HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-21-2006 Signed Agendas Novemlle. 21, 2006 .aOO A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA WELCOME ALL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED. ALL MEETINGS PROVIDED WITH WIRELESS INTERNET ACCESS FOR PUBLIC CONVENIENCE. PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES AND PAGERS PRIOR TO ENTERING THE COMMISSION CHAMBER'. PLEASE MUTE THE VOLUME ON ALL LAPTOPS AND PDA'S WHILE IN USE IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS. GENERAL RULES AND PROCEDURES - Attached is the agenda which will determine the order of business conducted at today's Board meeting: CONSENT AGENDA - These items are considered routine and are enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Commissioner so requests. REGULAR AGENDA - Proclamations, Presentations, Public Hearings, and Department requests are items, which the Commission will discuss individually usually in the order listed on the agenda. PUBLIC HEARINGS - These items are usually heard on the first and third Tuesday at 6:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as possible. However, if a public hearing is scheduled for a meeting on a second or fourth Tuesday, which begins at 9:00 A.M., then public hearings will be heard at 9:00 A.M. or as soon thereafter as possible. These time designations are intended to indicate that an item will not be addressed prior to the listed time. The Chairman will open each public hearing and as!:?s anyone wishing to spea!:? to come forward, one at a time. Comments will be limited to five minutes. As a general rule, when issues are scheduled before the Commission under department request or public hearing, the order of presentation is: (1) County staff presents the details of the Board item (2) Commissioners comment (3) if a public hearing, the Chairman will as!:? for public comment, (4) further discussion and action by the board. ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION - Please state your name and address, spea!:?ing clearly into the microphone. If you have bac!:?up material. please have eight copies for distribution. NON-AGENDA ITEMS - These items are presented by an individual Commissioner or staff as necessary at the conclusion of the printed agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT - Time is allotted at the beginning of each meeting of general public comment. Please limit comments to five minutes. DECORUM - Please be respectful of others opinions. MEETINGS - All Board meetings are open to the public and are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:00 P.M. and on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 9:00 A.M., unless otherwise advertised. Meetings are held in the County Commission Chambers in the Roger Poitras Administration Annex at 2300 Virginia Ave., Ft. Pierce, FL 34982. The Board schedules additional worl:?shops throughout the year necessary to accomplish their goals and commitments. Notice is provided of these wor!:?shops. Assistive Listening Device is available to anyone with a hearing disability. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Director at (772) 462-1777 or TDD (772) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS www.co.st-Iucie.fl.us DOllS Cowa.d, Chai.man Ch... C.aft, Vice Chai.man loseph Smith Pallia Lewis Cha.les G.ande Dist.ict NO.2 Dist.ict NO.5 Dist.ict No. I Dist.ict No. I Dist.ict No. . Novem.... 21, 200. ,.00 A.M. INVOCAIION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE I. PROCLAMAIIONS/PRESENIAIIONS/ANNOUNCEMENIS A. Jim Egan, Executive Director of the Marine Resources Council will present the Maggy Bowman Award for outstanding service to the Indian River Lagoon by an elected official to St. Lucie County Commissioner Doug Coward B. Mr. Edwin Fry, ClerR of the Court will administer the Oath of Office to Commissioner Doug Coward for his 3rd term. C. Mr. Edwin Fry, ClerR of the Court will administer the Oath of Office to Charles Crande. 2. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENI Ie REORGANIZAIION A. ELECI IHE CHAIRMAN OF IHE BOARD Edwin Fry ClerR of the Court will preside and call for nominations for the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. B. ELECI IHE VICE-CHAIRMAN The Chairman will preside and call for nominations for the Vice-Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. RECESS AS IHE BOARD OF COUN" COMMISSIONERS Regllla. Agenda Novembe. 