HomeMy WebLinkAboutState Funding FY2000-2001 CRITICAL ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR STATE FUNDING 2000-2001 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET JULY 1999 i FEB, -22' OO(TUE) 17:43 LEWIS, LONGMAN&WALKER TEL: 904- 224-9242 p, 002 LEWIS; LONGMAN at WALKEIt, P.A. ^TTORNE'I'S I'\T LI'\W ERIC ASH WILI,I,AM C, C^p~.o tI£TH ...NN CARlSON R08ERT P. DIFFfl'lpeRfER KENNETH W. DODG! BRENNA MALOUf nURDEN Wi\YNI' ~. FLOWERS K~V1N S. lieNNESSY DE\!IOK.'-H O. HOllUN 7W , ('(II.\~ WJo:f . SUITE US jAC1(.K)tolVll.le. '1.01I.1DA 321~h ~~) T!'.J010 . FAA ¡'04¡ 1)7·)221 R. SHVI!N LEWIS 1tJUtY E. \..EIIVIS JAMES W. LINN ANNE LOf'IGMAN QAVlD I. ItAMBA ICENNETH C. SPILU,o,S ~OWIN A. 5T!INMFtER STEPHIN A. ~ER M'CHELLE Wll.LIA,,^5 POST Of¥'CE !JO~ ,otað T,o,\.!.JIt-IÞ055E~. FI.CRIO,o, 32JDl 115 50IJTH Ç^OSOE~ 5TIŒfT . SUIT! JI)O T.o.~W;AS5a, H,OQ¡Q,t. 323m lð~m ~JJ.:i7'01 . f,o,~ 1050' %.1&·9242 '700 p.o., M 111',0,0'1 LAK!S toV~t..u.ao . 5un' 1000 wm foIILM IIk^CIi. FLOIII[)A JJ4D1 (~~'I c..o.oUO . FAX 15Eo'IIHo:re;¡02 U"LY '10: We1A. ~Im Beach February 22, 2000 Dear Doug: j!J . (! {/O I').t / l/L, r . '-;) ,,1/ v' Cr) ,/ ( C \... -: . ';,1 'v' r / ~ ,,'> f 11 l'~Î ¿) ;..l '. 1'"" l' tV ¡J / ¡¿' ~ (\. J 1 .(¡A·I-, ~'. ,/t1 !,iT !yo ~I)," ¡ / Attached is a summary memo from Angela Wylie, one of our paralegals, relative to appropriations for the County's water and wastewater projectS. As you can see, a substantial number of St. Lucie projects have made the first cut. Hopefully the process will insulate these projects from veto by the Governor assuming they are included in tne legislative appropriationsbi II. Mr. Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator S1. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Re: Water Project Appropriations Sincerely, " :Ç.~ TerryE. LéWis ," ' ~. .. ~ ' ," r', ",., TEVes Ent1dS\Jt~ r::-j ",'- ~->,;.-\ \\úl'..' ~® ~ ,~ ~ 'Œ N,,;' \\U \ . I": I. I ' 'I . ¡ \ D \ ' FEB 2. I) 2000 l U j I..' Ij , '- '--' ¡ ~ ' co. ADMIN. OFFICE . J L I PEB, - 22' 00 (rUE) 17: 43 LEWI S, LONGMAN&WALKER TEL:904-224-9242 p, 003 MEMO'll A.NDUM TO: Ten¡ Lew David Ramba rROM: Angea Wylie DATE: February 22, 2000 ~ St. Lucie County; Watet Advisory Panel RE: I a.ttended .last eight's meeting Df 1:he Water Advisory Panel with BID Btudt, the County's Utility Direaot. Going into the meeting, we knew that both. St. Lucie surface water p:toj~tS were recommended for a.pp%OV'a.l, but had requests for wa.rvC! of the matchh1g foD.ds to be considered. We also lmew that foUl wastcWa.tet projects were :aot :recommended for ø.pprova1, t:h%ee were recQiIltDcnded fo! approv-al but bad waiver requests, lUld tW'o projects were not being reviewed because one '\V1iLS submitted late and the otbct was h\eligible becausc it was a d-,;n lring water ptoject. For the first how: of the meeting. the members diligently listened to requests for waivers of m.atching fw1ds on ptojecrs that were otherwise Ieconnnended for appx(m11. The pxocess was slow, but they a.pproved every project due to the financial co:as~ts the projects pb.ced either on the local governtnents or the communities. So, 011 motion by Sena.tor Latnh. they approved all. surface wa.ter projects with waive.r tequcsts if they otherwise met the criteria established by the Govemor (mcluding the: St. Lucie surface water: projects). They then reviewed individuaUy aU suñnce wa.ter p<ojects th'" did =< mee' the Governor. a:i<oria. Most were no' 'PPtOved, bu, , few we.. (1I1Ch .. a Leon County aquifer $t\ldy, in defe.tence to Senator Thomas and his inability to be present: to defe%).d the ptoiec~ and a few low~co$t projects in 'Vet'ý sma.ll cotnmunities). The wastewater projed:$ did !lot take long. They ~ approved 11.11 of the projects tha.t met the criteria but had waiver reqaest5. '!'bat included three St. Lucie projectS. Bottom line: St. Lu.cie County has twO surface wa.ter projects moving fotWUd, totaling about $2.8 ro.IDi~ in a.ddition to the Ten Mile Greek project which 'W'aS approved with a sFWMD group. S<. Lucie CoutIty aIIo bas wee w..-."", projo<Þ n>OVing _<I. towmg ,bout $1.85 million. Two a.pp1iations were not col1$ide:red. My impression :in this meeting Wa5 du.t the mcmbe:œ bad tesigned themselves to movi11g as many pro;ects as they possibly could tluough this pro<eS' Co< hutdle) $0 that the projo<Þ would be ..w.bJe for ,¡¡,,,,,,,;.,.. io. tbm own buds<' process. Hopefully this process will protect from veto wbateVe.t ptojects they do decide to fund. FEB, -22' 00 (TUE) 17:43 LEWIS, LONGMAN&WALKER TEL: 904- 224-9242 p, 004 -: ~ 0 0 ~ 0 :¿~ 0 ~S ~~ ~ð ~ -. ð ~Ji ð ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~~ 'åK1 iff 12~ I~ ~~ I~ f!2~ 12~ 12~ ~. c -013 ~~ r~ 1~ ~ ~= I ï= ~j ~~ 1 if~ ~if Jif 't :: 8 iif ... ... Q ~jO ... ti ~~ ~]~ ~1~ ~ ~ .~ ¡ ~ a ..:a ~ š~~ J!~ 1000 :t:: ""0 éJ ..8 ~ g"i~ 61~ =~~ ~1~ ~ I·~ ~1~ 81~ ~ ~ 8iJ ~ H b o~~ -~>' èt &~ o '"'~ ~~ ~ E ~ ~~ ~ ~ a--= ~ i"~ 00 0.. i:Q QO ø... ~ ~ i-~ CIOc.. ~¡¡. ,." :at; '" "'" '" ~ .,. I---- \:I:J{; ~§ ~ tnø:l f...--.- ~t g ~§ ~~ g Q.. ...J ~ ~ ~ ~~ c::.c ~ I---- ~ a ~ 00 ~~ 4 o ~ ; ~ ~ §. §.. ~.. ~ 8.. § 0 ~ :s ~~ ;( ~~i8 ~ ~ Il"I LI"I 8 .... C"i ~ ;: þ ~ ~ I.t"I ~ .... - ~ ~ -' 4A- ...... t/"t' .... ~-~ .. ~ .,.. -11ft ~ 1 lU~ i , 1 ,·P cC g 4) -0 !·Ð ij l}~ ~ ä l~ n ~~ i 5 0 8~ ~ }~I ·i ¡ r~ = Ð i 1 ~]. 1=-~ t£!~ :11'2; D ~i 8ü'J 1~1 0-'4 £1 l-4 ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ¡ P-4 \::I ~J ]P 1.5& ~ ~ ~~. ð~ ~ ""0 "Ø 8~ 8· ð -a~Iªi P-4~ 'g 51 1¡1 ,~ õ' äi~ -sf ~[ ... ~ 1'§ 1 ~ 1~ f o~ ~c.. ·t~ al.§ l! · ~ð J~j GJa~ ~ òS .Ja ZÕ !8~ ~~ ~ ~ u ·M .!:j ·M .~ .!¿ u GJ '! u u ·ü t",I 'g .~ .~ 'g ~ .3 3 ~ ~ ~ a ~ .;J .;J ~ r,;; r,;; ðŠ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .w ..J ~ V) FEB, -22' OO(TUE) 17:44 LEWIS, LONGMAN&WALKER TEL:904-224-9242 p, 005 . .. "'i ~~~ >a a"":' ~!r::: Q I b:J5cn ~ ~. E ~ ~ 1·¡; ~] J þ;J~ !<§ ~ ~i:IQ ~~ ;S§ ~FQ ~ ~ 8~ 6 ~~ ~e ..... M ~ ~ ð ~ õ' =: ~ g. E- j ~ a ..; (/') ~ a tIð g ~ :1 ~ e ! f ~ ] I 'tf i ~ t 1 ~ ~ ~ ..... ""'" MAR, -OS' 00 (WED) 10: 05 LEWIS, LONGMAN&WALKER TEL:904-224-9242 p, 00 1 Entc ASH W[LLL...M G. CAI'KQ Rt;rti ANN CA!I.I.:ION RoO£ftT P. I)IWf;Nnt;MI't;K KEIINf.'TIl W. Dooc£ 8lItNr/A MAI.(I(;r DUR"tN WAYNE E. FtCl~'F:r,:'o Kt;VIN 5. Hr.NN~Y DtllOllAH O. HOI :rllN R, STE\'EN L¡¡'II'IS jJ ~~'E~~G~ &WAL1ŒR. PA .- T~;""Y E. I.t:wrs JAJ,U'_~ W. UNN M, D..."IEL Loc.~N A NNI> 1..1INI';&lA'" DAVID E. I\AMI1A !<'.NNt:T1i C. S~1W"'S £D.'IN A. S'rFJNMF.y¡;a S1'1'7Ht:t'I A. WALKI:.1I Mh:Hr.IJ,t: \VIIJl"'M~ 4:00 p.m, Rep. Pruitt 221, Capitol ......../) , / t iÍ1¥/ / Legislative Meeting Schedule Wednesday~ March 8 5:30 p.m. Sen. Kurth 412, SOB Thursday, March 9 8:00 a.m. Rep. Sembler 221, Capitol ! í} 'J OD ! h1fr / \ .\' \ MAR - B '¿GGG \- L--~~ ~~::-Oç:f\CE CO AD,\j,"'" '_.~ ..-- ~ ~--~- ----- Jaclt.>ønmJJ." GffloCt1 9423 Bmyml:<ldoWl Ro&d Su¡I,,6~ lnklol",ilIe, FløridA 82256 (904) 737-2020 . ~'..x (904) 737-3221 Talta.htuu~ Qjfitf1 ~<at Oniçø Box 107M (3230.'0 125 South Cadklea Sl~ . Sviu.. OOQ T..dI.halICC, Florida J2JOl (860) 222·5702 . I'u (8Sô) 224-9242 Wilt Palm Beaeh OffiCI 1700 Palm BellCn Lakll& Boulevard Suit. 1000 Well Pulm Belich. Florida U40} (SOl) 64( ·0Ii20 . rrfJt (561) 640-8202 W"1I'.LLW-.LAW.CC'l1II ~'¡ELPING SHAPE FLORIDA'S FUTURE st. Lucie County Aquaculture Demonstration Project A proposal for $315,000 to fund proposed aquaculture programs in St. Lucie County. St. Lucie County Aquaculture Demonstration Project Project Manager: Julia Shewchuk Community Development Director Amount of Request: $315,000.00 Description of Project: The following summary describes the proposed aquaculture funding needed and the proposed programs in St. Lucie County. Legislative funding requests from St. Lucie County would be needed for certain elements of the programs. Proposed funding from the State is as follows: 1. Shrimp incubator program $300,000 2. Aquaculture Extension Agent $15,000 A major private investment is anticipated as part of the overall project. This will be the Aquaculture Center of Excellence, a $5 million facility which will be the cornerstone of the aquaculture research program. Reason for request: State funding for the three items will ensure that the County will be able to successfully participate in the development of this vital new aquaculture opportunity. St. Lucie County - Aquaculture Funding Needs The County has two distinct but interrelated aquaculture funding requests. 1. Shrimp Incubator Program A commercial scale demonstration of farming marine shrimp in freshwater in conjunction with UF-IRREC and private industry. The project is designed to prove technological feasibility to existing farmers, ranchers, grove owners, and others, as a means to stimulate economic activity through new crop revenues, job retention and job growth. Outcomes include incorporation of shrimp production into existing farms, new investment dollars by individuals and companies interested in this activity, and the creation of a number of supportive businesses such as hatchery, processing, feeds, distribution and marketing. The demonstration is divided into hatchery, nursery and growout phases. The County will be directly involved in the hatchery and nursery phases, the University in the nursery and growout, and the private sector in the growout phase. The University will take responsibility for overall project coordination, data collection and report writing with the County playing a supportive role. The total project is estimated at $600,000. The County share of the request should be $300,000 with the remainder supported in the University's budget. Once feasibility is established, the County will return to our primary role of economic development and business support allowing any further research and demonstration to be a function of the Coalition and/or University. 2. Multi-County Aauaculture Extension Agent The County would need to cover 20-30% of this position in order to maintain and house the position within the St. Lucie Cooperative Extension office. Expenses should be picked up by the neighboring counties served by the agent. Position will be requested through UF via County Extension Director. Total County cost: $15,000. Both programs are interrelated. Except for the shrimp hatchery, private sector shrimp growers, and possibly the World Aquaculture Center, all facilities and positions would be located within the proposed Special Use Zone for a Research Park and Research Applications District. County staff are working with the Coalition members, especially UF-IRREC, private industry and our Legislative Delegation to develop support documentation and further budget detail. .... ... -~. .--"'- l ' . \ , \ ,.. ") II ~) l ()vl~ I \j, V L2..--I- ....----..-.-.-..----..-......---.------....--. ( St. Lucie County Aquaculture Demonstration Project A proposal for $&15,000 to fund proposed aquaculture programs ..) in St. Lucie County. ( ~'J. , rf2- ,.J. ¡ tt. OJ (\ cSt' " .. ~ \~rX }_r (J. ~'\ " ~," Y- \-' ! \(Jù~ \0 ^ I-V-, CSJ \:' . VvvY· #\ó-f\-~~~ { . ~C/ O--cf ";)\' .', ~~ ~ ( \ .- :ä ~ '-" '-" \ --V- }-cJk ú'W\ \ Summary Proposal: World Aquaculture Center / Overview: The World Aquaculture Center or WAC is a proposed private non-profit'brganization who's purpose is bring together various segments of the multi-faceted aquacultur,!t'1ndustry into a central hub where aquaculture technology and information can be demonstrateçVto the general public through an applied learning center concept. The WAC will be marke~ as an aquaculture theme park obtaining operating support as a tourist attraction. CapitalizatiolÍ of the WAC will be through sponsorship from major corporations, aquaculture businesses, a.ntÍ other organizations. Need.:. Tourism remai~ important to Florida's economic base and fuWre growth. There is a need to develop alternative tÒµrist attractions which include a specific eq.ácational theme as a means to provide new and diverse\~xperiences to Florida visitors. AquacuJfure is a rapidly emerging, but fragmented industry. This\~as resulted in federal programs lay}rig dormant or not fully implemented while the busihess side of the industry has gon).unrecognized in terms of new enterprises, economic development, and the opening of ne~lInarkets. An environmentally compatible technology, aquaculture is also often confuseg.·with resource depleting activities both here and abroad. A need exists to bring the varied aquaOÍ1lture segments, commodities, and corporations into a centralized organization where sus¢Únable aquaculture technologies can be demonstrated and promoted in a fun, positive and eq.rlcationally rewarding manner. Ii' Components: The WAC proposal encompasses ~,/(..ride range of components and activities under a single organizational umbrella including eduç.átion, demonstration, and tourism. The education component includes promotion of the aquacu}ture industry through information dissemination, brochures, news releases and other media; qtting as a clearinghouse to guide individuals to appropriate sources for aquaculture techn<;>Íogy, training, and information; and establishing working linkages with schools, universi~s, agencies and other institutions to further the understanding and development of aq"áculture. Demonstration of aquaculture systems, species and technologies, from hatch througlyharvest, processing and consumption, will be a focus of the WAC tied into both the education a,zid tourism components. Demonstration will also serve as an incubator for new growers andjo creation. Tourists will be treated to an industry showcase, participate in interactive display and exhibits, and experience the varied tastes of aquaculture products all while learning abo t the importance of aquaculture and its relationship to our resources and future food sup ly. Benefits: The proposed pr ect will bring a number of new jobs and add another reason to visit Florida's Treasure Coast The project will link to a nearby and growing research park with a focus on agriculture, a aculture and natural resources. Major corporations supporting the project will have an 0 ortunity to expand their business in the region, benefit from the positive image of the WAC 0 simply vacation or establish winter homes in the area. The prestige of locating the WAC' Florida will help promote our state in international research, agriculture and trade, further attr ting both public and private investment. Feasihility: Th project was proposed by Williamsburg Associates, Valis Associates, and other allied groups d is strongly supported by the County. Seed funds, unsuccessfully proposed too late during t e 1999 Legislative session, are needed to perform a feasibility study and keep this project fro leaving Florida and going to another state. The study would include a charrette to gain loca mput and participation; a site evaluation and selection; acquisition and development factors' cluding basic design and construction needs; legal structure and formation; and corpo te recruitment including the preparation of a financial package to fund the project. .~ " ( St. Lucie County Aquaculture Demonstration Project Project Manager: Julia Shewchuk Community Development Director Amount of Request: ~15,OOO.00 Description of Project: The following summary describes the proposed aquaculture funding needed and the proposed programs in St. Lucie County. Legislative funding requests from St. Lucie County would be needed for certain elements of the programs. Proposed funding from the State is as follows: 1. Shrimp incubator program $300,000 21 \Morld Aqbl3Cblltl::lro Contor $200,000 ~ Aquaculture Extension Agent $15,000 ( A major private investment is anticipated as part of the overall project. This will be the Aquaculture Center of Excellence, a $5 million facility which will be the cornerstone of the aquaculture research program. Reason for request: State funding forthe three items will ensure that the County will be able to successfully participate in the development of this vital new aquaculture opportunity. \ ; '" ( St. Lucie County - Aquaculture Funding Needs ~ þ.VO The County has ~ distinct but interrelated aquaculture funding requests. a acu r UF budget. «î. . A commercial scale demonstration of farming marine shrimp in eshwater in conjunction with UF-IRREC and private industry. The project is designed to prove technological feasibility to existing fanners, ranchers, grove owners, and others, as a means to stimulate economic activity through new crop revenues, job retention and job growth. Outcomes include incorporation of shrimp production into existing farms, new investment dollars by individuals and companies interested in this activity, and the creation of a number of supportive businesses such as hatchery, processing, feeds, distribution and marketing. ( The demonstration is divided into hatchery, nursery and growout phases. The County will be directly involved in the hatchery and nursery phases, the University in the nursery and growout, and the private sector in the growout phase. The University will take responsibility for overall project coordination, data collection and report writing with the County playing a supportive role. The total project is estimated at $600,000. The County share ofthe request should be $300,000 with the remainder supported in the University's budget request. Once feasibility is established, the County will return to our primary role of economic development and business support, allowing any further research and demonstration to be a function ofthe Coalition and/or University. . The County would need to cover 20-30% of this tion in order to maintain and house the position within the St. Lucie Cooperative Extension office. Expenses should be picked up by neighboring counties served by the agent. Position will be requested through UF via County Extension Director. Total County cost: $15,000. "]O~ AutrOgrams are interrelated. Except for the shrimp hatchery, private sector shrimp growers, and possibly the W orId Aquaculture Center, all facilities and positions would be located within the proposed Special Use Zone for a Research Park and Research Applications District. County staff are working with Coalition members, especially UF-IRREC, private industry and our Legislative Delegation to develop support documentation and further budget detail. )C\, \f'\ 1/L\- \ I _../ ~-C.(~ {¡( ¿T~(uo ~s ~ h(U0W ./ r-j) /ClrLL ~ Committees General Appropriations, Chair Fiscal Responsibility Council, Chair Rules and Calendar Joint Legislative Auditing, Chair Utilities and Communications Procedural Council House of Representatives Ken Pruitt Representative, 8Ist District Reply to: o 2400 SE Midport Rd., Suite 110 Port St. Lucie, FL 34952 (561) 335-8000 o 221 The Capitol 402 South Monroe St. Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300 (850) 488-8749 {)~IC¡íV / ID . /;1C (It/I C' ~t~V' Re: St. Lucie County Legislative Delegation Meeting rJ))) () ****************************************************************** ~ To: All Interested Parties From: Representative Ken Pruitt, Chainnan THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY LEGISLATNE DELEGATION WllL MEET ON WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 1ST. 1999 FROM 2:00 UNTIL 5:00 PM. IN THE COUNTY COMMISSION CHAMBERS ON THE THIRD FLOOR OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE BUn..DING. ANYONE WHO WISHES TO HA VE A LOCAL Bn..L INTRODUCED FOR THE 2000 LEGISLATIVE SESSION, SHOULD HAVE THE Bn..L DRAFfED AND A COpy OF THE Bn..L SENT TO EACH INDIVIDUAL MEMBER OF THE DELEGATION NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 12TH. A STATEMENT BY AN ATTORNEY, INDICATING THAT THE Bn..L COULD NOT BE ACCOMPLISHED BY A LOCAL ORDINANCE OR RULE, IS REQUIRED. THERE MUST ALSO BE PROOF OF ADVERTISEMENT IN LOCAL PUBLICATIONS. PLEASE BE CERTAIN THAT THE LOCAL BOARD, DISTRICT OR COMMISSION HAS APPROVED THE LOCAL Bn..L AND VOTED ON THE CHANGES. THE AFOREMENTIONED CRITERIA IS NOT REQUIRED IF A REFERENDUM IS TO OCCUR. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA, TO DISCUSS ISSlIES¿ ,~ PERTAINING TO THE STATE, PLEASE CONTACT SHEn..A FENNELLY INWÎY 0 DISTRICT OFFICE AT 335-8000, NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, NOVEMBI;:R 12TH. ",-:::t" i : ¡ I -' -'.J! - - . .... - ._... ..~--._- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JOHN D. BRUHN COMMISSIONEr- February 23, 2000 The Honorable Jeb Bush Office of the Governor The Florida Capitol Tallahassee, FI 32399-0001 Dear Governor Bush: St. Lucie County is in the process of relocating its Fairgrounds to a new 200 acre site acquired by the St. Lucie County Fair Association and deeded over to the County. The present Fairgrounds is located on the St. Lucie County International Airport property along its main entrance. We have had several companies wanting to relocate or expand businesses on the property but were turned away because of the Fairgrounds being located there. St. Lucie has historically had the third highest unemployment rate in the State. We have aggressively pursued new business. The availability of this property is a crucial element toward our goal of putting local people to work. It is our understanding that the current criteria being considered for funding Fairgrounds is to rebuild or rehabilitate existing facilities. We obviously do not meet this criteria since we are planning new construction. I have attached a project description for our eight million dollar ($8,OOO,OOO) funding request. This project includes a central command center/special needs facility to be used in the event of a disaster. As you personally witnessed last spring during the Port St. Lucie wildfires, we need such a facility. It would also be used as an evacuation point for the St. Lucie County School District in the event there was a problem at the Florida Power and Light Nuclear Power Plant located on South Hutchinson Island. JOHN D. ßRUHN, Disrricr NO.1. DOUG COWARD. DiSHier NO.2' PAULA A. LEWIS, Disrricr No..3 . FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, Disrricr No.4' CUFF ßARNES, Disrricr No Counry Adminisrroror . Douglos M, Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue . Fort Pierce, FL34982-5652 . (561)462-1410 · FAX (561) 462-2131 · TDD (561) 462-1428 SUN COM 259-1406 The Honorable Jeb Bush February 23, 2000 Page 2 We are asking for your assistance in changing the proposed criteria for projects such as ours. On behalf of the Commissioners I am asking for a personal meeting with you to discuss this important project. Sincerely, (f) W D. Bruhn, Chairman ,t. Lucie County Commission JDB:esOO-30 c: Board of County Commissioners Jeanne Keaton, General Manager, St. Lucie County Fair Association Julia Shewchuk, Community Development Director Bill Blazak, Utilities Director Robert Bradshaw, Assistant County Administrator Dan McIntyre, County Attorney Fairgrounds Relocation; Disaster Command/Special Needs Shelter Project Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: Douglas Anderson Organization of Requester: St. Lucie County Project Title: Fainrrounds relocation: Disaster Command/Special Needs Shelter Proiect Date: 12/20/99 Member District: Pruitt H-81. Kurth S-15 Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community 0 Cityrrown 0 County 0 Regional X Statewide 0 Recipient: Name: St. Lucie County Street: 2300 Virginia Avenue City: Ft. Pierce. FL Zip Code: 34982 Counties: St. Lucie Contact: Name: Julia Shewchuk Phone #: 561-462-1590 Project Description: animals and livestock. julia@Stlucieco.gov Provide at new fair ground location special needs disaster command center and evacuation center for large Services Provided/ Benefit to State: ,- Emergency preparedness: minimization of losses during and after disaster events. Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Evacuation shelter for West and East coastal residents Amount you are requesting from the State for this project this year? Amount I Total Cost of Project: I I· Is this request being made to fund (check all that apply): Operations 0 Construction X Unknown 0 Is there Local Government or Private match for this request? Yes X No 0 Unknown 0 If yes, what kind? Cash Amount 11.300.000.00 In Kind Amount I Was this project previously funded by the State? Yes 0 No X Unknown 0 If yes, Fiscal Year I I Amount! I Is future-year funding likely to be requested? Yes 0 No X Unknown 0 If yes, how much? I Purpose for future year funding: Recurring Operations 0 Non-Recurring Construction 0 Other Will this be an annual request? Yes 0 No X Unknown 0 Was this project included in an Agency Budget Request? Yes 0 No 0 Unknown X If yes, name the Agency: Anticipated January Dept. of Agriculture Supplemental Budget Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes 0 No 0 Unknown 0 Is there documented need for this project? Yes X No 0 Unknown 0 If yes, what is the documentation? St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan Was this project request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting ofa body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes X NoD UnknownD If yes, name the Body: Meeting Date: St. Lucie County Board of County Cornnùssion Julv 6. 1999 FAIRGROUNDS RELOCATION AND DISASTER CONTROL CENTER Fairgrounds Relocation and Disaster Command/Special Needs Shelter Project A proposal for $8,000,000 to relocate the County fairgrounds and develop a Joint Use Disaster Control Center, Special Needs Shelter, Exhibit Hall and a Horse and Livestock Park. <.., AGRICULTURE EXHIBIT & TRAININGIDISASTER COMMAND CENTER! SPECIAL NEEDS SHELTER Project Manager: Julia Shewchuk Community Development Director Amount of Request: $8,000,000.00 Description of Project: This project will relocate the Fair from the Airport grounds, provide a livestock/equine facility for training and education. This facility will also be used as a Disaster Command Center providing for a needed staging area, Command Post, Primary Special Needs Shelter, 911/EOC back up and an evacuation area for horses and other animals in the event of a natural disaster. Reason For Funding: The new 200 acre property has been purchased. Funding is needed to develop the facilities prior to moving The Fair Association off of the 51. Lucie County Airport property. The project will allow for new industrial development at the airport, create a nell!. Fair Association opportunity and a Special Needs Disaster Shelter that is badly neeaed in the County. ST. LUCIE COUNTY AGRICULTURE EXHIBIT, TRAINING/DISASTER COMMAND AND SPECIAL NEEDS SHELTER FUNDING NEEDS \. Project Engineering & Design $ 600,000.00 II. Water/Sewer $ 500,000.00 Ill. Infrastructure $1,200,000.00 IV. Agriculture Exhibit/Disaster Center $3,000,000.00 V. Livestock/Equine $1,500,000.00 VI. Furnishings $ 500,000.00 VII. Contingency $ 700.000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED $8,000,000.00 AGRICULTURE EXIilBIT & TRAINING / DISASTER col\1lV1AND / SPECIAL NEEDS SHELTER A. yeographic Information- The 200 acre site is located in the heart of St. Lucie County, west of the major population centers, bordered on the north by State Road 70 and on the south by County Road 712. The site is geographically centered to serve the four county area of Okeechobee, St. Lucie, Indian River and Martin Counties. This site is within 6 nùles of the Florida Turnpike and 1-95 Interchanges along with being located outside the emergency planning zone for the nuclear power plant. B. bgricultural- Fair Association will hold the annual county fair, along with the livestock shows/sales and auctions. Facility will be used for agriculture training and education, trade shows, equine training/specialty classes, 4H events, fann equipment safety training/exhibitions and rodeos. Building will include stable facilities for horses and an adjoining arena. Emergency collection site for large animals, an estimated 200 head of horses are residing east of U.S. Highway I in areas that are subject to flooding and \vi.ldfires. This facility will provide a safe and secure location for livestock and large animals in emergency situations in which residents are instructed to evacuate. C. Disaster Command/Special Needs Shelter- Facility will be used as a staging and distribution area of equipment along with the capability of providing for regional staging of resources and primary command post during recovery stage of a disaster. It would be the only Special Needs population Shelter outside the 10 mile emergency planning zone. Used as an alternate Emergency Operation Center outside the EPZ should we lose capabilities at our primary 911 Central Communications and Emergency Management location. Currently we have inadequate locations for the evacuation of school children during a nuclear power plant emergency, this facility ""ill help and provide needed shelter. D. Facility- The 30,000 sf structure will meet Category 3 hurricane design requirements, accommodate over 500 people, contain a full service kitchen, restrooms and showers and dining for 250 people. Building interior will have folding walls to provide for more versatile use. As an emergency center the facility will contain emergency lighting, phones, data facilities and emergency generators. Both the on site water and wastewater systems would incorporate an emergency generator system to provide reliability in emergency situations. \Vater system would include a ground storage tank capable of sustaining minimurn fire protection needs and storage capability. This structure will be completely self contained. Shelter space . at a prennum in 2 counties S.PACE~\ STORM PREPARATIONS ) 5y Andrew Conte of \M N~W\ ,tar'! As hurricarl~ &!¡mi~ and Darlidl~'chum through th~ At· llr\tie Qc:an. em~rgency ¡¡U!l3.g~- rr.er.t officials irl S~ Luci~ Coun,?, o1'e e!imirlated four storm she,· ters becau.s.: of co,.~ms they a" UrI$.1fe. And officials in Martin County, alr~ady d:aling ....-¡th & s;¡.l-= shorug~, pl1n to paå. in r~d~nts Mshou!der to shoutd~r" if rI:=.sary· (tæ On our Web si'te ~. Fcr I.:¢ate.s 0<'\ \\' Hurr',cat><!s ~, ) ~.('1ar:d,. . .1 Oa"H!I,~, V'.$.. cur ....'eo si'te at http'1/wWH.tepatm.eom J Ao informal iM;.:::tion i.:! July found that (our S:: Luëi~ $.:hool District buildings that .....~r~ in· cluded Orl the county's shdter list do r\Ot pro,-¡de ~naugh protce· Úot\ from flying debris a:.d high ....-¡r.ds. Dot\ Dar.ids. SL lI.:eie CO'Jnty's emerger.cy ",ar,ate. mer.t coordirlator, ·$.1ld the bui.d- ir.gs either have to':) mueh glass or structural probkms that could :~us.: th~m to eo\!a?S-C. Throe schools re:noved from he list a.n: We.athcr~ Ek...en- a'i arid Forest Grove Middk <:hool in Fort Pierc:: and South- ort Middle $.:0001 in Port SL. ueie. Officials t6-nporaruy 1"::' oved Manatc-: Ei~m~ntary in )rt St. Lucie, whieh is u::der· .in~ roof I":pai~. . Thos: buíldinzs ....-¡1I riot be cd as shelte~ during a storm. t Darliels s.aid no place is abso- dy s.afe irl a hurriC'3r,e. Please see SPACE 0" A2 dr~w hit South Florid3 in 1992 the stat~ rcquir~d counÙe:s to 'find eMug.... sh~ltcr spaoe for resid~u irl evacuatlorl are.a.s. but· noW In- s~lars arc fmdirlg that many of ' the shdtcrs throughout the state a" inadeq,uate. ,: "Ir we re aware of a situation, wÙ~ r,ot golng to deliberately put somebody at risk.~. D:St~a.no . . s.aid, "Ot course. if we have: 12~. mph ....-¡rld. who knows what s safe?" Und~r the county's c:mergc:ncy plan, offiåa!s would opea five shetters fIrst and thea open more as noeded. D:Stefaao encouraged r~ident.s to listen to rn:4U reports to fi"d out which. .shelters are avaibble. ". . !' Sh: also advised that ~ple. rI:cd to briag wat:"r, foo<1, e:lothing and bedding to the shelters be- cause the Americarl Red Cross d<X.S rIOt provide cots or other re- sourocs. Officiats erlcouraged peo- p\: to stay with ramily or friends .....ho live irl s.afe plaoe:s rathe:r than co1:1i,,~ to the shetters. "Tne shetter is s.a.fer - that's the key wo rd. safer - tha.n a. mo- ! bite home arid safer than IL beach- ¡ front' home." [)c.Stefaao said. MThe shetter is aot a ¡¡,.otet." . . ' After Hurricarle Böa.aie S3.t" off the southe.astem coast of floricia last weekead. emergeacy .omåa15 s.aidthey are better pl":~.Ltld· tha~ the public scems rc:adic:r'(or a major storm. . '. , people: who have not :yc:t· got- terl. e~:rg7ncy SUPP~\e:s sho~ld·d? so Imme(hately" as a SQCOnd hum- carle. Danlelle. gathers strength in the Atlantic, s:sid Mary Sa~r,. diro:tor or the Martin '. CoUt1t)' chaptcr of the' American Rei:i CroSS. . ' M(Bonnie) ..... ¡ ~ly, . haS sparked a 10t'òf\ll~rP-t,"'~11~ S3.!. 'd. "We hope"móre :p:optê WetÍt out' arid got suppli~ aad figured out . what their pla~ is. If they ~v':n't . doae that by noW, they're ~. bad. shape.": ! . . I Th: group'S chapters' ~n both I counties ate se<:king vo/urit~rs to \ (tin shc1ccrs and hdp with disaster . (did. Fot morc information, ~i- dents can c.a1I the American Red CroSS at 287·2002 in Martia ç:ounry or 45/-520/ in St.·Lude . COI'(!"'INUEO FROM A 1 . 'î11ere's a!W"1)'S a risk .when you'l": 100\:in~ at a CategoCX :) storm or hi cr." he said, It's S3f~r there t arl if you stay i!" a mobüe hocne, ot! the beach or IrI a car. . ., (But) if you carl stay at home. stay at home." . The closures in St. Lucie Courity.come 'as officials in Mar- tin County assess spaoe problems. Mer a s3Ie!:'f ~OQ in 1997. Martin County elimin.ated several shdíers. leaving a deficit of about 6.00:> spa=- Officials will squo:z.: ~ple into the exiStiDg ~dters until thq al": Mshouldc:r to shoulder" if nce· c;S.S3.!'j. said Md EWey. Martirl \. County'S . ctDc:r~rlCY plaMcr. Meanwhile, the county conúnuCS to ptaoe bu.rricine shutters or. other publi<: buildlngs to incrase the number of plaoe:s where people can s.o:k refu$e. "We won t turn away people," I he said. MI[ we have to. we wilt re' duoe the space (for eaeh persOrl) duriDg the storm.~ At the start of hurricane s:a· son in June, St. Lucie County offi- cials said they had spao: for 15.00:> people, which a;atch~ the projeCted cumber of resIdents wþo .....ilI coed c:mergcCCY shelter, WIth four fcv.'Cr shelters, the county noW W L d:flåt of spaoe:s. partic- ularly in north SL Lucie County. wh~ thi?gs ....'C~ alread~. tig,.'It. D3.tIids sald.' . In an earlier ~iorl. emer· geOC)' omåa1s do:med Fort Pieroc shdters at the campus of Indiarl RiV'Cr Community Col1ege and the school' diStrict's Dale Ças.scrlS School uC1S3!e (or hurricane pro· \ tcc:tiOtl, said E\d.ty [)c.Stefano, e¡,. ecuùv.: 'director ;of the Americarl Red CrO'SS iIi SL Lucie County. B-:sid~ having too much glass, common problems. include 10rlg raof.spans. Wl!'el!!foro:d masorlry, .....c:a\( e~teroaJ 'or iateroal .....al\s arid tall tr::e:s ne.arby, e¡,perts s.lid, Any.of thos: factors could caus.: a buildlng to collaps: durirlg a ma· jor h·urricane. Ec1:rgccC}' omcials in St. Lu· cie CoUQty fO'Jrld the problems duri:1g an i!!formal irls~tiorl of a':>oct two·thir~s of. the shelters, :~ -- \/:¡J~ri é:h,éh-b ~7 d~~ /' 3u- Jf'~C) ~p1~/"~ // ¡. /J~v-LJ.,-..~. ~?~ ~1- ~ -----r- ?-./2b /-;~~Sdk--~ s-/~ ~/O~.5 -- A.J~ /Þ~/Ø7~- , ?jy ~~ ~--:27~ ~ ~,~~~ ß~ þL ~~£ ~ (' ('p ¡ì/~7 ff~ ýc i /7'J jÝ^hf,A.J~ 'fr A0-rb..-Aü vr ~~'l ~¿/ - 4~/7('....JL~ V'"" .Çc,á ^'-£6~~.Q~/ljF-V0 fir ~ _ç /7~~ J S 2-1/7&"T"'-Ð!J /~ ...z::z~<-::? ~ f' STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT TEAM November 3. 1999 CELEBRA;;> - CAFETERIA .:&A1i ~.~~ ...l II. COUNTY EMPLOYEES' MEETINGS G113... t..-/ S vc...-£.~rV;'1....-' TITLE OF THE PROGRAM- EMPLOYEE FOCUS GROUPS PILOT PROGRAM MONTHLY MEETINGS/50 PER GROUP, 5 GROUPS OF 10,2 HOUR SESSIONS 2000: 1-19 2-16 CLIMATE SURVEYIHANKDUFOUR ORIENTATION MATERIAL (include map with city boundaries)IHANK DUFOUR AGENDA: INTRODUCTIONIDOUG ANDERSON DESIRED OUTCOME/PURPOSE/GOALS BACKGROUND ON THE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT TEAM J I OVERVIEW OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY AND COUNTY GOVERNMENT ¿ (J' INTRODUCE DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS f1J' / . If t) COMMENTS BY JIM CUMMINGS vP I /' SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION r;~ 1 s~//1r· RE-CONVENE AND SHARE RESULTS 9 v FEEDBACK SYSTEM ¡>- - FEEOOACK GROUPS NEWSLEITER ARTICLES GROUP LEADERS/MONTHL Y MEETINGS WITH STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT TEAM -FIVE FROM THE PREVIOUS GROUP MEETING III. IV. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ..rtI' //V (II / /;p., ¿- (J /l . ¿-,..-~r /770/ j/- ~ t-,/''?-;) \ ..... V, JANUARY STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION/JANUARY 27, 2000/CLUB MED/8:00AM TO 4:00PM REHEARSAL DATE: JANUARY 12,2000 - 10:00 AM TO 4:00 PM 8:00AM 8:30AM 8:45AM-9:15AM 9: 15~-9:30;y,r q.ry ~qlAM-ll:~~M c 9- ·~t 14,()6AM-11.15AM ,6 ,{f1Y 11:15AM-NOON NOON-1:00PM 1 :00PM-1 :30PM 1 :30PM-2:00PM 2:00PM-2: 15PM 2:15PM-2:30PM 2:30PM-3:00PM ASSEMBLE INTRODUCTIONS 2001 BUDGET PQLICYIHARVEY LINCOLN CITIZENS BUDGET COMMIITEE PRESENTATION PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAMS IN FUTURE YEARS IRA Y W AZNY - roJ.Y1ZPJ}~ PRESENTATIONMDEO tl.K.bAK FUTURE YEARS CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET/NICK DRAGASH, MIKE LEEDS,PAUL PHILLIPS LUNCH UTILITIES UPDA TE/BILL BLAZAK - VIDEO UPDATE ON SALARY SURVEYIIMPLEMENTATIONIHANK DUFOUR UPDATE ON EMPLOYEE FOCUS GROUPSffiESULTS OF CLlldATE SURVEYIHANK DUFOUR UPDATE ON ALTERNATIVE FINANCIAL SYSTEM/CHRIS HARTLEY BREAK SUMMARY ]2J' .... ~ 'fl ¿f C L 6 O~ <}, '" A .&'1 ~ ¡r./ '" / ~ - ¡:ñ/r'Jr-tJ ~ /./-,10 J ¡...ft~ é ~ /~~ · ~ hv~ If/¡ 1~¡V{.~/ vi '3¡}~ 0 1;1'¡~f ¡Vó~ rir'b~~'~ ~I ¡/¿; #J v ~.f ~ W TABLE OF CONTENTS /)C! ~)r ~~. 1>./ II 1P¡b ~ 0° ~rrl' fIJ ~(~ ECON~DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS tr jJ 1'15/° 1 /f / . TAB 1 AIRPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM O€r;ð/V>µ"- INCLUDING NORTH COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENTS y ~.(..f "~ ~r, /I ,1 ;);/ "l / - !P'" n,., J r 71}vJ,/'- AQUACULTURE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT,!.)') If . 1"6~ FAIRGROUNDS RELOCATION O,4l1 ~ f}CA SOUTH 25TH STREET PHASE 1 AND MIDWAY ROAD WIDENING ¡J¡J r HARBOUR POINTE IMPROVEMENTS {)æ TAB 2 TAB 3 TAB 4 TAB 5 RECREATION PROJECTS P TAB 6 FOOTBALL AND SOCCER STADIUM; f¡J¡'Ý TAB? TAB 8 TAB 9 TAB 10 TAB 11 SOUTH HUTCHINSON ISLAND PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH a l' HUTCHINSON ISLAND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT a ¡ PURCHASE JETTY PARK AND ADJACENT PROPERTY SAVANNAS RECREATIONAL AREA IMPROVEMENTS oif £ MORNINGSIDE LIBRARY PROJECT (.<);.--e-1 $?1' WATER QUALITY AND CONSERVATION PROJECTS TAB 12 TAB 13 TAB 14 TEN MILE CREEK REGIONAL ATTENUATION FACILITY' tf CAUSEWAY ISLAND AND EROSION PROJECTS INDIAN RIVER ESTATESI SAVANNAS WATER RETENTION RETROFIT PROJECT - -- ~ __\0 OO....,J 0\ ~ ~=""~~ :-- to': ~ =""~~ :> ~ ~. n ~ .., n 0 en~("},...;¡ to': a:::en"'Cêen'Tj ~ ~en'Tj>Z> Z ~ ~~ i:IC >~ 00 0>100- 0 ~ ~<("},...;¡co :> ~~~~~~ :: 0 »ena::: ,0 > ("}@,...;¡ ,...;¡ .... 00 c:: z~~~ ~ .... n ~ztrJ_ :> 0 ~~~p(")~ ~ >~~~ t"' @~~~~b z ~ ~ .... ~J~~~~ to': en~-<("} ,...;¡ "C <: ~ S~t!j~("}~ i:IC ~:;oÞ.ñ~ -< 0 to': ~ >trJt""'trJ ~ trJ("}~_~ ;a trl~~ö~~ t"' 0 trlen~~ æ~ ~~en 0 n "C ;a :;oS;: ~ ~~~š~R ,...;¡ _,...;¡t""'trJ~_ ~ n 00 ~"'Coa:::trl("} ("') ~trl>9 0 :;o-~ -(") ~("}o ö z Þ-3 00 trl~Š~ z -<~>~~~ :;0 ~z:;otrJ .., 00 00 Þ-3 to': "'C> >en Oen_~_< "C Z trJ> <trJo~a:::trJ ~ . ~ ~t""'Š~ŠS;: i:IC ~ ::J :;Ot"'" trJ-z "'Ct"'" 0 0 o 0> :> ~~~~~~ ~~ ::J~~ ;a ~ ~ z f:!¡,...;¡ o,...;¡ ,...;¡ Z o<~ n {j ~ .... N ~~ 0 ,...;¡>;; öa::: ~a::: ZtrJZ ,...;¡ <= ~ ~ z -("}zŒ _ "'Ca:::,...;¡ 00 <= ~ ~> "C ~~,...;¡~ ö ~~"'C <= {j ~ I 'Tj t!j::J :;O,...;¡"'C ~ t!j,...;¡~ N 0 - S2"'C~z <= ,...;¡ ~~ ;a -< ("}enQ <= ~ "'C trJ~t!j> :;0 ,...;¡ ~ ~ ~ en'Tj n ~~~š ~ > .., [2 a::: Þ-3 t!j 00 ~ (") Z~ tJ:J ö Z < - ~ (") t"'" ,...;¡-< - ~ ,...;¡ - en ~ (") ~ {j ~ t"'" 00 ö § ~ æ ~ ~ >- @ z Z Þ-3 Þ-3 Q ~ Q ~ {j >- 00 ~ ö öö ööö'Tjö'Tj öööQö~ 00 ~ ~ trJ trJtrJ trJtrJtrJt""'ot"'" trJtrJtrJ>trJ .., 00 "'C "'C"'C "'C"'C"'CO,...;¡O "'C"'C"'Ca:::"'C"";¡ :> 00 ~ ~ ~ "";¡"";¡trJ"";¡trJ .., ~ Þ-d 0 ö ö oOp,oo~ to': 0 ~ 'Tj > > 'Tj'Tj 'Tj~ :> Z 0 en "'C ~ ,...;¡>~trJ ~ ~ s;: > ~Q~~~ to': ~ ~ z ,...;¡ Z~ -'Tj n ~ trJ en en en("} ~t"'" -< p,o p,o "'Cp 00 ~ o~ zi! ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ (") (") Þ-3 ~ ~ ,...;¡ z> Þ-d - S;:Z > > ~ t""'ö ~ ,...;¡ ,...;¡ 0 - - ,-.. "'C ~ ~ Ö ~ ~ 0 ~ ,...;¡ ,...;¡ '-" trJ {j (") Þ-3 ,...;¡ - 00 ~ ,-.. ö trJ "'C '-" - ~ .¡::.. VJ N - N -NOO VI 00 \0'0 NOOV,CC....,J ':...!~CVlÖ\ 0 00 OVlONOVl VI'¡::"O-\o 0 VJ 0 OOO'¡::"OO OOOVlO '0 :'-''0 CCCWCC '0'0'0'0';.... 0 00 0000\00 0000\0 0 00 OOONOO 00000 Dear Mr. Seibert: FRANNIE HUTCHINSON BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COMMISSIONER April 11, 2000 Mr. Steven M, Seibert, Secretary Florida Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd Tallahassee, FI 32399-2100 Thank you for your letter of March 29th, 2000 with regard to our effort to obtain state funding to assist with infrastructure development in the proposed Airport Industrial Park West at the St. Lucie County International Airport. You mention in your letter that your records do not indicate that we have submitted a grant application to your office for infrastructure in the proposed industrial park. This year we did submit funding requests to the FDEP Water Advisory Panel for the construction of water and sewer lines at this industrial park. The binders containing St. Lucie County's legislative funding request were di,stributed with individual covers to all agencies, including yours. We are currently trying to encourage businesses which have indicated an interest in locating at the St. Lucie County International Airport, to participate with us in the application of a CDBG grant, economic development category, or an EDA grant, public works category. As you are aware, these grants are tied to provision of jobs, and require considerable time before monies are awarded and distributed. Unfortunately, businesses are not willing to wait with a relocation or expansion for twelve to fifteen months, six months before the grants are awarded and then another six to nine months for construction of the infrastructure. The turn around time for such business decisions nowadays is a maximum of 60 days, and these businesses have located elsewhere. This severely hurts not only St. Lucie County's efforts to reduce our still double digit unemployment numbers but also Florida's economic future.. The purpose of the legislative funding requests was to be able to provide infrastructure for the proposed Airport Industrial Park West, so we would have "ready-to-constIUct" space available for businesses to locate at our airport. We will sincerely appreciate any assistance that you may be able to provide in our efforts to increase employment and develop a diversified economy. The state also benefits from our success. Frannie son County Commissioner, District 4 .