HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrange Ave 2001/2002 Orange Avenue I(ings Highway to Okeechobee County Line State Fiscal Year 2001 2002 Revised Orange I Project Manager: Amount of $1 County Funds to $2,700,000 Description of This project involves the to provide a two lane roadway with 41 wide project includes 17 miles of existing pavement to be The County has estimated it will cost approximately $9 million to implement the design and construction of the improvements. Reason For Funding: The County has insufficient magnitude. The heavy use products creates a fatalities on Orange Avenue Orange Avenue is an roadway is substandard width improvement of this hauling citrus public. The number of deaths in recent months. of a The existing " L L , .. ~ Ii. II) ~ E L. (1) - >- II) ;: >- en J: L c II) 0 C) :;; c ,.. CO ~ 0 E 0 C\I L. ... 0 (I) 0 - - (1) c C ::::J C '") .2 ::¡ - CD L .s:: (1) (7) a. (1) (7) co .c ,.. ... 0 ~ C) 0 .s:: ::::J L (1) (J '") (1) ~ (1) ...:- ~ c 0 c L (1) E 0 E 0 :;:; a. ... (J 0 - (I) II) ã) (1) ... > > (I) L <C - (1) .5 c (1) >- >- C) .c ~ c c co ,., L ::J ... 0 0 .¡: E I (I) E II) a. 0 - ... c co L () (1) (I) >- :2 > - in C (J ::J (J 0 <C L () (J Æ :ï: (J co ... ::J t- ..J .. ..; en f ¡. ~ .. ¡:; L l. I/ \ (I) E I ('I) Cã ..... ..... ..... - C'I u.. I/ (I) '¢ .¡: C\I C\I C\I C\I C') 0 C\I C\I 0 <0 "<t C\I ex> C\I "<t ..... C\I '¢ ::::J ..... ..... II) C\I ..... ,.. ï: I/ - c (I) C') C\I C') C') ,.. ,., C\I C') 0> I"'- C') C\I ..... "<t ..... C') C\I ..... C\I C\I ..... 0> C\I C\I II) ..... en 'u ..... ..... ..... "<t C') ..... N U < - (I) (I) ... - en C) c :;:; 'U U ~ (I) 'U ex: 'U I/ ~ ëa ex: 'U ... ex: Q) 'U 'U ex: 0 (I) 'U > c f 'U ex: 'U 'U £; ex: 0 ~ < ex: (I ëã 'U 0 ~ ex: (¡j - êi5 0 'U Ü 'U ex: ..r::. 'U C 0 'Ë ex: Q 'U :t: ex: ::2 oS 'U 'U ex: 'U G) Q) ~ ã) ~ 'U 0 ... ... ex: Q) 'C " ... (f ... c ¡¡; ex: ..r::. Q) 1: Q) Q) ë5 ex: 'U (f Q) Q) ,:,(. .c Q) 0 ,:,(. ... 0 'U (f '5 ~ c .c ã) 'U CI 0 E -º' ~ ,:,(. Q) 'C ~ G) :g e ,:,(. "õ (f Q) < ,:,(. III C E 0 c Q) c Q) 0 III 0 >- =' E u. 0 Q c c =' 0 :ë c =' 0 ..r::. 0 a:J a:J a:J () () () 0 w u. C) I ::2 ~ ~ a.. ä: ex: CJ) CJ) CJ) .= ~ ~ ( L. ¡ L. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FRANNIE HUTCHINSON COMMISSIONER \ .. ,. i .. March 13, 2001 iA ~ L. L Mr. Rick Chesser, P.E., District Four District Secretary, State of F10rida Florida Department of Transportation 3400 West Commercial Bou1evard Fort Lauderdale, F10rida 33309 - 3421 L RE: Orange Avenue M... Che:>:>~r~~~ L Dear ~, ... I have been receiving complaints regarding the condition of Orange Avenue from Kings Highway west to the St. Lucie and Okeechobee County line. I persona11y, along with county staff have driven the road and it is in deplorab1e condition. Several of the other Commissioners have also driven the road to view its condition, as we have a1l received complaints. I have contacted the st. Lucie County Sheriff's Office and between that agency and the Florida Highway Patro~, ov~r 200 accidents have been investigated within the last twenty-four months. ~ II. l ~ I have attached pictures taken by county staff and the drop- off varies in depth from four to eight inches and is a safety condition that requires immediate repair. St. Lucie County has spent over $2,000,000.00 on the road in the past six.years for bridge repair maintenance and culvert replacement ~lone. Orange Avenue was transferred to St. Lucie County from the: State Highway System in 1979 and the road components were åccepted by the County wi th an assumed 1ife of not less than 10 years. From 1990 to 2000 we have spent an average of $3,600.00 per mile per year, in addition to one resurfacing of the entire 17 miles of roadway at cost of $700,000.00. At our last M.P.O. Meeting the Board agreed to list Orange Avenue (State Road 68) on its 2025 Long Range Plan. Hopefully, it will move rapidly up the list. At this time, I'm asking for your input and help in trying to obtain some type of emergency funding for what is being recognized loca11y as a very serious prob1em. L k Ii. \ ~ .. ¡:, .. $ III .. JOHN D. OI\UHN. Disrricr No.' . DOUG CO'l,lAI\D. Dis:riCt No.2· PAULA A. lEWI5. DistliCt No. ~ . Fl\ANNIE HUTCHIN50N, Disrria No.4· CLIFF OAI\NE5. DisrricI No.5 County AdministrOlol . Douglos M. Andelson 2JOO Virginia Avenue · Forr Pierce, FL J4982-5652 · (561) 462-1451 La FAX (561) 462-21.31 . TDD (561) 462-1428 L L L l L L L l L L ~ L L ~ L. ~. L. l L ~ ÌIIII L ~ . ... March 13, 2001 Page Two I wi11 be in Tal1ahassee on March 29~ and have a meeting scheduled with Mr'~ Barry and wi1~ bring up the condition of the road at that time. I contacted your office in the hopes that you wou1d be in ,Ta11ahassee and cou1d attend the meeting with me, however, I was told that you would not be in Tal~ahassee. If possib1e, to going to I wou1d ~ike Tal1ahassee. to discuss Regards, rannie Hutchinson, Chair st. Lucie County Commission FH/~m Attachment cc: Ray Wazny, Public Works Director Don West, County Engineer this with you prior œ m rn n w ~ ~\I'! I" f I 'I MAR I 5 200¡ ~' ¡,it '.... '.