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Minutes 07-27-2006
PUBLIC SAFETY COORDINATING COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting July 27,2006 Convened: 3:30 p.m. Adjourned:4:40 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Smith called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. in Conference Room # 3, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. ROLL CALL Members Present: Commissioner Joe Smith Becky Bleyman for Peggy Cioffi, CORE Program Janet Collins Sheriff Ken Mascara Major Pat Tighe, St. Lucie County Correctional Facility Kent Cameron for Diamond Litty, Public Defender Thomas Mark, Department of Corrections Bruce Colton, State Attorney Bob Quam, New Horizons of the Treasure Coast Judge Philip Yacucci (\1\ IV W ~l Jt Roll call was taken. Members Absent: Chief Judge Roby Others Present: Mark Godwin, Criminal Justice Coordinator Sandy Sticco, Sentencing Alternatives Deanna Trainor, Sentencing Alternatives Pat Walsh, SLC Sheriff's Office Trevor Morganti, SLC Sheriffs Office Ed Fry, Clerk of the Circuit Court Debra Wright, SLC Sheriffs Office Jim Reeder, Palm Beach Post Rebecca Panoff, Scripps Treasure Coast News Mr. Griffen, St. Lucie Bar Association Major Mike Monahan, SLC Sheriffs Office John Ramano, New Horizons Chris Harris, New Horizons Tom Lane, New Horizons Garry Wilson, SLC Sheriff's Office Adam Fetterman, SLC Sheriffs Office Tom Genung, Court Administrator Heather Lueke, Assistant County Attorney V--..--..· .' C"'-:-=ïl '. " .' .....1.-- _c,., I _ ! \ \ í 1 ¡-~-c-.::J .. ....1. 'j: ,.,_1 :__ ' i;: \ '.,,/ L-~~\l ~ 1 '\' I I ,.' \' I -'1 AUG - ~ 2006 n , . ___..___._______ I LC",-, f\,'~~.i¡.'.. n.!=¡c¡rr=i. 'V. -d-,!",!i\:..'__~-=-=-:_.~ Public Safety Coordinating Council July 27, 2006 Page 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE JUNE 29th MEETING After a motion and second, the minutes were unanimously approved. Commissioner Smith thanked Mr. Colton for filling in at the June meeting. JUDICIAL UPDATE Mr. Genung reported that Chief Judge Roby wants to create uniformity throughout the circuit. They are working toward all locations using the same forms. UPDATE BY CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATOR Mr. Godwin introduced Mr. Quam. Mr. Quam handed out Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Criminal Justice System/Mental Health & Substance Abuse Intervention and Diversion Model (see attached.) Beginning on page 5, he discussed the Recommendations and Interventions. Mr. Quam announced his retirement, told his plans, and thanked the group for their support. John Ramano will take over as CEO. Mr. Godwin reported that the Criminal Justice Information Systems Committee is moving forward with the data exchange process. He congratulated Mr. Fry for the new in-court docketing system. Mr. Fry said that the ultimate goal is to have information transmitted from Court as it is occurring to all the parties that are involved. He thanked the Judges that have agreed to work with them. Mr. Godwin told about a work program he discussed with Becky Bleyman, her staff, and Road and Bridge. He reported on the status of funding for the Juvenile Assessment Center. Sentencing Alternatives has 87 active cases. 179 have been through the program. Ms. Sticco thanked all the departments involved. They have had more than 500 court dates with no failures to appear. The statewide conference of pretrial professions was sponsored by Ms. Sticco and held on the Treasure Coast. Mr. Godwin and Mr. Underwood will be going to Orlando to meet with the statistician from the Department of Detention. PSCC MEMBERSHIP REQUEST Ms. Lueke had copies of a memo she wrote (see attached.) It is not possible for the Cities to have a member on the Committee. Public Safety Coordinating Council July 27, 2006 Page 3 Me ST. LUCIE COUNTY COURT SYSTEM ADVISIORY BOARD Mr. Godwin gave history of the former Board. He asked if the Committee should be reactivated with the Criminal Justice Complex being discussed the next few months. There was a motion and second. It was approved to begin next month. There was discussion as to who would be on the Committee and space needs. CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSION Sheriff Mascara had a handout from the Palm Beach County Criminal Justice Commission (see attached.) He highlighted the Vision, Mission and some Core Values and Goals. He thinks a Criminal Justice Commission would help get the information to the voters, help the Board of County Commissioners and Constitutional Officers, and determine needs for future plans. He suggested Commissioner Smith contact Palm Beach County Criminal Justice commission for more information. Mr. Godwin gave a report on his visit to Palm Beach County. Sheriff Mascara said they make their recommendations at the end of the calendar year so there was time for them to be considered before budgets. Mr. Godwin offered to send the information he has. Staffing and funding were discussed. THE RAPE ELIMINATION ACT Major Tighe reported that the average daily population for the month of July was 1323 (see attached), the lowest it has been since October, November 2005. An all time low of 1293 was hit July 25. The present count is 1307. So we are all doing something right in this room. I can't put my finger on it. Is the State Attorney working faster? Are the Judges processing faster? Are we working better together? But we're working. I can tell you that. I don't think it is anyone program I can contribute it to. It's just a bunch of hard work. Major Tighe explained the history of the law, what he sees to be problems, and what has been done at St. Lucie County Jail. He continued his presentation with other external influences that drive overpopulation (see attached) and unfunded mandates. Funding for the recommendations made by the Commission on Safety and Abuse in America's Prisons was discussed. OTHER ISSUES Mr. Mark said that the Department of Corrections is willing to listen and he could get numbers if needed. Commissioner Smith announced that next month President Massey of IRCC may be a speaker for the meeting to present information about the Public Safety Training Center that is being built. Public Safety Coordinating Council July 27, 2006 Page 4 Mr. Ramano wanted to acknowledge the great job Mr. Quam had done. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m. by Commissioner Smith. Submitted by, Brenda Marlin THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE AUGUST 31,2006. NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM / MENTAL HEALTH & SUBSTANCE ABUSE INTERVENTION AND DIVERSION MODEL MENTAL HEALTH/CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE STATUS REPORT July 26, 2006 Prepared by: Bob Quam, President/Chief Executive Officer New Horizons of the Treasure Coast, Inc. Chairperson, Mental Health/Criminal Justice System Committee Summary: The purpose of this Status Report is to provide the Committee with an update on the presentation given to the St.Lucie County Commission on May 12, 2006. As a reminder to the committee The Intervention and Diversion Model described in the presentation is a filterin~ process from the point of contact by a law enforcement officer through arrest, conviction and sentencing for those individuals with a mental or substance abuse disorder. The Mental Health/Criminal Justice System Committee believes that until adequate and accessible resources are available in the community, the safest place for individuals with a mental or substance abuse disorder who have committed a crime, is in the county jail. Presented in this Status Report are the recommendations provided to the St. Lucie County Commission on May lih and the status for each. The Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Criminal Justice System / Mental Health & Substance Abuse Intervention and Diversion Model is a framework for St. Lucie County in the continuing development of an effective interface between the criminal justice system and mental health system as we address our mutual concerns about the criminalization of people with mental illness and substance abuse. The model is an adaptation of the "Sequential Intercept Model" and is an effective approach to decriminalization of people with serious mental illnesses. The model is authored by Mark R. Munetz, M.D. and Patricia A. Griffin, PhD, as reported in the Journal of Psychiatric Services, April, 2006. The premise of the model is: 1. People with mental illness and substance abuse disorders should not penetrate the criminal justice system at a greater frequency than people without mental or substance abuse disorders. At present we know that the penetration rate is at least 64% greater with those with mental or substance abuse disorders 2. The presence of mental illness should not result in unnecessary arrest or incarceration unless the crime is unrelated to symptomatic mental illness 3. Those with a mental or substance abuse disorder should not be detained longer than others simply because of their disorder. (At present, days in detention is five times greater at the St. Lucie county jail for those with a mental illnesses than those who are not.) 4. Recidivism could be reduced through effective intervention by mental health and substance abuse providers at the various points in the criminal justice system process, from initial law enforcement contact through reentry from the jail and community based support services. 