HomeMy WebLinkAboutFederal Assistance Requests L L ;2J,/~CJO l l l l L L L l Federal Assistance ~ Requests l L l L St. Lucie County l L L l .. ... .. ... .. .. III ... III III III III III III III .. ... .. .. Project Summary Sheet .. .. .. .. lilt 1. .. .. 2. 3. III .. III ÌIII ... III .. .. III .. ... ... PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET PRO,JECT REQUESTED AMOUNT AIRPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM INCLUDING NORTH COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENTS AQUACULTURE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT FAIRGROUNDS RELOCATION; DISASTER COMMAND/ SPECIAL NEEDS SHELTER PROJECT 4. HARBOUR POINTE IMPROVEMENTS 5. CAUSEWAY ISLAND AND EROSION PROJECTS 6. INDIAN RIVER ESTATES/SAVANNAS WATER RETENTION RETROFIT PROJECT $ 5,690,190 315,000 8,000,000 1,750,000 903,100 4,800,000 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DOUGLAS M. ANDEr-SON February 1, 2000 Ms. Ann Decker Congressman Mark Foley's Office 250 NW Country Club Drive Port St. Lucie, FI 34986 Dear Ann: Please find enclosed six (6) projects for which St. Lucie County is requesting federal assistance. These are in addition to our Beach Renourishment and Ten Mile Creek Regional Attenuation Facility funding requests. I have prepared a Project Summary Sheet together with backup information for each request. It should be noted that these project funding requests have also been submitted to various state agencies. If full or partial funding is made available by the state, we would then amend the federal amount requested. Please let me know at your earliest convenience how the County should proceed with these requests. Thank you. -Lf- Anderson inistrator DMA:esOO-1 5 Encls. c: Board of County Commissioners Robert Bradshaw, Assistant County Administrator Julia Shewchuk, Community Development Director Bill Blazak, Utilities Director (w/o attachments) Ray Wazny, Public Works Director (w/o attachments) Paul Phillips, Airport Director (w/o attachments) Harvey Lincoln, Management/Budget Director (w/o attachments) Dan Mcintyre, County Attorney (w/o attachments) JOHN D. ORUHN, District NO.1· DOUG COWARD, District NO.2· PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. J . FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, District NO.4. CLIFF OARNES, District No.5 County Administrator - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 · Phone (561) 462-1450 . TDD (561) 462-1428 FAX (561) 462-2131 .. .. .. .. .. III' .. .. .. ilia ... III III ilia .. III .. .. III Airport Economic Development Program Including North County Water Improvements .. .. .. Airport Economic Development Project Phases I, II, and III including North County Water Improvements III .. A proposal for $5,690,190 to build infrastructure and industrial facilities at the St. Lucie County International Airport to create a major new economic development Industrial Park for the County and provide new water service to the Airport and North County area. ... .. .. III .. .. III III ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ST. LUCIE COUNTY AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK PROGRAM AND NORTH COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENTS .. ... Project Manager: Raymond L. Wazny, Public Works Director Julia Shewchuk, Community Development Director Bill Blazak, Utilities Director .... Amount of Request: $5,690,190.00 % ... Description of Project: II. Phase I: St Lucie County has obtained site plan.approval to construct on seven County owned parcels of land in the Airport Industrial Park between Industrial Avenue 1 and 3. The County is working in partnership with private contractors to build shell buildings on these sites for lease to meet the financial projections of the Airport Business Plan. Infrastructure needs of Phase I include extension of wastewater lines from Industrial Avenue 3 to each parcel. The total infrastructure costs are estimated to be $1,088,310. State funding assistance for the infrastructure needs is being requested. A low cost low pressure interim sewer system will be used pending identification of funding for the project. The lots to be developed are shown on the following map. ÌIIt ... ilia ÍIIII Phase II: Three site plan approvals will be initiated for nine more County owned contiguous parcels along Industrial Avenue One. The County will work in partnership with private contractors to build shell buildings on these sites. Infrastructure improvements will include extension of water and wastewater lines and road construction of Industrial Avenue One. Road construction costs are estimated at $150,000 and wastewater line extension costs are estimated