-' .. ...........~ >#- -1 '7 ,. ...-.-...... \? \ n . ,~ -~. :~-: ì ~ \ ¡ ;¡,I Ii.! 2000 þ-- JS/FH/WL cc: The Honorable Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida Roly Marante, Special Assistant to the Governor Board of County Commission Doug Anderson, County Administrator Dan McIntyre, County Attorney Julia Shewchuk, Community Development Director .. ,r I":'. \.. , . r····' : ~:, APR 1 3 .-¡ - .-. ....- C·_è. JOHN D. [)RUHN. Disrrlcr No 1 . DOUG COWARD, Disrricr No.2' PAULA A. LEWIS, DisrriCT No..3 . FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, Disrricr No.4' CLIFF [)ARNES, Disrricr No.5 Counry Administroror - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Forr Pierce, FL 34982-5652 · (561) 462-1451 FAX (561) 462-21.31 · TOD (561) 462-1428 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-6 /J !;f., c...- I " DATE: March "281 2000 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): Administration Doug Anderson County Administrator SUBJECT: Lobbyist Services BACKGROUND: SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM FUNDS AVAILABLE: Professional Services 001-1210-531000 PREVIOUS ACTION: August 1999 Agreement January 41 2000 Agreement RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends entering into an agreement with Lewis, Longman & WalkerI P.A. for Lobbyist Services through the end of this Legislative Session in an amount not to exceed $28,000. ~ /, ¡Jû j) COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [ ] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Douglas Anderson County Administrator Review and Approvals County Attorney: Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 / TO: FROM: DATE: M E M 0 RAN DUM #00-38 BOARD OF COUNTY CO DOUGLAS M. ANDERSON! A¡O,.-"t.. L J 0) MMCII2&,2000 SUBJECT: LOBBYIST SERVICES This past August the County entered into an agreement with Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A. to perform lobbyist services in Tallahassee. The cost for these services was in an amount not to exceed $8,500. The actual cost through October 31, 1999 was $7,580.60. In December, Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A. presented us with a proposal to provide these services through February 29, 2000, in an amount not to exceed $22,000, which you approved January 4th. The actual cost billed through January 27, 2000 was $18,944.17. These costs together with additional lobbyist work performed through February 29th add up to approximately $28,700. As you know, we have several projects that we are continuing to track and work on. These include: "/13/c:>0 Pepper Park Wastewater hnprovements $100,000V 6..~N E::. Lakewood Park Pumpover $554,900'"? Airport Industrial Gravity Collection System $l,200,OOOV" ~ South Causeway Island Parking Lot $295 OOO,~GOH , 11 '-^~é. . Indian River Estates Surface Water $2,500,000:JI ~ ¿(.fl ,r/,r:j ~t'J- Causeway Islands Erosion Control v Â~~ $903,000{ ~... c,....,~'.>,j -b.,c..",." Fairgrounds Relocation - GJ-t r~ '!' ./\-.. ¡ $8,000,000 ' - W! t ,~"tÁ~":,-irl· r-'- J " Savannas Recreation Area ~ v>p'- .j.}"~~,,, $250,000 . Ten Mile Creek ~/~-'::- ....~~.29 09DV . Tourist Development Tax Extension - To a~w cont~ance õf'the Touri~ Development T3.X\ to finance maintenance and operations of Thomas J, White Stadium past the expiration date of the bonds, 11. Airport Land Reimbursement Extension W f../l- ~ 21,ot:>o The estimated cost to continue these lobbying efforts through the end of this Legislative Sessi is $~O. The amount budgeted in the year's budget if$50,000. The actual costs for this fiscal year not exceed #Þ,) ~:1'tJ,Þ ~ø" 7 , QQQ d1Ìeø Vnll hE' rr",~rid iø.1hG ",..uH,ul ] !!K" i) ?"rtg~t. Staff recommends entering into an agreement with N,....!f; Lewis, Longman & Walker, P A for lobbyist services for the remainder of the Legislative Session in an amount not to exceed $J.i,QQQ. 7 ~I, 0 IJ D '? 1. ? 2. 3. '7. 4. -'2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9, 10. ~ I,,¡}l/ ~& Thank you. ,¡./ , . DMA:esOO-38 c: Robert Bradshaw, Assistant County Administrator Jody Rosier, Grants Writer \ Julia Shewchuk, Community Development Director \~ill Blazak, Utilities Director Dan McIntyre, County Attorney Mike Leeds, Leisure Services Director Mike Durette, Central Services Director Paul Phillips, Airport Director - Ù / q':> ~t Jl)s~ <61 / MAR, -20' OO(MON) 17:57 LEWIS, LONGMAN&WALKER TEL:904-224-9242 p, 002 ----. Ellie A, / 1VILUAIot G. CA[, (() BF.'I'K ANN CAKlSON RIJ1I[1\'t' P. OI,, u.:II~:JIF'£R K.:/'IlIm¡ W. DODl~: HICt:NNA MAWUF" OI,:IIO&:N W,WNE E. FLQWE/lS K£vw $, HItNI'I~SS'- Ot.1IORAH D. Ho ~nN f!. Sn:VEN l1."W!s ¡jj ~~'E!f~G~ &WALKER, PA TEn\C,. E. IJ."'r,; JM.IF_~ W, LJNN M. D.~NIE!. lOGAS AN.~.: LONCMAN D.WID E. RUI"~ K¡;s!'lE'I'W ¡;, S[, L.U.~'i EowI:' :".. S'1":I~~rt"'EIt STUII"-"I A, W..IIJ.:t:~ MI<:H~Lu: WU,IJA\lS March 20, 2000 R¡:PI.\' To: WBST PAl.M BEAœ Mr. Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 VIA TELEFACSIMlLE RE: Legislative Activity Dear Doug: In November I you asked that I provide you with an estimated budget for legislative activity from the period from November 1, 1999 through the end of February, 2000. In my letter dated November 29, 1999, r estimated. fees and costs for that period at around $22,000.00. As of the end of January, we had not exceeded that estimate. As of that time, we had in fact incun'ed fees and costs of $18,944.17. However, primarily because of significant. unexpected activities related to the lcgislative apprOpriations process, we have now cxceeded my original estùnate by approximately $6,700.00, I have not finalized this bill inasmuch as I felt it was appropriate to receive your approval before forwarding it. With thc overage. the actual fees and costs incurred from November, 1999 through February 29 will rise to about $28,700.00. There are two or three particular reasons why my esthnate understated fees. First. the legislative process changed fairly dramatically beginning in January and forced anyone seeking appropriations on water issues to present proposals to a committee comprised of legislators and gubernatOrial appointees and justifying the proposals as rcgional in nature. No such process existed prior to this year. and a fair amount of our Finn' s time coordinating the County' s appropriations request has been involved in working with the individual County Commissioners, County staff, Legislators and Committee .men:abers to ensure your projects were heard and considered. Ja.clat)ll.¡·i/.k Off/« 9-1-28 Baym.....lowli Routl S"itc:ó25 lack..~""villc_ fh,ricla.U256 (904) 7i11·2020 . Fax (!,JO.1) 131-3221 TalløJuuil!ø OJftbt Po.'l OttlCl'! 801 10788 (32302) 125 Soulb Cad.dM SU'Ce1 . ~u¡¡C! 300 T"ldhllw....... Flol';"'" 3~) (BSO) 222-5702' ~·'\X (450) 224-9'.u.2 IVcu Palm 8'MIt Offi~ 1700 l'41nl ~h Lail"" äou1~v"nl Suite 1000 W"", PlÚm a...~h.. FI"ri.Ju 334(11 (561) 640-0820 . F,,-x (S61) 640.8202 WI\·S'.LL~·-UW.COM HEL.?ING SHAPE FLORIDA'S f-UTURE /. , MAR. -20' OO(MON) 17:58 LEWIS, LONGMAN&WALKER TEL:904-224-9242 p, 003 Mr. Douglas M. Anderson St. Lucie County March 20, 2000 Page 2 We have as well devoted a significant amount of time to coordinating meetings between County staff and various State agencies that oversee grants for local government projects. I had not anticipated these tasks in my original estimate. Finally, the County simply has a large number of ongoing legislative projects. Currently, we are pursuing six individual appropriations plus changes to the tourist tax legislation that will benefit the County's bond payback schedule, language in Chapter 932, Florida Statutes. that will also allow more flexibility in repayment of the Depa.rtmentof Transportation for matching grant monies ptovided to the Airport and attempting to .find emergency shelter monies in the Governor's budget. The effort is simply larger than either of us anticipated. On the positive side, we have been successful in obtaining the $903,000.00 necessary to repair Causeway Island. These monies will actuaUy come out of an ongoing contract the Department of Environmental Protection bas for beach nourishment. My last conversations with the Department indicated that the repairs to me island can actually be initiated within the next few weeks. And. this activity is no longer dependent upon an appropriation. -t> 11µf?t t?ð I am, therefore, requestjø:£ tlÍat you approve the payment of this month's bill which in total will be approximately~. For the next two to two and a half months, I anticipate expenditures per month in the $7,500.00 to $8.500.00 per month category. I will do everything possible to stay below those estilnates. but the next SO days wiI1 be extremely busy. If I need to provide any additional information. pJease let me know. Sincerely yours, 0'-~~ Terry E. Lewis TELlsps Î' . 7 \ ../"c I:\ClieDt Doc:umenrs\SL L\Icie Couøty\4482\CORll\A11c!erson LIr :l.doe: t g ~ :¡' ) ~ , '» " :\4 ~ ~- :t) ~ .,. '" 1 \0 ' ~ ~ -.J \) ~ ;,...: ~ UJ I- (.) W """) o ~ a.. 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I en c: a.. ~ T'"' a.. en I a.. ü en . · " , ~.F-:'~-!:. Water Facilities Grant Application (For State Fiscal Year 2000 Funding) WATER ADVISORY PANEL Person Who Can Answer questions Regarding This Application: Name: William Blazak, Utility Director Phone Number: (561) 462-1150 Project Title: St. Lucie County Airport Industrial Park Wastewater Collection and Conveyance System Project Location: Adjacent and East of St. Lucie County Airport, North of St. Lucie 13lvd and one mile West of u.s. Highway #1. City and County of Project Location: St. Lucie County Florida Street Address: St. Lucie Blvd and Industrial Ave. Three (see attached maps) Name of Water body Benefitting from the Project: Indian River Lagoon ; Project Description: This project will consist of the design, permitting and construètion of a gravity wastewater collection and conveyance system for the existing St. Lucie County Airport Industrial Park. The Industrial Park consists of 1 06 sites that would receive wastewater service as a result of this project. Currently the entire Park is utilizing individual septic systems and the design requirements for commercial application of septic systems prohibits maximum utilization of the individual sites because of the size afthe drain field. Some of the smaller business owners have experienced a loss of as much as 25% of their property to drain field construction. The loss of this property to the septic system not only hinders growth of the small businesses but also deters economic development within the Park. St. Lucie County has recently constructed a collection and conveyance system for the Airport property directly West and North of the Industrial Park. The existing Airport system will provide some of the backbone transmission lines to convey the wastewater collected by this project to the Fairwinds wastewater treatment facility which is owned and operated by St. Lucie County. The project will provide wastewater service to the individual lots within the Industrial Park. The estimated cost of the project is $ 1,200,000.00 · ,,-;~'~ ~~ 1. Project Sponsor Name: St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Address: 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce, Florida 34954 Contact Person/Title: William Blazak, Utility Director Phone Number: (561) 462-1150 E-Mail Address: BillB@StLucieco.gov 2. Need for Project: a. Resolves/helps resolve a documented recurring water quality violation in the project area. None _Yes _No b. Resolves/helps resolve a substantiated pùblic health threat None Yes _No c. Reduces discharges of pollutants to an impaired water body on DEP 303(d) list, that resulted in the listing of the water body. Indian River Lagoon -X... Yes No d. Reduces documented discharges of contaminants to groundwater s'4Pplies -L Yes No 3. Population and Median Household Income of Proposed Service Area a. Population of Proposed Service Area: None- Strictly Business and Industrial tenants. b. Median Household Income of Proposed Service Area None 4. Mandatory Hookup Project Sponsor or Grant Recipient has or agrees to adopt a mandatory-hookup ordinance for the service area - Ordinance may allow for mandatory hookup upon failure of individual systems. St. Lucie County has a mandatory connection ordinance X- Yes _ No (See attached copy) 5. Schedule for Completion and Funding Plan a. Current Status of Project: Preliminary design and cost estimates prepared. Airport collection, conveyance and treatment system constructed and in operation. ---:,.::;.:..:....~ b. Describe the work to be completed each state fiscal year through project completion FY 2000-2001 Planning, permitting, design and begin construction FY2001-2002 Complete construction, receive final certifications (early 2001) FY2002-2003 FY2003-2004 FY2004-2005 c. Total Project Cost Planning: Design: $ 100,000.00 Construction: $1,000,000.00 Construction Related Costs: $ 100,000.00 Equipment: Land: Owned by St. Lucie County Total Cost: $ 1,200,000.00 d. Previous State Appropriations for this Project and Amount of Previous Appropriations Spent: Y earl Amount Appropriated Amount Spent _e ~,¡::.:-:.._;;..;:: e. State Appropriations to be Requested FY 2000-2001 $ 1,200,000.00 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 FY 2004 - 2005 e. Secured and Reasonably Anticipated Matching Funds: FY 2000-2001 Source: Status: Amount: Source: Status: Amount: FY 2001-2002 Source: Status: Amount: Source: Status: AmOWlt: FY 2002-2003 Source: Status: AmoWlt: Source: Status: AmOWlt: FY 2003-2004 Source: , -".: -...-....:--~~:.~~ Status: Amount: Source: Status: Amount: FY 2004-2005 Source: Status: Amount: f. Other sources of local or other funding currently being pursued: None g. Appropriate sources of local or other funding that were pursued, but not secured; reasons such funds were not secured: None h. Appropriate sources of local or other funding not being pursued; reasons such funds were not pursued: None 1. Source. of funding for recurring operating costs: Rate supported Utility District 10... Matching Funds a. Total match amount to be provided: . b. Match percent oftota! project amount: c. Request for reduction in match requirement: X Yes No Existing customers have invested in costly septic systems to meet their current wastewater needs within the Industrial Park. The customers could not bear the additional expense of the installation of gravity sewers either individually or through the rate structure of the proposed Utility District. 12. Signature of Authorized Representative: dJ2... 0 ();2¡) - (~ç, ,',OJ-¡ C, n {I Name Title' Revised, January 18, 2000 ~.j-. ~ . ~-;; St. Lucie County EXISTING AIRPORT ;~ INDUSTRIAL PARK I ~~ ~~ ~ § ~ ~ ;;1 ~F..:J..~3õ= bY-~ª;e., j~)T;, E~~!I~T1!1 i:¡~~· ~~%I~~ 1â ~ ~~j ] ~~ !? ......;,:;.-;...;....;; 7" lØt.SI~ =-sr -r....l ~I /3. 14 iNDUSTRiAL PARK '. "a~_ CON,CEPT ~~~ I!QI.fi.! IT IS lI1T' A I'UiT' OR RIG1fT' OF WAr IIAI'. 5Ht1/f COffCEPrUA!. SëIŒR f'WS ONI.Y. fJF WAT MD OR f'Rf 1'ëR1"f I.ßCAT ION. TO PUT IÐDIIS DI/ TIll! AlRI'f1tr1' If/aJS17llA!. I. 17I1S IS A 17I1S DJfA'If 1 IT IS IlDT RJR 1'fA' 1 I'MZ 118fT S. IJAS£ _'111 I'//DVIDED If ' sr. ~IE ClJrt'8TT EROINEERIf«1 OEl'Mr/IEHl". ::. Ø1II'UTTED AIIEA " TIll! $lJI/THfŒST COR/lER WILL HE SfIWED If ' THE 11lDl1ST111A!. I'AiIJ! cENTRAl. PW1I' STATIDII. . 4. IIAIH1Jl.ES ARI! Sl'At:E!I 8D GREATEI! THA, '"5' AI'A/IT AItJ ARE 4' IN D1AJŒJ"ER. /IAl11I/II IJEI'T1I IS II!.·. S. 17IIS _ STATIO' WILL BE 111S1'A1.lED c; I'ARr OF7HE AlRI'f1R1' SEJfER r:oLLECT'ION . SfsrÐl. - I. 17I1S 1'fJ1lI' STATION WILL BE DESIGNED WfTH t:Al'ACfTY FaR ADDfTlONAL FLaW FffDIl 7. TIll! /IAlIWII1.E1JÇT1/ OF GRAJfITY R1IU IS I!..rœ'. !I. FI'A!. I'11'f!1.1rE UYOUT WILL BE l1ASED Oil I.ßCI:TIDII fJF 5E1"f'IC TANKS. I'OTASI.E WATER DlsrR1B111'IDI/ SYSTElI. SJJ1IVEt DATA, NiD IIATURAl. ARD /lA111/AaE OBSTACLES. DAD t 1tr rUUilD FOR DA:m lIT , ',H.'9&; jI'J..t. DR 5Il8ll1 ~ F/JR R~ ,1/9.'9" t I It "'1 101f1 :-- : : . . . ft~:0.+ .~:+?'~ 'I'U:"':':::: 4·.~'..~¡·: "'~5\*i': ::.. : ::.~. :". .;'~.¡' ~ ..' . ", . -.'- 'if . : ..: :::,:, . 'I''\w,;i~- if¡ ~'8,ç-~H~1 . - " ·..,f .' ~~~/~ fa; "t;tfJ.vrrr= ŠI!Itt:1r ~ .;-ª, .' .):'".:. 1~1~':""T·11(.m . -0 _0 ...:..:.:--" -' :QI G ~':i - - - ~ ··coNStJUING .g.lGfNEERS INC. J!. Trcns~o'ñ I'" , !!! .'<. DWG. Nc.' 1 ~ . /.Ef1E1ll2 @ ~ 9 2 llIJ/HJI.E SAIl rrw SEiŒ1I f'/I'f! FlJRCEJIA I' FLaw DIREr:T'IDff I'UfII' ST1T1D11 I1I.ßCIC ruf/l1Elf SEWER COLECTION SYSTEM ~:j.:~·~t. ORDINANCE NO. EC-93-01 AN ORDINANCE OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL BOARD TO PROVIDE FOR ~HE MANDA~ORY CONNEC~ION OF ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYS~EMS ON ~CHINSON ISLAND ~O PUBLICLY OWNED OR INVES~OR OWNED WAS~Ew.A~ER COLLEC~ION SYS~EMS AF~ER NO~ICE ~RAT SUCH A SYS~EM IS AVAILABLE; PROVIDING FOR DEFINI~IONS; PROVIDING FOR AN ADMINIS~RA~IVE WAIVER OF ~HE MANDUORY CONNEC~ION; PROVIDING FOR PENAL~IES FOR VIOLA~ION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILI~Y AND AN EFFEC~IVE DA~E WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. 'Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. Article VIII, Section 10f the Florida Constitution provides that counties shall have all powers of local self government including government, corporate, and pròprietary poweJ:s to enable them to conduct county government, perform county .',:, . functions, and render county services, and may:, exercise any such powers for county purposes for health, safety, or welfare of its .J citizens not inconsist~nt with general or special law; and, 2. . The Board has. previously ..a~pted a Comprehensive Plan which incorporates the valid state and federal law objectives, r ~ which include, respectively, re-use of treated sewage effluent for groundwater recharge purposes and the elimination of as many source points of pollution as possible, as is mandated by federal public law 82-500, and this ordinance is in furtherance thereof; and, 5 Struck through passages are deleted. added. Underlined passages are -1- ^''':Jc... CD t-'·o (') J-I;þ o CD ::¡ 11 ::¡ o..ZCD (1) c:: o.3::r; "0'0 (1)1-' 11 3 0..1\) þ ::¡ I ~ ~~o I Þ. ,.1-' \0 I\J (1) Wþ~ 00 ~\OH .. f., rt' I-'VJ~ tl1(,¡J(1) ;Þ 0 . ~ :3: 11 () oc:: ^' }-I. rt' tJ: 00 00 ~c:: 11 rt' 01 CO·~ Lù~ Ult'"' c:: (') 1-'. '"eI1D ;Þ QO t1:!O c:: ::¡ OQ' -1 \0 CO ":"~~::l~ .. 3. The Florida Legislature enacted the Indian River Lagoon Act in 1990 (Chapter 90-262, Laws of Florida) which requires the County to enact regulations to eliminate pollution discharges to the Indian River Lagoon and requires the State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation to identify areas served by, package wastewater treatment plants which are considered to be threats to the water qualify of the Indian River Lagoon system; and, 4. The State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation has prepared a report dated July 1, 1991 titled "Indian River Lagoon System Water Quality Threats from Package Wastewater Treatment Plants" in which the Department has listed wastewater treatment plants which it considers to be threats to the Iridian River Lagoon System; and, " :~ 5. Package sewage treatment plants and uge of septic tanks in certain areas pose a continuing threat to the water quality of the Indian River Lagoon System; and, 6. The Board of County commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, recognizes that County currently has, and, unless regulated by the Board, will continue to have in the foreseeable future, package sewage treatment plants on Hutchinson Island which affect the continued protection, planning, and management of the Indian River Lagoon; and, struck through passages are deleted. added. Underlined passages are -2- o ::;:: to o o ~ o CO lù UI "0 ;t> G t=1 o -J \0 \0 .~::.=:_~~:!::; 7. The Board desires to encourage the· re-use of treated wastewater and to prevent the increasing degradation of the Indian. River Lagoon, by both surface and ground waters, which results in a lower quality of life and potentially substantial increases in cost for water and sewerage services in the future, and to, protect and provide for the continued health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of St. Lucie County; and, 8. The Board recognizes that in the general interest of the public and to promote the general health and welfare of said public, it is necessary to encourage the use of publicly owned or investor-owned sewerage systems and to minimize the use of on-site sewage disposal systems on Hutchinson Island; and, 9. On February 25, 1.993, the st. Lucie County Local Planning Agency voted 8-0 to determine that the proposed Ordinance is ..'-1;: consistent with the St. Lucie County Comprehenstve Plan; and, 10. On March 11, 1993, the Board held the first public hearing on the proposed 'Ordinance after publishing notice of the hearing in the Tribune and the Port st. Lucie News; and" 11- On March .25, 1993, the Board held the second public hearing after publishing notice in the Tribune and the Port st. Lucie News and determined to adopt the proposed Ordinance. NOW, 'rHEREFORE, BE I'r ORDAINED BY 'rHE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF S'r. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA: PAR'r A ARTICLE III OF CHAP'rER 1-7.5 "ENVIRONMElrrAL CON'rROL" "MANDA'rORY CONNEC'rION - ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS - . HUTCHINSON ISLAND" IS CREATED AS FOLLOWS: Struck through passages are deleted. added. Underlined passages are -3- o ::v tJ: o o :;:;: o CO Lù In .'"ó :x:- C) t=1 o t\) o o .'":'>.... ·",;;·7,;,;':...-~~ Section 1-7.5-40 DEFINI':rIONS (1) "continuous Compliance" shall mean that the On-Site Sewage Disposal System has not at any time during the preceding 12 months before the notification by mail or by publication, as referenced in Section 1-7.5-41 of this Ordinance, been out of compliance with or in violation of any rule, order, statute, ordinance or regulation relating to the operation and maintenance of the On-site Sewage Disposal System promulgated by any regulatory agency or governmental authority having jurisdiction over that system. Any On-Site Sewage Disposal System that the State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation has publicly reported poses a water quality threat to the Indian River Lagoon System shall be deemed not to be in continuous compliance. ·If an equipment malfunction ~ccurs due to no fault of the sy~tem operator that causes a transitory or temporary violation ~hich is forthwith repaired by the operator of any such system, such malfunction shall not be deemed or construed to cause the system to be out of "continuous compliance" for the purposes of section 1-7.5-41. (2) "On-site Sewaqe Dis?osal System" shall mean any sewage treatment and/or disposal facility not equipped for and not treating and disposing of all of its effluent for.re-use on its own premises, whether serving individual buildings or units, or several buildings or units, which treats or disposes of human body or household type wastes. Such systems include, but are not limited to, standard septic tank systems, laundry wastewater systems, and Struck through passages are deleted. added. Underlined passages are -4- o ::ö CD o o ?': o CO lù 01 'ï:1 ;t> C') t=j o N o -J ", .... .~, :.. -..:-7';;'~~: individual on-site sewage treatment plants which are installed or proposed to be installed on land of the owner or on other land to which the owner or owners have the legal right to install a system and which primarily serves or proposes to serve the owner's property or development. Section 1-7.5-41 MAND~ORY HOOKUPS FOR EXISTING ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS ON HUTCHINSON ISLAND TO CENTRAL SEWERAGE SYSTEMS Except as provided in section 1-7.5-43, each existing¢n-Site Sewage Disposal System on Hutchinson Island in St. Lucie County, (except approved on-site reclaimed water systems developed under the provisions of- law and administrative rules), shall connect to a governmental or governmentally approved and certificated central wastewater collection system (System) within n90 days after notification by mail or by publication that such -a System's ..::. collection lines, force mains or lift stations h~ve been installed immediately adjoiriing or across a public easement or right-of-way which abuts the property served by ~he On-site Sewage Disposal System or is within 200 feet of the property. Upon such connection to a central System, the owner or party in control of such On-site Sewage Disposal System shall cease to use it or any other non- central system method for the disposal of sewage, sewage waste, or other polluting matter. All such connections shall be made in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations then pertaining for such connection, which rules and regulations may provide for, among other things, a connection charge, a service Struck through passages are deleted. added. Underlined passages are -5- o ÃJ t;: o o ~ o OJ Lù Úl "0 ;J> C1 M o N o N ~-"':"-iw;:; availability charge or an impact fee and an accrued guarantee revenue fee, in such reasonable amounts as shall be determined by the appropriate authority and pursuant to applicable law. On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems other than standard septic tank systems shall be exempt from this section for as long as such, a system has maintained or maintains Continuous Compliance with all rules, orders, statutes, ordinances and/or regulations, relating to the operation and maintenance of the On-Site Sewage Disposal System facility, of any regulatory agency or governmental authority having jurisdiction over that facility. The Board of County commissioners of St. Lucie County shall be the final administrative decision-making body with respect to all issues relating to the mandatory sewer connections~pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance. ;.;r. Section 1-7.5-42: PROHIBITION OF CONSTRUCTION OF ON-SITE SEW~GE ., DISPOSAL SYSTEMS . After April 1, 1993, no On-site Sewage Disposal System shall be constructed on Hutchinson Island in St. Lucie County unless the Conununity Development Administrator grants an administrative waiver as provided in Section 1-7.5-43. Section 1-7.5-43 ADMINISTRATIVE WAIVER The requirement of mandatory connection for a particular On- site Sewage DispOSã±-System or the prohibition of construction of a particular On-site Sewage Disposal System as set forth above shall be waived administratively by the Community Development Administrator if the Administrator determines in a written order Struck through passages are deleted. added. Underlined passages are -6- o ~ to o o ~ o CO Lù 1I1 "t ;t> CJ t'=1 o I\J o f..¡J ..-.... ..;~-;;..:.::..:; that such connection should not then be required. Any such waiver shall be based only on a finding that the central wastewater System does not have sufficient capacity to serve the additional demand of that particular On-site Sewage Disposal System or on a finding that· a proposed On-Site Disposal System is more than 200 feet from a central wastewater System's collection line. Any person requesting a waiver as provided herein, who disagrees with the decision of the Community Development Administrator may appeal the decisionLto the Board of County commissioners by filing a written request with the County Administrator within fifteen (15) days of the date of the Community Development Administrator's decision. Any waiver granted shall be conditioned upon the written consent of the owners of the system to connect to a central wastewater System .which has sufficient capacity within ninety (90) days after .the central .....O , System's collection lines have been installed ,immediately adjoining or across a public street or is within 200 feet from the property served by the On-Site Sewage Dispo~al System. Section 1-7.5-44: PENALœIES; ENFORCEMENœ Any person violating the provisions of this Ordinance shall be subject to penalties and enforcement proceedings of the st. Lucie County Environmental Control Hearing Board set out in Section 11.13.02 of the st. Lucie County Land Developmen.!....Code. In addition, compliance with the' terms of this Ordinance may be enforced by injunction or otherwise in a court of law haying jurisdiction over such matter. Struck through passages are deleted. added. Underlined passages are -7- o :;d C¡j o o ~ o CO W tJl '"d :x:- C) t=1 o N o Þ -.. .~ ,,7-·.·~ PART B: SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase or if any portion of this Ordinance is found for any reason to be invalid, or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate and distinct" an independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of any remaining portions thereof. PART C: EFFEC'rIVE DATE The provisions of this Ordinance shall become effective on April 1, 1993. PART D: CONFLIC'rING PROVISIONS Special acts of the Florida legislature applicable only to unincorporated areas of st. Lucie County, and aàopted_prior to January 1,' 1969, County ordinances and County resolutions, or parts ,,~ thereof, in conflict with.this ordinance are he~eby superseded by this ordinance to the extent of such conflict. PµT-E: FILING WI'rH 'rHE DEPARTMENT OF STATE The Clerk is hereby directed forthwith to send a certified copy of this ordinance to the Bureau of Administrative Code and Laws, Department of state, The Càpitol, Tallahassee, Florida 32304. Struck through passages are deleted. added. Underlined passages are -8- o ~ tJ: o o ?': o OJ W U1 "1j :1>. ø t::I o N o U1 . þ' PAR~F: ADOP'rION - ....-... .~...::.:;:~ o ~ tJ: o o :;r;: After motion and second, the vote on this ordinance was as follows: o OJ Lù f.J1 Chairman Cliff Barnes AYE Vice Chairman Denny Green AYE comm1ssioner Judy Culpepper AYE commissioner R. Dale Trefelner AYE commissioner Havert L. Fenn ABSENT PART G: CODIFICATION '"d :Þ G t::I o N provisions of this ordinance shall be incorporated .in the Code 0 Q\ of Ordinances of St. Lucie County, Florida, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to ." section" , ,. article", or other appropriate word, and the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intentiop¡. provided, .:. .. however, that Parts B through G shall not be co~ifiëd. PASSED AND DULY ENAC'rED this 25th day of March, 1993. ~~k~ Duty Clerk ............. ~~~~ , \¡OliN'" ~\~ ...... I ; . ~ "',.....¿I.¡~:<'....) ."1 ~ ~~I ~ ~~'\ ::;, . .. .~.~ (.j ~'-.:¡. :,;: ~ s I ~ i:"¡ I. Q \ ílÍlh~~ j '" 11 \ .!Q . rJ ~\.I... . .,.../":J~ . . ( ····E!':t w( 1"~"" ~ ' "elf ~'~ü~~7 . :..··t~ =:.~.;~ S'r. LUCIE COUN~Y ENVIRO~~;:" . CON'rROL BOARD .>~.. ":'. . ~.?::~.:~~,..:.:.. , ,C: ;~.'. . BY: - ',: " ... ".' , Chairman \-:,. '.. .' . :' ~./'. .': . . ,.) " ,: . {,,:~ . :.1 ..' ...;, / .- ;.. :J struck through passages are deleted. added. Underlined passages are -9·- . '-.' t . AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. .68 DATE: July 13, 1999 REGULAR [ X ] PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT [ SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Count v Administration PRESENTED BY: ~ TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Request for Approval of Critical Projects for Submission to the State for possible Funding in 2000-2001 State Budget BACKGROUND: County staff presented a number of critical proj ects to our legislative delegation in November, 1998 for possible funding by the State Legislature in this year's (1999-2000) State budget. Unfortunately, the projects were not able to be funded. State Representative Ken Pruitt recommended that the County resubmit its critical projects to the individual State departments for consideration of line item funding in the 2000-2001 State budget and to give a priority to the three most important projects. County staff reviewed the critical projects and updated them. Program areas include: Economic Development Projects, Recreation Projects, and Water Quality and Conservation Projects. The St. Lucie County Critical Improv~ment Projects list has been provided to you under separate cover. The three most important projects (as calculated using the attached matrix) are: (1) Airport Economic Development Program and North County Water Improvements; (2) Midway Road and 25th Street Construction; and (3)the Ten Mile Creek Water Preserve Area. It is recommended that the Board approve the critical projects for submission to the appropriate State departments for possible line item funding in the 2000-2001 State budget. FUNDS AVAIL.: Not Applicable PREVIOUS ACTION: The original St. Lucie County Critical Projects List was submitted to the State Legislative Delegation in November, 1998. The project list was presented at the July 7, 1999 Board meeting and rescheduled for July 13, 1999 with direction to County staff to provide a methodology for prioritizing the three most important projects. RECOMMENDATION: It is requested that the Board approve the projects as prioritized on the attached St. Lucie County Critical Improvement Project List and authorize submittal to the appropriate State Department for possible line item funding in the 2000-2001 State budget. Page 2 critical St. Lucie County Projects July 13, 1999 Agenda APPROVED OTHER: DENIED ACTION: D Anderson County Administrator Coordination/Sianatures County Attorney: Purchasing: Other: Mgt. & Budget: Finance: Other: - ßOA.RD Of cout,,"f'{ COMM\SS\Ot-t€RS COU~l'( A.OM\\'t\S1RA.10R DOUGL,ô5 M. ANDERSON Apri\ 14, 2000 VIA FACSIMILE AND REGULAR MAIL Me R. Steven Lewis, Esquire Lewis, Longman & Wa\ker, P.A. 125 South Gadsden Street, suite 300 Ta\\ahasSee, FL 32301 Dear Steve: Please flnd attached a breakdown of St. Lucie coun\y's local match to be applied towards the $903,000 Causeway Island Stabilization Grant. this information on to your brother. Thank you. .~J ,4-. /'- ugla1.M. Anderson County Administrator DMA:esOO-67 c: Robert Bradshaw, Assistant County Administrator Don West, County Attorney Richard Bouchard, Civil Engineer/Erosion Ray Wazny, Public Works Director Mike Leeds, Leisure Services Director Dan McIntyre, County Attorney JO", D. ,,uHN. D""j" No J . DOUG COWARD D . D,-,j" No.5 . ' JSTrlct No, 2 . PAULAA. LEWIS, District No. J · FP.ANNIE HUTCHINSON, District No . . . Coo,," Adm'''''''''''' Doog'''' M Md"~" 18 2300 Vlrglnlo Avenue . Fort Pierce FL 34982-5652 Ph , . one (561) 462-1450 · TDD! FM (561) 462-2131 __0 CAUSEWAY ISLAND SHORELINE STABILIZATION April 14. 2000 $903,000 Total Grant $225,000 Required Local Match (25%) Local monies oreviouslv exoended: Design and permitting of South Causeway Island Shoreline Stabilization Mitigation Construction for South Causeway Design and Construction of South Causeway Island (yVood Bollards) and Sod Installation Design and Construction of North Causeway Island Parking Improvements - Construction: Design: Exotic Removal along Shoreline (Australian Pine) $ 44,657 $ 14,000 $ 18,000 $ 53,000 $ 12,188 $ 3,645 Local Monies to be Spent: Design and Permitting of North Causeway Island Shoreline Stabilization Project Management of Construction for North and South Causeway Island Shoreline Projects $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Total $231,490 TO: FROM: DOUGLAS M. ANDERSON DATE: FEBRUARY 7,2000 ~TECT: WATER ADVISORY PANEL Please find attached the Application Tracking Summary for our Water and Wastewater Projects that have been submitted to the Water Advisory Panel. They are scheduled to meet this Friday in Tallahassee. I have highlighted those applications pertaining to S1. Lucie County. Thank you. DMA:OO-14 c: Bill Blazak, Utilities Director Julia Shewchuk, Community Development Director Jody Rosier, Grant Writer Ray Wamy, Public Works D4:.ector Don West, County . 't,. y t: ¡Jttl,Jt.e.~ Robert Bradshaw, Assistant County Administrator Dan McIntyre, County Attorney ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... " 0) c.n .þ. to) I\) ..... 0 CD ()) " 0) c.n .þ. to) I\) ..... 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Chldr AscII Responsibility Council, Chair Rules and Calendar JDiot lesia1lÛve Auditing, Cbmr Utilities and CommunlcatiODl Procedural Council Repæsentaûve. 81 st Dìstrict Rcply to: C 2400 BE Midport KII., SlÙle 1 JO Port Sr, Lucie, FL 34952 (S6i) US-BOOO D 22) 1be Capitol 402 South Moaroc: SL TalJehas,cc, FL 32399·1300 (850) 488·8149 GREETINGS FROM mE OFFICE OF THE HONORABLE KEN PRUJ1T FLORJDA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DISTRICT 81 PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA DATE: J o¡{~ 11 roo ~~ ~ FAX NUMBER: '-Ie, 2- ~ 2( 3A FROM: ~,p¡L¿¡jJc SUBJECT: roTAL NUMBER ßAGI!S ~CLUDING COVER SHEET: OPERA TOR: ffl. LI '" o Ir all pages are not ræeived, please tal): 561-335-8000 OR SUNCOM 222-7676 I j WA-Iu ¡lAIr( w.f.TU / lD ,II tic· Dep8l'bnenl of Environmental Protection Department of Environmental Protection Ðou¡'as UuildiAl Location: 488-ISS4 SUNCOM 278-IS54 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard TaH8hu$ee. FL 32399-3000 Twin Towet3 Location: (fwíl Towers phones marked by *) 2600 Blair Stone ø.o..d TaJllhas'œ, FL 32399-2400 Secretary, David B. Strults 488-1554 SUNCOM 278.1.5~4 or 488-4805 SUNCOM 2784805 Speciat AssÍlltant MoUl~ Palmer 488-1~54 SUNCOM 278-1554 ~put1S.enl.ry lCVðJGn,,, 488-7131 SUNCOM 278-1131 c.blnetAØaI... JII/lyBrow 488-7131 StTNCOM 278-7131 Deputy Sec~tary Pøul Moses 488-2960 SUNCOM 218-2960 Gencnl CouDHI. 1'ÞT1 OdUIß 488-9314 SUNCOM 278-9314 Iaped8r Ga.enl Pink] HøII 488-1.287 SUNCOM 218-2287 0Iftee of EcoQataa M_aae..øt ßxecutive Cwrdinatof for Ecosystem MlI1Iagement Pam M,Vety 488-7454 SUNCOM 278-1454 Beo$ystem PlanIlina & COQrdiDlltion Bmte Barndt 488-4892 SUNCOM 278-4892 IDlergovemnrencal ProsraDlS DdJbi, Parrish 487-2231 SUNCOM 277-2231 Environmental Bducalion [vacant) 488-9334 SUNCOM 278·9334 W8It:r PoIiçylSWlM JaMt Unvcllyn 488-0784 SUNCOM 2~.0784 ~ 0fIke 01 Le.....Un: Affaln~ DIndo.. Mile« JOJltrr 487.2916 SUNCOM 277-2916 DtfilllOll or Adnd....tbe &: 1'eduaIeøl Senlc:es E:lteçuthe Services Director [vacant] 488-2955 SUNCOM 218-295~ Siting Coordination AdminislralQf Bucl: Oven 487-0472 SUNCOM 277-0412 Economic Resca(ch Administrator Nie! Strati$ 921 -9686 SUNCOM 291·9686 Communications Adnùnistrator Calh~rint. Arnold 488-1073 SUNCOM 278·1073 OnJbudsman Buddy Johnson 921-1222 SUNCOM 291-1222 Greenway &. Traits {vaamtJ 488-3701 SUNCOM 21ß-37Ql Mercury Program Admi..isntor 7bm Atúson 921-01184 SUNCOM 291-0884 FJorida OeoIo,gical Survey, Chjef ßblt SchMidt 488-4191 SUNCOM 278-4191 J)ure8à of Laboratories. Qief Bill Cé1ppMger 488-2790 SUNCOM 278-2790 Bureau of Information Sa-vÎccs. Cb~f 101m mllmon 488-0892 SUNCOM 178-0892 30 J/,¡k,c heJW4/',-J ANI) t/,4.,A I Depart_ftl of Slate Department of State .. t4·~500 SUNCOM 994·5500 (use these numbers unless Qtherwise indica~) PI... 02 The Capitol 400 South Monroe Strcel Tallahassee, Fl 32399-0250 Secretary of State, Ko.therlne Harris AMIdutt Secretary of State WiU"" R. p!e;gflr 41"-'s.500 SUNCOM: 994.SS00 {ìeMra! Counsel Debby Kt!amey 414-5500 SUNCOM 994-5500 Communk:aûons Director Kmfty McCord 414-5500 SUNCOM 994.5500 Chief Iœpecl.Of Generill GeQrge Mocù:Jffrny 414-5536 SUNCOM 994-5536 ~ Legisl4tivc Affaìf$ Diteètor Benjamin. M.c&y 414-5502 SUNCOM 994.5502 ChiefCabínet Aide üllie Goodson 414-SS19 SUNCOM 994-5519 Office of International Relations. DÌJeotor Nat THrnbull 4 4- t 727 SUNCOM 994-' 727 DI1'Won of Admlnlstradn Semc:eB, Dlreetor 80.1 ~h 488-3963 SUNCOM 278-39153 Bureau of Hurnan Resources David '1«pper 488-1176 SUNCOM 278- I 176 Bureau of General Seryices loa,. JOM3 488- t 802 SUNCOM 278-1802 bbrCIQJ of Planning, Budget and financial Services LyltJa Wilson 488.0204 SUNCOM 278-0204 DlYklon 01 HlttorlalJ Raoarces, Dll'fttor Geørge w: Pøn:, 488-1480 SUNCOM 278- 4RO R. A. Gray Building, Tallahassee 32399..Q2..,"iO Bureau ofHistori~1 MU$ftIJ1U [vacant] 488.-1484 SUNCOM 218·1484 Bureau of ßiSt.or1C PJescrvatíOQ JrdJee Pettijohn 487-2333 SUNCOM 211~2333 Bureau of 4..rcbaeotò,i-caJ R.e8e3l'ch Jim Miller 487-2299 SUNCOM 271-2299 Pensacola Board, Manager John P. lJaJt.iels (850) .595-5985 SUNCOM 695-.5985 kcøional Offices; Palm B~d (561) 279·147' SUNCOM 264.147,5 20 North SwÎnton Avenue, Dc....y Beach 33444-2632 Mailing addre.ø: P.O. Bpx 1221. DeIny Beach 33447.1221 St. AUSU$Ûoe (904) 8~-504S SUNCOM 86s..S04S 48 King Streel. St. Auçustine 32084-4449 Mailing ad<hss': P.O. Box 4168. St. AugustillE 32085 74 ·- --- .... ..--"'-.......-.........--.- -.,........---"...., ~-- . ~......... -_.-.. . -'- . - _.-- .r;!)tw~Lt: Dclpartmønt of Tra~l~on DepartrnentofTransponation 414.5200 SUNCOM 994-'200 (use these number$. unJe$s otherwise indbted) Haydon Burn$ Building 60S Suwannee Street TaUahassee, PL 32399-0450 Secretary, Thom/ls F. Barry, Jr., P.E. 414-3~ SUNCOM 994-S2OS General Counsel Pøm IAdi. 414-5352 SUNCOM 994-53S2 Federal. Proarams Dour Cdllawøl 414-4151 SUNCOM 994-41 ~1 lß5pector GcoeraI Cecil Bra,. 488-2501 SUNCOM 278·2,01 ~ Legislative Progr... Admlú'ratD" $ørøll Porter 414-5250 SUNCOM 994-5250 PUbk Information Diek Kø,.. 414-4590 SUNCOM 994-4.590 A_ttmt Sft:Rt.ry ror Floa..ce and Administration ChristÜl' ~1:1' 414-5215 SUNCOM 994-5215 Comptroller (vacant] 921.1112 SUNCOM 291-1112 Office or Managemen.( &. Budset, Director Annene Dann 414-5228 SUNCOM 994~'228 Offiçc of Adminislration, Direçlor Tl!luam St~wart 414-5230 SUNCOM 994-S230 Office of Toll Operations, DíreclOf l)eboTah Slllmle 488-5687 SUNCOM 27&-5617 Office of Informacion Sysrems, Chief Information Officer NtdSOll Hill 488-8811 SUNCOM 278·8811 A$tUtant Secretary for Planal... and EogIneetf...g K_ MoreþfIJ 414-5220 SUNCOM 994-5220 State! 'li'ansport8lion Planner Ysela Uo,., 414·.523S sUNCOM 994-.523S State Public Transportaûon Administrator Marion. Hart 414-5244 SUNCOM 994-5244 State Hiahway EnsiDcer 8iU lkyo 414-5240 SUNCOM 994-.5240 Research CentCl, Director Dick Long 414-4617 SUNCOM 9944611 AsaIstat Secretary for Dbtrlci Operations ["'KaRt) 414-5210 SUNCOM 994-5210 Production Management, Manager RichanJ Singleton 488-9450 SUNCOM 278-94.50 Motor Carrier Compliance Office MaMgcr Ronø/J Dt$ch 488·1920 SUNCOM 278-7920 District One (Bartow), Secretary David 7Widdy (941) 519-2300 SUNCOM S.51-2300 11 I :1 . GøV/.A;vO,(f, ð!f;t.L Executive Off"¡ec of the Govenor ¡; Offi~ of the Governor. Miami. Special Assistant to the Governor ArlftM DiBftllÎgltò (3OS) 348-6870 SUNCOM 441-6870 Florida International University, UoiVC:JBity Part C,mpus 11200 S,W. 8ib Street, Buìldlng GL Room 1.54, Miaroi 33199 C.1dndAlI'aln,Dlrec:torCølløø CtulUl. 488-5152 SUNCOM 278-51'52 2tOTheCapilol DnJ, Pelky Coordl_tør Jim McDøltOflrh 488-9~j7 SUNCOM 218~9551 PL -()4. 