21, 200. Page lwo Ie REORGANIZAIION CONIINUED C. SPECIAL MEEIINGS 10 ELECt IHE CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN OF IHE FOLLOWING BOARDS WILL BE HELD AI IHIS liME. MOSOUIIO CONIROL DISIRICI I. The ClerR of the Court will preside 5lnd call for nominations for the Chairman of the Mosquito Control District. C /7YJ ~ .- r L 11.J1- Iiii7 The Chairman will preside and call for nominations for the Vice-Chairman of the Mosquito Control District. \! I c.-é C{~ ,- f)tL EROSION DISIRlél 2. I. The ClerR of the Court will preside and call for nominations for the Chairman of the Erosion District. C I~' - C G 2. The Chairman will preside and call for nominations for the Vice-Chairman of the Erosion District. \,. '-ty ~ ~.. (l e ENVIRON MENIAL CONIROL BOARD I. The ClerR of the Court will preside and call for nominations for the Chairman of the Environmental Control Board. ''0 c... 2. The Chairman will preside and call for nominations for the Vice-Chairman of the Environmental Control Board. -2' S RECONVENE AS IHE BOARD OF COUNIY COMMISSIONERS Regllla. Agenda Novem.... 21, 200. Page Ih.ee I. REORGANIZAIION CONIINUED D. The Chairman of the Board of County Commission Automatically Serves as a member on (or their designee): · St. Lucie County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors - f '- · Local Covernment Subcommittee C L · Public Safety Coordinating Council/Court System Advisory Council C c... · Shared Services NetworR Executive Round Table_ -::rs · Tourist Development Council 'D C- · Treasure Coast Community AlliancJ5 · Treasure Coast WorRforce Consortium cc., E. The Chairman will appoint one Commissioner to serve on the following boards/committees for a one-year term. · 19th Judicial Circuit Conflict Committee I L- · Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Committee ,0'- · Blueway Advisory Committee C 6 · Children's Services Council P '- · Weed & Seed Steering Committee DC- · Corridor Advocacy Croup (Scenic Highway) C (5 · Council on Aging pL- · County Coalition for Responsible Management of LaRe OReechobee and St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee Estuaries ~ · Cultural Affairs Council.::rS. · St. Lucie County Bridge and Expressway Authority C 6 I / t- · Friends of the St. Lucie County Library ¡7 L- · Healthy Kids de.- I. REORGANIZAIION CONIINUED · Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program Advisory Board- C. is · Land Acquisition Selection Committee - I.) C- · Law Library Board of Trustees _ P L- · Local Covernment Sub-committee -(JÇ.-L ¡J ~ 1'- (Three from Commission Chairman automatic) ~ AI/' ¡J · Metropolitan Planning Organization -- -15, Cc.., /'-, c(J,¡ {', (4 members 1 alternate) ~ · C~ Property & Homeowners' Associations U · Space Needs Committee CC · St. Lucie County Fire Prevention and Control District f} c... 1..25- 5'þdn .Jé ~ a · Treasure Coast Community Action Agency Tripartite Board - fJ?- · Treasure Coast Education Research Development Authority -CC- · Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board .- /~ · Treasure Coast Council of Local Covernments ~ ee} IJ1 · Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council [2 Commission members and 2 alternates] · Utility Regionalization TasR Force Meeting ~S' ð¿, ~ · Value Adjustment Board -:.J / /" ~ 1 [3 appointments] '-; ¿::s: C G - ~I Cc.... #<-,/ ~ e:- eL · Florida Local Covernment Investment Trust _____ CG -C"ó · WorRforce Development Board of the Treasure Coast F. Recommendation to approve, by motion, the various appointments made by the Chairman. ReSllla, Asenel. Novembe. 21, 200. Page Five G. ADVISORY BOARD VACANCIES I. Commissioner Joseph E. Smith - Staff recommends ratification by motion the appointments made by Commissioner Smith. 