to be $127,430. An additional $70,000 is requested to construct the necessary water lines to these properties. The objective is to have all properties in Phase 1\ leased by December 2000. ilia ... ilia ... Phase III: In December 1999, site approval will be requested for a new County-owned Industrial Park on the 150 acres of land west of the airport. Marketing and leasing of Phase 1\1 properties may begin immediately, once site plan approval is complete and infrastructure funding is identified. Infrastructure improvements include water and wastewater line extension ($854,450), road construction ($1 ,400,000), and new potable water transmission lines in the North County Area at a cost of $2,000,000. .. ... .. .. ... ... Reason For Funding: .. St. Lucie County has a high unemployment rate. One of the primary reasons for this is the large number of seasonal and agricultural jobs, which generally don't employ highly paid personnel, and often have periods of the year when work is not available. As a result of the County having high unemployment and a large number of low paying jobs, average housing values are also low. The low value of housing, combined with the $25,000 homestead exemption, results in the County providing seNices which are not paid for by property taxes. III .. III The County has recognized that more high paying jobs are needed to generate and sustain economic growth in the future. A three phase plan has been developed to stimulate economic development on industrially zoned County land at the St. Lucie County Airport Industrial Park. The park is adjacent to the City of Fort Pierce, which is currently undergoing redevelopment. ... ÌIIa Increasing job generation through business development will improve the overall economic condition of the County and encourage other quality development, including the construction of higher value dwelling units, thus improving the economic health and quality of life in St. Lucie County. ... .. Providing water to the airport area and the Northern portion of St. Lucie County will improve the quality of life for residents and open new opportunities for development which are not available now because of the lack of infrastructure. St. Lucie County owns and operates the newly established North County Utility District. The County has purchased at a cost of $4.8 million the former Holiday Pines Utility System. The newly established North County District will serve as the basis for regional service in Northern St. Lucie County. .. III ... .. ¡it .. III - III III ... .. St. Lucie County Florida .. ill .. ill. i. .. lilt .. ... .. .. ... III ... ... III .. ~ .. ÍIIt .. .. .. .. II. ... ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .... ... St. Lucie County till .. St. Lucie County International Airport .. .. .. .. III' ~ i. ... lilt ~ lilt .. .. .. lit .. .. ÌIII ... .. III I I I \ .. ¡ i .. i .. \ ¡ - I I .. I \ I .. i I \ I ... I Conceptual Plans Phases I & II I' I ... ¡ I .. \ ! , I \ .. \ .. ÌIt III .. .. .. \\ o ,. .. .. .. AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEì\l PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND CONCEPTUAL PLAN .. A. Background IÍII The St. Lucie County International Airport Industrial Park is a 142-acre area adjacent to the southeast comer of the Airport and is zoned for commercial use. The developed parcels' in the park use septic tanks an~ drain fields to dispose of wastewater created at each facility. The .lack òf a sewer collection system in the Airport Industrial Park limits the utilization of the property by the owners and restricts their ability to maximize their business activities. Without a sewer collection system, they must seek expensive methods of process water disposal. When the older septic systems fail. the property owners are faced with replacing them with expensive systems which require larger areas for drain fields. New drain fields consume as much as 25'ic of the usable .property and limits the size of buildings on the lot. St. Lucie County is actively pursuing the Economic Development of the Industrial Park and with a positive sewer system in place. building size could be maximized to encourage development of the area. The new septic systems require elevated drain fields which can only function with the installation of a lift station. The lift stations increase the capital and operating expense to the business. During the Park tour, it was evident that most businesses were in favor of the sewer system. .. .. II.