HomeMy WebLinkAboutExisting Airport Ind Park 2001 l L l L l L L L L l l l l L L L L L L EXlstlng Alrport lndustrla[ Park July, 2001 t í. 1. .. \ í.. ¡ ¡ ... L.. I. \ .. ¡. ¡. ¡. ¡.., í.. '~ .. .. .. .. .. .. AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK (Existio2) WASTEWATER COLLECTION AND CONVEYANCE SYSTEM . Original Water Advisory Panel Grant Application $ 1,200,000.00 Funding Received from Water Advisory Panel (1999-2000) - $ 50,000.00 BOCC Contribution of$11,530.00 added to the original Grant to complete engineering plans for the project. - $ 11,530.00 Remaining Project Costs (2000 - 2001 ) $ . 2000 - 2001 Legislative continued funding of original Water Advisory Panel, partially funded projects - $ 100,000.00 Remaining Project Costs (2001 - 2002 ) $1. 038.000.00 . Formation and Adoption of a Municipal Services Benefit Unit that would assess each of the 100 lots in the Industrial Park $2,500.00 ( 35% matching funds) - $ 250,000.00 2001-2001 LEGISLATIVE FUNDING REQUEST $ 788,000.00* *This amount represents 65% of the original Water Advisory Panel funding request. Project Manager - William Blazak Department- St. Lucie County Utilities L. l BOARD OF C9UNTY COMMISSIONERS .;~, ~ , .. L L ¡ i. ~ L. \, j. .. ... , 1, ... .. .. ., .. ... .. UTi LITI ES DEPARTMENT WILLIAM ßLA.ZAK DIREGOR MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners ./1,,;1 William Blazak, Utility Director LU¿'~ð September 6, 2000 --- .----.-- .- FROM: _ DATE: RE: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) - Grant Existing Airport Industrial Park BACKGROUND: In February 2000 County Staff identified several projects throughout the County that would potentially qualify for funding through the newly formed Water Advisory Panel created by Governor Bush. The existing Airport Industrial Park was identified by staff as one of the projects to apply for grant funding through this new source. The original grant application included design, pem1ltfing and construction costs to complete a ~vity collection and conveyance system for the existing Airport Industrial Park.. The original application was for a total of $ 1.5 million dollars. The grant that FDEP approved is for $50,000.00 for the Industrial Park. The Grant will provide a significant portion of the funds required to design the collection and conveyance system and develop a complete set of Engineering Plans for the project. Staffhas worked with Inwood Consulting Engineers, Inc. to develop a scope of work which includes geotechnical and electrical engineering as well as land surveying services. The compensation for the scope of work from Inwood Consulting Engineers, Inc. totals $61,530.00. At the August 1.7,2000 Budget Workshop the County Administrator, Doug Anderson, identified a source for the additional funding in the amount of$II,530.00. The additional funds will be made available from Airport Reserves ~ccount # 140-9910-599300-800. Given the lateness of this fiscal year OMB will prepare a grant budget for October 1,2000 and move the additional funding into the grant budget as well. Staff will request that the County Attorney prepare a work authorization for Inwood Consulting Engineer's, Inc. in the amount of$61,530.00. Staffwill bring the Inwood work authorization back to the Board for approval. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that thè Board accept the grant from FDEP in the amount of $50,000.00 and further requests that the Board authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement. L. 'OHN D. ßP.UHN, DistriCT No.1. DOUG COWAP.D, DiSTriCT No.2. PAULA A. LEWIS, DistriCT No.:\ . FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, DistriCT No.4 0 CUFF OAP.NES; DistriCT No.5 County AdmlnlstrOfor - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982 · Phone (561) 462-1150 e FAX (561) 462-1153 ... t i. l Project Title: St. Lucie County Airport Industrial Park Wastewater Collection and Conveyance Systeµ1 .. Project Location: Adjacent and East of St. Lucie County Airport, North ofSt. Lucie Blvd and one mile West of U.S. Highway #1. i. Name: William Blazak, Utility Director Phone Number: (561) 462-1150 ~ i. Name of Water body Benefitting from the Project: Indian River Lagoon . t í. Project Description: This proj ect will consist of the design, permitting and construction of a gravity wastewater collection and conveyance system for the existing St. Lucie County Airport Industrial Park. The Industrial Park consists of 106 sites that would receive wastewater service as a result of this project. Currently the entire Park is utilizing individual septic systems and the design requirements for commercial application of septic systems prohibits maximum utilization of the individual sites because