2 As reported by Munetz and Griffin, the ultimate intervention for people with mental and substance abuse disorders is an accessible, comprehensive, effective mental health and substance abuse treatment system focused on the needs ofthese individuals who repeatedly come into contact with the criminal justice system. The New Freedom Commission on Mental Health: Achieving the Promise: Transforming Mental Health Care in America report, issued by President Bush in 2003, concluded that very few communities in the United States have the level of service required to effect changes needed to address this population. The Nineteenth Judicial Circuit and its partners formed a Mental Health/Criminal Justice System collaborative in the spring of 2004 with representatives of the sheriffs department, public defenders office, state attorney's office, judicial, faith-based representatives, clerk of the court, S1. Lucie county criminal justice coordinator, DCF substance abuse and mental health program office and mental health and substance abuse providers. During the past two years we have been addressing the issues noted above and have made some significant strides, while at the same time we clearly have much work left to be done. 3 INTERVENTION and DIVERSION MODEL The intent of the intervention and Diversion model is to serve as a filtering process to divert individuals from being booked into the county jail and to accelerate discharges from the jail once they are booked. Key facts to consider as one reviews the Intervention and Diversion model and the previously stated premise ofthe model: 1. That the current county jail inmate population exceeds bed capacity by at least 300 inmates. 2. That 20% ofthe current inmate population is diagnosed with a mental illness. 3. That those with a mental illness serve 5 times more days in the county jail than the normal inmate population. 4. That approximately 75% of the inmate population has a substance abuse disorder. 5. That the penetration rate into the county jail is at least 64% greater for those with a mental or substance abuse disorder. 4 The following provides an overview of the activity our criminal justice/mental health collaborative has been involved in and recommendations for the St. Lucie County Commission. Intervention 1: Law enforcement and emergency services Pre-arrest diversion programs are the first point of intervention in the criminal justice system. Law enforcement officers are generally the first responders in the community for persons with mental or substance abuse disorders. If the person has not committed a crime and meets the criteria for involuntary evaluation under the Baker Act or Marchman Act the law enforcement officer transports the person to the nearest Baker Act receiving facility or to New Horizons for the Marchman Act (substance abuse detoxification). If the person has committed a crime regardless of her mental or substance abuse disorder the person is transported to the county jail for initial detention. Currently a law enforcement officer can call New Horizons' mobile crisis response team (MCRT) to respond with the officer on a psychiatric emergency call where a crime has not been committed. The M CRT assesses to determine if a safety plan can be developed to prevent transportation to a receiving facility and admission to a psychiatric inpatient unit. Recommendation: We have the following recommendations to strengthen the Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Intervention. 1. Extend the MCR T response capability for persons who have a mental or substance abuse disorder and have committed a crime. For individuals who have committed a non-violent crime and have a mental or substance abuse disorder they could be diverted from initial detention to services within the New Horizons service delivery system. They would be given a summons to appear before the Mental Health Court for disposition. 2. Establish a Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) oflaw enforcement officers with the sheriffs department and the city of Ft. Pierce and Port St. Lucie to respond to calls involving an individual with a mental health disorder. All three jurisdictions have expressed an interest in having CIT training. The primary barrier is the cost to divert officers for the 40 hours of training required to be CIT certified. 3. Implement the Familv Emergency Treatment Center (FETC). New Horizons has been successful in securing from the Florida Legislature an appropriation request to create a Family Emergency Treatment Center (FETC). The final decision on this appropriation is now with the Governor. The center would be staffed by professional mental health and substance abuse personnel. The center would be similar to an "Urgent Care Center" for individuals brought to the center by law enforcement officers or family members who do not meet criteria for involuntary evaluation and commitment under the Baker or Marchman Act. The FETC will have the capability to serve as ajail diversion for individuals who have committed a non-violent crime. 5 Status: The Family Emergency Treatment Center survived the veto of the governor. The total appropriation is for $1.5 million with $1 million coming through DCF and $500,000 through the Public Defenders office. Chris Harris fonnally with D-15 SAMH office has been hired to lead this effort. The expectation is be begin actual operation around October 1 of this year. The plan at this point is to merge recommendation #1 and #3 above for an effective response capability with local enforcement which will also include Martin, Indian River and Okeechobee counties along with St. Lucie County. CIT has gotten off the ground. The first organizational meeting was held this past month and Assistant Chief Sean Baldwin, Ft. Pierce Police Department has agreed to assume the leadership position of the group. The organizing committee has scheduled follow-up meetings with the first training planned for October or November of this year. INTERVENTION 2: POST ARREST: INITIAL DETENTION AND FIRST APPEARANCE Currently New Horizons receives ITom the St. Lucie County Sheriffs Office a daily fax transmittal of individuals who have been booked into the jail. Staff of New Horizons reviews the booking log to determine if any New Horizons client is on the list. New Horizon staff coordinates with jail personnel and the public defenders office to assess the possibility of developing a release plan for those individuals who are current clients of New Horizons. Until a release is affected New Horizon staff maintain contact with the j ail personnel, public defenders office and inmate client. Recommendation: New Horizons, the St. Lucie County Sheriffs Office and the Sheriffs Office Medical and Mental Health provider commence coordination and discharge planning immediately upon entering the St. Lucie Countv iail for active clients of New Horizons and for those who are not currently clients of New Horizons. Disposition alternatives include: release on own recognizance, bond or referral to Mental Health Court. Status: Major Pat Tighe reports the communication between Prison Health Services, the Public Defenders Office, the State Attorney's Office and New Horizons staff has never been better! This improved daily contact has resulted in the successful diversion of dozens of patients back to appropriate services in the community. The month of June statistics reflect 119 persons needing mental health services in custody of the Sheriff, which is markedly down from an average of 200-215 per month. 