HomeMy WebLinkAboutState Funding July 1999 CRITICAL ST. LUCIE CQUNTY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR STATE FUNDING 2000-2001 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET JULY 1999 "t: ........"%1t,¡J "%1CJN "%1CJ..... ~~!~ ::0 (/) >- . >- -' >- -' O~CJCJ CJ:5[%1 CJ:5[%1 I'~Q § ~ FCJ~ FCJZ () -CJ[%1 -CJQ ~~2S ~[%1z CJ)~C/)~ ~ g~::oQ "t: Z[%1 Z[%1°Z @~ ~@~ 8Q~~ tr:1 zo@ ~Q ~Z ø _"%1 "" r~ 0 z~~ (/) Z~Q ~Q tx; ......0 ~ Q (/) CJ~ Q[%1"%1 ~ ~'"rj "%1z"t: t"'CJO ~~ C} 0"%1[%1 -[%1 0-::0 ~ ::000 ~~ ~~~ o~~~ ;:I:::O?:: ~ cCJ ~o ~~ 0 ~~~ ö::O ~~ ~ t...., ~~0 (/)"%1 (/)::0 tr:1 0 0 q ~(/) ::0 "%1 ~ [%1 , ..... U1 0 0 0 , JV '"0 U1 0 0 0 ~ 0 \0 ~ I N 0 0 0 ~ ~ c::: tr:1 r:n t-i , , , 0 0 0 , , , ~ 0 c::: Z t-i ~ tt:1 () tt:1 - ~ 0 ~ ..... U1 0 0 0 N '"0 '"0 1.n 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I N 0 0 ~ ~ c::: tt:1 r:n t-i tr:1 0 - Z CJ E ö [%1 (/) - Z () (/) ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ tt:1 0 Z Z t-i r:n ". . , w , ~ -~ -w "t: N "%1..... ~~ S::' s::. 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U1 ~~ 0 0 0 , JV a ~ U1 0 \0 0 0 ~ \0 0 ~~ \0 ~..~ I N 0 0 0 ~ ~ c: tr.I r:n t-i , , , 0 0 0 , , . ~ 0 c: Z t-i ~ () tr.I ~ 0 N ,.... U1 ..þ. 0 0 N 0 N a 0 a 1.n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I N 0 0 ~ ~ c: tr.I r:n t-i t'r.! 0 - Z () t"'" c::: Ö tr:I (/) () - Z 0 (/) ~ ~ s;:: ~ t'r.! - Z 0 t-i Z r:n '-- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DOUGLAS M. ANDERSON July 8, 1999 St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 The projects in the following document are proposed for submission to the appropriate Florida State department for inclusion in the 2000-2001 State budget. ~ These fourteen projects represent critical needs for the County that are unfunded or only partially funded, State monies will help to ensure that the projects will be completed and critical local needs met. Based on the enclosed matrix prepared by the County Staff, we propose the following projects as the County's top three priorities based on our need to generate new economic development, improve the County's road network and improve water quality and reduce flooding along Ten Mile Creek, · Complete Airport Economic Development Program including needed North County Water Project · Construct Midway Road and 25th Street · Ten Mile Creek Water Reserve Area County Staff appreciate your consideration of these projects and your action to approve them for submission to the appropriate State agency, Sincere 1 / (;"1 /J ---- ;4'rl--- oug~s M, Anderson County Administrator ....,.., JOHN D. [)RUHN. Districr No.1' DOUG COWARD. Disrricr No.2' PAULA A. LEWIS. DisrricT No. J . FRANNIE HUTCHINSON. Disrricr No.4' CLIFF [)ARNES. DisrricT No.5 Counry Adminisrroror - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue . Forr Pierce. FL 34982-5652 · Phone (561) 462-1450 · TOD (561) 462-1428 FAX (561) 462-2131 \..- \..... ,--,. PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR STATE FUNDING 2000-2001 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET ~ St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners \.,-, District #1 Commissioner John D. Bruhn DistriCt #2" '.' Commissioner Doug Coward District #3 Commissioner Paula A. Lewis District #4 Commissioner Frannie Hutchinson District #5 Commissioner Cliff Barnes '-" '-' TABLE OF CONTENTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS TAB 1 AIRPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM INCLUDING NORTH COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENTS TAB 2 AQUACULTURE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT TAB 3 FAIRGROUNDS RELOCATION TAB 4 SOUTH 25TH STREET PHASE 1 AND MIDWAY ROAD WIDENING TAB 5 HARBOUR POINTE IMPROVEMENTS RECREATION PROJECTS TAB 6 FOOTBALL AND SOCCER STADIUM TAB 7 SOUTH HUTCHINSON ISLAND PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH '-' TAB a HUTCHINSON ISLAND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT TAB 10 TAB 11 PURCHA~E: JETTY PARK AND ADJACENT PROPERTY SAVANNAS RECREATIONAL AREA IMPROVEMENTS TAB 9 MORNINGSIDE LIBRARY PROJECT WATER QUALITY AND CONSERVATION PROJECTS TAB 12 TEN MILE CREEK REGIONAL ATTENUATION FACILITY TAB 13 CAUSEWAY ISLAND AND EROSION PROJECTS TAB 14 INDIAN RIVER ESTATESI SAVANNAS WATER RETENTION RETROFIT PROJECT \...... ~ '-- 00 ~ u f:; o ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ ~ u > ~ ~ o u ~ ~ u þ ~ ~ 00 \..... z o ~ 00 00 ~ 00 ~ :> ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q Q M I Q Q Q M ~ o ~ 00 ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 o ~ ~ ~ 00000 0'10000 _0000 6vi'on66 0'1-0...,."'" 100"'" 0 0'1 !'- vi' oôf'f-" ..,; - >- U Z ~ e,:, < ~ ~ Eo-< rJl fu ° '-' ô ¡::: U ~ P ~ 8 p.. '-' o~ Ô ~E-< ~¡::: <~ ~< °z ~g ~o 5~ o~ u(/) Ei>::I:~~ ~z(/)o~ (/)~-<E-< ~~::::~~ ~O"QOO ~~~~~p.. ~d3o§§§ rJl Eo-< U ~ o ~ ~ Eo-< Z ~ ~ o ,..;¡ ~ :> ~ Q U i o z o u ~ o 0 ~ ~ § š ,..;¡ 0 U ~ ~ 0 :E < < 9 ~ E-< ..... o(/)u >- ~~ã ~ p..~~ 0 !z::Ep.. :§rJl ~g;ô o~ p..o¡::: Z~ g~~z~~ ¡¡:¡:Et=:9¡¡:¡> >;(/)E-<(/)O §~ôëJæ~ ~~~gE-<- ~~o~~~ ôš~~~g ~o~š~~ gU;:J~N;:J o::I:Uo::I:O gag2§~~~ _00'<5< <z<~(/)::I: -: NM~"'; OONOOO 00100000 00<"'1000 6ó";óóó .,...ONO""'O !'-O 0"'" 00 N f'f_nf'f 5 ô ¡::: ¡::: ~ ~ U U ~ ~ a( a( (/) (/) ~ ~ ~ < < < E-< p.. p.. (/) < < 0.... o 0 ~ P2 ¡...; o Eo-<o 0 p.. p.. p.. , , ¡¡:¡ ¡¡:¡ ~ ~o~ooo rJl Eo-< U ~ o ~ ~ z o .... Eo-< < ~ u ~ ::I: E-< < p.. ga ~(/) - E-< c:Q ~z OEo-<~~ Zup..;E <g;~~ ~~p..~ ~p..E-<~ Eo-<E-<Zp.. (/)Z~:E ~~U_ ~O;E;:;~E-< ~~~o~u op..>«g; ~~~~~~ ~"":¡:E<Z>- ~ga-~9~ ezO<E-« oo~p..<~ (/)~....:¡>-~E9 oç::;(/)E-<U"":¡ z:I:-E-<~~ <~5g;~8 :J$~~~~ ~~õg~~ 0;:JE-<$~:>0 00 ;:J<,<=, ....(/) p..(/)~ , ' , ,0"': 1oO!,-000'l-- 00 0 00 0 0- 0 6r<'Î 6 00 0 0.0'1 00 <"'I ..; p..p.. p.. ~~ ¡¡:¡ 00 0 rJl Eo-< U ~ o ~ ~ Z o .... Eo-< < ~ ~ rJl Z o U Q ~ >- Eo-< .... ,..;¡ < ;J 01 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ E-< ....:¡ U - ~ U ...... ~(/) ~ ZE-< p.. 9~ t:: E-<O ~ <~ ~ ~~ ~ t::9 <0 Ô ....:¡~ ¡::: <¡¡:¡ Z OZO--.¡¡:¡ Z(/)E-< G<~~ ~O<~ ~~~¡¡:¡ ~...:¡¡¡:¡E-< ~ga~~ U><>(/) ~~~< d¡¡:¡z~ :E(/)« Z;:J-> ~<O< E-<U~(/) C'iM..t - -- \.... ~ \.. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ~, PROJECTS ~ ~ '-" TAB 2 AQUACULTURE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT \... St. Lucie County Aquaculture Demonstration Project A proposal for $515.000 to fund proposed aquaculture programs in St. Lucie County, '- '-..,. \. St. Lucie County Aquaculture Demonstration Project Project Manager: Julia Shewchuk Community Development Director Amount of Request: $515,000,00 Description of Project: The following summary describes the proposed aquaculture funding needed and the proposed programs in St. Lucie County, Legislative funding requests from St. Lucie County would be needed for certain elements of the programs, proposed funding from the State is as -follows: 1, Shrimp incubator program $300,000 2, World Aquaculture Center $200,000 3, Aquaculture Extension Agent $15,000 \.,. A major private investment is anticipated as part of the overall project. This will be the Aquaculture Center of Excellence, a $5 million facility which will be the cornerstone of the aquaculture research program, Reason for request: State funding for the three items will ensure that the County will be able to successfully participate in the development of this vital new aquaculture opportunity, \...- Summary Proposal: World Aquaculture Center '-" Overview: The World Aquaculture Center or WAC is a proposed private non-profit organization who's purpose is bring together various segments of the multi-faceted aquaculture industry into a central hub where aquaculture technology and infonnation can be demonstrated to the general public through an applied learning center concept. The WAC will be ffiæ;keted as an aquaculture theme park obtaining operating support as a tounst attractlOn, ~apltahzatlOn of the W ~C ~lll be through sponsorship from major corporations, aquaculture busmesses, and other orgaruzatlons, ~ Tourism remains important to Florida's economic base and future growth. There is a need to develop alternative tourist attractions which include a specific educational theme as a means to provide new and diverse experiences to Florida visitors. Aquaculture is a rapidly emerging, but fragmented industry, This has resulted in federal programs laying donnant or not fully implemented while the business side of the industry has gone unrecognized in tenns of new enterprises, economic development, and the opening of new markets, .An environmentally compatible technology, aquaculture is also often confused with resource depleting activities both here and abroad, A need exists to bring the varied aquaculture segments, commodities, and corporations into a centralized organization where sustainable aquaculture technologies can be demonstrated and promoted in a fun, positive and educationally rewarding manner, Components: The WAC proposal encompasses a wide range of components and activities under a single organizational umbrella including education, demonstration, and tourism, The education component includes promotion of the aquaculture industry through infonnation dissemination, brochures, news releases and other media; acting as a clearinghouse to guide individuals to appropriate sources for aquaculture technology, training, and infonnation; and establishing working linkages with schools, universities, agencies and other institutions to further the understanding and development of aquaculture, Demonstration of aquaculture systems, species and technologies, from hatch through harvest, processing and consumption, will be a focus ofthe WAC tied into both the education and tourism components, Demonstration will also serve as an incubator for new growers and job creation, Tourists will be treated to an industry showcase, participate in interactive displays and exhibits, and experience the varied tastes of aquaculture products all while learning about the importance of aquaculture and its relationship to our resources and future food supply, '-" Benefits: The proposed project will bring a number of new jobs and add another reason to visit Florida's Treasure Coast. The project will link to a nearby and growing research park with a focus on agriculture, aquaculture and natural resources, Major corporations supporting the project will have an opportunity to expand their business in the region, benefit from the positive image of the WAC or simply vacation or establish winter homes in the area, The prestige of locating the WAC in Florida will help promote our state in international research, agriculture and trade, further attracting both public and private investment. '-' Feasihility: The project was proposed by Williamsburg Associates, Valis Associates, and other allied groups and is strongly supported by the County, Seed funds, unsuccessfully proposed too late during the 1999 Legislative session, are needed to perfonn a feasibility study and keep this project from leaving Florida and going to another state, The study would include a charrette to gain local input and participation; a site evaluation and selection; acquisition and development factors including basic design and construction needs; legal structure and fonnation; and corporate recruitment including the preparation of a fmancial package to fund the project. ~ St. Lucie County - Aquaculture Funding Needs The County has four distinct but interrelated aquaculture funding requests, 1. Aquaculhlre Center for Excellence, Approximate $5 million request primarily for fixed capital outlay and some expense for design and construction of facilities at the proposed'Rock Road Research Park. This will be the state centerpiece for building a world class state-federal aquaculture research and education program, Same request will be included in either DACS or UF budget. A plan for facilities, programs and staffing is being drafted, 2, Bhnmp incubator program, A commercial scale demonstration of fanning marine shrimp in freshwater in conjunction with UF-IRREC and private industry, The project is designed to prove technological feasibility to existing farmers, ranchers, grove owners, and others, as a means to stimulate economic activity through new crop revenues, job retention and job growth, Outcomes include incorporation of shrimp production into existing farms, new investment dollars by individuals and companies interested in this activity, and the creation of a number of supportive businesses such as hatchery, processing, feeds, distribution and marketing, The demonstration is divided into hatchery, nursery and growout phases, The County will be directly involved in the hatchery and nursery phases, the University in the nursery and growout, and the private sector in the growout phase, The University will take responsibility for overall project coordination, data collection and report writing with the County playing a supportive '-" role, The total project is estimated at $600,000, The County share of the request should be $300,000 with the remainder supported in the University's budget request. Once feasibility is established, the County will return to our primary role of economic development and business support, allowing any further rese,arch and demonstration to be a function ofthe Coalition and/or University, 3, World Aquaculture Center, $200,000 request for seed funds to hire consultants for a feasibility study and funding package, The study would include a charrette to gain local input and participation; a site evaluation and selection; acquisition and development factors including basic design and construction needs; legal structure and fonnation; and corporate recruitment including the preparation of a financial package to fund the project. 4. Multi-County Aquaculture Extension Agent. The County would need to cover 20-30% of this position in order to maintain and house the position within the St. Lucie Cooperative Extension office. Expenses should be picked up by neighboring counties served by the agent. Position will be requested through UF via County Extension Director. Total County cost: $15,000. All four programs are interrelated, Except for the shrimp hatchery, private sector shrimp growers, and possibly the World Aquaculture Center, all facilities and positions would be located within the proposed Special Use Zone for a Research Park and Research Applications District. County staff are working with Coalition members, especially UF-IRREC, private industry and our Legislative Delegation to develop support documentation and further budget detail. \...- \.,. '-' ~ RECREATION PROJECTS ~ \..,. '-' TAB 9 PURCHASE JETTY PARK - <-, AND ADJACENT PROPERTY '-' Purchase of Jetty Park and Adjacent Property A proposal for $2,500,000 to expand Jetty Park and provide new parking and recreation facilities at this important Ft. Pierce park, '-" Go" '-' '-" PURCHASE OF JETTY PARK AND ADJACENT PROPERTY Project Manager: Phil Freeland Assistant County Administrator And Acting Leisure Services Director Amount of Request $2,500,000,00 Description of Project The purpose of this project is to acquire parcels adjacent to the existing Jetty Park for additional recreational uses and a parking area, The cost of the property is approximately $650,000, -Improvement of the park and parking will be a cooperative effort between the City of Fort Pierce and the County, Improvements to the park and parking facilities are expected to cost $1,850,000, Construction is anticipated in the 2000-2002 timeframe, '--' The County will be requesting $2,500,000 for these projects, A local match of $2,500,000 will be from improvements made to the adjoining jetty and renourishment of the beach adjacent to the Jetty Park, Reason For Project., ç...... This project will provide much needed parking for Jetty Park and the new beach that now exists there, Improvements will also make Jetty Park a more desirable place to go and enjoy the local recreational facilities, '-' ~ ,c- ~~ Þ- -<'" Þ: .J I " ./ If. .s' ;:~ ,/ .v, ·c ~" ..- (U~ & S. j .11 .. ~". ! , '-' - - .r '-" ,....3~...!:) ~'~~u ill! ~1 to II í \ .j, \t ~~ , ::>' t' ~~, i\ .., t :. · . t ~ ~ ' . . . ".11' \ . r f", ~ !J · J i! !. . . ."v.l .,., of'" , ¡i !I hi !I 'JH J r- - <0\ ~ \ ,~:...- --' \ ,~/ /i ". , .,11 :0. . ' " II '. -:" ~ :;1 ! ;' t :.' ,{ 011 > d" I ~ - ,... .. ': ~ 2 I ~.. j . .I' '! ! ! J ~. ' " ~ : } !. 12 'J , 1'1 :. 'I, It. ! .to JH '2 4 o '2 ~'. .. .. ::: ... I ' l .... '<t ~ l"- I ~ M I o o co I T'" " , [j æ ~ ... co a ~ æ ¡, P LU ¡:c ;: ~. TO: \.,.