2. Commissioner Doug Coward - Staff recommends ratification by motion the appointments made by Commissioner Coward. I. Commissioner Paula A. Lewis - Staff recommends ratification by motion the appointments made by Commissioner Lewis. .. Commissioner Charles Crande - Advisory Boards and Committee Vacancies - Recommendations to ratify, by motion, the appointments made by Commissioner Crande and request that some of these appointments be postponed, in order to contact individuals that can be re-appointed, and to advertise for the remaining vacancies. s~ Commissioner Chris Craft - Staff recommends ratification by motion the appointments made by Commissioner Craft. .. Board at-large appointments - The Board will have the opportunity to maRe Board at-large appointments to the attached list of Advisory Boards and Committees, which have vacancies. Recommendations to ratify, by motion, the appointments made and grant permission for staff to advertise for applications to fill vacancies with no applications submitted. CONSENI AGENDA I. Warrant List No. 7 2. COUNIY AnORNEY Declaration of State of Local Emergency - Indian River Drive - Consider staff recommendation to approve the Declaration and authorize the Public Safety Director to sign the Declaration. ANNOUNCEMENTS NOVEMBER 21, 2006 Meeting Changes: · There will be no Board of County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, December 26, 2006 due to the County's observance of the Holiday. 1. Port St. Lucie Branch Library 35th anniversary on Friday, December 8th at 10:00 a.m. Artist Carmen ZwiebacR will unveil a new painting to be hung in the library's reading room. Library is located at 180 SW Prima Vista Blvd., Port St. Lucie. For more information call 871-5450. 2. The County Commissioners will hold a WorRshop on Rangeline Road Utilities on Friday, December 15, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. in the County Commission Chambers. 3. The Board of County Commissioners is currently accepting applications to fill vacancies on the various Boards and Committees. Anyone wishing to apply can obtain an application from the St. Lucie County Administration office. For more information please call Missy Stiadle 462-1156. 4. The Oxbow Eco-Center will be hosting an 'Eco-Holidays and the Enchanted Trail' event on December 9th from 12:00 till 4:00. NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Board are electronically recorded. Any person who decides to appeal any action taRen by the Board at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462-1777 or TDD (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting, at. -... c..a,. -... ClllMlIiItIId Joseph E. Smith, Chairman Paula A. Lewis, Vice Chairman Doug Coward Frannie Hutchinson Craft Craft District No.1 District No.3 District No.2 District No. 4 District No.5 AGENDA November 21, :&006 REORGANIZATION I. ELECT THE CHAIRMAN The CierI:? of the Court will preside and call for nominations for a new Chairman of the St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District. :z. ELECT THE VICE-CHAIRMAN The Chairman will preside and call for nominations for Vice-Chairman. RECESS- UNTIL AFTER THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING RECONVENE J. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT AGENDA I. WARRANTS LIST // Approve Warrants List No.7 NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Board are electronically recorded, Any person who decides to appeal any action taRen by the Board at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request, Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462-1777 or TDD (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. 1t.1.IMIe ..... 1MtM, 1MdIkt, Frannie Hutchinson, Chairman Doug Coward, Vice Chairman Joseph E. Smith Paula A. Lewis Chris Craft District No.4 District No.2 District No. 1 District No.3 District No.5 AGENDA Nov..."., 21, 2006 REORGANIZATION I. ELECT THE CHAIRMAN The CierI:? of the Court will preside and call for nominations for a new Chairman of the St. Lucie County Erosion Control District. 2. ELECT THE VICE-CHAIRMAN The Chairman will preside and call for nominations for Vice-Chairman. RECESS- UNTIL AFTER THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING RECONVENE ~ GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT AGENDA ~/ WARRANTS Lln Approve Warrants List No, 7. NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Board are electronically recorded. Any person who decides to appeal any action ta~en by the Board at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings, individuals testifying during a hearing will be swom in, Any party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462-1777 or TDD (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting, I.IMt·CIIIIt··----..CIIIMI·1MItI Joseph E. Smith, Chairman Paula A. Lewis, Vice Chairman Doug Coward Frannie Hutchinson Craft Craft District No. 1 District No. 3 District No. 2 District No. 4 District No. 5 AGENDA Nov.m.... 2,1, Z006 REORGANIZATION I. ELECT THE CHAIRMAN The CierI:? of the Court will preside and call for nominations for a new Chairman of the St. Lucie County Environmental Control Board. :r.. ELECT THE VICE-CHAIRMAN The Chairman will preside and call for nominations for Vice-Chairman. RECESS- UNTIL AFTER THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING RECONVENE J. MINUTES Approve the minutes of the meeting held December 6, 2005 ~ 4. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT AGENDA I. WARUNTS LIST There are no outstanding warrant lists at this time. NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Board are electronically recorded. Any person who decides to appeal any action taRen by the Board at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462-1777 or TDD (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. _s ~...,., ,;'i' ",\.. ," ,. . '. .' '. . J ... ~.~" c' ,,~. ,. .'" '~ . ;' ., I "'" . . .. .. November 21, 2006 ..00 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA WELCOME ALL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED. ALL MEETINGS PROVIDED WITH WIRELESS INTERNET ACCESS FOR PUBLIC CONVENIENCE. PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES AND PAGERS PRIOR TO ENTERING THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS. PLEASE MUTE THE VOLUME ON ALL LAPTOPS AND PDA'S WHILE IN USE IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBER'. GENERAL RULES AND PROCEDURES - Attached is the agenda which will determine the order of business conducted at today's Board meeting: CONSENT AGENDA - These items are considered routine and are enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Commissioner so requests. REGULAR AGENDA - Proclamations, Presentations, Public Hearings, and Department requests are items, which the Commission will discuss individually usually in the order listed on the agenda. PUBLIC HEARINGS - These items are usually heard on the first and third Tuesday at 6:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as possible. However, if a public hearing is scheduled for a meeting on a second or fourth Tuesday, which begins at 9:00 A.M., then public hearings will be heard at 9:00 A,M, or as soon thereafter as possible. These time designations are intended to indicate that an item will not be addressed prior to the listed time. The Chairman will open each public hearing and asl:?s anyone wishing to speal:? to come forward, one at a time. Comments will be limited to five minutes. As a general rule, when issues are scheduled before the Commission under department request or public hearing, the order of presentation is: (1) County staff presents the details of the Board item (2) Commissioners comment (3) if a public hearing, the Chairman will asl:? for public comment, (4) further discussion and action by the board, ADDRES'ING THE COMMISSION - Please state your name and address, speal:?ing clearly into the microphone. If you have bacl:?up material. please have eight copies for distribution. NON-AGENDA ITEMS - These items are presented by an individual Commissioner or staff as necessary at the conclusion of the printed agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT - Time is allotted at the beginning of each meeting of general public comment. Please limit comments to five minutes, DECORUM - Please be respectful of others opinions. MEETINGS - All Board meetings are open to the public and are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:00 P.M. and on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 9:00 A.M., unless otherwise advertised. Meetings are held in the County Commission Chambers in the Roger Poitras Administration Annex at 2300 Virginia Ave., Ft. Pierce, FL 34982. The Board schedules additional worl:?shops throughout the year necessary to accomplish their goals and commitments, Notice is provided of these worl:?shops, Assistive Listening Device is available to anyone with a hearing disability. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Director at (772) 462-1777 or TDD (772) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS www.co.st-Iucie.fl.us _""'.""""'~'1.'''''.'-.'''4.'.' .~~' ,,- "",--. ,. '-,', . - .;.."~ _', - - é"'Y".