'J.'bc Capitol PIa"DIn¡ and Blldpdq, Dlnctor DonM Anlain 438-7810 SUNCOM 278·7810 1601 The Capitol Deputy DRdor Brian Yablonski 488-7810 SUNCOM 278-7810 1601 The Capitol Policy Coordinator (Budget Mana¡ement) Sandra Sartin 487-1880 SUNCOM 277·1880 1601 The Capit4)) ~ PoU!:y Coordinator (Gencr.1 Government) (kting) Usa Saliba 481-1884 SUNCOM 277-1884 1502 The Capitol Policy Coordinator (Revenue and Economic: Analysis) Don l...angstolt 487-2814 SUNCOM 277-2814 16041ñe Capitol Policy Coordinator (Public Safely) (Acting) John Hamilton 922·4020 SUNCOM 292-4020 1501 The Capitol Policy Coordinator (Systems DcsiCn and DevelQpment) (Actin.¡¡) Kø"nt!tlt Roche 4S8-69SS SUNCOM 278-69'3 115 Knott Buüding Poliçy COOI'dinator (EducalÏon) John Winn 488-4512 SUNCOM 278-4512 1502 The CapitQt Policy Coordinator (H~1th BOO Human Servjc;:es) Michael Harunt 488-7734 SUNCOM 278-7734 16041ñe Capitol Policy Coordinator (Bnvil'QlHl1Cfttal Po1icyIComrnunity and Economic Development) J, Allison DttFoorJl 488-55" SUNCOM 278-5"1 1501 The Capitol Policy Coordinator (Growth Mana~ment and S~ic Plaoning) Tøresa Tinker 488-7793 SUNCOM 271-7793 2105 The Capitol Policy Coonlinacor (1èçbnology R.eview Workgroup) Edwin ùvme 413-7066 SUNCOM 293-'7066 215 Knott Building Policy Cootdioator (Year 2000 Project Oftic:e) Gluan MàYIJß 921-2235 SUNCOM 291-223!i 225 Knott Buildinc 38 __ _ .~. £\.1<1, :salO tlnan 'St. Lucie~s :water plans . m.ay get state helffb. ~\ II . By Jim Reeder Palm Beach Post Staff Writer FORI' PIERCE - St Lucie County commissioners returned from Tallahassee Thursday hopeful about getting help with . . water-related projects but pessi- 'mistic about money for the South County Stadium and new · fairgrounds. The South County Stadium proposal received a low ranking I · for money from a state recre- : ation program and the state seems interested only in reno- vating old fairgrounds, not building new ones, commission- ers said. But the county stands a good chance of getting money for utilities in the airport industrial · park and for the Ten Mile Creek . reservoir. Utilities Director Bill Blazak · stayed in Tallahassee to attend a ·committee meeting on water projects. "Blazak's projects seem to be · blazing through," County Com- missioner Doug Coward said. Coward, Commission Chair- man John Bruhn, and Commis- sioners Frannie Hutchinson and Paula Lewis flew to Tallahassee 'Tuesday afternoon for meetings with legislators and state agency staff to present the county's re- quests for state money. Hutchinson said the county may send smaller groups to Tal- lahassee during the next several weeks to push the case for state money. State legislators go into ses- sion March 7 to consider next year's budget . jimJeeder@þbpost.com '0 /' a,.....u.-z.- Ô~~....j - /7~ r; Ôr.17/ ,- c::3..~ /) ~'.Ib- ~ ß ~ ~U -? /4~ .. vé / //7.. r¿..,~ .- ¿é'>- ..:;0,::,-..ç.:.J~? ~.Jt¡ ì .,.<:¿~ 4/Zc/Z-.<J~ µ Ó c!. ~-r3 ÁJ~y6. ~ p,¥ð&- :;; IZr ~ON .-Z/-¡-- ~,.~ u-r,l-t-A~ f ¿2;~..?---l /-.:;0b ~'- ~~ \ ~/~¿ ~ " 0A--¡ ~þ' ç~ þØM;rh'~ &-e- /??~µ 6. ð' /- a ----- S2--e- '- lj,¿?¡,?/o.,--¿ ~c /Vv CJ~" 7D ¿T~1· c; '( ~;/ ,:1 ¿ ~, - .r?7<;;>-....· - &-~c/S)/1-· 6¿ ß-£Z)/¿J~. ¡:'L ?--"ð~ 7V Tn Þ, 0-, // /J;$4' /!!J/ ~ ~ ..--11'1)".... . fJ ,..) ~ðZJ'¿)C /P' . 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ANDERSON, COUNTY ADMINISTRA TOR~::'¿ ~~ DATE: FEBRUARY 4,2000 SUBJECT: UPDA TED AGENDA Please find attached an updated agenda for the trip to Tallahassee next week, February 8, 9, and 10. Thank you. µ /1 ß/ /" ~f S fiv C¡p,,- Š¿/~ '7 IC. ~ 1/ J 7 DMA:OO-12 ::z ()r) 9', 7- c: Robert Bradshaw, Assistant County Administrator /~ ¿ ) _ Z j ,--- / I' . Bill Blazak, Utilities Director /ftYlfr;> Dan McIntyre, County Attomey---p/ ¡1 / (/J 6¡zf!'-< r;;... /( iJ ~~? føl) Ç/' f0' { 12M 3~ 3¿J VddJ ;¡, ¡? r:r) J ø Sr-.mðù~'/J.-1 ß,;7)<~ 'VI I IIÚJ /Î f"'~ ')'i 1iJ' Z /FtJtrJ ~¢~~ r~(lJJV) ~I,i V (V-fl pv' J~) 'i (" Ir v ~ ,J 1) IV rP r'k",if v\ ,u ~{Cf/ 'v I (' , :.-¡ v \ n~,) (¡V V (1' cf ~'1.--' ,,~ 6 7/lA /-./ / - (;: ~J"bð/1¿L U~ SC-;451h-v ¡V'ti.--J .~ /~J ¿-¿- ~/1JJ--~? .- ~ ~.EB, -03' .00 ¡THU) 17: 16 LEWI S, LONGMAN&WALKER /' TEL:904-224-9242 p, 002 LEWIS, LONGMAN & WALKER, P.A. ATTORNEYS ^ T lAW Jj-Þ 1 J Z-7/5f' It STIVEN LEWIS nitty E. LEWI$ JAMES W. ~INN ANNE LONCM^N Q<\\IIO E. IUIMBA KENNETti C. SPU..l1,o,S EDWIN A. ST!INMEVER STEPHIN A. WAIJ(~ MICHELLI! WILLIAMS ERIC ASH WILUAM C;, CAPKO SETH ANN CARLSON R08a1tT P. DlFFiNO!RFER KENNETH W. OODO! ¡¡R~NN)I, MAlOU' DU l.DIN \'AYNt Eo FlOWl;lU ~ KEVIN S. HtNNESSV ~ OEBOAAH O. HO\."IQN ( 'fI25 Ø_EADOWS WI« . sum; 1;/5 IAC.œoNVltl!, FC.ORI~ 3U.' (90.1) 737-20¡0 . PAX (»II 'J7·J221 !'OIIT OFFICE BO 1In8 TAl.I.AI'IASSU, '1.01110'" )¡,in 1» SO\JTtot OAOSOIN mttr . SUIT! ~ TALI.NWSlC, F.u:JaIDf. ):pm III5DI ¡,~"')Q,2 . PAX (NO! U'Hzq !,S9/7/tJg !Þ¡./ 'Î Î h)< Crtr'l/T-U l St. Úl</4 N.... ~ Fe~~, /madaY, 7~OO p.m., Silver Slipper Re.staurant, 531 Scotty Lane, Tallahassee 1!'OO MLM e!~ LAm BOUI.evAltD . WITt UIOO wm mM 8EJ\C.... RCIIIt)A ¡:MOl 1561! M~.~O . FAX (»III. ~~202 tt£P1Y "10: TAL1.AHASSEE . February ,. WecIae5day 8:30 a.m., 221 Capitol - Meet with Representative Ken Pruitt, House Appropriations Chairman to discuss water/wasteWater projects; aenerai appropriations. 10:00 a.m., Room 1502, Capitol - Meet with Allison DeFoor, Governor's Environmental Czar to discuss water project¡. 10:30 a.m.., 412 SeDate 0ftIee BußdIDg - Meet wim Senator Patsy Kunh, St. Lucie County I Delegation to diSC\l$S general appropriations issues; community project budget requests. 11:00 a.m.. 402 SeDate OIØce BuildiDa - Meet with Senator "Doc" Myers, St. Lucie County I Delegation to discuSS'5 appropriations issues; community projcçt budget requestS. \ f/,"JO M-£l \ Iti:4S a.m., l00a Floor. aplt.ol - Meet with Representative Goode, introduction as candidate for Kurth seat. 12:15 p...- 112 BoUIe om.ce BaUdt"1 - Lu.och with ReprescutatiWl MiDton and Representative Sembler. General Government Appropriations Chair, to discuss general appropriations issues; community project budaet requests and fairgrounds appropriations issues. 1130 p.m., Doub1etrtt Botel- William J. Ashbaker, State Aviation Manager 3:00 p.m., Florida Ports Cooudl. John LaCapra, 315 S. Calhoun Street, Suite 712 7:00 p.m. Dinner - dme and place to be BDDOIIDœd. February 10. Thunda,. 10:00 a.m., Plaza Lenl Capitol - Meet Jim Natf and. Mike Salario, Departm.em of A¡riculmn: to discuss fairlrOUDds relocation; aquaculture demonstration projeets; supplemonraI projects. t'.bI1, -OJ~ 00 (THU) 17: 16 LEWI S, LONGMAN&WALKER TEL:904-224-9242 ;7 p, OO~ ERIC ASH WlLUAM C. C....Pf(() BETH ANN Co\/tlSON Ront'!' I'.. CIFFENCelCI'ER KENNfTH w. COO(;¡ 81t!NNA M^LOUF OURDEN ~t! E. FLOw¡RS KeVIN S, HENNESsY D(80ftA1i D. t1O~TON ~EWIS, LONCMAN '" WALkER ... T TOR N E ' P.A. Ys AT lAW 'II~ &lil'MIAOows WoW . SUIT! 12.5 l~II/I/1""¡, "lOIIIDA J2lf' ('JG41 7]7-2020 . PAA ~ 7J7'UJr - POst OfI'JCf lOX '1»11 r"'tLA",...un. '1OR1o... )2l42 III SOLfl'l1 ,.,..... - -..",O!N ~ffT . SlJITE:JOI T'1\~1.AA....ssu. PLo~ J2101 18SO) U2-5~ . -AI( (ISO¡ .22"'24l 1100 PALM HAcI1 - LA1I;f$ *Ot.ILMIIO . SV,tt 1000 WID Al.UoI li.\Cii. !'lOa/CIA lJo1o (561) 640-0elO . "/UC IU1) 6400ilOl It. ST~N l.fWlS TER/f't' e. LlEWIs JAMES w. lINN ANNE ION(¡fMN DlWIO f. RAM~ (~NETH (j, S"'LUAS EDWIN .... 5'l'ElNMEYfIt $TfPf-IEN A. "'-'LIŒR MICHlIlU! WllUAMS it!I't.YlO, TALLAHAs$EE February 3,2000 Mr. John LaCapra Florida Ports Council 315 S. Calhoun Street, Suite 712 Tallabassee, Florida 32301 Wa Telecopy Re; Meeting with St. Lucie County Dear 10hn: Per our conversation, this confirms St. Lucie County representatives, David Ramba and D1yselfwill meet with you at your office on Wednesday, February 9 at 3:00 p.m. Sincerely, ~ Terry ~ DERlcat cc: Dou¡ Amerson ----""1...) OFFICE OF WATER POL ICY ')~;:-r, ..4.: { '\i-'~ I' '-~" ..;- ._ ,', L(~" . .,,~ ~... ¡.. . ~".,_. .,q ~. '. fIt;.·,,,.r:" I:' 1'\1 r7 : _.._\..:......-';.'_< ~<;.3~· ~·'\Æ. ':"'. ~1 ;...': ~ BSø 4BB Ø7B2 P.Ø2 ~ ---- ..--- \VATE~ AD\1Jso~y p Established Pu,.$UQI'¿t t ro_ -. ~EL o -""five Orde,. 99-288 /J1v !t! (,)" Å 7 . . CC- D - ~61 Þ s ß'-"/C) The Waler Advisory Panel (Panel), established by Governors Executive Order 99-2ðð /1,..//7 hasl8ceived your appUcalion for slate funding for the project referenced on !he attach.;,¡!/'/l Á..-/ sheet. Pursuant 10 the Execuwe Order, the Panel is charged with reviewing applicallo,," A {.J/ I ð for wastewater and surface water restoration proj..,., and foIwarding Ihoae projects that f:::/ I meet the applicable threshold criteria established in the Executive Order to the legislature for consideration for funding. .. review of your project has indicated that it may not meet some o~ all ~f the A pr!I:'~hary hold criteria. A list of the threshold criteria applicable to your project IS reqUI~h d r~tSh a check indicating the criteria that may not be met. aUac e ,WI . Panel at its next meeting on February 11, ~ooo. Your application will b~ c~n~~er:~e~d t~~s meeting and discuss your project application If you desire, you are ,nvlte 0 with the Panel. February 7, 2000 Dear Water Advisol)' Panel Applicant: Water Advisory Panel Meeting Friday, February 11, 2000 9:00 am It 'Room LL-G3 (Cabinet Room) Cap 0, FI Tallahassee, . comin meeting, please contact Janet If you have any qu:~~i~~~~:~:~~~~~~~ ~~otecti~o at 850/468.0784. Llewellyn, Departm Sincerely I ~'-f~ John Vagt Chairman Water Advisory Panel Attachment Proiett litle· . · Rerio.., EDler ÐOlDettic Wate JeIIC)' ConuDQd C Pro. r aad W..tew eater ~ett s,o"or: Sf. LUde B Iter ImprovelDtnt, Willi oard or County C Fu lib Blülk, Utility Di OlDmi"ioae... No. $61/462-1153 reder, St. Lucie County WATER ADVl Tbraholcl Criteri Ii SORY PANEL O Ce"'I'a/ Sewag: ;; W"_ater ProjedJ J The . fFY 200:.~:"t FaCI/I11es . project must meet at I J) a. .Resolve or belp ...ea:rJ one of the following' . '-'-' ve a docu . project area. mented recuniug violation of .ReaoJve or heJp resolve a s b ' state water quality IIandatds . Red~c~ discharge. of POJJu~~ate~ public health threat U1 the tile IImng of the wate bod an JJn))aired watcrbod . d. Reduce doçumenr:c, d'Y'"",- Y Oft the DEP 303(d) list, that resuJted . 18C,wuðes of contami In 2 TL_ . nants to ground WIler ' , A III; project must be Bpo". cd b aupphes. d'stri ....011 ya JocaI gove " 1 ct, or WMD), whicb will administer the =::¿~Ity (nacluding a city, county, water and sewer 3. Priority funding consideration shaJl be given to 10' , oflen than 7 500 and a median bo b Id' P ~ccts address In¡ an area to be served With . IÞ " ' Uie 0 Income ofless than th· a population '" 'Øpulation dßta may be based Off the most ,eeenr dece" e sta~de median bouJehold income. Commerce or other verifiable data; median household :::;:e1lSJls puh/~shed by.the us. Dept. 01 by the appliCDnt and be based on the mosr recent decennial ce::!:she ~7Jzc~sbeTVIce ana shall be provtded Comme,ce.) PU lS e ~ the U.S. Dept. 01 ,.f - ~u OFFICE OF WATER POlICT' BSO 4BB 0?B2 ? p. 03 /----- :IF cg'7 b. c. 4. The !,roject sponsor or.grant rec;ipient must have or aslee to adopt a mandatory~booJcup ordinance for the servIce art.a. Such ordUWlCe may aUow for mandatory hookup upon failure ofindividuaJ systems. The project must have a schedule for completion and a funding plan adequate to complete, operate and mainrain the project, including an identified ñandin¡ source for rcc;urring opcratins coltS. This pro~sion shall not require thai aU the funds necessary to complete the project be set aside prior to actual œsb ðow requirements of the project or commcncement of the project. a. The project sponsor must identify all sources and amounts of local. stare, and federal matching funds secured, anticipated, or being pursued. b, The project sponsor must identify appropriate sources oflocal and other funding that have not been pursued. c;, For each idenbfied soun:e of local or other funding not pursued or not secured, the project sponsor must provide the reasons, The project sponsor or grant recipient must provide for at least a 2S-pcrçcnt. ma~h of the, ~ projcc:t cost. MaJclIes may include funds from other local. sw.e~ and federal sources and m..ltI~ COfttnbutl~ns. Reductions in the match requirement may be çOn9ldered, bued on a demonstration by the project .ponsor of iDability to provide the match. to the satisfaction of the panel. The panel sball take into aA:eO\Int tM information provided pursuant to criterion 5. s. .. ~~ ~~{J · ß/; ¿/vc County officials fmd ,few funding promises Clout shifts from legislators to agencies By Michael Peltier Tallahassee correspondent TALLAHASSEE - S1. Lucie County officials worked the state capital Wednesday, meeting legis- lators in an effort to promote local initiatives ranging from soccer fields to S1. Lucie River cleanup. Local officials participating in . the lobbying effort hold little illu- sion their pet projects will survive' the veto pen simply because of the clout now held by the Treasure Coast delegation, Sobered by Gov, Jeb Bush's veto of millions for S1. Lucie County projects last year, mem- bers of the local entourage say projects will not be funded unless they fall within an agency request, have been reviewed by a statewide panel or fall within broad policy priorities set by lawmakers and the governor. Wednesday's meeting gave them no reason to think other- wise. The message they heard was succinct and expected: If it's not in the pipeline already, don't hold your breath. "Everybody is learning a new way to do business, and we're learning it together," St. Lucie County Commissioner Paula' Lewis said after meeting with Treasure Coast lawmakers, "Last year, we were following the old rules and leaving things up to our legislators. This year, we're going to the agencies, We'll see." Lewis and fellow Commission- ~rs John Bruhn, Doug Coward lOd Frannie Hutchinson joined County Administrator Doug An- derson, County Attorney Dan McIntyre and utilities Director' Bill Blazak for a series of encoun- ters with Treasure Coast delegates and top state officials. House and Senate lawmakers are busy formulating their budget requests for the session, which be- gins March 7. The process how- ever, began last fall, when S1. Lu- cie offici,als last traveled to Tallahassee. to meet with agency staff members who hold the purse strings in an effort to keep projects " "Everybody is learning a new way to do business, and we're learning it together. Last year, we were following the old rules and leaving things up to our legislators. This year, we're going to the agencies. We'll see." - Paula Lewis, county commissioner in the pipeline. "We've gotten our projects in earlier, and we have worked the agencies," Bruhn said. "We're try- ing to help our legislators by doing some of the footwork." Water projects are a top priority of local officials and will be a cen- tral issue for state lawmakers, In all, House lawmakers have set aside $12 million for restoration efforts affecting the Indian River PROMISE Please see PROMISE on C7 . CONTINUED FROM C1 Lagoon. About $10 million more has been set aside for projects a 1'- fecting the St. Lucie River. Similar efforts are going on in the Senate, Under those criteria, a $555,000 request for Lakewood Park wastewater services has passed the first cut. The Water Advisory Panel's list of priority projects also includes restoration efforts for Ten Mile Creek. Funds totaling $190,000 for the Savannas Recreation Area re- main under review as does $2,6 million in wastewater projects for the International Airport Indus- trial Park expansion. The advisory panel is scheduled to meet again Friday. Not all county requests have such a rosy future. Calls for House lawmakers have set aside $12 million for restoration efforts affecting the Indian River Lagoon. $750,000 in state funds for a re- gional football and soccer stadium in Port St. Lucie will probably go unanswered, said Port St. Lucie's Rep. Ken Pruitt. The project ranks at the bottom of a statewide priority list set up for parks, leav- ing little room for optimism, said Pruitt, chairman of the House Ap- propriations Committee. "If you go by what the gover- nor did last year, the chances are II not good," Pruitt said. I ~ Also in jeopardy is an $8 mil- . lion request to relocate the St. Lu- cie County fairgrounds. Unable to find the way to pitch the project, local backers are in a sort of fund- ing limbo, said Rep, Charlie Sem- bleI', a Sebastian Republican who heads the subcommittee that over- sees spending on such projects, I-laving learned from their ex- periences, local officials say they have done all that they can do for I now to ensure that high priority projects get the legislative and gu- bernatorial nod. "From a procedural stand- point, we're in good shape," Terry Lewis, a lobbyist hired by the county, told lawmakers. "We need your help to keep things moving." ~ð~~ -. ". ~~£ " ~b-c<- .~. .~'=' -11-,-<7 ~.Lr;o,-",¿ - M. LL-,o-v'.o r .k-.. /t"'Y, r::./7/ ~cö 4rN /'ðN ~ ~VL,;(JS AL/J /3ßQr ~ 1P \¿~..¿C¿ ~,,~. ~_ ~.., .42Y/21 ~ £'-:- ~'--:2-£.,~ AJr...~~.~ ./ ·¿LS~~ 4'¿~j'=L=é-!T /dl,jL:J 4"9,, ·'C6L.-~.= .s,..~. "'-"- ~ £ H ~d,~ 0, :n::r ~ r--L.. /J ~....v;Ó,-~ 66:?~~ d /~ /..,J¿'<",6I[0-I~'-- /Î ..... C" ¡J.~ .£L.. --__0.'.___.. ._~__.,__... 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FLoRJD^ ~1l5 AX (904) 737..J22 123 SOunt' --- PO~ sn££T r~FPnBOX 107"ss5r.JIT£300 (SSG) 222-~ ~. fLOlUDA J23112 fNC (~O) nt-9:24:! 1700 P...u,r --- - BE'ACH L4.!ŒS WEsT PÁL'\f ¡om lOGO BOUuvARD (S~I) 64o.cf20 ~ FIORIDA JJ.IO FAX (S61) 6.4ô-8'Z(12' ~I.BWrS lAMES Eo [J¡IJIIS ANNE LO~LlNN DAV1DE"~ ~ .-..-aA ED-' G. S?Il.1.u.s ..........~ STePHEN' A. W~ MICIŒ:t.u¡ w:o..r.w.rs n~1 q'ì ~'I 1 ~)'IO;T~sæ FROM: MEMORANDUM Doug Anderson, County A~-' . \,I.\&d,n1strator Terry Lewis David E. R3mha1J/ December 16, 1999 2000-2001 Appropriations for St L . Co UCle UIrty - Update YIA TELEFACsmm..E TO: DATE: RE: .. l I ~I ,/ / per your request) attached is information and a status report . L1Jcie CoUJ11J and fo< submission ID the 2006-2001 Florida L""¡S~ prploeasaccts needethd by St. .' .é...A fro ..L -þ.' e note at some , ~es for obta!DJDg....... m. "'" _ have changed during: the past year and that 51JI øIissioDS xnust be ",ad, fur 'l1,1aJiÍy1og proiects for tb~ inclusion into the Legîslati.. budget pœcess to aVOid the veto ~ oflh: Governor. For pIOJws ~t are not included in an agency ~ or grant award. we wi!1 contmue to work _ds mc1udJng - iudivi41Jallíne it=" iu the LegislatiVe budget.. Yfa.ter ~/con::¡erv!1ionŒl~ter Proiec~ As you... aware, there are n.w p'0codw:eS!bat apply to """""""tor.,,d surfaCe-"" _tion píojects. The Govc:tQOT. t!JroUgh an ¡:.,œcnûve Ordo<, created a W_ Advisory Pone! tbø1 wiD revie'" applicatio"" ."d provi.do ~tions for funding through rb<: Lc:gis\BtUte. Said øpplicatio"" are due to the DopørtIOeIrt ofEnviromJlOl1U1l Protecûon by I)ocOmbe< 30, 1999. APplications are attaeJIed and s!>ould follow the oótetia 1 mailed to you in my Novembet 29. 1999 packo¡1,e. p..s we have met with Deportment of ßnvÚtIronenUll p,.otedion dnting yout visit -¡ DE~: -16' 991'T'HU} 15:40 LEWes, LONGMAN&WALKER - /' TEL:904-224-9242 P. OOJ Memorandum ])~ber16, 1999 Page 2 on November 17, 1999 to discuss indìvidual a .. follow~up meeting would be appropriate durin pproPFnattoßS requests, we believe an additional g your ebruary- 8-10, 2000 trip to TaHahassee. Under the criteria set out by the Governo' om following projects need to be submitted to th ~s ce and the ~ater Advisory Panel, the December 30, 1999: e epartment of EnV11'Onmental Prote<:t!on by Harbor Pointe Improvements (WaterlSewer) North County Water Improvements at Airport Industrial Park Ten Mile Creek Regional Attenuation Facility Indi:AQ River &tatesISavaønas Water Retention Fad1ities Savannas Outdoor Recreation Area ImproTemep1¡¡ (Water/Sewer) Fairgrounds RelotationIDisaster & Special Needs Sbelter (Water/Sewer) Ft. Pierce Causeway Islands Shoreline Stabilization .$ 375,000 $4,140.190 53,000,000'-' $4,800,000........ S 190,000' $ 500,000· $ 903,100 From our last meeting. St. Lucie County was awaiting notification from FEMA regarding the .need for federal assisLmce for tbe shoreline stabilization. Aðditional information regarcling this project ru::eds 10 be forwarded to Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Beaches and Shores to investigate any other sourœs of fimdíng. If FEMA funding is not available, a general legislative appropriation will be submitted. Onœ the applications are with the DEP, we will need to begin working w~th the ~ency " . atì committee members including Representat1ve Pruitt, on ~. House and Senar: Appropn ODS . also be done during the Febm~J~-lO visit. ~ certain these items. are ~ed. ~ can.. Water Manage.me.nt District has already AdditionallY, please keep 111 mmd tha~ sou:jl~og:k Regional Attenœtion Facility and the requesœð some dollars for both me . en ~,.th 1"""'islative aWropriarlons membelS to '..,.. One of our tasks will be to wOu. WI ~~ Savaœas proJ~' tb ~-Uars to 1be desired levels. jncrease ose UIJ ;e¡pcs and Recreation Proiects $750,000 F tball and Soccer StadiUDl 18 1999 with FRDAP that our grant 00 ed from our meeting on November, betber they have been approved It .appear t Lucie should be bearing a:rr¡ day W. aIe still looking to app:Jic;ation is cmnp\etc ~ ~erSbiP with the City of Port St. Lucie~ :: will be used in the for a $400,000 ~ feJrP the ~~ $350,000, aM the Pt~TbtJ:e is letr1station filed as ..-nIl .<;.ta~ fun 1T1g. . for local proL_ . .Þ- ~ve appropriations ~roJect for sta~fo--W;kãnd recreátion projects OU1SÍdc of the grants ~-- licanon type process r p . wen ro set up the app ent of Envirom:nenml Proœcnon. currently available through the Departm DEG, -16' 99(THU) 15:39 LEWIS, LONGMAN&WALKER TEL:904-224-9242 p, 002 LEWIS. LONGMAN & WALKER. P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW EJUC ASrI WILLIAM G. CAP1CO BE1H Ar"N CAIU.'K:IN R.OBFRT P. DIFFENDERf'ER. KENNE11f w. DODGE 8!.ENNA MALOUF DIJRDEN WA YSJ! E.. FLOWÐtS (,£VIN" S, HENN:1!SSY CEBORAH D, HOLTON 7825BAYMEAÞOWSWAY.Surœ US JAa5ON\IIU.£. fLOlUD... 3l2Sõ (!IDa) 731.202D . FAX \9OoI)737..Jùl Jt..S'ŒVW U;W¡S 'rntRY 'E.LEWIS lAMES W. LINN ANNE LONGMA."'I DAVW It RAMBA ~ G.S?ILUAS EDwtfoI A. STFJNMEYtt 5"J'£i'IIDl A.. W~ MICIŒI.J...E wtI.I.JAMS r&\qî 1)1\ I 1:l5 SOtmf GADSDEN STR££T. surr:E 300 POST OH'IC: BOX /07118 l' Al..LAHASSEE. ft.OlUDA :J23t1l ( ISO) 222-5701 . PM (1:50) :l1<l-'Df:! l700 PALMBEAal ~ BOUL&VARD S\,TJtt 1000 WEST PAL\! aEACH. fLORItIA 33-101 (S51) 640-"320 . FAX (S61) ~0-8'202 ~y In: TAUAHASsæ MEMORANDUM TO: Doug Anderson, County Administrator FROM: Terry Lewis. David E. Ramba1J./ December 16, 1999 VIA TELEFACSIMILE DATE: RE: 2000-2001 Appropriations for St. Lucie County - Update Per your request) attached is information and a. status report on projects needed by St. Lucie County and for submission to the 2000-2001 Florida Legislature. Please note that some procedures for obtaining funds fium the state have changed during the past year, and that submissions must be made. for q-ualifying projects for their inclusion into the Legislative budget process to avoid the veto pen of the Governor. For projects that are not included in an agency budget or grant award, we wi.11 continue to work towards including those individual line items in the Legislative budget Water Ouali~/Conserva.t.ionfWasteWater ProTec.ts A!. you are aware, there are new procedures that apply to wastewater and surface water restoration projects. The Governor, through an Executive Order, created a Water Advisory Panel that will review applications and provide recommendations for funding through the Legislaíure. Said applications are due to the Department ofEnviromnental Protection by December 30, 1999. Applications are attached and should follow the criteria I mailed to you in my November 29, 1999 package. As we have met with Department of Environmental Protection during your visit DEC. -16' 99!THU) 15:40 LEWIS, LONGMAN&WALKER TEL:904-224-9242 p, 003 Memorandum. December 16, 1999 Page 2 on N ove:mber 17, 1999 to discuss individual appropriations requests, we believe an additional follow-up meeting would be appropriate during yaur February 8-10, 2000 trip to Tallahassee. Under the çriteria set out by the Governor's Office and the Wa1e1: Advisory Panel, the following projects need to be submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection by December 30, 1999: Harbor Pointe Improvements (WaterlSewer) North County Water Improvement.'! at Airport Industria) Park Ten Mile Creek Regional Attenuation FaciJity Jurlian River EstateslSavannas Watet" Retention Facilitie:s Sa"fal]IlaS Outdoor Recreation Area Improvements (Water/Se.wer) Fairgrounds RélocationIDisaster & Special Neœs SbeItet (Water/Sewer) Ft. Pierce Causeway Islands ShoreJine Stabilì:zation $ 375,000 $4,140,190 S3,OOO,OOOV'" $4,800,000'/ $ 190,000· $ 500,000· $ 903,100 From. our last meeting, St. Lucie County was awaiting notification from FEMA regarding the need for federal assistaDCe for the shoreline stabilization. Mditional information regarding tb:is project needs to be forwarded to Department of Environmental Proteetion, Division of Beaches and Shores to investigare any other sources of funding. H FEMA funding is not available, a g~e:rallegis1ative appropriation will be submitted. Once the applications are with the DEP, we will need to begin working with the agency and House and Senate Appropriations committee members. including Representative Pruitt, on making certain these iœ1l1S are funded. 1his can also be done during the Feb~_ª," 10 visit. Additionally, please keep in mind that South Florida Water Manage.ment District haS already requested some dollars for both the Ten Mile Creek Regional .Attenuation Facility and the Savannas project. One of our tasks will be to work: with legislative appropriations members to increase those doUars to tbe desired levels. Parks and RecIUtÏon Projects Football and Soccer Staditml $750,000 It appeared from our meeti11g on November 18, 1999 with FRDAP that our grant application is complete and St. Lucie should be hearing any day whether they have been approved for a $400,000 grant in. partnership with the Cit;y of Port St Lucie. We are still looking ro ~ sta~ fn1"1rlïllg for the ~ $350,000, and the procedure that__wiU. be used in the Legislative appropriations project for state ~ing_~~ local proj~. There is legislation filed as wen to set up the application type process fÖ( park and reCteation projects outSide of the grants currently available through the Department of Enviroomp.oral Proœction. DEC. -16' 99 ITHU) 15: 42 LEVI! S, LONGMAN&WALKER TEL:904-224-9242 p, 006 Memorandwn December 16. 1999 Page 5 . information was given to the County at our Tallahassee meeting. and applications are due March 15.2000. DEC. -16' 99!THU¡ 15:39 LEWIS, LONGMAN&WALKER TEL:904-224-9242 p, GO 1 LEWIS, LONGMAN & WALKER, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 7m ÐAYMEAOOWS WAY · SUITE 115 IACKSONVILU!..FLORIDA 32256 (904)737-2020. FAX(SIQ4)737-3221 ERIC ASH wn.UA.'>d G. CAPKO BETIi ANN CARLSON ROBERT P. DIFfE¡"IDERF'E.R KENNETII W. DODGE BRENNA MALOUF DURDEN WAYNE E. FLOWERS KEVIN S. HENNESSY DEBORAH D. HOLTON 125 SOUTH GADSDEN S1REET SUITE 300 POST OFFICE BOX 10788 TALLAHASSEE. FLORIDA 32302 (850) 222-5702 · FAX (850) 224-9242 ---- 1700 PAL\! BEhCH vJCS$ BOULEV AAD SUITE 1000 WEST PALM BEACft, FLORIDA ))401 (.561) 641)..0920. FAX (561)640-8202 'IELECOPY COVEl:lSHEET Date: /;). / J t.c / 9 q ClientJMatter No. ,-'dO) ~ . . 1J{)u¡Ç'#d~jAl'r11) Tcl=py_ Te1ecopY Number. TdecopyN~ To: From.: j,,'-/~),Af £~ ( U-~':'-A~ .d.. (LIXJV i!l.J Subject: R.. STEVEN LEWIS TERRY E. LEWIS JAMES W. LINN AN1'.'E LONGMAN DAVID E. RAMBA KENNETH G, SPUilAS EDWIN A. STEINMEYER sTEPBEN A. WAIJŒR MICHELLE WllJ.1AJ."\tS ~y "" T:¡n 2"""'.."""'" Pages; ~ (No, ¡¡f psfl'!S including CO"M.'x!e!) !J~(tJ/ l'flt;:; - :L13/ , ~!J THE 1NFORM...\TIOrf CONTAINED IN THIS TELECOPY MESSAGE IS ATIORNEYICUENT P1UVJ.LEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTm" N.uŒD ABOVE. If THE :READER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE J.NTENDJ.D RECIPIENT, YOU AØ HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT A!íY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIB1J110N OR coP\'ING OF THIS COl\olMVNlCATlON IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF yOU HAVE RECEIVED 'IIIlS CO~CATION IN ERROR., PLEASE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY US BY TELEPHONE, AND RETURN TIlE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT TIlE ABOVE-ADDRESS VIA 'tHE POSTAL SERVICE. THANK YOO. Ifpcobleø witb tnmsDÚ5SÎÐD o«ur, please aU (904) m-28W ~ JAC1{Sm¡'VILLE (858) 222-5711- T~ (561) 64B-0820 - WEST I'.ALM BEAcH Message: DEC. -16' 99ITHUj 15:41 LEWIS, LONGMAN&.WALKER TEL:904-224-9242 p, 004 Memoraudum December 16, 1999 Page 3 There is also a. possibility that the current cap on indMdual FRDAP grants may be increased this year. Such an increase in the cap will require legislation. We will also work with the appropriate legislators to lobby for such an increase and try to allocate any increase among grants awarded I:his year. Sa"fanIUIS Recreational Area Improvements 5850,000 There are two grant funding sources available for application for this project. First, a FRDAP grant could cova- $200,000 for the improvementS. Second, Florida recendy received $1.7 million ftom Congress for (he Land & Water Conservation Fund. Unfortunately, individual projects can only receive $100,000 under this mecb~ni~m. Again. the procedure for general legislarive appropriations is still changing, but we believe projecr submissíons will be reqnired similar to the WaterfWas~water Project funding. Hutchinson Island Impro"fement Project $1,024,362 It appears from the background mar.erWs provided that the County is requesting $500,000 for park improvements and $524,362 for the purchase of the Jack Island Addition. As the COUDtY can have only two FRDAP grants running at any one tl1ne, it would seem that services of funding for this project would have to be applied for on ð. piecemeal basis. I would include part of the park improvements and land purchase in a request for $100,000 from the Land & Water Conservation Funcl, DOT for !he bike path, and apply for SWIM ~ and Indian River Lagoon License Plate grants. Harbor Pointe Improvements $1,750,000 The Harbor Pointe project would need to be done. in parts under the new budget strategy. Watcr/se.wer improvements would need to be applied for through the Water Advisory Panel. and the rem:'41ning funding for tbe project would have to be justified as a regional public/recreatioruù facility through the general. appropriations process. FairJ:!J'ounds RelocationIDisaster Command Center/Sjlœial Needs Shelter Agriculture Exhibit. Fairgrounds Rela.tion, Disaster Command & Special Needs Shelter $8.000,000 It appears from our meetings with the Department of Agriculture and Department of Community Affah's that this project will have to be done through a combination of agencies. Senator Childers (R-Pensacola) i5 rumored to be developÏDg a funding source for fairgrounds, and as you know from our :meeting ofNO'lember 18, 1999 with the Department of Community Affairs, they have funding avaita.ble for increased wind resistance/protection upgrades for the fairgrounds facility that would be used as a special needs shelter. We will continue to work with DEC, -16' 99 THU) 15:41 LEWIS, LONGMAN&IALKER TEL:904-224-9142 P,005 Memorandum December 16, 1999 Page 4 -. the Department of Agriculture on their fimding program for fairgrounds, a$ well a$ support inclusion of portions of the request in the Department of Agriculture supplemental budget. Entet¡lrise Florida Airport Industrial Park Road Projects (Industrial Ave OneIPhsse 3) S1,5S0~OOO Funding could be available through Enterprise Florida's Econoroic Development Transportation Fund if road design and constructiQn were tied to businesses relocating in Florida. Fwding aWiU'ds need to be made based on relocation of an existing business to St. Lucie County. but must be from corporations tha.t meet the criteria given to us at our November 1 g, 1999 nleeting in Tallahassee. Aquaculture Demonstration Proiect I have been communicating with Michael Ednoffto coordinate the request fOT $315,000 for the Aquaculture DemoIlStrat.ion Project. According to Jim Naff, as a result of our meeting with the Department of Agriculture on November 17, 1999 the Department will include this project in their supplemental budget request to the Governor in January. Michael Ednoff has been worldng with the Department of Agriculture to education them on this request. Additional coordination will be necessary with the University of Florida for maintaining funding in the University's budget DeoartI'nent of Transportation South 25th Street Phase 1/Midway Rd. Widening 512,940.000 South Hutchinson Island Pedestrian & Bike Path S 2,000,000 I understand that Commissioner Hutchinson bas been successful in meetings with Rick Chesser in moving up the priority for the 25th Street project. Assuming there are appropriations in the: Department of Transportation budget for this project. we will lobby on beha1f of the Courrty for their inclusion in the fina} budget. We will also continue to look for logical projeGts within the Department of Transportation budget for insertion ofBÌke Path project appropriations. Morninsrsid.e: Librarv After our :mee1ing with the Secretary of State Division of Library Services on the $200,000 request for funding) it appears that the only funding a.vailable for this project would be through. grants Dr an individual line item appropñation inserted by the Legislature. Grants (}q9-af- j2¡q LEWIS, LONGMAN & WALKER, P.A. ATTORNEYS A T LAW R. STEVEN LEWIS TERRY E. LEWIS JAMES W. LINN ANNE LONGMAN DAVID E. RAMBA KENNETH G. SPILLlAS EDWIN A. STEINMEYER STEPHEN A. WALKER MICHELLE WILLIAMS ERIC ASH WILLIAM G. CAPKO BETH ANN CARLSON ROBERT P. DIFFENDERFER KENNETH W. DODGE BRENNA MAlDUF DURDEN WAYNE E. FLOWERS KEVIN S. HENNESSY DEBORAH O. HOLTON 7825 SAYMEAD0W5 W,o,Y . SUITE 12S J,o,CK50NVILLE, FLORID,o, 322S6 (904) 737·2020 . FAX (904) 737,3221 POST OFFICE 80X 10788 TALLAHASSEE, FLORID,o, 32302 125 SOUTH GADSDEN STREET . SUITE 300 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 (850) 222·5702 . FAX 1850) 224·9242 1700 P,o,LM 8EACH LAKE5 BOULEV,o,RD . SUITE 1000 WE5T P,o,LM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 (561) 64Q.0820 . FAX (561) 640-8202 WEST PALM BEACH REPLY TO: August 12, 1999 " RE: Legislative Activity fì0 'b "fI)p ~ l\ J Mr. Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Dear Doug: Per our conversation, this confirms the following: 1. The Firm, through myself and David Ramba in our Tallahassee office, can be expected to incur legal fees and costs approximating $2500 to $3500 per month for the period beginning August 1, 1999 through September 30, 1999, associated with legislative activity dedicated to securing various appropriations for St. Lucie County from the Florida Legislature. 2. Including costs and legal fees, I do not anticipate the total during this time period to exceed $8500. 3. Should it appear at the end of August as though the amount is likely to be exceeded, I will contact you and receive written permission before proceeding. If the foregoing is acceptable, please let me know. ~ ,,¡-: r.," /-" ~ ." ...." "",'" ~ t'ü"frid¡;"tu r0 : U ¡-\;;~t:1 .- AM") ,:\v.p;::;'~n~'>'~,.(' Smcerely yours, ~U t."'Ç \'\h_,I',-l-· ~~c:: _ //./ (/ :l~~Lf-- BOARD OF COUNTY COMM,,^,,~ ?" ~ - AUG 1 3 , ~ ·_L...:......_:i:~.._ . 5T. LUCIE COUNTY . ~~'rv'\"'l1 ? ·r·'· ¡,Z:~~, ~ Terry E. LewIs \tri1UNII "í¡'.:J..,\~, .. TEL/bt I I.IC~ieríí DocumentslSt. Lucie C~un 21CO,RIAm.lerson L~tt .J ......... BY: () /J",-- . -./ .GUN ÄDMINtSTRATOR ,. 561-6413-8202 LEWIS LONGM~N WALKER 068 P02 OCT 23 '97 17:26 - - . : CSl-IO- ~oy LEWIS, LONGMAN & WALKER, P.A. ATTORNEYS A T L. ^ W Rf)8ERT ,. C;;jfFENCER'ER IŒNNETJ-i W. DODGE 'A ,o,YN£ e. flONf~ I!NNlfêR L_ FROST WIN S. HENNESSY Il, STEVEN LEWIS TERRY £, leWIS 1IJS WJ.4EADOo\ð WIi'I . 5IJm 125 ~V1LU. FIOIIIOII JlU6 ItIWI 7)7·2020 . fA:!. 19041 7)7- Jl21 J¡t.MES W. LI "IN ,o,NN£ I.ONÇMAN c.~RJ L. ROTH EDWIN A.. STE'NI.!!'y!jt STEP~EN A, ~.l~ER MICHelLE WlLLI^M5 125 SOUTH CA05O(N 5T1If" . SUITe )00 PO$T OJJlCS lOX tœtl 1'ILLAHASSft. ftOIIlW. JUO~ (1'01 :tl20S70Z . FAX (150112".t2~2 1/'00 /'IlL'" MACIi ~~fS IOULNlliQ . SUitt 1000 WIST PALM lEACH. fIC""'" ])401 15611 '4CJ.41~O . flU l'lon "4Q.I2OJ ilf"LY 1Uo October 23, 1997 WEST PAL'd BEACH D:miel S, McIntyre. Esquire 2300 V irginia A venue Administrative Annex. 3rd Floor Ft. Pierce. FL 34982 VIA FACSIMILE RE: Representation of Mosquito Control District Dear Dan: This confinns the firm will be pleased to continue representing the St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District on the same terms and conditions that we represent St. Lucie Coumy. its Port and Airport Authority and its Erosion Control District. We also agree that we wi1l not exceed legal fees of 51.500.00 without authoriution from the appropriate county administrator. If these terms and conditions are acceptable, please sign in the place provided. return this letter to me and retam a copy for your records. Sincerely yours, ~~~ Terry E. Lewis MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT íJa¡J ¡/ flit DANIEL s. MCIt7 TEL/mid 1:\5148\448 1 \CORR\MCI~'TYRE,L21 Sl:LUCJECOUNTY MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT BY: -------., " A'íL 12-) ''11 .- S' tJJ \- ^ , ~..Q L.!1- .-..J ~"-U \ (;0 c: ^) , .. . LEWIS, LONGMAN & WALKER, P.A. ATTORNEYS A T LAW R, STEVEN LEWIS TERRY E. LEWIS JAMES W. LINN ANNE LONGMAN DAVID E, RAMBA KENNETH G, SPILlIAS EDWIN A. STEINMEYER STEPHEN A. WALKER MICHELLE WILLIAMS ERIC ASH WILLIAM G, CAPKO BETH ANN CARLSON ROBERT p, DIFFENDERFER KENNETH w. DODGE BRENNA MALOUF DURDEN WAYNE E, FLDWERS KEVIN S. HENNESSY DEBORAH D. HOLTON 7825 8AYMEADOWS WAY . SUITE 125 JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA 32256 (904) 737·2020 . FAX (904) 737,3221 POST OFFICE BOX 10788 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 125 SOUTH GADSDEN STREET . SUITE 300 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 (850) 222,5702 . FAX (850) 224-9242 1700 PALM BEACH LAKES BOULEVARD . SUITE 1000 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORID,o, 33401 (561) 640-0820 . FAX (561) 640,8202 WEST PALM BEACH REPLY TO: November 29, 1999 Mr. Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 VIA TELEF ACSIMILE RE: Legislative Activity and Estimated Costs Dear Doug: Per our conversation and your request, this confirms the following: 1. On August 12, 1999, I estimated Firm legal fees and costs to St. Lucie County for legislative activity during the period of August 1, 1999 through September 30, 1999 to range in the amount of $2500 to $3500 per month and in any event to not exceed $8,500. 2. In actuality, between July 1, 1999 and October 31, 1999, legal fees and costs amounted to $7,580.60. 3. For the month of November, we have incurred estimated fees and costs of $ 5,796.94 due to the substantial amount of activity related to meeting with all of the State agencies and legislative contacts necessary to secure St. Lucie County appropriations and grants for its programs. 4. Based on the foregoing and because legislative activity will generally increase month by month over the next five months, St. Lucie County should expect to incur fees and costs related to legislative activity in the range of $4,800 to $5,500~( month for the period from November 1, 1999 through February 29,2000. ,- t Mr. Douglas M. Anderson St. Lucie County November 29, 1999 Page 2 5. Including costs and legal fees, I do not anticipate the total during this time period to exceed $22,000. Should it appear at any time as though the amount is likely to be exceeded, I will contact you and receive written permission before proceeding. If the foregoing is acceptable, please let me know. Sincerely yours, ~ ~ ~c-~ _ Terry E. Lewis TELl sps I:\Client Documents\St. Lucie County\4482\CORR\Anderson Ltr 2.doc [ . ~ .' . >.'.. .:" ~t. Lucie Cou.nty 0tfiçial~sC;~ rf?~~~~ic de\Tel~p~~~~ ¡ development was on the minds of was ben:Ecial in that it made them : St. Lucie Coun~ officials who last a'Yare ofahandful ofprevÎously "d~~~~~10~~d~~~ ~~t%ld =o~~fi~i:er::all : hard cash. along the Treasure Coast ~in attract- For two day in mid-No- ing ~ew businessesanØ retaining ili~ri ;ffi~='::f ad~~ta~~f Michael ~~=n, the ~up lçamed' t::~:~erh~~~:ci;~~~~~rPeltier ~~j::~: ~~=.·.~s=. 1 with the folks in èhar~ of spend- surface,water controlahd ødier,m~ I ~~ns of dollarš in state frastructure needs tha . - L local ~ci~r~~:'~~ili~ak~ funds given fun~;:=tion and lh~~~::n~ate for b able information about the avail- the competitive nature of the bid- Enterprise Florida, for exam- ability of state funds for suCh pro- ding.Q~ocess. pIe, 'l?-as a- pair of ~ve ~o- ~ as, airport developmen~. ""We've got our work cut out no~c development mcennves Th~ ilio came away WIth an for us,» saiáCounty Ac!ministtator available to local governments. appreciation for just how difficult Doug J\nderson fOI1P1. dre slat< it may be to secùre any of those of ~~ettngs. , '7J \'1\ See DEVELOP on page 3 . . .. 1~\ ... Aec~; 1:999- - - - - - - - - - - . Develop from page 1 , The Economic Development Transportation Fund can pump as much as $2 . million into local ef- forts to woo regional. or interna- tional businesses that are consid- ering Florida' among a number of states. Grants are awarded based on the number of jobs cteated, and the funds can be used to purcháse right of way, build r?3-ds,.rail spurs or other tt~1J.onlinks. The grant l)lUst be applied for before a CRmpany agrees to locate at a par- ncufar site. For this fiscal year, lawmakers gave the agency $22 million to spend. Of fliat,about $7 million remains, assuming those projects already in the líop~r are ap- proved, state officialS said. Another Enterprise Floridá fund offers tax brëaks of up to $3,000 per job created for compa- nies from selected industry that move into the state, or expand their existing facilities. ~The Qùálified Target Industry Tax Refund Program requires a 20-percent local ma~ch ãnd ex- panä. Benefi!S are patd out over a four-year pc:nod. To qûalifv the company must be among a fist of targêted indus- tries anáptfer-wages at least 15 percent higher tbãn the average wage. Equally as important as the J?;tant p..tPgt'a!11S, local delegates . . ãlso were made aware pf new pro- cedure&.W çvaluate loCal projects, St. . Lucie öfficials, like their collea~es across the state, were S!UUg last spring wh~n Flórida Gov. Jeb Bush followed throU# on _ earlier promises ànd. vetoed more than $300 million in local projects ranging.' from ~. to sewer systems to commumty cen- ters. Bush, ,who said many' of the projects ru.d not received proP.?' SfrutÏ!1y, axed ~ore than $15 ~- lion m St~ .LUCle County projects from the state budR:et. Following his veto mess~ !rush told ~v- ernment officiãls to work with agencies that evaluate projects. St. Lucie officials took that to heart, . "We wanted to come and get some advice,» Anderson said. "We really' wanted to pick their . brains for iäeas.» .r~~ / - CRITICAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR 2000-2001 LEGISLATIVE SESSION SEPTEMBER 22.1999 12:30 P.M.