- FROM: DOUGLAS M. ANDERSON DATE: AUGUST 16, 1999 ~ECT: ROLLINS PROPERTY Please find attached a Concept for Development as provided me from the City ofF ort Pierce for the Rollins Property. In addition to the parking spaces designated in this drawing, Ramon Trias has indicated that there would also be surface level parking within the building confines, ~ Thank you, DMA:99-177 c: Julia Shewchuk, Community Development Director / Mike Leeds, Leisure Services Director \/ . Phil Freeland, Assistant County AdJIlinistrator Dan McIntyre, County Attorney V / Don Cole, Property Acquisitions Managér \.... \...- '-' ~ - '·:·~~~';';'''-~:;;;~i·\~;i;)· : . . " . \":'f'/i.;:'0f:~ ~r}:¡:~,~):¡\.... .',. . .,,,~.,:;",~~:~~~fff:.?r~f~YE!; " _. " '..,..... .,.,', 'h""~';J' ..,.,. .."... ,.,' ,,' " ...,'. , -: .:.; ; -: .... : : . :':;" ~. /~':fYY«"<'?/:>::'~'·· :;". .. :.: : :: ; .< : . .' ". \ I I I \ \ I L'--- t((t~~ Parking areas ROLLll'iS PROPERTY CONCEPT FOR DEVELOPMENT \...- ~ liY Of ORT PIER~E OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER CITY HALL, 100 NORTH U.S. 1 P.O. BOX 1480 FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34954-1480 July 22, 1999 TEL. (561)460-2200 FAX (561) 466-5492 Mr. Douglas M. Anderson Administrator Saint Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34954 Dear Mr. Anderson: In response to your request, the City Corrunission discussed the desirability of acquiring the Rollins Property during their June 19, 1999 meeting. The Commission agreed to move forward with the proposal as outlined in Commissioner Barnes memorandum to you dated July 7, 1999, Conditions of the City's participation include the County agreeing to comply with the results of the Charrette that was conducted in August, 1997 that outlined potential uses for the Rollins Property, The City's interest is in insuring that the land be developed in a way that is compatible with the development of the Island. That should include retaining only that portion of the Rollins Property necessary to achieve whatever public purpose is agreed upon during our upcoming workshop on this subject. Additionally the cost sharing conceptually approved was two-thirds by the County and one-third by the City, I believe there is sufficient support from the Fort Pierce City Commission that the County could proceed with negotiations, however, the [mal decision to acquire would be based on the outcome of our meeting planned for early September. '-" ~'--vJ ~ Dennis. W, Beach City Manager DWB/btp cc: Mayor and Members of Fort Pierce City Commission Members of Saint Lucie County Commission JUL23199J \....- .- _.-..__.~ , i j C~:J. r,.L:~..L·L ()Fi·::~C·= J_________ _. - .-- - - - --' 7-22-1999 2:42PI'<\ FROI-.1 CITY A TTY IC ITY t-lGR 4.07 4.66 54.92 '--' CITY OF ORt PIERCE lor¡Ja ~_. rf ) ~J' , 11~ /))J l~::::::= 1 C ~~f)~ II ¡v. If t~' . OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER CITY HALL, 100 NOFITH U.S. , P.O, eox 1460 FORT PIERCE. FLORIDA 34954-1480' July 22, 1999 Mr, DoogJas M. Anderson Administtator Saint Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pietce, FL 34954 Dear Mr. Anderson: In respoœe to your œquest. the City Commission discussed tb~ dcsirabi1ity ofacquiñng the RoUins ~~erty during their June 19. 1999 meeting. . '-" The çQt(1J11ÌS8Îon agrœd to move forward with the proposal as outlined in CommlssíoDCJ BaI11>:<S n (lDl()raOOum to you dated July 7; 1999. Conditions (If the City'S participation include the CQUnty agreein¡;·to (:t)()\plywkh the results of the Cbarrette that was conducted in August,. J 997 that outlined potential uses for toe R,)Jlins Property. Tha City's intereSt is in im..ming that the land be developed in a waytbat is compatJò[e witb the \lcvclopmen~ of the Jsland. TImt should include retaining only that portion of the Rol1iß$ Property necessary (I) açhieve whatev~ public purpose is agreed upon durint our upoonting. \vorkshop on this subject. AddítiOh1tlly t11C cost sharing conceptually approved was twlj-third::i by the County and one-third by the City. 1 believe there is suffici£nt suppon fn>m the Fort Pierce City Commission that the Count)' could proceed. with negotiatioæ. hoW'C'VCI'. the ñnal decîsioo to acquire would be based on the outcome of our meeting planned for c:ar1y September. ~~~ Dennis. W. Beach Cíty Manager DWB/btp cc: Mayor and Members of Fort Pì~ City Conm1Îsswn Mcn1bers of Saint Lucie County Commission '-' ) i [ii Œ ® Œ D \:~7 ..~_ ¡I-r)\ 'I r - , : I ' ¡ ! c~ , Jll 2 21Q) ¡ : u I I J~. L COJ~"'" , '_.:.. x. G;:PiCE P.2 ~ 'I r '" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i i;' ~ )~ } j ~ ~ . ~ .' !ii ï !! ~ ~ ~ í ~ ~ î t !~ ~ .. l: II 8 ~ i ~ ~ ¡; t i' -¡ " ..~ ~, t f· l' ~: ~ ~; It ~ ~ ~~ t1 ~ ~~ K I~ ! ~ ;, jl .. ,: '" " ! ~~ ~ t~ t ~ !l' ~ ~ i ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ " ¡ t ~ ~/d~1(Y\qC1 a~ DCV' DEP ~TMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Administration TO PURCHASE TH MEMORANDUM r-- ~---- ~r-"- --., I I ~! ~ I Ill.: ~ I! ........ ': DATE: DOUGLAS M. ANDERSON, COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR JODY ROSIER, GRANT WRITER - JULY 12,1999 '" i i =:5 i -:> TO: FROM: SUBJECT: RAM ~ I have reviewed the information attache ,emorandum regarding the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program, I have discussed the application process with Don McLam, Since we have two active park projects receiving funds from this program, White City and Dolman, Don McLar:n suggested that the City should be the applicant. The City currently does not have an active project and this would give us the opportunity to apply for another project. Don McLam has spoken briefly with Dennis Beach regarding the City being the FRDAP applicant to purchase the Rollins property but no formal commitment was reached, According to correspondence from County Administration, the property has been appraised at $450,000 while the asking price is $500,000 to $550,000. If the grant funds $200,000, then the county and the city have to find an additional $250,000. A 50/50 match is required for grant applications over $150,000, If the deadline is September 30, we should arrange a meeting with the City to determine if a match would be put up by the City and/or County, Don also suggested approaching the adjacent businesses for assistance since they will benefit from the parking spaces and increased number of visitors to the area, Commissioner Coward suggested checking with DEP Office of Greenways and Trail regarding funds to purchase the land for a trail head, I contacted staff at the Florida Greenways and Trail Acquisition Rails-To-Trails program to determine their funding cycle. They are currently adapting the rules to the Florida Forever Law and letting the P-2000 monies complete existing projects. Thus, there will not be a request for proposals for land acquisition until at least January 2000. ~ I also contacted the Recreation Trails Program funded by Federal Highway Administration under TEA-21 to find out about their funding cycles. Since TEA-21 went through substantial changes in this past session, they are also undergoing rule making, The staff in Tallahassee could not say when their Request For Proposals will be advertised. They C:IMEMOroUins1.wPD ~ primarily fund construction projects, so land acquisition is on the bottom of their priority list. The Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council provided information on various funding sources. Although their spreadsheet said Florida Inland Navigation District funded land acquisition, that is not the case. However, they would be interested in funding improvements to the site. Trust for Public Land has a program that assists with the purchase of parkland, I will continue to look for other options to help cover some of the $250,000. The FRDAP application has arrived and copies are available at your request. cc: Phil Freeland, Assistant County Administrator Julia Shewchuk Don McLam '-' '-' C:IMEMOrollins1.WPD ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CLIFF BARNES COMMISSIONER MEMORANDUM f)fj ffiþ¡ ~ bCe-- fo r~fiJt~J ~7U?l ~ ': JUL - ì 1999 cc: Doug Anderson, County Administrator Cliff Barnes, County Commissioner, District 5 Rollins Property July 7, 1999 Dennis Beach TO: FROM: RE: DATE: In my opinion, this parcel, other than the Harbour Pointe property, is the single most important property in St. Lucie County to have in public ownership both for recreation purposes and for economic development. The existing parking and traffic circulation at the jetty park is severely constrained and our construction of the spur jetty and renourished beach are attracting greater number of visitors. These visitors not only enjoy the free recreational attributes of jetty park but ~ are all potential customers for the nearby businesses. I believe it was over a year ago that the Board set the acquisition of this parcel as a top priority. Having read the June 28, 1999, memo from our grants writer on this project, it is clear to me that the project is stalled for lack of direction. Ifwe do not move on this property, we may lose it for all time. I am also concerned that our or the City's submission of a grant request will restrict the uses of the property that were planned during the charette. As I recall, the City wants to acquire the parcel for park expansion but use a portion of the parcel for some type of compatible commercial development. This is the same concept the voters approved for Harbour Pointe, and would return money to the public through sale or lease of a portion, while providing the public with the desired recreational amenities. I suggest we use the grant process for either a reimbursement of the purchase price and lor to develop it once the City and County agree on a more specific plan. Please agenda for July 13, 1999, for Board discussion, the possibility of our proposing to the city that we buy the property under a cost share - 2/3 county, 1/3 city. As we did years ago with the library cost sharing, we may need to have a workshop between us to agree on some specifics if we can agree on this first concept. But while we are talking over the development plans, we can be doing the more important job of negotiating the terms of the sale. I am willing to use our contingency or reserve account for this most important one time expense. \... I have invited Dennis Beach to bring charette diagrams, etc. to the meeting and trust that our staff can give us the latest from our end. JOHN D. ORUHN. Disrricr NO.1 . DOUG COWARD. Disrricr No 2 . PAULA A. LEWIS. Dlsrricr No..3 . FRANNIE HUTCHINSON. Disrricr No.4· CLIFF OARNES. Disrricr No.5 Counry Adminisrroror - Douglos M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 · (561) 462-1408 FAX (561) 462-21.31 · TDD (561) 462-1428 '-" \...- \...- WATER QUALITY AND CONSERVATION PROJECTS ~ .~ '-' ~ ~ TAB 14 INDIAN RIVER ESTATESI SAVANNAS~WATER RETENTION RETROFIT PROJECT '-" '-' '-" Indian RÏ'ler Estates/sa"annas \/'later Re\ntion Facilities Retrofit proiect A proposal for $4.8 million to build a neW water relEtion facility to impro"e the floW of water, reduce flooding and .mpro"e Vlßr quality in Indian River E.states and the savann~ .-....--- L,., \..... INDIAN RIVER ESTATES/SAVANNAS WATER RETENTION FACILITIES RETROFIT PROJECT Project Manager: Ray Wazny Public Works Director Amount of Request: $4,8 Million Description of Project: \.... Currently, St. Lucie County is partnering with SFWMD, FDEP, and Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program (NEP), to design this facility, The project involves constructing a storm water collection and treatment system to handle storm water runoff from the Indian River Estates Subdivision, Storm water runoff from the subdivision drains untreated into the Savannas State Preserve, This is having a detrimental effect on the Savannas ecosystem, Storm water from Indian River Estates Subdivision will be collected and pumped into a retention pond to improve water quality, prior to being discharged to the Savannas, A conceptional design has been completed at this time, and we are currently investigating land acquisition for the retention pond, The project cost is estimated at approximately $4,8 million, including land purchase, Final design, permitting, land acquc~~ition, and construction could be completed in three years. ~..".. The County is requesting $4,8 million from the State for this project. A 50-50 local match of $4,8 million is coming from the cost of water improvements in the neighborhood and improvements to the County's Savannas Recreational area adjacent to this neighborhood, Reason for Project: This project will reduce flooding in this residential area and improve the quality of life for it's residents, It will also improve the ecosystems throughout the Savannas area, \.... Ifi" 11?~=" :3 - 0. . ~!."""." o . :3 o g Q)i!. ~ ~. '....- o ;;< :3 i,." . ~ ~tO~~~~~~~~~~þ~~Þ~ÞÞ~~nÞ~I~ S' ~ S :)' ~ ~ -2: ~ Q g ~ ~. 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(1) tn Community Budget Issue Requests Volume 2 Agency Meetings February 2000 Community Budget Issue Requests , Community Budget Issue Request Fonns submitted by Representative Pruitt's office for St. Lucie County: Project Title Request from State Local Match * Airport Economic Development Project $3,400,000 $1,734,450 * Fairgrounds Relocation; Disaster Command! $8,000,000 $2,545,000 Special Needs Shelter Project * Aquaculture Demonstration Project $ 315,000 $ 300,000 * Indian River Lagoon Bikeway & Trail $ 2,000,000 $ 800,000 * St. Lucie County Library Technology $ 200,000 $ 100,000 * South County Regional Sports Complex $ 750,000 $ 900,000 * Hutchinson Island Improvement Project $ 500,000 $ 500,000 * Jack Island Addition $ 524,362 $ 000 * Savanna Outdoor Recreation Area Improvement $ 850,000 $ 426,000 * Children's Environmental Classroom $ 250,000 $ 000 * Causeway Island Erosion Control $ 903,000 $ 000 Table of Contents 1. Airport Economic Development Project 2. Fairgrounds Relocation; Disaster Command / Special Needs Shelter Project 3. Aquaculture Demonstration Project 4. Indian River Lagoon Bikeway & Trail 5. St. Lucie County Library Technology 6. South County Regional Sports Complex 7. Hutchinson Island Improvement Project 8. Jack Island Addition 9. Savanna Outdoor Recreation Improvement 10. Children's Environmental Classroom 1 1. Causeway Island Erosion Control Airport Economic Development Project Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: Douglas Anderson Organization of Requester: St. Lucie County Project Title: Airport Economic Development Proiect Date: 12/16/99 Member District: Kurth S-15 Minton H-78 Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community D Cityrrown D County D Regional X Statewide D Recipient: Name: St. Lucie Board of County Commissioners City: Ft. Pierce Counties: St. Lucie Contact: Name: Paul Phillips Phone #: 561-462-1732 Project Description: Create a 150 acre industrial park. expand the existing industrial park and provide potable water to the North art of St. Lucie Coun .Infrastructure im rovements include water & wastewater line extensions 2 140 190 road construction Street: 2300 Virginia Avenue Zip Code: 34982 ($1.550.000).& new potable water lines in the North County area ($2.000.000), Services Provided! Benefit to State: St. Lucie County has a vervhil!h unemployment rate, The area's reliance on agriculture 'obs has caused alar e number of low help relieve the burdens on the State. Measurable Outcome Anticipated: The existing AÍIportlndustria1 Park. which encompasses approximate1v 100 acres. creates over 1.000 iobs for the region, When completed. this proiect should provide over 1.500 of high wage. high skill iobs for the region. . The' obs created b the industrial develo ment will Amount you are requesting from the State for this project this year? Amount I 3.400,000 Total Cost of Project: I 5.134.450 Is this request being made to fund (check all that apply): Operations D Construction X Unknown 0 Is there Local Government or Private match for this request? Yes X No D Unknown D If yes, what kind? Cash Amount I 954.450 In Kind Amount I 780.000 Was this project previously funded by the State? Yes D No X Unknown 0 If yes, Fiscal Year I I Amount I I Is future-year funding likely to be requested? Yes D No X Unknown D If yes, how much? I Purpose for future year funding: Recurring Operations D Non-Recurring Construction D Other Will this be an annual request? Yes D No X Unknown D Was this project included in an Agency Budget Request? Yes 0 No X Unknown D If yes, name the Agency: Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes D No X Unknown D Is there documented need for this project? Yes X No D Unknown D If yes, what is the documentation? Was this project request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes X NoD UnknownD If yes, name the Body: Meeting Date: St. Lucie Board of County Commissioners July 6. 