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DECEMBER 2, 2004 \17[10
The monthly figures for community service hours worked provided by CORE are listed below.
10/04 9/04 5/04 4/04 3/04 2/04 1/04 12/03 11/03
Ft Pierce Public Works 116 52 0 0 100 23 0 8 0
Ft. Pierce Police Dept. 68 0 100 0 51 0 50 79 95
Treasure Coast Food Bank 741 322 610 763 781 1,787 719 929 734
St. Lucie County Leisure Dept. 0 0 240 194 150 221 50 135 98
PSL Parks Dept. 790 250 1,283 961 527 990 1,251 841 685
PSL Public Works 0 0 0 50 59 0 0 0 0
PSL Police Dept. 0 19 0 7 0 0 0 0 0
St. Lucie County Schools 0 0 29 25 0 138 0 50 106
Salvation Army 221 104 153 163 212 0 89 150 220
Mustard Seed Thrift Shop 90 0 8 0 182 50 150 57 50
Goodwill Industries 795 264 205 536 683 408 688 142 311
Miscellaneous Agencies 3.008 1.498 3.306 3.240 3.198 3.456 3.354 2.162 2.818
5,829 2,509 5,986 5,939 5,943 7,073 6,391 4,553 5,117
The numbers were not available for the November 2004 CORE community service report but
will be distributed at the next meeting.
Miscellaneous Agencies include ARC, Boys & Girls Club, and religious atTdiations. The Fort
Pierce Parks Department has agreed to again be a provider for community service hours. The
workers are given the option of where they want to work their community service hours.
The numbers were not available for the November 2004 report but will be distributed at the next
It is very helpful for the judges to have officers present in the courtroom at sentencings. This
could be coordinated with law enforcement.
Judge McCann will start after the fint of the year. He has been sitting in on Judge Conner's
court in the interim.
The Supreme Court has certified us for 6 judges (4 circuit, 2 county). Space for these judges will
be needed. Another division at St. Lucie West may be needed. This will be discussed further
with Doug Anderson. There is also discussion about having a courtroom located at the jail.
The Port St: Lucie Police Department received an award at t~e rece~.. a~l\tte~qÎ~ö1!qlil.·.· ..·ce."
conference ID Los Angelos. The Department was one of 3 wlDnen ~~e .!~ìoW~~e~
7,000 people attended. John Ashcroft was the speaker. r· . : . ,
¡ : JAN I I 2005
.,.-~ .
A Fort Pierce police officer received an award from Parade Magazine. He was named in the list
of Top 10 police officen in the country. Two traffic awards were also received.
Mayor Minsky suggested having an Awards Hall of Fame to recognize these achievements. A
ceremony could be held to make people more aware of them. Mac Mascioli offered to call the
newspaper to be sure they have an article to cover these awards.
A grant has been received to start a gun safety program in schools. This will begin either the end
of this school year or beginning of the next.
A grant has also been received on a project to help save neighborhoods.
A meeting will be held on December 10 to discuss hurricane issues. Complaints have been
received on out of state contracton. People are also upset about insurance issues. This should be
addressed at the legislative level. Information is being collected from agencies to broadcast
important and helpful information to residents before the storm hits next time.
An exploratory group has been formed to visit the city of Pembroke Pines to observe their
charter school. There is an influx of housing developments with thousands of units underway.
The quality of education should be consistent throughout the county. The subject of bussing is
also a great concern.
The Legislative Delegation Breakfast is scheduled for Thunday, January 6. A suggestion was
made to request that the insurance issue be placed on the agenda. Judge Angelos will invite Ken
Pruitt and Joe Negron to the January 6 Concerned Citizens meeting.
The next Concerned Citizens meeting will be held on Thundav. Janua" 6. 2005, at 12:00 Noon
at the St. Lucie County Courthouse in Fort Pierce. Lunch will be provided.
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~ NOVEMBER 4,2004
The monthly figures for community service houn worked provided by CORE are listed below.
10/04 9/04 5/04 4/04 3/04 2/04 1/04 ~ 11/03
Ft Pierce Public Works 116 52 0 0 100 23 0 8 0
Ft. Pierce Police Dept. 68 0 100 0 51 0 50 79 95
Treasure Coast Food Bank 741 322 610 763 781 1,787 719 929 734
St. Lucie County Leisure Dept. 0 0 240 194 150 221 50 135 98
PSL Parks Dept. 790 250 1,283 961 527 990 1,251 841 685
PSL Public Works 0 0 0 50 59 0 0 0 0
PSL Police Dept. 0 19 0 7 0 0 0 0 0
St. Lucie County Schools 0 0 29 25 0 138 0 50 106
Salvation Army 221 104 153 163 212 0 89 150 220
Mustard Seed Thrift Shop 90 0 8 0 182 50 150 57 50
Goodwill Industries 795 264 205 536 683 408 688 142 311
Miscellaneous Agencies 3.008 1.498 3.306 3.240 3.198 3.456 3.354 2.162 2.818
5,829 2,509 5,986 5,939 5,943 7,073 6,391 4,553 5,117
MisceOaneous Agencies include ARC, Boys & Girls Club, and religious atTdiations. The Fort
Pierce Parks Department has agreed to again be a provider for community service hours. The
workers are given the option of where they want to work their community service hours.
St. Lucie Co,unty Sheriff's Office
Port St.. ~J.lcie Police Dept.
Florida Highway Patrol
Fort Pierce Police Dept.
St. Lucie County Incarceration Fee
OCT. 2004
$ 8,527.75
$ 6,751.00
$ -0-
$ -0-
$ -0--
SEPT. 2004
$ -0-
$ -0-
$ -0-
The September community service houn were way down due to the storms. Clients were
displaced, etc.
During September and October there was no significant change in crimes during the IJurricanes.
There were curlew violations, a few looting incidents, and a slight increase in domestic crimes.
