracked by several different variables. I have looked at the rate of projected growth by the jail, the case filing rate (actual number of defendants charged) and the criminal justice assessment projections by Dr. Kalmanoff. The best indicator of jail growth is tracking the "rate of incarceration compared population growth (see chart on page 5). Jail Proiections - Sheriffs data shows that there has been a 15% increase in the annual average inmate population from 2001 to 2005. The jail is currently 26% over populated with 1,05t9beds being the current capacity. If you factor the 10% Fire Marshall's variance the current inmate population would be 15% over total capacity. If you factor in POD # 2 - (1370 total beds) you would have 38 extra beds (current average population of 1332), Jail Capacity Main Jail = 794 POD 1 = 256 (T = 1050) POD 2 = 320 (T = 1370) (10% Fire Marshall Variance = 1155) (10% Fire Marshall Variance = 1507) Court Filings - the percentage change in Felony filings has increased by 32%, and the Misdemeanor filings have increased 47% from 2004 to 2005. Furthermore, legislative changes also cause increases that are unexpected, such as Domestic Violence offenders, which are required to remain confined until they are seen by a judge, Case 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Projected % Projected chg 04/05 County 5497 6394 5364 8123 10,544 +32 Criminal Circuit 1854 2002 2452 1922 2829 +47 Felony Domestic 688 Violence 934 888 +29 from 2001 t02005 The St. Lucie Criminal Justice Assessment reported (according to U.S. Census) that St. Lucie County has grown by 28.3% from 1990 to 2000. Furthermore, Dr. Kalmonffreported, "in the long tenn, jail population should grow at about the same rate as county or area population". He also indicated that population of the jail depends on a number of unknown factors, such as amount of crime, new legislation and pretrial release and diversion programs being put in place. Fmihermore, the population of St. Lucie County is projected to increase by 126% over the next 25 years growing from 235,000 to 532,103 persons. The current average jail population (1,332) times the County population (235,000) results in a high incarceration rate of 5,66% per 1,000 residents. The following jail/ population chart reflects the population growth and the incarceration rate. Year 2005 2010 2020 2030 County Pop. 235,000 275,000 330,000 532,013 Incarceration 5,66% 5.66% 5.66% 5.66% Rate per 1,000 Jail Population 1,332 1,556 1,868 3,011 W /0 pretrial Jail Population 1,135 (197) 1,306 (250) 1,606 (262) 2,590 (421) with pretrial * * Pretrial projections are 20% (very conservative figure) of the average population minus the YOP Cases. Pretrial Projections: As I reported earlier, a national average on pretrial programs reflects a 20% participation level akin to that of a jails inmate population. Furthermore, when fully implemented and if utilized properly, the results as identified above, will be quite impressive, In dealing with pretrial release programs the intangible benefits for eligible defendants include returning to their home and work. This affects the fabric of our County. It is far more cost effective to provide pretrial release than to confine defendants, when they do not represent flight risk or further threat of criminal activity. This is especially true when compared to housing an inmate at $47.50 per day at the County jail. Please don't hesitate in contacting me if you have any questions concerning the above initiatives. 12/~6/2005 01:50 772-462-2135 COURT ADMINI!;ìTRATION PAGE 02/03 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS INTER··OFFICE MEMORANÐUM 2005··110 TO: All Judges of the Nineteenth Judicia.l Circuit FROMQYm Willis, Trial Court AdministJ:ator DATE: December 7. 2005 RE: SRS Statistics· 2005 Third Quartcr New FilÙgs Listed below is a comparison of total new filings from 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004 plus the first, second and third quarter figures for 2005. 1 ha.ve aho included a projected percentage change. Felony ·01/05 - Projected Proj ected 200J 2002 2003 2004 09/05 20(~ % chg 04/05 IRC 1086 1182 1144 1270 1088 1450 +14 Martin 1103 1.076 1093 1108 1100 1466 +34 Okee 457 535 604 618 470 6;~6 0 St. Lucie 1854 2002 2452 1922 2122 2829 +47 TOTAL 4500 4795 5293 4918 4780 6371 +29 Domestic Relations 01105- Pro.i ected Proj ected 2001 2002 2003 2004 Q9/05 2002- % chg 04/05 IRC 1942 1945 1782 1849 1433 1910 oj-3 Martin 1578 1791 1567 1649 1234 1645 0 Okee 987 939 815 840 618 823 -2 St. Lude 3451 4046 3797 ~77 2783 3710 -6 TOTAL 7958 8721 7961 8315 6068 8088 -2 Circuit Civil 01/05- Projected Projected 2001 ~ 2003 2004 09/05 200~ % chg 04/05 IRC 852 829 894 787 664 885 +12 Martin 1128 1028 1133 988 801 1068 + 8 Okee 352 322 379 329 275 366 +11 St .Lucie ~ 1801 ZQL2 1760 1405 1873. + 4 TOTAL 4177 3980 4418 3864 3145 4ln + 8 .... " ... .. ..,..,,, r~_.._."'_.,,,,,, II ..."";...;"-_ rt I II; C'Ø'II...'Io. 't'..,..........A c· R"..,. 1>4a,·",a. ~'nr;n"a ~Aa"," ... ("7"7')\ .1(;').14177 12/06/2005 01:50 772-462-2135 COURT ADMINISTRATION PAGE 03/03 Page 2 2006 Second quarter filings Probate 01105- Pro~ ected Proj ected 2001 2002 ~ ~ 09/05 200i % ch~ 04/05 IRC 916 980 1021 1070 859 114:5 + 7 Martin. 892 790 914 821 653 870 + 5 Okee 186 195 229 230 226 30L +30 St. Lucie 1547 1849 1927 1713 1311 174'l + 1 TOTAL 3541 3814 4091 3834 3049 4063 + 5 Juvenile 01105- Proj ected Projected 2001 2002 2003 2Q04 Q2/05 200:~ % chg OM05 IRC 898 985 880 743 627 835 +12 Martin 1233 1067 1055 1025 806 1074 + 4 Okee 665 606 576 574 469 62.5 + 8 81. Lucie 2060 2476 2334 2102 1756 234l +11 TOTAL 4856 5134 4845 4444 3658 4875 + 9 County Criminal 01105- Projected Projected 20Q1 2002 2003 2004 09/05 200~i % che 04/05 IRC 2378 2595 2365 2499 1865 2486 0 Martin 3469 2791 2480 2719 2936 3914 +43 Okee 930 811 908 1103 658 877 -20 St. Lucie 5497 6394 5364 8123 8082 1 O.77(! +32 TOTAL 12274 12591 11117 14444 13,541 18,053 +24 County Civil 01105- Proj ected Projected 2Q01 2002 2003 2004 09/05 200~~ % chg 04/05 IRC 1948 2219 2548 2227 1793 2390 +7 Martin 1971 2100 2163 2000 1629 217~. +8 Okee 654 754 727 681 482 64~. - 5 St. Lucie 5455 6040 6324 .lli.2 4990 6652. +15 TOTAL 10028 11113 11767 10647 8884 11,85í +lJ. THW Ikhg ~ LJI:.'_. 14. .:lJLI":) ~ : 1 br'f'l The Po1rr: B~.oh PQ$1 . SA \IE Docllmm¡ Deltvel")' r'HLf'l t;;t.HI_H r-\J~ I t-':::>L r'll) . c:q 1 THE PALM BEACH POST EMINENT DOMAIN CASE DRA WS NATIONAL SPOTLIGHT Date: Sunday, December 11,2005 Section: A SECTION Edition: FINAL Page: lA By PAT BEALL and PAUL LOMARTlRE Palm Beach Post Staff' \Vriterli Memo: Did n.ot run MSL, Info boxes at end of text. An occasional series INSIDE RiVIERA BEACH: The feuds, the finances, the future Illustradom PHOTO (2 C, 8 B&W). MAP (B&W) Caption: 1. (C) Photo by PAUL LO!vIARTIRE FOX News taped a Hal1nity & Colmes show Wednesday night at Rene and David Corie's home in Riviera Beach. 2, (C) CAROLYN DRAKE/Staff photographer Martha Babson gets her makeup done by a FOX News makeup artist \Vednesday. Babson has helped lead the fight against Rlviera Beach's plans. 3, (B&W) Among Riviera Beach residents who came to the :FOX TV taping: Marina Byrd (loft) and her husband Andrew, a Cornell-educated planner whose moth:r lives in an area designated as blighted. Like Martha Babson(right)~ they oppose the city's redevelopment plan. 4, (B&W) RivÜ::ra Beach Mayor Michael Brown (mug) 5, ~~,p of Rjviera Beach areas that could be taken through eminent domain. CAPTION: Palm Beach Post photos Here are some examples of what Martha Babson found: Riviera Beach listed &tI~: ,in...pbpoil. ~~1II/t9i·b:u/dotumentv L mB;'JST'"PbOS£tlOCNlJM~68' 17 ~TBI\MV'! U :5: S 198,' :~205' 5:2ð2T37:20~80:5::'5 '~1: 7:~ ;6M:S :40 " t"' " 121;4/05 3:~ PM P~. lOf9 LILI_.14.'::UIj~ ';'¡;lbt-I' t-'HU' bt.H'_,M r't.J:',: r-::>L '!')Ic r.lm Btll'h POst, IIJA.VB 1)ocumeal Deliver)' Ill.,'. C."'tJ. these homes as 'beyond repair' 6, (B&W) 36 E. 14th St. Tbe 3..bedroom, 2-batb 28-year"olà home was listed as dilapidat~d or be~rond repair, Its appraised "alue has risen 16 percent ftom 2003 to 2005. 7. (B&W) 158 W. 12th St. This property fell victim to a separate redevelopment plan involving the nearby port. It since has been bulldozed. Riviera Beach listed these homes as 'deteriorated' 8. (B&W) 191 E. 24th St. This home's appraised value grew 58 percent from 2003 to 2005. A house needed to have just one of six problems to be considered deteriorated, including missing small sections of roof. 9. (B&W) 708 W. FitJ1 St. Also considered deteriorated¡ the appraised yalue of this house rose 39 percent from 2003 to 2005.> Ri'\iera Beach listed these addresses as 'vacant lots' 10. (B& W) 1086 W. Nint~ St. The appraised value of this eight-year-old, l,344..square-foot home increased 35 percent from 2003 to 2005. 11. (B&\V) 122 W. 27tb St. Built b 1999~ this l,600-square-foot property appreciated 32 percent itom 2003 to 2005. Martha Babson used to enjoy obscurity with a water view. She lived quietly- just Babson, her dog and birds sharing a green cottage perched off the l'1tracoastaL \Vednesday nieht, she was featured on FOX News. Babson's grass-roots fight to stop the planned billion-dollar redevelopment of Rivie,.a Beach has gone prime time, from C~TN to MS~13C to the Los . Angeles Times. The hot-button topic is eminent domain and Riviera Belich's right to force htlp ~I/me .~¡'~ol¡¡O~lç~i·b'"ldij,.umrrtcvl 'tIIL!S T"pb(!$tt1)OC'Nt'~1;6 !6171t'rBJ.MV; ¡" :5. S I ~£!7:S20S: S: lG213i ;10260:5;) 5~91 ;7:3S6~4:5 :4~ r.c:;. 1~/14/0S 3:Q!I PM \; PZIC 2 of II L,·I...·..-. .;.....,. \-~...·I:'..I."..' .... . J. ¡ r' r rML..I" ¡;J~M'...n r\.J,=, I r-=-,- I'1L...-'.":'~J. ^ n, P~111 flß~cb POle, S.\ VE DOCllQlel\ í>,,!Iv~ry people to sell their homes to IT'.ake way for a massive, privately led redevelopment. If the plan pans out, Babson's neighborhood will sit at the bottom of a Disney-esque harbor for yachts. Late Wednesda.y, as Babson stood in her yard. she 8.Dnounced exactly how far she was wi1ling to go to help stop the bulldozers. "I'm going to wear makeup tonight," said the self-proclaimed "old hippie," who has been known to go strai¡ht froll1 gardening to city council meetings. A few hOUTS later, Babson was at a neighbor's dining room table as a FOX News makeup artist readied her for her close..up. Outside, FOX News star Sean Hannity was readying a live broadcast of the Hannity & Colmes talk show direct ftom the RlvÎlera Beach back yard of Rene and David Corie. The Cories had lived in the stucco houso for just five years before a Riviera" funded 2001 study included it in an area declared as slum and blight - rendering it a possible bull's-eye fOl' bulldozing. "I kept asking the community r~developtncnt ag:.ncy what they were going to do with our house," says Rene Corie. "We wore told a park, maybe a parking lot, th~n maybe a marina. Then they told me, 'We're going to let the developer decide what to do with your property.' "That's what really set me off." Now, Riviera Beach has emerged as the poster child in a national debate over when and how" or if - homes and businesses can be seized to make way for privately funded redevelopment. FOX's Hannity has vinual1y adopted the lS8ue. Babson, who 1'13.5 lived in Riviera Beach for 23 yeara, got there first. Within months of the 2001 study's fmdings, she did her own parcel-by-parcel analysis. Data \\'8S missing from Riviera's analysis, she discovered. "VacantI' parcels had homes. Sturdy houses were declared dilapidated. But UIlder Florida law, even good homes can be formally labeled bHghted and thus targeted for redevelopment - an issue a special state legislative panel is 'now reviewing. The panel is to suggest reforms by the time the legislature convenes next spring. !I\Ve go knocking door-to-door, asking people, 'Do you know what can happen?' " says Rene Corio. "And they all say. 'Not my house.' " Plan allows taking property For months, Rlv;eril Beach City Council Chairwoman Liz Wade has tried to assure residents their properties are not in the cross hairs of condemnation, even if they are in areas declared blighted. A newly tapped master developer bas hlp:I!Y3 v..pbpþ't.~om/~gi·ÞiM60;\D1 ~nW 11DBLIST=lb05iDOCNUMo686 ~ 74TBRMV· i 6':5: S 1 H. 7:5205' N0273, 7:20210' 5: 3$:91; 7; H 604:S:40 ... r.·,:. J2I14105 J,O PM Po~~ 3 oU 1.·It-.....1 >1. ..:'LI~I.:> 04 . .J. ( ,.. 1'1 '1"he P~lm B~~c)h PClS: . SA V! DoclD'lltllt D~1iver¡; it1..)' Ot..H"-.n ,I,...'.::" ¡ r,~L I '11~. c.~J. pledged to tðhab homes instead oftakin¡ them whenever possible. However, Wade recently changed her stance 1Ì'om never taking homes or busin~sses through eminent domain to doing so only as a last resort. That's because Riviera Beach's ambitious vision needs private developers to btúld the condos, waterfront businesses, housing and stores that can breathe new Hfe into the waterfront city, home to 34.000. And private developments need land Às a result, Riviøru's $2.4 billion redevelopment plan allows for taking private property, and plenty of it. Early estimates were that up to S, 1 00 people - the population ofthe Æ4"eêl declared blighted - could be displaced. Because the city won't need to take the entire area and because some homes can be rehabbed, Riviera '$ actual figures wiU probably wind up much lower, according to one devr:loper on the project; an estimated 1,000 renters and 347 homeowners. On paper, though, the plan rivals Washington, D.C.Is displacement of more than S~OOO residents in the mid-l 950s, still the largest eminent domwl1 action in the country. And this June, the U,S. Supreme Court ruled that a Connecticut city could force homeowners to sell their land to make way for economic devolopment. Florida's rules are different. A city's redevelopment agency cannot take private property solely to create jobs or broaden the tax hase. But it can force the sale of private property to cure blight. Dina Berliner, the property-rights att.orney with the Washington-based Institute for Justice who represented homeowners in the Supreme Court case, said Riviera's blight study results were a foregone conclusion. "Everybody knows th.e purpose (of blight studies) is to find the area blighted," Berliner says. "They 88SWl1e no one will really go through tho study itself with a flUe tooth comb." Babson did. Mayor defends study Marty !vIurphYI owner of Rivl'1'll's Cracker Boy Boat Workst Inc.; Buddy Andre, a Singer Island cafe owner, and Gerald 'Ward, 11 consulting engineer, also questioned whether tbe study might be flawed, Murphy and Andre both had a personal interest: Ihe newly declared area of slum and blight might affect their businesses, The trio sc'raped together $350 to pa.y Babson to document s\.1Spected nUstakes, Armed with a borrowed digital camera, olipboard, pen and the CR..c\'s colored- coded map, Babson walked stre~t by street, up one block, down the other. hH~:liBm.pbpo'l. con:hg:'bìDiJMò :r¡'A 'vi 1D¡¡LIS'r·pÞO~ tOOCNU~'-S8617.T&k/,{V· 68 ,j: j ¡,~ 1:520S:5:20273'7:1 ~28~: ¡ ,355;,; 7; 3 S604! ;40 ., r.... ...~._-- 12/:4I1)~ 3~ PM P&,.=4 of" [JE:':~ 14. ¿'ODS 4: 1 :::PM F'ALJ1 BEACH POST PSL 11'e. Palm Bco.;h 11.,1 . :'ill VE l)"cuol Dcllve~ .. ---'T10 . 24 J - P, 5--, 12/14,05 3:0!I PI\( IiI did about 250 hom~s a day," she recalls, "because that was how many pictures the digital camera would hold. It took three weeks." When she sat OO\v11 and analyzed the data, sbe was incredulous. It looked liko "it wa.s done by two guys sitting in a bar and saying, 'let's throw this Ì11,' " Babson says. She offered to share her findings at a June 2001 city meeting. No one took her up OD it. So she \\Tapped the study in plastic and put it on her kitchen shelf. It gathered dust for a few years, When silverbugs started che'\\>lng on her pa.perwork, she says, "I figured] had better take it out." Until The Palm Beach Post inquired, she had shown it to no one, Now Babson's dog-eared report has taken on new significance, given the controversy Oyer Riviera!s potential for massive eminent domain. Among the fimlings: - The city's blight study reporœd that the nOlth side of a 10th Street block was vacant. It waSI11t. Four- and five~year-old homes dotted the street. - 'Where some homes had double lots, the second lot was listed as vacant, inflating the nt!l11ber of unused properties. ~ Homes in good conâition were classified as dilapidated and beyond repair, - Hundreds of mobile homes~ including some that later weathered HurriclU1~s Frances. Jr:>anne aud \Vilma, autvmatically were classified as blighted due to 1.lIIdoçumented safety problems or criticism such as !fa tendency to blow over in !:I1onns.' - There were DO findings of high crime rates or fires, a key justification of blight. City computers were beÙ"..g tweaked to accommodate a new system, according to the city's study, and 30 the numbers could not be re1rieved. - Builàings in good shape were declared Itfunctionally obsolete," defined generally as a structure "vhich, jf torn down, could be replaced with sl)mething that generated mo:e money. None of Babscn's fmdmgs sways Riviera Beach Mayor Michael Brown. El~Cted four times.. always on a redevelopment platform ~ Brown is the person mostly closely identiíìed with the redevelopment plan, In recent days, he's twice defended it on TV to FOX News' Sean Hannity. Ba~k at his Singer Island law office, Brown grows impatient with criticism of ~lIp ;/!:'V'J.~~pO"..~o:~hJi.b¡oilD~u¡'\!!!II"l ?D8LJS'fc~bP~ "DOCNUM~U617&.1'¡¡R!;!V·t ~8:~: S! ~B ;1;520S: ',¡02 ~ 3": Z02S~:¡ ;35 597: i:J 5 ~04:5 :40 Pa¡¡~ ! of9 __'.-. . 'To __.__. ..... ._, I' , . "._, I &J_. I·...'. I '~._ "-'_ The p",~ Beaçh Pol: ' S^ VB Døcvl\lflU I>cliv,"", 17./i4¡OS 3:D9 PM the redevelol'ment. Eminent domain almost always involved poor or black people., he says. "Now, not aU of the faces are black. Now, all ofa sudden it's tyranny. " Most of the people uprooted are gcing to be black, though, as the city is mostly black. Many will be among the city's poorest residents, But Brown and other advocates insist those homeowners will be relocated to better, government- subsidized housing that win be built as part of the redevelopment. As for gaps in the blight study, "If they did 100 houses and got two wrong, what does that me!.!1.?" Brown asks. "Seriously, is there any question that this is a blighted area? This is the most ímpovcrished city in the county." At the time of the 2000 U. S. Census, one out of every tbu.r homes in Riviera Beach had tr..r-ee l'ooms or less, a figure associated with overcrowding, Eighty had no pluIl1bing; 327 had no source of heat at all. ¡IY cu drive the mainland, and it's a disgrace," fonner city councll member David Scbn)'er said recently, Redevelopment OD track Ifs a sentin1<~nt echoed by Steve Siskind. a respected Miami architect and co- author of the 2001 blight st'.ldy, I1Nobody can deny there is blight in Riviera Beach.I' Siskind x-eadily admits there a..re plenty of individual houses in areas designated as blighted that are fine, But that does not violate state laws governing blight. "E'Vcry single building within a 'blíghted' area does not have to be blighted," he notes. That's the probl~~ say critics of Florida's law: Blight is in the eye of the beholder. "Given the breadth of th~ definition as it c1.1l1'ently exists, virtually any piece of property in Florida could be declared blighted," says John W, Little III, an uttome)' spccializmg in eminent domain with the West Palm Beach rum Brigham Moore. FlQrida's criteria for deten1Ùning blight "are so vague they can mean anything," agrees property-rights attorney Berliner. For Ì11stance, even Florida n~ighborhood8 in good condition qualify as blighted if they are in an area with higher·than-average numbers of police calls, the traffic. layout is outdated or their neighbors' properties fall into disrepair. This raises the hackles of homeowners and property rights advocates. Th~y cl~.ùm the practical defhútion of "blight" boils down to this: If a structure can be replaced with something that generates more moneYI then it's blighted. ~;W¡I'iV¡.pbpo.:.~om/c~l, bJDI~O~U:1lentv t ?DBLIST =pJUS"DO::N:JM=5a617&T~IìM\'= (1·8:5: J 19~.' :'2C5: ~ :1"273:' :ZC28J.=: 35597' 7:3 6,4 j :4Q I'ICO II oC9 "'~.,'.,. .A, -r. ~,~,,,_._. _. ..\. _'I I I , , 1~1' ...'_, ,-'-11 I 'J'-, , I ......~. , The Pal", St-AM !'()SI . SA VI !:locum..", .ooliVCJ')' U1l41O~ 3!O~ PM "What beachftont in Florida couldn't be knocked down and rebuilt with something that would generate more tax revenue?" Little asks. }·'urther, if a cìty or county decides blight exists, then just one of 14 blight criteria have to be met in order for Û14t govenuncnt's redevelopment agency to e-"ercise emin~nt demain. The criteria are general: Unsafe and uIlBanitary conditions are one, so is 5ubstancw:d structures. It's not dcW' whether legislative changes to Florida's definition of blight or rules on erninel1t domain would help opponents of Riviera Beach redevelopment or those whose homes have already been determined to be in a blighted area. ''Y ou c~,,'t wuing the bell, It says city council member and retired Circuit Court Judge Edward Rodgers. For now, then, redevelopment remaÏns on track. Her che,ek;s blushed by a FOX makeup artist, Martha Babson sums up her battle plan for her Hal'1nity & Colmes appearance: III'm like the Indians, and the white man wants my land.1I pbeall@pbpost.com Enùnt.'11t domain questions and answers \Vhat ís eminent domain? El:nit;~t dome-in is the power of a gover.m1ent to take private land. Cities and (·ounties say it is rarely used in Florida. Critics say just being in an area target¡;:d by the government for redevelopment is enough to push propeny owners to sell. What is Riviera Beach's plan to take homes and businesses by emlneUì domain? The plan adopted by the city's redevelopment agency calls for taking up to all 1,700 homes in the blighted area, possibly displacing more than 5,000 people. Recently, a developer estimaf'c!d the numbers of people uprooted would be much lowt.>r: 347 homeowners and 1,000 renters. Wny? To m.ake land avaìlable to private developers who can build officials' vision of a vibrE...'1t waterfront city, vVhen? The city, tapped a mast~r developer this summer. A contract is still being hammered out. ~!!,: ¡'i' "', ;'~os:,çmlogl.bìft'ðolv!õl.n·..l·IDP~rS,.,v~os &tDOCN1J~=~u 7 ctTSP.MV= J út;5 :51 i8:1 'S.OS: S,2eZ~~. 7:20280; ~; 'S~97 :7.~ !004:1 :40 '" 1'38.7...f9 iV., 14. ¿U'd'::> ~ ; <::~!j~'M PRLY¡ SI:..HCH P~S T P~3L n.e Palm ~.ch ,~,t· SAVE I>ocumQg[ DlliWl")' nO.2:41--- t". 8--"- .----~.- 12/14/(/j 3:~ I'M Does the city have to prove the houses are blighted? In Florida, a redevelopment agency that hopes to use the power of eminent domain has to prove that it is taking private property for a greater good. That's been interpreted to mean getting rid of slum and blight. <' How is blight defined? In Florida, two of 14 conditions have to be presem in order for blight to be declared. They range from high crime rates to "functionally obsolete" hl.Ùldings, However, lfthe city, county or another taxing aiency agrees there is blight, jU8t one of those conditions has to be present. P.ave any homeowners been directly notified yet? Only a handful have been contacted, Once a contract has been signed with the master developer, it's bolieved negotiations to buy private property \'till pick up speed. Will they get market value for their land'? The city emphasizes it ha5 provided generous buyout tenns along with a comprehensive relocation package. Skeptics say it will be difficult for homeowners to tìnd comparable waterfront houses, even with fair bU}lOUt5. - Pat Beall An estimated 5,000 people live in the dark gray area (on map) below Their hlJmes co'Uld be tak01 thrO\::.gh eminent domaín by Riviera Beach's Community Redevelopment Agency, which pLans a cìty tellaissance. fi1Îs is the largest potential eminent domain action in the U.S. in 50 years, sparking au outcry :!Tom some residents who fear they will lose their homes. City officials say they will be relocated and compensated. Are these houses blighted? BefoIC Riviera officials coUld launch theIr plan for redevelopment, they need~d to prove that parts of the city met state rules for 'slum and blight. I They commissÌl\ned a study that said hundreds of Riviera. propertÏC!s were beyond repa.ir. But a Ríviera resident, Ma.rtha Babson, walked the city's streets to check the cODdition of properties the city labeled 'blight.' (Babson's 0"1]1 home is in the area ~cheduled to be taken by emi11ent domaín.) ¡lIp:i:~~;·~. P~PU!, C '''é.lf.;\·bin/4o'ijlll"lot\ 1 "tJU¡ ,,:?~ CS&J)OCNUM:6 86 t, AUR.M1/.,t 6':5:5; ~ t ;":5~H, S :2n7] ,i i~O~8P' 5: 'SS~ '/;7 ·3~ 6t~:S :~O ," P"&8 , ~f 9 U::..I_ ' 14. c:l:1U'" .;; : ¿¡JI-T1 '!"lID I'¡¡m &8V,'t¡ ~'I· SA Vß t'Ot_t Iktivóf} , f-'RU1 tll:.H":H I'-'U::; l I'-'::;L ~II" _.....1 -~j~ All content © and may not be republished These. archives are stored on a SA n;:1W newspaper library 'ystem from M~w3:Baltk Media S,rvlaea. W"tf ~ 1. ..... trp:ll,sn.p¡..po,t,col'I!Qri ·binld~çgnl<Ptv ¡1D lit.. ¡S ;"'~b~) &¡¡OCN \)M~GS6 i8<':'¡¡RMV~¡í58d: ~: ~$:?; S20S: 1 :20.1 7J: 7:~O~~O:5:3 $59 i: i:)5 1>04: $:40 ¡-··¡U. ¿~l ------,....'. :-t-------- 12/14105 :1:09 PM Pal!" 9 cf 9 1-'I4LYI t;t. H' ¿H ¡-·U:,~, i 1-"':,(" I"!'), ,::.:I;:;i:;:1 t-', IM:S;Cì;: ,;\;;)7 ì'M h¡.¡p tI;rnj~,h):<¡PW,'\'~b,t~"jfC IiN!9Ú¡7 ¡ ;\m~r,"_! 17 ¡ $)09,11'11 P3¡ii1' of ¡ I I L l EMINENT DOMAIN EOF ISC A Supreme Court ru stirs demands for "-'<""'V ';{ is within the power of that the community aLthy, spacious as well as 35 can~fu (0 .~¡11endm~~nt t e - Justic¿ 'NHti.Jm 0. '154 Ah, the super-liberal WilHam O. Douglas, patron saint of economic redevelopmen t. For half a century, local governments and unelected redevelopment authorities have been using eminent domain, or the threat of it, to muscle residents Out of their homes and businesses in the name of redevelopment and higher property values. The old structures typicalIy are razed, lots are assembled for larger-scale development and the new uses produce more property-tax revenue and eco- nomic activity. It renewal, until got tired of the grants. It is " the smaIl are now dispersed and and cash flow must be the government offers no compensation. The Constitution may requir~."fu¡¡ com- Florida Trend 128 By Neil Skene when property is taken, but means merely property business value or took a U.S. Supreme Court case Connecticut last June to stir dis- with this state of affairs The ca,se, Kelo v. lòwn of London, started with seven hold- Owners of 15 out of 115 tar- near the Long One owner born in her house in 1918, still lived next door. An- owner, Susette Kelo, had moved done extensive fix-ups and her waterfront. These weren't blighted places, just inconve- ones. New London wanted to re- place them with" familiar waterfront: A museum, more parking, an "urhan viHage" of shops and restaurants, a rna- a boardwalk. Supreme Court said of the U.S. Con- which prohibits taking prop- public use without just compen- " does not bar a local government from condemning land for "economic deve1opment'1 and turning it over to pri- vate developers. The KeIo decision was greeted with a rumble of discontent - from conser- vatives and landowners who object to a wide range of environmental and land- Use constraints on "property rights," and from Jiber"ls and urbanites who support neighborhood preservation and oppose forced evictions. For them, as for] ustice Day O'Connor in her dissent, it's to take property for a public a road or a school or even a pri- utility, but quite another to take it for a shopping center or offices. In Florida, Attorney General Char- lie Crist initially said Kelo didn't reaIly affect Florida because eminent domain can be used for redevelopment only in cases of "slum. or blight." Th"t was technically true, but it wasn't the whole picture. florida's definition of "blight" is so diluted that it amounts to virtuaHy no standard at all - largely be- cause of changes passed by the Legislature December 2005 in 2002 and signed by Gov.Jeb Bush. e any problems for Frank Schnidman, a Atlantic U niversi- nd Environmental Solutions. "It is the actions of the Florida Legis the current prob- lems. d an amicus brief in constitutional stan- dard for use of eminent domain. "We've seen ... 15 years of rubber band st Brigham, whose B represents prop- erty t-domain proceed- ings. Wade L. J: lopping, one of the state's . wyer-Iobbyists in devel- rowth management, says functionally equivalent to Connecticut. The two are among a num- ber oflawyers who have urged House and Senate committees to draft tighter laws as well as a state constitutional amendment t owners. , cynically, that a con- stitutional amendment would give legisla- tors, who created the Swiss-cheese stan- dards in 2002 and could readily tìx them, a chance to champion "property rights" during their 2006 campaigns. The Legislature is now dearly moving toward restrictions. House Speaker c\!lan Bense created a special House commit- tee chaired by his designated successor, blican Rep. Marco Rubio of Miami. Senate Judiciary Committee also took up the issue. As for Bush, he "feels eminent domain should be reserved for projects of vital public importance such as roadways or en- vironmental restoration," says spokesman Russel! Schweiss. "He does not feel that ropriate to take people's homes r redevelopment purposes." Crist, governor, also has enlisted forces of change. Among se.veral proposals, he would prohibit eminent domain in redevelopment ex- cept for "dilapidated and deteriorated" properties. through redevelopment. Assembling aH the parcels is difficult. As fór reselling to private developers, "why is that such a bad thing?" Thomas wonders, Douglas]. Sale of the Panama City re- development agency told legislators that cities need eminent domain to deal with "one or two holdouts" who could block a redevelopment project. But perhaps, he said, eminent domain might be used only for parcels "critical" to a project. In particular, critics of the Kelo deci- sion have vilified a $1.2 5 -billion rede- velopment project in Riviera Beach in Palm Beach County. The use of eminent domain there could displace more than 5,000. But Floyd Johnson, head of the city's redevelopment agency, said Riviera Beach "should be the poster child for be- ing proactive." The city is providing ad- ditional compensation above legal stan- dards, including relocation services and various "intangibles," Johnson says. It is ,¡Iso providing assist¡mce for renters and giving as lTI<my residents and businesses as possible a chance to move back into the redeveloped area. Compensation hasn't gotten much attention in the legislative debate, even though Republicans logically might favor it since it relies on market forces such as higher prices and better terms instead of eminent domain to induce sellers into "voluntary" agreements. And then there is the position ofJustice Clarence Thomas th,¡t a taking should be allowed only for actual "public use" of the property. Taking people's property is not just another economic 'sion, like subsidizing a new business, said, but is ,111 intrusion on individual citizens who are being required to sacritÌce for the public good. The Legislature is unlikely to go t bur Thomas' dissent does it peculiar place of Kelo in hate over "judicial activism majority was deferential to a decision. The dissenters, who more conservative members of the court, were the judicial activists pressing for al restraints. So we not only William 0. Douglas atnm saint of economic revival, I Clar- ence Thomas as a judicial ac That's a good measure ( cal, legal and sodal com issue. The other There is, 0 course, another side to all this - the side of the cities and counties that thrive on redevelopment projects. "We hope the Legislature will take a very measured approach to it," says John Thomas, head of legislative and public affairs at the Florida League of Cities. "We don't believe they have to make wholesale changes." Cities have to "main- tain quality of life for their citizens, in- cluding getting rid of slum and blight" December 2005 Si,we ¡ ".í'}O . ¡{cotl· 1 . nC7JJ it ;.V/)i~ Jl ,t/J'{\:'ri l'~F,7cror,' fidcrncr wit/} - ask ll.'; ho'w! / FL:\.lì!:"iG lhJ;'-if.\') 1') ,JLi{ :n] !~E:-;') ( ) 2 ¡ 5 (\'kb. ,uiun "UfÜ: J 51) . ¡ !(dd.l 7,+7 .(:0;\1 129 Florida Trend ... -, SO -J '- 'ô, COUNTY . f lOR ( D A " St. Lucie County, Florida Citizens' Budget Committee Agenda Friday, November 18, 2005 7:30 a.m., Conference Room # 3 St. Lucie County Roger E. Poitras Administration Annex 1. January 2006 Strategic Planning Session, ~,.....4ì Space Needs Study ß//I c-- - - þz.ø~ // 1..J/7.thd:- ~ þdrd :J- ~ h-- 1- 1 c;, /oJ'.-/:; , #~. . I~ ~;J .5~¿1~ ~ \ jJ¡//JfIJ~ ~ .' 54 ~ Convene meeting Roll Call, announcements Minutes 2, 3. Discussion of additional issues. Next CBC meeting: /Yh¿?y{;·' ð. þ/t-~ -c1 <I ~/ .-.d/¿'\! VA- d December 16, 2005 ~ðfl ~Ö· Adjournment Draft .- ... CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: August 19, 2005 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:35 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Parrish, Jay L. Mc Bee, Toby Philpart, William "Bill"Casey, Debbie Hawley, Edward Lounds, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick, Carl Hensley and Steven Messer. MEMBERS ABSENT: Jacquelene N. Burke, Lillie Miller, Troy Ingersoll and Linda Bartz. OTHERS PRESENT: Capt. Monahan (Sheriffs Office), Faye Outlaw, Jennifer Hill, Marie Gouin and Doug Anderson. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; Carl announced Reece Parrish had to resign to this committee. He encouraged CBC members to recommend candidates for the vacant positions. MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the June 17, 2005 meeting, Toby moved for approval and Debbie seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. Imoact Fees Update Doug reminded committee members of the ongoing situation with City of Port St. Lucie's (PSL) decision to stop collecting impact fees for the County. The County's Planing and Zoning Board voted for the County to proceed with implementing their own impact fees collection process if differences are not worked out. The City of PSL has issued an ordinance stating they will not allow the County to do so, but staff has checked with attorneys around the state and believes the County has every right to collect them. Will meet with PSL once more in another week in hopes to work it out. Will report to CBC on the outcome of such meeting. There is debt service for the jail that is being paid out of the General Fund, and is to be reimbursed back from impact fees collected. Road Impact Fees are intended to be used to widen Midway Road from 25th St. to the Turnpike overpass and Senator Pruitt is helping to work on a plan to construct an interchange at the Turnpike overpass (Sunpass only), if there is space to do so, and to replace the bridge (there is a study being preformed for this purpose). Doug went on to describe other improvement to Midway Road that are very necessary, and stated he cannot stress enough how critical it is to accomplish these improvements. Doug also listed other projects that depend on the collection of impact fees, such as the renovation of the Old Courthouse (damaged by the hurricanes). Hurricane Report and Financial Recoverv The new FEMA representative for Florida, Scott Morris, has assured staff that all the claims that have been put in will be paid. Doug stated getting claims processed is the biggest hurdle. Doug stated that, at this point, due to these delays in reimbursement, staff is facing a cash flow crunch and the possibility of having to borrow money (Reserves Fund was depleted with hurricane related expenses). to get through paying operating expenses for the rest of the Fiscal Year (he clarified this is the first time we've had such a situation). Staff is checking on the legal possibility of borrowing from other County funds rather than going to banks, because interest payments are not reimbursed by FEMA. CBC members and staff discussed FEMA procedures and how they affect the County operations. All five commissioners are traveling to Washington the first week of October to meet on various issues, such as Federal Highway Administration Funds and FEMA complications. " Stratee:ic Plannine: Session Doug explained the 2006 Strategic Planing Session (SPS) will consist of, first and foremost, a plan for financial recovery, in the after math of the hurricanes. Also, time has come to review the Investment for the Future plan, which consists on a 10 year projection of the County's capital needs. Staff is working towards presenting this 10 Year Capital Plan at the SPS. Doug mentioned the TRIM notices, in which PA encourages property owners attend the budget hearings and voice their opinion on cutting taxes further. Those present discussed this issue. Ed Lounds expressed his disappointment and frustration in regards to the BOCC not listening to the CBC's recommendations - Inquired in which way can this committee help and support staff to accomplish their goals. Bill Casey agreed in terms of the CBC's unanimous recommendation for the pods, which he is of the opinion, was completely ignored by the Board. Doug stated over 50% of the increased revenue (because of the property values) is going directly into hurricane recovery (not going into operation or capital improvements). He stated we are only putting it towards getting out of the deficit caused by the hurricane damage. Carl pointed out it was the Property Appraiser (not BOCC) who sent out the TRIM notices brochure and, consequently, the verbiage encouraging property owners to dispute the millage rates. Members also discussed other topics, regarding the differences with City of Port St. Lucie, such as building other facilities within the city limits, and different alternatives to handle this dispute. Doug explained how the SPS presentation will be structured, and stated staff is preparing 'decision sheets', which consist on issues that staff has identified as possible problem areas (projects). Staff will bring to a future meeting the sheets for review and comments. The decisions sheets layout consist on what is the opportunity (goal to be accomplished, problem to be solved), how it can be funded, if it is not pursued what is the penalty (consequences of not solving the problem) and what other areas it will affect. Staff went over the list attached to the agenda with CBC members and explained some of the alternatives to resolve the issues. Doug gave Kings Highway as an example, which is a project that is expected to cost over $130MM in its entirety, but could be built in phases, so that other projects (such as the Research & Education Park) are not affected by delays in construction. Future Capital Projects Doug went over the projects listed in the CBC agenda under item 4, with committee members. These projects are very necessary and there is no funding allocated for them at this time. Some of them are also affected by the collection of impact fees discussed in item 1. For more details please refer to the meeting's agenda. Other issues Those present also discussed briefly other miscellaneous issues, such as the pros and cons of implementing a County CRA. Also, the possibility of implementing an 'Attainable housing' program in the County (This would not be 'low income housing' it's a plan to build lower price houses (made affordable with government help) in between houses worth $250,000-$300,000). Sherift"s bude:et As discussion of the different projects and county needs progressed, CBC members brought up once more the matter of the need to resolve the issue of opening the jail pods and cover the needs for law enforcement. Staff and committee members discussed the matter and several committee members expressed their frustration as to how this matter is an ongoing problem that has not been resolved. Citizen Budget Committee Meeting August 19,2005 page 2 Captain Mike Monahan stated he regrets the jail's issue seems to have affected the BOCC's view towards the Sheriffs operating budget to the point of not funding increases in law enforcement because of the increase in recent years in the jail's budget, and he wanted to stress to this committee they are two completely separate operations. He pleaded for CBC members to lobby with the BOCC, if possible, on their behalf and expressed their reasoning as to how necessary it is to increase the force's number (he thanked Doug for mentioning the growth formula, earlier in the conversation). He stated the County is falling way behind in the law enforcement and public safety aspect of the Sheriffs operations because this debate has been going on for so long and, meanwhile, we are experiencing this tremendously fast growth in the County. He reminded CBC members the Board turned down last year's increases for new positions and there was a grant that the Sheriffs Office could not take advantage of last year (for 50% of cost of 10 deputies) because they were denied the new positions. He added that we are setting ourselves to a situation way beyond the jail issue (much more dangerous, in terms of public safety), because of the lack of officers to cover the whole County. He added he understands the jail is a big concern to everybody, but the lack of law enforcement officers is on the verge of a crisis, because it will not be long when they will have to decide on reducing services to the public (when answering to E911 calls), in order to keep up with the most urgent situations, because 'today' on any given day, he only has 17 deputies in marked road patrol cars for the whole County (less, if a deputy calls in sick and they don't have any other to cover, because of scheduling limitations). He also mentioned other services other law enforcement officers provide, such as security at the courthouse. He stated they are adding a footnote/comment in every development review (every PUD or DRI), that they have exhausted their capacity to service any new developments, because they do not count with sufficient personnel (This is without mentioning homes built individually). They are aware it does not affect the developments' approval process, but they feel the obligation to make some kind of statement in lieu of the state of things. As CBC members inquired ifit covers the whole unincorporated area, Cap. Monahan replied in the affirmative and reminded those present the proportions of the developments that will soon be approved, such as 100,000 residents in the vicinity of Indrio Road and stated they cannot wait until those family units are occupied to decide if more deputies should be hired (he urged committee members to plan for the future). NEXT MEETING The next CBC regular meeting is scheduled to be held on Friday, September 16, 2005 at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary Carl Hensley, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting August 19, 2005 H:IO SecretarylO OMBICBCIMinI08'19,wpd page 3 Á " Decision Packages 1 Should the county adopt 1/2 cents sales tax for specific projects for how PFM (Financial Advisor) 14 many years? 2 Roadway Funding Needs Don West 14 3 Should the County negotiate donations of land in West county for Pete Keogh 12 additional regional parks? 4 Should we increase MSTU for stormwater? Don West 12 5 Should the County estimate a growth fee for the unincorporated area to Doug Anderson 11 be paid by the developer for items not covered by impact fees? 6 Could the County Create a Kings Highway CRA Michael Brillhart 11 -,F5' ~-CJ/ 7 Could the County create a CRA for Midway road corridor from ~1 to Doug Anderson 10 -turAliihe? Yz. 70 8 Imnat'!t fð~ fer ðll161 ~'Ci11"1 :tl.tfners ( DOIIQ Anderson 10 ~ 9 Essential Maintenance Projects Roger Shinn 8 10 Funding space needs Roger Shinn 7 G ðð,), tic) .;) 11 Where should the new EOC be located? ~ Jack Southard 7 12 Should the County reinstate indigent health care funding? Beth Ryder 4 13 Where should the historical village be located? Pete Keogh Topics Pre parer Scores Strategic Planning Topics.xls St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Strategic Planning Session Draft Strategic Plan 2.0 (Revision Date: November 16,2005) Introduction This plan is organized in three sections, Section one presents a number of goals and strategic choices for the board to consider regarding service and system enhancements or expansions, Section two presents choices for how the strategic plan can be funded over existing mechanisms and how the financial health of the county can be maintained, Section three presents choices about actions involved in the implementation of the plan. A number of items have been identified by both the BCC and staff. Items already scheduled for discussion have been placed in a "future events" section as well as some items which can be handled on an informational basis. Vision: St. Lucie County will develop in an environmentally and economically sustainable manner using innovative growth management, economic development and fiscal management tools to create compact communities in natural protected settings and technology driven, higher wage jobs, Section One: New or Improved Services and Svstems Goal: Manage growth and development to produce high quality, sustainable compact communities 1, Do we want to institute transferable development rights county wide?-Brillhart 2, Do we want to continue to study a regional utility system? - Bowers will walk around to BOCC. 3. Do we want to consider targeted funding mechanisms and new staffing for large scale restoration efforts for environmentally sensitive lands? If so, specific funding mechanisms will be discussed in section two. - Bessey 4. Do we need any additional efforts to protect water quality in the county? What is the changing role of298 drainage districts with respect to water quality? - West & Brillhart will walk around to BOCC. 5, Should we continue and strengthen the linkage between development rights and public benefit? - Outlaw(check list) See end section for other items that will be discussed in the future 1 Goal: Diversify and strengthen the economic base of the county 1. Should the county continue to facilitate an effort to develop a conference centerlhotel complex at an appropriate site? - Daum 2. Among the funding tools in use for King's Highway, should the County study the feasibility of creating a King's Highway CRA? - Brillhart 3. Among the funding tools in use for Midway Road, should the County study the feasibility of creating a Midway Road CRA (US1 to SR 70).- Anderson Goal: Support a stronger health and social safety net for county residents 1. Should the county facilitate a community consensus about a health care district? - Ryder 2. Should the county reinstate indigent health care funding? - Ryder Goal: Develop and maintain appropriate public facilities 1. Do we want a policy to encourage public private sector partnerships to develop new public facilities to be developed that would include mixed public-private uses? - Daum 2. Do we want to increase the maintenance budget for essential maintenance projects? If so, funding mechanisms will be discussed later. - Shinn 3. Where should the new EOC be located? - Southard 4. Should we purchase lands in unincorporated areas west of the corridors for regional public parks, libraries other uses for future recreation needs? Should we rely on donations? - Keogh & Kilmer 5. Does the HOCC confinn the location of the historic village at the fairgrounds?- Keogh Section Two: Fundine the Strateeic Plan Goal: Diversify and strengthen the financial health of the county via alternative funding sources 1. Do we want to establish a five year goal for reduction in property tax rates with annual progressive targets? - Gouin 2, Should the county adopt ~ cents sales tax for specific projects for how many years? 3, Should the MSTU fees for stonnwater be increased? - Gouin 4. Should the county estimate a growth fee for the unincorporated area to be paid by the developer for items not covered by impact fees? - Anderson 5, Should we examine an ESL impact fee implementation? - Bessey 2 Section Three: Implementine: the plan Goal: Maintain effective internal, inter-governmental and community relations 1, Does the BOCC wish to affirm its existing commitment and practices to working in partnership with other public entities? Scheduled discussions and reports The following items were identified by BOCC or staff and are already scheduled for discussion or a report is in development, therefore will not need to be discussed at the Strategic Planning Session, · Attainable and workforce housing issues will be addressed in a Nov 15th workshop, If further discussion is needed at the strategic planning workshop it will be scheduled. - Ryder (Attainable Worliforce Housing Task Force) · Are we willing to accept payment from developers to pay for increased staffing resources and compensation dedicated to growth management TVC implementation? This issue will be addressed in a January workshop, - Outlaw · Are there any other land preservation strategies the county should consider that does not always involve county ownership? An information packet on strategies in use will be delivered to the BOCC, - Bešsey (She's putting packet together) · A report will be prepared on the county's use of energy efficient practices in its public facilities. - Shinn · A report will De prepared on the County's strategy to support a higher education & continuing education presence as a key component of economic development,- Daum · A report will be prepared on how the county's economic development strategy will support enhanced retail opportunities. - Daum · Envitonmentã.1Resourcešwî11::h01ëta--~r~~~()p with the_I30CC to discuss standards that would to encourage "green" or sustainable construction in the county, including - energy' efficiëhC)C;" Bessey------ --- · Memo to BãCc with recommendations from staff on start time for public hearíÍ1gŠ-?::'LJ~----_· Notes: Highlighted items were the original items to be discussed with the Board. 3 =". ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E rL1 : =~ ~~ Z =". O~ ~ ~ rL1 .~ rL1 ~ ~~ ~$ ~~ o ... 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Pursuant to Section 218.415, Florida Statutes, on or before October 1, 1995, counties that have custody of public funds in excess of the amounts needed to meet current expenses who elect to conduct investment activity themselves rather than depositing these funds in the Local Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund for investment by the State Board of Administration, are required to conduct such investment activity in accordance with a written investment plan and an investment policy adopted by the Board of County Commissioners or in the alternative to invest in specified low-risk instruments. 2. On September 26, 1995, the Board adopted Resolution No. 95-168 which adopted an investment policy as recommended by the Investment Subcommittee ot the St. Lucie County Citizens Budget Review Committee, 3. On December 6,1995, the Investment Committee recommended that the Board adopt certain amendments to the investment policy; and on January 2, 1996, the Board adopted Resolution No. 95-275 which amended the investment policy and incorporated the recommended changes of the Investment Committee. 4. On December 3,1997, the Investment Committee recommended that the Board adopt certain amendments to the investment policy and on December 16, 1997, the Board adopted Resolution No. 97-190 which amended the investment policy and incorporated the recommended changes of the Investment Committee. 5. On April 4, 2001, the Investment Committee recommended that the Board adopt certain amendments to the investment policy, and on April 24, 2001, the Board adopted Resolution 01-95 which amended the investment policy and incorporated the recommended changes of the Investment Committee, 6. On September 21, 2005, the Investment Committee recommended that the Board adopt certain changes to the investment policy, which amendments are attached as Exhibit "A". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: 1. This Board does hereby adopt the amendments to the investment policy attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A", pursuant to Section 218.415, Florida Statutes. 2. Except as amended herein, the remaining terms and conditions of Resolution No. 01-95, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect. 3. This resolution shall take effect on adoption. After motion and second, the vote on this resolution was as follows: Chairperson Frannie Hutchinson AYE Vice Chairman Doug Coward AYE Commissioner Paula Lewis AYE Commissioner Joseph E. Smith AYE Commissioner Chris Craft AYE PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 11th day of October, 2005, ATTEST: ERS ) / / - APPROVE~TO FORM AND CORRE TN : BY: EXHIBIT "A" ST, LUCIE COUNTY INVESTMENT POLICY TABLE OF CONTENTS I. SCOP E ...,.....,.,.,.,...,.....,...,.....,...........................'..............'........,.' ,...,.,..,....,....................,.,...........,.1 II. INVESTMENT "........ .,.,.. ..... .,... ...'.. ..,.,.,..,..o.. ..,. .....,..".,... ,..... .,.".,......,."...... .... .,... .,.,.".,.,....,.... ..1 III. INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE AND REPORTING ..........,......................................,..,.. 1,2 IV, PRUDENCE AND ETHICAL STANDARDS ..,..............,..........,..............,..................,..,.........2 V. A UTHORIZED INVESTMENTS ..,...... .............,.......... ....,......'......,.., .......... .............. .....' 2,3,4 VI. MA TURITY AND LIQUIDITY REQUIREMENTS .................;..........,.............................4,5 VII. PORTFOLIO COMPOSITION .......... .....,.........'........... .........,......,............ ..............,..,..... 5,6,7 VIII. RIS K AND DIVERSIFICATION ,....'......,..,......,.......... ,.... ................. ..,....,.................,........ 7,8 IX. AUTHORIZED INVESTMENT INSTITUTIONS AND DEALERS .....................,..,.......8 X. THIRD PARTY CUSTODIAL AGREEMENTS .................................,....,............,............,..8,9 XI. MAS TER REPURCHA SE AGREEMENT ,.. ..,......,............,........,............. ......,............... ........... 9 XII. BID REQUIREMENTS ..............,..,.. ................ .....,...... ........................... ....... .... ............. ...... 9,10 XIII. INTERNAL CONTROLS .... ....,..,...............,.. .......,....... ...,..... ................ ......................... 10,11,12 I, SCOPE This investment policy applies to all surplus funds held by or for the benefit of the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the County, These policies were adopted using Sections 125,31 and 218.415, Florida Statutes. Bond proceeds may be further limited or expanded by their respective bond resolutions or covenants and shall not be considered to be in conflict with the Investment Policy. II, INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES The County shall strive to achieve with each investment opportunity, the following objectives, in ORDER OF PRIORITY: 1. SAFETY - The primary objective of the County's investment activities is the protection of investment capital. 2, LIQUIDITY - The County's investment strategy will provide sufficient liquidity such that cash flow requirements are met through the utilization of marketable securities with structured maturities. 3. INVESTMENT INCOME - In investing public funds, the County will strive to maximize the return on the portfolio but will minimize investment risk. III, INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE AND REPORTING A portfolio report shall be prepared each mORth Quarter by the Finance Director or designated staff member.. and be provided to the Clerk of the Circuit Court and appropriate management staff. The report will also be made available to the Board of County Commissioners. The report shall include a breakdown of the portfolio as well as its overall performance and the current market pricing at month-end. A detailed analysis of the investment portfolio will be prepared by the Finance Director and presented to the Board of County Commissioners on a quarterly basis. The report shall include information relating to transactions, market values, performance and adherence to policy. The Clerk of Court is authorized to utilize an investment accounting service to obtain necessary information. The Board of County Commissioners will conduct an annual meeting to review the investment portfolio and evaluate the investment policy. Strucl( through words and passages are delei=ed. Underlined words and passages are added. - 1 - The Board of County Commissioners will appoint an Investment Committee that will serve in an advisory capacity and report to the Board of County Commissioners. Each Commissioner will select one of the five Investment Committee members who will possess relevant financial experience. The Investment Committee will rely on the Clerk of the Court, Finance Director, and their staff for support, The Investment Committee and the Board of County Commissioners shall receive a copy of the portfolio pricing analysis prepared by the third party service and shall also receive copies of all transaction advices prepared by approved brokers, The Clerk of the Circuit Court shall be notified immediately upon exceptions from currently approved investment policies by the Finance Director. In the event of an emergency situation requiring noncompliance with policy guidelines, the Finance Director shall attempt to schedule a special committee meeting to discuss the proposed action. If a special committee meeting is not possible due to time constraints or scheduling problems, the Finance Director shall individually notify a minimum of three committee members to obtain approval of the proposed action, IV, PRUDENCE AND ETHICAL STANDARDS The "prudent person" standard shall be used in the management of the overall investment portfolio, The Finance Director, and other persons performing the investment function, shall act as a "prudent person" in accordance with these written policies and procedures, exercising due diligence and investing in investments authorized by law, The "prudent person" standard is herewith understood to mean the following: Investment shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived. V, AUTHORIZED INVESTMENTS The Clerk of the Court acting through the Finance Director, or other designee of the Clerk's office, shall purchase or sell investment securities at prevailing market rates" with a preference to par bonds or those at a discount, Authorized instruments are as follows: Strucl< through words and passages are delet-ed. Underlined words and passages are added. - 2 - A. The Local Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund, the State Investment Pool administered by the State Board of Administration, also known as S.B.A, B. The Florida Cour'ltics Il'Ivestl'Rcl'lt Trust Florida Local Government Investment Trust, also known as the F,C.I.T. F.L.G.I.T, administered by the Florida Association of Court Clerks and Comptrollers and the Florida Association of Counties. C. Negotiable direct obligations of, or obligations the principal and interest of which are unconditionally guaranteed by, the United States Government. Such securities will include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Treasury Bills 2. Treasury Notes 3. Treasury Bonds D. Bonds, debentures, notes or other evidence of indebtedness issued or guaranteed by United States agencies provided such obligations are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government, Such securities will include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Farmers Home Administration 2. Fcderal Fil'lGl'lcil'lg Bal'll( 3. Fcdcral HousiRg Adl'Ril'listratiel'l Dcbcl'lturcs 4; g. Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) E. Bonds, debentures, notes ef. or other evidence of indebtedness issued or guaranteed by United States Government agencies (Federal Instrumentalities) which are not full faith and credit agencies limited to the following: 1. Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB) 2, Federal Home Loan Bank or its district banks (FHLB) 3. Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) 4. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie-Macs) 5. Studel'lt Leal'l Marl(etin~ Asseciatiel'l (Sallic Mac) F. Non-negotiable interest-bearing time certificates of deposit, money market accounts or savings accounts in banks/savings and loan associations organized under the laws of the United States, doing business and situated in this state, provided that any such deposits are secured by the Florida Security for Public Deposits Act, Chapter 280, Florida Statutes. Strucl( through words and passages are delei:ed. Underlined words and passages are added. - 3 - G. Repurchase agreements collateralized by Treasury Bills or Notes having a maturity of two (2) years or less (tRc ul'1derl)'il'1~ securitics fer purchasc and subsequel'1t salc) for any of tRc il'lvcstmel'1ts authorized abovc il'l itcms C, D and E, Investment in derivative products is not authorized. IV , MATURITY AND LIQUIDITY REQUIREMENTS To the extent possible, an attempt will be made to match investment maturities with known cash needs and anticipated cash flow requirements. Investments, including investment pools, of current operating funds shall have maturities of up to tRrcc (3) ,¡cars five (5) years. The Finance Director and other persons performing the investment function will provide an appropriate mix of maturities to maximize the return on the portfolio while minimizing investment risk. II'1vcstmel'1t of bOl'ld rcser'/es, cOl'1structiol'l fUl'1ds, al'ld othcr 1'101'1 aperatil'19 fUl'1ds shall havc a tcrm apprapriatc to the I'1ced for fUl'lds, al'1d il'l accordal'1ce witR dcbt cO'/Cl'1al'1ts, but shall I'1at e)(cecd five (5) years, ul'1lcss pcrmitted by thc tcrms af tRe bOl'1d documcnts. Investments do not necessarily have to be made for the same length of time that the funds are available. The basic criteria for consideration for investments are as follows: A, Keep maturities short in a period of constantly rising interest rates based on Treasury bill auctions or the daily Federal Funds rate, B. Keep maturities short in a period of an inverted treasury yield curve (short- term rates higher than long-term rates). C. Maturities should be lengthened when the treasury yield curve is normal and is expected to remain that way based on economic reports taken as a whole, The yield curve is normal when short-term rates are lower than long-term rates. D. Maturities should be lengthened when interest rates are expected to fall based on economic reports taken as a whole, E. From time to time, securities may be traded for other similar securities to improve yield, maturity or credit risk, For these types of transactions, a temporary loss may be incurred for accounting purposes, provided the loss is more than offset by the Struà tRrou~h words and passages are deleted. Underlined words and passages are added. - 4 - higher yield. The following circumstances are considered appropriate for a 5Wei3 an exchange of securities to be considered: 1. The yield has increased. Market aberrations are often caused by supply and demand conditions for particular securities. For example, if a short supply exists for a particular maturity range, then it may be advantageous to 5We-þ trade out of the security in a short supply and into another similar security in a different maturity range. 2. The maturity has been reduced. Market aberrations occasionally create a situation where longer maturity securities are yielding the same or less than securities with a shorter maturity. Portfolio quality can be improved by switching from the longer maturity security to the shorter maturity with little or no interest penalty. 3. The quality of the investment has improved. Market aberrations occasionally create a situation where certain higher risk securities yield the same or less than an equivalent lower risk security. Portfolio quality can be improved by switching from the higher risk security to a lower risk security without any interest rate penalty. F. A liquidity €e5e amount of approximately two (2) months of anticipated disbursements, e)(cluding bend construction þayments or other bond po/meAts made from escrOVJ or trust accounts, will be kept in relatively short-term investments. These would include the State Investment Pool (SBA), F.L.G,I.T., Certificates of Deposit, U.S. Treasury Obligations and Repurchase Agreements. G. Although many securities are acceptable for investment using the authorized list, some are not very desirable from a liquidity standpoint; accordingly, only those securities with an active secondary market may be purchased from that list. VII, PORTFOLIO COMPOSITION The following are the guidelines for investments and limits on security issues, issuers, and maturities as established by the County. The Finance Director, or their appropriate~ designee, after consultinq with the Clerk of Circuit Court, shall have the option to further restrict or increase investment percentages from time to time based on Struà through words and passages are deleted. Underlined words and passages are added. - 5 - market conditions, Purchascs af in'lcstmel'lts based 01'1 bOl'ld covcnant rcquiremcnts shall l'Iat be included in the portfolio compositian calculation. The following maximum limits are guidelines established for diversification by instrument: A. The Local Government Surplus Trust Fund (SBA)~ GAd thc Flarida Counties Investmel'lt Trust. 1. A maximum of 80i'o of the portfolio may be invested in thesc Trusts the SBA, however, bond proceeds may be temporarily deposited in the Trust Fund Investment Pools until alternative investments have been purchased and are not a part of this calculation. B. The Local Government Investment Trust fund (F.L.G.I.T.) 1. A maximum of 35i'o of the portfolio may be invested in (F.L.G.I.T). RC. Non-negotiable Interest-Bearing Time Certificates of Deposit 1. A maximum of 40i'o of the portfolio may be invested in non-negotiable interest bearing time certificates of deposit or savings accounts. 2. The maximum maturity on any certificates shall be no greater than one (1) year from the time of purchase. 3. A maximum of 25i'o of the portfolio may be deposited in the instruments of anyone issuer. 6,D. United States Government Securities 1. A maximum of 75i'o of the portfolio may be invested in United States Government Securities which are defined as negotiable direct obligations, or obligations the principal and interest of which are unconditionally guaranteed, by the United States Government (example: Treasury Bills, Notes), 2. The maximum length of maturity of any direct investment in government securities is five (5) years. Struà through words and passages are deleted. Underlined words and passages are added. - 6 - ~.E. United States Federal Agencies 1. A maximum of 501'0 of the portfolio may be invested in United States Federal Agency securities which are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government (example: GNMA, Farmers Home Administration). 2. Maturity will be limited ts thc rcquircmer'lts sf Ul'1ited States Governmel'1t sccuritics, ~ £ A maximum of 251'0 of the portfolio may be invested in the instruments of anyone issuer. E.F. Federal Instrumentalities 1. A maximum of 401'0 of the portfolio may be invested in Federal Instrumentalities which are not full-faith and credit United States Government Agencies (example: FFCB, FNMA). 2. Maturity will be limited ts the requiremcnts of thc Ul'1itcd Statcs GO'¡crnmcnt securitics. ~£ A maximum of 251'0 of the portfolio may be invested In the instruments of anyone issuer, F-:~ Repurchase Agreements 1. A maximum of 101'0 of the portfolio may be invested in repurchase agreements with the exception of one (1) business day agreements and overnight sweep agreements which may go as high as 251'0. 