1999 Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation. Version 19 11/30/99 Fairgrounds Relocation; Disaster Command / Special Needs Shelter Project Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: Douglas Anderson Organization of Requester: S1. Lucie County Project Title: Fairgrounds relocation: Disaster Command/Special Needs Shelter Proiect Date: 12/20/99 Member District: Pruitt H-81, Kurth S-15 Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community 0 City/Town 0 County 0 Regional X Statewide 0 Recipient: Name: S1. Lucie County Street: 2300 Virginia Avenue City: Ft. Pierce, FL Zip Code: 34982 Counties: S1. Lucie Contact: Name: Julia Shewchuk Phone #: 561-462-1590 Project Description: animals and livestock. Services Provided! Benefit to State: julia@stlucieco,gov Provide at new fair ground location special needs disaster command center and evacuation center for large Emergencv preparedness: minimization of losses during and after disaster events, Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Evacuation shelter for West and East coastal residents Amount you are requesting from the State for this project this year? Amount I 8,000,000,00 Total Cost of Project: I 8,000,000,00 Is this request being made to fund (check all that apply): Operations 0 Construction X Unknown 0 Is there Local Government or Private match for this request? Yes X No 0 Unknown D If yes, what kind? CashAmount 11.300,000,00 I In Kind Amount 11.245,000.00 Was this project previously funded by the State? Yes D No X Unknown D If yes, Fiscal Year I Amount I I Is future-year funding likely to be requested? Yes D No X Unknown D If yes, how much? I Purpose for future year funding: Recurring Operations D Non-Recurring Construction D Other Will this be an annual request? Yes D No X Unknown D Was this project included in an Agency Budget Request? Yes D No D Unknown X If yes, name the Agency: Anticipated January Dep1. of Agriculture Supplemental Budget Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes D No D Unknown D Is there documented need for this project? Yes X No D Unknown D If yes, what is the documentation? 81. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan - Was this project request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes X NoD UnknownD If yes, name the Body: Meeting Date: 81. Lucie County Board of County Commission Julv 6, 1999 Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation. Version 19 11/30/99 Aquaculture Demonstration Project Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: Douglas Anderson Organization of Requester: St. Lucie County Project Title: Aquaculture Demonstration Proiect Date: 12/17/99 Member District: Minton, H-78: Kurth S-15 Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community 0 City/Town 0 County 0 Regional 0 Statewide XXX Recipient: Name: St. Lucie County Board ofCountv Commissioners Street: 2300 Virginia Ave City: Ft. Pierce, FL Zip Code: 34982-5652 Brevard, Osceola, Polk, Hillsborough, Manatee, Sarasota, Hardee" Okeechobee, Indian River, St, Lucie, Martin, Glades, Counties: DeSoto. Highlands, Charlottte, Lee, Collier, Monroe, Palm Beach. pershaps others Contact: Name: Mike Ednoff Phone #: 561/462-1579: sun259-1579: Mikee(q)stlucieco,gov Project Description: Home grown strategv to demonstrate commercial scale production svstems integrated with other crops and row saltwater shrim in freshwater. Coo erative a roach: UF-IRREC USDA HBOI Coun and rivate growers, ranchers, engineers, aquaculturlists, Guided bv private sector committee..In-kind private match of cash and services, Services Provided/ Benefit to State: Statewide impact&applicabilitv: diversify crops & farm revenues: create new iobs & more vear round employment: new sustainable agriculture-aquaculture technologies for South Florida environment. Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Minimum 10 new/existing ag farms use new technologv in 2001: $50 million farm gate in 5 VIS Amount you are requesting from the State for this project this year? Amount I $315,000 I Total Cost of Project: I $615.000 Is this request being made to fund (check all that apply): Operations XX{] Construction XX Unknown 0 Is there Local Government or Private match for this request? YesXX 0 No 0 Unknown 0 If yes, what kind? Cash Amount I Min.$IOO.OOO I In Kind Amount I Est$200.000 Was this project previously funded by the· State? Yes 0 No XO Unknown 0 If yes, Fiscal Year I N/ A I Amount I I Is future-year funding likely to be requested? Yes 0 No XX{] Unknown 0 If yes, how muc~ Purpose for future year funding: Recurring Operations 0 Non-Recurring Construction 0 Other Will this be an annual request? Yes 0 No XX{] Unknown 0 Was this project included in an Agency Budget Request? Yes 0 No 0 UnknownXX 0 If yes, name the Agency: Should be in FDACS January Supplemental Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes 0 No 0 Unknown XO Is there documented need for this project? Yes XX{] No 0 Unknown 0 If yes, what is the documentation? Economic Ele.Countv Comp Plan: FL Aquaculture Plan: Ch.597,0021:0030 )(bU70.26(9)(b)4 FS Was this proj~ct request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes XX{] No 0 Unknown 0 If yes, name the Body: St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Meeting Date: July 6, 1999 Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation. Version 19 11/30/99 CRITICAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR 2000-200 1 LEGISLATIVE SESSION SEPTEMBER 22, 1999 St. Lucie County Aquaculture Demonstration Project Proposal comprises two economic development components linked ~ogether and linked with Universities, institutions and businesses to maintain a strong agricultural econOIll1C base, A plan and budget of the proposed demonstration has been produced and is currently being marketed among private sec~or Flori~a fanners a~d others for solicitation of in-kind funding, Project will be undertaken on UF property, be gUlded by mdustry advlsory conunittee and evaluated by UF economists, private sector investors and fann lenders. Existing and new farms are anticipated to begin using the results of the demonstration by 2001. 1. Shrimo Incubator Prol!ram. $300.000 reauest. Home grown strategy to design large aquaculture production systems integrated with other crops and water management to grow a saltwater species of shrimp in freshwater. Cooperate jointly with UF-IRREC, USDA, HEOI, and private growers, ranchers, engineers and aquaculturlists in project design, operation and funding, Project guided by UF-IRREC Industry Advisory Conunittee, Private sector in-kind services and cash contributions. Benefits: Statewide applicability and impact; diversify crops and fann revenues; create new jobs and more year round employment; new sustainable agricultural-aquacultural technologies for South Florida, 3. Aauaculture Extension Ál!ent. $15.000. Request would pay County share for multi-county aquaculture extension position. Position would have regional impact and benefit. Apolicable Statutes: Section 370.26(9)(b)4- "Developing a working group, in cooperation with DACS, Aquaculture Review Council and Aquaculture Interagency Coordinating Council, to plan and facilitate the development of private marine fish and nonfish hatcheries and to encourage private/public partnerships to promote the production of marine aquaculture products", Section 597.0021 (1) "It is the intent of the Legislature to enhance the growth of aquaculture inn this state, while protecting Florida's environment". 1999 Florida Aauaculture Plan: Page 3, Recommendations: Production Research, Page 18, 2,Marine Aquaculture Industry Development", , .An immediate industry need is an objective evaluation of candidate species for commercial culture".", Page 28, Aquaculture Review Council recommendations, Shellfish: "2, Develop systems for the cultivation ofPenaeid shrimp in freshwater in Florida," Industry-At-Large: "2. Nutritional studies to develop a high quality, economical food source for penaeid shrimp," Indian River Lagoon Bikeway & Trail Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: Doug Anderson Organization of Requester: St. Lucie County Project Title: Indian River Lagoon Bikewav & Trail Date: 12/20/99 Member District: Pruitt H-81 Mvers S-27 Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community 0 City/Town 0 County 0 Regional X Statewide 0 Recipient: Name: St. Lucie County Board of County Commissions Street: 2300 Virginia Avenue City: Ft. Pierce . FL Zip Code: 34982 Counties: St. Lucie _ with connection to existing: facilities in Martin and Indian River Counties Contact: Name: Dennis J, Murohv Phone #: 561-462-1590 Project Description: 8 foot wide multi-use path co-located in the SR A-l-kri!Ù1t-of-wav, This path is oart of the development of a regional recreation trail the length of Hutchinson Island, Services Provided! Benefit to State: Provides for a regional recreation trailalong Florida's Atlantic coast connecting several state and coun ark sites, Ft, Pierce inlet rec. area' Green Turtle Beach rec, area and 8 other coun mana ed beach areas, Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Public use offacilitv for recreationourooses I 2.000.000 Amount you are requesting from the State for this project this year? Amount Total Cost of Project: I 2.800.000 Is this request being made to fund (check all that apply): Operations 0 Construction X Unknown 0 Is there Local Government or Private match for this request? Yes X No 0 Unknown 0 If yes, what kind? Cash Amount I 750,000 In Kind Amount I 50,000 Was this project previously funded by the State? Yes 0 No X Unknown 0 If yes, Fiscal Year I I Amount I I Is future-year funding likely to be requested? Yes 0 No 0 Unknown X If yes, how much? Purpose for future year funding: Recurring Operations 0 Non-Recurring Construction 0 Other Will this be an annual request? Yes 0 No X UnknownD Was this project included in an Agenéy Budget Request? Yes 0 No X UnknownD If yes, name the Agency: Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes 0 No X Unknown 0 Is there documented need for this project? Yes X No 0 Unknown 0 If yes, what is the documentation? St. Lucie MPO BicvcleIPedestrian Plan Was this project request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes X No 0 Unknown 0 If yes, name the Body: Meeting Date: St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Julv 6. 1999 Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation. Version 19 11/30/99 St. Lucie County Library Technology Dee 21 00 10:44a S~. Luele Count~ Florida -462 1 58 1 p.e: Community Hudget issue l<.equest Project Tracking #: Requester: Douglas Anderson Organization of Requester: St. Lucie County Board of County Commission Project Title: St. Lucie County Library Technology Center Date: December 1999 Member District: B-31 ;:mò S-27 Service Area (check only one): NeighborhoodlCornmunity 0 Cityrrown 0 County 0 RegionallXk Statewide 0 Recipient: Name: St. Lucie County Library - Morningside Stteet: 2410 SE Morningside Blvd. Branch Library City: Port St. Lucie Zip Code: 34952 Counties: Sr T.l1r; p & M::Irrin Contact: Name: Susan B. Kilmer susank@stlucieco. gov Phone If: (561) 462-1618 Project Description: Technologv/computer lab which includes 20 comDuter workstations: Distance Learning Center station with large screen television; and television studio with dark room ana ea1~1ng raC1l1~1es _ Services· Provided! Benefit to State: Tr,,;n;ng røntø... fnr 1 n,..,,1 rew:i ð~tltli on wi de "~riøty nf {'o1Rputer skills & programs; distance learning center for distance learning initiative; TV studio for . use, by LÌ·b~arY local organizations & Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Increased number of pub11c eaucat10na 'IV s1\ows; televise library programs; adùlt training on computeL~ I gOvt. tlse Amount you are requesting from the State for this project this year? Amount $200.000 Total Cost of Project: I $400,000 Is this request being made to funå (check all that apply): OpcrationsÜ Construction D Unknown D Is there Local Government or Private match for this request? YestZ No 0 Unknown 0 If yes, what kind? Cash ArnOWlt I I L'1 Kind Amount ~ 00,000 Was this project previously funded by the State? Y ~~ Nu 0 Unknown 0 Ifyes,FiscalY~arI98/99 I Amowrtl $200,000 I Is future-year fundlIlg likely to be requested? Yes 0 No (!I Unknown D If yes, how much? I P'JI'Pose for fJture year funding: Recurring Operations 0 Non-Recurring Construction 0 Other Will this be an annual request? \"<::;0 'NoD ..... . ,..-, UIOO1own !XX Was this project included in an Agency Budget Request? Yes 0 NoKX UnknownO If yes, name me Agency: Was this project included in the Go...·cmor·s Recoronl¢nded Budget? Yes 0 No:EI UnknownD Is there rlncnmenterl neerl for !hi!: pmjecl? Yes 0 No [Xk Unknown 0 If yes, what is the documentation'? Was this project request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county. or st?te)? Yese NoD UnknownD If yes, name the Body: 'T'rp:¡C>I1...ø r.n:¡<::r Lpg; <::1 :¡r;vp Dp1 PE::Iri nn T.1mrnpnn Meeting Date: September 22. 1999 -._- ~- -- Important: Attach appropriato supporting docu:nenÙltion. Versiol119 11/30/99 South County Regional Sports Complex Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Project Title: $ol1tn lAl1nty "RE'gj omÜ Sport s; Complex Organization of Requester: St T 11('; p l[) Commissioners Date: Rn!'1rn of COllnty Requester:- DOli£: 1 AS AnGF'rson Member District: Rep Ken Pruitt (¡n) Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community X Cityrrown X County X Regional X Statewide X --- Recipient: ... .. Name: St. Lucie County Board of Co. Commissioners Street: 2300Virgifiía Ave. .:::;":':':'>:":':'>:'::.<'::::::: City: Fort Pierce.g~pcode:.34~!~~~~?2 Counties: ','" ............-.-..'.-....-... :~;: ..::/j:~:::':'- ··,::::,:::-:S;\:~:.:\\·\:%:::\:·:·:,:(\:~::::::::~::::?\::::::::: :<:'. .;:::::::::--" ,'::-.':-::<::::<:.<::.;::::::::::::<:.-:.... ~:~:;ct; Mike Leeds, Leisure Services Director:,j¡~12~~#; 561-462- {51"],;t St Lucie .-..... ............ . -....-............... ..-................... ,.....,...-....,.... . ,.....................;. .... .................... ProjectDescription:This foothPIll Ann !'=:orrpr !'=:t!'1r1i:í1ii1 ~i1i1bi"tly hi:> l1C:Pri })y tnE' <::;('noo) Rr,Çlrri ::IS a high school destination and by the County fOt regid~+:ŠP9t:'ts and recreation prograrrming. ..,..". '-"'".'',''' -......--..," .:.: -.;::::::::::::::: =:. . '.:-::::::: :-:~:-::::::::":::: -:: -::: .: -::;:: . Services Providedl Benefit to State: lAm}); n¡:.fÌ ,.I; t},tlj~~~t?' hci~i.t~l¿ill increase 1dse, longer stays for visitors and more variety oJ:prdgt~l:'igwhidldrives tax revenue. . ...,.........,.... - . , . . - , . ." "_....-.'...'...-.-...',..........-....,....-.-........., ....... Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Increase in sales,gá.$~h5itêfu rooms, all generating additional tax $. Amount you are requesting from the Statefqt)hìs proje,¡,this year?¡~~~=t I $750,000 I Total Cost of Project: I $2,550,000 ..... ¡X Is this request beingmade to fU~~~ji0i~an that apply>::p.p;erCltions X Constructi°nxx Unknown'l. Is there LocaF(]9'VernW~nt or Px:~r~š~æ~tshfor this request? Yes 1< No X Unknown'l. If yes, what kind?<?a.sh.~~ount<1 $800,000 In Kind Amount 1100,000 Was this project previ64sïÝtHn.:9Ë? by thèstå~ê? Yes X No ~ Unknown X \fyes. Fiscal;¡¡~1 N/AI~~.b'd N/A I Is future-)'ëár funding likely top¢#§§.H,êsted? Yes X N~ Unknown X If yes, how much? '-'," ..... '. -.::::",' ':>:::' purpo~efor future year funding; Recurring Operations X Non-Recurring Construction 'l. Other WilFtltisbe an annual request? Yes X No ïX Unknown X Was tffispr9ject incl\ldedin an Agency Budget Request? Yes X No 1C Unknown X :::':.',.::>:::.:>::::::::<::::::::.:::::::;:::,::::::.<-:-:.:.: ',. --""--"""--',",,"-," If yes,n<ll11ethêA.gency: N/ A Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes X No'l. Unknown XX Is there documented need for this project? Yes X No X Unknown X If yes, what is the documentation? Was this project request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal. county, or state)? Yes"fY,. No X Unknown X If yes, name the Body: LeE;!'=: 1 At; VP Op 1 P~At; nn Sept. 22, 1 99 Meeting Date: Ro~~d of County Commi88ioncro Sept. 10, 1999 Version 19 11/30/99 Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation. Hutchinson Island Improvement Project Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: Douglas Anderson Organization of Requesterßoard of County CoIIUTIissioners, St. Lucie County Project Title: Hu tchinson Is land Improvemen t Pro i ec t Date: Member District: Rep. Charles Sembler Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community X Cityrrown X County X Regional if,. Statewide X ~~~~ent:St. Lucie Co. Board of Co. CoIIUTIissioners Street:2300:::¥~rg~ni[~t Avenue City: Fnrt P; prrp .jii~pcode~:(~"I!.?