__ . .. .. --' DOlIg Cowa.d, Chai.man Ch.is C.aft, Vice Chai.man loseph Smith Pallia Lewis Cha.les G.ande Dist.ict NO.2 Dist.ict NO.5 Dist.ict No. I Dist.ict No. I Dist.ict NO.4 Novem.... 21, 200. ,.00 A.M. INVOCAIION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE I. PROCLAMAIIONS/PRESENIAIIONS/ANNOUNCEMENIS A. Jim Egan, Executive Director of the Marine Resources Council will present the Maggy Bowman Award for outstanding service to the Indian River Lagoon by an elected official to St. Lucie County Commissioner Doug Coward B. Mr. Edwin Fry, ClerR of the Court will administer the Oath of Office to Commissioner Doug Coward for his 3rd term. C. Mr. Edwin Fry, ClerR of the Court will administer the Oath of Office to Charles Crande. 2. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENI I. REORGANIZAIION A. ELECt IHE CHAIRMAN OF IHE BOARD Edwin Fry ClerR of the Court will preside and call for nominations for the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. B. ELECt IHE VICE-CHAIRMAN The Chairman will preside and call for nominations for the Vice-Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. - 4" í 1 Ii i ' , , '''t 1f1:í i ì 1 fT RECESS AS IHE BOARD OF COUNIY COMMISSIONERS Regllla. Agenda Novembe. 21, 200. Pagelwo Ie REORGANIZAIION CONIINUED C. SPECIAL MEEIINGS 10 ELEct IHE CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN OF IHE FOLLOWING BOARDS WILL BE HELD AI IHIS liME. MOSOUIIO CONIROL DISIRICt I. The ClerR of the Court will preside and call for nominations for the Chairman of the Mosquito Control District. 2. The Chairman will preside and call for nominations for the Vice-Chairman of the Mosquito Control District. EROSION DISIRICt I. The ClerR of the Court will preside and call for nominations for the Chairman of the Erosion District. 2. The Chairman will preside and call for nominations for the Vice-Chairman of the Erosion District. ENVIRON MENIAL CONIROL BOARD I. The ClerR of the Court will preside and call for nominations for the Chairman of the Environmental Control Board. 2. The Chairman will preside and call for nominations for the Vice-Chairman of the Environmental Control Board. "'J!r' co, ~ íì:ù ~ ., , I i 'Ií ¡ir RECONVENE AS IHE BOARD OF COUNty COMMISSIONERS Regllla. Agend. Novembe. 21, 200. Page Ih.ee I. REORGANIZAIION CONIINUED D. The Chairman of the Board of County Commission Automatically Serves as a member on (or their designee): · St. Lucie County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors · Local Covernment Subcommittee · Public Safety Coordinating Council/Court System Advisory Council · Shared Services NetworR Executive Round Table · Tourist Development Council · Treasure Coast Community Alliance · Treasure Coast WorRforce Consortium E. The Chairman will appoint one Commissioner to serve on the following boards/committees for a one-year term. · 19th Judicial Circuit Conflict Committee · Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Committee · Blueway Advisory Committee · Children's Services Council · Weed & Seed Steering Committee · Corridor Advocacy Croup (Scenic Highway) · Council on Aging · County Coalition for Responsible Management of LaRe OReechobee and St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee Estuaries · Cultural Affairs Council · St. Lucie County Bridge and Expressway Authority · Friends of the St. Lucie County Library · Healthy Kids Ie REORGANIZAIION CONIINUED · Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program Advisory Board · Land Acquisition Selection Committee · Law Library Board of Trustees · Local Government Sub-committee (Three from Commission Chairman automatic) · Metropolitan Planning Organization (4 members 1 alternate) · Property & Homeowners' Associations · Space Needs Committee · St. Lucie County Fire Prevention and Control District · Treasure Coast Community Action Agency Tripartite Board · Treasure Coast Education Research Development Authority · Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board · Treasure Coast Council of Local Governments · Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council [2 Commission members and 2 alternates] · Utility Regionalization T aSR Force Meeting · Value Adjustment Board [3 appointments] · Florida Local Covernment Investment Trust · WorRforce Development Board of the Treasure Coast F. Recommendation to approve, by motion, the various appointments made by the Chairman. Regllla. Agenda Novembe. 