- ÌII till B. Concept Plan ÌIII .Enclosed, following this narrative. is Inwood's drawing showing the Sewer Collection System Concept Plan for the Airport Industrial Park. The Concept Plan is divided into tWO phases for construction. Phase 1 (shown in yellow on the concept plan) is the largest section and consists of 109 acres of mixed developed and undeveloped properties. Phase 2 (shown in gray on the concept plan) is south of Phase I and is 33 acres which is undeveloped at this timç. Design of the sewer collection system will accommodate expansion to the south and east as growth occurs. The Concept Plan shows the sewer collection system connecting to the lift station which will serve the St. Lucie County Airport, near the Sheriffs hanger in Block 7. The sewer collection system shown is a combination of gravity lines, force main, manholes and lift stations. There is no special treatrn~nt or equipment necessary for this project. ÌIIt .. ÌIII .. c. Wastewater Disposal lit Two alternatives are available for disposal of the wastewater. Fairwinds Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Fort Pierce Utility Authority. If the decision is made to pump the wastewater to the Fairwinds Wastewater Treatment Plant, the plant will require expansion. The combined flow of Fairwinds. Airport and Industrial Park will exceed the plant capacity. Three alternatives are possible for expansion of the Fairwinds WWTP. 1) Relocate an abandoned plant and connect it to run in parallel/series with the existing plant, 2) purchase and install a new plant in parallel/series with the existing plant or 3) lit .. .. .. .. .. Change the plant process from extended air to contact stabilization. If the Fairwinds Plant is expanded, the current thinking is to transport a similar plant from another site and reconstruct it next to the Fairwinds Plant. The County has at least twO options for County owned plants which will soon be decommjssioned. .. ÌIII The second option is to connect to Fort Pierce Utility Authority's new force main which will run down St. Lucie Boulevard. Both·of these alternatives will be evaluated durincr :::;0 the Preliminary Engineering Phase. ... D. 1. .. Recommendations Based on the observations and discussions during the field survey and the responses received in the n:tail outs, the Engineer understands the need for the project and recommends the County proceed with the project in the Industrial. Park. We feel support for the sewer collection system in the Airport Industrial Park will continue. .. 2. We further recommend that the construction of the sewer collection for the Airport Industrial Park be phased. ",fhis approach will allow for growth and development in a controlled fashion and reduce the initial capital investment. Constructing Phase I would follow the current development trend as no improvements have been made in the Phase 2 area at this time. In the future, the property owners in the Phase 2 area and the San Lucie plaza will experience the need for a sewer collection system and will want the County to construct the system. To plan now for their future need adds little cost or complications to the Airport Industrial Park sewer collection system. .. .. ÌIIII E. Preliminary Cost Estimate .. A preliminary cost estimate is provided on the next page which gives a general budgetary number for the financial planning of this project. The estimate incluqes construction costs for Phase I and Phase 2 components drawn in the concept plan. engineering, permitting and construction services: The estimate also includes relocation and installation of an abandoned wastewater treatment plant currently owned by St. Lucie County to expand the capacity of the Fairwinds Golf Course WWTP. III. .. F. Minimum I!ßpro~emen~ - III. ... In an effort to promote development of County owned properties (shown in cyan on the concept plan) within the Industrial Park, St. Lucie County is providing an approved site plan layout and a low pressure sewer collection system to serve each parcel. This plan is a temporary arrangement that would be replaced with the construction of the proposed gravity system. Sewer collection system improvements are necessary to make the properties attractive and marketable to businesses relocating to the area. .. .. ~ ilia II t 6,1998 j J .JÆi ) PHASE 1 PREl.llllflARY £JILL OF IIATE/fIA/..S fTEN tJØt:R!Pr!11Il It_US N1II' ;Gifl'!11Il 1(' IlRllVrrr _ 1"1P1! !II' IIMVrrr _ !'!f'I! f!!' IlRllVrrr _ !'(f'I! 111' _f't'I' _ I"ff'l! 11' FfJItCE1I¡WI flOTES: I. PHASE 2 PRE!. IlIlflARY £JILL OF IlATI!RIA/..S 2. _ _IE1I f¥IIWltlf!ß lfI' 5T. WCIl! _Hrr !!!llUfflS1!JUE1I t1l!FMrrItENr. :1. r¡¡tl.l.æ5l1!JWælJYrlfl! l11!lI tJØt:RfPr1111l I. -US Z. tI · IIMVrrr _PfPl! J. fl!' _rrr _ !'fPl! 4. 5. S. "/111$ - ftrJil'lfJll iIlILL fJE l1E!iICIlSlJ 'lffTlf CAf'ACtTY AJiI i!lJOITllJllAL 1'UNf f'IIIJJl 7. THE JUiZIIJIIJlIJ!IiCrJ{ 111' _11"1 1lIl1l!1IS 2.rm' ~. /lAreR IJ' --=- _ ZS:f.S3' ST. LUCIE RT &:. AIRPORT ~ ¡.., '" '" s . 