2, The maximum term of a repurchase agreement will be one (1) year. 3. A maximum of 101'0 of the portfolio may be invested in the instruments of anyone issuer with the exception of one (1) business day agreements and overnight sweep agreements which may go as high as 251'0. VIII, RISK AND DIVERSIFICATION Assets held shall be diversified to control the risk of loss resulting from the over concentration of assets in a specific maturity, issuer, instrument, dealer, or bank through Struà through words and passages are deleted. Underlined words and passages are added. - 7 - which these instruments are bought and sold. Diversification strategies within the established guidelines shall be reviewed and revised periodically as necessary by the appropriate management staff. IX. AUTHORIZED INVESTMENT INSTITUTIONS AND DEALERS The County shall only purchase securities from financial institutions which have offices located within the State of Florida and are qualified as public depositories by the Treasurer of the State 6f' of Florida, from primary securities brokers/dealers designated by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York~ or from secondary brokers/dealers, specified dealers, with 61'1 office located il'l St. Lucie COUl'lt'f, with an office located in the State of Florida. Such specified brokers/dealers must be recemmended reviewed by the Investment Committee~ al'ld approved il'ldividuall.,. b,t the Board of COUl'lt.,. Commissiol'lcrs, Documented lists of the authorized financial institutions and brokers/dealers will be developed and maintained by the Finance Director and approved by the Clerk of the Court. If at any time the Clerk of the Court is appropriately notified of any threat to the integrity of the investment portfolio, proper security measures may be suggested and implemented, and the Clerk of the Court shall have the option to further restrict investment in selected instruments, to conform to the then-present market conditions. Repurchase Agreements will be conducted through, and negotiated etTly with primary securities brokers/dealers, or secondary brokers/dealers, or Qualified Public Depository financial institutions. A written Master Repurchase Agreement will be negotiated with any institutions with which the County through the Clerk of the Court enters into a specific repurchase agreement. X, THIRD PARTY CUSTODIAL AGREEMENTS The Clerk of the Court will execute a Third Party Custodial safekeeping Agreement with a commercial bank's trust department which is separately chartered by the United States Government or the State of Florida. All securities purchased and/or collateral obtained by the Clerk of the Court shall be properly designated as an asset of the County and held in safekeeping by the trust department and no withdrawal of such securities, in whole or in part, shall be made from safekeeping except by an authorized staff member. The Third Party Custodial Safekeeping Agreement shall include letters of authority from the Clerk of the Court, details as to responsibilities of each party, notification of security purchases, sales, delivery, repurchase agreements, wire transfers, safekeeping and Struà through words and passages are dele1=ed. Underlined words and passages are added. - 8 - transaction costs, procedures in case of wire failure or other unforeseen mishaps including liability of, each party, XI. MASTER REPURCHASE AGREEMENT The Clerk of the Court will require all approved institutions and dealers transacting repurchase agreements to execute and perform as stated in the Master Repurchase Agreement. All repurchase agreement transactions will adhere to requirements of the Master Repurchase Agreement. The agreement shall specify that the underlying securities have a market value of at least ~ 103'Yo of the principal balance of the investment. The market value is to be determined on a monthly basis. XII. BID REQUIREMENT Although in most situations the competitive bid process shall be utilized, there is no obligation to secure competitive bids from all financial institutions and dealer/brokers on the approved list. Rather a decision will be made by the Clerk of the Court through the Finance Director as to the institutions that have been the most competitive over the preceding weeks and these will be contacted for a bid. A. After the Clerk of the Court, through the Finance Director, has determined the approximate maturity date based on the cash flow needs and market conditions and has analyzed and selected one or more optimal types of investments, a minimum of three (3) qualified banks and/or dealers will be contacted and asked to provide bids on the securities in question. 1. Bids will be held in confidence until the highest bid is determined and awarded, 2. Documentation will be retained for all bids, with the winning bid clearly identified. 3. If for any reason the highest interest rate bid was not selected, then the reasons leading to that decision will be clearly indicated on the bid form. 4. If the maturing iRvestl'ReRt is funds to be invested are from a certificate of deposit, the þrescRt holder of the fURds issuer of the CD will be one of the contacts made, subject to the portfolio diversification requirements in this policy. Strucl< through words and passages are deleted. Underlined words and passages are added. - 9 - 5. In certain circumstances where a dealer or bank informs the County of a potential sale that must be completed within minutes of notification, the competitive bidding policy will be waived. The Clerk of the Court will have final approval on these particular transactions before they have been completed, 6. Notwithstanding the above, in order to afford financial institutions (banks and/or savings and loan associations) within St. Lucie County opportunities to enhance the economy of the local area.. certificates of deposit may be purchased from an institution as described in Sections V.F provided that the following additional conditions have been satisfied: a. The institution, or a branch office, is located within the boundaries of St. Lucie County. b. The i,nstitution has the highest and best bid of all bidding institutions as described in Section V.F. c, The institution awarded the bid is subject to the portfolio limitation requirements and may not exceed said limitations. d. Banks/savings and loan associations included on the approved list must be Qualified Public Depositories, as determined by the State of Florida. XIII, INTERNAL CONTROLS The Clerk of the Court shall exercise and monitor a set of internal controls to be conducted through the Finance Director, which said controls are designed to protect the County's funds and ensure proper accounting and reporting of the securities transactions. The investment policy shall provide for review of such controls by independent auditors as meFf part of any financial audit periodically required of the unit of local government. Such internal controls shall consist of the following: A. All securities purchased or sold will be transferred only under the "delivery versus payment" (D.V.P.) method to ensure that funds or securities are not released until all criteria relating to the specific transaction are met. B. The Clerk of the Court is authorized to accept, on behalf of and in the name of St. Lucie County, bank trust receipts or confirmations as evidence of actual delivery of the obligation or securities in return for investment of funds. Struà throu~h words and passages are deleted. Underlined words and passages are added. - 10 - C. Trust receipts or confirmations shall fully describe the various obligations or securities held. The receipt or confirmation shall state that the investment is held in the name of St, Lucie County. D. Written documentation and/or confirmation of telephone transactions and wire transfers will be maintained. E. There will be adequate separation of duties with clear delegation of authority among investment personnel. F. Custodial safekeeping shall be properly utilized. G. Operation review and performance evaluations and reporting, interim and annual, shall be done by the Finance Director, H. There will be an avaidcil'\cc of no bearer-form securities. I. There will be no physical delivery of securities. J. There will be specific limitations regarding securities losses and remedial action shall be taken as soon as possible. K. A development of a wire transfer agreement with the custodial bank outlining the various controls and security provisions for making and receiving wire transfers shall be made. L. There is a prohibition of collusion between those makinQ investment decisions and those providin9 investment services. M, Written dealer confirmation and monthly and/or quarterly custodial account statements shall be maintained. N. Investment policy shall be established by the Board of County Commissioners considering the recommendations of the Investment Committee. All daily investment activity will be coordinated and reviewed by the Finance Director. In the absence of the Finance Director and Clerk of the Court investment activity must be approved by their designee and later approved by the Finance Director or Clerk of the Court. O. The following positions are designated by the Clerk of the Court as having the authority to initiate all investment activities: g:\atty\agreemnt\investment policy-Ol -11- 1. Clerk of the Court 2, Finance Director 3. All other designees will be at the discretion of the Clerk of the Court. P. All officials responsible for making investment decisions, or tkc Financc Director, shall complete 8 hours of continuing education annually in subjects or courses of study related to investment practices and products. Q. Such additional internal controls as established by the Clerk of the Court. g: \atty\agreemnt\investment policy-Ol -12- 5/4¡Ø7-17 <--¡7~ ~ ø;fصó ~þ.vL-- Agenda Friday, August 19, 2005 7:30 a.m., Conference Room # 3 St, Lucie County Roger E. Poitras Admin1" ~r;ti/OÓ ^;ð~ )j ( Convene meeting ~ ¡í v Roll Call, announcements '1. ~, Minutes " V }I.-; , St. Lucie County, Florida Citizens' Budget Committe 1. Impact Fees Update .J ~ð' / 2. Hurricane Reimbursement Update. ;/) 3. January 2006 Strategic Planning Session (tentative dates: Jan. 30 & 31). Outstanding Issues (please see attachment) 4, Future Unfunded/Underfunded Capital Projects: Est. Cost of Proiect Emergency Operations Center $6,000,000 $7,000,000 Old Court House Renovation Special Needs Shelter (p, Î '7 1/ppp~066,ÖðO Research & Ed. Park / Business Ctr. $12,637,919 Civic Center - Rebuilding or relocating? $? Parks and Rec. Admin Building $3,000,000 Admin. Complex Chiller Plant $1,700,000 TOTAL $35,337,919 Shortfall $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,áOO,OOO* -:2-.1 Z-- 2- $12,637,919** $ ? $3,000,000 $1,700,000 $29,837,919 * We are applying for an additional grant in the amount of $1,250,000 I am working with Senator Pruitt to have the State Legislature fund 50% of this project ** Adjournment Next CBC meeting: September 16, 2005 I I ISSUES TO BE DISCUSSED AT THE STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION 2006 Public Works -Budget and Alternative Funding -Roads -Midway Road - 3 segments. -Kings Highway -Possible funding source for Road & Bridge - CRA -Stormwater Utility -Increase Stormwater MSTU -Funding -Beach Erosion Control / Renourishment -Environmental Impact Fees -New Revenues Central Services -Fleet Replacement Schedule -Essential Maintenance Projects -Funding Space Needs -New Revenues Utilities -Utility Master Plan -Utility expansion funding Human Resources -Health Insurance Growth Management -Divisional/Staff Need Based on the TVC Elements -Possible North County Facilities -Budget Figure -Growth Fee Management and Budget -Financial Report -Revenue Alternative -5 Year Plan -Proposed Solutions -Half Cent Sales Tax Draft CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: July 15, 2005 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:35 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jacque1ene N, Burke, Jay L. Mc Bee, William "Bill"Casey, Troy Ingersoll, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick, Reece Parrish and Carl Hensley, MEMBERS ABSENT: Lillie Miller, Ron Parrish, Toby Philpart, Debbie Hawley, Edward Lounds, Steven Messer and Linda Bartz, OTHERS PRESENT: Commissioner Doug Coward, Faye Outlaw, Jennifer Hill, Anthony Bonna, Marie Gouin and Doug Anderson, RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; There was no quorum for this meeting (Currently there are 14 members - we require at least 8 for a quorum). These minutes are for information purposes only. No Action could be taken on the issues discussed, Chairman Carl Hensley introduced new CBC appointee Jay L. Me. Bee to the committee members present (This is his first meeting. He was unable to attend the previous meeting). Doug Anderson introduced Anthony Bonna. He is working as a summer intern in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and this year will begin studies at Georgetown University. MINUTES Minutes were tabled for lack of quorum. County's Budllet 2005-2006 uødate. A presentation summarizing the recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 was prepared for the last day of the budget workshop with the BOCC and based on the Board's actions on that day, staff prepared an update for the CBC (for details, please refer to exhibit A), Doug went over the issues and began by stating that the bulk of the County's financial shortfall as a consequence ofthe hurricanes ($7MM out ofthe l2MM) is due to the repairs made to Indian River Drive. When the Federal Highway program estimated the cost and quantity of the damage (right after the hurricanes), they where short in their assessment. FDOT agrees the estimate was low and is supporting staff in going to the Federal Highway Administration (FHA) to request an adjustment to their initial assessment. They BOCC considers it a priority to work towards getting reimbursed by the FHA for the repairs to Indian River Drive and has instructed staff to focus on this goal. Staff is outlining a strategy with FDOT to get reimbursed. In addition to the fmancial recovery in the aftermath of the disaster, the CBC had recommended to the BOCC several months back to set a percentage (5% of the total operating budget), rather than a fixed amount for the Emergency Reserves (which had been set for several years at $8MM). Staff is working towards achieving total financial recovery (assuming there are no other mayor disasters to set us further back and that there is a steady increase in property values) within roughly four years, but for now, as of October l, 2005 the board has agreed to approve programing $3,927,292 towards the goal of having a 5% of the total operating budget in the Emergency Reserves Fund. If we add to these issues the Fund Balance Policy (for General Fund) that will be implemented (also recommended by the CBq and the mitigation projects shortfall, it brings the total financial goal to $21,532,645. As he explained the chart showing the expected revenues and how they will be allocated Doug pointed out that over $8MM will be going towards financial recovery in the General Fund, Doug advanced to CBC members that staff is planning to bring up for discussion at the 2006 Strategic Planning Session critical subjects such as the problems in the erosion control, road and bridge and stormwater utilities budgets (they all need increased revenues) and will be coming to this committee at future meetings in preparation to presenting an action plan to the BOCC at the 2006 Strategic Planning Session. He stated staff will have to brainstorm options for alternative revenue sources to propose to the BOCC. He pointed out the modifications to the recommended budget that the BOCC approved (please note that the maj or change made to the recommended budget was the decrease to the funds requested by the Sheriff's Department), Those present discussed some of the aspects of the Sheriff's budget and the different programs recommended by Dr. Kalmanoff, wich staff is working towards implementing as soon as possible. Troy stated he would like to see that a CBC representative attend those BOee meetings where an issue this committee feels strongly about will be discussed, because he was surprised to hear at the meeting when they were discussing opening the jail's pod 1 some statements from commissioners: they inquired about the CBC's opinion, and talked as if they weren't aware ofhow strongly this committee feels about this subject, Troy stated he was appalled to see the issue was almost delayed further, Commissioner Coward stated he does read the minutes from this committee's meetings and he personally is aware of the recommendations made by the CBC and considers them meaningful, but he is of the opinion that sending representatives from every board is not really necessary, He stated that, of course, as residents (individually), everyone is welcome to come up at the public comment portion of the meeting and voice their opinion when they feel strongly about a subject, Other members agreed it shouldn't be necessary if the BOCC gets the committee's opinion in writing. Doug continued with the presentation and pointed out the funds that had to be set aside in lieu of the City of Port St, Lucie stating they will no longer collect impact fees for the County, to cover our debt service. Doug also pointed out that, after the reduction in the millage rate, the County's millage rate is less that what is was in 1992, Hurricane Report and Financial Recovery Faye Outlaw stated that the oruy thing that has changed since the last CBe meeting is the amount the County has been reimbursed from the FHA. It increased by $52,000 for Indian River Drive, Staff met with FEMA the day prior to this meeting in an effort to determine why is it that the money is not moving through and what else can the County do to speed up the process (Out of the $25MM submitted, only $16MM has been approved). Citizen Budget Committee Meeting July 15, 2005 page 2 Doug stated that this is an issue that was brought up at a conference call with the Florida Association of Counties (FAC) , because all the counties in this area are in the same situation and are trying to resolve it as quickly a possible, because it is creating a cash flow pro blem and there is always the possibility of getting hit by another disaster and having to resource to operating on lines of credit. CBC members and staff discussed different altematives regarding loans, issuing bonds and lines of credit. Impact Fees. Doug stated staff has provided Dr. J. Nicholas (the County's consultant for impact fees) information regarding what is currently being collected and what those funds have been applied to as well as a list of what obligations the County has incurred based on future collections, plus future unfunded projects. Doug also explained briefly how impact fees must be used and gave examples of county projects that are eligible and stated staff is working on a proposal to request to the City of Port St. Lucie not to stop collecting the total amount of impact fees. He stated our BOCC chairperson has already asked the City of Port St. Lucie Mayor to agree for ajoint meeting. Time is running out, as the date the agreement ends is very near (Sepj30j200S). Should the County's efforts not be successful, staff will have to come back to the BOCC with an action plan as to how to go about collecting the impact fees that should go to county wide projects, such as obtaining lists of first time construction permits issued in Port St. Lucie and, if necessary, impose leans on those properties, Pat Ferrick asked if it was possible for the BOCC to work on a public educational campaign (specially builders and those that are planning on purchasing new built properties) as to what are the impact fees and make them aware of the situation, so that they can put pressure on getting this matter resolved in the interest of those applying for permits and, ultimately, in the interest of the whole community, She stated this committee has been discussing the problem with Port St. Lucie not wanting to continue to collect impact fees for the last few meetings, and if the Board would have been made aware of this committee's position, maybe they would have acted on reaching the public. Those present discussed different legal aspects of this matter and the different arguments the City of Port St. Lucie has stated not collect the fees for the County. Pat Ferrick stated she has pointed out at previous meetings, when discussing this matter that if the City of Port St, Lucie argues they don't want impact fees that they consider should be allocated to projects within their boundaries going to other areas (because they are impacted negatively), they should remember that, in the past, funds that where intendèd for other areas have been redirected to projects that benefit their area (As it was the case with funds that were originally intended for widening Midway Road, which were used to improve Port St. Lucie Boulevard; Midway Road was negatively impacted and is now suffering the consequences, as the capacity of that road is insufficient and the tum lanes don't meet concurrency requirements. At that time everyone agreed the city's rapid growth had a more urgent need to complete that project) , She stated she would like it reflected in the minutes and brought to the City of Port St. Lucie Council's attention that when they have had a greater need for improvements, everybody has Citizen Budget Conm1Ìttee Meeting July 15. 2005 page 3 agreed and has been cooperative and understanding and we only expect the same from them. Committee members asked if the City of Fort Pierce and the Village collect the impact fees. Doug responded in the affirmative and stated that we do not have any problems regarding this matter with the other municipalities and they are cooperative. Future subfects to be discussed Doug stated there is a lot come in the next meetings, such as discussing BOCC's goal and objectives, outstanding issues that will be discussed at the 2006 Strategic Planning Session and to find altemative sources of revenue for capital improvements that are necessary, but are unfunded. NEXT MEETING The next CBC regular meeting is scheduled to be held on Friday, August 19,2005 at 7:30 a,m" in Conference Room # 3 of the St, Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary Carl Hensley, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting July IS, 2005 H:\O SecretarylO OMBICBCIMinI07'15wpd page 4 Exhibit A .- Q) ¡::: ..... µ.. ,-... r- V) ~ 0 N V) '<t - ...., ...- c:: 0\ '" \0 ~ ::I o· N ...., r-: N "'" 00 r-: r-: ...., ~ 00 Q) ~ '" N ...., \0 "'-- è N 0\. '" II'> ¡::: V:J Z - ...., ...) N Q) "0 ~ Q) II'> II'> II'> !A d r::: ... :> ;:::j ,-... 0 0 ,-... 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QJ Cd - QJ 0 Cd ¡:::.... .- (,) en QJ ê ~ ~ QJ- ¡::: ><~ .- ~ o .- ~ Cd ~ (1) Co) r/) I è (1) ;;> o Co) (1) ~ .- Cd 'ë:) ~ Cd ~ .- µ.. r<) 0\ "1- r<) 00 00" Eß ~ <I) > .... <I) '" <I) .0 o .; ~ <I) ._ 13 ~ <l)UJ z_ -.0 I: <I) 50 E .... <<E .. <I) ~"O <I) .- '" (' V) V) 0\" r<) ; i ~ r- (' 0\ ~ '<:t V)" IA " Eß <I) '" c<:I <I) .... o <I) "0 '" E <I) E '" :I :e' < ;:; 0/) "0 :I ex:¡ ~ <I) > ï§ o o o (' o è o ;...> tI.J .- ::r: (1) ;...> Cd ~ (1) bI} Cd .- .- ~ ~ z :> o u IIJ g~ ¡..:~ "'IIJ Š ..J i !j . ~ "'.. "'G ~~ ~8 êi~ UI2 ~.~ ¡g", '" '" '" '" QÈ~ ~~.~.~ "'~~12 ~"'<Oj.J. u 1Iid..... :5 ZUJ~,ÇI) "'~o (,j1.4.g" ~ /7 /J L-'/ j;J ~.~ St. Lucie County, Florida Citizens' Budget Committee OJ- -0 é- .!'¡,...I ì Y /4/- Þs' (v';::::> Agenda Friday, July 15, 2005 7:30 a.m,. Conference Room # 3 1. { t/ ~r' p ,b Y IJ~ nlft / /0 UfÍ0~'P f ß FY2005-2006 Budget update. . r '¡i f.(ft¡J Hunicane Financial Report and Financial Recovery Plan. ~V\ Impact Fees. ( IJ Convene meeting Roll Call, announcements Minutes 2, 3, Adjournment Next CBC meeting: August 19,2005 . ~/ / / J 1/ r-t:-/ t' ,/' (,/.;'f -.; V 5/1;;1 rv'1/b t I L.. OfiJP i7~ I~ Dra CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: June 17, Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Lillie Miller, Ron Parrish, Toby Philpart, William "Bill"Casey, John Knapp, Debbie Hawley, Edward Lounds, Troy Reece Carl Hensley and Linda Bartz. MEMBERS ABSENT: Jacquelene N. Burke, Jay L. Mc Messer. Patricia "Pat" Ferrick and Steven OTHERS PRESENT: Toby Long, Garry Wilson, Pat Tighe, Jennifer Hill, Marie Gouin and Doug Anderson. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti Reece Parrish. to the committee: Jay L. Mc. Bee and Items 5 and 6 (Jail Pods) were moved up to the of the meeting, included verbatim minutes of the presentation made by Dr. Kalmanofffrom the Institute for Law and Policy on his recommendations to improve St. Lucie County's Criminal Justice System. There being no corrections to the minutes for the May 20, 2005 meeting, members present voted in favor of approval. Openinjl of Pods 1 &> 2 (Countv Jail). Sheriff's staff made a presentation explaining the reasons why they are of the opinion Pod 2 should be opened as soon as possible after Pod I is County Jail's Major Patrick Tighe began his that at the previous meeting Sheriff staff had been asked to come back with: 1) An estimated revenue forecast of a possible contract with the US Marshals for housing inmates; 2) Illustrate a design philosophy and operational budget for a 50 bed minimum security stand alone unit (work farm facility); and 3) Review the current jail population (for details of the presentation, please refer to exhibit A). Housinq Federal Inmates Before the US Marshals agree to a contract to pay St. Lucie County Jail for housing federal inmates, they would tour and inspect the jail facilities to verifY if they meet the requirements (this has been already done and the jail passed inspection). After there is an application process (they are currently undergoing this part). The last step is when Washington sends auditors to determine the cost per inmate per day to house them in the St. Lucie County Jail; this is when the negotiation process begins to reach to an for the service the St. Lucie County jail will provide. Based on the median calculated among the surveyed counties ($63.16/ day I inmate), the Sheriff's Office staff estimates 100 federal inmates would bring a gross revenue of approx. $2.3MM within one year. CBC members and staff discussed several ofthe variables that would affect that calculation (i.e.: Counties where the federal courthouses are located charge more for the service). They also \ v discussed possible aspects that could be negotiated. two possible designs for a Minimum Standalone Security Unit the estimated annual operating cost for either one would be approx. $ 1.28 MM. Doug stated that if each inmate should have 85 sq. ft., the building would cost somewhere in the range of $680,000, stated the County pays $2Sjhr. for deputies assigned to monitor the inmate work crews, which translates to very low costs for labor. Overcrowding Major Tighe proceeded with his presentation pointing out the jail's aver¡:¡ge population, which has been over design capacity since 1997, Attendees discussed the overcrowding situation and how long it would take to train the correctional officers for pod 2. Committee members and staff discussed the statistical information the Sheriffs staff showed at the end of their presentation. Major Tighe also mentioned the cuts the governor has made to medicaid and stated 21 % of the jail population has mental health problems. Sheriffs staff also brought an explanatory video about jails and their roll in the community (This video presentation can be made available by request. Please contact OMB at (772)462-1670 for more information). As discussion progressed, Doug stated he had gone over the previous CBC meetings minutes and although opening pod 1 had been discussed in depth, there hasn't been any formal action as to recommending to open it. Bill Casey moved to recommend to the BOCC to open pod 1 without delay. Linda Bartz seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and motion carried. There was discussion of possible alternatives regarding setting the date to open the new pods and how much funding would be needed vs. how much would be the revenue from a possible contract with US Marshals. Committee members and staff also discussed what drives the jail population up and how much violation of probation offenders are costing to the jail. Those talked about ways of coming up with money to cover the new pods' expenses. members stated their concern as to how important it is to get moving with fInding a way to open both pods and catch up with the jail overcrowding situation. Ed moved for the CBC to make a statement to the BOCC that they support the concept of continuing to move forward to get the necessary personnel trained and assign the necessary funding to open both pods as soon as possible and giving staff the opportunity to work it out during the budget workshops in July 2005. Ron seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and motion canied. Impact Fees. There was some discussion regarding how the Building and Correctional Impact Fees are used Citizen Budget Committee Meeting June 17.2005 page 2 way it affects the judicial system. Doug stated that the Sheriff has become refusing to collect Impact Fees on getting those funds would affect public in the issue of the City of Port St. Lucie October 1, 2005, because not Part of the money that goes to debt comes Fees also. be another jail (all ancillary any further). Staff is also planning services of the current Faye Outlaw reimbursements damages and the B). Doug begin attend (Schedule win mailed out to subjects he will bring to the BOCC's rates and building up the Emergency Reserves. members to out some important budget, address millage Staff will give this committee an update of CBC NEXT MEETING The next CBC regular meeting is scheduled Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County a.m., in ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary Carl Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting June 17. 2005 H:IO Sec'etarylO OMBICBCIMinI06'17.wpd page 3 50 Person Minimum Security Unit Location Cost Palm Beach Esc-ambia Lake County Highlands Pasco Pinellas 82,00 48.50 58,58 4MO 63,16 79AO 5222 54,00 25 Person Minimum Security Units Male/Female Operating Budget Unit $ n725,00 Food 51,100,00 Medical 102,930.00 1 110 1B5,00 Estim¡¡ted Annuai Operating $1 ,284.940.00 10 Year Average Daily Population BEDS Current Designed Capacity 756 Juvenile Housing 12 6 Current Total Bed Capacity 768 Inmate Population Count 1199 (June 10. 2005) Percentage of Design Capacity 156% f:.*.<;\ ,¿;;,..~ ...i-"" ..~~ <i'.J,. __,;1><:0" ~~ .¡þ""''''.... ð''¡ ",Jl ;;-",,, /rf ~'ti {¡'" -¥ '" <;...it'" if' .~.. .;¡oi' Dailv Inmate Population 2004-2005 Monthly Average Daily Population Probation Violation 2004 2005 Overcrowding Overcrowding 2004 2005 2004 2005 2 Overcrowding 2004 2005 New Construe Current Total Bed Capacity New Construction Building #1 Designed Capacity Building #2 Designed Capacity New Total Bed Capacity 768 256 +320 1344 ~ . ~ L ~ Total Bed Capacity (August) 1024 tnmate Population Count (June 10, 20(5) 1199 Percentage of Design Capacity 117% Overcrowding 2004 2005 Total Beds RemaininQ New Total Bed Capacity 1344 Inmate Population Count (June 10, 20(5) -1199 Total Beds Remaining for Rent 145 Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 2002 (Page 90) Number of Inmates Per Emplovee "'c FlorIda 3,3 4.6 'C lomat."to..\.ff t¡!ltlð. ;.vør~ -cìl\h:ulatltd by dividing t~ numbo.r of con.flned ¡nma'" by thlt numø.r (If 1I111,¡pkryu_ on JuO$ 30, 1:999, 5o",«;., \,1.5. th>pilirt1"J1&m ~f Juotk.::t:, 6Uffl-IIU of J!!1Ilk\(. $tflH.jJ"íi, C';#fl.'J"''' <:If Jðl1#, 1999, NJC 1!6&3':í {WunloQfon, DC: I.U't D*part!Tlltnt <;if JIJlttk., WOil, liP. '1"..26, -r-blll adapl<td by SOURCEBOOK 'moff. 3 132 33 601 Officer 4.5 3.7 Number of Certified Number of Civilian Staff Average Population Number of Inmates per correctional Officer 5.995 Number of Inmates All Employees 3.2 5.74 st. Lucie Count Minutes from Dr. Kalmanoff: " to have beds or Now, you guys can not to !leed developing be left holdingthé bag very, very important. I that." (Page 3, line 24 29 & page 4, line 1 - 2) ~ § g g-gg It'! N It'! ;:{":": ... w ~WZ ~!cO =DIn :J~= ::...... r:Z2 zW8 :JWw 8=z w:J:J -13~ u2é :J¡¡¡IE .....~G ¡..: In 0:> II) 00 ,..: N <:> ~ .... N t- "" "i t- ,..: "" .... <i. I- o I- ... "" .... "" '" C ~ .,¡o e Q co ... <:> ... .... Q Q Oð eô ci ö ... Q <:> co m ... co "" M Ö .., ,..: "'. "" <J) to 'oo. iD '" N .... ci Ñ co N co 0. Q N <::> ... ..; Ñ m ... ci ... ... ... N ... .... .... "" .... .... .... .... ... I- >- I- Z :;j I!.I ::ïiE ii5 I!.I « !J' :;j I!.I a: >- ~ ::J I- !XI Z ::ïiE ::ïiE :::> « ¡¡¡ 0 0 a: (.) !J' I!.I 0 0 0 W (.) I!.I I!.I I!.I ~ ¡¡: ~ I- ~ U. « I!.I I!.I W 0 ::ïiE ::ïiE ::ïiE !J' ~ (.) !J' ¡:: ¡:: ¡:: ~ ¡..: ...J I- Z ü.. !J' II) II) « I/) « u. I!.I I!.I I!.I >- In a: ~ a: õ2 ...J ...J ...J ...J I- I!.I :::> « « « « z 0 ::ïiE I/) I!.I l- I- l- I- ::J I!.I I!.I ~ ::¡: 0 0 0 0 0 u. u. I/) l- I- l- I- e.> '" 0:: « II! 0.. II! '" ~ .~ ~ Z ~ ~ ~ II> Q ::> ìñ 0:: fiI ~..I ~ I- 0:: ~ 1-0 ~ ~~ìñ ~~~~ffiu ;ill!:$~:ï!z gæ~~ij~ 4" , COUNTY ADMINISTRATION MEMORANDUM 05-91 FROM: Douglas M. Anderso TO: Board of County Com DATE: July 12, 2005 RE: Proposed Implementation Schedule of ILPP Study Attached is the proposed implementation schedule of the ILPP Study. DMA/ab 05-91 c: Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Faye Outlaw, Assistant County Administrator Dan Mcintyre, County Attorney Ed Parker, Purchasing Director Roger Shinn, Central Services Director Honorable William L. Roby, Chief Judge Public Safety Coordinating Council Citizens' Budget Development Committee Attachment PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE OF IlPP STUDY GPS Electronic Monitoring Pretrial Services Study Integrate SoftwarelData Bases Differentiated Case Mgmt Study ire Criminal Justice Coordinator Build Courtroom at Jail Using Video First Appearance Implement Pretrial Services Program Establish Weekend Work Program Analyze Constructing a Work Farm More Judicial Positions etermine Jail's Future Staffing Done X X X Done NOTE: The above schedule will be updated and added to as we continue to implement the recommendations of the ILPP Study .1lA fr:1¿!v: St. Lucie County, Florida /;// Citizens' Budget Committee '- l1\li II . '" )0' '.,..' ...................................,. ."",L Agenda Friday, June 17, 2005 7:30 a,m" Conference Room # 3 St. Lucie County Roger E. Poitras Administration Annex Convene meeting Roll Call, announcements Minutes 1. Hurricane Financial Report. ~ 2. Financial Recovery Plan, /' /' 3, PSL Impact Fees Report, ./ 4, vf if Dr. Alan Kalmanoff 's presentation,l I)V PV ¡¡ß (0 ) :)1 I í '\ 01 1 rfj Opening of Pod 1 - Recommendation to BOCC Pod 2 Status Report, f3¡,4&er ~¡:Ja"ß Adjournment Next CBC meeting: July 15, 2005 k"/J/1 7 jþA-j/t,,./¿F'rl .- ~;I~ :>.('2./ 37'Z-/7t,l ¿,../~VÐ ~ 6'72 ~í /..,r ~ ~s-v J ~ L ~l./ µV~ )kv r'-. ..... ""'" Draft CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: May 20,2005 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:30 a,m, MEMBERS PRESENT: Jacquelene N. Burke, Toby Philpart, William "Bill"Casey, Debbie Hawley, Troy Ingersoll, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick, Carl Hensley, Steven Messer and Linda Bartz, MEMBERS ABSENT: Lillie Miller, Ron Parrish and Edward Lounds. OTHERS PRESENT: Toby Long, Garry Wilson, Pat Tighe, Charles Padrick, Jennifer Hill, Marie Gouin and Doug Anderson. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; None. Some additional information was handed out at the meeting, based on requests made from committee members since the last meeting. MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the March 18, 2005 meeting, Debbie moved for approval and Pat seconded the motion. AU members present voted in favor and the motion passed. Carl pointed out there where minutes to the April 15, 2005 meeting for members to read (minutes don't need to be approved, as there was no quorum for this meeting and no formal actions where taken) , Hurricane Recovery Efforts- Reimbursement Doug gave an update of the hurricane assessed damage and reimbursements (please see Exhibit A for Details), He pointed out the amount for damages continues to go up and when the damages to the Old Court House and the Civic Center are added, the numbers may increase significantly. He also stated stafEs preparing the budget based on a 13% increase in property values. Ifthe property values come at a higher rate, it will help mitigate the deficit between the hurricane damages and the funds available (staff estimates it will take about 5 to 6 years to recuperate financially) . Pods 1 & 2 (Countv Jail). Doug referred to memo to the CBC included in the agenda packet regarding this matter (item # 2) and he directed committee members to page 12 of the Sheriff's budget request (also in the packet, item #8). Doug stated that based on the numbers from the budget request submitted by the Sheriff's Office for FY200S-2006, it appears opening pod 2 for federal inmates would be barely a break even operation and the money necessary to support the facility's operations for the initial 6 months (hiring/training period, which would not generate revenue) is not readily available. On the other hand, staffis working towards implementing the recommendations made by the Institute for Law and Policy Planning (I LPP) to lower the average of the jail population, which would mean that pod 2 may not be needed for local inmates for a while. Toby Long, Sheriff's Office's Comptroller, stated that hiring personnel now (to accept having custody of federal inmates) and getting the correctional officers trained (26 officers), would mean '-' ..., the federal government would pay for part ofthe expense, opposed to waiting until the rest of the jail is overcrowded (Major Tighe stated it already is) and has to be used for local inmates, which would mean not getting any of that financial aid, Additionally, he stated, their staff has been in conversations with the One Stop Centers, whom have offered to pay up to 50% of the training/wages cost for up to the first 40 weeks. He stated the officers starting salary is approx. $29,000/year (including benefits). He added that the idea would be to have federal inmates (generating some revenue) before the 40 weeks are up. Pat Ferrick asked if 26 is the number of correctional officers necessary to run the pod or if there will be a need for more. Toby stated that the officers the Sheriff's Office had asked for are already assigned to pod I (pod I will not open until July) and, yes, 26 officers is what they need to operate pod 2. There was a discussion regarding the availability of funds to open pod 2. CBC members expressed their concem in regards of how imperative it is to open the pod in order to avoid fines for overcrowding. Major Tighe explained that the conditions in which the inmates would be is what would constitute overcrowding (e.g. mattresses on the floor is not a constitutional issue, but not having enough toilets or showers to provide for every inmate is), Bill Casey requested for County and Sheriff's staff to come back at the next meeting with more specific costs and revenue numbers, because it is his opinion that they could not make a decision with such broad assumptions, He requested information regarding overcrowding and, if possible, to provide any information in regards to grants, federal aid, One Stop Center, etc, for training or any other expenses. He also asked if staff could provide information in terms of the legal implications of being overcrowded (fines, lawsuits). Doug Anderson agreed that he was getting a lot of new information at this meeting and that it would be very helpful if the Sheriffs staff could provide more specific financial information as to how they would run the operation of pod 2. Pat Ferrick asked how long it takes to train the Correctional Officers. Chief Deputy Garry Wilson stated it takes between 4 to 8 months. Ifthey come already certified, it could take as little as 4 months, if they have to be trained from zero, it could take as much as 8 months, Several CBC members expressed how imperative it is, in their opinion, to open the pod and attendees discussed about how long it will take to implement the recommendations made by the ILPP, After much discussion CBC members and staff agreed they will come back at the next meeting with more specific information to discuss this matter more carefully and come up with a recommendation to the BOCC. County Credit Ratinl!:. Doug referred to the e-mails and other attachments in the agenda packet (item #3), which state the County's financial standing (healthy, strong, stable). He stated he believes the good rating is in part because he discussed with the rating companies the County's Financial Recovery Plan (keep budget low, expectation of property values rasing), and they expressed their satisfaction with the explanation, Citizen Budget Committee Meeting May 20, 2005 page 2 '-" 'WIll Marie also handed out material explaining the ratings definitions. The county got an A rating from Standard & Poor's and an A2 rating from Moody's, despite the difficulties that the hurricanes caused last year, Downtown Fort Pierce - Capital Profects. Doug referred to the information included in the agenda packet (item #4) and pointed out the costs by project and funding sources, He mentioned the bulk of the projects is to be funded by impact fees and there are some problems to be expected regarding this matter, to be discussed later during this meeting, Impact Fees. Doug mentioned the agreements that the County has with the cities to collect the impact fees when the building permits are pulled. As it has been mentioned in prior CBC meetings, the City of Port St. Lucie has stated that, after the current agreements expire on September 30,2005, they will no longer agree to collect the County's portion of impact fees ("Roads", "Public Buildings" and "Parks") and will increase the amounts they collect for this purpose. Those present discussed some details of the most recent events regarding this matter, between the City of Port St. Lucie and the County, and the possible legal consequences of the actions taken by the City (the County may have to impose liens on the properties that pull construction permits in the Port St, Lucie area, until they pay the County's impact fees). CBC members and staff also discussed the projects that are directly affected by this matter and the public relations difficulties it will bring, as the County's portion of the impact fees will be perceived as if it's a new type of taxation. Doug stated there is a meeting scheduled with the City of Port St. Lucie on June 6, 2005, and staff will come back to this committee with an update on this matter, Criminal Justice Study Update - Pretrial Services. Doug stated the Board of County Commissioners has approved a Criminal Justice Coordinator position that will be working under the County Administration (The position is posted). That person will be responsible for implementing the recommendations of the Institute for Law and Policy Planning (ILPP). Staff is working on implementing these recommendations, such as considering establishing a work farm for trustee inmates and implementing a pretrial system agency to expedite the trial processing (for more information please refer to memo that was included in the meeting's agenda packet, item #6). Facilities Space Study (RFP). Doug spoke of the ILPP recommendation to make a space study to assess the current and near future space needs of the court system. As the discussion progressed, some CBC members expressed their cone em about how imperative it is to solve the problem of the jail overcrowding and to avoid getting fined by the federal government before thinking in solving other problems, such as space needs for court employees, Carl pointed out that for now, staff will just be going out for bids on the space study and once those come back, a decision can be made. Citizen Budget Committee Meeting May 20, 2005 page 3 w 'tJ Sheriff's Bude:et Request for FY 2005-2006. Copies of a memo from Garry Wilson to Doug Anderson was handed out in regards to information comparing ratios for Law Enforcement and Correctional Officer per capita within the County and with other Counties/Regions, as per a request received from some committee members in lieu of articles that had recently appeared in the newspaper commenting on the SherifI's budget request (please refer to memo for detailed information), County's Bude:et 2005-2006. Doug reported that to this date some of the funds are out of balance and staff is working to balance them. Alternative Fuel. Doug stated that, per Ed Lounds request, he had asked Charles Padrick, County Fleet Superintendent, to come before this committee to give a short presentation on the different alternatives the County could go for in regards of fuel supply (diesel, natural gas, hybrid, methanol vehicles). Staff and committee members discussed the different options in vehicles, the bottom line cost and if the County is purchasing the kind of vehicles that it really needs, as well as some details of the Vehicle Replacement Program. CBC members also inquired if staff is looking into the possibility of getting grants and Doug instructed Chuck Padrick to consult with the County's grant writers to check what is available. NEXT MEETING The next CBC regular meeting is scheduled to be held on Friday, June 17, 2005 at 7 :30 a.m" in Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 a,m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary Carl Hensley, Chairman Citizen Budget Conunittee Meeting May 20, 2005 H:\O SecretarylO OMBICBC\Min\0520,wpd page 4 '-" . CD n C n Ø) ~ CO C CO W N en C Ø) It) <Ii .. Ò .. 0 ..: C CD C CD ¡¡: III .... n .... ... n II.. ¡III C .» oñ .» ,..: 0 .. C - ... ... en N - ... ü.. ~!ë - ... II.. ... ¡¡: w ~ICI ::a::: ~A. en ::::»::1 In I- >- E :c..o I- ai Z ::¡ C r:z2 w ãi ;¡ ~ III .. w c:( + Z:E° e/) ::¡ 0 w a:: >- I- 0 ::::»IIIN C) ;:) I- Õ c oen>t e:( a:I Z g;; U~" ~ ~ ;:) ¡¡: C e:( ¡¡¡ 0 w ~ III::I:E c a:: (,) c Ñ e/) ::ï -II c c c w CD ...J .. U:E w w w ~ e:( ,.: ::::»- ~ ~ ~ II.. ... 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COUNTY ADMINISTRATION MEMORANDUM 05-71 TO: Board of County Commission s Citizens' Budget Develop t Committee Public Safety Coordi a in unci! FROM: Douglas M. Anderson DATE: June 7, 2005 RE: Presentation - Institute for Law and Policy Planning Please find attached verbatim minutes from the presentation by Dr. Alan Kalmanoff on the Sf. Lucie County Criminal Justice System Assessment presented March 22, 2005 to the Board of County Commissioners. These minutes are important in that they outline areas within our criminal justice system that need changes and recommendations on how to address and implement these changes. Staff plans on using these minutes together with the report prepared by Dr. Kalmanoff as the guideline to achieve these goals. DMA/ab 05-71 c: Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Faye Outlaw, Assistant County Administrator Dan Mcintyre, County Attorney Attachment tw \filii St. Lucie County Criminal Justice System Assessment Prepared by: Institute for Law & Policy Planning March 22, 2005 Minutes from the Presentation by Dr. Alan Kalmanoff Comm, Hutchinson: In regards to the board workshop on the criminal justice system assessment, Mr. Anderson, are you going to start or just wave the background or is Dr. Kalmanoff going to get right into it? Mr. Anderson: Madame Chair, just for the public who are here today and those watching us on television, this is televised, last year, a year ago, we were in a severe overcrowding situation at the county jail and one of the things that the Board of County Commissioners authorized was an assessment of our jail population and an overall review of our criminal justice system to see if there are recommendations that can be put in place to help us alleviate overcrowding and become more efficient. With that, we contracted with the I nstitute for Law and Policy Planning and Dr. Kalmanoff, who is heading up that program, He and his folks have been here these past summer months, prior to the hurricanes even, doing this study; he is here today to present his recommendations, With that Madame Chair, I would like to turn it over to Dr, Kalmanoff, unless there are any questions, Comm, Hutchinson: Thank you, Comm, Coward: Madame Chair, before we begin, and Dr, Kalmanoff, you don't have to pat yourself on the back, but could you give us a brief overview of your experience, Dr, Kalmanoff: OK, First of all good morning everybody, I'm AI Kalmanoff, Everybody calls me Kal. I am the director of the Institute for Law and Policy '- ...." Planning, Trying to be responsive to the question, I am a 62 year old guy with a law degree and masters and a PHD in city and regional planning and have been working studying county criminal justice systems, local police departments and such for about 35 years, I have done about 250 studies quite like this one, including about 7 or so in Florida most importantly Orange, Hillsborough, Leon, Palm Beach, and Polk, Orange would be the best example of a very similar study seven or so years ago that has been more or less implemented since, I have other experiences in this role; I have been on the faculty of 5 different departments at UC Berkeley, most recently the law school. I wrote a book on criminal justice enforcement and administration, put out by Little Brown in 1976. That is pretty much my back ground. Comm, Coward: Right. Thank you, Dr. Kalmanoff: So. We meet again. I came to town a long, long time ago. Doug, actually it was more than a few months before the storms, It was way, way back, The Study was supposed to be a 60 day emergency study, People were chipping at each other when I got here and not getting along over this issue and often time when people in power don't agree, hiring a consultant gives you time to regroup. So it is not uncommon for me to come into situation where folks aren't really clear with one another about what the political policy answers are to economic and budget problems. Ithas been a very interesting year. We had 60 days to complete the study, As you'll hear in moment, some of the weakness in study are because the storm began to hit: we couldn't get people on the phone, we couldn't data. We had a whole bunch of a month flow over of the study. We were sort of unable to proceed, But in one of the ways the time frame has been helpful because change doesn't happen overnight and there's already some changes on the landscape. Let me start off my saying there have been a number of key people that have helped with this study, Judge Angelos was the Chief Judge when we started and was extremely helpful in pointing out major issue; 2 .... "'" things that she felt could be improved, She offered her offices and data and was in full cooperation with the study, She had comments at every turn, Judge Roby picked up right where Judge Angelos left off. He was very supportive and very helpful and certainly had lots of really good and tough questions for me during the course of the study, The prosecutor, Bruce Colton, has been excellent. He has been very, very forth coming with data, and very, very helpful. The Sheriff has been a match, a real man, He has been very much honest, above board and forth coming, We don't always agree, but that hasn't caused any problems. We have gotten a lot of interaction that has really helped. There's a couple of weakness in the study, and I want to hit them early, The first weakness is the study is supposed to have been 60 days, It would have been done well before your November election, In fact, there was a question about putting out a draft before or after the election, The draft report, in some ways, describes a system that no longer is exactly the same. Certainly, there's a new Clerk; and the coverage of the Clerk's office is probably the weakest on the final compared to the draft because it was very difficult to try to redo everything, There were many changes from the newly elected office head, who kindly provided the information to make a lot of the original findings mute, Therefore, it was difficult to come back and make more authoritative findings at the end of the study. There's a weakness there. And I also think that there is a little bit of a weakness in terms of mental health because some data is not available on the inmate mental health, and it is very difficult to get a grip on that. Other than those exceptions, I am kind of comfortable with the study, I think that if you want to leave this room with some simple findings, I would start of with: the Sheriff is either is going to either need to have beds or mechanisms to lower the jail demand, one or the other. Now, you guys can argue about which one, but the point is that you can not leave the Sheriff holding the bag. This study does not mean the end of spending money. You either have to spend money on programs and developing the infrastructure or beds, or both. And the Sheriff should not be 3 w ..."", left holding the bag of crowding people in without remedy, This is very, very important. I think that we should all leave this presentation with that. I think a fundamental finding of the study is that you have a bunch of well performing criminal justice agencies: the court, the prosecution, the Sheriff's Department, law enforcement, the defense, probation; all these agencies are functioning at a professional level. There are not any bad guys. You have a bunch of agencies that are performing well. You do have a county that is growing very rapidly, but not in terms of an infrastructure of criminal justice. You have grown but your governance! your management over the criminal justice system has not grown the way your system has grown, You see the result of independent agencies doing their thing very well, working very well together on individual cases, a lot of closureality, a lot of well performing relationship between agencies, However, what you don't have is, up at the top, a group of 8-10 key people running the system with some coordination in mind over it all, to make sure that there is not unnecessary crowding or inefficiencies in your system, and to try as much as possible to reduce the demand for the county jail beds where that demand can be reduce with in the confines of public safety, And in this county, you certainly can do that. You can reduce the demand for the jail without impacting public safety, Let me start right off with the recommendations. Feel free to interrupt me with questions or comments. I'll be able to get back on track. I'll stop from time to time as I go through these recommendations trying to elaborate. If I pontificate too much, interrupt me and I'll move on. The first and most important is some restructure of the Public Safety Coordinating Council to form an executive group. In the body of the report, we told you who we thought should be on that executive group, at least to start. Here's the deal, you set up a group of the people who are really the gatekeepers to whole system. They are the key decision makers at the entry points: law enforcement, the Sheriff, the jail, the courts, the prosecution, the finance of money, and you put them around the table and you give them the data and you 4 w ..,., say please coordinate this criminal justice system, Now, the United States Department of Justice, Prisons, National Corrections; these agencies have all come squarely down as in favor of this, as in best practice in terms of jail crowding and justice system efficiency. These are not wild ideas, This is BEST PRACTICE. Let me say it again, Best practice is to have a group of gatekeepers who meet periodically. , , small group, , . with the right data to manage the criminal justice system, Therefore, if there is an issue about earlier appearances, night court, or weekend arraignment or jail docket, if there is an issue about classification or grants, whatever the issue is, the key people will be around the table talking about the impact of that particular change on the system, Clearly, if you are going to have more police officers you are going to need prosecutors, defenders, and judges, Clearly, if some agency gets a grant, the other agencies are going to be impacted because it is a system, Grants should be cleared out through that Public Safety Coordinating Council. Direction and coordination is its basic deliverable, Now, this kind of group that has been setup in most of Florida's counties that we have worked in and it continues to work over time, Politics and elections keep happening, but these groups continue to manage the system, This is the major recommendation, In support of that recommendation, I suggest adding a person to the county management staff, reporting though the criminal justice agencies to the county manager, called a Criminal Justice System Coordinator. This person is not a czar or a boss over all these independent people. Rather this person is to collect the data and put the news together to keep a focus on the criminal justice system and its managements. This person can resolve crowding problems that are currently be dealt with by a staff attorney from the Public Defender at the jail. They can work with jail population control people to solve problems. However, the issue for that person is not cases, it is cause. NOT CASE, BUT CAUSE! That person is involved in coordinating overall system through the Public Safety Coordinating Council executive group. 5 '-' ,."" Two brand new pieces of government, both of them not without some cost of position and meetings, These are the two most important recommendations because putting everybody at the table will get you to the rest of it, just like it got to me pretty quickly by talking to folks when I got here, The next recommendation is to develop a pre-trial services program and get technical assistance to establish it from the pre-trail resource center in D.C, Now, this is a very important recommendation, and it has generally the support of all the important players in your criminal justice system. Basically, it is a risk assessment program that occurs immediately at arrest; the prior record, the likelihood of appearance and the likelihood of a further crime of the arrested person are assessed by trained people who collect data on that person from prior record, current offence, address, employment, etc, These facts are weighed against a point scale that helps to create a recommendation to the judge for pre- trail release. The judges have the discretion here, No one is taking their discretion away, This recommendation is designed to enhance that discretion, not to limit it. In other words, just because some one has 21 points, doesn't mean the judge has to let them out, although that might mean the person was recommend by the OR program. We're talking about hiring four or five folks here to interview people as they come in to the jail, to get information, to verify and get it to the judges very, very fast. The biggest problem in crowding in 8t. Lucie County is the door way to the jail. There are too many folks coming in who get right out anyway or should. There are too many folks whose cases should be resolved quickly, but aren't. There are too many people sitting instead of moving quickly. The business of jail crowding, everybody needs to remember, is not how many people check in, not how many people come to the jail; It is how long they stay, The key to understanding your jail overcrowding problem is a simple one, if you go back to the data in the earlier part of the report; it says that the average length of stand has been increasing. It doesn't need to increase very much to torque the whole population mathematics and increase jail crowding. The nice thing about that is that it doesn't need to reduce very much to lower demand to 6 ~ ~ lower population and give you a much more manageable system all the way around, It just takes speeding up the front end, The most important way to do that is the pre-trail release program, Your discussion about a monitoring system, a GPS monitoring system, is just one of a number of tools that can be used in pre-trial release. It can also be used to monitor the post sentence stage- the GPS monitoring system. It is just one. You basically want to spot the people that don't need monitoring, and get them right out. You want to spot the people who might need a conditional pre-trial release like checking in everyday, or you might need to put people on monitoring to get them out. Either way, the idea is to take the statute and constitution of this state that calls for the presumption of non- financial release and actualize it as a program, Very few counties of your size and complexity don't have this nationally. The pre-trial research center in Washington will be able to come in here with judges from other counties and work with your bench to provide forms, procedures, point systems, personal, and all the rest of it. This is supposed to be managed by the courts and funded by the county in the way we have recommended it. The pre-trial research center has set these programs up all over the country in very conservative settings, and in very liberal settings. They don't come in and tell you who to release and who not to release. They come in with a wonderful kit bag of tools, and experienced people who have been through this before, and help set up a program quickly that can make a big difference in your jail population and in the fabric of your community for a long time there after. Now there are a lot of recommendations in this report that deal with: get there first, fast; do it quicker; make it happen earlier; and there are none anymore important that the one that says the Public Defender should meet with the clients of the Public Defender earlier on in the system, The data shows that there is about a 30 day average before this meeting occurs, and shows the average length of stay for those people is about 34 days, It doesn't take long if they are seen to get their cases resolved, wouldn't it be nice if they were seen in 4 days 7 '-' .."" instead of 34, They would probably be out in 6-10 days, That reduction in quantity equals one pod, At the front end of this system, there is a need for something called a citation in lieu of arrest, policy, procedure, and some data. Currently, the Sheriff's Office does cite light weight misdemeanors in the field on occasion, There is data to show it. It is true for FPD and PSLPD, as well. Florida Law allows you to stop somebody from shoplifting, lightweight crimes, if the danger of the offense continuing is over, if there is no danger to evidence and victims, if the person can 10 himself or herself, the officer has the discretion to cite, write a ticket. You show up in court, rather than get arrested and get booked into the jail, which is a couple hundred dollars event for a crime where the person is going to be out on the street in bond in a few hours anyway, This policy is difficult because it isn't highly regarded by law enforcement. I suggest that people focus on it and say that a citation in lieu of arrest between all three agencies is needed. And the minimum we would hear immediately is start to collect data on how many arrest and how many citations, whose being cited, and what their failure to appear rate is, This will show that we care about this policy enough to count it. We're hoping that the actual new policy is drafted by all three agencies. We think a resolution by this board, at some point, urging those agencies to set up a common arrest policy and citation in lieu of arrest policy will be very effective, There are a lot of people that come in to your jail that come off of the midnight to 8AM shifts that don't need to come in, They don't need to be pulling on officer of the street. They just need to be cited. However, there is not that much control and not that much consistency in those kinds of arrest. A parallel procedure would be a citation program in the jail, which has been used in the past in this county, where the sheriff cites people out of the jail that he believes are a risk to appear, and should have been cited in the field and now that they have been identified, can be cited in the field to further reduce the pressure on booking and population. Field citation and jail citation and keeping book on it will lower the intake into the jail. 8 w ~ The next recommendation is of a different order, The study indicates the need for more judges, It was the first thing that Judge Angelos and Judge Roby told me when I interviewed with them, It isn't a tough case to see, You do need more judges, Your judges are over worked; not by cases but by the length of cases because what is happening is we are sentencing guidelines and a bunch of changes in the law over the last 20 years causes the length of the cases to take more time. There is more work and motions involved, Don't just look at case load, This recommendation says that county and community leaders should organize and strongly support the effort to add more judicial positions to St. Lucie, I suggest chartering a bus and traveling to Tallahassee with the entire Board and the entire criminal justice Public Safety Coordinating Council and lobby on behalf of the county criminal justice system to get more judges. Getting more judges by itself is not going to solve to crowding problem. It is just part of a solution, I think you guys can get together around this issue and make it a county issue and go up to Tallahassee and make your case, It will be very good for this county to do that. It requires civic leaders, community leaders, and political leaders to jump on board and do something in a coherent way, It needs to be organized and planned. Next, is something called DCM, Differentiated Case Management. Many courts, at the stage that your court is at, are moving to Differentiated Case Management. It is becoming more and more difficult, to administer! manage a court calendar. There are more and more cumbersome complexities. There's traffic, small claims, civil, all kinds of criminal, all kinds of locations, there's misdemeanors, there's felonies, It is hard to schedule in a way that uses everybody's time and energy to the best. Differentiated Case Management is an attempt to improve on this scheduling, As with a lot of items in this report, it would be a mistake if you said to yourself that the courts are terrible at scheduling. Actually the courts are brilliant at scheduling. I don't know how they manage to do it given the pressures on them, The Differentiated Case Management will improve them quite a bit. It is a more modern technique for 9 '-" ..., jurisdiction, more like the size you are becoming, It is a simple idea, Instead of going alphabetical, to give each judge a case in a random order, you say you take all the A's today, We know from experience that the A's are a days work, etc. We find tracks in the calendar that allow judges to hear cases in the most efficient way, and have the prosecutors and defenders organized in that way, There are some downs sides to this and it will have to be tailored, just like suit of clothes, Therefore, the recommendation here is just like the pre-trial release program, Bring in, for minor money (10 grand would be my guess), National/State courts who are very experienced in working with local jurisdiction to develop an individualize, customized case tracking system that you could organize your judicial calendar and scheduling around. You work with the Public Defender. You work with the State Attorney. Some meeting and papers get exchanged and after 6-12 weeks you have a system that is likely to have cases move through the courts more quickly, Even out judicial work load and enhance the use all the resource judges, prosecutors, and defenders of the courts. This is not sexy item, It isn't a Cadillac with a shiny bumper. It is an in the trenches scheduling system that will benefit everybody. No one is messing up, but everyone will do better with the Differentiated Case Management system, We should reevaluate the bonds' schedule, By the way, I have a list of the recommendations that is sitting over there, if you want to follow along. I am reading off a chart that comes out of the action plan in the report, and there are copies up there, Reevaluate the bonds schedule amounts: I have had some very good natured disagreements with many people in this room about this bond schedule. I'll be leaving without the agreements resolved. It is our sense, that compared to other counties, the bond schedule is high. Some folks say no, it is not. It is our sense that it should distinguish between violent and non-violent. Some folks want to move by that distinction. We believe that the bond schedule should be looked at. In concert with the pre-trail release recommendation, so that at least if someone isn't ORed on a pre-trial release program, perhaps their 10 ~ ..., bond will be reduced, We have made recommendations for more motion practice around bond reduction and other such things, Moving on to the jail. I said it at the out-set, and I'll say it again, You've got to give the sheriff either beds or relief from demand. That is not something that you have a choice about. Lot of counties make the mistake and say that they will just handle it. That is not the way to do it; you have to get out ahead of this one, There is nothing more important than to get out of the situation that I found when I got here last year, It was terrible, You were polarized, You were hollering at each other, and finally decided to build some beds at some point in the discussion. The amount of attention that was paid to what kind of beds was minuscule, Of course the real issue there, "is what kind of beds?" That is the real issue, What I am suggesting in this next recommendation is that you determined jail staffing needs now, and your next set of beds now. Not when the jail gets so crowded, and somebody is hollering at you, and somebody is hollering at them and people are pointing their finger at one another. That is not a healthy way to do this kind of planning, Now, I am going to do a good audio visual technique for this; I am going to do a little diagram for you and I want you all to follow me for a minute. This is an upside down pyramid. The point of the pyramid is point down. This much of the volume of that pyramid is the operating cost for a jail. This much of the pyramid, coming down and more narrow, is the construction cost for a jail. This much, 10% of the construction costs, is the architectural fee. The amount of money that you need to plan a jail and staff a jail is right down here at the bottom of the pyramid. Y'all follow me? What that says is the tiny little bit of money that you spend, $50, $100 or $200 thousand dollars, on planning efficient jail beds that match your needs classification wise, and fit your staffing parameters, involves yourself with millions and millions, actually in this county billions, over the life cycle of the jail and operating costs, You need to put money and time and energy today in to jail planning. Not because you should building new jail beds tomorrow, but because tomorrow you may be called upon to build. You need to have a decision that is a good decision 11 '-' ...." politically, a good decision technically in place rather than have yourself yelling law and order accusation at one another in a public forum without really dealing with the practicalities, Deal with the practicalities now. I don't know when you are going to need new beds, in spite of the fact that we have projections in here that that suggest not for a while, and in spite of the fact that this report can cut the jail population by a third. I'll say it again; I think that this report can cut the jail population by a third, It isn't going to happen overnight. It isn't clear to me whether your growth and demand will over take that. It isn't clear to me when you'll need that. I am not a crystal ball. You should