21, 200. Page Five G. ADVISORY BOARD VACANCIES I. Commissioner Joseph E. Smith - Staff recommends ratification by motion the appointments made by Commissioner Smith. 2. Commissioner Doug Coward - Staff recommends ratification by motion the appointments made by Commissioner Coward. I. Commissioner Paula A. Lewis - Staff recommends ratification by motion the appointments made by Commissioner Lewis. .. Commissioner Charles Grande - Advisory Boards and Committee Vacancies - Recommendations to ratify, by motion, the appointments made by Commissioner Grande and request that some of these appointments be postponed, in order to contact individuals that can be re-appointed, and to advertise for the remaining vacancies. s. Commissioner Chris Craft - Staff recommends ratification by motion the appointments made by Commissioner Craft. 6. Board at-large appointments - The Board will have the opportunity to maRe Board at-large appointments to the attached list of Advisory Boards and Committees, which have vacancies. Recommendations to ratify, by motion, the appointments made and grant permission for staff to advertise for applications to fill vacancies with no applications submitted. CONSENI AGENDA """!!Iii 11 ¡ ~¡ ltii· I Ü Ílw ¡ l iF' I. Warrant List No. 7 2. COUNtY AnORNEY Declaration of State of Local Emergency - Indian River Drive - Consider staff recommendation to approve the Declaration and authorize the Public Safety Director to sign the Declaration. -4 ì I 1 III r~ WT ANNOUNCEMENTS NOVEMBER 21, 2006 - .... I .- .- Meeting Changes: · There will be no Board of County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, December 26,2006 due to the County's observance of the Holiday. 1. Port St. Lucie Branch Library 35th anniversary on Friday, December 8th at 10:00 a.m. Artist Carmen ZwiebacR will unveil a new painting to be hung in the library's reading room. Library is located at 180 SW Prima Vista Blvd., Port St. Lucie. For more information call 871-5450. 2. The County Commissioners will hold a WorRshop on Rangeline Road Utilities on Friday, December 15, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. in the County Commission Chambers. 3. The Board of County Commissioners is currently accepting applications to fill vacancies on the various Boards and Committees. Anyone wishing to apply can obtain an application from the St. Lucie County Administration office. For more information please call Missy Stiadle 462-1156. 4. The Oxbow Eco-Center will be hosting an 'Eco-Holidays and the Enchanted Trail' event on December 9th from 12:00 till 4:00. NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Board are electronically recorded. Any person who decides to appeal any action taRen by the Board at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings, individuals testifying during a hearing will be swom in. Any party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462-1777 or TDD (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. St. Licit COlnl, Motllllto Cont,ol Dltt,lct - '"!ill ~" nT I , II -- ~ Joseph E, Smith, Chairman Paula A, Lewis, Vice Chairman Doug Coward Frannie Hutchinson Craft Craft District No. 1 District No.3 District No.2 District No. 4 District No. 5 AGENDA Nove...... 21, 2006 REORGANIZATION I. ELECT THE CHAIRMAN The CierI:? of the Court will preside and call for nominations for a new Chairman of the St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District. 2. ELECT THE VICE-CHAIRMAN The Chairman will preside and call for nominations for Vice-Chairman. RECESS- UNTIL AFTER THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING --""i!' nl JU 'If - ·11 í '<lIP RECONVENE s. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT AGENDA I. WARRANTS LIST Approve Warrants List No.7 NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Board are electronically recorded. Any person who decides to appeal any action taRen by the Board at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings. individuals testifying during a hearing will be swom in. Any party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462-1m or TDD (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting, SI. Lucie Cellnl, I..tlen DIsl.lcl ~ ~;. j .. Hltì .~ ~ , . 