HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-18-06AGENDA SPECIAL 911 BOARD OF GOVERNORS EMERGENCY OPERATION CENTER July 18, 2006 r 2:30 - 4:30 pm WELCOME: Doug Anderson, County Administrator MEMBERS: Doug Anderson, Chairman Sheriff Mascara Chief Savage Chief Sizemore Chief Skinner NEW BUSINESS: ✓� `' 4 AVL's — Fire Department everse 911 — Asst. Chief Sean Baldwin BDA's —Jack Southard �s 4. New Emergency Operations Center — Doug A /s` Next Meeting: TBD 911 BOARD OF GOVERNORS EMERGENCY OPERATION CENTER January 4, 2006 3:00pm - 5:00pm Meeting called to order by Chairman Doug Anderson at 3:02pm. Board Members Present: Doug Anderson, Chairman; Chief Savage, Ft. Pierce Police Department; Chief Sizemore, St. Lucie County Fire District; Chief Skinner, Pt. St. Lucie Police Department; Jack Southard, Public Safety Director Board Members Absent: Sheriff Mascara, St. Lucie County Sheriff's Dept Others Present: Garry Wilson, Chief Deputy, SLC Sheriff's Dept.; Brian Reuther, Asst. Chief PSL Police Dept; Major Mike Monahan, SLC Sheriff's Dept.; Chief Ron Parrish, SLC Fire District; Carolyn Dill — Collier, 911 Coordinator, Tiffany Bennett, Operations Manager of the 911 Center Terri Peterman, Operations Manager of 911 Center; Tom Daly, Operations Manager of 911 Center; Capt. Kenneth Mayr, SLC Fire District, Don Daniels, Emergency Management Coordinator, Charles Christopher, Radiological Coordinator, Sean Baldwin, Asst Chief Ft. Pierce Police Department, Anita Neal, SLC Agriculture Director, Bill Martin, SLC IT Department, Darrel McCloud, SLC IT Department, Greg Bunting, Information Systems Coordinator, Linette Trabulsy, SLC Public Information Officer, Ed Skvarch, SLC Agriculture, Todd Deehl, St. Lucie County Health Department, Carlette Peck, St. Lucie County Health Department Minutes: No minutes to approve from previous meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Special guest speaker was Carlette Peck from the St. Lucie County Health Department gave a presentation on the Avian Pandemic Influenza. The power point presentation can also be found on the Health Department website, www.doh.state.fl.us. Also, Anita Neal from St. Lucie County Agriculture gave a presentation on the Africanized Honeybees. There will be a first responders seminar on Jan. 27, 2006, 9:00 am — 12:00 pm, at the Hurricane House on Picos Rd. More information will be sent out regarding the class. It was decided by the Board of Governors to release information to media regarding the Africanized bees. Chairman Anderson reported the location of the new Emergency Operations Center at the Fairgrounds was going to be presented to the Board of County Commissioners at the Strategic Planning Session on January 30 & 31, 2006. He asked the Board of Governors their position on this. Jack S further explained the location would be the southwest corner off Peacock Rd. There was a brief discussion concerning this location. It was suggested to set up a meeting with Florida Power & Light regarding the funding. It was also recommended that only the Board of Governors would be invited for this meeting. Jack S will set up the meeting with FPL. Chief Sizemore suggested the East front side of the Fairgrounds instead of the southwest corner. Motion was made by Chief Deputy Wilson to locate the 911 Emergency Operations Center at the East front side of the Fairgrounds with Midway frontage. Seconded by Chief Sizemore. Unanimous decision to approve. Jack S asked everyone their status on the use of plain English. Major Monahan expressed his concerns over the use of different verbiage between different agencies. It was determined the disposition codes would not change. Carolyn also expressed the dispatchers concerns regarding the use of different verbiage. There was a discussion concerning this. It was determined to continue using plain English. Next meeting is Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2006 @ 3:00 pm at the EOC. This meeting was rescheduled to Wednesday, February 1, 2006 @10:30 am. Meeting adjourned at 4:55 pm. 2 911 BOARD OF GOVERNORS EMERGENCY OPERATION CENTER February 1, 2006 