§2 ') .. ..... .. ....... ........... ....................... ...................... ................----... ................-...... ....................... .. ............. ....... Counties: .. ..::::~:}~:::}~:~:~:::~::{{{:>:{{::::::::.. ~::ct:Mike Leeds, Director, Leisure services·:\:::PÞ9.h~#: 561-462-1517> St. T llC; P .. ....................................... ........... ............... ........ ...-........ ......... ........ ... ...... .. .................. .. ..... .................'..... .... ....................... :~:~=:::.::::O;.:~:::;~: ~~i;~~;¿::~~::k:l:ll :::::: repeat, long-term visitors to:~h@Sfä#~~.·:·::·::.:.·:::::[:\ .... Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Increase.~)in saléi3 ,<:~~g::m'ªçtèl rooms, all Amount you are requesting from the State.f~¡·Îs projecyØûs year? . .\.I:~:t I $ C)OO } 000 Total Cost of Project: I $l,OOO,OO~:""'" J.... .... Is this request bSi~W made to ~ì::~f~Í:~I.·an that aPoI~r~;':j"RI#%ûons X Construction X Unknown X Is there Loc~JqQy~mm~nt orP.tìYíf:~.m~~gtfor thist&¡tÆšt? Y e~)i No X Unknown X If yes, what kirid11~~0~~:{:r$š.:~,=:~: In Kind Amount I Was this project preYiÞ.µ~!l:rnª*Ø by t1Ìè\$.~~~W:): Yes X ~ Unknown X Ifyos, FiS,":¡t#ö'1N,IAJlkt IN! þ - I Is future~¥~r funding likely t&~m*=i.iµ¢sted? Yes X NO}t Unknown X If yes, how much? /:<::> \{:: ~ Purpo~~ror future year funding; Recurring Operations X Non-Recurring Construction X Other .. generating additional tax $. I ...... . ....... ... .. ..., .... ... .... ,... ....". ... . ... . .... ",' -,-', .... willtlti~be an annual req~T~t? Yes X ~Q.X Unknown X W ~1~ì'Wj~.ct in~!WlÇ4ih an Agency Budget Request? Yes X ~ Unknown X .-..............-............................ ...,.............-.:-:-......._-...........................-.._............'....... '~."" ......-........................ .--.......---.".--......-............... '--', ....-....-.---................-.. .......--......-........................ .-........- ....._...........-...... . If yêS,ffiI.fu¢:t.fi¥J¥gêhcy: . ....................... N/A Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes X No X 1J!1!ill<!.\YI!.)t Is there documented need for this project? Yes 'X. No X Unknown X If yes, what is the documentation? Was this project request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (mwùcipal, county, or state)? Yes.~x No X Unknown X If yes, name the Body: Legi slative Dpl PERti on Meeting Date: Sept. 22, 1999 Rn;::¡rò nf Cnl1nty C.nmm;ss;nnprs Sept. 10, 1999 Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation. Version 19 11130/99 Jacl< Island Addition Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: Douglas Anderson Organization of Requester: St. Lucie County Board.of County Commissioners Project Title: Jack Island Addition Date: 12/16/99 Member District: Rep. Charles Semb ler Service Area (check omy one): Neighborhood/Community X Cityffown X County X Regional X Statewide F Recipient: Name: St. Lucie Co., BOCC Sttœt: 23,Q9.,.vipglhiaAvenue ........ . ..... .... Counties: St. Lucie . .. ............. ... .. ..................... ... ..................... .... ..................... é¡IiÞCOOe~ké: ...... City: Fort Pierce, FL .. ........................ ........................ ......-................. ............-................................... .... ..:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:........:.:.:.:.:.....:.. .....................-.............. .....n................·······..·· .......................... ...............-.......... ......................... ......................n ........................................,................. ....................'........................... ....................................... 56 1-462...:·'fq':~ff'," Contact: ,·,·c·,·'"'",·,·,·,·,·.·. ,.,.,.,.,.. Name: James David, Director Mosquito Controltc:~:::::::::::~:::I!W~é #: ....................... ....................... ....................... .................... ............,..... ................. Project Description: ........................... Preservation of coastal wet~¡ßiäM¡:~,:··;-;;;¡i¡::,~on and improved water quality. .......................... Services Provided! Benefit to State: Wetland mit~I:!!!!!:··:"~tte, pi~iiJf~'PUblic access ... ...... Measurable Outcome Anticipated: .............. ..... ...... ......... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ..' ... ....... .... .................................. Preserýfh2 th~:,:iàta¥:~:,:::~~~ªÖtv of Floirda .. ..... ................ .... .. .... ..... ......n. .. ..... ... ..... .. ..... .. .. .... .. . ..... Amount you are requesting from the State:fΡÎs proj~::pùs year? ./::·fXmount Total Cost of Project: I $524 ,362 .~~,:....... .. .J:;¡:IIIII::lr,.,:,:c..,.,)? ::.:;a;:r.:=w:.:x No;7~x UÐknownX :::=S;!~yL lo:;::lx RIA ····:"1 I'::':',:::"":,:',,,···· I I If yes, Fi~þ~' HI Acii~·:I··:¡··:i:::liiliht HI A Is futur~~jjfiT funding likely tq:':~I~ed? Yes X No ø Unknown X If yes, how much? ~,æ\for future year fundffi,iW Recurring Operations X Non-Recurring Construction X Other ........ .... ........ .... ........ ..... ........ ..... W~~¡:I~r an annual req~~~i1 Yes X No¥ Unknown X $524,362.00 Purchase XX wi:~~::pæjt~~i~~~H~,Hh an Agency Budget Request? Yes X No n Unknown X .. .,. .... .., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If yé~~iffi¡:m~::~hCy: Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes X No X Unknown ¥ Is there documented need for this project? Yes X No XX Unknown X If yes, what is the documentation? Was this project request heard before a publicly-noticed mœting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? YesXX No X Unknown X If yes, name the Body: Mœting Date: Legislative Dele2ation Sept. 22, 1999 Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation. Version 19 11130/99 DIVISION OF MOSQUITO CO~ì'ROL MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Board of County Commissioners MfZ£) James R. David, Mosquito Control Director ~ y-- September 1, 1999 Jack Island Addition. Saint Lucie Countv Staff requests that the Board consider presenting the Jack Island Addition project to the Legislative Delegation, for the purpose of seeking their support to obtain 100 % state funding for the project. The project would consist of the purchase of approximately 40 acres of coastal wetlands and adjacent uplands. The wetlands identified for purchase, share a mosquito impoundment (No. 16A) with Jack Island State Park. The uplands sought for purchase, are contiguous with the impoundment's eastern boundary, and, in one case, extend to State Road AlA. The estimated cost of the acquisition is $524,362.00 (see attached detailed summary). The benefits of the project are as follows: · Preservation of coastal wetlands · Improved public access (Americans with Disabilities Act, Public Schools, etc.) · Restoration and improved water quality in the wetlands of the site · Wetland Mitigation for County Projects Additional improvement/restoration costs are anticipated to be incurred, if the acquisition is successful. The expenses, as yet unidentified in detail and unbudgeted, would target the following: · parking and bridging/causeway construction for County, State and public access from AlA to the Park · purchase and installation of additional culverts · purchase and installation of additional pumps · construction of one pump station Funding sources for the improvements identified, could include; state public park development grants, Surface Water Improvement and Management grants, Indian River Lagoon License Plate grants, local/County contributions, and others. The proposed enhancement of access will also result in increased use of Kings'Island, a recent multi-party acquisition which included County ESL funds. This project has the strong support of the Queens Cove Property Owners Association (an adjacent development). The QCPOA currently provides the vehicular access for Mosquito Control and the State Park managers to Jack Island and Kings Island, via their private roads. cc: file .' . 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" '- ~ Savanna Outdoor Recreation Area Improvement Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: DouRlas Anderson Organization of Requester: SI:. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Project Title: ~avanna Our-door Rprrpar-ion Arpa Tnq>rovpmpn1Date: Member District: ReI). Ken pruitt (8 I) Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community X Cityffown X County X Regional X Statewide¥ Recipient: Name: ~t: _ T.llc; e Count:y, KOCC .. Street: ~:!~~:::J:t#gî.nia Avenue Counties: SI:. Lucie .. ..................... ... ..................... .... ..................... )}:I~~::Code~?f::::::::::::~:::::~:::::::::::::~.?82-5652 ........... ....................... ......-.. ..................-.... ......... ........................ ......... .....................-... ......... .....--................... ....... ........................... ....... ............................ ....... ............h........... ...... ,--. ...... ..... .. ...... ....................... ..... ....................... ..... ....................... .... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ... City: 1i'ort" P;p-r"'e. 1i'L ...." .. ...... ......... .. .................... .. ........................ .. .. ··::::~~j~r\~~~\~~I~I\~?rI\ttfj~}~}~::::·· . .. ..... Contact: Name:Mi1cp T,ppd~) ßi rprr-or. T øi l:t1rp ~PTV; rp~ ......................... .............................................. ..................... ...... .................... =::::::.¡·"I!:.:'¡II¡IIII~:::: ~I\ 1-41\ 7- j~H{ir):'='·:· ......... .. ........................... ............................ Project Description: Development of master plan. ~,tfáä,,::·::¡I!!ffi~~; infrastructure. new restrooms. Sem... :::d::=:': ~ :.:~l~::=~&~:_~~st effective and efficient park operation and increase ~~~::::::è:~:~q'-R~~;~::...:.::::::· =a;::=:~~ :;t;?~1!i (:::::~:o:u.ote state eeo-tourism ::,::;J!~;¡i~~onsx ~oXX UoknownX Is there Locæ::œ:~mm~nt or.i:mÞ for tlùs~? Yes v: No X Unknown X If yes, what ~ã~..II¡:IIIII¡.::~o~;:::::::r:;:::;::. ~O~. 001 In Kind Amount I Was tlùs project..~;e.Y\.:~:::~~ ilié:&r:::?::::··yes X No XX Unknown X If es, Fiscal Yëät NI A ::r:::::::::::Amount I HI A I Is ~'~cfu1g likelY.? YesJiX No X Uoknown X If yes, how much? Pur¡x>:I:rr future year funm;I:: Recurring Operations X Non-Recurring Construction IX Other Wilkli:pe an annual req11,~~~? Yes X No p Unknown X I $200,000.00 ............... ....... ..............- ....... ............... ....... ................ ....... W~:I~¡:~~?Gg~~9.lB_lh an Agency Budget Request? Yes X No XX Unknown X IfyJ~;.::.im~::~hq: HI A Was tlùs project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes X No X Unknown IX Is there documented need for tlùs project? Yes][X No X Unknown X If yes, what is the documentation? DEP report on Savanna Park 9/5/96 (att:ached) Was tlùs project request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting of af?ody of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes XX No X Unknown X If yes, name the Body: Legislative Delegation Meeting Date: Sept:. 22. 1999 Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation. Version 19 11130/99 Departm~~ of Environmental protection .. I,:wa:In oø. G...-- ... t'~ cc 1 ~ o.oups Buildinc 39C0~~ T~ - PIariåa ~ Sc::çœmber ~.1996 . Yirzi"i& a. W--..a s--. ~ '1 11= Hg¡a.¡¡Ø K::nPnñtt ~¡cx ,,;a!:Ve. Distric: 81 2400 M1épciJItRœd Suite:no Port SL L·'....:-. F~ 34952-4806 R.;:: ~T.a::~;annS , ':) . Dc::r~e. tUItt: I would lik~ to thaIù: you fcr::ot:r o;.~~ c:mñó--~ in au:' ...£ ~!'.:::¡ 'to aiÏe:" :=---=~d:"ticns'to r:=ha~ c::m=:ÏT.::= 'to tb= SUC::::"'4'<: a:tlw Savn..~ C=L:11t}. ?~. V..-ci1: Stat: wd Cu~ goais and pbiiosophies ::%3! åi;ï=~ tl='c"rc:mïns a numbC' oflI=ns ùm.t: all par.<S 112.VE: in c:J:::r:'-=- It is or:. .his h~";~ ~;..~ ~ :".'¿' '~c::. ~ ~ ~b~..=d ~ ~¿ r:port. We hope the imon::arion -;¡:.n b= ~ to the County' s ~tD:uc:i don: to ~c this ~ a.-::3. ~ cœt ~e. If yo'C.lmve any qu::s:ans regnråing our l'e?0~'" or if we may be oÏ furth:::" h-f:--. ~ åc not h=irnt: to give= e. :::ill. at (904-)4S8-2455. .. .. Sïn=oiY. ~ \\ (\~~ . \,,~ ~.~~c. lLH.G;~ri~ Ca~~Ò'.q ~g~ ~.._.. ~- .~ ,. S . ~........ ~ ~ aJU!. ~ ~cm. ~~.... Divisicm ~mdPsri:s . . . Departm::1tar~ ptoteOan fr:S E-~cs:e c:::f ea::: F:3n N~~ a.P . . MÐœ~~ Doug Stri~Rftd ~ Dcmr:œki Al Gt:;œY !din :Baust ,"' .; . , or --...... ""'(I~ C ~ œJ4 ~Raricfa'rr......:.--,...nc-""'" au-......r ~ _,.,óftI~ , ' ' . ,- " Sav2mlBSRepòrt 91S196 TntrDdumon: The purpose oftbis report is to assist the St. Luci= Cmmty7 Rec:estion ami P3rla ~ in aéi--ñcg:. more ~~ and =r-su:ffici::1t opeœ1m1. R:a>mm~d~';Ot1~ will ~d~wxys to ÏTt-:'easc atte:1danc:md revenue; and ways to imprcvC'dr-!~ and reduc: budgets. . At'b!!tdmte snd 1œvenoe ~~" tb: thr1= majcr == fer the drop in a.tt:ntianc: ::: ?B:St ~ "He."e dosing of the :sw~Wng ~ (~cr quaiÏr'j). c::mis bc=mc imp~~ to cœtS (tow wax:::- ~ aqumc plant ~~n). :mc:i 11 p:riod oflowe=-!-tin~ ~ Es.ch ofili=: problems will be ~~c:y. No swŸmm!n~ is ~niy'±e ~ mas: impcmm: ~..~~ fer th~ de:::in= in ~ U~ ~mt1g -11 be ;,¿~... to :ci1å ~ large swiIm:cing poo4 th~ is no obvious soiution to ~;.,. ~"i--:'" ~"!;:.~ ;_. ,....~::- --_:.. :- ..~ ,,- ~~....,:-,.. .....C" ... $Ï~"-;~_. ~_-:-- ::..- .1.... ~.... ~"'IJ.. Y\ 1... _" :-......_ r-"'- _ ....... ~_ ;¡......._"::.......... _ ~ --.---- ...... ¡,u;; p~ \\1-1th.ca swimming, It is ~ -±at p::vìcus menåm::-leve!s will ·oe: ~iz~ Cæm1s }mve ~' be:: ::op-"'¿ åu~ to high=" wat= I::-~ æ:d a rc:-_~ aqu2ri= pl:1:: spra~ program. A5 the news cftbis ~ spr-~ ñshc:mc:n. omd c:nc~ are beginning to r:::um. The:: is geed ~.;~~ fMr v,":,.1 r':~~ str"rtftrós 1mvc iü-~ in th: last few y~ md lms be:n 8. d.efiniœ ~ 51=rm ~ a~~ Gca~ d=m. wcU mainœincd íat""T~~ go t lCD; wrf in c='1t~"':'IS parl:~rs to n::::m..md n¿"",od: to their ú~ " - Att-'d "ftt"!I!^ :. .;' Otb=: pcliC"¡ ami ap~ ...:.-n~ which CQuid ò: impl¡;;J'C~AV: fcrthe purpose: of ;.....~~ . S~~ da!use ami ~~ fsc!!1tics. All œy ~ æ::ivë:s ~r; ce remove:i ftom the cpc::t spa= wïmin md : ¡ ... ..~ ~~J ~.: adjK:1t to 'tb: ~Ït1g ¡¡¡....L '!his cculd be: ZICi:Iicvcd by devécpitrg the ~ pb3=Z ~ tbe baattamp area. 2:Dd P21m!s!am1 as day use UC3S. Two ~d*imrai œy use ~~nI~-wcaId.be required.- cue in th:~~ phase 2 pic::ic area ami <me in the P3im I.sbmd aœL .1f:J1 peal wen: built, it sbcuId bela, Q.(c,j ùr dt: ~rin!Š pha:se 1. arcs. af the pm:. , .." . . ~1>... :,..~~th=DQft-tdiñlOf!tfees, psMl"'!,I~ on ='~"'1':"g~ Wh=StBtePm . ~"""~ &mm-r=id=t.~. "1'- "g fc: =vcnl. ye:= å&a. ~(""'~1~ Y r.w::s Ïci1 by abaut n F-~ Tbis== sin=b=:t¿::..I;..<;:~! 1 . .' ' . . ." .. . C~d~'we:;dy and œcnthly. ~P"d st:ty c:::mpiDg ~ Sœte Paries are giving 3- 1 Opertatt di~<¡I]at on wcddy mys m:d 8. 3() percent discount on mcmth1y mtys. The!e . disc::untS at: aniy o.fiÇrc:d in the afr-S"«:nn fur most p~ 1'hey are year-round in parks with very taw ~tates.. A copy otthc State ParkFee Sc!l..,.1'1te is atta~~ . Add a IcCe3ricn.1m1l in the ~~ ares. fur' after l1cuc. sc~rn+n3 !'his can. be a s=c::;1ed-in picm: pa.villan. HcWC"/e:', for-:ICI'-round us::. Ït" s bett=r to have wall! with large window~ . ~ o~S regularly sc~~,ifI!f'Í ÏDts;q1¡,etM! prcgrm1S to pouk visitors. These c:culd in~:"~. St,,¿t".d wa11a or c::mce-:ÏpS, campñr: progrmm. biI'dñ1g programs, and fishing s3åI1s. . Insuil smaß ridc!s below ail ~ áireQcna1fmii~ signs.. which indÏQte the tj'p:s of r==tioœl oP1'ortUI1ÏticS a.~ii'~¡e ~:ne p2rl: (fishing. c:mping. c::nceing. pic..-ùciéng, etc.). . Mayee the amm: of the Fsr~ -.:id be exp:nåed to -¡'he Savannas R.._~\:6cn .A.r:3. to 'This wociá ~ helpful. in m:rlc:ring =:bItS. Effi¿e!!~ :mrl 'Bud~t R~uc:riom Uriii~n:; :!..-.ùi.abi~ ~r"~ ~ :::s.==:r.iy:mci. fuIåing ~'1r:; to r::~c: b..:.åg:: cos-.:: ar:: ccnswItÓ~n~ The ÎOllowi::; ¡~.u...I1e:lc:rions:n-e ime::ded cr.iy as e="'~ples afwi'mt en be done:md net 'the result oí a ";~ï~ anaiym. E1Ilciem:r . C~ to the CÏt)r ~ system ~ill b: an impon:mt efiici:n::-:ncve.. This is in th: ",,.~ 11C'W- . - t,/~ ~ L _. ......_. ~. fa~ h . ~ ..;.I..' L._.~ . ..to>, ",..rc. uu;;~ ::co. ~m:: .. 'IS net an 11~ ~c ~ ~ ~pG.ò"uJ..r 15 no: w:;;¡vuy u:sai. A. sui-nmñal as.vings in1!bcr' and ~~~"~ CQst c:au1d be achieved with little to nó- pubic op,posman. il~_;" . -1Sñ::d ..... ~. ---Id b . . . .'. ~e- w,.,...r~ ln~ IS ~~ u: S::;::ar.ŒC c::nmty ~ mcwmg Cuu..L e 1""'1""~ AI1aw bufñ::'ZCIæ$ b~ '-"'J'~ ':'.$ a:rcs ami day use ~ to ~=. Redu= th:width 0:= ~ md c::e:e ;¡:t""'~ af~da.tion witbin the large:: Qpen ~~, Budg'!:t~U~O'"- Qbyiously, all ofth= ,..,P;;c· '7] 1%'..--4_u~wülmo reduc=budF~ Otbc:' pc5S'~budF~~nnm 1_"Q'WCUld beasiCUOWS: . )=...m1Mft 3. OM-&ippart G.i,"..7 ~ñnft fix't1:= p:ó:..A strOng CSO'f,r "Fñcmis" group em Q!