6 INTERVENTION 3: Post-first appearance: Mental Health Court A new Mental Health Court is being established for the 19th Circuit. The purpose of the court will be to here cases of individuals with a mental health disorder who meet the criteria ofthe court. New Horizons will be providing a case manager to the court to assist in providing infonnation to the judge for disposition and arranging for appropriate recovery support services in the community. Recommendation: That the county fund the cost of at least one full-time Case Manager for the mental health court at a cost of $65,000 per annum. Status: The county commission approved the funding of a full-time Case Manager for the Mental Health Court effective October 1, 2006. DCF SNMH program office is funding the Case Manager through September 31. A request has also been made to Mark Godwin to reserve enough money to fund a second Case Manager should an increase in case load warrant the additional Case Manager. The Mental Health Court began operations June 12,2006 and has proven to be successful in expediting release from the County Jail and linking offenders to the appropriate mental health and substance abuse services. As of July 26th there are 46 clients being handled by the Mental Health Court. Of the 46 two are incarcerated, one because of a violation and one because of a pending felony. Approximately 60% of the clients are co-occurring. Infonnation from the Florida Council for Community Mental Health reflects we may have one of the few if not only Mental Health Court serving substance abuse clients. INTERVENTION 4: Re-entry from jail to the community Currently New Horizons works closely with county jail personnel to link active clients of New Horizons and inmates who have not been clients to New Horizons transitional community support services upon release from jail. This process provides rapid access to psychiatric services and recovery support services upon release from the jail. Enhancement of this process could be affected should the recommendation in Intervention 2 be implemented. The Public Defenders office in 2003 initiated a Re-Entry Program for S1. Lucie, Martin and Indian River counties. To date the program has assisted 900 offenders with a recidivism rate of only 18%. The re-entry program engages voluntary inmates prior to release from jail with discussion on the various community resources available upon their release. Resource education includes jobs, housing, relationship building, coping skills, substance abuse issues, anger management and parenting. The inmates have access to case management for up to 3 years after their release. 7 If substance abuse or mental health issues are apparent the inmate is fast-tracked into New Horizons and to CRC for assessment and referral into a client choice Access to Recovery substance abuse program. A joint effort ofthe county jail, public defenders office, faith-based organizations and New Horizons is in the process of developing a continuum of care by instituting a "community re- entry program". The process would begin in the jail by providing a therapeutic community for participating inmates for a period of six months, focusing primarily on substance abuse issues. Upon release the inmate would be referred to an appropriate community substance abuse provider and case managed by the Re-entry Program. Status: The Community Re-Entry Program is progressing with a scheduled update meeting set for August 3rd with the faith-based partners. INTERVENTION 5: Community recovery support services and community corrections New Horizons has a number of community recovery support services for individuals being released from county jail that have mental or substance abuse disorders. Services included are transitional community support services, medication clinic, therapeutic services, case management, supported employment, supported housing and a learning center. A significant gap in our services is transitional residential housing for individuals coming out ofthe jail who have no permanent residence for inmates with substance abuse and mental disorders. Recommendation: 1. That S1. Lucie County enter into a contract with New Horizons for the provision of at least 10 beds for substance abuse and co-occurring disorders both male and female. The recommended annualized allocation effective June 1, 2006 would be for $120,450. The bed rate would be $33 per day to help support the provision of these services. New Horizons has an agreement with the Crossings, which is a faith-based organization to provide recovery based transitional residential services for substance abuse and co-occurring disorders with a maximum 36-bed capacity. Additionally, New Horizons has a 5-bed facility that can also be utilized as a jail diversion for those experiencing mental or co-occurring disorders. We are further recommending that the county set aside additional funds to support expansion of this initiative after October 1, 2006. 2. That New Horizons establish a more effective relationship with the State Probation office and CORE probation services for both felony and misdemeanor. A number of individuals that are under the supervision of both organizations have a mental or substance abuse disorder. Conditions of probation requiring treatment and recovery support services could further solidify our efforts in reducing recidivism to the county jailor psychiatric inpatient services. 8 Status: 1. The S1. Lucie County Commission approved the appropriation for 40 beds at $33 per day per bed effective June 15th. While beds have been approved this program is moving very slow. We have had a couple of meetings with the major players and need to follow-up with the three county judges. 2. To date we have not had a meeting with the State Probation office and CORE. This needs to be done. Issues to be discussed beyond above recommendations: 1. Transportation of persons being charged with an offense who could be diverted from booking in the County Jail. 2. Department of Juvenile Justice diversion from detention 3. Baker Act hearings at New Horizons 9 INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney FROM: Heather Sperrazza Lueke, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO: 06-1000 DATE: June 20, 2006 SUBJECT: Membership of Public Safety Coordinating Council Section 951.26, Florida Statutes (2005), states that each Board of County Commissioners shall establish a county public safety coordinating council and lists of whom the council shall consist. Nothing in the legislative history of this statute specifically states that the list of members could not be altered. However, the use ofthe word "shall" and the additions made by the Legislature over the years lead me to conclude that the Legislature meant to restrict the membership to those listed in the statute. Section 951.26 states that the membership of the council "shall" consist of the people then listed. The use of the word "shall," in its normal connotation, is mandatory in nature. Neal v. Bryant, 149 So. 2d 529, 532 (Fla. 1962). The Court in Neal further found: Only when a particular provision relates to some immaterial matter, where compliance is a matter of convenience rather than substance, or where the statute's directions are given merely with a view to the proper, orderly and prompt conduct of business is the provision generally regarded as directory. Id. (quoting Reid v. Southern Dev. Co., 42 So. 206 (Fla. 1906)). The Legislature has made such specific amendments to the membership of the council since its inception that it does not appear that the Legislature considers the membership an "immaterial matter." When the statute was first adopted in 1987, the council (then the county correctional planning committee) consisted ofthe state attorney or an assistant state attorney designee, the public defender or an assistant public defender designee, the chief circuit judge or another circuit judge, the chief county judge or his designee, the chief correctional officer, the chairman ofthe board of county commissioners, and the director of any county probation or pretrial intervention program. In 1988, the statute was amended to allow on the committee a designee of the chairman of the board of county commissioners in lieu of the chairnlan. In 1991, the statute was amended to add at least three new members (the sheriff, if he is not designated as the chief correctional