HomeMy WebLinkAboutState Legislation FY 1999-00 LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION 1997 SENATORS: PATSY KURTH 2174 HARRIS AVENUE, NE SUITE I-B PALM BAY, FL 32905 WILLIAM G. "DOC" MYERS 50 KINDRED STREET, #301 STUART, FL 34994 \ , ---"4._ li/J ~ ~ 1 l- 7JP--kŸ Lt- vi C'- } REPRESENTATIVES: RICK MINTON ;t\\ 1~0 VIRGINIA AVENUE, SUITE :?Ø FORT PIERCE, FL 3..19.&2-- CHARLES SEMBLER, II 1053 - 20th PLACE VERO BEACH, FL 32961 KEN PRUITT 2400 SE MIDPORT ROAD SUITE 310 PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34952 ~ ~ '" November 2, 1998 Representative Kenneth P. Pruitt 2400 SE Midport Road Suite 310 Port St. Lucie, Florida Dear Ken: I am pleased to present the projects that the St. Lucie County Commission is requesting the Legislative Delegation send to the State Legislature for funding in FY 1999-2000. The County Commission approved submittal of the project at a workshop on September 10, 1998. We have prioritized the projects by category, provided a summary of each project, the budget for the projects, a brief description of each of the thirteen projects, and a description of the local match for the projects. Through Representative Pruitt, we have already submitted for consideration the Causeway Islands Erosion projects, The Fairgrounds Relocation project and the Morningside Library project. For your information, we have also included them in this booklet. We respectfully request your review ofthese projects and ask for your support of them as part of the 1999-2000 State budget. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Gary D. Charles, Chairman St. Lucie County Commission GDC:tf TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (BY PRIORITY) TAB 1 AIRPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT TAB 2 SOUTH 25TI1 STREET PHASE I AND MIDWAY ROAD WIDENING TAB 3 HARBOUR POINTE IMPROVEMENTS RECREATION PROJECTS (BY PRIORITY) TAB 4 FOOTBALL AND SOCCER STADIUM TAB 5 SOUTH HUTCINSON ISLAND PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH TAB 6 HUTCHINSON ISLAND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ~ TAB 7 PURCHASE JETTY PARK AND ADJACENT PROPERTY TAB 8 SA V ANNAS RECREATIONAL AREA IMPROVEMENTS WATER QUALITY AND CONSERV A TION PROJECTS (BY PRIORITY) TAB 9 INDIAN RIVER ESTATES/SAVANNAS WATER RETENTION RETROFIT PROJECT TAB 10 NORTH COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PROJECTS ALREADY SUBMITTED TAB 11 FAIRGROUNDS RELOCA nON PROJECT TAB 12 TEN MILE CREEK REGIONAL ATTENUATION FACILITY TAB 13 CAUSEWAY ISLAND AND EROSION PROJECTS TAB 14 MORNINGS IDE LIBRARY PROJECT \.r '-' ~ 00 E-- U f:; ~ ~ E-- Z ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ""'" ~ u ""'" E-- ~ U > E-- ~ o u f:1 u þ ~ ~ 00 '-' ~ o ~ ~ ~ u =: u < ~ z ""'" > E-- ~ o ~ ~ > 6 z o ""'" 00 00 ~ 00 ~ :> ""'" ~ ~ 00 ""'" ~ ~ ~ Q Q Q M I 0'1 0'1 0'1 .-4 ~ o ¡:¡;.. 00 E-- U f:; o ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 o ~ o ~ ~ 000 0\ 0 0 _ 0 0 óóó 0\ ~ tr\ \O~ 0\ t"--~ M N' - EA_EA EA ö ~ @ o ~ ~ E-< ~ U g¿ ~ 00 ~ ~ E-- ~ 0 uE-<~ ~~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E-- 0 - .¿¡ Z~g3~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ OUE-<~ ~ - ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Ôoo§ u U ::r:: ~ """'~ E-< ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ::r:: 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ < ~ ::r:: ~ N ('t) 00 00 00 ÓÓ tr\ 0 t"--O EA ~ ('I EA 000 000 000 óóó o 0 tr\ tr\ tr\ 00 EAN'EA EA ::r:: E-< <: ~ ~ >- 00 ~ E-< E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z 0 ~ :> <1:: ~ E-< ~ ~ ~ æ ~ ;~I~~ oo~~~~~ E--~~ ~ Z u~OO_~O f:;~zo<E== 00 0 ~ ~ ~ ~~~ri3~~ zz::r::-E-<~ o<1::~ôg¿~ ~~~~g3~ é~ ~ ~ g ~ ~O~~~:> o 0 ~ <: ~ r/) ~ r/) ..;tLO CD""" 00 o 0 o 0 o 0 óó o 0 00 o~ .,ç('l EA EA E-< U g¿ ~ ~ E-< - ~ o ~ E-< ~ Z o 00- E--E-< U@E-< ã ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z <: E-< º ~ Z ~? ~ <r/)~ ¡~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ rn ~ Z ~ ~ < <: ~ >E-<? E-- rn :>< ""'" ~ E-< ~ ~ ê5 g~ 8 ~ z ::r:: ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0') ~ o 000 o 000 o 0 - 0 ÓÓMÓ o 000 o 0 0\ ('I OÔMEAEA EA EA >- .E-< - ~ - U <: ~ rn Ô t> ~ ~ a c-' ~ ~ ~ ~ @ ~ ~~t:: ô E-4 ~ <: (¡j i ô ~ ~ þ;;J E== Zo ~ 00 <: ,...-.~ > U S ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~rn~ ~ oo~U (¡j E-- 0 ~ ö U ~ ~ f:;~~g3~ ~<@~o ~~E-<U~ ~ N M ..;t "r"""' "r"""' ,.......04 ~ Q 0'1 M M QO QO M ~ fA ~ E-- o E-- I '-'. ì \w- , '--' PROPOSED PROJECTS TO SUBMIT FOR 1999-2000 LEGISLATIVE SESSION \... ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS '--' \..- ~ Airport Ecònomic Development Project Phases I, II and III A proposal for $3,690,190 to build infrastructure and industrial facilities at the St. Lucie County International Airport to create major new economic development industrial párk for the County. ~ '-" \¡., BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR P-AYMOND L. WAZNY NAME OF PROJECT: St. Lucie County Airport Industrial Park Improvements. AMOUNT OF REQUEST: $3,690,190.00 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: PHASE I: St. Lucie County has obtained site plan approval to construct on seven County owned parcels of land in the Airport Industrial Park between Industrial Avenue 1 and \¡., 3. The County is working. in partnership with private contractors to build shell buildings on these sites for lease to meet the financial projections of the Airport Business Plan. Infrastructure needs of Phase I include extension of wastewater lines from Industrial Avenue 3 to each parcel. The total infrastructure costs are estimated to be $1,088,310. State funding assistance for the infrastructure needs will be requested at the 1999 Tallahassee Legislative meetings. A low cost low pressure interim sewer system will be used pending identification of funding for the 'project. The lots to be developed are shown on the following map. The objective of Phase I is to have all parcels leased by June, 1999. PHASE II: In January, 1999 three site plan approvals will be initiated for nine more County owned contiguous parcels along Industrial Avenue One. The County will work in partnership with private contractors to build shell buildings on these sites. Infrastructure improvements will include extension of water and wastewater lines and road construction of Industrial Avenue One. Road construction costs are estimated at $150,000 and wastewater line extension costs are estimated to be $127,430. An additional $70,000 is requested to construct the necessary water lines to these properties. The objective is to have all properties in Phase II leased by December 2000. \.r J(jHI~ D. DnUHN, Disttict rh 1 . I<EN SATTLER, District No.2· PAULA A. LEWiS, District No. J . GARY CHARLES, District No.4· CLIFF DARNES, District No.5 Counry Administrotor - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Adm!nisrrotion: (561) 462-1590 · Growth Management: (561) 462-1553 Planning: (561) 462-2822 · Fax: (561) 462-1735 Code Compliance: (561) 462-1571 · Fax: (561) 462-1148 ~ PHASE III: In December 1999, site plan approval will be requested for a new County-owned Industrial Park on the 150 acres of land west of the airport. Marketing and leasing of Phase III properties may begin immediately, once site plan approval is complete and infrastructure funding is identified. Infrastructure improvements include water and wastewater line extension ($854,450) and road construction ($1,400,000). REASON FOR FUNDING: St. Lucie County has a very high unemployment rate. One of the primary reasons for this is the large number of seasonal and agricultural jobs, which generally don't employ highly paid personnel, and often have periods of the year when work is not available. As a result of the County having high unemployment and a large number of low paying jobs, average housing values are also low. The low value of housing, combined with the $25,000 homestead exemption, results in the County providing services which are not paid for by property taxes. '-' The County has recognized that more high paying jobs are needed to generate and sustain economic growth in the future. A three phase plan has been developed to stimulate economic development on industrially zoned County land at the St. Lucie County Airport Industrial Park. The Park is adjacent to the City of Fort Pierce, which is currently undergoing redevelopment. Increasing job generation through business development will improve the overall economic condition of the County and encourage other quality development, including the construction of higher value dwelling units, thus improving the economic health and quality of life in St. Lucie County. \... ~ '-" \.... PHASE I: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS (1998) Wastewater $1,088,310 PHASE II: (1999) Wastewater $ 127,430 Road construction $ 150,000 (1/4 mile Industrial Avenue One) Water Line Extension $ 70,000 TOTAL $ 347,430 PHASE III: (1999) Water & Wa$tewater Pave Y2 mile of Taylor Dairy Rd. Construct 3/4 mile of new service road (includes permit drainage and retention) Provide for entry from Kings Hwy TOTAL $ 854,450 $ 50,000 $ 150,000 $1,200,000 $2,254,450 TOTAL Funding Requirements $3,690,190 ~ St. Lucie County Florida ~'/"'!"~~n". t ......,:..... \ ....JV{ .....