='"'=Y L..téid through. ~....I.....-rJabaraad. through.1imd ~ ac:iviåes mcb as raft1=. çål c:v~- caokio.- czi:: sd=. aad ~ prc~ A. nrw-J~ arU¡¡.g....stcd. .':r:" .'I$, bas4b.~ bc= ~'l Ied:~sbrmId œæ::ively -I~~ z. , ~ -. . '. - . - ..' , . . DevelOP:!. Help Our ~!'uk (H.O.Sl'.) Program to e:ncoung.c dcœrlom ta the park. A aJ!JY of the Hcip Our State P:riz broclmrc is ~roñt!!Ì . . .. . Deveiop a ~¡~a~ye vo~ p¡ogam in.additicn to the·eso. Someone en 3taffneeds to be assigned tber=pomii.,ijity ar c:ooráinating and ~g all volmttccr activities.. . . . Consi¿= an intem ptogI3m to scpplcme:It ~ on special proje::s.. . cO"-"der ~ coer-orion CPgc&tions to inch.JdC contraéS with private venders. This c:::u1d Ïnclude :::nae ami boat rz:::tais. a. small park stor:: and the opc::mcn of the swimming pool, ifCui1t. . Cam:c: ~ c=:y and County Së=cl ~e:m. fer fiu1.ë:ng ~pott tc b: cooråinat¿ with an ~tai ciu~cn prcs=m p::roWi=i at th= pæk. . . Consiå::' using :m honer sysœ::t:::¡ slow ~ at we=k to r=iuc= St3ÏEng costs. O'!he:- R~mme!1d"rio~ Tne f::llow1n£ :>Ug£~ore:?lÜl a!! c~n:::1:ut~ to £:!'=t::' pubfu: i~r ~... sup¡:ort. and visItaria:: whic.' all contribute to :Ia~n~ the: µa:rX more QS:: ¿¡ciem.. ~µ equ.:illy or mere iI::porwIt is that the Savannas Pari: ~ :he pcte:ttial to be su~.._¿hl from ill asp=s of park. consicie::':lticn whi~, would well ~;e :-::sié::ItS at th: City/Coumr in aååirion to Ot.'1C'visirors. ~ . DeveL-,: ~ ~.tc My:mïiz: the:mmral an::3S in = most ~r-:c:It -manner. Univ=:iti::s oñ=:ng th: ,. o;mtÓ~ .-\r-...:ñ~ degr= aftca wül taic.:: on a. projec: sucl13,S tbis as a class prajcc: with vr:::; ~ufes!Ît'~ m¡a1ts. Tn: tJnive:sity' afFlQriåa. has been ~~~. mcl ims I:i~~=== in possioaDiy ur"~ Ïcr this m b: a. småe:1t projc::. :: 11Ds is an ~o ,IAat goal ;:mi m,ld C: ac;]mpiisbcd prior to m~t.~ 311}' p;; ul4o~. mctnñ~n~ tc the site sué1 asrep~~ or adding new'muc:ur=. .'';' ".- . '"P '7~~ the c::rr.mc:: statiaL !his.is a. k=y sttucmre to the ~ beth visually and ~y. Me:- ~ pari: :¡u~ it is gem:rally tb: firs: sa-uc::zr= seen by the ~ visitor aDd it ï..Ï1et': tm:hisibc:'-Œ:~~ oftbepœ isfu¿aicl., . ~./ ~'¡,~~"~ e:xistiDgi:mccœ.~ to ~~od~t'fI! &cüiti=s Q~ed and. a=:t , ~~~.....-' ~Ïni1ity ccå.-.. . B.=!oc:æ: the ~~I,ð-! .4"irl~marn~ bmc= siœ to a. mar: rcmaœ sin: Or' provide a v~-! .f! :nn baf&:r to :IIioõó-~itframthez:abiicuscar=s.. ,...-.-- . P"':t'I.. ~ r~ me mobiL: home kä"' . fl. ~~ as a. br=l.."'""C'Cm fir --1w (;.;S to aaodær ~cm. ~ . 1 .w_ y.:.....:. ~.. œ ~--; m. ~ vi:w. - - 3 . ... -.. - : ø. ._.~. ~ - . .. .. .. . . '- .,' . ~~ 'the c::mmsÏ=s with P.bc~ outlets to ~Iumodzte new de:nands af ~~ . - - . . It should be noted that varicus e:mtic plams were observed. scm: ofwbicl1 arc Me!alcuc and .AusaaWm Pm:. 'Ih=e will bc::=1e a. prcb!e:n unless they b.a.ve some m~ of ~ Short-tz:::n .. . . 'The pari:: a,l. ~ ,JO'! is a. visitaa' ~ ~J:"6Scu and ãc:s:::v= ~ attemion. ÞJ1 c:n=m= ~ W=Jh l !~~~ wow.¿ c::m ~~ proj¿ fer a C~~ Support 01'g1'";....mnn. .. P~!igD$ c:nr=Ily d~==:n a.~t":!ïitym:icsS propc:iym~~n"¿ and considered. Weod rowed signs although þm'tlj~e whc1 tl':'H -arc rii mC!tit to maÏnt:Ún:t the quality ~ S~ ~ to m~ si;=s t1m pcssicl'i~ a:unr¡ or C:'t}. sign shop Quid previ¿::. . Am7-=- option to ~w...o1Iin;; c:r.s:!he p....imIlli~nrl. pic:ñt: ar::::. with pc::ri1aps less visuaL imp:u:: ÚWl the pvc bollar'..s, :ni¢t: be a. low one or twe r.rli fc:1c:::, CI" possibly ave:: r:ñlroad ti::s. T..ais açproach is mere ~tiDlc wÍci1 the ~ picic seC:I;' . T::~ boat ~n=sicn :1á~L~ ":!: th.= :.L.~ starian v.rowd C~ !: ::;r::.: ~roj=: fo~~.: ::-ri?"'" Suppc:t Orp;1I1";~cn to ré:cild ami possibly ~oc:tte. . Th: ~ ~ mmscl watC"t3I1k ~a~"to th!: cmtpe:" bathhcu~ ~ouirl b~ I ~C\l¿' This abc ~ ~ ~oå. CSo projec:. . Mai:: re;=irs to the -vmo\ß ~~...a:n íca: briå.~~ wi:ñclL a~ ~ pic::ic are:!$. Mothe!" - -..........~ .. ~n'~ ~'" proJe:::. Su.u~ .. . As s::cwn in th: ~l"D~:Þt~ñ,..~ nc=iin this repcrtthc"c are :tnmnbe:- af~"S to mãb ~ S=i --c....:. - . AJtbc¡' ,..' . . ~.a: _.,,~ .......mcr= CCS:~ It rIg1! scm:artt= tt£:m~-<t.¡;tj will wœm imtiaI·c:pit3i oatiay,. tœ re:um shœki be jmüfi¿. ' ,'. E~œtiCl~ "!"esm Geers: ~ Op:r:ttiaœ 'M::rft: m .I,~ Caœalt:mt - &rem QÎ~ Oa:rañOIIS DsWi Ba~· 4. ..1M! ? p8...æme:-- OSc:aÍ?3ó: p1Mming .. ~",_,.¡..; ~ '!S__ ~o . .. ' .L.oI-~"~- ~_at~. F~nom::DimictS p:~ (Ä~4 CoY'~~QJt M~t'~~" - Buœ:m cfDe:Ï!tI ami p~ S::vic:s ~!.f::Ar-J:m; r ~~ J... '~I~ - Bun::m afD=ignmd ~~ Scrvic:::s J.:B. ~ Emtiro,'m,~-Ül':ll S~ . ~ii.d: - Bu=m a£Pmk Opeœions ~ 5 - .~ ....-s·DM 4. .I Children's Environmental Classroom Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: Douglas Anderson Organization of Requester: St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Project Title: Children' s Environmental Classroom Date: 12/ 16/99 Member District: Rep. Ken Pru i t: t: (8 I ) Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community X Cityffown X County X Regional¥ Statewide X Recipient: Name: St. Lucie Countv. BOCC . ....... n ....... Street: 23~.::::~i,t,.iriia Avenue Counties: St. Lucie .. .. ......."........... P' ..-.................. .. -.................... .... ..-.. ....... ........ Æø'Code'~~~: ... City: Fort Pierce, FL ...... ................... .... .. .....-.. n.' ............. .... .................... ..................-. .................-. ................... .........--.....-. .................. ................... ................. ... ................ ...... Contact: Name: Kike Leeds. Director Leisure Services .......... ..... ........... -..... ........... ...... ::~::::p.hôri~ #: ...................... . ................. 561-462-1ŠJit::· .. .... .... ..... .... ... ......................... .......................... ................._.......h ............................ ............................. Project ::-:::~: c=:'::e ':Green Buildin." S¡¡¡¡¡¡,¡~. Children' s Bnvironmental ..... ....... ...................... ............... ............................................. ....... ....................... .... .... ....................- Servi= ::~:=:: ::: t:~s:~~;~;lIIIi;¿;;~:l ~~ductínn. ~ner&y effí~ienrJ, Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Reduced.:iikiste ~ªfo:a~::.:!:~~:H.on, increase Florida' s sustainability Amount you are requesting from the State fq#ï~ proj~::~s year?:lie~:t I 5250.000 - 00 I Total Cost of Project: I $250 ,000 .~:~:: H H. .1:.::.:...... ..H ::~~~~~2~or:=xu~x Was this project PreTIª!m¥:~ by tlÌ~fg!::r:: Yesu No X Ùnknown X ::;f~::fþ:J?$;~~~O~~ u~ownx ff~howmuch? P11rp<)~for future year funw;~:: Recurring Operations X Non-Recurring Construction X Other WilJ::~~::be an annual requ~~~1 Yes X No IX Unknown X ............... ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - wá!~gi~j~in~l¥f:!'Hh an Agency Budget Request? Yes X _fi But Note: Nu-r Unknown X trust fund) in SeDt. 99. Thev had . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .~.;í~:g~:~iEi~: Note: Was submitted to DEP ( solid waste :})):;::..H already submitted their budget. Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes X No X Unknown IX Is there documented need for this project? Yes X No p. Unknown X If yes, what is the documentation? Was this project request heard before a publicly-noticed ~eeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes !X No X Unknown X If yes, name the Body: Meeting Date: Legislative Delegation Sept:. 22. 1999 Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation. Version 19 11130/99 fl·,·· .;.:.~. <:::::., . ~:: .;.:.;. ...... ...,,0 ..:~?: ~~6t:f. ow;::::: .~ .:.:. :::.$ ":':~ ;', :~~ :::::~~ .lW :IU~~1 ·I~ . ~::::' .~ .,:~~.) ,::::: ~:X ..' .",';09 Classroom Addition Submitted By: S1. Lucie County Department of Leisure Services BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEISURE SERVICES Michael "Mike" Leeds DireCTor NAME OF PROJECT: Children's Environmental Learning Museum - Classroom Addition AMOUNT OF REQUEST: $ 250,000,00 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: This project will design and construct "Green Building" classroom at the Children's Environmental Learning Museum. The green building concept applies the principles of recycling, waste reduction, energy efficiency, resource conversation, deconstruction and the use ofrecyc1ed building materials in the design and construction of the classroom. The addition would be an excellent opportunity to not only utilize the green building concepts, but will serve as a teaching tool for the architecture and construction industries. AREA FOR FUNDING: Grant from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Solid Waste Trust Fund). Request has the approval of William Hinkley, Bureau Chief of Solid and Hazardous Waste. JOHN D. ORUHN. Disrrict No.1. DOUG COWARD. )Srtct 1'10.2 - PAULA A. LEWIS. Dlstricr No. J . FRANNIE HUTCHINSON. Disrrict No.4- CUFF ßAI\NES. Disrrict NO.5 County Adminisrrator - Douglos M. Anderson 2JOOVirginiaAvenue · Phone(561)462-1515 · TDD(561) 462-1428 N.oil: P.O. ßox 760, Fort Pierce, FL 34954-0760 ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FUNDING NEEDS I. Classroom $ 100,000.00 II. Office $ 25,000.00 III. Storage $ 16,000.00 IV. Bathroom $ 25,000.00 V, Infrastructure $ 30,000.00 VI. Furnishings $ 39,000.00 VII. Project Engineering & Design $ 15.000.00 TOTAL AJ.'iOUNT REQUESTED $ 250,000.00 '\ \ '\~ .. ,\ \. \ \\ ',~ \ \\ \ ~ \ \~ \ y\ \\ \\\ /\\ ~." ~\ / '" :;- <2 ~~ :,¡ \ . ~~/ c -. :----=: ..- "..- "'!:.= ~=; ~æ :æ - ,,\ ~\\ 1\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\\ '1\ \_ 'i\ '." ~.\ \1. ....\\\ ...\\ \\ \\ \". \\ \'. 'X- \\ ~~ -e- ~~ ~~ ~2S~ ~;p -: , \ \ \~\~ \\, \\~ \~~- \~i. \ '" ". \ . \\';. \\r \\"'. \~:. ;.. \. \ \ \~ ~ = ~§ ." õ~ =>- >Q c.:ø c.: -"'t :0 o 0 = S --- \\ . --! \ I g§ n~ r.- v: ;:~ ............~ ."ft:""" ~ ~ .t.lltr ~ ':' ......~ P. ~II ~tI ~:I - :'1 .. ~I "Ii =li II II :\ .t ~:¡-z -g - ('.) C ::l ~. ~ ~ ()' to' ('.) en -, c.. ~ -g c...... :t =:;;. 0 Cñoo-, - "" ~ to' .... )( " g. ~. tii' ~O .... = =. tf.) ='c::r=- ~ 0 (JQ g 2 ~ ~~ g.Ë:go o -'to' to' '"1N(JQ= . 2.0 c.. c::r§~ '< c.. g .-+-- =-=-3 CD CD 0 r!.~3 !I' to' en en en en a a o 0 0- 3 3 CD ~ -- - - Causeway Island Erosion Control '\ Community Budget Issue Request Project Tracking #: Requester: Doug Anderson Organization of Requester: St. Lucie County Project Title: Causeway Island Erosion Control Date: 12/20/99 Member District: Minton H-78 Myers 5-27 Service Area (check only one): Neighborhood/Community 0 City/Town 0 County 0 RegionalD Statewide X Recipient: Name: St. Lucie County Street: 2300 Virginia Avenue City: Ft. Pierce Zip Code: 34982 Counties: St. Lucie County Contact: Name: Don West, County Engineer Phone #: 561-462-1709 Project Description: Design, permitting and construction for the protection of severelv eroding shoreline along the Indian River Lagoon at North and South Causewav Island. Services Provided/ Benefit to State: Upland protection of public property. reduction of sediment transport into the IRL and improved water quality to the IRL, Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Healthier ecosystem for the IRL/Protected public lands, Amount you are requesting from the State forthìsprojectthis year? Amount I 903.000 Total Cost of Project: I 903.000 Is this request being made to fund(checkall that apply): <Dperations 0 Construction X Unknown 0 Is there Local Government or Private match for this request? Yes 0 No X Unknown 0 If yes, what kind? Cash Amount I InKindAmount I Was this project previously funded by the:!Stä.te? Yes 0 No X Unknown 0 If yes, Fiscal Year I I Amount I I Is future-year funding likely to be requested? Yes 0 No X Unknown 0 If yes, how much? I Purpose for future year funding: Recurring Operations 0 Non-Recurring Construction X Other Will this be an annual request? Yes 0 No X Unknown D Was this project included in an Agency Budget Request? Yes 0 No X Unknown 0 If yes, name the Agency: Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Yes 0 No 0 Unknown X Is there documented need for this project? Yes X No 0 Unknown 0 If yes, what is the documentation? See attached µermit for construction and COl:ps of Engineer Report Was this project request heard before a publicly-noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes X NoD UnknownD If yes, name the Body: Legislative Delegation (Board of County Commission) Meeting Date: Sept. 22. 1999 (Sept. 10. 1999) Important: Attach appropriate supporting documentation. Version 19 11/30/99 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT CORPS 0F ENGINEERS P. O. BOX 4970 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32232-0019 REPLY TO A TTEN1lON OF March 9, 1999 Regulatory Division South Permits Branch Jacksonville Regulatory Office 199901100 (NW-JC) -_P._-. _.'~ h, J . ,,,, t) r~:-~--~···· .- .....-'::...( ¡ ¡ '. 'j : ; , . ¡ M^O I 1Qf:99 ' : :' ~ ~] :¡j ~ ~ :.~""\h t ~:; .:; ~ , l i ì ¡ __." ._.-1 I i E ~'~l C~~ ¡ : "¡ ~:: t~. ¡-·i ¡ ¡~¡ (; t , "----.----.---.-..-----' St. Lucie County Attention: Mr. Donald B. West 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982-2362 Gentlemen: Reference is made to your Department of the Army (DA) permit application for verification of your proposed project under Nationwide 'Permit number 13. The project consists of a 1,225-foot long rock revetment along the northwest end of Causeway Island. The revetment begins at the north side of State Road AlA, extending north and then east along the shoreline to a point approxima~ely 120 feet wes* of the existing boat ramp. The project is located in Section 02, Township 35 South, Range 40 East, Ft. Pierce, St. Lucie County, Florida. This verifiès that your proposal is authorized by Nationwide Permit number 13 in accordance with the enclosed copy of our regulations as stated in 33 CFR Part 330, Appendix A. This verification is valid for 2 years from the date of this letter, unless this nationwide permit is modified, reissued or revoked. All the nationwide permits, with the exception of Nationwide 26, are scheduled to expire on February 11, 2002, unless modified, issued or revoked. Nationwide 26 will expir~ on September 15, 1999. It is incumbent on you to remain informed of çhanges in these nationwide permits. We will issue a public notlce announcing any changes when they occur. In the event that you have not completed construction of your project within the 2-year construction window, reverification under this Nationwide Permit will be required. A separate DA permit is not ~equired providing the work is done ~n accordance with the enclosed drawings/information submitted, the conditions listed in 33 CFR part 330, Appendix A, Subparagraph C (Nationwide Permit Conditions), and any appropriate regional conditions (copy enclosed. -2- This letter does not obviate the requirement to obtain any State or local permits, which may be necessary for your proposed work. Your nationwide permit verification is specifically conditioned by the State of Florida with the following language, "Projects qualifying for this nationwide permit must be individually reviewed by the State of Florida and receive water quality certification and coastal zone consistency as well as any authorizations required for the use of submerged lands." You should check State permitting requirements with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection or the appropriate water management district. A list of addresses of the appropriate State offices are enclosed for your information and use. This nationwide permit is being verified for the work shown on your permit application. As owner of the property or as a party with the requisite property interest to do the work, you are considered liable for any activities that are not in compliance with this verification. If at some point you no longer have the requisite property interests for this project, you are required to transfer the nationwide verification to the new owner by having them sign at the bottom of this letter. Please send a copy of this transfer to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) at the letterhead address. A general condition of all the Nationwide Permits is to provide a certification of compliance. This certifies that the work performed under this verification was in accordance with the Corps's authorization, including any general or specific conditions. Once your project is completed, the attached compliance certification must be sent to the Corps' office at the letterhead address. Thank you for your cooperation with our regulatory program. Sincerely, ., + I,. ..r(~/v(?>, ,/ --\. 10,.. / '. I.J_'. l- }C_~_~ _/ '__ _ -~ \ Linda S. Ferrell ~ < .." ;' tHief, South Permits Branch " .