officer, the state probation circuit administrator or designee, the director of a local substance abuse treatment program or designee, and the committee "may" include representatives from county and state jobs programs -1- and other community groups who work with offenders and victims, as appointed by the chaim1311 of the board of county commissioners). The statute was also amended to specify that the chief county judge's designee must be another county judge and that the chairman of the board of county conunissioners could no longer appoint a designee to serve in his place. In 1992, the name of the committee was changed to the public safety coordinating council. The statute was also amended to allow on the council a designee ofthe sheriff in lieu ofthe sheriff and another county commissioner as a designee ofthe chainnan ofthe board of county commissioners in lieu ofthe chairman. In 1995, the statute was amended so that the state probation circuit administrator, the director of any county probation or pretrial intervention program, the director of a local substance abuse treatment program, and any representatives from county and state jobs programs or other community groups who work with offenders and victims, are appointed for four-year tenns. All of these amendments to the membership of the council are specific enough to indicate that the legislature meant to control the membership of the council, rather than leaving it to the discretion of the board of county commissioners or the council itself. The only room for discretion as to the membership is that the chainnan ofthe board of county commissioners may appoint representatives from county and state jobs programs and other community groups who work with offenders and victims to four-year tenns. Neither Martin, nor Indian River, nor Palm Beach Counties have anyone on their councils who are not listed in the statute (see attached). " - ¿- ..·..f'· .¡. ~ .,C··:>·'·"',"~'<'i).;'..·. .-"'.".,,,[1 å1111~iÚtiJl ~wfr¡rtt-;~L71TltZßc5r)ofjE ¡)ef11-'1 i 11 g j:"" 'Home Home c rim CJC Home Current Events About Members Officers Staff Page 10f2 ~~i3l.çh J-ºº~ l-ill1~ FAQ Ç~n!a~Ll.1~ n a ) Justice c om m ssion The CJC was created by a Palm Sei3ch çounty ordinance in 1988. It has 21 public sector members representing local, state, and federal criminal justice and governmental agencies, and 12 private sector business leaders representing the Economic Council of Palm Beach County. It has an established bistQI)' of building strong partnerships to improve the criminal justice system in the County. The CJC maintains a Fivf3-Y€1ar$tLC!t~gic;J:)Iªnthat details all of its initiatives and key tasks and timelines for each. Part of the Strategic Plan is the vision, mission, core values and goals of the CJC as shown below. Vision Cultivate and enrich local criminal justice practice, policy, and program development Mission Serve as a catalyst to bring together criminal justice and related agencies in partnerships Core Values 1. An efficient, effective, and timely criminal justice system is vital for the health, safety, and welfare of the County's citizens 2. Crime is best addressed through cooperative efforts that involve both public and private sectors 3. Neutral leadership is the best foundation for examining issues in a fair and independent process (not directed by any single criminal justice agency) 4. Decisions made by a consensus of all interested parties is fundamental to unity 5. An open forum for the discussion of issues is imperative for genuine and candid debate 6, Success is more certain when all interested parties have a say in crafting solutions 7. Expertise and experience of local professionals is an invaluable knowledge base to draw upon 8. Successful model programs and national/international trends can benefit local communities 9. Courage to seek bold innovative approaches produces remarkable results Goals 1. Study all aspects of the criminal justice and crime prevention systems within the federal, state, county, municipal and private agencies 2. Provide overall coordination to law enforcement and crime prevention efforts 3. Provide an efficient, cost effective, and timely criminal justice system 4. Effect the reduction of crime on a permanent basis 5. Serve as an advisory board to the Board of County Commissioners on criminal justice issues 6. Permanent Funding Solutions Committee 7. Raise the level of knowledge of the local citizenry about the httn:llwww.nbcgov.com/CJC/About_the_CJC-..aboutcjc_intro.htm 5/2512006 "Home Page 20f2 criminal justice system © 2001 Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners. Di~ç!ªim~r http://www.pbcgov.comlCJC/About_the_CJC_/aboutcjc_intro.htm 5/2512006 .....~ ill 111 ~BMG1r .=(ioti1n1~JìlI r!~ks1,¡JpEtmFi'tJ¡ irrg .",",' ., Home Home c rim CJC Home Current Events AboutCJC Page 1 of2 º-E¿é?rch Jº-º~ Lmls$ fAQ Ç_on IªçH,Ls n a I Justice c om m S S Ion History and Mission The CJC was created by a Pqlf!LBeachC_º-I=to.1:L.prdinanç~in 1988. It has 21 Q1Jblic_Â-ector mem-ºers representing local, state, and federal criminal justice and governmental agencies, and 12 grivate__$ecJor mªmb~rs who are business leaders representing the Economic Council of Palm Beach County. The CJC has succeeded in creating partnerships among criminal justice, government, business, and community agencies in the County. Uniting public and private forces, the CJC has created community programs, developed and implemented plans for a more efficient and effective criminal justice system, and succeeded in finding new sources of program funds. Through the partnerships it has created, the CJC strives to achieve its ultimate goal - strengthening the criminal justice system in Palm Beach County. The CJC works on a variety of issues that impact the local criminal justice system in different ways, including crime prevention, courts, law enforcement, corrections, reducing costs, and improving effectiveness and efficiency. The CJC operates through a committee process, bringing together the stakeholders and building a consensus. It has various permanent standing committees, such as the Corrections Task Fprçe,Jhe Law çnf9rcerm~oLPIªn[1jng,ÇQI,LQçil. and the cpurJ SYstE!mJªs~ ,force. These committees deal with all issues related to their particular focus area. The CJC also creates short-term specific mission-focused task forces. such as the Ex-Offender Reentry Workgroup, the Mentally III Offenders Workgroup, and the Community Justice Task Force. These committees work on one specific project and are disbanded when the project has been completed. The CJC also works on various special initiatives that do not require the creation of committees such as crime,mélPping. CJC created programs begin with a committee that does all of the planning and development. The CJC then incubates the program until it becomes self-sufficient. Examples of this include the vveªº, and Seeº Program. the Community Court. the Municipal Public Safety Communications Consortium, and the QnmCPYJt. The CJC thrives on challenge. Crime affects everyone in some way. The CJC believes in a holistic approach to addressing the crime problem involving practically every branch of government in collaboration with the private sector and citizens, The CJC has had great success in building partnerships among criminal justice and related agencies. CJC members take their role seriously and dedicate much of their own time and effort toward making the system more effective. Residents of Palm Beach County can be proud that their local officials and private citizens come together on a regular basis to make the local system of justice the best it can be. http://www.pbcgov.com/CJC/About_the_CJCjHistory_and_mission.htm 5/25/2006 Home Page 2 of 2 .~ ..