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~ "ftt1I PROPERTY & HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION MEETING June 8, 2005,..., 9:00 o.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room 3 PRESS/PUBLIC AGENDA 1.) Call to Order ~ Commissioner Doug Coward, Chairman » Pledge of Allegiance » Self Introduction of Property & Homeowners Representatives and Members of the Public 2.) Approval of the Minutes of May 11,2005 3.) St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office Report by Captain Graves or Deputy Gonsalves 4.) Guest Speaker and Topic of Discussion: A.) Hamilton "Buck" Oven, Program Administrator with the Department of Environmental Protection in Tallahassee will provide a presentation on Coal Fired power plants 5.) Old Business ~ There is no old business 6.) New Business ~ St. Lucie County Public Safety staff will provide an update on hurricane preparedness at next month's meeting. 7.) Adjournment Please note, the next meeting will be July 13, 2005 ..... ..."" DRAFT ST. LUCIE COUNTY PROPERTY AND HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Minutes of Meeting May 11,2005 Convened: 9:00a.m. Adlourned: 11 :25a.m. This meeting of the Property and Homeowners Association was held Wednesday, May 11,2005 at 9:00a.m. in Conference Room #3 of the St. Lucie County Administration Annex Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982. MEMBERS PRESENT: Charlie Brown, Indian River Estates Craig Mundt, North Beach Association Bob Bangert, Holiday Pines Homeowners Association Frank Monteleone, Spanish Lakes Country Club Village Charles Grande, Presidents Council of S Hutchinson Island Bill Hammer, PGA Village Kit Linberger, Palm Grove Christiane Mollet, Indian River Drive Freeholders Frank Guarascio, Villages of Sand Piper Bay ALSO PRESENT: Commissioner Doug Coward, District 2 Charline Burgess, Aide to Commissioner Coward Liz Martin, Aide to Commissioner Hutchinson Faye Outlaw, Assistant County AdministratorlInterim G.M. Dir. Linette Trabulsy, Public Information Officer Shane DeWitt, Technical Operations Manager, SLCTV Erick Gill, Media Specialist Jody Bonet, Transit Manager Sandy Gilfillan, Executive Secretary Dennis Grim, Code Compliance Manager/Building Official Dennis Bunt, Code Enforcement Supervisor Melissa Corwell, Mitigation Specialist/Div. Of Forestry Derrek Foxx, St. Lucie County Fire District Sargeant William Radke, S.L. Co. Sheriffs Dept. Deputy Leroy Davis, S.L. Co. Sheriffs Dept. Winston Shelton, Parks Edge HOA in PSL Bonnie "Toni" Trabolsi, Villas Sandpiper Bay HOA in PSL Betty Bennett, Palm Grove Tom Linberger, Fort Pierce Kathryne Leavy, Spanish Lakes Country Club -1- '-' '-" CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 9:00A.M. Commissioner Coward led the Association in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Homeowners representatives and the public in attendance gave self- introductions. APPROV AL OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 13, 2005 Bob Bangert moved to approve the minutes of April 13 , 2005. Charlie Brown seconded the motion and the approval carried unanimously by voice vote. ST. LUCIE COUNTY SHERIFFS REPORT Deputy Leroy Davis announced that the Sheriff s office would be hosting an event on May 16th, from 7pm to 8pm on Milner Road for Indian River Estates problems with mailbox thefts. Commissioner Coward stated that we had tried to get the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) expert on coal burning plants for the May meeting, but because oftime restraints that would be on our June agenda. The back up plan was to get staff from Public Safety to speak on the upcoming hurricane season but because of a National Hurricane Conference this week, staff has agreed to speak at the July meeting. He said that he was sorry that Ms. Severino was not here today to hear Mr. Grim's presentation because of the on-going problems in her community. ITEM 4 ~ GUEST SPEAKERS AND TOPICS OF DISCUSSION A. >- Linette Trabulsy, Public Information Officer~ update on St. Lucie County's Centennial Celebration Ms. Trabusy gave a brief overview and gave a power-point presentation about the County's Centennial Celebration on July 2, 2005, at the St. Lucie County Fairgrounds. After the presentation, she provided some historical events that St. Lucie County has been involved with. She said that there is more information on the County's web site and the link is www.stlucicco.2ov/centennial. She said that as Public Information officer, she sends out Notices to the Press and Public, and that if anyone would like to be notified of upcoming news releases to contact her at 462-1791 or by e- mail TrabulsL(ii>,co.st-lucie.fl.us or leave their e-mail address with Charline Burgess. B. >Melissa Corwell, Mitigation Specialist with the Division of Forestry presented a brief video on "How to Have A Firewize Home". Derrick Foxx with the St. Lucie Co. Fire Dept. was present for questions. -2- ....., ....",,; Ms. Corwell stated that she is trying to get the word out for the Division of Forestry about wildfires and keeping your homes safe from fire. After the video she said that the videos could be obtained free of charge, by calling her at (772) 219-1248. She said that Florida is different than any other state because "green" burns. She noted that Palmetto's and Malalueca trees are the worse kind to have around your home. She said that the theme of their T.V. and radio show commercials are going to be "shared responsibility," in that the Division ofF orestry needs everyone's help in order for them to help you. She told the group that she would be happy to come to their Homeowners Associations meetings to speak about this. Mr. Bill Hammer commended the Fire Department and the Division of Forestry for their fast action and quick arrival time, in putting out the fire in the Reserve last year. He said that the fire was started by a train creating a "spark" on the tracks. He said that he agreed with the controlled burns, but not the developer burns where the pile smolders for days and days. Mr. Craig Mundt asked Mr. Foxx whether or not there are prohibitions for fires on the beach. He said that he was told by someone at the fire department that fires were allowed. Mr. Foxx said that fires are prohibited on the beach and that he would check into Mr. Mundt's question. He said the number to call is 462-8306 during the week or call 911 after hours. C. >Jody Bonet, Trasit Manager with St. Lucie County ~ Presentation on homeowner responsibilities after a disaster Ms. Bonet said that the purpose of being here today was to acquaint the members with the operations of the Community Services department of the county and it's responsibilities during and after a disaster. In addition, she said that they would like to encourage homeowner associations to be the first responders for your neighbors. After a disaster, the Community Services Department will set up a phone bank to receive calls from residents and volunteers. The phone number is (772) 462- 3065. Mr. Hammer suggested that these recommendations be made electronically. He also would like the county to include a requirement of a new development that a safe venue for residents be made available in case of a disaster. Ms. Bonet said that she agreed with Mr. Hammer, as most residents would want a shelter close to their homes so that they would feel safer. She said that the Community Services link is on the County's home page. D. >Dennis Grim, Code Compliance Manager/Building Official and Dennis Bunt, Code Enforcement Supervisor ~ Update on building permitting. -3- ~ .I Mr. Grim presented an updated report and power-point presentation on rebuilding from the hurricanes. He provided a copy of the presentation to the group and as back-up material for the minutes. Mr. Grim said that reasons for the increase in time for issuing permits are: >-High demand for permits due to the County recovering from two direct hits from hurricanes; :> A new software program has been implemented that has slowed down the permitting process; :> Permit applications have more than doubled for the same period a year ago, even though they are issuing almost twice as many permits for the same period a year ago, there is still a backlog; :> The county continues to grow and the demand for permits is increasing. Mr. Grim said the reason for the increased time for issuing permits is that St. Lucie County is a "One Stop" shop for processing permits. Once submitted it stays within the department to perform zoning; contractor licensing; plans examining; storm water and fire department review. Other building departments deal only with processing and issuing of permits. They require that all departments sign offbefore the permit can be submitted. As far as the delay with mobile home permits, he said that St. Lucie County has more mobile home units than Martin and Indian River Counties combined. He said that as of April 30, 2005 a total of 15,322 building permits have been issued in seven months as compared to 14,352 for all oflast year. He said that hopefully in two weeks the roof permits will all be done. Mr. Monteleone said that one of the biggest problems he has is that the owners of his park, Wynne Building Corp., is pressuring the residents with a 45 day time period, when it takes 6 to 8 months to get the work done. He said that 45 days is an impossibility, and that he knew it did not fall under the County's jurisdiction, but it is really leaving them high and dry. He said that he has waited six months to have a roof put on his Florida room. Mr. Grim said that he agreed with him and after the presentation, he said he would show Mr. Monteleone what they are doing to "step up" to help the industry to get the permits out quicker. He said that homeowners were also receiving false information from contractors blaming it on the building department. Commissioner Coward told Mr. Grim that he had received dozens of calls from homeowners that have complained that their work isn't being done because their permits are being held up by the building department. He said that every time he or Charline checked on their permit, the permit had been issued, and that the contractor was using the building department as an excuse for them not getting out there doing the work. Mr. Hammer commended Mr. Grim and his department for doing a tremendous job. He said that there is no reason that they should have to take the abuse given to them by people that are waiting. -4- ~ 'wi Mr. Grim said that his staff is fantastic! He said that no one likes to wait in line, but by the time these folks get to the permitting window, they are ready to fight. He said that his staff works after hours and gives up their Saturdays to try and get caught up. They will be closed on Fridays through the month of May to get caught up, and so far it's working. He said that there is a way that the public can help decrease the permitting process time. Make sure you have a licensed contractor who is registered and is current with their insurance, if you are not sure, call 462-1672. Pick up your permit the day your are notified by the permitting office. He said that contractors must take responsibility to submit their permits before they need to start the work in order to stay within the building department's processing time and the demand for permits. Commissioner Coward asked Mr. Grim how many staff members he has performing inspections? Mr. Grim said that at this point in time, he has twelve inspectors performing inspections. He said that they have right around 400 inspection requests a day, but they are keeping up with the demand. There is no two to three week waiting period. He said that there has been a back log of roofing inspections, but that the number one concern for him is to get the dry-in inspection done. The final roof inspection is not as important and they are filled in as the inspector has time. He said that they are caught up on these inspections. Mr. Grim said that the Commissioners have been a lot of help by approving new positions and a new permitting area, which is where the Parks and Recreation Department area used to be. This will add another 2400 square feet of space. He also said that there is a staff member on site from the Clerk of Court to speed up the permit process. He said that he has made positive changes within the department to meet the needs of the public. Commissioner Coward confirmed that he has been down in their department and has seen Mr. Grim's staff working as late as 6 or 7 0' clock in the evening. Mr. Charlie Brown brought up questions about aluminum permits. Discussion ensued regarding permits for mobile homes i.e. aluminum carports, sidings and roofs. Mr. Grim said that they do issue over-the-counter permits. They are roofing; electrical; plumbing; air conditioning and for aluminum carport repairs. He then restated the things that the public can do to help speed up the permitting process. Commissioner Coward asked Mr. Grim to give a brief overview regarding contractors doing shoddy work, or working without a license and insurance. He said that there is recourse for residents through the Contractor's Licensing Board (C.L. Board.) Mr. Dennis Bunt explained that the Contractors Licensing Division has the authority to make sure that contractors follow all the regulations and codes. The contractor can be brought before the Contractor's Licensing Board (C.L. Board) for infractions. He said that monies cannot be returned -5- ~ ....., to a resident, that is a civil matter, but if you're not sure whether or not a contractor is licensed and insured, take the time to call, it could save you time and money in the end. The number is 462-1672. Charles Grande asked how many contractors had lost their license or been suspended in the past year? Mr. Bunt stated that last year there was seven, and one lost his license completely. He said this year there were eight disciplinary actions that have come before the board. Discussion ensued regarding the type of infractions that come before the C.L. Board. Mr. Frank Guarascio asked Mr. Grim to state his jurisdiction area as there were Port St. Lucie residents at the meeting. Mr. Grim stated that his jurisdiction is over the unincorporated St. Lucie County, not the City of Port St. Lucie, or Fort Pierce. Discussion ensued regarding the boundaries ofthe County and the City of Port St. Lucie. Sargent William Radke stated that he wanted to address the civil action that can be taken against contractors working without a license and insurance. He said that contracting without a license is a crime in the State of Florida and should be reported to law enforcement. Regarding mitigation and civil issues, the Florida Attorney General's office has a program called Seniors vs Crime. The telephone number is (772) 871-5350 and they can act as a mitigator between the contractor and the person that is trying to get the work done. He said if that doesn't work, there is recourse further up the ladder with the Sheriff and the Attorney General's office. Commissioner Coward asked Sargent Radke ifhe would try and make sure that information is given to the county's public information officer so that it can be put on the County's web site so that she can get it out to the public for easy access. Sargent Radke said that he could do that. He further explained limitations that contractors have on the time limit on contracts. Discussion ensued regarding down payments to contractors and paying before the final inspection has been done by the building department. For more information, or further questions, Sargent Radke said he could be reached at (772)871-5303. There was a general discussion between the group and Mr. Grim regarding the length of time a permit is good for before it expires, and that there may be extenuating circumstances where the building official can extend the time line on the permit. Mr. Mundt asked why a deputy has been in the building department. Mr. Bunt said that some residents became irate with the long wait and threats were made against employees. -6- '-' 'wi ITEM 5- OLD BUSINESS There was no discussion on old business. ITEM 6 ~ NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Coward stated that the topics of discussion have already been prioritized by having the DEP expert on coal-fired power plants coming in next month and then have staff from Public Safety the following month to speak about the upcoming hurricane season. He said that he would like to open this part of the meeting up for general discussion. Mr. Mundt asked whether or not the proposed Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA) power plant will have any effect on the County. Commissioner Coward stated that FPUA would be locating that facility to a heavy industrial area that had a previously approved plant on it. It was the Duke power plant site which is over by the landfill. He said that in his opinion, this type of plant is far preferable than the coal burning facility that FP &L is proposing. He said that he has a much more favorable opinion of a natural gas burning plant in a heavy industrial area rather than a coal burning plant. Mr. Mundt said that he would like to get a briefing on Economic Development in the County. Commissioner Coward agreed. He said that is a critical issue not only in the County, but the whole State. He explained the incentives offered to new businesses and discussion ensued regarding the new Research Park. There was a general discussion with Commissioner Coward regarding the Board of Education and concerns that were brought up by Mr. Guarascio in that he would like someone from the school board to attend a homeowners meeting and answer their questions. Commissioner Coward said that he thought it would be more appropriate for the individual homeowners to contact the school board and request an opportunity to meet with them. He said they are already going around the community holding public workshops. Discussion ensued. Mr. Monteleone said that FP&L is going around the county talking in favor of the coal-fired plant. He asked Commissioner Coward if six months down the road, residents find out they are ready to go, would time be a problem? Commissioner Coward said that he has made it clear to FP&L that he is not a supporter of the plant, but he said he does not have any ill feelings toward them, nor does he want them to waste a bunch of money on a plant, that he personally, does not want to see built. He said that he has told them "up-front" that he would prefer that we stop their coal plant as soon as possible so that they can get re-directed to an alternative clean fuel. He said that he is not opposed to a cleaner burning plant in -7- ~ .I an appropriate location if it does not have a detrimental effect on the community and has a positive effect on our tax base. He said that he would certainly consider that, although we need to look at the total number of plants we want in our community, it should not be a "free for all" here. He said it is just his opinion, but FP&L still has to get approval on a rezoning for this property and that would be your first opportunity to send them the message that St. Lucie County does not want coal burning plants in this community. He said that he is only speaking for himself, that he has four other fellow commissioners that might feel differently. Discussion ensued. Mr. Grande suggested that Commissioner Coward ask Bill Summers, an FP&L retiree & consultant, about speaking to the group. He was the project manager for their last coal-fired plant project and might be an objective person to speak with. Commissioner Coward said that a couple of issues have come into the picture. If the county is going to pay a consultant to come in, it should be a county-wide project, such as a public workshop, not just someone speaking with the homeowners group. Discussion ensued. Mr. Hammer voiced his concerns about the value to this group being deluded by opening it up on a much broader basis, because the members would not have the personal interaction as in the smaller meeting. He also said that if you bring in a bigger group, you are going to have people access that meeting that have their own agenda's to run and will take up a lot of time. Mr. Mundt reminded the group that there is a Board workshop coming up on May 23rd with FP&L at 2:00 p.m. Commissioner Coward said that ideally, this would have been the time to have the independent speaker "tagged" onto that workshop. Discussion ensued between Commissioner Coward and the group regarding neighborhood schools, public transit, bicycle paths, sidewalks and bussing. Commissioner Coward touched on the issue of concurrency and how critical it is when a developer asks for approval to build, they are required to have sufficient capacity, such as roads to handle the amount of car trips that will come off that road. He said there is an "option" of making schools a concurrency law as part of the approval process. He said that he would like to have Palm Beach County Commissioner, Karen Markus come in and speak with the group. Ms. Kit Linberger said that she did not understand how you can have growth management without having the school and transportation system as part of it. She also said that hurricane shelters is another thing that should be looked at with new development. Commissioner Coward said that Development of Regional Impact's (DRl's) that come in for approval, have a demand within that approval that hurricane space be provided. Discussion ensued. -8- ~ 'wi It was also announced that there would be a Work Force Housing workshop with the Board on June 6,2005. ADJOURNMENT Having no further business to discuss, Commissioner Coward thanked the group for their attendance, cå.nd adjourned the meeting at 11 :25 a.m. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE HELD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2005 AT 9:00 A.M. H:wp\NewFolder\Mayll-HOA-minutes -9- iiiiiiiI, , .I ." .,:. I 'C ]:. . . D J .. .. ::a o 0=. .. ::a o . .. . .a ~ oS I: . .