~. Enclosures \~. REQUEST FOR PERMIT TRANSFER: When the structures or work verified by this nationwide are still in existence at the time the property is transferred, the terms and conditions of this permit will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property, To validate the transfer of this permit and the associated liabilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions, the transferee should sign and date below. (DATE) (TRANSFEREE) (Name - Printed) Lot/Block: (Street Address) (City, State, and Zip Code) Flood Plain Information: A nationwide permit verification does not give absolute authority to perform the work as specified on your application. The proposed work may be subject to local building permits to determine if your site is located in a flood-prone or floodway area, and if you must comply with the local building requirements mandated by the National Flood Insurance Program. If the local office cannot provide you the necessary information, you may provide this office a letter with small scale map showing the location of the site, requesting a flood-hazard evaluation of the site. The request should be addressed to the Chief, Flood Control and Floodplain Management Branch, Jacksonville District, u.s. Army Corps of Engineers, P.O. Box 4970, Jacksonville, Florida 32232-0019. Nationwide Compliance Certification Nationwide Number Permit Number: Name and Address: Telephone Number: Location of the Work: Description of the Work (e.g. bank stabilization, residential fill etc.) Type and acreage (or square feet) of the loss of Waters of the United States (jurisdictional wetlands) (e.g. 1/10 acre of marsh and 50 square feet of a stream): Description of Mitigation Completed (if applicable): I, , certify that the work was done as described in the authorization letter dated and all work and required mitigation (if applicable) was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. Signature of Permittee Date GENERAL CONDITIONS 33 CFR PART 320-330 PUBLISHED FR DATED 13 NOVEMBER 1986 1. The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on 9 March 2001. If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the above date is reached. 2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are ñot relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknown historic or archéological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and state coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort of if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. 4. If you sell the property associated with this permit you must obtain the signature of the·new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. 5. If a conditioned water quality certification has been issued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as special conditions to this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the certification is attached if it contains such conditions. 6. You must allow a representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit. ~- :L 2 1.3 14 15 , .~ 10 7 T N œ, ~~~~i~ä~~ I :.(JyOdnonc . . .. ....-i94!1:'''·~1 '·-Photo ........._1983 . . .~... :',~~$--.J.~' ¡ I _. . -. I icinity Map 1· = 2000' TAYLOR ENGINEERING 1 3 --- ooee ~ ~ 0f"W\ItI!! ~........~~ 1 2 1 .3 14 , .-. M L K J H G F E o c 8 A :.~~~- -- :¿<.="" - 11"! ~... ~ t,.... ..!...L s ,,r 1/<'. r ....... .,. (SM::-ttc) )¡we I~'-"': ........... t .-rtrd/r ... ...-. A ® ~~: Plate (Î) ::::nslon totn{¿ 13 14 j 4 I' M 1 L K ..,OtAH ",'01£" J H G F E 0 C .... S A TO rT. '8o". ",,-P t~ ,'" 't' .. '" ,/ /' /' /' /' /' /' /' .,;.//' / . ~~ /' /# /./ ~ /'\/'/# ..... /' /' ./.' /' . ~ ~ 6"" - J" @) ~.~n View - Proposed ~evetment/Walkway CAUSCWA.,.. 'SLANO n. fl'f£"tcc.. I'L / tS~~' I ..." ~ @ ~~lkwaY/Handraø Plan & Proffte 4 10.=.L II 14 C(o<IW..l<I'I'U I.~"""t"""'~"_""""",, c-cc ~ 0.._ (HC'oO) t1In. l.~t...__hop_"""_""'''-'o. .c.M ...- --.... .....-. £.... _ fII.-o '7. _ _...- _ ".1.c.ot. _,.. '""S (II '.U"SJol.4~ ( T.Z&.JM..» 1- r.... _ ... -.. _ _ -...... aI.'" ...c-__...._.,.._.,........... ,,~c__~. ~ e:.c.-. _, _ __, .. ....- -. _ I _òt"..._......f'w4III....-.;IO......~.. - .. nt.r f'_ c:...- _ ........ c1a/Qa ., ..--.. J.......... St_ roar..,,_.......... ..~___ _..eoo....-....,......... ~ 1.'-/cf....... ____. ..YM__.-.-....._~__ ......-..- .., -..at,.......... -.ot: -1._.. ...I,C ~.. ...-- ........... --.. ....-.. ... -.......- to..ler_....wt/M.....-...._......._~ _ _..................___.......r. tI.............._ ...~,......."......................... .....-.---................;.¡..I .p'-. (-.r. _..... ~ ---.. ., ___ -....)~...-.......-...........,- ~. ~ IoioIoU-""____ ;0;00"-- ~-......~..... .....-~.. ..........,...~-.... ......-.....- ""....~......... .........,~ØtU5I.. ~ .. ....--.....___....... as....,. "....,. Norta. -...................... .......... h ___ ... AS1W At». AfW _ ----.....-....-..-.-.. ..........,............................... ..~ c::.. -=- --: ~::. __ ... .-, ...... ....- r__ J (Qf\. 0.. M .. ___ ~ -'---................ ... t~..=-¡ :....~-~.i:..... --- ,-.-.\ ....., to ..6 o· HOtO J ..$1._................ ..._, ~_2 Department of Environmental Protection Jeb Bush Governor 001 S 1999 Southeast District P,O. Box 15425 West Palm Beach. Florida 33416 David B. Struhs Secretary Certified - Return Receipt Requested St, Lucie County c/o Mr. Donald B, West 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Dear Mr. West: Enclosed is Standard General Environmental Resource Permit No. 56-0145997-001 issued pursuant to Part IV of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes (F.S,), and Title 62, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), Appeal rights for you as the permittee and for any affected third party are described in the text of the permit along with conditions which must be met when permitted activities are undertaken. Please review this document carefully to ensure compliance with both the general and specific conditions contained herein, As the permittee, you are responsible for compliance with these conditions. Please ensure all construction personnel associated with your activity review and understand the approved drawings and conditions. Failure to comply with this permit may result in liability for damages and restoration, and the imposition of civil penalties up to $10,000,00 per violation per day pursuant to Sections 403.141 and 403.161, F,S, In addition please ensure the construction commencement notice and all other reporting conditions are forwarded to the appropriate office as indicated in the specific conditions. If you have any questions about this document, please contact me at 561/681-6634. Sincerely, 1~t.~~ Jayne E, Bergstrom Environmental Specialist II Submerged Lands & Environmental Resources Program rõ)..iŒ @_ŒJ~U I:ìn--, In o 11111 I . . . ' / Ii I uu: OCT 2 0 œJ /6 LE.f,~=r: ',0-": ~ , ,_ '. - -,'- .-' _. .': -, f r'" -~~~~.~~~~-~ "More Protection, Less Process" Print"d on '"cyd"d pap"r. Department of . Enviroomental Protection Jeb Bush Governor Southeast District P,Q. Box 15425 West Palm Beach. Florida 33416 David B. Struhs Secretary CONSOLIDATED ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMIT AND SOVEREIGN SUBMERGED LANDS AUTHORIZATION PERMITfEE/AUTHORlZED ENTITY: St. Lucie County clo Mr, Donald B, West 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Penn it/Authorization No.: 56-0145997-001 Date oflssue: 0 CT 1 5 1999 Expiration Date of OCT 1 5 200~ Construction Phase: County: St, Lucie County Project: South Causeway Island Shoreline Stabilization Project This pennit is issued under the authority of Part IV of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Title 62, Florida Administrative Code (F,A.C.). The activity is not exempt from the requirementto obtain a Standard General Environmental Resource Pennit. Pursuant to Operating Agreements executed between the Department and the water management districts, as referenced in Chapter 62-113, F .A,C., the Department is responsible for reviewing and taking final agency action on this activity. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the project is to install a 1,225 linear foot riprap revetment along the northwest side of South Causeway Island. The revetment wall will be placed at or above mean high water to avoid seagrass impacts. The wall will begin at the north side of State Road AlA, extend north and then east along the shoreline to a point approximately 120 feet west of the existing boat ramp. This project also includes a mitigation plan to offset the impacts to 0.28 acres of coastal wetland vegetation (mostly Spartina patens and Distichylis spp.) The mitigation plan involves the following: a) enhancement of the Fort Pierce Inlet State Recreation Area by the removal, spraying, and mulching of exotic vegetation along a 20-ft. by 6,650-ft swath (3.1 acres) of the mosquito control impoundment dike; b) the installation of a 30-inch diameter, 40-foot long aluminum culvert in the mosquito dike; and c) the removal and replanting of three, 5-ft, to 8-ft, red mangroves which are expected to be impacted by the culvert installation. ACTIVITY LOCATION: The project is located within the Indian River, Class III Waters, adjacent to State Road AlA on the northwest end of South Causeway Island, Ft. Pierce (Section 2, Township 35 South, Range 40 East), St. Lucie County, Latitude 27,27.35, Longitude 80.19,02, This penn it also constitutes a finding of consistency with Florida's Coastal Zone Management Program, as required by Section 307 of the Coastal Management Act. "More Protection, Less Process" Print"d on r~"'d pof>"r. Permittee: St. Lucie County Causeway Island File No.: 56-0145997-001 Page 2 This permit also constitutes certification of compliance with water quality standards under Section 40 I of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1341. This activity also requires a proprietary authorization, as the activity is located on sovereign submerged lands owned by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Impn)vement Trust Fund, pursuant to Article X, Section II of the Florida Constitution, and Sections 253.002 and 253.77, F.S. The activity is not exempt from the need to obtain a proprietary authorization. The Department has the responsibility to review and take final action on this request for proprietary authorization in accordance with Section 18-21.0051, and the Operating Agreements executed between the Department and the water management districts, as referenced in Chapter 62-113, F .A.C. In addition to the above, this proprietary authorization has been reviewed in accordance with Chapter 253, F .S., Chapter 18-21, Section 62-343.075, F.A.C., and the policies of the Board of Trustees, As staff to the Board of Trustees, the Department has reviewed the activity as described above, and has determined that there is no objection to the project being constructed on sovereign submerged lands as long as the work performed is located within the boundaries of submerged land Lease No.: 18427 and T.I.I.T.F. Deed No.: 17126 as described herein, and is consistent with the terms and conditions herein, Therefore, consider this to also constitute the authority sought under section 253.77, F .S., to perform the activity on the specified sovereign submerged lands, Federal authorization for the proposed project is reviewed by DEP pursuant to an agreement between the Department and the U.S, Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). The agreement is outlined in a document titled Coordination Agreement Between the US. Army Corps of Engineers and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection State Programmatic General Permit, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbor Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Your project has been reviewed for compliance with a State Programmatic General Permit (SPGP). As shown on the attached drawings, the proposed project is not consistent with the SPGP program. A copy of your application has been sent to the Corps .who may require a separate permit. Failure to obtain their authorization prior to construction could subject you to enforcement action. For further information, contact the Corps directly. The above named permittee is hereby authorized to construct the work shown on the application and approved drawing(s), plans, and other documents attached hereto or on file with the Department and made a part hereof. This permit and authorization to use sovereign submerged lands is subject to the limits, conditions, and locations of work shown in the attached drawings, and is also subject to the attached 19 General Conditions, 12 General Consent Conditions, and 17 Specific Conditions, which are a binding part of this permit and authorization. You are advised to read and understand these drawings and conditions prior to commencing the authorized activities, and to ensure the work is conducted in conformance with all the terms, conditions, and drawings. If you are utilizing a contractor, the contractor also should read and understand these drawings and conditions prior to commencing the authorized activities. Failure to comply with all drawings and conditions shall constitute grounds for revocation of the permit and appropriate enforcement action, Operation of the facility is not authorized except when determined to be in conformance with all applicable rules and with the general and specific conditions of this permitlcertification/authorization,as specifically described below. Permittee: St. Lucie County Causeway Island File No.: 56-0145997-001 Page 3 GENERAL CONDITIONS: (1) All activities authorized by this permit shall be implemented as set forth in the plans, specifications and perfonnance criteria as approv~ ~y this penn it" Any de~iati~n from ~he pen:nitted activity and the conditions for undertaking that activity shall constitute a violation of thiS penn It and Part IV, Chapter 373, F,S, (2) This pennit or a copy thereof, complete with all conditions, attachments, exhibits, and modifications shall be kept at the work site of the pennitted activity. The complete pennit shall be available for review at the work site upon request by the Department staff. The pennittee shall require the contractor to review the complete penn it prior to commencement of the activity authorized by this penn it. (3) Activities approved by this pennit shall be conducted in a manner which does not cause violations of state water quality standards. The permittee shall implement best management practices for erosion and pollution control to prevent violation of state water quality standards. Temporary erosion control shall be implemented prior to and during construction, and pennanent control measures shall be completed within 7 days of any construction activity. Turbidity barriers shall be installed and maintained at all locations where the possibility of transferring suspended solids into the receiving waterbody exists due to the pennitted work. Turbidity barriers shall remain in place at all locations until construction is completed and soils are stabilized and vegetation has been established. All practices shall be in accordance with the guidelines and specifications described in Chapter 6 of the Florida Land Development Manual; A Guide to Sound Land and Water Management (Department of Environmental Regulation, 1988), unless a project-specific erosion and sediment control plan is approved as part of the pennit. Thereafter the pennittee shall be responsible for the removal of the barriers. The pennittee -shall correct arty erosion or shoaling that causes adverse impacts to the water resources, (4) The pennittee shall notify the Department of the anticipated construction start date within 30 days of the date that this pennit is issued. At least 48 hours prior to commencement of activity authorized by this pennit, the pennittee shall submit to the Department an "Environmental Resource Penn it Construction Commencement" notice (Fonn No. 62-343.900(3), F.A.C.) indicating the actual start date and the expected completion date. (5) When the duration of construction will exceed one year, the pennittee shall submit construction status reports to the Department on an annual basis utilizing an n Annual Status Report Fonn" (Fonn No. 62-343.900(4), F.A.C.). Status Report Fonns shall be submitted the following June of each year. (6) Within 30 days after completion of construction of the pennitted activity, the permittee shall submit a written statement of completion and certification by a registered professional engineer or other appropriate individual as authorized by law, utilizing the supplied "Environmental Resource Permit As-Built Certification by a Registered Professional" (Form No, 62-343.900(5), F.A.C.), The statement of completion and certification shall be based