~ © 2001 Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners. . . ~at~ O.i~çlª,imªJ http://www.pbcgov.com/CJC/About_the_CJC_/History_and_mission.htm 5/2512006 BYLAWS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSION (as amended May 22.2006 . PROPOSED) ARTICLE I CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSION Section 1. Purpose The Criminal Justice Commission is established to study all aspects of the Criminal Justice and crime prevention systems within the federal, state, county, municipal and private agencies within the county. This purpose shall include the study of the health and human services and educational systems, among others, as they pertain to criminal justice or crime prevention. The Criminal Justice Commission shall make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners on policies and programs designed to accomplish the following objectives: (a) To provide overall coordination to law enforcement and crime prevention efforts in the cou nty; (b) To provide an efficient, cost effective and timely criminal justice system in the county; and (c) To effect the reduction of crime in the county on a permanent basis. Section 2. Authority The Criminal Justice Commission shall have the following authority and powers: (a) To review, research and evaluate existing systems and programs within the scope of the Criminal Justice Commission; (b) To establish task forces or subcommittees to study in detail key aspects of programs and systems within the scope of the Criminal Justice Commission; (c) To adopt from time to time rules and bylaws providing for the governance of the Criminal Justice Commission, which rules and bylaws will be adopted by a majority vote of the members of the Criminal Justice Commission; (d) To establish an executive committee by the majority vote of the members ofJhe Criminal Justice Commission, which Executive Committee will have such powers and authority as delegated by the Criminal Justice Commission; (e) To review and comment on all grant requests for programs and systems within the scope of the Criminal Justice Commission; (f) To make recommendations on modifying, creating or abolishing public and private systems and programs within the scope of the Criminal Justice Commission; (g) To make recommendations on modifying, creating or abolishing legislation, ordinances or regional or county-wide comprehensive plans dealing with systems and programs within the scope of the Criminal Justice Commission; (h) To assist the consolidation of systems and programs within the scope of the Criminal Justice Commission when approved by the Board of County Commissioners; (i) To request members of all agencies within the auspices of the Board of County Commissioners to provide the Criminal Justice Commission in a timely manner with all ¡<EY: ~eIeted; Lanquaqe added Proposed data and information requested by the Criminal Justice Commission, to appear at any meeting requested by the Criminal Justice Commission, and to otherwise work in cooperation and good faith with the Criminal Justice Commission in pursuing the Criminal Justice Commission's objectives; U) To enter contracts and hire personnel as required to pursue the objectives of the Criminal Justice Commission, subject to the approval by the Board of County Commissioners; and (k) To take all acts reasonably required by the Criminal Justice Commission in the exercise of the authority set forth above and the pursu it of the Criminal Justice Commission's objectives. Section 3. Membership A) Members: The Criminal Justice Commission shall consist of two categories of members as set forth below in Section 4 and 5. B) Numbers: The Commission shall have 33 members. C) All private sector members of the Criminal Justice Commission shall be electors of Palm Beach County, Florida; public sector members shall serve by reason of their position. Section 4. A) B) .. .... Private Sector Membership Twelve (12) persons nominated by the Palm Beach County Economic Council, but not necessarily members of the Economic Council, and confirmed by the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County. These persons shall be representative of all segments of Palm Beach County" Florida. Private sector members shall be appointed for a three-year term, with said term commencing on January 1 for the first year of appointment and expiring on December 31 of the third year. These members m3Y be reappointed for 3ny number of consecutive terms. Private sector members may be appointed to serve two (2) consecutive terms of three (3) years each. After a one-year (1) absence, a member may reapply for membership. The recommendation of the Economic Council to be reappointed to the CJC after completion of two consecutive terms will remain a requirement. "Section 5. Public Sector Membership A) The following shall be automatically qualified and requested to serve as members on the Commission for the term of office held: (1 ) Chair or Commission member of the (2) Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners State Attorney, 15th Judicial Circuit (4) Clerk of the Palm Beach County (6) Circuit Court Administrative Judge, Juvenile (8) Division, 15th Judicial Circuit Palm Beach County Sheriff Public Defender, 15th Judicial Circuit Chief Judge, 15th Judicial Circuit (3) (5) (7) Supervisory Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation, West Palm Beach 2 Proposed "t" KEY: l-aAi,jlJago Deleted; LanQuaqe added B) '. (9) Senior Agent, Drug Enforcement (10) Member, Palm Beach County Administration, West Palm Beach School Board (11 ) Member, Palm Beach County (12) Member, Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation League of Cities (13) District IX Juvenile Justice Manager, (14) President, Police Chiefs Association Florida Department of Juvenile Justice (15) Resident Agent in Charge, Bureau of (16) Chief, West Palm Beach Police Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (ATF), Department West Palm Beach Field Office, U.S. Treasury Department (17) Circuit Administrator, Florida (18) Supervisory Special Agent, Florida Department of Corrections, 15th Department of Law Enforcement Judicial Circuit (19) President, Crime Prevention Officers' (20) United States Attorney, Southern Association District of Florida or Assistant U.S. Attorney, West Palm Beach (21 ) Member, Palm Beach County Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. C) The dedication, participation and involvement of the public officials enumerated above are instrumental to the success of the Commission. It is imperative that the representatives of the public sector as listed commit themselves to the cause of this Commission and not be represented by any other individual at Commission meetings. The term for public sector members shall be for the duration of that member's elected or appointed position except that the terms for the members representing the Board of County Commissioners, the School Board, the Legislative Delegation, and the League of Cities shall be for a period of two (2) years. These members may be reappointed for any number of consecutive terms. The Board of County Commissioners, School Board, Leqislative Delegation. and Leaque of Cities members may be appointed to serve two (2) consecutive terms of two (2) years each. After a one-year (1) absence, a member may reapply for membership. The recommendation of the appropriate aqency to be reappointed to the CJC after completion of two consecutive terms will remain a requirement. Section 6. Compensation Members shall not receive or be paid any compensation for serving as members of the Commission. However, voting members may receive reimbursement for their expenses incurred in connection with the business of the Commission, subject to prior approval of the Board of County Commissioners. .< Section 7. Duties of Member A) A member shall perform duties, including that individual's duties as a member of any committee of the Commission upon which that person serves, in good faith, in a manner KEY: bafI9ua~eteG: Lanquaqe added 3 Proposed he or she reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the Commission, and with such care as an ordinarily prudent person in a similar position would use under similar circumstances. B) All members shall attend the meetings of the Commission. The attendance requirement of private sector members at full Commission meetinç¡s shall reflect PBC Resolution R-2002-1606: "Members of boards shall be automatically removed for lack of attendance. Lack of attendance is defined as a failure to attend three (3) consecutive meetinqs or a failure to attend at least two-thirds of the meetinç¡s scheduled durinq a calendar year. Participation for less than three-fourths of a meetinq shall be the same as a failure to attend a meetinq." " Section 8. Vacancies Any private sector vacancy occurring in the Commission may be filled upon recommendation of the Economic Council and the appointment by the Board of County Commissioners. A member appointed to fill a vacancy shall hold office only until the expiration of the term for the member whose term they filled. Section 9. Voting Quorum/Majority A quorum shall be at least one-third