have a plan that is staff based, that is classification based, that talks about what new beds will be next. It also says don't occupy those new pods, or build new beds until you give this new plan chance, Otherwise, it will be $100,000 bucks thrown out the window, If you are willing to make this plan, as you are find your neighbors are, they are carrying this book around in Palm Beach County for 10 years after we did the study there. They implemented it as they went. They were carrying the book around in Orlando as I was visiting last week; they are still using it there on recommendation number 77. The idea is that this is along term deal. Counties around you have implemented work that we have done, and saved millions and millions of dollars. We have got to do this first and real quick now; implement this plan, Start thinking about the next building that you are going to build and later occupy those pods if you need them and start building . . . if you need them. The next one is perhaps the second biggest ticket item in the whole report, It says develop the strategic plan to integrate all your county and criminal justice system data bases. Now 20-25 years ago, counties that used computers to automate their criminal justice system, each worked on the county's main frame, including the courts and Sheriff, everybody but the local police departments. What's happened in the last 20-25 years, there has been a revolution in technology that client server kinds of systems have become so specialized that the courts can go out and by a wonderful piece of software just to manage the courts, The jail can go out and buy a wonderful piece of software just to manage 12 ~ ...., the jail. Your jail has a great system, and I am still getting data off that system just the day before yesterday, It is a wonderful system, Other agencies have done the same, They have brought what is called a record management system, or a case management system that is designed for their agency, The problem with that kind of progress is, it is like cotton in a drift, each agency smokestack data base becomes an island and it is unable to communicate with the next agency's data base, Even through each agency is better managed, the system as a whole is poorly managed, increasingly so because of the lack of integration, This isn't in your county, but in a North Carolina county they had entered the name of the defendant 134 times in one case. Doug Anderson ought to feast on this one: You have duplicate positions throughout this county, You have people looking at a computer screen of somebody else's data, and putting into their system, This data ought to come over here automatically; it ought to happen without a button, To have two computers not talking to each other causing extra positions is not good. You have to deal with this. My criticism is that you don't have a planning process in place or a plan, It isn't that you haven't already integrated all your data bases, because it is difficult and time consuming and challenging, Politics and turf get in the way. Without a plan you are dead in the water. A plan will save you millions and millions of dollars in duplicate data entry positions and in the mistake people make when they type off one screen to another, and in the clean up operations and whatever. Ideally, in vision the following: The police report written by the arresting officer becomes both the OR report, their record on the data, the prior record, the eligibility for release, the jail booking sheet. It will give you all the information you need to book that person in, and back fields itself if that person has been in the jail before. It will alert to gang membership and TB, That same form becomes the prosecutors' information or indictment form. That same form is available for the public defender with the basic information for starting a case, That same form goes into court as a docket sheet, etc, You do not want to have a bunch of separated 13 '-'" ...." islands drifting apart form each with the data that is the blood, along with money, of the criminal justice system, You must integrate these data bases, The secondary recommendations are important, and I am going to cover them, However, before we go on, I want to say something about the recommendations as a whole one more time, In addition to the list of primary ones I just covered, and the secondary ones, the report has another 50-60 that aren't even summaries in the action plan at the end because they are more esoteric or technical to individual agencies. They talk about improved risk assessments instruments at the post sentences stage, They talk about various little tricks with stuff; they talk about new grants. These that I am about to talk about have more system wide impact, and have therefore a little bit more play here today. How am I doing on time? Comm, Hutchinson: If I could just interrupt one time. If I could just ask the Board before you move onto the next stage, if there are any question on the primary recommendations, ,..,okay, go right ahead. Dr. Kalmanoff: Okay. Let's talk about "Weed and Seed," "Weed and Seed" is a federal grant program that has been in some of your cities here. It is credited with reducing crime and being very effective. It is also credited with volume demand to the jail. I don't want to get into the argument of whether it has reduced crime or not, or whether it has added to the demand of the jail. I think it is important that you see that you have a program that is run by the police that isn't necessarily coordinated county wide with the second part,.,the Seed part. The Weed part is currently okay. However, the Seed part isn't happening, It is supposed to be a high impact law enforcement program aimed at a high crime area. It has happened and lots of arrests have been made, but it is also supposed to provide new resources into that high crime area to turn it around. This is not happening. Our suggestion to you is because there are a lot of people in the county who would privately say this is not really weeding. This is kind of like cutting grass for extra money. When you take a look at the "Weed and Seed" program and establish for yourselves objectively in an impact 14 '-' ..., evaluation that it is having an impact on crime, I don't know the impact on the good feelings of people who see more cops or the good feelings of people who got the grant who the good feelings of people that sit on the committee. I think the question needs to be, "is crime reduced because of this program? What are the numbers?" This has been a problem around the country, An awful lot of counties have the "Weed and Seed" program, and they tend to create lot of activity around the front in to the system; but there are serious questions about the impact of the program on crime, There is also the problem of not doing the second part of it , . , the seeding part, Adopt uniform procedures for the city, early pre-trial conferences, motions forward trial days, granting tracking continuances, This is a big gaggle of small concepts that have to do with the courthouse culture. It has to do with the way cases get resolved, Remember, if you will, the overwhelming majority criminal cases end up being resolved thru a plea bargain, The accused pleads guilty for a particular crime and to a particular punishment and the case is settled without a trial. Obviously, if 95%-97% of all criminal cases are going to be resolved through plea bargain, you can assume that the earlier that you are able to achieve that plea bargain the fewer jail bed days would be spent at pre-trail and the longer somebody would spend time on sentence or state prison or wherever they are going. Therefore, these recommendations suggest that consistently staging pre- trial conferences early, getting the parties together kind of like you do two kids who are fighting, and sitting them down and getting this deal resolved early is a very advantageous court policy and will improve the use of the jail and everybody else's time. This same rational has to do with continuances, It is always a difficult cultural issue in the courthouse to say no, you are going to trial or you are going to do this motion even if the attorney says that they are not ready. Courtesy and culture suggest that people get continuances. The judges do a real good job one at a time tiring make these calls, I will suggest that they have a little bit more of an overriding policy in keeping track, It is always helpful to count. When you start counting, continuances go down, When you start counting, those 15 '-' ..., that ask for the most ask for a few less. It is good to count. Of course, this business about doing it early, doing it as early as you can, goes to the issue of meeting with the public defenders clients as early as possible so plea bargains could be arranged as early as possible. Now we go on from there to a general recommendation that says to use pre-trial and post sentence risk assessment instruments more through out your system, Currently a lot of different places, and I am not going to bore you with the details, people are broadening, are putting in programs, are put in a situation of badness and goodness, How much of a risk is this person is basically the decision, That decision, it has now been effectively demonstrated nationally, can best be made by a tailored validated risk assessment instrument that has some science behind it. That says 99% of the time somebody wearing a gray suit with a tie, etc, , .it gives you points for certain things, It helps makes these decisions relatively consistent. It's a mistake that points alone should make a judges decision; it is just the opposite, It shouldn't make anybody's decision. These risk assessments should all have an override for the discretion of the officer. We don't want to say that "thou shalt cite all misdemeanors;" we want to say "thou shalt cite all misdemeanors who are eligible to hear, or use officer discretion." You should be able, if you see fit, to have your supervisor come sign and take them in. We aren't trying to take the discretion way from the decision makers, but rather create a little bit more of a rational parameter of objectivity around these intake and continuation decisions that tend to cost a lot of time in the criminal justice system. Use instruments. Be able to override them, but use them. There is a recommendation in here that says that jail docket hearing should be occurring more frequently so that people who are eligible to get out can get out earlier. There is one that says the Chief Judge's role should be expanded to manage Differentiated Case Management business and the changes in the court around criminal cases. There is a recommendation that an old and very successful fast track program be reinstituted, which is already being 16 ~ "'II done, Those cases that can be identified as speedy, get identified early, and sped though. Again, we want to reduce the average length of stay where ever we can, There is a recommendation about a more regular video courtroom at the jail. There is another recommendation about releasing detainees on OR if a certain deadline is passed by the prosecutor. There is one about creating misdemeanor mediation programs, the light weight misdemeanors to keep them out of court all together, There recommendations about drugs and a drug courts that are very important. One: you have a drug court that is somewhat immature compared to the drug court that I am used to looking at, and so it hasn't yet done as good a job as I think it should about saying these are the people best suited to drug court. They'll do the best. Instead of saying, y'all come because you will all do okay, because some people will do fine in drug court but they will also do fine in regular court, Those folks should not go to drug court, Drug court is like eating out at an expensive restaurant. It is worth it for those people who wouldn't do well anywhere else, It is not worth for it those people who would do well everywhere else, You can't let those courts be creamed. The way to do that again is with the risk assessment instrument national best practice. I'll give you some hints about how to do this, and at the same time you need more drug programs through out your county, in the jail for the inmates and outside the jail in ways that judges can sentence people to a program and feel secure about that program's security and program, You have a big drug problem in this county and a big mental health problem in the county, As I said earlier, it is a weakness in this study that we didn't give you the exact numbers on mental health. We sure did tell you 78% of your folks are involved with drugs, You have a drug problem in the jail. You got to have better drug programs and spend more money on them in the community, There is a recommendation in here about training police officers to do a better job at the charging of their arrest so that there is a little bit less overcharging and a lot less cases that have to be dropped later by the State 17 '-' """'" Attorney, or take time to play or drop, It all has to do with training, There's a bunch of recommendations in here about the Public Defender's bond practice, and speedy trial practice, and just doing things more quickly and more timely manner. There is an every important recommendation that I don't know that you aren't going to like, particularly Doug, about setting up a new department called Community Corrections, I believe that although the court should manage pre- trial, setup a county department that marks the level of maturity and growth that your county has arrived at that can oversee electronic monitoring of community service and work programs, that can oversee reentry program and data". Of course, it needs to be managed, grant funded, county funded coordinated, It is not something that you want to have scattered all around the county. You want to have it under one person, It is in the end on alternative to jail. Almost every big county I go to, your size and bigger, has something like this. Sometimes probation runs it, sometimes it is run privately, There are arguments that y'all may want to get into about how to deliver it, but somewhere a consolidated place where the whole range of sanctions other than jail is administered, You don't have those sanctions now, hardly any, That is one of the reasons why your jail is under such pressure because you do need a lot of alternatives if you expect to not be putting people in jail. I am going to try to wrap up here, I do have a line in here about setting a cap on your jail and administering that cap with a release mechanism, This is very common nationally, Say the jail gets to 1,200, the 1 ,201st person goes out when someone new comes in, You have a skew for the light weight person with the least number of days, or you want to establish some conditions, or change their relationship to pre-trial. Whatever it takes so the jail doesn't go over a certain level. This goes along with a number of recommendations I have made about the jail in terms of taking a slightly more active role and managing its own crowding. I don't think I can say enough about classification, I'll just finish with that. The jail is in the middle of re-classifying folks. It has a new system in place. It is 18 ..... 'tJ doing a lot better job, 53% of the folks in the jail are minimum security. You don't have a single minimum security bed in the county, Now, there are some comments made in the books saying that you have these dorms, Those dorms are minimum security; they are max or medium, They are inside a doubled parameter. What you need to do is start thinking about minimum security jail beds for the very, very light weight offenders that this community may continue to want to pay for to house in jail. Those that may not be eligible for varies programs or alternatives, Such a facility you might envision could be an abandon motel. It could be a hotel/motel type construction, It could be run by a private security guard. It could be very low staff, very light weight, very inexpensive, but still a loss of liberty, The door slams, and you take care of the need that currently isn't being met, except in a greatly overpriced and expensive way, SO.. ,what to do? We have a Public Safety Coordinating Council meeting coming up. I think that your Board should resolve that the public safety create an executive group, called a Public Safety Coordinating Council. I think that you should resolve that Doug hire a coordinator for that group or for y'all, I think you should jump right in and do a whole bunch of program planning and policy planning activities, I have already told you Orange County took 8 years to implement our report, Hillsborough worked faster, but then abandoned it after 3-4 years. Leon had a mixed approach. Palm Beach County did a lot with this report. This report was actually commissioned not but the county board but by the economic council which consists of the most powerful business people in the county, They commissioned the report. In any event, the county took it over when the report was one, and implemented most of it. It took them a long time, think you should look at this as a decade in terms of getting all 80 so recommendations in place, However, there are about 2 dozen that I would not let the sun set on, I get right after them, I am more than happy to answer questions and elaborate. I think I have talked too much already, I will say again I have enjoyed the study and have been very ell treated by everybody, Respectfully Submitted, Alexandra Bryant 19 ~ ...." June 14, 2005 Honorable Mayor Robert Minsky and PSL Council members Dear Mayor Minsky: I would like to address two important matters that arose at the May 2,2005, special meeting of the Port St. Lucie City Council and St. Lucie County Board of Commissioners. I attended the meeting. First, I would like to clarify the role of the St. Lucie County Sheriffs Office within the City of Port St. Lucie. By Florida statute, a Sheriff's Office must patrol within a city even if there is a city police department. Currently, the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office maintains four patrol zones that cover the City of Port St. Lucie. Two of these zones also include portions of unincorporated St. Lucie County. However, all four patrol zones have deputies who are readily available 24 hours a day for rapid response within the City of Port St. Lucie. At the request of City Manager Don Cooper, the Sheriff's Office has instituted marine patrols within the North Fork of the St. Lucie River within the City of Port St. Lucie. At any time, the Sheriff's Office bomb squad, K-9 unit and aviation units stand ready to assist Port St. Lucie Police Department. In addition to the presence of Uniform Patrol services within the City of Port St. Lucie, the Sheriff's Office Civil Process Unit, Criminal Arrest Warrant Unit and Special Investigations Unit (which investigates short and long-term vice cases including narcotics, prostitution and illegal gambling) are active within the city, Within the past month alone, members of the Sheriffs Office Special Investigations Unit shut down three marijuana "grow houses" in the City of Port St. Lucie, arrested four men and seized 401 marijuana plants. Undoubtedly, the marijuana under cultivation was intended for locations throughout the region and the State of Florida, as well as within Port St. Lucie. Crime of this nature does not respect urban boundaries. As Sheriff, my mission has been and always will be to continue Sheriff's Office patrol services and a comprehensive law enforcement presence within the City of Port St. Lucie (and the rest of St. Lucie County) to ensure the safety of its residents, The second matter I wish to address is the City Council's move to terminate its agreement with St. Lucie County to collect new building impact fees, That decision may have important implications for the safety of the public. / '-' ..."" The St. Lucie County Public Buildings Impact Fee is used to pay for capital improvements or land acquisition related to the County's public building needs, Sixty seven percent (two-thirds) of the total collected Public Building Impact fees are used for debt service for the current county jail expansion project and funding reserves for future jail expansion, Even though a majority of county jail inmates are not residents of Port St. Lucie, it is important to recognize that public safety is the result of a collaborative effort of all the law enforcement entities within our county. I submit to you that the collaborative, committed and continued efforts of Port St. Lucie Police Chief John Skinner, Fort Pierce Police Chief Eugene Savage and myself have played a key role in keeping Port St. Lucie and its residents safe. The fact that we have a jail to house people who victimize city and county residents is a key factor in maintaining public safety within our community, Another aspect of this collaborative effort takes place with the prosecution of those arrested. The Clerk of the Court, the State Attorney's Office and Public Defender's Office all playa vital role in resolving criminal matters. As you know, a large portion of the collected Public Building Impact fees go toward the capital improvements for these entities. In my opinion, if the City of Port St. Lucie declines to collect the Public Building Impact fee, one result would severely hamper the effective accomplishment of government's top priority, which is maintaining public safety. Therefore, I respectfully request that the City Council reconsider its position to terminate the collection of the St. Lucie County Public Building Impact fee. In my opinion, an expeditious resolution of this matter would be to add the Public Building Impact fee to the current law enforcement impact fee. In doing so, you will ensure a continued governmental commitment to provide a safe environment for all community residents to make a living, raise their families, and enjoy our beautiful surroundings, As always, my staff and I remain available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Sincerely, Ken 1. Mascara Sheriff of St. Lucie County " '-' _'~U~<~ ~,,~u,,_<^<, , ~:-~(,'~''''''~U~ '~'~'~'~""~"~;~~ ':,,' ~" Uj :" u", '~, . .. ." . 2005-06 Budget Overview 81. Lucie County Doug Anderson, County Administrator July 5, 2005 MILLAGE RATES Fund General Fund Fine & Forfeiture Total General and F&F 1992 3.4438 4.3393 7.7831 Current 4.1248 3.3178 7.4426 Financial Recovery . We have a Financial Deficit at this time of $12,980,107 prior to increasing Emergency Reserves to the new Recommended Level. . The $8,400,000 in Emergency Reserves needs to be increased to $12,826,899 based upon a survey of Local Governments. '.,I FY06 Budget Summary · The balancing of the proposed 2005-2006 budget has been difficult · Primary reasons were hurricanes' recovery, growth, increased costs, unfunded mandates, and inflation, · The budgets in the General Fund and Fine and Forfeiture Fund were balanced with an estimated property val ue increase of 13% and 18% respectively. Final property values came in greater which will provide dollars towards the emergency reserves and financial recovery, · Growth Does Not Pay Far Itself ~ 81. Lucie County Hurricane Reimbursement Update As of 6/13/2005 · Total Estimated Damage · Total Estimated Reimbursement · Total Estimated County Liability · County Reserves · Total Shortfall/Deficit $121,398,140 $108,418,033 $12,980,107 $8,400,000 $4,580,107 Financial Recovery . Emergency Reserves prior to Hurricanes $8,400,000. Recommended Increase $4,426,899 Total recommended Emergency Reserve *(5% of Operating Budget) 1 '-" Financial Recovery · Financial Deficit · Recommended Increase In Emergency Reserves $12,980,107 $4,426,899 · Total Financial Goal $17,407,006 Scenario . Years needed at 23% increased property value to achieve financial goal. /,/''---''--O'',,) . Financial Goal I ;/ 10% (amount over 13%) =3.1 Years / . ' //' .. 1 % Increase in Property Value Fund General Fund Fine & Forfeiture 1 % Increase $556,707 $447,785 ..", Financial Recovery Balanced Budget with a 13% Property Value Increase. Property values estimated increase is 23% or 10% greater than bud~ted revenues. . ,.10% = ~74 Additional General Fund Revenues . ~ = $~ Additional Fine & r iture Revenues j).z~92-y te~ i .~«Tn property values equals $556,70 for th neral Fund, $447,785 for the Fine & Forfeiture Fund. Scenario · Last Year we lowered Fine & Forfeiture millage rate by .1368 mills or $1,846,334. · .1000 mils = $1,660,081 , . Adjustments · County Reserve 2nd Jail Pod · Clerk of Court Building · Walton Road Complex (2nd Floor) · Hurricane Debt interest payment and Misc. expo Total Adjustments: $1,400,000 $710,442 $300,000 $710,000 $3,120,442 ~.ß ~tI r f r~ ~.rV ,) ~ i:lJ '¡# ! 11 l' J)/ ~. pO (?b'~ l' ~ /lI, ~ (fl 2 '-' 23% Increase Property Values Fuod Budgeted Financial TotalE't. Recovery General $7,947,264 $4,857,125 $12,804,389 Fund Fine & $8,350, 125 $1,948.924 $10.299.049 Forfeiture Erosion $175,467 $134,955 $310.422 Mosquito $658,333 $182,870 $841.203 Control Total 517,131,189 57,123,874 $24,255,063 Fine & Forfeiture Budget · Effective 07/01/05, counties are required to fund the cost of Juvenile Detention care for Juveniles who reside in the county. The budget includes $1,883,280 for this pUlpose. · Also budgeted $500,000 for Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC) Booking Pilot Program for case management. Corrections (Jail Pods) · The first of the new jail pods will come on line August 1,2005. · A second new jail pod is scheduled to be completed on September 1,2005. · The estimated 2005/2006 operating cost for the second jail pod is $2,521,113. · Recommend establishing 6 month county reserves of$I,400,000 to go towards funding the second jail pod. I V~~ J. - p,:::,"1/, " "3 I Ý þÍJ, ~ t/¿) ....,r1.,J /1," "3 ....", County Operating Departments, Constitutional Officers, & Outside Agencies' Budgets 2005 2006 200; Percent Budget ~ Recornm. Change BOCC Ad Valorem $76.104,141 $81,190.817 $81,190,817 6,7% Clerk of Circuit Ct.. 3,600,612 1,935,226 1,935,226 -46.3% Supervisor of Flections 2,227,695 2,787.863 2,787,863 25J% Sheriff 45,368,709 53.524,578 53,524,578 18.0% Tax Collector. 4,733,266 . 5,567,362 176% Property Apprniser 3,548,670 3,833.619 3.833,619 7.5% Enterprise & Non~Ad Valorem 42,572,455 50,037,979 50,037,979 175% Outside Agencies 2,422,423 2.493,580 2,493,580 2.9% Tax Collector's Budget is not due until August. The budgeted amount for 2006 is an estimate based on commissions, and not a request fium the Tax Collector. .. Clerk of Circuit Court 46.3% budget reduction is because the Clerk did not submit a budget for the non-court related budgets only Clerk to the Board (Finance). These are now budgeted out of excess fees. Law Enforcement Budget 2005 Budoet 2,285,290 24,790,419 18293000 545,368,709 2006 Requested 2,654,435 29,624.917 20977541 553,256,893 Percent Chao.. 16.2% 19.5% 14,7% 17.4%. *Estimated Budget Impact - $7,888,184 over FYOS or 17.40.10 General Fund Reserves . Recommend $1,000,000. . Same as past 5 years' budgets. · Emergency Reserves budgeted at $2,783,537. · Budgeted $1,600,000 to Employee Salary Adjustment which includes Salary Study. Contingency $ 1,000,000 Emergency Reserves $ 2,783,537 Salary Adjustments $ 1.600,000 TOTAL $5,383,537 · Estimated Budget Impact - $5,383,537 3 '-' Payments to Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRAs) · Tax Refunds to Port St. Lucie CRA 2004 2005 2006 Proposed $259,601 $466,271 $675,000 $223,511 $415,815 $483,112 $882,086 Estimated Budget Impact, PSL- $342,914 $550,000 $1,225,000 Property Value Increase vs CRAs . Property value/Ad Valorem Revenues went up 23%, however, we had to reduce the revenues by 1.1 % due to the Revenue Refunds to the CRAs. Non-Mandated Outside Agency Requests 2005 2006 Budget Requested Healthy Start 57,600 57,600 211 Info. Crisis Srvs 11,392 15,000 ARC ofSLC 43,714 68,000 CouncilonAging* 155,763 186,100 New Horizons' 648,010 680,411 TC Homeless Srvs 25,000 25,000 Executive Rd Table 25.000 25.000 TOTAL $966,479 $1,057,111 · Estimated Budget Impact - $90,632 *Does not include MSTU 2006 Recomm 57,600 15,000 68,000 186,100 680,411 25,000 25.000 $1,057,111 .."", Payments to Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRAs) 2004 2005 2006 Proposed $1.150,000 $288.679 $703,851 $248,547 $576,065 $900,000 537,226 $1,279,916 $2,050,000 .Estimated Budget Impact, FP-$770,084 . Total 2006 Return to CRAs-$3 275 000 Lobbyist · $115,000 budgeted in the Administration, Solid Waste and Economic Development Departments' for lobbying efforts in Tallahassee for the past three years. · Recommending $115,000 again this year. · Estimated Budget Impact - $-0- Economic Development Council · Recommended budget $75,000. · For the past four years, the County has contributed $100,000. · The Economic Development Council requested $100,000. · Estimated Budget Impact - ($25,000) 4 '-" Health Department Budget · Requested a decrease of $20,000 ITom last year's budget of$I,046,500. · Recommend $1,026,500 for 2005-2006. . Estimated Budget Impact - ($20,000) New Positions · ~ · AdmbU.trlltion · IT · Human Rei · Central Srvl Comm. Srvl Cty E:s.t. OfTke Cultural Atraln Growth Mgm MOIquito Control P.rkI & Ree. Airport Puhlic Safety Public Worlu Total New POlldona ~ , 3 .63 3 t I 3 6 US .6."9 t 3.S l.L.!1 53.67 Current FT - 8S6 Current PT - 79 Increased Costs 'OIlS '0" Total Inc:reue % Cho...e CRAS $2,162,002 $3,275,000 1,112,998 51.5% Health 1m.· $8,804,301 511,451,551 2.647,250 30.0% Retirement·· 52,475,090 53,527.436 1,052,346 8.9"10 Salary AdJJSurvey $1,222,776 $3,297.800 2,075,024 169.7% Clerk. of Court 0 710,442 710,442 lO(lO% BuIld"'" Fuel Cod Increa.e $861,140 $1,013,610 152,470 17.7% Total $15,525,309 $23,275,839 $7,750,530 49.9"/0 ·15% increase rate & mcrease In positions. ··9 months budget at state approved rate and 3 months budget at estimated rate for next year. ..", Health Insurance Plan · County's health insurance program increased 15% plus Adjustment to aggregate and reinsurance premiums. · Insurance cost is $11,128,351 or an increase of $2,248,641. · Estimated Budget Impact - $2,248,641 UnfundedlUnderfunded CIP Projects Project Estimated Funded UnfundedlUnderfunde Cost d Special Need, 55,000,000 52,500,00 52,500,000 Shelter" 0 Emergency 56,000,000 0 56,000,000 Operation Center" Parks & Rec. 53,000,000 0 53.000,000 Admin. Building *These estimates asswne that these facilities are constructed at the County Fairgrounds, Transportation Trust · Need a new revenue source to fund future operations. · Projects were moved to later~ars in order to fund operations in FY06-l. - · Will update the Board at Strategic Planning on suggestions for future funding of operations. 5 - ~ ..." THE END 6 ; '. .~ .. /~, ~v/ (A~ ~ ~ ~ I' \ Ú St. Lucie County, Florida Citizens' Budget Committee Agenda Friday, November 19,2004 7:30 a.m" Conference Room # 3 St, Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex Convene meeting Roll Call, announcements Minutes /1 l1¿~ /' ,-I ) L~--) I ~ / j <' ;v'" I Hurricanes Frances & Jeanne update ~./ 0 . 0 t::J 1, County's Financial Exposure - 0 / Þ é> (.), () 2, Vegetation Pickup Reimbursement - Gated/Private Communiti~ ;è- '7 I olJ~poo _ ,no ~ /"I#" .e--.....~ 60u ~ elk'· ,,/.-,,€<"I ;, ¡4iÞ? - ,¡.../t¢J~ ~. Emergency Reserves and Lines of Credit f(èfO(),OD4JJ/ /f -¿.",..,....> .. ..,. y/'" 3. " 4, Insurance Reimbursement/FEMA Responsibility.- p~, ;¿J (),. (;)0" . 0-' J 1 S/t>~ PI ~~o ~t/¿- ~~ "2?7,. pUvJ/f/" I) pèjÇ¡~ ~_. Special Needs3Þe1ter/~mergency Operations Center~ ~¡f: ß( t,,.;J/ r,/"l, - H' þ97. . t / .... ~ h,- (::)"..vJ Tourist Tax - Loss of Hotel/Motel Rpoms ~ £,-/v j1;:k" . 5/Pf C-;) / - -A..~ , p,~ =- / ~~CJ /' ,a . ~ (A)¡,) ¿.,-v ð[Þ' Stra egic Planning Session - Hurricane Disaster Recovery Plan, Future Weather Trends, and Future Budget Impacts - February 17, 2005 @ IRCC/Schreiber Conference Center, Port St. Lucie, 5, 6. 7. Adjournment Next CBC meeting: Decembe~n..l , 004. (.to be discussed) ... ~. ~:Jh...~ ¡b! , ( ....... ~ '-' ....." Draft ~ CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMIT'l'EE Meeting Date: October 29, 2004 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: David F. Samuel, Kenny Hogan, Ron Parrish, Mark Taynton, William "Bill"Casey, John Knapp, Debbie Hawley, Edward Lounds, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick, Troy Ingersoll and Carl Hensley. MEMBERS ABSENT: Paul Young, Sylvie Kramer, Steven Messer, and Linda Bartz. OTHERS PRESENT: Ray Wazny, Faye Outlaw, Marie Gouin and Doug Anderson. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; Doug introduced Faye Outlaw, who has been hired for the new Assistant County Administrator recently created and he stated she would cover a couple of the items to be discussed at this meeting. Faye was hired from the City of Fort Lauderdale, where she was the acting Director of Community & Economic Development for about 6 years. Before that she had worked for the City of West Palm Beach in a similar capacity for about 12 years. Ed Lounds announced this would be the last CBC meeting he would attend as a member. The commissioner he represents (Barnes) is not running for reelection. Ed expressed the great satisfaction he has had from serving in this committee. He stated The CBC has come a long way sir.ce it was established and wished the best to evelyone. Committee members and staff expressed their regret to see him part with the committee. MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the August 20,2004 meeting, Ed moved for approval and Ron seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. HURRICANES FRANCES AND JEANNE County's Financial Exposures Doug poin ted ou t memo attached to the meeting packet which includes a list of the properties damaged by Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne. He also brought map of the County where he has identified the location of each damaged property and has also marked them with numbers matching the list, to follow up the recovelY as closely as possible. Emere:encv Reserves and Lines of Credit Doug also spoke about the funds available for Hurricane recovery, which include several lines of credit (please refer to meeting packet for details). Insurance and FEMA Reimbursement Responsibility Faye explained the reimbursement process and how much the insura."1ce will cover (after the deductible), what FEMA will cover (they consider themselves a funding of last resort) and how much of the costs will be payed by the State and/ or each of the municipalities (the County), She also spoke of several percentage increases authorized by the President and the Governor of Florida, as "'" '-' (CBC) CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE SCHEDULE FOR MEETINGS YEAR 2005 1/ 21/ 2005 2/ 18/ 2005 3/ 1 8/ 2005 4/ 15/ 2005 5/ 20/ 2005 6/ 17/ 2005 7/ 15/ 2005 8/ 19/ 2005 9/ 16/ 2005 1 0/ 21/ 2005 11/ 18/ 2005 12/ 16/ 2005 Note: Meetings time /dates /place: 7:30 A.M,/Third Friday at month/ Cant. Room # 3 ·' ...ð1 . '-" . Iv' >"t - / ."'" .' :> ¿.....41- J ,,--,.,.,.,é d/-J, ~"'7 ,/.}.I ./ " _ I~" , ~I 4,,¿J6¿/ I/~ 0 'I {> :2Þ?.-,ð~ ..., µloJ II/I ?/I" A. c",v C· I:/. vJ, (. .. {LA'" fJl" 'b f'/' COUNTY ADMINISTRATION MEMORANDUM 04-04 TO: Douglas M. Anderson, County Administrator FROM: Faye Outlaw, Assistant County Admiaistratõn-~ ~ DATE: November 19, 2004 RE: Hurricanes Exposure and Liability Attached is an updated damage report from Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne. The County's current estimated loss including building, content, revenue and other costs is $101,381,482. Of that amount, the potential liability to the County is $10,926,843, This includes $7,095,992 in change orders from the Indian River Drive project, $2,100,000 in debris removal from private roads/gated communities, the 5% local cost share of $1,527,045 and some incidental costs. To date, hurricane insurance claims have been submitted for a total of $22,962,862. We have received one insurance payment of $3,000,000 at this point and expect another $3,000,000 payment in the next two weeks, FEMA has signed off on the first batch of project worksheets for a total of $2,900,000. The second batch of project worksheets is currently being reviewed for a total of $4,600,000 and should be signed off by FEMA within the next two weeks. FEMA expects the reimbursement turn-around-time to be a minimum of six to eight weeks. In addition to our Self-insurance Company and FEMA, we will also receive reimbursements from the State, the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration. FO Attachment " 'w ~ Total Estimated County Exposure as of 11/18/04: $101,381,483 Projected County Reimbursement: · Self Insurance Company · FE11A · State · Other $ 15,471,305 $ 30,193,701 $ 1,613,440 $ 43.176.194* $ 90,454,640 Projected County Liability $7,095,992 from Indian River Drive $2,100,000 debris removal from private roads $1,527,0455% local cost share $ 10,926,843 * Federal Highway Administration, Federal Aviation Administration ~ êl~l~ 21~ I...·~ ~. ~c If ~ ~IEI~ ,,3: Iz :; I~ " :t> ~. mlolP'!~ ¡': ~!: 5~ Ie ;U I m ~ ~ '::-1 :=: ~. ...J I (/) [J) v 1 I» j ¡ ~...... .. ~ r)~ ~! !º ,- ~ ~I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ... ...J¡cr;,::; ;;;:¡ '-'i:3í OJ I ¡ "5 »~I~ - - ~ XI :J1 .....~. ~ . !5;l! ~~~J1I~ §~ :5 ::; ..-_ :..... ""'I'f., o ~ g - ~ I~ ;2 5@ ¡~ 10 W ,., ..... r\.:> I..... __1,_ 'k .~~= ~ g g :¡~¡~i~!~I~I'~iil ~ªLª~ð5Õ i~ ..... I....,¡ ;: ~'l! ~ ~....,¡ ,J ~~ g ìd)~ ¡ ~ _ 0'1 o~ ~ i~ ¡ ! ~ !~' I,~ ~1' 1 ..... (0..... ! 1.....··>.1"!'I :::::> ::I) .t>. .;;;,¡ ..... . 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County's Financial Exposures 2, Emergency Reserves and Lines of Credit 3, Insurance Reimbursement Responsibility It 1II0w;L ~r/.L :1. ~ k~J .J ~ ~ I- ~~. 4, FEMA Reimbursement Responsibility 5. Special Legislation Legislative Requests 6, Special Needs Shelter/Emergency Operations Center 7. Tourist Tax - Loss of Hotel/Motel Rooms 8. December meeting - reschedule to December 10,2004, Adjournment Next CBC meeting: NovembeÇ, ~~ ~ I ~. { ~\V I (' . '\ 1'"1 I ~ ~f1 V II \ \ I'. VI \~ t~\ ¡ ·tR:)m~'r,T t ,OC~_2_ ~~~O~; lOG,):. f\DMitt OFFICE '-' ....., St. Lucie County, Florida Citizens' Budget Committee Agenda Friday, October 29,2004 7:30 a.m., Conference Room # 3 St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex Convene meeting Roll Call, announcements Minutes Hurricanes Frances & Jeanne update 1. County's Financial Exposure 2, Emergency Reserves and Lines of Credit 3. Insurance Reimbursement Responsibility 4. FEMA Reimbursement Responsibility 5, Special Legislation Legislative Requests 6. Special Needs Shelter/Emergency Operations Center 7. Tourist Tax - Loss of Hotel/ Motel Rooms Adjournment Next CBC meeting: November 19, 2004 ...."" '-' Draft CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: August 20, 2004 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Parrish, Mark Taynton, William "Bill"Casey, John Knapp, Debbie Hawley, Edward Lounds, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick, Carl Hensley, Linda Bartz, Steven Messer. MEMBERS ABSENT: David F. Samuel, Kenny Hogan, Paul Young, Sylvie Kramer, Troy Ingersoll. OTHERS PRESENT: Jennifer Hill and Doug Anderson. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; Doug announced staff was going to have a meeting at St. Lucie West (at the Schreiber Conference Center at IRCC/FAU St. Lucie West Campus ), the next day (Saturday), to discuss site plan design concepts for the Research Education Park. Several local political leaders, top people of the University of Florida and other personalities are invited to attend. MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the June 18, 2004 meeting, Carl moved for approval and Linda seconded the motion. AU members present voted in favor and the motion passed. Regarding the July 2,2004 minu tes, staff clarified that under" Jail costs and Overruns", paragraph 3 should read "...to date, the Board of County Commissioners has approved $20.5 MM..... Debbie requested clarification in paragraph 1 under "Capital cost to construct a low-tech housing Facility..." Phrase should read "Staffs recommendation is option #1 (metal building, at a cost of $216,000 each - excludinJ;!; aÌ1' conditioning), two buildings...". Staff took note of the corrections. There being no further corrections to the minutes for the July 2,2004 meeting, Linda moved for approval and Ron seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. Update on CBC's recommendation re2ardine: Sherift's issues Doug pointed out exhibit A in the agenda packet (please refer to August 20, 2004 agenda packet for details) and went over the decisions the BOCC had made to date regarding the SLC Jail overcrowding. Committee members and staff discussed different aspects and possibilities to reduce jail costs based on the decisions the BOCC made. CBC members also expressed their concern for the need to begin planning for a new jail (an additional jail facility to meet the inmate population growth), not to fall behind again in terms of capacity. Mi11a2e Rates Doug referred to exhibit B in the agenda packet and explained the proposed millage rates for the next Fiscal Year. Committee members expressed their concern of the impact of lowering the millage rates and the impact it would have on the County's budget. Recent accomplishments Doug referred to exhibit C in the agenda packet, which is a list of projects, goals and objectives we are proud to have completed and we tend to forget about because we are focused on the ones ahead. "" -.., 'wi Members discussed the possibility of having future CBC meetings at some of the sites mentioned in the list. After discussing several projects, members agreed to meet at the Research Center in the near future. Hurricane Hazard As the projects were discussed, Doug mentioned a few staff members had gone to the Florida West Coast to observe the impact that Hurricane Charlie had on those communities. He stated they had taken pictures and put together a presentation for the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners to make them aware of the possible consequences a hurricane would have in our community if it were to hit here. Committee members and staff discussed some of the emergency procedures staff would follow in the event of a hurricane. NEXT MEETING The next CBC regular meeting is scheduled to be held on Friday, September 17, 2004 at 7:30 a.m., at the research Education Park (Note: this meeting was canceled). Topics to be discussed will include County's Contingency, Reselves and Emergency Funds levels. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, SecretalY William "Bill" Casey, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Mecling August 20, 2004 H\O SecretarylO OMBICBCIMin\08 20,wpd page 2 '-" ..." COUNTY ADMINISTRATION MEMORANDUM 04-197 TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Douglas M. Anderson, County Administrator DATE: October 15, 2004 RE: Hurricane Jeanne Status Report Attached are Hurricane Jeanne Status Reports from each County Division. A summary of Hurricane Frances and Hurricane Jeanne estimated costs are provided below: Unincorporated Private Facilities (Preliminary Estimate) (Homes, commercial, and industrial buildings) Frances ($ Millions) 740 Jeanne ($ Millions) 461 Total ($ Millions) 1201 Unincorporated Public Facilities (Preliminary Estimate) (Infrastructure, parks, public buildings, etc.) 28 39 67 Debris Unincorporated County Cost (Preliminary Estimate) 12 8 20 County Personnel Cost (Actual Costs Through Oct. 11) Total 0.9 780.9 0.6 508.6 1,5 1289.5 Completion dates for major damaged areas in the County are not substantially changed from the September 20,2004 Hurricane Frances Status Report. Response time during Hurricane Jeanne substantially improved from Hurricane Frances, Food, water, and ice distribution began the day after hurricane force winds subsided, This was accomplished by pre-designating distribution sites, allocating county/city forklifts to the sites, and staffing these sites with county/city employees. " ..., ..., Hurricane Jeanne Status Report October 15, 2004 Page 2 Special needs citizens were transported to Palm Beach because the County Civic Center was damaged. Prior to Hurricane Jeanne buildings at the Fairground were provided with generators so that they could be used as housing after the event. In addition to housing law enforcement and military personnel, the fairground buildings were used as shelters until October 14,2004. Providing temporary housing for citizens with destroyed/damaged homes continues to be a difficult process, primarily due to the time to obtain FEMA approval for placement of the mobile homes, To date 269 RV's/mobile homes have been distributed to County residents and approximately 1100 have been staged at the Airport, Debris removal countywide is approximately 40% complete, and conclusion of our debris removal efforts is expected in November, Debris that has been staged at the Airport and Fairground will be disposed of through land application of chipped vegetation material, air curtain incineration of debris, and removal to the Okeechobee landfill of construction debris. . It is expected that staff will be in the process of administering FEMAllnsurance claims and completing repairs to damaged buildings and infrastructure for the next 18 months. Although public buildings and infrastructure repair will be a priority over new development, Growth Management will continue to accept and review plan submittals. Hurricane Jeanne had a significant impact on St. Lucie County because of its Category 3 wind speed, North and South Hutchinson Islands were the most significantly impacted areas in the County. The most severely impacted buildings were mobile homes. Although complete structure failures did occur, these buildings were predominately mobile homes and older buildings. Buildings that were constructed post Hurricane Andrew typically suffered cladding and attachment damage rather than structural failure, These damages are outlined below in order of their frequency of occurrence: 1) Roofing material failure (shingles, hot mop, tile, and metal). 2) Aluminum screen rooms and carports (particularly susceptible to failure were typical gas station "pavilion" structures). 3) Exterior acc~ssories (fences, soffits, roof top cooling and mechanical units). 4) Window breakage (homeowners and business owners limited more extensive damage by boarding), The back-to-back Category 2/Category 3 Hurricane events we experienced clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of newer codes established after Hurricane Andrew. Structural failure was limited in newer buildings, It should be noted that St. Lucie County has held high "Level 3" rating from the Insurance Service Organization during the last 7 years for both residential and commercial buildings, -....I '-"' Hurricane Jeanne Status Reports October 15, 2004 Page 3 Recommendations to reduce property damage in future hurricane events include: 1) Seek federal legislation to exclude placement of mobile homes from "V" (velocity) wind zones in hurricane prone areas. Generally these are areas east of US 1 in St. Lucie County. 2) Work with the Florida Building Commission to strengthen the cladding/attachment provisions of the Florida Building Code, particularly with respect to roofing. It is noteworthy that St. Lucie County suffered no hurricane event related casualties during Hurricane Frances of Jeanne. We believe that strong public relations messages in all medias were effective in relaying the life safety risks to County residents. 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W or- ~ or- or- or- N N N N N N N N ., or- or- or- or- or- or- ~ or- or- ~ or- or- 0r- a t:t 0.. en t- en o (,) w z Z <C w ï C z <C en w 0.. (,) Z ~ LL W Z <C (,) æ a: ::> J: Doug Anderson, County Administrator Ray \Vazny, Assistant COlll1ty Administrator Dennis M. Grim, Code Compliance Manager / Building Official@ \ \ '-' TO: FROM: .., Public Works Code Compliance Division l\1emorandum \ SUBJECT: St Lucie County Damage Assessment to Housing Units DATE: October 7, 2004 St Lucie County Wide Damage Assessment Units I Minor to Uninhabitable Single Mobile i inspected ~ moderate with major Family Homes with damage I ~on-Structural structural inc1udes I damage damage condo units ¡ Unincorporated St Lucie 2963 \ 2501 462 201 261 County - City of Ft Pierce 2400* I 1500* 900 575 325 I City of Port St Lucie )1,061 \ 10,000 1061 890 171· St Lucie Village 250 ¡ 225 25 25 0 I Total 16,674 \ 14226 2448 1691 757 * Estimated totals The inspections that were made were immediately after the stonn, The number of uninhabitable units will continue to grow due to lack of proper roof protection and if units are not removed of water saturated carpet and furnishings, All inspections were made from the exterior of the building, '...." '-' Available Funds for Hurricane Recovery Emergency Reserves: 8,400,000 Line of Credits: SunTrust Bank of America Harbor Federal Total 20,000,000 ' 30,000,000. 10,000,000 . 60,000,000 . Total Available: 68,400,000 , .... ..., '-" . . _0 .__ ~.. . _.. _ m_._"_ .-~-'. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION ER5 ., T. ~eJel.E." ,~., '~..';" ,COUNT.·Y, ~"<, " F . L 0 R" Po. D~ 'r A"· ,~~:~... ';,1;.': ,~~'". f, -'"" . <fl..... .... '¡"p,",,' . COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR _.~ ,-_._~_..,.,~_...__._.,-. DOUGLAS M. ANDmSON October 21,2004 Senator Ken Pruitt 1850 SW Fountainview Blvd., Suite 200 Port St. Lucie, FL., 34986 Dear Senator Pruitt: The Board of County Commissioners, at their October 18th meeting, approved the following legislative issues to be submitted to the County's Legislative Delegation. These legislative issues are after action reports following Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne (see attached backup material). \ . All new Nursing Homes, Assisted Congregated Living Facilities and Dialysis Centers should be required by the State to have adequately sized electric generators installed before approval. These generators should have no less than a 72-hour supply of fuel. . The State should more strongly regulate the reintroduction of mobile homes to a storm-damaged area, Under current law, mobile homes built over 20 years ago can be moved into a storm-damaged area, Legislation should be enacted to prevent moving any pre-1994 mobile home into any coastal storm-damaged area. Also, construction of CBS homes should be permitted on the existing slabs where mobile homes have been destroyed with any State requirements being streamlined. The Board has authorized staff to advertise for a Public Hearing on November 18, 2004 for the Planning and Zoning Commission to consider the attached ordinance, · A regional Special Needs/Emergency Operations Facility, as proposed to the State, is required to efficiently manage a disaster. State funding is required to assist construction of this center (see attached letter to Governor Jeb Bush and Michael Brown, Undersecretary of Emergency Preparedness and Response. · Dialysis Units _ Dialysis Facilities should be required as part of their disaster plan to have a contract with a provider to deliver emergency water supplies as soon as a hurricane warning is posted for the southeast coast of Florida. · Adequately sized generators are needed immediately after a hurricane event to power up local grocery store chains. These should be pre-staged in protected areas. JOHN D, Df1.UHN. Dlsrricr No 1 . ë:CL'~ ::"·Af1.D D,¡rric ',: :2 . P,,-ULA A. LEWIS Dlstrlcr No. J . mANNIE HUTCHINSON. Dlstrlcr No 4 . CLIFF DAf1.NES. DISHIer No 5 ::>L~~. "-dmlnisrroror - Douglas 1.\, Ande>rson 2300 Virginia Avem;e . Fort Pierce FL 34982-5652 · Phone (772) 462-1450 · TOD (772) 462-1428 FAX (772) 462-1648 · email: douga@co.st-Iucie.fl.us web sire: www.co.sr-lucie.fLus ... ~ ..., Page 2 October 21,2004 Legislative Issues We ask that these issues be considered in future State Legislation. Doug" ~derson County Administrator DMAlab 04-128 c: Board of County Commissioners Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Faye Outlaw, Assistant County Administrator Dan Mcintyre, County Attorney Beth Ryder, Community Services Director Jack Southard, Public Safety Director Don West, Public Works Director Dennis Grim, Code Compliance Manager Mary Kay Cariseo, Executive Director, Florida Association of Counties Ronald L. Book, P.A., Lobbyist Jenny Lindell, Acting Director, SLC Health Department Terry Lewis, Esquire; Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A. Attachments \ ~ ..., .----~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DOUGLAS M. ANDEr-SON October 21, 2004 The Honorable Jeb Bush Office of the Governor The Capitol, Room 210 400 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL. 32399-0001 Dear Governor Bush: In 1999 it became clear to local officials that our special needs facility located at the St. Lucie County Civic Center was inadequate, outdated and structurally unsound. At the same time it became evident that the County's Emergency Operations Center located on Rock Road was too small to house, feed and sleep over 100 emergency workers, including 911 operators during an emergency event. In turn, the County took the following steps to address these needs: 1. Special Needs Shelter/Civic Center - The County invested $57,400 to tie the roof down to withstand a Category 2 hurricane in 1998. Then in 1999, the County invested an additional $60,700 to bring it to a Category 3 shelter. We realized that this action \-vas a temporary fix and that the Civic Center would have to be replaced in the future as a special needs shelter. , 2, EmerGency Operations Center/Rock Road - As mentioned above, the \ County needs a more modern and larger facility. The County decided the most cost-efficient way to address these two needs was to build a joint facility, The 40,000 square foot facility would house up to 500 special needs people and the emergency operations center would have dormitories, computer hookups, adequate showers etc" which would house approximately 120 workers, excluding 911 operators who would remain at Rock Road, The estimated cost for this joint facility is $11,000,000 as determined by a study prepared in 2002 by Architects Design Group. 3. Local StrateGU MitiGation List - These two facilities are included on the County's Local Strategy Mitigation List, JOHN D. DRUHN. Dis'-:- No, 1 . DOUG COWARD. DisrriCT No, 2 . PAULA A, LEWIS D S":' No J . FRA~;NIE HUTCHINSON. Dlmicr No 4 . CLIFF DAf\NES DIS'f;cr No.5 (auni.,. Adminlsrroror - :;:: _ ;-:;: ,'.\. Ande:,s::¡"I 2.300 Virginia Avenue · Forr Pierce, FL 34982-5652 · Phone (772) 462-1450 · TDD (772) 462-1428 FAX (772) 462-1648 · email: douga@co.sr-Iucie.fl.us web sire: www.co.sr-Iucie.fl.us ~ 'wi Page 2 October 21, 2004 Special Needs ShelterjEOC Facilities Since 2000 we have been requesting State-funding assistance for this facility, which has been turned down every year, We kne\v that the day would come when the Civic Center would no longer be a viable option as a special needs facility, During the night of September 4th, when Hurricane Frances struck, with 240 special needs people housed in the Civic Center and 60 support staff, the roof peeled off. We had to move these people three times within the building to protect them, The estimated cost to replace the roof and air conditioning units exceeds $1,000,000, However, even if we invested funds in this outdated facility, it will not meet our needs. We have to have a special needs shelter that will house 500 people and a modern emergency operations center for one of the fastest growing counties in Florida. St. Lucie County and its residents need help, During Hurricane Jeanne \\'e had to bus our special needs residents to A.G, Holly State Hospital in Palm Beach County because we did not have a special needs shelter, The Civic Center parking lot was used as a triage center, The County has suffered over $76,000,000 in damage to its facilities from both hurricanes, We are financially drained, We are requesting special attention to this urgent matter. We are willing to meet with anyone at anytime to discuss this critical situation. Please feel to contact me at 772-462-1450. Thank YOU for your consideration, . /J /' Sincerely, ')/ D gl~ M, Anderson ounty Administrator D}'[A/ab 04-129 c: Board of County Commissioners Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Faye Outlaw, Assistant County Administrator Dan McIntyre, County Attorney Jack Southard, Public Safety Director Beth Ryder, Community Services Director Michael Brown, Undersecretary of Emergency Preparedness & Response Ronald L. Book, P.A., Lobbyist Legislative Delegation Board of County com~~ners Douglas M. Anderson, ~~nty Administrator '-' ,~..._.~,¥._---- TO: FROM: DATE: October 22, 2004 ...", ADMINISTRATION MEMORANDUM 04-202 --'---'- RE: Hotel/Motel Status Report Update This is an update to the October 8th status report identifying 53% of the County's total motel rooms. October 8th had identified 50%. Once again, the rooms that are open are operating at 100%. In October 2003, we were running at 51 % occupancy with all the rooms being available (3,274). At this time, Club Med is scheduled to come on line later this month, or the first part of November, which will make available 337 rooms. We will continue to provide you with updates to this report. DMAlab 04-202 c: Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Faye Outlaw, Assistant County Administrator Dan Mcintyre, County Attorney '. Randy Stevenson, Interim Growth Management Director Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director Larry Daum, Tourism and Economic Development Manager Attachment ~ o o C'oI - ..... C'oI - o ..... 1:: o C. 111 0:: III ::3 .... I'U - en 111 c C I'U 111 ""')11) 1112 c t'O ~û5 '¡: ã5 10.- ::3 0 XI CI c: 'r: QJ VI c: 0- L:. 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CU t/ a.> 1:: >"'-00 a:: C t/ t/.f: ð ~ ~ ~:3>--;;;(¡ ~ ~;g Ë ~ > It! 0 CU ;:) Q:WJ:ZO -NC")"'!it ~~~~ 011/') 101/') 01 CO 0...... -i~ 1010 ~~ I/') NO""" OINOIO OINNIf) ~~~«¡' MNCOU) MN~~ ~ > It! ~ t/ ... tv CU C C C § ~ a:: tv -oCl) tv CU Or. a::~ 10...... ~~ t/ ~:G>- .~.~ ~ CU c= CU Cl)CUa:: &¡oCl)C _ >- C ",~ru CUtv:2 ~CUt/ a:: ~ _ a. 01 1:: E C_~..!!!~ ...tvE!N::!E=CU ~:gu. ~ >0::; Or.;:)UC... 5U:~ë>-:g~ r.=CUCUOOO CI)<IDUJ:O~ CU 01 tv E tv o (¡ ïã ::!E o 010 010 -...... coco mcO coco ~~ ~ o ë CII > .= E o E! 01 C ~ o 3:: ë ~ 5 o t/ CII ..c 'C o t/ CII o TRADITION STADIUM $5,182,381 441 ~833 $4,740,548 397,490 22,172 22~172 $5,182,382 '-' Contract 2% Deductible Insurance reimbursement FEMA (90% reimbursement) State (5% reimbursement) SLC (5% exposure)* ...., St. Lucie County, Florida Citizens' Budget Committee Agenda Friday, August 20, 2004 7:30 a,m" Conference Room # 3 St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex 1. Convene meeting 1,1 Roll Call, announcements 1.2 Minutes 2, Old Business 2,1 Update on CBC Sheriff / Jail recommendations (Exhibit A) 2,2 Update Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Approved Budget (Exhibit B) Millage Rate Decrease 3, New Business 3,1 4, Adjournment 4.1 'w "wi Draft CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: June 18, 2004 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Kenny Hogan, Mark Taynton, William "Bill"Casey, John Knapp, Debbie Hawley, Edward Lounds, Sylvie Kramer, Steven Messer, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick, Carl Hensley, Linda Bartz. MEMBERS ABSENT: David F. Samuel, Ron Parrish, Paul Young. OTHERS PRESENT: Roger Shinn, Ethel Rowland, Jennifer Hill, Doug Anderson and Marie Gouin. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; Doug stated that in regards to the discussions about the jail overcrowding, it is necessalY to hold a meeting prior to the next regularly scheduled CBC meeting, due to the urgency to resolve this matter and requested that if possible, they meet on July 2,2004. MEETING MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the May 21,2004 meeting, Kenny moved for approval and John Knapp seconded the motion. An members present voted in favor and the motion passed. Additional Homestead exemption Doug explained the effect the "Proposed Constitutional Initiative Petition to Increase the Homestead Exemption by $25,000" would have on the County's Tax Roll. Should this additional $25,000 homestead exemption be approved, an estimated of 3,184 properties would come off this County's Tax Roll. This would affect the General, Fine & Forfeiture and Mosquito Control Funds and for the revenues to stay at the level they are today, the millage rate would have to increase somewhere between 1.09 and 1.13, shifting the property taxes to evelyone else in the community (including business). He stated this represents a problem, not just for our County, but it may disrupt the whole State of Florida (i.e. as far as he recalls, there are seven Counties in the State of Florida that are at their 10 mil cap and would have to consolidate with other Counties, in order to cover the costs of public selvices). Staff has prepared a draft (to be presented at the next BOCC meeting) resolution opposing the "Proposed Constitutional Initiative Petition to Increase the Homestead Exemption by $25,000" and will recommend to adopt this resolution (04-174), He requested CBC members' to support this recommendation. Bill Casey asked what impact would the exemption have on the budget. Staff replied it would reduce future Fiscal Year's revenues by approximately 11 MM/year and to compensate the loss, OUI" County will also have to increase the millage rate velY close to the 10 mil cap. Ed asked if there are any plans to start an information campaign to make the general public aware of the impact the second homestead exemption would have on the quality of public selvice. Doug stated the Florida Association of counties will meet next week and are planing to launch a state-wide campaign on this matter and he personally has been speaking before several local groups. He is of the opinion that if the public is informed of the advantages and disadvantages, the majority will see there are more disadvantages to approve the exemption. Linette Trabulsy, the County's Pu blic Information Officer added that the feed back she has been getting from the press is that they agree approval of the exemption would cause big problems to the whole State of Florida and they have been writing stories and editorials to that effect. \.; ...., Committee members and staff discussed the impact of the exemption. Some members are of the opinion that an educational campaign, although it's a worthy cause, will not change the minds of property owners that expect to benefit with the exemption. Some members proposed to consider launching the educational campaign and not state a position pro or con, since it may appear to the general public it is a bias position from the County government as an "interested party" that only wants to collect more taxes and ·spend it in more bureaucracy". Other members disagreed and stated that as the Citizen's Budget Committee, and having full knowledge that such a cut represents a blow to the County's budget that will harm the community as a whole, they should state their position and clearly oppose it. Other members stated they were not certain they opposed the exemption if it means it would shift the burden of taxes from the lower income population to the commercial and industrial sectors. Doug stated such a way of thinking hurts the County's capacity to attract businesses to settle here, as Florida would be having one of the highest property tax rates in the CountJy, making this County less competitive. After lengthy discussion on this matter, Carl moved to support the resolution opposing the exemption. John K. seconded the motion. Some members opposed supporting the motion if it did not include to also vote to launch a campaign to educate the public about the consequences appl'Oval of the additional exemption would have in the community, in terms of the quality of public selvices and the impact on the economic development of this area. Carl stated he agloees it's necessalY and modified his motion to the following: move to recommend to the DaCC to issue Resolution 04-174, opposin¡ the "Proposed Constitutional Initiative Petition to Increase the Homestead Exemption by $25,000" and launch an information campaign to make the public aware of the consequences approval of the additional exemption would have in their communities. John K. seconded the motion. Motion passed (10-2, Mark and Pat voted no). Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Bud2et Hi2hli2hts Doug briefly explained a memo handed to CBC members dated June 15,2004, which lists projects that will have a significant financial impact to the 2004-2005 Budget (Please refer to memo # 04-110 from County AdministJ'ator for details). Staff and CBC members discussed briefly each item described in the memo. Jail Overcrowdin2 and other issues re2ardin2 the Shedlrs Bud2et Doug gave a brief backgl'Ound of the actions taken regarding this mater. In regards to the jail pods, the first pod is expected to be on line by the I'" of may 2005, the second, appl'Oximately a month later. He also mentioned that in regards to the correctional officers that will be needed to run these pods, the BOCC approved during the Budget Workshops, last July, to set a contingency fund ($500,000) that would allow to hire them whenever necessalY. Doug informed committee members about the BOCC authorization to send inmates to Highlands County temporarily, until the more long term solutions to the overcrowding are set in place. There is a cap of $100,000 set to be spent on this temporalY solution. Doug also related to committee members about staffs trip toAlachua County (Gainesville) and the ideas they got for working on solutions for jail overcrowding. He stated he is optimistic about some of the ideas they have come up with at Alachua County for processing cases faster to keep the system moving; he believes they may work for this County. Meanwhile, the St. Lucie County BOCC has authorized staff to go out for Request for Proposals to do a study of this County's criminal justice system (estimated cost of the analysis is $100,000). Doug stated that the reason why he is requesting the CBC members to have an extraordinalY meeting on July 2, 2004 is because the BOCC requested for the CBC members to make recommendations on several of the issues regarding the Jail overcrowding (to be discussed by the BOCC at their regular meeting Citizen Budget Conunittee Meeting June 16,2004 page 2 ~ ....,; scheduled for July 13,2004) . The matters to be discussed are temporalY solutions to the overcrowding, such as what would it cost to put up a low-tech dormitOlY type building where tent city was for low risk offenders. By doing this, an existing dormit01Y at the jail would free up to accommodated more serious offenders, but it would need to be remodeled for this purpose (convert it into a maximum security facility). County and Sheriffs staffs have been instructed to bring to the BOCC estimates for a (fairly reasonable) cost to do this, as well as an estimate of how much the operating costs of the jail would increase to, once these solutions are put in place. Doug stated that another issue to be discussed, is that the Sheriff has asked for $527,477.98 to cover the cost to hire, train and equip additional personnel at thejaiJ. He stated that it is also necessa1Y to analyze if there will be any other budget shortfalls, due to this situation. Toby Long, Finance Director for the Sheriffs Office handed out information comparing Alachua County to St. Lucie County to illustrate the inmate to staff ratio (8.06 inmates/ldeputy) at the St. Lucie County Jail, which has reached to a level that jeopardizes its secu1'Ìty. Staff, Committee members and other attendants continued to comment on the aspects of the overcrowding of the jail, such as the fact that many are there awaiting trial for m01'e than 6 months (se1'Ìous offenses take longer to be processed due to their complexity) and spoke about the high volume of cases assigned to each judge. Doug briefly explained some of the ideas they have come up with at Alachua County to speed up the processing of cases in their judicial system. He also mentioned that at Alachua the have implemented the GPS system to monitor people who are awaiting trial and are under house arrest (some of the accused pay of their sala1Y for this privilege - $7/ day, opposed to costing -$50/ day to the county jail). NEXT MEETING Bill proposed to call the roll to verify how many members could attend the July 2,2004 extraordinary CBC meeting to discuss the Jail issues (At 7:30 a.m.). Members present (except Debbie, Sylvie and Steven) stated they can attend, therefore we expect to have a quorum. The next regular CBC meeting wiD be held on Friday, July 16, 2004 at 7:30 a.m.(topics to be announced). Both meetings will be held in Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County Rogel' Poitras Administration Annex. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secreta1Y William "Bill" Casey, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting June 16, 2004 H:\O Secretary\!! OMBICBCIMinl06 18W!'d page 3 '-' ..,; Draft CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Extraordinary Meeting Meeting Date: July 2,2004 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Kenny Hogan, Ron Parrish, Mark Taynton, William "Bill"Casey, John Knapp, Edward Lounds, Patricia "Pat- Ferrick, Troy Ingersoll, Carl Hensley, Linda Bartz. MEMBERS ABSENT: David F. Samuel, Paul Young, Debbie Hawley, Sylvie Kramer, Steven Messer. OTHERS PRESENT: Major Patrick Tighe, Toby Long, Kathlyn Hensley, Jennifer Hill, Doug Anderson and Marie Gouin. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; Doug went over the agenda and the additions handed out at the meeting and summarized the issues to be discussed. MINUTES The minutes for the June 16,2004 meeting will be presented to the CBC members for approval at the next regular meeting. Jail costs and overruns Doug made a recap of the events regarding this matter and stated the Sheriff had come before the BOCC a couple of months back and reported on the situation regarding the SLC Jail overcrowding and since then he had been asked to present different alternatives to solve the problem. The Sheriffs staff researched different alternatives and has come back with solutions that could be taken until the jail pods that have been approved for construction are running. These solutions include a low-tech facility to be erected (permanently) where the former "tent city- was, moving low risk inmates (trustees) into those and retrofitting an old dorm into a medium security facility. Also, to temporarily transfer some low risk inmates to another county (Highlands) and to implement a monitoring (GPS) system for individuals awaiting trial that would be eligible for house arrest (leaving their home only to go to work). Doug stated that, to date, the Board of County Commissioners has approved $25.5MM to construct two new jail pods; has also authorised to cany out an assessment of this county's criminal justice system (estimated cost $99,480) and to transfer (temporarily) some inmates to Highlands County at a cost that must not go over $100,000. He also mentioned staff is making inquiries about the GPS system(expected to be much more cost effective). Ca ital Cost to Construct a Low-Tech Housin Facilit at the Previous Tent Cit Site To ether with the Capital Cost to Convert the Existinl!: Jail Dorm into a Medium-Security Facility. Annual Operatinl!: Costs to Run and Maintain These Two Facilities. Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, handed out a brief with infOlomation his staff had gathered regarding the options available to construct a low-tech, low-cost housing facility. He explained briefly the pros and cons of each of the alternatives presented (for details, please refer to handout). Staffs recommendation is option # 1 (metal building, at a cost of $216,300 each - including air conditioning), two buildings that would allow housing 50 inmates each. He also pointed out these costs do not include permitting, restroom and shower facilities and air conditioning. CBC members and staff discussed and compared pros and cons for evelY option and inquired if air conditioning is a requirement. Major Tighe stated that one of the Florida requirements is to maintain a normal comfort range of temperature. -..., 'fw¡ They also discussed some details of the cost to retrofit Dorm A-I into a medium-security facility and if two story buildings are feasible for the low-tech buildings (the Sheriffs office had presented a two stOlY building alternative to the BOCC some months back, but they instructed staff to research for low-cost, low tech alternatives) and even the possibility of one big building that would accommodate 100 inmates instead of 2 that would accommodate 50 each (not feasible, because of the shape of the area available). Doug pointed out that if this project is approved and regardless of the option selected, another aspect that will need to be analyzed and discussed is the annual operating costs of the 2 low-tech buildings and the retrofitted dorm. In regards to this matter, Major Tighe referred to memo from County Administration 04-134 addressed to the BOCC and the CBC listing the annual costs for the low-tech housing facilities (for details please refer to agenda addition item #2, handed out at the meeting). Doug noted these costs do not include utilities costs. Those present also discussed the percentages of the different levels of security and the guidelines to classify them as low, medium, maximum security. Major Tighe stated the majority of inmates are medium to maximum, who can't get out due to their violent past, violent current charges, failing to appear in court, etc. They also discussed the possibility of hosing federal inmates, considering the revenues coming from this would help with the operating costs. Toby Long stated that they could provide projections, but they have to keep in mind that the only projections and he recalled that, for example, when they prepared the projections for this year, there was no way they could have predicted that the population would be up 23% since JanualY. Bill inquired ifit was possible to prepare a low, medium and high scenario to have some kind of idea of what to expect. Doug added that he understands that projections are just that, but if there is some information ahead of time, it would allow staff to begin looking for ways to resolve the problem. Major Tighe went over the comparison between the Alachua and St. Lucie County jails and crime statistics on how SLC Jail compares to Alachua and the rest of Florida, rating among top 10 in all the ones discussed (please refer to his hand out for details) and stated that bottom line, SLC is processing more cases, (and faster) than Alachua and still can't keep up with the increase in jail population (currently, jail population is increasing at an average of 32.8 inmate evelY month). Members also discussed the advantages of implementing the GPS (monitoring) System and how much it would alleviate the overcrowding, convictions and the fact that anyone sentenced for 365 days or more go to State Prison, as well as some aspects of the Federal Inmate Program. Ed inquired what are the specific questions that need to be resolved at this meeting. Doug stated that besides the capital costs discussed up to this point, staff needs to know what is the projected operational cost of the jail in the next 5 years; what is the cost over and above the current operating costs, when the new facilities come in line and how they will be funded. After some more discussion, members agreed for the time being, to decide on the low-tech options and direct County and Sheriffs staffs to work on determining the operating costs based on that decision. Mark moved to go forward with option 1 for the low-tech buildings. Troy seconded the motion. Ed stated it is necessalY to ad to the motion to direct staff to work with the Sheriff's office in determining the operations costs of the option. Doug inquired if there is any possibility to use the deputies that were recently hired to run those two buildings until the two new jail pods are in place. Citizen Budget Committee Meeting July 2, 2004 page 2 ,-,. ..., Toby stated he believe it can be done. Mark modified his motions to the following: move to go forward with 2 buildings, option 1 (with air conditioning and insolation), and to direct staff to work with the Sherin's office in determining the annual operations costs of this option. Troy seconded. Members present voted yes 9-1 (John K. Voted no) and motion passed. Mark Taynton moved to recommend to the BOCC to direct staff to move as expeditiously as possible to BID for a monitoring system that would allow to put inmates under house arrest. Ron Parrish seconded the motion. AU members present voted in favor and motion passed. Sherin's $527,477.98 Fundin2: Request to Cover the Jail overcrowdin2: costs Toby Long stated this issue was discussed at last year's budget workshop and referred to memo he handed out to CBC members, detailing the costs the jail's overcrowding has generated in recent months. He also explained briefly some the details of handling security at the jail. The costs detailed in the memo are from October 1,2003 to date, and then projected to September 30,2004. After discussing this matter those present agreed this should be declared and emergency and the costs overruns should be reimbursed through the Sheriff Reserve Fund, Law Enforcement Impact Fees and the County's Emergency Reserve. CBC members also inquired how will these monies will be transferred to the Sheriff and will he return the excess. Toby suggested this could be monitored on a monthly basis and disbursed as needed. Ed moved to recommend reimbursing the Sheriffs Office an amount not to exceed $1,492,500 for the 2003/2004 budget year from the following funds: $500,000 - SheriffSalalY reselve fund, $510,000 - Law Enforcement Impact Fees (to be collected July-Sept. 2004) and $482,500 designated from the $8,400,000 Emergency County Reserves and that it should be partially reimbursed through penalties assessed against the jail security system cont.ractor. The Sheriffs Office will request reimbursement as needed and may not need the full amount of $482,500. The emergency reserves could be replenished over 3 months, JanualY thru March 2005 through Law Enforcement Impact Fees. FY 2003-2004 Security Cost - $484,154 for Providin2: In-house Security for Security System UPErade Workers Doug s stated this is an ongoing problem and that going into litigation with the contractor. Sheriff will provide documentation on this matter. Due to time const.raints the meeting had to be adjourned. NEXT MEETING The next CBC regular meeting will be held on Friday, July 16,2004 at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. Topics to be discussed will include an update of the BOCC's actions on the jail overcrowding and the Sheriffs costs overrun. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 a.m, Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, SecretalY William "Bill" Casey, Chairman Citizen Budget ConmliUee Meeting July 2, 2004 H:\O SecretarylO OMBICBCIMin\07 02wpd page 3 '-" ...." EXHIBIT A Law Enforcement Low-Tech Inmate Housing I Action I Subject (Aaenda Item#sR1. 7/22/04): Construction of low-tech inmate housing for 100 low-risk inmates, minimum security inmates and retrofit Donn A-1 to house medium security inmates. Citizens' Budaet Committee Recommendation: The Citizens' Budget Development Committee recommended (9-1) that the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) proceed with the construction of 2 low-tech air-conditioned steel structures and the retrofitting Donn A-1 at a cost not to exceed $560,000. The Committee further recommended that the Board declare an emergency and authorize staff to negotiate and enter into a contract not to exceed $560,000 to construct these facilities. This excludes $51,000 in furniture and fixtures. Fundina: Correctional Impact Fees #310003-2330-562000-200 Other Public Facility Impact Fees #310003-1930-562000-100 $450,000 $161.000 $611,000 7' tfV .., " \ BOCC Action (Aaenda Item#sR-1. 7/22/04): Approved (5-0) motion to direct staff to immediately research tents to fit on existing slabs and bring back cost estimates for the tents. It was also requested that cost be brought back for retrofit. ! Action II Subject (Aaenda Item#RA1. 7/27/04) Staff Reauest: The purchase of Tents and necessary items for minimum-security inmates at Rock Road Correctional Facility and retro-fit Donn A-1 to medium security ($74,360 Construction and $36,238 Furniture/Equipment). FundinQ: Impact Fees-Public Building #310003-1930-562000-100 BOCC Action (7/27/04): Approved (5-0) staff request of a bid waiver and emergency purchase of tents and necessary items to establish this arrangement at the Rock Road Correctional Facility at a cost not to exceed $111,000 including furniture and fixtures. --- I Action III Subject (Staff Request): Request to proceed with the GPS/Electronic Monitoring System. Citizens' BudQet Committee Recommendation (7/2/04): Mark Taynton moved to recommend the BOCC direct staff to move as expeditiously as possible to BID for a monitoring system that would allow putting inmates under house arrest. Ron Parrish seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and motion passed. BOCC Action: Directed staff to go out for Request for Proposals (RFP's). ~ ..., Law Enforcement Cost Overruns/Shortfalls I Action I Subíect (AQenda Item#SR2. 7/22/04): Sheriff's request for reimbursement of cost overruns/projected shortfall in 2003/2004. Citizens' BudQet Committee (CeC) Recommendation (7/2/04): The Citizens' Budget Development Committee recommended reimbursing the Sheriffs Office an amount not to exceed $1,492,500 for the 2003/2004 budget year. Reimburse the Sheriffs Office Budget $1,492,500 for 2003/04 cost overruns/projected shortfall from the following funds: $500,000 - Sheriff Salary reserve fund $510,000 - Law Enforcement Impact Fees - to be collected July-Sept. 2004 $482.500 - Designated from the $8,400,000 - Emergency County Reserves $1,492,500 Note: The $482,500, which includes cost projections for July thru September 2004, should be partially reimbursed through penalties assessed against the jail security system contractor. The Sheriff's Office will request reimbursement as needed and may not need the full amount of $482,500. The emergency reserves could be replenished over 3 months, January thru March 2005 through Law Enforcement Impact Fees. FundinQ: General Fund-Emergency Reserve #001-9910-599300-800 ($307,477) General Fund #001-2300-599043-200 ($500,000) Correction Impact Fees ($685,023) BOCC Action (7/22/04): Approved (5-0) motion to approve $1,185,000 with $500,000 coming from the $500,000 reserve set aside this year and $685,000 from correction impact fees. I Action II Subject (AQenda Item#CA1. 7/27/04) Sheriff's Request: The Sheriff requested $307,000 be taken from the 2004-2005 Budget Request to make up the difference between $1,185,000 and $1,492,000. FundinQ: General Fund-Transfer to other Funds #001-8110-591000-800 BOCC Action (7/27/04): Approved (5-0) to cover shortfall overruns in the 2003/2004 Budget in the amount of $307,000 to be taken from the $18,600,000 in the recommended 2004/2005 Budget and be added to the $1,185,000 that was approved for cost overruns. The $307,000 will come from the 2003/2004 cash carried forward and subsequently, the $18,600,000 will be reduced by the $307,000 leaving a balance of $18,293,000 in the 2004/2005 Budget. ~ ..",¡ .. OMB AGENDA R.EOU~~ J. ITEl\1 NO. CAl DATE: July 27,2004 REGULAR .. PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT [X] TO: ST. L DCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS \ SUBMITTED BY: OMB PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin SUBJECT: Sheriffs Office 2003-2004 Cost overruns/shortfalls, BACKGROUND: At the July 22nd Special Board meeting, the Board approved $1,185,000; $685,000 from Correction Impact Fees, and $500,000 from the budgeted Sheriff salary reserve, which is $307,000 less than the original request. The Sheriff is requesting $307,000 to be taken from the 2004-2005 Budget to make up the difference. Staff recommends using part the budgeted $900,000 to be transferred from the General Fund for the Clerk of Circuit Court's building and transfer the $307,000 back to the project next year from the 2004-2005 Sheriffs Budget. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001-8110-591000-800 Ç;n¿ra / r:,""I- 7"",6;;'- Iv ðJ¡,er F,;,Js PREVIOUS ACTION: On July 22, 2004 the Board of County Commissioners approved $1,185,000 for cost overruns. RECOMì\IENDA TION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve allocating the Sheriffs Office the additional $307,000 of cost overruns/projected shortfall in 2003-2004, and reducing his budget for fiscal 2004-2005 by the same amount, COMMISSION ACTION: [~APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 RRENCE: - Item pulled for sep3r3te vote requested b) Comm, Hutchinson, Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Coord inationlS i gnatures County Anomey:xx ~ IU .., Management & Budget: ~ Purchasing: Originating Dept: Public Works: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) --1-, \w ..., ~-~~- ~::_::=.~:.~~= :.:~~:~~~,.~. ~~~~~'~~::'1 ITEM NO. éJ DATE: ï -13-04 ~-' - ~J '-fJ- "\ f _ --.,.......o.t~;.,. - .. - '.., _I.-."'j¡. . To! "'_'~'""?"'~';"'/'''~ r~!Ü" - '\.i"foO' " ",'-,,'" ;,,:," \' , , :1 r':G: . t ,.., ~ï""" ,. : .~ C ~]f. ...~..':" '.' '. ! .\.;;.. ".~:~ .'.~ ':...:~,"'..........,~¡":.1""I:._.". ".- i !;.:: i~,_~;J~'dt,',~'~~:~~!:;?;:,;:1 AGENDA REQUEST ~.::~: ~ '.~=~'''~~;~~' ~~.~.-,:.:.:_:-~~':~:.~¡:.~;) REGULAR: (x) PUBLIC HEARING: ( ) CONSENT: ( ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRES6 'JT¿ BY: I/, I--- .'........ " Do 9lus)1I: ~nderson County/Admin ¡strator Sheriff's request for reimbursement of cost o\'erruns/prOjected'~alf in 2003/2004 budget. SUBMITTED BY (DEPT):. ADMINISTRATION SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: See attached July 2, 2004 memorandum, it~m #3 and the attached July 6, 2004 memorandum, =UNDS AVAILABLE: Acct fJ001-991 0-599300-800 - General Fund-Emergency Reserve Loan ($307,477) Acct #001-2300-599043-200 - General Fund ($500,000) $1,49?-,500 Law Enforcement Impact Fees (S6S5,023) TOTAL 'REVIOUS ACTION: N/A ~ECOMMENDATION: The Citizens' Budget Development Committee recommends reimbursing the Sheriff's Office an amount not to exceed $1,492,500 for the 2003/2004 budget year, ;OMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: J APPROVED J OTHER: o DENIED Douglas Anderson County Administrator Review and Approvals County Attorney: º Management and 8'J:13et: º Purchasing: Originating Dept: º Other: º Other: Finance: Check for copy only, if applicable: 'yone ¡·.lIh a dlsabi/¡fy reqUiring accommodations to al:lend this mee:ing s!;::~ ': ::: -:=::: :,~i! s: L~::e Co::n.'ï Communt:y Se.-,·:es Mal1ager a: ï7'::~=2.1777 TTO 772·452·1428. at least 48 hours (48) prior to the meeting. " ','::N J '''.'');:(O'AG::'ND~w,SHERrFF su:> REII,1S 7·'3,04 c::-<: '-' ...." , . (.~- ':_~~-~~~~-_-:'--'..==.=.:~~'~~. '~~,',; ~~::-L'j COUNTY J\DMINiSTRATION ~-dJ- I f -lli-- "~ " _.....~.~ .-- - ... ..' .....- r~~' ',,,, .-17".!'":-::-, .~,.~~.~·;,:~",·\,I t¡' cr 0 'f(\ l~ ~ ~~/"',;.':;;;.':\" ! ~ '-:--.;~~.. ,.~....};,-,.::::....,;.....,..;_., ~ J ,,_.;: ·d'D·f.'¡,_f"·:la' ..J....:;.;..:..-.- :_L~.:.~,~~..~.:'"';.,::.:..t..~~..~~,- :':.":L~.:1 ~~(.~ J MEMORANDUM 04,144 '" :~·_;";.~Z.:.': ~..~::": ~:~.~~=::...:~.i~~::: ;~¿~~:,J C'Z'.:"2Z.,~ r, '.' ~j,.~.:_~:-:.~~>rz.::L::;;'~p~, ,,,...:"-::"t:;'::'::T.::::.-;.-:.r=;::,:=-.-:::.-;=~:::..::..~o:r·":"~n""" :;;7"......:.=-<'~. ... "'-'- T.:..>:lJ TO: Board of County Commi Si~ FROM: Douglas M. Anderson. unty Administrator DATE: July 7,2004 RE: Reimbursement of Sheriff's 2003/2004 Budget in an Amount Not to Exceed 51,492,500 - _....--,,_ _.___...._._...-"'Y.-................- ..---._~......,-_..- The Sheriff has identified $1,492,500 in cost overruns and projected shortfalls for the 2003/2004 . fiscal year. See attached breakdown. The Citizens' Budget Development Committee recommends reimbursement using the following funding sources: $50J,000 Sheriff salary reserve funds established by the Board of County Commissioners $500,000 Loan from County's emergency reserve funds (58,400,000) to be repaid from: 1. $192,523 - Jan-Mar 2005 Law Enforcement Impact Fees 2. $307,477 - Penalties paid from jail secuíily system contractor and remaining amount from 2005 General Fund Reserve Fund S 492,500 To be paid from Law Enforcement Impact Fees collected July-December 2004. Estimated S160,OOO/month by Sheriff's Office. S1.492,500 Total Oi.1A/jc 04-1 L4 c: Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Dan Mcintyre, County Attomey Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director Ken Mascara, Sheriff Garry Wilson, Chief Deputy Toby Long, Finance Director, Sheriff's Office " , 8", _D',".: - . ','.", "_ '1' .':', c ~ -.. '! ,- ......, r- ¡ ",,' -- \:.1_, ....¡ _I) ¡.-;I:-.~t.~a...-.:.,: ,... -. . . - - - -- " I .::..~S:.:.~.;.... ,:' ~ ~-7~~ F'=~~:;O:~~ ll-S:~~: .\ IE t\ 10 RA:\'D lj~ I TO: Doug Anl~~r.scJ:, CC';!i1!Y Admi:li~r:¡¡!t1: Fflord: Toby LrJ!1i!, Djrt':'(ú~ tìfEnJtl:~. 1l"'''-- D.-' 7£: JlI!: ~\ 200~ SUBJECT: Lii".... Er.tim:;;:n~:1; F~t's cc: Kerr J. !v1:b::ara, S::'t¡'¡ff G:my Wilst~n, CI::~:'D¡:pu~>' Jð r. ( d t 1 t '\ YIJl1 h~..:I ~:J,t'~~ T:1:' tù give )\.HI :\:. t'~:;r:-;:';íe of(h.~ .'.\n1o:n:!": eo:" i;:~.pi1ct f-=es tÌ':...:t '....:ill b~ \.'t~lk:',~:.j ii, tbe 111;'>:1 ii::;c::! ':ear IÌ'om th~ :H'\',' :'-1'.,' E::¡"o:';':t':j~;:,:-,¡ Im;"::J~'( F~:? ¡ :~';1]Y C':':1flO! '~:Cll1a[ê' (h::.!: ;":lH>\\rH b(';>:I'¡~~' I do ¡we 11:;\.= :):~ "::n., as r,) 111; p:,,)je.:::d b0\1:ing St;1r.~ i:: P.)r! St. L'.lcj.." Fi. lii'rCi:, ~:. L:::i~ ViIh1~(:. ¡¡,d 0.(' ~i:::L'J'F0r:\t~t! CÙ1l!',r)', 0:- for rhac 1l11'!':er th~ IX'Jj~;;t-=d ntJc,b~r (,f nmJti·t:ì'1:;i:; uniTS er ~olìlm~r.:-i~: building). A :~('t::¡: ¡jíJ:l;; in the k'C'\l ne\\"$ p~I;.'=r s¡,;jd Û1~IL 1hL':~ ,,"¡c"r~ J~),.)OO J¡')l1sjug :Dr.S ;¡: St. L\1,:i" ('oll:1:Y i:: 2iYJ3. Th~' ir;·,pact :-;-; is :; 169 or! <,11 sing1t fLil,i!:: :\."iT1::'i ~" b;l~t'.J ,:r: L:~ rt·p·.:rt...d ?crinits ::1 2003 th~ amo:m: ·.'..ou!d hi;: in c,);ce5S l'f SI/Hj¡),(j(JU. .t ,_ C U -.) ", , ";/ \... ,- I, i/ fiJ > Î/ /11'1'" / ir-- --' .' , .'.... :... I .." - ,-. - ._, ""'"':: ( "'. .-' ~;'. . - ,.., ,,- t..-:il_' -~.~._-~~ -~:::-:-.:- ':-.: ~ -/3- ¿/ ¿) þ-? v- J/; /.4¿......' ð ,;I ( frr' ~ð?-Î- ~ . . T,-~ ~: ::.,:~.;¡ ¡¡r~ Ir,z amou,,:5 ri!;~~s:i!:: bJ·tr.Z S:1~ri:1 fr.::S ~-:.:i.'::~s 5:'~;l ~:-.j S!ner.:s í:c',·.·.; ~S!5 F¡ ,;.:, ~'3';1'pOlïgra;¡h E:~: .,,; LiatJili:y 1r15U"i1CZ E:, ~'; -:-.!¡";: E,:. -:: ~:r CO'J:1:Y COr1s::~::':i1 CO:1~rë:t .'¡" ~.~,::,~;.·,..-;¡!er t. seser __¡:. ~.';=:'al costs I-.-¡:~ P:..::d C : ',-,; ë'.d Bedding ..¡_::~.' S\.'"pli~s r:~-::...~5, shacles. s~~\J~;:-: j:~,7,S p::: ï:<¡s'del¡','zr'/ carts :;E....::: çæ~ C'. ;:'~:-; :_:;:~~~ Ove:'1:me ëlnd ê~:",=:'~; C. ;.-~,":".e incurred Ihou;~ ;; 3 :/C~ F:::: ::! ~ O'liH~i~e/bcn:",:~ =.:;::;j C;~-::, Ccr1lra:ls C,: -~:-.e due to o'/ercrc''',~',; ::.~: ;:'~'::;¡~~~ ar.-:ount ne~j :; J ,F end G:::9:0 -. 7è9,222 1.300.~22 (523.9:0) (2;0,97õ) "" " ...., , I I '-' "'" /;0 ! ( _,uV _ -~---- p'-;'.' <2~,7E7,Ç~ ~ ¡.r/i 3:>.:-:') t.) V 1 2~:~.;;.~~ ~ ') rj'~ .;i' 3;,:':·).(') I.'ay be pz;d l:o:T1I~;:act rz~s 7 ~. 52ì.~ï7.~:' 5)0,0=0 is ir1 1M Co~nt,/s curre ~t¡'C;;~: /It/:?j~Olc, () 0 ~.fZi'bzpa:d.' '.''''r'~:(Fe~s.. . ..~ "...~l:a,ç;ht Ilmz 2:1~ c,..e~lm~ vV !S{JOf! tr/}/~ / r tJ1/ (UJ If//:; ß) ~ J ,'. ~¿,D // Fr'.! ) ýv- ¡ ,.,~ C ,/ ,/ " ú,..J II P/.J c/'./ '1- ¡.v,' ¡ò / I~- 55.'::.:'J.Ú() /-.: I~,i! I;me tr.z bu~;¡~: wH be':1g pr~;Jar~~ é:71:Junts v,ere runö:nç; 2~OU:1; 20,000 peõ 17:-~··:: 2~().CO() pzr year 03'C,; b:.:c;e: vr.¡s 275,C::. ;::-:,;",:. 2,'2 cu:-rer1t1¡ runn:::g o'/er 30.000 pzr fõo"':''. 52..7::~.25 Tnis ir.crease is based on t'1e per diem r.:e :o.¡';¡: by U'1e provider ($1.65) per dzy per if\ma:~ c.:: ¡¡ :.;¡ 0: '050 inmz!eS 77.7:!.J.'~ Tnis increase is bzsej on t".e standard (T'.e¡· ...:::: $,503 per meal , '5.:-=-5.",;) I.'zy be paid Irom ¡'-'pacl Fees ~ ~.2;~,C() 'Trois is I~~ a:710uõ1t o'lzr b'J·~;el due to 0.;':::,'-:-; ~5.ï75,C() T~;. is méï be pa:d Ir::~ jf','1;¡a:t lees i:.137.C'J Tr.i. mZi' b~ pai~ :r:;:71 ir.;Ja:1 fees 3,:-=..3CJ Fo: dryers .:~.~~.C'J 1.S::¿;.~':a,47 \, _\ ~/ 1.~;2.:':'J,C) -~ /' D' ~ ..",,¡ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. R A-1 ff~-~ DATE: July 27, 2004 REG U LAR [x] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] , TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: ROGER A. SHINN DIRECTOR SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: THE PURCHASE OF TENTS AND NECESSARY ITEMS FOR MINIMUM-SECURITY INMATES AT ROCK ROAD CORRECTIONAL FACILITY AND RETRO·FIT DORM A-1 TO MEDIUM SECURITY. ($74,360 Construction and $36,238 Furniture/Equipment) BACKGROUND: SEE A TrACHED MEMO FUNDS AVAIL: 310003-1930-562000-100 (Impact Fees - Public Building) PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff is requesting a Bid Waiver and emergency purchase of tents and necessary items to establish this arrangement at the Rock Road Correctional Facility at a cost not to exceed $111,000 including furniture and fixtures. MISSION ACTION: I)G APPROVED [] DENIED r1 OTHER: Approved 5-0 ENCE: D u Anderson County Administrator Coordination/Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing Mgr.: c: _ -~i Attorney: Other: Other. O¡;-¡¡ting Dept: FI¡;-:e: (Check for Copy only. if Applicable) Eft. 1/97 \.f ..., óf!>t'V&An·}'~~~<,r;~r,:."~; !;-_.'"C,:,' '>.: ' ". ~~1.tÇ'~~~~'\~~~~_ ~.. t!.... .~ - ... '. . P" J . l\1EMORANDUM ,,' ·.;,,:^,·.'::1~~);:Z{'~-~.f~:-?¡·.',; ;:. . "'¡~ ." :.; :", DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES , TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Roger A. Shinn, Director DATE: July 13, 2004 SUBJECT: Rock Road Jail Inmate Housing FacilitylMinimum-Security ................................................................................ In an effort to approach the' need for additional inmate housing at Rock Road Jail in a cost effective manner, staffhas been directed to go with tent housing for the minimum-security inmates. This type of structure has been utilized to house minimum-security inmates in tbe past at this location, and still remains a most economical solution. Below is a breakdo\\TI of cost associated with using US Military General Purpose Tent Systems. To house ninety-six inmates, staff will need to purchase eight tents and each tent will measure 16' x 32' and house approximarely twelve (12) inmates. Each tent will require a 16' x 33' concrete slab; three already exist, so sraff will need to add five additional pads for the tents. CONSTRUCTIO:\ ITEMS COST · US Military General Purpose Tent System: · (Eight @ S 1,795.00 each/includes shipping) · Electrical: · 16'x33' Concrete Pads (5): · Permitting: $15,360.00 SIJB-TOTAL COST: $ 6,000.00 $13,000.00 $ $34,360.00 · Fencing for rerro-fit Dorm A-I to med. Security: TOTAL COST: $40.000.00 $74,360.00 ADDITIONAL ITE'IS . Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment: COST $36,237.68 '-' 'WI No, 0 2 C 9 f' , 2 . . Jul. 26 2004 3:23FM :) .... '. -. ,. . ," I ~. r . '~:,~ '.:~: '~t'':- ;~~:~.:\ "', 'to MEMORANDUM \ To: Roger ShIan, Central Services St. Lucie County Major F. Patrick Ti¡he, Director {1 Department of Detention From: Date: July 26, 2004 Subject: Furniture; Fixture and Equipment - Tent City I have attached an itemized Furniture, Fixture and ~wpment budget of 518,188.84 that is required to operate a SO bed prisoner unit. The current plan for temporary structure is to house 100 prisoners. whicb will increase 1his budget proportionately to $36,237.68. If you have any questions or require clarification on any of the items. please call me directly at 462-3396. C: wI attachment Gany Wilson, Chief Deputy Toby Long, Financo Director F"de . ,'-,j' ,' :', "', '", ", " '. , , . , :. ,;.: ..¡ .." " : ',,1 , ",I -',:.,.::' ': . . ," " '. ~,. :-; .. \~" ,~ ',' .", . '.;', . : :.~ . . . . . . .... " , ..'; '. : ,\..., ',':' " 0', :... '. . ," ~. ,: . ". . ' ,'L . " f;', : ;~,,: . ',':',; I " . "':': . ,.' . ,,'. .'.'~' . :. .:. :..:. '.;" . :." '. . ,,' . " " . ' , .. . .' , .'". . , . . " '",; . /. ". , . , . !.. : I .... , , , , ' .' . " .' " '. '.. , ' . " ...... (,' .,,~ ~"'''I/:: 3·23~'¡I1.Ì:Z~~:7 .. '. . ~. i. y. L.· '. "T . . I SLC JAIL ~~p~ \:.:::2;;9 r. 3 t:~ . . , , " . . I.···:'·. ITEMS QTY. COST EXTENDED COST STORAGE LOCKER 4x4' 1 156.95 155.95 CHAIRS (DEPUTY'S) 2 128.34 128.34 - PHONES 1 24.95 - 24.95 FILE CABINET (2 DBA WER) 1 81.40 B 1.40 LAUNDRY II; LINENS SO 69,16 3,488.00 CLEANINO 1 2~9.86 229.86 I SUPPLIES "CHEMICAL S I MATTRESS &PILLOW 50 66.68 3,334.00 0 FIRE EXTINOUISHERS(5#ABC) 2 51.00 ' 11.4,00 FOOD CMT 1 650.00 . 650.00 : FOOD TRAYS . SO 15,00 750.00 BID.'KS (DOUBLE 27"x76"xS2") 2S 280.00 1,000.00 0 2S"T,V. 1 250.00 250.00 10 GAL. WATERJŒG 1 43.15 43.15 -- WATER KEG CMT 1 99.85 99.85 I -- J~\1rORIAL CART I 104.95 104.95 --- MOP BUCKET &WRINGER. 1 48.47 48.47 : , HAm. -CUPPERS 2 64.24 128.48 MAOUTES 1 78.00 78.00 FIRST AID KIT ) 70.12 70.12 -- GARBAGE CANS 2' 6'9.16 138.32 COMPUTERA:HAR.DW ARE 1 l,200.0( ] ,200.00 TOTAL SJ 8,118.84 : " . I, . ' , . .. '. R ec e i y d T ¡:I" e J L: !. 26. 2: 21 PM \.,; '...I / ~...~t:. 1",-, '1:'" ~ . TO: FROM: DATE: RE: COUNTY ADMINISTRATION EMORANDUM 04·158 _._------~------_..-- Douglas M. Anderson unty Administrator July 23, 2004 Summary of Board Action Taken at 7/22/04 Special Board of County Commissioners' Meeting Below is a summary of Board action taken at the July 22, 2004 Special Board of County Commissioners' Meeting: 2003/2004 Cost Overruns/Shortfalls The Sheriff requested $1,492,000 to fund this shortfall. The Board agreed to fund the shortfall with $1,185,000; $685,000 of the funding is to come from existing Correction Impact Fees and the remaining $500,000 is to come from budgeted Reserves that were setup during the 2003/2004 Budget process in the event of cost overruns at the jail for the hiring of new correction officers. 2004/2005 Budqet The Board approved the following for the jail's 2004/2005 Budget: $16,200,000 400,000 $16,600,000 2,000,000 $1816001000 2.000.000 $20,600,000 Existing jail funding Increase approved at 7/22/04 Board Meeting Subtotal- 1,050 Inmates Pod #1 - 288 Inmates Subtotal- 1,338 Inmates County Reserve to be used towards opening of Pod #2 should this occur. Should Pod #2 not be opened and the number of inmates in the existing jail and in Pod #1 exceeds 1,338 inmates the Sheriff can request funding for incremental costs, Le., food, medical, clothing, waterlsewer, etc. with support documentation. Sheriff's Adiusted Fundinq Request The Sheriff originally requested $1,492,000 as outlined above to cover shortfall overruns in 2003/2004 Budget, which is $307,000 more than the Board approved. The Sheriff is requesting $307,000 be taken from the $18,600,000 in the 2004/2005 Budget and be added to the $1,185,000 that was approved for cost overruns. The $307,000 will come \.f ..., Page 2 July 23, 2004 Summary of Board Action from 2003/2004 cash carried forward and subsequently the $18,600,000 will be reduced by the $307,000 leaving a balance of $18,293,000 in the 2004/2005 Budget. Staff is preparing an agenda item for the Board's consideration for Tuesday's Board Meeting to set up this funding. $18,600,000 Total Budget before the Reserve 307.000 Transferred to 2003/2004 Budget $18,293,000 Revised 2004-2005 Budget before the Reserves GPS/Electronic Monitorinq Staff will be preparing an agenda item for Tuesday's meeting on whether or not staff will be recommending to declare an emergency to purchase a GPS/Electronic Monitoring System for release of inmates without going through the RFP process. Tent City Staff will be preparing an agenda item for Tuesday's meeting requesting the Board declare an emergency to go ahead and purchase tents and retrofit Dorm A-1 at the jail. The tents will be used to move the minimum-security inmates out of Dorm A-1, while at the same time Dorm A-1 will be retrofitted with steel cages to house medium security inmates. Tent City will be used until Pod #1 comes on line, which is expected in June 2005. The Sheriff has informed us that this action will not impact the jail's operating costs. DMAlab 04-158 c: Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Dan Mcintyre, County Attorney Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director Roger Shinn, Central Services Director Ken Mascara, Sheriff Garry Wilson, Chief Deputy Pat Tighe, Major - Director of Detention Toby Long, Finance Director, Sheriffs Office Public Safety Coordinating Council Citizens' Budget Development Committee '-' ...., ITEM NO. SR-1 DATE: 7-22-04 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REGU AR: (X) PUBLIC HEA NG: ( ) CONS NT: ( ) SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): ADMINISTRATION SUBJECT: Construction of low-tech inmate housing for 100 low-ri~k Inmates, minimum security nmates and retrofit Dorm A-1 to house medium security inmates BACKGROUND: See attached July 2, 2004 memorandum, item #1 and backup. July 6,2004 memo and July 15.2004 memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Acct #310003-2330-562000-200-Correctionallmpact Fees - $4 0,000 Acct #310003-1930-562000-1 OO-Other Public Facility Impact Fees- 1 1 000 $6 1.000 PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: The Citizen's Budget Development Committee recommended (9-1) Board of County Commissioners proceed with the construction of 2 I w-tech air-conditioned steel structures and the retrofitting Donn A-1 at a co t not to exceed $560,000, the Committee further recommended that the Board declare an emergency and authorize staff to negotiate and enter into a contra t not to exceed $560.000 to construct these facilities. This excludes $5 ,000 in furniture and fixtures. If the Board concurs with this recommendati n, Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners proceed ith the construction of one low-tech air-conditioned steel structure to ho se 100 minimum-security inmates and retrofitting Conn A-1 to house medium ecurity inmates at a cost not to exceed $611,000 including furniture and xtures. Based on the recommendations oltf1e-='Committee, staff reques Board direction as to whether to proceed as recommended by the Committ e. COMMISSION ACTION: XAPPROVED 0 DENIED Approved 5-0 o OTHER: MOlion to direct staffro immediately research lenlS 10 fit on c~islin¡: slabs and bring bilex cosl eSlimalcs for the lenIS, It Review and Approvals was also requested that cost be broughl back for retrofir. g County Attorney: g Management and Budget: Douglas Anderson County Administrator 9 Purchasing: º Originating Dept: º Other: o Other: g Finance: Check for copy only, if applicable: Anyone with a disability requiring accommodations to al1end this meeting should contact the SI. Lucie County Community Services Manager .t7 -462-1777 TrD 772-462-1428, at least 48 hours (48) pn'or to the meeting, H\WIN\O WORDIAGENDAW\LOW-TECH7-22-04,DO ..., " 'wi ,--", ~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATION FROM: Douglas M. Anderson MEMOR~NDUM 04-152 TO: Board of County Com \ unty Administrator DATE: July 16, 2004 RE: Construction of Low-Tech Inmate Housing Facility The Citizens' Budget Development Committee has recommended to the Board, 9-1 to construct two 50 inmate steel/ow-tech housing facilities with insulation and air conditioning and retrofit Dorm A-1 to house medium security inmates in an amount not to exceed $560,000. If the Board recommends to proceed, staff recommends on'e building to house 100 inmates, which would be more cost efficient. The air conditioning is $70,000. This cost also includes additional restrooms and shower facilities totaling $100,000. To this amount, S51 ,000 must be added for furniture and fixtures, bringing the total project cost to $611,000. The estimated annual increase in electricity costs will be $15,000. Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, is getting additional quotes for this project. Staff anticipates from start to finish the project taking six months. The Citizens' Budget Development Committee recommends declaring an emergency and authorizing staff to enter into a contract not to exceed $560,000 to construct these facilities. The Sheriff estimates the first year operating costs, January-September 2005, to be $950,904. After that point, the estimated annual operating cost is $ 963,837. DMNjc 04-152 c: Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Dan Mcintyre, County Attorney Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director Ken Mascara, Sheriff Garry Wilson, Chief Deputy Toby Long, Finance Director, Sheriff's Office Pat Tighe, Major - Director of Detention H~\WIN\O WORD\AGENDAW\LOW_ TECH7-22-04,DOC '-' ....,¡ " 0, COUNTY ADMINISTRATION DATE: Board of County comft\sio Douglas M. Anderson~nty Administrator July 2, 2004 MORAN DUM 04-137 .. 8 " ":1 ..--.--.--...'--- TO: FROM: RE: 7/2/04 Citizens Budget Development Committee The Citizens Budget Development Committee made the following recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners: 1) Move forward with the construction of 2 low-tech, 50-person each steel buildings with air conditioning and insulation together with expansion of the toilet and shower facilities. Also, retrofit the existing dormitory to house medium security inmates. The total cost approved $560,000. (Approved 9-1) Note: County staff is getting additional quotations for the low-tech facilities. The annual operating cost excluding electricity was projected at $1,222,000 by the Sheriff's Office. I have requested Toby Long to reduce this number by using existing staff to run this facility for the first year of operation. He is preparing a revised budget. 2) Proceed with the bid process for an electronic monitoring GPS system for release of inmates. (Approved 10-0) Note: The Sheriffs Office working with a contractor of this equipment identified 100 inmates that could be released under this system. 3) Reimburse the Sheriff's Office Budget $1,492,500 for 2003/2004 cost overrunslprojected shortfall from the following funds: $500,000 - Sheriff salary reserve fund $510,000 - Law Enforcement Impact Fees - To be collected July- September 2004 $482,500 - Designated from the $8,400,000 - Emergency County Reserves $1,492,500 (Approved 10-0) \wi '-I Note: The $482,500 should be partially reimbursed through penalties assessed against the jail security system contractor. This number includes projections for July - September 2004. Toby Long said he would request reimbursement as needed and the Sheriff's Office may not need the full amount ($482,500). The emergency reserves could be replenished over 3 months, January-March 2005 through Law Enforcement Impact Fees or as recommended by the Citizens' Budget Development Committee from the estimated $9,000,000 being generated by the unbudgeted revenues being received from the increased property values. Finally, we are waiting for the revised operating budget for the new jail pods. I have requested a 5-year projection. Please find attached 2 documents distributed by the Sheriff's Office at the Citizens' Budget Development Committee meeting (attachments 1 & 2), and attachment 3 distributed by Roger Shinn of County Staff. DMAljc-04-137 Attachments c: Citizens' Budget Development Committee Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Dan Mcintyre, County Attorney Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director Ken Mascara, Sheriff Garry Wilson, Chief Deputy Pat Tighe, Major - Director of Detention Toby Long, Finance Director, Sheriff's Office Public Safety Coordinating Council '- 'will r ,~ ...- ,.' ·'·~::z~q-ll ":'~:~~~'::;~;,,",?\ k..___.... ....:.;..t....~._....~....."",:....1 ITEM N DATE: \..-' -~'- ~---..... '~ ~ - - ,.....;..... ~ ,..' -, ~ ~~;;..'''. ~,~~ ~t.\.:~.,..~~..,.'~ -- ,... ... '('. . . . ,--..-;.-. l!." ".,:..1 ·;...;l\'ar. P.'.....~-,:-., .. _........-.,;,~__.. , . - _..._...1 AGENDA REQUEST :ã-..:J~::.:1:~¡:¿;'';·::-f:;:;\r:~-¿~:::J REGUL PUBLIC HEARl CONSE TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS \ SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): ADMINISTRATION Do glas~;' ndersen , CountfAd inistrater Sheriff's request fer reimbursement of cost overruns/projec,ted~2all in 2003/2004 b dget. SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: See attached July 2, 2004 memorandum, it;m #3 and the attached July 6 2004 memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: ~492,500 I~OTAL Acct #001-9910-599300-800 - General Fund-Emergency Reserve """$307 477) Acct #001-2300-599043-200 - General Fund (5500,000) Law Enforcement Impact Fees ($685,023) PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: The Citizens' Budget Development Committee recommends reimbursi 9 the Sheriff's Office an amount not to exceed $1,492,500 for the 2003/2004 b dget year. COMMISSION ACTION: X APPROVED 0 DENIED ù OTHER: Approved 5-0 Molion to appro\'e 1.185.000,00 With 5500.000,00 coming from reserve sel aside this yrnr and 685.000,00 from correction Review and Approvals impact fees, º- County Attorney: q Management and Budget: b~l.- D ~Ias Anderson County Administrator q Purchasing: ,º Originating Dept: g Other: º Other: 9 Finance: Check for copy only, if applicable: Anyone \I'¡~h a dlsabiliryrequiring accommodations to at/end this meeting s/:;:~";j contact th~ s: L~: ~ Co::".y Community Se,-vi::es Manager al 7ï2 52·1777 or TTD 772-462-1428, ilt teast 48 hours (48) pnor to tile meetmg, H .'.'I:~: '...:'<~·AGëNOAW\SHERIFF BUD REIMB 7·13-04 DOC '-' ...., {:~:.~=~~ "::. '·~;·~~~=~::·'~==:J=~2Y~. .::. :"j COUNTY ADMINISTRATION ~-kJ;" :' f -U' -- .o:f:i1- I' I - .~~,.--."" ~ - ,;;;.......:, ;""r... r.;, cf'.·' ',.,. :" =.?''':;r"';fs._..;ç:¡:,~j ':~ ~,~ryj , '. \; _. ,'". -',·i. .",- ~ (,-,. oTII l~h r:) r,:,·,"~.."j'~'\': ¡_LP'[,~_~L\~t]=~Œ.iEt~t~~~::;~ ~::~~·~'~.~=·~~;;·~~.:,~:,,,~~::·2~ ~·:::i=·:~·:··::~'~·=;.:~~~~~i.7J MEMORÄNDUM 04-144 E:.:::~~~;¡z:::r-~":'11-""~F...~..:r...~~~.~.:~t;¡~!~~~~7'?'E..~"~' .~;"¡iI::'~-::~~~..L.-~':""'~ TO: Board of County com;;{siþq , FROM: Douglas M. Anderson,/J!u~ty Administrator DATE: July 7, 2004 RE: Reimbursement of Sheriff's 2003/2004 Budget in an Amount Not to Exceed S í ,492,500 ::a:z::=-wCõ~""":""""·" --..... ....-~- ---- -- The Sheriff has ijentified '$1,492,500 in cost overruns and projected shortfalls for the 2003/2004 fiscal year, See attached breakdown. The Citizens' Budget Development Committee recommends reimburseí'ìient using the following funding sources: $5(::),OOJ Sheriff salary reserve funds established by the Board of County Commissioners $5CD,OOO Loan from County's emergency reserve funds ($8,400,000) to be repaid from: 1, S192,523 - Jan-Mar 2005 Law Enforcement Impact Fees 2, 5307,477 - Penalties paid from jail security system contractor and remaining amount from 2005 General Fund Reserve Fund $ 492,500 To be paid from Law Enforcement Impact Fees collected July-December 2004, Estimated $160,000/month by Sheriff's Office. $1,',92,50J Total DMA/jc 04·1 ~~ c: Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Dan Mciíltyre, County Attomey Marie Go~in, Management and Budget Director Ken Mascara, Sheriff Garry VVi!son, Chief Deputy Toby Long. Finance Director, Sheriff's Office H ,\'JI:',r: '.'IOROAGENDAVV\SHERIFF BUD REIMB 7-13-04 DOC fil1-Ø:3-'C~ 1::::,3 ¡:~;;."¡1-5,:· F¡;~:;,-: \w TO: FRor·,'1: 11.-\7£: SUBJECT: cc: 77 2~~2:~2~5 ¡\1EMORA~DUM Doug And:rsC'E, C C)~lnty Admi;1i~t:';!tt" Toby Long, Di!="t'j~ (¡ffinaIlc~, fv/ ¡ hlly 81 1004 L' E - F ;i'.V ..r:tl)r¡;çm~::: i:~$ Ktn .I. Mag~::J.r;;¡, S::'triff Garry Wilson, C!-.:~:' D::puty 'wII ~-7:.2 p=~ ~~/l1:~: l;- ~j~::~: , ~ {, l { vI r 1 \ ì y 0ll h~.d ~t~.;t'\~ T;le t~ ~iVi: you :'C. v::~¡iI;¡:II: of 111.. 3nlOl:n: orïmp,~çt f;es tt:'1 -.;,:ill ~i: \.:Gl1~~·':.=d i;-, tbe ne:.:t 11~C;,! '.'~ar !Tom th;- !1~"; .;...;:¡w E:~~o:';.:e¡j':t:-;: Imp.!(;l F~:.? ~ really c¿"no! c~:cula¡e lh;:!! ¡'¡:110't,\!H bc-Uh¡~::'- I (10 nùt h:w~ :::'::' ·:8ta as to) tll;; r;'ojee,:å hou:ìng st(\r,~ L-: Pi)r1 St. L'.J.çir~, Ft, l'it'ïc:e, S:, L1Ciç \'ilj¡:l~é. ilr:: :.:¿. ~nin~ürForat,d COllnr)', or for that Ill;!,t~e!' t~e p,'oje;;teò nL1E:b~r Ctfmulti-få!ì1';i::unÍT5 cr cOln;:ì:r~::1: buihung$, A ,~¡:,~n~ íirtjcl-= jn the local news p[lptr Sfij,j ilia! ihere ';'¡f.:ré ] O)UO h~)t1sjl1g s:..~r:s ,;: St. L\I;;lC ('o,¡:1:Y in 2003. The ir:;.pact ~-te is ) 169 on all singk fami!;: t~'.m~c; :;<1 hast:~ ':'.. L:;.' rt'p';:)It~d pC:11Ü¡S in 2003 the ammm: -.';cuId be in e>~c~ss of S1/HJO,OOlì. :r- .- :. " " ...' :_, L I' :: rI. C () 0 .,'l...J, "/ 1;;-'" f¡J> 7/ /7 N" ...- ~ \ ' ,..- '-.;.~---,- .:~.~ . ~-. ~ rl.:::: " ('\-1 r',·-':; . ::..--- L-:'" ~--_..------- ,-J V 3 tft/orY?~""'/íl /.4¿-) _ () --. A,.~ ~P.4t.-1 ~ ~ \w' '-.,J () /} T.-!:: ::,.,;~.g are the amou,,:s r=q'J~s:;d by U'1e She,~:f ( V /lU' (.¡I pY'1' iff LJlV fl' /v~ 0° ojOIO ,~~'" ~-:.:i.:~:~S S¡';:-:' .~,d Benerils í:i,-:,-,; c..::sts ;: ¡. :';-, !X3r.1/polygraph :: ::-.: ë~~ Liability Insuran~e E:.':-;'7·!t:: !¡;:-_ -:; ~:r County Cons::u::::n Cc::::a:t J:', _:-:::¡;S·'.vater & sewer 1,--.:: ~.!:d¡cal costs I~-:-.:: f:.:;d C :',-,>; 2~d Bedding .,.-:::~.: 5upplie~ :-:.-::.:':5, shacles. se:uri)' i:::;1s ::::: T:Ö¡S'delivery carts :~:~....:: ;ëS C'.::-:::-,¡; =_:;::!å Overtime Clnd è::,:~¡S :'. :,-:,-;:: incurred thou;~ =,'31/C~ f:::::::d overtime/ben:~:> :.:;:::d C:'.::;' Ccntracts C. :-::::: due to overcr:......;:,;; ...-' ,~.-::::;.:e:: amount nee~ ::::::end ;;,~-~ 3 0.2':-:¡ , (.0.) '\" II õ,:.:-J,OO " 25'c:-:':¡,(j() ~--- .' I 35.[·:·J,OO I.~ay be paid from 1r,;;J=ct fees ;/"... \ 527.4 T7 ,~5 50D.COO is in the c:z: t;Cd;,,: ~~'1~'OO ',lay be pard [ror...-f....,ect Fees. ~~;9ht time and evertime S5.C-::.:¡,QO At the ti:ne the budge: w~ being p:e;Jë':: a..,ounls v,ere runr.ing a:ow;;g 20.CJO Ç':: :7J,¡:'; cr 240.000 per year 03·0~ bud;;e! was 275,(:), ;_7,:';~:> are currently running o'Ier 30.000 ç:e: r.:..,:,' 52,7~,25 This increase is based on the per die:;-; :=:e c~.:;::j by Uie provider (S 1.65) per day p:r i;;ITi,,:: C":.: 2 C<!¡:> of 1050 inmates ' 77.733,14 Tnis increase is base:J on the sta.¡j2:d r.:.' r:::e cf 5,909 per meal 11 õ.~,1 0 I.!ay be paid rrom Impact Fees 41.393,CO 'This is Ihi! amou;;1 O'li!r b'Jdget d'Je!t) c;=·:r:,,';,,~ 25,77Õ,CO This is may be pa:d rrorn impact fees 1 õ.13 7 ,00 This may be pa,id Ire.., im¡:>ac! fees 3,:~,C'J For drye:s ~"-'_._' : , 523,9:J ·0 5CV(~/}~ / r 6P71/ . (¡;P~~d'" ~O // ,1/}-"..I 'n/' çr,i 0',S ¡}~C Ú,.--i Ii ¡y) c/ './ .r¡' - ¡,V { /1'0 ß- 7ô9,222 V, J C 1.30D,~22 (523,9:J) \ \ (2S0,97õ) 4~.4~.C·J 1.S29.4~ö.4 7 \ _\ \ .- ~.-. 1.452,:-:':),CO .--..J ~r ff;v 'f/.~ ~ "WI , . COUNTY ADMINISTRATION M MORANDUrvl O~-137 DATE: 3J?íd of County com~SiO e \ (\ DJuglas M. Anderson ounty Administrator J,-ily 2, 2004 TO: FROM: RE: ï!2/04 Citizens Budget Development Committee The Citizens 8'Jdget Development Committee made the following recommendations to the Board of CC".::;~,/ Commissioners: i) :.:ove forward with the construction of 2 low-tech, 50-person each stee: ':uildings with air conditioning and insulation together with expansion of the :J:!et and shower facilities. Also, retrofit the existing dormitory to house :îledium security inmates, The total cost approved $560,000. :/\pproved 9-1) Note: CO'...<:' staff is getting additional quotations for the 10v/-tech facilities. The annual ope:?',:1g cost excluding electricity VIas projected at 51,222,000 by the Sheriffs O;;:~, I have requested Toby Long to reduce this number by using existing staff to r~:; :~:s facility for the first year of operation. He is preparing a revised budget. 2) Proceed v/ith the bid process for an electronic monitoring GPS system fo:- release of inmates, (,D.,pproved 10-0) Note: The S~ariffs Office \'/orking with a contractor of this equipment id entified 10J ¡:ìiì~?~:;S that could be released under this system. 3) Reimburse the Sheriffs Office Budget 5 1.492,500 for 2003/2004 cost overruns/projected shortfall from the following funds: $500,000 - Sheriff salary reserve fund 5510,000 _ Law Enforcement Impact Fees - To be collected Ju1j!- September 2004 $482,500 _ Designated from the 58,400,000 - Emergency County Reserves 51,492,500 t .A '" 1'\\ · ' \w' \J Note: The $482,500 should be partially reimbursed through penalties assessed against the jail security system contractor. This number includes projections for Ju:y - September 2004. Toby Long said he would request reimbursement as needed and the Sheriff's Office may not need the full amount ($482,500). The emergency reserves could be replenisheå over 3 months, Janua¡:y-March 2005 through La\'.' Enforcement Impact Fees or as recommended by the Citizens' Budget Development Committee from the estimated $9,000,000 being generated by the unbudgeted revenues being received from the increased property values, , Finally, we are waiting for the revised operating budget for the ne"'/ jail pods, ha'/e requested a 5-year projection. Please find attached 2 documents distributed by the Sheriff's Office at the Citizeiìs' Budget Development Committee meeting (attachments 1 & 2), and attachment 3 distribu:ed by Roger Shinn of County Staff. DMA/jc-04-137 Attachments c: Citizens' Budget Development Committee Ray \Nazny, Assistant County Adm¡nistrator Dan Mcintyre, County Attorney Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director Ken Mascara, Sheriff Garry Wilson, Chief Deputy Pat Tighe, Major - Director of Detention Toby Long, Finance Director, Sheriffs Office Public Safety Coordinating Counsil ~ Current Property Value Millage Taxes Fine & Forfeiture $13.496,591,294 3,5066 $47.327.147 Proposed Millage Shift: Fine & Forfeiture General Fund 3,3698 $45,480.813 4,0728 $54.968.917 ---- Example: ,.., U u Z (;. Property Value ,- ì -, Less Homestead Exemption Assessed Value Tax Decrease $13.496.591.294 $13,496.591,294 .."" EXHIBIT B Millage Decrease Decrease amount- Proposed Millage Total Taxes 0,1368 $1,846.334 3.3698 $45,480.813 \ o,o520)701,823 -0,0520 701.823) ----' 3,3178 $44,778,991 4.1248 $55.670,740 2lf41,l.R -I~i/.) $150,000 $25,000 ~ V [UI'./ 1 J'1 '1 t-{ .., \¡J AGENDA REQUEST ITEM 1"0. 8 DATE: July 27, 2004 REGULAR r X ] PUBLIC HEARlNG CONSENT fO: ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMJ\lISSIONERS SUB~IITTED BY: OMB PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin SUBJECT: Approval of millage rates to be submitted to the Property Appraiser and set dates for public 'ean::~5. BACKGROUND: The recommended rates were established pursuant to the budget reviews concluded JY tt:~ Board on July 26, 2004, and as required to meet special district, debt service, and related millage "equ::;::1ents. FUT\DS A V AILABLE: N/A PR.[\"IOl;S ACTION: N/A RECO~I:\1ENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the following: I. A;;~o\'e millage rates as outlined on "Worksheet Analysis of Roll-Back Millage Rate for Fiscal Year 2C :":-2005" under the column headed "2004-2005 proposed millage". Z. s:: 7\\'0 public hearings on September 9 and] 6 at 5:05 P.M. in the Roger Poitras Administration A:.:::x Commission Chambers. 3. At:~:orize the County Administrator to be able to modify the millage rates between General Fund and Fi:-.; and Forfeiture Fund as long as the total county wide millage stays the same. Also, Authorizing the C:"..:,,:::y Administrator to transmit the millage rates to the Property Appraiser on Fonn DR-420. t. Se: :.:~gregate millage at 8.7530 milJs which is 16.55% over the roll-back rate for ta.x year 2004. =O\~\I1SSIdN ACTION: uglas~. Anderson County Administrator ')q ..1.?PROVED [J DENIED J OTHER: Approved 5-0 Coord i nation/Signatures : ou:::y .-\ tto rn e y: x:< '"'f1sdr' ()r1, Management & Budget: , f.l f.^"-'1 ¡ ./v, Purchasing: )rig-:-,ting Oept: Public Works: Other: " z C> ~ ~ § ~ ~ ~ ... c -: 0 ; :r ;: """ · ,... 1/1 ~ 0 m o 'T1 ~ 1 ... ñ ~ ~ ~ · 1/1 C ¡ ~ · en · ~ · · " · '" ;, · .. .. .. i ~ D ¡ ~ þ .. .. ;: .. ; . - ~ B·~ .. .. j.,,¡ "1.01 .. '" ... .. '" o '" :""0 .. '" ... ~ "'. .. .. ... N ~~ ;u< .... ;¡; "00 ;Uz 01: "Om mz ;u .... ~~ III ): Oz ~c Œ~,ia ;:: ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ... '" '" ~ ~~~8~ æ~~~~ !~~~iiI ...1-6 ê iiI I: "''''lii ~ g - ~ ~ ~ '" '" C1 i!!!.!!!m i C Z ~ ~ £ ~ ~ ~ Qì=~ ~ ~ ~ In ;J.. ~~~r Q8~¡: ", ~ C o~~ ~ iiI 8 ~ ! \" . ~~I~ Q m ~ 00 ~i N '~ ~ ~ '~ '~ 00 o N N .. '" o 0 : N Þ · ~ ¡ ~ ¡ ... 'Q) ... '" '" '" '~ 'g: '" ... o 0 "CD "cD ... N .IÞ !ZJ ... ~ '" '" "s '2 ... ... ¡;; N i.ø 'CD ... N ... ... ...., ...... ~ ~ '''" "Ut ~ ~ w w ~~ ... ... i i ...... ...., .. .. 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II .... ~ .~.~ ~ S S II! 'UI .~ U. ~ ~ ~ NNN f f ~ Ii ",0 K~ ~ i þ ~. fjj I '" ~ ~, n ~I ;J i ~! 0 I/IX§ E I' m ~PJI ....:11 ~ I; ." c'" ~~I C) ~S!:t Iii~§ II ~ - .. :; o :0> " V. % m m .... » Z » ,.... -< to iii o ." :0> o ,... ,... œ þ n " Ii ¡= ~ C1 m ~ .... m ." o :0> ." iii n þ ,.... -< ~ ;Ð N ~ N o ~ '-' ..",¡ EXHIBIT C " TO: COUNTY ADMINISTRATION MEMORANDUM 04-161 FROM: Douglas M. Anderson, unty Administrator \ , DATE: July 29, 2004 RE: Recent Accomplishments As you know we continue to compile information for a commissioner-e of recent accomplishments of St. Lucie County: ~fNr7.1 þ- 1. Taylor Creek Restoration ~,;J (' (Jrls, p ,~tl'() 2. Parks Referendum ~ Sit () ~ "i:.. /- 3. Decrease in Countywide millage rate ' í' a ~ A" 4. Wal-Mart Distribution Center, ¡-IoJ ~ ~: ~~ibg~unds & Equestrian Arena Facility 2A1 t. 7. Utilities Agreement with Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (J~ 8. New Your Mets 16-year contracVTradition Field ¿;>h'" 9. Administration Building addition and new facade - under construction ,A1 10. Research/Education Park ~ 11. Rescue Helicopter and Mobile Command Unit ()ø,1jfl 12. Holiday Pines and Paradise Park stormwater projects / V- , . 13. Investment for the Future .ØJ~ 14. Smithsonian Marine Ecosystem Exhibit 1/ ¿ 15. Community Transit - fixed transit routes V 16. Walton Road Annex - under construction 17. South County Regional football/soccer stadium 18. Stan Blum Boat Ramp .~ 19. Environmentally Sensitive Lands purchases and improvements ¡/¡/J dtf1/~' 20. Art in Public Places l/~ 21. Histories and Humanities Museum design 22. New jail pods funding/construction contract 23. Scripps Treasure Coast Publishing Facility 24. North County Charrette 25. South Hutchinson Bike Paths, Phase IC 26. Lakewood Park Bike Paths 27. North County Utility Expansion - under construction We want to thank all of the Commissioners for their guidance and support in making 81. Lucie County the best place to live. DMAJjc-04-161 ~ ~ .' St. Lucie County, Florida Citizens' Budget Committee Agenda Friday, June 18, 2004 7:30 a.m., Conference Room # 3 St, Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex 1. Convene meeting 1.1 Roll Call, announcements 1.2 Minutes r "..- tfJ'l C/I ~ _~/O --/~ ,~¿,~ IÝ~ ..~ 7 /Ar/-LýÞ r /hP~~)p-- ') ~7/L~~ ./" A &:7 ~~/ð 2. New Business ~' íb-ll' ~L....C-. '7 ...t (/¡?~ S ,2; I Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Highlights "n _ ~_, 0 , T t---- ~'/"7;c;.r-' ¿....- VV¡:;}\..l/,UF- l' Þ)~ I'0)J/ SflG7.-fl'OG~ S ~rnment ú/ ¿'",--h~ ~ext CBC meeting: July 16, 2004 C¡?r'-' L /1 ~~~, /? ;;?Fvi- ,..- __1' tC -.//);1 þ~~' I) b~? .2.-) ¿><¿;->-/'" ./---. ß~~/ G~7 ~&--.~ C~T7 V"ð(~9 r r 1 ;~I/; ~ if4.~ ~ ~} 7~o/' VJ~ . ~ ? -1 0 1/ n--P 2.. /J ^ ..(J7 Ç. '" ~ Þ h ð' ?_ 4 ,AJdd-·/~ ~~ y~. f' ~ ...,..." Draft CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: May 21, 2004 SLC Fairgrounds Meeting convened at 7:30 a,m, MEMBERS PRESENT:Kenny Hogan, Ron Parrish, Mark Taynton, John Knapp, Debbie Hawley, Edward Lounds, Sylvie Kramer, Carl Hensley, and Linda Bartz, MEMBERS ABSENT: David F. Samuel, William "Bill"Casey, Paul Young, William "Bill"Casey, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick and Steven Messer. OTHERS PRESENT: Pete Keogh, Sherry McCorckle, Guy Medor, Linda Brown, Jennifer Hill, Ray Wazny, Doug Anderson and Marie Gouin. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; In lieu of Bill Casey's absence, John Knapp presided the meeting. MEETING MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the April 16, 2004 meeting, Ed Laounds moved for approval and Debbie Hawley seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Bude:et process Doug stated that this year staff is facing a big challenge in terms of balancing the budget. The General Fund (the budget's largest source of revenue) has not increased over the last several years. The costs of the different County departments have been increasing proportionally to the County's population; consequently, they have been using more oftheir allocated budgets, reducing drastically the margin offunds carried forward to the following year's budget. He numbered several other expenses expected for the next budget (some are set off by inflation, salary and health insurance increases), as well as costs that will have to be covered by the County due to "Article V Revision 7" (e.g. the costs for the Juvenile Detention Center - approx. $1.5 MM) and other projects that can no longer be put-off, such as the expansion of the County Jail. To balance out these expenses staff has been forced to limit the number of requests for the much needed new positions, despite the fact that there are more operations to run, such as the Fairgrounds, new parks and environmentally significant lan<~s and a new County Extension office that should open next Fiscal Year. The new positions that will be requested are the ones that are indispensable. Staff will forward a copy ofthe list to CBC members after this meeting, Staff has been working on projections on the increase expected in property values to determine the revenues available for the next Budget Year. Once the Property Appraiser announces the percentage the values will increase, staff will have a better view of the situatuion, If the values come higher than last year's increase (14%) staff will recommend to the BOCC to set the excess revenues aside in some kind of contingency fund for the FY2005-2006 Budget to cope with all the unexpected expenses that could come. Doug stated that the general public has the perception that with every increase in property values millions of dollars come in as revenue to the County; he clarified every 1% increase to the property values only generates another $400,000 to the General Fund budget. At the next CBC meeting staff will most likely be able to provide information on how much the properties values will increase this year (they are announced officially on July 1). Mark proposed staff should work on a campaign to educate the public, as it has been done in the past for other issues (successfully) to create awareness on these matters, $ ~ ..."." Doug also updated committee members on the latest news about the County Jail's operation costs, County and Sheriff staffs are working together on this matter. CBC members and staff discussed briefly the issue of raising the homestead tax exemption to $50,000 and how it would affect the budget if it went on a referendum and passed. Impact Fees - City of Port St. Lucie's Position Doug referred to the information mailed to CBC members on this matter these past weeks and stated that when Mr. Cooper, was confronted on this matter he answered he had never stated the City of Port St. Lucie would stop collecting the Impact Fees. Regarding the impact Fees, John Knapp proposed staff should prepare for the Budget Workshops with the BOCC a detailed estimate of the costs a new home generates. He is ofthe opinion the Commission members (and general public also) should have a real number of how much a new home impacts the budget, Staff and CBC members discussed this matter briefly. SLC FairlZrounds Pete Keogh, Parks and Recreation Director, stated he was pleased with the way business is picking up for the Fairgrounds facilities and advanced some of the future plans for this center. He introduced Sherry McCorckle, Fairgrounds Manager, who gave a brief presentation of the operations, Sherry invited members to visit the St. Lucie County Fairgrounds, Equestrian & Event Center's (official name) web page (httD: / /www.co.st-Iucie.fl.us/fairgrounds/index.htm) which has only been up for 2 weeks and is already generating calls with requests to use the facilities, This website has the rental rates posted as well as the Calendar of events and a virtual tour of the Fairgrounds. NEXT MEETING The next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, June 18,2004 at 7:30 a,m., in Conference Room # 3 of the St, Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. Topics to be discussed will include highlights of next year's budget. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 8:37 a.m. and committee members went on a tour of the Fairgrounds facilities, Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary William "Bill" Casey, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting May 21,2004 H:\O SecretarylO OMB\CBC\MinI05 21.wpd page 2 Below are some images taken at the St. Lucie County Fairgrounds, Equestrian & Event Center, Following the May 21, 2004 CBC some members joined staff on a tour of facilities, Pete Keogh, Parks & Recreation Director, gave some of the CBC members details on how the construction of the Equestrian Arena is progressing. ,I'" , '-' St. Lucie County, Florida Citizens' Budget Committee Agenda Friday, May 21, 2004 7:30 a.m., St. Lucie County Fairgrounds 15601 W. Midway Rd. - Fort Pierce / 1. 1.1 1.2 Convene meeting Roll Call, announcements Minutes ^ , {tP' /¡'~b j,.- ... £; "" (P'(' 2. New Business 2.1 Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Budget process .' 2.2 Impact Fees - City of Port St. Lucie 2.3 SLC Fairgrounds (presentation and tour of facilites) 3. Adjournment 4.1 Next CBC meeting: June 18, 2004 --', ,,---- ,,' :'I " J]'~ (OJ".,''' r ~ fl W7 r§ '~, l¡~ I '~~~' ;1' 2004 '1'8 co. ADMIN. OFFICE .JII' t '-' ..., Draft CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: April 16, 2004 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: David F. Samuel, MarkTaynton, William "Bill"Casey, John Knapp, Debbie Hawley, Edward Lounds, Sylvie Kramer, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick, Carl Hensley, Linda Bartz. MEMBERS ABSENT: Kenny Hogan, Ron Parrish, Paul Young, and Steven Messer. OTHERS PRESENT: William W Ritchie, Ken Mascara, Patrick Tighe, Toby Long, Thomas Willis, Lisa Savage, Howard Osterman, Mike Bowers, Jennifer Hill, Ray Wazny, Doug Anderson and Marie Gouin. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; Addition - New Cost of County Jail Pods Bill Casey welcomed members of the Public Safety Coordinating Council, who were invited to attend this meeting to discuss the current estimated cost to build the two new jail pods. MEETING MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the March 19, 2004 meeting, David moved for approval and John Knapp seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. SLC Jail - Cost of New Pods Doug explained staff had invited the Public Safety Coord. Council (PSCC) to join this meeting because the building firm quoted a price for completion of the project and they can only hold the offer until May 1, 2004 to lock the quoted price. Staff will recommend approval at the next BOCC meeting and the PSCC is not scheduled to meet until after the BOCC meeting. Staff is seeking the CBC and PSCC's endorsement on moving forward with the project and accepting the new price. Roger Shinn, Central Services Director stated the Jail Expansion Selection Committee has been negotiating with the recommended design build firm (Centex Rooney/Schenkel Shultz) to come back to the BOCC with a reasonable cost to build the two new pods for the jail. These two pods would have a capacity for 576 beds to house medium and maximum security inmates and the design is focused on minimizing the operation and maintenance costs. The vendor came back earlier this week with a guarantied fixed price of approximately $18.955MM, locked until May 1,2004 (increase in cost is due to steel prices escalating). Doug added that the estimated total cost for the project is $20.5MM (this includes construction cost $18,955,000, impactfees $388,000, estimated wetland mitigation $240,000, County's consultant $346,000 and contingency for changes initiated only by the County $571,000). The entire project is to be paid out of revenue from impact fees (Public Facilities and Corrections). He explained the financing aspects. CBC members and staff also discussed City of Port St. Lucie's Council comments on considering not to collect impact fees for the County in the future. Staff has scheduled a meeting with the cities to discuss impact fees and will come back to CBC members with an update on this issue at a future meeting. Pat also suggested the Sheriffs Dept. staff should bring to the meeting with the cities, population projections (County residents and jail inmates) to explain why it is so important to the community as a whole to collect the impact fees. CBC members inquired about other aspects of the project, such as the urgency to complete the project (despite the court's efforts to process the cases expeditiously, its getting harder to keep the jail population within its current maximum capacity, due to St Lucie County's sudden population growth), the time frame for completion (if the contract is awarded as proposed to the BOCC, the design build firm can begin work in August of this year and the expansion would be in operation by May 2005) and the immediate need for an additional new facility (staff is also working on this issue). .., """ " . . Other aspects discussed included roll of the consultant, Sheriffs Dept. involvement/feedback, following the proper specifications, contingency plans and alternatives for confining (or monitoring) the inmates. Ed moved to endorse staft's recommendation to go forward with construction of the two jail pods and accept the vendor's quote, for it is orthis committee's opinion that for the reasons stated before it is imperative to begin construction as soon as possible. Mark seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and motion passed. (For the record, it is here stated that the PSCC members present concurred with this committee's recommendation). SLC Utilities Mike Bowers, Interim Utilities Director and Howard Osterman, utilities consultant, gave a presentation on the agreement the County made with Fort Pierce Utilities Authority and on the County's water utilities expansion master plan (for details on the expansion plans, please refer to the packet handed out at the meeting, which contains maps of the areas that will be covered and its costs). Committee members discussed details of the operations and service area of the proposed utilities system expansion. They also discussed the investment, costs, revenues and benefit to the community. Ed moved to endorse in concept the utility expansion master plan for the North County area as wen as the movement towards Midway and Okeechobee roads area (phase 1) contingent that staff comes back with updates on the specific plan once it is available. John Knapp seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and motion pased. NEXT MEETING The next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, May 21,2004 at 7:30 a.m., at the SLC Fairgrounds, located at 15601 W. Midway Rd. in Fort Pierce. Topics to be discussed will include an update on the process of next fiscal year's budget and the city of Port St. Lucie's position regarding collection of impact fees. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary William "Bill" Casey, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting February 20, 2004 H:\O SecretarylO OMBICBCIMin\04'16,wpd page 2 '-' .." \ .---:' , COUNTY ADMINISTRATION FROM: MEMORANDUM 04-77 Board of County com. is. r~ - Douglas M. Anderson, . unty Administrator TO: DATE: May 19, 2004 RE: Constitutional Petition Initiative to Double the Homestead Exemption Please find attached a report discussing the petition initiative campaign to double the homestead exemption to $50,000, If approved, this exemption increase would be effective for assessments in 2005. St. Lucie County's current operating millage rate is 7.9551. This consists of Mosquito Control, Erosion, Fine and Forfeiture, and the General Fund. According to our calculations, if this additional homestead exemption is approved, St. Lucie County's operating millage rate would increase 1.0265, bringing the total operating millage rate to 8.9816. The attached published report shows a millage rate increase of $1.0913 to offset the increased homestead exemption. As I receive additional information regarding this initiative, I will be forwarding it to you. DMAlab 04-77 c: Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Dan Mcintyre, County Attorney Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director Jeff Furst, Property Appraiser Citizens' Budget Committee Attachment " '-' $25,000 Homestead Exemption Fund Name Homestead Exemption Current Value General Fund Fine & Forfeiture Erosion Mosquto Control 1,389,542,378 Current Millaae 4,0728 $ 3.5066 $ 0,1000 $ 0,2757 $ 7.9551 $ ....", Tax Amount 5,659,328,20 4,872,569.30 138,954.24 383,096.83 11,053,949 If an additional $25,000 Homestead Exemption is enacted, In order to recoup the lost revenues, the Countywide millage would have to be increased as follow: General Fund Fine & Forfeiture Erosion Moquito Control Total Notes: + Calculations are based on 2003 Value - 10,777,175,136. + Current Millage Rates are adopted rates for tax year 2003 (Fiscal 2003-04). + Current Amount of Homestead Exemptions 55,790, Sources: 1, SLC _ 403AC (The 2003 Revised Recapitulation of the Ad Valorem Assessment Rolls of St. Lucie County, Florida) 2, St. Lucie County Property Appraiser's Office 0,5251 0.4521 0.0129 0.0364 1.0265 '-"' 'wJI1 \ Attachment 1 Constitutional Petition Initiative to Double the Homestead Exemption Jeffery Sauls, a multi-millionaire from Indian River County, is funding and organizing a petition initiative campaign to double the homestead exemption to $50,000. The initiative would make the exemption increase effective for assessments in 2005. Current reports indicate that over 250,000 signatures have been obtained. This is over half the amount necessary to get on the ballot. The campaign has involved television and radio ads and includes an email and internet petition campaign. Issues and impacts . Would have a $614Mimpact on county levies and a $1.9 B impact on counties, school boards and municipalities. . Would result in 28 counties at 10 mills - Including Alachua, Clay, Escambia, Hernando, Highlands, and Pasco. o These six medium counties would lose $12.9 M that could not be made up by increased millage due to ten mill cap . 22 of the 31 small counties would be at ten mills - as opposed to 15 today. o Those 15 counties at ten mills today would lose $11.8 M ,. due ,to increase in homestead. ,. . ,- o The seven additional small counties pushed to ten mills would lose $8.3 M that could not be made up by increased millage due to ten mill cap . Anther twelve counties would be at eight mills or above - Including Citrus, Hillsborough, Leon, Manatee, Polk, and St. Lucie. . The additional $25,000 homestead exemption for low income senior citizens would be on top of the $50,000 homestead exemption - as would the $5000 partially disabled veterans exemption. This could result in a total homestead exemption of $80,000 for certain individuals. ...--..----- ~ [~~~n\v7[â ~ d . MAY 0 6 i'00'13 , I CO. ADMIN. OFFICE Estimate of Impact for Additional $25,000 Homestead Exemption HB1603 Additional $25,000 Homestead Exemption County Government Operating Millage Required to ~te Current Revenues , -;C".c-,< :.,," :,.'