of the size of the drain field. Some of the smaller business owners have experienced a loss of as much as 25% of their property to drain field construction. The loss of this property to the septic system not only hinders growth of the small businesses but also deters economic development within the Park. St. Lucie County has recently constructed a collection and conveyance system for the Airport property directly West and North of the Industrial Park. The existing Airport system will provide some of the backbone transmission lines to convey the wastewater collected by this project to the Fairwinds wastewater treatment facility which is owned and operated by St. Lucie County . The project will provide wastewater service to the individual lots within the Industrial Park. The estimated cost of the project is $ 1,200,000.00 .. \ .. \ i. \. L. .. Current Status of Project: Preliminary design and cost estimates prepared. Airport collection, conveyance and treatment system constructed and in operation. .. Describe the work to be completed each state fiscal year through project completion: FY 2000-2001 Planning, permitting, design and begin construction FY2001-2002 Complete construction, receive final certifications (early 2001) - .. Total Cost: $ 1,200,000.00 Secured and Reasonably Anticipated Matching Funds: $ 0.00 Request for reduction in match requirement: -X- Yes No Existing customers have invested in costly septic systems to meet their current wastewater needs within the Industrial Park. The customers could not bear the additional expense of the installation of gravity sewers either individually or through the rate structure of the proposed Utility District. ... .. í. ¡.. í ì. - . . I ~ .....~ it: ~ t Water Facilities Grant Application (For State Fiscal Year 2000 Funding) WATER ADVISORY PANEL \. .. Person Who Can Answer questions Regarding This Application: \: .. Name: William Blazak, Utility Director Phone Number: (561) 462-1150 ÌiÞ ì ... Project Title: St. Lucie County Airport Industrial Park Wastewater Collection and Conveyance System .. Project Location: Adjacent and East of St. Lucie County Airport, North of St. Lucie Blvd and one mile West of u.s. Highway #1. \.. City and County of Project Location: St. Lucie County Florida Street Address: St. Lucie Blvd and Industrial Ave. Three (see attached maps) L Name of Water body Benefitting from the Project: Indian River Lagoon ~. .. -. Project Description: This project will consist of the design, permitting and construction of a gravity wastewater collection and conveyance system for the existing St. Lucie County Airport Industrial Park. The Industrial Park consists of 1 06 sites that would receive wastewater service as a result of this project. Currently the entire Park is utilizing individual septic systems and the design requirements for commercial application of septic systems prohibits maximum utilization of the individual sites because of the size of the drain field. Some of the smaller business owners have experienced a loss of as much as 25% of their property to drain field construction. The loss of this property to the septic system not only hinders growth of the small businesses but also deters economic development within the Park. St. Lucie County has recently constructed a collection and conveyance system for the Airport property directly West and North of the Industrial Park. The existing Airport system will provide some of the backbone transmission lines to convey the wastewater collected by this project to the Fairwinds wastewater treatment facility which is owned and operated by St. Lucie County. The project will provide wastewater service to the individual lots within the Industrial Park. The estimated cost of the project is $ 1,200,000.00 L. ... .. .' .. .. ... .. · t t.. L. 1. ... l .. ÍIIII 2. , .. '- .. ~ i .. ~ i. 3. - ... 4. .. .. .. ... .. .... ..... . ..~ Project Sponsor Name: St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Address: 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce, Florida 34954 Contact PersonlTitle: William Blazak, Urility Director Phone Number: (561) 462-1150 E-Mail Address: BillB@StLucieco.gov Need for Project: a. Resolves/helps resolve a documented recurring water quality violation in the project area. None _Yes No b. Resolves/helps resolve a substantiated public health threat None Yes _No c. Reduces discharges of pollutants to an impaired water body on DEP 303(d) list, that resulted in the listing of the water body. Indian River Lagoon --X Yes _No d. Reduces documented discharges of contaminants to groundwater supplies ~ Yes No 5. Population and Median Household Income of Proposed Service Area a. Population of Proposed Service Area: None - Strictly