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2006 Taylor Creek Spoil Site
COUNTY ADMINISTRATION MEMORANDUM // 06-125 TO: Board of County Commi~ FROM: Douglas M. Anderson,~c~(.Inty Administrator DATE: October 19, 2006 RE: Relocation of the Taylor Creek Temporary Spoil Site Staff is recommending that the temporary spoil site on Mr. Bell's property at the Port of Fort Pierce be relocated to the western side of the Harbour Pointe property. The estimated cost to construct a new temporary spoil site is $1,400,000. Attached is an October 18th letter to Mr. John LaCapra, President of the Florida Ports Council, requesting 75% funding ($1,050,000) towards the estimated cost of construction. If approved, the remaining $350,000 local share will be in the 2007-2008 Port Budget. At this time, County staff is gathering information to develop the necessary specifications to bid the dismantling of the existing temporary spoil site. The new temporary spoil site will be used for approximately 18 months, with dismantling to occur in 2009. This recommendation to relocate the spoil site and dismantle the existing spoil site is to allow Mr. Bell to submit plans to the City of Fort Pierce for his proposed use of Berth 1. DMA/ab 06-125 c: Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Dan McIntyre, County Attorney Don West, Public Works Director Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee Attachment ~OUNT~~` ~.~1viM1~51©N~i~S October 18, 2006 Florida Ports Council John LaCapra, President Bank of America Plaza 502 East Jefferson Street Tallahassee, FL., 32301 Dear John: ..ht~'•f.p n., f ry i' e. ~ HvJNMNf r. i ,..n~",~ wn.µwy f ~ ;~~raerca. u t1 L I:E ~. ,. . „ ,~ , f. ~~~~~ ~ahh~~~~~f~,.~~ DOUGL~.:~ M. AND~`RSON The Port of Fort Pierce has additional financial needs for Phases I & II of the Taylor Creek dredging project. The additional costs come from the need to construct a new spoil site for the project. County staff plan 1 site eon County ownednPort property at Port Authority consider constructing a sp Harbour Pointe on approximately 15 acres of land on the western end of the propert~T. The total estimated cost to design and construct the spoil site is $1,400,000. A breakdown of alread~~ approved funding applications and the additional costs are as follov~~s: Phase I Phase II Approved Funding $900.000 $2,544,000 Requested Additional Funding = 75% 75,000 (engineeringipermitting) 975,000 (construction) Small County Dredging Project Program $3,519,000 Total Revised Request $975,000 The County is waiting for the Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) from the Florida Department of Transportation for the X900,000. We will then be requesting the JPA be amended to $975,000. We understand that although the $2,544,000 is approved by the Florida Seaport and Economic Development Council, it is not funded at this time. Contingent upon the Countt~ Commission/ Port Authorit~T approval, Countti- staff plans on designing and permitting the spoil site the first half of 2007 with construction being done the first quarter of 2008. We anticipate using the spoil site for up to 18 months, dismantling it ire 2009. .ANA - n , ,. ,,~,< ,. _ ~ ,J ~ _OI.I~ ` fYlifl ,II.I - JI.GI'.; ?,i ryc ~ ~•. _ _ _ -_- -- _~t~,., _ _,_ _ _ ,., Page 2 October 18, 2006 Port of Fort Pierce Funding Request Please let us know what additional steps need to be taken to process this funding request. Sincerely, ~;f ,~ %~ r ,i /;' ~~, ^E~r Do gla Anderson Port I~iirect r DMAlab ` c: Board of County Commissioners/Port Authori~r Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Don West, Public Works Director Dan McIntyre, Count<~ Attorney Bill Hoeffner, Grant Resources Director :;teC~~n;~ is IJ~ann~-:.onswior-r~~ fJirDah~aid ~ V'ves_. P-= DIf~CT01- Gf GUbll.. ~'OrKS i LIE ,.,OUnt`.' ^~C. 30C~~Irglnla Ave. ~ ~ ` -, Pierce. ~L 34902 R C ~' ~. ~GTnr,Er ~. aMC °N: U~-ODD-C5 r~ 1 ~~ ~~/I ~~, I Construction Cost for a New Lfpiand Qredaed Material IVtanapement area at Harbor Poi n` i avior Creek Restoration Dredaina Dear Mr VVes ~` tr?° :.OU(itV S reC]UeS{ DM''. had pr~'f:'iareCl ?IlE iOIIGWlnO ~.GS~~ °S>IiliaZE IC~ GOnSIR,C a naV'/ v~'~oil`! ~JiSp65a ~aGlil>'~` iG"tf1E T8V10'~ ~~r°°~`~ '~~'•°STGiHtI0f1 ~~I"EC1C71f1C ~"~0~2.~'._ ~rl'° c9V811c~1~12 SIt~ I~dDprOYlliir~Le!~~ ?G acres. known as Harbo~~~ Poln~- ~OD.OOC_OC Upland Si-e ~onstrucriGr+ cu Ge~nG ~n~ C)OC; O''- ~~.~;li~~°Efr'~ GorrPi?tl(1~ v~~.Cr1S?'~~ ~0 Irlj ., i b i~3 ~'? ,40Q.000.~0 JUr e5[Inl21E !5 D35EG Gn COn~rl"UCtlO!"1 0' apprOXil'1"18t21~ ~ 2[)~' Ilnea' ie°l Of L~efT~ ~ fii .DOVc ~Irr°fri _~rO~U'lry i°'/E' rid n°V: SITS VVI~' h,BEG ',~ C?~ :7°rnIITT.:~' an~: I'~, ~ ~!h~2~_ ~llv: '"UCl.I r. ~Uli..