Crime in Fort Pierce is down 15% for the year and violent crime is down 25%.
The Port St. Lucie Police Department Diversion Program is in place now at Fort Pierce Police
Department with the help of Michelle McMurtry. Over 50 juveniles are in the program. Instead
of going into the court system, juveniles under age 18 can now into a juvenile court diversion
system. It is hoped to extend the program to include truancy problems and curlew issues. A full
time juvenile detective has been assigned as well as two juven' - - 'I he St.
Attorneys om.. have been assigned. ~J NÖ;!~9 200q~
During the hurricanes, jail population was up to 1,300. Population today is at 1,033. During the
storms, area law enforcement was patient with the curlew violators. H the issue was only that it
was past cuñew, they were not arrested. But if other issues were involved, they were arrested.
We may want to do a study to see if there were any repeats from the first and second storms.
Miami-Dade Police Dept. has experience with this. During the Super Bowls if someone was
al1'ested they were not released till after the game. We may want to have this in place for next
time. This discussion will be included in the hurricane debriefmg meeting.
During Hurricane Frances we had 20 people in Highlands County and decided to pull them
back. We've had none since.
The jail management computer system is being connected. A meeting was held with CORE and
Probation to get access through the internet. This should save a lot of man-hour time.
The Fort Pierce CORE office was closed for 9 days after the hurricane because of the power
outage and no water. The Vero office was heavily damaged during the first storm and the staff
moved to another location which was then heavily damaged during the second storm. The Vero
staff is presently working out of the Fort Pierce office. In approximately two weeks they should
be able to move back to Vero.
A new probation officer has been hired in the Fort Pierce office. He will be working out of Judge
Yacucci's court. Case loads have become unmanageable.
The Salvation Army needed a place to work out of and after talking to GSA they bave allowed
them to have the Sewell Hardware building for the time being.
The Federal Building project manager said they were half-way through with the construction
In 2002 there were 2,700 Certificates of Occupancy issued in Port St. Lucie. In 2003 there were
over 6,000 and in 2004 they are ahea~ of that number.
During the hurricanes the entrances to the city of Port St. Lucie were set up to keep non-
residents out. There was unfortunately one fatality during the storm, a truck driver for Waste
Management. Most of the debris has been cleared out except for county areas. A debriefing
meeting will be held to discuss critical issues. Have been warning citizens to not hire unlicensed
contractors. A roofer was caught using shingles rated for 45 mph and using a staple gun. With a
permit, they can't get away with that.
Juvenile Drug Court graduated another 6 juveniles. Both the juvenile and adult program are
doing very weD.
· .
Judge Levin will be going to Martin County in January to do juvenile and criminal. He will also
continue to do Juvenile and Drug Court in St. Lucie county. Judge Roby will be appointed
Chief Judge upon Judge Angelos' retirement January 1.
The next Concerned Citizens meeting will be held on Thursdav. December 2.2004, at 12:00 Noon
at the St. Lucie County Courthouse in Fort Pierce. Lunch will be provided.
~~\ ***NEXT MEETING SEPTEMBER 2, 2004**·
(No meeting in August)
JULY 1,2004
The monthly figures for community service hours worked provided by CORE are listed below.
5/04 4/04 3/04 2/04 1/04 12/03 11/03 10/03 9/03
Ft Pierce Public Works 0 0 100 23 0 8 0 0 41
Ft. Pierce Police Dept. 100 0 51 0 50 79 95 5 3
Treasure Coast Food Bank 610 763 781 1,787 719 929 734 653 970
St. Lucie County Leisure Dept. 240 194 150 221 50 135 98 0 282
PSL Parks Dept. 1,283 961 527 990 1,251 841 685 350 459
PSL Public Works 0 50 59 0 0 0 0 0 0
PSL Police Dept. 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 50 50
St. Lucie County Schools 29 25 0 138 0 50 106 50 283
Salvation Army 153 163 212 0 89 150 220 190 72
Mustard Seed Thrift Shop 8 0 182 50 150 57 50 78 139
Goodwill Industries 205 536 683 408 688 142 311 498 909
Miscellaneous Agencies 3.306 3.240 3.198 3.456 3.354 2.162 2.818 1.962 2.928
TOTAL 5,986 5,939 5,943 7,073 6,391 4,553 5,117 3,836 6,126
The CORE report was not available for the July 1 meeting. Miscellaneous Agencies include
ARC, Boys & Girls Club, and religious affiliations. The Fort Pierce Parks Department has
agreed to again be a provider for community service hours. The workers are given the option of
where they want to work their community service hours.
St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office
Port St. Lucie Police Dept.
Florida Highway Patrol
Fort Pierce Police Dept.
St. Lucie County Incarceration Fee
MAY 2004
$ 5,440.25
$ 7,777.00
$ 357.50
$ 3,430.80
$ -0-
The June report was not available for the July 1 meeting.
It is estimated that St. Lucie County would lose over $11 Million in annual revenue if the Second
Homestead Exemption should pass. It will cause severe financial hardships for all governments
in the state. The consensus is that if it gets on the ballot, it will be approved by voters. If the
Supreme Court rules against putting it on the ballot, it will probably be back in 2006. Brochures
are being put together to make the public aware that increased tax rates would be needed to
make up the $11 Million loss anticipated. Property taxes would go up. Snowbirds will be hit
hard because they have no homestead exemption. A group called Floridians for Responsible
Taxes has hired an attorney to try to de-rail it.
St. Lucie County is partnering with University of Florida, IRCC, USDA, and the St. Lucie
County School Board for a research and education park. A research authority will be set up.
The Trustees of UF will vote on it and then it will be sent to the state for certification. Approval
is expected by the end of December or January.
With the changes in the judicial system starting today, certain portions will be paid by the
Jail population today is 1,235. An agreement with Highlands county has been signed. A court
order from Judge Angelos was received to transfer 25 inmates. Thirteen will be moved tomorrow
and the remaining 12 on July 7.