10:30 am - 12:00pm Meeting called to order by Chairman Doug Anderson at 10:30 am. Board Members Present: Doug Anderson, Chairman; Chief Savage, Ft. Pierce Police Department; Chief Skinner, Pt. St. Lucie Police Department; Jack Southard, Public Safety Director Board Members Absent: Sheriff Mascara, St. Lucie County Sheriff's Dept, Chief Sizemore, St. Lucie County Fire District Others Present: Garry Wilson, Chief Deputy, SLC Sheriff's Dept.; Major Mike Monahan, SLC Sheriff's Dept.; Chief Ron Parrish, SLC Fire District; Sean Baldwin, Asst Chief Ft. Pierce Police Department, Mr. Jeff Bartel and Mr. Nick Blount, FPL; Mr. Mark Godwin, State Attorney's Office Minutes: No minutes to approve from previous meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Chairman Anderson gave a brief explanation of who consists of the Board of Governors to Mr. Jeff Bartel and Mr. Nick Blount from FPL. He also explained the Board of County Commissioners had approved the east side of the Fairgrounds for the site of the new Emergency Operations Center. There was a discussion concerning the funding for the new EOC. Mr. Jeff Bartel asked everyone to reevaluate their top priority list for electricity. He also suggested to Chairman Anderson he would touch base with Mr. Anderson within two (2) weeks. Doug A asked what it would take to have FPL install the power underground in Indian River Estates since water lines were already being installed in the community. Mr. Blount will look into it. It was suggested to contact Lou Zorzi regarding leaning power poles or other seriously damaged poles. Mr. Bartel also suggested the County consider having a Vegetation Management Ordinance. Chairman Anderson requested a copy or draft of the ordinance from Mr. Bartel. Mr. Mark Godwin gave a brief presentation on the Juvenile Assessment Center and handed out an informational packet. Doug A asked what the length of the contract was. Mark replied it would be for 18 months of which the County would pay for 100 % of the costs. At the end of the 18 months, the County would then ask for contributions from both cities. Chief Savage asked if the requests would be directly from the cities or go through the agencies. The funds are a quarter of the $65.00 fee that is collected by the Clerk of Courts. This averages @ $6,000.00 per month. The cost to operate the Juvenile Assessment Center is roughly $25,000.00 per month. This would leave about $6,500.00 needed by each city to contribute. Chief Deputy Wilson asked Mark to check if this is a fee that is commonly waived by judges. Mark stated he would look into it. Mr. Mark Godwin also reported they are starting a Mental Health Court. They are pursuing a grant that is available through the Bureau of Justice for $150,000.00. He requested a letter of support from each agency. Jack S reported the Alarm Committee was meeting that afternoon. Jack S also reported the EOC had installed a camera system like the School Board has. Eventually, when an alarm goes off at a school, 911 will be able to pull up that camera and see if there is anything before the agencies get there. Asst. Chief Baldwin suggested for an upcoming agenda item to include Automated Vehicle Locators. Next meeting TBD before May. Meeting adjourned at 11:47 am. 2 0 a ' O 00 C) C 5 O dA Q) O U U �Q 4-4 0 0 bn _ ice0 N ;M; O � '� 03 F+ U aaoi O to o 4-4 cd y �z cd o� O � w cd O a, C o N OU � o � o Q.� o � 0 C o d � cd p O bbO N � N v� N bboo O • N as w 40. z U rail W W 14 cl� cl� MWY. 00 It � v 0 by +~- �, • � (s: i..+ cd � : -- CdU U �. • to O o � O W01�A�xQw��F� -- N M U i E �O ° J, 0• � �, a a -�o 0 G� G p �00 Np •C p s' X� o s'n N� Ci U O O m ��Nj 110 �2 l O �•b O N 2LyT C� t> 2L�oo o a G � Z d a �fo� �• N Nc �'6�4, o � G 7 - G v O p p� O GN cn� �G f4 � -C N �`L �� O S� ��Dy, ID ' 7 N' % J) co 7 Y J� J- tP l 0 ° 0 o �.o0 a3 ¢Cd (A z o c V)cqs 00 bA mos cod°� � +C� oc y O N '� di O _ .. U O p' vUi N U N U M N Cd ° ° b o o a cd00 0 0 0 D O bA y > U cn El cC ��' Op vUi bA a� o0 a� r, O cd ¢ bA U O N Cd �o~C4 E Vcrs +� + cd ° O 'C cd V � as a. 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