~ '-' .~ \'" 'h~¿" ~ \. {.~ L.......J '" '.. ).''''\~ç[·~~~·''T~2;tyu'\Y~ . ~~ ¡ ¡ \~.^w3< j m~~llNN^~::'.'^W^w"",~~ ; WN-m-"\ ., ¡ '(L. ì"Z ì \ .... in ¡ t,>, ~ ~'i~~:____..J,............,..,^,,=)"'mL~, . ~ \ ~ \\.. ~ .~. \ .;;;;?"""""......~ ~.....w_......J ~~ i '::~"'~ ~ L.J j ,,,..~y,...!m.w-;::¡h . \ J ~j........f'. ~/:. ~ ì :;í 1z~r/- ) ~ t,..J: ~ . ... .l"......V.......v.-,,,........,,~ ~ '''''.m~.... ! ! \ J \ t'··,w··'!·..··....:"".,!··...i) 't.,,,,- ¡ f} '..s..........! /'9 \. ¡ f .~ ~ ~,j ·C~,,··,y~;l! ;~f··· . Af' ..;."ø'"' '-' t. æ 18 nty t. i t I nt r ti I i r Conceptual Plans Phases I & II . " '-' AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND CONCEPTUAL PLAN A. Background The St. Lucie County International Airport Industrial Park is a 142-acre area adjacent to the southeast comer of the Airport and is zoned for commercial use, The developed parcels in the park use septic tanks and drain fields to dispose of wastewater created at each facility.. The lack of a sewer collection system in the Airport Industrial Park limits the utilization of the property by the owners and restricts their ability to maximize their business activities. Without a sewer collection system, they must seek expensive methods of process water disposal. When the older septic systems fail. the property owners are faced with replacing them with expensive systems which require larger areas for drain fields. New drain fields consume as much as 259c of the usable property and limits the size of buildings on the lot. St. Lucie County is actively pursuing the Economic Development of the Industrial Park and with a positive sewer system in place. building size could be maximized to encourage development of the area. The new septic systems require elevated drain fields which can only function with the installation of a lift station. The lift stations increase the capital and operating expense to the business. During the Park tour, it was evident that most businessés were in favor of the sewer system. '-' B. Concept Plan Enclosed, following this narrative, is Inwood's drawing showing the Sewer Collection System Concept Plan for the Airport Industrial Park. The Concept Plan is divided into two phases for construction. Phase I (shown in yellow on the concept plan) is the largest section and consists of 109 acres of mixed developed and undeveloped properties. Phase 2 (shown in gray on the concept plan) is south of Phase I and is 33 acres which is undeveloped at this time. Design of the sewer collection system will accommodate expansion to the south and east as growth occurs. The Concept Plan shows the sewer collection system connecting to the lift station which will serve the St. Lucie County Airport, near the Sheriff's hanger in Block 7. The sewer collection system shown is a combination of gravity lines, force main, manholes and lift stations. There is no special treatment or equipment necessary for this project. C. Wastewater Disposal Two alternatives are available for disposal of the wastewater. Fairwinds Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Fort Pierce Utility Authority. If the decision is made to pump the wastewater to the Fairwinds Wastewater Treatment Plant, the plant will require expansion. The combined flow of Fairwinds, Airport and Industrial Park will exceed the plant capacity. Three alternatives are possible for expansion of the Fairwinds WWTP. I) Relocate an abandoned plant and connect it to run in parallel/series with the existing '-" plant, 2) Purchase and install a new plant in parallel/series with the existing plant or 3) Change the plant process from extended air to contact stabilization. If the Fairwinds '-' Plant is expanded, the current thinking is to transport a similar plant from another site and reconstruct it next to the Fairwinds Plant. The County has at least two options for County owned plants which will soon be decommissioned. The second option is to connect to Fort Pierce Utility Authority's new force main which will run down St. Lucie Boulevard. Both of these alternatives will be evaluated during the Preliminary Engineering Phase. D. Recommendations 1. Based on the observations and discussions during the field survey and the responses received in the mail outs, the Engineer understands the need for the project and recommends the County proceed with the project in the Industrial Park. We feel support for the sewer collection system in the Airport Industrial Park will continue. 2. We further recommend that the construction of the sewer collection for the Airport Industrial Park be phased. This approach will allow for growth and development in a controlled fashion and reduce the initial capital investment. Constructing Phase 1 would follow the current development trend as no improvements have been made in the Phase 2 area at this time. In the future, the property owners in the Phase 2 area and the San Lucie Plaza will experience the need for a sewer collection system and will want the County to construct the system. To plan now for their future need adds "-'" little cost or complications to the Airport Industrial Park sewer collection system. E. Preliminary Cost Estimate A preliminary cost estimate is provided on the next page which gives a general budgetary number for the financial planning of this project. The estimate includes construction costs for Phase 1 and Phase 2 components drawn in the concept plan, engineering, permitting and construction services. The estimate also includes relocation and installation of an abandoned wastewater treatment plant currently owned by St. Lucie County to expand the capacity of the Fairwinds Golf Course WWTP. F. Minimum Improvemen~s In an effort to promote development of County owned properties (shown in cyan on the concept plan) within the Industrial Park, St. Lucie County is providing an approved site plan layout and a low pressure sewer collection system to serve each parcel. This plan is a temporary arrangement that would be replaced with the construction of the- proposed gravity system. Sewer collection system improvements are necessary to make the properties attractive and marketable to businesses relocating to the area. '-' .'-' ST. LUCIE COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM PHASE 1 - CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE "-" ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL Manholes 37 $ 3,450.00 $ 127,650 pump Station 1 $ 100,000.00 $ 1 00,000 8" Gravitv Sewer Pipe 10.800 $ 18.50 $ 199 800 10" Gravitv Sewer Pipe 2.000 $ 23.75 $ 47 500 12" Gravitv Sewer Pipe 175 $ 27.50 $ 4810 16" Gravitv Sewer Pipe 50 $ 32.90 $ 1,650 6" Force Main 2.000 $ 15.50 $ 31.000 WWTP Expansion 1 $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000 Continaencv 20% $ 132,480.40 $ 132 480 Enaineerina and Permittina 1 $ 170,630.00 $ 170 630 Survev, Bioloaical & Geotech. 1 $ 49,000.00 $ 49,000 Construction Services 1 $ 73,790.00 $ 73 790 PHASE 1 CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL $ 1,088,310 PHASE 2 - CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL Manholes 10 $ 3 450.00 $ 34 500 10· Gravitv Sewer Pipe 2.150 $ 23.75 $ 51 065 12" Gravitv Sewer Pipe 750 $ 27.50 $ 20 625 Continaencv 20% $ 21,237.90 $ 21,240 PHASE 2 CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL $ 127,430 TOTAL PROJECT COST = $ 1,215,740 \w- Airport Industrial Park Phase I & II County Owned Property ~\ Jacksonville EdUœtDrs aroad~ng 100 Phase I Phase II Community Development Geographic Information Systems 1998 ThIll mop ¡..,_ ""'"I>IMd !øf lllllllO!plðmllll $ttd -_... ooIt· -<N11tY-¡"'-- to m>Ifdo....--.............. 1.-~ItI$""'__fgr........,,!ø¡ aIy~-, PHASE I PRELlMINAf{( BILL OF MATERIALS NOTES, ITEII DESCRIPT ION OUANT ITY I. IIANHQLES :sf EACH 2. POIIP STATION I EACH J. 1/' GRAVITY SEWER PIPE 10.800 LF 4. 10' GARV ITY SEWER PIPE 2.000 LF S. 12' GRAV 11'1' SEWER PIPE ITS LF S. IS' GRAVITY SEWER PIPE SO LF 7. G' FORCEllAlN 2,000 LF I. THIS THIS IT I FOR PARK 2. BASE OIlAWING PIIOVIOEO or ST. WCIE COUNTY ENGINEEIIING OEPARTIIENT, J. UNPLATTED AREA IN TilE SOllTlINEST CORNER WILL BE SERVED BY TilE INOUSTIIIAL PAliK CElffllAL PllIIP STATION. 4. IIANHOLES ARE SPACED NO GREATER THAN 475' APART AND ARE 4' IN DIANUER. NAXII/!III DEPTH IS 12'. 5. THIS PUIIP STAT ION WILL BE INSTALLED AS PART aFTHE A II!POI!1' SEWER CaLLECT ION SY STEN . S. TillS PUIIP STAT ION WILL BE DESIGNED WITH CAPAC ITY FOR ADDITIONAL FLOW FIIOII 7. rHE IIAXIIIIJII LENGTH OF GRAVITY RIlNS IS 2,720'. 8. FINAL PIPELINE LATour WILL BE BASED ON LOCATION OF SEPTIC TANKS. POTABLE WATER OISTRI8/JT ION SYSTEII. SURVEY DATA. AND NATURAL AND IIANIIAOE OBSTACLES. PHASE 2 PREL IMIWAf{( BILL OF MATERIALS ITEII DESCRIPT ION OUAIff ITY I, MANHOLES 10 EACH 2, 10' GARVITT SEWER PIPE 2.150 LF J. II!!' (JRAV¡TT SEWER PIPE 7S0 LF OflAFT--sìJíjilTrfliLroR REViEW---- ï!J¡oJ/JJ;T RE¡;¡JIir=~-==,__ David G. Coleman License No. 49469 ----~--~,~-----~-~._- Ð- ~ 253.521' ¡" ¡;¡ P.E. ST. LUCIE CO ORT &. AIRPORT ~ I.SJ.ENJJ @ IIANHOLE SAN ITAIW SEWER PIPE FOflCEIIAlN ~ FLOW DIRECTION PUIIP !ff' AT ION BLOCK NUMBER SEWER COLECTION SYSTEM · Conce tual Plans Phase III '" []5 0> .E :¡;¡ ~~~ ~,..:,..: ::;;;ÑÑ ~~¡§ ~~~~ tð..-·..-y- :¡¡ ~S?$2S?~;;:~$2töl(}·~·~t-~:J õï e 8:..