of the members of the full Commission. A majority shall be the smallest whole number qreater than one-half of the members present. E:Jch member of the Commission sh:J1I have one vote. The act of the majority of the members present at a meeting of the full Commission at which a quorum is present is the act of the full Commission. ^ majority sh311 be the sm311est whole number gro3ter than one h:Jlf of the members present. /\ quorum shall be 3t le:Jst one third of tho members. Members who use telephonic or video conferencinq will be considered present and may vote, but they will not count toward a quorum. Section 10. StandinQ Committees and Task Forces The Commission may designate standing committees and task forces, each of which shall have and may exercise the authority as directed by the Executive Committee. A) Committee Chair appointments shall be made by the CJC Chair at the December meeting and said appointments shall serve at the pleasure of the Chair, except for 1-5 below. Standing committees shall include: 1) Membership, and Bylaws to be chaired by the Vice Chair and to be limited to five members; 2) Finance/Fundraising, to be chaired by the Treasurer with no limitation on membership; 3) Law Enforcement Planning Council (LEPC) whose membership is pre-established by CJC Resolution with the Chair being elected from amongst the members; 4) Corrections Task Force, established by CJC Resolution, expanding the membership of the Public Safety Coordination Council, which was created by Florida Statute No. 951.26. The two committees sit as one with the Chair elected from amongst the members. 5) Nominating Committee shall consist of 6 members; current CJC Chair, Vice-Chair, two (2) most recent past Chairs and two (2) members of the public sector, to be appointed by the CJC Chair, with a one (1) year term and consecutive terms at r<EY: baflguage-Gek:lted; Lanquaqe added 4 Proposed CJC Chair's discretion. The Nominating Committee Chair shall be elected from amongst themselves. B) Task Force missions and/or goals shall be the responsibility of the Chair with ratification by the Executive Committee. Each Task Force shall include at least one Commission member. Other Task Force participants, including the Chair of the Task Force, need not be members of the Commission. Task Forces may include, but not be limited to: 1 ) Law Enforcement 2) Criminal Justice Administration [Information System] 3) Corrections 4) Crime Prevention 5) Court System 6) Juvenile Justice/Education 7) Drug/Alcohol Prevention And Abuse 8) Human Services Section 11. Meetinqs A) Regular Meetings Commonly, Regular Commission meetings of the full Commission will be held on the fourth Monday of each month excluding the summer months of June through August and holidays. The Executive Committee may set meeting dates to accommodate special circumstances. All regular meetings shall be held in Palm Beach County. B) Special Meetings 1) Special meetings of the Commission may be called by the Commission Chair, the Executive Committee or by any ten of the Commission members. 2) The notice of a special meeting shall contain an agenda of the business to be conducted. No business other than that on the agenda may be conducted at a special meeting. 3) Special meetings may be held at any location in the United States. C) Notice All members shall be given at least three working days notice of regular meetings. Members shall be given at least two working days notice of special meetings. Notice may be in written, telephonic, facsimile or electronic form and complv with F.S. 286.011. D) Voting Every Commission member is entitled to one vote on each proposal presented at a meeting. Members mHSt may be present via telephonic or video conferencinq technologies 3t tho timo of tho vote. Proxy votes shall not be acceptable. E) Protocol To the extent not contrary to these bylaws, Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of the Criminal Justice Commission, its committees and subcommittees. KEY: baAgua~teG; Lanauaae added 5 Proposed ~ '~~,~ lð;~'1 .~:~"~ "1;'1 ~ F) Adjournment A majority of the members present, whether or not a quorum exists, may adjourn any meeting of the Commission to another time and place. Notice of any adjourned meeting shall be given to the Commission members who were not present at the time of the adjournment. ARTICLE II EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ,;-t ..::t ~ .t "if.Section 1. Function The business of this Commission shall be managed and its powers exercised by 1:1 the Executive Committee. ,r:~::..-· :;/~ '-c'. "~~f Section 2. Members The Executive Committee shall consist of twelve members, with a minimum of 50% representing the private sector. A) The Chair of the Commission and its officers shall serve on the Executive Committee. B) The Nominating Committee shall make a recommendation as to the other seats on the committee. C) The immediate past chair and the Superintendent of Schools shall serve as ex-officio members. Section 3. Gifts and Contributions Only the Board of County Commissioners may accept on behalf of the Commission any gift, private grant, bequest, devise, or contribution of property. :~:;~ection 4. Meetinqs .~;.~..I '.. A) Regular Meetings ··t~~ . ~'.;; ';".: Commonly Reqular meetinqs of the Executive Committee meetfA§S may be held on the second Monday of each month, excluding holidays. The Executive Committee may set meeting dates to accommodate special circumstances. All regular meetings shall be held in Palm Beach County. B) Special Meetings 1) Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the Commission Chair, or any six members of the Executive Committee. 2) The notice of a special meeting shall contain an agenda of the business to be conducted. No business, other than that on the agenda may be conducted at a special meeting. 3) Special meetings may be held at any location in the United States. C) Notice All Executive Committee members shall be given at least three working days notice of regular Executive Committee meetings. Members shall be given at least two working days notice of special meetings. Notice may be in written, telephonic, facsimile or electronic form and comply with F.S. 286.011. KEY: ~; Lanquaqe added 6 Proposed . ~. . ,. D) Voting Quorum/Majority A quorum shall be at least one-third of the members of the Executive Committee. A majority shall be the smallest whole number qreater than one-half of the members present. The act of the majority of the members present at a meetinq at which a quorum is present is the act of the Executive Committee. Members who use telephonic or video conferencinq will be considered present and may vote, but they will not count toward a quorum. g g) Every Executive Committee member is entitled to one vote on each proposal presented at an Executive Committee meeting. Members mHSt may be present via telephonic or video conferencinq technologies 3t the time of the vote. Votes by proxy shall not be acceptable. €- Ð Adiournment A majority of the members present, whether or not a quorum exists, may adjourn any meeting of the Executive Committee to another time and place. Notice of any adjourned meeting shall be given to the Executive Committee members who were not present at the time of the adjournment. Section 5. Administration. The Criminal Justice Commission shall employ an Executive Director who shall hire such other administrative, professional and clerical assistance as necessary to carry out its duties authorized by this article, and as provided for in the Criminal Justice Commission's budget, reviewed and approved by the Board of County Commissioners. The Executive Director shall be selected by the Criminal Justice Commission and approved by the Board of County Commissioners. The goals and performance evaluations of the Executive Director shall be accomplished jointly by the County Administrator and the Criminal Justice Commission. ARTICLE III OFFICERS ,Section 1. Officers The officers of the Commission shall be members and consist of a Chair, a Vice- Chair, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, 3nd m3Y include one or more 3ssistant secretaries, and one or moro 3ssist3nt tro3surors. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be elected from the private sector members and may be re-elected for one additional term. The term of the Chair and Vice- Chair shall be for one calendar year beginning January 1 following the year of his/her election by the Commission. The term of the Vice Ch3irm3n Sh311 be for one calend3r ye3r beginning J3nuary 1 following the ye3r of his/her olection by the Commission. If for any reason, including death, illness, or personal cause, the Chair is unable to serve his/her full one-year term, the Vice-Chair shall assume the duties of Criminal Justice Commission Chair for the remainder of the original Chair's term. The Commission from time to time may elect or appoint other officers, assistant officers and agents who shall have such authority to perform such duties as the Commission prescribes. Each officer shall hold office until that individual's successor is elected and has qualified. The failure to elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary or Treasurer shall not affect the existence of the Commission. " , Section 2. Chair The Chair, subject to the directions of the Executive Committee, is responsible for the general and active management of the business and affairs of the Commission. The Chair has the power to sign correspondence, membership certificates, and resolutions for the Commission, 7 Proposed . KEY: Language Deleted; LanCluaqe added and shall preside at all meetings of the members. .Section 3. Vice-Chair The Vice-Chair shall have the power and shall perform the duties that the Executive Committee or the Chair prescribes. If the Chair is absent or unable to fulfill his duties, the Vice-Chair shall perform all the duties and may exercise all the powers of the Chair. The Executive Committee may authorize the Vice-Chair to sign correspondence and resolutions for the Commission. 'Section 4. Secretary The Secretary shall ensure that staff members keep the minutes of the proceedings of the members and Criminal Justice Commission and Executive Committee; see that all notices are duly given according to the relevant provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law, maintain custody of the Commission records, attest the signatures of officers who execute documents on behalf of the Commission, keep a register of each member's mailing address that the member furnishes to the Secretary, have general charge of the membership roster of the Commission, and in general perform all duties incident to the Office of Secretary and such other duties as the Chair of the Executive Committee from time to time prescribes. In the event the Chair and Vice-Chair are absent, perform their duties and exercise all the powers of the Chair. Section 5. Treasurer The Treasurer shall serve as the Chair of the finance/fund raising committee as needed; and in general perform all the duties incident to the Office of Treasurer and such other duties as the Chair or the Executive Committee from time to time assigned to him. In the event the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary are absent, perform their duties and exercise all the powers of the Chair. ~ection 6. Elections A) The Nominating Committee shall meet in October of each year and make recommendations to the Commission as to suitable candidates for each office. 8) Elections shall be held at the Commission meeting in November. C) Officers shall be installed in office at the December meeting. ARTICLE IV LIABILITIES AND INDEMNIFICATION ßection 1. Liabilities A member or Officer of this Commission is not personally liable for any debt, liability, or other obligation of the Commission. A member is not subject to any assessment by the Commission. S;ection 2. Indemnification Any person, or that person's heirs, or personal representative who is made or threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative, because he/she or his/her testator or in testate is or was a Member, officer, employee, or agent of this Commission or serves or served any other Commission or enterprise in any capacity at the request of this Commission, shall be indemnified by the Commission, and this Commission may advance his/her related expenses, to the full extent approved by the Board of County Commissioners. The foregoing right of indemnification or reimbursement shall not be exclusive of other rights to which the person or his/her heirs, or personal representative may be entitled. .. KEY: ~eleteå; Lanouaqe added 8 Proposed ARTICLE V BOOKS AND RECORDS Section 1. Records Required This Commission shall keep correct and complete minutes of the proceedings of its Executive Committee, Commission, standing committees, and task forces. Section 2. Form The Commission's records and minutes may be written or kept in any other form capable of being converted into writing within a reasonable time. Section 3. Inspection The records of this Commission shall constitute public records and all inspections of same shall be governed by Florida Statutes, Chapter 119. ARTICLE VI LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY Section 1. Advocacy The Commission may participate in direct and grass roots lobbying with respect to Legislative matters at the local, state and federal levels, only after authorization by resolution of the Executive Committee. The Commission will not take any position whatsoever with respect to the candidacy of any person for public office. 3ection 2. Leqislative and Requlatorv Positions No officer, member, Executive Director or staff member may advocate legislative action which in any way indicates that the advocacy is made on behalf of the Commission without prior authority of the Executive Committee. Section 3. Elective Office Candidate Endorsement No officer, member, Executive Director or staff member may endorse any political candidate in such a manner as to indicate or imply that the advocacy is made as a representative of the Criminal Justice Commission. ARTICLE VII AMENDMENT These Bylaws may be repealed or amended, and additional Bylaws may be adopted, by a majority vote of the full Commission. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true, correct, and complete copy of the Bylaws of the Palm Beach County Criminal Justice Commission, as in effect on this day of , 2006. __ Chair Secretary :tEY: bmgu;:¡go Deleted; !,.anquaqe added 9 Proposed c: C"" - -. o en Q) ët "....... '< () o o a -. :J Q) "....... _II :J (Q () o c: :J o _II - o ........ i\J ........ o m ):> < CD ...... ...... m ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... œ CD c ...... N W g U. (Q c 8 8 8 8 8 8 c CD 0 0 ....I. o c.n c.n N C C o -f ro :::J a. N o o ...... I I N o o N ~ 8 ar w N o ~ I I I N o o u. N o o en I I I I I ~~-~----~~--- ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 0) -< CD m ....., -- '< ); » en < 0 CD ....... ....., c..... Q) c: ....... co -< CD I\.) ~ 0 - I\.) ......., 0 0 0 m Q) ............. -. -- '< - :::J 3 Q) ......... CD -0 0 '"'C c: -- m ......... -. 0 :::J Average Daily I nmat.e Populat.ion ...,~ ~(;: "" QI~ ~ "?d ~.... en 1""+ . , r c o () -. o CD 3() -c 0 0> C ...., :J - . 1""+ );en,< en 0 c...... o :J 0> ~ -< ::.: £. CD » '<0>< I\J...., CD .þ.. en ...., ~I\.)Q) oo(C °oCD ~..þ¡.O o ~. -- 1\.)'< 0'1J 00 0)-0 C -- 0> 1""+ -. o :J -1;..-'?t- o 9åd ~.... '% þ.(9 "?d ~.... <'(9 C'(9 "?d ~.... N N N 000 000 0) c.n ..þ.. Average Daily Population ~ 0 ...... ...... .... ...... ...... -< .... ~ 8 ~ ()'¡ 8 8 8 (C) <:I .... 8 8 ~ 8 <:I <:I 8 8 8 8 <:I (1) Q) .... ......, ~ ....,¡ I -< ..... (1) (C) ~ Q) ......, -- '< ...... » ~ > < en (1) ~ § 0 m (0 ....... (0 t- ee c: (1) ~ ~ 0 I I\) I\.J 8 ...... I\J ...... ..þ.. I\.J 0 0 0 Q) 0 I\) 0) § 0 -- -- 0) '< "'-'" - :J 8 3 w Q) ...-+ ~ (1) ~ \J 0 "'C 8 c: ()'¡ - Q) ...-+ -. ª 0 "-" :J d' ..., .- :T :3 iii' o ãš i ~ ::::I '< '{l Q) a e; ~ In &1' m ::::I c.. m ãì g /Jj Q) c.. g ~ c "~ ~ A> $~ "1.- 't~ ? .." ~q +~ ~ "$ ~ ~ ..,~ ~"" "$ ~ ¡J o 8 m ãì o~ ~qs. ~.... 1-~ $~ ~~ ¢~ $~ ~& ~ Average Daily VOP Population ..... 8 N 8 w 8 .þ. c c 01 C C Ø'» C C N C C ". o m š;:== 0'< :::J < 1"'+ _ . ::T 0 »~ Dr fJ) » =t o < 0 ~ CD :::J ~ m Q, I\.J(Q ""T"'I .þ.. CD V - (J) -, I\.J 0 o I\.) t:T 00 m ~ 0 =t ..þ. 0 I :::J I\.);J 0'"0 0c: 0')- m 1"'+ -. o :::J I\) C Q 01 o I\) c c en COì.ìí'vHSSI01< o>~ S/~fITY I, ND ABt1SF in c\medca\ Prìs,ons June ~:?" :?006 fvlr. Ken J, j\.·lasc.ara SherifF St Lucie County Sheriffs OfTice ' -1700 \V I\liclwav Rei Fort Pierce FL 34981-48:25 Dear Ì\1r rvlascara On behalf." 01 the (.Il1l111issiol1 (111 Safety and Abuse in America' ~ Prisons. 1 am pleased to cnc10sc [ì copy or Con/ronring COl1tìl7cmclH. thl;' Commission's íìnal report The Commission began in !