Other options made available to the County Commission included sending personnel to another
county jail, installation of a GPS monitoring system, and construction of a temporary facility.
A trip was made to Alachua county. They have 920 inmates in their jail. Their budget is $19.6
Million ($15.4 Million in St. Lucie County). They have 207 certified staff compared to our 154
certified staff. They have 4 inmates to every deputy (SLC has 8 to every deputy). In Alachua
county it costs $59.20 to house an inmate ($33.41 in SLC). Alachua county arrests 14,000 people
in a year (16,000 in SLC) and crimes are less violent in Alachua county. St. Lucie county ranks
in the top for violent crimes. Capital crimes take more time to move through the system and
have no bonds. AIachua has 4 Circuit judges (SLC has 3) and 5 County judges (SLC has 2).
The St. Lucie County Bail Bonds Association would like permission to come in and solicit
inmates for bond. Florida State Statutes state they cannot solicit business on or about the
grounds of a j ail. It is against criminal code.
A 30/60/90 day certified drug program is planned in the jail to be paid for by the inmate welfare
A Drug Court graduation was held in St. Lucie county for 9 individuals. So far St. Lucie County
has graduated 46 plus the 9 just mentioned (2 have been rearrested). Martin County has had 81
graduates (10 rearrested). Indian River County has had 18 graduates (2 rearrested).
Juvenile Drug Court has graduated 8 and 2 of these graduates had drug free babies during tbe
program. The adult program is 1-2 years and juvenile program is 6 months. The juveniles are
being monitored during the summer break.
Article 5 Revision 7 starts today. The budget for the 19th Circuit has been received. Due to the
additional burden on the Clerk's Office created by Article 5, they will not be handling the
recording system for the courtrooms. On an emergency basis some contingency funding was
provided for Court Administration to handle it.
We will have three general magistrates instead of one. The general magistrates can do
preliminary fact finding for the judges and federal reviews on dependency cases and will be used
in the civil realm and possibly criminal.
Construction of a $6.9 Million building at Atlantic and Indian River Drive will house the Clerk
of Courts staff. Bids will be received for reopening of courtrooms in the old courthouse.
Walmart is planning to hire 1,100 people by the end of this year for the distribution center.
Approximately 7,000 applications have been taken. The hiring process started a week ago. They
have indicated many of the applicants do not meet their expectations but have not been specific
about that. They are giving applicants a psychological test and basing their decision on that test.
Walmart will start training this week in the new facility. About 100 positions will be fiDed
through the Walmart retail centers but applicants for the other positions all go through One
Focus groups will be held with youth to talk about a construction trades training program
partnered with IRCC and St. Lucie county. H there is an interest, a focus group will be held
with construction groups to see if they have an interest. The goal is to have the project in place
at the start of the second semester. IRCC and St. Lucie county would coordinate the program.
The next Concerned Citizens meeting will be held on Thursdav. Seotember 2. 2004, at 12:00
Noon at the St. Lucie County Courthouse in Fort Pierce. Lunch will be provided.
It was discussed and decided that the Committee will NOT meet in August but will resume
meetings on September 2, 2004.
NEXT MEETING: JULY 1. 2. \ /; /:..,~-
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JUNE 6, 2004 OAr- ~ 6? /f ,/
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The monthly figures for community service houn worked provided by CORE are listed below.
5/04 4/04 3/04 2/04 1/04 12/03 11/0310/03 9/03
Ft Pierce Public Works 0 0 100 23 0 8 0 0 41
Ft. Pierce Police Dept. 100 0 51 0 50 79 95 5 3
Treasure Coast Food Bank 610 763 781 1,787 719 929 734 653 970
St. Lucie County Leisure Dept. 240 194 150 221 50 135 98 0 282
PSL Parks Dept. 1,283 961 527 990 1,251 841 685 350 459
PSL Public Works 0 50 59 0 0 0 0 0 0
PSL Police Dept. 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 50 50
St. Lucie County Schools 29 25 0 138 0 50 106 50 283
Salvation Army 153 163 212 0 89 150 220 190 72
Mustard Seed Thrift Shop 8 0 182 50 150 57 50 78 139
Goodwill Industries 205 536 683 408 688 142 311 498 909
Miscellaneous Agencies 3.306 3.240 3.198 3.456 3.354 2.162 2.818 1.962 2.928
TOTAL 5,986 5,939 5,943 7,073 6,391 4,553 5,117 3,836 6,126
Miscellaneous Agencies include ARC, Boys & Girls Club, and religious atTdiations. The Fort
Pierce Parks Department has agreed to again be a provider for community service hours. The
workers are given the option of where they want to work their community service hours.
St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office eJ1'./'/ /)~~ ¡ J tJ $ 5,440.25 '7 . J / /Q fÁr-
Port St. Lucie Police Dept. /1 (,1 ' . '1 ( $ 7,777.00 r ~ ¡VA
Florida Highway Patrol U· ',) $ 357.50 r ~7
Fort Pierce Police Dept. . 6~ $ 3,430.80 ~ / ~Ô I
St. Lucie County Incarceration Fee rtr:~ 1/ /'l If; -0- fJ?f J '. .. / /J. 1û
t/t1/~I/Y~ ~,005.55 I'" ~ ( I//JL¡
0' I {Iv -1--;:(1 r(L. I, lb~ 1,- SL- C
At the May meeting it was reported that a Cost of Investiga(i.sá ¥fee is being assešsed on all cases
($25/misdemeanor, $50/felony) and should be going back to the law enforcement agencies. How
this fee is being earmarked by the Clerk's office is unknown. Sean Baldwin will work with
Becky Bleyman to track.
Nationally, St. Lucie County is ranked the third hottest real estate market in the country. The
two markets ahead of us are in California.