Business and Industrial tenants. b. Median Household Income of Proposed Service Area None Mandatory Hookup Project Sponsor or Grant Recipient has or agrees to adopt a mandatory-hookup ordinance for the service area - Ordinance may allow for mandatory hookup upon failure of individual systems. St. Lucie County has a mandatory connection ordinance X- Yes _ No (See attached copy) Schedule for Completion and Funding Plan a. Current Status of Project: Preliminary design and cost estimates prepared. Airport collection, conveyance and treatment system constructed and in operation. l '- ... \. ~. .. L. ~ ... \.. }., t III t; ¡. if; - .. .. ¡. i. t ... .. - b. Describe the work to be completed each state fiscal year through project completion FY 2000-2001 Planning, permitting, design and begin construction FY2001-2002 Complete construction, receive final certifications (early 2001) FY2002-2003 FY2003-2004 . FY2004-2005 c. Total Project Cost Planning: Design: $ 100,000.00 Construction: $1,000,000.00 Construction Related Costs: $ 100,000.00 Equipment: Land: Owned by St. Lucie County Total Cost: $ 1,200,000.00 d. Previous State Appropriations for this Project and Amount of Previous Appropriations Spent: Y earl Amount Appropriated Amount Spent ¡ '- - . -.... ~ --....-. \. e. State Appropriations to be Requested ¡. FY 2000-2001 $ 1,200,000.00 \.. FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 "- FY 2003-2004 ~ .. FY 2004 - 2005 I.. e. Secured and Reasonably Anticipated Matching Funds: L FY 2000-2001 Source: Status: Amount: '- $; .. Source: Status: Amount: .. FY 2001-2002 Source: Status: Amount: ... ... Source: Status: Amount: > .. 1.. FY 2002-2003 Source: Status: Amount: '- Source: Status: Amount: ... FY 2003-2004 Source: 1; ... '- L i. .. j: t .. ... i.. .. ~ .. 10. .. i i. .. .. .. '- .. .. .. '- - .' Status: Amount: Source: Status: Amount: FY 2004-2005 Source: Status: Amount: f. Other sources of local or other funding currently being pursued: None g. Appropriate sources of local or other funding that were pursued, but not secured; reasons such funds were not secured: None h. Appropriate sources of local or other funding not being pursued; reasons such funds were not pursued: None 1. Source of funding for recurring operating costs: Rate supported Utility District Matching Funds a. Total match amount to be provided: b. Match percent of total project amount: c. Request for reduction in match requirement: --X- Yes No Existing customers have invested in costly septic systems to meet their current wastewater needs within the Industrial Park. The customers could not bear the additional expense of the installation of gravity sewers either individually or through the rate structure of the proposed Utility District. 12. Signature of Authorized Representative: /J l () / I j) j V.!.- !£.-J' :Q·2£<-';.- I t~;; ;;/ ¡d,? :"f ,7" J Name ,'~ (/{/ Title Revised, January 18, 2000 ~. \. .. 4: i. ~~ .. ¡ .. '- !í .. .. .. ... ~ .. '- .. ¡.. ... .. ¡., ... 81. Lucie County, EXISTING AIRPORT df~ INDUSTRIAL PARK ~-~3\ ;1\ '- L '4. '- L. ,& ~ í t.. 't ill L. iJ ... ¡ .. L. t ... ~ .. ,Q ¡.~ '- '- .. {;' ... ~- .... ORDINANCE NO. EC-93-01 AN ORDINANCE OF ST. LUCIE cOmy ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL BOARD TO PROVIDE FOR THE MANDATORY CONNECTION OF ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS ON HUTCHINSON ISLAND TO PUBLICLY OWNED OR INVESTOR OWNED WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS AFTER NOTICE THAT SUCH A SYSTEM IS AVAILABLE; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR AN ADMINISTRATIVE WAIVER OF THE MANDATORY CONNECTION; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the Board of County commissioners of St. -Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. Article VIII, Section 1 of the Florida Constitution provides that counties shall have all powers of local self government including government, corporate, and pròprietary powe~s to enable them to conduct county government, perform county functions, and render county services, and may exercise any such powers for county purposes for health, safety, or welfare of its citizens not inconsist~nt with general or special law; and, 2. The Board has, previously,adopted a Comprehensive Plan which incorporates the valid state and federal law objectives, which include, respectively, re-use of treated sewage effluent for groundwater recharge purposes and the elimination of as many source points of pollution as possible, as is mandated by federal public law 82-500, and this ordinance is in furtherance thereof; and, Struc]t. threugh passages are deleted. added. Underlined passages are -1- :;:':Pr] c.... ro ~·o (')I-';Þ o ro :J .., :J c.:z:ro ro ¡: c.3:::: ..ero rol-' .., 3 0'· OJ ~ :J I ~~CJ I ...., I-' \0 1\1 ro w~~ 00 ~\OH1 .. I., ri' .....UJ::r U'1Wro ;Þ CJ . ~. ;3: .., (') o¡: ~~. ri' t:C 00 00 ?