1111" Frannie Hutchinson, Chairman Doug Coward, Vice Chairman Joseph E. Smith Paula A. Lewis Chris Craft District No.4 District No, 2 District No.1 District No.3 District No, 5 AGENDA Nove..be. 21, 2006 REORGANIZATION I. ELECT THE CHAIRMAN The CierI:? of the Court will preside and call for nominations for a new Chairman of the St. Lucie County Erosion Control District. 2. ELECT THE VICE-CHAIRMAN The Chairman will preside and call for nominations for Vice-Chairman. RECESS- UNTIL AFTER THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING -~nlìì 'ij' , 1 L : ; l' 9' RECONVENE J. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT AGENDA I. WARRANTS LIST Approve Warrants List No.7. NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Board are electronically recorded. Any person who decides to appeal any action taRen by the Board at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings, individuals testifying during a hearing will be swom in. Any party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462-1m or TDD (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. St. Lacl. COlli, 1111..I..lt.1 COlt..II... - " "' , -, , , """ , - Joseph E. Smith, Chairman Paula A. Lewis, Vice Chairman Doug Coward Frannie Hutchinson Craft Craft District No.1 District No.3 District No, 2 District No.4 District No.5 AGENDA Novemlae, 21, 2006 REORGANIZATION I. ELECT THE CHAIRMAN The CierI:? of the Court will preside and call for nominations for a new Chairman of the St. Lucie County Environmental Control Board, :z.. ELECT THE VICE-CHAIRMAN The Chairman will preside and call for nominations for Vice-Chairman. RECESS- UNTIL AFTER THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING ---""fr II '" L '!liIlín RECONVENE J. MINUTES Approve the minutes of the meeting held December 6, 2005 4. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT AGENDA I. WARRANTS Lln There are no outstanding warrant lists at this time. NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Board are electronically recorded. Any person who decides to appeal any action taRen by the Board at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in, Any party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request, Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462-1777 or TDD (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. 2006 - 2007 ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION 06-07 Reorg Final.xls AGENDA RIOUEST II EM NO. SA Novembe. 21, 2006 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARINC [] CONSENT [] 10. St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners SUBMlnED BY (DEPI). Administration SUBJECT. Annual Reorganization BACKGROUND. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACIION: RECOMMENDAIION: Elect a Chairman for 2006 - 2007. COMMISSION ACIION: CE: ~PROVED [] DENIED [] OTHER: tC/l11m. (! ra pi Approved 5-0 Dougl . Anderson County Administrator Review and A....ova.. County Attorney: Management & Budget: Originating Dept: Other: Finance: (CheeR for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: Other: Effective: 5/96 AGENDA REOUEST itEM NO. IB November 21, 2008 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [] SUBJECI, Annual Reorganization 10. St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners SUBMlnED BY (DEPI), Administration BACKGROUND, FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACIION: RECOMMENDAIION: Elect a Vice-Chairman for 2006 - 2007. COMMISSION ACIION: CE: [t}1(PPROVED [] DENIED [] OTHER: . II ~rrl' ~fr7l;l-'7 Approved 5-0 Douglas Anderson County Administrator Review and App.ovals County Attorney: Management & Budget: Originating Dept: Other: Finance: (CheeR for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: Other: Effective: 5/96 St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District St. Lucie County Erosion Control District St. Lucie County Environmental Control Board ...,. ..'.....IIIeIId. -n ·11_ Joseph E. Smith, Chairman Paula A. Lewis, Vice Chairman Doug Coward Frannie Hutchinson Craft Craft District No. 1 District No.3 District No. 2 District No, 4 District No.5 AGENDA N....m...r 21, 2006 REORGANIZATION I. ELECT THE CHAIRMAN The CIerI:? of the Court will preside and call for nominations for a new Chairman of the St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District. /1 J - <5 L CJnm . I--CM..J I 2. ELECT THE VICE-CHAIRMAN The Chairman will preside and call for nominations for Vice-Chairman. (!C/I7?