=. '"ÌI I: Õ .. . I: ~.. o 1IJ:a.. . - ..'ca· .a.. . ~ = ... .... = 0 1)0'" l:·u'aD .g..5 ....G>.. ·ca .. 'G> .!:! ca Co , 'I:4IE :::I :G> 0, ESU "E.. ..I!!. o 'Q) G> U... 'aD -··111 I: :'C"¡ 1:.1: 'C . ca! 1:'0 ,: ·ca 0 U G>I)O' ,,;,:e '1: tiS ca'· cao .!'þõ,", . U G>' "; .. I: 'aD ,>. - :::I I: :::1.5-==:- o 'C 'C ca. ~ . U = G>-= 1:. 0 ..:::1 :a..'aDGi" ... III 0'=:... G> . ...1). 0 I)U. G> I: '7'G> =' - G> 0 .~. ~ca· 0.. =. ca..... .= UtI)tI)'C.U . G> . ,: ... ì::I. ,=. :::I . ,0 .. ~ 'ca E 0'. .. .. ... 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CD 0 CD :J 0 !::to·CD O· '" 0) _. ..... ..c: 0 .:J ... ....-CI).- ~ .D .(J) CI) a:¡ 3- _ ..(¡)....:J ï:::; « = . œ .(/J ro enro ·ro CD' roO) 3 ro '~., ro ~CD ~en' c::. ......- :J..r::...r::...r::. 0-0- ON'? ,~ Q) CO ëï5 ro 'u T"" a ::J. . ~ . .:.J .~ ~ co :>. c.......·-· -'=;:Jc5 .(j) .D. 0 .- 0 -0 en" . c:: -0) '-' ,Q) ro en .- O· ..... :0 c:.-_ .... .- ..r::. C::......, Eo055- . Q) u.. .., b (/J ..r::.. ....: - 0 .- ø (j)~ ~ ai ·ro :0 0) Q) 'E w 0) ~ E :¡::¡ en E, en ro .~ ~ ê .9 g ...r::. c:: 0) C.D :: ~ L..._ « o' ø :!: C cro'ã.Q) .::t:, ~. en £; ~ ""'" COMMUNITY SERVICES MEMORANDUM #05-95 FROM: Commissioner Coward and Homeowners Association Jody Bonet and Sandra Gilfillan, Community Services ~ Ai Hurricane Preparedness TO: SUBJECT: Beth Ryder, Community Services Director is responsible to the Emergency Operations Center to coordinate volunteers and donations during hurricane recovery. During this past season, we unfortunately had more calls for help and much fewer volunteers to assist. The purpose of our being here today is to acquaint you with the operations of the Community Services Department ofthe County and it's responsibilities during a disaster. In addition, we would like to encourage homeowner associations to be the first responders for your neighbors. The Community Services Department will set up a phone bank to receive calls from residents and volunteers. The phone number will be 462-3065. Our department and its staff members are actively involved in preparing Hurricane Relief strategies. Your cooperation and input could be of valuable assistance during a disaster. We request your participation to establish contacts within your homeowners who may be willing to provide immediate assistance to neighbors in your area and bring those concerns as their representative to our attention. If someone in your area needs medical attention, shelter, water, ice, food or whatever else, designated persons in your immediate area can act as a contact for them and bring those needs to our attention or resolve them with assistance from your neighbors. By having your group of neighbors meet to discuss Hurricane Preparedness and their roles would assist in getting attention immediately and assessing the damages, and necessary needs. This type of information would be invaluable to our EOC operations. The designated persons can then relay that information to us which would be passed on to the correct entity that can respond. Another issue could be to designate certain individuals to pickup immediate items and distribute them among your neighbors, such as ice, water, etc. This might cut down on the long lines we all experienced this past September. It may also be possible that we could establish certain areas for distributions to homeowner groups and cut down on the long wait this way. We will be looking for possible solutions so it is important for you to provide your contact information to Community Services at 462-3065. ~ ~ Homeowner Associations could prepare and recover by following these simple recommendations: · Host a hurricane preparedness meeting (discuss stocking with water, flashlights, batteries, food, etc.); · Call 461-5201 to invite a St. Lucie County Emergency Management official to a meeting to learn more information and suggested ways to help you prepare and recover from hurricanes; · Identify where your neighbors will be during the storms (out of Florida, at family /hotel out of the County, at a special needs shelter, at a shelter, at current residence); · Make a list of contact information for the residences and if possible emergency contact information for your own use; · Identify who can help after the storms to resolve many different needs (manual support (removal of trees and inside debris); emotional support; phone support (call other family members to report situation); babysitting support so a parent can get back to work; etc; · Determine who will need help with shutters and generators; · Provide at least three contact numbers to the County Community Services Department so we may refer calls that we receive in your neighborhood; · Call to the 462-3065 County phone bank number after the hurricane and report what damage and needs your neighbors may have and explain which ones you can solve and which ones need outside assistance (tree removal, power outage, medical equipment, ice, water etc.). · Always call 911 if there is a medical emergency; · If your neighborhood is fine, please call to volunteer to help another area of the County that may have been damaged. ~. 'wIJt~ ~_ 4 RESUME HAMILTON S. OVEN, P.E. (known as Buck) JOB TITLE: EDUCATION: EXPERIENCE: Program Administrator BCE - Sanitary Engineering - University of Florida 1964 ME - Environmental Engineering - UF (Primary Major - Air Pollution Control) 1968 Short Courses in - Field Enforcement of Air Pollution, Visible Emissions Evaluation, Air Dispersion Modeling, Design of Residential Canals and Marinas Epidemiology of Electric and Magnetic Fields Biological Effects of EMF Co-operative Student FL DOT 1960-1962 Active duty U.S. Army 1965-67 - 2LT/ILT Engineering Trainee FL DOT 2/67 - 8/67 General Engineer - U.S. Federal Power Commission - one year Air Pollution Control Engineer - Jacksonville, FL - 16 months Water Pollution Control Engineer - Jacksonville, FL - 9 months Bio-Environmental Engineer (Director of Air and Water Pollution Control) two years - Jacksonville, FL Deputy Executive Director - Florida Department of Pollution Control - 14 months 4/73 - 6/74 Professional Engineer & Program Administrator - Siting Coordination Office Dept of Pollution Control - Dept of Environmental Regulation - Department of Environmental Protection - June 1974 to present AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Energy Facility Siting Power Plant Siting Air Pollution Control Water Pollution Control Transmission Line Siting Sanitary Engineering Electric and Magnetic Fields ~ 'wi Charline Burgess - Coal fired Power Plant Meeting From: To: Date: Subject: "Oven, Hamilton" <Hamilton.Oven@dep.state.fl.us> <cburgess@co.st-lucie.fl.us> 4/27/200511:58 AM Coal fired Power Plant Meeting .¥..__..__.^~~~.._v"_,,",~,,_.~~_..~_~.m_.._~,,__v__.,,,,_m_.~..".___._.,,__.__._,..___.__.___._____._.__._..."__'._._.._w_..__.~.._.__..__·_·__w..__......w.....__"__·_·__·__""_""__'_"_"'~"_""''''''~'~'_'mm''m.._...,.............__..m__m DEP's Siting Office Web site is http://www.dep.state.fI.us 850 245-8002 '-' 'wi /TEM~ - NEW BUS/NESS June 8, 2005 Commissioner Coward and HOA representatives: New order of speakers and topics of discussion that were requested at the May meeting. 1.) Hurricane Awareness & Emergency Shelters in St. Lucie County (Public Safety will address these issues at the July 13th HOA meeting) 2.) Update on Economic Development 3.) An update on the Civic Center (information will not be available for a few more months. 4.) Temporary Housing (there will be a workshop with the BOCC 6/6/05 at 9 a.m.) 5.) Rebuilding of Roads and Swales 6.) Update on new codes for billboards and political signs 7.) Building Official to speak regarding concurrency fees Thanks, Charline H:wpfHOA -topics&speakers +~". ~,t,i ·;\,:·,l' . ~. ~.,""?'::. .,~ ~~, v: 4)/": .\~'i· .. "'~ . ~ ". ",'"i;~r .~ I.. " . ~~. :.:.,~. i u... S ~}..:<., _. "~'f"~.- - d ''',:_'.:;;l:'ir'~' i ~.·.l ... /i .'" r , v:,\ <i r "" I;; '>o,.J . O~~~ .,. .,' ~ ð . . ~ Q.) ,.D e Q.) e Q.) ~ e'-- Q ~ ~ = = r.J ~. t"I.:1 ,..... ~ ..... = -= ~ -. ... c:,j ~ .-' o - ~ ~ e ..... - u ~ (\) .~ .£j > .::!3 o §~ .- bO bf:1 2 ·a ~ ~ S 0 (Ij (\) .~ (.¡..... 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The Board of County Commissioners will old a WorRshop on WorRforce Housing on Monday, June 6, 2005 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the St. Lucie County Commission Chambers. 6. The Board of County Commissioners, and the City of Port St. Lucie Council will hold a Joint Meeting on Impact Fees on Monday, June 6, 2005 at the City of Port St. Lucie Community Center, 2195 Airoso Boulevard, Port St. Lucie, Florida from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 7. The Board of County Commissioners, the Research and Education ParR Steering Committee, and the City of Fort Pierce will hold a WorRshop on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 at the USDA Horticulture Research Lab, 2001 S. RocR Road, Fort Pierce, Florida from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. .. The Special Olympics, St. Lucie County Golf Tournament will be hosted on Saturday, June 11, 2005 at Club Med at 8:00 a.m. (Shot Gun). For more information please contact Diana Mitchell 462-1683. .. The Board of County Commissioner will hold the Towns, Villages and Country Side Element WorRshop on Monday, June 13, 2005 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the St. lucie County Commission Chambers. 10. The Board of County Commissioners will hold a Ground BreaRing Ceremony for S. 25th Street at the intersection of S. 25th Street and Midway Road, on Friday, Jùly 1, 2005 at 10:00 a.m. II. The St. Lucie County Centennial Celebration will be held on July 2, 2005 at the St. Lucie County Fairgrounds from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ~ "'" ANNOUNCEMENT' MAY 24, 2005 PAGE TWO 12. The Board of County Commissioners, City of Fort Pierce Commission, and the City of Port St. Lucie Council will hold a Joint Meeting on Monday, August 29, 2005 at the City of Fort Pierce Commission Chambers first floor, 100 N. US Hwy. 1, Fort Pierce, Florida 34950 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. IS. The Board of County Commissioners will hold a WorRshop with Martin County on Tuesday, August 30, 2005 from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the Martin County Commission Chambers located at 2401 SE Monterey Road, Stuart. \wf {l~~~ ...." PROPERTY & HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION MEETING June 8, 2005 ,..., 9:00 a.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room 3 ~\l b\~1 AGENDA 1.) Call to Order ~ Commissioner Doug Coward, Chairman » Pledge of Allegiance » Self Introduction of Property & Homeowners Representatives and Members of the Public 2.) Approval of the Minutes of May 11, 2005 3.) St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office Report by Captain Graves or Deputy Gonsalves 4.) Guest Speaker and Topic of Discussion: A.) Hamilton "Buck" Oven, Program Administrator with the Department of Environmental Protection in Tallahassee will provide a presentation on Coal Fired power plants 5.) Old Business ~ There is no old business 6.) New Business ~ St. Lucie County Public Safety staff will provide an update on hurricane preparedness at next month's meeting. 7.) Adjournment Please note, the next meeting will be July 13, 2005 ___.__..--,._:w__,~·_-"""--';;';:-l '-'. 1 , '1'1 I \. .\ \ UA,\/ ", 1 ..Ii .. L__\~¡I4! j .. I CO. ADMIN. Or.:FICE ......" """" DRAFT ST. LUCIE COUNTY PROPERTY AND HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Minutes of Meeting May 11, 2005 Convened: 9:00a.m. Adlourned: 11 :25a.m. This meeting of the Property and Homeowners Association was held Wednesday, May 11,2005 at 9:00a.m. in Conference Room #3 of the St. Lucie County Administration Annex Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982. MEMBERS PRESENT: Charlie Brown, Indian River Estates Craig Mundt, North Beach Association Bob Bangert, Holiday Pines Homeowners Association Frank Monteleone, Spanish Lakes Country Club Village Charles Grande, Presidents Council of S Hutchinson Island Bill Hammer, PGA Village Kit Linberger, Palm Grove Christiane Mollet, Indian River Drive Freeholders Frank Guarascio, Villages of Sand Piper Bay ALSO PRESENT: Commissioner Doug Coward, District 2 Charline Burgess, Aide to Commissioner Coward Liz Martin, Aide to Commissioner Hutchinson Faye Outlaw, Assistant County AdministratorlInterim G.M. Dir. Linette Trabulsy, Public Information Officer Shane DeWitt, Technical Operations Manager, SLCTV Erick Gill, Media Specialist Jody Bonet, Transit Manager Sandy Gilfillan, Executive Secretary Dennis Grim, Code Compliance Manager/Building Official Dennis Bunt, Code Enforcement Supervisor Melissa Corwell, Mitigation Specialist/Div. Of Forestry Derrek Foxx, St. Lucie County Fire District Sargeant William Radke, S.L. Co. Sheriffs Dept. Deputy Leroy Davis, S.L. Co. Sheriffs Dept. Winston Shelton, Parks Edge HOA in PSL Bonnie "Toni" Trabolsi, Villas Sandpiper Bay HOA in PSL Betty Bennett, Palm Grove Tom Linberger, Fort Pierce Kathryne Leavy, Spanish Lakes Country Club -1- '-" 'wi CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 9:00A.M. Commissioner Coward led the Association in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Homeowners representatives and the public in attendance gave self- introductions. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 13, 2005 Bob Bangert moved to approve the minutes of April 13 , 2005. Charlie Brown seconded the motion and the approval carried unanimously by voice vote. ST. LUCIE COUNTY SHERIFFS REPORT Deputy Leroy Davis announced that the Sheriff s office would be hosting an event on May 16th, from 7pm to 8pm on Milner Road for Indian River Estates problems with mailbox thefts. Commissioner Coward stated that we had tried to get the Department of Environmental Protection (D EP) expert on coal burning plants for the May meeting, but because of time restraints that would be on our June agenda. The back up plan was to get staff from Public Safety to speak on the upcoming hurricane season but because of a National Hurricane Conference this week, staff has agreed to speak at the July meeting. He said that he was sorry that Ms. Severino was not here today to hear Mr. Grim's presentation because of the on-going problems in her community. ITEM 4 ~ GUEST SPEAKERS AND TOPICS OF DISCUSSION A.:> Linette Trabulsy, Public Information Officer~ update on St. Lucie County's Centennial Celebration Ms. Trabusy gave a brief overview and gave a power-point presentation about the County's Centennial Celebration on July 2,2005, at the St. Lucie County Fairgrounds. After the presentation, she provided some historical events that St. Lucie County has been involved with. She said that there is more information on the County's web site and the link is www.stlucicco.~,wv/centcnnial. She said that as Public Information officer, she sends out Notices to the Press and Public, and that if anyone would like to be notified of upcoming news releases to contact her at 462-1791 or by e- mail Trabulsl..lCiÙco.st-lucic.fl.us or leave their e-mail address with Charline Burgess. B. :>Melissa Corwell, Mitigation Specialist with the Division of Forestry presented a brief video on "How to Have A Firewize Home". Derrick Foxx with the St. Lucie Co. Fire Dept. was present for questions. -2- ~ ,..., Ms. Corwell stated that she is trying to get the word out for the Division of Forestry about wildfires and keeping your homes safe from fire. After the video she said that the videos could be obtained free of charge, by calling her at (772) 219-1248. She said that Florida is dìfferent than any other state because "green" burns. She noted that Palmetto's and Malalueca trees are the worse kind to have around your home. She said that the theme of their T.V. and radio show commercials are going to be "shared responsibility," in that the Division ofF orestry needs everyone's help in order for them to help you. She told the group that she would be happy to come to their Homeowners Associations meetings to speak about this. Mr. Bill Hammer commended the Fire Department and the Division of Forestry for their fast action and quick arrival time, in putting out the fire in the Reserve last year. He said that the fire was started by a train creating a "spark" on the tracks. He said that he agreed with the controlled burns, but not the developer burns where the pile smolders for days and days. Mr. Craig Mundt asked Mr. Foxx whether or not there are prohibitions for fires on the beach. He said that he was told by someone at the fire department that fires were allowed. Mr. Foxx said that fires are prohibited on the beach and that he would check into Mr. Mundt's question. He said the number to call is 462-8306 during the week or call 911 after hours. C. :>Jody Bonet, Trasit Manager with St. Lucie County ~ Presentation on homeowner responsibilities after a disaster Ms. Bonet said that the purpose of being here today was to acquaint the members with the operations of the Community Services department of the county and it's responsibilities during and after a disaster. In addition, she said that they would like to encourage homeowner associations to be the first responders for your neighbors. After a disaster, the Community Services Department will set up a phone bank to receive calls from residents and volunteers. The phone number is (772) 462- 3065. Mr. Hammer suggested that these recommendations be made electronically. He also would like the county to include a requirement of a new development that a safe venue for residents be made available in case of a disaster. Ms. Bonet said that she agreed with Mr. Hammer, as most residents would want a shelter close to their homes so that they would feel safer. She said that the Community Services link is on the County's home page. D. :>Dennis Grim, Code Compliance Manager/Building Official and Dennis Bunt, Code Enforcement Supervisor - Update on building permitting. -3- ~ ...., Mr. Grim presented an updated report and power-point presentation on rebuilding from the hurricanes. He provided a copy of the presentation to the group and as back-up material for the minutes. Mr. Grim said that reasons for the increase in time for issuing permits are: :>High demand for permits due to the County recovering from two direct hits from hurricanes; :> A new software program has been implemented that has slowed down the permitting process; :> Permit applications have more than doubled for the same period a year ago, even though they are issuing almost twice as many permits for the same period a year ago, there is still a backlog; :>The county continues to grow and the demand for permits is increasing. Mr. Grim said the reason for the increased time for issuing permits is that St. Lucie County is a "One Stop" shop for processing permits. Once submitted it stays within the department to perform zoning; contractor licensing; plans examining; storm water and fire department review. Other building departments deal only with processing and issuing of permits. They require that all departments sign off before the permit can be submitted. As far as the delay with mobile home permits, he said that St. Lucie County has more mobile home units than Martin and Indian River Counties combined. He said that as of April 30, 2005 a total of 15,322 building permits have been issued in seven months as compared to 14,352 for all oflast year. He said that hopefully in two weeks the roof permits will all be done. Mr. Monteleone said that one of the biggest problems he has is that the owners of his park, Wynne Building Corp., is pressuring the residents with a 45 day time period, when it takes 6 to 8 months to get the work done. He said that 45 days is an impossibility, and that he knew it did not fall under the County's jurisdiction, but it is really leaving them high and dry. He said that he has waited six months to have a roof put on his Florida room. Mr. Grim said that he agreed with him and after the presentation, he said he would show Mr. Monteleone what they are doing to "step up" to help the industry to get the permits out quicker. He said that homeowners were also receiving false information from contractors blaming it on the building department. Commissioner Coward told Mr. Grim that he had received dozens of calls from homeowners that have complained that their work isn't being done because their permits are being held up by the building department. He said that every time he or Charline checked on their permit, the permit had been issued, and that the contractor was using the building department as an excuse for them not getting out there doing the work. Mr. Hammer commended Mr. Grim and his department for doing a tremendous job. He said that there is no reason that they should have to take the abuse given to them by people that are waiting. -4- ~ 'wi Mr. Grim said that his staff is fantastic! He said that no one likes to wait in line, but by the time these folks get to the permitting window, they are ready to fight. He said that his staff works after hours and gives up their Saturdays to try and get caught up. They will be closed on Fridays through the month of May to get caught up, and so far it's working. He said that there is a way that the public can help decrease the permitting process time. Make sure you have a licensed contractor who is registered and is current with their insurance, if you are not sure, call 462-1672. Pick up your permit the day your are notified by the permitting office. He said that contractors must take responsibility to submit their permits before they need to start the work in order to stay within the building department's processing time and the demand for permits. Commissioner Coward asked Mr. Grim how many staff members he has performing inspections? Mr. Grim said that at this point in time, he has twelve inspectors performing inspections. He