-NM~I1)Øf'-..roö')$2+=~!t:r :s¡ en '" 15 .3 û5 wrb .œ~ 2 ,5 '::Ë::;;; $<;11 ~i 2m îj {2{2 ~ .~ '" ,~ ~~ 8~ .!!? <> ~~ <>ð~ :E <g ~ ~~ê ~_"''::Ë -L~$? ~tÎ '-" MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY UTILITIES and. RECYCLING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - -- ------------------------------------- TO: Ray Wazny, Community Development Director FROM: William Blazak, Utility Director L~ DATE: June 12, 1998 SUBJECT: AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK PHASE III ~ The cost estimate for Phase III is based on the assumption that there will be 30 lots for development. Sewer collection will be gravity to one central lift station and pumped to the existing wastewater collection system that is currently in service at the airport. The water distribution system will be an extension of the existing water distribution system at the airport as well. WASTEWATER 1 12 3000' 2500' 5000' 30 6 6 Master Pump/Lift Station Manholes @ 8" Gravity Sewer 10" Gravity Sewer 6" PVC Force Main 6" Services to R.O.W. 6" Plug Valves Air Release Valves Total Wastewater $125,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 54,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 8,400.00 $ 364,400.00 ~ '-' '-" ,-,. WATER 5500' 12" PVC Water Main 3000' 10" PVC Water Main 11 Fire Hydrants 30 Water Services to R. O. W. 30 Meters / Boxes 3 Blow off's 6 12" Butterfly Va1ves/ Boxes 6 10" Gate Valves 4 Sample Points Total Water $ 165,000.00 $ 72,000.00 $ 22,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 1,950.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ .1 ,600.00 $ 330,050.00 Total water and wastewater 10 % Contingency Engineering/ permitting/ design $ 694,450.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 90,000.00 TOTAL $ 854,450,00* * Does not include additional plant capacity for wastewater plant. Phase III is assumed to be part of the airport and sufficient capacity exists in the Fairwinds WWTP. '-" ( (~ ..... ( South 25th Street Phase I and Midway Road Widening A proposal for $12,940,000 to build two critical roadways in central St. Lucie County to improve traffic flows and reduce serious congestion and concurrency issues. ~ ~ ~ SOUTH 25TH STREET PHASE I AND MIDWAY ROAD WIDENING Project Manager: Don West, Acting Public Works Director The 25th Street project involves widening the existing two lane roadway to four lanes, from Midway Road to Edwards Road, a distance of 2.4 miles. Construction would include a storm water collection system with retention ponds, and pedestrian walkways. Land acquisition for right-of-way and actual construction could be completed in 3 years. Design plans and permits are completed. The cost is $7,730,000. The Midway Road project involves widening the existing two lane roadway to four lanes, from 25th Street to U.S. Hwy 1, a distance of 1.3 miles. Construction would include a storm water collection system with retention ponds, pedestrian walkways, and widening of the bridge over the North St. Lucie River. Land acquisition for right-of-way and actual construction could be completed in two years. Design plans and permits are completed. The cost is $5,210,000. The County will be requesting $12,940,000 for these two road projects. The County is utilizing the cost of the remainder of the expansion of South 25th Street as a local match for this project ($4.2 million). fORT PIERCE INLET J~ROJ?OSa)~SPOßr~~·~Q~-", EQRJJMlNCQ~RA1'J:!~ S1'~I.;QçJEm~..LfM?~~~ ~ RECREATION PROJECTS ~ ~ ( ......, '-" ( ,~ ( Harbour Pointe Improvements This proposal is for $1,750,000 to construct new roadway, recreational facilities, and other infrastructure improvements on and adjacent to the Harbour Pointe property at the north end of the Port of Ft. Pierce. 1"-,, HARBOUR POINTE IMPRPOVEMENTS Project Manager: Ray W azny, Community Developement Director This property was purchased by the St. Lucie County in 1997 for commercial and recreational development as a part of the Port of Fort Pierce. It has been used in 1998 for a trail ride staging area and in 1997 for the American Wind Symphony Orchestra concert. However, due to the lack if a suitable public access, no infrastructure and public facilities, landscaping and other recreational amenities, the property has not been utilized to it's fullest extent. Use of the site will require roadway access which will cost approximately $125,000. The approximate infrastructure cost to construct water and sewer on the site is $375,000 and it will take approximately $250,000 for physical improvements to the site including a small-vessel docking facility to make Harbour Pointe a usable quality recreational facility. Other improvements will include bathroom facilities and fencing the site. I...... Additional infrastructure adjacent to the Harbour Pointe property to provide'electrical, water, sewer and stormwater facilities are needed. These facilities will compliment the new entry way project and prepare for new development that will conform to the Port Charrette. The County will be requesting $1,750,000 from the State for the improvements described above. The County will provide a 50-50 local match ($1,750,000) to the project by utilizing the value of this land which was purchased by the County in 1997. ,> "-' '-" Football and Soccer Stadium A proposal for $750,000 to build a new football and soccer stadium as a multi- agency multi-purpose facility on property adjacent to the Thomas J. White Stadium in Port St. Lucie. ~ \r 1'-' FOOTBALL AND SOCCER STADIUM Project Manager: Jack Doughney, Leisure Services Director This application is being submitted through the coordinated efforts of the St. Lucie COunty School Board and St. Lucie County for submission to the State. This project will develop a new regional sports facility to broaden the use of the Thomas J. White Stadium in South St. Lucie County. This facility will jointly be used by the School District as part of the new Centennial High School Sports Program and by St. Lucie County for regional sports and recreation programming. The land for the stadium has been donated by a private developer and the project is ready to construct as soon as funding can be obtained. Groundbreaking should occur in early 1999. The County will be requesting $750,000 from the State for this project. A local match is { ~ provided from the $1,000,000 in improvements made to the stadium complex in preparation for its expansion with the new football and soccer stadium and from the $800,000 in land value from the donation of the stadium site. \.,- ~ ßOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEISURE SERVICES J. E. "Jacl~" Daughney III , DireCTor NAME OF PROJECT: Treasure Coast Sports Stadium AMOUNT OF REQUEST: $750,000.00 '--' DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: ",.::'"-'".;;..- This project will be located in the southern part ofSt. Lucie County, as part of the Thomas J. White Stadium/Sports Complex, and will be available year around for a variety of sports including football, soccer, lacrosse, and rugby. It will also be available for professional spor;ts games and training, as well as intra-scholastic, and private athletic club use. It will also be available as a venue for entertainment and music events. REASON FOR FUNDING: This will provide a much needed professional and amateur athletic facility for the southern part of the county where there is none for football and soccer. . ...... K:\WP\IAClUdEMISTADI\JWIUlSur.W'/'D JOHN D. ßRUHN, DlsrriCT No.1. KEN SATTt.E!\. DistriCT NO.2· PAULA A. LEWIS. DisrriCT No. J . GARY CHARLES. DisrriCT No.4· CUFF ßA!\NES. DisrriCT No.5 C:xonry Adminlsrroror - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Phone (561) 46'2-1515 · TOD (561) 462-14'28 TREASURE COAST SPORTS STADIUM ~ INTRODUCTION Under this proposal, the current 10 million dollar St. Lucie County Sports Complex would be expanded to include a 4000 seat, tri-county professional regional soccer/football stadium facility. This facility would turn the sports complex into a year round destination, attracting both tourists and local citizens to professional, amateur, collegiate, and intra- scholastic competitive events and sports activities. The new venue will share existing training rooms, parking, media area, office space, and all other amenities currently offered at the 100 acre sports complex. The St. Lucie County Sports Complex will now be able to host NFL pro football, '--' collegiate training camps and professional soccer events. Treasure Co"ast"area high schools will also be featured weekly during the fall by playing Friday night football. In addition, other athletic events such as soccer, football, and baseball all star showcase, both on the, ~ . . pro level and collegiate level will be held at the new facility during their respective seasons. Live entertainment will also headline at the facility, which will be capable of hosting concerts and music festivals. The use of existing support resources, county facilities, staff, and operation dollars (funded locally by our TDC tax), will combine to make this facility an instant success on the Treasure Coast. The proposed facility will be located 1/4 mile north of the 1-95 interchange on St. Lucie West Boulevard in south St. Lucie County and puts the expanded Sports Complex within 30 minutes driving time to over 350,000 residents of the Treasure Coast. '-" TREASURE COAST SPORTS STADIUM ~ CONSTRUCTION BUDGET Cost Item $ 170,000.00 Sports Facility Lighting 80,000.00 Buildings (Box Office, Office, Lockers, Concessions, etc...) 140,000.00 Bleachers, Ramps, Storage Area 25,000.00 Scoreboard, Public Address System 15,000.00 Fences 18,000.00 Road/WaÎking Paths 30,000.00 Landscaping 5,000.00 Support Furniture 42,000.00 IrrigationIW ell 45,000.00 Sod - BermudalField -...., 9,000.00 Press BoxlEquipment. ,.