JaB beds have been located in Highlands County. They are opening up a new section of 208 beds
the week of June 21 and have agreed to accept inmates from us. The contract to house our
inmates agrees to $40 per day. The new pods for the St. Lucie County.jaB are scheduled to open
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A meeting was held with Ken Pruitt to discuss the education research park. A Research
Authority is being set up.
An air show is scheduled for June 11-12 at the airport. The parachutists will also jump into
Tradition Field the night of the Florida State AD-Star game.
The second $25,000 homestead exemption to be placed on the ballot was discussed. A person
from Vero Beach is funding the campaign. It will be financially devastating to the entire state if
approved. A suggestion was made to have newspaper articles report the impact this would have
on services. People need to be motivated to vote.
The St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office has taken a zero tolerance to VOP (violation of probation)
violations. It is putting more pressure on the jail. Special VOP hearings are being held weekly
to get them cleared out. There is a potential of 2,000 cases.
Our state prisoners are being held in the county jail until their hearings. A GPS monitoring
system is being considered. The collaboration of law enforcement, DOC, the court system, etc.,
is very helpful.
It would be helpful to have the media emphasize the safety consideration instead of the
overcrowding at the jail. The government access channel is also available to educate the public.
The additional strain of Article 5 Rev 7 contract issues on conflict cases is not resolved. An
administrative order is being drafted that all contracts will remain in full force and effect until
October 1. A registry of attorneys willing to handle these cases at the state rate is being
Treasure Coast law enforcement agencies will be hosting the Florida Law Enforcement and Fire
Games on June 19. Approximately 5,000 law enforcement officers will be in town to participate.
The manpower situation is critical. There are currently 12-15 openings. It is a state-wide
problem. H you know of any qualified candidates, please refer them.
Approximately 500 children are in the program for abused, neglected, abandoned, and exploited
children. There are currently 140 volunteers and more are needed. It is a vitally needed
program that does remarkable work.
An article concerning student safety was in the paper. A survey indicated 37% of students are
concerned with their safety at school.
A block grant to the state for 21st century schools to put in for after school hours has been
submitted. All but two schools would be included.
The next Concerned Citizens meeting will be held on Thundav. Julv 1.2004, at 12:00 Noon at
the St. Lucie County Courthouse in Fort Pierce. Lunch will be provided.
It was discussed and agreed that the Committee will have NOT recess for the July, August, and
September meetings.
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MAY Ii, 2004 f \ q,\
6 \
The monthly figures for community service houn worked provided by CORE are listed below.
4/04 3/04 2/04 1/04 12/03 11/03 1 0/03 9/03 3/03
Ft Pierce Public Works 0 100 23 0 8 0 0 41 50
Ft. Pierce Police Dept. 0 51 0 50 79 95 5 3 50
Treasure Coast Food Bank 763 781 1,787 719 929 734 653 970 741
St. Lucie County Leisure Dept. 194 150 221 50 135 98 0 282 0
PSL Parks Dept. 961 527 990 1,251 841 685 350 459 622
PSL Public Works 50 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PSL Police Dept. 7 0 0 0 0 0 50 50 0
St. Lucie County Schools 25 0 138 0 50 106 50 283 0
Salvation Army 163 212 0 89 150 220 190 72 82
Mustard Seed Thrift Shop 0 182 50 150 57 50 78 139 507
Goodwill Industries 536 683 408 688 142 311 498 909 373
Miscellaneous Agencies 3.240 3.198 3.456 3.354 2.162 2.818 1.962 2.928 2.432
TOTALS 5,939 5,943 7,073 6,391 4,553 5,117 3,836 6,126 4,857
Miscellaneous Agencies include ARC, Boys & Girls Club, and religious atT'diations. The Fort
Pierce Parks Department has agreed to again be a provider for community service hours. The
workers are given the option of where they want to work their community service hours.
St. Lucie County Sherifr s Office
Port St. Lucie Police Dept.
Florida Highway Patrol
Fort Pierce Police Dept.
St. Lucie County Incarceration Fee
APRIL 2004
$ 7,965.00
$ 6,053.05
$ -0-
$ 2,367.00
$ -0-
A decrease in the amount of community service houn converted to fines has had a big impact on
law enforcement as they have been using these funds for training programs. Judge Yacuzzi is
requiring probationers to work the community service hours.
It was reported that a Cost of Investigation fee is being assessed on all cases ($25/misdemeanor,
$50/felony) and should be going back to the law enforcement agencies. How this fee is being
earmarked by the Clerk's office is unknown. Sean Baldwin will work with Becky Bleyman to
A record number of building permits are being issued.
An agreement has been reached with Fort Pierce Utilities Authority to run the utilities. A-utility
program will be done for the north county.
Financing on a line of credit has been finalized for the research and education park. The closing
on a portion of the credit line is scheduled. The state of Florida will provide funding to the
University of Florida to purchase the Dunn property by the Jai-Alai fronton. UF is our partner
in this. Ed Massey has agreed to have IRCC locate a facility there. A lot of inquiries are being
received. A meeting has also been set up with Harbor Branch. They no longer have the Seward
Johnson endowment.
Construction of new jail pods has been approved. All the cost to build is coming from impact
fees, not tax doDars. New construction is paying for the new pods. How to pay to operate the
pods is the problem. It is projected that 200 federal inmates will help pay for the operating costs.
For every 333 people in the county, the national average is 6 inmates.
We have held property taxes for the past 8 years. Impact fees increase by the consumer price
index automatically. School impact fees are too low. Other counties are increasing them.
Projections show a 4.8% growth per year but it is actually going up more than that.
Have heard but haven't been able to confirm that the Legislature passed a $15 fee per violation
that can be assessed by a judge to be designated for courthouse expansion.
A new building for the Clerk of the Courts will be built at Indian River Drive and Atlantic. The
old Clerk's office will be renovated. The Courthouse entrance will be renovated and will have a
"monumental" staircase for better security. A new office complex is going in at Village Green.