1.l!IJEJlIJ o ItJlJliiaU! IMJItrAM _ I"lf'I! __III f't.fJffI 1Jlllii!t:T'ItJI I'IlItJ" STIiT ItJI SLt1CiC If(JIIl11!IR 'NTY UTUORITY AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL SEWER COLECTION SYSTEM ct:: ç:r <.n 0) c: '§ :ïoooooo8°$:!o mgggg¡¡;¡:51Æ)8¡s1Q ~ r-:¡...:~~~r-:r--:ci<:G·~" :EÑÑ@@ÑÑÑ$!S'!$! '" ~~ ü:~ 5~ LL IÆ) ~ is ~~ '" I ) ~$2$2$2$?$2$2$2tôtO~~~Z-~ ~ <II ijj o ær"'NQ")"¢l.OtDi""-a;)O)·~:::~~:£ I'; '2.š :i::i olÆ) "...."1""" ,t;~ ~,! !ðo CI>~ ..J.~ ~~ j ai «I I .A oJ::i 9')1 -3Z~ {:Z~ ~ 4 · .. ; · · i 1 · « H lilt ... .. ENGINEER'S REPORT ... .. Masteller & Moh::r has prepared this Report to develop a plan for providing the North U.S. Highway # 1 and St. Lucie County Airport with potable water and tire protection facilities. This Report is an Engineer's Construction Cost Estimate for servicing the St. Lucie County Airport and other areas of the North County with potable water. lilt It is proposed that a 12" diameter potable water transmission main connect to the Holiday Pines potable water system which is in the North County Utility Service District owned and operated by the S1. Lucie County Utilities Department. The water system win be constructed along Indrio Road from 1-95 on the west to U.S. Highway #1 on the east. .. ÎIIIt We also propose three (3) jack and bores under U.S. Highway #1 for service to Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, an existing developed area between Julian Drive and Amanda Road, and at 1nOOo Road. We have proposed a number of points of connection for existing developed area along the west side of U.S. Highway #1. In addition to the U.S. Highway #1 Corridor, a line will be extended east to Old Dixie Highway and located to provide potable service to Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution and future service to 81. Lucie Village. Existing businesses in the area will bene!it by the extension as well. The lndrio Road Corridor will benetit as well by the extension of the line to the 1-95 Interchange. .. ... ÎIIII The route described above has the ability to serve future expansion on the northern boundary of the St. Lucie COUllty Airport and will encourage Economic Development in the northern part of 81. Lucie County. .. It is estimated that the construction cost of this transmission line will be $2,000,000.00. lilt file 9737 revised 11f11m lilt .. III ... III .. ÍIIII .. .. ST. LUCIE AIRPORT/NORTH COUNTY WATER CONNECTION TO ST. LUCiE COUNTY'S POTABLE WATER SYSTEM ... ENGINEER'S PROJECT COST ESTIMATE IiII DescTÍp~iön . . .. . Uni~ .' QUantity,' . . Ul1i~.Priçe Price " ; .' '. .. . "'.... d' . 12" Dia. Water main LF 45,875 $28.00 $1,284,500.00 6" Dia. Water main LF 150 $14.00 $2,100.00 12" Dia. Gate valve EA 31 $1,200.00 $37,200.00 8" Dia. Gate valve EA 8 $600.00 $4,800.00 6" Dia. Gate valve EA 10 $500.00 $5,000.00 Fire HydranT AssemblY EA 34 $2,000.00 $68,000.00 Jack & Bore U.S.#1-120 LF wJ12" LS 1 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 dia. pipe Jack & Bore U.S.#1-120 LF w/S" EA 2 $30,000.00 $60,000.00 dia. pipe Paved road restoration LF 1,600 $35.00 $56,000.00 Non-oaved road restoration LF 600 $15.00 $9,000.00 Paved drive restoration LF 2,500 $30.00 $75,000.00 Non-paved drive restoration IF 2,100 $10.00 $21,000.00 Sod LF 30,400 $2.50 $76,000.00 SUBTOTAL $1,738,600.00 CONTINGENCY $261,400.00 TOTAL $2,000,000.00 ilia ilia ilia .. ... .. ÍIIII File #9737 (rev.11111/99 ... ÍIIII .. III ÍIIII III III III .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. lilt .. ÌIIII ... Aquaculture Demonstration Project III ÌIII .. ÌII III ... St. Lucie County Aquaculture Demonstration Project ÌìIIa A proposal for $315,000 to fund proposed aquaculture programs in St. Lucie County. ... ... ilia .. III lilt ÍII .. ... .. lit lilt ÍII III ... ÍIII .. .. st. Lucie County Aquaculture Demonstration Project - Project Manager: Julia Shewchuk Community Development Director .. Amount of Request: $315,000.00 III Description of Project: - The following summary describes the proposed aquaculture funding needed and the proposed programs in St. Lucie County. Legislative funding requests from St. Lucie County would be needed for certain elements of the programs. Proposed funding from the State is as follows: 1. Shrimp incubator program $300,000 2. Aquaculture Extension Agent $15,000 .. III ... A major private investment is anticipated as part of the overall project. This will be the Aquaculture Center of Excellence, a $5 million facility which will be the cornerstone of the aquaculture research program. .. Reason for request: ... State funding for the three items will ensure that the County will be able to successfully participate in the development of this vital new aquaculture opportunity . ilia .. ... .. .. till .. .. .. .. st. Lucie County - Aquac~lture Funding Needs The County has two distinct but interrelated aquaculture funding requests. ... 