- 2:30 P.M. JOHNNY'S CORNER RESTAURANT I. INTRODUCTION BY THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR II. PRESENT A TrONS: A. PROJECTS RANKED HIGHEST BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TEN MILE CREEK WATER ATIENUATION FACILITY Presented by Ray Wazny, Public Works Director and Don West, County Engineer SOUTH 25TH STREET/WEST MIDWAY ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Presented by Ray Wazny, Public Works Director and Don West, County Engineer AIRPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTINORTH COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT A-- I J - Presented by Bill Blazak, Utilities Director and Paul Phillips. Airport Director ¡{] ~ Jµ (;\, Gf{f}-,(' C 1)'1../ rVU~ k' SAVANNAS RECREATION AREA IMPROVEMENTS / Þ<Jy" Presented by Patti Raffensberger. Special Facilities Manager, Leisure Services V. L HARBQUR POINTE IMPROVEMENTS . ) _ ~-L../ 'f Presented by Ray Wazny, Public Works Director . f) 1.,/~¿) I () ¡,;;>c- L~ (.Æ j) ST. LUCIE WEST FOOTBALL/SOCCER STADIUM -- e--f .? 'Uf ó ¡JÖ \ 11$,/ røPl./;J¡ Presented by Mike Leeds, Leisure Services Director þ4! HUTCHINSON ISLAND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Presented by Don McLam. Projects Manager and Jim David, Mosquito Control Director .........-CHILDREN'S ENVIRONMENTAL MUSEUM Presented by Don McLam, Projects Manager, Leisure Services and Bill Blazak, (" Utilities/Recycling Director ~ ¿yc.." ß ~ CAUSEWAY ISLAND EROSION CONTROL Y'~0 --r3, ,., ~/{, ~ . Presented by Don West, County Engineer tJ/J)t6 {/JvJ4) /'1___ 'i INDIAN RIVER ESTATES STORMWA TER IMPROVEMENTS 6£.- ,71-1/ . \ t ~ Pre..nted t>y Ray Wozny. Pu_lIe Wor'. Director and Don W..t. County Engin.., k ,,/c I) \ ~, SOUTH HUTCHINSON ISLAND BIKE PATH/INDI.A.N R!VER LAGOON BIKEWAY TRAIL ' \\ P~ted by Dennis Murphy. Assistan-t Community Development Director \ \I MORNINGSIDE LIBRARY PRO ECT. Presented by Susan Kilmer, Libr rector . \) AQUACULTURE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT ~. P Economic Develo ment Planner ~()Jhò¡)O .Jt.~ 7fV1J' ~ ~t ,....# ,..,.---- erson. ounty N:lminis . ~ ""',' COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS RELOCATION Presented by Jeanne Keaton. Fair Association Manager C. .{)/'hi ,I. ~---. SUMMARY BY THE COUNt. ADMINISTRATOR 0 ~F:~: ~ ..7 DISCUSSION ( f\(. ' (¡ Y ty,f..[·. It·, ii-y·, ) IJ-+- {JJ l-{/IJ IV" v 'L ..-/ ' ~l. /J <1 I; jJV¡U' rjß~rw-1û~ 7'ì f ( ~{ á~1> 0d B. OTHER BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FUNDING REQUESTS III. IV. . - // CRITICAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR 2000-2001 LEG/SLA nVE SEsSION SEPTEMBER 22, 1999 St L . C · UCle ounty Aquaculture Demonstration Project Pr~posal comprises three economic develo me . UDlversities, institutions and businesses t P n~ ~DIpOnents hnked together and linked with o mam am a strong agncultural economic base. L Shrimp lncuhator Program, $300,000 rp.quen. . Home grown strategy to design 1ar e 1 . other crops and water management; aquacu turl e ProductI~n systems integrated with o grow a sa twater SpecIes of shrimp in .&eshwater. Cooperate jointly with UF-IRREc USDA HBOI d . . d ..'.', an pnvate growers, ranchers engmeers an aquaculturbsts III project design, oPeration and funding. . Project guided by UF-IRREC lndustry Advisory CODImittee. Private sector in-kind services and cash contributions. . . . Benefits: Statewide applicability and impact; diversifY crops and fann revenues; create new Jobs and DIore year mood eruployruent; new sustainable agricultural-aquacultural technologies for South Florida. 2. World Aquaculture Center, $200,000 request · Corporate and public education component of aquaculture development in S. Florida: Private non-profit bringing all aquaculture segments together via an applied learning center concept deriving operating support as a tourist/theme attraction. Use outreach techniques to promote and develop markets for aquaculture products, Spurring growth ill commercial production and research & development. · Funds would hire consultants to perfonn all feasibility work, COrporate recruitment, and put together financial package of$15-20 million of non-state funds to develop the project. · Benefits: Create approximately 100 new jobs, facilitate federal aquaculture lab funding, and bring Fortune 500 Agribusiness Corporations to our door to link with research facilities impacting agriculture throughout South Florida. 3. Aquaculture Extension Agent, $15,000. · Request would pay County share for multi-county aquaculture extension position. · Position would have regional impact and benefit. Bush's buélget cutting collides with legislators' prerogatives home new, ,fff V KO e..a€.!, ~,Pr." 1'ourn'" Joui nhS ..stah "hI> national n hI> . world n h6 c.ommunit~ Information opln ons obituM I" c.onlatt us ,. iuburibe. .c.::.ommunl1 Foruml> 'por t, Ir..ai>ur. (.o.ai>1 t.porl s buiinH w~ather living whari up ij~, fif., p'u' on the water daisifi,ds rea' utatt 1e.Uow pagn Search TCPalm . . ".~,.~.,.,.,-~..~..,. "'~1 go! f.)(fAA! that {¡ forum.. " ar,hivu GtUIDf.S dining Ion http://www.tcpalm.com/vero/v21 v34l ,shtml ~~"'haane\ ? Jupiter C.Ourier ~uart Newi ":port '&t. Luc.ie. Ne.Wi .ft. 'Pi erG" Ne~i )Jero &laGh 'PrKi :fourna\ jlebatiaa ~n 1l.1'aIm.""",lhing t.talt'h- trðvfl - ri'ligoon - f.a:ltu"t;!\- food - hem!'; it'ia dic.e. ·of\'" l1rtø:i;Üma. Bush's budget cutting collides with legislators' prerogatives September 21, 1999 By MICHAEL PELTIER Press Journal Capital Correspondent TALLAHASSEE - Treasure Coast lawmakers may have held positions of unprecedented clout last year, but they sat powerless when Florida Gov. Jeb Bush followed through on repeated threats and slashed more than $15 million in local projects from the budget. Much to their chagrin, local lawmakers watched as local parks, farmers markets, boat ramps and cultural events joined more than $312 million in local projects stripped from the state's $49 billion spending blueprint. This time around, some local lawmakers are hoping that an improved review process for member projects will prevent repeat of last year's veto frenzy. Others however, say this may be the year that a true showdown plays itself out. "The people have told us they don't want member projects - turkeys - in the budget," said Rep. Ken Pruitt, R-Port St. Lucie and chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. "It's going to be a process where the public will know that if a project gets funded, it has met the litmus test of being worthy of state funding." Though pleasing government watchdog groups, the dramatic gesture by Florida's freshman governor angered many senior legislators, some of whom predicted the honeymoon between the GOP-Ied Legislature and the party's standard bearer was over. In fact, Bush's vetoes last spring of millions of dollars in local projects still rankle some senior members of the delegation, who say they have no intention of abrogating the Legislature's role in SPECIAL . HER FREE! TELLITE DISH Ie elll ....'ID:t1lS Escorted Tours Europe A. frica USA Isreal South Pacific ........ COSMOS TODAY IN TCPALM PRO FOOTBALL MANIA 9/22/99 8:53 AM t!ush's buêlget cutting collides with legislators' prerogatives Ace.. i. Di...,tor1 of " A.dvertisers MYt,,~\~g :, OWO"\U1UfiCof> tell a friend about this page: their email: r""-"--''''''''~J ¡ s.nd! M6L'P! ii te map tour fe.edbac.t 2 on deciding how to spend the state's money. "There is no way you can do the things in this state that need to be done by just closing down all the projects," said Sen, William "Doc" Myers, R-Hobe Sound. "He's expecting us to take the priority lists of bureaucrats. That's bull crap," The current squabble over who controls the state's purse strings began in May. Flush with cash and a booming economy, lawmakers requested more than $500 million in member projects, initiatives limited in scope that were not part of any agency budget request. Bush responded by axing hundreds of projects worth $312 million in a veto list that left no lawmaker's district unaffected. Among the $15 million in cuts, Bush vetoed almost $3 million in parks projects for the Treasure Coast, including more than $1 million in parks slated for Indian River County. The governor also axed some public works projects, including a sewer system expansion for the city of Fellsmere, and a $1 million expansion of the Gifford Youth Center. The Indian River County School District also took a big hit, with Bush axing funding for a $3.5 million auditorium at Vero Beach High School. Trying to avert another veto fest, House fiscal leaders have come up with a process they say will allow members to have input without raising the veto-wrath of the governor, with whom they have been walking in lock step. "If someone has a better widget, I haven't seen it yet," Pruitt said of the House plan. "I don't want a repeat of last year. We can sit around and dump on the governor, but the bottom line is he is a man of conviction and he's going to do it again." The Senate's climate is much chillier for a governor flush with freshman success and now in his second year. For the past four or five years, Senate leaders have been working on their own version of performance-based budgeting, a process that in http://www.tcpalm.comlvero/v21v341.shtml Get into the game and win cash. FANATIC ZONE Check out the best coverage of the Southeastern Conference anywhere online! HURRICANE Keep your eye on the storm this season LAUNCHPAD Check out what's hot online before you surf MILLENNIUM News you can use for Y2K STREET FEST FLORIDA_ Online artfair FLORIDA WHEELS_ Your local automotive resource TRAVEL PLANNER_ A resource for your travel-planning needs ADVERTISE_ Make the web work for you 9/22/99 8:53 AM , Bush's budget cutting collides with legislators' prerogatives theory rewards programs for their results. The process also allows for members to fight for local projects among themselves. Such a process, members say, ensures that worthy local initiatives have a chance at state support. For a chamber invested in its own process, Bush's vetoes last spring were especially bitter pills to swallow. "We lose the opportunity to have local participation," said Sen. Patsy Kurth, D-Malabar. "Many times those projects, though local, come back to benefit the state." As a member of the "loyal opposition," Kurth says the coming session will be especially interesting to watch. Senate leaders have been told to go about their business as usual, a move that is likely to bring a showdown with the governor's office, "All the years I've been in the Legislature, it's the Legislature that writes the budget," Kurth said. "The governor makes his request and we try to do the best we can to accommodate him, but it's ultimately up to the Legislature. "Now, if the Republican leadership is not going to stand up to their governor and roll over, then we have a good battle going on as to who is going to write the budget," she said. Users of this site are subject to our User Agreement. Please read it. http://www.tcpalm.com/vero/v21 v341.shtm1 THE WIRE Breaking news and more from the Associated Press AUDIO NEWS Listen to updates from the AP network FAMILY POINT Stay in touch with family the interactive way READERS FIRST Send your comments to improve your newspaper JOB OPENINGS View job openings at Treasure Coast Newspapers NAPLESNEWS Visit our sister site on the gulf coast DESTIN LOG Visit our sister site on the panhandle T AMPABA YLlVE Visit our sister site in Tampa internet moglllint 30f3 t:~ 9/22/99 8:53 AM n_~ ',. '....... . ~~~- ~~ ß- /-- Æ/- / h v4.,,- ;7D ¿/Q?l L~ :r. ~ '--'4LL. ~ - ;4~ ~ð-..J ,,4;0/6---- afi?~ ~- ...~ ~ 2~ /?7,L<-~-/1 ~ "p-¿:?"",,-.J /~ þ~",-..j ~.~ /0 ,...,.. LÆ:. ~ - S~-v1J ~~ t' /~~ ~(.J () s- s/~~ ~G-62- ~ ~b ~-~ ~ . V_-,·.,M1 ~~Yw...,û I ~ . · -..........', 1IÞ. -:-... ...,., ~ I Tr í C~ . t. 'J~ 'l~ J T J T J~ ,.' ~ I Nature at it's Jest... A Unique Wilderness and Recreation Area. ... Fr. PIERCE, FLOlaPA ... ~ ~...-- THE SAVANNAS SAVANN...... RD. MIDW... Y ROAD THE SA V ANNAS is a 13·mil.long strip of freshwater marsh straddling the St. Luc:ie-Mart.in county line. I t is divided into two parcels. SA V ANNAS RECREATION AREA . 550 acres along a 3 mile length. is north of Midwav Road. Estahiished in 1963 by Sl Lucie County and Fort Pierce. it ÍI a campground. SA V ANNAS STATE RESERVE· 3.500 acres along a 10 mile leugth. ia south of Midway Road. It is cnrued by the State of Florida aDd iatbe wildest. most ecologically valuable saVUDU land.. SUMMARY OF COUNTY EXPENDITURES SAVANNAS RECREATION 1998-2000 Electrical upgrades to campsites Bathrooms and showers, ADA compliant Boat ramps and other improvements Hook up to Fort Pierce Utilities Authority $49,000 $41,000 $48,700 $40.000 $178,700 SUMMARY OF GRANTS Florida Greenways and Trails Savannas State Reserve-Visitor' s Center $248,460 $700,000 An aerial shot showing the Campground. The GatorTrace Golf and Country Club is west of the Campground Palm Island, in the foreground, is rented out to local groups Campen:; have the unique opportunity to o&lmp on the water's edge and enjoy the view right outaide their door, Looking north towarda the City of Fort Pierce, an ecological treasure for St. Lucie County. Campers can choose from unimproved sites for tent camping, semHmproved sites offering water and electric and full service sites offering water, electric and wastewater collection. Canoes are available for rent. Boating, fishing and bird watching are very popular activities. Visitors can also enjoy the peaceful surroundings-for lunch, convers.ation, reading or relaxing. SAVANNAS PROJECTS Many years ago, the Savannas were used as a City ofFP reservoir. But as the city grew, its water system was changed to deep wells. In 1963, the City-County Outdoor Recreation Committee of Fort Pierce and S1. Lucie County established the Savannas Recreation Area. In a old brochure the statement was made, "You'll find it hard to remember that busy U.S. 1 is less than a mile and a half away. Last year, 10,414 people visited the Savannas, 1,303 of whom were Florida residents, excluding S1. Lucie County residents. It is well-known for its bird watching and fishing, are popular activities. The Savannas Recreation Area is 550 acres along a 3 mile length, north of Midway Road. It shares a common border with the state-owned Savannas State Reserve which contains 3,500 acres along a 10 mile length. Together these areas are the wildest, most ecologically valuable savannas land. S1. Lucie County is currently funding several projects at the campground totaling $178,700: Electrical upgrades at campsites ($49,000), new showers and bathrooms which are ADA compliant ($41,000), and new boat ramps ($48,700). We have recently completed a waste water treatment plant, hooked up to the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority and eliminated the sewer package plant on site ($40,000). The request in your notebook (Tab 8) will enable S1. Lucie County to implement the 8 recommendations made by the FDEP in 1996. These improvements will bring the existing facilities and services into compliance with local building codes, in addition to attracting campers of 1999 in larger recreational vehicles. Your notebook includes eight improvements recommended by the State. S1. Lucie County is requesting your assistance in making them a reality. Those projects are a master plan, replacement of the entrance station, upgrading restroom facilities, utility inftastructure upgrades, lake and pond restoration, nature systems restoration, camp site improvements and an activity social/pavilion. These items are estimated to cost $850,000. On September 7, 1999 the County Commission authorized staff to proceed with a Request for Proposal for the addition of a Butterfly House, which will be built at no cost to the tax payers but will increase facility use and generate more revenue. In addition, we have recently discussed the need for a swimming pool, which is critical to the popularity of any campground and increases its entertainment value and a wildlife rehab hospital and sanctuary. In the local area, two recent grants from the state have been awarded. This past year, the Savannas State Reserve was awarded $700,000 to build a visitor's center at Walton Road. In May of 1998, S1. Lucie County applied for a Florida Greenways and Trails grant to purchase approximately 218 acres known as the Savannas Buffer Preserve which is immediately east of the Savannas campground. The intention of this project is to add any lands purchased to the Savannas Recreation Area. The cost of the entire acreage is estimated to be $248,460, of which the County will contribute a 10% match. We have been notified that this grant has been awarded. I mention all this to point out that the state continues to make a significant commitment to this area and the County is One might say that the Savannas were the beginning of the CountY's program of acquiring environmentally sensitive lands for preservation and public enjoyment. In 1994, County residents approved a $20 million bond issue devoted to buying more lands of this type. As you also know, the Children's Environmental Learning Museum is under construction and will be completed in several months. In the big picture, all these "pieces" should be linked to one another, giving St. Lucie County the opportunity to display its Countywide efforts. As we gain recognition and the momentum grows, the Savannas Recreation Area will become more visible. We would like to transform it into an example of protected lands that have been made available to taxpayers and visiting "paying customers". As an existing facility, it has a head start at becoming acessible and one of several exciting ecotourism destinations. Conclusion The Savannas Recreation Area has importance as a local and statewide asset because of its environmental status and economic potential. It preserves state lands and brings in tourists ftom other parts of Florida and the United States. It will be an important part of St. Lucie County's promotion of its reputation as "unspoiled" and our ecotourism offerings. Since we share a border with the State Savannas property, a complementary relationship exists and the County Savannas need to keep pace with the surrounding area since visitors to both properties aren't particularly concerned with who owns what. Through its recent projects at the Savannas, St. Lucie County has shown its commitment to bringing this facility up to standard and asks the assistance of the state to complete the project. CRITICAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR 2000-2001 LEGISLATIVE SESSION SEPTEMBER 22,1999 12:30 P.M.- 2:30 P.M. JOHNNY'S CORNER RESTAURANT I. INTRODUCTION BY THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR II. PRESENTATIONS: A. PROJECTS RANKED HIGHEST BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TEN MILE CREEK WATER ATTENUATION FACILITY Presented by Ray Wazny, Public Works Director and Don West, County EngiM~r SOUTH 25TH STREET/WEST MIDWAY ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Presented by Ray Wazny, Public Works Director and Don West, County Engin~~r AIRPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/NORTH COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Presented by Bill Blazak, Utilities Director and Paul Phillips, Airport Director B, OTHER BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FUNDING REQUESTS // V-;AVANNAS RECREATION AREA IMPR.OVEMENTS py£sented by Patti Raffensberger, Soecial Facilities Manager, Leisure Services ~ARBOUR POINTE IMPROVEMENTS Presented by Mike Leeds, Leisure Services Director and Ray Wazny. Public Works D~ctor ß-LLUCIE WEST FOOTBALL/SOCCER STADIUM Pr~ted by Mike Leeds, Leisure Services Director ~TCHINSON ISLAND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ...,' Presented by Don McLam, Projects Manager, Leisure Services and Jim David, Mosquito Control Director Çt'1ILDREN'S ENVIRONMENTAL MUSEUM ~ Presented by Bill Blazak, Utilities/Recycling Director ~ÚSEWAY ISLAND EROSION CONTROL I Pre~ed by Don West, County Engineer LmDIAN RIVER ESTATES STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS Presented by Ray Wazny, Public WorKs Director and Don West, County Engin~~r \)20UTH HUTCHINSON ISLAND BIKE PATH/INDIAN RIVER LAGOON BIKEWAY TRAIL . P~ented by Dennis Murphy, Assistant Community Development Director ~-ºßNINGSIDE LIBRARY PROJECT Presented by Susan Kilmer, Library Director r,QtJACUL TURE DEMONSTRATION PR.OJECT -'Presented by Mike Ednoff, Economic Development Planner ~ JETTY PARK ACQUISITION/EXPANSiON " Presented by Doug Anderson, County Administrator COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS RELOCATICN Presented by Doug Anderson, County Administrator III. SUMMARY BY THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR IV. DISCUSSION I' ¡ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DOUGLAS M. ANDERSON July 13, 1999 The Honorable Ken Pruitt 2400 S.E. Midport Road, Suite 110 Port St. Lucie, FL 34952 Dear Representative Pruitt: We are pleased to present you with this document for your consideration for the 2000-2001 State budget. These fourteen projects represent critical needs for the County that are unfunded or only partially funded. State monies will help to ensure that the projects will be completed and critical local needs met. At the Board of County Commissioners meeting on July 13, 1999, the Board selected the following projects as the County's top three priorities based on our need to generate new economic development, improve the County's road network and improve water quality and reduce flooding along Ten Mile Creek. · Complete Airport Economic Development Program including needed North County Water Project. · Construct Midway Road and South 25th Street. ..:.-. · Ten Mile Creek Water Reserve Area. The St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners and its staff appreciate your consideration of these projects and your action to assist in the submittal of the projects to the appropriate State agencies. Thank you very much for your assistance. ·.~j-4 ugi¡s M. Anderson ~ County Administrator c: Board of County Commissioners Phil Freeland, Assistant County Administrator Dan Mcintyre, County Attorney JOHN D, ßRUHN, DisTricT No.1· DOUG COWARD, DisTrict NO.2· PAULA A, LEWIS, District No.3· FRANNIE HUTCHINSON. DistriCT No.4' CLIFF ßARNES, District NO.5 County AdminisTraTor· Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 · Phone (561) 462-1450 . TDD (561) 462-1428 FAX (561) 462-2131 f ,/ Proposed Projects for State Funding - Letter & Manual - Sent to the following on 7/14/99 The Honorable William G. "Doc" Myers Room 402, Senate Office Building 404 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100 The Honorable O.R. "Rick" Minton, Jr. Room 207, House Office Building 402 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300 The Honorable Charles W. Sembler, II Florida Capitol, Room 221, C 402 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300 Senator Patsy Kurth Room 412, Senate Office Building 404 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399- 1100 Representative Kenneth P. Pruitt 2400 S.E. Midport Road, Suite 110 Port St. Lucie, FL 34952 it Proposed Projects for State Funding - Letter & Manual - Sent to the following on 7J14/99 The Honorable William G. "Doc" Myers Room 402, Senate Office Building 404 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100 The Honorable O.R. "Rick" Minton, Jr. Room 207, House Office Building 402 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300 The Honorable Charles W. Sembler, II Florida Capitol, Room 221, C 402 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300 Senator Patsy Kurth Room 412, Senate Office Building 404 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399- 1100 Representative Kenneth P. Pruitt 2400 S.E. Midport Road, Suite 110 Port S1. Lucie, FL 34952 Terry E. Lewis, Esquire 1700 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard Suite 1000 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 !i ..... St. Lucie County Fair Association, Inc Funding Request to the Florida Department of Agriculture For more information Please contact Jeanne Keaton, Manage P.O. Box 12478 Ft. Pierce, FI 34979 (561) 464-2910 (561) 464-8892-fax slcfair@qate.net LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION The Honorable Ken Pruitt Representative District 18 The Honorable Rick Minton Representative District 78 The Honorable Charles Sembler Representative District 80 The Honorable Patsy Ann Kurth Senator district 15 The Honorable William G, Myers Senator District 27 St. Lucie County Fair Association, Inc. P.o. Box 12478--- 4116 St. Lucie Blvd. Ft. Pierce, FI 34979 (561) 464-2910 (561) 464-8892 Fax Mission Statement Operate and manage the St. Lucie County Fair to serve the residents of St. Lucie, Indian River Martin, and Okeechobee counties. To promote the agricultural, horticultural, industrial, creative arts and sciences and educational opportunities while providing quality entertainment for the people of the Treasure Coast. Goals · Manage the Fairgrounds to be: Financially self-sustaining A "Good Neighbor" in the community A state of the art facility to bring various shows and expositions to those of the Treasure Coast A facility to offer to the general public for personal use · To develop the Fairgrounds to a year round facility · To develop a marketing plan to attract new entertainment based business to \he area ACCOMPLISHMENTS SINCE INITIAL STATE REQUEST · September 1998 Environmental phase one and phase two, and surveys completed · October 16, 1998 249 Acres has been purchased paid in full. The property is located right in the center of the county, with easy access from both 1-95 and the Florida Turnpike. (See attachment A) · May 1999 Long term master plan completed by Bullock, Smith and Partners Architectural Firm, Knoxville, TN (See attachment B) · January 1999 A water plant was acquired and transported by the Utilities and Recycling Department of S1. Lucie County · October 1999 81. Lucie County Road and Bridge Department is to begin clearing and grubbing the fairground site. St. Lucie County Fair Association, Inc. Budget Summary August 1999 Expenses Item 1. Clearing and Grubbing Amount $ 1,245,000 ~ 4,678.872 2. Infrastructure (Basic) (See attached C) TOTAL $5,923,872 FUNDS COMMITTED Item 1. St. Lucie County (Clearing and Grubbing) Amount 2. Water Plant In kind $1,245,000 $ 15,000 3. Completion of infrastructure (Hawkins and Sons Paving Contractors) Approximately $200,000 in kind Y1 Land Sale-extraneous piece Held by Fair Association I CD-currently held by Fair ~ Designated for new ground improvements $ 350,000 TOTAL $ 300,000 $2,111,000 CURRENT REQUEST: $1,000,000 We believe a commitment by the State of 1 million dollars; placed together with the $2,110,000 of commitments already in hand will permit us to successfully complete the infrastructure portion of the new St. Lucie County Fairground site. We have approached all members of the St. Lucie County Delegation about this request, and will attempt to inform them on all current progress. Hopefully they will be able to address the importance of the Fair to the residents and agricultural interests of this area. We will continue to solicit donations and in kind service to further the construction of the fairgrounds, as we firmly believe as do others that the Fairgrounds will be a true asset to the entire Treasure Coast Area of Florida. Your consideration of this request, and your guidance and advice to the Association in accomplishing the change of location for the St. Lucie County Fair will be greatly appreciated. Ifff)Cj£f; )ti e/1-/+H- QJ :; ill 0 0 w c Ü a: ~ QJ a: Q} Q} iii >- u D c ro ro ë ~ ro c (jj :; D c 0 0 .c c ro Q) &5 r If) a: <.) è .g> D ro ~ ;:: W 0 ro I ãj D E 01. ~l ro E 't 0 W W ã! u ro .::: 0 0 .~ I 0 :; c " <:<i ¿ -' ¿ D- r- <t: a: I § i II ~ I Q) 0 ïõ u en ----~._~ ~ .-------- -wc-------: N ~; f-' r::- ... _______...,.1___ . -··(1)1 ",. C( (J) 0 (J) C( --' --' w Æ z' ~ ~ - /) ~ () ~ (5ì ~ ~ s::: o - ~ c:j - () o ifJ ifJ ~ ~ - c:j ~ ~ s::: ;::$ [) :.J (1) - o ....... ,......J ~ o C( (J) ¿ « o « z o f- -' C( .« ;U r 2 ---------¡ _J (/).g r.rJ '11' ~ ü . c ~ µ.v..9' I' >,0' µ. ~ ~. '- " " I c: 0... ";:>. (/) ::I .¡::\O o <.) ::I M u.so~ v ~ U ~ .- c: N g 0 v....... ~~g~ .....·õ ~....... (/)0· I U).....(/) .<(/) b' C(! (J) ¿ « o « z o ~ .~ U - 6Õ9 èJSS . ~ /) OèJ SllllM +t (J) v '- ::I bû µ. ,= '1" ""~, I I I ! OèJ NNIHS OèJ >DO:JV3d \ ..----,. 609èJ:J \ \ \ \ \ Od èFiOV3H OèJ èJJlJV3H -' y U o ¿ NlllIMdoOdlHM- ,?k I , , <I if) :::> -21 <I ËI :/31 I ~: -' '<I ~! > ~ !-'~ I~..."-"- 'I:"~ . , . "..,...... ""."~..'.'''~' " 'I.', "-\ "';''yþ''. ',,\,"1 "'j,-:'~, '.'~; -J::'. ",.,,-, - ~.'\..)¡ ~" ;;> ~ ~, ) ~ ~ , I ,¡. '" ' ", ~ ,., j ~hl ;1 ,~ ... ."'__,l !-i / ) j i ¡ j 0 I 'V_' v j l 1_:> St.Lucie County Fair Phase 1 ----- -------------- ._.--~ ---------..-.-------------- - ----..-.- ------. -~ .----------------.- ITEMS UNITS OUANTITY UNIT COST ITEM COST - -------~---- -- - - -- - Mobilization ! LS 1 150,000.00 150,000.00 , , . ~~e~i.n~~~~~~:~ng ---=-=J ~~----~t 6::~0 J- _~=_-5,0040.00 1 '~:,~'g~~ Pond/Swale Excavation . CY .j' 300,000 4 1,200.000.00 g~Stabilization______ __§y__ 61,000.00 _____ 2.5 152,500.00 6" Millings (Maintenance) SY ¡ 23,000 ____ 4 92,000.00 Fence LF 2,500 10 25,000.00 Inlets (OBI Type C) ___ EA -I 20 1,200.00 24,000.00 Inlets (OBI Type D) EA ~ 1 ° __ 1,500.00 15,000.00 Inlets (OBI Type E) EA' 10 t 2,000.00 20,000.00 Cone. Pipe Culv (18") u_ __~__ ___~_i>-º-º-- _______~~_ºº-_____ 30,0()0.0-º--- Cone. Pipe Culv (24") LF 1,850 35.00 64,750.00 Cone Pipe Culv (36") LF 4,000 45.00 180,000.00 Cone Pipe Culv (42") LF 400 60.00 24,000.00 Cone Pipe Culv (66") LF 1,300 100.00 130,000.00 Cone Pipe Culv (72") LF 300 120.00 36,000.00 ~g~{!1:~~~~P'~~~')==[~_~-~}=-f- }îgo~go n-='=~~wJ:Q;:= Manholes EA -10-- -ì ---2,500.00---- ---25:00Ö~ÓO-- Water/Sf!Wer Distribution/Collection LS 1 200,000.00 200,000.00 Sewer Plant __~~_---L--~L_ 200,000.00 __ ~___~()º~º()()~ºº___ Directional Arrows EA I 25 I 40.00 1,000.00 6" White --- --LF--r---¡:-OOO¡--- - 1.00-- ---4~Ö-ÖO.OO-- -- 6" Yellow LF ! 4,000 1.00 4,000.00 12"White I LF --: 200 1 2.00 I 400.00 24" White I LF 90 ì 3.00 1--2-76,00- -.---.--------- -------t-.-.-----.. _______________~__n_ --.-+.---.------------- ---- Sign (F&I)_______~~___~~____L------ 250.00__:___ 5,oogßO ,Restrooms Allocation_j LS_! ..-' ~U¡;:T~t~~,ooo.oO~¡~~&~~goo --------------------t----T----- 10% Contingency -- ------4-25,-3-52~OO ---- -------¡----!---- I-- I Total Infrastructure Cost 4,678,872.00 .. \... BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DOUGLAS M. ANDEr-SON July 8, 1999 St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 The projects in the following document are proposed for submission to the appropriate Florida State department for inclusion in the 2000-2001 State budget. These fourteen projects represent critical needs for the County that are unfunded or only partially funded. State monies will help to ensure that the projects will be completed and critical local needs met. '--' Based on the enclosed matrix prepared by the County Staff, we propose the following projects as the County's top three priorities based on our need to generate new economic development, improve the County's road network and improve water quality and reduce flooding along Ten Mile Creek. · Complete Airport Economic Development Program including needed North County Water Project · Construct Midway Road and 25th Street · Ten Mile Creek Water Reserve Area County:StaWappreciateyour con"sideration of these projectsànd your action to approve them for sÚbmission 'to the appropriate State agency. .. ? Sincere . . ¿ &~1) ~ ;4j,..t-- oug~s M. Anderson County Administrator ~ JOHN D. ßRUHN, District NO.1' DOUG COWARD, Disttict No.2. PAULA A, LEWIS, District No,.3 . FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, District No, 4 . CLIFF ßARNE\, District No.5 County Administrator, Douglas M. Anderson T 2300 Virginia Avenue . Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 · Phone (561) 462-1450 · TDD (561) 462-14~8 FAX (561) 462-2131 \-. PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR STATE FUNDING 2000-2001 \., FISCAL YEAR BUDGET '--' ~ St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners '--" District #1 Commissioner John D. Bruhn District #2 Commissioner Doug Coward District #3 Commissioner Paula A. Lewis District #4 Commissioner Frannie Hutchinson District #5 Commissioner Cliff Barnes ~ ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS ,,1;> µr/,'IJ<' .~,1 ./ j.. ,ø , r, t>" p'" (). t/~rt :If' /)1/ "., ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS TAB 1 f AIRPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM INCLUDING NORTH COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENTS TAB 2 f · AQUACULTURE DEMONSTRAT.ION PROJ:~~,.. ¿ ./ Y;;J.'. "." J TAB 3 f FAIRGROUNDS RELOCATION: p, 'b'J:;'~ ,,- EÞ.?J !;.",,£uk. /'t j ¡/ ,Ç'~þc., 0,1<:-1" TAB 4 SOUTH 25TH STREET PHASE' 1 AND MIDWAY ROAD WIDENING ¡)ð 1 TAB 5f· HARBOUR POINTE IMPROVEMENTS ~ RECREATION PROJECTS . (ø,ørÞ~r"~, TAB 6 FOOTBALL AND SOCCER STADIUM /' .--::::::.- TAB? ~ TAB 8 TAB 9 TAB 10 TAB 11 SOUTH HUTCHINSON ISLAND PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH HUTCHINSON ISLAND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT a 7' C4Jr' --:-- PURCHASE JETTY PARK AND ADJACENT PROPERTY SAVANNAS RECREATIONAL AREA IMPROVEMENTS ,. ¡,?; ¡/ MORNINGSIDE LIBRARY PROJECT "..~. :'( ~ ..-> ~ 1 WATER QUALITY AND CONSERVATION PROJECTS AB 12 TEN MILE CREEK REGIONAL ATTENUATION FACILITY - fJc.-) pi TAB 13 f.. CAUSEWAY ISLAND AND EROSION PROJECTS 'í?'L-f" TAB 14 f. INDIAN RIVER ESTATESI SAVANNAS WATER RETENTION RETROFIT PROJECT ()t,;..,':) ,.----- ¡; t/ ~t .,~ \\ Æv \\VI ~, ~ \ Community Budget Issue Request Forms submitted by Representative Pruitt's office for St. Lucie County: Project Title Request from State Local Match - ~rport Economic Development Project $3,400,000 $1,734,450 / / $8,000,000 $2,545,000 ~rgrOUnds Relocation; Disaster Command! Special Needs Shelter Project ~Aguaculture Demonstration Project $ 315,000 $ 300,000 ~ian River Lagoon Bikeway & Trail $ 2,000,000 $ 800,000 ~. Lucie County Library Technology $ 200,000 $ 100,000 _J'-.Soúth County Regional Sports Complex $ 750,000 $ 900,000 ~ ~tchinson Island Improvement Project $ 500,000 $ 500,000 ,'lie ...Jck Island Addition $ 524,362 $ 000 l./ ~vanna Outdoor Recreation Area Improvement $ 850,000 $ 426,000 ~ildren's Environmental Classroom $ 250,000 $ 000 l;'/' -- z-:é~useway Island Erosion Control $ 903,000 $ 000 ~ \ Water Advisory Panel grant applications submitted to Florida Department of Environmental Protection on December 30, 1999: Project Title //... Solving Stonnwater and Flooding Problems to the Savannas State Reserve and Indian River Estates //l /? ~.'" outh Causeway Island - Parking lot drainage V/\ Ot. Lucie County Regional Special Needs Shelter/ Regional Emergency Command Center / Domestic J:lfter and Wastewater Improvements ./ i l "'.Æ~kewood Park Wastewater Pump Over v"",···· ... Pepper Park Wastewater Improvements ... North County Water Distribution System '.,. 17..... ... St. Lucie County International Airport Industrial Park f/ Wastewater Collection and Conveyance System ? ... St. Lucie County International Airport - Infrastructure For Existing Industrial Park Expansion "'?... St. Lucie County International Airport - Construction of Airport Industrial Park West ... Savanna Recreation Area Water/Sewer Request from State Local Match $5,000,000 $ 225,000 $ 295,000 $ 000 $ 500,000 $ 000 $ 554,900 $ 100,000 $ 2,250,000 $1,200,000 $ $ $ $ 000 000 000 000 $ 347,430 $ 000 $1,400,000 $ 000 $ 190,000 $ 52,000 Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: Douglas Anderson Organization of Requester: St. Lucie County Project Title: Airoort Economic Development Proiect Date: 12/16/99 Member District: Kurth S-15 Minton H-78 Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community 0 CityfI'own 0 County 0 Regional X Statewide 0 Recipient: Name: St. Lucie Board of County Commissioners City: Ft. Pierce Counties: St. Lucie Contact: Name: Paul Phillips Phone #: 561-462-1732 Project Description: Create a 150 acre industrial-œrk. expand the existin2 industrialparkandprovide pOtable water to the North art of St. Lucie Coun .Infrastructure' rovem.ents include water & wastewater line extensions 2140 190 oad construction Street: 2300 Virginia Avenue Zip Code: 34982 ($1.550.000).& new potable water lines in the North Countv area ($2.000.000), Services Provided! Benefit to State: 'obs has caused a lar e number of low help relieve the burdens on the State. Measurable Outcome Anticipated: creates over 1 000 . obs for the re ion. region. Amount you are requesting from the State for this project this year? Amount I 3.400.000 ,I Total Cost of Project: I 5.134.450 Is this request being made to fund (checkall that apply): Operations 0 Construction X Unknown 0 Is there Local Government or Private match for this request? Yes X No 0 Unknown 0 If yes, what kind? Cash Amount~1 954.450 In Kind Amount 780.000 Was this project previously funded by th~;~'l Yes 0 No X Unknown 0 If yes, Fiscal Year I Amount! I Is future-year funding likely to:berequested? Yes 0 No X Unknown 0 If yes, how much? I Purpose for fuÚ!fe year funding: Recurring Operations 0 Non-Recurring Construction 0 Other St. Lucie Countv has a vervhî2hunemplovment rate. The area's reliance on agriculture Will this be an annual request? Yes 0 No X Unknown 0 Was this project included in an Agency Budget Request? Yes 0 No X Unknown 0 If yes, name the Agency: Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes 0 No X Unknown 0 Is there documented need for this project? Yes X No 0 Unknown 0 If yes, what is the documentation? Was this project request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes X No 0 Unknown 0 If yes, name the Body: St. Lucie Board of County Commissioners Meeting Date: July 6. 1999 Version 19 11130/99 Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentatio!)- . Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: Douglas Anderson Organization of Requester: St. Lucie County Project Title: Fairgrounds relocation: Disaster Command/Special Needs Shelter Proiect Date: 12/20/99 Member District: Pruitt H-81. Kurth S-15 Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community 0 City/Town 0 County 0 Regional X Statewide 0 Recipient: Name: St. Lucie County Street: 2300 Virginia Avenue City: Ft. Pierce. FL Zip Code: 34982 Counties: St. Lucie Contact: Name: Julia Shewchuk Phone #: 561-462-1590 Project Description: animals and livestock. julia@stlucieco.gov Provide at new fair ground location snecial needs disaster command center and evacuation center for large Services Provided! Benefit to State: Emergencv preparedness: minimization of losses during and after disaster events. Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Evacuation shelter for Westan.d:East coastal residents Amount you are requesting from the State for this project this year? Amount I Total Cost of Project: I Is this request being made to fund (check all that apply): Operations 0 Construction X Unknown 0 Is there Local Government or Private match for this request? Yes X No 0 Unknown 0 If yes, what kind? Cash Amount 11.300.000.00 I In Kind Amount Was this project previously funded by the State? Yes 0 No X Unknown 0 If yes, Fiscal Year I Amount I I Is future-year funding likely to be requested? Yes 0 No X Unknown 0 If yes, how much? I Purpose for future year funding: Recurring Operations 0 Non-Recurring Construction 0 Other Will this be an annual request? Yes 0 No X Unknown 0 Was this project included in an Agency Budget Request? Yes 0 No 0 Unknown X If yes, name the Agency: Anticipated January Dept. of Agriculture Supplemental Budget Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes 0 No 0 Unknown 0 Is there documented need for this project? Yes X No 0 Unknown 0 If yes, what is the documentation? St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan Was this project request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes X No 0 Unknown 0 If yes, name the Body: Meeting Date: St. Lucie County Board of County Commission July 6. 1999 Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation. Version 19 11130/99 ... Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: Douglas Anderson Organization of Requester: S1. Lucie County Project Title: AQuaculture Demonstration Proiect Date: 12/17/99 Member District: Minton. H-78: Kurth S-15 Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community 0 City/Town 0 County 0 Regional 0 Statewide XXX Recipient: Name: S1. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Street: 2300 Vireinia Ave City: F1. Pierce. FL Zip Code: 34982-5652 Brevard, Osceola, Polk, Hillsborough, Manatee, Sarasota, Hardee" Okeechobee, Indian River, S1. Lucie, Martin, Glades, Counties: DeSoto. Hiehlands. Charlottte. Lee. Collier. Monroe. Palm Beach. pershaps others Contact: Name: Mike Ednoff Phone #: 561/462-1579: sun259-1579: Mikee@stlucieco.eov Project Description: Home erown strateev to demonstrate commercial scale production systems integrated with other crops and water management to grOW saltwater shrinm in freshwater. Coot;'erative apJ,>roach: UF-IRREC. USDA. HBOI. Countv. and private ~owers. ranchers. eneineers. aQuaculturlists. Guided bv private sector coIl1ß!Ì1tee.Jt;!...kind private match of cash and services. Services Provided! Benefit to State: Statewide impact& apJ,>licability: diversify crops & fann revenues: create new jobs & more vear round employment: new sustainable ae:riculture-aQuaculture technologies for South Florida enviroÌunen1. Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Minimum 10new/existine ag farms use new technoloey in 2001: $50 million fann eate in 5 yrs Amount you are requesting from the State for this project this year? Amount I $315.000 I Total Cost of Project: I $615.000 Is this request being made to fund (checkall that apply): Operations XX[] Construction XX Unknown 0 Is there Local Government or Privateinatch for this request? Yesxx 0 No 0 Unknown D If yes, what kind? Cash Amount Min.