on on-site observation of construction or review of as-built drawings for the purpose of detennining if the work was completed in compliance with permitted plans and specifications. This submittal shall serve to notify the Department that the system is ready for inspection. Additionally, if deviation from the approved drawings are discovered during the certification process, the certification must be accompanied by a copy of the approved permit drawings with deviations noted. Both the original and revised specifications must be clearly shown, The plans must be clearly labeled as "as-built" or "record" drawing, All surveyed dimensions and elevations shall be certified by a registered surveyor. (7) The operation phase of this permit shall not become effective: until the pennittee has complied with the requirements of condition (6) above, has submitted a "Request for Transfer of Environmental Resource Permit Construction Phase to Operation Phase" (Form No. 62-343.900(7), Permittee: St, Lucie County Causeway Island File No,: 56-0145997-001 Page 4 F.A.C.); the Department determines the system to be in compliance with the permitted plans and specifications; and the entity approved by the Department in accordance with Sections 9,0 and 10.0 of the Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit Applications Within the South Florida Water Management District _ August 1995, accepts responsibility for operation and maintenance of the system. The permit shall not be transferred to such approved operation and maintenance entity ?ntil the operation phase of the permit becomes effective, Following inspection and approval of the pe~ltted syst~m by ~e Department, the permittee Shllll initiate transfer of the permitto the approved responsible operatmg entity if different from the permittee. Until the permit is transferred pursuantto Section 62-343.110(1 X d), F.A.C., the permittee shall be liable for compliance with the terms ofthe permit, (8) Each phase or independent portion of the permitted system must be completed in accordance with the permitted plans and permit conditions prior to the initiation of the permitted use of site infrastructure located within the area served by that portion or phase of the system. Each phase or independent portion of the system must be completed in accordance with the permitted plans and permit conditions prior to transfer of responsibility for operation and maintenance of the phase or portion of the system to a local government or other responsible entity. (9) For those systems that will be operated or maintained by an entity that will require an easement or deed restriction in order to enable that entity to operate or maintain the system in conformance with this permit, such easement or deed restriction must be recorded in the public records and submitted to the Department along with any other final operation and maintenance documents required by sections 9.0·and 10.0 of the Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit Applications Within the South Florida Water Management District - August 1995, prior to lot or unit sales or prior to the completion of the system, whichever occurs first. Other documents concerning the establishment and authority of the operating entity must be filed with the Secretary of State where appropriate. For those systems which are proposed to be maintained by the county or municipal entities, final operation and maintenance documents must be received by the Department when maintenance and operation of the system is accepted by the local government entity. Failure to submit the appropriate final documents will result in the permittee remaining liable for carrying out maintenance and operation of the permitted system and any other permit conditions. (10) Should any other regulatory agency require changes to the pennitted system, the pennittee shall notify the Department in writing of the changes prior to implementation so that a determination can be made whether a permit modification is required. (11) This permit does not eliminate the necessity to obtain any required federal, state, local and special district authorizations prior to the start of any activity approved by this permit. This permit does not convey to the permittee or create in the permittee any property right, or any interest in real property, nor does it authorize any entrance upon or activities on property which is not owned or controlled by the permittee, or convey any rights or privileges other than those specified in the permit and Chapter 40E-4 or Chapter 40E-40, F .A.Co (12) The permittee is hereby advised that Section 253.77, F.S, states that a person may not commence any excavation, construction, or other activity involving the use of sovereign or other lands of the state, the title to which is vested in the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund without obtaining the required lease, license, easement, or other form of consent authorizing the proposed use. Therefore, the permittee is responsible for obtaining any necessary authorizations from the Board of Trustees prior to commencing activity on sovereignty lands or other state-owned lands, (13) The permittee is advised that the rules of the South Florida Water Management District require the permittee to obtain a water use permit from the South Florida Water Management District Permittee: St, Lucie County Causeway Island File No,: 56-C: 45997-00 1 Page 5 prior to construction dewatering, unless the work qualifies for a general permit pursuant to subsection 40E-20.302(4), F.A.C., also known as the "No Notice" rule, (14) The permittee shall hold and save the Department harmless from any and all damages, claims, or liabilities which may arise by reason ofthe construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal, abandonment or use of any system authorized by the permit. . (IS) Any delineation of the extent of a wetland or other surface water submitted as part of the permit application, including plans or other supporting documentation, shall not be considered binding unless a specific condition of this permit or a formal determination under section 373.421(2), F.S., provides otherwise, (16) Th~ permittee shall notify the Department in writing within 30 days of any sale, conveyance, or other transfer of ownership or control of a permitted system or the real property on which the permitted system is located. All transfers of ownership or transfers of a permit are subject to the requirements of section 62-343.130, F .A.C. The permittee transferring the permit shall remain liable for corrective actions that may be required as a result of any violations prior to the sale, conveyance or other transfer of the system. (17) _ Upon reasonable notice to the permittee, Department authorized staff with proper identification shall have permission to enter, inspect, sample and test the system to insure conformity with the plans and specifications approved by the permit. (18) If historical or archaeological artifacts are discovered at any time on the project site, the permittee shall immediately notify the appropriate Department office. (19) The permittee shall immediately notify the Department in writing of any previously submitted information that is later discovered to be inaccurate. GENERAL CONSENT CONDmONS: (I) No activities other than those set forth in this permit are authorized. Any additional activities on state-owned sovereignty submerged lands must receive further consent nom the Governor and Cabinet, sitting as the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trost Fund (hereinafter the "Board") or their properly designated agent (2) Grantee agrees that all title and interest to all lands lying below the historical mean high water line or ordinary high water line are vested in the Board, and shall make nO claim of title or interest in said lands by reason of the occupancy or use thereof. (3) Grantee agrees to use or occupy the ;;ubject premises for those purposes specified herein, and Grantee shall not permit the premises or any part thereof to be used or. occupied for any other purpose or knowingly permit or suffer any nuisances or illegal operations of any kind on the premises. (4) Grantee agrees to maintain the premises in good condition in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare, The premises are subject to inspection by the Board or its designated agent at any reasonable time, (5) Grantee agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Board and the State of Florida from all claims, actions, lawsuits and demands arising out of this consent (6) No failure, or successive failures, on the part of the Board to enforce any provision, waiver or successive waivers on the part of the Board of any provision herein, shall operate as a discharge thereof or render the same inoperative or impair the right of the Board to enforce the same in the event of subsequent breach. (7) Grantee binds itself and its successors and assigns to abide by the provisions and conditions set forth herein, In the event Grantee fai Is or refuses to comply with the provisions and conditions of this consent, the consent of use may be terminated by the Board after written notice to the Grantee, Upon receipt Permittee: 51. Lucie County Causeway Island File No.: 56-0145997-001 Page 6 of such notice, the Grantee shall have thirty (30) days in which to correct the violation, Failure to correct the violations within this period shall result in the automatic revocation of this Letter of Consent. (8) All costs, including attorneys' fees, incurred by the Board in enforcing the terms and conditions of this consent shall be paid by the Grantee. Grantee agrees to accept service by certified mail of any notice required by Chapter 18-14, Florida Administrative Code, at the address shown on page one of this Agreement and further agrees to notify the Board in writing of any change of address at least ten days before the change becomes effec!ive, (9) Grantee agrees to assume responsibility for all liabilities that accrue to the sovereignty submerged land or to the improvements thereon, including any and all drainage or special assessments or taxes of every kind .and description which are now or may be hereafter lawfully assessed and levied against the property during the effective period of this consent. (10) Grantee agrees that any dispute arising fTom matters relating to this consent shall be governed by the laws of Florida and initiated only in Leon County, Florida. (II) The Letter of Consent associated with these General Consent Conditions as well as these conditions themselves are subject to modification after 5 years in order to reflect any applicable changes in statutes, rule or policies ofthe Board or its designated agent. (12) In the event that any part of the structure(s) consented to herein is determined by a fmal adjudication issued by a court of competent jurisdiction to encroach on or interfere with adjacent riparian rights; Grantee agrees to either obtain written consent for the offending structure fTom the affected riparian owner or to remove the interference or encroachment within 60 days from the date of the adjudication. Failure to comply shall constitute a material breach of this consent and shall be grounds for its immediate termination. SPECIFIC CONDmONS: (1) The project drawings, sheets 1 through 6; the 4-page Manatee Exhibit; the 2-page 1999 Exotic Plant List; Mitigation Plan (Attachment A); and DEP fonns 62.343.900(3), (4), (5), and (7) are attached to and become part of this permit. (2) The pennittee shall comply with the standard manatee protection construction conditions listed in the attachment, "Standard Manatee Construction Conditions, March 1996." (3) If the approved permit drawings conflict with the specific conditions, then the specific conditions shall prevai \. (4) Best management practices for erosion control shall be implemented and maintained at all times during construction of the riprap revetment to prevent siltation and turbid discharges in excess of State water quality standards pursuant to Rule 62-302, P.A.C.. Methods shall include, but are not limited to the use of staked hay bales, staked filter cloth, sodding, seeding, and mulching; staged construction; and the installation of turbidity screens around the immediate project site, The pennittee shall be responsible for ensuring that erosion control devices/procedures are inspected and maintained daily during all phases of construction authorized by this permit until all areas that were disturbed during construction are sufficiently stabilized to prevent erosion, siltation, and turbid discharges. Permittee: :1. Lucie County Causeway Island File No,: 56-0145997-001 Page 7 The following measures shall be taken immediately by the permittee whenever turbidity levels within waters of the State surrounding the project site exceed 29 Nros above background: a, Immediately cease all work contributing to the water quality violation, b, Stabilize all exposed soils contributing to the violation. Modify the work procedures that were responsible for the violation and install more turbidity containment devices and repair any non-functioning turbidity containment devices. c. Notify the DEP-Southeast District Environmental Resource CompliancelEnforcement Section at 561/681-6643 within 24 hours of the time the violation is first detected. (5) All storage or stockpiling of tools or materials (i.e. lumber, pilings, etc,) shall be limited to uplands or within the i!Ilpact areas authorized by this project. (6) . The permittee shall clear the project site of existing rubble and refuse to allow for the placement of the new revetment, All toxic or hazardous material such as asphalt, rebar, garbage, or any other unsuitable materials will be removed from the project site and properly disposed of at a landfill or hazrdous waste facility. (7) Riprap shall consist of unconsolidated bOulders, rocks, or clean concrete rubble without exposed reinforcing rods or similar protrusions. The riprap shall be free of sediment, debris, and toxic or otherwise deleterious substance. The riprap shall have a diameter of 12 to 36 inches. (8) The riprapshall be fully constructed, prior to the placement of any back fill material. Any fill material used behind the revetment shall be clean fill and free of vegetative matter, trash, garbage, toxic or hazardous waste or any other unsuitable materials. (9) The permittee shall clear and maintain the shoreline--including a 25-ft. upland buffer--within the construction site, free from the establishment or invasion of any of the plants listed on The Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council's 1999 Category I Invasive Éxotic Species list, a copy of which is attached. This maintenance clause refers to the planting or natural recruitment of the referenced plants. MITIGATION (10) The permittee shall provide mitigation for the destruction of approximately 0,28 acres of natural resources at a ratio of 11: 1, The mitigation shall include the enhancement of a 20- ft. by 6,650- ft swath (3,1 acres) mosquito control impoundment dike located within the Fort Pierce Inlet State Recreation Area. The mitigation will also include the installation of a 30-inch diameter, 40-foot long aluminum culvert in the mosquito dike in order to improve hydrological exchange between the impounded wetland and the surrounding estuary. Finally, the permittee will replant three 5-ft, to 8-ft. red mangroves which are expected to be impacted by the culvert installation, (11) Mitigation work shall commence within 30 days of completion of the riprap revetment project and will be conducted by the St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District, Permittee: St. Lucie County Causeway Island File No.: 56-0145997-001 Page 8 (12) The area to be excavated to install the culvert shall be in accordance with the attached penn it drawings and shall not exceed the areas and depths indicated on those drawings. (13) Best management practices for erosion and turbidity control shall be implemented and maintained at all times during excavation to ensure that turbidity levels do not exceed the State water quality standard for turbidity in Class III mariné waters (29 nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs) above background levels) described in Rule 62-302, F.A,C. Methods for controlling erosion and turbidity shall include, but are not limited to the use of staked hay bales; staked filter cloth; sodding, seeding, and mulching; staged construction; and the -development of turbidity screens around the immediate project site. (14) Exotic vegetation removal shall be achieved by using the stump~ut method immediately followed by treating the cut