said that they have right around 400 inspection requests a day, but they are keeping up with the demand. There is no two to three week waiting period. He said that there has been a back log of roofing inspections, but that the number one concern for him is to get the dry-in inspection done. The final roof inspection is not as important and they are filled in as the inspector has time. He said that they are caught up on these inspections. Mr. Grim said that the Commissioners have been a lot of help by approving new positions and a new permitting area, which is where the Parks and Recreation Department area used to be. This will add another 2400 square feet of space. He also said that there is a staff member on site from the Clerk of Court to speed up the permit process. He said that he has made positive changes within the department to meet the needs of the public. Commissioner Coward confirmed that he has been down in their department and has seen Mr. Grim's staff working as late as 6 or 7 o'clock in the evening. Mr. Charlie Brown brought up questions about aluminum permits. Discussion ensued regarding permits for mobile homes i.e. aluminum carports, sidings and roofs. Mr. Grim said that they do issue over-the-counter permits. They are roofing; electrical; plumbing; air conditioning and for aluminum carport repairs. He then restated the things that the public can do to help speed up the permitting process. Commissioner Coward asked Mr. Grim to give a brief overview regarding contractors doing shoddy work, or working without a license and insurance. He said that there is recourse for residents through the Contractor's Licensing Board (C.L. Board.) Mr. Dennis Bunt explained that the Contractors Licensing Division has the authority to make sure that contractors follow all the regulations and codes. The contractor can be brought before the Contractor's Licensing Board (C.L. Board) for infractions. He said that monies cannot be returned -5- '--" "'" to a resident, that is a civil matter, but if you're not sure whether or not a contractor is licensed and insured, take the time to call, it could save you time and money in the end. The number is 462-1672. Charles Grande asked how many contractors had lost their license or been suspended in the past year? Mr. Bunt stated that last year there was seven, and one lost his license completely. He said this year there were eight disciplinary actions that have come before the board. Discussion ensued regarding the type of infractions that come before the c.L. Board. Mr. Frank Guarascio asked Mr. Grim to state his jurisdiction area as there were Port St. Lucie residents at the meeting. Mr. Grim stated that his jurisdiction is over the unincorporated St. Lucie County, not the City of Port St. Lucie, or Fort Pierce. Discussion ensued regarding the boundaries ofthe County and the City of Port St. Lucie. Sargent William Radke stated that he wanted to address the civil action that can be taken against contractors working without a license and insurance. He said that contracting without a license is a crime in the State of Florida and should be reported to law enforcement. Regarding mitigation and civil issues, the Florida Attorney General's office has a program called Seniors vs Crime. The telephone number is (772) 871-5350 and they can act as a mitigator between the contractor and the person that is trying to get the work done. He said if that doesn't work, there is recourse further up the ladder with the Sheriff and the Attorney General's office. Commissioner Coward asked Sargent Radke ifhe would try and make sure that information is given to the county's public information officer so that it can be put on the County's website so that she can get it out to the public for easy access. Sargent Radke said that he could do that. He further explained limitations that contractors have on the time limit on contracts. Discussion ensued regarding down payments to contractors and paying before the final inspection has been done by the building department. For more information, or further questions, Sargent Radke said he could be reached at (772)871-5303. There was a general discussion between the group and Mr. Grim regarding the length of time a permit is good for before it expires, and that there may be extenuating circumstances where the building official can extend the time line on the permit. Mr. Mundt asked why a deputy has been in the building department. Mr. Bunt said that some residents became irate with the long wait and threats were made against employees. -6- ~ ""'" ITEM 5~ OLD BUSINESS There was no discussion on old business. ITEM 6 ~ NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Coward stated that the topics of discussion have already been prioritized by having the DEP expert on coal-fired power plants coming in next month and then have staff from Public Safety the following month to speak about the upcoming hurricane season. He said that he would like to open this part of the meeting up for general discussion. Mr. Mundt asked whether or not the proposed Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA) power plant will have any effect on the County. Commissioner Coward stated that FPUA would be locating that facility to a heavy industrial area that had a previously approved plant on it. It was the Duke power plant site which is over by the landfill. He said that in his opinion, this type of plant is far preferable than the coal burning facility that FP&L is proposing. He said that he has a much more favorable opinion of a natural gas burning plant in a heavy industrial area rather than a coal burning plant. Mr. Mundt said that he would like to get a briefing on Economic Development in the County. Commissioner Coward agreed. He said that is a critical issue not only in the County, but the whole State. He explained the incentives offered to new businesses and discussion ensued regarding the new Research Park. There was a general discussion with Commissioner Coward regarding the Board of Education and concerns that were brought up by Mr. Guarascio in that he would like someone from the school board to attend a homeowners meeting and answer their questions. Commissioner Coward said that he thought it would be more appropriate for the individual homeowners to contact the school board and request an opportunity to meet with them. He said they are already going around the community holding public workshops. Discussion ensued. Mr. Monteleone said that FP&L is going around the county talking in favor of the coal-fired plant. He asked Commissioner Coward if six months down the road, residents find out they are ready to go, would time be a problem? Commissioner Coward said that he has made it clear to FP&L that he is not a supporter of the plant, but he said he does not have any ill feelings toward them, nor does he want them to waste a bunch of money on a plant, that he personally, does not want to see built. He said that he has told them "up-front" that he would prefer that we stop their coal plant as soon as possible so that they can get re-directed to an alternative clean fuel. He said that he is not opposed to a cleaner burning plant in -7- ~ ""'" an appropriate location if it does not have a detrimental effect on the community and has a positive effect on our tax base. He said that he would certainly consider that, although we need to look at the total number of plants we want in our community, it should not be a "free for all" here. He said it is just his opinion, but FP&L still has to get approval on a rezoning for this property and that would be your first opportunity to send them the message that St. Lucie County does not want coal burning plants in this community. He said that he is only speaking for himself, that he has four other fellow commissioners that might feel differently. Discussion ensued. Mr. Grande suggested that Commissioner Coward ask Bill Summers, an FP&L retiree & consultant, about speaking to the group. He was the project manager for their last coal-fired plant project and might be an objective person to speak with. Commissioner Coward said that a couple of issues have come into the picture. If the county is going to pay a consultant to come in, it should be a county-wide project, such as a public workshop, not just someone speaking with the homeowners group. Discussion ensued. Mr. Hammer voiced his concerns about the value to this group being deluded by opening it up on a much broader basis, because the members would not have the personal interaction as in the smaller meeting. He also said that if you bring in a bigger group, you are going to have people access that meeting that have their own agenda's to run and will take up a lot of time. Mr. Mundt reminded the group that there is a Board workshop coming up on May 23rd with FP&L at 2:00 p.m. Commissioner Coward said that ideally, this would have been the time to have the independent speaker "tagged" onto that workshop. Discussion ensued between Commissioner Coward and the group regarding neighborhood schools, public transit, bicycle paths, sidewalks and bussing. Commissioner Coward touched on the issue of concurrency and how critical it is when a developer asks for approval to build, they are required to have sufficient capacity, such as roads to handle the amount of car trips that will come off that road. He said there is an "option" of making schools a concurrency law as part of the approval process. He said that he would like to have Palm Beach County Commissioner, Karen Markus come in and speak with the group. Ms. Kit Linberger said that she did not understand how you can have growth management without having the school and transportation system as part of it. She also said that hurricane shelters is another thing that should be looked at with new development. Commissioner Coward said that Development of Regional Impact's (DRI's) that come in for approval, have a demand within that approval that hurricane space be provided. Discussion ensued. -8- ~ ....., It was also announced that there would be a Work Force Housing workshop with the Board on June 6,2005. ADJOURNMENT Having no further business to discuss, Commissioner Coward thanked the group for their attendance, <â.nd adjourned the meeting at 11 :25 a.m. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE HELD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8,2005 AT 9:00 A.M. Charline Burgess, Recording Se e ary H:wp\NewFolder\Mayll-HOA-rninutes -9- o· .. . . 'WI iiiil . ~. .. .... ··.·1··.·-··.····· .... . . 'e ]:a' tI ~ l .. .. ::I o ~. "II ::I o . ..... oil: l- II I: : .111. '''11 1:. Õ !~ o II: ~ - i,.' .111 ~.. . to- 1:". .... = 0 . ·0.... I: U· 'a.O .2..5 ... CÞ" B o. 'CÞ - III Q, '1:.5 ::Ie o. 5 a; u 5.~ .r!. o ·CÞ CÞ U .... 'a.O _. I: CD". ä:" . III! 1:'0 ,c ·111 0' U e.o· .;...: '1: ..:. 111'''111·- . .! ';;õ 2 U "'.__- .'a.O w _.. I: . _ .>.; ::I I: ::I.:-'2-S- O""tI ~ u= CD-'2 E.o .::1 .. .."11 . CD .. .... lIDO·:·... CÞ .o. .·0. v. a) I: ~CD :. Õ ..s& få'..'~ ~.. UU)U),,4u " a) . ,c ... 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C - 0) ,<1> ro en .- Ó .t:-o c:~..... .:J '¡::.s:::. :; '3 J')o.·. 0 0 ...... . --,.'-' o>LL . 0 fI) J::. ..:- 0 .+: (¡) oo~ ~ . o>ro "0 0) 0) 'E W O>.~ E .:¡:¡ en E, rn ro .!Q co ê OU ',C . 0> ..... 0) ...;.c .CD ~~..~;;c C .co 0. 0) .::£.3:. en :5 '-' ....., COMMUNITY SERVICES MEMORANDUM #05-95 FROM: Commissioner Coward and Homeowners Association Jody Bonet and Sandra Gilfillan, Community Services ~ Þ Hurricane Preparedness TO: SUBJECT: Beth Ryder, Community Services Director is responsible to the Emergency Operations Center to coordinate volunteers and donations during hurricane recovery. During this past season, we unfortunately had more calls for help and much fewer volunteers to assist. The purpose of our being here today is to acquaint you with the operations of the Community Services Department of the County and it's responsibilities during a disaster. In addition, we would like to encourage homeowner associations to be the first responders for your neighbors. The Community Services Department will set up a phone bank to receive calls from residents and volunteers. The phone number will be 462-3065. Our department and its staff members are actively involved in preparing Hurricane Relief strategies. Your cooperation and input could be of valuable assistance during a disaster. We request your participation to establish contacts within your homeowners who may be willing to provide immediate assistance to neighbors in your area and bring those concerns as their representative to our attention. If someone in your area needs medical attention, shelter, water, ice, food or whatever else, designated persons in your immediate area can act as a contact for them and bring those needs to our attention or resolve them with assistance from your neighbors. By having your group of neighbors meet to discuss Hurricane Preparedness and their roles would assist in getting attention immediately and assessing the damages, and necessary needs. This type of information would be invaluable to our EOC operations. The designated persons can then relay that information to us which would be passed on to the correct entity that can respond. Another issue could be to designate certain individuals to pickup immediate items and distribute them among your neighbors, such as ice, water, etc. This might cut down on the long lines we all experienced this past September. It may also be possible that we could establish certain areas for distributions to homeowner groups and cut down on the long wait this way. We will be looking for possible solutions so it is important for you to provide your contact information to Community Services at 462-3065. '-' """'" Homeowner Associations could prepare and recover by following these simple recommendations: · Host a hurricane preparedness meeting (discuss stocking with water, flashlights, batteries, food, etc.); · Call 461-5201 to invite a 51. Lucie County Emergency Management official to a meeting to learn more information and suggested ways to help you prepare and recover from hurricanes; · Identify where your neighbors will be during the storms (out of Florida, at family /hotel out of the County, at a special needs shelter, at a shelter, at current residence); · Make a list of contact information for the residences and if possible emergency contact information for your own use; · Identify who can help after the storms to resolve many different needs (manual support (removal of trees and inside debris); emotional support; phone support (call other family members to report situation); babysitting support so a parent can get back to work; etc; · Determine who will need help with shutters and generators; · Provide at least three contact numbers to the County Community Services Department so we may refer calls that we receive in your neighborhood; · Call to the 462-3065 County phone bank number after the hurricane and report what damage and needs your neighbors may have and explain which ones you can solve and which ones need outside assistance (tree removal, power outage, medical equipment, ice, water etc.). · Always call 911 if there is a medical emergency; · If your neighborhood is fine, please call to volunteer to help another area ofthe County that may have been damaged. '-' ..,~ ¥- 4 RESUME HAMILTON S. OVEN, P.E. (known as Buck) JOB TITLE: EDUCATION: EXPERIENCE: Program Administrator BCE - Sanitary Engineering - University of Florida 1964 ME - Environmental Engineering - UF (Primary Major - Air Pollution Control) 1968 Short Courses in - Field Enforcement of Air Pollution, Visible Emissions Evaluation, Air Dispersion Modeling, Design of Residential Canals and Marinas Epidemiology of Electric and Magnetic Fields Biological Effects of EMF Co-operative Student FL DOT 1960-1962 Active duty U.S. Army 1965-67 - 2LT/ILT Engineering Trainee FL DOT 2/67 - 8/67 General Engineer - U.S. Federal Power Commission - one year Air Pollution Control Engineer - Jacksonville, FL - 16 months Water Pollution Control Engineer - Jacksonville, FL - 9 months Bio-Environmental Engineer (Director of Air and Water Pollution Control) two years - Jacksonville, FL Deputy Executive Director - Florida Department of Pollution Control - 14 months 4/73 - 6/74 Professional Engineer & Program Administrator - Siting Coordination Office Dept of Pollution Control - Dept of Environmental Regulation _ Department of Environmental Protection - June 1974 to present AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Energy Facility Siting Power Plant Siting Air Pollution Control Water Pollution Control Transmission Line Siting Sanitary Engineering Electric and Magnetic Fields ~ 'oJ Charline Burgess - Coal fired Power Plant Meeting From: To: Date: Subject: "Oven, Hamilton" <Hamilton.Oven@dep.state.fl.us> <cburgess@co.st-lucie.fl.us> 4/27/2005 11 :58 AM Coal fired Power Plant Meeting DEP's Siting Office Web site is http://www.dep.state.fI.us 850 245-8002 '-' ...." ITEM~ - NEW BUSINESS June 8, 2005 Commissioner Coward and HOA representatives: New order of speakers and topics of discussion that were requested at the May meeting. 1.) Hurricane Awareness & Emergency Shelters in St. Lucie County (Public Safety will address these issues at the July 13th HOA meeting) 2.) Update on Economic Development 3.) An update on the Civic Center (information will not be available for a few more months. 4.) Temporary Housing (there will be a workshop with the BOCC 6/6/05 at 9 a.m.) 5.) Rebuilding of Roads and Swales 6.) Update on new codes for billboards and political signs 7.) Building Official to speak regarding concurrency fees Thanks, Charline H:wp/HOA -topics&speakers ~~~~~<i,. y...."!;;"",J.. !Pt!:~<ì 1..".' . ·.1· .. ~\:,..' ... ",' ~Ò< .'. ít{~_ "@ ~ ~ ~ . . ¡., . t.=) .}~. ".<3..~ ~ IJ,.. .... u.. .... );_:,./:0- ~ k;'. ';"'Ll¡,¡. .~ "';¡"~. "- )t.~. ~ '- ï:: I::! ð . . ~ (l) ..D S (l) S (l) ~ ~. 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The June 21, 2005 Board of County Commissioners meeting is canceled. The July 5, 2005 Board of County Commissioners meeting is canceled. The July 12, 2005 Board of County Commissioners meeting will begin at 2:00 p.m. adjourn 4:00 p.m. and reconvene at 6:00 p.m. The July 19, 2005 Board of County Commissioners meeting is canceled. November 15, 2005 Board of County Commissioners Reorganization meeting will be at 9:00 a.m. The December 27, 2005 Board of County Commissioners meeting is canceled. 5. The Board of County Commissioners will old a WorRshop on WorRforce Housing on Monday, June 6, 2005 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the St. Lucie County Commission Chambers. 6. The Board of County Commissioners, and the City of Port St. Lucie Council will hold a Joint Meeting on Impact Fees on Monday, June 6, 2005 at the City of Port St. Lucie Community Center, 2195 Airoso Boulevard, Port St. Lucie, Florida from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 7. The Board of County Commissioners, the Research and Education ParR Steering Committee, and the City of Fort Pierce will hold a WorRshop on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 at the USDA Horticulture Research Lab, 2001 S. RocR Road, Fort Pierce, Florida from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. I. The Special Olympics, St. Lucie County Golf Tournament will be hosted on Saturday, June 11, 2005 at Club Med at 8:00 a.m. (Shot Gun). For more information please contact Diana Mitchell 462-1683. e. The Board of County Commissioner will hold the Towns, Villages and Country Side Element WorRshop on Monday, June 13, 2005 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the St. lucie County Commission Chambers. 10. The Board of County Commissioners will hold a Ground BreaRing Ceremony for S. 25th Street at the intersection of S. 25th Street and Midway Road, on Friday, Jùly 1, 2005 at 10:00 a.m. II. The St. Lucie County Centennial Celebration will be held on July 2, 2005 at the St. Lucie County Fairgrounds from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. '-' ....., ANNOUNCEMENTS MAY 24, 2005 PAGE TWO 12.. The Board of County Commissioners, City of Fort Pierce Commission, and the City of Port St. Lucie Council will hold a Joint Meeting on Monday, August 29, 2005 at the City of Fort Pierce Commission Chambers first floor, 100 N. US Hwy. 1, Fort Pierce, Florida 34950 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. II. The Board of County Commissioners will hold a WorRshop with Martin County on Tuesday, August 30, 2005 from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the Martin County Commission Chambers located at 2401 SE Monterey Road, Stuart. ~ ...", ~A, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS "SEt-. ~ COUNTY ~ F .L 0 R I .D A· DOUG COWARD COMMISSIONER May 2, 2005 To Homeowner Association Members: At our last meeting, you asked that Charline and I try and organize speakers for May who could present more information about either the proposed power plant or an update from the County's Public Safety Department regarding preparation for the forthcoming hurricane season. Unfortunately, due to time restraints and scheduling conflicts, we were unable to accomplish this request. We were able to reach Hamilton "Buck" Oven, Program Administrator and Professional Engineer with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) in Tallahassee, and he has agreed to speak at the June 8th meeting. Mr. Oven's areas of expertise are: Energy Facility Siting; Power Plant Siting; Air Pollution Control; Water Pollution Control; Transmission Line Siting; Sanitary Engineering; and, Electric and Magnetic Fields. Weare also in the process of looking for an independent speaker to compliment this regulatory perspective. County staff from the Public Safety Department will also be at the Governor's hurricane conference in Tampa from May 8th through May 13th and therefore unavailable for our next meeting. The Public Safety Director, Jack Southard, has agreed to speak at our July 13th meeting. Instead of canceling the May meeting, Charline and I both felt it would be better to dedicate more time for general discussion. There are several brief presentations on the proposed agenda but the majority ofthe meeting will provide ample opportunity for open dialogue on any topic of interest. This should be an interesting alternative to our more structured meetings of the past. We can then return in June for the Power Plant presentations and July for the Public Safety update. Thank you for your patience in this matter. We look forward to seeing you on May 11th. ;S:~~e~ Dou;¿~rd County Commissioner District 2 r~ "" U j , {""'....'