The Administration building on Virginia Avenue is being renovated and expanded. Money that
has been set aside in the past is being used along with some low rate loans. An interest only bond
anticipation note will be used for the FPU project.
A bid for a steel corral for the equestrian facility was received in the amount of $67,000 and paid
for by the Ginn Co.
The 560 bed jail project will make a big difference. Space will also be leased to the federal
A new jail is in the pre-planning stages for 2006-2007 to be located between the existing jail and
Fort Pierce Police Department has implemented the Juvenile Restorative Justice Program. The
assistance of the Port St. Lucie Police Department has been instrumental in setting up this
Major Tighe attended the District 15 Mental Health meeting. Mentally ill people are being sent
to jail instead of mental institutions. 210 mentally ill patients are presently inmates. Grants are
being sought to find bed space in hospitals so they can receive care. Training is being planned
for law enforcement on how to handle these inmates and how to identify a mentally ill person.
Judges can now order a person to take medication and to be admitted to a mental health
Mario Bettancourt has arrived back in this country. A lesser charge had to be guaranteed in
order to get him across the border from Mexico.
Five juveniles will be graduating from St. Lucie County Juvenile Drug Court on May 25 at 2:30
p.m. Four are high school seniors with college plans. Their charges will be dismissed.
Seven adults will be graduating from Adult Drug Court on June 2 at 10:30 a.m.
You are welcome to attend both graduations in Judge Levin's courtroom. There are presently 23
juveniles and 45 adults participating in the program.
Kathryn Hensley, St. Lucie County School Board member, reported that school enrollment is
anticipated to double within 15 years. Money is needed for School Resource Officers. An
increase in difficult students has not been seen percentage wise. Also, over the last 3 years no
increase in the level of expulsions has been seen.
A Children's Services Council grant has been applied for the interim period while the master
plan is being finalized. Impact fees for the schools don't come close to paying for the
infrastructure (cost per student station is $17). A K-8 school is scheduled to open in 2005 and a
new High School will open at Windmill Point in 2006. The after school program at middle school
locations and elementary schools should be OK for next year. The new K-8 school should help
for the elementary component. We can predict the number of new students but not the grade
levels. Middle schools are getting extremely crowded. There are plans for a bond issue probably
next March. H the bond issue does not pass, extreme measures would have to be taken such as
dual sessions, etc. To determine support for the bond issue, some research is being done to see
what the residents of the county think.
Exterior plans for the new Federal Courthouse have been presented. The finished design and
construction drawings will be done next. When finally completed, it will be a 20 year project.
St. Lucie county did not get any judges. No judges were appointed in the whole state. We will
operate as is.
The next Concerned Citizens meeting will be held on Thursdav. June 3. 2004, at 12:00 Noon at
the St. Lucie County Courthouse in Fort Pierce. Lunch will be provided. It was discussed and
agreed that the Committee will have a summer recess for July, August, and September.
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APRIL 1, 2004 'I. '/ L/!1
The monthly figures for community service hours worked provided by CORE are listed below.
3/04 2/04 1/04 12/03 11/03 1 0/03 9/03 3/03 2/03
Ft Pierce Public Works 100 23 0 8 0 0 41 50 21
Ft. Pierce Police Dept. 51 0 50 79 95 5 3 50 0
Treasure Coast Food Bank 781 1,787 719 929 734 653 970 741 1,446
St. Lucie County Leisure Dept. 150 221 50 135 98 0 282 0 0
PSL Parks Dept. 527 990 1,251 841 685 350 459 622 515
PSL Public Works 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PSL Police Dept. 0 0 0 0 0 50 50 0 0
St. Lucie County Schools 0 138 0 50 106 50 283 0 0
Salvation Army 212 0 89 150 220 190 72 82 0
Mustard Seed Thrift Shop 182 50 150 57 50 78 139 507 947
Goodwill Industries 683 408 688 142 311 498 909 373 341
Miscellaneous Agencies 3.198 3.456 3.354 2.162 2.818 1.962 2.928 2.432 2.856
TOTAL 5,943 7,073 6,391 4,553 5,117 3,836 6,126 4,857 6,126
The hours worked through the Sheriff's Department and the County program are in addition to
the houn mentioned above. Miscellaneous Agencies include ARC, Boys & Girls Club, and
religious affiliations. The Fort Pierce Parks Department has agreed to again be a provider for
community service hours. The workers are given the option of where they want to work their
community service hours.
St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office
Port St. Lucie Police Dept.
Florida Highway Patrol
Fort Pierce Police Dept.
St. Lucie County Incarceration Fee
MARCH 2004
$ 8,991.25
$ -0-
$ 2,369.00
$ -0-
Jail population hit 1,188. The facility was designed for 850. For the last six weeks the average
population was 1,170. It is a challenge being dealt with daily. To help with the overcrowding,
pre-sentence electronic monitoring is being researched. The target date for new construction to
begin is June 2004 for completion June 2005. The new addition will add 260 beds. For the next
building phase after that additional kitchen and health facilities will be required. Statistics
indicate that for every 100,000 people in a community, there are 526 inmates. St. Lucie county
figures are in line with these statistics.
St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office services have been impacted by the expanded coverage for
annexed properties previously covered by Fort Pierce Police Dept.
.' ,:
Training for volunteers in the truancy program will begin next Monday. The two pilot schools
for the program are Central High School and St. Lucie West Middle School. This focus on the
juveniles should help prevent future crimes.