stump with a water use approved herbicide. Cut branches and trunks shall be chipped and remain on site in the uplands, (See Attachment A) (15) St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District staff shall perfonn re-inspections of the mitigation sites every 6 months to retreat any exotic vegetation seedlings or re-growth or to make repairs to the culvert for as long as the District manages the mosquito control impoundment, presumably in perpetuity. Success of the exotic vegetation removal program shall be defined as <5% exotic recovery. (16) A monitoring report shall be submitted on an annual basis, for a five year period, to the Department (attention ERP CompliancelEnforcement Section) with a document containing the following infonnation: (a) penn it number, (b) dates of inspections; (c) a statement describing the percentage cover and species list of exotic vegetation present at each inspection in order to evaluate success rate (<5% exotic vegetation); (d) a statement describing types of eradication methods and herbicides used on the impoundment dike; and (e) condition of the mangroves transplanted during the culvert installation. Monitoring reports shall be submitted to Todd Brown at the Department of Environmental Protection, Southeast District, Submerged Lands & Environmental Resources Program, CompliancelEnforcement Section, P,O. Box 15425, West Palm Beach, Florida 33416. When submitting this infonnation to the DEP, the following wording shall be included at the top of each page or as a cover page to the submittal: "This information being provided in partial fulfillment of the monitoring requirements in Permit No. 56- 0145997-00 I." Failure to submit reports in a timely manner constitutes grounds for revocation of the permit. (17) The permittee or St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District shall contact the Department of Environmental Protection, Southeast District, Submerged Lands & Environmental Resources Program, ComplianceÆnforcement Section, P.O, Box 15425, West Palm Beach, Florida 33416, ifthe monitoring reports or on-site inspections of the exotic vegetation removal show that the program is not successful. The permittee or District shall then request a meeting to evaluate potential problems and make the Permitt~~: St, Lucie County Causeway Island File No.: 56-0145997-001 Page 9 necessary changes to correct them. A meeting may also be requested by DEP following review ofthe monitoring reports or on-site inspections ofthe mitigation area, RIGHTS OF AFFECTED PARTIES This permit and no objection to use sovereign submerged lands is hereby granted unless a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is timely filed under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes as provided below. The procedures for petitioning for a hearing are set forth below A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes. The petition must contain the information set forth below and must be filed (received by the clerk) in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, Mediation may also be pursued as specified below. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to re-determine final agency action on the application, the filing of a petition for an administrative hearing may result in a modification of the permit/no objection to use or even a denial of the application. Ifa sufficient petition for an administrative hearing or request for an extension of time to file a petition is timely filed, this permit/no objection to use automatically becomes only proposed agency action on the application, subject to the result of the administrative review process. Mediation may also change the final disposition of the application. Accordingly, the applicant is advised not to commence construction or other activities under this permit/no objection to use until the deadlines noted below for filing a petition for an administrative hearing or request for an extension of time have expired. Under rule 62-110.1 06(4) of the Florida Administrative Code, a person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may also request an extension of time to file a petition for an administrative hearing. The Department may, for good cause shown, grant the request for an extension of time. Requests for extension of time must be filed with the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, before the applicable deadline. A timely request for extension of time shall toll the running of the time period for filing a petition until the request is acted upon. If a request is filed late, the Department may still grant it upon a motion by the requesting party showing that the failure to file a request for an extension of time before the deadline was the result of excusable neglect. In the event that a timely and sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is filed, other persons whose substantial interests will be affected by the outcome of the administrative process have the right to petition to intervene in the proceeding. Intervention will be only at the discretion of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion in compliance with rule 28-106.205 of the Florida Administrative Code. In accordance with rules 28-106,111(2) and 62-110.106(3)(a)(4), petitions for an administrative hearing by the applicant must be filed within 14 days of receipt of this written notice, Petitions filed by any persons other than the applicant, and other than those entitled to written notice under section 120,60(3) of the Florida Statutes, must be filed within 14 days of publication ofthe notice or within 14 days of receipt of the written notice, whichever occurs first. Pennittee: St. Lucie County Causeway Island File No,: 56-0145997-001 Page 10 Under section 120.60(3) of the Florida Statutes, however, any person who has asked the Department for notice of agency action may file a petition within 14 days of receipt of such notice, regardless of the date of publication, The petitioner shan mail a copy of the petition to the applicant at the address indicated above at the time of filing. The failure of any person to file a petition for an administrative hearing or pursue mediation as provided below within the appropriate time period shall constitute a waiver of those rights. A petition that disputes the material facts on which the Department's action is based must contain the following infonnation: (a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency's file or identification number, if known; (b) The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner, the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; and an explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests are or will be affected by the agency detennination; (c) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the agency decision; (d) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate; (e) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, including the specific facts that the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; and (f) A statement of the specific rules or statutes that the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; (g) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action that the petitioner wishes the agency to take with respect to the agency's proposed action. A petition that does not dispute the material facts on which the Department's action is based shall state that no such facts are in dispute and otherwise shall contain the same infonnation as set forth above, as required by rule 28-106.301. Under sections 120.569(2)( c) and (d) of the Florida Statutes, a petition for administrative hearing must be dismissed by the agency if the petition does not substantially comply with the above requirements or is untimely filed. In addition to petitioning for an administrative hearing, any person who has previously filed a petition for an administrative hearing may pursue mediation. If a written mediation agreement with all parties to the proceeding (i,e., the applicant, the Department, and any person who has filed a timely and sufficient petition for a hearing) is filed with the Department within 10 days after the deadline for filing a petition for an administrative hearing, the time limitations imposed by sections 120.569 and 120.57 shall be tolled to allow mediation to proceed. The agreement must contain an the infonnation required by rule 28-106.404. The agreement must be received by the clerk in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, before the deadline noted above, Pursuing mediation will not adversely affect the right to a hearing if mediation does not result in a settlement. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the mediation must be concluded within sixty days of the execution of the agreement, If mediation results in settlement of the administrative dispute, the Permittee: St. Lucie County Causeway Island File No.: 56-0145997-001 Page II Department must enter a final order incorporating the agreement of the parties, As noted above, persons seeking to protect their substantial interests that would be affected by such a final decision modified through mediation must file their petitions within 14 days of receipt or publication of this notice as provided above, or they shall be deemed to ha~e waived their right to a proceeding under sections 120.569 and 120.57. If mediation terminates without settlement of the dispute, the Department shall notify all parties in writing that the administrative hearing processes under sections 120.569 and 120,57 remain available for disposition of the dispute, and the notice will specify the deadlines that then will apply for challenging the agency action and electing remedies under those two statutes. This action iš final and effective on the date filed with the Clerk of the Department unless a petition is filed in accordance with the above. Upon the timely filing of a petition this order will not be effective until further order of the Department. This permit constitutes an order of the Department. The applicant has the right to seek judicial review of the order under section 120.68 of the Florida Statutes, by the filing of a notice of appeal under rule 9.110 of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure with the Clerk of the Department in the Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-3000; and by filing a copy of the notice of appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the appropriate district court of appeal. The notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days from the date when the final order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. The applicant, or any party within the meaning of section 373 .114( 1)( a) of the Florida Statutes, may also seek appellate review of this order before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission under section 373.114(1) of the Florida Statutes. Requests for review before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission must be filed with the Secretary of the Commission and served on the Department within 20 days from the date when the final order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. Executed in West Palm Beach, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION .f,- MCM/tr/jf~ ·~/7L /" - I (./~ -( L~ / iò - ¡<f--7 <] \'1.iV Mary C. Murphy Date Program Administrator Submerged Lands & Environmental Resources Program Copies furnished to: U, S, Army Corps of Engineers St, Lucie County Planning Division DEP, Office of General Counsel Mr, Stephen Schropp Taylor Engineering, Inc. 9086 Cypress Green Drive Jacksonville, FL 32256 Pennittee: St. Lucie County Causeway Island File No.: 56-0145997-001 Page 12 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned 'duly designated deputy clerk hereby certifies that this penn it and authorization to use sovereign submerged lands, including all copies, were mailed before the close of business on OCT 1 5 199.9 ' 1999, to the above listed persons. FILING AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT FILED, on this date, pursuant to 120.52(7), Florida Statutes, with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Clerk (L(t~ ~ff 1 5 1999 Prepared by Javne E. Bergstrom. 20 pages attached. - I i .> }>- (T ~ Ç) :r: <-- 3: ï 0 n "" I» tv Z ~ :... 0 in ::::J " Õ VI ::::!. 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'~3 -It::." ;: _ .. 3 P"!G !~'¡' ~n >!H'l ',¡; ".- f 3l' "-31 8~õ .. ! ~~ !~~ ~..,: !~....... __~ z.....=' ~:; ~9' 11 IN . w ." .. o ." o "'n i g: Š '" 1<. ~ ;~ . õ-< ~ ~¡: ~ ò ~ ª !~ õ 0 " !f o . i > rn () :;:: TAYLOR ENGINEERING, INC. 9000 Cypress Green Drive, Suite 200 = Jacksonville, FL 32256 -....... Figure 2. Project and Mitigation Area Locations .... 11111111111111 CD~ 8~ °ï f-fJ 0 III 'C :;0 °ëil trUJ m oUJ Z :SG>G) :S. ëiI _ ii'~z -:Sm "om ï::L:;o (.0)<_ ~~ Z ~~~ œz 89 :;cr (DO 3ß O~ <0 Q)=, ;9. ='-0 a.., 00 c:"C -0 <en (De(D ::+0. 5"~ eno S'~ =0 Q) -~< O(D ='cc CD - a õ =' ::!! cc c: a w Attachment· B \ PROJECT, lOCATION 40'(+/-) (50" MAX.) 30'(+/-) T/EARTHEN DIKE EL 4.00'· INDIAN RIVE LAGOON M.W.H. . EL 0.80'(+)* 30- CM~ INV. EL (-)1.00'· INV. EL (-)1.00'· 4-x4-(PRESSURE TREATED) TYPICAL SECTION SCALE: 1"-10' NOTE: '"ALL ELAVATlON ARE KG.V.D. ~.C>.~: 140 -\Q~ O\Q~ ~-~ _ 00 z 9 DaA~ 1.".4 '-1-" BOARD OF OOUNTY OOMMJSSIONERS Sf. LUCœ OOUNlY, PLORIDA ENGINEERINGDMSION 2m VIRGINIA AVE.. Fr. I'IF.RŒ. fLORIDA TELEPHONE (S6 ) 462-m7 œ:ta<IÐ CHa:JO) LOCATION M"P AND DETAIL .....,.., Attachment A St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District ~ Mitigation Plan ßOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT .July 9,1999 JAMES R. DAVID DIREGOR Mr. Stephen Schropp Taylor Engineering, Inc, 9086 Cypress Green Drive .Jacksonville, Florida 32256 RE: DEP File No, 56-0145997-001 Saint Lucie County Dear Mr. Schropp, Attached are the District responses to Completeness Summary Items Sa&b of the above referenced pemlit application: Sa&b) Mitigation Plan The mitigation proposed is the installation of a 40 ft. long, 30-inch dia., 14 gage, CAP, combined with rcmoval of Brazillian pepper from 6650 LF of the existing mosquito control dike. =:: TheculvcI1 is to be field located to minimize impacts on wetland vegetation (juvenile mangroves), After placing turbidity curtains adjacent to the culvert installation site, any small mangroves which would otherwisc be impacted, are to be relocated by Native Technologies Inc. to a wetland bank site whicl1 they manage. After the native plant removal process is complete, we plan to remove a 20X6X6 section of the interior of the dike and place the dry dike spoil on the upland dike area adjacent to the construction site. The two extreme edges of the dike are then excavated, and replaced by the culvert, Fill is then replaced into the trench, immediately covering the culvert, Thereby reusing the material stored on the dike, prr, 4X6, Tie downs are driven into the substrate to hold/adjust the culvert ends at their precise invert elevation, Clean Coquina rip/rap is then placed onto the ends of the culvert immediately along the edge of the dike fill line to control erosion. After 72 hours, the turbidity curtain is removed. The culvert will then be accepted by the District, to be operated in perpetuity (for as long as the District manages the impoundment), in accordance with DEP Wetlands Resource Operating perrniJ No. 562657779, and its successors and/or assigns. The exotic removal targets the Brazillian pepper trees growing along the fringes of the dikes in transitional \"etland areas. The pepper trees arr to be removed using the stump-cut method, being hand-cut and leaving a stump of 12 inches or ìess. The trimmed materials are to be chipped and distributed on the Üpland portion of the dike. The stump is then herbicided using Garlon 4, in accordance ,,·¡th Aquatic Plant Management Penllit No, SF-97-3, with a re-inspection within six JOHN D. OI\UHN. Di~r,ic' NO.1' DOUG COWAI\D. Dis:,:cr No.2· PAULA A. LEWIS. DiSTricr No. J . fl\ANNIE HUTCHit-<SON. DiSTriCT NO.4. CUFF OAI\NES. DisrricT No.5 County Admini~rro'o' - DQuglo5 M. Anderson 2JOO Virginia Avenue · Fr. Pierce, FL J4982 . (561) 462-1692 . FA)( (561) 462-1565 . TDD (561) 462-1428 J150 Will Fee Rood · Fr. Pierce, Fl J4982 " months to eradicate any re-growth. One the removal has been detennined to achieve 100% success, the District maintains a constant monitoring and control program which maintains the dike virtually exotic-free «5% exotic recovery), for as long as the District manages the impoundment (estimated to be in perpetuity), Please let us know if you require any additional infonnation, Sincerely yours, /~ (!~af!:~:j) V ~il;~:~or cc: Richard Bouchard. Asst. Co. Eng. file -" ~ " ,'- ~, 'J.'