- 4,000.00 Signage 8,000.00 Pedestrian Lighting 2,000.00 Football Goal Posts 2,000.00 Soccer Goals 50,000.00 Site Work 20,000.00 Drainage 15,000.00 Site Prep/Grub/Clear 70.000.00 ArchitecturallEngineering Services $750,000.00 TOTAL ......... ~ ~ ~ TREASURE COAST SPORTS STADIUM PROGRAMMING/ OVERVIEW Football Professional Training! Spring Site Facility Varsity, Junior Varsity, Freshman Pro _ Mini Campi Compoundsrrry-outs/Athletic Showcase Events Soccer Professional Soccer/ GamesfLeaguerrournaments Varsity - Boys'/Girls' Junior Varsity - Boys'/Girls' Lacrosse Varsity, Junior Varsity, Intra scholastic, Club . Rugby Games, Tournaments, League Club Soccer Boys' /Girls' Marching Band Competition Field Hockey Clteerleading Competitions -... {j)0 (DO 03 fll ¡¡:: <03 II> ¡¡) }I u pi u -g.c II ãJ õ' ::) ~ ill (1) 5"~ (h a. - 'iI ~ 0 ~ rI (1) 30 III 3 ~ro d! ~ -.< -~ gro ui ëô ~O co J (X) cn-o ro3 gro ::) r-+ Z~ r c: () ëi)" ~ ~ .-.,. s:: õ.: Q. ëD i'-'" :Y en () :Y o º- /' A~J --------.- .---...-........-......... ..............H..·....··___·_ ......----------1 (D x ;::¡:T 0')<0 1\)01 I o _._.........-~._..- --- ~- ----- /./~. / ~ /._ ..--...1 ¡....___......_...u__j, ....-' // (~" II " r" i~ " ~~-\ I ' "-~/ (--'" \. ) __..r' '/J ,-- / / \ ~ -- , - ,. (j) ~ , , ~ :IJ lJ !Æ '1 -U 0 m "r 0 » :JJ ~ :IJ '~ --I (j) 0 (f) (j) C --1 , r :IJ lJ c (j) m 0 0 ~ m 0 if) ïl ., s;: 0 0 m - » c 0 ~ (j) ~ --..-- en () -; .~Æ:;"fî-T~~i'11[ fTHttttt U '..J'Ç--~---;j;~"" vO~<CD,,,,p "'- ", "," ¡HI-BO''- ¿;;;oo~""O'Oíi,jje_;î'~~~~~_~~!~ .~....··~t~~ J~L~tD'~.c;]JI~" ffi' 1r"IEb~~ ~~D~1~~I~:1 RfffÆD It: d±+hHHHH ~ . u.v~ñrn ~_ i:::b ~ ¡-' , I"""'; ;:::::::1 H=i 4>=:1 Ï:f=1 ~ d 1}':µlllJ.ITi H l:HIH'j illi iD@ ....~ I=Þ ' ': ' ~ . .HH,...,-,t::¡=,'dEfI!IHEI"--- ·1,clnUIDJ.; " I t II .... c.~ aülfJ tI'J tAlJ3 ¿. _I ,~.f$l.~~ ' ê,~ ¡:¡j¡¡:¡ t§iìrrTI:1::" ¡¡j ,~~ gpn:;¡¡æ' _!J!!! ~ South Hutchinson Island Pedestrian and Bike Path The South Hutchinson Island Pedestrian and Bike Path Project is a proposal to construct approximately eleven miles ofpedestrian/bike paths along State Road AIA to connect the entire pedestrianlbike path system on South Hutchinson Island. This important transportation link will provide added safety for walkers and bikers and provide a new recreation amenity for the island. The approximate cost of the project is $2,000,000. (~ ¡\..,. \w- \¡p, \-,.. SOUTH HUTCHINSON ISLAND PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH PROJECT Project Manager: Don West, Acting Public Works Director St. Lucie County is in the process of linking the entire pedestrian/bike route on State Road AIA from the North County to the South County boundary. Much of this work has been completed or will be under construction within the next year. One eleven mile section on South Hutchinson Island remains to be funded and constructed. This important link not only provides the connection for the rest of the pedestrian/bikeway route but has a number of beaches and other environmental settings along the route which can be better utilized if the pedestrian/bike path is completed. It is estimated that the cost of the South Hutchinson Island pedestrian/bike path is approximately $2,000,000 including all elements of the program as defined in the project detail on the following page. The County is requesting $2,000,000 from the State utilizing a 50-50 matching local grant which is coming from the impact fees being utilized to complete the remainder of the pedestrian/bike path on South Hutchinson Island. ~ SOUTH HUTCHINSON ISLAND PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE PATH PROJECT PROPOSED BUDGET Land Acquisition $ 250,000 Construction of PedestrianlBike Path 800,000 Construction of Drainage Facilities 500,000 New Signing 40,000 New Mini-Stopping Areas 100,000 '-" Landscaping 60,000 Other Amenities 50,000 Contingency 200.000 TOTAL $2,000,000 \w I..... (~ (\. Hutchinson Island Improvement Project This is a request for $500,000 to plan and design projects to improve the quality of the beach environment and make Hutchinson Island a special place to live and recreate. \... HUTCHINSON ISLAND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Project Manager: Jack Doughney, Leisure Services Director This project involves long term beach development, recreation and a streetscape plan - including beach amenities such as tables, grills, benches, dune crossover, fishing area, and boat launching facility. These facilities are being developed for both North and South Hutchinson Island, and North and South Causeway from Indian River North to Martin County South AlA. They will offer an entire new theme for Hutchinson Island that will enhance the beauty, useablility and quality of the island as a place to live and recreate. The initial schematic plan is represented by the attached drawings, with actual design and engineering scheduled for 1999. The County is requesting $500,000 for plans & design of the Hutchinson Island Improvement Project. The County will be providing a local a 50 -50 local match of $500,000 from the cost of ~ park improvements being installed on the island by the County. ~ BOARD OF COUNTY ~ COMMIS510NERS LEISURE SERVICES J. E. "Jocl~" Doughney III Director NAME OF PROJECT: Hutchinson Island Plan AMOUNT REQUESTED: $500,000.00 , . - . ~- . .- ~ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Renovate the existing .parks, develop collector sites, and connect each site with a six or eight foot pathway through phases. REASON: To improve facilities and provide park sites along the barrier Islands in St. Lucie County to be use as a continuous park system. ~ JOHN D. ßP.UHN, DisrriCT No.1. KEN SATTLER, Disrr:cr No.2. PAULA A. L.E")/IS, :;;srricr No. J . GAP.Y CHAP.LE5, Dlsrricr No.4· CLIFF ßAP.NES, Disrricr No.5 Counry Admlnisrraror - D--..oglos M. Ande!SOn 2JOOVirginioAvenue. Phone(561)462-1515 · TCD(561) 462-1428 Moil: P.O. ßox 760. Forr Pierce. FL J4954-D760 INFORMATION I \..... ) Request: St. Lucie County is requesting funding from the State of Rorida in the amount of $500,000.00 for the Hutchinson Island Plan. , Purpose: The Hutchinson Island Plan is designed to improve and develop park sites along the barrier island in St. Lucie County to be used as a continuous park system. , ) ~ Info: The goal of the Hutchinson Island Plan is to aeate a Continuous park System. This plan will take full advantage of existing parks and mosquito impoundment by providing a natural experience for hiking, biking, fishing, shell collecting, horseback riding, sunbathing, picnic, swimming and an opportu,nity to observe nature with bird towers and docks. The Hutchinson Island Plan has three major parts or phases. First is to renovate the existing parks; Second to develop collector sites; Third is to connect each site with a'six to eight foot pathway. The St. Lucie Board of County Commissioners has committed $500,000.00 in any effort to upgrade and improve our parks on Hutchinson Island. Mosquito Control is in the continual process of purchasing mosquito impoundment and Community Development is working to improve pedestrian travel along A 1 A. This is an important project to the County and State Tourism. I N F o R M A T I o N For the pedestrian, the parks will serve as rest areas, points of interest and collector locations with restrooms, bike racks, shelter and drinking fountain. \-.) Imagine being able to ride a bike over twenty miles round trip in and out of beautiful beach parks and the natural Indian River Lagoon environment. Stopping along the way to fISh, site see or just rest before continuing on. \w- I IMPROVEMENTSU~ARY LIST OF IMPROVEMENTS: '-' + + ' + + + + + .+ ENTRANCE SIGNAGE ¿---, NEW/RENOVATE DUNE CROSSOVEV· RENOVATEINEW SHELTERS RESTROOMS PAVING · PARKING IMPROVEMENT DRINKING WATER BIKE RACKS ,-_ . "--u· LIST OF PARKS: + BLUE HERON BLVD (EXCHANGE PARK) + JOHN BROOK1S PARK + FREDERICK DOUGLASS PARK + MIDDLE COVE + BLIND GREEK + WALTON ROCK BEACH + "OCEAN BAY + HERMAN'S BAY + NORMANDY BEACH + DOLLMAN BEACH PARK + WAVELAND \... I s U M M A R Y \ BUDGET , '-' · DEVELOPMENT Ad $ 100,000.00 · ENTRANCE at SIGNAGE $ 132,000.00 · DUNE CROSSOVERS $ 180,000.00 · SHELTERS $ 236,000.00 \..- · PARKING $ 200,000.00 · RESTROOMS $ 120,000.00 · PICNIC TABLES $ 20,000.00 · BIKE RACKS $ 6,000.00 · DRINKING WATER $ 6,000.00 $1,000,000.00 ST LUCIE COUNTY $ -500,000.00 REQUEST FROM STATE $ 500,000.00 - '-' B U D G E T '-" '\ ''":\ \ \. .... " .... \ , ~ :-:t(~' ' "\ ,I .f~,· _. . \', :..1i':~~ ~... WI ~~~~j: :,:~~' ;".. ~?~:~.: . ~.... ~~~. if ~.,: . ',; :~~ "~'i .,. .' ~ ,~.;$;:·i:::~¡{,:, . " &.= /} o o I , . " , "- \ " \ \. ~ ,,'\ \ ,\. - " ... \ "- "~ " ~ \ ~ '-. )" ~ / ~/ ~ ~ .