1. Shrimp Incubator Proaram A commercial scale demonstration of farming marine shrimp in freshwater in .. conjunction with UF-IRREC and private industry. The project is designed to prove technological feasibility to existing farmers, ranchers, grove owners, and others, as a means to stimulate economic activity through new crop revenues, .. job retention and job growth. Outcomes include incorporation of shrimp production into existing farms, new investment dollars by individuals and companies interested in this activity, and the creation of a number of supportive .. businesses such as hatchery, processing, feeds, distribution and marketing. The demonstration is divided into hatchery, nursery and growout phases. The .. County will be directly involved in the hatchery and nursery phases, the University in the nursery and growout, and the private sector in the growout phase. The University will take responsibility for overall project coordination, .. data collection and report writing with the County playing a supportive role. The total project is estimated at $600,000. The County share of the request should be $300,000 with the remainder supported in the University's budget. Once III feasibility is established, the County will return to our primary role of economic development and business support allowing any further research and demonstration to be a function of the Coalition and/or University. .. 2. Multi-County Aquaculture Extension Agent .. !lilt The County would need to cover 20-30% of this position in order to maintain and house the position within the St. Lucie Cooperative Extension office. Expenses should be picked up by the neighboring counties served by the agent. Position will be requested through UF via County Extension Director. Total County cost: $15,000. ... ... Both programs are interrelated. Except for the shrimp hatchery, private sector shrimp growers, and possibly the World Aquaculture Center, all facilities and positions would be located within the proposed Special Use Zone for a Research Park and Research Applications District. County staff are working with the Coalition members, especially UF-IRREC, private industry and our Legislative Delegation to develop support documentation and further budget detail. .. .. .. .. ÌII ... .. .. lilt III .. .. lilt .... ... till .. ... è .. .. ÌIIII .. .. Fairgrounds Relocation; Disaster Command / Special Needs Shelter Project ... .. .. Fairgrounds Relocation and Disaster Command/Special Needs Shelter Project .... ... A proposal for $8,000,000 to relocate the County fairgrounds and develop a Joint Use Disaster Control Center, Special Needs Shelter, Exhibit Hall and a Horse and Livestock Park. - ... ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - ... ~ ... .. - .. AGRICULTURE EXHIBIT & TRAINING/DISASTER COMMAND CENTER! SPECIAL NEEDS SHELTER ... Project Manager: Julia Shewchuk Community Development Director - Amount of Request: $8,000,000.00 Description of Project: .. " .. This project will relocate the Fair from the Airport grounds, provide a livestock/equine facility for training and education. This facility will also be used as a Disaster Command Center providing for a needed staging area, Command Post, Primary Special Needs Shelter, 911/EOC back up and an evacuation area for horses and other animals in the event of a natural disaster. III, Reason For Funding: ... The new 200 acre property has been purchased. Funding is needed to develop the facilities prior to moving The Fair Association off of the St. Lucie County Airport property. The project will allow for new industrial development at the airport. create a new Fair Association opportunity and a Special Needs Disaster Shelter that is badly needed in the County. '- III tit tit .. .. III III ... .. .. ilia ST. LUCIE COUNTY AGRICULTURE EXHIBIT, TRAINING/DISASTER COMMAND AND SPECIAL NEEDS SHELTER .. FUNDING NEEDS ... I. Project Engineering & Design $ 600,000.00 .. II. Water/Sewer $ 500,000.00 .. III. Infrastructure $1,200,000.00 .. IV. Agriculture Exhibit/Disaster Center $3,000,000.00 V. Livestock/Equine $1,500,000.00 .. $ VI. Furnishings 500,000.00 -~ VII. Contingency $ 700.000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED $8,000,000.00 ilia III .. tilt .. t.. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ÌIIr .. A. III .. B. .. ..... .. III III ... .. .. III ... - AGRICULTURE EXHIBIT & TRAINING I DISASTER coM1\1.AND I SPECIAL NEEDS SHELTER ÇJeo~aphic Information- The 200 acre site is located in the heart of St. Lucie County, west of the major population centers, bordered on the north by State Road 70 and on the south by County Road 712. The site is geographically centered to serve the four county area of Okeechobee, St. Lucie, Indian River and Martin Counties. This site is withiD. 6 miles of the Florida Turnpike and 1-95 Interchanges along with being located outside the emergency planning zone for the nuclear power plant. Agricultural- Fair Association win hold the annual county fair, along with the livestock shows/sales and auctions. Facility will be used for agriculture training and education, trade shows, equine training/specialty classes, 4H events, farm equipment safety training/exhibitions and rodeos. Building will include stable facilities for horses and an adjoining arena. Emergency concetion site for large animals, an estimated 200 head of horses are residing east of U.S. Highway I in areas that are subject to flooding and wildfires. This facility will provide a safe and secure location for l~vestock and large animals in emergency situations in which residents are instructed to evacuate. C. pisaster Command/Special Needs Shelter- Facility will be used as a staging and distribution area of equipment along with the capability of providing for regional staging of resources and primary command post during recovery stage of a disaster. It would be the only Special Needs population Shelter outside the 10 mile emergency planning zone. Used as an alternate Emergency Operation Center outside the EPZ should we lose capabilities at our primary 911 Central Communications and Emergency Management location. Currently we havé inadequate locations for the evacuation of school children during a nuclear power plant emergency, this facility win help and provide needed shelter. D. facili!Jl- The 30,000 sf structure win meet Category 3 hUIIÎcane design requirements, accommodate over 500 people, contain a full service kitchen, restrooms and showers and dining for 250 people. Building interior wìil have folding walls to provide for more versatile use. As an emergency center the facility will contain emergency lighting, phones, data facilities and emergency generators. Both the on site water and wastewater systems would incorporate an emergency generator system to provide reliability in emergency situations. Water system would include a ground storage tank capable of sustaining minimwn fire protection needs and storage capability. This structure win be completely self contained. !III ... .. ... !III !III ... .. ... ... III ÌIII II. III .. 'III ÌIIa .. .. Shelter space . at a preIDlUIll in 2 counties S.PACE· \ STORM PREPARATIONS ) By Andrew Conte ol tne Ne"llt\ sun As hurricanes Bonnie and Danielle'chum through the At· lantic Ocean, emergency nu.nage- meM omcials in 51.. Lucie County have eliminated four storm shel- ters because of concerns they are unsafe. And omciats in Martin County, already dealing with. a space shortage, plan to pack In residents "shoulder to shoulder" if nco:ssary· On our Web sHe For updates on Hurricaroes Bonnie and Danielle, visit our Web site at http://wwW.tcpalm.eom ) An informal ins~tion in July round that (oürSt. Luèie School District buildings that were in· cluded on the county's shelter list do not provide enough protc:c- \ion from Oying debris and high winds. Don Daniels, 51.. Lucie County's emergency manage· ment coordinator, said the build- ings either have too much glass or structur1ll problems that could :ause: them to collapse:. Three se:hools removed from he list arc Weatherbee Ðaneh· ary and Forest Grove Middle :Chool in Fort Pierce and South- ort Middle School in Port SI... ude. omciats tcinpomily re: . oved Manatce' Elementary in >rt St. Lucie, which is under· ,in~ roof repairs. . Those buildings will not be ed as shelters auring a storm. I Daniels said no plao: is a!>w- ely safe in a hurricane. Please see SPACE on A2 . CONT·INUeO FROM A 1 o '"There's always a risk .when you're lOO1dn~ at a Caleg0IJ, 3 storm or hi er," he said. It's safer there t an Ü you stay i!, ¡¡ mobile ho[DC, on the beach or [\ a car. ... (But) if you can Slay at home, suy at home." . The closur= in St_ Lucie Courity.COtDC °as omåals in Mar· tinCoWlty' assess spao: 'problc."TIso Altu a s3Iety ~on in 1997, Martin County eliminated sever1l1 shelters, leaving a defiåt of about 6,000 ~o:s. . omåals will squc:zc ~ple in 10 the exiSting shcltas un ill they are "shoulder to sboulder" if no::· =ry, said Mel Buley, Martin . Cou.'