\,... i , r :vt: i >..-..-..... h :newfolderlhoa-Ietter JOSEPH E. SMITH, District No.1. DOUG COWARD, District No.2. PAULA A. LEWIS, District No.:3 . FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, District No.4· CHRIS CRAFT, District NO.5 County Administrator - Douglos M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue. Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 · (772) 462-1412 FAX (772) 462-2131 · TDD (772) 462-1428 www.co.st-Iucie.fl.us '-' "'" PROPERTY & HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION MEETING May]1, 2005,..., 9:00 a.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room 3 AGENDA 1.) Call to Order ~ Commissioner Doug Coward, Chairman » Pledge of Allegiance » Self Introduction of Property & Homeowners Representatives and Members of the Public 2.) Approval of the Minutes of April 13, 2005 3.) St, Lucie County Sheriff's Office Report by Captain Graves or Deputy Gonsalves 4.) Guest Speakers and Topic of Discussion: A.) Linette Trabulsy, Public Information Officer St, Lucie County and Erick Gill, Media Specialist for St. Lucie County will provide an update on St. Lucie County's Centennial Celebration; B.) Melissa Corwell, Mitigation Specialist with the Division of Forestry and Puddin Race, Fire Prevention Coordinator with SLC Fire Dept, will Present a brief video on being "Fire- Wize;" C.) Jody Bonet, Transit Manager and Sandy Gilfillan, Executive Secretary will briefly discuss transit and disaster assistance; D.) Dennis Grim, Code Compliance Manager or his representative, will provide a brief update on building permitting. 5.) Old Business ~ (See attached) 6.) New Business ~ Select (or add) new topic of discussion from priority list for next month's meeting. 7.) Adjournment Please note, the next meeting will be June 8, 2005 ......,. '-' ST. LUCIE COUNTY PROPERTY AND HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Minutes of Meeting April 13, 2005 Convened: 9:00a.m. Adlourned: 11 :OOa.m. This meeting of the Property and Homeowners Association was held Wednesday, April 13, 2005 at 9:00a.m. in Conference Room #3 of the St. Lucie County Administration Annex Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982. MEMBERS PRESENT: Charlie Brown, Indian River Estates Craig Mundt, North Beach Association Bob Bangert, Holiday Pines Homeowners Association Claire Twombly, Tropical Isles Frank Monteleone, Spanish Lakes Country Club Village Charles Grande, Presidents Council of S Hutchinson Island Bill Hammer, PGA Village JoeAnne Severino, Spanish Lakes Fairways Kit Linberger, Palm Grove Jack Cahill, Fort Pierce South Beach Association Barbara Daum' e, Lake Lucie Homeowners Christiane Mollet, Indian River Drive Freeholders Fred Cook, Port St. Lucie HOA Betty Bradwell, Sheraton Plaza HOA Tommy Effend, Harmony Heights HOA Eileen Jenny, River Park HOA Charles Hendley, Paradise Park HOA ALSO PRESENT: Commissioner Doug Coward, District 2 Charline Burgess, Aide to Commissioner Coward Eva O'Donnell, Aide to Commissioner Craft Joseph E. Smith, County Commissioner, District 1 Carin Smith, Aide to Commissioner Smith Barbara Felton, Aide to Commissioner Lewis Frannie Hutchinson, County Commissioner, District 4 Ed Mercado, Information Technology Brian Myszkowski, Information Technology Shane DeWitt, Technical Operations Manager, SLCTV Rachel Scott, Communications Manager for FP&L Barbara Linkiewicz, Environmental Licensing Manager for FP&L -1- ~ ...., (Continued) Nick Blount, External Affairs Manager for FP&L Sheriff Ken Mascara Deputy Gary Gonsalves, St. Lucie County Sheriffs Department Mark Boston, Nettles Island John Ferrick, North Fork Property Owners Jim Reeder, Reporter for the Palm Beach Post Celiemay Payne, Sheraton Plaza JoAnne Molinia, Oakland Park Emily Broxton, Paradise Park CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 9:00AM. Commissioner Coward led the Association in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Homeowners representatives and the public in attendance gave self- introductions. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF MARCH 9, 2005 Charlie Brown moved to approve the minutes of March 9,2005. Bob Bangert seconded the motion and the approval carried unanimously by voice vote with one correction to page 5 at the top, the word "last" should be added. (Correction made) ST. LUCIE COUNTY SHERIFFS REPORT Deputy Gary Gonsalves reported to the group that this there is a special project called "Seniors vs Crime" created by the Florida Attorney General, in partnership with Sheriff Ken Mascara. He said that the main goal of the program is the protection of seniors and to mediate problems and disputes between contractors and the public. He said that if anyone was interested in becoming a member in order to help others, they could visit or call the St. Lucie West Courthouse Annex at 250 NW Country Club Drive in Port St. Lucie, telephone number (772) 871-5350 on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. For further information the website is www.seniorsvscrime.com and flyers were distributed as well. Commissioner Coward introduced Sheriff Mascara and asked if anyone had any questions for him, Jack Cahill mentioned the "dummy" in the Sheriffs car on Seaway Drive. He said that the sand trucks come by at about 10 trips a day, and after about 2 or 3 trips they know that there is a dummy in the car. Sheriff Mascara stated that there is not always a "dummy," and that they have written 53 tickets to dump trucks in the last two weeks. Property & Homeowners Assoc. Meeting April 13, 2005 -2- '-' ...., ITEM 4 - GUEST SPEAKERS AND TOPICS OF DISCUSSION :> Shane DeWitt, St. Lucie County Technical Operations Manager, SLCTV - Update on Media Relations and the St. Lucie County TV website. Mr. DeWitt said that he wanted to inform the group of their monthly informational show, "Inside St. Lucie," and the first show would be about SLCTV and "Video-On-Demand" about the services that SLCTV provides for the residents. He said that they would be doing 24 hour web-streaming and "Video On Demand" in early May. Installation should be completed by April 26th. He said that once that is available anyone can go to the County web-site and there will be a link there, SLCTV, and be able to watch the county government channel 24 hours a day, or it could be watched if they are on live. Bob Bangert asked how they could find the schedule of programs. Mr. De Witt said that if you go to the link SLCTV, everything will be there. He said that if anyone had any questions, that he could be reached at (772)462-1869. :>Ed Mercado, Web master and Brian Myszkowski, Network Operations Manager with St. Lucie County Information Technologies department were available for questions. Mr. Bangert stated that he would like to see a link to the Information Technology Department and their staff members. Commissioner Coward said there is a link to respond back to the webmaster on the county's website. Mr. Mercado stated that he would look into the possibility of providing a contact list and that there is a form on the website that can be filled out and discussion ensued regarding suggestions from Mr. Cahill, Commissioner Coward and Mr. Bangert. :>Nick Blount, External Affairs Manager and Rachel Scott, Communications Manager - Update on the proposed Florida Power and Light Coal Fired Power Plant Mr. Blount stated that he commended the county for putting together such an organization such as this group. He then introduced Rachel Scott and Barbara Linkewicz for the project and turned the floor over to Ms. Scott. Ms. Scott gave an overview and power point presentation on the proposed coal fired power plant. She said that they are at a very preliminary stage in the project and they do plan to have a community open house as the design is developed. She said that because of oil prices going up they needed to Property & Homeowners Assoc. Meeting April 13, 2005 -3- ~ ...." find a cheaper responsible energy source, thus the reason for the nuclear power plant. She said that after the two hurricanes, they are working on ways to get more information out to the public. She said that they are trying to find new ways to address new growth, and one of their priorities is their commitment to environmental issues and looking for new ways to improve their environmental performance. The plant would provide service to 355,000 new houses and businesses. She said that they want to hear what the public has to say and address their concerns, and that time is now. :>Ms. Scott introduced Ms. Barbara Linkiewicz, Licensing Manager for FP&L. Ms. Linkiewicz stated that the plant is being put as far out west as they can get it in the county. She said the project would be clean efficient, reliable and cost effective and targeted for completion in 2012-2013. The proposed site is located within a 3,000 acre site on an approximate 7,000 acre triangular-shaped property in southwest St. Lucie County, bordered by Bluefield Road to the west and the C-23 canal to the east. She said the coal would come from the continental U.S. and other parts of the world. The potential for full time jobs would be 175 to 180. The projected total investment would be $2 to $3 billion and potential tax benefits in the range of approximately $30 million annually. Mr. Cook asked for a photograph of the property so that he would know exactly where the plant is going to be. Commissioner Coward asked whether or not there is a website available where residents can go to links or maps. Ms. Linkiewicz said they are working on a website, which will be ready in the next couple of weeks. The website will be www.fpl.com/swstlucie.com. Mr. Jack Cahill asked at what capacity our current nuclear plant is working at right now? Ms. Scott said that it runs at 100% power most of the time. She said that the reason for the new plant is for additional power in the years 2012 and 2013. She said that FP&L hopes to build a coal powered plant so that they don't become overly reliant on natural gas, oils or fuels. Mr. Cahill asked what the cost of operating the proposed plant would be? Ms. Scott said that she didn't have an exact figure today, but that information would be available soon. She said that coal is cheaper to operate with than nuclear. Mr. Charlie Brown said that he had read that there would be an extra sur-charge on bills for the emulsion plant for the electricity put out to the people. Ms. Scott replied no, but unfortunately right now there are a lot of cost recovery programs that FP&L is involved in before the Public Service Commission, so maybe that was what was in the Property & Homeowners Assoc. Meeting April 13, 2005 -4- '-' ....", paper. She said that they are requesting a $2.00/month surcharge on customer bills to re-coop some of the expenses incurred in last year's hurricanes, and to save for this year's hurricane season. Ms. Linkiewicz stated that the primary cooling water source would be delivered by pipeline from the Martin County power plant reservoir and a supplemental water source would be excess run-off water from the C-23 Canal, rather than the run-off being dumped into the St. Lucie Estuary. She said there would be no impact to county water and wastewater facilities. She said that as always, there are concerns about emissions control. She said they are going to employ the best available emissions control system. We have to meet all of the state, federal and local requirements to protect our lives and the environment as well. She explained the different types of devices that will be used to control the emissions. Mr. Fred Cook asked how long it would take for normal emissions to dissipate into the air before it affects anyone? He said that the normal pattern of wind is west to east. Ms. Scott stated that the smoke stacks would be 600 feet high, to get the emissions dispersed at a very high elevation. These emissions would be monitored very closely by experts that they will hire to follow the emissions i.e. wind direction, etc. Ms. Kit Linberger asked where the coal would come from? Ms. Scott said they are looking at an even split between foreign and domestic brought in by rail. She suggested that for better clarification the group look at the back up information with reports that she provided and discussion ensued. Mr. Charles Grande said that he lives close to the FP&L nuclear plant on Hutchinson Island and that FP&L has been a great neighbor. He said that when we talk about "clean burning coal plants" they are not clean compared to any other type of energy. He said that will be an uphill fight. He said that he would suggest that the commissioners say "not in our back yard." He said that it will take seven years of fighting this and finally winning and wasting all that time, and that there are important things that are going to happen now. Mr. Cahill questioned the amount of taxes that would be brought into the county when there has been fighting in the past five or six years with FP&L over their taxes. In regard to the creation of jobs, he said that during the nuclear power plant creation on the island, most of the jobs provided by FP&L came out of New York. Mr. Frank Monteleone asked if this was the first coal fired plant in the state of Florida? Ms. Scott said there are other plants, in other counties, but this is the first coal plant using this type of pollution control technology. Property & Homeowners Assoc. Meeting April 13, 2005 -5- '-' ......, Mr. Monteleone said that we won't see any of this until the plant is completed. He said that no one will know what the costs are in the seven years it takes to build it. Ms. Scott said that Germany and Japan have used this type of technology and it works. She said it will cost 600 million dollars for the environmental studies to make sure it will work here. Mr. Grande expressed concern about the height of the smoke stacks, how long it takes the emissions to get out of the air and the time it takes to make sure no one is harmed, and discussion ensued. Ms. Scott said that the concept is that the emissions are such that the public health is protected. Mr. Craig Mundt asked whether or not there is a comparison or analysis versus other types of plants. Ms. Scott said that they are in the process of doing that right now. Commissioner Coward asked if that would be done before the Planning and Zoning Commission meet on this? Ms. Scott replied yes, it will be, and that the re-zoning application is ready to be filed in the Planning Department next Friday. She then explained the 2 year permitting process. She said the construction would take about four years, and the plant should be up and running by the year 2013. She said that she would appreciate feed-back from the public and a 1-800 number is being set up. Mr. Bangert expressed his concerns regarding the water supply; one hundred thirty five train car loads of coal every day; and that the proposed plant would be next to the environmentally sensitive Bluefield Ranch and discussion ensued. Mr. Monteleone suggested that since we've heard all of the good things about this plant, that technical people should be brought in as a rebuttal to FP&L's proposal. Commissioner Coward stated he would try to do as the group asked. He said that at this time he is skeptical about the plant, but is willing to hear and look at all of the information brought before him. He said that he would much rather see a plant in the most western part ofthe county that the eleven grouped together that have tried to come in. He said that you have to be realistic, they could build this in Okeechobee County where we would get the pollution and they would get the economic benefits. (He referred to the new power plant going in on the Indian River Co.! St. Lucie Co. line.) Commissioner Joe Smith addressed the group. He stated that this is really the first in-depth opportunity he has had to see what you're seeing. He said that he would like to know how it works in Germany and Japan. He said that there are technologies today that we thought were horrible when they began, for instance the nuclear plant on Hutchinson Island, but that worked out. He said that he would like to continue to be educated in order to make an educated and informed decision, but right now he doesn't have all the facts. Property & Homeowners Assoc. Meeting April 13, 2005 -6- '-' '...I Ms. Scott said that they are not trying to sell this, but they do have a responsibility to their customers, thus the reason for these meetings with her to share your concerns. She also gave an update on the spent fuel from the nuclear plant and what FP&L needs to do as they are running out of space to store the fuel. Ms. Scott asked that anyone wishing to send in the questionnaire forms please fax to her at (561) 694-4718 or call (561) 694-3682 for an appointment for her to come out and speak to their organizations. ITEM 4 - OLD BUSINESS Mr. Brown mentioned the document provided by Mr. Cahill, and stated that the proposed summary of development for St. Lucie County was a shock! Commissioner Coward stated that staff has put together a map of all of the residential projects that have been approved or pending in St. Lucie County, and it is staggering! He said the count is 78,000 homes, 53,000 of which are in Port St. Lucie, so there are some tremendous issues related to diversify the tax base, our ability to provide services for schools, police and fire. These are tremendously important issues. He said that we are one of the fastest growing areas in the nation and if we don't tackle growth management issues right now, we are going to get buried just like south Florida. Ms. JoeAnne Severino stated that residents are still having problems with hurricane damage issues; fighting with the contractors, the insurance companies, and even their landlords. Commissioner Coward stated that the Board of County Commissioners are trying to help in every way that they can to control growth and staying involved with the pending issues that are still out there caused by the hurricanes. Ms. Barbara Daum'e said that they are having problems with renters in Villages of Lake Lucie and asked if any of the members could give her information on Renter's guidelines within Homeowner Associations? Mr. Mundt said that he could help her by bringing the information to the next meeting. Commissioner Coward asked if anyone had any further questions for Commissioner Smith? Ms. Betty Bradwell asked Commissioner Smith when the sign is going to be put back up for the Sheraton Plaza entrance on 25th Street? Commissioner Smith said that he would check into it. Property & Homeowners Assoc. Meeting April 13, 2005 -7- '-' ...." Mr. Cahill reported that the county lifeguards are parking their trucks up on the dune lines on South Beach, and that he has called and nothing is being done about it. Mr. Mundt told Mr. Cahill that he had a meeting scheduled with the sheriff that afternoon to discuss the same thing on North Beach and that he would mention his concerns to him. ITEM 6 ~ NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Coward asked the group for their direction on topics of discussion for next month's meeting. He mentioned that Melissa Corwell, Division of Forestry and Nate Spera, St. Lucie Co. Fire Department wants to come and give a brief presentation on being "fire-wize." We also have a request from Linnette Trabulsky, Public Information Officer to bring in some information on the county's centennial celebration. He asked the group if they wanted to continue with the coal plant and try to line up a speaker for next month to answer all their questions. It was the consensus of the group to bring back a speaker on the FP&L coal plant to answer their questions. Commissioner Coward said that he would do his best to get an expert in. Ms. Kit Linberger said that since hurricane season is nearly on us again, that in the near future we should be looking at the hurricane shelter situation. Commissioner Coward agreed with her, he said that is very important. He said that there are still outstanding issues with the civic center, so until those issues are resolved it would be hard to have a meaningful conversation on that topic. He said that it remains a priority, but with the shelters and the hurricane season forthcoming that is timely and important as well. He said that he would like to bring in our Emergency Management Experts to give a detailed description about what the immediate and long term plans are regarding hurricane and special needs shelters. He said that would be a good topic to fall back on in case finding an expert on coal plants falls through. It was suggested that Emergency Management staff could be brought in at next month's meeting, just in case Commissioner Coward is unable to get an expert on the coal fired plant and when they come in have a listing ready of the locations so that the group can take it back to their associations. Mr. Bill Hammer suggested a list of resources be made available to the public for hurricane shutters, generators, etc. Commissioner Coward agreed. He said he had thought about some type of presentation from our local channel just giving out basic information like that and discussion ensued. Property & Homeowners Assoc. Meeting April 13, 2005 -8- '-" 'wi ADJOURNMENT Having no further business to discuss, Commissioner Coward thanked the group for their attendance, and for the new faces that he saw here today and adjourned the meeting at 11 :00 a.m. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE HELD WEDNESDAY, MAY 11,2005 AT 9:00 A.M. H:wp\NewFolder\April-13-HOA-minutes Property & Homeowners Assoc. Meeting April 13, 2005 -9- - F=PL. '-' ...., SOUTHWEST ST. LUCIE POWER PROJECT March 2005 Background: FPL is considering building an advanced technology coal power plant to meet future growth in electricity demand and to address the need to diversify fuels. The project would be clean, efficient, reliable and cost effective and targeted for completion in 2012-2013. Following are highlights of the project: Proposed site: · Located within a 3,000 acre site on an approximately 7000-acre, triangular-shaped property in southwest St. Lucie County, bordered by Bluefield Road to the west and the C-23 canal to the east Plant design: · Consisting of two units capable of producing 850 megawatts each of electricity · Utilizing advanced coal technology that's clean, efficient, reliable and cost effective o The advanced technology is called supercritical pulverized coal o Coal is first pulverized to improve its burn efficiency o Then it is burned to heat water to create steam o After which the steam is used to drive a steam turbine and electric generator which produces electricity Water Source Options: · Primary cooling water source would be delivered by pipeline from the Martin power plant reservoir · Supplemental water source would be excess storm water runoff from C-23 canal · Discussion with SFWMD is ongoing regarding other potential sources such as future reservoirs and/or other groundwater options State-of-the art environmental emission controls: · Wet flue gas desulfurization would remove sulfur dioxide (scrubber) · Baghouse or dry electrostatic precipitator would remove particulates (ESP) · Wet electrostatic precipitator would remove fine particulates (wet ESP) · Each of the above emission controls would also remove mercury · Selective catalytic reduction would remove nitrogen oxide (SCR - similar to automobile emission controls called selective catalytic converters) Fuel supply proposal: · Coal would come from continental US and other parts of the world · Plant could use a percentage of up to 20% petroleum coke (a by product of oil refining process) · Fuel supply would arrive at site by rail Recycled by products and down stream business opportunities: . Ash that forms during combustion could be used for cement and asphalt production . Gypsum from scrubber could be used for wallboard manufacturing or cement production Socioeconomic Benefits: · Potential for full time jobs in the range of 175 to 180 · Projected total investment of approximately $2 to $3 billion · Potential tax benefits in the range of approximately $30 million annually · No impact to county water and wastewater facilities · Storm water runoff from C-23 can be utilized at site as a supplemental water source rather than discharged to St. Lucie Estuary ~ '....I Doug Coward - F.P.&L Open House w/exhibits From: Date: Time: Subject: Place: 5/19/2005 '*' 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM F.P.&L Open House w/exhibits I S.L.C. Fairgrounds ".v_~<~""__,_,.~__,__"",,,u__~~. ~,-----_.~~---~,.,>-'"~.,-------~_...._-«.~_. Rachel Scott ug Cow~r,d -. ê()ar,d"yvorkshóe Orlthe f'JP.W ~!,&L. PÇ>wer Plan,! '-' From: To: Date: Time: Subject: Place: Missy Stiadle Agenda Mon, May 23, 2005 V 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Board Workshop on the New FP&L Power Plant V"'. County Commission Chambers P \J ryr ~ -.....I May 11,2005 ITEM 5- OLD BUSINESS To: Commissioner Doug Coward HOA members From: Charline Burgess, Ex. Aide At the April 13th meeting ofthe HOA, the following items were reported or questions asked: (Back-up is provided as well) A) Ms. Barbara Daum'e asked for renter's guidelines within HOA Associations Answer - Mr. Craig Mundt said he could provide her with the documents. B.) Mr. Jack Cahill reported that lifeguards are parking their trucks on the sand dunes on South Hutchinson Island. Answer - I reported this to Public Safety. Attached is an e-mail response from Jack Southard, Public Safety Director C.) Ms Betty Bradwell asked when the Sheraton Plaza sign would be replaced at the entrance of their community and 25th Street. Answer - Commissioner Smith's office handled this one. I've attached back-up documentationfrom Ms. Carin Smith, Scott Herring and a letter from FDOT to Mr. Herring regarding the replacement of the sign. D.) Ms. JoeAnne Severino said that the hurricane related problems with insurance companies and contractors still have not been resolved within her community of Spanish Lakes Fairways. Answer - Commissioner Coward met with Ms. Severino. Ms. Severino then met with the new HOA president of Spanish Lakes Fairways and together they are going to try and get the problems solved. .> NOTE: THE DRAFT COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS FOR THE NORTH COUNTY CHARRETTE ARE NOW ON LINE@ WWW.TCRPC.ORG or www.CO.ST-LUCIE.FL.US under Growth Management click on link North County Charrette. 'w' 'wi rf]td~-~ If> Charline Burgess - Re: Lifeguards parking on the dunes From: To: Date: Subject: cc: Jack Southard Burgess , Charline 4/20/20057:46 AM Re: Lifeguards parking on the dunes Char; Ritchie, Andrew ~"---~----,-"""-----'''"_._'-~'<~,.,,..,,-< ''',---~-"-.''''-~-----.,.,.-~,,------''''"'''.~--~~--«~,,.''''''''.''',..,-''~_.~ Good Morning Charline, Andy Ritchie called you back he is the Marine Safety Coordinator, I have gone out there with him and in no way are they parking on the dunes, plus they would know better, but to put a stop to this I will have them park else where. They do ride the 4 wheeler on the beach and do have DEP permission to do so as emergency vehicles. Thanks Jack »> Charline Burgess 04/19/054:01 PM »> Hi Jack, I had a call about this a week or so ago from Mr. Jack Cahill saying that the lifeguards are ruining the dunes. Someone from your office called me back, but I don't remember who, or what the explanation was. Since this was reported again in the homeowners meeting by Mr. Cahill last Wed., could you please have someone e-mail me a response to his complaint so that I can include it in the HOA packet when they go out. Thank you, Charline Burgess Executive Aide to Commissioner Doug Coward Phone (772) 462-1412 Fax (772) 462-2131 e-mail cburgess(éi)co.st-lucie.fI.us P tLl£~-~ (! From: To: Date: Subject: Scott Herring Smith, Carin 4/13/05 11 :38:AM Re: Sheraton Plaza sign Carin, If this sign was removed during the widening of 25th Street, that was a project done by the Florida Dept. of Transportation. I have a copy of a letter I got from FOOT concerning this issue back in 2002, I would be more than happy to fax or send via interoffice mail this letter which basically states that the FOOT isn't going to do anything, Hope this helps and let me know how you would like this letter sent to you! Scott >>> Carin Smith 04/13/05 11 :23 AM >>> Scott, During today's Property and Homeowners Association meeting, Betty Bradwell, the HOA President for Sheraton Plaza, asked if there has been any progress in replacing the sign that used to greet people as they entered the neighborhood from 25th Street. She says the sign was removed during the widening of 25th, and has not yet been replaced. Can you please look into this and advise? Thank you.., Carin Smith, Executive Aide Joseph E. Smith District 1 St. Lucie County Board of Commissioners 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 (772) 462-1410 cc: Burgess, Charline; Don West; Felton, Barbara; Martin, Liz; O'Donnell, Eva ~ atr~ U~/i~/U~ iq;l~ IbL {1,qa"~D~ ;)L\.. 1(V¡\lJO¡j1( 1 lJ\;d..>i< I(,JUo! '-" "wi ~- l.. ~ -:- ," . '.y 1-,.. , -..:. .,..........~ ~"...t-"f:oo lED BUSH GOVERNOR ~ Horida Department of Transportation FORT PIE~CE CONSTRUCTION 3601 Oleander Avenue. Fort Pierce. FL 34982-6594 Telephone (772) 489-7072; SC 223-1072 Toll free; 1-800-300-8238 Fax (772) .s7-3165: SC 2.0-31155 U' It,,,,,,.. I:.,~ , -'(:{...¿, THOMAS F. lARRY, JR. SECRf.,TARY 11/28/02 Scott Herring, P .E. Road and Bridge Manager Public Works Department, St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Ave. Ft. P ¡eree, FL 34946 Re: SR 615, 25th Street Improvement Project from SR 5 (US·1) to Avenue" Q" Sign for Sheraton Plaza Dear Mr. Hening: Thank you for your letter dated 11/13/02 soliciting input on the replacement of the above referenced sign. We will contact Ms. McGriff as you suggested, but I thought it appropriate to make you aware of the Departments position on this issue. In my staffs researching of the contract, we could find no mention or reference to the above subject sign replacement. The contract simply called for removal of the sign, since it was an encroachment of our RJW and was in an area necessary for the construction improvements. Conversations with the project persolUlel yielded I10 information as to commitments made for the replacement of the sign. Please be aware that this project has been complete for about two years, and this is the first time we have heard anything about this sign. Our propcrt)' management group in the District had no record of any commitments made to replace the sign. Generally speaking. during the R/W acquisition phase, if commitments are made to affected parties, those are done in writing, and incJuded in the contract package for prosecution by the construction group. Without written infonnation that was generated by the Department or its agents, we cannot accommodate Ms. McGriffs request. If you have any questions or wish to discuss this issue further, please call me at (772) 465-7396. S {O11- þA"õ AI· Turk, P .E. Resi nt Operations Engineer orida Department of Transportation ly, CD RECVCLEO PAPEO¡ R:\DENTI\25 sf sign.doc: www.dot.state.fl.us -----. ....., ....., ITEM :- NEW BUSINESS May 11, 2005 Commissioner Coward and HOA representatives: New order of speakers and topics of discussion that were requested at the April meeting. 1.) An update on the Civic Center (information will not be available for another couple of months.) 2.) Hurricane Awareness & Emergency Shelters in St. Lucie County (Public Safety can address these issues at the July 13th HOA meeting) 3.) Temporary Housing (there will be a workshop with the BOCC 6/6/05 at 9 a.m.) 4.) Rebuilding of Roads and Swales 5.) Update on new codes for billboards and political signs 6.) Building Official to speak regarding concurrency fees Thanks, Charline H:wp/HOA -topics&speakers 'w' -.",; FYI PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Commissioner Paula Lewis ill~©~ITW~~ APR 2 2 2005 & FROM: Don West, Pnblic Works Directo~t~· SUBJECT: Entrada Avenue Landscaping Project Status Report DATE: April 19, 2005 ------------------------------------ The design plans for the Entrada Landscaping Project are 1000/0 completed and all of the necessary permits are in hand. Bid documents and contract specification have not been prepared yet, pending resolution of construction funding. The Entrada Project provides for landscaping improvements to be placed between U.S. Hwy No.1 and Entrada Avenue, within the median area. The Project limits extend from Rio Mar Drive to Banyan Drive. Additionally, a landscaped median will be constructed on Rio Mar Drive, between the limits of Beach Avenue and U.S. Hwy 1. A sprinkler system will be installed using wells as a source of irrigation water. Concrete curbing will be placed along the outer perimeter of the landscape medians. In 2001, County Staff applied for a Transportation Enhancement Grant through the Florida Department of Transportation, and was unsuccessful. The grant was applied for again in 2003, and received approval. The total Project cost is estimated at $266,700, with the FDOT grant providing for 55% of the total funding (at $147,000). The County will need to provide the additional $119s700 in matching funds. Currently, we are working with FDOT to finalize the grant agreement and resolve the funding issue. The FDOT grant agreement will be approved by the Board of County Commissioners within the next 30 days, then it will be forwarded to FDOT for execution. Currently, the County has sufficient funds available in the 2005 Transportation Capital Budget, in the amount of $120,000 to provide the matching funds. ~ .." Funding reimbursement from FDOT will occur in FDOT Fiscal Year 2007, beginning July 1,2006. Assuming the FDOT Grant Agreement is approved and executed by June 2005, the County should be able to advertise the Project for construction bids this summer. This would allow for construction to commence in early 2006. Presently, the County Public works Staff is not in a position to start new construction projects until 2006. Our entire staff is still consumed with Hurricane Restoration Projects at this time Dbw/sd C: Board of County Commissioners Doug Anderson, County Administrator Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Mike Powley, County Engineer Craig Hauschild, Capital Proj ects Engineer JerI Buller t';f11 1) Zora Fest! to celebrate author~s life Zora Fest! honoring writer and an- thropologist lora Neale Hurston is}Æay 13- )..5 in Fort P~ but there are some wann-uP events not to miss. The festival, which celebrates the life of the famous Harlem Renaissance writ- er who .died in Fort Pierce in 1960, will include all the things she loved: books, jazz, art,drcnna, flowers, African history, fancy hats, .martinis and more. On May, 12 the Women with Words Book Club will have a cocktail reception and a book review of Hurston's autobiog- raphy Dust Tracks on a Road. The review, hosted by Marjorie Cook-HarreU·at the Fort Pierce Yacht Club, will be a good intro- duction to the festival and into·the ex- traordinary life of a woman whose work is studied and enjoyed all over the world. Hors d'oeuvres and martinis will be served at 4:30 p.m., followed by the dis- cussion of Hurston's life. The event is free, but the planners would appreciate reservations. Call Sere- na Knight, (772) 323-4021. The Fort Pierce Yacht Club is at 700 N. Indian River Drive just south of South Bridge. Copies of Dust Tracks on a Road can be purchased at the Hurston Branch li- brary, which celebrates its reopening at 11 a.m. today. The library at 3008 Ave- nue D in Fort Pierce has been closed since last September's hurricanes. See BUTLER, 5E ~ '...I FY·I. Storm-damaged library to reopen ~ BUTLER from 1E The staff will give tours of the upgraded facility and refreshments will be served: Hurston's autobiog- raphy IS also available at Signature Salon in downtown Fort Pierce. Following the book re- view on May 12, there will be a a free jazz concert by the Fort Pierce Jazz So- cIety from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Fort Pierce Community Center, which is next door to the yacht club. For other events . p~anned for Zora Fest! at Lincoln Park Academy and o~er venues in Fort PIerce, call Vickie Straeffer at the St. Lucie County Cul- tural Affairs Council (772) 462-1767. ' Students to sing . She's hoping for four Willners when her students from Port St. Lucie com- pete on Saturday at Sun- Fest in West Palm Beach. . ~inda Shepherd, of the sillgill~ duo Shepherd 'n Green, IS also a voice coach and her students Shelby , Trelger, 12, Ashley Nlcolau, Hurston 13, Meghan Denise Church 13, and Holly Clickner 17 ' perform in the SunF~st idol Competition from 2 to 3'30 p.m. at the riverfront fe~ti- val. Semi-finalists return Sunday at 1:30 p.m. for the final competition. 'They're all outstanding v~calists but if they don't Win, they'll take it well " ~~d Shep~erd. "They Ìmow It s a steppmg stone and a chance to perform." On the way up Another young singer on her way to stardom is J~mle TaUes, 11, of Fort PIerce. If you saw her perfor- manc~ 0,n Sunday evening's Amenca s Most Talented Kids on PAX, you know. She sang Wynonna Judd's hit Stuck in Love with style, per- fect pItch and power. Talles came in second out of seven perfonners b.arely losing to a teenage sI~ger, and handled it all ~thgrace. You'll be hear- mg more about Talles, To share your news about peo- ple or events on the Treasure Coast, callJeri at 223-3552 e-mail her at ' jeri, _butler@pbpost.com, or write her at The Palm Beach Post, 2101 S. Ktlnner High- way, Stuart, F7a. 34994 Please include any phot~s. .4...!þ,""" . ."I':':';:;"~::'.,t·_ ' .~. ...,..... ·,'_.~\.,Iii., ~.;\)';,' .'~.."';~.~. .,. 41···· -, .,«~.. :ê . i :':1: t..'\.....' .... ..... .... .1 ~",.. ." ~Ò ~~~-, ~ ~ <:u ..¡,., ~ ''3: ..tt. ' .... :0 t: ':.1' 0 . u... .... ~"'áKîé ~ ~;' "('~ " ...... ~,~ U ,)-~., .~ ï:::: t::S ëS . . ~ (1) ~ (1) £3 (1) ~ ~. Q "C ~ = = ~ ~. r:I.:I ,.. ~ .. = ~ ~ -. ..... ~ ~ . ...., e ~ ~ e ... ;. U ~ d) .~ oS ::> .~ O_ S ~ .- bO bt:: 2 ·a ~ ..... S 0 r:Ij CD .ª ~ tf. ..., o 0 tf. I-< ..s::: I-< CD ¡:: d) ..g tf. oS ¡:;¡ I-t 0 CD 0 ~ S ï3 0 r:Ij CD t:: tf. 0 CD ~ ..... 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CI) CI) ~ p.. - > 0) - U I-< bl} bO :> ~ Q) :> tñ I-t cE () I-< "d ... 0 .- U ..... ê - ... CI) .s - ~ "d I-< bO 0\ 0 as - Q) ..... ;.... Q) ã ct.i U tI:S ..D 0 ..... tI:S rp r/) tE ~ CI) ..... :> :> ""0 "d r/) CI) 00 -:S ro I-< J3 U I-t ..c Q) 0 I-< () 1a - Q) ..... C .- r/) 0\ ~ "d Q) ..... ..... Q) C 0 :> ~ CI) > 9 ü tI:S ..- ~ ""0 t1.I - 1a = "d CI) 0.. Q) ~ 6 tI) 0 ~ 0 ü Q) t1.I ã tI:S Q) Q) ..c tZ) tI:S ;.... S I-t ;:j - s::: tI:S ~ .c ..... < ~ c:; ..c 0.. 0.. 0 r/) ~ ...... - r/) r/) ..... ~ ..... ..... '. '-" ....." St. Lucie County Property & Homeowners Association Meeting Agenda I tí J{ ,~ ~ April 14, 2004, 9:00 AM Conference Room #3 1. Call to order - Commissioner John Bruhn, Chairman · Pledge of Allegiance 2. Introductions 3. Approval of minutes (March 10, 2004) 4. Old Business (Please see Packets) 5. New Business 6. St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office Report 7. Guest Speakers · Jim McCann · Jack Southard: Hurricane Season Preparation 8. Adjournment Please note: The next meeting will be May 12. 2004. at 9:00 AM '. '-" ~ ST. LUCIE COUNTY PROPERTY AND HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Minutes of Meeting March 10, 2004 Convened: 9:05a.m. Adjourned: 11 :25a.m. This meeting of the Property and Homeowners Association was held Wednesday, March 10, 2004 at 9:05a.m. in the County Commission Chambers in the Administration Annex Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Bangert, Holiday Pines Charlie Brown, Indian River Estates Charles Grande, President's Council of S Hutchinson Island Frank Guarascio, Villas of Sandpiper Bay Victor Post, Nettles Island Peggy Horrigan, Tropical Isles Homeowners Association Sonny Jamieson, Savanna Club Homeowners Association Shirley Burlingham, North Beach Homeowners Association Nancy Spalding, Coral Cove Beach Homeowners Association Bill Hammer, The Reserve Homeowners Association Kit Linberger, Palm Grove Homeowners Association Roger Sharp, Indian River Drive Freeholders Val Scorse, River Park Homeowners Association JoeAnne Severino, Spanish Lakes Fairways Homeowners Association ALSO PRESENT: Commissioner John Bruhn, District 1 Ja'net Pentz, Aide to Commissioner Bruhn Eva Luna, Aide to Commissioner Barnes Liz Martin, Aide to Commissioner Hutchinson Dennis Murphy, S1. Lucie County Community Development Mike Powley, S1. Lucie County Public Works Department Ken Jackson, Kimley Horne and Associates Jose Velarde, Florida Department of Transportation Rick Mitinger, Florida Department of Transportation Captain Graves, Sheriff's Department Tom Linberger, Palm Grove Homeowners Association Joanne Davie, Palm Grove Homeowners Association Winston Shelton, Parks Edge Property Homeowners Association Helen Murtha, Savanna Club Emil Murtha Savanna Club Joan Zurn William Madden, Savanna Club Catherine Madden, Savanna Club 1 " ~ """'" John Ferrick, North Fork Property Homeowners Association Kathryne Leavy, St. Lucie Country Club Village Tony Krawczyk, Savanna Club Faye Erlandson, Savanna Club Eleanor Gormly, Savanna Club Bill Alsfeld, Savanna Club L. Gnigliano, The Grove Bill Spreitzer, Tropical Isles Buster Scorse, River Park Homeowners Association Ernest J. Menyhart, Savanna Club Kathy Thornton, Savanna Club John Puglianes, The Grove Paul Himmelsbach, Lake Lucie Delores Interlicchio, Palm Grove Frank Interlicchio, Palm Grove Barbara Stark, Palm Grove Anthony Melezlo, Palm Grove May Federman, Palm Grove Anne Persandi, Palm Grove Shirley Dorsey, Savanna Club Paul Bongo, Palm Grove Elizabeth Bongo, Palm Grove Evelyn Spreitzer, Tropical Isles Lynda Hugill, Palm Grove Tom Hugill, Palm Grove Jim Wilkins, Palm Grove Fernand Albert, Palm Grove Laverne Curtis, Palm Grove Mary Adams, Palm Grove Bob Gluck, Savanna Club Joel Jeffrey, Savanna Club Joe Weismanital, The Grove Dave Dewitt, Indian River Estates Homeowners Association Andrew Stark, Palm Grove Herbert Schover Corinn Schover Dick Beck Joan Beck Otto Hein Laureen Lenhart Ken Kenhart Ron Desmond Robert Mello, Tropical Isles Vincent Baia, Tropical Isles Norton Field, Ocean Resorts 2 ~ ......, Francis Winter, Lakewood Park Rae Imprescia, Tropical Isles Mary Lindy, Tropical Isles John Lindy, Tropical Isles Jan Urso, Tropical Isles Betty Crume, Tropical Isles Gerol Novak, Tropical Isles Joan Parbus, Tropical Isles Vince Wisdo, Palm Grove Marion Wisdo, Palm Grove Robert Simons, Mystic Pines Homeowners Association Albert Dipalma, Palm Grove John Frankenfield, Savanna Club Homeowners Association Patricia Veatch, Lake Lucie Homeowners Association Ginny Young Harry Young Wesley Klimmek, Palm Grove Dorothy Klimmek, Palm Grove Loretta Salsa no, Palm Grove Joe Gotsens, Palm Grove Carol Gotsens, Palm Grove Marie Scioscia, Palm Grove Janice Raasch, Tropical Isles Ronald Raasch, Tropical Isles Everett Terrio, Tropical Isles Anne Jensen, Tropical Isles Claire Twombly, Tropical Isles Mark Boston, Nettles Island Homeowners Association Vic Post, Nettles Island Homeowners Association Emily Grande, South Hutchinson Island John Gallagher, Tradition Homeowners Association Angela Huff, Recording Secretary 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. and the Association was lead in the Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner John Bruhn. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBURARY 11, 2004 A motion was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting held February 11, 2004. The motion was carried unanimously by voice vote. 3. OLD BUSINESS 3 '. ~ """'" A packet was distributed by Commissioner Bruhn's office in order to discuss old business. 4. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business discussed. Instead, the guest speakers were introduced and discussion ensued. 5. ST. LUCIE COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE REPORT Captain Graves reported that the St. Lucie County Fair went well. He asked that anyone . having questions or concerns see him after the meeting. 6. GUEST SPEAKERS: DENNIS MURPHY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Dennis Murphy spoke about the following topics: The Midway Road Corridor, concurrency, traffic circle improvements, and the Savanna Club intersection status update, Mr. Murphy stated that the County is in the process of some kind of change between U.S,1 and 25th Street. He explained that the change could be nothing, an improved two lane road or a four lane road. Mr. Murphy stated that the time it takes for a road project is anywhere from seven to fourteen years. He explained the reasons for this amount of time are paperwork and funding. Mr. Murphy spoke about the intersection of Glades Cut-off and Midway Road. He stated that those improvements should be completed by Mayor June of this year. These road improvements are to accommodate the Wal-Mart Distribution Center which will be completed and operating in September of this year. Mr. Murphy spoke about the County's relationship with The Florida Department of Transportation. He stated that the relationship is good. Mr. Murphy spoke about the Metropolitan Planning Organization (M.P.O.) and what their duties include, Mr. Murphy spoke about traffic circle improvements status at Reserve Circle. He stated that there is not a plan to remove the circle. The County is working with the developers of St. Lucie West to get a permit from Department of Transportation to make it safer for people driving around Reserve Circle. He explained that when the road is widened the turning movement through that intersection for Westbound to Northbound maneuvers will be re-evaluated to be more effective. 4 '-" ...." Bill Hammer asked if there will be a deceleration and acceleration lane for that right turn in, right turn out movement. Mr. Murphy responded that there will not be an acceleration lane, but there will be a turning lane. Mr. Murphy spoke about Savanna Club and U.S.1. He explained that there is a permit pending with Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) to allow for a double left turn lane to go southbound. He stated that even though there will be traffic impacts, the County will do its best to monitor it. Mr. Murphy then addressed any questions from the audience about Midway Road and 25th Street, Midway Road and Selvitz Road, the turnpike, The M.P.O., emergency management concerns, and traffic problems. JOSE VELARDE: FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RICK MITINGER: FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION KEN JACKSON: KIMLEY HORNE AND ASSOCIATES Jose Velarde spoke about the need for a signalized intersection at Sunshine Blvd. and Tropical Isles. He stated that FOOT has done traffic counts at both areas and the counts did not warrant it. Rick Mitinger spoke about traffic signals. He explained that in order to warrant a traffic signal there has to be at least 200 cars per hour for eight hours. He stated that according to FOOT's traffic counts, there are not enough cars per hour. Bob Bangert asked why the traffic counts are not done any other time except January, February or March. Mr. Mitinger explained that traffic counts have been done at different months during the year and on different days throughout the week. He stated that FOOT will do anything it takes to make driving conditions safe. He suggested FOOT making a signalized u-turn. A citizen expressed her concern about the traffic from the businesses around Tropical Isles, Bill Hammer suggested that law enforcement could help curtail many potential accidents. Several citizens expressed concern for the need for a signal light outside of Tropical Isles and Palm Grove. Mr. Velarde replied that according to FOOT traffic studies, no traffic light is warranted at this time, but it will be re-evaluated in the future. Discussion ensued. Ken Jackson spoke about access management standards. These standards are set by 5 1; '-' ....., the FDOT and cannot be deviated from. He also stated that according to statistics, more accidents occur at traffic signals; although the accidents are less severe. Mr. Jackson explained that the department is committed to making the roads safe and traffic flow better. Mike Powley spoke about Lennard Road. He stated that it will take approximately seven to ten years to complete the project. He explained that the County would have to determine if Lennard Road is justified to tie into U.S.1 and how that is going to affect Easy Street. A citizen asked about the study on traffic and speed on Kings Highway from Indrio North being completed. Mr. Powley responded that no one is working on that project. He stated that the County is undergoing a North County Charrette and staff is anxiously awaiting the results because it will guide them on how the North County should or should not be developed. Indrio Road will be a part of this. 7. ADJOURNMENT Having no other business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 11 :25 a.m. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 2004 AT 9:00A.M. frs~¡:tfU~tt[t .~~ "Äri9~la gff ~ Office Assistant II 6 '-' PRESS/PUBLIC "wÌ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS '§!f~' COUNTY FLORIDA '\;.. . /ji¿~ DOUG COWARD COMMISSIONER March 3,2005 FROM: Property and Homeowners Representatives Charline BUrge~ Executive Aide TO: NOTICE: At the February 9th Homeowners meeting, Commissioner Coward stated that the March 9th meeting would be held in Growth Management's conference room and possibly a tour of the department. After looking at the room, I feel it is too small for this group and there is no recording equipment available, so the meeting will be held in Conference room 3 on the third floor as usual. If you would like to tour Growth Management at some point in time, please let me know and I will arrange it with Mr. Ed Cox, Growth Management Director. Thank you. JOSEPH E. SMITH, District No.1. DOUG COWARD, District No.2. PAULA A. LEWIS. District No.3· FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, District No.4· CHRIS CRAFT, District NO.5 County Administrator - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue. Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 · (772) 462-1412 FAX (772) 462-2131 · TDD (772) 462-1428 www.co.st-Iucie.fl.us ~ ....., PROPERTY & HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION MEETING µo.rCÝ\JfèD,.....,. 9, 2005,..., 9:00 a.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room 3 AGENDA 1.) Call to Order ~ Commissioner Doug Coward, Chairman .» Pledge of Allegiance .» Self Introduction of Property & Homeowners Representatives and Members of the Public 2.) Approval of the Minutes of February 9,2005 3.) St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office Report by Captain Graves 4.) Guest Speakers and Topic of Discussion: A.) Marcela Camplor, Urban Design Coordinator with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council B.) Michael Brillhart, Special Projects Manager with St. Lucie County C.) Ed Cox, Growth Management Director D.) David Kelly, Planning Manager .» Update on the North County Charrette 5.) Old Business ~ Discussion on ways to make government more "user-friendly" .» Ed Mercado, Webmaster for Information Technologies will be available for any questions the members might have regarding the County web page 6.) New Business ~ Select (or add) new topic of discussion from priority list for next month's meeting 7.) Adjournment Please note. the next meeting will be April]3. 2005 W' 'wi ST. LUCIE COUNTY PROPERTY AND HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Minutes of Meeting February 9, 2005 Convened: 9:00a.m. Adlourned: 11 :50a.m. This meeting of the Property and Homeowners Association was held Wednesday, February 9, 2005 at 9:00a.m. in Conference Room #3 of the St. Lucie County Administration Annex Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982. MEMBERS PRESENT: Charlie Brown, Indian River Estates Craig Mundt, North Beach Homeowners Association Bob Bangert, Holiday Pines Homeowners Association Claire Twombly, Tropical Isles Frank Monteleone, Spanish Lakes Country Club Village Shirley Bulingham, Ocean Resorts Charles Grande, Presidents Council of S Hutchinson Island Bill Hammer, PGA Village JoeAnne Severino, Spanish Lakes Fairways Julie Orben, Lakewood Park Jack Cayhill, South Beach Peg Horrigan, Tropical Isles ALSO PRESENT: Commissioner Doug Coward, District 2 Charline Burgess, Aide to Commissioner Coward Commissioner Joe Smith, District 1 Carin Smith, Aide to Commissioner Smith Eva 0' donnell, Aide to Commissioner Craft Cheri Fitgerald, St. Lucie County MPO Scott Herring, St. Lucie County Road Department Karen Butcher, St. Lucie County Growth Management Jody Bonet, St. Lucie County Transit Manager Craig Hauschild, St. Lucie County Engineering Staci Miller, Florida Department of Transportation Jeff Mulis, Kimley-Horn and Associates Captain Graves, St. Lucie County Sheriff s Department Jan Urso, Tropical Isles Joan Rogers, Tropical Isles Mark Boston, Nettles Island 1 '-' ...",.¡ CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 9:05AM. The Association was lead in the Pledge of Alligience by Commissioner Coward. The Homeowners' representatives and the public in attendance gave self-introductions. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 12,2005 Bob Bangert moved to approve the minutes of January 12, 2005. Charlie Brown seconded the motion and the approval carried unanimously by voice vote. ST LUCIE COUNTY SHERIFFS REPORT Captain Graves spoke about the newspaper article regarding the president cutting grants for law enforcement. The group discussed some suggestions for solutions as to the representative to contact. Commission Coward stated that he would like Captain Graves to provide some Fact sheets to follow up. GUEST SPEAKERS AND TOPICS OF DISCUSSION TRANSPORT AION ISSUES CHERI FIZGERALD, MPO SUPERVISOR LENNARD ROAD JEFF MULLIS, P.E., KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOC'S CRAIG HAUSCHILD, ST. LUCIE CO ENGINEERING OVERVIEW ON TRAFFIC LIGHTS SCOTT HERRING, ST. LUCIE CO ROAD AND BRIDGE STACl MILLER, FL DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION BIKE/PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES KAREN BUTCHER, ST. LUCIE CO GROWTH MNGT. NEW FIXED ROUTE SYSTEM JODY BONET, TRANIT MANAGER ST. LUCIE CO. Commissioner Coward introduced Cheri Fitzgerald. Ms. Fitzgerald introduced herself and spoke about the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). She gave a brief overview explaining that the MPO provides input to the Department of Transportation. Ms. Fitzgerald told the group that the MPO's major projects are long range plan and the transportation improvement program. She explained that the MPO has a Technical Advisory Committee. This is a sub committee of the MPO made up of engineers, planners and Department of Environmental Protection, and the 2 ~ 'wi school board. Another sub-committee of the MPO is the Citizens Advisory Committee which is comprised of citizens from around St. Lucie County. Ms. Fitzgerald stated that the MPO is getting ready to start on the regional long range plan. They are also getting ready to update their transit development plan as well as congestion management plan system. Ms. Fitzgerald then answered questions from the group. Staci Miller explained that it currently takes seven to ten years for the Department of Transportation (DOT) to go through its process from project development to completion especially when they use federal funds because there are federal regulations and certain requirements that the Department must follow in order to use those federal dollars. The Department is currently working to expedite that process. They have entered into a new process called efficient transportation decision making or etdm. It is a new method that will be able to shave years off of a project. The DOT is hoping that in the future they can produce a product in a timelier fashion than in the past. Commissioner Coward then introduced Jeff Mullis. Mr. Mullis gave an overview of a PD&E, gave a history of the Lennard Road project as a whole and what can be expected over the next year. He explained that a PD&E study is a project development and environment. It is a DOT acronym for a study that meets the Federal requirements for qualification of gas tax dollars. Mr. Mullis explained that it is a very detailed and lengthy process. He also explained that once they have some idea of what the needs are for the area they do geometric layouts and find the best fit for the roadway to serve the public needs. Mr. Mullis stressed that the public involvement process is a key component of the PD&E Study. He explained that the objective of the study is to look at the Corridor and identify impacts and then evaluate those impacts. The impacts are not only physical but environmental and socio economic as well. Kit Linberger asked Mr. Mullis if there will be any signalization at Savanna Club Blvd. Mr. Mullis replied yes and the issue of signalization will be looked at. Commissioner Coward agreed with Mrs. Linberger and stated that it doesn't make sense to have a 4 way stop sign where there are so many residents. Mr. Mullis continued to answer questions from the group and discussion ensued. Mr. Mullis finished by encouraging everyone to go on the website Lennardroad.com to keep abreast of all information and he then made available to the group copies of newsletters. Commissioner Coward then introduced Scott Herring. Mr. Herring introduced himself as the Road and Bridge Manager for St. Lucie County. Mr. Herring spoke about traffic signals and multi-way stop signs. He explained that before a traffic signal or stop sign is installed it has to be warranted and he explained that warrants are contained in the Manual on Traffic Control devices. Primarily what is looked at before installing a traffic signal are volume and traffic accidents. Mr. Herring explained that the department looks at a period of three years of accident data and if there are five accidents that could have been prevented by installation of a traffic signal, it is a possibility that one will be installed. He explained that what most people do not realize is the number of rear end accidents is increased. Mr. Herring stated that Tropical Isles does not meet the side street volumes to meet the traffic signalization requirements which are for every eight hours there must be a minimum of one hundred fifty vehicles per hour. The Road 3 '-' ..." Department once every six months sends the DOT a traffic accident report history and will continue to do so. Mr. Herring then answered questions from the group and discussion ensued. Claire Twombly pleaded with Mr. Herring to please look at installing a light at Tropical Isles and expressed concern with the number of past and future accidents. Mr. Herring replied that the Department cannot give everyone a traffic signal because there has to be criterion followed. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Coward asked Mr. Herring what additional steps homeowners can do to stay involved in this process. Mr. Herring replied to keep in touch with Jose Velarde of the DOT. Commissioner Coward stated that Ms. Twombly should contact her district county commissioner Frannie Hutchinson and the MPO that oversees and tries to influence state projects. Commissioner Coward is not suggesting that through those processes one will not necessarily succeed because DOT has guidelines. He stated that DOT needs to balance local project specific issues with County wide transportation flow and do that so there are not so many traffic signals that everyone is stopping every thirty-two seconds. Commissioner Coward suggested looking for an alternative exit point that would be safer as opposed to relying on DOT to install a traffic light at Tropical Isles and stated that the residents of that development should discuss it with their district commissioner. Commissioner Coward then introduced Karen Butcher from St. Lucie County Growth Management. Ms. Butcher explained that she is the pedestrian bike path coordinator for St. Lucie County. She stated that she does not work for the MPO but for the Board of County Commissioners. Ms. Butcher gave a brief overview of the different types of facilities available for bicyclists and pedestriàns and the upcoming available programs which include the widening and extension of Lennard Road, and the widening of 25th Street from Midway to Edwards. They have also submitted two transportation enhancement projects to the Florida Department of Transportation. These are a pedestrian crossing at Ave J in the city of Ft. Pierce so that children on the east side of the canal to C.A. Moore Elementary School can walk safefly so they do not have to take the bus. In addition there is a proposed project to add a segment of sidewalk on St. James that will connect Rivers Edge Elementary and Southern Oaks Elementary to the Oxbow Eco Center Ms. Butcher explained that in Florida bicycles are legally a form of transportation and does have a right to the road. Ms. Butcher then answered questions from the group. Charlie Brown expressed concern about the bike path on Midway Road north side east ofU.S.1 in the vicinity of the fire station and asked Ms. Butcher to take a look at the bike path because it is not being maintained properly. Ms. Butcher replied that one of her goals is to establish a routine maintenance schedule for the bike paths. She concluded her presentation by giving information out about the bicycle and pedestrian advisory committee. Currently the County Attorney's office is drafting a resolution so it can be approved by the Board of County Commissioners to get membership approved. 4 ~ ..." Commissioner Coward then introduced Jody Bonet who is our Transit Manager. Ms. Bonet gave a presentation about transit. She gave a history of transit and spoke about the Treasure Coast Connector and provided informational pamphlets about the fees, and bus schedules. Ms. Bonet then answered questions from the group. Commissioner Coward stated that before the Treasure Coast Connector was initiated, St. Lucie was the largest county in Florida without one. He explained that Phase I is the north-south corridor along U.S.1, but Phase II makes it viable because the east-west links back into the urban areas to connect with the dense corridors. Commissioner Coward is hopeful that the number of riders will increase now that Phase II is implemented. OLD BUSINESS Charline Burgess provided a packet of answers to questions asked at January's meeting. Craig Mundt complimented Ms. Burgess on the excellent job she did in helping to provide back up material. Kit Linberger expressed concern about the management of Savanna Club Apartments. Commissioner Coward agrees that the management issue needs to be addressed and clarified. He has asked the County Attorney to look at this issue. John Ferrick expressed concern about flood plain issues Commissioner Coward replied that the flood plain issue is not only a drainage issue but an environmental issue as well and that it is being addressed by staff. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Coward asked the group for their input on topics for discussion for next month's meeting. Bob Bangert expressed that he would like to talk about the North County Charrette. Commissioner Coward stated that Ed Cox would like for the group to take a tour of the new Growth Management Conference room. Mr. Cox would like explain his ideas for getting the public more involved in the planning process. There was a brief discussion as to the location of the next meeting. Charles Grande suggested discussion of Growth Management issue at one meeting and save the North County Charrette at a separate meeting. Jack Cayhill wants the planning staff to research the developer when a new project is proposed. The reason for this is some developers are not reputable. 5 '-' ...." Commissioner Coward stated that one of the ways that Growth Management is striving to become more citizen friendly is to have new touch screen computers so that the public can ascertain information easily. After further discussion it was decided that at next month's meeting there will be one hour for general business discussion and the remainder of the meeting will be a presentation and a question and answer session regarding the North County Charrette. Ms. Unberger asked about the status of the annexation by Ft. Pierce. Commissioner Coward gave a brief explanation of the annexation agreement. ADJOUNMENT Having no further business to discuss the Property and Homeowners Association Meeting adjourned at 11 :50. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2005 AT 9:00A.M. Re.SP<CtfullY submitted: . 1./ ~ ~ C}Jv-J~S¿l ~ ~ Ang~l~ H~e~or~ing Secretary 6 "-' 1Ð)~©~!1W~~ ~ fE-B 2. 1 2005 \ '~^I 'wi (!