·.k(9 ~: ~. ~ t:e) ~ I~ II "',:'::t,\ E N T R A N C E \....) "-') ~) Purchase of Jetty Park and Adjacent Property A proposal for $2,500,000 to expand Jetty Park and provide new parking and recreation facilities at this important Ft. Pierce park. '--' ( ;~ \. PURCHASE OF JETTY PARK AND ADJACENT PROPERTY Project Manager: Jack Doughney, Leisure Services Director The purpose of this project is to acquire parcels adjacent to the existing Jetty Park for additional recreational uses and a parking area. The cost of the property is approximately $650,000. Improvement of the park and parking will be a cooperative effort between the City of Fort Pierce and the County. Improvements to the park and parking facilities are expected to cost $1,850,000. Construction is anticipated in the 1999-2000 timeframe. The County will be requesting $2,500,000 for these projects. A local match of $2,500,000 will be from improvements made to the adjoining jetty and renourishment of the beach adjacent to the Jetty Park. \-,) ~ ------11-\ '\ ~', ,~il \ ~ ~ i ' "' { ('\ I ti ,v ., ~~ ' \ \ \ ~~ 4! ,,11- >,o( \ ~ ' ~ ~ \ \ \ \ ~ J \ ~ · . t :i , I \ n· I ~ \ ., , !I ~ \ .,tlt ,I rf ~t . lh \ ~~,' . IJ l~ j it P J" ~ / . ~' l~ ) ~ " ~~,. ! ,,( l- i.: : 1/)'; . I ,/ .....u.. !~ ! . " &I \ \ , l"- I· . í .tv) 0'( ~t, .." / ","', 11 ~ I {n~ / ..":. ~ \ \~. "'''' If ~ ~ I ~ f ...r .;,). \ \ _ t-=t-= ..g M \ \ --.;.:..... I ",It \ .". Q d lIu.D ~ 'Q \ co I It ,.. , ~~ ~ ! , \ ~, I T. \ 1:.' u, ~: " . ¡ \\ J 11- j î\ '" ¡¡, . ... ! I ,\ J-. i'.i - C/) :5 \ ã :::: \ "- .. .. ,~~..,.. ;; ----- \ :5 ~. ,.j f ~ :;3 \.~; .. i ~ I is J1/ ! !. LU á IX: , " " <tl¡' f ~ 011 { , . f:' > ,~ . , " of· ' . & 2 d · ¡ 4 j" I . j . ø .A ' . 1 · 2 - . J ~'. ;;j íl - 4 . ....... .2 . ~ - .r · ,. to ~ 'I, ''''..1~n!:) '" IL. !.." ., '" I" '" tI!~ \...-. i - ~A 1 .> ) '-' \.... '-" Savanna Recreation Area Improvements A proposal for $850,000 to construct new infrastructure and other recreational improvements which will improve the quality of this environmentally important area. '-" ßOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEISURE SERVICES J. E. "Jacl~" Daughney III Director NAME OF PROJECT: Savannas Outdoor Recreation Area Improvements AMOUNT OF REQUEST: $850,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: In 1996, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Recreation and Parks inspected the Savannas and prepared a report outlining areas "-' where changes and/or improvements could be made that would result in more cost effective and efficient park operations. This project will implement several of the state's recommendations including, developing a master plan for park development, replace/relocate the park's entrance station, renovate/replace existing restroom facilities, and upgrade the utility infrastructure within the park. REASON FOR FUNDING: S1. Lucie County is requesting funding assistance in order make improvements to the Savannas Outdoor Recreation Area. The improvements will bring existing facility and service deficiencies into compliance with local building codes, in addition to implementing many of the recommendations made by the state DEP Division of Recreation and Parks. The Savannas Outdoor Recreation Area is an integral component of the county's park and facility inventory designed to promote eco-tourism within S1. Lucie County. ~ JOHN D. GRUHN, Disrricr No.1. KEN SATILE!\, Disrricr No.2. PAULA A. LEWIS, Disrricr No. J . GARY CHARLES, Disrricr No.4· CLIFF GARNES, Disrrier No.5 County Adminisrrotor - Douglos M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue . Phone(561)462-1515 · TDD (561) 462-1428 Mail: P.O. ßox 760, Fort Pierce, FL 34954-0760 \...- ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Department of Leisure Services SAVANNAS OUTDOOR RECREATION AREA IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ~ / ~ '-" ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Department of Leisure Services SAVANNAS OUTDOOR RECREATION AREA IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST: St. Lucie County is requesting funding assistance in the amount of $850,000 in order to make capital improvements to the Savannas Outdoor Recreation Area. JUSTIFICATION: The Savannas Outdoor Recreation Area is a 600 acre, predominately wetland parcel located in central St. Lucie County. Owned by the City ofFt. Pierce, the Savannas has been leased to St. Lucie County since the mid 1960's for the purpose of providing public outdoor recreation opportunities ~ \.r In 1968, the Savannas was developed into a full service park and campground and offered park visitors a choice of three types of camp sites: unimproved sites for tent camping only, semi-improved sites offering water and electric, and full service sites offering water, electric and wastewater collection. In addition, the Savannas offered an abundance of recreational activities including boating, fishing, swimming, picnicking, hiking and nature observation. The campground was heavily used during the winter and spring months with campers coming from across the United States to enjoy the Savannas experience. In addition, local residents regularly utilized the park on a "day use" basis. The Savannas serves as a key facility in the County's effort to attract eco-tourism to S1. Lucie County. \...,. Since our initial investment in the Savannas over 30 years ago, many things have changed, including the needs and demands of the modem day camping enthusiast. Today's camper requires more in the way of campground infrastructure and utilities. Camping trailers and recreational vehicles (RV's) are bigger, and more importantly, more common than in 1968. Existing restroom facilities no longer meet the minimum building codes and do not comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Electrical service to most of the park is dangerously outdated, and ~t times has damaged some camping units due to electrical power surges. In sum, the Savannas Outdoor Recreation Area is showing the effects of 30 years of intense use with little or no capital investment since 1968. \.., St. Lucie County is proposing to revitalize the Savannas by investing in several projects that will result in more cost effective and efficient park operations. Our first step will be to develop a master plan that will fully utilize the natural areas in a more efficient manner. This plan will serve as a guide for all future park development. A second element will be the replacement of the park entrance station. This station is integral to the smooth operation of the park and will serve as the park administration and operations hub. Finally, a major infusion of capital is required to upgråde the existing utility infrastructure. All existing restroom facilities are proposed to be renovated or replaced in order to comply with current accessability and building codes. In addition, the electrical service to existing campsites will be modernized to meet the demands of the modem day camper. These improvements will ensure that the Savannas Outdoor Recreation Area will be available to the citizens and visitors of St. Lucie County for years to come. \.- ~ ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Department of Leisure Services SAVANNAS OUTDOOR RECREATION AREA IMPROVEMENT PROJECT In 1996, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Recreation and Parks, was asked to inspect the Savannas Outdoor Recreation Area an~ recommend changes and/or improvements to the park that would result in a more efficient operation. The following proposed improvements were recommended by the state in a report dated September 5, 1996: A. Master plan - Develop a master plan to fully utilize the natural areas in the most efficient manner. This should be accomplished prior to making any permanent modifications to the site such as replacing or adding new structures. · Master pIan $ 20,000 '-' B. Park Entrance Station - It is proposed to replace the entrance station, which is a key structure to the park, both visually and functionally. The new station will also serve as the park administration and operations hub. · Entrance Station Replacement $ 80,000 C. Replace/Renovate Restroom Facilities - Existing facilities are to be renovated or replaced in order to meet current accessability codes as well as meet minimum ADA compliance standards. · Restrooms $175,000 D. Utility Infrastructure Upgrades - Electrical, Water, and Sewer utilities within the park are to be upgraded to meet the demands of the modem day camper as well as the present day building and health codes. · Utility Infrastructure Upgrades $190,000 E. Lake & Pond Restoration - The existing upland lake and pond were once used for recreational swimming by campers and visitors to the park. This activity was discontinued several years ago due to the closing of the artesian wells which supplied water to the park. Once restored, fishing decks will be constructed at key locations around the lake and pond for use by park visitors that do not have access to a boat. . Lake & Pond Restoration $ 80,000 . Fishing Decks $ 60,000 \.