HomeMy WebLinkAboutDestin letter 10-24-06 , BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DOUGLAS M. ANDmSON October 24, 2006 Destin Beach, Inc. Lloyd Bell 681 Hidden River Drive Port St. Lucie, FL., 34983-2739 Dear Mr. Bell: This is in response to your September 29th letter regarding Destin Beach's application for a Submerged Land Lease for Berth 4 at the Port of Fort Pierce. In that letter you indicated that Destin Beach is willing to discuss the County's request to use the property owned by you as a disposal site for the future dredging of Taylor Creek. This letter is to notify you that the County will be relocating the spoil site off your property and will be notifying you when it is prepared to remove the dirt. Weare in the process of attaining cost estimates at this time to remove the spoil site and plan on having a contract in place by the first quarter of 2007 with construction commencing soon thereafter. The Board of County Commissioners at their October 24th meeting approved the dismantling of the spoil site on your property. ~7) -~r- D gl9Æ> M. Anderson County Administrator ~ DMAJab 06-173 c: Board of County Commissioners Ray Wazny, Assistant County Administrator Don West, Public Works Director Dan McIntyre, County Attorney Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee JOSEPH E. SMITH Dlsmcr~~Jr: l-cfu~f-J1~~ò t,frr~~~?~~t~A~iO[iL<t~s~2r~~~PP~·n~~~IE HUTCHINSON DIStrict 1"-10."1 . CHIìIS ŒAFT Dlsrrlct No. Counry Adminlstroror - Douglas M. Anderson 2,300 Virginia Avenue . Forr Pierce. FL ,34982-5652 · Phone (772) 462-'1450 · TDD (772) 462-1425 FAX (77'2) 462-1645 · emai: dougo@co.sr-iucle.fi.us web Sire: wwvi.co.sr-lucie.fl.u: .y '-'~JM FRX ['-10. Jul. 29 2003 03:08PM P2 DESTIN BEACH, INC. Lloyd Bell 681 SE Hidden River Drive Saint Lucie West. Florida 34983-2739 September 29, 2006 ~llð~ ,/ Doug Andorson q)~, k~ t?~ / /' fr County Administrator C 1 ~ v4 ('yo ~~o~~~~2'venue '/ f1 ()~ "". ~ ~ fr'~'" 1, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 ./ ¥ v f Re: Uestin Beach; Applicatioo fat SSL Lease for Berth 4 f' f# Dear Mr. Anderson: Thank you for hosting our meeting on Monday, September 2S. The purpo~e of this correspondence is to memorialize and to follow up on several matters that we discussed during our meeting. We provided you with copies of various drawings~ including drawings describing the location of the proposed cargo operations at Bertb 4~ which are the subject of the pending application for sovereign submerged lands lease (See Sheet C-06A). As you requested, we also provided you with a drawing showing the 1ocaUon of these proposed operations if they were to be relocated to Berth 1 area, as the County has suggested (See Sheet C-03A). As we explained, relocating these operations to Berth 1· area would require the County to immediately move and restore the spoil disposal site which was used by the County during 2004 to Ju1y 28,2006 when we informed the DEP that the county docs not have any permission to use the spoil area. You have advised us that the County again desires t() use some part of the property for a spoil site for Phase 2. This site will receive spoil from the dredging of Taylor Creek, which proposed dredging is the subject of a pending application filed with the Department of Enviromnental Protection. You have indicated the County will require the use of this spoil site beginning next spring and through 2008 (a.nd possibly into 2009). Weare willing to discuss your request to use the property as a disposal site~ and invite you to submit specific proposals for our review ¡md consideration. We are aware that the County desires that we relocate our cargo operations from the Berth 4 area to thc Berth 1 ~\fea. This of course means that the County would be required to promptly ...---......-- '.,....""." --.--....,..--.--.. ~;:t ') t: 1'_· OOF ,~~, ~"'" ;.../ ,.:4,,~ ~ .,.", :-;OM FRX ['-10. Jul. 29 2003 03:08PM P3 Doug Andersoll~ County Administrator September 29,2006 Page 2 relocate the ~poil disposal site nom the Berth 1 area to the Berth 4 area, a.ll at considerable expense to the County and its taxpayers. We therefore have suggested to consider delaying the relocation of our cargo operations from Berth 4 to Berth 1 to allow the County to continue to use the existing spoil site at Berth l! provided we are allowed to undertake the proposed cargo operations at Berth 4 unti1 the County bas completed the use (and restoration) of the existing spoil disposal site at Berth 1. We think this latter proposal would save the County and its taxpayers considerable time and expense. In any event, we look forward to receiving a written description of the County's proposals for the use of the property as a. spoil disposal site. These proposals ShOlÙd take into consideration our proposed operations as described in the dru-wings we provided to you. Again, thank you for hosting our meeting on Monday. We look forward to bringing these matters to a mutually satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely yours, /2d~ Michael Ravelo Fort Pierce Waterfront 'ferminals LLC ~~ " ._. '7 ()¡j ¡( /;4~<þ-/ ;vi ltit/U;r' Lloyd F. Ben Jr Destin Beach Inc. cc: Terry Lewis, Special Counsel Larry Sellers, Holland & Knight LLP ~J .'7 17'· Y/ ø ~.