>:¡: P"'\ ri' 0, COC/1 W~ lnt"" ¡: (') ~. "Oro ;Þ OCJ t=10 c: :J O~ t-I \0 CO .. ~ ~ t- '- ¡ I.. (' .. ... 4 ... * .. , ;ji ÍIII ~l ... -~ ÍIII ... - ~ .. ... ... ... ..... ....- ,......... ,_.... -...: 3. The Florida Legislature enacted the Indian River Lagoon Act in 1990 (Chapter 90-262, Laws of Florida) which requires the County to enact regulations to eliminate pollution discharges to the Indian River Lagoon and requires the state of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation to identify areas served by package wastewater treatment plants which are considered to be _ threats to the water qualify of the Indian River Lagoon system; and, The state of Florida Department of Environmental 4. Regulation has prepared a report dated July 1, 1991 titled "Indian River Lagoon System Water Quality Threats from Package Wastewater Treatment plants" in which the Department has listed wastewater treatment plants which it considers to be threats to the Indian River Lagoon System; and, 5. Package sewage treatment plants and use of septic tanks in certain areas pose a continuing threat to the water quality of the Indian River Lagoon System; and, 6. The Board of County commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, recognizes that County currently has, and, unless regulated by the Board, will continue to have in the foreseeable future, package sewage treatment plants on Hutchinson Island which affect the continued protection, planning, and management of the Indian River Lagoon; and, 8true1t tàreu§h passages are deleted. added. Únderlined passages are -2- o ~ !;j o o ?': o 00 l.ù tJ1 "0 ;Þ> C') ~ o t-J \Q \Q ¡. L. t.. ¥; .. ¡. II. jt .. .. i" .. .. tiJi .. .. .. .. -. ... .. .... ... -- 7. The Board desires to encourage the· re-use of treated wastewater and to prevent the increasing degradation of the Indian River Lagoon, by both surface and ground waters, which results in a lower quality of life and potentially substantial increases in cost for water and sewerage services in the future, and to protect and provide for the continued health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of St. Lucie County; and, 8. The Board recognizes that in the general interest of the public and to promote the general heal th and welfare of said public, it is necessary to encourage the use of publicly owned or investor-owned sewerage systems and to minimize the use of on-site sewage disposal systems on Hutchinson Island; and, 9. On February 25, 1.993, the st. Lucie County Local Planning Agency voted 8-0 to determine that the proposed Ordinance is consistent with the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan; and, 10. On March 11, 1993, the Board held the first public hearing on the proposed Ordinance after publishing notice of the hearing in the Tribune and the Port st. Lucie News; and, 11. On March 25, 1993, the Board held the second public hearing after publishing notice in the Tribune and the port st. Lucie News and determined to adopt the proposed Ordinance. NOW, 'rBEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY 'rBE BOARD OF COUN'rY COMMISSIONERS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA: PART A ARTICLE III OF CHAPTER 1-7.5 "ENVIRONHEN'rAL CONTROL" "MAND~ORY CONNECTION - ON-SI'rE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS - HU'rCBINSON ISLAND" IS CREATED AS FOLLOWS: strue]t threu§h passages are deleted. added. Underlined passages are -3- o ::c cc o o ?': o en U) lJ1 "'0 :I> C) t:: o tv o o "..-._' ~"- ¡ ... ~ ... DEFINI':rIONS Section 1-7.5-40 ! * .. (1) "continuous Compliance" shall mean that the On-Site Sewage Disposal System has not at any time during the preceding 12 months before the notification by mail or by publication, as referenced in section 1-7.5-41 of this Ordinance, been out of ... .. compliance with or in violation of any rule, order, statute, ~ ordinance or regulation relating to the operation and maintenance .. of the On-site Sewage Disposal System promulgated by any regulatory ... agency or governmental authority having jurisdiction over that system. Any On-Site Sewage Disposal System that the State of ... Florida Department of Environmental Regulation has publicly reported poses a water quality threat to the Indian River Lagoon System shall be deemed not to be in continuous compliance. If an .. equipment malfunction ~ccurs due to no fault of the sy~tem operator that causes a transitory or temporary violation which is forthwith .. i lit repaired by the operator of any such system, such malfunction shall not be deemed or construed to cause the system to be out of "continuous