- ....... ~ ~ F. G. SA V ANNAS OUTDOOR RECREATION AREA IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Natural Systems Restoration - All invasive exotic vegetable is proposed to be removed from the upland portions of the park. These areas will be replanted with the native tree and shrub species that would typically be found within the Savannas natural ecosystem. Exotic Vegetable Removal $ 60,000 Native Trees & shrubs $ 90,000 Camp Site Improvements - Existing campsites will be redesigned and upgraded to meet the current demands of campers. Camp Site Improvements $ 40,000 H. Camp Activity/Social Pavilion - An informal gathering place is proposed where campers can gather for evening socials, children's programs and other camp activities. The structure is proposed to be an open sided screened pavilion. Camp Pavilion $ 55.000 TOTAL ANTICIPATED COSTS FOR IMPROVEMENTS $ 850,000 A local 50 -50 match for the project is coming from other improvements being made at park facilities near the Savanna's and which support the improvement of this important natural area. '-' WATER QUALITY AND CONSERV ATION \.- PROJECTS \w- \.... '-" \..r Indian River Estates/Savannas Water Retention Facilities Retrofit Project A proposal for $4.8 million to build a new water retention facility to improve the flow of water, reduce flooding and improve water quality in Indian River Estates and the Savannas. ~ -..... '-" INDIAN RIVER ESTATES/SAVANNAS WATER RETENTION FACILITIES RETROFIT PROJECT Project Manager: Don West, Acting Public Works Director Currently, St. Lucie County is partnering with SFWMD, FDEP, and Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program (NEP), to design this facility. The project involves constructing a storm water collection and treatment system to handle storm water runoff from the Indian River Estates Subdivision. Storm water runoff from the subdivision drains untreated into the Savannas State Preserve. This is having a detrimental effect on the Savannas ecosystem. Storm water from Indian River Estates Subdivision will be collected and pumped into a retention pond to improve water quality, prior to being discharged to the Savannas. A conceptional design has been completed at this time, and we are currently investigating land acquisition for the retention pond. The project cost is estimated at approximately $4.8 million dollars, including land purchase. Final design, permitting, land acquisition, and construction could be completed in three years. The County is requesting $4.8 million from the State for this project. A 50-50 local match of $4.8 million is coming from the cost of water improvements in the neighborhood and improvements to the County's Savanna's Recreational area adjacent to this neighborhood. '-" -... '-' North County Water Improvement Project A proposal for $2,000,000 to build a new water transmission system in north St. Lucie County to provide needed water to residents and to encourage economic development in the St. Lucie County International Airport area. ..." NORTH COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Project Manager: Bill Blazak, Utilities Director With the need for new economic development in St. Lucie County, construction of a potable water line to connect to the Indian River County water distribution system would be very valuable. The connection to Indian River County would provide for an immediate source of water to our North County residents and commercial/industrial interests. The connection would serve as an interim source of water and establish a window for design and implementation of a domestic water plant that would be completed in two to three years and be owned and operated by St. Lucie County. As an alternate, a new water plant may be developed initially within St. Lucie County, should the Indian River County concept not be feasible. "" The estimated cost of the new potable water transmission system for the North County or for the new In-County Water Plant is $2,000,000. This amount will be requested from the State. A 50-50 local match is being utilized from County funding for sewer and water improvements at the airport, adjacent to this area, which are needed to help support the overall cost of the water improvement project. -,; .. ENGINEER'S REPORT ........ Mastellar & Moeler has prepared this Report to develop a plan for providing the North U.S. Highway #1 And St. Lucie County Airport with potable water and fire protection facilities. This report is an engineer's construction cost estimate for servicing the St. Lucie County Airport and other areas of the North County with potable water. It is proposed that a 12" diameter potable water transmission main connect to Indian River County's potable water system at the intersection of Old Dixie Highway and Highland Drive with a metered system and continue south along Old Dixie Highway to U.S.#l, thence south along U.S. Highway #1 to Fairwinds Drive, thence west to the Fairwinds Golf Course Clubhouse Entrance, thence in a southerly direction to Industrial Avenue 3, thence west to Industrial 33rd Street, and south to a point of connection north of St. Lucie Boulevard. We also propose three (3) jack and bores under U.S. Highway # 1 for service to Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, an existing developed area between Julian Drive and Amanda Road, and at Indrio Road . We have proposed a number of points of connection for existing developed area along the west side ofU. S. Highway # 1. In addition to the U.S. Highway #1 corridor, a line will be extended east to Old Dixie Highway and located to provide potable service to Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute and future service to St. Lucie Village. Existing business in the area will benefit by the extension as well. '-" It is estimated that the construction cost of this transmission line will be $2,000,000.00. The route described above is not the only alternative for serving St. Lucie County Airport and the North County, but, demonstrates the magnitude of this project and is solely for the purpose of discussion. It is estimated that the construction.ofthis transmission main will be $2,000,000.00. revised 9/3/98 '" ST. LUCIE AIRPORT / NORTH COUNTY WATER CONNECTION TO INDIAN ~ RIVER COUNTY'S POTABLE WATER SYSTEM. ENGINEER'S PROJECT COST ESTIMATE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY !lliIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 12" Dia. water main 44,443 LF $28.00 $1,244,404.00 6" Dia. water main 150 LF $14.00 $2,100.00 12" Dia. gate valve 31 EA $1,200.00 $37,200.00 8" Dia. gate valve 8 EA $600.00 $4,800.00 6" Dia. gate valve 10 EA $500.00 $5,000.00 Fire Hydrant Assembly 34 EA $2,000.00 $68,000.00 , Master Meter 1 LS $40,000.00 $40,000.00 Jack & Bore US#1 - 120 LF w/12" 1 LS $40,000.00 $40,000.00 dia. pipe \..- Jack & Bore US#1 - 120 LF w/ 8" 2 LS $30,000.00 $60,000.00 dia. pipe Paved road restoration 1,600 LF $35.00 $56,000.00 Non-paved road restoration 600 LF $15.00 $9,000.00 Paved drive restoration 2,500 LF $30.00 $75,000.00 Non-paved drive restoration 2,100 LF $10.00 $21,000.00 Sod 30,4000 LF $2.50 $76,000.00 SUBTOTAL $ 1,738,504.00 CONTINGENCY $261,496.00 TOTAL $ 2,000,000.00 revised 9/3/98 '" ('--' . PROJECTS ALREADY (~ SUBMITTED .~ ( ",,' \ '-' \w) Fairgrounds Relocation and Disaster Command/Special Needs Shelter Project A proposal for $8,000,000 to relocate the County fairgrounds and develop a Joint Use Disaster Control Center, Special Needs Shelter, Exhibit Hall and a Horse and Livestock Park. .. ') BOARD OF COUNTY \r COMMIS510NERS LEISURE SERVICES J. E. "Jock" Daughney III Director NAME OF PROJECT: Agriculture Exhibit & Training / Disaster Command Center / Special Needs Shelter AMOUNT OF REQUEST: $8,000,000.00 \ '-' DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: This project will relocate the Fair from the Airport grounds, provide a livestock/equine facility for training and education. This facility will also be used as a Disaster Command Center providing for a needed staging area, Command Post, Primary Special Needs Shelter, 911ÆOC back up and an evacuation area for horses and other animals in the event of a natural disaster. REASON FOR FUNDING: This request is part of the Department of Agriculture overall budget. \ ~ JOHN D. ßRUHN, District No.1. KEN SATTLER, District No.2. PAULA A. LEWIS, District No..3 . GARY CHARLES, District No.4· CLIFF ßARNES, District No.5 County Administrotor - Douglos M. Anderson 2JOO Virginia Avenue' . Phone (561) 462-1515 · TDD (561 ) 462-1428 Moil: P.O. ßox 760, Fort Pierce, FL J4954-0760 \ \.,.. , ST. LUCIE COUNTY AGRICULTURE EXHmIT, TRAINING/DISASTER COMMAND AND SPECIAL NEEDS SHELTER 1999-00 Legislative Budget Request EillIDING NEEDS I. Project Engineering & Design $ 600,000.00 , II. Water/Sewer $ 500,000.00 III. Infrastructure $1,200,000.00 ì ....... IV. Agriculture ExhibitJDisaster Center $3,000,000.00 V. Livestock/Equine $1,500,000.00 VI. Furnishings $ 500,000.00 VII. Contingency $ 700~000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED $8,000,000.00 \ ~ \.,.. AGRICULTURE EXHIBIT & TRAINING I DISASTER COMMAND I SPECIAL NEEDS SHELTER A. Geo~aphic Information- The 200 acre site is located in the heart of St. Lucie County, west of the major population centers, bordered on the north by State Road 70 and on the south by County Road 712. The site is geographically centered to