HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda 08-31-2006 Mr. Anderson ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY COORDINATING COUN Au.us' II, 200. lalO p.m. L ) v I ,V SI. LUCIE COUNTY AD..INISlRAIION ANNEX BOARD OF COUNTY CO....ISSIONERS CONFERENCE ROO" #1 t. Call to O.ele. - Chai.man loe Smith :Ie Roll Call I. App.oval of Minutes - lul" 2rh Meeting 4. luellclal Upelate - Chief ,uelve Rolt" 5. Upelate It" C.lmlnal lustlce Coo.ellnato. - Ma.1r Goelwln 6. Court S"stem Advlso." Boa.eI Resolution 01-194 - Ma.1r Goelwin 7. Mental Health Court - luelve Cox a. Other "sues 9. Aeljou.nment Members: Commissioner Joe Smith Peggy Cioffi Janet Collins Bruce Colton Thomas Mar~ Diamond Litty Sheriff Ken Mascara Bob Quam Chief Judge Roby Major Pat Tighe Judge Philip Yacucci ¡: r7:'<-·:--.-:--::-:--;:---:~.'· I-- I· i,. AUG 2 3 2006 ~ l C' .\f,\Pif··1 (J':!:I/'i:: i v, {""".iI,'¡ ',. r I I\'" ,- ! """r'~~~----~.'---_.. --I .,,¿i i RESOLUTION NO. 01-194 A RESOLUTION CREATING THE CO SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD, A D PROVIDING FOR DUTIES AND FUNCTIO S OF THE BOARD WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie C unt}', Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. On August 22,2001, the Public Safety Coordinating Council et, which consists of the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, Chief County Co Judge, Sheriff, Chief Correctional Officer, State Attorney, Public Defender, State Probation Pr gram Administrator, and Substance Abuse Treatment Program Representative. 2. The Public Safety Coordinating Council recommended th t the Board of County Commissioners appoint a Court System Advisory Board for the purpose of planning future court needs within the county, and to review and provide recommendations all aspects relating to standard policies, procedures, and budgetary needs for the court system. 3. This Board should create a Court System Advisory Board and further defme the duties and functions of the Court System Advisory Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED by the Board of Co ty Commissioners ofSt. 1. This Board does hereby create the Court System Advisory Bo . This Board shall have Lucie County, Florida: the following duties and Ílmctions: a, The Court System Advisory Board wi11 plan futur court needs within the County and work in conjunction with the Pub ic Safety Coordinating Council. b. Prepare a Tec1mology Plan and review and update t annually. c. Monitor the level of court support available to C unty offices and devise \ I . ./ f. g. strategies for improving it as necessary. Assist in establishment of Court System Budget. Provide assistance on the types and amount of training that should be available. Set priorities that help guide the development effo s ofthe Court System. Recommend revisions in policies and procedures at impact Court System use. d. e. 2. The action, decisions and recommendations of the Court Syst m Advisory Board shall not be final or binding on the Board of County Commissioners, but shall e advisory only. 3. The Court System Advisory Board shall consist of thirteen (1 ) members who shall be appointed as follows: a. Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners b. Chief COilllty Court Judge c. Sheriff d, Chief Correctional Officer e. State Attorney f. Public Defender g. State Probation Program Administrator h. Substance Abuse Treatment Program Representati e 1. Clerk of Court J. Corni Adminìstrator k. One Representative designated by the St. Lucie C ty Bar Association 1. One Representative designated by the Port St. Luc e Bar Association m. One Representative designated by the Citizen's B dget Committee 4. The Court System Advisory Board may establish sub-commi ees for specific subjects or tasks from among its members to reduce the amount oftime each Advi ory Board member must devote to the functions ofthat Board and to spread the responsibility for c ntributing to the Court's strategies among a larger number of people. 5. All members shall serve without compensation. 6. Membership shall be terminated upon: a. Death b. End of Employment c. Removal by majority vote of the Advisory Board ...._. 4 d. Three (3) unexcused absences in a six (6) month p nod Vacancies for all appointments shall be filled by the majo· vote of the Advisory Board. 7. The Advisory Board Chairman shall establish a time and place for holding the meetings as shall be necessary, and the Advisory Board shall adopt rules of organ zation and procedure as may be required. 8. The Advisory Board shall hold its first meeting as soon as p sible from the date this resolution is adopted. 9. The County Administration staff shall provide support for the Advisory Board by providing the required public notice, preparing agendas and keeping a rec rd of its proceedings. 10. If any action, sentence, or clause of this resolution is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction then said holding hall in no way effect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. After motion and second the vote on tIns resolution was as follow : Chainnan FraImie Hutchinson AYE Vice Chairman Doug Coward AYE Commissioner Paula A. Lewis ABS Commissioner Cliff Barnes AYE Commissioner John D. Bruhn AYE - . , -