Commander Bartal introduced Bob Peterson of the Juvenile Detention Center. Mr. Petenon
reported that an additional 30 beds have been added to the original 48. 2,500 juveniles per year
go through the Detention Center. The program is designed for short term with the average stay
being 21 days. Fifteen yean ago juvenile charges were mainly car thefts and burglaries. Now
charges include murder and rape. Although compassion is conveyed to the juveniles, they must
be held accountable for their crimes. There is presently a mentoring program at the Juvenile
Center for females which is held once a month. Additional programs such as drug counseling are
needed. Any assistance would be appreciated. H you have a connection or are working with an
agency that could help, please let them know there is this need. It was suggested that a
representative from New Horizons be invited to attend the next meeting to see if they could
assist. There is a growing need for this facility in St. Lucie county. Changes are anticipated
from the legislature. There is talk about the counties having responsibility for pre-adjudicatory
detention costing $1.2-1.8 Million annually. The League of Mayon and county administraton
have been vocal that they are not able to take that on.
The Secretary of DCA visited Port St. Lucie and took a helicopter ride over the city to observe
the growth. A meeting was held with Don Cooper and city officials to discuss the future plans
for the city.
Mayor Minsky also spoke with the Secretary of DEP in Tallahassee. The Walton Road bridge
(which is a county project) and the West Virginia project (which is a city project) were among
the topics discussed. She will plan a trip to visit Port St. Lucie to observe the growth and better
undentand the need. It was suggested that she should ride on Port St. Lucie Boulevard at 5:00
p.m. to see the congestion tint hand.
Dream Park South represents $40 Million per year in revenue for the county. Tourism trade is
clean and has very little impact on the county infrastructure. 64 teams will come to Port St.
Lucie to compete per week with over 30,000 people coming through in the 11 week program.
PGA is expected to do the same thing for golf travel teams. On the off season, the facilities can
be used and enjoyed by the community.
Twenty-three juveniles are participating in St. Lucie County Juvenile Drug Court and 40 adults
in the Adult Drug Court program. The Adult Drug Court has had 40 graduates with only a
couple repeat otTenders. There have not yet been any graduates in the Juvenile Drug Court
program. A Juvenile Drug Court has also started in Vero Beach with 8 participants and their
Adult Drug Court has 20. Martin County has 35 juveniles in their Drug Court program.
The recruitment program in the Lincoln Park area will provide the opportunity to learn the skills
and knowledge to apply for employment at the Walmart Distribution Center. Arrangements for
transportation from that area to the Distribution Center are being discussed.
Mark Godwin of the Guardian Ad Litem Program attended the meeting. This is a volunteer
program that deals with children that have been abused, abandoned, and neglected. There are
currently 143 volunteers for the 563 children in this circuit and 18 staff members. Additional
volunteers are needed with a goal of 500 volunteers. Mayor Minsky suggested using the
Government Access Channel to get the message out and offered to set it up. Big Brother Big
Sisten may also be a source of assistance. The National Kickoff will be held tonight with a Light
of Hope Vigil at the St. Lucie West Courthouse.
Jason Berger, Assistant State Attorney and Misdemeanor Supervisor, testified before the
legislature in Tallahassee last week. Presently a DUI is a felony but no one is being charged with
felony DUI since a certified copy of the judgment with fingerprints is needed within 90 days
under the Speedy Trial Rule. He made a proposal that the certified copy of the driver record
should list all offenses and info re that offense. This proposal will be going to the House for a
It was suggested to invite a representative of the School Board to attend the next meeting. An
invitation will be extended to Kathryn Hensley.
The next Concerned Citizens meeting will be held on Thursdav. Mav 6. 2004, at 12:00 Noon at
the St. Lucie County Courthouse in Fort Pierce. When the Courtroom location for the meeting
has been determined, we will contact you with that information. Lunch will be provided. Please
RSVP to Linda Szabo at 462-5056.
'---' '---'
MARCH 4, 2004
The monthly figures for community service hours worked provided by CORE are listed below.
2/04 1/04 12/03 ~ 10/03 9/03 ~ 2/03 1/03
Ft Pierce Public Works 23 0 8 0 0 41 50 21 149
Ft. Pierce Police Dept. 0 50 79 95 5 3 50 0 99
Treasure Coast Food Bank 1,787 719 929 734 653 970 741 1,446 749
St. Lucie County Leisure Dept. 221 50 135 98 0 282 0 0 0
PSL Parks Dept. 990 1,251 841 685 350 459 622 515 689
PSL Public Works 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PSL Police Dept. 0 0 0 0 50 50 0 0 50
St. Lucie County Schools 138 0 50 106 50 283 0 0 0
Salvation Army 0 89 150 220 190 72 82 0 101
Mustard Seed Thrift Shop 50 150 57 50 78 139 507 947 258
Goodwill Industries 408 688 142 311 498 909 373 341 245
Miscellaneous Agencies 3.456 3.354 2.162 2.818 1.962 2.928 2.432 2.856 3.260
TOTAL 7,073 6,391 4,553 5,117 3,836 6,126 4,857 6,126 5,660
The houn worked through the Sheriff's Department and the County program are in addition to
the houn mentioned above. MisceUaneous Agencies include ARC, Boys & Girls Club, and
religious atTdiations. The workers are given the option of where they want to work their
community service hours.
St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office
Port St. Lucie Police Dept.
Florida Highway Patrol
Fort Pierce Police Dept.
St. Lucie County Incarceration Fee
FEB. 2004
$ -0-
Becky Bleyman reported on a problem CORE is having which involves defendants being charged
with a violation of probation when arrested. The paperwork goes through the system and CORE
is not notified of the parole violation. The Clerk staff and Misdemeanors will be in touch with
CORE re this. Becky will follow up at next month's meeting.
Crime statistics indicate a 4°t'o increase in crime since last year.
Recruitment for 52 new staff members is ongoing for the new pods.
The Community Prisoner Transport started in October for pick up of arrests from Port St.
Lucie. This is saving everyone a lot of time. The prisoners are picked up by a deputy at the PSL
.--.---.----. -.--"___:-1
Police Department and taken to Rock Road. .. ': ¡ '.:\ ¡
; ] ~ i ¡
1v1L'R 2 9
' 11\1
Jail population is higher than ever. After July, the county will be responsible for the jail instead
of the state.