serve the four county area of Okeechobee, St. Lucie, Indian River and Martin Counties. This site is within 6 miles of the Florida Turnpike and I-95 Interchanges along with being located outside the emergency planning zone for the nuclear power plant. B. A~cultural- Fair Association will hold the annual county fair, along with the livestock shows/sales and auctions. Facility will be used for agriculture training and education, trade shows, equine training/specialty classes, 4H events, farm equipment safety training/exhibitions and rodeos. Building will include stable facilities for horses and an adjoining arena. Emergency collection site for large animals, an estimated 200 head of horses are residing east of U.S. Highway 1 in areas that are subject to flooding and wildfires. This facility will provide a safe and secure location for livestock and large animals in emergency situations in which residents are instructed to evacuate. ~ C. Disaster Command/Special Needs Shelter- Facility will be used as a staging and distribution area of equipment along with the capability of providing for regional staging of resources and primary command post during recovery stage of a disaster. It would be the only Special Needs Population Shelter outside the 10 mile emergency planning zone. Used as an alternate Emergency Operation Center outside the EPZ should we lose capabilities at our primary 911 Central Communications and Emergency Management location. Currently we have inadequate locations for the evacuation of school children during a nuclear power plant emergency, this facility will help and provide needed shelter. D. Facility- The 30,000 sf structure will meet Category 3 hurricane design requirements, accommodate over 500 people, contain a full service kitchen, restrooms and showers and dining for 250 people. Building interior will have folding walls to provide for more versatile use. As an emergency center the facility will contain emergency lighting, phones, data facilities and emergency generators. Both the on site water and wastewater systems would incorporate an emergency generator system to provide reliability in emergency situations. Water system would include a ground storage tank capable of sustaining minimum fire protection needs and storage capability. This structure will be completely self contained. \...' Shelter space . at a prelßlUID in 2 counties S,PACE \ STORM PREPARATIONS ~} By Andrew Conte ollhe News staff As hurricanes Bonnie and Danielle· churn through the At- lantic Ocean, emergency manage- ment officials in St. Lucie County have eliminated four stonn shel- ters because of concerns they are unsafe. And officials in Martin County, already dealing with. a space shortage, plan to pack ID residents "shoulder to shoulder" if necessary. For updates on Hurricanes Bonnie and Danlelle, visit our Web site at http:1twww.tcpalm.com ~ AninformaJ inspccti9.n in July found that foúr St. LUCIe School District buildings that were in- cluded on the county's shelter list do not provide enough protec- tion from flying debris and high winds. Don Daniels, St. Lucie County's emergency manage- ment coordinator, saId the build- ings either have too much glass or structural problems that could :ause them to collapse. . Three schools removed from he list are Weatherbee ElemeÍl- ary and Forest Grove Middle :chool in Fort Pierce and South- ort Middle School in Port St., ucie. Officials temporarily re~ . oved Manatee· Elementary in )rt St. Lucie, which is under- ling roof repairs, . Those buildings will not be ed as shelters during a stonn, t Daniels said no place is abso- cly safe in a hurricane. Please see SPACE on A2 \ "",' . CONTINUED FROM A 1 . "There's always a risk ,when YO\l're lookin~ at a Category, 3 stonn or hi er," he said. 'It's safer there t an if you stay in a mobile home, og·the beach or in a car. .. . (But) if you can stay at home, stay at home." . The closures in St. Lucie Cowity·comeas officials in Mar- tin County assess space problems. After a wcty inspcçtion in 1997, Martin County eliminated several shelterS, leaving a deficit of about 6,000 spaces. Officials will. squeeze ~ople mto the exiSting shelters until they are "shoulder to shoulder" if nec- essary, said Mel Baxley, Martin County's emergency planner. Meanwhile, the county continues to place hurricane shutters on other public buildings to increase the number of places where people can seek refu~e. "We won t turn away people," he said. "If we have to, we will re- duce the space (for each person) during the storm." At the start of hurricane sea- son inJune, St. Lucie County offi- cials said they had space for IS,()()() people, which matches the projcctèd number of residents who will need emergency shelter. With four fewer shelters, the county now has a deficit of spaces, partic- ularly in north St. Lucie County, whe~ ~gs were already tight, DaDlels said.' . In an earlier inSpection, emer- gency officials deemed Fort Pierce shelters at the campus of Indian River Community College and the school' diStrict's Dale Cassens School unsafe for hurricane pro- tection, said Betty DeStefano, cx- ecutivé ·dircctorof the American Red Cross in" St. Lucie County. Besides having too much glass, common problems. include long roof.spans, unreinforced masonry, weak external ·or internal walls and tall trees nearby, cxperts said, Any,ofthose factors could cause a building to collapse during a ma- jor hurricane. Emergency officials in St. Lu· cie . County found the problems during an infonnal inspection of about two-thirds of the shelters, drew hit South Floridli in 1992 the state required counties to find enough shelter space for residel}ts in evacuation areas, but, now m- spectors are linding that many of the shelters throughout the state arc inadeq,uate, , "If we re aware of a situation, we're not going to deliberately put somebodl at risk," DeStdano, said. "0 course, if we have 120, mph wind, who knows what's safe?" Under the county's emergency plan, officials would open five shelters first and then open more as needed. DeStefano encouraged residents to listen to mc4ia reports to find out which shelters arc available. . ! . She also advised that people. need to bring water, food, clothmg and . bedding to the shelters be- cause the American Red Cross does not provide cots or other re- sources. Officials encouraged peo- ple to stay with family or friends who live in safe places rather than coming to the shelters. "The shelter is safer - that's the key word, safer - than a mo- I bile home and safer than a beach- front home," DeStefano said. "The shelter is not a motel." . After Hurricane Bönnie sat off the southeastern coast of Florida last weekend, emergency officials said they arc better prepared and . that the public seems readier'for a major stonn. ... People who have not ·yet· got- ten, emerg~ncy suppli,es should d? so Immediately· as a second hum- cane, Danielle, gathers strength in the Atlantic, said Mary Sawyer, director . of the Martin. County· chapter of the American Roo Cross. , "(Bonnie;) '\ j ce~lJ̵ly, ' haS sparked a l?t:~f ÙI~,Iÿ§tl"\sHe; said. "We hope more :people went out and got supplies and figured out 'what their plan is. If they haven't done that by now, they're in bad shape," The group's chapters in both counties are seeking volunteers to run shelters and help with disaster relief. For more information, resi- dents can call the American Red Cross at 287-2002 in Martin çounty or 461-5201 in 51. Lucie ",) Ten Mile Creek Water Preserve Area A proposal for $3,000,000 to provide partial funding for a $30,000,000 Regional Water Preserve Area along Ten Mile Creek which is a prototype Water Quality Restoration Project. \ '-' \ ~. \...) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DOUGLAS M. ANDŒSON NAME OF PROJECT: Ten Mile Creek Water Preserve Area AMOUNT OF REQUEST: $3 Million \ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: '-" This is a vital water quality restoration project to reduce the flow of polluted stormwater into the St. Lucie River. The project has been described as one of the prototype projects for resolving the regional pollution and sediment discharge problems in our rivers and estuaries. It will also resolve serious flooding issues in the central portion of St. Lucie County. REASON FOR FUNDING: This project should receive state support as a major regional water quality improvement program. \ \.... JOHN D. GRUHN, DistriCT No 1 . KEN SATTLER. DISTriCT No 2 . PAULA A. LEWIS. Disrricr No. J . GARY CHARLES, Disrricr No.4. CUFF GARNES. Disrricr No.5 CounTY Adm'."1lsrroror - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce. FL 34982-5652 · Phone (561) 462-1450 · TDD (561) 462-1428 FAX (561) 462-2131 \ "",I " '-' \ \.... ST. LUCIE COUNTY TEN MILE CREEK WATER PRESERVE PROJECT A. Water Quality - The principal outcome of this project is improved water quality in the St. Lucie River. The State is carrying out major programs to improve water quality in the State's waterways. One of the prime contributors to reduced water quality is stormwater runoff. Pollutants and sediments, as well as excess freshwater, flow into the rivers and lagoons during storm events, degrading water quality and destroying environmentally significant