ß COUNTY ADMINISTRATION STRATEGY & SPECIAL PROJECTS MEMORANDUM - TO: Doug Anderson, County Administrator Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Faye Outlaw, Assistant County Administrator FROM: Michael Brillhart, Strategy & Special Projects Director DATE: February 21,2005 RE: Notes from the February 14th-16th North County Charrette Citizens Master Plan Consultants Meeting Last week, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council held a three day meeting with their various consultants who are involved with the preparation of the North County Charrette Citizens Master Plan. The presentations from each of the consulting firms provided an excellent opportunity to understand what has been accomplished thus far, as well as, allowing for feedback to address specific unresolved issues. ", Each firm is anticipated to work with the Council in making appropriate changes and presenting a more finalized version of their individual plan recommendations during the next 4 week time frame. My notes from this meeting are attached. There are several issues that need to be addressed by the County. It will be beneficial to schedule a meeting with the impacted County Department Directors over the next week or two to discuss these issues. C: Board of County Commissioners Ed Cox, Growth Management Director '-' ....,; Notes from the February 14th - 16th North County Charrette Consultants Meetinl!: The following information was presented by Regional Planning Council staff and the various consultants enlisted to analyze the North County Charrette Planning Area. The information presented and the questions raised are part of the process used in the preparation and implementation of the North County Charrette Master Plan. Flow Wav/Water Mana2ement - (Howard Searcy) · Is the flow way going to be funded by the County and/or other public entities or by developers on a piece meal project by project basis? · Some upfront financing could be absorbed by the Ft. Pierce Water Control District. · Design and hydrology modeling will proceed based upon comments from the meeting · Storm water drainage and attenuation levels should be 2" in 24 hours (minimum). · What are the recommended organization, ownership, and operations of the Flow way system???? Land Manae:ement - (Peter Spyke) . Reuse of wastewater (reclamation) for reuse on open space is recommended throughout the area. Use of nitrogen and phosphorous on citrus will promote environmental sustainability and ecosystem restoration. Charging homeowners for this service is recommended. Subsurface drip irrigation is a major component of this operation. . Interconnectivity to agriculture will help promote the ability of smaller farms to be successful. Renting farm land to small farmers may be one of the only methods in assisting small farms to survive. . Implementing a Community Stewardship Program (CSP) is perceived as a possible way to preserve land for agricultural, greenways, and conservation purposes. In this program, it is possible to create a "Special Assessment District" for residents of the Villages as a means of acquiring funds to implement the Stewardship program. . Smaller tracts of land (typically less than 100 acres) can be used for farmland. However, small farms cannot survive based upon an economic commodities basis. The ability of small farms to succeed within this region will require the growing and harvesting of non-citrus (probably organic) products. . The use of berms and buffers around Villages (+500 acres) should be minimized. Instead, natural habitats such as uplands, agriculture, equestrian or cattle, and passive recreation open space (meadows and savannahs) surrounding the Villages can provide an excellent ecological system mix for integration of various land uses. '-' ...., . A transitional process between private open space ownership and public ownership needs to be coordinated by the County. Transportation - (Wade Walker) . The future transportation network model used for analysis is based upon a Year 2030 horizon. TCRPC has requested the consultant to provide a Year 2050 horizon as well. The current analysis reflects a need for various transportation system improvements based upon projected growth. · New 2 lane collectors and upgraded 4 lane roadways are recommended as future improvements. 6 lane roadways are not recommended as part of this plan. · St. Lucie must work with Indian River County on the location and alignment for a new inter-county citrus based truck route west of 1-95. · With an estimated 29,500 new residential units to be constructed by Year 2030, forecast models are generating nearly 300,000 new daily vehicle trips on the roadway system. . A new truck route alignment using St. Lucie Boulevard has been formulated and analyzed. The initial alignment prepared by the consultant includes: St. Lucie Boulevard to Johnston Road; north to Indrio Road; and then west to 1-95. In addition, the overall trip generation associated with development through the Year 2030 warrants the construction of a new interchange along 1-95. The recommended location for a new interchange is 1-95 at St. Lucie Boulevard (roadway extension). . Future year traffic demand did not reflect a need for either a Johnston Road extension or an Emerson Avenue extension south of Indrio. However, these extensions will enhance access management and improve traffic flow along Indrio Road. . Traffic mitigation efforts along major corridors will be needed. These could include: intersection improvements, on-street parking, and 2 lane roadways, interconnecting adjoining land uses. . Reid Ewing recommends using a 45% trip capture rate. This is higher than the rate used by the transportation consultants. However, using this rate could substantially reduce future year vehicle miles traveled forecasts (a major component for sustainable development). Housin2 Analvsis - (Todd Zimmerman) . Inside the Urban Service Area (USA) boundary, residential housing is typically smaller, denser, and has a higher cost per square foot. . On a sample 125 acre residential tract within this region, there is a land efficiency ratio of 65%. Inside the USA will carry a density level of 8u/a (980 units); outside the USA will carry a 6u/a density (750 units). There is a higher transferability of use (sale or rental) per year inside the USA as compared to outside the USA. . 13% ofthe residential unit stock is for seasonal use. '-' ~ . Estimated Housing Values (Price per area) for new construction (2005): Inside USA Outside USA Rental Units: $ 76,000 $ 71,500 Condos: 162,500 145,000 Villas/Town homes 207,500 195,000 Single Family Detached 374,600 343,000 · The success of residential unit sales in each of the villages is dependant upon project phasing, marketing, and the sequencing of retail. Additionally, the use of a TDR program will help land developers in project phasing.. · Sales price premiums for individual units are reached when a residence is located within 700 feet proximity to open space. · Resident and Tenant Characteristics: Inside USA: 41 % older single or couple, 34% younger single or couple, 25% families. Outside USA: 50% families, statistics for the remaining 50% are not yet verified. Land Development Ree:ulations (LDR's) within the l. Development Code- (Victor Dover & Bill Spikowski) . The County must establish "Regulatory" Plan language in the Development Code that identifies the Towns, Villages, and Countryside (TVC) design process. This language will allow land owners to construct a new Village instead of using the current density entitlement. . The initial recommendation by the LDR Consultants was to craft language within the LDR that allows landowners the option of participating in the TVC program or continuing under the existing entitlements. Currently, the proposed 1,027 acre Indrio Grove DR!) would be allowed to construct approximately 1,000 units as compared to possibly 7 ulc under the TVC scenario. · The "Hamlet" feature has been discontinued from further consideration due to difficulties within the planning profession in establishing an appropriate and universally accepted definition for a Hamlet. However, its initial concept will most probably continue under the "neighborhood" scenario. · Acceptable density thresholds and Floor Area Rations (FAR) pertinent to the North County area have not yet been defined by the LDR Consultant. · A TDR program based upon incentives must be established in order to maximize the 60% open space/40% built environment density requirement that is being recommended for the TVC concept. · A conservation or agricultural easement to incorporate greenways and public open spaces will be needed. · The consultants are recommending that minimum density levels be agreed upon and adopted by the County Board in order for the Village concept to operate effectively. · The Land Development Code needs to be form based. By this, site plans would be reviewed against such possible considerations as street types, lot '-' .."" types, and/or building types (see Attachment 1) as a basis for regulating development use activities. A "lot" compatibility matrix must be prepared. . Based upon studies at the national level, a Village would need to have a minimum density level of 21 units per acre in order to effectively support transit service or meet the demand for an above surface parking garage. . The County's Land Development Code must have a master regulating plan However, in using the TVC option, it is possible for each specific development to have its own individual regulating plan. This option must be specified within the LDC. . A Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) program will assist in making it possible for developers to accumulate the land necessary to develop and construct specific Villages in the North County. Retail Market Analvsis - (Bob Gibbs) · 1-95 @ Indrio Road is one of the last major interchanges in the region not yet developed. It has an extremely high development and market potential. · As per discussion with developers, land tracts are being purchased as surplus for up to a 25 year development horizon. · It is anticipated that Walmart is looking to construct a new retail facility on Indrio Road just west of and adjacent to 1-95. · National grocery store chains are willing to construct 2-3 years prior to market demand in order to gain a competitive market edge. · The most intense retail development is looking to construct facilities along major intersections. The Kings Highway @ Indrio Road intersection is a high priority for developers. · In examining a Year 2030 development build-out horizon, it is estimated that the North County could support approximately 1, 560,000 sq. ft. of retail and 29,500 new residential units. · A breakdown of the calculated retail demand analysis within the North County study area through the Year 2030 includes: 16 comer stores 8 convenience centers 4 neighborhood centers 1 regional village center These numbers are anticipated to decrease slightly as the housing analysis is being modified. · The Village Center is recommended to occur at the Kings Highway/Indrio Road intersection and can serve a regional market. · A convenient center at U.S. 1 and Indrio Road is recommended. This would include 30,000 sq. ft. of commercial/retail including a small market, bank, local retail, and small professional office. · The study area could possibly support 32 new neighborhoods. '-' .I TCRPC Comments - (Michael Busha & Marcela Camblor) · A Towns, Villages, and Countryside (TVC) concept is being prepared as an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and LDRs. The TVC will function as an element of the LDR and not as a zoning overlay. · The Council is recommending a 60% open space/40% built environment for a Village. · A Village should consist of a minimum 500 acres. · Recommending that a Village have a minimum built environment density of 7u1a. · A prototypical neighborhood can be constructed on 125 acres with a minimum density of6 ula (750 units). · After looking at existing and committed development, there is approximately 12,000 acres available within the study area. The majority (8,700 acres) are outside of the Urban Service Area boundary. · Density bonuses need to be established through a TDR credit program. The initial recommendation is to base credits on units instead of acreage. As an example, if a landowner has 20 acres in a zoned 1 ula tract, the owner could use the 20 units as credits. In this example, 20 units would equate to 2 credits. . There may be a need to have an independent Indrio Road corridor study. On-street parking along Indrio Road was an initial consideration by various consulting teams. . Request the various consultants to expand their future year study time frame to the Year 2050. Outstandin2 Issues - (Entire Team) · Minimum parcel size, minimum density and/or density thresholds. · TDR bonuses and credits should reward developers who provide larger amounts of open space/preservation habitat. · The long term use, ownership, maintenance, and funding for the open space and natural habitats surrounding Villages must be defined. '-' ATTACHMENT 1 Building Types Pallette Civic Perimeter - block apartment Multi -story Office Workplace Courtyard apartment Large- footprint structure (exceptions) Mixed-use shop front (Main Street) One-story shop front Live/work row house Corner store Row house Attached courtyard house Park under row house Full-size rear patio type Linear building row house Mansion apartment Double house Detached cottage Side yard house Detached house Estate house Farmhouse Accessory structures (outbuildings) H:\Notes from the NCC consultant meeting. doc .I ... = "CI = ~ -; u !;12 - = ~ ¡¡.. ~ I = = is: ... ~ - !;12 = ~ ~ t: ~ ... ... = .c U Þ = = = U .c t: = Z "- ~II') M ~ ~~ ~ ~ ;:s ~~ ~ ~M ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ð3 'w = ~ = «I 100 ¡s: 0 oS Q. == ;::: I:: r--- e~«I«I ~ oe::::-;; U"C1ª~~ ;::: 5 ~ = ~ ee;g¡: Q<.cue C\ QO r--- \C C\ ~ QO ~ \C ~ II') ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \C M II') M ~ M ~ M M M ~ M = M ...., == ~ .!= ~ Co~ 't ~ I ~.. -;; II = ~e ==u~ =...."C~~u...~ ~:~~eo] .g;oa"~=e ;~§'eãå.= ~~a.8«1œu Jtvm 1 ~ ~ Co o -= ~]~ 100 «I 100 ~<~ U~~ ~ 0 u-="C 0:::; =~~ C\ M "C ~ = ÞÐ «I .S : .... ~ ~~= ã = .sa = ~ u o.f:!¡ ~ue =-=e U:::o E-<~U 00 N "C ~ = ÞÐ «I .S : ~ '-- ~ ~.:;>= e = .g = ~ u 0 .~ ~ue =-=e U:::o E-<~U r--- M '-" "will ..... t55M 0'\ ~ "1"'"'1 ~ M = ~ ... œ "C = ~ '- tr) M 0'\ - ~ "1"'"'1 QO œ "1"'"'1 M M U ~ .... = ~ ~ I = rIJ œ .... - = ~ ...-gë ... ~ ~ "1"'"'1 = øs 't:I QO ~ ~ k'- ~ = = .... 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Š ~ .... 0 ~~ ~¡ w """" ITEMfJ- OLD BUSINESS Your ideas for discussion on how to make government ~ore "user-fiiendly" 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5,) 6,) 7,) 8.) 9,) 10.) '-" """"" ITEM~- NEW BUSINESS March 9,2005 Commissioner Coward and HOA representatives: New order of speakers and topics of discussion that were requested at the December meeting. 1.) An update on the Civic Center, 2,) Update on new codes for billboards and political signs 3.) Building Official to speak regarding concurrency fees Thanks, Charline Page 1 of 1 '-øf ....., Douglas Anderson - Property and Homeowners Association Meeting From: To: Date: Subject: cc: Doug Coward Bonet, Jody; Butcher, Karen; Fitzgerald, Cheri; Hauschild, Craig; Herring, Scott 2/9/20055:43 PM Property and Homeowners Association Meeting Anderson, Douglas; Outlaw, Faye; Wazny, Raymond I am writing to thank all of the staff who were involved with the Property and Homeowners Association meeting this morning. I thought staff did a great job presenting a tremendous amount of material, fielding difficult questions (at times), and providing straight forward and useful information. I was proud to be a part of the St. Lucie County team. Thanks, Doug Coward file:/ /C: \Documents%20and%20Settings\Administrator\Local %20Settings\ T emp\G W} 0000 I.HTM 2/10/2005 \.f .~)~~ ...".¡ PROPERTY & HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION MEETING January 12, 2005..... 9:00 a.m. Conference Room 3 AGENDA 1.) Call to Order ~ Commissioner Doug Coward, Chairman > Pledge of Allegiance > Self Introduction of Property & Homeowners Representatives and Members of the Public 2.) Approval of the Minutes of December 8,2004 3.) St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office Report 4.) Guest Speakers: > Vicki Williams, Consumer Outreach Coordinator with the Florida Department of Financial Services ~ (The Department Regulates Insurance Complaints) > Jane Brom, FEMA Representative 5.) Old Business: > See attached notes for discussion 6.) New Business: > Select new topic of discussion from priority list for next month's meeting 7.) Adjournment Please note. the next meetinf will be FebruaTv 9. 2005 ~ ...., ST. LUCIE COUNTY PROPERTY AND HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Minutes of Meeting December 8, 2004 Convened: 9:00a.m. Adjourned: 11:15a.m. This meeting of the Property and Homeowners Association was held Wednesday, December 8, 2004, at 9:00a.m. in Conference Room #3 of the Administration Annex Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. MEMBERS PRESENT: Charlie Brown, Indian River Estates Craig Mundt, North Beach Homeowners Association Bob Bangert, Holiday Pines Homeowners Association Barbara Daume, Villages of Lake Lucie Claire Twombly, Tropicallsles/Ocean Resorts Frank Monteleone, Spanish Lakes Country Club Village Kit Linberger, Palm Grove Homeowners Association Jack Cahill, South Beach Association Charles Grande, Presidents Council of S Hutchinson Island Bill Hammer, PGA Village ALSO PRESENT: Commissioner Doug Coward, District 2 Charline Burgess, Aide to Commissioner Coward Commissioner Chris Craft, District 5 Commissioner Joe Smith, District 1 Mark Boston, Nettles Island JoeAnne Severino, Spanish Lakes Fairways Jeanne Hearn, Indrio John Ferrick, North Fork Property Owners Emily Grande, Miramar Royal Diane Shaw, Bel-Aire Estates Ed Cox, St. Lucie County Growth Management Jacquie Burgess, St. Lucie County Recycling 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 9:00a.m. The Association was lead in the Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Coward. 2. SELF INTRODUCTIONS Commissioner Doug Coward introduced himself and expressed that he is looking forward to working with the Property and Homeowners Association in the coming 1 '-' ..""" year. The Homeowners' representatives and the public in attendance gave self-introductions as well. Charline Burgess provided the members with a list of topics that are often discussed in the meetings. Commissioner Coward stated that he would like to use this list to prioritize the topics that are considered to be the most important at this time, so that he can focus on getting those issues resolved. He stated that another concern of his is that everyone in the group agrees on the agenda format. Before proceeding with the rest of the agenda, Commissioner Coward introduced Commissioner Chris Craft and Commissioner Joe Smith; St. Lucie County's two newest Commissioners. Commissioner Craft introduced himself as the commissioner for district 5 and expressed his happiness to be able to serve the citizens in St. Lucie County. Commissioner Smith introduced himself as the commissioner for District 1 and expressed his happiness to be able to serve the citizens in St. Lucie County. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMEBER 10,2004 Bill Hammer had a correction to the minutes of November 10, 2004. He stated that the post office should change the way they deliver mail from curb side delivery to walking routes - not working routes. With this change made, Charlie Brown made a motion to approve the minutes. Bob Bangert seconded the motion and the motion was carried unanimously by voice vote. 4. OLD BUSINESS Bob Bangert expressed concern about the traffic light on Angle Road and the traffic light on 25th Street after crossing Juanita Avenue. Bill Hammer expressed concern about the traffic light on St. Lucie West Blvd, upon leaving Wal-Mart. He spoke about the alignment of the lanes at the end of Bayshore Blvd. Mr. Hammer suggested a comprehensive traffic flow study be conducted throughout the County. Commissioner Coward replied that proper planning is the key to prevention of traffic problems. He suggested asking Rick Chesser from Florida Department of transportation (FDOT) and Scott Herring from the Road Department to attend the next meeting. John Ferrick expressed concern about political signs that are still displayed, Commissioner Coward replied that Ed Cox could ask Code Enforcement to make sure the signs will be removed. 2 ~ ....." Charlie Grande suggested that it would be helpful if the County implemented a sign ordinance like that of the City of Ft. Pierce. Commissioner Coward stated that the County Attorney's office is in the process of drafting a new sign ordinance. Frank Monteleone stated that he would like for a representative from the state insurance office to speak at the next meeting. He is concerned that people are being treated unfairly. JoeAnne Severino stated that someone from her park has had trouble with an insurance adjuster, Jack Cayhill stated that he contacted Barry Lanier the assistant to Tom Gallager and he was very helpful. Charlie Brown expressed concern about the Civic Center parking lot drainage problem. Commissioner Coward replied that he is aware of the problem and the solution to the problem is a huge expense. Commissioner Coward stated that he has never been in support of demolishing the Civic Center. The argument that it doesn't generate any revenue is not a valid one because the Civic Center is not here to make money. The Civic Center is here to provide seNices to the community. Commissioner Coward stated that he urged Doug Anderson to put this item back on the agenda so that Commissioners Craft and Smith have an opportunity to give staff policy direction on which way to go. Commissioner Coward also informed the group that the County is doing a campus plan for this area because there are additional needs like office space, a traffic problem on the corner of 23rd Street, a new regional park coming in at Lawnwood Stadium and a strong desire to not bulldoze the woods. Mr. Brown urged Commissioner Coward to please not ignore the problem of the drainage. Commissioner Coward agreed with Mr. Brown and stated that he is embarrassed about the situation and while the drainage problem needs to be rectified, unfortunately it is not considered to be as important as some of the other needs of the County. Kit Linberger questioned the status of Green River Parkway, Commissioner Coward replied that it is moving forward. He explained that the Northern piece should be completed by Spring, but could not say when the southern 3 ~ 'wi piece was going to be completed because the Martin County Commission has has been wavering about whether they support it. Commissioner Coward stated that he can get more information about it. Bob Bangert stated that he does not want to see the A TV Park built. He stated that it should be private and the County should have no involvement. Jeanne Hearn questioned how projects get started if they are against the land use. Commissioner Coward expressed his feelings about the A TV Park saying he is not in support of it. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Coward stated that he will be meeting with with Paul Phillips and Tim Coolican this afternoon to discuss the A TV Park issue Craig Mundt stated that it would be a good idea to make a list of specific questions for guest speakers to address. 5. NEW BUSINESS After discussing the list of topics, these were found to be the highest priorities: The Civic Center, insurance and the traffic light at Palm Grove. Kit Linberger would like a representative from FEMA speak at the same time as the insurance representative because one person may have different information than the other, John Ferrick stated that many of the Homeowners Associations do not attend the meetings. Many of these people live in the northwest section of Ft. Pierce. He stated that we should try to get them to attend. Mr. Ferrick expressed concern about the project on the SW corner of 25th Street and Midway Road He stated that it is in a floodplain and will result in flooding of surrounding properties. Charline Burgess informed the group that she sent informational packets regarding the meeting to one hundred twenty people including the northwest section of Ft. Pierce. Commissioner Coward stated that he will think of some ideas to encourage attendance. One of his ideas is to put information about the meeting on the St. Lucie County Government Access Channel. He stated that he will ask Ed Cox to have the Growth Management staff to take a second look at the project on 25th Street, but to please be aware there are probably multiple layers of government looking at the engineering. Bob Bangert asked when the North County Charrette would be implemented. 4 '-' "wi Commissioner Coward replied that himself. Randy Stevenson and Michael Busha from the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council will be going to Tallahassee to discuss this project with the Department of Community Affairs. The County has hired top notch professionals to help. Commissioner Coward then asked the group if everyone was satisfied with the agenda format. Mr. Monteleone stated that he would like for the guest speakers be limited to one half hour and the remainder of the meeting should be used by the homeowners. After further discussion. the agenda format was decided. Commissioner Coward spoke about the importance of including citizens in the development review process so that they can be aware of any projects slated for the area in which they live. Commissioner Coward stated that that he had spoke with Ed Cox about simplifying the current grid system so that it will be more user friendly. The grid is used to track upcoming developments. Bill Hammer suggested that the cities of Ft. Pierce and Port St. Lucie provide St. Lucie County with information regarding issues in their jurisdiction. 6. ST. LUCIE COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT REPORT There was no Sheriffs Department report for the month of December. 7. GUEST SPEAKERS: ED COX: GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR Ed Cox introduced himself and informed the group of his job function. Some of the changes in the Growth Management Department will be a more improved development review process so that the technical evaluation includes the attitude of the community for what area the developer is in, community meetings sponsored by the developers, become more automated and hire more staff. Another goal as the new Growth Management Director is to change the Land Development Code. Commissioner Coward stated that he is happy to have Mr. Cox as a part of the Growth Management staff as well as Faye Outlaw our new Assistant County Administrator. Ms. Outlaw will be assisting the Growth Management Departments as well as others to better assist the citizens of St. Lucie County. Commissioner Coward stated that we need more community neighborhood planning like the North County Charrette and White City Charrette. 5 '--' ..." Mr, Ferrick expressed concern that there will not be enough attendance at the White City Charrette because there is not enough information about it and the timing is bad because of the holidays being so close. He is also concerned because it has not been advertised in the paper as yet. Commissioner Coward agreed that it is short notice and although the White City Charrette will not be as big of an event as the North County Charrette, he gave the reasons why he thinks it is so important and has been instrumental in making this event happen. Commissioner Coward stated that the Charrette is not about transportation as much as land use. He made the point that growth is coming and if nothing is said about what is built there will a Cumberland Farms Store on every corner. When residents in the community are involved, they can help create the vision to dictate how the land will be used, Discussion ensued. JACQUIE BURGESS: ST. LUCIE COUNTY RECYCLING Jacquie Burgess introduced herself to the group as the manager of St. Lucie County Recycling, Ms. Burgess spoke about Waste Pro and said that she is happy A 1 A is cleaned up. She stated that while a lot of the garbage remains a lot is gone and the haulers who were working with FEMA have left. Waste Pro will resume pick up of hurricane debris hopefully this week, Charles Grande suggested using inmates from the jail to help with trash removal. Ms. Burgess replied she has e-mailed the sheriff and got no response, but will try again. She urged everyone to please be patient and give Waste Pro a little time to adjust and learn the routes. She encouraged anyone having questions to call her at 462-5678. Jeanne Hearn expressed concern about trash in the right-of-way of the Country Club Mobile Home Park. Ms, Burgess replied that she would call Waste-Pro to take care of the problem. Having no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 11: 15a.m. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2005 AT 9:00A.M. ~ctfullY ~d,~ I ~ Angela ~ ~ Office Assistant II 6 '-' ...., To: Commissioner Doug Coward HOA members From: Charline Burgess, Ex. Aide At the December 8th meeting of the HOA, the following were reported or questions asked: A.) Ms. JoeAnne Severino reported that the street light had been down at the intersection ofIndrio and Johnston Roads since the hurricanes, Answer ~ I contacted Florida Power and Light Co., and our contact person went out that night to take a look at it and put in a work-order on Dee. 1 fI1' for the repair to be done. He did not send me a time frame. B.) Ms. Kit Linberger asked whether or not FDOT would reconsider the red-light to help Palm Grove and Tropical Isle residents get out onto U.S. #1 now that the new Charlie's Dodge being constructed across the street would add more congestion to U.S, #1. Answer - I contacted Scott Herring, Road and Bridge Manager. Attached are the e-mails that were sent back to him from FDOT, and his letter addressed to Jose Velarde, Engineer at FDOT on Aug. 30, 2004. C.) Several members asked about "guidelines in case of disaster." Answer ~ For members with computers go to www.co.st-lucie.flus and click on disasters under the Public Safety link, otherwise you may call the St Lucie County Public Safety Department at 772- 462-1736 to inquire about pamphlets. D.) Ms. Hearn asked Jacquie Burgess to check on trash in the right-of-way of Country Cove Mobile Home Park. Answer ~ Ms. Burgess made a field check of the hurricane debris, and she is still investigating this, FEMA should have picked it up before they left St Lucie Co. I should have an answer from her before the Jan. 1:J1h meeting. ~ ...., E.) Mr, Bangert asked when the North Co, Charrette would be implemented. Answer ,..., Comm. Coward will provide a brief update on his trip to Tallahassee with TCRPC to meet with DCA regarding the charrette. ..., ..,.; NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER: Hurricane Preparednel!l. Wee" History teaches that a lack of hurricane awareness and preparation are common threads among all major hurricane disasters. By knowing your vulnerability and what actions you should take, you can reduce the effects of a hurricane disaster. "Preparation through education is less costly than learning through tragedy." - MAX MAYFIELD, DIRECTOR NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER The goal of this Hurricane Awareness Web site is to inform the public about the hurricane hazards and provide knowledge which can be used to take ACTION. This information can be used to save lives at work, home, while on the road, or on the water. HISTORY FORECAST PREPARE ACT Hurricane hazards come in many forms: storm surae, hiah winds, tornadoes, and floodina. This means it is important for your family to have a plan that includes all of these hazards. Look carefully at the safety actions associated with each type of hurricane hazard and prepare your family disaster plan accordingly. But remember this is only a guide. The first and most important thing anyone should do when facing a hurricane threat is to use common sense. You should be able to answer the following questions before a hurricane threatens: · What are the Hurricane Hazards? · What does it mean to you? · What actions should you take to be prepared? DOWNLOAD THE 2004 HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS WEEK POSTER (500 kb PDF) DOWNLOAD THE 2004 SEMANA NACIONAL DE PREPARACION CONTRA HURACANES POSTER (500 kb PDF) Visit the NOAA Coastal Services Center Historical Hurricane Tracks web site to learn about historical tropical cyclones occurring in different areas located throughout the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico. The web site provides information about U.S. coastal county population versus hurricane strikes as well as links to various Internet resources focusing on tropical cyclones. The interactive mapping application allows you to search the National Hurricane Center historical tropical cyclone database and graphically display storms affecting your area since 1851. '-' ...." ........................................................"""^"^......,.....................................................................................".....,JoN...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................'.h'....................................... This Web site uses some files that are in PDF format. Download your free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these PDF files. Thanks to everyone that contributed to this Web site. It is their time and experience that make all of us better prepared for the Hurricane Season. The source of some of the material in this web site is the Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education, and Training (COMET@) Web site at httD:/Imeted.ucar.edul ofthe University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). The original material was funded by the National Weather Service (NWS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). ©1999 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. All Rights Reserved. ... .~..+. i\I:. ..,......: Oþ' . '::.,' .. "" '". ." " ~..' . .y..... .....'1'. NWS NOAA :~:if )~~I~1~(t1rt:¡¡~~¡¡;~f¡~i~~tjr~::;:~;;: FEMA ~ ...., NATIONAL HURRICANE ÇENTER : ~! f/(t /(tþ "Preventing the loss of life and minimizing the damage to property from hurricanes are responsibilities that are shared by all." Throughout this Web site, information has been provided regarding actions that you can take based on specific hurricane hazards. The most important thing that you can do is to be informed and prepared. Disaster prevention includes both being prepared as well as reducing damages (m itigation). Disaster Prevention should include: · DevelopinQ a Family Plan · CreatinQ a Disaster Supply Kit · HavinQ a Place to Go · SecurinQ your Home · HavinQ a Pet Plan One of the most important decisions you will have to make is "Should I Evacuate?" If you are asked to evacuate, you should do so without delay. But unless you live in a coastal or low-lying area, an area that floods frequently, or in manufactured housing, it is unlikely that emergency managers will ask you to evacuate. That means that it is important for you and your family to HAVE A PLAN that makes you as safe as possible in your home. Disaster prevention includes modifying your home to strengthen it against storms so that you can be as safe as possible. It also includes having the supplies on hand to weather the storm. The suggestions provided here are only guides. You should use common sense in your disaster prevention. · DEVELOP A FAMILY PLAN - Your family's plan should be based on your vulnerability to the Hurricane Hazards. You should keep a written plan and share your plan with other friends or family. · CREATE A DISASTER SUPPLY KIT - There are certain items you need to have regardless of where you ride out a hurricane. The disaster supply kit is a useful tool when you evacuate as well as making you as safe as possible in your home. · SECURE YOUR HOME - There are things that you can do to make your home more secure and able to withstand stronger storms. · ONLINE VULNERABILITY INFO - There are web sites that can give you information about your communities vulnerability to specific hazards. These include hurricanes as well as other weather related hazards. ~-...'.....,.....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,.........................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..~...-...'...........-.'","'.'.........'.'...'...'.'.'.........'.-.'...-.-.-....-.-.-....................................................................<I'ñ........................................................-.........-.-.-.......-...-.-.-.-.....-.....-.-.-................................................................................... RELATED INFORMATION '-' ...., · ONUNE VULNERABIUTY INFO · PDF RESOURCES RELATED MULTIMEDIA · AGAINST THE WIND (0.2mbf.~) · MAX MAYFIELD DISCUSSES - BEING PREPARED (0. 1mb MP3G) · MAX MAYFIELD DISCUSSES - HAVING A PLAN (O.lmb MP3Q) RELATED WEB SITES · FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY · AMERICAN RED CROSS ~...^...............................................".,..,.,....y,y.y,y."'."~YNoY.......-.y"'''''''''''''''~''''''''''.YJ'.'''''''''''''''''''''''''''..o.AÞo'.AÞo'o''''',............hY.....,....~.................^"^....."'.......................................................'^"'.N................................................................................~.... ADDITIONAL SAFETY IN FORMATION FAMILY DISASTER PLAN · Discuss the type of hazards that could affect your family. Know your home's vulnerability to storm surge, flooding and wind. · Locate a safe room or the safest areas in your home for each hurricane hazard. In certain circumstances the safest areas may not be your home but within your community. · Determine escape routes from your home and places to meet. · Have an out-of-state friend as a family contact, so all your family members have a single point of contact. · Make a plan now for what to do with your pets if you need to evacuate. · Post emergency telephone numbers by your phones and make sure your children know how and when to call 911. · Check your insurance coverage - flood damage is not usually covered by homeowners insurance. National Flood Insurance Proaram · Stock non-perishable emergency supplies and a Disaster Supply Kit. · Use a NOAA weather radio. Remember to replace its battery every 6 months, as you do with your smoke detectors. · Take First Aid, CPR and disaster preparedness classes. ,. - NWS NOAA FEMA ....., "wi Charline Burgess - Re: Country Club Mobile Home Park ~:::!8?r.::~~~:"*:;:::;',*:'('§:;:;:!:i:"::~Y."-*:;::::~:;:~w.ø:;:?-*:~«..-;.%w:-*::::~:??"øm:"(.*:;:*:;~:;:'ø:::~*:;:;:?::::;:;:"*:;:*~.::.:::;:;~:(~:;:?:~:;~-:?;:*:;:;~:;.'?.:::;m-.nm??',*:;:*:;:;:;::::*::;:::;:;:;:?;:;:;:?:::~«;:;:::::;:~:;:;:*:*:;:::::ø:;:?::::::;:;:".;::;:;:;~1:;:;:?'*:;:;:;:?;':::;~;:;:::;:"~"::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;'o;:?;~-:!:::;:;:';*:;:::::;:;:;$':;:;:~:;:?;:::::*: From: Charline Burgess To: Burgess, Jacquie Subject: Re: Country Club Mobile Home Park ........."..u...................."......................................................u.·u...·.....................·.·.....................·...·.·.....·...·.·.....·.............·.·...·...·..ç.·"'.....·...·....u.·.·.......·.·...............·.................................................."'....ç.................."'.."'.......................................·.·...·...·.·.·...·.....................·.....·.....·...·.........u.·...................................................................... Thanks Jacquie, I'll include this in the packet and maybe we'll have an update by the meeting on Jan. 12th. Charline »> Jacquie Burgess 1/5/05 12:25:PM »> Charline, From what I understand per Craig Hauschild - Country Cove has already had three pick-ups before the Nov. 01 cut-off date. I am still trying to seek more assistance - but I do not believe FEMA is still here. I will follow up with you on what I should learn. Jacquie Charline Burgess 1/3/2005 1:23:49 PM »> Hi Jacquie, At the last HOA meeting, Ms. Hearn reported that there was trash in the right-of-way at the above Park, do you know if this was taken care ot? Thanks, CB ~ ..., January 12, 2005 Commissioner Coward and HOA representatives: New order of speakers and topics of discussion that were requested at the December meeting. 1.) Scott Heming with Rick Chesser or Lois Bush from FDOT to talk about the requested traffic light at Palm Grove and give an update on Lennard Road.. 2.) An update on the Civic Center. 3.) An update on the proposed ATV Park 4.) Update on new codes for billboards and political signs Thanks, Charline . 1:.:ªh~·dIÙ~·:·:.$:~æ~~~·":·.~J5Yª·;:·"$.tE$.§§.r@ªr·¿¥:#.;·"~:ªº?·ª·ª-:~;§'?~ºI;·)3~~ilj~~f~i"§f.ç:~ç!~···co~iQ!yI§.·...r~·yI~iI.~[~·..p!.~ú:I~:y9~t..9!!~.(!.:j '-" '.,/ From: Scott Herring To: Charline Burgess Date: 12/15/04 11 :54:AM Subject: Fwd: SR-5 corridor, FM#: 230288-2-52-01, Request by St.Lucie county to reviewsite plan layout, charlie do As discussed. Scott »> <jose.velarde@dot.state.fI.us> 9/10/2004 10:27:06 AM »> Mark: We have received a request from St.Lucie county, Scott Herring, to review site layout from Charlie Dodge opposite Sunshine Blvd. entrance to the Grove Communities and see if this improvement will be considered in possible implementation of a signal. I spoke to Scott Herring on this issue and told him that normally site plan evaluation is done through our permitting office. He understood our procedure but was providing this site plan at the request of the St.Lucie County Property and Homeowners Association at their last meeting. I am attaching a copy of this e-mail with a copy of the site plan submitted, our roadway layout and letter from St.Lucie county for your input on this matter. Please note that at the request of SUucie county the Department approved providing U-Turn signals north of sunshine blvd. intersection with sr-5, at Ulrich road. They are asking that we consider the impacts to the future intersection, Sunshine Blvd. by this development. Thank you for your assistance. Jose A. Velarde, P .E. Consultant Management PM404JV iose. velarde@dot.state,fI.us 954-777-4677 ¡:·ºh¡d!rii:·"~:µ:ro·!~!·":·:;'·:·~~i":·~~.i.'.~·~;:~:·:·~~:rrí~·~·f.;".~M~L·~ª·ºi:':';~~I~~º:f;:}~!:g.ij¡i.fþ'v:.jf;bui}¡i·"º·ºÜ~jiJº:r~·VJ~w.·"~jf!:·:i~I~riJªYº·~~[¡: '-' "WII From: Scott Herring To: Charline Burgess Date: 12/15/0411 :54:AM Subject: Fwd: Re: SR-5 corridor, FM#: 230288-2-52-01, Request by St.Lucie county toreview site plan layout, charli Another one! Scott »> <jonathan.overton@dot.state.fI.us> 9/13/2004 4:25:19 PM »> I have quickly looked at a Charlie's Dodge site plan dated July 6, 2004. The St. Lucie County cover letter dated August 30, 2004 from Mr. Scott Herring indicates that the site will be directly across from Sunshine Boulevard but is not specific to driveway location and the July 6 site plan doesn't show the Sunshine Boulevard approach in relation to the site plan's driveways. Secondly, I doubt that a car dealership, even if its driveway aligns with Sunshine Boulevard, would generate enough side street traffic to warrant a traffic signal. I, therefore, recommend that the Department not change its Sunshine Boulevard intersection control position. Heslop, I will forward to you hardcopy of these documents for the file. thanks Jonathan M. Overton, P.E. Assistant District Traffic Operations Engineer Florida Department of Transportation Toll Free 866-336-8435 Direct Line (954) 777-4376 Office Fax (954) 777-4398 Jose Velarde/D4/FDOT To 09/10/2004 10:27 Mark Plass/D4/FDOT@FDOT, Jonathan M AM Overton/D4/FDOT@FDOT, ken, iackson aÐ.kimlev-hom.com cc SHERRINGaÐ.stlucieco.aov, Morteza Alian/D4/FDOT@FDOT Subject SR-5 corridor, FM#: 230288-2-52-01, Request by St.Lucie county to review site plan layout, charlie dodge