\,. .'.". 'z·.:,,··:·%~;: .... 8.' 35 6,6715 5,8272 6.4720 3.6315 8.4225 4,7343 9.2576 5.5867 6,5131 4.8871 '/:,\l Impact of Increase Increase in County Current County additional Homestead Operating Millage Government CO"ntv t on CO"ntt 0 or,ting ~\ R'9uirod to Offset \ 0 'rotln MiII,ge ~'.' ..," ".,.-~~';' :,1 J;g7 . ì 5,6620 -c::····;,.:T ',' D t) iWAI ...'.., ,'" ~:-" ""'\~':' CH ~LC I'E U~ '~::;f .\:. ;'" r; <:<?C ¡:; 4.' 344 i"I' n 3; 6. )65 ,'..:; 1.<,..··.·.' .j~rl -'17:7\ ,'. :,":"'~ i"I ¡:., i i·,:',\,. .:.', )',' ,:',', .... ;:;? 579' 4.~ =I~¡ .~ -~ ,;:, ~ '4: 8 .l i1 ): 5: 000 '7 0, ~i 5.2000 ¡-li::R >E:;OTO -'.'. ". ,,: ,:,;... nll\nl : :'...:~::";.;,, -:=" '::,.,1:\\:';:<' '¡ ¡::þ I.» GULF .~HhXJIj1Jl8¡¡QN: >;j 1': HARDEE _HENDRY . ':ii:, "'...., I " -':;. III c,:¡::¡ .', , .. $72 $1,110,361 o.~ 1C ;6 '599: 8.7500 _~805~ _..~9.0000 ...,..,;...., ,~ r7 .' -- : $411,816 :. $41.92 fr V ',C' :,; ·"':.C. . :, ,'" ,.,. " $3,015,679 dl>'II; ~;..:;~ .. .~,'. $9,287,725 ,', 1.0532 ' 5,9170 :,::; i'ø\;:n-:'(-}?: $16,512,300 0.4118 5,3401 .....\ilRÎli:8. ~ $13,310,251 0.7896 7,7089 $9,664,633 1.2115 5.4600 $5,315,355 0.4322 5.3950 $60,153.321 0.5030 5.9690 $1,532.696 0.1077 3,5238 $3,019,809 0.7404 7.6821 $4,181,603 0.4843 4.2500 $1.340,262 1.2566 8,0010 $24,382,089 0.4~228 5.1639 $5,749,338 0.5 5.9945 $35,173,181 0.3871 4.5000 ." ',C':' " ~;: ::c I,.'. A _ DN ',: ,:,~ ,<,~,.. ,,' . " .. '" MARTIN MIAMI-DADE MONROE NASSAU OKALOOSA OKEECHOBEE ORANGE OSCEOLA PALM BEACH - Data Source: Revenue Estimating Conference 6.3027 .;'; "0.'" )f )Ç ..,>'.:. I,M 13 II ;7 ¡:¿ " )94, .. .<,,; ~~ 9.8C :" ..: ï326- 4. i4 :',', J¿ 5.7519 r498 - Estimate of Impact for Additional $25,000 Homestead Exemption Count Impact of Increase additional Homestead on Count 0 e Increase in County Operating Millage Re uired to Offset County Government Operating Millage Required to Generate Current Revenues Data Source: Revenue Estimating Conference Please Print Name as it Appears on Voter I.D. Card CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT PETITION FORM 104,185-A person who knowingly signs a petition or petitions for a. candidate, a minor political party, or an issue more than one time commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable provided in s, 775.082 or s, 775,083, I am a registered voter of Florida and hEireby petition the Secretary of State to , place the foJ/owing amendment to the Florida Constitution on the bal/ot in the general election. IS THIS A CHANGE OF ADDRESS FOR VOTER REGISTRATION? _ YES_ NO (in this county only) Pd, Pol. Adv, by Families for Lower Property Taxes Voter Registration - or- DATE OF BIRTH ..--.----.- --------- SIGNATURE OF REGISTERED VOTER DATE SIGNED For Office Use Only: Serial Number: 04-01 Date Approved: 01-08-04 DS-OE 19 (5/02) - . ..........~...:....... ....:. ....::.:.. 81. Lucie County, Florida Agenda Friday, May 20, 2005 7 :30 a.m., Conference Room # 3 St. Lucie County Roger E. Poitras Administration Annex Convene meeting Roll Call, announcements Minutes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. _u8. 9. 10. Reimbursement Update., ~ Iff 6 r)rI\ / firP JJ '7 LIP' I V \ \ t¡\\ ! ~~f) 1/ r~î µ)/ ffJ/ ' Hurricane Recovery Efforts. Pods 1 & 2 (County Jail). County Credit Rating. Downtown Fort Pierce - Capital Projects. A) Cost By Project B) Funding Sources by Project. C) Building Impact Fees. Impact Fees. I Criminal Justice Study Update - Pretrial Services. Facilities Space Study (RFP). Sheriffs Budget Request for FY 2005-2006. County's Budget 2005-2006. Alternative Fuel. Adjournment Next CBC meeting: June 17,2005 (! ~ '"/ / J /Y I r /2 S L ~ ... . "c::, <- /ð J¥> ."76&--L.-r-Jr:- fr /.5 C C-b?'^-. ~¡/?<oø" ~ /5~,J,::J ,~ ~ or- /7 / ð-' /' 1-6 ';-'P I Â-Q.·/4, ò¿c...-\.....~ I r r/ 7r~ '-' 'WI Draft CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: March 18, 2005 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jacquelene N. Burke, Ron Parrish, Toby Philp art, John Knapp, Debbie Hawley, Edward Lounds, Troy Ingersoll, Patricia "Pat· Ferrick and Carl Hensley. MEMBERS ABSENT Lillie Miller, William "Bill·Casey, Steven Messer and Linda Bartz. OTHERS PRESENT: Faye Outlaw, Kristy Lilly, Sophia Holt and Doug Anderson. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; Doug stated staff had just received the final report on the SLC Criminal Justice System Assessment and he would be making a couple of comments on this matter. Carl pointed out that there are 2 vacancies in this committee and encouraged members to contact Commissioner Lewis and/ or Ed Fry, if they have someone in mind to be appointed. MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the February 18, 2005 meeting, Ed moved for approval and Troy seconded the motion. AU members present voted in favor and the motion passed. Appoint CBC member to the Court System Advisory Board This Board was created at the request of the Public Safety Coordinating Council for the purpose of planning future court needs within the county (for details, please refer to resolution number 01-194). They meet the last Thursday of the month (when they agree it is necessary to do so) before the Public Safety Coordinating Council meeting, at3:00 p.m. One of its requirements is representation from the Citizen's Budget Committee (one appointee). Debbie proposed to appoint Ron Parrish, since by virtue off his line of work, his abilities would be of assistance to this board's purpose. Ron stated he could attend the meetings. There being no other nominations, all members voted in favor to appoint Ron Parrish to the Court System Advisory Board. Buda:et in Brief Doug asked if the members had any further comments about this document, which had been brought to this committee at the last meeting. He asked if they agreed it was ready to be distributed. Members stated they believed it to be informative and velY well written, a great summalY that will give the public a good overview of where the money goes to. They stressed the need to find ways to promote its distribution out to the community. Ron moved to approve the document and make sure it gets out to the pubUc, Pat seconded the motion. AU members voted in favor and motion passed. Hurricane Recovery Efforts Faye handed out a sheet with the figures regarding the reimbursements for hurricane damages (it provides a breakdown of the reimbursements the County has received to date) and briefly explained some details of what these figures cover. Staff is confident that the amounts they have to date as estimated damage are accurate and will not be changing much from now on, with three big exceptions: Indian River Drive repair, the Civic Center (still to be determined if it is total loss) and damages to the old courthouse. CBC members and staff discussed the plan of action staff is following regarding these specific projects. Ed inquired if staff has found a viable facility for "Special Needs·. ~ .."" Doug stated that although it has not been announced, staff has found a facility that could be retrofitted for about $60,000. It's a school building. Downtown Fort Pierce Buildin2: Projects Doug pointed out the memo included in the packet, dated March 2, 2005, which contains the revised construction dates and estimated costs of these projects. He highlighted the revisions to the projects, which were also discussed at the last meeting (please refer to memo for details). Article V, Revision 72:Utches Doug referred to a letter in the agenda packet addressed to Ronald L. Book (he works as lobbyist for the County) describing problems stafThas found regarding several matters, since "Article V, Revision 7" began its implementation (July 1,2004). These issues are creating additional expenses to the County and need to be addressed by State Government (Please refer to the agenda packet for more information). SLC Criminal Justice System Assessment Doug announced that the final report for this study will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners at a special workshop on March 22, 2005, immediately following the board's regular meeting (tentatively scheduled for 10:30 a.m" or earlier if the board meeting is over before that time). The report has made recommendations for improvement to every branch of the system. Doug encouraged the CBC members to attend the workshop, as the decisions to be made to implement it will definitely have budget implications. The report will also be presented to the Public Safety Coordinating Council at their next meeting. Committee members and staff discussed some specifics in the report, such as the findings in the jail and the court. Doug believes the study has been a great investment, because since the study began, the jail population has gone down a notable percentage and according to its recommendations it may not be necessary to open the new pods (saving therefore operational expenses, and may imply some revenue if one is open for federal inmates). Members requested to be updated on this issue at the next meeting and stressed they would like to know each of the agencies responses to the study's findings. NEXT MEETING The next CBC regular meeting is scheduled to be held on Friday, April 15, 2005 at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary Carl Hensley, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting March 18. 2005 H:\O SecretarylO OMBICBCIMin\0318wpd page 2 '-r ..., Draft CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: April 15, 2005 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:35 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Lillie Miller, Ron Parrish, Debbie Hawley, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick and Carl Hensley. MEMBERS ABSENT Jacquelene N. Burke, Toby Philpart, William "Bill"Casey, John Knapp, Edward Lounds, Troy Ingersoll, Steven Messer, Linda Bartz. OTHERS PRESENT: Commissioner Hutchinson, Faye Outlaw, Ray Wazny, Jennifer Hill, Marie Gouin and Doug Anderson. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; There was no quorum for this meeting (Currently there are 13 members - we require at least 7 for a quorum). These minutes are for information purposes only. No Action could be taken on the issues discussed. MINUTES Minutes were tabled for lack of quorum. Hurricane Recovery EfTorts- Reimbursement Faye handed out a sheet outlining the most recent information on this subject. She reported that, to date the total amount reimbursed is $38,890,973 (In the end, we expect to receive a total of$107,897,324) and the assessed damage to date is $123,662,203, of which the county will be liable for $15,764,983. The County reserves are $8,400,000, therefore at the moment there is a shortfall of $7,364,983. Although the amount reported for damage has increased since the last report and some change orders have been issued to correct this (Indian River Dr.), it is expected that this new amount will remain very much the same from now on. CBC members expressed concern as to what will we do if we get hit by a hurricane again this year or the coming. Doug stated there will be no other choice than to adjust. He pointed out that hadn't it been for the cost to repair Indian River Dr., our reserves would have covered the amount for which the county would have been liable. Staff calculates it will take about 5 to6-years to replenish the Reserves Funds, but if another disaster strikes, there will be nothing else to do but to adjust to the new circumstances. He also spoke of the expected increase in property values for this year and that staffwill recommend for any excess to be applied to the deficit caused by the hurricane and to begin replenishing the Reserves Funds. Downtown Fort Pierce Buildinl: Projects Staff is working on a presentation to the Local Government Sub-committee (composed of3 representatives each for the county, the cities and the school board; a list of members can be made available by request), explaining the situation with the impact fees and the position that the City of Port St. Lucie has taken regarding this matter (they will stop collecting impact fees for the County starting on October 1, 2005; they will only collect the portion that goes to the city and are planning on implementing their own impact fees, which will drive the fees up). This situation directly affects the County's capital projects and staff will have to find alternatives to the collection process and present them to the BOCC to establish a new policy. The presentation explains what projects the Correctional Facilities and Public Buildings Impact Fees are expected to fund and therefore are directly affected by this potential problem (For details, please refer to Exhibit A). ~ t,J As he made the presentation, Doug numbered the challenges we will be faced with in the near future, such as allocating funding for a new jail (the current jail connot be expanded any further) and he also went over the costs of each of the projects to be funded by impact fees (although these buildings are located in the downtown Fort Piece area, the purpose they will serve affects the whole county, because they will accommodate the court system personnel, which has a county-wide jurisdiction). Committee members and staff discussed briefly the situation the City of Port St. Lucie has generated regarding impact fees. Buda:et in Brief Marie stated it may not be possible to include the Budget in brief pamphlet in the Property Appraisers millage rates notice or with the Tax Collector's bill ( If they agree to include it with their mail, they may have to accept to also mail out information from all the other taxing authorities). Instead, copies will be distributed at all the different county buildings (at the tellers' windows or front desks at places where the public can access it, like the libraries, utilities office or the code enforcement office), publish it in the news paper and post it in the County's web page. SLC Criminal Justice System Assessment The final report was presented to the Public Safety Coordinating Council (PSCC) at their last meeting, and before staff begins the implementation of the action plan, we come to this committee for feedback and recommendations to the PSCC as to how to proceed. Regrettably, no action could be taken at this meeting for lack of quorum, but staff would like to bring back some of the different issues for which the study has offered solutions to this committee (such as the GPS monitoring system and hiring a Criminal Justice Coordinator) for their feedback, since each of the new programs to be implemented will affect the County's budget. Carl inquired what will be the priority for the implementing the action plan. Doug stated the priorities may have to be moved around based on time and money constraints and, certainly, it will take several years to implement all the changes. The Port St. Lucie City Council has stated they want to have court offices in the Port St. Lucie (PSL) area. Doug stated that, although they will definitely have to do so, because the space in Fort Pierce is maxed out, they will still have to determine what the future needs will be, as well as the possible sites for construction. Committee members and staff continued to discuss the situation of the jail overcrowding (if pod 2 should be open) and the possibility of building a work farm for trustee inmates. Doug pointed out a letter from the Institute for Law and Policy Planning (ILPP) where Dr. Kalmanoff states they don't recommend opening pod 2 until the action plan has had a chance to be implemented. Another alternative could be to open pod 2 only for federal or other counties' inmates, which would cover operation costs and generate some revenue until we need it for this county's inmates. Since there was no quorum to take action at this meeting, members present proposed staff could go back through past CBC meetings minutes to verify if any decision had been made in regards to opening the second pod and submitting that information for the BOCC's consideration. Staff will also bring back this item to the next meeting. FaciUties Space Study IRFP) Because of our rapid growth, all the County's public buildings are maxed out or near to full capacity. Therefore, staff sees the need to determine what the immediate and longer range needs for space will be. One of the recommendations that came out of the Criminal Justice System Assessment was the need to perform space needs study for the courts system and staff agrees this is necessalY also for all other county operations. Citizen Budget Conunittee Meeting April 15. 2005 page 2 Doug stated he knows Martin county made a space study recommend to the BOee to go for proposals. Depending could be done in increments, by areas. limited) in the year 2000 and staffwill its cost, it could be made for all services or it staff could will offer. Although some go to the BOee through the account up or CBe sure to keep the 13% is the goal). budgets request recommended to the BOee. of the recommendations and cost of living and growth demands NEXT MEETING The next eBe Room # 3 of the jail pods, county the ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secreta¡y Citizen Budget Conmlittee Meeting April ¡ 5. 2005 H:\O Secretary\O OMB\CBC\Min\0415,wpd page 3 Impact Fees Correctional Facilities FY 2005...2007 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 Beginning Balance $1,663,356 $333,171 $707.816 Revenues (w/lnterest) 1,801,254 1,891,317 1,985,883 Less 5% of Est. Rev, 0 -94.566 -99.295 '~ Juvenile Dorm 1,056 0 0 Additional Bedding at Jail 5,014 0 0 Jail See, Sys,·Debt .. 262.374 262,374 \' .~~, ... Pods (Downpay 2M; Cost 20,5M) 1,707,463 0 0 Pods· Debt Svc, (15M) 955,532 959,732 953,732 H·...·..H ......... ···_·_··_··___..····_·_._H...._ .__m....·H.H..··__._ Pods - Debt Svc, (3M) 200,000 200,000 200.000 Total 3,131.439 1.422.106 1,416,106 Balance $333,171 $707,816 $1,178,297 Exhibit A 1 ·~ ....., Impact Fees Other Public Facilities FY 05-07 Beginning Balance Revenues (w/lnterest) less 5% of Est. Rev. Expenses: Admin Annex·Addition FY 2005 ==±==š-~:~:~:~;:"'" ° FY 2006 .....m........................_ $1,452,511 1.194,604 -59,731 FY 2007 ..............._...~.... ..- $2,040,009 1.254,334 -62,717 S, Co, Office Bldg, ... m......_.._....._.._..__........_....._..._.__..._.._..... Ctr.lPicos Rd, Bldg, Jail Tent Jail Retrofit Dorm A-1 152,160 0 0 ...........--.......-...-..--..---............--.............--..............--...-..--..-...-.....--...-.-....-....-.......- 8.000 0 0 ..........-....--..-.-.-.-....-......-.......--..-.-..-....--...----...........-....-..-........-....-.,.-...-.-..............--...--....--......-.... 8,000 0 0 .......-..-...-....--..-...................--..............__...._._._....___..........._.._......_..._............._.......__._.__'_M_'" 30,796 0 0 ........-.-.....-....-..--... 40,000 0 0 ..".'._..,...~........_._..,...._._...~_.,_..._.._.........._._...~.,- ......... ...-.......--....,.- .... ... ... -,...._-~~ ..... ...-."....--.....-........-.. ...~.- COC Bldg,-Chiller Piping Inst. 70.453 0 0 .. .. ... _....."...~._...........__..." ._.........-..........-. .....--............. . ...-.. Jail Pods (Downpay $500,000) 500,000 0 ° -.--..--...-..--.. .............-.......-- COC Bldg, (Down pay 6,9M) 1.000,000 0 0 . -.. .,.-.-... ......._........_~_....-.... ..... --..... ..... '..,. - ..-...-....-. .. .....- ...- ......._.._._...~----.,,,_...-...~ ......,...,.....-........... ....... ..... . .. ..... ........... ..- cae Bldg-Oebt Svc ($3,921 ,735) 248,875 547.375 550,875 ............... _.....__~._ ........_._......._.........~..___....... .. .·...._·.~.........___m._...... .....~_..~..__...~_... .._ .............. .. ..__ ._._ ....._._...._ . _..._,__....._....... ........._........ Total Expenses 2.058.284 547,375 550,875 --.-----..--..----.--. --------.-------------- Ending Balance $1.452,511 2,040,009 2,680,751 Impact Fees Other Public Facilities FY 2008-2010 ¡-------¡::y-200ã ,- ------F-Ÿ 2009 -~ginning Balance ! $2.680,751 $3.382.874 - -- 'm m __. m_m"'__m"'__ _.____ .m...__ _ -'-"1 m__m__________m... ...._m.___..__...__,._,______m._____ - -~_~y~,~~~~(.....!I~tE!r.E!~tt m mi____m1~~_~,!~~~~__ .. .._m____~~~~.?~~~~__ Less 5% of Est. Rev, -65.853 -69,146 Expenses: c6¿"E!I;giD~bïs~~¡$3,921, 735) . r- ·549.075---------546:975---'--- -549:575- .. T~ï~·ï·E~p~'~~~~·--···_-----"---,······[ '·---'-------549.075-----··---·'·--·····-·-546:975-'···-···----······-·'··549-.575j -, §~~i0~m~_~_I~n.~E!____m J $3.382,874 $4.149.656 $4,979.526 FY 2010 -- $4.149,656 m_m__m,._._.___.._.._ 1,452.049 ..._.._..._...~.._.._..._.~...... . -72,603 2 \.f ..., Clerk of Courts Building Construction Time Frame June 20, 2005 - Dec. 31,2006 Estimated Project Cost $6,900,000 ..w...·......·....··....·......·-··· . .. .. ....................-................-...-............-.... ....--...........................-....... ...._......._.......,.-..~....._......._..._.... Funding Source - FEMA 155,357 -,_............................... .........-....-.................. ..........-...................-...--............-..---. --......-...........-..-....--.....-.--....--.........-..... -..--- Down Payment - Other Facilities Impact Fees 1,000,000 ......-.---......-..-.....................-.................................................... ..........-.......................... ........._.~.......... ... .m............................ non ..........._.............._.................._... 2004 General Fund Transfer 900,000 .. ......_..ø_...... .._....... ........._~ ........._R_....__._...._._.......~ ._,..~,_.._..._.. ..........__. .. .....h._......._.....__....._.~_......R..'..........._._.h..._.._ ...__....._......-...._._..... _....._R.·......,.·_·.·_· R._.·..······ 2004 Capital Budget - Fund 316 922,908 -----------..-.-.--.----------------.-------- Bond Proceeds -Paid by Other Public Facilities Impact Fees Sales Tax Bond Issues 2003 3,000,000 921.735 ..-.-............_.......... .... ..........-..,....".. .... ..........-..-.................. . ...............--..-............... ..... . ............-.-....-.........-......,... $6,900,000 ....... .__......._...._........ ....._...........h..~......· .. ...........-........-............-.. $10,922.000 Total Revised Estimate Monumental Staircase Construction Time Frame Aug. 01 2005 - June 7, 2006 Estimated Project Cost $1,238,000 ................._..H·...........·_·_..· ..__...._.._._.."......_......._..'_h_·. ..._.. ........._......_,....,. . ......·HH·'_·.·....··.....··_··__···_··_.....·..···__··_· Funding Source - Bond Issue Being Paid by Other Public Facilities Impact Fees 3 'w ..." District Cooling Construction Time Frame June 21,2005 - Feb. 7, 2006 Estimated Project Cost .. ... -............~.. .. ............- .. ....... ..--................._._..~._.....-..- .....................-.........- $1.910.000 ..............................-.............. Funding Source - Bond Issue Being Paid By Other Public Facilities Impact Fees Old Courthouse Renovation 4 New Courtrooms Construction Time Frame/Renovation ..............--.......-.--........-...-....- .................-.....--............ ...._m......._._.__............_.._._..__..___..._........_......___..........._ August 1, 2005 - June 5, 2006 Construction4lme F rame/Remove-Replace .... ..-.-...-.-..............-.................-.-............_.........···_··....·h··..... Estimated Project Cost (If Facility Is Renovated) ...........-....-.....-...........--..........-..... January 1, 2006 - July 1, 2007 m·····..··.._··_____..........·_·.........··...·_·............__...w...._.._.... .._........._. ......___...... .........._.......". .-..-....................-......-....-.---..-.--..........-.....~._........................_-,_....-..........,..._...._.,.......--.......-..-...............-.........................--...-..-....--....-............--......-.......-..-....... $4,546,875 Funding Source - Insurance, FEMA, And Revenue Source To Be Determined 4 '-' 't,J Midway Road Expansion Zone 4 - Port St. Lucie Impact Fees Generate Approximately $2,500,000 Per Year .....--.--..............--...-.....-...-...................-............-..........................-.........-.-.-...............-.-..-......-...-..........................-.-......................---....-..-............-..............--......-................ As Of 9/30105 An Estimated $7,851,000 Will Remain In This Account .-.--...-.....-...--.....-...............-...-.. ... .....-....-...-...-.....-..-...-....-.-..--..--.................._.~...._._._.........__..._..._....._.........._._....__.......-...... ..... ......... Staff Will Recommend That The Majority of These Funds Be Applied Toward The $10,000,000 Midway Road Widening Project From 25th Street To The Turnpike Overpass .............................................. ,_...... _.. ..........._......_........._...................... ......h................·........·.....-···....·....·..···....... --........ .............. Downtown Parking Garage Construction Time Frame Aug. 01, 2005 - Feb. 7, 2006 Estimated Project Cost $2,500,000 .... ._.._..~..........~. ......-.-....... --_......_..-....~......_...._..-......_...._.........._............... .~..~.......-. ... ..._-_.~............~-_. ........ ....._.~.......__...._.._.............._.... Funding Source - Fort Pierce CRA 5 '-' ...." Agenda Item #2 COUNTY ADMINISTRATION MEMORANDUM 05-48 FROM: Douglas M. Anderson DATE: May 9, 2005 RE: St. Lucie County Jail - New Pods 1 & 2 This is a follow-up to last month's Citizens' Budget Development Committee (Committee) meeting whereby we discussed the openings of Pods 1 & 2 of the new jail construction. At that time, the discussion centered around whether or not Pod 2 should be opened. The three options are: · Opened for Federal and other outside inmates only · Not opened at all and not budgeted for · Opened for County and outside inmates The estimated annual operating costs for Pod 2 are $2,5t1, 113. Pod 1, when complete, will have 256 beds, while Pod 2 will have 320 beds. Per Dr. Kalmanoff of the Institute for Law and Policy Planning (ILPP) and the Sheriff, the jail has a current capacity level of 969. The current capacity at the jail of 969 beds plus 256 beds in Pod 1 equal a capacity of 1,225. We are now averaging approximately 1,150+1- inmates per day at the St. Lucie County Jail. Last April, the average number of inmates was 1,157 (see attached). The Committee requested minutes of previous meetings where they discussed the new jail pods. Please find attached minutes from the following meetings: November 15, 2002 January 17, 2003 February 21 ,2003 April 18, 2003 June 27, 2003 January 16, 2004 February 20,2004 March 19, 2004 April 16, 2004 June 18, 2004 July 2, 2004 These minutes reflect that no decision was made by the Committee on if and when Pod 2 should be opened. ~ ..,,¡ Page 2 May 9, 2005 St. Lucie County Jail - Pods 1 & 2 Staff will be presenting at the next Budget Committee meeting, scheduled for May 20th, additional information on the status of Pod 2 for the Committee's discussion and consideration. We then plan on forwarding your recommendation to the Public Safety Coordinating Council at their next meeting, scheduled for May 26th, which will then be followed by a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners. The County staff, along with the Sheriff, as per the ILPP report, will begin investigating construction of a 50-bed work farm on the existing jail property. Page 50 ofthe ILPP report discusses the need for a minimum-security facility. This housing would cut back on the population at the jail and these inmates would be used on County work crews. Attached is a letter from Dr. Kalmanoff stating that additional jail space should not be opened to County inmates until the Criminal Justice Action Plan has had a chance to be implemented. This recommendation is for Pods 1 & 2. Please contact me should you have any questions. DMNab 05-48 c: Board of County Commissioners Public Safety Coordinating Council Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Faye Outlaw, Assistant County Administrator Dan Mcintyre, County Attorney Ken Mascara, Sheriff Garry Wilson, Chief Deputy Attachments z o ¡...¡ ~ :s ¡;;;;¡ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ i¡;J ;;... M 000 000 Ii) '11' M ~ ~ ~ M~ 00 00 NN 000 0 000 0 N ~ 0 m ~ ~ ~ o o M o 0 o 0 N "I:"" c ø; ï o Board of Directors Alan Kalmanoff, JD, MSW, Ph.D. Board President Executive Director Linda Guydcn, CP,t¡ Board Tr"a~urer I 'jCl.' Pri;:.ridcnt. PnuJ¡:ntiall1!,mranr:r: Shel1ey Bergum Board Secretary Dim/or. De,,! and ViJ,I¡'¡'¡J Td"'OIIlmunitü/ÙmJ. II/t, Robert Fun], Rcured Gencra] Counsel EqmlÍ Em!,loY11lmt O/>¡~orli",ity CO!1lflliJ,";on Dr, Blanche PearJm:m R'Je:lrrb l'.ryrholrc~iJI Candie" \V'ong. M.,D,. IvI.P,] I.. Ph.D, J-Jea/Jh Smite< l"'lei/I',.h [;r.iveniJ) oj'CaÙ/i".,lÌa. S.lII F/imàJ((J Advisory Board Members Bri:]tì'raughe::r 1 Jrplltv /1/1ol7lel (,'m""¡ Ca ti[àrnia V'pur/11Itn I ,!!1UJJÙ, Alkn Bn:cJ 1{'lirrd 1 Jim/or NIltimhlll n,f(itute '!,r CornctÙJnJ 1. Micbad Hn'm'111 ,b'lr/ar)', Smilb.rnm;lIIlr.,;/i/utù)11 Sheldon Mcs~;\J~cr Pn?fr.rJor~/ 1..11J' and Jo¡,Ù!l Univcrril)' oj (.aÙjomia, Berla/r) 1(uth Km:hcn Retired 1)il1','lol' ("J!f,(of'f'1i¡; l,)e/'oI'Inleut fJ/'(.om·r,:tirmy Dr. J"limj Silbert l'/.,:.ri.len/ I)d'Jf:":~' Str-r.e! r';'"oullt/clliol! Dr. HayarJ Catron Pr(J/t:.r.W,. ~/ l)uh!i~o _o-,l¡JminÙI'ô'llZ,1If C;r.m,f/ U;aJhir:p.,M1i [¡nit/cn-it,.. Judllh I 1c1lrnJnn AJ.lir/all/,b1r/al) ('ilia nf .\/,,,1a/ EdumlilJlI Rehohili/"tiOll .l'emáJ Nancy 1 :mac °ro,iln.rporta¡Ùm! CfJRlmuni('f l)Lan"i~:: ILPP 2613 Hlu.EGASS AVENUE BERKELEY, CA 94704 MAIN: 510,486.8352 FAX: 510.841.3710 WWW.ILPP.COM PLANNERS@ILPP.COM ~ ....J April 7, 2005 ~)I,I ¡rc,,·/0'/ r' Lt & Ltvv'/// 9'/ C· ~,.b ~/ b' , (/,1/7 C. .{ . V c9 fí1Y}~~~ (1 r7r Douglas M. Anderson County Manager's Office 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Dear Mr. Anderson: You asked for some clarification of our recommendation to not occupy additional jail space (currently in the flnal stages of being built). These beds should not be opened to County inmates until the criminal justice Action Plan has had a chance to be implemented. This advisory is pretty much the norm, wherever these studies have been done, and it is also an approach long recommended by the National Institute of Correction's PONI program, and the Department of Justice's Total Systems Assessment Approach. As there are so many immediate and no-cost recommendations that will reduce demand, it would be flnancially imprudent and a direct avoidance of the widely subscribed to Action Plan, to simply occupy the new space at this time. First, crowding should be quickly and easily reduced by implementation. For example, if the Sheriff immediately began issuing field and jail citations and the Public Defender met with all their clients immediately, as is clearly best-practice, both agencies would save on internal efficiencies and immediately lower jail demand significandy. If the Public Defender supported bail and OR (own recognizance) motions (even with the use of the current lawyer at the jail), it's likely the County would be down several hundred beds before new ones could even be occupied. Establishing the most basic OR program would further drastically reduce crowding right away. These are relatively free and quickly implemented recommendations and they represent very few; there are dozens of other recommendations that deserve a chance _ a chance that is much more unlikely if capacity is suddenly expanded at the moment the recommendations are pending and have the most potential to be effective. Sincerely, Alan Killmanoff Executive Director Institute for Law and Policy Planning "-' ,.",¡ CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: November 15, 2002 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Kenny Hogan, Ron Parrish, Mark Taynton, Paul Young, William "BilI"Casey, Marshall "Buck" Miller, Debbie Hawley and Pat Ferrick, Carl Hensley and Linda Bartz. MEMBERS ABSENT: David F, Samuel, Edward Lounds, Sylvie Kramer and Steven Messer. OTHERS PRESENT: Ray Wazny, Doug Anderson and Marie Gouin, RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA Ed Lounds was absent (excused) and Kenny Hogan presided. He welcomed the newly appointed members (Ron Parrish, Carl Hensley and Linda Bartz). Doug mentioned that the tax exemption program to encourage business to settle in St. Lucie County and the Parks Referendum were both approved at the November elections. MEETING MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the October 2002 meeting, Buck Miller moved for approval and Debbie Hawley seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed, Senior Tax ExemDtion Discussion on this item comes from the previous meeting. Doug recalled what has been discussed and reminded the members that the BOCC has to act on this matter in December 2002. Doug also referred to the chart sent with the meeting packet which outlines the estimated impact to the County's budget vs, benefit to senior tax payers and explained further some of the details. He also handed out once again a list of the counties that have implemented the Senior Tax Exemption and copy of memo sent to the committee on July 18,2002 detailing the estimated impact. Kenny stated he is of the opinion tax payers will complain if they don't get much ofa break, therefore he believes the best way to have the least impact on the County's budget would be to make it phased out. That way tax payers would know its coming and it would give the county some time to work it out. Pat stated she has spoken to some low income senior citizens that would qualitY for the exemption and proposed that maybe the exemption should start at $10,000 the first year (rather than $5,000) as the tax cut would only translate to, about $50 if it starts just at $5,000, She is of the opinion that based on what she discussed with some of these senior, citizens that would qualitY for the exemption, they can really put to use the little money the would save and just $50' would not off set much the first year, other than balance out other expenses, like the extra $18 they will be paying because of the recently approved Parks Referendum. Bill stated he agreed with Kenny's proposition to phase it out. Nonetheless, it should start at $5,000, because it wil~ give tlle county some time to plan and prepare better for the impact. This way, tax payers will know that the following, year tlley will get a bigger break and it will continue to increase for the next few years until it reaches to the $25,00q level. He is of the opinion it would be a fair break for both sides, ; , '-' ...,¡ He stressed the fact that many senior citizens that would not qualify for the exemption wiIl still apply for it, just to make sure they really don't qualify for it and this wiIl represent a big load of extra work for tlle Property Appraisers personnel. Paul stated his hart goes out to the needy, but tax payers are already getting other breaks and protections and he is of the opinion that the implementation oftllis programs only generates a lot of extra costs and bureaucracy for tile county with no true benefit (comparably) to the community. He doesn't agree it should be implemented. Ron Parrish stated his concerns witII the impact to tile Fine & Forfeiture fund (moneys that go to expenses like safety), but he stated he basically agrees with recommending approval of the exemption. Bill moved to recommend to the BOCC to approve the Senior Tax Exemption, but to do it phased in and starting with $5,000 the first year with increments of $5,000 every year until it reaches the maximum of $25,000 at the fifth year of implementation. Pat seconded the motion. After voting, the motion passed 6 to 3 (Debbie, Paul and Carl voted against recommending it). Fine & Foñeiture Fund Marie explained the chart sent out with tIle meeting packets and reported on the status. Staff and members discussed the situation with this fund, which has a deficit. Doug stressed that it's being closely monitored and staff is constantly reminding those that have expenses that come out of this fund (e.g. Sheriff, Court Administration) what is the situation and this contributes to more conservative spending. Undersheriff Garry Wilson stated he also wanted to point out that the Sheriff is working hard towards mitigating the deficit and it was unfortunate that last year the PHA increase came after the budget was in place, Rock Road Jail Detention Center - Bud2et Marie explained a chart she prepared regarding this matter (please see Nov./15/02 meeting packet), Staff and committee members continued to discuss the matter of the expenses for this facility and problems like overcrowding of the jail. StaffwiIl come back to the committee with an update on this matter as well as the F&F fund, Port Development Doug reported on the latest developments regarding this matter. Bonding for acquisition of the Port property was approved ($15,000,000). Adoption of the Port Master Plan illliLlhe Comprehensive Plan was also approved, which is a requirement for tile Florida Seaport Transportation Council to grant funding for developing the port and there are two applications in for reimbursement (Acquisition of the Port and restoration of Taylor Creek). Conversations with Mr. Bell continue. Don Root (Economic Development Council) has been working on putting togetIler a deal Mr. Bell would agree to and, to this date, he has not been successful in closing a deal with Mr. Bell. Conversations continue and, nevertheless, staff is going forward with the other aspects of the work involving development of the port. Three companies had responded to tile RFQ and two of those companies (one out of Germany and the other from Wisconsin) formed a consortium and presented a response to the RFP. The third company didn't submit a proposal. Staffis reviewing the proposal, which includes different aspects, There will be housing for about 60 yachts and a major facility for maintenance for the yachts. To develop the commercial aspect, there is a company involved which developed the Chicago Port. Citizen Budget Conunittee Meeting November 15. 2002 page 2 '-" ....J Staffwill continue to give CBC updates on this matter at future meetings. Buildin2 Permits oresentation Dennis Grim, Code Compliance Manager/Building Official, gave the committee members an update on the Building & Zoning Division's operations and a forecast of what is expected regarding new construction in the county for the near future (please see Annex A for details). Notes to the presentation: The Building Division operations are funded through two sources: Fund 491 (Building Code Fund, which is an enterprise fund) out of permit fees, and Fund 102 (Unincorporated Services Fund), moneys from Ad Valorem taxes and other fees and fines. Dennis reported the tremendous increase the building activity had this past year and pointed out that, for the month of October (beginning of this Fiscal Year) we are already braking record (see chart), Preoaration 5 vear Bud2et Doug gave the CBC members an advance on what will be discussed at the next BOCC Strategic Planning Session (lan, 30,2003). He encouraged the committee members to feel free to contact staff with any kind of input they are willing to give towards the 5 year forecast staff will be presenting to the Board at this workshop. NEXT MEETING The next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, December 15,2002 at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room # 3 of the S1. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex, Topics to be discussed will include update on the County Jail, Port Development and the Five Year Budget and Kenny requested an update from staff on how the Blue Field Ranch project is going. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary Ed Lounds, Chainnan Citizen Budget Committee Meeting November 15,2002 H:\O SecretarylO OMBICBCIMinlMin02l11'15,wpd page 3 '-' ...,/ CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: January 17 2003 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: David F. Samuel, Deputy Chief Ron Parrish, Mark Taynton, William "BiII"Casey, John Knapp, Edward Lounds, Sylvie Kramer, Steven Messer, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick, Carl Hensley, Linda Bartz. MEMBERS ABSENT: Kenny Hogan, Paul Young, Debbie Hawley. OTHERS PRESENT: Vanessa Bessey, Doug Anderson and Marie Gouin. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA Ed Lounds asked members to introduce themselves for everyone to be acquainted and he welcomed the newly appointed members (Ron Parrish, Carl Hensley and Linda Bartz). Committee reoraanization Sylvie Kramer moved to nominate Kenny Hogan for the committee's Chairman, Mark Taynton seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. Pat Ferrick moved to nominate Bill Casey for Vice-chair Mark Taynton, seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. MEETING MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the November 2002 meeting, Ron Parrish moved for approval and Pat Ferrick seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. Port Development Doug referred !º--the Strategic Planning Session scheduled for January 3D, 2003 (A five year forecast of the County's operations and capital costs will be discussed) and handed out copy of the presentation that has been prepared on the Port development for the Strategic Planing Session (for details, please see exhibit A). Doug went over the latest developments on this matter and CBC members and staff reviewed the presentation. There is another project to be completed at the port area and the expenses are to be kept separate: the dredging of Taylor Creek, to restore it to its original dept (12 to 14 ft.). Doug went over the costs of this project. Haskell Company was the only one that answered to the RFP forthe Port development project and staff and members discussed the funding sources and costs of this project. The Florida Department of Transportation had approved construction of a flyover into the Port area (over Federal Highway #1). Representatives of FDOT met with County staff and went to the area where it would be constructed and staff explained to the FDOT representatives a flyover is not needed at that intersection for traffic flow and the project would take up too much space (7 acres). Staff requested the reallocation of those funds to improve 2nd street. ~ ..., FDOT sent an e-mail to staff confirming that the County could make the request and have those funds reallocated to 2nd. Street. Members and staff were discussing the funding and Doug pointed out that Senator Pruitt has stated that if the County has to resort to condemnation of the property regarding the negotiations with Mr. Bell, he will not support FSTED funding. Doug stated he doesn't know if senator Pruitt could stop the funding and people have asked him if there is an alternate plan to allocate those funds and, at this point, there isn't any for such a large amount of money. Committee members and staff continued to discuss the details of how FSTED funding works. Committee members and staff continued to discuss the details of the public and private investment as well as the progress on the negotiations with Mr. Bell. One of Mr. Bell's conditions to close the deal to sell his property is to retain 15 acres out of the 67 that are being negotiated. New Pod for Rock Road Jail Detention Center A spreadsheet was handed out with building impact fees, broken down by how much will go to corrections facilities and other buildings and committee members and staff reviewed the current situation regarding the overcrowding of the jail, which have caused problems such as fights among inmates, putting a lot of stress on the staff. As the County 's population has grown, so has (inevitably) the jail population and subsequently the need for a larger facility to accommodate current and future jail needs. Construction of a new pod to cover the current needs (overcrowding) for jail space is feasible, if the Board of County Commissioners approves it, but there is also the matter of the operating costs. Newly appointed Major Tighe has put together a budget of what it would cost to operate a new pod to submit it to the Public Safety Coordinating Council's consideration. Several issues have to be taken into account regarding the expansion, such as the juvenile population at the jail, which is taking up a lot of space and needs to be kept separate from the rest of the inmates, and the fact that since this county has such rapid growth, the possibility of overbuilding should be considered, in order to minimize future costs. CBC members and staff also discussed the matter of how promptly are court cases getting processed, to move out those inmates that are awaiting trial and sentencing, and the Court Room expansion plan. There was also discussion of the plans for construction of future County Administration facilities to keep up with the county's rapid growth. It was proposed that, since there is frequent discussion of the new buildings, maybe the CBC meetings could be held at a different facility every time, to have the chance to know each of them. Staff agreed to look into it. Ed also asked about how the matter of medical costs at the jail is progressing. Doug gave the committee members an update on this matter and stated staff continues to work with it and will keep them updated at future meetings. Discussion of the jail expansion matter will continue at the next CBC meeting. Preparation 5 year Budøet Doug reported on how much staff has worked to put together their presentations for the next BOCC Strategic Planning Session (Jan. 30, 2003). He encouraged the committee members to attend. Citizen Budget Committee Meeting January 17. 2003 page 2 '-" '-' Bluefield Ranch At the previous meeting I members had requested an update on the Bluefield Ranch recreational site project. Vanessa Bessey. Environmental Resources Manager handed out some information on this project and gave an overview of how the project is advancing. This park is expected to be open to de public (dependant on permitting form FSWMD of entrance road) by late 2003. It also needs to be re-zoned for recreational vehicles to be allowed to camp, once its opened to the public. New York Mèts aQreement Doug gave an overview of the terms ofthe agreement negotiated with the Mets. Please see meeting packet for details on the agreement (draft of the letter of intent), as well as the ideas to enhance the stadium (among other things, a picnic berm may be constructed). One cent tourist tax Copy of memo from Doug Anderson to the BOCC regarding information on the estimated 1 Cent Tourist Tax increased revenue that would go to tourism for tourist activities and projects generated by Dream Park South and the new equestrian facility at the County Fairgrounds was handed out the committee members and staff explained the many benefits this will bring to the County. . NEXT MEETING The next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, February 21, 2003 at 7:30 a.m.,at Rock Rd. Jail's Chapel. Topic to be discussed will be constructions and operation costs of possible jail expansion. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 9:20 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary Ed Lounds, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting January 17, 2003 page 3 H:\O Secretary\O OMBICBCIMinIMin03\01'17wpd '-" ...,,¡ CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: February 21,2003 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:45 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: David F. Samuel, Kenny Hogan, Deputy Chief Ron Parrish, Mark Taynton, Paul Young, William UBiII"Casey, John Knapp, Debbie Hawley, Edward Lounds, Sylvie Kramer, Steven Messer, Patricia UPat" Ferrick, Carl Hensley, Linda Bartz. MEMBERS ABSENT: None, OTHERS PRESENT: Garry Wilson, Toby Long, Lee Tinker, Major Pat Tighe, Captain Pat Walsh, Lt. Willie Russ, Lt, Jimmy York, Deputy Jim Mullins, Jeff Owens (Jail Chaplain), Tammy Schwab, Dorothy Shaw, Commissioner Bruhn, Dorothy Belcher as well as several other members of the Public Safety Coordinating Council, Linette Trabulsy, Roger Shinn, Paul Julin, Doug Anderson and Marie Gouin, RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti. INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA Kenny Hogan welcomed the attendees, and thanked Sheriff Mascara, Major Tighe, Cap, Walsh and their staff for hosting the CBC meeting at the County Jail's Chapel. Kenny also thanked the CBC members for selecting him to be this year's CBC Chairman, MEETING MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the January 17, 2002 meeting, Linda Bartz moved for approval and Ron Parrish seconded the motion. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Request for New Jail Pod Video-Presentation bv Sheriff Mascara Doug Anderson introduced this presentation stating that foHhe past year, the Public Safety Coordinating Council has been discussing the need to expand the county jail (The County's population has grown tremendously in the past few years and, accordingly, so has the criminal population, causing a situation of overcrowding at the county jail), The problem is expected to worsen, therefore, staff and the Sheriffs Office have been working on putting together a request for the construction of one, possibly two new jail pods to cover the county's growing needs, Doug stated that staff and the Sheriffs Office put together a presentation for the Citizen's Budget Committee to better illustrate the situation and also invited the members of the Public Safety Coordinating Council, expecting that they can all work together and come up with ideas and solutions to fund this expansion as well as the increase it will have on the County Jail's annual operating costs. The Sheriff proceeded to introduce his staff and give his presentation, which consisted of a five minute video of the Jail facilities showing the main building and each ofthe pods it currently has and how they're laid out (Facilities are grouped into ·V" shape). In the video, the attendants could see the overcrowding conditions, He stated that jail maintenance takes about half of the Sheriffs budget. One of the measures they are taking, to ease overcrowding, is moving the juveniles, For the last year they have only housed an average of 8 juveniles at any given time and by law, they have to be kept separate from the adult population, An engineer was called to come up with a design to recondition an area at a non-used trustee cafeteria, to convert it into jail space, This will free up 24 beds for other inmates. ~ 'ttttI Current staffina of the Jail- Slide presentation bV Maior Pat Tiahe Sheriff Mascara handed over the presentation to Major Tighe for this part of the orientation, For details please go to Exhibit A, Major Tighe showed some statistics to illustrate that a large amount of the inmate population have been incarcerated for violent crimes (about 30% have been charged) and, therefore, have to be kept separate, Reauest for Jail Expansion - Slide presentation bv Sheriff Mascara The Sheriff continued to explain the reasons why another pod is required (for maximum security inmates) and showed another slide presentation (please see exhibit B) , He stated that although the Sheriff's staff has been trying to come up with solutions to the overcrowding, considering different ways to group the inmates, maintaining the proper level of security, they have exhausted any tactics that would not require building an extension, He reiterated that, almost 2/3 of the inmate population are violent criminals. they cannot be put together in a big common area, because violent situations would come up and the staff would not be able to control them, Discussion The attendees expressed concern regarding the fact that the County's population is growing rapidly and building costs are also increasing, According to the projections, in seven years the county jail will need to house over 1,400 inmates, which is almost double of the current capacity, They all agreed that to cover immediate needs, building one pod is imperative and no further discussion is needed on that point; furthermore, they need to consider building a second pod in the very near future to keep up with the county's growing needs. CBC members and the rest of the attendees proceeded to discuss possible ways to fund the expansion (e,g. taxes, impact fees), They discussed the Federal inmate program, and how it would benefit to house federal inmates (the construction costs would be covered by federal funds and the operation costs would be less than the revenue received for housing federal inmates (please see costs chart in exhibit B, page 7), Also, by the end of next year, half of the second pod would be already occupied by county inmates, Attendees continued to discuss this matter and agreed to bring it to the next meeting (staff will continue to provide updates and other information) to try to find a expeditious solution to it. NEXT MEETING The next CBC meeting has been cancelled. Instead, members have been invited to attend the next Public Safety C-º.QJdinators Council meeting, which will be held on Thursday, March 20, 2003, The next regular CBC meeting will be held on Friday, April 18, 2003 at 7:30 a,m" in Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex, Topics to be discussed will include update on the County Jail Expansion costs/funding sources and the County's FY2003-2004 Budget ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 a,m, and the attendants went on a tour of the jail facilities. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary Kenny Hogan, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting February 21. 2003 H:\O SecretarylO OMBICBCIMinIMin03\02'21, wpd page 2 '-' ....; CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: April 18, 2003 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:45 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: David F. Samuel, Kenny Hogan, Ron Parrish, Mark Taynton, John Knapp, William "Bill"Casey, Debbie Hawley, Edward Lounds, Sylvie Kramer, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick, Carl Hensley, Linda Bartz. MEMBERS ABSENT: Paul Young and Steven Messer. OTHERS PRESENT: Sheriff Ken Mascara, Doug Anderson and Marie Gouin. RECORDING SECRETARY: Candi Bellamy (sitting in for recording sec.) and Suzanne Antonetti (Transcription). ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA There were no announcements. Additions to the agenda: discussion on proposal to acquire FPUA water & sewer (Walmart Project) and Port Development update. Note: ' Due to technical problems this meeting did not get recorded (taping devices malfunctioned). MEETING MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes forthe February 21 2002 meeting, Sylvie Kramer moved for approval and Ed Lounds seconded the motion. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Jail Expansion Committee members and staff discussed latest calculations on building and maintenance costs for two new pods (please see exhibit A, provided by Sheriff's office). Construction of the two pods would be paid with impact fees (first pod) and by refunding 1994 Sales Tax bonds, refinancing at a lower rate (second pod). They also discussed the jail's medical costs and in what ways the Sheriff's office has Deen finding ways to cut expenses in every area (e.g. they used inmate labor to repair beds from tent city). Sheriff Mascara also talked about other proposed ways they could save expenses (e.g. in-jail hospice services for inmates and retired doctors/dentist volunteering time and equipment). Sheriff's Mascara stated that, overall in jail renovations, they saved approx. 3 million dollars in the last 45 days. \.f "W!I After discussion, the Citizen's Budget Committee members present unanimously approved to recommend to the Safety Coordinating Council and the St. Lucie Board of County Commissioners to go forward with construction of two new pods for the County Jail, at a cost of $ 8,000,000 each. Budaet for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Staff notified the CBC members that the budget overview for the next Fiscal Year will be presented to the BaCC on July 01, 2003 at 8:00 a.m. in Conference Room 101 and invited committee members to attend. Other Business Fort Pierce Utilities Authoritv's proposal to sell utilitv systems to St. Lucie County Staff handed out some backup information on this matter and CBe members and staff discussed how it would affect projects in the county, such as the new Walmart facilities. Port Development Staff also gave an update on the latest developments regarding the purchase of Mr. Bell's property at the Port area. BaCe will soon decide if they will go to condemnation of 52 of the 67 acres. Impact of Sept. 11. 2001 attack on County's economy Committee members expressed their concern regarding the impact that the terrorist attack could have had on our tourism and volume of building permits requests. Staff and CBC members discussed this issue and staff agreed to come back with more information at a later date. Tourist Taxes and Building permit fees will be discussed at the next meeting. NEXT MEETING The next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, June 27,2003 at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. Topics to be discussed will include Revenue Funds, Tourist Development Tax, and building permit fees. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 8:43 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary Kenny Hogan, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting April 18, 2003 H:\O Secrelary\O OMBICBCIMinIMin03\04'18, wpd page 2 ~' ..,.; CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: June 27,2003 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:35 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Kenny Hogan, Ron Parrish, Mark Taynton, John Knapp, William "BiII"Casey, Debbie Hawley, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick and Carl Hensley. MEMBERS ABSENT: David F. Samuel, Paul Young, Edward Lounds, Sylvie Kramer, Steven Messer and Linda Bartz. OTHERS PRESENT: Dennis Grim, Doug Anderson and Gary Perdew RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA There were no announcements nor additions to the agenda. MEETING MINUTES Kenny pointed out minutes read: Sylvie Kramer moved to approval of the minutes and seconded the motion. Attendees stated Ed Lounds had seconded the motion. Staff took note of the correction, There being no further corrections to the minutes for the April 18, 2003 meeting, Ron Parrish moved for approval and Pat Ferrick seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and motion passed. Jail Expansion update Doug stated the Safety Coordinating Council had met the day before, to discuss the latest developments on this issue. At this moment, they have sent out a Request For Qualifications (RFQ) and a lot of inquiries have come in (it will be due July 23, 2003). Initially, staff's plan was to recommend selecting the most qualified firm and after that, to discuss price with the firm selected, but tnestrategy changed to request a quote together with the RFQ from the-beginning, as part of the initial selecting process, to know their cost estimate. The firms will be ranked taking price also into consideration, Doug spoke about the time frame for the first pod to be in operation (around November 2004) and startup costs (salaries for correctional officers and other operational). Chief COffectional Officer On other matters, Doug also stated that the Florida State Law says that the BOCC shall appoint a Chief Correctional Officer. The BOCC has the option of acting as the Chief Correctional Officer and delegate the duties to the County Administrator or to appoint the County Sheriff. The Sf. Lucie County Sheriff has been fulfilling the roll but has never been officially appointed. It has to be done through a Public Hearing and staff has began the process to request for the Sheriff to be officially appointed as the Chief Correctional Officer. This action will allow for the expenses (salaries & benefits) for all correctional officers to be charged to the General Fund ($ 11 MM) instead of the Fine & Forfeiture Fund. The only thing that will change is this additional funding source; the Sheriff's budget will remain the same. CBC members and staff also discussed details of the design and construction of the pods. \.f 't(¡¡¡f Pat Ferrick moved for the CBC to recommend to the BOCC to appoint the St. Lucie County Sheriff as the County's Chief Correctional Officer, and for the salary and benefits expenses to be paid out of General Fund, instead of the Fine & Foñeiture Fund. Debbie Hawley seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and motion passed. There were questions regarding how does the Community Redevelopment Areas (CRA) affect the funds that would be necessary for construction of the new jail pods. Doug went over some of the aspects of how CRAs affect tax revenue distribution There has been a great increase in the property value in many areas of the two cities, the past year, but the revenues difference has to go into CRA improvements (affecting County revenues) and none of this increase in revenue can go to cover expenses generated by City and County government such as public safety (police, fire). Staff has corresponded with the cities, arguing that some of these funds should go to cover certain serVices. Budaet for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Doug advanced to the CBC members the presentation staff will be giving to the BOCC at the 2004 Budget Workshop on July 1, 2003 (For details please refer to exhibit A). Revenues Doug referred to the information sent out with the meeting packet which contained a table showing the County's yearly revenue (for more information, please refer to the packet). Bond ratinas Doug mentioned the County recently went out for bond rating and had just got the results from Standard & Poor's, which was A+ (better than Fort Pierce & Port St. Lucie). Staff is very pleased with this because it means we are financially strong. The only aspect that brought the rating somewhat down was the fact that we need to have more commercial development, and staff is working towards that goal. Doug is of the opinion the County's will achieve a AA rating in about two years. Buildina permits Per the request CBC members had made at the prior meeting, Dennis Grim, the County's Building Official and Code Compliance Manager, gave the committee an update of the situation regarding building permits (for details please refer to exhibit B). NEXT MEETING The next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, July 18,2003 at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. Topics to be discussed will include Budget FY2003-2004 and North County utilities. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary Kenny Hogan, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting June 27. 2003 H:ID Secretary\!) OMBICBCIMinIMinD3\06'27,wpd page 2 '-' ...." CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: January 16, 2004 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: David F. Samuel, Kenny Hogan, Mark Taynton, Ron Parrish, Paul Young, Debbie Hawley, John Knapp, Ed Lounds, Troy Ingersoll, Carl Hensley, Steven Messer and Linda Bartz. MEMBERS ABSENT: William "Bill"Casey, Sylvie Kramer and Patricia "Pat" Ferrick, OTHERS PRESENT: Pete Keogh, Toby Long, Dennis Murphy, Jennifer Hill, Doug Anderson and Marie Gouin. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; BOCC's Strateaic Plannina Session Doug stated this year the Board of County Commissioners' Strategic Planning Session will be on February 19, 2004 at The Panther Woods Country Club (9425 Meadowood Drive) and will start at 8:00 a.m. The speakers will be motivational speaker Dan Thurmon and Dr. Lance deHaven-Smith. Dr. deHaven- Smith is professor at Florida State University, author of several books, has written and conducted research on a wide range of topics, has led retreats, workshops, and assemblies for many communities and units of government and also directed St. Lucie County staff in the mid-1990's in the development of the Investment for the Future Program. Doug gave a brief description of the agenda. Marie added that one of the objectives is to determine and develop the "vision" of St. Lucie County and she encouraged the CBC members to come to the meeting with suggestions, as well as ideas for the needs of our community. MEETING MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the December 19, 2003 meeting, Troy moved for approval and Ron seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. Committee reoraanization Chairperson Kenny stated it had been a pleasure to serve as the CBC's chairperson for 2003 and nominated Bill Casey for Chairman for 2004, David Samuel seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. Vice-chair Debbie Hawley moved to nominate Carl Hensley for Vice-chair. He declined, due to his class schedule, which may be in conflict with the meetings at times. Kenny moved to nominate Mark Taynton, but he also declined for work related reasons. Kenny nominated John Knapp, Ron seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. In Bill Casey's absence, John Knapp presided the rest of the meeting. '-' ..., Additional personnel for Parks and Recreation Jennifer Hill, (Principal Budget Analyst, OMB) explained that three position requests (2 part time and 1 full time temporary for Aquatics) for Parks and Recreation had been omitted by error at the last CBC meeting. Pete Keogh stated these positions are required to cover tasks at the open space swimming pool that will be built. He explained this is part of the program to teach as many children to swim as possible, in an effort to lower the alarming statistics of children drowning in the State of Florida. Ed commended Pete and his staff for the work being done on this matter, for as he stated, any work done to reduce the number of drowned children is well spent. Status on County's Funds Marie explained the tables provided with the meeting's packet, which show the forecast for next 5 years budgets of the County's major funds. Committee members and staff discussed different aspects of each of these funds, such as the status of the General Fund, expenses out of the Fine & Forfeiture Fund (mostly Sheriff's Office expenses) and problems with the Unincorporated Services Fund (insufficient funds to cover costs of the services the County provides). Research Park Doug stated staff will be recommending to the BOCC to build a Research Park near to the USDA (Picos Rd. and Rock Rd. area). He stated that in order to build a Research Park, truly certified by the State, it is necessary to set up a research authority (University) which has to be camped at the premises. Staff has met with the University of Florida, which has agreed to be sponsor and Senator Pruitt, who is extremely supportive of this project and will work towards getting the funding for the buildings, if the County can get the right property for it. Doug explained some of the steps staff has taken towards obtaining a suitable piece of property. He stated the County is also interested in purchasing a property owned by Harbor Branch Institute (96 acres), South of the Fairgrounds. He explained several aspects of the purchase of these properties and the future use they will have by the University and the Fairgrounds, as well as the revenues they will potentially bring to the County. He also mentioned other revenues, such as future funds granted from the federal government, Tropicana's interest to expand within the County and to purchase gas from the St. Lucie County's Landfill for their boilers and how all these different sources of revenue combined are expected to cover the cost of building the Research Park. CBC members and staff discussed the benefits of purchasing these properties, such as promoting more healthy activities for our community's youth, raising the community's quality of life. They also discussed the importance of the University of Florida expanding within the County and staying in this area (University of Florida representatives have stated that in order to them to stay in the area it is crucial to have space where to expand to). Mark expressed some concerns regarding the Landfill's operations and committee members and staff agreed to invite the Landfill Manager to a future meeting to explain the Landfill's different sources of revenue and in what ways they benefit the County. John Knapp inquired if there is a Master Plan laid out for the purchase of the property intended for the Research Park. Doug replied in the affirmative. Staff will continue to bring updates on this matter. Citizen Budget Committee Meeting December 19, 2003 page 2 '--" ..,¡' New Jail Pods Toby Long reported on the actions the Sheriff's Office has taken to solve the overcrowding problems at the County Jail. Committee members and staff discussed otherjail expenses, such as inmate medical costs,laundry, kitchen, etc. Ed requested staff to provide a calculation of the operations cost to the County per day, per inmate (cost to the Sheriff's Office is roughly $48 per day, per inmate). Staff took note of his request and will provide this information at a future meeting. Doug also stated some of the measures taken to keep the inmate population within the allowed capacity, such as creating a new position and hiring a public defender, stationed at the jail. This has accelerated the processing of a lot of the pending cases and allows to send the inmates that are convicted to more than one year to a state prison. cac members and staff continued to discuss the urgency of this matter, and the fact that even after the new pods are built, the jail will still operate at capacity by spring of 2006. Unincorporated Services Fund This fund has been presenting a challenge to staff, to keep it balanced. The revenues for this fund come from municipal taxes from the Unincorporated Area. Dennis Murphy (Community Development Director) explained that as the cities have annexed more and more areas, the County has lost that revenue stream, but more often than not, much of the expenses continue, due to the services that the County is obligated to provide to the residents. He added that there is not much development within the Unincorporated Area (which means that the taxes collected are from vacant land) and where there is, the revenue will not be going into the Tax Roll for another 2 to 3 years. Marie stated that part of the revenues that come from Franchise Fees, which are collected in the Unincorporated Area, have funded the Transportation Trust Fund and she is researching to see how she could assign part of those revenues towards Community Development's operations. Staff will continue to search for solutions to this situation and will keep CBC members updated on this matter. Nettles Island Carl Hensley had inquired why is it that this community doesn't pay impact fees. Dennis Murphy explained this is because they have "an existing use". He gave an example: if a house was built in 1970 (prior to the enactment of the Impact Fees Ordinances - early 1990s), it burns down in 2004 and the owner of the property rebuilds another single-familyñOuse (replacement), he does not pay impact fees, as long as he builds for the same use. Impact fees can only be collected, if it is replaced by a building that will have a different use (e.g. a duplex). This is the case of the properties in Nettles Island, because it was determined by the BOCC (about 21/2 years back, after much discussion) that the conversion from the trailers to little houses (permanent structures) does not constitute a different use, because the impact activity is already there. Staff and committee members discussed some aspects of this matter. NEXT MEETING Due to time constraints, the capital projects were tabled to a future meeting. The next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, February 20, 2004 at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room # 3 of the S1. Lucie County Roger Citizen Budget Committee Meeting December 19, 2003 page 3 ...., ...., Poitras Administration Annex. Topics to be discussed will include review of topics to be discussed at the BOCC Strategic Planning Session, capital projects and SLC Utilities. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 a.m. Respectfully, submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary William "Bill" Casey, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting December 19, 2003 ' H:IO SecretarylO OMBICBC\MinIMin04101'16.wpd page 4 '-' ..., CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMIITEE Meeting Date: February 20,2004 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT:David F. Samuel, Mark Taynton, Ron Pattish, Paul Young, William "Bill"Casey, Debbie Hawley, John Knapp, Ed Lounds, Sylvie Kramer, Troy Ingersoll, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick and Carl Hensley. MEMBERS ABSENT: Kenny Hogan, Steven Messer and Linda Bartz. OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Bowers, Vanessa Bessey, Don West, Richard Bouchard, Pete Keogh, Linda Brown, Ray Wazny, Paul Phillips, Leo Cordeiro, Debbie Scribner, Jennifer Hill, Doug Anderson and Marie Gouin. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; Comments from City of Port St. Lucie's Man~er in newspapers Doug handed out copy of an article published in the Palm Beach Post and pointed out a paragraph which contained statements from the City Port St. Lucie's manager. The article suggests the City of Port St. Lucie plans to "compete" with several counties (including St. Lucie County) for spinoff companies of The Scripps Research Institute. Doug assured committee members the County is not competing for spinoff companies form the institute and stated he doesn't know from where Mr. Cooper got such information. Doug stated staff is only working at the moment on the possibility of constructing the Research Park and is in no way linked to attract spinoff companies form the Institute. Doug continued to read parts of the article that states Mr. Cooper recommended that the city council stop collecting impact fees for the County and instead establish the city's own impact fees to schedule their capital needs. Staff and committee members discussed the impact it would have on the County's Capital Budget if the City of Port St. Lucie would go ahead with such an idea. CBC members and staff decided to wait to see if the City pursues the idea in the future. MEETING MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the January 16, 2004 meeting, David moved for approval and Ron seconded the motion. AU members present voted in favor and the motion passed. SLC Utilities Doug mentioned staff had sent, during the last two weeks, updates on the Board's actions regarding the County's Utilities system. ~ "WI He stated the BOCC instructed staff not to proceed with the expansion of the Holiday Pines plant, as they came to realize it is not currently in the best interest of the community, but there are plans to site, a new regional wastewater treatment plant facility in the future. He gave a few details of the plans for this new project (estimated to cost approximately $60MM). Doug went over different aspects of the utilities agreement with FPUA, and staff and committee members discussed the boundaries of the utilities systems as well as how it will benefit the community. Doug also explained the terms of the agreement in regards of how it will affect certain areas, such as Indian River Estates (they will be requested to vote on how they want their service) and how this agreement will allow for utilities rates to lower. CBC members and staff also discussed in what way future areas of growth, such as Midway Rd. will be affected and what are the plans to provide service to those areas (e.g. we may expand the Fairgrounds Water plant). For details of the highlights of this agreement, please refer to the two sheets in the packet handed out at the meeting and to exhibit A in these minutes (map showing the proposed utilities coverage as approved by the BOCC on March 2, 2004). Staff is in the process of routing the agreement to FPUA and the City of Fort Pierce for signatures. Lincoln Park Community Center Doug stated another positive news in relation to the County and the City of Fort Pierce is the fact that, after conversations with concerned citizens, the County has agreed to open the Lincoln Park Community Center on Saturday nights (estimated operations cost of the program for the first 6 months is approximately $14,000). For security reasons, it is necessary to assign four deputies to patrol the area and the City offort Pierce has offered one police officer at their cost. Therefore, only three sheriff officers will be required. CBC members and staff discussed how the County and the City of Fort Pierce are working together to solve the costs of security for the community. Joint meetinl!: with the Cities Bill Casey inquired what is the County doing to bring to the Cities' attention how much the County is doing in those areas and the costs it generates. Doug stated what has been done in regards to this matter and announced there is ajoint meeting with both cities set up for-March 4th (at IRCC) to discuss county expenses. There are facilitators invited to participate. Doug also stated the County has spent over $30MM in the City ofYort St. Lucie area and over $20MM in the City of Fort Pierce area, in the course of the past several years, in these partnerships. Fort Pierce annexation 1JolicV Doug also stated the City of Fort Pierce will not be annexing outside their utilities services area. The City Commission has taken off the table pursuing annexation of the Airport for now and Commissioner Bob Benton has stated publicly, he will not support annexation of the Airport as long as he is in office. Also, the City will not authorize annexation of the Airport until it meets State law requirements for annexation (contiguous and compact service). Citizen Budget Committee Meeting February 20. 2004 page 2 '-' ..., Committee members inquired if the utilities area coverage marked in the agreement means that they will be annexed to the City of Fort Pierce. Doug stated in the affirmative (it will happen eventually), but that this process is gradual and may take 20 to 30 years. Request for an addition Assistant County Administrator position As discussions on the utilities agreement continued Troy proposed staff should have somebody to attend meetings, such as planning. Doug stated that staff realizes the importance of having somebody representing the County at these meetings, but for time constraints, they are not able to cover all of them. For this reason staff is considering, requesting to the BOCC to approve an additional Assistant County Administrator to coordinate with the Cities in all their developing plans, so that the growth in the whole community would be more harmonized. CBC members also discussed the importance of other entities, such as the Sheriff, the Fire District and the School Board participating at meetings like the Planing and Zoning Committee (being careful not to drag simplified issues unnecessarily), so that their input can be heard to avoid further development problems in the future. Landfill Fundinl!: Leo Cordeiro, SLC Solid Waste Manager, explained handout sheet which lists the Landfill's different sources of revenue, including recycling of scrap. He also spoke briefly of the plans to sell methane gas to Tropicana. Leo stated the Landf1l1 has come a long way in the past eleven years. At that time, it was estimated that it would close by the year 2008. Today the estimated life is of another 30 years (even taking into account the recent tremendous growth of the area) and once the construction demolition recycling facility the County is in the process of building begins its operation, there will be mining of sections that were already closed and may increase its life-span to 60 years. Doug offered committee members that staff could host the next CBC meeting at the Landfill, to give a tour ofthe facility at the end of the meeting. CBC members agreed. A map is provided in these minutes packet. If you have any questions, please contact us at 462-1670. CBC members and staff also discussed other aspects of the operation, such as Florida Recycling (auditing of their collection fees and the quality of their seIVice). Beach re-nourishment Richard Bouchard was invited to the meeting to explain the Beach Erosion Program and the cuts the State has made to the budget (generating a$750,00 shortfall). He explained the most recent events and explained reasons why its necessary to replenish the beaches at Fort Pierce. He spoke about how it benefits the tourism (enhances the beaches ), the environmental aspects (such as protection to the sea turtle population) and storm damage protection (from Hurricanes). Mark inquired what is the time frame to begin the re-nourishment this year and Richard stated they are constrained to be done by end of May, for environmental reasons; therefore the need to take care of this situation is imminent. Citizen Budget C0ßU11ittee Meeting February 20, 2004 page 3 ~ '~ Purchase of Properties Doug referred to letter from the County's financial advisor with his opinion on the County's capability to borrow for the purchase of the shrimp property ($3MM) and a property for the Research and Education Park ($IOMM). For details please refer to copy provided to CBC members at the meeting. Committee members and staff discussed some details of the possibility to purchase such properties. St. Lucie County JaU - New Pods At the previous meeting committee members had requested to know what is the cost per inmate, per day to the County. Bill Casey mentioned the sheet provided at the meeting with the information and inquired about the Federal Inmate Program. Ed requested information on the Time frame to begin construction. He stated he is worried the longer it takes to begin their operation, the more expensive it will become and the more problems it will generate for the Sheriff to keep up with its operations budget or benefit from the Federal Inmate Program. Doug gave committee members an update on the costs and where we stand on the time frame to begin construction. Staff will provide additional information to committee members as soon as possible. NEXT MEETING Due to time constraints, the Capital Projects were once again tabled to a future meeting. The next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, March 19,2004 at 7:30 a.m., at the SLC Landfill. Topics to be discussed will include update on the joint meeting with the cities, status on construction of the j ail pods and a tour of the SLC Landfùl. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary William "Bill" Casey, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting February 20. 2004 H:\O SecretarylO OMBICBCIMinIMin04102'20,wpd page 4 '-' '--' ..., CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITIEE Meeting Date: March 19, 2004 SLC Landfill's Conf. Room Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: David F. Samuel, Kenny Hogan, Ron Parrish, William "Bill"Casey, John Knapp, Debbie Hawley, Edward Lounds, Steven Messer, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick, Troy Ingersoll, Carl Hensley, Linda Bartz. MEMBERS ABSENT: Mark Taynton, Paul Young and Sylvie Kramer. OTHERS PRESENT: Roger Shinn, Ed Parker, Barbara Churchill, Don West, Ray Wazny, Jennifer Hill, Doug Anderson and Marie Gouin. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; Please notice below, some items discussed were not in the original agenda: SLC Utilities, Research Park and Methane Gas from Landfill. MEETING MINUTES Ron pointed out that under the tittle "Fort Pierce annexation policy" the minutes, should read: "The City Commission has taken off the table pursuing annexation...". Staff took note of the corrections. There being no further corrections to the minutes for the February 20, 2004 meeting, David moved for approval and Linda seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. SLC Utilities John Knapp inquired about Exhibit A (map) included in March meeting's minutes, which shows Fort Pierce Utilities Au thority's proposed service area, according to the Inter-local Agreement with the County. Doug briefly explained what each of the colored areas mean and proposed that staff can bring at the next meeting a detailed map of the County's water and sewer lines, which isalmost finalized, for their review. This map will also show the estimated cost of each area (Overall, the estimated cost of the first phase of the project is approximately $ISMM). CBC members and staff discussed some of the details in the map and agreed to bring back this subject to the next meeting, for further discussion. Research Education Park Doug stated staffwill request BaCC authorization to get a $1 OMM line of credit to purchase land for this project. A contract has been signed with property owners, contingent on financing. Committee members and staff discussed details of the purchase of the properties available, as well as financing, agencies and institutes interested in participating, the support of State representatives, etc. -....,. \J ..., Methane Gas from the SLC Landfill Tropicana has expressed interest in buying methane gas produced by the SLC Landfill. They had proposed a 45 years commitment, but County Attorney's office does not recommend having a commitment for such a long period of time (they recommend 20 years). Staff is still working on the details of this issue and will come back to this committee with an update. Joint Meetin2 with the Cities There is a task force being established to work with the School District to finance their future construction projects. Councilman Jack Kelly (City Port St. Lucie) is heading it and have asked for Commissioner Barnes (District V) to represent the County (he is out of town and, as to the date of this meeting, we do not have an answer as to if he will accept). CBC members and staff discussed the importance of the funding for schools. JaU Pods Constmction The original cost of construction of this project was estimated at approximately $16MM, but due to the price of steel increasing dramatically in these recent months, the new estimated cost is closer to $18MM, because of the amount of steel required for this kind of building (e.g. structural reinforcements and details like cell bars and doors). CBC members and staff discussed aspects of this matter, such as what is being done to prevent other contingencies this project could bring, as well as future expansions to the jail. Doug also commended the outstanding work Chief Judge Angelos and the other judges have been doing to process the pending cases promptly and efficiently, to keep the capacity of jail population under the maximum allowed by federal requirements. 5 Year Capital Plan Staff provided copies to CBC members ofthe lists of Capital Projects and Doug pointed out the amounts budgeted for this Fiscal Year by department and encouraged committee members to review it and come back with their comments and ideas, which are always very useful to staff. NEXT MEETING The next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, Apri116, 2004 at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. Topics to be discussed will include details of the SLC Utilities System. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Citizen Budget Committee Meeting March 19.2004 H:\O SecretarylO OMBICBC\Min\Min04103'19.wpd page 2 '-" '-" ....., CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: Aprn 16, 2004 Conference Room '* 3 Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: David F. Samuel, Mark Taynton, William "Bill-Casey, John Knapp, Debbie Hawley, Edward Lounds, Sylvie Kramer, Patricia "Pat- Ferrick, Troy Ingersoll, Carl Hensley, Linda Bartz. MEMBERS ABSENT: Kenny Hogan, Ron Parrish, Paul Young, and Steven Messer. OTHERS PRESENT: William W Ritchie, Ken Mascara, Patrick Tighe, Toby Long, Thomas Willis, Lisa Savage, Howard Osterman, Mike Bowers, Jennifer Hill, Ray Wazny, Doug Anderson and Marie Gouin. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; Addition - New Cost of County Jail Pods Bill Casey welcomed members of the Public Safety Coordinating Council, who were invited to attend this meeting to discuss the current estimated cost to build the two new jail pods. MEETING MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the March 19, 2004 meeting, David moved for approval and John Knapp seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. SLC Jail - Cost of New Pods Doug explained staff had invited the Pu blic Safety Coord. Council (PSCC) to join this meeting because the building firm quoted a price for completion of the project and they can only hold the offer until May 1,2004 to lock the quoted price. Staff will recommend approval at the next BOCC meeting and the PSCC is not scheduled to meet until after the BOCC meeting. Staff is seeking the CBC and PSCC's endorsement on moving forward with the project and accepting the new price. Roger Shinn, Central Services Director stated the Jail Expansion Selection Committee has been negotiating with the recommended design build firm (Centex Rooney/Schenkel Shultz) to come back to the BOCC with a reasonable cost to build the two new pods for the jail. These two pods would have a capacity for 576 beds to house medium and maximum security inmates and the design is focused on minimizing the operation and maintenance costs. The vendor came back earlier this week with a guarantied fixed price of approximately $18.955MM, locked until May 1,2004 (increase in cost is due to steel prices escalating). Doug added that the estimated total cost for the project is $20.5MM (this includes construction cost $18,955,000, impact fees $388,000, estimated wetland mitigation $240,000, County's consultant $346,000 and contingency for changes initiated only by the County $571,000). The entire project is to be paid out of revenue from impact fees (Public Facilities and Corrections). He explained the financing aspects. CBC members and staff also discussed City of Port St. Lucie's Council comments on considering not to collect impact fees for the County in the future. Staff has scheduled a meeting with the cities to discuss impact fees and will come back to CBC members with an update on this issue at a future meeting. Pat also suggested the SherifI's Dept. staff should bring to the meeting with the cities, population projections (County residents and jail inmates) to explain why it is so important to the community as a whole to collect the impact fees. CBC members inquired about other aspects of the project, such as the urgency to complete the project (despite the court's efforts to process the cases expeditiously, its getting harder to keep the jail population within its current maximum capacity, due to St Lucie County's sudden population growth), the time frame for completion (if the contract is awarded as proposed to the BOCC, the design build firm can begin work in August of this year and the expansion would be in operation by May 2005) and the immediate need for an additional new facility (staff is also working on this issue). ...., ...., '+tJ Other aspects discussed included roll of the consultant, Sheriff's Dept. involvement/feedback, following the proper specifications, contingency plans and alternatives for confining (or monitoring) the inmates. Ed moved to endorse staff's recommendation to go forward with construction of the two Jan pods and accept the vendor's quote, for it is of this committee's opinion that for the reasons stated before it is imperative to begin construction as soon as possible. Mark seconded the motion. AU members present voted in favor and motion passed. (For the record, it is here stated that the PSCC members present concurred with this committee's recommendation). ' SLC Utilities Mike Bowers, Interim Utilities Director and Howard Osterman, utilities consultant, gave a presentation on the agreement the County made with Fort Pierce Utilities Authority and on the County's water utilities expansion master plan (for details on the expansion plans, please refer to the packet handed out at the meeting, which contains maps of the areas that will be covered and its costs). Committee members discussed details of the operations and selVice area of the proposed utilities system expansion. They also discussed the investment, costs, revenues and benefit to the community. Ed moved to endorse in concept the utility expansion master plan for the North County area as weU as the movement towards Midway and Okeechobee roads area (phase 1) contingent that staff comes back with updates on the specific plan once it is available. John Knapp seconded the motion. AU members present voted in favor and motion pned. NEXT MEETING The next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, May 21,2004 at 7:30 a.m., at the SLC Fairgrounds, located at 15601 W. Midway Rd. in Fort Pierce. Topics to be discussed will include an update on the process of next fiscal year's budget and the city of Port St. Lucie's position regarding collection of impact fees. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary William "Bill" Casey, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting April 16. 2004 H:\O SecrelarylO OMB\CBCIMinIMin04\04'16.wpd page 2 '-' '-' .....,I CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: June 18, 2004 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Kenny Hogan, Mark Taynton, William "Bill·Casey, John Knapp, Edward Lounds, Sylvie Kramer, Steven Messer, Patricia ·Pat'" Ferrick, Troy Ingersol1, Carl Hensley, Linda Bartz. MEMBERS ABSENT: David F, Samuel, Debbie Hawley, Ron Parrish, Paul Young. OTHERS PRESENT: Roger Shinn, Ethel Rowland, Jennifer Hill, Doug Anderson and Marie Gouin. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; Doug stated that in regards to the discussions about the jail overcrowding, it is necessary to hold a meeting prior to the next regularly scheduled CBC meeting, due to the urgency to resolve this matter and requested that if possible, they meet on July 2, 2004. MEETING MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the May 21, 2004 meeting, Kenny moved for approval and John Knapp seconded the motion. An members present voted in favor and the motion passed. Additional Homestead exemption Doug explained the effect the "Proposed Constitutional Initiative Petition to Increase the Homestead Exemption by $25,000" would have on the County's Tax Rol1. Should this additional $25,000 homestead exemption be approved, an estimated of 3,184 properties would come off this County's Tax Roll. This would affect the General, Fine & Forfeiture and Mosquito Control Funds and for the revenues to stay at the level they are today, the millage rate would have to increase somewhere between 1.09 and 1.13, shifting the property taxes to evelyone else in the community (including business). He stated this represents a problem, not just for our County, but it may disrupt the whole State of Florida (i.e. as far as he recalls, there are seven Counties in the State of Florida that are at their 10 mil cap and would have to consolidate with other Counties, in order to cover the costs of public services). Staff has prepared a draft (to be presented at the next BOCC meeting) resolution opposing the "Proposed Constitutional Initiative Petition to Increase the Homestead Exemption by $25,000" and will recommend to adopt this resolution (04-174). He requested CBC members' to support this recommendation. Bill Casey asked what impact would the exemption have on the budget. Staff replied it would reduce future Fiscal Year's revenues by approximately 11 MM/year and to compensate the loss, our County will also have to increase the millage rate very close to the 10 mil cap. Ed asked if there are any plans to start an information campaign to make the general public aware of the impact the second homestead exemption would have on the quality of public seIVice. Doug stated the Florida Association of counties will meet next week and are planing to launch a state-wide campaign on this matter and he personally has been speaking before several local groups. He is of the opinion that if the public is informed of the advantages and disadvantages, the majority will see there are more disadvantages to approve the exemption. Linette Trabulsy, the County's Pu blic Information Officer added that the feed back she has been getting from the press is that they agree approval of the exemption would cause big problems to the whole State of Florida and they have been writing stories and editorials to that effect. '--' \J 't"", Committee members and staff discussed the impact of the exemption. Some members are of the opinion that an educational campaign, although it's a worthy cause, will not change the minds of property owners that expect to benefit with the exemption. Some members proposed to consider launching the educational campaign and not state a position pro or con, since it may appear to the general public it is a bias position from the County government as an ·interested party" that only wants to collect more taxes and ·spend it in more bureaucracy". Other members disagreed and stated that as the Citizen's Budget Committee, and having full knowledge that such a cut represents a blow to the County's budget that will harm the community as a whole, they should state their position and clearly oppose it. Other members stated they were not certain they opposed the exemption if it means it would shift the burden of taxes from the lower income population to the commercial and industrial sectors. Doug stated such a way of thinking hurts the County's capacity to attract businesses to settle here, as Florida would be having one of the highest property tax rates in the Country, making this County less competitive. After lengthy discussion on this matter, Carl moved to support the resolution opposing the exemption. John K. seconded the motion. Some members opposed supporting the motion if it did not include to also vote to launch a campaign to educate the public about the consequences approval of the additional exemption would have in the community, in terms of the quality of public selvices and the impact on the economic development of this area. Carl stated he agrees it's necessary and modified his motion to the following: move to recommend to the BOCC to issue Resolution 04-174, opposing the "Proposed Constitutional Initiative Petition to Increase the Homestead Exemption by $25,000" and launch an information campaign to make the public aware of the consequences approval of the additional exemption would have in their communities. John K. seconded the motion. Motion passed (10-2, Mark and Pat voted no). Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Bud«et Hi«hU«hts Doug briefly explained a memo handed to CBC members dated June 15,2004, which lists projects that will have a significant financial impact to the 2004-2005 Budget (Please refer to memo # 04-110 from County Administrator for details). Staff and CBC members discussed briefly each item described in the memo. Jail Overcrowdin« and other issues re«ardin« the Shedirs Bud«et Doug gave a brief background of the actions taken regarding this mater. In regards to the jail pods, the first pod is expected to be on line by the 18t of may 2005, the second, approximately a month later. He also mentioned that in regards to the correctional officers that will be needed to run these pods, the BOCC approved during the Budget Workshops, last July, to set a contingency fund ($500,000) that would allow to hire them whenever necessalY· Doug informed committee members about the BOCC authorization to send inmates to Highlands Coun~ temporarily, until the more long term solutions to the overcrowding are set in place. There is a cap of $100,000 set to be spent on this temporary solution. Doug also related to committee members about staffs trip to Alachua County (Gainesville) and the ideas they got for working on solutions for jail overcrowding. He stated he is optimistic about some of the ideas they have come up with at Alachua County for processing cases faster to keep the system moving; he believes they may work for this County. Meanwhile, the St. Lucie County BOCC has authorized staff to go out for Request for Proposals to do a study of this County's criminal justice system (estimated cost of the analysis is $100,000). Doug stated that the reason why he is requesting the CBC members to have an extraordinary meeting on July 2, 2004 is because the BOCC requested for the CBC members to make recommendations on several of the issues regarding the Jail overcrowding (to be discussed by the BOCC at their regular meeting Citizen Budget Committee Meeting June 16. 2004 page 2 '- '-"' ~ scheduled for July 13, 2004) . The matters to be discussed are temporary solutions to the overcrowding, such as what would it cost to put up a low-tech dormitory type building where tent city was for low risk offenders. By doing this, an existing dormitory at the jail would free up to accommodated more serious offenders, but it would need to be remodeled for this purpose (convert it into a maximum security facility). County and Sheriffs staffs have been instructed to bring to the BOCC estimates for a (fairly reasonable) cost to do this, as well as an estimate of how much the operating costs of the jail would increase to, once these solutions are put in place. Doug stated that another issue to be discussed, is that the Sheriff has asked for $527,477.98 to cover the cost to hire, train and equip additional personnel at the jail. He stated that it is also necessary to analyze if there will be any other budget shortfalls, due to this situation. Toby Long, Finance Director for the Sheriffs Office handed out information comparing Alachua County to St. Lucie County to illustrate the inmate to staff ratio (8.06 inmates/ 1 deputy) at the St. Lucie County Jail, which has reached to a level that jeopardizes its security. Staff, Committee members and other attendants continued to comment on the aspects of the overcrowding of the jail, such as the fact that many are there awaiting trial for more than 6 months (serious offenses take longer to be processed due to their complexity) and spoke about the high volume of cases assigned to each judge. Doug brieily explained some of the ideas they have come up with at Alachua County to speed up the processing of cases in their judicial system. He also mentioned that at Alachua the have implemented the GPS system to monitor people who are awaiting trial and are under house arrest (some of the accused pay off from their salary for this privilege - $7/ day, opposed to costing -$50/day to the county jail). NEXT MEETING Bill proposed to call the roll to verify how many members could attend the July 2, 2004 extraordinary CBC meeting to discuss the Jail issues (At 7:30 a.m.). Members present (except Debbie, Sylvie and Steven) stated they can attend, therefore we expect to have a quorum. The next regular CBC meeting will be held on Friday, July 16, 2004 at 7:30 a,m.(topics to be announced) . Both meetings wíl1 be held in Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary William "Bill" Casey, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting June 16.2004 H:\D Secretary\O OMBICBC\MinIMin04\06 18.wpd page 3 ~ '-" ....", CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Extraordinary Meeting: Meeting Date: July 2,2004 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Kenny Hogan, Ron Parrish, Mark Taynton, William "Bill"Casey, John Knapp, Edward Lounds, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick, Troy Ingersoll, Carl Hensley, Linda Bartz. MEMBERS ABSENT: David F. Samuel, Paul Young, Debbie Hawley, Sylvie Kramer, Steven Messer. OTHERS PRESENT: Major Patrick Tighe, Toby Long, Kathryn Hensley, Jennifer Hill, Doug Anderson and Marie Gouin. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; Doug went over the agenda and the additions handed out at the meeting and summarized the issues to be discussed. MINUTES The minutes for the June 16,2004 meeting will be presented to the CBC members for approval at the next regular meeting. Jail costs and overruns Doug made a recap of the events regarding this matter and stated the Sheriff had come before the BOCC a couple of months back and reported on the situation regarding the SLC Jail overcrowding and since then he had been asked to present different alternatives to solve the problem. The Sheriffs staff researched different alternatives and has come back with solutions that could be taken until thejail pods that have been approved for construction are running. These solutions include a low-tech facility to be erected (permanently) where the former "tent city" was, moving low risk inmates (trustees) into those and retrofitting an old dorm into a medium security facility. Also, to temporarily transfer some low risk inmates to another county (Highlands) and to implement a monitoring (GPS) system for individuals awaiting trial that would be eligible for house arrest (leaving their home only to go to work). Doug stated that, to date, the Board of County Commissioners has approved $20.5MM to construct two new jail pods; has also authorised to carry out an assessment of this county's criminaljustice system (estimated cost $99,480) and to transfer (temporarily) some inmates to Highlands County at a cost that must not go over $100,000. He also mentioned staiTis making inquiries about the GPS system(expected to be much more cost effective). Ca ital Cost to Construct a Low-Tech Housin Faeili at the PTevious Tent Cit Site To ether with the Ca ital Cost to Convert the Existin Jail Dorm into a Medium-Securit Annual Operatin£ Costs to Run and Maintain These Two Facilities. Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, handed out a brief with information his staff had gathered regarding the options available to construct a low-tech, low-cost housing facility. He explained briefly the pros and cons of each of the alternatives presented (for details, please refer to handout). Staffs recommendation is option #1 (metal building, ata cost of$216,300 each- excluding air conditioning), two buildings that would allow housing 50 inmates each. He also pointed out these costs do not include permitting, restroom and shower facilities and air conditioning. CBC members and staff discussed and compared pros and cons for every option and inquired if air conditioning is a requirement. Major Tighe stated that one of the Florida requirements is to maintain a normal comfort range of temperature. ~ ..." ...., They also discussed some details of the cost to retrofit Dorm A-I into a medium-security facility and if two story buildings are feasible for the low-tech buildings (the Sheriffs office had presented a two story building alternative to the BaCC some months back, but they instructed staff to research for low-cost, low tech alternatives) and even the possibility of one big building that would accommodate 100 inmates instead of 2 that would accommodate 50 each (not feasible, because of the shape of the area available). Doug pointed out that if this project is approved and regardless of the option selected, another aspect that will need to be analyzed and discussed is the annual operating costs of the 2 low-tech buildings and the retrofitted dorm. In regards to this matter, Major Tighe referred to memo from County Administration 04-134 addressed to the BaCC and the CBC listing the annual costs for the low-tech housing facilities (for details please refer to agenda addition item #2, handed out at the meeting). Doug noted these costs do not include utilities costs. Those present also discussed the percentages of the different levels of security and the guidelines to classifY them as low, medium, maximum security. Major Tighe stated the majority of inmates are medium to maximum, who can't get out due to their violent past, violent current charges, failing to appear in court, etc. They also discussed the possibility of hosing federal inmates, considering the revenues coming from this would help with the operating costs. Toby Long stated that they could provide projections, but they have to keep in mind that they are only projections and he recalled that, for example, when they prepared the projections for this year, there was no way they could have predicted that the population would be up 23% since January. Bill inquired if it was possible to prepare a low, medium and high scenario to have some kind of idea of what to expect. Doug added that he understands that projections are just that, but if there is some information ahead of time, it would allow staff to begin looking for ways to resolve the problem and to find funding. Major Tighe went over the comparison between the Alachua and St. Lucie County jails and crime statistics on how SLCJail compares to Alachua and the rest of Florida, rating among top 10 in all the ones discussed (please refer to his hand out for details) and stated that bottom line, SLC is processing more cases, (and faster) than Alachua and still can't keep up with the increase in jail population (currently, jail population is increasing at an average of 32.8 inmates eveIY month). Members also discussed the advantages of implementing the GPS (monitoring) System and how much it would alleviate the overcrowding, convictions and the fact that anyone sentenced for 365 days or more go to State Prison, as well as some aspects of the Federal Inmate Program. Ed inquired what are the specific questions that need to be resolved at this meeting. Doug stated that besides the capital costs discussed up to this point, staff needs to know what is the projected operational cost of the jail in the next 5 years; what will be the cost over and above the current operating costs, when the new facilities come in line and how they will be funded. After some more discussion, members agreed for the time being, to decide on the low-tech options and direct County and Sherifi's staffs to work on determining the operating costs based on that decision. Mark moved to go fOIWard with option 1 for the low-tech buildings. Troy seconded the motion. Ed stated it is necessaIY to ad to the motion to direct staff to work with the Sherifi's office in determining the operations' costs for this option. Doug inquired if there is any possibility to use the deputies that were recently hired to run those two buildings until the two new jail pods are in place. Toby stated he believes it can be done. Citizen Budget Conunittee Meeting July 2, 2004 page 2 '-' '-' --' Mark modified his motions to the following: move to go forward with 2 buildings, option 1 (with air conditioning and insolation), and to direct staff to work with the Sheriff's office in determining the annual operating costs for this option. Troy seconded. Members present voted yes 9-1 (John K. Voted no) and motion passed. Mark Taynton moved to recommend to the BOCC to direct staff to move as expeditiously as possible to bid for a monitoring system that would allow to put inmates under house arrest. Ron Parrish seconded the motion. AU members present voted in favor and motion passed. Sherif1's $527.477.98 Fundinl!: Request to Cover the Jail overcrowdinl!: costs Toby Long stated this issue was discussed at last year's budget workshop and referred to memo he handed out to cac members, detailing the costs the jail's overcrowding has generated in recent months. He also explained briefly some details of handling security at the jail. The costs detailed in the memo are from October 1,2003 to date, and then projected to September 30,2004. After discussing this matter, those present agreed this should be declared an emergency and the costs overruns should be reimbursed through the SherifTReselve Fund, Law Enforcement Impact Fees and the County's Emergency Reserve. CBC members also inquired how will these monies will be transferred to the Sheriff and will he return the excess. Toby suggested this could be monitored on a monthly basis and disbursed as needed. Ed moved to recommend reimbursing the Sherif1's Office an amount not to exceed $1,492,500 for the 2003/2004 budget year from the following funds: $500,000 - Sheriff Salary reserve fund, $510,000- Law Enforcement Impact Fees (to be collected July-Sept. 2004) and $482,500 designated from the $8,400,000 Emergency County Reserves and that it should be partiany reimbursed through penalties assessed against the jail security system contractor. The Sherif1's Office will request reimbursement as needed, as they may not need the full amount of $482,500. The emergency reserves could be replenished over 3 months, January thru March 2005 through Law Enforcement Impact Fees. Carl seconded the motion. AU members present voted in favor. FY 2003-2004 Security Cost - $484.154 for Providinl!: In-house Security for Security System UpJ!:1'ade Workers Doug s stated this is an ongoing problem and that the County is going into litigation with the contractor. The Sheriffs office will provide more documentation on this matter. Due to time constraints the meeting had to be adjourned. NEXT MEETING The next CBG-regular meeting will be held on Friday, July 16,2004 at 7:30 a.m., i~Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. Topics to be discussed will include an update of the BOCC's actions on the jail overcrowding and the Sheriffs costs overrun. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary William "Bin- Casey, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting July 2. 2004 H:\O Secretary\O OMBICBCIMinIMin04107 02wpd page 3 '-øt St. Lucie County State Revenue Sharing ~ds-Ratings Douglas Anderson - RE: St. Lucie County State Revenue Sharing Bonds-Ratings .....,J Agenda Item #3 -.....- ......JiIl- S~1IRa"~__ ~!:. ~- ..... From: To: "Wilder.Brent" <Brent. Wilder@SunTrust.com> "Bradish, Wesley (RBC Dain)" <Wesley.Bradish@Rbcdain.com>, <marieg@co.st-Iucie.fl.us>, <douga@co.st-Iucie.fl.us>, "Robert Freeman (Robert Freeman)" <rfreeman@bmolaw.com>, "Brenda Miller (Brenda Miller)" <bmiller@bmolaw.com>, <rclement@bmolaw.com>, "Eckloff, Nate (RBC Dain)" <Nate.Eckloff@Rbcdain.com> 4/27/2005 10:06 AM RE: St. Lucie County State Revenue Sharing Bonds-Ratings Date: Subject: Congratulations on the good news. Those are very impressive results given the overall financial uncertainty caused by last year's storms. Brent -----Original Message----- From: Bradish, Wesley (RBC Dain) [mailto:Wesley.Bradish@Rbcdain.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 7:07 PM To: marieg@co.st-lucie.fI.us; douga@co.st-lucie.fI.us; Robert Freeman (Robert Freeman ); Brenda Miller (Brenda Miller); rclement@bmolaw.com; Wilder. Brent; Eckloff, Nate (RBC Dain) Subject: St. Lucie County State Revenue Sharing Bonds-Ratings I'>. / r f"T I b) t/J/ ~,,/J~J:.( Š 0 '. C;(· ,>~, C I'~ (!, ~ Ratings will be released tomorrow and reports should be issued late tomorrow or Thursday, f1 AfV" Underlying ratings have been confirmed as follows: S&P:A Moody's: A2 Regards, Wesley Bradish Fixed Income Capital Markets RBC Dain Rauscher (303) 595-1208 (303) 885·5979 (C) RBC Dain Rauscher does not accept buy. sell or cancel orders bye-mail, or any inslructions by e-mail that would require your signature, InfonnB1ion contained in this communication is not considered an official record of your account and does notsupersede normal trade confirmatioos or statements, Any irúonnation provided has been prepared fi'om sources believed to be rei iable but is not guaranteed, does not reprl:Sent all available data necessary for making investment decisions and is for informB1ional purposes only, This e-mail may be privileged and/or confidential, and the sender does not waive any related riglts and obligations, Any distribution. use or copying ofthis e-mail or the infonnation it contains by other than an intended recipient is unauthorized, If you receive this e-mail ¡'n error, please advise me (by return e-mail or otherwise) immediately, Infonnation received by or sent from this system is subject to review by supervisory personnel. is retained and may be produced to regulatory authorities or others with a legal right to the information, ************************************************ The information transmitted is intended solely for the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or r= 1 _ .,,~ \ T"'\, _ _ _ _..._n/",n_u...1n/""^{'"t_.&..¿~u___\ A ..J___~__~_....___....._ .\T _ __'n/"'n~_.u.~____\m____\"""T1nn^f'\1 TT'T'''''' AI.,'7''''''''C , ~~9i~~E~derson - FW: St. LuCie (C~f) FL-Moody's'Report '-Î 'tttt¡ Page 11 . .' " From: "Bradish, Wesley (RBC Dain)" <Wesley.Bradish@Rbcdain.com> To: "Robert Freeman (Robert Freeman)" <rfreeman@bmolaw,com>, "Brenda Miller (Brenda Miller)" <bmiller@bmolaw,com>, <brent.wilder@suntrust.com>, <rclement@bmolaw.com>, <marieg@co.st-Iucie.fl.us>, <douga@co,st-Iucie.fl.us>, "Eckloff, Nate (RBC Dain)" <Nate. Eckloff@Rbcdain,com> Date: 5/5/2005 4:43:22 PM Subject: FW: St. Lucie (County of) FL-Moody's Report -----Original Message----- From: Moody's Investors Service [mailto:epi@moodys.com] Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 2: 18 PM To: Bradish, Wesley (RBC Dain) ~ Subject: SI. Lucie (County oD FL//.- 6 o/J J-I MOODY'S ASSIGNS AN INlTlt( A2yJDERL YING RATING TO ST. LUCIE COUNTY'S (FL) ~ $12,6 MILLION STATE REVENUE SHARING IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS, SERIES ./?6õ5-\ ~ 1 I,¿ER RATING AFFIRMED {i . P (L- St."Cucie (County of) FL fÛJ7 ~ ounty Florida ~., €. () Moody's Rating //..4.~/l "þ6 Underlying rrÞ/' Issue Rating Rating ;¡:l,../ ~ State Revenue Sharing Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2005 A2 Aaa Sale Amount $12,570,000 Expected Sale Date 05/12/05 Rating Description Sales and Use Tax NEW YORK, May 5, 2005 -- Moody's Investors Service has assigned an initial A2 underlying rating to St. Lucie County's (FL) $12.57 million State Revenue Sharing Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, The bonds are secured by the county's portion of pledged revenue sharing trust fund receipts collected and distributed to the county on a monthly basis according to a population and proportionate sales tax collections formula, The A2 rating reflects increases in the county's pledged state revenue sharing receipts and adequate debt service coverage. Bond proceeds will be used for courthouse improvements ($6,2 mill) and environmentally sensitive land acquisition ($6,38 mill). The bonds are expected to be insured by Ambac. Subject to Moody's reception of the appropriate documentation, the bonds are expected to carry Ambac's financial strength rating of Aaa, At this time, Moody's has also affirmed the A1 issuer rating on St. '-' D~~iïãS1~ñjierson - FW: St. Lucie (County of) ~oody's Report ~ Page '2) Lucie County. This rating is based on the county's growing economy, strong commercial and residential development, increasing property values, below-state average socioeconomic indicators, and healthy financial operations, GROWING PLEDGED STATE REVENUE SHARING RECEIPTS ADEQUATELY COVER MAXIMUM ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE In 2000, the Florida State Legislature eliminated intangible tax revenues from Revenue Sharing Trust Fund distribution and replaced it with 2,25% of sales and use tax proceeds, This change in legislature caused a 13.7% decrease in revenue sharing funds statewide, and a 14% decrease in St. Lucie County in 2001, As a percent of total state-wide distribution, St. Lucie County's receipts have increased 3,9%, to ,94% in 2004 from, 91 % in 2002. Effective July 1, 2004 the state legislature decreased the percentage of sales and use taxes transferred to the trust fund from 2,25% to 2,044%, Despite this change, the county's pledged state revenue sharing receipts grew 14.7% from 2001 to 2004. Moody's believes that the new distribution percentage will not materially impact the credit quality of the county's state revenue sharing revenue bonds. According to Florida Statute 218,25, local governments are limited to pledging not more than 50% of the state revenue sharing receipts of the prior fiscal year of to pay debt service, Therefore, with a maximum annual debt service (MADS) of $989,500, and 50% of 2004 receipts at $1,672 million, MADS coverage is a favorable 1.69 times, The state revenue sharing distribution provides each county with a guaranteed entitlement component, which is a floor on receipts, St. Lucie County's guaranteed entitlement is $805,983, At this minimum, 50% of receipts would equal $402,992, dropping MADS coverage to .41 times, HEALTHY FINANCIAL POSITION; MODEST NON-REIMBURSEABLE HURRICANE DAMAGE Moody's expects the county's financial operations to remain healthy due to significant tax revenue growth, a history of conservative budgeting, and improved management policies that include General Fund reserves maintained at 5% of operations, Revenue growth is likely to continue due to steady increases in population and projections of significant increases in taxable values. Despite a $7 million decline in General Fund balance from 2002 to 2003, the county maintained a healthy 18,5% fund balance as a percent of revenues, For fiscal year 2004, the county projects an increase in tax revenues of 56.4%, and a General Fund operating surplus about $1 million, Due to concerns regarding past draw downs in the General Fund balance for capital expenditures, the county has instituted a new policy to hold reserves equal to 5% of total operations, Another 3% of General Fund operations will also be held in reserves, totaling budgeted reserves of $16,3 million for fiscal year 2005, roughly 19% of the General Fund budget. Due to considerable damage caused by the hurricanes late in fiscal year 2004, the county used its full Emergency Reserve ($8.4 million) and expects future unreimbursed costs of $7.3 million, which has been budgeted into fiscal year 2005, To date, the county has received 1ºü9Jas Anderson' - FW: St. Lucie (CWOf)FL-Moody'sReport \J .." ,.:" ',,·~'J?ãge-31 . approximately 36% of its total $107 million reimbursable hurricane costs, and has used cash-on-hand from gas taxes to pay the difference. ECONOMIC GROWTH CAUSED BY SIGNIFICANT RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT Located on the east-south-central coast of Florida, St. Lucie County has an historically agricultural economy that is experiencing rapid commercial and residential development driven by relatively low land costs, increasingly urban building opportunities, and steady property taxes, The county has below average socio-economic indices; in 1999, per capita income and median family income were 87.2% and 90.7% of state respectively, and 2004 annual unemployment is high for the region at 8.2% (4.6% statewide), Unemployment is down significantly from high 1990's levels that peaked at 14.3% in 1994. However, since 2000, population has grown 7.8% to approximately 207,000 and property values have averaged 11,4% annual growth. In addition, the number of residential building permits issued per year increased 66% from 1999 to 2003, and the value of these permits increased 89.7%. Moody's believes that strong tax base growth is likely to continue due to the county's close proximity to employment opportunities, especially in Palm Beach County, affordable housing in the county (2000 census Median Housing Value was 82% of the state's), new residential development, and recent commercial growth and diversification. The primary areas of commercial growth in the county are in healthcare, services, schools, county government, and construction. Recent additions to the commercial economy in the county include two Walmart supercenters, a Walmart distribution center, two Lowe's, an 1800-acre research and education park and plans for a new industrial park. The research and education park will be certified by the state in mid-2005 and current tenants include the U,S. Department of Agriculture and the University of Florida. Commercial growth has led to an average increase in wages of one dollar per year. In addition, labor force and employment growth are above average between 1999 and 2003 at 15.5% (10,9% statewide) and 17.4% (9.4% statewide) respectively, MODEST DIRECT DEBT LEVELS Although the county may face some future debt needs to cover repairs from hurricane damage, Moody's expects the county's debt position to-- remain manageable given expectations of continued strong tax base growth. As of 2004, the overall debt burden is 0,87% and the direct debt burden is a favorable 0.67%. Principal payout on the county's state revenue sharing bonds is relatively slow during the first ten years at about 39%; however, all of the bonds are retired within 20 years, The five-year capital plan contains about $183 million in projects; however, 36% of the projects' costs are for the county's enterprise systems. The county is also seeking intergovernmental assistance and grants for many of their public works projects which account for another 36% of the total CIP. Finally, in November 2002 county voter's approved a referendum to construct a county-wide parks system over 20-years, using a new 0,25 mills. STATISTICS '-r 59jJ9ìäš~person - FW: St. Lucie (County ~Y's Report ~ Page 4] Security: State Revenue Sharing Trust Receipts, bonding is limited to a level of 50% of previous fiscal year's receipts Growth in State Rev Sharing receipts, FY 2000-2004: -3% MADs Coverage for Sales Tax revenue bond by FY 2004 State Rev Sharing revenues (50%): 1,69 times Additional Bonds Test: 1,35 times State Rev Sharing Bond Payout, Ten Years: 39.4% General Fund Balance as % of revenues, 2003: 18.7% Operating Tax Rate as % of limit, FY 2005: 75.4% 1999 Per Capita Income as % of State: 90,7% 1999 Median Family Income as % of State: 87,2% Unemployment Rate, 2004 Annual: 8,2% ANAL YSTS: Baye Emery, Analyst, Public Finance Group, Moody's Investors Service John Incorvaia, Backup Analyst, Public Finance Group, Moody's Investors Service CONTACTS: Journalists: (212) 553-0376 Research Clients: (212) 553-1653 Copyright 2005, Moody's Investors Service, Inc, and/or its licensors including Moody's Assurance Company, Inc, (together, "MOODY'S"), All rights reserved, ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS PROTECTED BY COPYRiGHT LAW AND NONE OF SUCH INFORMATION MAY BE COPIED OR OTHERWISE REPRODUCED, REPACKAGED, FURTHER TRANSMITTED, TRANSFERRED, DISSEMINATED, REDISTRIBUTED OR RESOLD, OR STORED FOR SUBSEQUENT USE FOR ANY SUCH PURPOSE, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN ANY FORM OR MANNER OR BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER, BY ANY PERSON WITHOUT MOODY'S PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. All information contained herein is obtained by MOODY'S from sources believed by it to be accurate and reliable, Because of the possibility of human or mechanical error as well as other factors, however, such information is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and MOODY'S, in particular, makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose of any such information, Under no circumstances shall MOODY'S have any liability to any person or entity for (a) any loss or damage in whole or in part caused by, resulting from, or relating to, any error (negligent or ttJ t., ~glasÆderson - FW: S1. Lucie (CO~f)FkMoody's Report ' ". pã9ë5] . 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NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, TIMELINESS, COMPLETENESS, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF ANY SUCH RATING OR OTHER OPINION OR INFORMATION IS GIVEN OR MADE BY MOODY'S IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER. Each rating or other opinion must be weighed solely as one factor in any investment decision made by or on behalf of any user of the information contained herein, and each such user must accordingly make its own study and evaluation of each security and of each issuer and guarantor of, and each provider of credit support for, each security that it may consider purchasing, holding or selling. MOODY'S hereby discloses that most issuers of debt securities (including corporate and municipal bonds, debentures, notes and commercial paper) and preferred stock rated by MOODY'S have, prior to assignment of any rating, agreed to pay to MOODY'S for appraisal and rating services rendered by it fees ranging from $1,500 to $2,300,000, Moody's Corporation (MCO) and its wholly-owned credit rating agency subsidiary, Moody's Investors Service (MIS), also maintain policies and procedures to address the independence of MIS's ratings and rating processes, Information regarding certain affiliations that may exist between directors of MCO and rated entities, and between entities who hold ratings from MIS and have also publicly reported to the SEC an ownership interest in MCO of more than 5%, is posted annually on Moody's website at www.moodys.com under the heading "Shareholder Relations - Corporate Governance - Director and Shareholder Affiliation Policy." RBC Dain Rauscher does not accept buy, sell or cancel orders bye-mail, or any instructions bye-mail that would require your signature. Information contained in this communication is not considered an official record of your account-and does not supersede normal trade confirmations or statements..--Any information provided has been prepared from sources believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed, does not represent all available data necessary for making investment decisions and is for informational purposes only. This e-mail may be privileged and/or confidential, and the sender does not waive any related rights and obligations. Any distribution, use or copying of this e-mail or the information it contains by other than an intended recipient is unauthorized, If you receive this e-mail in error, please advise me (by return e-mail or otherwise) immediately. Information received by or sent from this system is subject to review by supervisory personnel, is retained and may be produced to regulatory authorities or others with a legal right to the information. "'- )9.~9i~!ðn~derson - FW: St. Lucie (County of) F~oody's Report ' ... ..J - Page 1 ] From: "Bradish, Wesley (RBC Dain)" <Wesley,Bradish@Rbcdain,com> To: <jwhoward@bear.com>, "Brenda Miller (Brenda Miller)" <bmiller@bmolaw,com>, "Robert Freeman (Robert Freeman)" <rfreeman@bmolaw.com>, <rclement@bmolaw.com>, <marieg@co,st-lucie,fl.us>, <douga@co,st-Iucie.fl.us>, "Eckloff, Nate (RBC Dain)" <Nate, Eckloff@Rbcdain.com> Date: 5/5/2005 4:46:06 PM Subject: FW: S1. Lucie (County of) FL-Moody's Report -----Original Message----- From: Moody's Investors Service [mailto:epi@moodys,com] Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 2:24 PM To: Bradish, Wesley (RBC Dain) Subject: S1. Lucie (County of) FL ....,.,..-"\ / , MQODY'S ASSIG,NS A2,UNDERL YING RATING TO ST, LUCIE COUNTY'S (FL) $12,3 ILOON SALES TAX-REFUNDING AND IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2005 A2 AFFIRMATION AFFECTS $75,7 MILLION IN OUTSTANDING PARITY DEBT, INCLUDING CURRENT ISSUE " Št. Lucie (County of) FL County Florida Moody's Rating Issue Rating Underlying Rating Sales Tax Refunding and Improvement Revenue Revenue Bonds, Series 2005 A2 Aaa Sale Amount $12,315,000 Expected Sale Date 05/12/05 Rating Description Sales and Use Tax NEW YORK, May 5,2005 -- Moody's Investors Service has assigned an A2 underlying rating to S1. Lucie County's (FL) $12,315 million Sales Tax Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, At this time Moody's also affirms the A2 rating on $75,745 million in parity debt, including this issue, The bonds are secured by the county's portion of the half-cent sales tax receipts collected and distributed by the state and based on point of origin, The A2 rating reflects the county's growing share of pledged sales tax receipts and adequate debt service coverage, Bond proceeds will be used to refund the county's outstanding Improvement Revenue Note, Series 2004 ($10 million) and to finance the acquisition of certain environmentally sensitive lands within the county ($2.3 million). The bonds are expected to be insured by Ambac, Subject to Moody's reception of the appropriate documentation, the bonds are expected to carry Ambac's financial strength rating of Aaa. ,o.Y.9!.a!!:Añþerson ~ FW: St. Lucie(CtJa J/ùf)FL-Moody'sReport \,J .., Pa9~ 2.] . At this time, Moody's has also affirmed the A 1 issuer rating on St. Lucie County, This rating is based on the county's growing economy, strong commercial and residential development, increasing property values, below-state average socioeconomic indicators, and healthy financial operations, GROWING PLEDGED HALF-CENT SALES TAX RECEIPTS ADEQUATELY COVER MAXIMUM ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE Moody's believes steady growth in pledged half-cent sales tax receipts will continue to provide adequate debt service coverage for the bonds. Pledged half-cent sales tax receipts have grown 34.1 % between 1999 and 2003 and have an estimated 18,7% increase in 2004 to $7.684 million. Additionally, projected increases based on the first six months of fiscal year 2005 receipts show a further increase of 12.9% to $8,678 million for the year. From 1999 to 2003, 51. Lucie County receipts grew 10.8% as a percent of total state-wide distribution to 0.45%, Maximum annual debt service (MADS) is increasing with the Series 2005 issue to $5.037 million from $4,056 million previously. Therefore, using 2004 projected receipts ($7,683 million), MADS coverage declined 19% from 1.89 to a still adequate 1,53 times. Debt service for Series 2003 and Series 2005 is level and debt service payments will be close to MADS by 2006, Given projected increases in half-cent sales tax receipts however, coverage is likely to improve, Rapid population growth in Port S1. Lucie, the county's largest incorporated area, has lead to a 16,5% increase in its allocation since 1994, and conversely, a decline in the county's allocation from 55,6% in 1994 to 54.1 % in 2003. The sales tax distribution between the county and the incorporated municipalities is based on a population-based formula which protects counties with a minimum 40% share of total half-cent sales tax receipts distributed in the county even in the case of full incorporation. At the 40% minimum, the county's 2004 projected receipts would be $5,69 million, resulting in a MADS coverage of 1,13, Moody's believes that continued overall growth in county-wide half-cent sales tax receipts will offset any reductions in the county's proportionate share, Effective July 1, 2004, the state's HB 113-A decreased the percentage of sales tax distributed to the Half-Cent Sales Tax Trust Fund from 9.653% to 8,814%, reducing the sales tax distribution to local governments, The reduction is in response to the state government assuming responsibilities previously performed by local governments. While there is no assurance that the percentage distribution formula would not be further reduced in the future, Moody's believes that the new distribution percentage will not materially impact the credit quality of the county's sales tax revenue bonds, HEALTHY FINANCIAL POSITION; MODEST NON-REIMBURSEABLE HURRICANE DAMAGE Moody's expects the county's financial operations to remain healthy due to significant tax revenue growth, a history of conservative budgeting, and improved management policies that include General Fund reserves maintained at 5% of operations, Revenue growth is likely to continue due to steady increases in population and projections of significant '-' ~-- '., ..... .~ ,-ºuglas AJlderson - FW: St. Lucie (County of) FL-Moody's Report. 10.... tI "-p~~' increases in taxable values. Despite a $7 million decline in General Fund balance from 2002 to 2003, the county maintained a healthy 18,5% fund balance as a percent of revenues, For fiscal year 2004, the county projects an increase in tax revenues of 56.4%, and a General Fund operating surplus about $1 million, Due to concerns regarding past draw downs in the General Fund balance for capital expenditures, the county has instituted a new policy to hold reserves equal to 5% of total operations, Another 3% of General Fund operations will also be held in reserves, totaling budgeted reserves of $16,3 million for fiscal year 2005, roughly 19% of the General Fund budget. Due to considerable damage caused by the hurricanes late in fiscal year 2004, the county used its full Emergency Reserve ($8.4 million) and expects future unreimbursed costs of $7.3 million, which has been budgeted into tiscal year 2005, To date, the county has received approximately 36% of its total $107 million reimbursable hurricane costs, and has used cash-on-hand from gas taxes to pay the difference. ECONOMIC GROWTH CAUSED BY SIGNIFICANT RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT Located on the east-south-central coast of Florida, St. Lucie County has an historically agricultural economy that is experiencing rapid commercial and residential development driven by relatively low land costs, increasingly urban building opportunities, and steady property taxes. The county has below average socia-economic indices; in 1999, per capita income and median family income were 87.2% and 90.7% of state respectively, and 2004 annual unemployment is high for the region at 8,2% (4,6% statewide), Unemployment is down significantly from high 1990's levels that peaked at 14,3% in 1994. However, since 2000, population has grown 7.8% to approximately 207,000 and property values have averaged 11.4% annual growth, In addition, the number of residential building permits issued per year increased 66% from 1999 to 2003, and the value of these permits increased 89.7%, Moody's believes that strong tax base growth is likely to continue due to the county's close proximity to employment opportunities, especially in Palm Beach County, affordable housing in the county (2000 census Median Housing Value was 82% of the state's), new residential development, and recent commercial growth and diversification. The primary areas of commercial growth in the county are in healthcare, services, schools, county government, and construction. Recent additions to the commercial economy in the county include two Walmart supercenters, a Walmart distribution center, two Lowe's, an 1800-acre research and education park and plans for a new industrial park, The research and education park will be certified by the state in mid-2005 and current tenants include the U,S. Department of Agriculture and the University of Florida, Commercial growth has led to an average increase in wages of one dollar per year. In addition, labor force and employment growth are above average between 1999 and 2003 at 15,5% (10,9% statewide) and 17.4% (9.4% statewide) respectively. MODEST DIRECT DEBT LEVELS \J )ou las Anderson - FW: St. Lucie (Co of) FL-Moody's Report Although the county may face some future debt needs to cover repairs from hurricane damage, Moody's expects the county's debt position to remain manageable given expectations of continued strong tax base growth. As of 2004, the overall debt burden is 0,87% and the direct debt burden is a favorable 0,67%. Principal payout on the county's sales tax revenue bonds is slow during the first ten years at about 28%; however, all of the bonds are retired within 28 years. The five-year capital plan contains about $183 million in projects; however, 36% of the projects' costs are for the county's enterprise systems. The county is also seeking intergovernmental assistance and grants for many of their public works projects which account for another 36% of the total CIP, Finally, in November 2002 county voter's approved a referendum to construct a county-wide parks system over 20-years, using a new 0,25 mills. STATISTICS Security: County's share of half-cent sales tax receipts deposited into the Local Government Half-Cent Sales Tax Trust Fund Growth in County's share of Half-Cent receipts, FY 2000-2004: 48% MADs Coverage for Sales Tax revenue bond by, FY 2003 Half-Cent Pledged revenues: 1,29 times FY 2004 Half-Cent Pledged revenues (estimated): 1,53 times Post-Sale Sales Tax Bonds Outstanding: $75,745 million Sales Tax Bond Payout, Ten Years: 27,9% Direct Debt Burden: .67% General Fund Balance as % of revenues, 2003: 18.7% Operating Tax Rate as % of limit, FY 2005: 75.4% 1999 Per Capita Income as % of State: 90.7% 1999 Median Family Income as % of State: 87.2% Unemployment Rate, 2004 Annual: 8.2% ANAL YSTS: Baye Emery, Analyst, Public Finance Group, Moody's Investors Service John Incorvaia, Backup Analyst, Public Finance Group, Moody's Investors Service CO NT ACTS: Journalists: (212) 553-0376 Research Clients: (212) 553-1653 '-" ~ !