$100.000 I In Kind Amount I Est$200.000 Was this project previously funded by the State? Yes 0 No XO UnknownD If yes, Fiscal Year I N/ A I Amount I Is future-year funding likely to be requested? Yes 0 No XX[] UnknownD If yes, how muc~ Purpose for future year funding: Recurring Operations 0 Non-Recurring Construction 0 Other Will this be an annual request? Yes 0 No XX[] Unknown 0 Was this project included in an Agency Budget Request? Yes 0 No 0 UnknownXX 0 If yes, name the Agency: Should be in FDACS Januarv SUDDlemental Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes 0 No 0 Unknown XO Is there documented need for this project? Yes XX[] No 0 UnknownD If yes, what is the documentation? Economic Ele.Countv Comp Plan: FL Aquaculture Plan: Ch.597 .0021 :003( 1 )(b ):370.26(9)(b)4 FS Was this project request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting o(a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes XX[] NoD UnknownD If yes, name the Body: S1. Lucie Countv Board of Countv Commissioners Meeting Date: Julv 6. 1999 Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation. Version 19 11130/99 ... , CRITICAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR 2000-200 1 LEGISLATIVE SESSION SEPTEMBER 22, 1999 St. Lucie County Aquaculture Demonstration Project Proposal comprises two economic development components linked together and linked with Universities, institutions and businesses to maintain a strong agricultural economic base. A plan and budget of the proposed demonstration has been produced and is currently being marketed among private sector Florida fanners and others for solicitation of in-kind funding. Project will be undertaken on UF property, be guided by industry advisory committee and evaluated by UF economists, private sector investors and fann lenders. Existing and new fanns are anticipated to begin using the results of the demonstration by 2001. 1. Shrimp Incubator Proeram. $300.000 reauest. Home grown strategy to design large aquaculture production systems integrated with other crops and water management to grow a saltwater species of shrimp in freshwater. Cooperate jointly with UF-IRREC, USDA, HBOI, and private growers, ranchers, engineers and aquaculturlists in project design, operation and funding. Project guided by UF-IRREC Industry Advisory Committee. Private sector in-kind services and cash contributions. Benefits: Statewide applicability and impact; diversify crops and farm revenues; create new jobs and more year round employment; new sustainable agricultural-aquacultural technologies for South Florida. 3. Aquaculture Extension A2ent. $15.000. Request would pay County share for multi-county aquaculture extension position. Position would have regional impact and benefit. Applicable Statutes: Section 370.26(9)(b)4- "Developing a working group, in cooperation with DACS, Aquaculture Review Council and Aquaculture Interagency Coordinating Council, to plan and facilitate the development of private marine fish and nonfish hatcheries and to encourage private/public partnerships to promote the production of marine aquaculture products". Section 597.0021(1) "It is the intent of the Legislature to enhance the growth of aquaculture inn this state, while protecting Florida's environment". 1999 Florida Aauaculture Plan: Page 3, Recommendations: Production Research. Page 18, 2.Marine Aquaculture Industry Development".. .An immediate industry need is an objective evaluation of candidate species for commercial culture...". Page 28, Aquaculture Review Council recommendations, Shellfish: "2. Develop systems for the cultivation ofPenaeid shrimp in freshwater in Florida." Industry-At-Large: "2. Nutritional studies to develop a high quality, economical food source for penaeid shrimp." Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: Doug Anderson Organization of Requester: St. Lucie County Project Title: Indian River Lagoon Bikeway & Trail Date: 12/20/99 Member District: Pruitt H-81 Myers S-27 Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community D Cityrrown D County D Regional X Statewide D Recipient: Name: St. Lucie County Board of County Commissions Street: 2300 Virginia Avenue City: Ft. Pierce . FL Zip Code: 34982 Counties: St. Lucie - with connection to existing facilities in Martin and Indian River Counties Contact: Name: Dennis J. Mumhv Phone #: 561-462-1590 Project Description: 8 foot wide multi-use path co-located in the SRA-I-Aright-of-wav. This path is Dart of the development of a regional recreation trail the length of Hutchinson Island. Services Provided! Benefit to State: Provides foraregiofialrecreation trail along Florida's Atlantic coast connecting several state and county Dark sites. Ft. Pierce inlet rec. area: Green Turtle Beachrec. area and 8 other county managed beach areas. Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Public use of facility for recreationpumoses I 2.000.000 Amount you are requesting from the State for this project this year? Amount Total Cost of Project: I 2.800.000 Is this request being made to fund (check all that apply): Operations D Construction X Unknown D Is there Local Government or Private match for this request? Yes X No D Unknown D If yes, what kind? Cash Amount I 750.000 In Kind Amount I 50.000 Was this project previously funded by the State? Yes D No X Unknown D If yes, Fiscal Year I I Amount I I Is future-year funding likely to be requested? Yes D No D Unknown X If yes, how much? Purpose for future year funding: Recurring Operations D Non-Recurring Construction D Other Will this be an annualrequest? Yes D No X Unknown D Was this project included in an Agency Budget Request? Yes D No X UnknownD If yes, name the Agency: Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes D No X UnknownD Is there documented need for this project? Yes X No D Unknown D If yes, what is the documentation? St. Lucie MPO BicvcleIPedestrian Plan Was this project request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, cOlmty, or state)? Yes X NoD UnknownD If yes, name the Body: Meeting Date: St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Julv 6. 1999 Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation, Version 19 11/30/99 Dec 21 00 lU:44a s~. Lucle Count~ Florlda -462 1 58 1 p.2 Community :Budget Lssue l<.equest Project Tracking #: Requester: Douglas Anderson Organization of Requester: St. Lucie County Board of County Commission Project Tiùe: St. Lucie County Library Technology Center Date: December 1999 Member District: H-Rl ¡:mil S-27 Service Area (check only one): NeighborhoodlCoIIununity 0 Cityrrown 0 County 0 RegionallXk Statewide 0 Recipient: Nanæ: St. Lucie County Library - Morningside Sttect: 2410 SE Morningside Blvd. Branch Library City: Port St. Lucie Zip Code: 34952 Counties: St T,T1C'; Pc Ii, M;:¡rt-;n Contact: Name: Susan B. Kilmer susank@stlucieco.gov Phone #: (561) 462-1618 Project Description: Technologv/computer lab which includes 20 computer workstations: Distance Learning Center station with large screen television; and television studio with dark room ana ea1~1ng fac1L1~1es Services ProvidedfBenefitto State: Tra;ping ('opto.,.. fn.,.. In('',,,1 rlj1~::Ið4¡lut~ on w::ld4¡l "iri9ty o~ ~omruter skills & programs; distance learning center for distance learning initiative; TV studio for bli use, bv Lib~arv~ local organizations & pu c eaucat10naL IV SnOWS; gOvt. use computeF~ I Amount I $200.000 Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Increased number of televise library programs; adùlt training on Amount you are requesting from the State for this project this year? Total Cost of Project: I $400,000 Is this request being made to fund (check all that apply): Operations Ü Construction 0 Unknown 0 Is there Local Government or Private match for this request? Y e~ No 0 Unknown 0 rfyes, what kind? Cash AmOWlt I I b Kind Amount ~ 00,000 Was this project previously funded by the State? Yc:~ No 0 Unknown 0 If)'t:s, FiscalYc:ar 98/99 I Amowrt $200,000 I Is future-year fundmg likely to be requested? Yes 0 No [!J UnknOv.'D. 0 If yes, how much? I P'JI'Pose for fÏJture year funding: Recurring Operations 0 Non-Recurring ConsttUction 0 Other Will this be fin annual request? Y;::; 0 NoD ..... . ,......., urumowa !XX. Was this project included in an Agency Budget Request? Yes 0 NoiQ! UnknownD If yes. name the Agency: Was this project included in the Governor's Recomm~nded Budget? Yes 0 No£d UnknownO Is there nocnmentec1 neerl for thi!: f'mjeci? Ye!l D No IXk Unknown 0 If yes, what is the documentation'? Was this project request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting of a body of e1ected officials (municipal, county, or stz.te)? Yesegc NoD UnknownO If yes, name the Body: 1''''''''<1'''''''''''' r.n<l!':t- T."'gí!':l<1t-hT'" n",l",~;:¡";nn T,l1nl"n"'nn Meeting Date: September 22. 1999 Important: Atta.ch appropriato supporting documentation. Version 19 11130,'99 Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester:' Doug 1 AS Andprson Organization of Requester: St T 11('; p Co Ro;:¡r<Ì of C01Jnty Corrunissioners Project Title: Snlltn rOI mty 'Regional Sports Complex Date: Member District: F.QP KQn Prui tt (81) Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community X Cityrrown X County X Regional X Statewide X --- Recipient: Name: St. Lucie County Board of Co. Commissioners Street: 230Q.V;LrgiriÌ.å Ave. City: Fort Pierce .. ......... ...... ...-......... ..... ............. ...... .............. 0"'-' ................. .. . .-...,.,........... .. ................... ... ... .....,...........-. /:ti~þCode::34~g2.ÄS65 2 ..... ,-p .........."......... .......-... .......... ...... .......---_. ..... -."'.'. . Counties: St Ly'ZiQ . . . . , . - . . . - - - . . . - . . . . . . . ........ .", ....... .-- ....-_........_-.. ..................-... .. ,...... - . . - . . . . . .... .._-.......... .... ",........ . :-::->::>/:::-:.~::::::<':::-::: Contact: Mike Leeds, Leisure Services Director < . ... ....... Name: .. Phone #: 561-462-1517< ..... ... ...... . ......................... ProjectDescription:This footh;:¡l1 ;:¡nn ~orrpr ~t;:¡r!íturiJi11.j~intly hP 11C::Pr! ny tnp S('nool Ro-"lrrl -"IC:: a high school destination and by the County fOr regið~+'~P9:r:ts and recreation programming. ............. ..........-. ......... . ...... -.......- ... ........ .........-...., ....-.", ....-.... ................ .........,-.' . '" Services Provided! Benefit _to State: lnmn; nE'n t.¡; t~t9~··~~tK' faciîity\~ill increâS~ US@, longer stays for visitors and more variety ofprögt'~Dg.whid:\drives tax revenue. . .-. .--..... -............ . . ......--........-..."......... ... .................... .... .. ." .....~......-......-.... ...... Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Increase in sales;gå.$~·~??êj? rooms, all generating additional tax $. Â;~:t I $750,000 Amount you are requesting from the State for-this projectthis year? Total Cost of Project: I $2,550,000 t.....····· Is this request bjinfmade to fu~g~J~0{~all that apply): Qp§râtions X Constructi0nxx Unknown ï. Is there LocalG9yerI1ment or Ptì.Y~t:~.ma~chfor this request? Yes 1c No X Unkno\vn ï. If yes, what kind?~~~.~oun~;1 '$800,000 In Kind Amount 1100, 000 Was this project preyìº'\lsl'Ýwñg@p by thêStåiê'r> Yes 1. No ~ Unknown X If yes, Fiscalxeái\ N/ AI\:iia?~t I N/ A I Is future~yëår funding likely toP¢N~:í#ested? Yes X NCK( Unknown X If yes, how much? .' .. .' ..... . .... 0-'" ..... 0" ..... . .... ._.,. d' o. -... Purpo*for future year funding; Recurring Operations X Non-Recurring Construction ï. Other Will}lÜsbe an annual reque~t? Yes X N0'ìX Unknown X .-- ............ . -.. WastþÌspr()ject incl~c,i~dìn an Agency Budget Request? Yes X No 1C Unknown X .-- ......,..-."...............--... ..-." . -- ....."'.....,.--........ ..'.....'.-..-...'........-...-......,...,'.....-_...,'.......-.._.....,......'.. .- ................"....... ......,",..-_..-.-........ .,....--. .,..-..... -..-... .".----". If yes,nåffietbeÂ.geIlcy: N/ A Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes X No 1. Unknown XX Is there documented need for this project? Yes X No 1C Unknown X If yes, what is the documentation? Was this project request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes"/Y.. No X Unknown X If yes, name the Body: LeE; ~ l;:¡ t i Vp [)p 1 P~A t; on Sept. 22, 1 99 Meeting Date: Ro-"l~d of County CornmÜ~;;ioncro Sept. 10, 1999 Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation. Version 19 11/30/99 Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: Douglas Anderson Organization of Requesterßoard of County Cormnissioners, St. lucie County Project Title: Hutchinson Island Improvement Proiect Date: Member District: Rep. Œlar les Sembler Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community X CityfI'own X County X Regional xX Statewide X ~~~~ent:St. lucie Co. Board of Co. Commissioners Street:2300:jil:Jrg~mrtå Avenue City: Fnrt Pi prrp .. .................. . . . .. ...... ....... .... .................... .)Î~p::Code:::(~!!3!~§:2? .. n' Counties: St. TJlcip ..... ....................... ....................... ......... .-.......... .. .................... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... ..................... ............... . Contact: Mike Leeds, Name: ......................... ........ ......................... ......... .................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............~..................... .....................................-...............-.-......... . .. ........................... ..........................................,................. .................. -.. .... .. Director, Leisure Services.> :':':':':';':';.:.. .,;.i·:·· .....:.:.;..;.';..;.;..;..:.::.:.:;.;.:.::.:... :..:::.::In§n~ #: 561-462-1517¿H ... n' .. ............ ...... .................... .................. ............ .......... ...................... ................... .................... ............... .. . ....... ..... . ............ ..... Project Description: Lor:J.gt8I+R beach g9volopmont, roo.roat.tø.t(:·'@þd. a otrectocapc plan benches, pavilions, crossover, pavin7:~ parkiri~::::::!:!!::::::!ærovements. Services Provided! Benefit to State: Unspoiled, u~~!!!!:::.::£:aches:::::~!ffbeautiful parks will provide repeat, long- term visi tors to;.;.:théSt~~!;::t,:!··:!:::!·!::.t::::::::::::;.:.......;.:;.::::..:;' Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Increas~~:fin sà!és ,~i:i::::::m~êl rooms, all Amount you are requesting from the StateJ!~"s projectWs year? ;.¡.I:~:t I $1)00, 000 Total Cost of Project: I $1, 000 ,OO~::HHH;.IH Is this request~:~:!.made to fu.~~::~~lf:~~:·all that ap;~1.t-~;\::::~jiåtions X Construction X Unknown X N/~ Is futur~Z?¢âr funding likely t&t::r%iiFsted? Yes X NO)t Unknown X If yes, how much? Purpo~~.tor future year funding¥ Recurring Operations X Non-Recurring Construction X Other tab leo, generating additional tax $, I Unknown X ........ .... ...--'" ..... ....... . ........ .... ....... ... - . . . ' . . ....... .... ....O'-. ..... Wil~~s~e an annual reC¡~j!ì~1 Yes X ~<1X Unknown X W~1m~pwj~.ct incþ,14¢jffu an Agency Budget Request? Yes X ~ Unknown X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................-.........-........................................................,. .........-......-.......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........--.....-......................... .......---.........................'.... .....,...-....-......................... '.' .................................... If yês,~çm~~dlcy: N/ A Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes X No X !l!1Þl(m~1!.)t Is there documented need for this project? Yes X No X Unknown X If yes, what is the documentation? Was this project request heard before a publicly-ñoticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Ye~~x NoX Unknown X If yes, name the Body: Legis 1 at i ve Dp 1 eEf'I ti on Ro~rn nf r~l1nty rnmmi~~innpr~ Meeting Date: Sept. 22, 1999 Sept. 10. 1999 Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation, Version 19 11/30/99 ;, Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: Dou tlas Anderson Organization of Requester: S t _ Lucie County Board.. of County Coumissioners Project Title: Jack Island Addition Date: 12/16/99 Member District: Rep _ Charles Semb ler Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community 'X. CityfI'own 'X. County 'X. Regional 'X. Statewide p:. .... Recipient: Name: St. Lucie Co -, BOCC Street: 23,mt. Vi~lhia Avenue ...........,.,.......... .............. ............. ....... ..................... ...................... .................... ................h.. ................... City: Fort Pierce, FL ::::::::::Ip.::Code~:::::::::=¡~Sf~:~52 . ..... ....:.:.:.:.:.:.:.....:.:.:.:.:...:.:.:.:.:.:.. Counties: St:. Lucie ...... ...... ...................... ...... ................. ....................... .......-............... ....................... ......-................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ...... ...................... ....u.....·.····· .. ...... .... ....... ~.::.~~_s David, Director Hosquito Coutrol W~ 56 H6;~,r Project Description: Preservation of coastal we~:~~äi::tm::::~;;~¡i¡:;:~on and improved water quality_ Service. Provided! Benef"rt to State: Wetlaud ~~~.;:. ~ub1ic access .....................-................................. .......-.. Measurable Outcome Anticipated: preserý:ih t th~:::'~~iii¥~::¡::~~~itv of Floirda Amount you are requesting from the State føt:dI~ projeg::j:m:year? .::;.:¡:::t I $524,362.00 :o:~:'-;~;x NO~X U-X Purcbase n ::~:~I~ylx In:;::lx NlA ··:·::::\·····......·..····....1)=':'=':'=':':::::::·:·· ·1..·...... I If P' cal y,....:.:.:.:.: :':':':':':':':'::ãmo t yes, 1S::::::)f.at'· N/ A .::::::!\::::::::!:!:!::t::¡trr:h Nt A Is fu~:*iF funding likely t~'I:red? Yes 'X. No ø. Unknown 'X. If yes, how much? ~:for future year funm;':: Recurring Opemtions 'X. Non-Recurring Construction 'X. Other Wil~.I~:F an annual requ.:g~~t Yes 'X. No¥ Unknown 'X. ... w"I~"¡re~fCt in~!w!%iHh an Agency Budget Request? Yes 'X. No ø Unknown 'X. .. If y¿;~~:.~:I~:~MCy: ........................ . ....................... Was tlùs project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes 'X. No'X. Unknown ¥ Is there documented need for tlùs project? Yes 'X. No XX Unknown 'X. If yes. what is the documentation? Was tlùs project request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes XX No 'X. Unknown 'X. If yes, name the Body: Legislative Dele2ation Meeting Date: Sept - 22, 1999 Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation. Version 19 11130/99 " " DIVISION OF MOSQUITO CONTROL MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Board of County Commissioners MfZf) James R. David, Mosquito Control Director ~ v-- September 1, 1999 Jack Island Addition. Saint Lucie County Staff requests that the Board consider presenting the Jack Island Addition project to the Legislative Delegation, for the purpose of seeking their support to obtain 100 % state funding for the project. The project would consist of the purchase of approximately 40 acres of coastal wetlands and adjacent uplands. The wetlands identified for purchase, share a mosquito impoundment (No. 16A) with Jack Island State Park. The uplands sought for purchase, are contiguous with the impoundment's eastern boundary, and, in one case, extend to State Road AlA. The estimated cost of the acquisition is $524,362.00 (see attached detailed summary). The benefits of the project are as follows: · Preservation of coastal wetlands · Improved public access (Americans with Disabilities Act, Public Schools, etc.) · Restoration and improved water quality in the wetlands of the site · Wetland Mitigation for County Projects Additional improvement/restoration costs are anticipated to be incurred, if the acquisition is successful. The expenses, as yet unidentified in detail and unbudgeted, would target the following: · parking and bridging/causeway construction for County, State and public access from AlA to the Park · purchase and installation of additional culverts · purchase and installation of additional pumps · construction of one pump station Funding sources for the improvements identified, could include; state public park development grants, Surface Water Improvement and Management grants, Indian River Lagoon License Plate grants, local/County contributions, and others. The proposed enhancement of access will also result in increased use of Kings' Island, a recent multi-party acquisition which included County ESL funds. This project has the strong support of the Queens Cove Property Owners Association (an adjacent development). The QCPOA currently provides the vehicular access for Mosquito Control and the State Park managers to Jack Island and Kings Island, via their private roads. cc: file .. .\ Cf) c Cf) OJ 0 Ü .- Ü ......... .- -0 « -0 .s::: <J:: oð 0) - .:t::: .~ en C en -0 c: 0 encn 1ã 0)- OC C 0 C) 00) E mE Cd -- E "'C~ +-' - aj t: ¡ij2 (j) 0 -0- 0) O-E "0 a. :::L_ .- c: ~ +-' CD D~ .- ü ~ 0) Cd ~ +-' -" ~ OCeß.0 0 0... p...\\ ø.{\\)C ........ Z f _J II] &iÆ-1Ii Ilf ~c ~ lit _ 0 II' Æ~ J IZ; ~ ~:§ I I!! ~ ~~ K Jld j ð ~f h! ~ jJt- C!J JI ~~. Ii) ~IE) d <D Cf) ..c :::J > .W 0 0 LLIO cr:::> (}v í\ .4° _ G Qla ~ 4 00(\ . ..t> ~\\ e{ \.:3.9 .. \00\ø-0 Q ~. t;=J ~ '0 , , CJ) CJ) Q) ü' ü « oð c o ~ 0) :¡::¡ -- ~ t:: o CL c o :¡::¡ =0 ~ "'0 c cO - CJ) ~ ü cO J 'Cñ ..... cnc CI)O) O)E 00) 0> «0 ~ ""00.. cE ct3._ §-~ "-"\ I . ./ .' / I i .-.'.'.,.-.---.-. ------------ ....----- ~ ~ / i ¡ i i i i ~ r ¡ ~ I ¡ i i i i I i \ i i I 1 t i ¡ i I I I 1 ; \ , ! ,i I \ t ~ \ i 'I \:) ! ! j c::: ' Ii ~ ; '. "'. ~ ' . VJ . S &0; , " --:::::-------"'-'c"'::"-_~____ ; "-- --------------=::.------ ----- " . 0-______ ' I '-"-:__~_________ . _ , \". -'< -~ . " \:'---- ~ '-' ~, , '. '-'.->\ ~ ~ ;. '--'/ \ \ -," ---, ( ',,, <_/--~':::.., "', \ ¡h., " Ii \ i, \ 1.\ /;::::::::___.'___. ) \. \ '. '. .r /' '... ._ \. '<::::~::/ .-.-:.,.....~----:-.:.;-::::~? 1 ~ , " " ..... 'II' ~ Z iu i i ~ Iii g. ã ~ 1I~ ~ ¡ } I't; ~ c.... 11 ~~ I Iii ~ ~ £. i h! ~ 8 ~:2 ,I-I en 8' Ii Æ hi ~ dJ ~fg ~ Q) ..... ën ..--- -----"", r·- \, '.........-...... -'-". '...... ~ '..,'.............,....... ........."..,\ '... \ \\. \ I '" ~ c o 10 . C) :¡:j ~ t 0- a.. ~ '" .¡ ~ '" .¡ '" I í I ¡ I , , . . , I \,.. CJ) CJ) Q) ü ü ...- <t: oð c: 0 -- êa 0) +-J ~ +-J "- 0 c.. c: 0 +-J -- 'D 'D <t: 'D c: crs - CJ) .:::t:. Ü crs J ...-.. 00 00.... ooC Q)Q) uE ()Q) «> o "tJ~ c:o. caE :3-i I; " ~ I ~~~. ~~ . ':/. o.~ ...lI'Ig II, " .. ,,; I, $ \ ~ i !:t~ 0"; .... ~:! , ," i .' , t.; , . I " -- --. ---...-----..., --- ~ ~ II \ : .. ; :: !~ .,' ,,, " ,', i~ . ':' J ì~ '$;, í :w, ~ i1 ~ I . .. 'I" i I .. ~ ~ " . , 0 r ¡ ì ì .. I ¡ ,,,., i ,:' 'I I:,:, .: \ i . ! i VI' \" I; 'I; ¡ Ii ~I ' ; i ..::) I: I 4 ·1 ~: , (~ (--"':..'-"~::---"-"_.- \ \ 1 '-" ---"'_"_:~:=:_-.____-_-.-_ .".... '............. '.. ......._,':''\ ~ " -".. ..._;,;' ".... . , . '... '\ \ ''', \ \ . . I , ( . " '! -- .. \ '. \ I /~>=:::-:: , ,".. ,.......::::-........ ~ " "<::"::'::::::::/ .....-::::"'.::~-....... \ j 1 -............~... ..----'.1 "0, I -......__::~:::~~/ (i) ~~'Y 'II .,- ,- \..../ ..------......-...'\ '\. '...... '..... ~ \-'" """" .....,... "- "-, \ , . \\ ,. , , , . , : , , I of ..- .,-- _..---.. -----"\ "" " '"'---- š ,:,. ,--.-..-.. o¥ .. ~ . ~ ;;¡ 0 . ~ .. ~ . ~~ .. Z" ... ~ ~ '.,.,. III .¡ I I ! ! ' ~...............z f ~ IIJ i~1 11f c. c: C'f I i' .Q.Q t'I 111 ~ ~ J {I; ~~ I d~ ::J.Q ~ lid E'á¡I! § e ~ j= u ~ jJt ø Ji ,fl dl J Q) .'t: U) ~ c: o ~ 0) ;;::; ~ . .... ...---.. -. -. - - - ~.::::::: :::.::..:::::-.:: ~ t: o a.. ~ I ~ Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: Dou~las Anderson Organization of Requester: St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Project Title: ~avanna Ou...door RpC"rpa...;on Arpa TmprovpmpntPate: Member District: Rep. Ken Prui t t (8 I) Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community 'X Cityffown 'X County 'X Regional 'X Statewide¥- Recipient: Name: St:. I.nc; e Connt:y, ROCC .... Counties: St. Lucie . ....... . ....... .. ....... n. ....... ;;~,~IC::6::enue .:::}~:~:~:~::::., ..::::~:}~:~:~:¡:~:¡:~:}~:j:~:~:~:¡:~:~:~:~:~::;:.. ..::::" ;:::;tmr=::" ··::::~¡rr}~j@¡¡¡j¡~~¡tlt~~::::.:.. ...... City: Wort" p; "TCe- I :FL ":::;:;:::;:::::;:;:::;:;:::::;:;:;:::::::::;::::'" .............. Contact::· .... .... '·::::::::::::::::··111.1:1:·:1'1:':::::::1:::11"'1.1::11:::::::::r:::·· Namex;]cp T.ppd~ J n; rpt"t"or. T p; ~UT'P ~PT'V; t"P~ ::::::··11::!1111111111111::::: 'il> 1-41>'- fìfþþ::::::::·,·· Project Description: Development of master plan. ¥p.if:~::::::I!I~~:f::~ infrastructure. semces:":d:::;rte~ :':~l;~::':::i"';:~:~st effective park operation and increase ~~.r::èê·o~!ª!!I~:~.... .::' .. Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Increa~:~:::â~~t-o~:D~t;e¡¡::!':!ID~ (revenue). Dromote Amount you are requesting from the State.ÆìJf proj~::thi~ year? :.:::::'-:~~t I $850,000.00 Total Cost of Project: I $1, 700 .ooo:;.?~" .. . t.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...,..:.:.:.:.:..·· Construction XX Unknown 'X Unknown 'X Unknown 'X If yes, how much? Wil!,:I~be an annual requ.:~~1 Yes 'X No.p. Unknown 'X new restroolDS. and efficient state eco-tourism I $200,000.00 ..........-.... ....... o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . ............... ....... ................ ....... :!II:.:/~Budget~ ... .... .... .,_... ........ .....,........... Yes 'X No XX Unknown 'X Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes 'X No'X Unknown F Is there documented need for this project? Yes 10( No'X Unknown 'X If yes, what is the documentation? DEP report on Savanna Park 9/5/96 (attached) Was this project request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes XX No 'X Unknown 'X If yes, name the Body: Legislat:ive Delegat:ion Meeting Date: Sept. 22. 1999 Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation. Venion 19 llß0199 - Departm~~ of Environmental protection '. L:Man oø. c........- ._ to=torr Scø~ ~ BuiJdinc 19CQ Ccrruncnwa!ét ~ T..Lil~ - Aariåa ~ Sc;pu.wLcr ~.1996 . Vir¡iN& a. W.ciMnI s-.~,! 'Ihc 'E~~ KcnPnûtt ~,¡~,I"":Ye. Dimic: &1 2400~RœdSuite310 Pœ1 St. I·'''':-. F1Criå:t 34951.-4806 ~ "Tn: ~J8I1œ,5" Dc::r ~e Pruitt: I would 1ik~ to than1: you fc:':1Om'" ;.~r=e:i c::m:ñd--t= in au:' ~:.... 'to aiÏe:" . ~~ri:"tions ¡C ;x::'haps c::m::·:tr.::: to th= SUC~~5 0: th= SaVël..~ C=unt}. P~. ~"-ci1::: Stat: and Ca=ty goals and pbilO$Ophies :::3! åi;r~~ m:r:'rc:mins a numi:cr oflt::ns that all parks 112.VE: in c.o:=r.=. It is aú ~his. b~"':~ +:..;tt 0: :,.,¿",wc::. ~ ~ ~-mi:-..=d th::I:3ci:¿ r:port. We hope the ÍIIÍern:arlon õV,n b= ~ to the Caumy' s ~riI:ue::i den: 'to maXc this ~ a...~ ~ COSt c:5:cive. If yot:.lmve any qu::s::cicns regarCÜI1g our repor-"T Q:" if' we may be oí furth.=:- b-õ:" ;;~_ åc oot h=itn:: to give= eo oIl u (904-)488-2455. e. .. Sinc=a!Y~ ^ \\ C\~~ . \.~ ~ð--~ lLH.G:~~ CoœJl~~~~2'~ ~--= .1< "\:. S . Bure:w. c: ~g:: anD. ~ ~ 1= c:::"It'''' DivisiCD ~mdPuks . . . Departm::1tQr~ P(otedan " fég. E=ciœcre c::::f == ~ JY~~ CI..2 . . Mik=~o: Dcug Stri~ttft.j ~ Dcmraski AI Gt=;cr¡ ÌdÜ1 Baust .-' ; .. , , --...... -J'I4~ C ~ =d Manace fiarida'r b.....:. _....ac and Hcm:II'Gt JL-.~- ~-~~ .; .. Sa'V2DD8S Repòrt 9JSl1J6 Tøtrødudion: 'Ihc purpose of this report is to 8SSÌSt the St. Lucie Caunty~ Rec:eation and Paries ~ in aciIi..-ñng:. mere ~~~ and :=!f'-su:fñci:::It opermicn. R.:comm~ñ~~on~ will ~~~ ~ to in -""~ att~,;~ md revenue; and ways to 1mprcVC'dÐr-!~¡ and rednc: budgets. . At'te!!dm1~ snd ~oe ~~7 tb= thr= major == fer the drop in att=1~::: ?S:St ye:!C W'e."e dosing cfthc ~Uwning m-=s (wæC" qtWÏr'j). c::nais be=mc ímpa:Wl~ to bcæs (tow wm:: :md aqu:tic piaItt ~n). ZDCÍ a period oflawc::~ stamiarås. Es.Q ofth:s: probicms will be addr=seci~c:y. No sw'mm!n\! is c:::!'t2Îm ~ .4"ai,.. mas: inmett:an: ~....- fer :h:: decl:n~ in ~ - - ~ . , U~ i1~rñTI£ -T1 be ici,...,m;~ to b.:iiå ~ large sw1ro1t!il1g p~ Ú1~ is no obvious sciuricn to ..¡.~.,. """"'"i~ ÿ,;::p'" ;_. .....,~::- --_:.. :- .;... a.,- ~~...,:-..t: ~-.. "" $Ï''-;~_. ~_.-:-- =-- th:: Li..6...w ~&.~... ~..._ ._'. :'-""""'_ ~~-..- ..... ~ ~ -............ - ~ I. - -- -.....---- -~ pñ ~-1thct:t swimming, Ìt 1s UI:ffic¿y':::at p:-=vious :ttte:1åzr.c= leve!s will be re:1iiz"; Cøs Ímve re=ttl1' be=: ::op-"¿ åue to higi=" wax:::" te"~ m:i a. ~-~ aqu2ri: pi:m: sprB~ program.. A5 me news cfthis ~ spr--ds, Tm~c:n;md c:ma~ are beginning to r.:::um. ~ . .. . ~. . .~.. ::sed.'&"- ,-- 1:-.. ..u=- %S pc. ~"1!'f~ -¡;(t.. 'I ,I v;j,¡4~ ~""t"QS ~yC ~ In u¡:: ugl. ¡¡;,W' y~ md has be:n ~ definiœ c:cmriimtin; 5c=r in ~ a~~ Geed. d=m. we!! mainmincd fa~T~~ go ~ long way in e:z=!" ~":; "5 park ~~rs to n:::m and 11et-"",~1: to thei:- fiie::ås. .A1"'f-'d.~ .". .;' Otb= pcliC"¡ ami ape::mïc:cd ,..:".",~ wmch eQuid be imp¡.:m~ i-:t¿ furthe purpcsc of ~~~ . S~~ cht! use ami vonn:,:",;. ~tics.. All day use a::::ivë:s sba:ld be ~ bn the cpc: spm:c wïmin md :, " I II.-"! 'I~ ~ adjac:::tt to th: ~w.g A¡.. 'This cculd be zséDcvcd. by cievégping the ~ti,Hg pba= Z ~ tbe baatramp area. md P2lm Ts!md as da.y use src!S. Two 1.dd!+ia!13l d&y use ¡,.....d:Yt.'" !'I' -wca1dbe required - one in th: ~~~ phase 2 pic::it: ar= ami am: in the ~ Isiami m. 1f ~ peal were built, it shcuId be 10· ",ld in át: ~riltg pha:c 7. m=. afthc pm:. .# .' . . D~i.. :...~1!! the DCm-Id1~œ-fëes. pam. "tM'fy an = (PoIoI"1.·:ng1'1lZl:S. Wh=. Sœ= P3rla . ~_~ &nan-r:::sid=tL.. "l.-··g fc: =vcraL yet1Z:5 Ì¡a. Q(:{: ~u<or r:w:s fc£I by abaat D f"W~ This = bzIs sú=be::t ~,n¡n...!'v!. . 1 - , .' . - .' ' . -' , . . .' '. . C~d~ 'weddy and xncnthly. ~d my c:::mpiDg ~mt!!. State Paries are giving 3- 1 Operc:=tt di~.)'Iutt on Reddy sœys and a 30 percent discoont on monthly st:ys.. Th~ . disc:::umS at": only offered in the aff'~~~ fur most pam They are year-round in pari:s with 'Very taw ~øteS. A c:apy ofthc State Par.k.Fee Scl:t...,1!1te is atta~~ . Add ~ 1¡;;G;~bal1 in the ~~ ares. fur after hours. sc~rt7T-n3 This can. be a s=e::ned-in pieri:: pa.vilion.. ñowe"le:"" :fcr:cr-round us::. Ìt' ~ bcttc:"to have wul1! with large windows.. . ~ ()~S regularly SC~!i~ iDt~-p¡;etive progrmns to ¡mk visitors. ~ c:cuid inr:'.¿" ~~;d~ walta ar c::mce-::Ïps, c::ampñr: prognnns. birdÏng pro~ and fishing skills. . Inscil!m3i1 rid.c!s below an ~ áireQcnal/miI=ge signs.. which indic:ue the typ=s of rc=:=rion:U o~otttmiñcs ~vaii.iliic ~ -:be puk (fishing. c::npÏng. c:nceing. pic:ùcking. ctc..). . Mayee the asme of the pa.d; -·jd be exp:nded to ""1"he Savëmmts R.:-_~rricn Ar-..:1." T'nis wociá be h¿pful. in mmic=ing =:ens:. Effi¿e!!~ :mrl 'Bud~! "Reducnom uri;;....;~ :!..-aüabi~ ~T"~ ~ ==~.ly ïIIUi fuIåill£ ~'ë;}~ to r:4u= b.låg:: cas::: ar: ccnsœm ~ Th!: ÎOliowi::; ¡~..wn~....ð~nns are im::::ded crJy 2S <::",..amples of wrutt en be done ~d not the result of a /Ì.....ì~ analýsis. Emc:iem:r . C~ to the CÍt)' ~ 1!SIc:m '9.iIl 12= an import:::mt c:ffici:n...:-:ncve. This is in th: ~,,~naw. . - tJ~ ~ L -=r.. ......_. ~. f:ís.~h . .-.: rd:. 1..'- . .. ..::..IAre ~~ ::co. .r.Œ: .. 'IS not an a~ -r:;~::: ~ ~p....~ y 15 not ue:vuy œai. A SJ'Mnmnal aaMngs inl!bcr' and ~-"'~ CQ:st cau1d be achic:ved widl1ittte to ncf pciJic op,positiœ. .~ . ... ~ ~-rt~ is ~~~ by s::;:ararc c:nmry sia:ff, mewing ccwd be ~tt,..~ AJIcw bufíerzr:m= b~ -"'I,: ,; "'$ :cs ami day use arec to ~=. Redu= th::width af =ad ~ and c:e::= ;¡!!nr'i~ af ..,~c; ì1tion within the large: QPen. spa~. Budg!:t~U","O'" ~. all oftb= ...Ii:. . 71r.--44,,~ wi1l. also re:mc: bud~~ Otbc: ~~budF~~nnm '-"Qwou1dbeasibnows: . F""",~JLom-~pcrt~å"..7 ~';nftfi:Jrtbepad::..AstrCl1gCS(l&œm~ group an ~~ kr!.~d through. ~.ml_labarm1 thraugh. úmd ~ ac:iviåes mcb as mffi=. ça:!al eve- ccokio.ami czi;:saI=. ami ~pro~ A nnr"I~ af~Wtai ~1S blså~be:n~·L·t~~sizrm1dœac:ivelY ~~ ~ . . '. . . . = .. · Develop ~ Help Our ~ PBrk (H.O.S.P.) Program to ~ donations to the pari;. A copy of the &ip Our State?:å::s broclmre is ~,.n,,¿ . . · Deve!op a compn:hc::zsive voi~ ¡)togam in. addition to the·eso. Someone on .rta.tf need! to be assigned tber=pcm:ihüity åf coordiDaring and ~g all vclmttccr" a.divitic:s.. . . · eon:ñ¿= an 1nte:'I1 ProgIatn to S%Ipplc:n::It :ttaff on special proje=s.. · CQ1"~r!er c:xpanding conr~~o;n cper:ttians to includC comrac:s with private vendca. 1'bis a:xu1d include =mce and boat rc:taIs. ~ small park. stcr:: and the cpe::ttiC1J of the swimming pool, ifCuilt. · Cam:u:: ~ C:y md County SC:c1 Sj"!t~ f::r iùnëng St1ppcrt'to b: c::oråinat¿ with an ~tal =duc:.tticn prcg:--..m proviå=i at th= parle:. . . ÛJ~ using :m hcmcr sys:= = ~w ~ at we=k to r::du.c= st3ÏEDg c::sts. Other 'R~mm~d"rioM The :::llowing mgg~are:.,rut a!! c~nm"bute to g:-=t=- pubíi= ~!~ ~:, .su~~art. and visttaric: whic.' all c:Jmribute to ::Ÿ'iñTT!: :he parX more c:JS: adem.. ~ps eqœilly c. merc iIü:porwIt is that the Sa.vannas Pari: ~ :he potctial to be succ.-~11 fi"c:n ill asp=s af park =nsiåe:':Iricn whj--h would we!! ~Ie :-=sië:ms ot th:: aty/Coumr in :l.ååirion to o-J1C" \'tsirors. ~ . Devel..." =. masa::plan. to fully:müz: the:mural ate3S in tb: most ¿:,.;~ inamlC:-. UnM=iti:s aiÏdn; th:: l' o:mt!~ ..-\r'"~e degr= a:ftcn wùl taic.: on a. projec: sud1 as this as a class projcr:: with ve:; ?1~fes~~t n:sa1ts Tn: Uuive:sity afF1Crida. has been ~~. and b:s c:o~~== in pcssiåaàiy ~ ø tiIis m b~ a. småe: projc::.. :: 11Ds is an ~OlIAu1. goal ::mi m,Jñ b: æ=mpii:shcd prior to m~¡'~ m}- p_û~. modm~nntI to the site sué1 as II:p~r-ins Q1" adding œw muc:ur=. "¡' . "F ~,,~ tiÍe c::mmc: ~nt'U This·is a. key stnldm:e to th: pari; beth visually ami ~y. Afte:"th: pm: ~~ it is ge:u:ralty th: ms: ~ seen by the p:£: visitor ami it ~.her: ti= hisJbè::iIr::~=cn of'd=pm is fU4ud. . ~.. ç':,,~&W,¡aœ eåstingiemcamflcifrti~ to ~~odaœ ~ Qfi"..¿ ami a=ct . ~~ k~=" ttì .i1ity ccå~ 1"t -z_ ..L..- . ri--' . - 1..- . . "de . . ~ UIIõi ~Uil ~ ~ ~ SmD"'~ uuu¡¡; szœ to Jl mer.: rc:::::ncœ me cr provt a 'V~-! ..I.nn baffi:r to ~....A it 'from the;abiic use areas. ....... ~ . p..1- _r... themcbiIcboa=p'c- ,If, ~~asZLbt'=l--aam ti:r~.Tc;.;:; to aøaÚZl:rÍcc=icm .,.:..... ~ ~.. be ~~ m- pami:: \fÌ:W. '. 3 - .. -- - " ~. 4. '.' . .. ., . , . .. '... ./ . ~~ 'the c:::unpsft:s with fI'f~i.ccl ~ ta ~U.W.cd:tte new de:mmds af ~ . It should be ooted that varicus cmtic plants "i1ICe obsc::ved. scmz: of whid1 arc Mc!aleuc and .Amc:zWm Phm. 'Ih=se W211 be::::m1e a. problem unless they ba.ve some mcms of ~ Short-t:c':n ". " . The pari: gill ~"r:~ 1s. 4 visitaa' %st :.ut:'4.son and d:s::'VC! ~ memion. An c:tttt'a1'~ ~ wiú:.l~~~ wow.¿ =:m ~~ proj¿ fer a C~~ Support Org1'";~on. .. P:1ri:!Ígns c:m n::dly dè:mu::-==n ~ fut'!!ïitym:ic:sS properly m~;~ø4 and considcrei. Weod routed signs although "1mr!~c wh= nr:'N m: riim(;!tlt to IIUåm:ún:t th: quality ~. S~~ ~ to m~ sig::s rim Pcssmrim: û:unry or C:'tJ. sign shop Quid previti::. . AIr'=- aptian to Qw...y1lli:g c:%3: the?-..im r.j"m!.?ic:::m: ar:::1 with pcrimps less visual ~ ÚWl the pvc bollar'...s, migtht be a.lcw one or two r.ñi Ïc::c=, cr possibly ~en :-:iliraad. ti::s.. This apprca.è:. is mere ~~èlc with the :mural pioic se::i:Ig. . T::~ hoat c:m=sicn :1áj~~:o th: :;:;.;.....a.- station v.rcwc! b: !: gr::: proj= fa:- to'".: ::~~- ~ Org¡w~cn to rc::ciid ami ~ssiliiy re!.oc.:tte. . 7:: ~ ~ tmU~ watC't3I1k ~~ to the c:mtpe:"' bathhouS!"; mouÏd b~ ~cv~ TIm ilia ~ ~ ~od CSO praj=:. . MaC re;:ms to the -wrious ~~.an íca: briÓ3""~ wb:ich. 11~ ~ pic:::ic ar~ Al1othc:" ~ñj~ CSO pr::,Ïc=. Stu!~'" ,\, _. ....._ ; . .. ...~_ ..J.._ _I..." _':-1- ~ s::awn In werc=o\O·I~ I' ~n....s nc=m ~ repcrtu¡¡;;¡.. an:a.¡¡w¡we:"ar~"$.to m¡::uw; ~ $:v -~ - . A1tbm' .... d will . ~.a: ~ "".....mcr:ccs:~ro It ~~artt1::m:::œ~-..(= wcem imtiai"cpicú oatiay, the n:tUm sbcuId be j1~. . .'. E~bmrlo~ Tesm Gc:cr;: ~ ap:rmcms 'M:2.tlo~. I.L'!!\t Caumlt:::mt - Bun::m oi'?m: O~CDS !):rid '9TJ.--4. ..I~ 7 P..æma:=- OSc:af'?3ó; F~ . Dïc:.Dcmraski or C:i::f - 1!m'c:m afPm: Orri~:Dimic: S p:~ Gi~~ Cnft~~cmM!I"~~~' . Burem cf'Design and p~ Servic:s E'~~ M::Ar-Jmr; r ~~ }u. . :I,..J~ - Burcm ar-¡)::signmd ~~ Scrvic::s 1.:B. ~ ~.l·"'Ç1ìr.m Sp> . .ï,,d- - But:m oíPuk Opemtions ~ 5 .. - -:" ...-s.~ 4. 01 Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: Douglas Anderson Organization of Requester: St. Lucie County Board of County Counnissioners Project Title: Children's Environmental Classroom Date: 12/16/99 Member District: Rep. Ken Pru i t: t: ( 8 1 ) Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/CommUIÙty 'X Cityffown 'X County 'X Regional¥ State\\ide 'X Recipient: Nmne: St. Lucie County. BOCC . ....... Street: 2~:=:i::::~:~~~iKia Avenue City: Fort Pierce ~ FL .... .................... ..... ..................... '<>7."" Cod ··'·'·'·'·:·:·:·i4Ö:"···:······ W~p.: e~::::::::·:::i¡·.:::::¡¡j:.:¡:I¡:~:~s 2 Counties: St. Lucie ...... ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .................... ....................... ... Contact: Nmne:Mike Leeds. Director Leisure Services .. ... .... :.:....;:-::J:..:.:.:.:....... .,:.:.;.:.' :::::i'Plilihe #: ..................... ...................... ...................... .--................... . ................ ........ ... 561-462-'f5:tt:: .. ...................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ................. .... ................. ............................ ............................. Project :::::~::: C~::::r:~:e ~Green Buildin2" c.!åss:r'l¡:li¡;;.:¡i:¡lk:::.. Children's Environmental Services Provided! Benefit to State: Show princi~~g~!!!:!II!i!ii!i;~.yCli~i::I:!·:¡¡I'if: reduction. energy efficiency, deconstruciton and the use o~:~ø¿yêt:!!·!·!!!~!~:t:~~::::::~ferial. Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Reduced.::::!::Wåste ~1ifouW!::::::!.~~~t'ìon. increase Florida's sustainability Amount you are requesting from the StateJgt:~:~:projeç,tmi~ year?:::ilil:~:t I S250, 000 _ 00 I TotaICostofProject: I $250,000.?,:?: 1···:.. uuuu ~~~?!ii:~i;~~~;:=x UMM~X ::;'~~::þ!1$;;~~O~~ u~x ffy~howmnch1 PufP)~rr future year funm¡,.:: Recurring Operations 'X Non-Recurring Construction 'X Other Wil~I~:::be an annual req~~$1 Yes 'X No IX Unknown 'X .. . _XX" But Note: W111~1¡~_~*~::~~~~gï4:fu an Agency Budget Request? Yes 'X N~ Unknown 'X :!:~ ! ?:.f..'.1...:.¡:...·..~.:..!...·.'...·.?..... ~rf:~: : Note: Was submitted to DEP (solid waste trust fund) in Sent. 99. Thev had <:::)(:::::::..... already submitted their budget. Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes 'X No 'X Unknown IX Is there documented need for this project? Yes 'X No .p. Unknown 'X If yes, what is the documentation? Was this project request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (mUIÙcipal, county, or state)? Yes iX No 'X Unknown 'X If yes, nmne the Body: Meeting Date: Legislative Delegation Sept: _ 22, 1999 Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation. Version 19 llßOI99 ·' ,., ~ ":';'. c..··· ..:::~:"""'.:- :.:':', '.::~" . ~:: Il·~:' ~~~~ :.:.;. :.:.:. ...;.' .;« .~ .:~¡¡~ Ii' _ ,':0. .::.;. ...:: ~;. ·:l~. l:; '';~.. Classroom Addition Submitted By: St. Lucie County Department of Leisure Services BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEISURE SERVICES Michael "Mike" Leeds Direaor NAME OF PROJECT: Children's Environmental Learning Museum - Classroom Addition AMOUNT OF REQUEST: - $ 250~OOO.OO DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: This project will design and construct "Green Building" classroom at the Children's Environmental Learning Museum. The green building concept applies the principles of recycling, waste reductio~ energy efficiency, resource conversation, deconstruction and the use of recycled building materials in the design and construction of the classroom. The addition would be an excellent opportunity to not only utilize the green building concepts, but will serve as a teaching tool for the architecture and construction industries. AREA FOR FUNDING: Grant from the Florida Department ofEnVÎronmental Protection (Solid Waste Trust Fund). Request has the approval of William Hinkley, Bureau Chief of Solid and Hazardous Waste. JOHN D. ORUHN. DistriCT No. 1 . DOUG COWARD. :/i5TiCT No. 2 . PAULA A. LEWIS, DistriCT No.:3 . FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, DistriCT No. 4' CUFF OARNES. DiStriCT Nc. 5 Counry Administrotor - Douglas M. Anderson 2.300 Virginia Avenue · Phone (561) 462-1515 · TDD (561) 462-1428 Moil: P.O. ßox 760. Fort Pierce, FL .34954-0760 .~ ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FUNDING NEEDS I. Classroom $ 100,000.00 II. Office $ 25,000.00 III. Storage $ 16,000.00 IV. Bathroom $ 25,000.00 V. Infrastructure $ 30,000.00 VI. Furnishi~lgs $ 39,000.00 VII. Project Engineering & Design $ 15.000.00 TOTAL Ai'\10UNT REQUESTED $ 250,000.00 411 ..:., . . \' \' \ '. .............' "i ~, ? .. \:\"\ '.~ \\\ '~þ \\~ ~¿ Y ~ :;- -<C> §~ '" .. \ \ \ \ \ \' ~" \\ \\ \. \, \ \ \ V \ \ \.. ~~---~~ I: . ~ . 1 \\ , 11-. \\ '~ þ - ~ ~~ ~-~ gs nO: "'- v: I U1 ~g ~ ., Ì\ ..,; ~, ., ......-- ¡;I~ ~._' ..~""'- -. " .' - ~I ., ~tI ~;I - ð§ "'- ..- ¡.::? -.- ;~ 1·~ ~æ ê >0 C,,~ C,,{I} _. {I} -""I -Q Q Q = S ~ "'0 ;i -:::;" Z ::,) ~ -t S - en ~ ê: t; (') r.::1 "'0 c.. § to) c.. ::3 -. - - - §' ~ 0 en Q) ... 0 a ::I Q,. ~. )( (') 5' - ~ yO - CIJ en c:r= - 0( Q Õ 2 ~ en -t (') - to) - =. 0 ac 0 -.., 0 ;t -. C) N( Q to) 2.0 ::3 c:rC) c.. '< = ::t' c.. 0 - ~ ::r :T- O -t 0 0 ~ ~ 0 C) ::3 en ::,) ... en en ~. .., en 0 .., 0 0 - 0 - 3 3 0- ( ) ¡::- ~ \ .. -I ·'1 ~I ~I '"'II :,¡ II 'I I , I I I I .1 .1 -------- Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: Doug Anderson Organization of Requester: St. Lucie County Project Title: Causeway Island Erosion Control Date: 12/20/99 Member District: Minton H - 78 Myers 5-27 Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community D City/Town D County D Regional D Statewide X Recipient: Name: St. Lucie County Street: 2300 Virginia Avenue City: Ft. Pierce Zip Code: 34982 Counties: St. Lucie County Contact: Name: Don West. County Engineer Phone #: 561-462-1709 Project Description: Design. permitting and construction for the protection of seyerely eroding shoreline along the Indian Riyer Lagoon at North and South Causeway Island. Services Provided/ Benefit to State: Upland protection of public property. reduction of sediment transport into the IRL and improved water quality to the IRL. Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Healthier ecosystem for the IRL/Protected public lands. Amount you are requesting from the State for.thîsprojectthis year? Amount I 903.000 Total Cost of Project: I 903.000 Is this request being made to fund(checkall that apply): Operations D Construction X Unknown D Is there Local Government or Private match for this request? Yes D No X Unknown D If yes, what kind? Cash Amount I In Kind Amount. I Was this project previously fUnded by the:Ståtê? Yes D No X Unknown D If yes, Fiscal Year I Â;mount I I Is future-year funding likely t()lberequested? Yes D No X Unknown D If yes, how much? I Purpose for future year funding: Recurring Operations D Non-Recurring Construction X Other Will this be an annual request? Yes D No X Unknown D Was this project included in an Agency Budget Request? Yes D No X Unknown D If yes, name the Agency: Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes D No D Unknown X Is there documented need for this project? Yes X No D Unknown D If yes, what is the documentation? See attached permit for construction and Coms of Engineer Report Was this projèct request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes X NoD UnknownD If yes, name the Body: Legislative Delegation (Board of County Commission) Meeting Date: Sept. 22. 