~;:1 ENGINEERING L l L .. ~ L. L L. L L L L L L ~ .. ~ ?,:;- .. L L. L L. DIVISION OF ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM 01-56 Hj§j®j§¡~m¡@j@j§tMt@j@jMj@j@¡§¡§j@t§]j@@j§j§¡j@t®j§jl~lj@j§¡¡¡j®j§j~ TO: Ray Wazny, Public Works Dir~ct~ Ron Harris, County surveyor~~ FROM: DATE: February 28, 2001 SUBJECT: Orange.Avenue a.k.a. S.R. 68 Right of Way Conveyance Functional Classification The instruments listed below transferred the jurisdiction and maintenance responsibilities of Orange Avenue to St. Lucie County. The right of way maps encompass 17.2 miles of roadway, beginning at the Okeechobee County line and extending easterly to Kings Highway a.k.a. S.R. 713 (Stations on right of way map end 700' feet west of Kings Highway) . 1. March 08, 1979 recorded in Plat Book 19 at pages 13,14 and 15. 2. May 05, 1981 recorded in Plat Book 22 at pages 16, 16A-16D. cc: Don West,P.E., County Engineer File ". ~ .... -..- i;"'\~:' , ...... , ' Tr"'D.portatiOI1~'~~ . ..,"~ . ..', "<.'. ,~.- . .' .,'.~ . ~,,¡:~i-;:". "~" ¡'f\ll!-iT" ('t"-I\I:~ ;.,/"-.,., . . . .:" ~~.~> f"!!'f''''- ,~' ~~\"::" '~r ~- "-'7 .. ,....".,.'..., ,;,.:.c.-;:, .....'2 . ~..' itS5 JAN 2Q PM 2 . . ,< ,f"if'::"""'''' i::)//'?r.'f' : \,-' " y ,'" ',,' \ ~ -'1 'i ~\" '¿',,' ", , ' , '. -..' ;-". . ..'::/ :~;'i;:W~~ida ,3111"1616 ' ./ -''' ' "} r. . ' ' A 'i...., /It'O' , ":,,,' ,~f;':::i" ,,:,' :'" " " .....ry 1'. 1"~ ,.. -' ' 1':~' ~'v /(01 w(It/i ;Þ;' ,. ..lIÍÎI!ICabl. L züa' t¥..1..... eu·..... <_....~.~.tMGtÅ ·.CCNftty CQIId...~onen ~~t._aû.'~l- aJOO''iUtwa ~ ron.ia*oe, floCl.. U450 : - .. DeAl' ~..1one1' .a1Ml'1 t::. ,:..!w :5v~. ~ t'f'1 ,"..¡CI --~ .a MOUoft 110. M010, I. ~. 61 froll OkHOhCbM CO\Jftty IJ,ne to ~\eIO't 1,.1'. at I. a. 713. "'~. ~. "" ~U1.a1aUY 11'101'11 yOI.1 of the follow1nQ&ot1onl t'M f:V\;1- coa4 w. f\lftOti.onAllY ola'IU~ a. a looal roa4 in ___ wi'" .... .d_ia _t01M4 Ln ....ion nS.04 '1..1Ao ......... It .._iecrte4 .a ,øUa MadnQ for ala..Ui"at1oQ p¡rpo". on ,.,n " 1'"· .......... 1ft f\anOt1onA1 a1aIlU10adon of ton11 1'064 nl\lltØ 1n & ... 1ft ,ade41at.1aU1 nIlpol\lÜÞt.u.ty. IeOtiOftUI.04, nod"luwtee, .. .-nðeð Þ)' ~I' ,.-291, Lad 01 nacida. _ p~ ~ I.U..1nI ~-" Oft .... .._hi .1 -- _ _ _ _ ~. 1MI' ,Le." oar __ I.. _ _1I>UL.V ia _ -'"""' 1_'- __ .. _UO' .. _I.aIpOU.L" allaU loa ~ ... ~ ~...... --... ,,1'" __0tY -- 01 UIIO...... aû." ~1 ......U.....ion ,,1'" - -.. _.lpoU'V' .. .____. .. wi'" _or __"01". .. _- - ~...... 01 ........ '... ...........lV pad_....._ ..mu. apaa4.....1nI ... _... _ .... _ ~.... wi'" .... ~. .1 - ..... .. ...... 111 .. ....- ............ . . . iii __. .... ..... ~ ...... pO'1GC .. .....'_1M - ..04. ..... ......... _ .1 _ _....11 ....UV ..... n _ .... Iwnaia1 aIILUor toO 8&Þ.... t:M .... , .II! ....I!".'__ 04'" -"'" PI.04111 lei. ... ~ ia ~.. ..... . ..."....'~ _lfV~.........-r........ 1_ia1 aWuor"·1AIÛII k~~"!"'~"" ...,~ _lliaa'''''' .........~ - · ~...... ~:~.w~}:.,ø...:..i......, .. ..... ,01"...., C......_w1- 10 ?":"..,..;~~,,,,, ""'" _,,.. .... WUUOl ,It. 'ioo4Ø' \I1...ia....-.· ::n~'''':~'''ze .. __I.a ...1... 1_ ....- ''lt101O .,i ,:\~',:,_~I:"" :~~~::U .......... ..... ... - .... .... ~~¡i~~\~~;~t;:~,~::" .......... · . >~.Uiè:f~j.SÎffCit:ion,"ttatns..:~,,,..:,,'io cJassifted,f~r ....tch ':'V+::,;~~<~,:~;/;,"<,~,:;>·,;:·:<·~'.· ' , , "., '.' ,.:; :~', . . , . ~.~i;.i~$d:f~tf~f·~t.eSPönsfbf1ft)', 'SUbseqHnt~: .July .1~19nfspropoSed --v.p.;x ~:~.f;:;:r;'{",;t:-;;:}:';,>.::;·; . ." ; " ...: " . .' .,...' , '. "" J'?fi.., ...' 'f~:;.:=.fo""l:;JUb.lfc; hel~ft9;"U·he1d':prf~~~to· ~uly '1,1971' shll1. upon ~''i;::,~<~~;t{~';j~';;::;~;::;}¡::",,;, .' ..... .. ..," .', ,'. '~'~~fH~:-3.~:~:~;;f~ii¡Plè~iorrÓf.: a~ pre;';tra"sfer".,f~roYetleftts .req~frecl.' by ru1e 14-12.05. be ~:;~fu;1¡::f0'';¡·';:.:';-~~MA:i:':-: ~;i:··.·:.::".';' <", . ' " " .' ':-:f-4~~';i', ·~-:_fdèrêdív.Ulb1e for.transfer,provfdecfthlt the departllent "Y. upon the -;;'~ï,::n~~f~~;;h;-:'\'~";:> '. 'H,'"" ,. ,.... .,.. . ,0' . ,', . ;,;::;:·;~;:,>:':·~,;:,i'·~t,~Of:I;.coun~ orl....fcfpaUty. reeva1uate thecJUSiffcatfon of sda ;~:':'.:<'~-(._:~-,:~~:.-,~.:, ..~~"(.<;.:..':~<.:., /. . . : -,"'-' '..-...... ~ . " .¡ '. . ¡··,,·,.:·t'·,-' 1'OIéI'-".if ft' clete"'fnesefther thltlp error "IS _de fn the prevfous c1asst- r")J"; . flQ;....or ~t I "';'toatlll cÍiange ....occuind I. tilt _I.. of said rood, ~ ~':.. . .. . . . . .' '. - . . , . \"':~lt.pproPÌ1lte1Yrec1IsSff.r tt.Ñ1)' roId func~IDn111yc1assffted and trans- I .' ~'. " , . J-': ftn'ld by tbt departllent pMor. to Jul)' I, 1977 fn aC~rdlnce with 14-12.06(1) o , ..~ fa).·....n h' considered I part of the edstfng road l)'SteII And a responsfbf1ft)' .1. . ': ~·.Jurlsc1fctfon to whfch it VIS tranSferred.. IndUe addftiona1 provisfons -".rv1eI4-12.06 shl11 Ipp1)'. o .. (2) The dePlrtllent shan develop and dfstrfbute to/an the Jurfsdictions affected, ..ps and tabu1ar 1fstfngs indicaUng the extstfng state roId s)'StEII ud ldentff)'fng I'OIds which, on th~ .basts of thefr functi0lll1 c1lssiffcation. .... to lie trlnsferred to or fnÑI state responstbf11t)'. It shin 1150 cSe,e1op .... distribute ..ps and JisUngs ....fch deftne the .functfonal1)' classified count)' .. -. . . .' . I"OId ~. cfty street s)'Ste.s. Speciffc Authorfty: 335.04(1) F.S. la" lIIp1....ted: 334.03 and 335.04(1) F.S. Jlfstory - lev lo-2o-7l . 