~9~~!.~!!gerson - FW: St. Lucie (County of) FL-Moody's Report ' '"- ~ Page 51 Copyright 2005, Moody's Investors Service, Inc, and/or its licensors including Moody's Assurance Company, Inc. (together, "MOODY'S"). All rights reserved. ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW AND NONE OF SUCH INFORMATION MAY BE COPIED OR OTHERWISE REPRODUCED, REPACKAGED, FURTHER TRANSMITTED, TRANSFERRED, DISSEMINATED, REDISTRIBUTED OR RESOLD, OR STORED FOR SUBSEQUENT USE FOR ANY SUCH PURPOSE, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN ANY FORM OR MANNER OR BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER, BY ANY PERSON WITHOUT MOODY'S PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT, All information contained herein is obtained by MOODY'S from sources believed by it to be accurate and reliable. Because of the possibifity of human or mechanical error as well as other factors, however, such information is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and MOODY'S, in particular, makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose of any such information. 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The credit ratings and financial reporting analysis observations, if any, constituting part of the information contained herein are, and must be construed solely as, statements of opinion and not statements of fact or recommendations to purchase, sell or hold any securities, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, TIMELINESS, COMPLETENESS, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF ANY SUCH RATING OR OTHER OPINION OR INFORMATION IS GIVEN OR MADE BY MOODY'S IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER. Each rating or other opinion must be weighed solely as one factor in any investment decision made by or on behalf of any user of the information contained herein, and each such user must accordingly make its own study and ~evaluation of each security and of each issuer and guarantor of, and each provider of credit support for, each security that it may consider purchasing, holding or selling. MOODY'S hereby discloses that most issuers of debt securities (including corporate and municipal bonds, debentures, notes and commercial paper) and preferred stock rated by MOODY'S have, prior to assignment of any rating, agreed to pay to MOODY'S for appraisal and rating services rendered by it fees ranging from $1,500 to $2,300,000, Moody's Corporation (MCO) and its wholly-owned credit rating agency subsidiary, Moody's Investors Service (MIS), also maintain policies and procedures to address the independence of MIS's ratings and rating processes. Information regarding certain affiliations that may exist between directors of MCO and rated entities, and between entities who hold ratings from MIS and have also publicly reported to the SEC an ownership interest in MCO of more than 5%, is posted annually on Moody's website _, ,_.___ ' ~lli'" ,. ' ," !o~la!! A~_derson -FW: St. Lucie (County of)"FL-Moody'sRepo,rt tJ îtJ ---------1 Page 6 at www,moodys,com under the heading "Shareholder Relations - Corporate Governance - Director and Shareholder Affiliation Policy," RBC Dain Rauscher does not accept buy, sell or cancel orders bye-mail, or any instructions bye-mail that would require your signature. Information contained in this communication is not considered an official record of your account and does not supersede normal trade confirmations or statements, Any information provided has been prepared from sources believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed, does not represent all available data necessary for making investment decisions and is for informational purposes only. This e-mail may be privileged and/or confidential, and the sender does not waive any related rights and obligations, Any distribution, use or copying of this e-mail or the information it contains by other than an intended recipient is unauthorized. If you receive this e-mail in error, please advise me (by return e-mail or otherwise) immediately. Information received by or sent from this system is subject to review by supervisory personnel, is retained and may be produced to regulatory authorities or others with a legal right to the information, ........ '-' ....., Agenda Item #4 Downtown Fort Pierce Projects: Clerk of Circuit Monumental Court Building Staircase District Cooling Project Budget $ 6,900,000,00 $ 1,238,000,00 $ 1,910,000,00 Lowest Bid: $ 10,922,972,00 $ $ Total project Cost Increase: $ 4,022,972,00 $ 1,238,000.00 $ 1,910,000,00 Sources: Improvement Bonds, Series 2005* $ 3,000,000.00 $ 1,238,000.00 $ 1,910,000,00 Sales Tax Bond, Series 2003 $ 921,735.00 Other Sources $ 2,978,265.00 $ 6,900,000.00 Recommendations: Court Facilities Fund·· $ 1,222,771.00 Court Facilities Fund - Court Costs··· $ 150,587.00 Court Facilities Fund···· $ 200,000,00 Public Building Impact Fees $ 1,739,172.00 $ 3,312,530.00 Total Sources: $ 10,212,530.00 $ 1,238,000.00 $ 1,910,000.00 Balance $ (710,442.00) $ $ Notes: . Improvement Bonds, Series 2005- in the process of issuing the bonds. est. closing date 4/30/05 1··Fund 170 I Total $ 1,548.664,61 $ 355,004,00 $ (29,110,72) $ 1,222,771,33 available cash as of 3/24/05 Less: PO's Adjustments to be done .UNo longer receiving these funds-Art V (as of 3/24/05) ····Estimated collection from March to September "-' ~ ., '-' ..~_ __.__ __ .____ _. ____---n----.-- AI ~I I I' it ,I: ~ .....--.- ..-----. .--..-. ---..- ..---.... ~...-."~ ..,.....- - . ..~ .~_.-.. ....-.-. .----- ----.--- ~ . ,I, ';,-!' EDL.UND . OAITENBAS · BINKLEY ARCHITECTS AND ASSOCIATES. P.A. M ember"S 0" 1;hB AmeJ"'¡Can 1~1!!it:r.;u!;e of Archil:ecœ AA#AACa:;x:JEJ86 ') 11 ~ ~t ~ho¡'¡ CJ Q~ ~~I ,..V ~O 1/ c·IU/}f1{\~ \fll \ tPV May 9, 2005 Doug Anderson County Administrator St. Lucie County Central Services 2300 Virginia A venue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Re: Clerk oftbe Court Bid Award Dear Mr. Anderson, It is with this letter that EDB ArchiteCts recommends awarding the bid for the Clerk of Court Office Building to the apparent 10w bidder, Team Construction in the amount of$l 0,922,972.00. Upon tbe county commission'!\ award of bid and completion of the OwnerfContractor agreement, we will commence the value engineering services to reduce the constrUction cost of the project by approximately $800,000. The conttact amount v.ill be reduced accordingly by way of deductive change orders throughout the value engineering process. The Purchasing Department and the County Legal Department have close!)' managed and scrutinized the contract documents, the bid procedure, the apparent Jow bidder's qualifications and bonding requirements and an:his time, all elements appear to be in order rendering this a c1ean bid. The fiTst phase of constrUction win be completion of the parking lot south of St Andrew's School and Church. School is out 2 June 2005 and back in session on 8 August 2005, allowing a window of opportUnity to completc the parking lot and improve the parking situation adjacent to the judicial complex. lIJ regards to construction permit statUS, we have received some minor comments from the City of Fort Pierce Engineering Department, which are being addressed. A City of Fort Pierce plan reviewer has started the review process for final building permits. No permits are required for the parking lot imprcwcmems south of St. Andrew's. 65 Rcyal Palm Point:e. Suit;e [J. VSr'O Besch. FL. 32800 V.,.o B.aoh 772/S89-432D c..rfteld ø..c:h 9154/42S-0995 "ax 7711/Seg.S2DIiJ F.x 9154/421.828. -..' ...¡". 'wII ~ . _._.. _.___..____..~_.p.n___ Mr. Anderson, though the bids :::x~ed the anticipated project budget, we are c.onfident that they reflect fair market value. To re-bid the project considering the current economic stonn and spiraling construction inflation surrounding our geographic area, may only result in higber bids the second time aroW1d. We need to proceed as expeditiously as possible to complete this project over the ne~:t 18 months. Sincerely, PoL Paul U. Dritenbas, A.I.A. Architect xc: Roger Shinn- Director of Centra] Services Ed Parker- Purchasing Director, St. Lucie County Dan McIntyre- County Attomcy F'r ¿ 'G.ó. 'J...IHG CNn'03', J/\í \-/' ~\ ~'~ Ul ''=¡ (~J . t,__. (} '-J 1_\ E Q) +J - ~i ~ ª :1 ori- II å ð ~ ¡ '- il ~~ ¡I !ã. 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Anderson, unty Administrator DATE: May 4,2005 RE: Institute for Law and Policy Planning (ILPP) - Primary Recommendations One of the primary recommendations by Dr. Kalmanotf in his recent report to the County is to "develop a pretrial services program; get technical assistance from the Pretrial Services Resource Center, then implement." I have received the attached proposal from the PSRC to perform this function. The cost for these serv,ices is $3,500. During last year's budget process, funding had been set aside in the amount of $200,000 towards implementation of Dr. Kalmanoffs recommendations. I plan on proceeding with this recommendation at this time. Should you have any questions or comments, please let me know. DMAlab 05-54 c: Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Faye Outlaw, Assistant County Administrator Dan Mcintyre, County Attorney Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director --Citizens' Budget Development Committee Public Safety Coordinating Council Attachment BOARD OF TRUSTEES Hon, Tomar Mason CHAIR Bany Mahoney, Esq. VICE CHAIR David Adair, Esq, Hon. Deborah A. Agosti Hon, Pamela G, Alexander Susan Brannen Hon, James G. Carr Noonan Early. Esq, Robert J. Guttentag Dennis Hunter E. Michael McCann, Esq, Jerome E. McElroy Howard Messing, Esq, Dennis MUIJ'hy, Esq, Carol Oeller Hon, Frank Orlando Ha/Jem H. Williams, Jr, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR D, Alan Henry DEPUTV DIRECTORS ADMINISTRATION Jolanta Juszkiewicz, Ph.D, PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT John Clark -.. ' ~ ...; 'twtI PSRC: Pretrial Services Resource Center Committed to improvingjustice at the pretrial stage April 22, 2005 (\k I .( þ'~-) ~ ~ hC (\ C '. ~p,) Mr. Doug Anderson County Administrator 2300 Virginia Ave. F011 Pierce, FL 34982 Dear Mr. Anderson: This is a follow-up to our discussion earlier this week conceming the Pretrial Services Resource Center providing assistance to St. Lucie County, as recommended by Alan KaJmanoff in his recent report to the County. I understand that you would like the Center to meet with key judicial officers in the county to discuss the benefits of establishing a pretrial services agency, with the expectation that such an agency would likely reduce the crowding situation in the jail. To do this I'd suggest a one or two day visit to the County, depending on the number of judicial officers that should be included. A possible agenda would, after a short meeting with you, begin with a meeting with the Chief Judge. How we proceed after that would be entirely up to the judges and their schedules; we could meet with a group or groups of judges or individually, depending on time. We should also fit in some time to meet with the State's Attomeys Office and Public Defenders during the visit. Finally, I'd expect there might be other system actors that you'd like us to visit with because of their involvement in the jail crowding project. We would subsequently submit a short report, describing our discussions. If the County then decides to move forward on this, we would be happy to provide a proposal for helping establish a pretrial program, if you wish. As M[.__Kalmanoff has likely pointed out, the existence of an effective pretrial services program in a jurisdiction has been identified as a significant method for reducing unnecessary pretrial detention. The basis for this lies in the two critical functions such programs perform: collecting and providing verified information about all an-estees to judicial officers as soon after arrest as possible so that appropriate conditions of pretrial release or detention can be imposed. Such reports usually include an assessment of the defendant's risk to fail to appear and/or be rearrested during the pretrial stage, based on the verified background information collected. The second function such programs provide to the courts is the capacity to supervise conditions imposed by judicial officers to help. insure the defendant appears for court and remains arrest-free during the pendenëYöfihècase: 1010 Vennont Avenue, N,W,. Suite 300 Washington. D.C, 20005 (202) 638-3080 Fax (202) 347-O493~ :e-mail psrclã!pretriaJ'\i'~g Visit our web site at www,pretria/,org , '-' ~ '-tII ...", ~'. .. This will be the gist of what we discllss with the judges, along with experiences in other jurisdictions, national standards related to the pretrial process and other relevant infomlation. Assuming a two day visit our invoice would be for $3,500. Please call or e-mail me if you have thoughts or questions about the above and to discuss schedules. Sincerely, tÇ£~n:O- Executive Director v '-' -ç;¡ 't,¡J INSTITUTE FOR LAW AND POLICY PLANNING PAGE 144 1.0 "'....-y Røœmn...-.Jalions The recommendations below are those identified by consultants to be those of highest priority in terms of an implementation tirneline. A B C Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Restructure the Public Safety Coordinating Council to create a small executive group and make it a more effective coordinating body. Recruit a prestigious leader to · · aim forcefully at implementation of the recommendations stemming from this comprehensive assessment. Create a criminal justice coordinator position, responsible · . through the County Manager to all system gatekeepers, { Devdop a pretrial services program; get technical assistance from the Pretrial Services Resource Center, then · · implement. The Public Defender should make a more serious effort to see all arrested offenders, prior to arraignment, and screen · · to reduce the defense caseload earlier, Adopt a county-wide citation in lieu of arrest policy and invoke a cap and tougher booking restrictions by the · · sheriff at the jail that implements this citation policy. County and community leaders should organize and strongly support the effort to add more judicial positions · . in St. Lucie. The Circuit Court should consider implementing differentiated case management (DCM) as a means of · · assigning cases to judges, taking control of case progress, deadlines, and delays, Re-evaluate the bond schedule amounts downwards, and · · distinguish between violent and non-vio1ent felonies. Detennine the jail's future stafftng and bed needs and · · costs, before any new crowding becomes a facility crisis. Do not occupy the new jail pods or build new beds until · . this report is implemented and a plan is in place Develop a strategic plan to integrate all criminal justice · . databases. Seek an independent professional program audit of the Public Defender's Office to provide needed support and · . input on much earlier and stronger system advocacy. ST. LUCIE COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM ASSESSMENT ~ '-" ........, ......, Agenda Item #8 ';;l. ,¿-: ø""- ';"-.,- 0"' ,........ -...~ .~~ ;; '$~" ~?:' 'i':";-' ~. v' !. -~.' ...-~,~:. -..-" ,...:- -:"'" ~fJtrtff KEN J. MASCARA , ..':1lJ'.. (f?:~)" :.:- ' ., ~~~~." Telephone: (772) 462-3200 . Fax: (772) 489-5851 4700 West Midway Road' Fort Pierce, Florida 34981 May 2, 2005 MAY ~:4 2005 The Honorable Frannie Hutchinson, Chairwoman St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Dear Chairwoman Hutchinson I am pleased to present my budget for the fiscal year 2005-2006. With St. Lucie County in the midst of a population explosion, the next few years will prove challenging for all of us. The budget I am submitting recognizes the need to maintain the level of safety services for our residents, which they have a right to expect as taxpayers and members of this community. We can provide these vital services only if we have a level of staffing appropriate to meet the challenges we face. As of today, there are approximately 78,000 new, approved or approval-pending single-family homes in various projects in the unincorporated county and the City of Port St. Lucie. As these homes are occupied over the next few years, we will add 202,000 new residents. That will represent an increase of 89 percent above the current population of 226,216, as, supplied by the St. Lucie County Department, of Growth Management. Because 25,000 ofthe new, approved or approval-pending homes are in the unincorporated area, that part of our county will experienee-a population increase of 65,000, compared with the current unincorporated population of71,389, for an increase of91 percent. In other words, the unincorporated area of our county, where the Sheriffs Office has exclusive local law enforcement jurisdiction, will grow as rapidly as the county as a whole in the next few years. The county's current population of226,216 is 51 percent higher than it was in 1994, at 150,171. That was the last time the St. Lucie County Sheriffs Office added any Deputies to patrol the streets ofthe county. Since 1994, the only law enforcement Deputies we have added were School Resource Deputies and two grant-funded Tra~c Unit Deputies. As you know, the Sheriffs Office has law enforcement responsibilities throughout the county and not just in the unincorporated areas. Countywide law enforcement responsibilities include '-' ~' ç ...., The Honorable Frannie Hutchinson, Chairwoman May 2, 2005 Page 2 service of court papers, both civil and criminal. These responsibilities have increased as our county's population has increased, and as the number of judges in our county has increased. In addition to countywide patrol services, the Sheriffs Office staffs and operates a range of countywide law enforcement services including the A vÌation Unit, Special Investigations Unit (that investigates crimes involving prescription drug fraud, narcotics, prostitution, illegal gambling and other vice crimes), Canine Unit, Bomb Squad, Marine Unit and Underwater Search and Recovery Unit. Also, the Sheriffs Office maintains and operates the county's law enforcement gun range. Here are three examples of the increase in the workload of the Sheriffs Office, comparing the years 2000 and 2004: Our Judicial Services Unit in 2000 processed 59,578 judicial orders, including civil papers and criminal arrest warrants. In the year 2004, the number of judicial orders processed by the Sheriffs Office jumped 77 percent, to 105,574. Those booked at the St. Lucie County jail numbered 11,212 in 2000 and 13,787 in 2004, an increase of23 percent. In 2000, Sheriffs Office detectives investigated 3,229 cases. In 2004, they investigated 3,885 cases, for an increase of20 percent. As I explained earlier in this letter, we expect the county's population to nearly double within the foreseeable future, as people occupy single-family residential homes about to be approved, already approved and currently under construction. This does not include population increases anticipated as people occupy multi-family homes approved or under construction. Clearly, the workload has risen and will continue to rise, but staffing levels have not kept pace, My proposed budget includes the hiring of25 new law enforcement Deputies. I have secured a grant that will pay about one-half of the salaries and benefits of 10 of these new Deputies for the next three years. Through the partnership between the Sheriffs Office and the Board of County Commissioners, a Law Enforcement Impact Fee will pay for vehicles and other equipment for the new Deputies. This is an example of growth helping to pay for the-additional costs associated with it. Non-sworn employees perfonn a number of important support functions at the Sheriffs Office. As the population grows, the number of these support positions also must grow. My proposed budget provides for six new support positions. The second of the new jail donnitories will be ready for occupancy in the 2005-2006 budget years. Included in a separate portion of my budget are the costs to staff and operate this facility The budget I am submitting requests $53,320,578 for the 2005-2006 budget year, not including costs associated with opening the second new jail dormitory. The proposed budget for the second jail dornJitory is $2,521,113. '-' '-' ....,; ...." The Honorable Frannie Hutchinson, Chairwoman May 2, 2005 Page 3 There are great challenges for our community in the years ahead. Together, we can and will meet these challenges. Our continued commitment to the citizens of S1. Lucie County demands that we provide a safe environment for them to raise their families, enjoy our beautiful surroundings, and retire, secure in the knowledge that when they need the services of the Sheriffs Office, we will answer their call. Should you have any questions about my budget, my staff and I are always available to answer them. Sincerely,/ .' . --~~_. - Ken J. Mascara Sheriff TB/ts '-' -.. U tJ BUDGET NOTES ThL' Sheriff's Office's proposed budget for the 20D5-2006 fisl,;;}1 year cuntains S3,45ì.:F9 in iJ:l:jcasL's mandated by It:gislati\e, ('ontraC!l;a; ;.md rr.a~ktt forces, In some cases, the mandate is legislative. An example is the increase in the employer- required contribution rate for the Florida Retirement System. In other cases, the mandate is contractual. The inmate medical services contract amount increases when the number of inmates increases. In still other cases, the mandate is market-driven, such as the increase in the cost of fuel. Yet another mandate is that caused by the county's population growth over the past decade and the growth anticipated over the next several years (2005- 2006 budget cost). We need additional patrol deputies to provide an appropriate level of service. These mandated increases account for 63 percent of the budget increase we are requesting. To put it another way, without these mandated increases, we would be asking for a budget increase of 5.67 percent instead of 15.45 percent. 4- '-' ~ ..." ..."" St. Lucie County Sherifrs Office Budget Certificate 200S-2Q06 As required by Chapter 30.49(2)(a), I hereby certify that the proposed expenditures for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 are reasonable and necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the 81. Lucie County Sheriff's Office. Further, the functional distribution is as follows: 16 Judicial 2,654.434 21 Law Enforcement 29,892,602 23 Detention 20,977,541 Total Budget Expenditures 53,524,578 Miscellaneous Revenue -204,000 Final Adjusted Budget Expenditures From ad valorum 53,320,578 I Rcspectfully submitted" ¡;".. . ;- -'7." // ~"'J t/..,¿ ,"'" / '. ' /4/ ,,':1{ ,,/ ~~~~,~..... ___~., hcn J, ~v1~,scára, Sheriff - 5 - '-' ~ l " W 'J 2005-2006 St. Lucie County Sheriffs Office Proposed Expenditures Pursuant to FS 30.49(2)(a) L:--, _,_ Salary of the Sheriff $128,515 39,400,433 12,580,630 Salaries of deputies and assistants (incI. benefits) Expenses, other than salaries Equipment 830,000 Investigations Total: 85,000 500.000 $53,524,578 Reserve for Contingencies Expenditures budgeted in the Special Revenue Fund (grants, joint ventures, etc.) 4,123,850 -6- 5/2/2005 line II I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 20 31 32 33 34 35 36-¡ 37 38 39 40 4) 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 SO 51 52 53 5'; '-' '- ST. LUCIE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICF.; BUDGET REQUEST 2005-2006 ACCOUNT TITLE '.",J ..., 16000 Judicial Proposed 2005-2006 512000-Salaries 513000-0ther ILlS Vac/Sick/Long) Master Deputy Pay Incentive Pay 5UOOO-Overtime 5UOOO-FICA 521100-FICA Mandatory 526000-BenefitB 534000-Contracted Services 540410-Meals - Per Diem S4S420-Bonding. Liab , Prop Ins. S49420-Computer Supplies' Acceas. S49445-Repaira , Maintenance S51000-0tfice Supplies 5S2000-Operating Supplies 552100-Batteries S52490-Equipment under $1000 S527S0-UnHorma 5S27S5-Unitorm Accessories 554100-Educational¡Seminars 554150-Tuition Reimbursement S6441~-Capital Outlay - Vehicles 564490-Capital Outlay - Other Equip 1,353,028 12,379 4,080 23.160 28,900 88,136 20,612 771,097 295,000 500 31.842 200 500 500 3.500 500 3,000 10.000 500 4,000 3,000 o o per.onnel Service. - Judicial Operating - Judicial Capital Outlay - Judicial TOTAL JUDICIAL 21000 Law Enforcement Sll100-Executive Salary:Sheriff 512000-5alaries Isubtotal) S13000-0ther ILlS Vac/Sick/Long Master Deputy Pay Incentive Pay Holiday Pay SHOOD-Overtime S21000-FICA S21100-FICA Mandatory S26000-Benefits S31000-Profea.ional Services 531430-Atty Fee/Profe..ional Fees 5314'0-Accreditation Costs 534000-Contractural Services 535000-Investigation. S40000-Travel and Per Diem S40410-Meal. - Per Diem -7- 2.301.392 353.042 o 2.654.434 109.238 12,620.316 240.197 22,440 143,280 216,877 502.350 879,901 205.783 6.997.244 80.000 18.000 5.000 80.000 85,000 5.000 15,000 5/212005 line #I v ~ ST. LUCIE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE BUDGET REQUEST 1005-2006 ACCOUNT TITLE 5S 56 57 ~II 540420-Private Vehicle Allowance 540440-Airlines, Lodging ~ Tolls 541000-Communications 541100-Telepbone 541150-Cellular Phones 541200-PO.t&g8 543000-Utilities 544000-Rentals and Leases 544410-Lea.ed Vebicles 545410-Auto Fleet Insurance S45420-Bonding, Liab ~ Prop In.. S4'OOO-Tech. Maintenance Contracts 54'410-Auto Repair and Maintenance 54'430-RAdio Rep. ~ Maint 547000-printing and Binding 547420-Copier Supplies 54'100-Advertiaing 54'410-Auto - Otber Charges SU413 -Towing 54'415-Paint and Lettering 54'420-Computer Suppliea 54'430-Polygrapb S4'43S-Crime Lab S4'436-Weapona S4'44S-Repair ~ Maintenance S4'450-Phyaical Examinations 5UUO-Aviation 54'470-Marine Repair, Maint, Dock 5S1000-0ffice Suppliea 552000-eperating Suppliea S5UOO-Batteriea S52410-Fuel and Lubricants 552420-Ammunition S52433-Photo Supplies S52440-0tner Inveatigative Supplies S524'0-Zquipment Under $1000 5525'0-Photo Equipment S52700-Jlent",.ar 552750-uniforma 552755-Uniform Accessories 554000-Books. Publ, Sublcr , Member S54100-Educational Seminars SS4150-Tu1tion Reimbursement S54200-Memberahipa 554S00-New.papers S'4410-Capital OUtlay - Vehicles 5'44'0-Capital OUtlay - Other Equip 571000-Debt Service 581000-Interfund Tranlfers 5""'/CONTINGENCY-L/E 60 61 62 63 64 6S 66 67 68 69 10 11 72 7J 14 7S 16 71 78 79 SO 81 82 83 84 8S 86 81 88 89 90 9\ 92 93 94 9' 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 10' 106 \01 \08 PERSONNEL SERVICES LIE OPERATING - LIE CAPITAL ASSET - LIE - 8 - u .., Proposed 2005-2006 1,000 25,000 205,'00 85,000 95 . 000 20,000 155,nnn 80,000 3U.400 397,7" 254,460 232,000 51,891 30.000 5,000 70,175 5,000 10,000 30.000 10,000 122,271 120,300 40.000 15,000 448.155 119,364 35,000 '5.000 25.000 1,440,000 53,000 15,000 5.000 80,000 7,000 5.000 65,000 35.000 15,000 45,000 30,000 12,000 1,000 625.000 150.000 243.409 1.196.151 300,000 :n, 937. '25 6.179,977 775.000 line tI 109 110 III 112 113 114 IU 116 117 III 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 13 I 132 133 134 IB 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 ]49 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 5/2/2005 \w '- ST. LUCIE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE BUDGET REQUEST 100S-1006 ACeoWI' TITLE COm'INGENCY - LIE TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT 23000 DetentioD 512000-Salaries 513000-0ther (LIS Vac/Sick/Long) Master Deputy Pay Incenti ve Pay Holid.ay Pay 514 000 -Overtime SHOOO-FICA S21100-FICA MM 525000-Unemployment 526000-Benefits 531000-Profe.sional Services 531410-Hospital/Physieians-Inmate 5314'0-Accreditatlon Costs (Detention) S34000-Contraetural Sves 540000-Travel . Per Piem 540410-Meal. - Per Diem 540415-Prisoner Transport 540417-Prisoner Transport-Pept Veh. 540440-Airline. Lodging . Tolls 541100-Telephone 541150-Cellular Phones 541200-Postage 543000-Utilities 545420-Bonding. Liab , Prop Insur. 546430-Radio Repair . Maint 546440-0ffiee Equipment R , M 547000-printing and Binding 547420-Copier Supplies 54'100-Advertising 54'420-Computer Supplies 54'U6-Weapons 54'445-Repalr and Maintenance 54'570-Hepatiti. B 55l000-0ffice Supplies 552000-Operating Supplies 552100-Batterie. 5524'0-Equipment Under $1000 552'00-Jail Food 552'10-Jail Supplies 552'20-Jail Paper Goods 552630-Jail Laundry 552640-Jail Janitorial Supplies 552750-Uniforms 552755-Uniform Accessories 554000-Books. Publications' Mag, -9 _-1 '''wfIÎ """ Proposed 2005-2006 2'.892.602 8.684.825 50.341 14.280 62.520 322.770 318.750 585,"2 137.047 10.000 5,103.406 75,000 2.985,611 3,000 50,000 1.000 2,500 130,000 8,000 5.000 42,000 ',000 1.500 140,000 2.500 1.000 2,500 8,000 3.000 11,000 '.000 30.000 2,000 12,000 30,000 3,000 10.000 1.185,000 35,000 10.000 40,000 50.000 4.000 1.000 1/2/2005 '-' ~ U 'tJ ST. LUCIE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE BUDGET REQUEST 2005-2006 IiDc ACCOtJN1' TI'l'LB Propoled II 2005-2006 163 554100-Bducat1onal/Seminarl 35.000 164 554150-TUition Reimb. 10.000 6S 554200-Memberlhip. 1.000 166 554900-Training Supplies 167 564000-Cap1tal OUtlay 168 564410-Capital OUtlay - Vehicle. 55.000 169 564490-Cap1tal OUtlay - Other Equip 170 59"'9/CONTINGENCY-CORR 200.000 171 172 PERSONNEL SERVICES - DETEN 15.289.nO 173 OPERATING - DETEH 5. t32. 611 174 CAPITAL OUTLAY - DETEH 55.000 175 CONTINGENCY - DETEN 200.000 176 177 TOTAL DETENTION 20.977.541 178 179 180 181 182 PERSONNEL SERVICES - SHERIFF'S OFFICE 39.528.'48 1S3 OPERATING - SHERIFF'S OFFICE 1:2,6'5. no 184 CAPITAL OUTLAY - SHERIFF'S OFFICE 830.000 18S CONTINGENCY - SHERIFF'S OFFICE 500.000 186 187 TOTAL SHERIFF'S OFFICE BUDGET REQUEST 53.524,578 -10 '-' ...." '-' ....,,¡ CUEIIAL BOÐGIT COIClAAISON PERSONNEL SERVICES . SHERIFF'S OFFICI OPERATING· SHERIFF'S OFFICE CAPITAL OUTLAY· SHERIFF" OFFICE CONTR1HGENCY . SHERIF"S OFFICE not·aos "'''OYm) ItmGn' 34,62&. n. 10.615,315 no. 61. 300,000 TOTAL SHERIFF'S OFFICI BUDGET MINUS MISCELLANEAOUS REVENUE TOTAL AD VALORUM TAX BUDGET IlEQUEST U,302.U1 -11"1.000 4C.U5,JJ1 TO~AL PERCENT INCREASE FROM PREVIOUS YR: 15.4n 5/2/2005 - 11- 2005-200' UQITISnD Bl1ÐGrr 39,521. ,.. 12."5.'10 830,000 500.000 53,524.578 -204,000 53.320,511 5/./2005 '-' '-' Operatin; Costs tor Second Jail '04 Personnel Services Operating Costs Capital OUtlay TOTAL OPBRATING COSTS - 12- u ..., 1. "1,113 752,.52 ".5U 2,521,113 ~ '- ...." ....." ~ ~ I\) 1'> w v.> ~ -~ eft 8 01 0 eft 0 (n 0 t11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .....-.- -'._-~-_..._--------- --_.... I\) o c> o (,.) N to..> CO tv o o +>- (.oJ (XI (XI U1 c ( - ( n ~ < ( n OJ '" ctI IP '-' ~ o to.) _0 8 o .þ. .0 8 o ..-.-........-..-----..-... ._~....'..........._,._-..._--_. tv o o o N o o ~ 0) .0 o o o 01 U) (,. .... co . _' .. _.._......__..._..ø..__.. ... _." ------.-.-- . 14 \J """ co o o o o ~ o o o o o -.....----.....---.. ..a. o 01 01 ~ ~ tv o o o o to. C a. CQ CD CII. o a. CD üJ "'0 o n CD CII tit CD a. -< IV (1) 0 ~ C> ., tv '-' ..J ,..", ~ ---------.--..--...... # of Arrests o tV o o a J::o. o o o ..... p o o o ..... J::o. C> C> o p1 o o o ex> C> C> o ..... f\.') o o o N o o o I ; ; .------,-'---.-- ~--'-----'-f -'--------f _. ..-.,..-..... - i I ! ¡ I ! i I ! ¡....... ! i..... I ~ I '0) I 'tV !w ¡ i I -¡ I ! I ; I i ; , I I I I I ¡ I ..... I\J 0 ..... ::.. ! I : I ..... W to 'J ~ , I ! : : ; ; I i I I I I I , I I I - ------ 1 I I IV o o ..... I\J 8 w I\J 8 J::o. t o -i o - ~ ~ -, CD rn - rn .n._·_._.._..__."_... .... en o o o ..... Q) Q) f\) (J) ..... (J) ex> ~ o -" .œ o o o ....(, o 5r }> -, -, ro (/ - \it u '-' u ..., ... ~ -" I\) ~ 0) ()) 0 N ~ 0> 0 0 0 (:) 0 0 0 C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _._-~,.~.,_.~..... N o o o I\) § · · N · N . W ....., Q) ....., <- S» -. - m o o ;::.:- -. ::::J to en \..- ....J ~ ..", -... -... I\) f\) úJ úJ ~ ~ (J' 0 (J' 0 01 0 01 0 c.n p p 0 0 .0 .0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ".".., -.....---- - -----_....__..~..---- ..-... '.----....-..., I I i ... ... <.n <D .0 <D ... ~ ...... ... I I en I r" r- I c I 0 CD 0 0 c ::s N ~ I\) ~ 0 en "U 0 N 0 ~ ... "C en C ¡r :t 0 ::s - - 0 ~ CD - (J) CD CD fJI ~ CD !Z, N Q) 3 co 2: Q) N CD éi) ... - 0.. en c: ~- ... c: ~ CD I i 17 --..,,-.,...._"~....,-~.~- '-' . ...., '-; ....-I( ; Agenda Item #9 Douglas Anderson - Budget Items ra'ar~~.;u:~~~.13~~"""~1Ð$!'~~r~:"i·¡M.:::l:2::t;z.~~~J"'~~;t~1~:;~;'~VBJ;}"3::J((~.U;~~~:""ro~~1A-<.l!'1'J;.\~..c.v,.~~l=.Jt¡.t~:JL;. From: To: Date: Subject: "Katie Johnson" <katiej@electro-net.com> <douga@stlucieco.gov> 5/4/2005 12:22:13 PM Budget Items --....- -.--....., ·.·___.__.__._____a'___ ~_. ·_··,·~____.a__"_.__.___.______...._ .__ _._~._.__.... .~__.__..__._____.__._ _..._ ._.__H_..~.__......... ~~_ _....~._. ._..._.. ..~~._ ~'a'u__... ~... Doug: Below is a summary of St. Lucie's budget items included in the 2005 - 2006 Appropriation's Act: · Special Need Shelter - $2.5 Million · Treasure Coast Regional Biosolids Facility - $2 Million · South 26th Street Sanitary Collection - $750,000 We will provide you with an updated bill tracking list upon sine die and a detailed Final Report in the weeks ahead, Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Katie Johnson Government Consultant Ronald L. Book, P.A. (850) 224-3427 ~ v~ ~\l,\ &(¡ yJ C" ~ ~\!,() S ~l~ kG fJ f'ó ~;t ,... "-'- ~ ...., MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Douglas Anderson County Administrator I ~)I~I ~èk (\' f11lf.J 0 & v' V Jlf ~ ~ ÑI f,1r.VI' f,t! FROM: DATE: May 18,2005 SUBJECT: CITIZEN'S BUDGET COMMlTI'EE REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Attached are estimates for the ratios for Law Enforcement and Correctional officers currently employed by the S1. Lucie County Sheriff's Office. As requested by the Citizen's Budget Committee, the ratios for Correctional officers, per inmate, are attached, and contain information concerning surrounding counties, as well as Alachua County Florida. Should you have any further requests for this information, please feel tree to contact me. Jhc ~ ...,; Ratio of Law Enforcement Officers to 1,000 Population 2004 County Population Estimate 226,816 Number of Deputies 154 Deputies per 1000 0.679 All Law Enforcement Sheriff 154 Port S1. Lucie 149 F1. Pierce 102 405 Number of Law Enforcement per 1000 1.79 '-' ...., Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 2002, page 9Q Table 1,94 Number of jails. rated capacity, percent of capacity occupied, and number of Inmates per employee By region and Jurisdiction, June 30, 1999 Percent Number of inmates of rated per employeeC Number Rated capacity Total Correctional Region and jurisdiction of jails capacity- occupied" staff officers United States, total 3,376 660,361 93% 2,9 4,4 Federal 11 8.040 139 3,6 6,7 State 3,365 652,321 93 2,9 4,3 Northeast 227 97,794 93 2,2 2,9 Maine 15 1,220 91 1,4 1,8 Massachusetts 21 9,978 108 2,3 3,6 New Hampshire 10 1,812 B8 2,9 3,8 New Jersey 24 15,349 110 3,0 3,7 New York 81 39,904 B4 1,5 2,0 Pennsylvania 76 29,531 91 3,2 4,5 Midwest 977 108.261 90 2,5 4,2 Illinois 93 19,069 89 2,7 8,1 Indiana 93 12,553 102 2,7 5,9 Iowa 94 3,125 96 1,8 2,5 Kansas 97 5,565 79 2,1 3,1 Michigan 93 16,661 94 3,2 4,9 Minnesota 78 5,970 84 1,8 2,8 Missouri 129 8,924 78 2,1 3,2 Nebraska 65 2,728 80 1,8 2,6 North Dakota 23 918 64 1,7 2,2 Ohio 108 17,219 97 2,3 3,3 South Dakota 31 1,623 66 2,2 3,1 Wisconsin 73 13,906 90 3,5 4,8 South 1,623 308,234 92 3,3 4,6 Alabama 155 11,600 98 3,7 5,6 Arkansas 87 6,122 79 2,6 3,5 District of Columbia 1 1,378 120 2,4 2,8 Florida 108 55,493 92 3,3 4,6 Georgia 204 36.213 91 3,9 5,3 Kentucky 82 9,915 105 3,7 4,9 Louisiana 107 27.544 93 3,8 6,0 Maryland 29 11,821 93 2,6 3,6 Mississippi 102 9,778 91 3,8 5,9 North Carolina 104 15.456 86 2,9 4,3 Oklahoma 102 7,663 88 3,3 4,6 South Carolina 52 9,115 96 3,4 4,4 Tennessee 108 21,572 91 3,1 4,4 T exes 271 66,521 87 3,5 4,5 Virginia 82 15,514 118 2,4 3,3 West Virginia 29 2.529 99 3,1 4,3 West 538 138.032 96 3,3 5,7 Alaska 15 160 43 0,6 1,8 Arizona 28 12,629 82 3,3 4,7 Camomia 145 75,088 103 3,8 7,2 Colorado 61 9,151 98 2,4 3,2 Idaho 41 3,203 88 3,3 5,7 Montana 42 1,791 85 2,0 3,2 Navada 21 5.436 90 2,5 4,2 New Mexico 34 6.258 83 2,9 5,9 Oregon 41 7,210 87 2,6 3,8 Utah 26 5,904 68 3,1 7,3 Washington 62 10.004 105 3,6 5,1 Wyoming 22 1,198 84 2,4 3.4 Note: These data are from the 1999 Census of Jails conducted for the U,S, Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics by the U,S, Cansus Bureau, The 1999 census ineluded all locally administered jails that held inmates beyond arraignment (usually more than 72 hours) and were staffed by municipal or county employees, Exeluded from the census were physically separate temporary holding facilities, such as drunk tanks and police lockups. that do not hold persons after they are formally charged in court. Also exeluded were Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii. Rhode Island. and Vermont because these jurisdictions have State-operated integrated jaiVprison systems, Alaska also was exeluded for this reason. however, 15 independently operated jails in Alaska were inciudad, For additional Information on the Census of Jails, see Appendix 4, -Rated capacity is the number of beds or inmates assi'gned by a rating official to facilities within each jurisdiction, "The number of inmates divided by rated capacity times 100, Clnmate-ta-staff ratios were calculated by dividing the number of confined inmates by the number of employees on June 30, 1999, Source: U,S, Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Census of Jails. 1999, NCJ 186633 (Washington, DC: U,S, Department of Justice, 2001), pp, 14,28, Teble adapted by SOURCEBOOK staff, /(' ~ 1V Table 1a - continued '-' ..",¡ }:I,JII.:!il11e~~qyi1es. 200~ Officers assigned City or Officers Percent change in _Sworn officers ~esponQ.J~~alls county per 1 O.OOO~ployees.....1~~~ººº-_ C;QIJ!!IY_____, _~am~f1!g~r1cy _____ Total Number Percent Number Percent p.2¡Julation residents Total Sworn Civilian FLORIDA (cont) Leon Leon County Sheriff 654 285 44 % 117 41 % 239.452 12 7% (38)°!c 138 % Leon Tallahassee Police 457 321 70 154 48 150.624 21 (5) (3) (9) Manatee Manatee County Sheriff 964 361 37 239 66 264,002 14 19 (34) 131 Marion Marion County Sheriff 689 277 40 150 54 258,916 11 9 20 2 Marion Ocala Police 227 149 66 76 51 45,943 32 13 10 20 Martin Martin County Sheriff 500 203 41 83 41 126.731 16 5 (45) 170 Miami-Dade Miami-Dade Police 4.306 3.008 70 1554 52 2.253,362 13 (3) 6 (21) Miami-Dade Coral Gables Police 238 164 69 141 86 42,249 39 12 7 23 Miami-Dade Hialeah Police 443 333 75 135 41 226.419 15 (2) 5 (19) Miami-Dade Miami Police 1 .487 1,110 75 684 62 362.470 31 19 10 58 Miami-Dade Miami Beach Police 538 376 70 170 45 87.933 43 (2) (1) (4) Miami-Dade North Miami Police 163 120 74 65 54 59.880 20 (8) 2 (28) Miami-Dade North Miami Beach Police 152 102 67 45 44 40.786 25 (6) 10 (26) Monroe Monroe County Sheriff 503 193 38 113 59 79.589 24 (5) 10 (13) Okaloosa Okaloosa County Sheriff 271 205 76 140 68 170.498 12 44 34 89 Orange Orange County Sheriff 1,792 1,211 68 429 35 896,344 14 23 24 21 Orange Orlando Police 919 647 70 346 53 185.951 35 9 '9 9 Osceola Osceola County Sheriff 404 257 64 140 54 172.493 15 (11 ) 10 (33) Palm Beach Palm Beach County Sheriff 2.743 1,074 39 668 62 1,131.184 9 13 (34) 109 Palm Beach Boca Raton Police 225 149 66 72 48 74.764 20 1 9 (11 ) Palm Beach Boynton Beach Police 178 135 76 90 67 60.389 22 10 2 43 Palm Beach Delray Beach Police 218 144 66 91 63 60.020 24 (5) (8) 1 Palm Beach Riviera Beach Police 140 102 73 80 78 29,884 34 41 3 x Palm Beach West Palm Beach Police 371 255 69 209 82 82,103 31 6 9 (1) Pasco Pasco County Sheriff 876 374 43 188 50 344,765 11 15 23 10 Pinellas Pinellas County Sheriff 2,391 860 36 354 41 921.482 9 19 23 16 Pinellas Clearwater Police 411 252 61 188 75 108,787 23 9 0 27 Pinellas Largo Police 178 123 69 85 69 69,371 18 0 (7) 20 Pinellas St Petersburg Police 723 500 69 345 69 248,232 20 2 (1) 8 Polk Polk County Sheriff 1.348 511 38 278 54 483.924 11 20 17 23 Polk Lakeland Police 350 234 67 184 79 78.452 30 3 13 (13) Putnam Putnam County Sheriff 201 151 75 56 37 70.423 21 (4) 35 (49) StJohns St Johns County Sheriff 432 272 63 138 51 123,135 22 29 86 (16) &1 Lucie St Lucie County Sheriff 457 217 47 97 45 192,695 11 (1 ) 4 (6) St Lucie Fort Pierce Police 146 108 74 55 51 37,516 29 10 2 41 St Lucie Port St Lucie Police 186 133 72 81 61 88,769 15 15 19 6 Santa Rosa Santa Rosa County Sheriff 314 137 44 99 72 117,743 12 33 27 38 Sarasota Sarasota County Sheriff 884 393 44 129 33 325.957 12 15 16 14 Sarasota Sarasota Police 267 200 75 166 83 52.715 38 3 6 (6) Seminole Seminole County Sheriff 738 304 41 159 52 365.196 8 23 17 28 Seminole Altamonte Springs Police 153 101 66 51 50 41.200 25 14 9 27 Vol usia Vol usia County Sheriff 577 384 67 268 70 443.343 9 7 10 2 Vol usia Daytona Beach Police 346 249 72 181 73 64.112 39 12 11 14 GEORGIA Bartow Bartow County Sheriff 192 128 67 44 34 76.019 17 7 (6) 45 Bibb Bibb County Sheriff 264 226 86 65 29 153.887 15 (1) (4) 15 Bibb Macon Police 375 286 76 181 63 97,255 29 13 (5) 187 Chatham Chatham County Police 220 127 58 56 44 232,048 5 (8) (15) 4 Chatham Savannah Police 478 385 81 208 54 131.510 29 (6) (7) 0 Cherokee Cherokee County Sheriff 220 185 84 73 39 141.903 13 7 18 (27) Clarke Athens-Clarke County Police 253 200 79 158 79 101,489 20 0 1 (2) Clayton Clayton County Police 242 216 89 155 72 236,517 9 0 1 (4) Cobb Cobb County Police 562 507 90 310 61 607.751 8 (11 ) 12 (70) Cobb Marietta Police 166 138 83 98 71 58,748 23 14 13 17 Columbia Columbia County Sheriff 234 132 56 60 45 89.288 15 34 (8) 219 De Kalb De Kalb County Police 975 734 75 538 73 665,865 11 16 (1 ) 141 Dougherty Albany Police 239 210 88 123 59 76,939 27 0 (1 ) 12 Douglas Douglas County Sheriff 279 199 71 70 35 92,174 22 37 39 31 Forsyth Forsyth County Sheriff 195 134 69 128 96 98.407 14 86 81 97 Fulton Fulton County Police 334 268 80 187 70 816,006 3 (18) 2 (54) Fulton Atlanta Police 1.984 1.474 74 1116 76 416.474 35 2 0 9 Fulton East Point Police 165 117 71 54 46 39,595 30 18 9 45 Fulton Roswell Police 187 126 67 74 59 79,334 16 23 34 5 Glynn Glynn County Police 133 108 81 66 61 67.568 16 6 9 (7) Gwinnett Gwinnett County Police 664 471 71 300 64 588.448 8 17 20 9 Hall Hall County Sheriff 282 196 70 85 43 139.277 14 10 (5) 69 Muscogee Muscogee County Sheriff 265 138 52 51 37 186.291 7 16 15 18 Muscogee Columbus Police 467 370 79 278 75 186.291 20 (5) (5) (7) Richmond Augusta-Richmond Co Sheriff 747 535 72 332 62 199,775 27 23 11 71 i 4 Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics, 2000 '-' ..." Number of Inmates per Employee Indian River County Sheriff's Office Number of Certified Staff Number of Civilian Staff 103 22 Average Daily Inmate Population 600 N umber of Inmates per Correctional Officer Number of Inmates All Employees 5.8 4.8 Martin County Sheriff's Office Number of Certified Staff Number of Civilian Staff 132 33 Average Daily Inmate Population 601 N umber of Inmates per Correctional Officer Number of Inmates All Employees 4.5 3.7 '-' """'" Number of Inmates per Emplovee (Cont.) Alachua Countv Sheriff's Office Number of Certified Staff 207 Number of Civilian Staff 76 Average Daily Inmate population 930 Number of Inmates per Correction Officer 4.4 N umber of Inmates All Employees 3.2 St. Lucie Countv Sheriff's Office Number of Certified Staff 200 Number of Civilian Staff 19 Average Daily Inmate population 1160 Number of Inmates per Correction Officer 5.8 Number of Inmates All Employees 5.2 ~ .., MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Douglas Anderson County Administrator I ~),~Ih~ '0'· Yß .R,~o é f'\ Y r r(ø') FROM: Garry Wils n Chief Depu DATE: May 18, 2005 SUBJECT: CITIZEN'S BUDGET COMMITIEE REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Attached are estimates for the ratios for Law Enforcement and Correctional officers currently employed by the S1. Lucie County Sheriff's Office. As requested by the Citizen's Budget Committee, the ratios for Correctional officers, per inmate, are attached, and contain infonnation concerning surrounding counties, as well as Alachua County Florida. Should you have any further requests for this infonnation, please feel :tree to contact me. Thc I· ' tl_- Y ¡ 9 ? ~. ¡ . : '\ j '-'-'\ >--" r- ; .~~" t_ ea. ,I, (c-'f''' .,_1 -----'~-~-~:_..~~~ "'" ..." Ratio of Law Enforcement Officers to 1 ,000 Population 2004 County Population Estimate 226,816 Number of Deputies 154 Deputies per 1 000 0.679 All Law Enforcement Sheriff 154 Port St. Lucie 149 Ft. Pierce 102 405 Number of Law Enforcement per 1000 1.79 '-- "wII Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 2002, page 90 Table 1,94 Number of jails. rated capacity. percent of capacity occupied. and number of Inmates per employee By region and jurisdiction, June 30, 1999 Percent Number of inmates of rated per employee' Number Rated capacity Total Correctional Region and jurisdiction of jails capacity" occupiedb staff officers United States, total 3,376 660,361 93% 2,9 4.4 Federal 11 6.040 139 3,6 6,7 State 3.365 652,321 93 2,9 4,3 Northeast 227 97,794 93 2,2 2,9 Maine 15 1,220 91 1.4 1,8 Massachusetts 21 9,978 108 2,3 3,6 New Hampshire 10 1,812 88 2,9 3,8 New Jersey 24 15,349 110 3,0 3,7 New Yorl< 81 39,904 84 1,5 2,0 Pennsylvania 76 29,531 91 3,2 4,5 Midwest 977 108,261 90 2,5 4,2 Illinois 93 19,069 89 2,7 8,1 Indiana 93 12,553 102 2,7 5,9 Iowa 94 3,125 96 1,8 2,5 Kansas 97 5,565 79 2,1 3,1 Michigan 93 16,661 94 3,2 4,9 Minnesota 78 5,970 84 1,8 2,8 Missouri 129 8,924 78 2,1 3,2 Nebraska 65 2,728 80 1,8 2,6 North Dakota 23 918 64 1,7 2,2 Ohio 108 17,219 97 2,3 3,3 South Dakota 31 1,623 66 2,2 3,1 Wisconsin 73 13,906 90 3,5 4,8 South 1,623 308,234 92 3,3 4,6 Alabama 155 11,600 98 3,7 5,6 Arkansas 87 6,122 79 2,6 3,5 District of Columbia 1 1,378 120 2,4 2,8 Florida 108 55.493 92 3,3 4,6 Georgia 204 36,213 91 3,9 5,3 Kentucky 82 9,915 105 3,7 4,9 Louisiana 107 27.544 93 3,8 6,0 Marytand 29 11,821 93 2,6 3,6 Mississippi 102 9,778 91 3,8 5,9 North Carolina 104 15.456 86 2,9 4,3 Oklahoma 102 7,663 88 3,3 4,6 South Carolina 52 9,115 96 3.4 4.4 Tennessee 108 21,572 91 3,1 4,4 Texas 271 66,521 87 3,5 4,5 Virginia 82 15,514 118 2,4 3,3 West Virginia 29 2,529 99 3,1 4,3 West 538 138,032 96 3,3 5,7 Alaska 15 160 43 0,6 1,8 Arizona 28 12,629 82 3,3 4,7 Cal~ornia 145 75,088 103 3,8 7,2 Colorado 61 9,151 98 2,4 3,2 Idaho 41 3,203 88 3,3 5,7 Montana 42 1,791 85 2,0 3,2 Nevada 21 5.436 90 2,5 4,2 New Mexico 34 6,258 83 2,9 5,9 Oregon 41 7,210 87 2,6 3,8 Utah 26 5,904 68 3,1 7,3 Washington 62 10,004 105 3,6 5,1 Wyoming 22 1,198 84 2,4 3.4 Note: These data are from the 1999 Census of Jails conducted for the U,S, Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics by the U,S, Census Bureau, The 1999 census included all locally administered jails that held inmates beyond arraignment (usually more than 72 hours) and were staffed by municipal or county employees, Excluded from the census were physically separate temporary holding facilities, such as drunk tanks and police lockups, that do not hold persons after they are formally charged in court, Also excluded were Connecticut, Delaware. Hawaii, Rhode Island, and Vermont because these jurisdictions have State-operated integrated jaiUprison systems, Alaska also was excluded for this reason, however, 15 independently operated Jails in Alaska were included, For additional information on the Census of Jails, see Appendix 4, 8Rated capacity is the number of beds or inmates ass¡'gned by a rating official to facilities within each jurisdiction. "rhe number of inmates divided by rated capacity times 100, 'Inmate-te-staff ratios were calculated by dividing the number of confined inmates by the number of employees on June 30, 1999, Source: U,S, Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Census of Jails, 1999, NCJ 186633 (Washington. DC: U,S, Department of Justice, 2001), pp, 14,28, Table adapted by SOURCEBOOK staff, /i ~ 1V Table 1 a - continued CounlY FLORIDA (cant) Leon Leon Manatee Marion Marion Martin Miami-Dade Miami-Dade Miami-Dade Miami-Dade Miami-Dade Miami-Dade Miami-Dade Monroe Okaloosa Orange Orange Osceola Palm Beach Palm Beach Palm Beach Palm Beach Palm Beach Palm Beach Pasco Pinellas Pine lias Pinellas Pinellas Polk Polk Putnam StJohns St Lucie St Lucie St Lucie Santa Rosa Sarasota Sarasota Seminole Seminole Vol usia Volusia GEORGIA Bartow Bibb Bibb Chatham Chatham Cherokee Clarke Clayton Cobb Cobb Columbia De Kalb Dougherty Douglas Forsyth Fulton Fulton Fulton Fulton Glynn Gwinnett Hall Muscogee Muscogee Richmond . .JIJ--ª.rn e..of agency.......... Leon County Sheriff Tallahassee Police Manatee County Sheriff Marion County Sheriff Ocala Police Martin County Sheriff Miami-Dade Police Coral Gables Police Hialeah Police Miami Police Miami Beach Police North Miami Police North Miami Beach Police Monroe County Sheriff Okaloosa County Sheriff Orange County Sheriff Orlando Police Osceola County Sheriff Palm Beach County Sheriff Boca Raton Police Boynton Beach Police Delray Beach Police Riviera Beach Police West Palm Beach Police Pasco County Sheriff Pinellas County Sheriff Clearwater Police Largo Police St Petersburg Police Polk County Sheriff Lakeland Police Putnam County Sheriff St Johns County Sheriff St Lucie County Sheriff Fort Pierce Police Port St Lucie Police Santa Rosa County Sheriff Sarasota County Sheriff Sarasota Police Seminole County Sheriff Altamonte Springs Police Volusia County Sheriff Daytona Beach Police Bartow County Sheriff Bibb County Sheriff Macon Police Chatham County Police Savannah Police Cherokee County Sheriff Athens-Clarke County Police Clayton County Police Cobb County Police Marietta Police Columbia County Sheriff De Kalb County Police Albany Police Douglas County Sheriff Forsyth County Sheriff Fulton County Police Atlanta Police East Point Police Roswell Police Glynn County Police Gwinnett County Police Hall County Sheriff Muscogee County Sheriff Columbus Police Augusta-Richmond Co Sheriff "'" -' Full-time employees, 2000. Officers assigned City or Officers Percent change in .. . .-.-. Sworn officers to respond to calls county per 1 0.000 ~rnJIQyees,199§-?0º0 . Total t'{ui!l.6~=j>ercin(.1\J.ul-nber--f5.erc~nt=_p.2pulation!esic!~nt~__.Io-'~LJ3~Qr'!. Civilian 654 457 964 689 227 500 4,306 238 443 1 ,487 538 163 152 503 271 1,792 919 404 2.743 225 178 218 140 371 876 2,391 411 178 723 1,348 350 201 432 457 146 186 314 884 267 738 153 577 346 192 264 375 220 478 220 253 242 562 166 234 975 239 279 195 334 1,984 165 187 133 664 282 265 467 747 285 321 361 277 149 203 3,008 164 333 1,110 376 120 102 193 205 1,211 647 257 1,074 149 135 144 102 255 374 860 252 123 500 511 234 151 272 217 108 133 137 393 200 304 101 384 249 128 226 286 127 385 185 200 216 507 138 132 734 210 199 134 268 1,474 117 126 108 471 196 138 370 535 4 Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics. 2000 44 % 70 37 40 66 41 70 69 75 75 70 74 67 38 76 68 70 64 39 66 76 66 73 69 43 36 61 69 69 38 67 75 63 47 74 72 44 44 75 41 66 67 72 67 86 76 58 81 84 79 89 90 83 56 75 88 71 69 80 74 71 67 81 71 70 52 79 72 117 154 239 150 76 83 1554 141 135 684 170 65 45 113 140 429 346 140 668 72 90 91 80 209 188 354 188 85 345 278 184 56 138 97 55 81 99 129 166 159 51 268 181 44 65 181 56 208 73 158 155 310 98 60 538 123 70 128 187 1116 54 74 66 300 85 51 278 332 41 0/, 48 66 54 51 41 52 86 41 62 45 54 44 59 68 35 53 54 62 48 67 63 78 82 50 41 75 69 69 54 79 37 51 45 51 61 72 33 83 52 50 70 73 34 29 63 44 54 39 79 72 61 71 45 73 59 35 96 70 76 46 59 61 64 43 37 75 62 239,452 150,624 264,002 258,916 415,943 12¡¡.731 2,25,,362 4~~.249 226,419 36~~,4 70 8i',933 5Ø,880 40.786 79,589 170,498 89€i,344 185>,951 172,493 1,131,184 74.764 60,389 60,020 29,884 82,103 344,765 921,482 108,787 69,371 248.232 483,924 78,452 70,423 123,135 192,695 37,516 88,769 117,743 325,957 52,715 365,196 41,.200 443,.343 64,112 76,019 153,887 97.255 232,048 131,510 141,903 101,489 236.517 607.751 58.748 89,288 665,865 76,939 92.174 98,407 816,006 416,474 39,595 79,334 67.568 588,448 139,:277 186.:291 186,291 199,775 17 15 29 5 29 13 20 9 8 23 15 11 27 22 14 3 35 30 16 16 8 14 7 20 27 12 21 14 11 32 16 13 39 15 31 43 20 25 24 12 14 35 15 9 20 22 24 34 31 11 9 23 18 20 11 30 21 22 11 29 15 12 12 38 8 25 9 39 7 % (5) 19 9 13 5 (3) 12 (2) 19 (2) (8) (6) (5) 44 23 9 (11 ) 13 1 10 (5) 41 6 15 19 9 o 2 20 3 (4) 29 (1 ) 10 15 33 15 3 23 14 7 12 7 (1) 13 (8) (6) 7 o o (11) 14 34 16 o 37 86 (18) 2 18 23 6 17 10 16 (5) 23 (38)% (3) (34) 20 10 (45) 6 7 5 10 (1 ) 2 10 10 34 24 '9 10 (34) 9 2 (8) 3 9 23 23 o (7) (1) 17 13 35 86 4 2 19 27 16 6 17 9 10 11 (6) (4) (5) (15) (7) 18 1 1 12 13 (8) (1 ) (1 ) 39 81 2 o 9 34 9 20 (5) 15 (5) 11 138 % (9) 131 2 20 170 (21) 23 (19) 58 (4) (28) (26) (13) 89 21 9 (33) 109 (11) 43 1 x (1) 10 16 27 20 8 23 (13) (49) (16) (6) 41 6 38 14 (6) 28 27 2 14 45 15 187 4 o (27) (2) (4) (70) 17 219 141 12 31 97 (54) 9 45 5 (7) 9 69 18 (7) 71 ~ ...,,' Number of Inmates per Employee Indian River County Sheriff's Office Number of Certified Staff Number of Civilian Staff 103 22 Average Daily Inmate Population 600 Number of Inmates per Correctional Officer N umber of Inmates All Employees 5.8 4.8 Martin County Sheriff's Office Number of Certified Staff Number of Civilian Staff 132 33 Average Daily Inmate Population 601 Number of Inmates per Correctional Officer Number of Inmates All Employees 4.5 3.7 ;; "-' ."", Number of Inmates per Emplovee (Cont.) Alachua County Sheriff's Office Number of Certified Staff 207 Number of Civilian Staff 76 Average Daily Inmate Population 930 Number of Inmates per Correction Officer 4.4 Number of Inmates All Employees 3.2 St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office Number of Certified Staff 200 Number of Civilian Staff 19 Average Daily Inmate Population 1160 Number of Inmates per Correction Officer 5.8 Number of Inmates All Employees 5.2 !!,porter ~t ýI' .~~ ~r/M e; ~CC-J . J!2~' ~//1 rag\:' 1 VI 1 From: To: Sent: Subject: "Donald Cooper" <DonC@cityofpsl.com> "Robert Minsky" <rminsky@hotmail.com> Tuesday, May 17, 2005 8:17 AM Re: Same as before except with the attachment He said repeatly that they had bonded the money. Technically that is not correct, They have pledged non-ad valorum revenues and then are using the impact to actually pay the debt. They should be able to use those non ad-valorum revenues to pay the debt if' they lose the impact fees. But I suspect they have spent those funds or over committed them in some way which is why they must have the impact fees. They proably have significant disclosure issues. Yesterday's action by the CC is a material event which alone would require notification to their bond holders. Anderson also said they are using impact fees fo~ O&M purposes\vhich is an improper use of the funds. That may be where much of the impacts have gone to. »> "Robert Minsky" <rminsky@hotmail.com> 05/17/057:53 AM »> The new improved version. Bob Find e-mail and documents on your PC instantly with the new MSN Search Toolbar*FREE! ~ ..t: #? ~o r' ç / ,--' f7D'" J j?O ¿,--... r ûÞ".,,,.I'/ LfJ ~ YtJ ~ ~> /?-- ~/ tftfr/ M') Ç)'¡ /"Î /011/1 ¿/ . 1- £~p,µb)'·"J. t/J/.,,~ +. 5/17/2005 .~ '-' """" ! 1. 1.1 1.2 2. 2.1 3. 4.1 St. Lucie County, Florida Citizens' Budget Committee Agenda Friday, April 16, 2004 7:30 a.m., Conference Room # 3 St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex Convene meeting Roll Call, announcements Minutes ~~"l'i / /7 ~ 0'#1 (" i IV . r t ~ V If r~ , If ~ r/\ ~ ~. ~') ) 9 Old Business Update on SLC Utilities Adjournment Next CBC meeting: May 21, 2004 ~ ..." Draft t CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITIEE Meeting Date: March 19,2004 SLC Landfill's Conf. Room Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: David F. Samuel, Kenny Hogan, Ron Parrish, William "Bill"Casey, John Knapp, Debbie Hawley, Edward Lounds, Steven Messer, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick, Carl Hensley, Linda Bartz. MEMBERS ABSENT: Mark Taynton, Paul Young and Sylvie Kramer. OTHERS PRESENT: Roger Shinn, Ed Parker, Barbara Churchill, Don West, Ray Wazny, Jennifer Hill, Doug Anderson and Marie Gouin. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; Please notice below, some items discussed were not in the original agenda: SLC Utilities, Research Park and Methane Gas from Landfill. MEETING MINUTES Ron pointed out that under the tittle "Fort Pierce annexation policy" the minutes, should read: "The City Commission has taken off the table pursuing annexation...". Staff took note of the corrections. There being no further corrections to the minutes for the February 20, 2004 meeting, David moved for approval and Linda seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. SLC Utilities John Knapp inquired about Exhibit A (map) included in March meeting's minutes, which shows Fort Pierce Utilities Authority's proposed service area, according to the Inter-local Agreement with the County. Doug briefly explained what each of the colored areas mean and proposed that staff can bring at the next meeting a detailed map of the County's water and sewer lines, which is almost finalized, for their review. This map will also show the estimated cost of each area (Overall, the estimated cost of the first phase of the project is approximately $15MM). CBC members and staff discussed some of the details in the map and agreed to bring back this subject to the next meeting, for further discussion. Research Education Park Doug stated staff will request BOCC authorization to get a $1 OMM line of credit to purchase land for this project. A contract has been signed with property owners, contingent on financing. Committee members and staff discussed details of the purchase of the properties available, as well as financing, agencies and institutes interested in participating, the support of State representatives, etc. .." ~ Methane Gas from the SLC Landfill Tropicana has expressed interest in buying methane gas produced by the SLC Landfill. They had proposed a 45 years commitment, but County Attorney's office does not recommend having a commitment for such a long period of time (they recommend 20 years). Staff is still working on the details of this issue and will come back to this committee with an update. Joint Meetine: with the Cities There is a task force being established to work with the School District to finance their future construction projects. Councilman Jack Kelly (City Port St. Lucie) is heading it and have asked for Commissioner Barnes (District V) to represent the County (he is out of town and, as to the date of this meeting, we do not have an answer as to if he will accept). CBC members and staff discussed the importance of the funding for schools. Jail Pods Construction The original cost of construction of this project was estimated at approximately $16MM, but due to the price of steel increasing dramatically in these recent months, the new estimated cost is closer to $18MM, because of the amount of steel required for this kind of building (e.g. structural reinforcements and details like cell bars and doors). CBC members and staff discussed aspects of this matter, such as what is being done to prevent other contingencies this project could bring, as well as future expansions to the jail. Doug also commended the outstanding work Chief Judge Angelos and the other judges have been doing to process the pending cases promptly and efficiently, to keep the capacity of jail population under the maximum allowed by federal requirements. 5 Year CaÐital Plan Staff provided copies to CBC members of the lists of Capital Projects and Doug pointed out the amounts budgeted for this Fiscal Year by department and encouraged committee members to review it and come back with their comments and ideas, which are always very useful to staff. NEXT MEETING The next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, April 16, 2004 at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. Topics to be discussed will include details of the SLC Utilities System. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary William "Bill" Casey, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting March 19,2004 H:IO Secretary\O OMB\CBCIMin\03'19,wpd page 2 - - '-' '-" ....., -.J ~' 1. 1.1 1.2 2. 2.1 2.2 3. 4.1 St. Lucie County, Florida Citizens' Budget Committee Agenda Friday, Apri116, 2004 . 7:30 a.m., Conference Room # 3 ./ L-ð St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Adminis71Jle~ ¡v' ;/} V /') (JG./ 1 . If fll rv' D)Iti'~ t; ~ ~ I' ;0 {~ É X ~ 1r-1¿~ - J Convene meeting Roll Call, announcements Minutes Old Business Jail Pods Budget (for discussion with Public Safety Cpord. Council memb~rs) .' .\1 Update on SLC Utilities Adjournment Next CBC meeting: May 21,2004 ~ {)..;~ p,~6 . ~ fA/Ou/J? LJ f ~(t- ß--.i¡ '-' ~ St. Lucie County, Florida Citizens' Budget Committee Agenda Friday, April 5,2005 7:30 a.m., Conference Room # 3 St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex Convene meeting Roll Call, announcements Minutes 1. Hurricane Recovery Efforts. Reimbursement Update. 2. Downtown Fort Pierce - Capital Projects. Adjournment Budget-in-brief Distribution UPda~te. S/.J ",....Þ. þotAtA."Y) Criminal Justice Study Update. ..s. 17&~ 6 />. 'ef. I t.--fl'sJ' J:- ~rv. 2005/2006 Budget /1-. ..-,,,..," It; 0 Þ ~í7;; Next CBC meeting: May 20, 2005 ~ Facility Space Study (RFP). 3. 4. 5. 6. Board of Directors Alan Kalmanoff, JD, MSW, Ph.D, Board President Executive Director Linda Guyden, CP;\ Board Treasurer J. 'ice P""ÙJent. Prudential In.ruranæ SheBey Bergum Board Secretary Director, V"ff and Diwbled Telemmmunication.r, Tn¡: Robert Funk Rerjred General Counsel Equal Employment O/,/)ortum'ty Commif.rion Dr, Blanche Pearlman ¡{¡¡.rear,,!> PsycboÙ(gift Candice Wong. 1'.1.D,. 1'.1,P,H,. Ph.D, Healt!> Senice.r ]{¡¡Jean'!> l.inÌ1;mity olCali/ornia. San Pl1m<'Ì.rCII Advisory Board Members Brian Taugher D(l~uly Attom~y Gel/eml Ca!i/òrnia Deparlmenl oj] UJ/ice ABen Breed Relirrd Dim-lor Nati01ùlllnJtitute (!f CorrectionJ I. Michael Heyman ,bretary. Smit/;Jonitm 1 nJtitution Sheldon 1'.1,cssingcr PmjÚror ol Lûu' and Sodety U nivmity ol Cali/òmia, Berkel,y Ruth Rushen Retirod Dim10r Càlijòrnia Depa/1menl o/ComdionJ Dr. Mimi Si1bert Pre,rident Delancey Street F'oulI(/'ltiol! Dr. Bayard Catron Profè.r.ror o/Public AdminÙtmtiol! Gem;~e W-a.rhingtoft U nivcni(y )udithHcumann Ar,rirtanlSwptar)' Ojfìæ ol.\þeda/ EdumtÌfJII Rehabilitation Se/vlCe.r Nancy Isaac Tmn,rportationf C{¡mmunÌly PlamIÙz,1; ILPP 2613 HIlLEGASS AVENUE BERKELEY, CA 94704 MAIN: 510,486.8352 FAX: 510.841.3710 WWW.ILPP.COM PLANNERS@ILPP.COM '--" Þ)7 . Vv/ Lf/&!' LCV V Ç/~> C/ . ~ tF .J'~ o.,.} (\, /1,1 /:J' 1# l) {;i /7 {. . ') ~. tr' & (J1Y}~v1~ f1 f'Ìr April 7, 2005 Douglas M, Anderson County Manager's Office 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Dear Mr. Anderson: You asked for some clarification of our recommendation to not occupy additional jail space (currently in the final stages of being built). These beds should not be opened to County inmates until the criminal justice Action Plan has had a chance to be implemented. This advisory is pretty much the norm, wherever these studies have been done, and it is also an approach long recommended by the National Institute of Correction's PONI program, and the Department of Justice's Total Systems Assessment Approach. As there are so many immediate and no-cost recommendations that will reduce demand, it would be financially imprudent and a direct avoidance of the widely subscribed to Action Plan, to simply occupy the new space at this time. First, crowding should be quickly and easily reduced by implementation. F or example, if the Sheriff immediately began issuing field and jail citations and the Public Defender met with all their clients immediately, as is clearly best-practice, both agencies would save on internal efficiencies and immediately lower jail demand significantly. If the Public Defender supported bail and OR (own recognizance) motions (even with the use of the current lawyer at the jail), it's likely the County would be down several hundred beds before new ones could even be occupied. Establishing the most basic OR program would further drastically reduce crowding right away, These are relatively free and quickly implemented recommendations and they represent very few; there are dozens of other recommendations that deserve a chance - a chance that is much more unlikely if capacity is suddenly expanded at the moment the recommendations are pending and have the most potential to be effective. Sincerely, Alan Kalmanoff Executive Director Institute for Law and Policy Planning "-' ...,.I Draft CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: March 18, 2005 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jacquelene N. Burke, Ron Parrish, Toby Philpart, John Knapp, Debbie Hawley, Edward Lounds, Troy Ingersoll, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick and Carl Hensley. MEMBERS ABSENT Lillie Miller, William "Bill"Casey, Steven Messer and Linda Bartz. OTHERS PRESENT: Faye Outlaw, Kristy Lilly, Sophia Holt and Doug Anderson. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; Doug stated staff had just received the final report on the SLC Criminal Justice System Assessment and he would be making a couple of comments on this matter. Carl pointed out that there are 2 vacancies in this committee and encouraged members to contact Commissioner Lewis and/or Ed Fry, if they have someone in mind to be appointed. MINUTES There being no further corrections to the minutes for the February 18, 2005 meeting, Ed moved for approval and Troy seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. Appoint CBC member to the Court System Advisory Board This Board was created at the request of the Public Safety Coordinating Council for the purpose of planning future court needs within the county (for details, please refer to resolution number 01-194). They meet the last Thursday of the month (when they agree it is necessary to do so) before the Public Safety Coordinating Council meeting, at 3:00 p.m. One of its requirements is representation from the Citizen's Budget Committee (one appointee). Debbie proposed to appoint Ron Parrish, since by virtue off his line of work, his abilities would be of assistance to this board's purpose. Ron stated he could attend the meetings. There being no other nominations, all members voted in favor to appoint Ron Parrish to the Court System Advisory Board. Bude:et in Brief Doug asked if the members had any further comments about this document, which had been brought to this committee at the last meeting. He asked if they agreed it was ready to be distributed. Members stated they believed it to be informative and very well written, a great summary that will give the public a good overview of where the money goes to. They stressed the need to find ways to promote its distribution out to the community. Ron moved to approve the document and make sure it gets out to the public, Pat seconded the motion. All members voted in favor and motion passed. Hurricane Recovery Efforts Faye handed out a sheet with the figures regarding the reimbursements for hurricane damages (it provides a breakdown of the reimbursements the County has received to date) and briefly explained some details of what these figures cover. Staff is confident that the amounts they have to date as estimated damage are accurate and will not be changing much from now on, with three big exceptions: Indian River Drive repair, the Civic Center (still to be determined if it is total loss) and damages to the old courthouse. CBC members and staff discussed the plan of action staff is following regarding these specific projects, Ed inquired if staff has found a viable facility for "Special Needs". Doug stated that although it has not been announced, staff has found a facility that could be retrofitted for about $60,000. It's a school building. Downtown Fort Pierce Buildine: Proiects '-" ~ Doug pointed out the memo included in the packet, dated March 2, 2005, which contains the revised construction dates and estimated costs of these projects. He highlighted the revisions to the projects, which were also discussed at the last meeting (please refer to memo for details). Article V. Revision 7 e:litches Doug referred to a letter in the agenda packet addressed to Ronald L. Book (he works as lobbyist for the County) describing problems staff has found regarding several matters, since "Article V, Revision 7" began its implementation (July 1, 2004). These issues are creating additional expenses to the County and need to be addressed by State Government (Please refer to the agenda packet for more information). SLC Criminal Justice System Assessment Doug announced that the final report for this study will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners at a special workshop on March 22, 2005, immediately following the board's regular meeting (tentatively scheduled for 10:30 a,m., or earlier if the board meeting is over before that time). The report has made recommendations for improvement to every branch of the system. Doug encouraged the CBC members to attend the workshop, as the decisions to be made to implement it will definitely have budget implications. The report will also be presented to the Public Safety Coordinating Council at their next meeting. Committee members and staff discussed some specifics in the report, such as the findings in the jail and the court. Doug believes the study has been a great investment, because since the study began, the jail population has gone down a notable percentage and according to its recommendations it may not be necessary to open the new pods (saving therefore operational expenses, and may imply some revenue if one is open for federal inmates) , Members requested to be updated on this issue at the next meeting and stressed they would like to know each of the agencies responses to the study's findings. NEXT MEETING The next CBC regular meeting is scheduled to be held on Friday, April 15, 2005 at 7:30 a,m., in Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary Carl Hensley, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting March 18, 2005 H:IO Secretary\O OMB\CBC\MinI0318,wpd page 2 '-" ~ JOB CODE: PAY GRADE: 28 SALARY: $60,844.16 - $97,329.23 CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATOR MAJOR FUNCTION: This position is responsible for implementing the criminal justice system assessment action plan, and carrying out the County's directives, which includes but is not limited to, gathering data, implementing initiatives and coordinating task forces. Position reports to the County Administrator. KNOWLEDGE, ABILITIES AND SKILLS NEEDED IN ORDER TO PERFORM THE ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: Knowledge - Knowledge of issues, controversies, current thinking, progressive ideas and programs related to the criminal justice system. Knowledge of the principles, practices and methods of grant development and monitoring. Comprehensive knowledge of the criminal justice system, planning and evaluation, and computer operations. Abilities - Ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing at a professional level with a wide variety of individuals. Ability to compile and analyze facts and data, draw conclusions and prepare reports. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with the public and fellow employees. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTION: Plans and participates in continual coordination meetings with the County and subcommittees. Meets with representatives from various criminal justice system agencies to implement priorities established by PSCC and County. Analyzes and makes recommendations on implementing the action plan by presenting criminal data including both misdemeanor arrests and index crimes. Analyzes and makes recommendations on jurisdictional usage of jail. Compiles and analyzes criminal justices system budget data, including annual budgets and staffing patterns consistent with budget priorities. Researches additional issues specific to St. Lucie County as requested by the PSCC, andlor County Administrator. Provides the PSCC and County Administrator with status reports on progress of recommendations and implementations. Develops and evaluates grant applications; reviews current grants and makes recommendations for funding which will reduce or control crime andlor improve the criminal justice system. Represents the County at special functions and seminars associated with the education of the public and the improvement of the criminal justice system. Performs related duties as requested or assigned. ESSENTIAL PHYSICAL SKILLS: Use of hands and fingers with dexterity. Good handleye coordination. Very frequent use of good near and far vision and good hearing. Frequent walking, sitting and standing. Ability to lift occasionally 30 pounds. Ability to speak clearly and concisely. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION REQUIREMENTS: Constant work inside the office in a sedentary posture. '--' ...., WORK HAZARDS: Possible vision dysfunction due to heavy computer work. SAFETY EQUIPMENT USED OR NEEDED: None EDUCATION: Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor's or Master's degree in a closely related field. A comparable amount of training or experience may be substituted for the minimum qualifications. EXPERIENCE: Six (6) years of progressively responsible criminal justice experience, at least two (2) of which must have been in a management or administrative capacity. LICENSE, CERTIFICATION OR REGISTRATION: Must possess a valid state driver's license and have a satisfactory driving record. Äpr 14. 2805 4:37PM ih OC60 p, 2 .~~ ,..- .' ~ ..." Florida House of Representatives Representative Joe Negron 2400 S. Federal Highway, Suite 250 Stuart. Florida 34994-4590 (772) 22 t -4904- (772) 221-4906 FAX Committees; Chairman. Fiscal Council Chairman, LegJ¡lati\lc Budget Commission Rules and Calendar Council Select Committee on Mediœid Refonn 402 South Monroe Street 221 Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1300 (8~O) 488-8832 April 14,2005 Frannie HutchiDson, Chair St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, FL 34982 Re: Hurricane Relief Dear Frannie: The following local projects were approved this afternoon by the Legislative Budget Commission. The funds for these hurricane repair/restoration projects will be a combination of federal and state funds. CR 707 JlDdlaD River Drive Restoration of roadway - $29.6 miJlioJt CR 707/Indian River Drive Temporary Repairs - 55 million SR A1A1Litt1e Mud Creek Bridge Repair Washout - $2.9 million I thought YQU would be interested to know. Please feel free to contact me ¡fyou need any other information or have any questions. Sincerely, t~ State Representative District 82 IN/hd '-' ...., St. Lucie County, Florida Citizens' Budget Committee Agenda Friday, March 19, 2004 7:30 a.m., Conference Room #3 St. Lucie County Administrative Annex 1, Convene meeting 1,1 Roll Call, announcements 1.2 Minutes µø~#Þ 2. 2,1 2,2 3. 3,1 3.2 New Business ( ~" ",-I~ "I:.J{' L I - /':'/ ¿ ¡,..J .¡JI" ¡;; Jf 4 4,../ >s'¿~/), v ~/,/J P ) V ". /) '> tv; ~,.~ . ¡1 (./I{) {;D ./W, V . V 1"'- I!'" },Jr'V (d'/! . V, fIlL- () ~ Update on Joint meeting with Cities Update on Status of Jail Pods construction Old Business Review 5 Year Capital Plan SLC County Landfill (Tour) 4. Adjournment 4,1 Next CBC meeting: April 16, 2004 1_,', 1 J ! l~ J. ~ /T / fV'(í) · ) J )¿ Y,,¡fl'J ;? l , Do t2 b f) }Jj ") I r , " . ~ ......, Draft CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMI'ITEE Meeting Date: February 20, 2004 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT:David F. Samuel, Mark Taynton, Ron Parrish, Paul Young, William "Bill"Casey, Debbie Hawley, John Knapp, Ed Lounds, Sylvie Kramer, Troy Ingersoll, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick and Carl Hensley. MEMBERS ABSENT: Kenny Hogan, Steven Messer and Linda Bartz. OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Bowers, Vanessa Bessey, Don West, Richard Bouchard, Pete Keogh, Linda Brown, Ray Wazny, Paul Phillips, Leo Cordeiro, Debbie Scribner, Jennifer Hill, Doug Anderson and Marie Gouin. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; Comments from City of Port St. Lucie's Manae:er in newspapers Doug handed out copy of an article published in the Palm Beach Post and pointed out a paragraph which contained statements from the City Port St. Lucie's manager. The article suggests the City of Port St. Lucie plans to "compete" with several counties (including St. Lucie County) for spinoff companies of The Scripps Research Institute. Doug assured committee members the County is not competing for spinoff companies form the institute and stated he doesn't know from where Mr. Cooper got such information. Doug stated staff is O1ÙY working at the moment on the possibility of constructing the Research Park and is in no way linked to attract spinoff companies form the Institute. Doug continued to read parts of the article that states Mr. Cooper recommended that the city council stop collecting impact fees for the County and instead establish the city's own impact fees to schedule their capital needs. Staff and committee members discussed the impact it would have on the County's Capital Budget if the City of Port St. Lucie would go ahead with such an idea. CBC members and staff decided to wait to see if the City pursues the idea in the future. MEETING MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the January 16, 2004 meeting, David moved for approval and Ron seconded the motion. AU members present voted in favor and the motion passed. SLC Utilities Doug mentioned staff had sent, during the last two weeks, updates on the Board's actions regarding the County's Utilities system. "-' ""'" 1 He stated the BaCC instructed staff not to proceed with the expansion of the Holiday Pines plant, as they came to realize it is not currently in the best interest of the community, but there are plans to site a new regional wastewater treatment plant facility in the future. He gave a few details of the plans for this new project (estimated to cost approximately $60MM). Doug went over different aspects of the utilities agreement with FPUA, and staff and committee members discussed the boundaries of the utilities systems as well as how it will benefit the community. Doug also explained the terms of the agreement in regards of how it will affect certain areas, such as Indian River Estates (they will be requested to vote on how they want their selVice) and how this agreement will allow for utilities rates to lower. CBC members and staff also discussed in what way future areas of growth, such as Midway Rd. will be affected and what are the plans to provide selVice to those areas (e.g. we may expand the Fairgrounds Water plant). For details of the highlights of this agreement, please refer to the two sheets in the packet handed out at the meeting and to exhibit A in these minutes (map showing the proposed utilities coverage as approved by the BaCC on March 2, 2004). Staff is in the process of routing the agreement to FPUA and the City of Fort Pierce for signatures. Lincoln Park Community Center Doug stated another positive news in relation to the County and the City of Fort Pierce is the fact that, after conversations with concerned citizens, the County has agreed to open the Lincoln Park Community Center on Saturday nights (estimated operations cost of the program for the first 6 months is approximately $14,000). For security reasons, it is necessary- to assign four deputies to patrol the area and the City offort Pierce has offered one police officer at their cost. Therefore, only three sheriff officers will be required. CBC members and staff discussed how the County and the City of Fort Pierce are working together to solve the costs of security for the community. Joint meetinl[ with the Cities Bill Casey inquired what is the County doing to bring to the Cities' attention how much the County is doing in those areas and the costs it generates. Doug stated what has been done in regards to this matter and announced there is ajoint meeting with both cities set up for March 4th (at IRCe) to discuss county expenses. There are facilitators invited to participate. Doug also stated the County has spent over $30MM in the City of Port St. Lucie area and over $20MM in the City of Fort Pierce area, in the course of the past several years, in these partnerships. ~ Fort Pierce annexation policy t'\ Doug also stated the City of Fort Pi ce will not be annexing outside their utilities selVices area. The City Commission has taken 0 . the table pursuing annexation of the Airport for now and Commissioner Bob Benton has stated publicly, he will not support annexation of the Airport as long as he is in office. Also, the City will not authorize annexation of the Airport until it meets State law requirements for annexation (contiguous and compact selVice). Citizen Budget Committee Meeting February 20, 2004 page 2 }- "-' '-' Committee members inquired if the utilities area coverage marked in the agreement means that they will be annexed to the City of Fort Pierce. Doug stated in the affirmative (it will happen eventually), but that this process is gradual and may take 20 to 30 years. Request for an addition Assistant County Administrator position As discussions on the utilities agreement continued Troy proposed staff should have somebody to attend meetings, such as planning. Doug stated that staff realizes the importance of having somebody representing the County at these meetings, but for time constraints, they are not able to cover all of them. For this reason staff is considering, requesting to the BaCC to approve an additional Assistant County Administrator to coordinate with the Cities in all their developing plans, so that the growth in the whole community would be more harmonized. CBC members also discussed the importance of other entities, such as the Sheriff, the Fire District and the School Board participating at meetings like the Planing and Zoning Committee (being careful not to drag simplified issues unnecessarily), so that their input can be heard to avoid further development problems in the future. Landf"ill Fundinli! Leo Cordeiro, SLC Solid Waste Manager, explained handout sheet which lists the Landfill's different sources of revenue, including recycling of scrap. He also spoke briefly of the plans to sell methane gas to Tropicana. Leo stated the Landfill has come a long way in the past eleven years. At that time, it was estimated that it would close by the year 2008. Today the estimated life is of another 30 years (even taking into account the recent tremendous growth of the area) and once the construction demolition recycling facility the County is in the process of building begins its operation, there will be mining of sections that were already closed and may increase its life-span to 60 years. Doug offered committee members that staff could host the next CBC meeting at the Landfill, to give a tour of the facility at the end of the meeting. CBC members agreed. A map is provided in these minutes packet. If you have any questions, please contact us at 462-1670. CBC members and staff also discussed other aspects of the operation, such as Florida Recycling (auditing of their collection fees and the quality of their selVice). Beach re-nourishment Richard Bouchard was invited to the meeting to explain the Beach Erosion Program and the cuts the State has made to the budget (generating a $750,00 shortfall). He explained the most recent events and explained reasons why its necessary to replenish the beaches at Fort Pierce. He spoke about how it benefits the tourism (enhances the beaches ), the environmental aspects (such as protection to the sea turtle population) and storm damage protection (from Hurricanes). Mark inquired what is the time frame to begin the re-nourishment this year and Richard stated they are constrained to be done by end of May, for environmental reasons; therefore the need to take care of this situation is imminent. Citizen Budget Committee Meeting February 20. 2004 page 3 , ,\ .'.. w \J ~ Purchase of Properties Doug referred to letter from the County's financial advisor with his opinion on the County's capability to borrow for the purchase of the shrimp property ($3MM) and a property for the Research and Education Park ($lOMM). For details please refer to copy provided to CBC members at the meeting. Committee members and staff discussed some details of the possibility to purchase such properties. St. Lucie County Jail - New Pods At the previous meeting committee members had requested to know what is the cost per inmate, per day to the County. Bill Casey mentioned the sheet provided at the meeting with the information and inquired about the Federal Inmate Program. Ed requested information on the Time frame to begin construction. He stated he is worried the longer it takes to begin their operation, the more expensive it will become and the more problems it will generate for the Sheriff to keep up with its operations budget or benefit from the Federal Inmate Program. Doug gave committee members an update on the costs and where we stand on the time frame to begin construction. Staff will provide additional information to committee members as soon as possible. NEXT MEETING Due to time constraints, the Capital Projects were once again tabled to a future meeting. The next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, February 20,2004 at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. Topics to be discussed will include update on the joint meeting with the cities, status on construction of the jail pods and a tour of the SLC Landfill. ADJOURN Meeting was adjoumed at 9:05 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary William "Bill" Casey, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting February 20. 2004 H:\O SecretarylO OMB\CBCIMin\02'20wpd page 4 --- ~ L .~ 7" _.i§.....;~;.; ,~w;;;;;; . . . St. Lucie County, Florida Citizens' Budget Committee Agenda Friday, March 18, 2005 7:30 a.m., Conference Room # 3 St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex Convene meeting Roll Call, announcements ). ( þ'>!:'? Appoint a CBC representativ~éêourt System Advisory Board. Minutes ¡ J Budget-in-brief Document feedback. ',_ ~ ,";- ¿/..t, ~ I'¡-- 'f/J)O 4 ( t..-14 . V Hurricane Recovery Efforts. 4. Downtown Fort Pierce Court Expansion - Capital Projects. 5. Article V, Revision 7 glitches. b. (I".. -_.~ <.-- .-/l-IJ?) æ ð:n-/.1 {r 7. /L-e-NI'}-- ~ " Adjournment Next CBC meeting: April 15, 2005 r- ,. '-' """'" Draft CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: February 18,2005 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:35 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jacquelene N. Burke, Lillie Miller, Ron Parrish, John Knapp, Debbie Hawley, Edward Lounds, Troy Ingersoll, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick, Carl Hensley, Linda Bartz. MEMBERS ABSENT: Toby Philpart, William "Bill"Casey and Steven Messer. OTHERS PRESENT: Mitch Hillburn (SLC Bail Agent Assoc.), Faye Outlaw, Ray Wazny, Jennifer Hill, Marie Gouin and Doug Anderson. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; None MINUTES Debbie pointed out John Knapp appeared as absent and present in the minutes. Staff took note of the correction (he was absent). There being no further corrections to the minutes for the January 21,2005 meeting, Ron moved for approval and Debbie seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. Stratee:ic Plannine: Session Staff handed out copies of the presentation made at the Strategic Planing Session the day before and Doug, Faye and Marie made brief summaries of the issues discussed (please refer to your copies for further details. Staff can provide extra copies if you did not attend the meeting). Items reviewed included future weather trends, a panel discussion of various utilities and how prepared these entities are as well as the weaknesses they need to take care of as soon as possible, County needs such as portable radios and electric generators, hurricane recovery process, financial exposure. CBC members asked for clarification of some details, such as why is the Sheriff Dept. Returning money (Before, during and right after the disaster, the Sheriff provided deputies to help manage the traffic and other sorts of tasks, they therefore, incurred quite a bit of overtime. The County advanced them the funds to cover this expense until they went through the FEMA process to get reimbursed. What does the sum for sign repairs cover? The County lost over 10,000 street signs, (all kinds) which got blown away. What does the $6.9 MM for Mosquito impoundments entail? These are huge dikes that where destroyed with the high tides and their purpose is to keep the mosquito population as low as possible (Please see attached to these minutes a chart kindly provided by Jim David, Mosquito Director, which lists the Project Worksheets that are and will be submitted to FEMA for reimbursement and outlines the expenses - Annex 1) Doug clarified that the numbers shown on hurricane recovery are revised and updated constantly. Staff and committee members discussed and compared this disaster to previous hurricanes (Irene, Floyd). The reimbursement process usually takes about five years. '-' 'wi Other matters discussed included issues such as the fact that for the FY 2005-2006 budget to balance, staff estimates the properties values would have to increase at least by 13%. Anything above that percentage should preferably go to rebuilding the reserves and mitigate the deficit caused by the disaster. Staff and committee members discussed the risk of not maintaining (or losing) a good bond rating (the better, the lower interest rate the county will get on loans, and the better insurance rates). The Property Appraiser has had approximately 40,000 replies to survey damaged properties after the hurricane and he is decreasing values on an individual basis, so these residents can be taken care of. Marie mentioned briefly the salary survey in regards of next year's salary adjustments. Capital projects will have to be re-prioritized to accommodate the circumstances after the hurricanes. The decisions to be made will depend on the federal government's response to our emergency needs. Two of the Capital Projects that were re-prioritized at the Strategic Planing Session were the Emergency Operations Center(EOC) and the Special Needs Shelter (which would house about 500 people). According to Florida Statues, the County is in charge of the emergency operations when we are under a state of emergency. However, the City of Port St. Lucie wants to build its own EOC. Following FEMA's guidelines, the County's Emergency Operations Center (which would be the official, State Certified EOC) must be outside of a 10 miles ratio of the nuclear power plant. The parcel of land the City of PSL is planning to build their EOC is within the 10 miles ratio of the nuclear plant. Ifthe County gets funding from the State, the most likely site available outside the 10 miles ratio would be at the fairgrounds and staff would have to act quickly to have it completed. If the Special Needs Shelter is built at the Fairgrounds, it could have dual purpose. Staff and committee members also discussed other details, such as fuel needs (build a depot). Bude:et in Brief Marie Gouin, St. Lucie County Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director handed out copy of a leaflet OMB has prepared to make available to the public. The "Budget in Brief' document highlights the most important aspects of the County Budget (how big it is, sources of revenue, types of expenditures, etc.). Marie requested CBC members to give their input to determine if the document is user friendly and informative. She asked members to take the copy with them and come back at the next CBC meeting with their feedback. Any suggestions to make the leaflet easier to understand and useful will be very much appreciated. Once staff gets committee members' feedback a few aspects of the information will be reconfirmed with the Department Heads to make sure all the information is accurate and will be released to the public as soon as possible and staff will prepare this document every year and distribute it to the public at the same time the Budget Book is published. At the meeting committee members also made some initial suggestions as to how to distribute the leaflet, such as including it in the Property Appraiser's and Tax Collector's notices, County Utility bills, as well as having copies available at the BOCC meetings. Downtown Fort Pierce Buildine: Protects Doug referred to the memo included in the agenda packet that listed the projects and gave a brief explanation of each of these projects (for details, please refer to memo dated Feb. 14, 2005). Citizen Budget Committee Meeting February 18, 2005 page 2 ~ ""'" Doug reiterated to CBC members that staffwill come back with the revised Five Year Capital Plan for this committee's feedback and to address the most pressing needs. SLC Bail Aa:ent Association Two representatives of the St. Lucie County Bail Agent Association handed out copies of an executive summary that outlines their roll within the criminal justice system (some important passages in the report are highlighted) and made a very complete and interesting presentation in regards of how it impacts the court system. CBC members inquired about several details of the process and thanked the speakers for their thorough explanation of the process, which was very enlightening. NEXT MEETING The next CBC regular meeting is scheduled to be held on Friday, March 18, 2005 at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex . ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary Carl Hensley, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting February 18, 2005 H:\O Secretary\O OMBICBC\Min\0218.wpd page 3 ~ ...-" \ RESOLUTION NO. 01-194 A RESOLUTION CREATING THE COU SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD, A D PROVIDING FOR DUTIES AND FUNCTIO S OF THE BOARD WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of S1. Lucie C unty, Florida, has made 1. On August 22, 2001, the Public Safety Coordinating Council et, which consists of the the following determinations: Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, Chief County Co Judge, Sheriff, Chief Correctional Officer, State Attorney, Public Defender, State Probation Pr gram Administrator, and Substance Abuse Treatment Program Representative. 2. The Public Safety Coordinating Council recommended th t the Board of County Commissioners appoint a Court System Advisory Board for the purpose of planning future court needs within the county, and to review and provide recommendations all aspects relating to standard policies, procedures, and budgetary needs for the court system. 3. This Board should create a Court System Advisory Board and further define the duties and functions of the Court System Advisory Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Co ty Commissioners ofS1. 1. This Board does hereby create the Court System Advisory Bo . This Bôard shall have Lucie County, Florida: the following duties and functions: a. The Court System Advisory Board will plan futur court needs within the County and work in conjunction with the Pub ic Safety Coordinating Council. b. Prepare a Technology Plan and review and update 't annually. c. Monitor the level of court support available to C unty offices and devise '-" ,/' strategies for improving it as necessary. d. Assist in establishment of Court System Budget. e. Provide assistance on the types and amount of training that should be available. f. Set priorities that help guide the development effo s of the Court System. g. Recommend revisions in policies and procedures at impact Court System use. 2. The action, decisions and recommendations of the Court Syst m Advisory Board shall not be final or binding on the Board of County Commissioners, but shall e advisory only. 3. The Court System Advisory Board shall consist of thirteen (1 ) members who shall be appointed as follows: a. Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners b. Chief County Court Judge c. Sheriff d. Chief Correctional Officer e. State Attorney f. Public Defender g. State Probation Program Administrator h. Substance Abuse Treatment Program Representati e 1. Clerk of Court J. Court Administrator k. One Representative designated by the St. Lucie C ty Bar Association 1. One Representative designated by the Port St. Luc e Bar Association m. One Representative designated by the Citizen's B dget Committee 4. The Court System Advisory Board may establish sub-commi ees for specific subjects or tasks ftom among its members to reduce the amount of time each Advi ory Board member must devote to the functions of that Board and to spread the responsibility for c ntributing to the Court's strategies among a larger number of people. 5. All members shall serve without compensation. 6. Membership shall be terminated upon: a. Death b. End of Employment c. Removal by majority vote of the Advisory Board '-" f.¡"'/ ' d. Three (3) unexcused absences in a six (6) month p nod Vacan.cies for all appointments shall be filled by the majo vote of the Advisory Board. 7. The Advisory Board Chairman shall establish a time and place for holding the meetings as shall be necessary, and the Advisory Board shall adopt rules of org zation and procedure as 8. The Advisory Board shall hold its first meeting as soon as p sible :/Tom the date this may be required. resolution is adopted. 9. The County Administration staff shall provide support for the Advisory Board by providing the required public notice, preparing agendas and keeping a rec rd of its proceedings. 10. If any action, sentence, or clause of this resolution is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction then said holding hall in no way effect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. After motion and second the vote on this resolution was as follow : Chairman Frannie Hutchinson AYE Vice Chairman Doug Coward AYE Commissioner Paula A. Lewis ABS Commissioner Cliff Barnes AYE Commissioner John D. Bruhn AYE PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 28th day of August, 2001. '7 .:\ ';., \~. :,-.. ... ...:..... ...... , '-' '-" ...., TO: COUNTY ADMINISTRATION MEMORANDUM 05-34 _ 8 r FROM: Douglas M. Anderson, DATE: March 2, 2005 RE: Downtown Fort Pierce Projects - REVISED CONSTRUCTION DATES Below is a list of projects with the estimated project cost, construction timeframe, and funding source. Clerk of Courts Buildina Construction Time frame......May01, 2005 November 05, 2006 June 20, 2005 . December 31, 2006 Esti mated Project Cost......... ...... ........ ..... ....... ............1.. ........ ................................. I. ............................ $6,900,000 Funding Source - FEMA.................. .................. ............... ....... .......... ................................ 155,357 Down Payment - Other Facilities Impact Fees ............................................................... 1,000,000 2004 General Fund Transfer.............................. ..................... ....... ................................... 900,000 2004 Capital Budget - Fund 316 ....................................................................................... 922,908 Bond Proceeds Being Paid by Other Public Facilities Impact Fees ............................... 3,000,000 Sales Tax Bond Issue 2003 ....................................................................................... $ 921.735 T ota I.......... ........................... ... ...... .............. .....1.. ........... ................................. $6,900,000 Monumental Staircase Construction Time frame.................. May01,2QQ5 Mar-G1:1 07, 2006 August 01,2005· June 7, 2006 Estimated Project Cost........... ......... .............. ......... ..... ................ .............................. $1,238,000 Funding Source - Bond Issue Being Paid by Other Public Facilities Impact Fees District Coolina Construction Time frame.........lI.pril15,20g5 December 01, 2005 June 21, 2005 - February 7,2006 Estimated Project Cost ........ ................................ .................... ..................... ..... ........ $1 ,91 0,000 Funding Source - Bond Issue Being Paid by Other Public Facilities Impact Fees Old Courthouse Renovation - 4 New Courtrooms Construction Time Frame/Renovation........................................August 01 ,2005 - June 05,2006 Construction Time Frame/Remove-Replace ..............................January 01 ,2006 - July 01,2007 Estimated Project Cost (if facility is renovated) ...................................................... $4,546,875 Funding Source - Insurance, FEMA, and Revenue Source to be Determined ~ ..." Page 2 March 2, 2005 Downtown Fort Pierce Projects Downtown Parkina Garaae Construction Time Frame...........~........................................ August 01,2005 - February 07,2006 Estimated Project Cost........................ ................. ...................... ............................... $2,500,000 Funding Source - Fort Pierce CRA Please let me know if you have any questions. DMNab 05-34 c: Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Faye Outlaw, Assistant County Administrator Dan Mcintyre, County Attorney Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director Roger Shinn, Central Services Director Don McLam, Assistant Central Services Director ~ ..""" BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DOUGLAS M. ANDERSON March 9, 2005 Ronald L. Book, P.A. Attorney at Law Concorde Center 2 2999 Northeast 191st Street Penthouse 6 Aventura, FL., 33180 Dear Ron: We are experiencing several difficulties with implementation of Article V I Revision 7. One of the issues we are having is the mandatory court cost of up to $65 on those who plead guilty or nolo contendre to, or are found guilty of a felony, misdemeanor or criminal traffic offense. 1. a. Law Libraries 25% of this $65 fee is to be used for operation of law libraries. The problem is that the collection of this 25% is extremely rare and does not pay for the law libraries. St. Lucie County is looking at a $396,012 annual shortfall. A replacement revenue must be implemented to cover the operating cost of law libraries. b. Legal Aid Services 25% of the same $65 fee is to be used for funding Legal Aid. Once again, the collection of this assessment is rare. Therefore, a replacement fee or fine must be put into place to fund Legal Aid. The estimated cost to St. Lucie County for Legal Aid on an annual basis is $93,345.60. c. Teen Court/Innovative Court Programs The remaining 50% of the $65 fee is to fund these programs. Once again, the money collected is not sufficient to cover this cost. It is our understanding that the $65 is at the bottom of the totem pole to be collected. JOSEPH E, SMITH, District No, 1 · DOUG COWARD, District No, 2 · PAULA A. lEWIS, District No, J . FRANNIE RUTCHINSON, District No.4. CHRIS Cl\AFT, District No, 5 County Administrator - Douglas M, Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 · Phone (772) 462-1450 . TDD (772) 462-1428 FAX (772) 462-1648 · email: douga@co.st-Iucie.fl.us web site: www.co.st-Iucie.fl.us '-" .., Page 2 March 9, 2005 Article V / Revision 7 2 Communication Services Tax The SB 1192/HB 651 Communications Services Tax amendment regarding wireless communications will affect the sales tax portion of the Communication Services Tax. However, since sales tax is shared with local governments, the bill will reduce the half-cent county and municipal revenue sharing. The Revenue Estimating Conference analyzed the impact of SB 1192 and estimates that the overall state impact will be in the range of some $400-500 million. The local government impact is estimated to be in the range of $40-50 million statewide (see attached analysis). 3 Juvenile Detention Centers Should the fmancial responsibility ,for Juvenile Detention Centers (JDC) be levied against the counties, the counties should have the option of running the JDC locally. The way the proposed funding is established is that the counties were to reimburse the State for expenses incurred with no local control over these costs. Please let me know if you need additional information. ./7 c: Board of County Commissioners Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Faye Outlaw, Assistant County Administrator Dan McIntyre, County Attorney Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director Citizens' Budget Development Committee Public Safety Coordinating Council Attachment '-" ¥ REVENUE ESTIMATING CONFERENCE TAX: COMMUNICATION SERVICES TAX ISSUE: REsIDENTIAL WIRELESS SERVICE BILL NUMBER(S): SB 1192 SPONSOR(S): SEN. GARCIA MoNTHIYEAR COLLECflON IMPACT BEGINS: JULY 1,2005 DATE OF ANALYSIS: 2/1712005 SECflON 1: NARRATIVE a. Current Law: Section 202.125(1), F.S., exempts communication services sold to residential households from the sales tax portion of the communication services tax and specifically excludes any mobile communication service from this exemption. b. Proposed Change: Mobile communication services having a residential service address are included in the exemption provided to communication services sold to residential households. SECflON 2: DESCRIPTION OF DATA AND SOURCES Federal Communications Commission - Local Telephone Competition: Status as of June 30,2004 Table 11: Percentage of Lines Provided to Residential and Small Business Customers Table 13: Mobile Wireless Telephone Subscribers DOR Distribution Data for Communication Services Tax SECflON 3: METIlOOOLOGY (INCLUDE ASSUMPI'IONS AND ATfACH DETAILS) 1. Split of wireless subscribers between residential and non-residential mirrors that of the wireline customers 2. Price differential between residential and non-residential wireless subscribers is negligible so that wireless taxbase can be split into residential and non-residential component based on the corresponding split of wireline customers 3. Both residential and small business customers may have a residential service address. 4. High and low estimates are based on a 5% swing in the taxbase split SECTION 4: PROPOSED FIsCAL IMPACT ___~m__~""""'_"~'='- FY 2005-06 act· ,A \ Funds FY 2005-06 AnnuaHzed Cash I High ($442.0m) ($405.201) ...' .-'- ' -+--., f~~$~ FY 2006-07 Cash (S514,9m) ".." ($~~:~5m))_~ -I , ($452.101) i _~<"«,,,,~~~___-3 SECTION 5: CONSENSUS E/i,TIMA TE (AOOPTED 2/18/ 05 The conference adopted the middle estimate, FY 2005-06 FY Gemm,¡J Revenue State Trust T otaI State 1m act Rcvencuc Sharing Local Gov't Half Cent Total Locallmf!act Total Impact FY 2005-0{í Annualiz-ed (366.8) (.9) (367.7) (12.1 ) (35.2) (47,3) (415.0) (336,2) (.8) 337.0 (11.1) (32.3 ) __.-543.4) ... (380.4) (427.4) ( 1.0) 428.4) (14,1) ( 41.0) (55.1 ) (483.5) ... '-' ...., ANNEX 1 ridaed rac er: L osaulto ontro Project No. Amount Description Status FB001M $65,256,00 Aerial Treatments - 90% Submitted FB002M $1,899.36 Land Treatments - 90% Submitted FB003M $65,256.00 Aerial Treatments - 100% Submitted FB004M $8,073,74 Land Treatments - 100% Submitted FB005M $206,236,33 Emeraencv Clearina / Reoairs - 90% Submitted FB006M $65 250.99 Emeraencv Repair of a Breach Submitted JB001M $32,442,05 Aerial Treatments - 90% Submitted JB002M $19,013,39 Land Treatments - 90% Submitted JB003M $77 544,00 Aerial Treatments - 100% Submitted JB004M $198,153,65 Emeraencv Clearina / Reoairs - 90% Submitted JB005M $10,194,10 Emeraencv Clearina / Reoairs - 100% Submitted JB006M $30,368,31 Forced Account Labor & Eauioment (Road & Bridae Div,) for "JB004M" Submitted FE001 M $137,056,31 Restoration of Pumpina Stations Submitted JG001M $1,149,007.25 Permanent Dike Restoration - Phase 1 QA-in-Proaress JG002M $4064656,21 Permanent Dike Restoration - Phase 2 Work-in-Proaress FB007M $48,785.39 Ground Applications - Materials Cat B-in-orocess JBOO7M $86,630.44 Ground Applications - Materials Cat B-in-orocess In-process $501,268,00 Blind Creek Park Relocation - Mitiaation In-orocess In-process $23,520.00 Fishing Pier Repairs In-orocess In-process $116,620,00 Enaineerina In-process $11,427.05 3 culvert replacements In-process Ab T k S C/M C $6,918,658.57 Attached is the list of Project Worksheets submitted, In short, the PWS reimburse the District for aerial and ground larviciding, emergency protective measures (labor, etc,), electro- mechanical failures/repairs (flooding of motors and panel boxes at pump stations require replacements) and dike repair, Dike repairs took place in several phases, First, fallen trees and tipped-over stumps were removed from 34 miles of dikes; Second. rip rap scattered over the dikes was relocated to the edges of 10.4 miles of dikes; Third, dike breaches and heavily scoured areas were re-constructed with fill to allow vehicular access; Fourth (and final stage). involves replacement of the shoreline filter fabric (where necessary) and re-installation of shoreline rip rap, covering the dikes with filter fabric (that is sewn onto the shoreline fabric and buried), covering the new filter fabric with coquina road base and fill (and large rip rap along shorelines), and injecting grass seed/mulch into the cover fill along the shoreline of 17,1 miles of dikes, We also have several more PW.'s in-process for engineering reimbursement. culvert repairs, two fishing pier repairs and Blind Creek Park Ocean-to-River clean-up and parking lot relocation mitigation, RESIDENTIAL WIRELESS SERVICE I. TAXBASE DETERMINATION ba$ed Qff Distri/mtiolf Data and Tax Rates YOl102 - 8 mtbs actual 01/02. 12 m'lIs implied FY 03-04 avg(a,D,E) (C. A) A TOTAL 25.4% 70.2% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% II, TAXIJASI\ mSAGGlUWATION baM{J Of'! T áXp(J.,>-'\~r i~~l{l an CST })atab-¡Jsr. . lO.8%þrf'D1!S;5,' III. RESIDENTIAL WIRELESS FYl003/04 TOTAL 77% 23% 100% 3,706.91 49% 3.810,68 51% 7,511.9 100% R@ìthm~¡í\f Middle 305.$0 77%; Z:J~e S,de;y Tax Cømlrp:tiMt (in "$ m) Hìgh ¡>Ow Lines wIR.EL1NE Tuba,e (in 5 m) Residentia.l NonuResidential 32$.6> 71A1) fG%, !$~{\ 285.94 ;W-1J4 lOtl~\¡. 391,t4 l.GO"/it 8,605 W.25~ 51.31/'J 14.2% 19. 1 ~~4 SALtSTAX(:OJ\11'ON~ ON usm~wlRELESS sUlVlCE (in 5 m) MIddle IDgh 305,$0 32565 356,25 16.5% 319,38 415.03 16.5% 441.98 4113.50 16.5% 514.90 SFY03/04 SFYIW05 SF'l05106 SF'lOtîlO1 SFYIJ5/06 Cash 16.5'11 165% 16,5% Low 285,94 333,12 388,08 452.11 16.5% 16.5% 16,5% Arrm!<\\ Gft)\Of'th :'.\'f'AT CAGR 'Jttfl--ÛO JttilAjJ Jün-Ü2 49$} « -- '-' ........ ..., ...." St. Lucie County, Florida Citizens' Budget Committee Agenda Friday, February 18, 2005 ..' - ... 7:30 a.m., Conference Room # 3 St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex ""\ . Convene meeting Roll Call, announcements Minutes .... 1. Strategic Planning Session - Review of Hurricane Recovery Efforts 2. Budget-in-brief Document /~ 3. Downtown Ft. Pierce Building Projects Update. 4. St. Lucie County Bail Agent Association - Presentation Adjournment Next CBC meeting: March 18, 2005 " '-~ ., """" FROM: COUNTY ADMINISTRATION MEMORANDUM 05-23 TO: DATE: RE: Downtown Fort Pierce Projects Below is a list of projects with the estimated project cost, construction timeframe, and funding source. Clerk of Courts Buildinq Construction Time Frame ......................................... May 01,2005 - November 05,2006 Estimated Project Cost ... ............. .............. ....... ........... ...................... ........... $6,900,000 ' Funding Source - FEMA .......0..'...0.... .............0......0........ 0.....0..· .... 0....··..·0.... 0...... 0" 155,357 Down Payment - Other Facilities Impact Fees .................................................. 1,000,000 2004 General Fund Transfer....................................................·....··..............·...... 900,000 2004 Capital Budget - Fund 316.........................................·......·..·..·....·............·.. 922,908 Bond Proceeds Being Paid by Other Public Facilities Impact Fees .................. 3,000,000 Sales Tax Bond Issue 2003.......................................·......·..·......·....·........·.... $ 921.735 Total . .............. ...... ............... ..... .................... ........ ............. ........ $6,900,000 Monumental Staircase Construction Time Frame ................................................ May 01,2005 - March 07, 2006 Estimated Project Cost ................................................................................. $1,238,000 ' Funding Source - Bond Issue Being Paid by Other Public Facilities Impact Fees District Coolinq Construction Time Frame......................................·.. April 15, 2005 - December 01, 2005 Estimated Project Cost. ................. ....... ........................................................ $1,910,000 Funding Source - Bond Issue Being Paid by Other Public Facilities Impact Fees Old Courthouse Renovation - 4 New Courtrooms Construction Time Frame/Renovation...........................August 01 ,2005 - June 05,2006 Construction Time Frame/Remove-Replace .................January 01 ,2006 - July 01, 2007 Estimated Project Cost (if facility is renovated) ................................................$4,546,875 Funding Source - Insurance, FEMA, and Revenue Source to be Determined '. '-' ..... ..., .."", Page 2 February 14, 2005 Downtown Fort Pierce Projects Downtown Parkinq Garaqe Construction Time Frame...............................··..·..· August 01,2005 - February 07,2006 Estimated Project Cost ......... ............................... ....... ............ ............. ......... $2,500,000 Funding Source - Fort Pierce CRA Please let me know if you have any questions. DMAlab 05-23 c: Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Faye Outlaw, Assistant County Administrator Dan Mcintyre, County Attorney Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director Roger Shinn, Central Services Director Don McLam, Assistant Central Services Director '-' ...,. 'WJi' ..., ST. LUCIE COUNTY BAIL AGENT ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 4114. FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34948. (772) 370-2424· FAX (712) 461-3887· EMAIL: SLCBAA@AOL.COM February 10, 2005 Dr. Doug Anderson St. Lucie County Administrator 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 I ~}~\)\')"1 ~ ~. () ~.. ~), 'I r .~ 'JO )'" , b' t () I; { r'\ 1 /'ì f' Mr. Anderson: Please accept this letter as a request to be put on the agenda for the next Citizens Budget Development Committee meeting. In response to the ILPP Criminal Justice study, I am interested in presenting a short overview of how the bail bond business works and what it provides for St. Lucie County citizens. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact me at (772) 461-2420, should you have any questions. Sincerely, fEB I 4 2005 Mitch Hilburn, President I ,\ .- · (1- L,. 7:30 a.m., Conference Room # 3 _/"" St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex C ¡J ê ! P DC-Ù (P(o'ú~v L( !''vd V rJ ( ~ \.f1 ./ , /) 3 t) ;' '-' ~ ì '-' St. Lucie County, Florida Citizens' Budget Committee Agenda Friday, January 21,2005 Convene meeting Roll Call, announcements Minutes 1. Reorganization. - Citizens' Budget Committee Chairman - Citizens' Budget Committee Vice-Chairman 2. Hurricanes update - Power Point Presentation. 3. Budget for FY 2005-2006. 4. Emergency Reserves and Lines of Credit """ Ý I- S~r) // J- b~~~ 5. Strategic Planning Session - February 17, 2005 @ 8:00 a.m. in the IRCCjSchreiber Conference Center, Port St. Lucie. Adjournment Next CBC meeting: February 18, 2005 \... .."". ..." Draft .... CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: November 19, 2004 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jaqueline N. Burke, Lilly Miller, Ron Parrish, Paul Young, William "Bill"Casey, Edward Lounds, Troy Ingersoll, Patricia "Pat" Ferrick, Carl Hensley, Linda Bartz, MEMBERS ABSENT: John Knapp, Toby Philpart, Debbie Hawley, Steven Messer. OTHERS PRESENT: Larry Daum, Faye Outlaw, Marie Gouin and Doug Anderson. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; New CBC members - Introductions Staffwe1come committee's newly appointed members: Jaqueline N. Burke (Comm. Smith), Lilly Miller (Comm. Smith) and Toby Philpart (Comm, Coward) and we congratulate Ed Lounds and Troy Ingersoll who have been reappointed to the committee (both by Comm. Craft). New members present introduced themselves. December meeting. Doug inquired if committee members would agree to move the regularly scheduled meeting in December. Several members expressed scheduling conflicts due to other commitments and agreed they could wait until the January meeting to discuss the updates on the pending matters. Ed moved to cancel the CBC meeting scheduled for December 2004, Ron seconded the motion and all members voted in favor. MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the October 29,2004 meeting, Ron moved for approval and Troy seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. Hurricanes Update Staff updated committee several aspects of the hurricane recovery process, such as debris removal, the County's financial exposure, progress on Indian River Dr. emergency repair (staff agreed to update the committee on the progress of the Indian River Dr. repair at a future meeting). Video "September to Remember". Staff played the video entitled "A September to Remember", prepared by our Media Relations division, which compiles images taken at St. Lucie County and during hurricanes Frances and Jeanne. Committee members and staff discussed briefly the great efforts staff has been making to speed up the recovery process to the maximum. Civic Center - Special Needs Center Doug related to committee members the circumstances under which the Civic Center had to be closed as the County's Special Needs Center and the measures staff had to take to accommodate county residents with most urgent medical attention during hurricane Jeanne. He also listed the different repairs that the Civic Center will require to be an acceptable facility (skin the roof to repair, test air quality, install new air conditioning system, etc.). Bill Casey had too leave to attend another commitment. Pat nominated Carl Hensley to continue presiding the meeting and Troy seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations. Members voted all in favor. Committee members and staff discussed the need of a Special Needs facility within our county for emergency situations, such as what we went through with the hurricanes. Members considered making a recommendation to the BOCC, regarding this matter. Troy moved to state The CBC's support to starrs recommendation to make the necessary repairs (roof replacement, AIC, and door openings to accommodate the portable stage and bleachers) to make the Civic Center functional again as a spacial needs shelter and events facility. Lilly seconded the motion. ...,. u w 'WI All members voted in favor. Emer2encv Reserves and Lines of Credit Doug handed out a spreadsheet with information obtained by staff from other Florida counties, comparing their emergency and contingency reserves with St. Lucie. He pointed out some counties don't even have any contingency or emergency reserves. After the hurricanes disaster, St. Lucie will have to start to replenish and increase the emergency funds from $0 and the goal may be to go up to about $10MM and establish a period of years to achieve this goal. Some members expressed their concern about setting these funds at such a low level, considering the magnitude of this recent disaster. They proposed the goal should be based on a percentage, so that it would increase proportionally every year together with the budget (and other parameters, such as cost of living, inflation, etc.), After some discussion on this matter, staff and members decided to table this matter for the January meeting. This way staff will have time to prepare more information for this committee to review, The CBC may recommend then a set percentage and maybe recommend to the BOCC that they direct staff to include it as part of the County's financial policy. Tourist Tax - Loss of Hotel/Motel rooms Larry Daum, Economic and Tourist Development Manager briefed CBC members on the situation on hotel availability (please refer to hand out for details). He is mostly concerned about the condos (Ocean Village, The Courtyard and others). Staff continues to monitor the situation and will be giving updates on this matter. Strate2ic Plannin2 Session with DOCC Doug reminded CBC members the Strategic Planning Session with the BOCC is scheduled for February 17, 2005 @ 8:00 a.m. in the IRCC/Schreiber Conference Center, Port St. Lucie. NEXT MEETING The next CBC regular meeting is scheduled to be held on Friday, January 21, 2005 at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex . Topics to be discussed will include an update on the issues discussed at this meeting. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 855 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary William "Bill" Casey, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting November 19, 2004 H:IO Secrefary\O OMB\CBC\MinIMin04\1119,wPd page 2 ~ St. Lucie County, Florida Citizens' Budget Committee Agenda Friday, January 16, 2004 7:30 a.m., Conference Room #3 St. Lucie County Administrative Annex 1. Convene meeting 1.1 Roll Call, announcements 1.2 Re-organization 1.2.1 Chairperson ¡Jv¡Y 1.2.2 Vice--Chair 1.3 Minutes 2, Old Business 2.1 5 Year Budget 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 5 Year Capital Budge Adjournment. Next CBC meeting: February 20, 2004 . ~ vJ ill/} · \ ~/ ~r'"~ (f d- \ '6 r / Sf-..·1 If 0( A /' {/Ô ?,,~~ I¡J /fP ,j F'xI~ ~ £7 r Ó¿)T r '-' .."", Draft CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: December 19, 2003 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:35 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: David F. Samuel, Kenny Hogan, Mark Taynton, Paul Young, William "Bill"Casey, Debbie Hawley, John Knapp, Troy Ingersoll, Carl Hensley, Steven Messer and Linda Bartz. MEMBERS ABSENT: Ron Parrish, Ed Lounds, Sylvie Kramer and Patricia "Pat" Ferrick, OTHERS PRESENT: ,Jennifer Hill, Doug Anderson and Marie Gouin. RECORDING SECRETARY: Suzanne Antonetti ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA; None. MEETING MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes for the November 21, 2003 meeting, David moved for approval and Debbie seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor and the motion passed. Ad Valorem Taxes At the previous meeting, a chart had been provided showing the increase in the County's property values. There was a question as to how did this translate into Ad Valorem taxes collected in 2003. Doug referred to two charts in this meeting's handout: the first chart lists the amounts collected in past years, as well as the budgeted amount for 2003, and the forecast for the next five years. The second chart shows a detailed breakdown of how the amounts collected are split among the different funds. Request to Increase Staff Doug stated he had invited Department Heads to this meeting to talk about personnel needs for St. Lucie County BOCC for the upcoming Fiscal Years. He began discussion pointing out a chart included in the meeting's handout, which shows the increase in personnel in the last 12 years. Although the County's population has increased dramatically in recent years, staff has strived to hold the line in terms of adding new positions. There was a dramatic reduction in personnel for Fiscal Year 1992- 1993 (53.4 Full time Equivalent - FTE - positions), and by Fiscal Year 1999-2000, we still had less positions (686.15 FTE) than for Fiscal Year 1990-1991 (687.09 FTE). After a personnel survey was conducted in that year, it was determined that due to increase in population and cost of living, staff was insufficient to cover demands on service to the public and existing personnel was under paid, causing a lot of staff tumover and difficulty to fill vacant positions. Consequently, salary and wages levels were adjusted and some new positions were approved in more recent years. Doug pointed out another chart: ·St. Lucie County BOCC Five-Year Plan - additional positions', which describes the personnel requirements Department Heads have calculated for the years to come. The first column in this chart shows the initial amount of positions they requested for the next Fiscal Year and after further review, in an effort to hold the line on increasing the budget, they cut down their request to the most urgent needs for personnel (second column shows the revised amount). '-' ~ Central Services Roger Shinn stated that, because his department serves the rest of the County's departments and agencies and they are all growing, the need for more housekeeping and maintenance personnel is inevitable. The County Administration building is being remodeled this year, the new County building at Walton Rd. will be completed by October 2004 and two pods are expected to be added to the County Jail very soon, which will mean a lot more square feet to keep up. Doug added that Central Services staff also does other work, such as all the construction/carpentry work (which saves the county money) and commended the Central Services department for the outstanding quality of their work. County Administration - Media Relations Shane DeWitt stated SLCTV is growing rapidly and there will be more programming, such as the broadcast (and "re-runs") of more meetings (e.g. Planning and Zoning Board, Code Enforcement Board, Contractor's Licensing Board) and a public affairs type of program called Inside St. Lucie (there already is another program called Progress St. Lucie, which shows on site interviews with project managers for capital projects that are under construction). The new position requested will help cover the productions. Media Relations also assists other county departments in presentations to the different Boards. Public Works Don West stated the request for personnel increase for Public Works is in response to the County's recent demographic expansion and the expected growth. He also pointed out that the request for 11 positions is a reflection of the many divisions grouped under this department. He commended the excellent job the County's Grant Writers are doing in getting more grants forthe County, but clarified that there is a lot of administrative work involved in handling the funds (such as seeing that the costs are assigned to the right accounts and preparing reports to the granting agencies to get the reimbursements), which takes a lot of time from the Project Managers, deterring them from completing the projects in a timely manner; for this reason, he is requesting a position for Grants Administrator, to handle this lengthy and detailed task (not complying with the granting agencies would translate into not getting reimbursed and not qualifying for future grants, and in some cases may hurt the County's eligibility for other grants). Don continued to explain the rest of the positions requested for the other divisions in Public Works, such as Engineering (1 Project Manager/Engineer), Solid Waste (2 positions for the Construction/Demolitions Program), Road & Bridge (1 position to keep upthe roads landscaping), Environmental Resources (1 position to help with the increased volume of vegetation permits that are being requested and 2 positions, which may be out-source for care/custodial of the environmentally protected lands owned by the County), the Oxbow (1 position to cover public demand for more programs, in response to the great success it has had with the public) and Code Compliance (2 positions to keep the level of service to the public). Aariculture Marie stated Anita Neal was out of town and had requested her to explain the positions on her behalf. An additional office for the Agriculture Extension Office will open at the Walton Road facility for customer service and 1 position will be requested to cover it (to answer questions and perform clerical work). Also, there is a request for an additional Extension Assistant to help with the school programs. MOSQuito Control The personnel increase that Jim David has requested for his department is to cover Mosquito Impoundment operations (the amount of Mosquito impoundments have increased to 20 over the years and cannot be maintained only by 2 people any more; it's needed for dike maintenance and to prevent proliferation and eradicate exotic plants) and for part time "foggers" (to comply with State requirements). Citizen Budget Committee Meeting December 19, 2003 page 2 '-" "WI Veterans Paul Hiott explained the need for a part time Veterans Officer to cover the increase in public demands for assistance in veteran's matters. Community Services The additional position Beth Ryder is requesting is to cover the need for assistance to the public in the S.H.I.P Program (specifically to help low income families to apply for home repairs). Public Safety Jack Southard explained his Department needs 3 new positions to cover the increase in 911 calls (Central Communications covers the whole county - not just the unincorporated area), which have multiplied tremendously now that more people call from their cell phones. Committee members and staff discussed possibility of educating the public in terms of not making calls to 911 ifthey are not emergency calls. Beth Ryder mentioned that the number 211 is up and running for family crisis type of calls. Librarv Susan Kilmer stated that the large increase in personnel she is requesting over the next five years is to cover the new facilities they are opening, to cover Sunday shifts and the increasing demand from the population, specially for the use of computers. Bill Casey commended the great service the Library is giving to the public. Cultural Affairs Jon Ward stated the increased personnel is due to the fact that this is a new Department that has taken over the Museums Division. He is requesting 1 new position that will help him with the clerical work and to make sure that the proper paperwork is submitted to Finance in a timely manner. The other 3 positions requested are to cover facilities to be opened in the near future and to address the lack of proper maintenance the artifacts in the museums have had until now (a curator). The museums are being restructured so that they all achieve full accreditation by the American Association of Museums and a requirement is to properly catalog and maintain the artifacts. This way, our museums will qualify for grants. Information TechnoloQY Dennis Wetzel stated his department will not be requiring added positions until Fiscal Year 2005-2006, but because this department gives technical support to all the other County's departments and many of its agencies, as they grow they will need to request additional personnel to cover the demand. He explained the different aspects of Information Technology's support to the other departments. Parks and Recreation Pete Keogh described his departments needs for the next Fiscal Year. Staff intends to have activities at the Fairground 52 weeks out of the year and aiming for that, they are requesting 4 more positions. Most of the positions requested for this department are to cover the demands that the Parks Referendum will set off. Airport Paul Phillips stated they had originally requested 2 positions, but they have revised their request to 1 position: a Maintenance Technician for Commerce Park. This person will come on line late in 2005. Citizen Budget Committee Meeting December 19, 2003 page 3 '-" ..", Community Development Dennis Murphy stated he had requested 3 positions that had to be revised, due to insufficient funds, in the Unincorporated Fund. The revenues collected for the Unincorporated Fund are not enough to cover the department's operations. He explained how the revenues are collected and from what areas and for what expenses the department is responsible. Committee members and staff discussed different aspects of this problem. NEXT MEETING Due to time constraints, issues to be discussed today were tabled for the next meeting. The next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, January 16, 2004 at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room # 3 of the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. Topics to be discussed will include continuation of discussion of the SLC 5 Year Budget. ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 9:20 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Reviewed by: Suzanne Antonetti, Secretary Kenny Hogan, Chairman Citizen Budget Committee Meeting December 19, 2003 H:\O SecretarylO OMBICBC\Min03\12'19,wpd page 4 ~ .."" ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOCC FIVE - YEAR PLAN Additional Personnel- As Presented 12/19/03 Revised Department FY04-05 FY04-05 FY05-06 FY06-07 FY07 -08 FY08-09 Total Parks & Recreation Aquatics 3 3 1 6.5 10.5 Subtotal 3 3 0 1 6.5 0 10.5 Revised Deøartment FY04-05 FY04-05 FY05-06 FY06-07 FY07 -08 FY08-09 Total Parks & Recreation Aquatics 3 6 1 6.5 13.5 Subtotal 3 6 0 1 6.5 0 13.5 Additional Personnel - Revised H:\5 Year Plan Positions.qpw > a::: <C :E :E ::I t/) Z <C ..J a. a::: <C w > I.t) ~ () q IJJ > I- Z ::I o () w () ::I ..J ~ t/) ~. '... I /) ), Ii': cn ..... 0 00 .....It) " N 0 ..... 0 0 0 " ..... M 0 .....0 I() 01 CD CD cn 00 cnN M " 0 0 CD 0 M ..... ~ cno N CD ti-;;,./ ~ co M 00 cn..... CD Ii;;,./ N It) N o. o. co " ..... 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CD ca_ 1;:0. ~ 0 I- ~ E C õi CD "C "C Ë u -t!:ö >- II~ en a: 1;:- III I"§ e "8 ~ ~ 0 ">- ~æ I- a: ca CD ca 0 0 oS ~ C CD cS F=5 0 ~a: (/)<:) III 0 < 0..0 :) W W u a: a: ¡¡; wo I- W . I- ~ ::::E a. I- a. I- :) . a. i I ;¡ '-'" ..." (CBC) CITIZEN BUDGET COMMITTEE SCHEDULE FOR MEETINGS YEAR 2004 1/16/2004 2/20/2004 3/191 2004 4/161 2004 5/21/2004 6/181 2004 7/16/2004 8/20/2004 9/17/2004 10/15/2004 11/19/2004 12/17/2004 Note: Meetings times/dates/place: 7:30 A.M./Third Friday of month/@ Conf. Room # 3 '-' ""'" St. Lucie County Sheriffs Office 5 Year Budget Plan FY 03-04 FY04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 Budaet Proiection Prolection Proiection Proiection Personnel Services $30,610,452 $35,063,766 $38,303,079 $40,633,021 $43,581,832 Operating Expenses $8,295,519 $9,430,090 $9,841,169 $10,700,998 $11,303,132 Capital Outlay $295.000 $359,650 $364.400 $369.375 $374,155 Subtotal $39,200,971 $44,853,506 $48,508,648 $51,703,394 $55,259,119 Contingency $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 $450,000 $500,000 Total $39,500,971 $45,203,506 $48,908,648 $52,153,394 $55,759,119 Notes: The figures above starting in Fy 04-05 includes costs to operate the first pod, not the second. The second pod will cost approximately $2,017,000 annually, '-/~ . &' U, v I. 0 .Ie.. Costs to Operate New Pods: Personnel Services $0 $2,794.620 $3,129,974 $3,505,571 $3,926,240 Operating Expenses $0 $1,053,453 $1,106,126 $1,161,432 $1,219,504 Start-Up Costs $0 $119,164 $0 $0 $0 Capital Outlay iQ iQ iQ iQ iQ Subtotal $0 $3,967,237 $4,236,100 $4,667,003 $5,145,744 Federal Inmate Reimb. $0 $1,395,000 $890,000 $0 $0 Net $0 $2,572,237 $3,346,100 $4,667,003 $5,145,744 Notes: Federal Inmates reimbursement is based on 90 inmates at $85 per day, Reimbursement assumes Federal Inmates move in April 2005, By April 2006 based on current trends all inmates will be county inmates. Source: Sl Lucie County Sheriff's Office / /J 716 I( /6 It' '/ 17---- ) G:\Budget\Quattro\RESEARCH\Studies\5 Year Plan 2004\SHERIFF,xls '-" '..." St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Cost per Inmate (BOCC portion only) Fiscal Year 2003 Total Expense Expense per Averaae # of Inmates (per day) Jail Maintenancel Central Services Capital Improvements - Rock Road Jail Total (BOCC Portion) $1,118,899 $2.87 $1,491,039 $2,609,938 $3.82 $6.69 Average Daily Inmate Population 1,069 Notes: As discussed at the 1/16/04 Citizens' Budget Committee meeting, the Sheriffs Department's cost per inmate per day is approximately $48. 2/18/2004 I I» :Þ~ en CD 3 CD I» 3 _CD -::] o :- o ::] o CD en en õ' ::] 5' - ::r Cir I» @ I» ::E o C c:: .., CD I» "0 ::r: C (j) m 0'" CD ::] CD ::!! - en õ' .., - ::r CD o ~ "TI "U e ]> 3: ~ ~!" ~cg 5" I» -I (') -. "TI ;:0 Që6~g§~> a. -< 0 ::] CD "U Z ~en~-<:9:::r-f -o~::]::ral»n ..,ool»CDenO ::]CDenol» I»coenl»o=Z enooc:r::]ocn ~ ~ ::;;~ ~ ~ ëm OCD"U Q.a. CD _ e Õ -. N ;:0 eno 0o:Þ ~"':Þ3~o-f ca.enCDen _ -CDCCDc"UO l»(D'o'-"O°Z ~::]£2'~;+cn CD a. CD .-'< g.. CDS·a.~oS 3 co 5' CD ::J. 0 CD - co ::E ~. 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CD a.::r CD < Dr - =,~ CDC ~ 1»0"'- I» <::] -<:~ ..,g¡ I» O"'CD~ '" ena. ~ en =- CÞ::r1» CD CD CD Õ 0 ..... =- ::] < < a. ::] 2' ~ 0 CD õ' õ' CD Ë ~ ::] a. CD g¡g ëi!~ ::] CD 5' en - I» - CD ."CJ) Om ~~ "tJm m3: :;:om OZ m:::! ~ e .,,-t "tJ- eC »:c! »» zG) 0:;:0 CJ)m :-4m ï3: em Q~ mea Om g~ Zm :c!~ ïT- ~ ~ ::p * ~ '" ~ . ~ C> V ù - ~ C) -C c ~\7C ~~~~f 3'r Solid_Waste,xls ~ Solid Waste Revenues Garbage Franchise Fees The Solid Waste Collection Agreements require a 4% franchise fee to cover the cost of administration, Landfill Fees These are fees paid from the disposal of waste at the Landfill, the fees cover the cost of the operation. Interest on Investments This is interest earned on cash in the escrow accounts which is required by FDEP. Sale of Fixed Assets Monies received from the auction sales. Scrap Sales This is revenue received by the sale of white goods (appliances, metal products, fencing, etc,) that are recovered from the waste stream. Scrap Sales-Aluminum/Paper This is revenue received by the sale of paper products and cardboard recovered from the waste stream. Gas - Operating Revenue collected for the sale of methane gas on a Contract that did not materialize. Rent Rent from BioMass Technology for the land they would utilize when they built a facility on Landfill property, They paid rent for a short term and then the Contractor and the County mutually agreed to dissolve the Contract. Sale of Fixed Assets Monies received from the auction sales. Rent Rent paid to Solid Waste by Environmental Resources for the use of the Solid Waste Administration Building built with enterprise funds. ~ ..." Actual '03 $244,984 $8,077,881 $368,617 $5,900 $103,003 $62,257 $30,344 $4,749 $100,000 $19,473 2/18/2004 ...... ..,¡ Citizens' Budget Committee Bill Casey, Chairman April 16, 2004 Board of County Commissioners 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL., 34982 Dear Commissioners: The St. Lucie County Citizens' Budget Committee endorsed today, April 16th, to approve in concept, Phase I of the North County Utility Expansion Plan, at an estimated cost of $7,600,000 together with the financing plan outlined by county staff. The Citizens' Budget Committee also approved in concept, the Midway Road utility expansion program as once again outlined by county staff. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 201-3473. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, LiJ Bill Casey, Chair Citizens' Budget Committee c: Douglas M. Anderson, County Administrator Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Dan McIntyre, County Attorney Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director Mike Bowers, Interim Utilities Director Citizens' Budget Committee Public Safety Coordinating Council