1999 (Sept. 10. 1999) Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation. Version 19 11/30/99 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT CORPS 0F ENGINEERS P. O. BOX 4970 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32232·0019 REPLY TO A TTENTlON OF March 9, 1999 Regulatory Division South Permits Branch Jacksonville Regulatory Office 199901100 (NW-JC) . --- .... -'.'." .._. _.- --_._.~-_.- St. Lucie County Attention: Mr. Donald B. West 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982-2362 ...., ; ; ;) :~'''R--~- ---~j I, : :: : ; M.'1i I ¡gr'~ . ; j ,..~ ¡ ¡ ,---' ¡ I L__-- . ..---1 í ¡ E·;o,¡C.";:..;::,-·';;";:;' ¡ 1 ( ~I ,-_:' ( . I.. ;_ ~... ¡ \: t ;: \..1 ! \.....-------.--.-.-----, Gentlemen: . Reference is made to your Department of the Army (DA) permit application for verification of your proposed project under Nationwide Permit number 13. The project consists of a 1,225-foot long rock revetment along the northwest end of Causeway Island. The revetment begins at the north side of State Road AlA, extending north and then east along the shoreline to a point approximately 120 feet wes* of the existing boat ramp. The project is located in Section 02, Township 35 South, Range 40 East, Ft. Pierce, St. Lucie County, Florida. This verifies that your proposal is authorized by Nationwide Permit number 13 in accordance with the enclosed copy of our regulations as stated in 33 CFR Part 330, Appendix A. This verification is valid for 2 years from the date of this letter, unless this nationwide permit is modified, reissued or revoked. All the nationwide permits, with the exception of Nationwide 26, are scheduled to expire on February 11, 2002, unless modified, issued or revoked. Nationwide 26 will expir~ on September 15, 1999. It is incumbent on you to remain informed of ~hanges in these nationwide permits. We will issue a public notlce announcing any changes when they occur. In the event that you have not completed construction of your project within the 2-year construction window, reverification under this Nationwide Permit will be required. A separate DA permit is not required providing the work is done in accordance with the enclosed drawings/information submitted, the conditions listed in 33 CFR part 330, Appendix A, Subparagraph C (Nationwide Permit Conditions), and any appropriate regional conditions (copy enclosed. -2- This letter does not obviate the requirement to obtain any State or local permits, which may be necessary for your proposed work. Your nationwide permit verification is specifically conditioned by the State of Florida with the following language, "Projects quali£ying for this nationwide permit must be individually reviewed by the State of Florida and receive water quality certification and coastal zone consistency as well as any authorizations required for the use of submerged lands." You should check State permitting requirements with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection or the appropriate water management district. A list of addresses of the appropriate State offices are enclosed for your information and use. This nationwide permit is being verified for the work shown on your permit application. As owner of the property or as a party with the requisitepropêrty interest to do the work, you are considered liable for any activities that are not in compliance with this verification. If at some point you no longer have the requisite property interests for this project, you are required to transfer the nationwide verification to the new owner by having them sign at the bottom of this letter. Please send a copy of this transfer to the u.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) at the letterhead address. A general condition of all the Nationwide Permits is to provide a certification of compliance. This certifies that the work performed under this verification was in accordance with the Corps's authorization, including any general or specific conditions. Once your project is completed, the attached compliance certification must be sent to the Corps' office at the letterhead address. Thank you for your cooperation with our regulatory program. Sincerely, Enclosures - ~. I': 'i' ^ ^'_ Jc!"(ì( ,H\ ' Linda S. Ferrell ~ (2 " ,"/ tHief, South Permits Branch l REQUEST FOR PERMIT TRANSFER: When the structures or work verified by this nationwide are still in existence at the time the property is transferred, the terms and conditions of this permit will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property. To validate the transfer of this permit and the associated liabilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions, the transferee should sign and date below. (DATE) (TRÞ.NSFEREE) (Name - Printed) Lot/Block: (Street Address) (City, State, and Zip Code) Flood Plain Information: A nationwide permit verification does not give absolute authority to perform the work as specified on your application. The proposed work may be subject to local building permits to determine if your site is located in a flood-prone or floodway area, and if you must comply with the local building requirements mandated by the National Flood Insurance Program. If the local office cannot provide you the necessary information, you may provide this office a letter with small scale map showing the location of the site, requesting a flood-hazard evaluation of the site. The request should be addressed to the Chief, Flood Control and Floodplain Management Branch, Jacksonville District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, P.O. Box 4970, Jacksonville, Florida 32232-0019. Nationwide Compliance Certification Nationwide Number Permit Number: Name and Address: Telephone Number: Location of the Work: Description of the Work (e.g. bank stabilization, residential fill etc.) Type and acreage (or square feet) of the loss of Waters of the U~ited States (jurisdictional wetlands) (e.g. 1/10 acre of marsh and 50 square feet of a stream): Description of Mitigation Completed (if applicable): I, , certify that the work was done as described in the authorization letter dated and all work and required mitigation (if applicable) was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. Signature of Permittee Date GENERAL CONDITIONS 33 CFR PART 320-330 PUBLISHED FR DATED 13 NOVEMBER 1986 1. The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on 9 March 2001. If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the above date is reached. 2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are ñot relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and state coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort of if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. 4. If you sell the property associated with this permit you must obtain the signature of the'new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. 5. If a conditioned water quality certification has been issued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as special conditions to this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the certification is attached if it contains such conditions. 6. You must allow a representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit. - ~L 1 -, :¿ 14 15 16 7 13 T N EB ".~.I ~'I:~'_f'L:.~.s I :.9u0dran9.i MaP."1949'~"·1 ,·-Photò ........._1983 . . . ~'- - - :'I~$-.J..~· ¡ I ,.-.- icinity Map 1·... 2000' - TAYLOR ENGINEERING 1!\Ie. 1 3 -..- ~ c.:.. ..er- ~ c:w.ve ~~- 1 2 13 14 VI L K J H G F E o c B A l' ;¿ J 4 :; 6 8 9 14 t P'CRC£ 'UI.£ r ~~ì ""'OlAN ""\1£'" 1.4 L K J H G F E D C .... B A ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ JI~ / /0 /oP /./ ~ ./~./ ~./ ..... /./~ -.. /' r ~ ~ /' CAUSC""'... T .st..A1\IO rT. PfC"cc. 1"1.. / e ~.~n View - Proposed Revetment/Walkway -- I: .¡re. J/Wã ... ......,_1·fI "'-<I" o.c. I ..." -1 @ ~=lkwaY/Handra. Plan & Profde c(~PoOt(s t. ~ .. -.. _____..... ~ ~ ~ o.t- (NC'oO' '.:n. 2. c-w.,_ _ -..... _ ~..f..__ .. ... "-. -. .... -~. .r-t-,. £.-t -. 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AS1W "'S1 ""'- ... --.....-.............--.........~. ......~............................... -.........~~ C.Set_~...,~............._, -... ~ '.... , (01\. 0- WI .. -..-.. ~ ----.............- ... I===-~~-.... ....;.1:-..,. ... ..... ~At:- ... "":.'::1""'" -.... ... -. ® ~>;-' SectIon. Area 01 .. ~_2 14 Department of Environmental Protection Jeb Bush Governor OC1 1 5 1999 Southeast District P.O. Box 15425 West Palm Beach. Florida 33416 David B. Struhs Secretary Certified - Return Receipt Requested S1. Lucie County c/o Mr. Donald B. West 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Dear Mr. West: Enclosed is Standard General Environmental Resource Pennit No. 56-0145997-001 issued pursuant to Part IV of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Title 62, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). Appeal rights for you as the pennittee and for any affected third party are described in the text of the penn it along with conditions which must be met when pennitted activities are undertaken. Please review this document carefully to ensure compliance with both the general and specific conditions contained herein. As the pennittee, you are responsible for compliance with these conditions. Please ensure all construction personnel associated with your activity review and understand the approved drawings and conditions. Failure to comply with this penn it may result in liability for damages and restoration, and the imposition of civil penalties up to $10,000.00 per violation per day pursuantto Sections 403.141 and 403.161, F.S. In addition please ensure the construction commencement notice and all other reporting conditions are forwarded to the appropriate office as indicated in the specific conditions. If you have any questions about this document, please contact me at 561/681-6634. Sincerely, 1á/f7U-t.~~ Jayne E. Bergstrom Environmental Specialist II Submerged Lands & Environmental Resources Program !DJ.;Œ @ _Œ_-LU 0' In',. 11~ I, ¡ ,I.' I UtI,' OCT 20 mJ Ill) LE:-:-:: .. ~ -. I:': . _ .... 'r ". - 0;-0 '" , ~~ to ..: ."' ~. .". -,' r-" ~ -< . ·~~~':~2~__: "More Protection, Less Process" Princ!!d on r/!C)'d!!d pap!!r. Department of Enviro"mental Protection Jeb Bush Govemor Southeast District P.O. Box 15425 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 David B. Struhs Secretary CONSOLIDATED ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMIT AND SOVEREIGN SUBMERGED LANDS AUTHORIZATION PERMITTEE/AUTHORIZED ENTITY: St. Lucie County c/o Mr. Donald B. West 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Penn it/Authorization No.: 56-0145997-001 Date oflssue: 0 CT 1 5 1999 Expiration Date of OCT 1 5 2004 Construction Phase: County: St. Lucie County Project: South Causeway Island Shoreline Stabilization Project This pennit is issued under the authority of Part IV of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Title 62, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). The activity is not exempt from the requirement to obtain a Standard General Environmental Resource Penn it. Pursuant to Operating Agreements executed between the Department and the water management districts, as referenced in Chapter 62-113, F.A.C., the Department is responsible for reviewing and taking final agency action on this activity. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the project is to install a 1,225 linear foot riprap revetment along the northwest side of South Causeway Island. The revetment wall will be placed at or above mean high water to avoid seagrass impacts. The wall will begin at the north side of State Road AlA, extend north and then east along the shoreline to a point approximately 120 feet west of the existing boat ramp. This project also includes a mitigation plan to offset the impacts to 0.28 acres of coastal wetland vegetation (mostly Spartina patens and Distichylis spp.) The mitigation plan involves the following: a) enhancement of the Fort Pierce Inlet State Recreation Area by the removal, spraying, and mulching of exotic vegetation along a 20-ft. by 6,650-ft swath (3.1 acres) of the mosquito control impoundment dike; b) the installation of a 30-inch diameter, 40-foot long aluminum culvert in the mosquito dike; and c) the removal and replanting of three, 5-ft. to 8-ft. red mangroves which are expected to be impacted by the culvert installation. ACTIVITY LOCATION: The project is located within the Indian River, Class III Waters, adjacent to State Road AlA on the northwest end of South Causeway Island, Ft. Pierce (Section 2, Township 35 South, Range 40 East), St. Lucie County. Latitude 27.27.35, Longitude 80.19.02. This permit also constitutes a finding of consistency with Florida's Coastal Zone Management Program, as required by Section 307 of the Coastal Management Act. "More Proteaion. Less Process" Print"d on rt:C)'Ckd p0p"'. · , Permittee: St. Lucie County Causeway Island File No.: 56-0145997-001 Page 2 This permit also constitutes certification of compliance with water quality standards under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1341. This activity also requires a proprietary authorization, as the activity is located on sovereign submerged lands owned by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, pursuant to Article X, Section 11 ofthe Florida Constitution, and Sections 253.002 and 253.77, F.S. The activity is not exempt from the need to obtain a proprietary authorization. The Department has the responsibility to review and take final action on this request for proprietary authorization in accordance with Section 18-21.0051, and the Operating Agreements executed between the Department and the water management districts, as referenced in Chapter 62-113, F.A.C. In addition to the above, this proprietary authorization has been reviewed in accordance with Chapter 253, F.S., Chapter 18-21, Section 62-343.075, F.A.C., and the policies of the Board of Trustees. As staff to the Board of Trustees, the Department has reviewed the activity as described above, and has determined that there is no objection to the project being constructed on sovereign submerged lands as long as the work perlOnned is located within the boundaries of submerged land Lease No.: 18427 and T.I.I.T.F. Deed-No.: 17126 as described herein, and is consistent with the tenns and conditions herein. Therefore, consider this to also constitute the authority sought under section 253.77, F .S., to perfonn the activity on the specified sovereign submerged lands. Federal authorization for the proposed project is reviewed by DEP pursuant to an agreement between the Department and the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers (Corps). The agreement is outlined in a document titled Coordination Agreement Between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection State Programmatic General Permit, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbor Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Your project has been reviewed for compliance with a State Programmatic General Penn it (SPGP). As shown on the attached drawings, the proposed project is not consistent with the SPGP program. A copy of your application has been sent to the Corps .who may require a separate pennit. Failure to obtain their authorization prior to construction could subject you to enforcement action. For further infonnation, contact the Corps directly. The above named pennittee is hereby authorized to construct the work shown on the application and approved drawing(s), plans, and other documents attached hereto òr on file with the Department and made a part hereof. This permit and authorization to use sovereign submerged lands is subject to the limits, conditions, and locations of work shown in the attached drawings, and is also subject to the attached 19 General Conditions, 12 General Consent Conditions, and 17 Specific Conditions, which are a binding part of this permit and authorization. You are advised to read and understand these drawings and conditions prior to commencing the authorized activities, and to ensure the work is conducted in conformance with all the terms, conditions, and drawings. If you are utilizing a contractor, the contractor also should read and understand these drawings and conditions prior to commencing the authorized activities. Failure to comply with all drawings and conditions shall constitute grounds for revocation of the permit and appropriate enforcement action. Operation of the facility is not authorized except when detennined to be in confonnance with all applicable rules and with the general and specific conditions of this permit/certification/authorization, as specifically described below. Permittee: St. Lucie County Causeway Island File No.: 56-0145997-001 Page 3 GENERAL CONDITIONS: (1) All activities authorized by this permit shall be implemented as set forth in the plans, specifications and performance criteria as approved by this permit. Any deviation from the permitted activity and the conditions for undertaking that activity shall constitute a violation of this permit and Part IV, Chapter 373, F.S. (2) This permit or a copy thereof, complete with all conditions, attachments, exhibits, and modifications shall be kept at the work site of the permitted activity. The complete permit shall be available for review at the work site upon request by the Department staff. The permittee shall require the contractor to review the complete permit prior to commencement of the activity authorized by this permit. (3) Activities approved by this permit shall be conducted in a manner which does not cause violations of state water quality standards. The permittee shall implement best management practices for erosion and pollution control to prevent violation of state water quality standards. Temporary erosion control shall be implemented prior to and during construction, and permanent control measures shall be completed within 7 days of any construction activity. Turbidity barriers shall be installed and maintained at all locations where the possibility of transferring suspended solids into the receiving waterbody exists due to the permitted work. Turbidity barriers shall remain in place at all locations until construction is completed and soils are stabilized and vegetation has been established. All practices shall be in accordance with the guidelines and specifications described in Chapter 6 of the Florida Land Development Manual; A Guide to Sound Land and Water Management (Department of Environmental Regulation, 1988), unless a project-specific erosion and sediment control plan is approved as part of the permit. Thereafter the permittee shall be responsible for the removal of the barriers. The permittee shall correct any erosion or shoaling that causes adverse impacts to the water resources. (4) The permittee shall notify the Department of the anticipated construction start date within. 30 days of the date that this permit is issued. At least 48 hours prior to commencement of activity authorized by this permit, the permittee shall submit to the Department an "Environmental Resource Permit Construction Commencement" notice (Form No. 62-343.900(3), F.A.C.) indicating the actual start date and the expected completion date. (5) When the duration of construction will exceed one year, the permittee shall submit construction status reports to the Department on an annual basis utilizing an "Annual Status Report Form" (Form No. 62-343.900(4), F.A.C.). Status Report Forms shall be submitted the following June of each year. (6) Within 30 days after completion of construction of the permitted activity, the permittee shall submit a written statement of completion and certification by a registered professional engineer or other appropriate individual as authorized by law, utilizing the supplied "Environmental Resource Permit As-Built Certification by a Registered Professional" (Form No. 62-343.900(5), F.A.C.). The statement of completion and certification shall be based on on-site observation of construction or review of as-built drawings for the purpose of determining if the work was completed in compliance with permitted plans and specifications. This submittal shall serve to notify the Department that the system is ready for inspection. Additionally, if deviation from the approved drawings are discovered during the certification process, the certification must be accompanied by a copy of the approved permit drawings with deviations noted. Both the original and revised specifications must be clearly shown. The plans must be clearly labeled as "as-built" or "record" drawing. All surveyed dimensions and elevations shall be certified by a registered surveyor. (7) The operation phase of this permit shall not become effective: until the permittee has complied with the requirements of condition (6) above, has submitted a "Request for Transfer of Environmental Resource Permit Construction Phase to Operation Phase" (Form No. 62-343.900(7), Permittee: St. Lucie County Causeway Island File No.: 56-0145997-001 Page 4 F.A.C.); the Department determines the system to be in compliance with the pennitted plans and specifications; and the entity approved by the Department in accordance with Sections 9.0 and 10.0 of the Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit Applications Within the South Florida Water Management District - August 1995, accepts responsibility for operation and maintenance of the system. The pennit shall not be transferred to such approved operation and maintenance entity until the operation phase of the permit becomes effective. Following inspection and approval ofthe permitted system by the Department, the permittee sh.!ill initiate transfer of the permitto the approved responsible operating entity if different from the permittee. Until the permit is transferred pursuant to Section 62-343.110(1)(d), F.A.C., the permittee shall be liable for compliance with the tenns of the penn it. (8) Each phase or independent portion of the permitted system must be completed in accordance with the permitted plans and permit conditions prior to the initiation of the permitted use of site infrastructure located within the area served by that portion or phase of the system. Each phase or independent portion of the system must be completed in accordance with the pennitted plans and permit conditions prior to transfer of respönsibility for operation and maintenance of the phase or portion of the system to a local government or other responsible entity. (9) For those- systems that will be operated or maintained by an entity that will require an easement or deed restriction in order to enable that entity to operate or maintain the system in conformance with thispennit, such easement or deed restriction must be recorded in the public records and submitted to the Department along with any other final operation and maintenance documents required by sections 9.0 and 10.0 of the Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Pennit Applications Within the South Florida Water Management District - August 1995, prior to lot or unit sales or prior to the completion of the system, whichever occurs first. Other documents concerning the establishment and authority of the operating entity must be filed with the Secretary of State where appropriate. For those systems which are proposed to be maintained by the county or municipal entities, final operation and maintenance documents must be received by the Deparbnent when maintenance and operation of the system is accepted by the local government entity. Failure to submit the appropriate final documents will result in the pennittee remaining liable for canying out maintenance and operation of the pennitted system and any other penn it conditions. (10) Should any other regulatory agency require changes to the pennitted system, the pennittee shall notify the Department in writing of the changes prior to implementation so that a determination can be made whether a penn it modification is required. (11) This permit does not eliminate the necessity to obtain any required federal, state, local and special district authorizations prior to the start of any activity approved by this permit. This permit does not convey to the pennittee or create in the permittee any property right, or any interest in real property, nor does it authorize any entrance upon or activities on property which is not owned or controlled by the pennittee, or convey any rights or privileges other than those specified in the permit and Chapter 40E-4 or Chapter 40E-40, F .A.C. (12) The permittee is hereby advised that Section 253.77, F.S. states that a person may not commence any excavation, construction, or other activity involving the use of sovereign or other lands of the state, the title to which is vested in the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund without obtaining the required lease, license, easement, or other fonn of consent authorizing the proposed use. Therefore, the permittee is responsible for obtaining any necessary authorizations from the Board of Trustees prior to commencing activity on sovereignty lands or other state-owned lands. (13) The permittee is advised that the rules of the South Florida Water Management District require the permittee to obtain a water use permit from the South Florida Water Management District Pennittee: St. Lucie County Causeway Island File No.: 56-C:45997-001 Page 5 prior to construction dewatering, unless the work qualifies for a general pennit pursuant to subsection 40E-20.302(4), F.A.C., also known as the "No Notice" rule. (14) The pennittee shall hold and save the Department hannless from any and all damages, claims, or liabilities which may arise by reason of the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal, abandonment or use of any system authorized by the pennit. (15) Any delineation of the extent of a wetland or other surface water submitted as part of the penn it application, including plans or other supporting documentation, shall not be considered binding unless a specific condition of this penn it or a fonnal determination under section 373.421(2), F.S., provides otherwise. (16) Th~ pennittee shall notify the Department in writing within 30 days of any sale, conveyance, or other transfer of ownership or control of a permitted system or the real property on which the permitted system is located. All transfers of ownership or transfers of a permit are subject to the requirements of section 62-343.130, F.A.C. The permittee transferring the permit shall remain liable for corrective actions that may be required as a result of any violations prior to the sale, conveyance or other transfer of the system. (17) Upon reasonable notice to the permittee, Department authorized staff with proper identification shall have permission to enter, inspect, sample and test the system to insure conformity with the plans and specifications approved by the permit. (18) If historical or archaeological artifacts are discovered at any time on the project site, the pennittee shall immediately notify the appropriate Depamnent office. (19) The permittee shall immediately notify the Department in writing of any previously submitted information that is later discovered to be inaccurate. GENERAL CONSENT CONDITIONS: (I) No activities other than those set forth in this permit are authorized. Any additional activities on state-owned sovereignty submerged lands must receive further consent from the Governor and Cabinet, sitting as the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund (hereinafter the "Board") or their properly designated agent (2) Grantee agrees that all title and interest to all lands lying below the historical mean high water line or ordinary high water line are vested in the Board, and shall make no claim of title or interest in said lands by reason of the occupancy or use thereof. (3) Grantee agrees to use or occupy the ~ubject premises for those purposes specified herein, and Grantee shall not pennit the premises or any part thereof to be used or occupied for any other purpose or knowingly permit or suffer any nuisances or illegal operations of any kind on the premises. (4) Grantee agrees to maintain the premises in good condition in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare. The premises are subject to inspection by the Board or its designated agent at any reasonable time. (5) Grantee agrees to indemnify, defend and hold hannless the Board and the State of Florida from all claims, actions, lawsuits and demands arising out of this consent. (6) No failure, or successive failures, on the part of the Board to enforce any provision, waiver or successive waivers on the part of the Board of any provision herein, shall operate as a discharge thereof or render the same inoperative or impair the right of the Board to enforce the same in the event of subsequent breach. (7) Grantee binds itself and its successors and assigns to abide by the provisions and conditions set forth herein. In the event Grantee fails or refuses to comply with the provisions and conditions of this consent, the consent of use may be tenninated by the Board after written notice to the Grantee. Upon receipt Pennittee: St. Lucie County Causeway Island File No.: 56-0145997-00 I Page 6 of such notice, the Grantee shall have thirty (30) days in which to correct the violation. Failure to correct the violations within this period shall result in the automatic revocation of this Letter of Consent. (8) All costs, including attorneys' fees, incurred by the Board in enforcing the tenns and conditions of this consent shall be paid by the Grantee. Grantee agrees to accept service by certified mail of any notice required by Chapter 18-14, Florida Administrative Code, at the address shown on page one of this Agreement and further agrees to notify the Board in writing of any change of address at least ten days before the change becomes effec!ive. (9) Grantee agrees to assume responsibility for all liabilities that accrue to the sovereignty submerged land or to the improvements thereon, including any and all drainage or special assessments or taxes of every kind .and description which are now or may be hereafter lawfully assessed and levied against the property during the effective period of this consent. (10) Grantee agrees that any dispute arising trom matters relating to this consent shall be governed by the laws of Florida and initiated only in Leon County, Florida. (II) The Letter of Consent associated with these General Consent Conditions as well as these conditions themselves are subject to modification after 5 years in order to reflect any applicable changes in statutes, rule or JX?licies ofthe Board or its designated agent. (12) In the event that any part of the structure(s) consented to herein is detennined by a [mal . adjudication issued by a court of competent jurisdiction to encroach on or interfere with adjacent riparian rights; Grantee agrees to either obtain written consent for the offending structure &om the affected riparian owner or to remove the interference or encroachment within 60 days &om the date of the adjudication. Failure to comply shall constitute a material breach of this consent and shall be grounds for its immediate tennination. SPECIFIC CONDmONS: (I) The project drawings, sheets 1 through 6; the 4-page Manatee Exhibit; the 2-page 1999 Exotic Plant List; Mitigation Plan (Attachment A); and DEP fonns 62.343.900(3), (4), (5), and (7) are attached to and become part of this pennit. (2) The pennittee shall comply with the standard manatee protection construction conditions listed in the attachment, "Standard Manatee Construction Conditions, March 1996." (3) If the approved pennit drawings conflict with the specific conditions, then the specific conditions shall prevail. (4) Best management practices for erosion control shall be implemented and maintained at all times during construction of the riprap revetment to prevent siltation and turbid discharges in excess of State water quality standards pursuantto Rule 62-302, F.A.C.. Methods shall include, but are not limited to the use of staked hay bales, staked filter cloth, sodding, seeding, and mulching; staged construction; and the installation of turbidity screens around the immediate project site. The pennittee shall be responsible for ensuring that erosion control devices/procedures are inspected and maintained daily during all phases of construction authorized by this pennit until all areas that were disturbed during construction are sufficiently stabilized to prevent erosion, siltation, and turbid discharges. Pennittee: :::t. Lucie County Causeway Island File No.: 56-0145997-001 Page 7 The following measures shall be taken immediately by the pennittee whenever turbidity levels within waters of the State surrounding the project site exceed 29 NTUs above background: a. Immediately cease all work contributing to the water quality violation. b. Stabilize all exposed soils contributing to the violation. Modify the work procedures that were responsible for the violation and install more turbidity containment devices and repair any non-functioning turbidity containment devices. c. Notify the DEP-Southeast District Environmental Resource ComplianceÆnforcement Section at 561/681-6643 within 24 hours of the time the violation is first detected. (5) All storage or stockpiling oftools or materials (i.e. lumber, pilings, etc.) shall be limited to uplands or within the impact areas authorized by this project. (6) The pennittee shall clear the project site of existing rubble and refuse to allow for the placement of the new revetment. All toxic or hazardous material such as asphalt, rebar, garbage, or any other unsuitable materials will be removed from the project site and properly disposed of at a landfill or h~dous waste facility. (7) Riprap shall consist of unconsolidated boulders, rocks, or clean concrete rubble without exposèd reinforcing rods or similar protrusions. The riprap shall be free of sediment, debris, and toxic or otherwise d~leterious substance. The riprap shall have a diameter of 12 to 36 inches. (8) The riprap~hall be fully constructed, prior to the placement of any back fill material. Any fill material used behind the revetment shall be clean fill and free of vegetative matter, trash, garbage, toxic or hazardous waste or any other unsuitable materials. (9) The pennittee shall clear and maintain the shoreline--including a 25-ft. upland buffer--within the construction site, free from the establishment or invasion of any of the plants listed on The Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council's 1999 Category I Invasive Éxotic Species list, a copy of which is attached. This maintenance clause refers to the planting or natural recruitment of the referenced plants. MITIGATION (10) The pennittee shall provide mitigation for the destruction of approximately 0.28 acres of natural resources at a ratio of 11: 1. The mitigation shall include the enhancement of a 20-ft. by 6,650-ft swath (3.1 acres) mosquito control impoundment dike located within the Fort Pierce Inlet State Recreation Area. The mitigation will also include the installation of a 30-inch diameter, 40-foot long aluminum culvert in the mosquito dike in order to improve hydrological exchange between the impounded wetland and the surrounding estuary. Finally, the pennittee will replant three 5-ft. to 8-ft. red mangroves which are expected to be impacted by the culvert installation. (11) Mitigation work shall commence within 30 days of completion of the riprap revetment project and will be conducted by the St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District. Pennittee: St. Lucie County Causeway Island File No.: 56-0145997-001 Page 8 (12) The area to be excavated to install the culvert shall be in accordance with the attached penn it drawings and shall not exceed the areas and depths indicated on those drawings. (13) Best management practices for erosion and turbidity control shall be implemented and maintained at all times during excavation to ensure that turbidity levels do not exceed the State water quality standard for turbidity in Class III marinë waters (29 nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs) above background levels) described in Rule 62-302, F.A.C. Methods for controlling erosion and turbidity shall include, but are not limited to the use of staked hay bales; staked filter cloth; sodding, seeding. and mulching; staged construction; and the development of turbidity screens around the immediate project site. (14) Exotic vegetation removal shall be achieved by using the stum~ut method immediately followed by treating the cut stump with a water use approved herbicide. Cut branches and trunks shall be chipped and remain on site in the uplands. (See Attachment A) (15) St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District staff shall perfonn re-inspections of the mitigation sites every 6 months to retreat any exotic vegetation seedlings or re-growth Of to make repairs to the culvert for as long as the Districtmanages the mosquito control impoundment, presumably in perpetuity. Success of the exotic vegetation removal program shall be defined as <5% exotic recovery. (16) A monitoring report shall be submitted on an annual basis, for a five year period, to the Department (attention ERP CompliancelEnforcement Section) with a document containing the following infonnation: ( a) pennit number; (b) dates of inspections; ( c) a statement describing the percentage cover and species list of exotic vegetation present at each inspection in order to evaluate success rate (<5% exotic vegetation); (d) a statement describing types of eradication methods and herbicides used on the impoundment dike; and (e) condition of the mangroves transplanted during the culvert installation. Monitoring reports shall be submitted to Todd Brown at the Department of Environmental Protection, Southeast District, Submerged Lands & Environmental Resources Program, CompliancelEnforcement Section, P.O. Box 15425, West Palm Beach, Florida 33416. When submitting this infonnation to the DEP, the following wording shall be included at the top of each page or as a cover page to the submittal: "This infonnation being provided in partial fulfillment of the monitoring requirements in Pennit No. 56- 0145997-00 I." Failure to submit reports in a timely manner constitutes grounds for revocation of the penn it. (17) The pennittee or St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District shall contact the Department of Environmental Protection, Southeast District, Submerged Lands & Environmental Resources Program, ComplianceÆnforcement Section, P.O. Box 15425, West Palm Beach, Florida 33416, if the monitoring reports or on-site inspections of the exotic vegetation removal show that the program is not successful. The pennittee or District shall then request a meeting to evaluate potential problems and make the Permitt~~: St. Lucie County Causeway Island File No.: 56-0145997-001 Page 9 necessary changes to correct them. A meeting may also be requested by DEP following review of the monitoring reports or on-site inspections of the mitigation area. RIGHTS OF AFFECTED PARTIES This permit and no objection to use sovereign submerged lands is hereby granted unless a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is timely filed under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes as provided below. The procedures for petitioning for a hearing are set forth below A person whôse substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes. The petition must contain the information set forth below and must be filed (received by the clerk) in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. Mediation may also be pursued as specified below. Because the administrative hearing. process is designed to re-determine final agency action on the application, the filing of a petition for an administrative hearing may result in a modification of the permit/no objection to use or even a denial of the application. If a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing or request for an extension of time to file a petition is timely filed, this permit/no objection to use automatically becomes only proposed agency action on the application, subject to the result of the administrative review process. Mediation may also change the final disposition of the application. Accordingly, the applicant is advised not to commence construction or other activities under this permit/no objection to use until the deadlines noted below for filing a petition for an administrative hearing or request for an extension of time have expired. Under rule 62-110.1 06(4) of the Florida Administrative Code, a person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may also request an extension of time to file a petition for an administrative hearing. The Department may, for good cause shown, grant the request for an extension of time. Requests for extension of time must be filed with the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, before the applicable deadline. A timely request for extension of time shall toll the running of the time period for filing a petition until the request is acted upon. If a request is filed late, the Department may still grant it upon a motion by the requesting party showing that the failure to file a request for an extension of time before the deadline was the result of excusable neglect. In the event that a timely and sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is filed, other persons whose substantial interests will be affected by the outcome of the administrative process have the right to petition to intervene in the proceeding. Intervention will be only at the discretion of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion in compliance with rule 28-106.205 of the Florida Administrative Code. In accordance with rules 28-106.111(2) and 62-110.1 06(3)(a)(4), petitions for an administrative hearing by the applicant must be filed within 14 days of receipt of this written notice. Petitions filed by any persons other than the applicant, and other than those entitled to written notice under section 120.60(3) of the Florida Statutes, must be filed within 14 days of publication of the notice or within 14 days of receipt of the written notice, whichever occurs first. Pennittee: St. Lucie County Causeway Island File No.: 56-0]45997-00] Page ] 0 Under section 120.60(3) of the Florida Statutes, however, any person who has asked the Department for notice of agency action may file a petition within ] 4 days of receipt of such notice, regardless of the date of publication. The petitioner shall mail a copy of the petition to the applicant at the address indicated above at the time of filing. The failure of any person to file a petition for an administrative hearing or pursue mediation as provided below within the appropriate time period shall constitute a waiver of those rights. A petition that disputes the material facts on which the Department's action is based must contain the following infonnation: (a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency's file or identification number, if known; (b) The name, address, and telephone numþer of the petitioner; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; ànd an explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests are or will be affected by the agency detennination; (c) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the agency decision; (d) A statement 'Of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate; ( e) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, including the specific facts that the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; and (f) A statement of the specific rules or statutes that the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; (g) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action that the petitioner wishes the agency to take with respect to the agency's proposed action. A petition that does not dispute the material facts on which the Department's action is based shall state that no such facts are in dispute and otherwise shall contain the same infonnation as set forth above, as required by rule 28-106.301. Under sections 120.569(2)( c) and (d) of the Florida Statutes, a petition for administrative hearing must be dismissed by the agency if the petition does not substantially comply with the above requirements or is untimely filed. In addition to petitioning for an administrative hearing, any person who has previously filed a petition for an administrative hearing may pursue mediation. If a written mediation agreement with all parties to the proceeding (i.e., the applicant, the Department, and any person who has filed a timely and sufficient petition for a hearing) is filed with the Department within 10 days after the deadline for filing a petition for an administrative hearing, the time limitations imposed by sections 120.569 and 120.57 shall be tolled to allow mediation to proceed. The agreement must contain all the infonnation required by rule 28-106.404. The agreement must be received by the clerk in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, before the deadline noted above. Pursuing mediation will not adversely affect the right to a hearing if mediation does not result in a settlement. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the mediation must be concluded within sixty days of the execution of the agreement. If mediation results in settlement of the administrative dispute, the Permittee: St. Lucie County Causeway Island File No.: 56-0145997-001 Page 11 Department must enter a final order incorporating the agreement of the parties. As noted above, persons seeking to protect their substantial interests that would be affected by such a final decision modified through mediation must file their petitions within 14 days of receipt or publication of this notice as provided above, or they shall be deemed to have waived their right to a proceeding under sections 120.569 and 120.57. If mediation terminates without settlement of the dispute, the Department shall notify all parties in writing that the administrative hearing processes under sections 120.569 and 120.57 remain available for disposition of the dispute, and the notice will specify the deadlines that then will apply for challenging the agency action and electing remedies under those two statutes. This action is final and effective on the date filed with the Clerk of the Department unless a petition is filed in accordance with the above. Upon the timely filing of a petition this order will not be effective until further order of the Department. This permit constitutes an order of the Department. The applicant has the right to seek judicial review oft4e order under section 120.68 of the Florida Statutes, by the filing of a notice of appeal under rule 9.110 of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure with the Clerk of the Department in the Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-3000; and by filing a copy of the notice of appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the appropriate district court of appeal. The notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days from the date when the final order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. The applicant, or any party within the meaning of section 373.114(1 )(a) of the Florida Statutes, may also seek appellate review of this order before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission under section 373.114(1) of the Florida Statutes. Requests for review before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission must be filed with the Secretary of the Commission and served on the Department within 20 days from the date when the final order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. Executed in West Palm Beach, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION MCM/tr/jl ~ C;;;l!~_;/LL 10-1+-77 \-1iV Mary C. Murphy Date Program Administrator Submerged Lands & Environmental Resources Program Copies furnished to: U. S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Lucie County Planning Division DEP, Office of General Counsel Mr. Stephen Schropp Taylor Engineering, Inc. 9086 Cypress Green Drive Jacksonville, FL 32256 Pennittee: St. Lucie County Causeway Island File No.: 56-0145997-001 Page 12 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned 'duly designated deputy clerk hereby certifies that this penn it and authorization to use sovereign submerged lands, including all copies, were mailed before the close of business on g CT 1 5 1999 . 1999, to the above listed persons. FILING AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT - . FILED, on this date, pursuant to 120.52(7), Florida Statutes, with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Clerk (l. t~ ~ff 1 5 1999 Prepared by Javne E. Ber2strom. 20 pages attached. ~. -' , i '> :Þ M "T Ç) :r c.... 3:: ï 0 n N 0) '" .... Z Õ :..¡ in :J " 0 u :::!. 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H . . ~,' 4..... / » OJ () :;:: TAYLOR ENGINEERING,INC. 9000 Cypress Green Drive, Suite 200 = Jacksonville. Fl 32256 -,."" Figure 2. Project and Mitigation Area Locations - - Marett 29, 1999 111111/1111111 8~ 0-< c..~ 5 DI"C ;0 OãJ ~(IIm 0(11 z ~i>G) ii' CI) z - :J m '"TIOm ':L;o ~~z gcnG) c. S'- NZ 89 ." (Q c ãJ w ;or ~ß 00: <0 0):3 ms. 5.4' ()O c"C -0 <en a>;a> ;:¡'c. 5"~ Š-~ =(') -~< Oa> :3(Q !. 0) - Õ :3 f I; . ,\ -',. -~- ~~ ,.~\ G'~"'~___ . '.-" \ " '\ H,,·.. _---:',/ , --, c ¡, , ~_ '" 11} / "...' . í· ....';-..... .~ c /) /:7 /~... ~, ./".,,> ......~. '. . Attachment-ß \ PROJECT- lOCATION 40'(+/-) (50' MAX.) 30'(+/-) ;8 _ \0 0 o\O~ 'tj-~ _ 00 Z 9 T/EARTHEN DIKE EL 4.00'* INDIAN RIVE LAGOON M.W.H. . EL 0.80'(+)* INV. EL (-)1.00'- 30" CM~ 4"x4-(PRESSURE TREATED) TYPICAL SECTION SCALE: 1"-10· NOTE: -ALL ELAVATlON ARE N.G.V.D. ~.{}.~: 140 LOCATION M"-P AND DETAIL BOARD OF COUN1Y CX>MMISSIONERS Sf. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. ENGINEERINGDMSlON 2JJO VIRGINIA AVF... Fr. I"IERCE. FLORIDA TI!1EPHONE (56t) 46Hm I:IIA.~ .a....... '-1-" ÐI!SJM!D OBXID "'"""'"' Attachment A 81. Lucie County Mosquito Control District ~ Mitigation Plan ßOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT July 9. 1999 JAMES R. DAVID DIREGOR Mr. Stcphen Schropp Taylor Engineering. Inc. 9086 Cypress Green Dri ve Jacksonville, Florida 32256 RE: DEP File No. 56-0145997-001 Saint Lucie County Dear Mr. Schropp, Attached are the District responses to Completeness Summary Items 5a&b of the above referenced pennit application: 5a&b) Mitigation Plan The mi tigation proposed is the installation of a 40 f1. long, 30-inch dia., 14 gage, CAP, combined with removal of Brazillian pepper from 6650 LF oftne existing mosquito control dike. ~ Theculvcrt is to be field located to minimize impacts on wetland vegetation (juvenile mangroves). After placing turbidity curtains adjacent to the culvert installation site, any small mangroves which would otherwise be impacted, are to be relocated by Native Technologies Inc. to a wetland bank site whic11 they manage. After the native plant removal process is complete. we plan to remove a 20X6X6 section of the interior of the dike and place the dry dike spoil on the upland dike area adjacent to the construction site. The two extreme edges of the dike are then excavated, and replaced by the culvert. Fill is then replaced into the trench, immediately covering the culvert. Thereby reusing the material stored on the dike. prr, 4X6, Tie downs are driven into the substrate to hold/adjust the culvert ends at their precise invert elevation. Clean Coquina riplrap is then placed onto the ends of the culvert immediately along the edge of the dike fill line to control erosion. After 72 hours, the turbidity curtain is removed. The culvert \vill then be accepted by the District, to be operated in perpetuity (for as long as the District manages the impoundment), in accordance with DEP Wetlands Resource Operating penniJ No. 562657779. and its successors and/or assigns. The exotic removal targets the Brazillian pepper trees growing along the fringes of the dikes in transitional wetland areas. The pepper trees ar~ to be removed using the stump-cut method. heing hand-cUI and leaving a stump of 12 inches or ìess. The_trimmed materials are to be chipped and distributed on the upland portion of the dike. The stump is then herbicided using Garlon 4. in accordance \\'ith Aquatic Plant Management Pennit No. SF-97-3, with are-inspection \\'ithin six JOHN D. ORUHN, DiwicT No. 1 . DOUG COWARD. Dis:ricr No.2· PAULA A. LEWIS. DisTricr 1'10..3 . F!\ANNIE HUTCHiNSON. Disrricr No. 4 . CLIFF OARN£S. DisrricT No.5 Counry Adminisrroror ' Douglas M. Ander50n 2JOOVirginioAvenue · Fr. Pierce. FLJ4982 . (561)462-1692 . FA,.,«(561)462-1565 . TDD(561)462-1428 .3150 Will Fee Rood · Fr. Pierce. FL 04982 monlhs to eradicale any re-growth. One the removal has been determined to achieve 100% success, the District maintains a constanl monitoring and control program which maintains the dike virtually exotic-free «5% exotic recovery), for as long as the District manages the impoundment (estimated to be in perpetuity). Please let us know if you require any additional infonnation. Sincerely yours, /~&a~jJ V ~il;::~or cc: Richard Bouchard. Asst. Co. Eng. file -' ::::: " " ~. ".J.' \.....- '-' '- 00 E-c U f:; ~ ~ E-c Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ E-c ~ U > E-c ~ o u ~ ~ u :s ~ 00 ~ z o ~ 00- 00- ~ 00- ~ ~ ~ ~ 00- ~ ~ ~ ~ .-( = = M I = = = M ~ o ~ 00- E-t U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00- o ~ ~ ~ (\, ~ Q, \Sì~ ~!'0 . d:iOOO 0\: 0 0 0 ---'...\. ",0..0",0", 0\ 000 0\ O"<t>r\ \0. 00'lr- v) , C1Ô C'Î -~ ~i '1"""""1 j ;;.. 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'!'o.O::> "b0.:fo ~o '!'o.V ~ & <vc,0 >:>0' ~t:> ~..:)~ o~~ ~~ ~ T a.t.a I Airport Economic DevelopmenU North 10 10 8 8 7 8 (3: County Water Improvement Project Aquaculture Demonstration 8 8 8 5 5 8 42 Project Fairgrounds Relocation 6 5 7 7 6 5 36 South 25th StreeU West Midway 10 10 5 10 10 8 \'Y Road Improvement Project - - Harbour Pointe Improvements 7 10 6 8 3 3 37 SL West Football/Soccer Stadium 4 7 5 8 6 4 34 South Hutch. Island Bike Path/ 7 10 8 6 7 8 46 (Indian River Lagoon Bikeway Trail) Hutchinson Island Improvement 4 8 2 4 2 5 25 Project Jetty Park Acquisition/Expansion 5 10 5 6 5 3 34 Savannas Rec. Area Improvements 7 10 5 5 5 5 37 Morningside Library Project 2 10 3 6 4 3 28 Ten Mile Creek Water Attn. Facility 10 10 10 10 10 10 \§ Causeway Island Erosion Control 7 6 5 4 3 3 28 Indian River Estates Stormwater 3 10 2 4 5 5 29 Improvements ~ Scoring Scale Non-Essential Essential Critical Possible Points 1 5 10 .... Reviewed By: Asst. County Administrator Airport Director Community Development Director Asst. Community Development Director 07-Jul-99 \..... \... ~ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ~ \.. \. TAB 1 AIRPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM INCLUDING NORTH COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENTS \..- Airport Economic Development Project Phases I, II, and III including North County Water Improvements A proposal for $5,690,190 to build infrastructure and industrial facilities at the St. Lucie County International Airport to create a major new economic development for the County and provide new water service to the Airport and North County area. '-' '-' \. ST. LUCIE COUNTY AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK PROGRAM AND NORTH COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENTS Project Manager: Raymond L. Wazny, Public Works Director Julia Shewchuk, Community Development Director Bill Blazak, Utilities Director Amount of Request: $5,690,190.00 Description of Project: ~ Phase I: St Lucie County has obtained site plan-approval to construct on seven County owned parcels of land in the Airport Industrial Park between Industrial Avenue 1 and 3. The County is working in partnership with private contractors to build shell buildings on these sites for lease to meet the financial projections of the Airport Business Plan. Infrastructure needs of Phase I include extension of wastewater lines from Industrial Avenue 3 to each parcel. The total infrastructure costs are estimated to be $1,088,310. State funding assistance for the infrastructure needs is being requested. A low cost low pressure interim sewer system will be used pending identification of funding for the project. The lots to be developed are shown on the following map. Phase II: Three site plan approvals will be initiated for nine more County owned contiguous parcels along Industrial Avenue One. The County will work in partnership with private contractors to build shell buildings on these sites. Infrastructure improvements will include extension of water and wastewater lines and road construction of Industrial Avenue One. Road construction costs are estimated at $150,000 and wastewater line extension costs are estimated to be $127,430. An additional $70,000 is requested to construct the necessary water lines to these properties. The objective is to have all properties in Phase II leased by December 2000. \....- Phase III: In December 1999, site approval will be requested for a new County-owned Industrial Park on the 150 acres of land west of the airport. Marketing and leasing of Phase III properties may begin immediately, once site plan approval is complete and infrastructure funding is identified. Infrastructure improvements include water and wastewater line extension ($854,450), road construction ($1,400,000), and new potable water transmission lines in the North County Area at a cost of $2,000,000. \.." Reason For Funding: St. Lucie County has a high unemployment rate. One of the primary reasons for this is the large number of seasonal and agricultural jobs, which generally don't employ highly paid personnel, and often have periods of the year when work is not available. As a result of the County having high unemployment and a large number of low paying jobs, average housing values are also low. The low value of housing, combined with the $25,000 homestead exemption, results in the County providing services which are not paid for by property taxes. The County has recognized that more high paying jobs are needed to generate and sustain economic growth in the future. A three phase plan has been developed to stimulate economic development on industrially zoned County land at the St. Lucie County Airport Industrial Park. The park is adjacent to the City of Fort Pierce, which is currently undergoing redevelopment. Increasing job generation through business development will improve the overall economic condition of the County and encourage other quality development, including the construction of higher value dwelling units, thus improving the economic health and quality of life in St. Lucie County. ~ Providing water to the airport area and the Northern portion of St. Lucie County will improve the quality of life for residents and open new opportunities for development which are not available now because of the lack of infrastructure. St. Lucie County owns and operates the newly established North County Utility District. The County has purchased at a cost of $4.8 million the former Holiday Pines Utility System. The newly established North County District will serve as the basis for regional service in Northern St. Lucie County. ~ ~ \..., '-'" PHASE I: PHASE II: PHASE III: TOTAL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS FOR AIRPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND NORTH COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENTS Wastewater $1.088.310 1:__-- Wastewater Road construction (1/4 mile Industrial Avenue One) Water Line Extension TOTAL $ 127,430l- 150,000 $ 70.000 ./ $ 347,430 $ 854,450 50,000 Water and Wastewater Pave % mile of Taylor Dairy Rd. Construct 3/4 mile of new service road (includes permit Drainage and retention) $ 150,000 Provide for entry from Kings Hwy 1.200.000 $ 2,254,450 North County Water Transmission Lines 2,000,000// $5,690,190 St. Lucie County Florida \.....- St. Lucie County \..r ~ \. 81. Lucie County I nternational Ai rport \.... '\"" ~--_. . ~ I \ \ I Conceptual Plans Phases I & II \..-. ~ ~ IL . ,. ~ ~ AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEI\l PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND CONCEPTUAL PLAN A. Background The St. Lucie County International Airport Industrial Park is a 142-acre area adjacent to the southeast comer of the Airport and is zoned for commercial use. The developed parcels in the park use septic tanks an~ drain fields to dispose of wastewater created at each facility. The lack of a sewer collection system in the Airport Industrial Park. limits the utilization of the property by the owners and restricts their ability to maximize their business activities. Without a sewer collection system, they must seek expensive methods of process water disposal. When the older septic systems fail. the property owners are faced with replacing them with expensive systems which require larger areas for drain fields. New drain fields consume as much as 259'c of the usable property and limits the size of buildings on the lot. St. Lucie County is actively pursuing the Economic Development of the Industrial Park and with a positive sewer system in place. building size could be maximized to encourage development of the area. The new septic systems require elevated drain fields which can only function with the installation of a lift station, The lift stations increase the capital and operating expense to the business. During the Park tour, it was evident that most businessés were in favor of the sewer system. '-' B. Concept Plan Enclosed, following this narrative. is Inwood's drawing showing the Sewer Collection System Concept Plan for the Airport Industrial Park. The Concept Plan is divided into two phases for construction. Phase 1 (shown in yellow on the concept plan) is the largest section and consists of 109 acres of mixed developed and undeveloped properties. Phase 2 (shown in gray on the concept plan) is south of Phase 1 and is 33 acres which is undeveloped at this time. Design of the sewer collection system will accommodate expansion to the south and east as growth occurs. The Concept Plan shows the sewer collection system connecting to the lift station which will serve the St. Lucie County Airport, near the Sheriff's hanger in Block 7. The sewer collection system shown is a combination of gravity lines. force main, manholes and lift stations. There is no special treatm~nt or equipment necessary for this project. c. Wastewater Disposal '-' Two alternatives are available for disposal of the wastewater. Fairwinds Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Fort Pierce Utility Authority. If the decision is made to pump the wastewater to the Fairwinds Wastewater Treatment Plant, the plant will require expansion. The combined flow of Fairwinds. Airport and Industrial Park will exceed the plant capacity. Three alternatives are possible for expansion of the Fairwinds WWTP. I) Relocate an abandoned plant and connect it to run in parallel/series with the existing plant, 2) Purchase and install a new plant in parallel/series with the existing plant or 3) '-' Change the plant process from extended air to contact stabilization. If the Fairwinds Plant is expanded, the current thinking is to transport a similar plant from another site and reconstruct it next to the Fairwinds Plant. The County has at least twO options for County owned plants which will soon be decommissioned. The second option is to connect to Fort Pierce Utility Authority's new force main which will run down St. Lucie Boulevard. Both·of these alternatives will be evaluated during the Preliminary Engineering Phase. D. Recommendations 1. Based on the observations and discussions during the field survey and the responses received in the mail outs, the Engineer understands the need for the project and recommends the County proceed with the project in the Industrial Park. We feel support for the sewer collection system in the Airport Industrial Park will continue. '-" 2. We further recommend that the construction of the sewer collection for the Airport Industrial Park be phased. This approach will allow for growth and development in a controlled fashion and reduce the initial capital investment. Constructing Phase I would follow the current development trend as no improvements have been made in the Phase 2 area at this time. In the future, the property owners in the Phase 2 area and the San Lucie Plaza will experience the need for a sewer collection system and will want the County to construct the system. To plan now for their future need adds little cost or complications to the Airport Industrial Park sewer collection system. E. Preliminary Cost Estimate A preliminary cost estimate is provided on the next page which gives a general budgetary number for the financial planning of this project. The estimate includes construction costs for Phase I and Phase 2 components drawn in the concept plan, engineering, pennitting and construction services. The estimate also includes relocation and installation of an abandoned wastewater treatment plant currently owned by St. Lucie County to expand the capacity of the Fairwinds Golf Course WWTP. F. Minimum Impro~emen~ - In an effort to promote development of County owned properties (shown in cyan on the concept plan) within the Industrial Park, St. Lucie County is providing an approved site plan layout and a low pressure sewer collection system to serve each parcel. This plan is a temporary arrangement that would be replaced with the construction of the proposed gravity system. Sewer collection system improvements are necessary to make the properties attractive and marketable to businesses relocating to the area '--' ~ ST. LUCIE COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM PHASE 1 - CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE '-" ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL Manholes 37 $ 3,450.00 $ 127.650 !Pumo Station , 1 $ 100,000.00 $ 100.000 8" Gravitv Sewer Pipe 10,800 $ 18.50 $ 199,800 10" Gravitv Sewer Pipe 2.000 $ 23.75 $ 47.500 12" Gravitv Sewer Pipe 175 $ 27.50 $ 4,810 16" Gravitv Sewer Pipe 50 $ 32.90 $ 1,650 6" Force Main 2.000 $ 15.50 $ 31.000 WWTP Exoansion 1 $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000 Continaencv 20% $ 132,480.40 $ 132,480 Enaineerina and Permittino 1 $ 170,630.00 $ 170,630 Survey, Biolooical & Geotech. 1 $ 49,000.00 $ 49,000 Construction Services 1 $ 73,790.00 $ 73,790 PHASE 1 CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL $ 1,088,310 PHASE 2 - CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL Manholes 10 $ 3,450.00 $ 34.500 10· Gravitv Sewer Pipe 2,150 $ 23.75 $ 51,065 12" Gravitv Sewer Pipe 750 $ 27.50 $ 20,625 Continoencv 20% $ 21,237.90 $ 21.240 PHASE 2 CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL $ 127,430 '-" TOTAL PROJECT COST = ~ $ 1,215,740 I &; 8 M~sFunka AM r--'-ï Sea Coast AIr onc~ & Sheet Metal Proske Dp~g Ijji9 I 8 Patrol) .......,........ Ole rt.i-IT4-t.f-11-=-+~ 4+:-1 ~-+:-l~r~l~ ~ C4Ifttet , --Roberttfo/ï 0'0 D'4 Richard & ARea ....... Airport Industrial Park Phase I & If County Owned Property ~ JøcksonvilJe EdUcators Broadcasting lno It (Ç1LI.. G Phase I Phase II a ~ Community Development 1 Geographic Information SystemS J Map prepared Januaty 6, 1998 N =::.:....::,. ~ ...:a:-..J:'': ==.:=-...r= G01If. ...- .......10 not..... __.......,..... --. I !iØ I I s PHASE I PRELIMINARY BILL OF MArERIALS l1fl$flRIFr f11f1 I. IINIlÐtl!S a_ITY JT I!IIIi1H II!IIIi1H II1.f1ao I.J" 2.aUO t.F ITS t.F 5/1t.F 2,fJ11I1 t.F rJ.J:lll!i;. I. rHls IS A II¡¡F. THIS MIIWI IT IS HIlT FaR PLJlT I Iff AL PJlRI( UNIT 2. 811Sf!i Ofl/AWINU pf/OVIOEa Br sr. WCIE CDl/IIrf I!III1INEI!IW«1/JEPMrUfJIlT. 3 . IHIpLArrEO IIREII IN TflE SIJIITHllf1ST C/1H11Ef/ WILL BE Sf1fI/IIi!f} Br TIlE INC/1STIlIIIL PARI( CfJIlTllAL I'/IJJP STATION. 4. IIJlNHOtl!S ARE SpIICi!f} 110 IJREIITf1Ir THIIN 475' APMr ANa 1Ifff14' ff( I1IAIIE1ëIf. IIAKIIIIIII DE,.,.H IS 12'. 5. THIS 1'11111' S1'ATlfJN WIU BE INSTAUi!f} lIS pIIRT fJP"THE IIIRFfJRT SI!Wf!fI CfJLLECTION Sl'S1'/!JI. 11. THIS PII/JP S1'ATlfJN WILL 8E DESlfJfli!f} wrTH CAPACITY Fa/'lIWDfTlf1f1I1L F'l.OW FfI( lI 7 . THE IIAK I/RIII LENIJT'H f1t' IJI1AV IrY I/IINS IS I! ,7M' . q. FINAL PIPELINI! LII7f1Ur WILL 8E I1I1SEIJ f1N wellTIOff UF SI!I'TIC rAIIK$. PI1rAl11.E WArEfl /115n'RI8QrlUN sysrEI/. SURVEr OIlTII. NJO NIITIIf'ItII. lINn llilUUlIlJl! f1IJSTJlCLI!S. PHASE 2 PRELIMINARY BILL OF IlArE!fWu.s fTl$t l1fl$flRfPTII1/f I1IINfTfTY I. IlNllÐ/.E11 111 /1JICH 2. 111" f1NfjffTY !1I!I(ff!R PII'I! 2.1!1t1 t.F 3. 12" I1I1J1111fTY SI!Wf!fI PlI'I! 1'M t.F David Go Coleman I..iœuæ No. MJ46!) (9 --25'.53" 191.59. ¡" :¡¡ 2. P.E. ST. LUCIE ORT " AIRPORT 4 5 DWe. NQ.' 1 ~ , !.E.fJEJUJ. @ IIlIllfI(JUi!. SIIllITMr SI!!IIIER PIPe FGPCI!1IIIIIf ~ I'UJill'Dfllf!.C1'fOIl PIIIIP srlff'lOII I1tOCll: I/f1lf11E11 SEWER COLECTION SYSTEM <II ~j ::¡¡::¡¡: $:!;!2 ~í î~ :> ¡2¡2 '& (f) 01 c: ï5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8..8. ~ ~¡¡¿ ¡¡¿ 8. à f'-f'-f'-f'-f'-f'-f'-0'>0'><,,)::!:(\j(\jl/) ::¡¡:1\iN1;H\jN1\i1\i$:!$:!~",,;!2;!2~ c m ~~$2$2S2$2$2$2l()tO~t\i,....~~ ~ ~T""NC")~U')<O"""Q)œ$2;:~S2$ t:'i:! I~<u f!: ~ã) u..CI ø] Jis 1:: c:: (1) tU o,~ 81.@ \;;, U) ~ ~ §t1ù oð.t:! Q.. .~! ~ g~§ -.J 0 ....; CI) ~ c:: ,Q .~ m E~ 8~ ~<:; 55 88 .... c.~ 1:1§ ~~ <>ðj! '5. f.i§~ Æ I- .'" î-<II::¡¡: ~o "5"- ¡2¡¡: ~ I . 4:~> II '»? " ! f gJ \..... MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY UTILITIES and RECYCLING ===================================== TO: Ray Wazny, Community Development Director FROM: William Blazak, Utility Director tL(?&- DATE: June 12, 1998 SUBJECT: AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK PHASE III '-' The cost estimate for Phase ill is based on the assumption that there will be 30 lots for development. Sewer collection will be gravity to one central lift station and pumped to the existing wastewater collection system that is currently in service at the airport. The water distribution system will be an extension of the existing water distribution system at the airport as well. WASTEWATER 1 12 3000' 2500' 5000' 30 6 6 Master Pump/Lift Station Manholes @ 8" Gravity Sewer 10" Gravity Sewer 6" PVC Force Main 6" Services to R.O.W. 6" Plug Valves Air Release Valves Total Wastewater $125,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 54,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 8,400.00 $ 364,400.00 \..... '-' '-' '-" WATER 5500' 12" PVC Water Main 3000' 10" PVC Water Main 11 Fire Hydrants 30 Water Services to R. O. W. 30 Meters / Boxes 3 Blow off s 6 12" Butterfly V alves/ Boxes 6 10" Gate Valves 4 Sample Points Total Water $ 165,000.00 $ 72,000.00 $ 22,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 1,950.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 330,050.00 Total water and wastewater 10% Contingency Engineering/ pennitting/ design $ 694,450.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 90,000.00 TOTAL $ 854,450,00* * Does not include additional plant capacity for wastewater plant. Phase ill is assumed to be part of the airport and sufficient capacity exists in the Fairwinds WWTP. ,-"" '-" '-"' ENGINEER'S REPORT Mastellar & Moeler has prepared tlús Report to develop a plan for providing the North U.S. Highway #1 And S1. Lucie County Airport with potable water and fire protection facilities. This report is an engineer's construction cost estimate for servicing the S1. Lucie County Airport and other areas of the North County with potable water. It is proposed that a 12" diameter potable water transmission main connect to Indian River County's potable water system at the intersection of Old Dixie Highway and Highland Drive with a metered system and continue south along Old Dixie Highway to U.S.#l, thence south along U.S. Highway #1 to Fairwinds Drive, thence west to the Fairwinds Golf Course Clubhouse Entrance, thence in a southerly direction to Industrial Avenue 3, thence west to Industrial 33rd Street, and south to a point of connection north of St. Lucie Boulevard. We also propose three (3) jack and bores under U.S. Highway # 1 for service to Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, an existing developed area between Julian Drive and Amanda Road, and at Indrio Road . We have proposed a number of points of connection for existing developed area along the west side ofU. S. Highway # 1. In addition to the U.S. Highway #1 corridor, a line will be extended east to Old Dixie Highway and located to provide potable service to Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute and future service to St. Lucie Village. Existing business in the area will benefit by the extension as well. It is estimated that the construction cost of this transmission line will be $2,000,000.00. The route described above is not the only alternative for serving St. Lucie County Airport and the North County, but, demonstrates the magnitude of this project and is solely for the purpose of discussion. It is estimated that the construction.ofthis transmission main will be $2,000,000.00. revised 9/3/98 ~ ST. LUCIE AIRPORT I NORTH COUNTY WATER CONNECITON TO INDIAN RIVER COUNTY'S POTABLE WATER SYSTEM. ENGINEER'S PROJECT COST ESTIMATE DESCRIPTION OUANTITY !lliIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 12" Dia. water main 44 ,44 3 LF $28.00 $1,244,404.00 6" Dia. water main 150 LF $14.00 $2,100.00 12" Dia. gate valve 31 EA $1,200.00 $37,200.00 8" Dia. gate valve 8 EA $600.00 $4,800.00 6" Dia. gate valve 10 EA $500.00 $5,000.00 Fire Hydxant Assembly 34 EA $2,000.00 . $68,000.00 , Master Meter 1 LS $40,000.00 $40,000.00 Jack & Bore US#1 - 120 LF w1l2" 1 LS $40,000.00 $40,000.00 \.r dia. pipe I Jack & Bore US#1 - 120 LF wI 8" 2 LS $30,000.00 $60,000.00 dia. pipe Paved road restoration 1,600 LF $35.00 $56,000.00 Non-paved road restoration 600 LF $15.00 $9,000.00 Paved drive restoration 2,500 LF $30.00 $75,000.00 Non-paved drive restoration 2,1 00 LF $10.00 $21,000.00 Sod 30,4000 LF $2.50 $76,000.00 SUBTOTAL $ 1,738,504.00 CONTINGENCY $261,496.00 TOTAL $ 2,000,000.00 '--' rcviscd 913/98 \..- ~ \...- TAB 2 AQUACULTURE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT ~ St. Lucie County Aquaculture Demonstration Project A proposal for $515,000 to fund proposed aquaculture programs in St. Lucie County. '-' \..- '-" st. Lucie County Aquaculture Demonstration Project Project Manager: Julia Shewchuk Community Development Director Amount of Request: $515,000.00 Description of Project: The following summary describes the proposed aquaculture funding needed and the proposed programs in St. Lucie County. Legislative funding requests from St. Lucie County would be needed for certain elements of the programs. Proposed funding from the State is as follows: 1. Shrimp incubator program $300,000 2. World Aquaculture Center $200,000 3. Aquaculture Extension Agent $15,000 '-' A major private investment is anticipated as part of the overall project. This will be the Aquaculture Center of Excellence, a $5 million facility which will be the cornerstone of the aquaculture research program. Reason for request: State funding forthe three items will ensure that the County will be able to successfully participate in the development of this vital new aquaculture opportunity. '-' ~ '-" ~ Summary Proposal: World Aquaculture Center Overview: The World Aquaculture Center or WAC is a proposed private non-profit organization who's purpose is bring together various segments of the multi-faceted aquaculture industry into a central hub where aquaculture technology and information can be demonstrated to the general public through an applied learning center concept. The WAC will be marketed as an aquaculture theme park obtaining operating support as a tourist attraction. Capitalization of the WAC will be through sponsorship from major corporations, aquaculture businesses, and other organizations. ~ Tourism remains important to Florida's economic base and future growth. There is a need to develop alternative tourist attractions which include a specific educational theme as a means to provide new and diverse experiences to Florida visitors. Aquaculture is a rapidly emerging, but fragmented industry. This has resulted in federal programs laying dormant or not fully implemented while the business side of the industry has gone unrecognized in terms of new enterprises, economic development, and the opening of new markets. An environmentally compatible technology, aquaculture is also often confused with resource depleting activities both here and abroad. A need exists to bring the varied aquaculture segments, commodities, and corporations into a centralized organization where sustainable aquaculture technologies can be demonstrated and promoted in a fun, positive and educationally rewarding manner. Components: The WAC proposal encompasses a wide range of components and activities under a single organizational umbrella including education, demonstration, and tourism. The education component includes promotion of the aquaculture industry through infonnation dissemination, brochures, news releases and other media; acting as a clearinghouse to guide individuals to appropriate sources for aquaculture technology, training, and information; and establishing working linkages with schools, universities, agencies and other institutions to further the understanding and development of aquaculture. Demonstration of aquaculture systems, species and technologies, from hatch through harvest, processing and consumption, will be a focus of the WAC tied into both the education and tourism components. Demonstration will also serve as an incubator for new growers and job creation. Tourists will be treated to an industry showcase, participate in interactive displays and exhibits, and experience the varied tastes of aquaculture products all while learning about the importance of aquaculture and its relationship to our resources and future food supply. Benefits: The proposed project will bring a number of new jobs and add another reason to visit Florida's Treasure Coast. The project will link to a nearby and growing research park with a focus on agriculture, aquaculture and natural resources. Major corporations supporting the project will have an opportunity to expand their business in the region, benefit from the positive image ofthe WAC or simply vacation or establish winter homes in the area. The prestige of locating the WAC in Florida will help promote our state in international research, agriculture and trade, further attracting both public and private investment. Feasibility: The project was proposed by Williamsburg Associates, Valis Associates, and other allied groups and is strongly supported by the County. Seed funds, unsuccessfully proposed too late during the 1999 Legislative session, are needed to perform a feasibility study and keep this project from leaving Florida and going to another state. The study would include a charrette to gain local input and participation; a site evaluation and selection; acquisition and development factors including basic design and construction needs; legal structure and formation; and corporate recruitment including the preparation of a financial package to fund the project. '-' St. Lucie County - Aquaculture Funding Needs The County has four distinct but interrelated aquaculture funding requests. 1. Aquaculture Center for Excellence. Approximate $5 million request primarily for fixed capital outlay and some expense for design and construction of facilities at the proposed Rock Road Research Park. This will be the state centerpiece for building a world class state-federal aquaculture research and education program. Same request will be included in either DACS or UF budget. A plan for facilities, programs and staffmg is being drafted. 2. Shrimp incubator program. A commercial scale demonstration of farming marine shrimp in freshwater in conjunction with UF-IRREC and private industry. The project is designed to prove technological feasibility to existing farmers, ranchers, grove owners, and others, as a means to stimulate economic activity through new crop revenues, job retention and job growth. Outcomes include incorporation of shrimp production into existing farms, new investment dollars by individuals and companies interested in this activity, and the creation of a number of supportive businesses such as hatchery, processing, feeds, distribution and marketing. \... The demonstration is divided into hatchery, nursery and growout phases. The County will be directly involved in the hatchery and nursery phases, the University in the nursery and growout, and the private sector in the growout phase. The University will take responsibility for overall project coordination, data collection and report writing with the County playing a supportive role. The total project is estimated at $600,000. The County share ofthe request should be $300,000 with the remainder supported in the University's budget request. Once feasibility is established, the County will return to our primary role of economic development and business support, allowing any further research and demonstration to be a function of the Coalition and/or University. 3. World Aquaculture Center. $200,000 request for seed funds to hire consultants for a feasibility study and funding package. The study would include a charrette to gain local input and participation; a site evaluation and selection; acquisition and development factors including basic design and construction needs; legal structure and formation; and corporate recruitment including the preparation of a financial package to fund the project. 4. Multi-County Aquaculture Extension Agent. The County would need to cover 20-30% of this position in order to maintain and house the position within the St. Lucie Cooperative Extension office. Expenses should be picked up by neighboring counties served by the agent. Position will be requested through UF via County Extension Director. Total County cost: $15,000. All four programs are interrelated. Except for the shrimp hatchery, private sector shrimp growers, and possibly the World Aquaculture Center, all facilities and positions would be located within the proposed Special Use Zone for a Research Park and Research Applications District. County staff are working with Coalition members, especially UF-IRREC, private industry and our Legislative Delegation to develop support documentation and further budget detail. '-' '-' ~ ~ TAB 3 FAIRGROUNDS RELOCATION AND DISASTER CONTROL CENTER ~. ~ ..... Fairgrounds Relocation and Disaster Command/Special Needs Shelter Project A proposal for $8,000,000 to relocate the County fairgrounds and develop a Joint Use Disaster Control Center, Special Needs Shelter, Exhibit Hall and a Horse and Livestock Park. \.... AGRICULTURE EXHIBIT & TRAINING/DISASTER COMMAND CENTER! SPECIAL NEEDS SHELTER Project Manager: Julia Shewchuk Community Development Director Amount of Request: $8,000,000.00 Description of Project: This project will relocate the Fair from the Airport grounds, provide a livestock/equine facility for training and education. This facility will also be used as a Disaster Command Center providing for a needed staging area, Command Post, Primary Special Needs Shelter, 911/E,OC back up and an evacuation area for horses and other animals in the event of a natural disaster. Reason For Funding: '-" The new 200 acre property has been purchased. Funding is needed to develop the facilities prior to moving The Fair Association off of the St. Lucie County Airport property. The project will allow for new industrial development at the airport, create a new Fair Association opportunity and a Special Needs Disaster Shelter that is badly needed in the County. '-" \..,. ST. LUCIE COUNTY AGRICULTURE EXHIBIT, TRAINING/DISASTER COMMAND AND SPECIAL NEEDS SHELTER I. Project Engineering & Design II. Water/Sewer III. I nfrastructu re FUNDING NEEDS $ 600,000.00- $ 500,000.00' , '.'