14-12.04 Transfer Schedu1e. (U An transfers of functfOftl11.r c1assfffed I'OIcIs subsequent to .Ju1Yl, un ~n lie ICCDIIpUshed fn IccordInce with the proyfsfons of thfs dalpter. lID I'OIdsha11 .be considered to haft been·fo....ny tr.nsfenwt bebIHn .July 1. 1m Ind the effectfft åte þf thfs chapter. . (2) Subsequent to the effect he date of this chapter. but not 11ter thIft - . ~ry I, 1'18. the depa.....t shll1 betin to fllp1....t an order1y phase-fit .. of.ÖI transftn fllY01Yfnt tilt stlte lalthWI)' s)'Su.. In{dl11y, because of ' . . . ............ 1ead..tf_~ fundfng coaitrafnts and the tf_ reQUtred ta ~1C." . ì- ... L l ~- it .. l La La L. La , . ,... . '."; ..' -. ... .;~,,; ~ \,~---............. ~~~~~~:fi&¡fi[!i~rfT""~"'i,;;';:;t¡, .. .- .:fi.·_~.~,-.tá~}ti.t~:-m- ': _;<j' ¡~~~f;~~~~~~·~i~~ ... . ~....,~~1"t~~,._~~~ ......~~ .~~ .. ~d be ~. . s- ,. v.:'1.'¢i:~çlg~~~~~:~,:~\~f!:~:i~('·· -. -' ...... . . .""..;::.+,~JYY1.~· .~!:(.,1'1¡1¡¡~IÍ.:¡f·,...t:·:ì2 .1ft" lince'the ·rOad 'WlS 111t nsuri'aced. ~ail~',·J,~ii;i;~~;\:~NI~ I:~_ d1Øft si~. ~ ~ *" I..t ~ J~~~ii~f¿Ú-;'...;if~;..~:iht.:J_fd·uHd:b1 the·dtpar*"t IS of JanvI1"1 1. 1977 tad.t.....tne i ~~'~:~'~'."~"-:''': :.~;..,-;,..~....". -""':-. ',:' ...... . . - . . Y"r<.· ~~:c::;":"'" :~,.::_'1O··rØurfaCe roads indicates . need for resurflcing. . \~~~7?1;(·';jf.t. ~;tiÌ~t!II.... ctiteril..it haS ..... clecldad ~t I .' .:<:.':' .::~f. .to be ·Nsûrf.ceditM 'cI.partiltnt shin det.",ine the .xt.nt of resur- ?~~.. n.iricl. .' . . <.... .:,(4) .~~tand1nt theresm.cing requireMftts contained in 14-12.05 . . ~ . .. ;~.(I)~1iO ·...d ·shal1betrlnsf.1Ttd ta a county or IlIIfticlpaHty. without its . . : . .-....t...Sch is not' tn 1generl1 physica1 condition .t 1east co.Insur.te p -' . . , ." . . ," ~ -. . . .. . <·"'tIt coatIIipori1"11"01ds ofUke "ge and .xisting functtona1 c11ss1ftcatton .~. -:Wltlt1ItM respective 3urfsdtctlon. suëh condition to be cI.U...lned by the . ....n.nt. .' . (I) ....-tr.nsfer illlPro'.....ts .., inC1uc1e safety lOcIificattons. bridge "!PItr. .1hou1der repair. li~1ng. striping .nd other illPf"Oyøents which the de- . ..,.....t *.. nec.ssary and apprOpriate. It shan 1110 inc1udelny work ftf&Ufrecl by the .ppl1cation of ftdtra1 standards on projects funded with . ... ,..,.....1..id. In .ddition. a county or a city &lY request that work be . .' . '''1CCOIIp1tshed in '"'SlO' tMt .ich tilt cIepa.....t hll detl...ifflCl to be required. ....the *PIrØlnt concurs tn such . reê¡uest. the county or city shin be o. .... ,.0' . . ·.....ttecI to particlpat. in the ntCtssa1"1 funding. .........f1c~-tty: 335.04(1) F.S....w 11Ip1tlllfttecl: 335.04(1) F.S. ~..