\ty's ·c:mergcney planner. MWlw!1iJc:, the county continues 10 plao: burrlcåne sbutters on otherpub1ic buildiilgs to increase the number of places where people cat! =k rc£ufe. "We WOIl t tum away people," he said. "If we have to, we will re- duo: the space (for each person) during the storm: At the start of burrican: sea· son iIdunc:, St. Luåe County om- cials said they had spac: for IS 000 people, which IrIatchcs the projo::tèid number of resideots who Will nc:d CI1'\ugellCY shelter. With . four ft:W'Cr Shelters, the county noW bas a defiåt of spaces, partie. ularly in north 51.. Lucie County, . ~ids ~ w:~ a)~d~. tight, In an earlier ~ion, e~u· geney omåals dcanCd Fort Pierce shelters at the campus of Indian River Coaununity.College and the scbool' diŠtrict's Dale Cassens ¡ School unsafe for hurricane pro· \ tcctiol1, $lid Betty DeStefano,. ex· ccuüv¿ ·director :of the A,mencan Red Cross iñ SI.. Luåe County. Besides having too much glass, COclInOn problell1S. include long roof.spw3, uareiafotoed m1Sonry, ....-:al: external ·or internal walls and tall trees nearby, experts said 0 Any.of tho~ factors could cause: a building to co\la~ during a ma· jor b·urricane. Emergency ofI'lCials in St. Lu· cie County. found I?e pr~bl:ms during an mformal mspeetlon of about two.thir~s of. th~ sh:lters. drew hit Sauth F1orid3 in 1992. the state required counties to 'find enough shelter spao: for residents in evacuation areas, but· noW in- spectors arc finding lhat many of 0 the shdlers throughout the sute are inadeq,uate. . "If we re aware of a situation, we're not going to deliberately put somebody at risk,". DeStd"ano , .said. MOf cours.:, if we havc 120. m¡¡h wind, who knows what's safe?" Under the county's CI1'\ergeney plan, omdals would open five shelters first and then· open more as needed. DeStefano encouraged residents to listen to IrIcQia reports to find out which shelte~ are available. . . ~ 0 . I· She also advised that ~ple. need to bring watc"r, food. clothing and bedding to the shelters be- ca~ the American Red Cross docs not provide cots or other re- sources. Omcials encouraged peo- ple to stay witb family or friends who live in safe places ratber thao coming to the shelters. '"The shelter is safer - that's the key word, safer - tha.t1 a mo- ! bile home and safer than a beach- ¡ front· home." DeStefano said. "The shclter is not a IrIotc\. " .. . After Hurricane Bõanie sat off the southeastcro coast of Florida last weekend, emergency .offlcialS said°they are better p~.a.tId· that the public: seems readied'or a major stOrIn. .... . people who have not ·yet. got- ten. ~erg~ncy supp~~es s!io?ld·d? SO Immechately" as a second hum- cane, Danielle, gathe~ strength in the Atlantic:, said Mary Sa~r,. director .of the Martin·.County cha pter 0 f lhe· Alncrican Rea CroSS. . . "(Bonnie) '. i ~ly, . 1W sparked a lot'òfll\~t,"'¡11i~sa1d. "We hopC·níòre ¡pëo¡»c Wctit out' and got supplies and figured out .what their pla~ is. If thc:y~v'en't. done that by noW, they're !:II. ~d . shape," . .' \ The group's c:hapters")n both I countilCS arc seeking volunte.=rs to run shelters and help with disaster 0 relief. For more information, ~i- dents can call the American Red Cross at 287.2002 in MutiD çounry or 461-5201 in St.·Luåe .. .. ... ... ... III .. ... ~ ... .. .. .. .. ... WIll .. ... .. ... Harbour Pointe Improvements ÌIIIII .. .. Harbour Pointe Improvements .. .. This proposal is for $1,750,000 to construct new roadway, recreational facilities, and other infrastructure improvements on and adjacent to the Harbour Pointe property at the north end of the Port of Ft. Pierce. .. .. .. III III .. ... III' III .. .. .. .. .. III .. '- HARBOUR POINTE IMPROVEMENTS .. Project Manager: Ray Wazny Public Works Director .. Amount of Request: $1,750,000.00 .. Description of Project: ... This property was purchased by the St. Lucie County in 1997 for commercial and recreational development as a part of the Port of Fort Pierce. It has been used in 1998 for a train ride staging area and in 1997 for the American Wind Symphony Orchestra concert. However, due to the lack of a suitable public access, no infrastructure and public facilities, landscaping and other recreational amenities, the property has not been utilized to it's fullest extent. III III Use of the site will require roadway access which will cost approximately $125,000. The approximate infrastructure cost to construct water and sewer on this site is $375,000 and it will take approximately $250,000 for physical improvements to the site including a small -vessel docking facility to make Harbour Pointe a usable quality recreational facility. Other improvements will include bathroom facilities and fencing the site. .. .. Additional infrastructure adjacent to the