~~ ~~~' .. .._ _fUG~:°." ~ TOC ~r1= D°r"~ ~Or;jii ~~: ilGh. ~~c~ .._, ~'~~~ .._ ~~ .. .~.~ ~~redoincs ~: Marine :or.suttant~. '~'~` _:nailesr ~ F~a~e I~~i .,_ _. ~.~~ - . ~~ ~~ ~ '' I'C`I a n ~ _. _~ FAX N0. Jui. r9 200 G~:B8PM P2 -`QOM DESTIN aF~ACH, INC. Lloyd Bell 681 SE Hidden River Drive Saint Lucie West. Florida 34983-2739 September 29, 2006 /~ ~~~ / Doug Anderson '~ / ~ ~ ~ County Administrator s~~ ,l ,~ ~ ~~, n ~ ~ i , St. Lucie Cou ty ~ .~' ~ ~~ 2300 Virginia Avenue ~~ Fort Pierce, FL 34982 ~~ y~ Re: llestin 13eac1L Application for SSL Lease for Berth 4 Dear Mr. Anderson: Thank you. for hosting our meeting on Monday, September 25. The purpose cif this correspondence is to memorialize and. to follow up nn several matters that we discussed during our meeting. We provided you with copies of various drawings, including drawings describing the location of the proposed cargo operations at Berth. 4, which are the subject of the pending application for sovereign submerged lands lease (See Sheet C-0611)• ILs you. requested, we also provided, you with a drawing showing the location oi' these proposed operations if they were to be relocated. to Berth 1 area, as the County has suggested (See Sheet C-03A). As we explained, relocating these operations to Berth 1 area would require the County to immed.i.ately move and restore the spoil disposal site which was used by the County during 2004 to July 28, 2006 when we informed the DEP that the county d.ocs not have Any permission to use tyre spoil area. You. have advised us that the County again. desires to use some part of the property for a spoil site for Phase 2. 'this site will receive spoil from the dredging of Taylor Creek, which proposed dredging is the subject of a pending application filed with the Department of Environmental Protection. You have indicated the County will require the use of this spoil. site beginning next spring and through 2008 (and possibly into 2009), We arc willing to discuss your request to use the property as a disposal site, and invite you to submit specific proposals for our review and consideration. We arc aware that the County desires that we relocate our cargo operations from the Rerth 4 area to the gcrth 1 Area. 'This of course ~neaus that the County would be: required. to promptly ;i` ,~ ~~~ 7 ~ ~0f1~ G FAX N~ Dui. ~9 200 83:88PM P3 OM Doug Anderson, County Administrator September 29, 20Ufi Page 2 relocate the spoil disposal site from the Berth 1 area to the Berth 4 area, all at considerable expense to the Cour-ty and its taxpayers. We therefore have suggested to consider delaying the relocation. of our cargo opcrations from Berth 4 to Berth 1 to allow the County to continue to use the existing sptyi.l site at Berth 1., provided. we are allowed to undertake the proposed cargo operations at Berth 4 until the County has completed the use (and. restoration) afthe existing spoil disposal site at Berth 1. We think this latter proposal would save the County and its taxpayers considcrahle time and expense. 1n any event, we look forward to receiving a written description of the County's proposals i'or the use of the property as a spoil disposal site. These proposals should takc into consideration our proposed operations as described in. the drawings we provided. to you. Again, thank you for hosting our meeting on Monday. We look Ibrward t<~ bringing these matters to a mutually satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely yours, r,! Lloyd. F. Bell Jr Destin $each Inc. Approved by Michael Ravclo Fort 1'icrce Wateri`ront 'Terminals LLC cc: Terry Lewis, special Counsel Larry Sellers, Holland & Knight LLP ,~,~~' ~~'A ~Q' ~~~ ~ .. §~:. ITEM NO. 12 DATE: October 24, 2006 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): ADMINISTRATION PRESE Cou SUBJECT: Relocation of the Taylor Creek T BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: See Attachments REGULAR: (X) PUBLIC HEARING: ( ) CONSENT: ( ) nderson nistrator ary Spoil Site $1,050,000 Florida Ports Council Request, $350,000 2007/2008 Port Budget NIA RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the County proceed with the relocation of the Taylor Creek Spoil Site to the Harbour Pointe property and develop the necessary specifications to bid the dismantling of the existing spoil site. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED O DENIED D OTHER: ^ County Attorney: CONCURRENCE: Douglas Anderson County Administrator Review and Approvals ^ Management and Budget: ^ Originating Dept: ^ Other: ^ Finance: Check for copy only, if applicable: ~ Purchasing: ^ Other: Anyone with a disability requiring accommodations to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at 772-462-1777 or TTD 772-462-1428, at least 48 hours (48) prior to the meeting.