~ . IIIw -10-20-77 . ..' M-U..,AsIoc1.tedT.....ferActions. '(1) '.....fen offunctfOfti11y c1111tfted roadl to and f'" ltate ~U1"is- .. 5,- . ,<*'teI 1M" .. *_cI to _" -ctIrrld .1 fonows: l- ,.C.) ."'" .toJu1, t. U77 - ., f....1actton of .* .Seen".., ..... ~."'" .;:........ttø Mttftcation of such to till CCMlfttJM' tM cU., effecte4. De ~-~~/-:..:.....:...::.:. . ~~::;.;b:":~: ':,;et~ .¿,. . · .... ~'~..' ~ I.'.. ":. . \.. '--~,:~-; - thO, t-., ," . f..'î'. .. , - i~·~·..," ! '" ~ t~ : ~. ¡.. ~. 'Z·- :.l ~:i- ~L < '. 'L , =1.< ;,: . ~l· -1..- ~. . ...-:....,. ...~;:.;;.,~ .....:.~ .:. . ~; - .~~ ".. . '. ,. ..~':./,~~,:;.f".~f9i{,;}:s~r.r~t;~T-;~. ""<'~~Í'&;~;:'{2:-:~';W~1:~\ . . '-. ".' '". .,.~..::.. .';' -. '_~~f,~~);~:1~:~of~~'::f:::'::I:= .)\"}thtc:cOúñt1.:'ñ~wMch suchright-of-wa,y is 1ocated. -~.,t::~~~:;;:~:'~t~~·::~·,"F-.-::: ::,;.,~_~.~.::~. .;~~:.. '~~."~.:: ...~., ':'.~ ";',0.:' ~;·:·:'t."(br::$Ub~~tto·"U1Y 1. 1977 - ~ the recording. by the ~epart- "~~ ,of·.ritht~f""y..p'_,in .the pubUc 1IncI records of the cwnty in which ._·rttht~of-wa1·U 'óc.tÛdt provided thlt the Secretary shan have fOI'lll11y . '-.' . ". - . ...,roied. and the depar_ntj shl11 have provided at1t1st 30 days advanced IOttft~tion to the affected county or city. of the intended transfer. (2) An ob11gaUons urider any ..intenance, utiHty. ranroad crossing or other such agretlllnt "'at1ngto a road which is to be transferred, shin be . transflrred at the s... t1... .s Jurisdictiona1 responsib111ty for that road. .... SUch .tn_nts ..y be Iss1gned or n-executed IS required. however the trans- ftrrtno tntity shl11 be respons1b1e for· the notification of an parties to an .stgned .'.....nt. (I) Each county and city shin s19n In ..n..nt with the departllent . . Í'tqatrtng that county.or. city to ..1ntain in Iccordance with feelerl1 standards ...; roICI or portion thereOf :under its jurisdicUon which is required to be so . ... .. . : . _'nuined by ftdera1 regu1ltions. . (4) Thlgov........ta1 entity to which I ro.d is trlnsferred shlU. upon it. requelt of the trtnsflrring enUty. be prov1.ded coptes of Iny right-of- ., .pl or cIttl11td construction phnl which .y exist for that road or Iny appurtena~.. (cu1~S. nutping wens. bridges. tunnt1s. etc.) thenof. Spectftc Authorif.1:335.04(1)F .5, Law JIlp1..nttcl: 337.29(3) and 335.04 (1)(1) F.S. Hfstory - .... 