compliance" for the purposes of Section 1-7.5-41. (2) "On-site Sewaqe Disposal Svstem" shall mean any sewage III. .. treatment and/or disposal facility not equipped for and not treating and disposing of all of its effluent for re-use on its own - ÌII premises, whether serving individual buildings or units, or several buildings or units, which treats or disposes of human body or household type wastes. Such systems include, but are not limited ... to, standard septic tank systems, laundry wastewater systems, and II. Underlined passages are Strue]í. threugh passages are deleted. added. ... -4- '-' o ::0 OJ o o ;:-: o Q) Lù 01 '" :Þ C) t=] o N o t-I ... -. ".':- ... ~ individual on-site sewage treatment plants which are installed or proposed to be installed on land of the owner or 'on other land to .. which the owner or owners have the legal right to install a system ÌIIIr and which primarily serves or proposes to serve the owner's property or development. ~ .. MANDATORY HOOKUPS FOR EXISTING ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS ON HUTCHINSON ISLAND TO CENTRAL SEWERAGE SYSTEMS Section 1-7.5-41 Except as provided in Section 1-7.5-43, each existing On-site Sewage Disposal System on Hutchinson Island in St. Lucie County, (except approved on-site reclaimed water systems developed under the provisions of law and administrative rules), shall connect to a governmental or governmentally approved and certificated central wastewater collection system (System) within J'90 days after L. notification by mail or by publication that such a System's ... ... .. .. collection lines, force mains or lift stations have been installed _ immediately adjoiriing or across a public easement or right-of-way which abuts the property served by t,he On-Site Sewage Disposal .. System or is within 200 feet of the property. Upon such connection ... to a central System, the owner or party in control of such On-site Sewage Disposal System shall cease to use it or any other non- _ central system method for the disposal of sewage, sewage waste, or other polluting matter. All such connections shall be made in -- ... accordance with the applicable rules and regulations then pertaining for such connection, which rules and regulations may .. provide for, among other things, a connection charge, a service .. Struck through passages are deleted. added. Underlined passages are .. -5- .... o :;:j Cj o o ^ o CO Lù Lr1 '"t ;t> CJ t%3 o N o N .. ;.. .. .. ... '¿ .. .. ... -. ,i .. .. .. .. ~. .. .. .. ... ... ... --=-:....;.;. availability charge or an impact fee and an accrued guarantee revenue fee, in such reasonable amounts as shall 'be determined by c >- '^- t;I: c c :;<:: the appropriate authority and pursuant to applicable law. On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems other than standard septic tank systems shall be exempt from this section for as long as such a system has maintained or maintains Continuous Compliance with all c CC W 1I1 rules, orders, statutes, ordinances and/or regulations, relating to the operation and maintenance of the On-Site Sewage Disposal System '1:; :t> CJ t=1 facility, of any regulatory agency or governmental authority having jurisdiction over that facility. o N o l.ù The Board of County commissioners of st. Lucie County shall be the final administrative decision-making body with respect to all issues relating to the mandatory sewer connections'pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance. Sec~ion 1-7.5-42: PROHIBI~ION OF CONSTRUC~ION OF ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYS~EMS After April I, 1993, no On-site Sewage Disposal System shall be constructed on Hutchinson Island in St. Lucie County unless the Community Development Administrator grants an administrative waiver as provided in section 1-7.5-43. Sec~ion 1-7.5-43 ADMINIS~RATIVE WAIVER The requirement of mandatory connection for a particular On- site Sewage Disposa±-System or the prohibition of construction of a particular On-site Sewage Disposal System as set forth above shall be waived administratively by the Community Development Administrator if the Administrator determines in a written order Strue1t tàrou§h passages are deleted. added. Underlined passages are -6- ..