Harbour Pointe property to provide electrical, water, sewer and storm water facilities are needed. These facilities will compliment the new entry way project and prepare for new development that will conform to the Port Charrette. ... .. The County will be requesting $1,750,000 from the State for improvements described above. - The County will provide a 50-50 local match ($1,750,000) to the project by utilizing the value of this land which was purchased by the County in 1997 and improvements being constructed in 1999, including a roadway onto the site and other recreational facilities. .. ... Reason For Project: .. The County purchased this property over two years ago and has been unable to utilize it because of the lack of funding for improvements. The property has many recreational and possible commercial uses if infrastructure and other improvements are constructed. This project will optimize the potential of this property. .. .. III .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. III - ... - .. III ... Causeway Island and Erosion Projects .. .. .. North and South Causeway Island Erosion Control Projects .. A proposal for $903,100 to make critical improvements on North and South Causeway Island to stop a serious erosion problem. .. .. .. .. ... ... ÌIII ilia III lit ... lit .. .. .. lilt .. .. Ft. Pierce Causeway Islands Shoreline Stabilization Project ... Project Manager: Mike Leeds Leisure Services Director ... Amount of Request: $903,100 Description of Project: lilt .. St. Lucie County needs assistance in combating tidal forces that are quickly eroding both the North and South Causeway Islands. Discussions on proposed remedies have resulted in a proposed coastal structure that will prevent the erosion of the shoreline from wave and tidal forces resulting from annual storm events, wakes resulting from ships using the Ft. Pierce Inlet, and ever present water current velocities. III Reason for Funding: .. This request is needed to stop a serious erosion problem that is endangering important County facilities. .. .. ... ÌIII .. III III .. III .. ... .. .. ... ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1999-2000 Legislative Budget Request ... FUNDING NEEDS ... L Project Engineering & Design $ 36,000 III n. Regulatory Permits (Local, State and Federal) $10,000 lit .. ill. Project Construction . (1,500 L.F. @ $450.00 per L.F.) $675,000 IV. Coastal Vegetation Restoration $100.000 .. SUBTOTAL . $821,000 .. CONTINGENCIES (100/0) $ 82,100 III TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED $903,100 ÌII ... III ... .. III III III .. .. .. .. III III .. .. .. .. ... III lilt lit III III III .. Indian River Estates / Savannas Water Retention Retrofit Project .. III III Indian River Estates/Savannas Water Retention Facilities Retrofit Project .. .. A proposal for $4.8 million to build a new water retention facility to improve the flow of water, reduce flooding and improve water quality in Indian River Estates and the Savannas. .. .. .. III ilia .. .. III .. III .. .. .. .. ÌIII .. .. INDIAN RIVER ESTATES/SAVANNAS WATER RETENTION FACIUTIES RETROFIT PROJECT .. ~ Project Manager: Ray Wazny Public Works Director .. Amount of Request: $4.8 Million Description of Project: lit Currently, St. Lucie County is partnering with SFWMD, FDEP, and Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program (NEP), to design this facility. The project involves constructing a storm water collection and treatment system to handle storm water runoff from the Indian River Estates Subdivision. Storm water runoff from the subdivision drains untreated into the Savannas State Preserve. This is having a detrimental effect on the Savannas ecosystem. Storm water from Indian River Estates Subdivision will be collected and pumped into a retention pond to improve water quality, prior to being discharged to the Savannas. A conceptional design has been completed at this time, and we are currently investigating land acquisition for the retention pond. The project cost is estimated at approximately $4.8 million, including land purchase. Final design, permitting, land acquisition, and construction could be completed in three years. .. .. III ÌIII ... The County is requesting $4.8 million from the State for this project. A 50-50 local match of $4.8 million is coming from the cost of water improvements in the neighborhood and improvements to the County's Savannas Recreational area adjacent to this neighborhood. ... Reason for Project: .. This project will reduce flooding in this residential area and improve the quality of life for it's residents. It will also improve the ecosystems throughout the Savannas area. ÎIII III lit .. ..