10-20-77 · . ' -" . . . . ì L- EST. UNIT EST. ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT OUAN. PRICE AMOUNT ~. Ii .. ORANGE A VENUE SHOULDER WIDENING COSTS PER MILE OF ROAD l 1. MOBILIZATION & PUBLIC ! CONSTRUCTION BOND (2.5%) L.S. 1 $11 ,500 $11,500 ... 2. CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING L.S. 1 8,000 8,000 L MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC 3. L.S. 1 3,000 3,000 L 4. PAVING TYPE S-3 ASPHALT WIDENING STRIPS (2'i TInCK) S.Y. 7040 4.00 28,160 L 5. COQUINA ROCK BASE PRIMED (8" TInCK) S.Y. 7627 8.00 61,016 L 6. STABILIZED SUBGRADE (12" TInCK) S.Y. 8214 2.50 20,535 L 7, STABILIZED SHOULDER L (6" TInCK) S.Y. 4693 1.75 8,213 8. SODDING OF SHOULDERS S,Y. 4693 1.50 7,040 L 9. ASPHALT OVERLAY ENTIRE ROADWAY SECTION L (2" TYPE S-3 ASPHALT) S.Y. 18,773 4.00 75,092 10. PAINT STRIPING & RPM'S L.S. 1 1,500 1,500 L 11. EARTHEN FILL MATERIAL FOR SHOULDERS C.Y. 10,000 4.50 45,000 t .. 12. GUARDRAIL L.F. 5,280 25.00 132,000 L 13. LARGE CULVERT REPLACEMENT EA. 1 75,000 75.000 L SUBTOTAL $476,056 14. ENGINEERING DESIGN AND L PERMlTTING $60,000 TOTAL $536,056 L KINGS HIGHWAY TO OKEECHOBEE COUNTY LINE = 17 MILES L 17 MILES @ $536,0601MILE = $9,113,020 L· ~ f. L ~ 4' .s (::>~. ~~ULb- 4;. .¡,-y. .----,..' ..- 1 G J -'~ ~ J': !~". Sï'O:>I~..>:> k >1 4' .,,, I 12' ~\)'r~-E'þ ! f'þ.,vro . 7M veL L ÞcN E- .. ..:5/k)tJLD ... \ ;,.-__ :;;...-:;;...---- :::;.-- -- - /'./\: L~.s LON 6) CN\.J'Ni'1 lr NE . ^ Pl\. .,¡ ~ c 1\\/r\.:II':: U ."- IX . ~ 'O"~ ¡.... . r.. I - ~ \., "'" ....... ~ I b-t""'N I \I G; Po'f;-- ~4--~)l¡-LD~~-~'- --- l I _ ~ --==-:::J 17 J::IN~ 4tJ~y. -b PMNT '~TRJp/'NG) ~ 1..PM~. ~ ~._-- L---· -..--. .---¿-------.----.. .'. .-...- - --. ...... '-"'-'- ; .. L l ~ ... L L. l L ~ i. L. ¡; .. L L. 'D 2"- 1 b.. V N ~ ~ \ Y P(¿ ~ - ~ ----. -. - (0') (5~-:-\J !~) - ~S'~ ç;.'j X o U~uY: 2" "TYPe: -3-..S (16')( SL~O) - ::).3~-) s¡ )( A.s: i +f-þ.. t,.T 3 I C:, ~o ) "1- ~F - .3 5J..o ~y- - 7ö4-õ ~y .~.:-:-:- Mt~~L.T . ~4-) 4-8,<> 1- ~F - ~2.21 ~y I ~ l ì ~ ~::,/ Î .__=--~ - CA ~ III N t\ -=ß ~"';~ t;: : " ~ GO~lll}JÅ 15~~Ë ---------..-. (~.5')(5"2~\)1) ~ 34)~~ ~F ~~ J ~ 5;:'( 7~ 2.. 7 s: I ~ ... '" -....,..----- - Sí~I~I"L~ . ~uß~R.fyj)E. ~ )'2.- If Míx~ -----.--.. _ ___hn _ --. .-.:-' -- (7') (5-¿~~) 4/0 7 ~)t -;:~Æ:Jß:-..~L c:::- .,.- ,-,. '3<0 :> ~"o ..- - ~ ~ï~'LI·U~J~L__~H<?uJ¿~~-. -: e,}1 N\rXEJ) , .(4 ')( s-¿~~~ -¿J ) J 1.-0 ~ t- 2'34; ~ì' 4~~~ ~y - ..---..-- ---..----.- .~ . -.----'- .....:.. L ~. 1!R MILE I;, ':'