habitat. This project will hold stormwater back in a 1,500 to 2,000 acre water reservoir. This preserve area will allow pollutants and sediments to filter out and freshwater runoff to be reduced significantly. · The Ten Mile Creek Project will positively impact the lives of over 200,000 people living in the St. Lucie - Martin County area. B. Flooding - A second principal outcome is that storm flows during significant rainstorms creates dangerous flooding throughout central St. Lucie County. The water preserve area will elim,inate the massive flow of stormwater after storm events and stop flooding. This project will also reduce the flow of fresh water into the St. Lucie River, which will help to maintain the proper salinity in the river. . The Ten Mile Creek Project will reduce flooding for over 20,000 people living in central St. Lucie County. C. Prototypical proiect - A third principal outcome of the Ten Mile Creek Water Preserve Area is that, with its successful completion, it will become the prototype water attenuation type of facility that can be used in many different locations throughout Florida to solve serious water quality problems. · This prototype project has the potential to generate 10-20 water preserve areas throughout the state as a result of its successful completion. This would positively impact every resident of South Florida. Ten Mile Creek Project Budget Federal Contribution $15,000,000 State and Local Contribution South Florida Water Management State Assistance Request Other Assistance $ 10,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 2.000.000 Total Project Cost $30,000,000 ~ North and South Causeway Island Erosion Control Projects A proposal for $903,100 to make critical improvements on North and South Causeway Island to stop a serious erosion problem. "'" \ """ ",-. ßOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEISURE SERVICES J. E. "Jocl~" Doughney III Director NAME OF PROJECT: Ft. Pierce Causeway Islands Shoreline Stabilization Project AMOUNT OF REQUEST: $903,100 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: St. Lucie County desperately needs assistance in combating tidal forces that are '-" quickly eroding both the North and South Causeway Islands. Discussions on proposed remedies have resulted in a proposed coastal structure that will prevent the erosion of the shoreline from wave and tidal forces resulting from annual storm events, wakes resulting from ships using the Ft. Pierce Inlet, and ever present water current velocities. REASON FOR FUNDING: This request is part of the Department of Transportation's overall budget. '-" JOHN D. [)RUHN, Disrricr No.1. KEN SATTLEI'.. Disrricr No.2' PAULA A. LEWIS. DisrrlCT No. J . GARY CHARLES, Disrricr NO.4· CLIFF ßARNES, Disrricr No.5 County Admlnisrroror - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Phone(561)462-1515 · TDD (561) 462-1428 Moil: P.O. ßox 760. Fort Pierce, FL 34954-0760 '" ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1999-2000 Legislative Budget Request REQUEST: St. Lucie County is requesting funding assistance in the amount of$903,100 to construct a coastal structure that will prevent the erosion of North and South Causeway Islands. JUSTIFICATION: The uplands currently under attack of erosion are located on both the North and South Causeways. These two land masses parallel the Ft. Pierce Inlet Shipping Channel and lie immediately east and adjacent to the Indian River Lagoon. Within the Indian River Lagoon lies the Intercostal Waterway. Both causeways are critical to the area transportation network as they anchor the only two bridges that connect the barrier island to the mainland. '-" The shorelines of both causeways are affected and under the influence of two high and low tide cycles per day at an average daily variance between two and three feet. Further acerbating the problem are ship wakes that are produced as a result of vessels entering and exiting the Port of Fort Pierce via the Fort Pierce Inlet. Since 1989, the shoreline of South Causeway Island has receded approximately twenty feet while the shoreline on North Causeway has experienced a slightly lessor amount of erOSIOn. In an attempt to resolve the existing erosion problem, we are proposing to construct a coastal structure that will prevent the erosion of the shoreline from wave and tidal forces resulting from annual storm events, wakes from passing ships and ever present water current velocities. ~ ""¡ ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1999-2000 Legislative Budget Request FUNDING NEEDS I. Project Engineering & Design $ 36,000 D. Regulatory Permits $ 10,000 (Local, State and Federal) DI. Projec~ Construction $675,000 (1,500 L.F. @ $450.00 per L.F.) IV. Coastal Vegetation Restoration $1 00,000 "" \ SUBTOTAL $821,000 CONTINGENCIES (10%) $ 82,100 TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED $903,100 '-" ~) Momingside Branch Library Improvements A proposal for $200,000 to complete the Library's new Technology Center \ \ ~ \ ~ ) ßOARD OF COUNTY ~ COMMISSIONERS LIBRARY SUSAN O. KILMEr- Library Manager NAME OF PROJECT: St. Lucie County Department of Leisure Services/Library Division Technology Grant AMOUNT OF REQUEST: $200,000.00 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: ) '-r The Library, in cooperation with St. Lucie County School District, is developing a computer technology/distance learning lab and south county TV Studio at the Morningside Branch Library. The first phase of funding allowed for the development of the computer lab, a distance learning center and the beginnings of a studio. The second phase of funding will complete the TV studio, allowing for lighting and additional cameras; the further development of the Distance Learning Lab; and administrative start-up costs. REASON FOR FUNDING: This request is part of the Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services' overall budget. ) \..- JOHN D. ORUHN, District No.1· KEN SATTLER, Disrrict NO.2· PAULA A. LEWIS, Disrricr No..:3 . GARY CHARLES, District NO.4. CUFF OARNES, Disrrict NO.5 Counry Administraror - Douglas M. Ande-rson 124 North Indian River Drive · Fort Pierce, FL .34950-4.3.31 · Phone (561) 462-1615 · Suncom 259-1619 FAX (561) 462-2750 · TDD(561)462-1428 ) '-' ) ~ ) \....- ST. LUCIE COUNTY 1998-99 Legislative Budget Request A. Computer lab - This center would serve as a training lab for Adult Continuing Education classes for Indian River Community College; a training center to be used by Central Florida Library Cooperative for South Florida libraries; after-school tutoring programs; computer classes for local public and private schools; as well as a training center for local public library staff and volunteers. Treasure Coast Computers User Group have volunteered to help operate and train users of this facility. B. Distance Learning Lab - This would fall within the state initiative to provide distance learning centers within public libraries. Indian River Community College Library began this effort several years ago and we have begun the process on a small basis with the Interlibrary loan program offered through our Adult Services department. The Distance Learning Lab would allow interactive programs with local visiting authors to speak with students in the public schools as well as interact with participants at the lecture. C. TV Studio - This should be equipped to be fully operational as the south county site for educati.onJ government access under the supervision of Instructional Television (School District) in cooperation with St. Lucie County Library. The intent is to allow programming of local service and social organizations as well as library programs and other county sponsored programs or special events (ie., groundbreaking, special events and special exhibits). We will have the use of the School District's mobile production unit as part of this cooperative venture. "-' \ \...,-~ \ '-" The Morningside Branch Library was selected for this project due to the nature of the design of the building and the original intent of the cooperative facility. This facility has two separate buildings which opened in 1993, one building serves as a fully operational branch library and the other building is designed to hold a computer lab, science lab and TV studio with darkroom and editing lab. These rooms have been used by outside service/social organizations since the library opened due to the School District nor the County have appropriate funds to equip or operate the special facility. The original funding for this facility came through capital funds from the Board of County Commission and the Community Education Facilities grant fund (grant written in cooperation with St. Lucie County School Board and St. Lucie County). FUNDING NEEDS: Administrative start-up costs $75,000 Distance Learning Lab $35,000 4 monitors 2 scanners large screen television computer projection screen CD player 2 printers VCR Laser disc player Control panel, audio board UPS server Duknae Vicon (operates camera) chairs keyboard vertical interval matrix switcher editing control device modem mouse/mouse pad desk microphone mounted camera speaker phone 2-way video connection projector TV Studio additional cameras lighting $90,000