A juvenile females mentoring program started in July with an excellent caliber of volunteers.
There are 18 girls in the program.
Mental health defendants are being housed in the jail. Money to create a treatment facility is
being researched.
Population is up over 11 % from last year. The crime rate has increased 2%.
Commander Bartal will invite the Superintendent of Schools to attend these meetings.
Crime statistics indicate a 1.2% reduction from last year. This is an excellent number
considering current growth.
A joint meeting is scheduled for today with the city, the county, and the School Board to address
issues in conflict. Facilitators will be brought in to help resolve the issues. The traffic impact of
the Walmart Distribution Center will be one of the topics. Approximately 600 semis are expected
to leave from there daily. Industrial and commercial development on Midway Road will be
severely impacted by this additional traffic.
A task force is being developed for a Peñorming Arts Center.
Drug Court continues to go weD. Juvenile Drug Court has 18 participants with the youngest
being 13 yean old. All are drug tested every week. When the youths have parents that are
supportive, they are more successful in the program. Some kids have been sent to family
counseling. The Adult Drug Court is graduating people every 2 months. There are 45 in the
group now. SLC Sheriff's Dept. is providing an officer to drug search their homes. An alcohol
testing devise is used to test for alcohol.
The One Stop systems manager did a field study at the Rock Road facility to provide services to
the inmates. Once they are ready for release, they can transition them to employment. Diamond
Litty would like to see the program expanded.
Other programs at Rock Road include anger management, resume preparation, employment
training, Bridge to Recovery drug treatment, GED, computer labs and workshops for vocational
Since October 1,200 arrests were made in the Weed & Seed program. Narcotics activity is being
found in areas never involved before with activity picking up in Port St. Lucie.
As part of the Seed activities, a project is in place to prepare young adults in the Lincoln Park
area for employment at the Walmart Distribution Center by preparing them for interviews.
Another project is being planned for putting a model into the Lincoln Park area to train
individuals for entry level jobs at the Walmart Distribution Center and Call Center. They wDl
also continue to work with them on their education and job training to help them be promoted to
higher level jobs.
Judge Angelos is looking into pre-trial electronic monitoring as a condition of bond to alleviate
jail overcrowding.
Judge Angelos is going to Tallahassee this week re Article 5. Judge Conner will go later this
month. We are certified for one county judge and three circuit judges. Funding is up to the
legislature. It is up to the business community to try to persuade the legislature. Civil court wDl
be impacted with foreclosures, land use issues, etc. Plus, the DOC is increasing the number of
violations being med. They will now have zero tolerance and will me every one (approximately
2,000 per year).
The next Concerned Citizens meeting will be held on Thursdav. Aorill. 2004, at 12:00 Noon at
the St. Lucie County Courthouse in Fort Pierce. When the Courtroom location for the meeting
has been determined, we will contact you with that information. Lunch will be provided. Please
RSVP to Linda Szabo at 462-5056.
~. \ '-'
FEBRUARY 6, 2004
The monthly figures for community service houn worked provided by CORE are listed below.
1/04 12/03 11/03 1 0/03 9/03 3/03 2/03 1/03 12/02
Ft Pierce Public Works 0 8 0 0 41 50 21 149 172
Ft. Pierce Police Dept. 50 79 95 5 3 50 0 99 0
Treasure Coast Food Bank 719 929 734 653 970 741 1,446 749 200
St. Lucie County Leisure Dept. 50 135 98 0 282 0 0 0 0
PSL Parks Dept. 1,251 841 685 350 459 622 515 689 824
PSL Public Works 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100
PSL Police Dept. 0 0 0 50 50 0 0 50 50
St. Lucie County Schools 0 50 106 50 283 0 0 0 0
PSL Nursing & Restorative Care 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Salvation Army 89 150 220 190 72 82 0 101 540
Mustard Seed Thrift Shop 150 57 50 78 139 507 947 258 593
Goodwill Industries 688 142 311 498 909 373 341 245 619
Miscellaneous Agencies 3.354 2.162 2.818 1.962 2.928 2.432 2.856 3.260 3.007
TOTAL 6,391 4,553 5,117 3,836 6,126 4,857 6,126 5,660 5,664
The hours worked through the Sheriff's Department and the County program are in addition to
the hours mentioned above. Miscellaneous Agencies include ARC, Boys & Girls Club, and
religious affiliations. The worken are given the option of where they want to work their
community service hours.
St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office
Port St. Lucie Police Dept.
Florida Highway Patrol
Fort Pierce Police Dept.
St. Lucie County Incarceration Fee
JAN. 2004
$ -0-
$ -0-
Becky Bleyman of CORE reported that the Community Service to Fines totals may be less going
forward due to a change made by Judge Yacuzzi to require anyone with alcohol or drug related
offenses to work the community service hours instead of converting the hours to a fine. In the
past the proceeds of houn converted to fines were sent back to the law enforcement agency
investigating the case. Judge Angelos requested that Ms. Bleyman write her a brief memo
regarding the Community Service to Fines program for further discussion with the judges.
Action was taken Tuesday night to develop a research education park with the University of
Florida as a sponsor. The USDA is also involved. 408 acres of land have been designated for the
research park and funding has been identified. New programs will include cattle programs,
equestrian programs, and shrimp/aquatic culture.
FEB I l'
80% of the methane gas from the St. Lucie county land fill will be purchased by Tropicana for a
projected revenue stream of $400,000 per year. The gas will be used to fuel their boilen to
produce steam to pasteurize the juice. The revenue will be used to fund the debt service for the
research center.
Stables for the equestrian facility at the St. Lucie county fairgrounds will be completed in May.
Bookings are already being received. The stable will be rented to people entering the events.
Harbor Branch will lease back part of the facility. Bud Adams donated $350,000 for the
equestrian center.