--~~- .. ~ that such connection should not then be required. Any such waiver shall be based only on a finding that the central wastewater System ... does not have sufficient capacity to serve the additional demand of that particular On-site Sewage Disposal System or on a finding that' a proposed On-Site Disposal System is more than 200 feet from a .. .. central wastewater System's collection line. Any person requesting a waiver as provided herein, who disagrees with the decision of the , ... Community Development Administrator may appeal the decision to the Board of County Commissioners by filing a written'request with the County Administrator within fifteen (15) days of the date of the .. Community Development Administrator's decision. Any waiver granted shall be conditioned upon the written consent of the owners of the system to connect to a central wastewater System which has ¡. sufficient capacity within ninety (90) days after the central ... ÎIII System's collection lines have been installed immediately adjoining ~ or across a public street or is within 200 feet from the property served by the On-site Sewage Disposal System. .. PEHAL'rIES; EHFORCEMEN'r Section 1-7.5-44: Any person violating the provisions of this Ordinance shall be subject to penalties and enforcement proceedings of the St. Lucie .. County Environmental Control Bearing Board set out in section .. 11.13.02 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. In .. addition, compliance with the terms of this Ordinance may be enforced by injunction or otherwise in a court of law having jurisdiction over such matter. .. .. Struelt throu§h passages are deleted. added. Underlined passages are ... -7- ... a - ^- c;:: a a ^ o CD Lv Ln "0 :Þ CJ t::1 o ~ o þ ...- .-...- ... ~ PART B: SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, sentence, clause; or phrase or if lilt any portion of this Ordinance is found for any reason to be ¥, ... invalid, unconstitutional by any court of competent or ~ .. jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate and distinct, an independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of any remaining portions thereof. .. PART C: EFFECTIVE DATE it. The provisions of this Ordinance shall become effective on April 1, 1993. ... PART D: CONFLICTING PROVISIONS .. Special acts of the Florida legislature applicable only to unincorporated areas of st. Lucie County, and adopted_prior to January 1, 1969, County ordinances and County resolutions, or parts ¥ .. ; thereof, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby superseded by _ this ordinance to the extent of such conflict. .. PART E: FILING WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE The Clerk is hereby directed forthwith to send a certified copy of this ordinance to the Bureau of Administrative Code and .. Laws, Department of State, The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida 32304. - .. .. i. Underlined passages are Strus}\. through passages are deleted. added. .. -8- ... o :;:;J t;j o o ~ o CO Lv U1 "t :t> CJ tr:I o ~ o U1 ~.._~~- .. .. PART F: ADOPTION After motion and second, the vote on this ordinance was as .. follows: Chairman Cliff Barnes AYE .. AYE vice Chairman Denny Green ... commissioner Judy Culpepper AYE commissioner R. Dale Trefelner AYE ... ABSENT commissioner Havert L. Fenn PART G: CODIFICATION .. provisions of this ordinance shall be incorporated ,in the Code ~ of Ordinances of st. Lucie County, Florida, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", ,. article" , or other ... appropriate word, and the sections _ of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; provided, .. -, however, that Parts B through G shall not be co~ified. .. PASSED AND DULY ENACTED this 25th day of March, 1993. ... . ,,' :;... .... . ' '~.;,.... '- . , .,'\ ST. LUCIE COUNTY ENVIRONMEN!rÀL··· ' CONTROL BOARD ,'-:¡' .;. t..,: ...... ~ ---c ~ ",' '.~ /' ---- ~ ;' . Chairman ~.:,... :.. ~." ~ .': ,J., '.: (",':? '., A~STI ~ ~~4 Duty Clerk .......... BY: ... ... r· C" .. ... ¡.. Underlined passages are Stnlck thro1:1§'h passages are deleted. added. ~ . .. -9- ; '-- .. o ~ to o o ~ o CD W tJ1 "0 :Þ C) c:1 o N o 0\ ;.. .. ',' II. ÍIIt ... AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK (Existio2) II. W ASTEW A TER COLLECTION AND CONVEYANCE SYSTEM t; .. · Original Water Advisory Panel Grant Application $ 1,200,000.00 .. Funding Received from Water Advisory Panel (1999-2000) - $ 50,000.00 ... BOCC Contribution of$11,530.00 added to the original Grant to complete engineering plans for the project. - $ 11,530.00 .. Remaining Project Costs (2000 - 2001 ) $ II. II. · 2000 - 2001 Legislative continued funding of original Water Advisory Panel, partially funded projects - $ 100,000.00 II. Remaining Project Costs (2001 - 2002 ) $1. 038.000.00 .. .. · Formation and Adoption of a Municipal Services Benefit Unit that would assess each of the 100 lots in the Industrial Park $2,500.00 ( 35% matching funds) - $ 250,000.00 .. 2001-2001 LEGISLATIVE FUNDING REQUEST $ 788,000.00* II. II. *This amount represents 65% of the original Water Advisory Panel funding request. ii ... Project Manager - William Blazak Department- St. Lucie County Utilities ... ...