\'larch 2005 as a naliona] efIÒrt w explore the most serious probJems in prisons and jaiL nationwide and the consequences for prisoners. corrections officers. and the puhlic at large, The Commission is co· dulÌred by fonncr C.S. Atto111CY General Nicholas de B, I'':'at/enbach and John J Ciibbol1s. lèmner Chief J utlge of the t I.S. Courl of Appeals fot the Third Circuit, This diverse pand of 2(1 indudes Democrats and Republicans. libera1s and conserTutives. those who run coneClional systems and tl1l1se \\ho litigate on behalf lit' prisoners. scholars. members of the ('aith cC\mmurmy, and individuals with a long history of puhlic se1--,i(;(' and deep expencncC' in the administration ofiuslÌcc. The report ;" the cuìminatiol1 l,f the C'ul11I11ission's \\'ork - a year-long inquiï~ that kmured four public hearings in lities around the L:lIuntr:-- \isit~ to jails and ]lllSCI!îs. and cn!1Suitrrtions "vitll concctìol1:; orliciab and u \\'ide runge of expert.; \\(Irking uutside the profession, The rcpnrl renecls the L'Ílnc;iderahlt deg.ree of cpnStTlSUS älTIOllg those experts aboul both the problems and the SOiu¡:iolls, \\e hope ynll'11 see the repl)rl as the 11C':\t step in [¡ continuin¡; dialogue about tht.:' heaith and safety of concctionai Ùlcllities ~lIld \Vh> these Issm'\; matter to the public. and (:IS d set or iluidclincs TIll' rdi.\J1Ij, We ]()DL fUl\vard to iJny' commenh (II' questions you ma:; ha\'c ahoUl the report, Sinc~rch'. A~ í?>--f?- -\ kxunder Busansk\ C(HTHtii5.j¿CHì r¡itûnì:-H:.r~, :--1"' \''2ro' ¡n::HU!1f' ." Ji~stl(" ! ~ I Received 7/25/06 COMMISSION ON SAFETìT AND ABUSE in America's Prisons www.prisoncommission. org Dear Friends, 1'm writing to let you know about the extraordinary degree of interest in and support for the Commission's report, Confronting Conlinement. Since the release of the report on June 8th, there have been more than a hundred national, regional and local news stories, editorials, and opinion pieces focused on the Commission's findings and recommendations. The report has captured the attention of members of Congress - in particular Senators Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Richard Durbin (D-IL) who chaired a hearing on the results of the Commission - and the report has received endorsements ITom organizations ranging ITom the National Association of Evangelicals to the ACLU's National Prison Project. The Association of State Correctional Administrators has said that the Commission's report 'lresents an opportunity for public ' 1:] Summary of Dress coveraae [PDF 79 kB / 3 pages] discussion of issues that corrections professionals have been working on for years," and leaders of large and small correctional systems are requesting copies of the report to help guide reform. Healthcare advocates are seizing on the Commission's message that the well-being of neighborhoods and communities depends on decent correctional health care. There's even interest in the report outside the United States, particularly in Latin America, and we've just published a summary of the report in Spanish and Portuguese. You can download those documents at www.prisoncommisson.org/report. This broad-based and positive response to the report is very encouraging. We'll keep you informed as the staff and Commissioners assist corrections leaders, lawmakers, and others who are working to advance reforms at the federal, state, and local levels - and we'll be sure to let you know how you can get involved. Sincerely, Alex Busansky Executive Director This e-mail was sent by Vera Institute of Justice on behalf of the Commission on Safety and Abuse in America' s Prisons. Vera is located at 233 Broadway, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10279 in the United States. To stop future e-mail from us, please Q]l out or reply to this e-mail with "unlist" in the Subject line. ~ ~ ::J ~ 4- -- CJ \:'S CJ ~ .µ ~ ~ ~ ~ s:: ~ \:'S -- ~ '« ~ ~ ~ ~ .µ - ::J ~ \S) \S) -<: - ~ ::J ~ \.\') \:S ~ - :J ~ \S) \S) < ..ð - ~ :J ~ \f) ~~OOcdQ) ~ ::; .::: ¡:::g.-.- ~ - ::E ~.-:::: t9 '~ E-<t=J;:j'=: t; ~~O;:j~·- o >. æu "^ t:: p.. ~, .- ~ ~, ~ ~ [5 e ~~ 01) U'"O <:ge~cd .~- 0 8iZJQ)EQ) -å-<~~~~ . -:¡;;¡ '"0 '"0 c2 0 ~ ~.~ t:: cdL...~cdQ)cd 00 " E-< :t: ¿ ___cdQ) 0 cd ~ ~ Q) -S '";j ."ª oUO-S t:: 01) .... -< ~ - t:: .- ..¡::: ~ ~'a e [5 Æ ~ 8. _.- :> t,;;ì -< ~.g::; .5 ;:jõ§] .2 t:: U :t:: ,....., Q) ';::1 ¿ a ts t:: .9 ;:j ~ ª "iSe.§.þ Q) ....... U :t:1d cd ~"Cd ;>, "ta-=';:j- UrI1>::"Cd ~YQ)~ Q) C 00 Q) e .2-- ;>, <I) %;';;; § .9 ~g-o Q).¡:: § e ~ . g . § Q) t+-i ;>, ·tJ 6 0 ~ Q)"¡::Q)~rJ &~a8.Q) ~ e~ ~~ \Š <\) ~ <\) !::L ~ I\i ..¡: µ IS) :::I '-, IS) ~ ~ (.) 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P- :Þ :. n '" ª. g: !J: I" 1'""' " Ñ' :; .. n <>. v' I" !!!- " .;<' I" ~: '" '" ~ a ~ ~ " e¡- õ: " :¡ ty, ::¡ .. ~ <: ¡;. .... þ ?{ 0 D a ë: n .. ::¡ 0. ." ¡;;. ::¡ " if 0 - 0 ë: 01 t;i Õ 0 I" "' .. ~ "3 v' a - Ë'; '" "" õ ~ <' ~ "" ::¡ c' v, ;0: c:: D ::¡ ~.' ~ 3- .. ::> r;, '" < '3 õ ~ .. ~ '" ::¡ ::> 0 ;:-, '" ~ -< 0. ~ II) õ' .., ¡;; ~ or <:: v, "' ¡;: iò ~" 0- Õ ¡: :. rr: ~ '" '" ~ " " ~ ~ ~ " õ "t m ~ :;: '" g" Q .., 3 ::¡ '"' " !:'. ~ CO- 3- =n ~ ~ 5- " ~ ;:' ~ c '" ).. m '" ro c, ~ 0 ", -0 ." õ' ro ~ ItJ ~ "' ~ ~ "- '" v' ~ g v :;¡ .. S' "' :; v, '" g 0;- " ~ - - P- " ::¡ õ e: :0 ~. ro õ: ~ "t '<: ? C:J 00 ~ " õ :; "" ;:" - ~ ;;; ~" Ñ c: v' ~. " 3- ,.., :? ~ ¡;-... ñ ë c r¡. :2: ::¡ 0. -º O. " ë: '" 0- -0 0- '" ~ :;¡ ~ õ ~ ¡:;' e, 0 ¡¡: ro t": ~ " "' "'- ~ -0 D 5 :':' - " :; ~ n. " ~ ~ :;: cc " .. '" g :¡ ~ (f, ¡. n.' ~ v' ... ª OJ .. o. v v' c:; 0. S ~ ~ ~ " 0, " ñ' ~ " ¡;: ::: ~ a e, 3 D (!\ ~, C '" <i '" ¡;; c: ... fr! û, 3 ~ co ~ c' c ::¡ '" 0 n, Æ "ª Ë -0 t.; ~ ¡;; ro' ~ =- .. ~ " ItJ ~ " .;: ~ " ;:~ = ~ " - '" " .j '" ~ ::¡ v' v' ::¡ - v '. c '" C C § - IT '" - IV " -< V '^ " ¡;; .. " - e. - .- - v COMMISSION ON SAFETY AND ABUSE IN AMERICA'S PRISONS www.prisoncommission.org COh'Dn!.ONS Of CO[~FB~EMEN1 Prevent Violence 1. Reduce crowding. 2. Promote productivity and rehabilitation. 3. Use objective classification and direct supervision. 4. Use force and non-lethal weaponry only as a last resort. 5. Employ surveillance technology. 6. Support community and family bonds. Provide Health Care that Protects. Evervone 1. Partner with health providers from the community. 2, Build real partnerships within facilities. 3. Commit to caring for persons with mental illness. if, Screen, test, and treat for infectious disease. S, End co-payments for medical care. b. Extend Medicaid and Medicare to eligible prisoners. Limit Segregatiori 1. Make segregation a last resort and a more productive form of confinement, and stop releasing people directly from segregation to the streets. 2. End conditions of isolation. ]. Protect mentally ill prisoners, lABOR AND lEADEESHjì,? Change the Culture and Enhance the Profession 1. Promote a culture of mutual respect. 2. Recruit and retain a qualified corps of officers. 3. Support today's leaders and cultivate the next generation. OVERS~;GHl i\IH¡ A((OUN-;:AB~U7Y invest in External Oversight 1. Demand independent oversight. 2. Build national non-governmental oversight. 3. Reinvigorate investigation and enforcement. 4. Increase access to the courts bv reforming the PLRA. Strengthen AccoumabHih Within tne Proressior 1. Monitor practice not just policy. 2. Strengthen professional standards, 3. Develop meaningful internal complaint systems. Educate and InvotvE' the Public. 1. Encourage visits to facilities. 2. Strive for transparency, I{NOWlEDGE AND DATA Measure Sarep; and Eftect¡venes~ 1. Develop nationwide reporting 2. Fund a national effort to learn how prisons and ¡ails can make a large: contribution to public SafelY f<ec¡ulre correct iOllé]lrmpélCl c;lélremen: ~ ~ ~ . -c ;:0 ....... (f) o z n o 3: 3: ....-. (f) (f) ....-. o z . o ;:0 G) " . . . . ....... t-f (f) ;:::c n :J ::J ~ n (t) ., n < OJ ., c.. (t) ., (t) (t) OJ m (J) ::J (t) c: rt OJ rt rt ::J n ro en -. » .... (t) m ::J OJ - --i n - c.. OJ ro t-f (t) ., c.. n >< ::J (J) 0 -. n rt 3 rt ~ rt m ro .... -. c.. 0 en ., OJ OJ ::J -. ::J en rt ::J ::J OJ rt OJ ro c.. lC 0 (J) - 0 --i -. r-t' < rt ::J" ., - -. ro r ro 3 lC m ., 0 :r: --I :r: OJ r OJ . t-f 0 n (J) n ro OJ < rt -0 rt -. OJ ""C n -. 0 lC . d' OJ 0 :::J OJ --i - ::J c: --i rt --I ., -. ;:+ rt -. ro ro --f C1 I OJ rt (J) t-f -. (J) OJ en >< (J) rt ::J Q) rt ro >< c:r r ""C () ro €D' ~ 0 OJ c.. c.. ""C -. --< n OJ 0 n "'< --i r-t" "'< ., OJ (t) -.. m ro 0 (t) :J .., (J) 0' --I c: .., en ~ r-t" -. ro (J) -bCr ~ ., OJ ~ 3 >< c.. ~ d' -. 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