The Mets Stadium naming rights may have been sold. A $10 Million upgrade to the stadium is
being completed for the March 4 opening game with the St. Louis Cardinals. The Mets are a
financial partner in this project. An invitation has been sent to NYC Mayor Bloomberg to
attend the opening game ceremonies.
Population at the jail is at 1,100. The County Commission en have approved the contractor for
the new pods. The new pods will be much more staff efficient and fewer deputies will be needed
for more inmates. Early 2005 occupancy is anticipated.
A mobile command center has been delivered for use at crime scenes and for disasten. It will be
in service by March and will be kept at the fire station. Cost and maintenance will be shared
with the county, the Fire District, and Fort Pierce Police Department. It is compatible with the
Port St. Lucie command post and can tie directly into radios of other command posts.
Dr. Massey at IRCC is developing a public safety and legal education center. It will include an
indoor shooting range and mock courtroom for training. The crime lab and morgue will be
housed together.
Commander Bartal introduced Michelle "Miki" McMurtry who discussed the juvenile diversion
program currently in place in Port St. Lucie. 260 fint time misdemeanor offenden have been
diverted from the court system so far. Runaways, truants, ungovernables, etc., are all precurson
to crime. The program will be started at the Fort Pierce Police Department in 2 weeks with a
goal to have it circuit wide. It should be a tremendous asset for the judiciary and other agencies.
Recivitism is less than 2%.
Gang problems are reflected in violent crimes. Prevention is the key. The Fort Pierce Police
Department is hiring a gang violence analyst. Access to the central data base to produce gang
member profiles will be a good tool to address the gang problem.
The city of Port St. Lucie issued over 6,000 home permits in 2003 and close to 1,000 already this
year. The amount of construction has been phenomenal. Population has exceeded 110,000.
Southern Groves is planning to build a shopping mall, high tech center and corporate office park
south of Tradition at Becker Road. The interchange justification report is being prepared.
The NW quadrant has a multitude of relatively small parcels with various owners. Have to be
careful it doesn't turn into a hodgepodge. A report is being developed by consultants for
recommendations on growth plans to develop the utility service area.
Port St. Lucie has a serious problem with pit buDs. Something has to be done to protect people
and animals at risk but a breed specific ordinance is not aDowed. Fort Pierce has an aggressive
dog ordinance in place that will be sent to Mayor Minsky for review.
Juvenile Drug Court has 12 participants, the youngest being 12 yean old. Lt. Dave Trimm has
done an excellent job. He goes to the participants homes to check for drugs and reports any
issues to Judge Levin which makes an impact quickly. The participants continue to be referred
to One Stop for jobs which has been working out well.
The 19th judicial circuit court submitted a budget of $170 Million but only $100 Million has been
allocated from the Governor's published budget. The budget year begins July 1. If not fully
funded, positions will be lost, civil cases will be delayed, probate to pass title will back up, and
the capacity to enforce codes will be lost. Mayor Minsky suggested making the Florida League of
Cities and Florida League of Counties aware of the situation. The budget for new judges is a
separate budget.
Mental health programs for inmates with mental health issues would reduce the population at
Rock Road.
The next Concerned Citizens meeting will be held on Thursdav. March 4. 2004, at 12:00 Noon at
the St. Lucie County Courthouse in Fort Pierce. When the Courtroom location for the meeting
has been determined, we will contact you with that information. Lunch will be provided. Please
RSVP to Linda Szabo at 462-5056.
q(3 ~ ¡N&/ ~~
WfDNfSD/\ Y, ffBRU/\RY 18, 2004
1:00 PM
"DO MORf IN 200411
;5/1-7 ~ ~a9 A.
P ~/~NO. 6
- DITE: February 10, 2004
R~-- .
SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation
PRESENTED BY: Pete Keogh, Director
SUBJECT: Lincoln Park Community Center Extended Hours and approval of BA No. 04-133.
BACKGROUND: At the request of the Concerned Citizens Committee, Commissioner Bruhn has
requested staff to agenda for discussion and direction, a proposal to extend the Lincoln Park
Community Center Hours from 9:00 p.m. to 11 :00 p.m. on Saturday nights for a trial period of
six months. The extended hours would begin March 27th after all current bookings have been
honored. Friday nights will be available for future rentals of the facility. Attached for review is
breakdown of the costs attributed to extension of the hours, which include staffing,
programming, and security. These additional costs are not currently budgeted. Staff would
request Board consideration to allocate $14,260 from contingency into the Recreation budget if
the proposal is approved.
FUNDS WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE: 001-7216-513000;.7102 LPCC/Salaries, 001-7216-
534000-7102 LPCC/Other Contact. Svcs, 001-7216-552000-7102 LPCC/Operations & Supplies
RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests direction from the Board and approval of Budget
Amendment No. BA 04-133 If proposal approved.
[ ] OTHER:
Approved 5-0
ou Anderson
County Administrator
County Attorney: ~ o.rV\
Purchasing: ~
Originating Õept: r____
Other: _
Coord ination/Sia natures
Mgt & Budget: ~ vnwq
Public Works:
~in~n~p.~ (Check for COpy only, if applicable) _
Agenda No.6
Lincoln Park Community Center Extended Hours
Costs: 6 Months
1. $ 2,160 Additional Staffing:(3 staff at $10.00 hour for 3 hours-9:00 p.rn to12:00
p.m (includes clean-up)
2. $6,500 Security: (4 deputies at $25.00 hour for 2 hours- 9.00 p.m. to 11.00 p.m.
2 stationed inside bldg. and 2 stationed outside the building) and 2
deputies from 11.00 p.m to 12.00 p.m.
3. $2,800 Contractual Services (programming - i.e, dance with D.J. ($2,400)-rnovies
(purchase of copyright ($400).
4. $2.800 Operatin~ and ~ame supplies($1.800). ~ame equip. ($1.000)
Total: $14,260