~ $1,20'0,000'.00' . $3,0'0'0',00'0'.00'<) IV. Agriculture Exhibit/Disaster Center V. VI. LivestocklEq uine Furnishings VII. Contingency \. '-~ ----~;OO $ 5O'O',O'O'O'.oo~ $ 70'0'.0'0'0'.0'0./ $8,0'0'0',0'0'0'.0'0' /' 'co ~~~; 0 ,r:? LP' '-" TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED / ¡J~ (/ () 1 tJ:J¡k-, jrA'-- K. O~ ¡:I~' ~- ~-A~~JlJf}L-~ V ~~,...,-- /1 0 {/o ./1S\1J (", J. ~ Þ fU I I'). ~ '¡It ,/ 1'- 'J/ \~.! ~p J' /. -\"r ü e: \)" all ";,~. ~. /"" '\ \\) ~ç(c):~/ I ¡! >: ,..J- t-?s 1./'" ~ï ¡. J 0/1 ~~ aù \ ~ \ u V \ l b c:)vo 1,),- u ¿)D ;} ./ 0° Ih ~(oV II ()/J 0, j 0,) ~ ~ '-' '-" AGRICULTURE EXIDBIT & TRAINING / DISASTER COMMAND / SPECIAL NEEDS SHELTER A. Geographic Infonnation- The 200 acre site is located in the heart of St. Lucie County, west of the major population centers, bordered on the north by State Road 70 and on the south by County Road 712. The site is geographically centered to serve the four county area of Okeechobee, St. Lucie, Indian River and Martin Counties. This site is within 6 miles of the Florida Turnpike and 1-95 Interchanges along with being located outside the emergency planning zone for the nuclear power plant. B. Agricultural- Fair Association will hold the annual county fair, along with the livestock shows/sales and auctions. Facility will be used for agriculture training and education, trade shows, equine training/specialty classes, 4H events, farm equipment safety training/exhibitions and rodeos. Building will include stable facilities for horses and an adjoining arena. Emergency collection site for large animals, an estimated 200 head of horses are residing east of U.S. Highway 1 in areas that are subject to flooding and wildfires. This facility will provide a safe and secure location for l~vestock and large animals in emergency situations in which residents are instructed to evacuate. C. Disaster Command/Special Needs Shelter- Facility will be used as a staging and distribution area of equipment along with the capability of providing for regional staging of resources and primary command post during recovery stage of a disaster. It would be the only Special Needs Population Shelter outside the 10 mile emergency planning zone. U sed as an alternate Emergency Operation Center outside the EPZ should we lose capabilities at our primary 911 Central Communications and Emergency Management location. Currently we have inadequate locations for the evacuation of school children during a nuclear power plant emergency, this facility will help and provide needed shelter. D. Facility- The 30,000 sf structure will meet Category 3 hurricane design requirements, accommodate over 500 people, contain a full service kitchen, restrooms and showers and dining for 250 people. Building interior will have folding walls to provide for more versatile use. As an emergency center the facility will contain emergency lighting, phones, data facilities and emergency generators. Both the on site water and wastewater systems would incorporate an emergency generator system to provide reliability in emergency situations. Water system would include a ground storage tank capable of sustaining minimum fire protection needs and storage capability. This structure will be completely self contained. Shelter space . at a prelDlUIß in 2 counties S,PACE \ STORM PREPARATIONS ~) By Andrew Conte 01 the NeW$ olon As hurricanes Bonnie and Danielle' chum through the At- lantic Ocean, emergency manage· ment officials in 51. Lucie County have eliminated four storm shel· ters because of concerns they are unsafe. And officials in Martin County, already dealing with a space shortage, plan to pack in residents "shoulder to shoulder" if necessary. .. 0 n our Web site (r For updates on ~ Hurrkanes '. Bonnie and ~ . ) Danielle. visit . our Web site at http-J/www.tcpalm.com '-' AD informal inspection in July found that (oúrSt. Luèie School District buildings that were in- cluded on the county's shelter list do not provide enough protec· tion from nying debris and hi~h winds. Don Daniels, 51. LUCIe County's emergency manage· ment coordinator, saId the build- ings either have too much glass or structur1ll problems that could ;ause them to collapse. . Three schools removed from he list are Weatherbee EIemei1- ary and Forest Grove Middle :Chool in Fort Pierce and South- ort Middle School in Port 51.. ucie. Officials temporarily re: . oved Manatee' Elementary in )rt 51. Lucie, which is under- 'ing roof repairs. . Those buildings will not be ed as shelters during a stonn, t Daniels said no place is abso- ely safe in a hurricane. ) Please see SPACE on A2 ~ . CONTINUED FROM A1 · "There's always a risk .when you're IOOkin~ at a Category, 3 storm or hi er," he said, It's safer there t an if you stay i.n a mobile home, 00 the beach or an a car. ... (But) if you can stay at home, stay at home.:' . · The closures m St. Lucie Courity'COIDC'as offiåa1s in Mar- tin County assess space 'problems. After a safety ~on in 1997. Martin County elùninated sever1ll shelters, leaving a defiåt of about 6,000 spaces. · Offiåa1s will squeeze ~ple into the cxišting shefters until they are "shoulder to shoulder" if nec· essary, said Mel Baxley, Martin County's . emergency planner. Meanwhile, the c;ounty conúnues to place ~urri~e shut!ers on other public buildiilgs to mcrease the number of places where people can seck refu~e. "We won t turn away people," he said. "U we have to. we will re- duce the space (for each person) during the storm." At the start of hurricane sea· son in June, St. Luåe County offi· cials said they had space for 15,000 people, which matches the projected Dumber of residents who will Doed cmergenq shelter. With four fewer shelters, the county now has a defiåt of spaces. partic- ularly in DOrth SI. Lucie County. ~kts ~ w:re already tight, . In an earlier inspection. emer- gency officials dc:cmed Fort Pierce shelters at the campus of Indian River CommunitY·College and the school' diStrict's Dale Cassens School unsafe for hurricane pro- tcdioD, .$aid Betty DeStefano.. ex- ocutiVë director :of the Amencan Red Cross in" 51. Luåe County. Besides having too much glass. common problems. include long roof.spans, unreinforocd masonry. weak external 'or internal walls and tall trees nearby, experts said. Any.of those factors could cause a builqing to collapse during a ma· jor hurricane. Emergency offlCÎals in 51. Lu· cie County found the problems during an informal inspection of about two-thirds of. the shelters, drew hit South Florida in 1992 the state required counties to 'find enough sh71ter space for resid~ts in evacuation areas, but· DOW in- spectors are finding that many of the shelters throughout the state are inadeq,uate. ., "If we re aware of a situation, we're not going to deliberately put somebodr at risk," DeStdano. said, "0 course, if we have 120. mph wind. who knows what's safe?" Under the county's emergency plan, offiåals would open five shelters first and then open more as nceded. DeStefano encouraged residents to listen to me4ia reports to find out which shelters are available. . . '! . She also advised that people. need to bring water, food, clothing and bedding to the shelters be- cause the American Red Cross does not provide cots or other re- sources. Officials encouraged peo- ple to stay with family or. friends who live in safe places rather than coining to the shelters. "The shelter is safer - that's the key word, safer - than a mo- ! bile home and safer than a beach- ¡ front' home." DeStefano said. "The shelter is not a motel." '. . After Hurricane Bònnie sat' ofT the southeastern coast of Florida. last weekend, emergency .0ffiåalS said ·they are better PrePared .and· that the public seems ~diedor a major storm. '. . People who have not :yet, got· ten. e~erg.ency supp!\es sho~ld·d? so Imme( ¡ately' as a second hum- cane. Danielle. gathers strength in the Atlantic, said Mary Sa~r, director . of the Martin.. CountI' chapter of the . American Rea Cross. " "(Bonnie;) .... j ~lr. . baS sparked a 10~'èf ~te.æt;"¡$tI~ said. "We hope"móre :pêo¡)1ê YielÍt out and got supplies and figured out what their plan is. If they ~Ven't . done that by now, they're \11' bad. shape." . I The group's chapters' In both I counties are seeking volwiteers to run shelters and help with disaster . relief. For more information, resi- dents can call the American Red Cross at 287-2002 in MartiIJ Ç,ounty or 461·5201 in Sr.· Lucie ~ ~ '-' TAB 4 SOUTH 25TH STREET PHASE 1 AND MIDWAY ROAD WIDENING \.... '-' '-" South 25th Street Phase I and Midway Road Widening A proposal for $12,940,000 to build two critical roadways in central St Lucie County to improve traffic flows and reduce serious congestion and concurrency issues. \... SOUTH 25TH STREET PHASE I AND MIDWAY ROAD WIDENING Project Manager: Ray Wazny Public Works Director Amount of Request: $12,940,000.00 Description of Project: The 25th Street project involves widening the existing two lane roadway to four lanes, from Midway Road to Edwards Road, a distance of 2.4 miles. Construction would include a storm water collection system with retention ponds, and pedestrian walkways. Land acquisition for right-of-way and actual construction could be completed in 3 years. Design plans and permits are completed. The cost is $7,730,000. ~ The Midway Road project involves widening the existing two lane roadway to four lanes, from 25th Street to U.S. Hwy 1, a distance of 1.3 miles. Construction would include a storm water collection system with retention ponds, pedestrian walkways, and widening of the bridge over the North St. Lucie River. Land acquisition for right-of-way and actual construction could be completed in two years. Design plans and permits are completed. The cost is $5,210,000. The County will be requesting $12,940,000 for these two road projects. The County is utilizing the cost of the remainder of the expansion of South 25th Street as a local match for this project ($4.2 million). Reason For Project: This project will relieve major Central County congestion problems, open a new badly needed East-West transportation corridor and eliminate serious concurrency issues in the area. \... '-" \ FORT PIERCE INlET PROPOSFD S. 25TII STREEf (tl.m.OCYJ) PROPOSED MIDWAY ROAD ($5,210,OCYJ) \.,. \...- PROPOSED TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS FOR UNINCORPORATED Sf. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ ~ ......... TABS HARBOUR POINTE IMPROVEMENTS '-' '-' '--' Harbour Pointe Improvements This proposal is for $1,750,OOO,to construct new roadway, recreational facilities, and other infrastructure improvements on and adjacent to the Harbour Pointe property at the north end of the Port of Ft. Pierce. '-' HARBOUR POINTE IMPROVEMENTS Project Manager: Ray Wazny Public Works Director Amount of Request: $1,750,000.00 Description of Project: This property was purchased by the St. Lucie County in 1997 for commercial and recreational development as a part of the Port of Fort Pierce. It has been used in 1998 for a train ride staging area and in 1997 for the American Wind Symphony Orchestra concert. However, due to the lack of a suitable public access, no infrastructure and public facilities, landscaping and other recreational amenities, the property has not been utilized to it's fullest extent. ~ Use of the site will require roadway access which will cost approximately $125,000. The approximate infrastructure cost to construct water and sewer on this site is $375,000 and it will take approximately $250,000 for physical improvements to the site including a small -vessel docking facility to make Harbour Pointe a usable quality recreational facility. Other improvements will include bathroom facilities and fencing the site. Additional infrastructure adjacent to the Harbour Pointe property to provide electrical, water, sewer and storm water facilities are needed. These facilities will compliment the new entry way project and prepare for new development that will conform to the Port Charrette. The County will be requesting $1,750,000 from the State for improvements described above. The County will provide a 50-50 local match ($1,750,000) to the project by utilizing the value of this land which was purchased by the County in 1997 and improvements being constructed in 1999, including a roadway onto the site and other recreational facilities. Reason For Project: '-' The County purchased this property over two years ago and has been unable to utilize it because of the lack of funding for improvements. The property has many recreational and possible commercial uses if infrastructure and other improvements are constructed. This project will optimize the potential of this property . ~ ~ ~ RECREA TION PROJECTS \.... '-" '-" TAB 6 FOOTBALL AND SOCCER STADIUM '-' Football and Soccer Stadium A proposal for $750,000 to build a new football and soccer stadium as a multi-agency multi-purpose facility on property adjacent to the Thomas J. White Stadium in Port St. Lucie. '-' '-' ~ FOOTBALL AND SOCCER STADIUM Project Manager: Phil Freeland Assistant County Administrator And Acting Leisure Services Director Amount of Request: $750,000.00 Description of Project: This application is being submitted through the coordinated efforts of the St. Lucie County School Board and St. Lucie County for submission to the State. This project will develop a new regional sports facility to broaden the use of the Thomas J. White Stadium in South St. Lucie County. This facility will jointly be used by the School District as part of the new Centennial High School Sports Program and by St. Lucie County for regional sports and recreation programming. The land for the stadium has been donated by a private developer and the project is ready to construct as soon as funding can be obtained. '-" The County will be requesting $750,000 from the State for this project. A local match is provided from the $1,000,000 in improvements made to the stadium complex in preparation for its expansion with the new football and soccer stadium and from the $800,000 in land value from donation of the stadium site. Reason For Project: This project will provide a stadium facility for the new Centennial High School and enhance the use of the Thomas J. White Stadium as a regional facility through the new multi-use program. It can be accomplished at a much more reasonable cost because of the shared use of facilities. It will offer a centerpiece sports facility for St. Lucie West and the County as a whole. \..- \.... \..- '-' TREASURE COAST SPORTS ST ADrUM INTRODUCTION Under this proposal, the current 10 million dollar St. Lucie County Sports Complex would be expanded to include a 4000 seat, tri-county professional regional soccer/football stadium facility. This facility would turn the sports complex into a year round destination, attracting both tourists and local citizens to professional, amateur, collegiate, and intra- scholastic competitive events and sports activities. The new venue will share existing training rooms, parking, media area, office space, and all other amenities currently offered at the 100 acre sports complex. The St. Lucie County Sports Complex will now be able to host NFL pro football, collegiate training camps and professional soccer events. Treasure C(j'a:st'area high schools will also be featured weekly during the fall by playing Friday night football. In addition, other athletic events such as soccer, football, and baseball all star showcase, both on the, ~ . . pro level and collegiate level will be held at the new facility during their respective seasons. Live entertainment will also headline at the facility, which will be capable of hosting concerts and music festivals. The use of existing support resources, county facilities, staff, and operation dollars (funded locally by our TDC tax), will combine to make this facility an instant success on the Treasure Coast. The proposed facility will be located 1/4 mile north of the 1-95 interchange on St. Lucie West Boulevard in south St. Lucie County and puts the expanded Sports Complex within 30 minutes driving time to over 350,000 residents of the Treasure Coast. ~ TREASURE COAST SPORTS STADIUM CONSTRUCTION BUDGET Cost Item $ 170,000.00 Sports Facility Lighting 80,000.00 Buildings (Box Office, Office, Lockers, Concessions, etc...) 140,000.00 Bleachers, Ramps, Storage Area 25,000.00 Scoreboard, Public Address System 15,000.00 Fences 18,000.00 RoadlWaiking Paths 30,000.00 Landscaping 5,000.00 Support Furniture 42,000.00 IrrigationIW ell 45,000.00 Sod - Bermuda/Field ~ 9,000.00 Press BoxlEquipment. ,..- 4,000.00 Signage 8,000.00 Pedestrian Lighting 2,000.00 Football Goal Posts 2,000.00 Soccer Goals 50,000.00 Site Work 20,000.00 Drainage 15,000.00 Site Prep/Grub/Clear 70.000.00 ArchitecturallEngineering Services S750,000.00 TOTAL '-' \..- ~ ~ TREASURE COAST SPORTS STADIUM PROGRAMMING/ OVERVIEW Football Professional Training! Spring Site Facility Varsity, Junior Varsity, Freshman Pro - Mini Camp! Compo,undsrrry-outs!Athletic Showcase Events Soccer Professional Soccer! GameslLeagueffournaments Varsity - Boys'!Girls' Junior Varsity - Boys'!Girls' Lacrosse Varsity, Junior Varsity, Intra scholastic, Club ...... ...... Rugby Games, Tournaments, League Club Soccer Boys'!Girls' Marching Band Competition Field Hockey Clteer/eading Competitions '-' I- ~ 0 (J) « ::) W - ::s 00 (f) 0« LL W 0 t- o W (f) :J 0.... a: ---l ::)(f) ~ 0 (f) (J)t- ~ , a: «Œ: a: wO 0 0.... a.. a: 0.... , I-(f) ~ I 11:"1111:., '.ê:~H .~lli.-lli ::;R~""'·I;';=I-.'C":-¡HO.;+¡E 'p=\.' ~~,".~ª~Ff4a.. .,=R.D,,,,,,~,,-·~~;c;~;.c:r-:'i.ffijbJUJ.;L_';' JJJIIITIIII:!I: . --'-- m.. ~ ..' ,TT""- ·r-::;~ ,- '~~.........= ¡.. Ed ~¡:::; 1llJll.IIIIII:l: . _i,j...LL_ L),"'! ----·-t -:=~t::::::! ,-~~ . ~~ 1: .jj~ Ie 'ffWl4+ft+t,,""" ':1TTT'Jlj ;=::-=::2t86þ:¡=:::¡F;E=EË lTIì=-ra U::'~ ~L.· . ..1;'::: ,~~:i1 i= . ~ Þ=it:D:!Ei7E;~--..t:!:jüJJ~' ,,:8 ~~~ ::::,} ,Htt!, .f-t+tt-~ ciJ~2lli31~1~~~-=D~;-i ~ J-' ~;~-J~:~~~~ ~~; fî' c~HíffiêJJ3, ,~=~'@,.,ill~'Js~,.'::·>· ~ / r=-,..._;cm.r[cII__-.~ _.~~D.~~~....~. .'.' . ..... . ./ lliL.UJ.'-lill ---¡rmTIT'I----:-¡'-- ~~~:::;:: 7 ITJilli'"1TII jH~ IHt+tWi :~~"", ,._,.=';..=',,~""'--'- , ~ o o L U U) ( ) =c :Q .L.~ ~ ( ) 'u ::J ...J --, -.1 ., I t,.\ \ \ L .LJI:f ëij ï:: c ( ) ë ( ) ü û5 1/- :/ 00 _. -...1 ¡...~- _...' ;' ". Ü I U')C\J mID 1- - 'x ( ) ~z ..¡.....o Cen Q)E E2 o..~ CD f OW C> III ~ Q)c ~ iii >.Q .8 Q)Ct3 E 111 OE ., (' : ã. 0 ., II: en >.ë "C Iii ..¡.....o- ., II~ ·C.~ 13. ., III :J'c i:S. E~ I rl a. I, It! Eg> :!: o~ 0 ._---------.:.._~_..-- ~- c:' ( I > ~ _. I ~ "-' ~ TAB 7 SOUTH HUTCHINSON ISLAND PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH '-" \.. '-" ' South Hutchinson Island Pedestrian and Bike Path The South Hutchinson Island Pedestrian and Bike Path Project is a proposal to construct approximately eleven miles of pedestrian/bike paths along State Road A 1A to connect the entire pedestrian/bike path system on South Hutchinson Island. This important transportation link will provide added safety for walkers and bikers and provide a new recreation amenity for the island. The approximate cost of the project is $2,000,000. \....- SOUTH HUTCHINSON ISLAND PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH PROJECT Project Manager: Ray Wazny Public Works Director Amount of Request: $2,000,000.00 Description of Project: St. Lucie County is in the process of linking the entire pedestrian/bike route on State Road A 1A from the North County to the South County boundary. Much of this work has been completed or will be under construction within the next year. One eleven mile section on South Hutchinson Island remains to be funded and constructed. This important link not only provides the connection for the rest of the pedestrian/bikeway route but has a number of beaches and other environmental settings along the route which can be better utilized if the pedestrian/bike path is completed. '-' It is estimated that the cost of the South Hutchinson Island pedestrian/bike path is approximately $2,000,000 including all elements of the program as defined in the project detail on the following page. The County is requesting $2,000,000 from the State utilizing a 50-50 matching local grant which is coming from the impact fees being utilized to complete the remainder of the pedestrian/bike path on South Hutchinson Island. Reason For Project: This project will help to link a regional bike path network and it offers a safe and convenient biking and pedestrian opportunity for South Hutchinson Island residents. It is an important new amenity that will improve the quality of life on the barrier island. '-' ~ SOUTH HUTCIDNSON ISLAND PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH PROJECT PROPOSED BUDGET Land Acquisition $ 250,000 Construction of PedestrianlBike Path 800,000 Construction of Drainage Facilities 500,000 New Signing 40,000 New Mini-Stopping Areas 100,000 '-" Landscaping 60,000 Other Amenities 50,000 Contingency 200.000 TOTAL $2,000,000 '-" '-' '-" '-' TABS HUTCHINSON ISLAND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT \... Hutchinson Island Improvement Project This is a request for $500,000 to plan and design projects to improve the quality of the beach environment and make Hutchinson Island a special place to live and recreate. \... \... \.,.- HUTCHINSON ISLAND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Project Manager: Phil Freeland Assistant County Administrator And Acting Leisure Services Director Amount of Request: $500,000.00 Description of Project: This project involves long term beach development, recreation and a streetscape plan - including beach amenities such as tables, grills, benches, dune crossover, fishing area, and boat launching facility. These facilities are being developed for both North and South Hutchinson Island, and North and South Causeway from Indian River North to Martin County South A 1A. They will offer an entire new theme for Hutchinson Island that will enhance the beauty, usability and quality of the island as a place to live and recreate. The initial schematic plan is represented by the attached drawings, with actual design and engineering scheduled for 1999-2000. '-" The County is requesting $500,000 for plans & design of the Hutchinson Island Improvement Project. The County will be providing a local 50-50 match of $500,000 from the cost of park improvements being installed on the island by the County. Reason For Project: This project will help create a new beach environment along the entire length of Hutchinson Island. This special identity is important to the future of the Island as a cohesive part of our community. "-' '-' ,-,. I, ~ ( INFORMATION I Request: , Purpose: Info: St. Lude County is requesting funding from the State of Rorida in the amount of $500,000.00 for the Hutchinson Island Plan. The Hutchinson Island Plan is designed to improve and develop park sites along the barrier island in St. Luåe County tò be used as a continuous park system. The goal of the Hutchinson Island Plan is to create a" ~ntinuous park System. This plan will take full advantage of existing parks and mosquito impoundment by providing a natural experience for hiking, biking, fishing, shell collecting, horseback riding, sunbathing, pimic, swimming and an opportD}1ity to observe nature with bird towers and docks. Tbe Hutchinson Island Plan has three major parts or phases. First is to renovate the existing parks; Second to develop collector sites; Third is to connect each site with a'six to eight foot pathway. The St. Lude Board of County Commissioners has committed $500,000.00 in any effort to upgrade and improve our parks on Hutchinson Island. Mosquito Control is in the continual process of purchasing mosquito impoundment and Community Development is working to improve pedestrian travel along A 1 A. " For the pedestrian, the parks wm serve as rest areas, points of interest and collector locations with restrooms, bike racks, shelter and drinking fountain. Imagine being able to ride a bike over twenty miles round trip in and out of beautiful beach parks and the natural Indian River Lagoon environment. Stopping along the way to fish, site see or just rest before continuing on. This is an important project to the County and State Tourism. LIST OF IMPROVEMENTS: I "-' I IMPROVEMENTSU~ARY "-' + ENTRANCE + ' SIGNAGE + NEW/RENOVATE DUNE CROSSOVERS + RENOVATEINEW SHELTERS + RESTROOMS + PAVING · PARKING IMPROVEMENT + DRINKING WATER . + BIIŒ RACKS LIST OF PARKS: \..- + BLUE HERON BLVD (EXCHANGE PARK) + JOHN BROOK'S PARK + FREDERICK DOUGLASS PARK + MIDDLE COVE + BLIND GREEK + WALTON ROCK BEACH + "OCEAN BAY + HERMAN'S BAY + NORMANDY BEACH + DOLLMAN BEACH PARK + WAVELAND S l l' l' j I ~ '-" BUDGET .,.".~ I · DEVELOPMENT A&E $ 1001000.00 · ENTRANCE & SIGNAGE $ 1321000.00 · DUNE CROSSOVERS $ 180,000.00 ....... · SHELTERS $ 236,000.00 "... .- I, · PARKIN G $ 200,000.00 · RESTROOMS $ 120,000.00 · PICNIC TABLES $ 201000.00 · BIKE RACKS $ 6,000.00 · DRJNKlNG WATER $ 61000.00 $1,000,000.00 ST LUCIE COUNTY $ -500,000.00 REQUEST FROM STATE $ 500,000.00 '-" ~ , ..: o o o I '\ ~''':\ \ \. '- \, \.. \ \, - . .... \ " \ \. ' 'I..... ... ,,\ '\ ,\ - ,,'\, \ " \ \ ' ..... '!.\ \, " ~--. ), ~ / ~..:;./ '-" .~,;.~:::!;ÿ'~:..,~;, , ~\\ ~ . . I ~ '\) ....1.~ ~: ® ~ E ~ \1 ~ ~ N T a~ R y II A N C ...:-'.. E ':':,€\1 ~~"" ~/JÏ ," .:mÞ.:,;. J¡.' ':1f'!,'"~' :~> ~'¡;'t~" ~ ~:..:: f~': ~~~. ,iI:. 'I '--' '--" ~ TAB 9 PURCHASE JETTY PARK AND ADJACENT PROPERTY ~ Purchase of Jetty Park and Adjacent Property A proposal for $2,500,000 to expand Jetty Park and provide new parking and recreation facilities at this important Ft. Pierce park. '-' '-'" '-' PURCHASE OF JETTY PARK AND ADJACENT PROPERTY Project Manager: Phil Freeland Assistant County Administrator And Acting Leisure Services Director Amount of Request: $2,500,000.00 Description of Project: The purpose of this project is to acquire parcels adjacent to the existing Jetty Park for additional recreational uses and a parking area. The cost of the property is approximately $650,000. Improvement of the park and parking will be a cooperative effort between the City of Fort Pierce and the County. Improvements to the park and parking facilities are expected to cost $1,850,000. Construction is anticipated in the 2000-2002 timeframe. ~ The County will be requesting $2,500,000 for these projects. A local match of $2,500,000 will be from improvements made to the adjoining jetty and renourishment of the beach adjacent to the Jetty Park. 'Reason For Project: This project will provide much needed parking for Jetty Park and the new beach that now exists there. Improvements will also make Jetty Park a more desirable place to go and enjoy the local recreational facilities. ~ ~ \ / 7?: --------ïl- \ .~ ~ \ " \ \~ ~ i ,c, \ \ Þ-~~ '. \,~\ ' 1>:-< v \ \ ~ \ ~ ~ I ;':. ~ .'.'. \ . ~.. , , \ \ , ~ I I \ ' .f , lit fi, ., . a." . · f ~., ..- fl:! & u r. j. n .. ..". ,/ ~ :'~ji il! ~~ " Îit :¡ · I ' · . I !I \ :." !.. fUr I, i · IJ iI .p. I' 'I:t J. : : ...; )n ~ ..tlv~ .tv) 1" ~ "" J'i ~ I' M I C C co I ?"" to II í \ .~ ~ {í ~, t' '\\ \\ /i., ~ . \ ......, - CO, ;::: \ ,~~...- -- \ ,~/ of' ~'7 ". . ./1 ~ ,.' '" /1 . . t!', -.... .r ,....3!';".!) \..... á 011 > 1 ó' 4 0 7 ~. .. " VI .. .., , d. : '. f A j 1 J J' .! ! ! J ~. ' " ~: H . % , , Its ~ il, ". . . j II i -". .. . li æ ~ "- <> .. S æ ~. E w c:: ~ ~, \...- '-" '-' TAB 10 SAVANNAS RECREATIONAL AREA IMPROVEMENTS ~ Savanna Recreation Area Improvements A proposal for $850,000 to construct new infrastructure and other recreational improvements which will improve the quality of this environmentally important area. ~ ~ ~ SAVANNAS OUTDOOR RECREATION AREA IMPROVEMENTS Project Manager: Phil Freeland Assistant County Administrator And Acting Leisure Services Director Amount of Request: $850,000.00 Description of Project: In 1996, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Recreation and Parks inspected the Savannas and prepared a report outlining areas where changes and/or improvements could be made that would result in more cost effective and efficient park operations. This project will implement several of the state's recommendations including, developing a master plan for park development, replacelrelocate the park's entrance station, renovate/replace existing restroom facilities, and upgrade the utility infrastructure within the park. Reason for Funding: ~ St. Lucie County is requesting funding assistance in order to make improvements to the Savannas Outdoor Recreation Area. The improvements will bring existing facility and service deficiencies into compliance with local building codes, in addition to implementing many of the recommendations made by the state DEP Division of Recreation and Parks. The Savannas Outdoor Recreation Area is an integral component of the county's park and facility inventory designed to promote eco-tourism within St. Lucie County. ~ ~ ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Department of Leisure Services SAVANNAS OUTDOOR RECREATION AREA IMPROVEMENT PROJECT '-' '-' /. ~ ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Department of Leisure Services SAVANNAS OUTDOOR RECREATION AREA IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST: S1. Lucie County is requesting funding assistance in the amount of $850,000 in order to make capital improvements to the Savannas Outdoor Recreation Area. JUSTIFICATION: The Savannas Outdoor Recreation Area is a 600 acre, predominately wetland parcel located in central S1. Lucie County. Owned by the City ofF1. Pierce, the Savannas has been leased to S1. Lucie County since the mid 1960's for the purpose of providing public outdoor recreation opportunities ~ I '-' In 1968, the Savannas was developed into a full service park and campground and offered park visitors a choice of three types of camp sites: unimproved sites for tent camping only, semi-improved sites offering water and electric, and full service sites offering water, electric and wastewater collection. In addition, the Savannas offered an abundance of recreational activities including boating, fishing, swimming, picnicking, hiking and nature observation. The campground was heavily used during the winter and spring months with campers coming from across the United States to enjoy the Savannas experience. In addition, local residents regularly utilized the park on a "day use" basis. The Savannas serves as a key facility in the County's effort to attract eco-tourism to S1. Lucie County. ~ Since our initial investment in the Savannas over 30 years ago, many things have changed, including the needs and demands of the modem day camping enthusiast. Today's camper requires more in the way of campground infrastructure and utilities. Camping trailers and recreational vehicles CRY's) are bigger, and more importantly, more common than in 1968. Existing restroom facilities no longer meet the minimum building codes and do not comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Electrical service to most of the park is dangerously outdated, and ~t times has damaged some camping units due to electrical power surges. In sum, the Savannas Outdoor Recreation Area is showing the effects of 30 years of intense use with little or no capital investment since 1968. ~ St. Lucie County is proposing to revitalize the Savannas by investing in several projects that will result in more cost effective and efficient park operations. Our first step will be to develop a master plan that will fully utilize the natural areas in a more efficient manner. This plan will serve as a guide for all future park development. A second element will be the replacement of the park entrance station. This station is integral to the smooth operation of the park and will serve as the park administration and operations hub. Finally, a major infusion of capital is required to upgråde the existing utility infrastructure. All existing restroom facilities are proposed to be renovated or replaced in order to comply with current accessability and building codes. In addition, the electrical service to existing campsites will be modernized to meet the demands of the modem day camper. These improvements will ensure that the Savannas Outdoor Recreation Area will be available to the citizens and visitors of St. Lucie County for years to come. ~ '-' ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Department of Leisure Services SAVANNAS OUTDOOR RECREATION AREA IMPROVEMENT PROJECT In 1996, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Recreation and Parks, was asked to inspect the Savannas Outdoor Recreation Area and recommend changes and/or improvements to the park that would result in a more efficient operation. The following proposed improvements were recommended by the state in a report dated September 5, 1996: A. Master plan - Develop a master plan to fully utilize the natural areas in the most efficient manner. This should be accomplished prior to making any pennanent modifications to the site such as replacing or adding new structures. · Master plan $ 20,000 '-" I B. Park Entrance Station - It is proposed to replace the entrance station, which is a key structure to the park, both visually and functionally. The new station will also serve as the park administration and operations hub. · Entrance Station Replacement $ 80,000 c. ReplacelRenovate Restroom Facilities - Existing facilities are to be renovated or replaced in order to meet current accessability codes as well as meet minimum ADA compliance standards. · Restrooms $175,000 D. Utility Infrastructure Upgrades - Electrical, Water, and Sewer utilities within the park are to be upgraded to meet the demands of the modern day camper as well as the present day building and health codes. · Utility InfÏ'astructure Upgrades $190,000 E. Lake & Pond Restoration - The existing upland lake and pond were once used for recreational swimming by campers and visitors to the park. This activity was discontinued several years ago due to the closing of the artesian wells which supplied water to the park. Once restored, fishing decks will be constructed at key locations around the lake and pond for use by park visitors that do not have access to a boat. · Lake & Pond Restoration $ 80,000 · Fishing Decks $ 60,000 '--' ',-" i ~ '--' SAVANNAS OUTDOOR RECREATION AREA IMPROVEMENT PROJECT F. Natural Systems Restoration - All invasive exotic vegetable is proposed to be removed from the upland portions of the park. These areas will be replanted with the native tree and shrub species that would typically be found within the Savannas natural ecosystem. Exotic Vegetable Removal $ 60,000 Native Trees & shrubs $ 90,000 G. Camp Site Improvements - Existing campsites will be redesigned and upgraded to meet the current demands of campers. Camp Site Improvements $ 40,000 H. Camp Activity/Social Pavilion - An informal gathering place is proposed where campers can gather for evening socials, children's programs and other camp activities. The structure is proposed to be an open sided screened pavilion. Camp Pavilion $ 55.000 TOTAL ANTICIPATED COSTS FOR IMPROVEMENTS $ 850,000 A local 50 -50 match for the project is coming from other improvements being made at park facilities near the Savanna's and which support the improvement of this important natural area. \...r ~ \.,., TAB 11 MORNINGSIDE LIBRARY PROJECT '-" Morningside Branch Library Improvements A proposal for $200,000 to complete the Library's new Technology Center. ~ ~ ~ St. Lucie County Library Department Technology Grant Project Manager: Susan B. Kilmer Library Director Amount of Request: $200,000.00 Description of Project: The Library, in cooperation with St. Lucie County School District, is developing a computer technology/distance learning lab and south county TV Studio at the Morningside Branch Library. The first phase of funding allowed for the development of the computer lab, a distance learning center and the beginnings of a studio. The second phase of funding will complete the TV studio, allowing for lighting and additional cameras; the further development of the Distance Learning Lab; and administrative start-up costs. Reason for Funding: \.. This request is to complete the Library project that was not totally funded when it was constructed. ~ '-' '-" '-' ST. LUCIE COUNTY LIBRARY TECHNOLOGY REQUEST A. Computer Lab - This center would serve as a training lab for Adult Continuing Education classes for Indian River Community College; a training center to be used by Central Florida Library Cooperative for South Florida libraries; after- school tutoring programs; computer classes for local public and private schools; as well as a training center for local public library staff and volunteers. Treasure Coast Computers User Group have volunteered to help operate and train users of this facility. B. Distance Learning Lab - This would fall within the state initiative to provide distance learning centers within public libraries. Indian River Community College Library began this effort several years ago and we have begun the process on a small basis with the Interlibrary loan program offered through our Adult Services department. The Distance Learning Lab would allow interactive programs with local visiting authors to speak with students in the public schools as well as interact with participants at the lecture. C. TV Studio - This should be equipped to be fully operational as the south county site for education/government access under the supervision of Instructional Television (School District) in cooperation with St. Lucie County Library. The intent is to allow programming of local service and social organizations as well as library programs and other county sponsored programs or special events (ie., groundbreaking, special events and special exhibits). We will have the use of the School District's mobile production unit as part of this cooperative venture. The Morningside Branch Library was selected for this project due to the nature of the design of the building and the original intent of the cooperative facility. This facility has two separate buildings which opened in 1993, one building serves as a fully operational branch library and the other building is designed to hold a computer lab, science lab and TV studio with darkroom and editing lab. These rooms have been used by outside service/social organizations since the library opened due to the School District nor the County have appropriate funds to equip or operate the special facility. The original funding for this facility came through capital funds from the Board of County Commission and the Community Education Facilities grant fund (grant written in cooperation with St. Lucie County School Board and St. Lucie County). ~ ~ '-' FUNDING NEEDS: Administrative start-up costs Distance Learning Lab 4 monitors 2 scanners Large screen television Computer projection screen CD player 2 printers VCR Laser disc player Control panel, audio board UPS server Dukane Vicon (operates camera) Chairs TV Studio Additional cameras Lighting $75,000 $35,000 Keyboard Vertical interval matrix switcher Editing control device Modem Mouse/mouse pad Desk Microphone Mounted camera Speakerphone 2-way video connection Projector $90,000 '--' ~ \....- WATER QUALITY AND CONSERVATION PROJECTS ~ \... \..... TAB 12 TEN MILE CREEK REGIONAL ATTENUATION FACILITY '-" Ten Mile Creek Water Preserve Area A proposal for $3 Million to provide partial funding for a $30 Million Regional Water Preserve Area along Ten Mile Creek which is a prototype Water Quality Restoration Project. ~ '-" ~ Ten Mile Creek Water Preserve Area Project Manager: Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Amount of Request: $3 Million Description of Project: This is a vital water quality restoration project to reduce the flow of polluted storm water into the St. Lucie River and the Indian River Lagoon. This project has been described as one of the prototype projects for resolving the regional pollution and sediment discharge problem in our rivers and estuaries. It will also resolve serious flooding issues in the central portion of St. Lucie County. Reason for Funding: '-' This project should receive state support as a major regional water quality improvement program that is needed to improve water quality, reduce dumping of storm water into the St. Lucie River and the Indian River Lagoon and reduce flooding in the Central part of St. Lucie County. '--' \..... ~ '-' TAB 13 CAUSEWAY ISLAND AND EROSION PROJECTS \..- North and South Causeway Island Erosion Control Projects A proposal for $903,100 to make critical improvements on North and South Causeway Island to stop a serious erosion problem. '-" '-' '--' Ft. Pierce Causeway Islands Shoreline Stabilization Project Project Manager: Phil Freeland Assistant County Administrator And Acting Leisure Services Director Amount of Request: $903,100 Description of Project: St. Lucie County needs assistance in combating tidal forces that are quickly eroding both the North and South Causeway Islands. Discussions on proposed remedies have resulted in a proposed coastal structure that will prevent the erosion of the shoreline from wave and tidal forces resulting from annual storm events, wakes resulting from ships using the Ft. Pierce Inlet, and ever present water current velocities. Reason for Funding: \. This request is needed to stop a serious erosion problem that is endangering important County facilities. ~ \... ~ '-' ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1999-2000 Legislative Budget Request FUNDING NEEDS L Project Engineering & Design $ 36,000 ll. Regulatory Permits (Local, State and Federal) $ 10,000 ill. Project Construction , (1,500 L.F. @ $450.00 per L.F.) $675,000 IV. Coastal Vegetation Restoration $100,000 SUBTOTAL °$821,000 CONTINGENCIES (10%) $ 82,100 TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED $903,100 TAB 14 INDIAN RIVER ESTATESI SAVANNAS WATER RETENTION RETROFIT PROJECT \.... Indian River Estates/Savannas Water Retention Facilities Retrofit Project A proposal for $4.8 million to build a new water retention facility to improve the flow of water, reduce flooding and improve water quality in Indian River Estates and the Savannas. '-' Co ~- (/ f - G 4' '-" - '-" INDIAN RIVER ESTATES/SAVANNAS WATER RETENTION FACILITIES RETROFIT PROJECT Project Manager: Ray Wazny Public Works Director Amount of Request: $4.8 Million Description of Project: '-" Currently, St. Lucie County is partnering with SFWMD, FDEP, and Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program (NEP), to design this facility. The project involves constructing a storm water collection and treatment system to handle storm water runoff from the Indian River Estates Subdivision. Storm water runoff from the subdivision drains untreated into the Savannas State Preserve. This is having a detrimental effect on the Savannas ecosystem. Storm water from Indian River Estates Subdivision will be collected and pumped into a retention pond to improve water quality, prior to being discharged to the Savannas. A œnceptional design has been completed at this time, and we are currently 'ihvestigating land acquisition for the retention pond. The project cost is . estimated at approximately $4.8 million, including land purchase. Final design, permitting, land acquisition, and construction could be completed in three years. The County is requesting $4.8 million from the State for this project. A 50-50 local match of $4.8 million is coming from the cost of water improvements in the neighborhood and improvements to the County's Savannas Recreational area adjacent to this neighborhood. Reason for Project: This project will reduce flooding in this residential area and improve the quality of life for it's residents. It will also improve the ecosystems throughout the Savannas area. '-"