ß1 f (Ie Varo( RECESS- UNTIL AFTER THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING -- RECONVENE I. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT ACENDA I. WARRANTS LIST -ftf~;p""e Warrants Lirt No.7 NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Board are electronically recorded. Any person who decides to appeal any action talæn by the Board at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request, Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462-1777 or TDD (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. AGENDA REOUEST IIEM NO. IC-I Novembe. 21, 2006 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARINC [] CONSENT [] SUBJECI. Annual Reorganization 10. St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District SUBMlnED BY (DEPI). Administration BACKGROUND. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACIION: RECOMMENDAIION: Elect a Chairman for 2006 - 2007. COMMISSION ACIION: ~ROVED [] DENIED [] OTHER: L f {b-m/?1 , e-w /5 Approved 5-0 D ugl M. Anderson County Administrator Review and A.....ova.. County Attorney: Originating Dept: Finance: Management & Budget: Other: Purchasing: Other: Effective: 5/96 (ChecR for Copy only, if applicable) AGENDA REOUEST IIEM NO. IC-2 Novembe. 21, 200& REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARINC [] CONSENT [] SUBJECI, Annual Reorganization 10. St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District SUBMlnED BY (DEPI). Administration BACKGROUND. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDAIION: Elect a Vice-Chairman for 2006 - 2007. COMMISSION ACIION: ~PROVED [] DENIED [] OTHER: ét7ì71/1'1 . {~a rei Dougl M. Anderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 Review and App.ovals County Attorney: Management & Budget: Originating Dept: Other: Finance: (ChecR for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: Other: Effective: 5/96 .. -............~. """J Frannie Hutchinson, Chairman Doug Coward, Vice Chairman Joseph E. Smith Paula A. Lewis Chris Craft District No. 4 District No. 2 District No. 1 District No.3 District No.5 AGENDA Nov.m.... ZI, 3006 REORGANIZATION I. ELECT THE CHAIRMAN The CierI:? of the Court will preside and call for ~inations for a new Chairman of the St. Lucie County Erosion Control District, CV'17J m, (fFít,d e.- z. ELECT THE VICE-CHAIRMAN The Chairman will preside and call for nominations for Vice-Chairman. ~f11. Cra--Pf RECESS- UNTIL AFTER THE BOARD 0.1 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING RECONVENE J. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT .¡vI J WAIIIIAIIT, un fs~,» Approve Warrants List No.7. , CON'ENT AGENDA NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Boord are electronically recorded. Any person who decides to appeal any action taRen by the Boord at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request, Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462-1m or TDD (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. AGENDA REOUES' IIEM NO. IC-I Novembe. 21, 2006 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARINC [] CONSENT [] SUBJECI, Annual Reorganization 10, St. Lucie County Erosion Control District SUBMlnED BY (DEPI), Administration BACKGROUND, FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACIION: RECOMMENDAIION: Elect a Chairman for 2006 - 2007. COMMISSION ACIION: [~ROVED [] DENIED o OTHER: /l r- I Lt/1Yl rYJ. V-YÚ f? C e- Douglas . Anderson County Ädministrator Approved 5-0 Review and App.ovals County Attorney: Management & Budget: Originating Dept: Other: Finance: (ChecR for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: Other: Effective: 5/96 AGENDA REOUEST itEM NO. IC-2 Novembe. 21, 2006 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARINC [] CONSENT [] SUBJECI, Annual Reorganization 10. St. Lucie County Erosion Control Board SUBMlnED BY (DEPI), Administration BACKGROUND, FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACIION: RECOMMENDATION: Elect a Vice-Chairman for 2006 - 2007. Approved 5-0 E: COMMISSION ACIION: ~PROVED [] DENIED o OTHER: /I /J /_:¡7 L-~/rJ, L'ra-r Review and AltP.ovab County Attorney: Management & Budget: Originating Dept: Other: Finance: (CheeR for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: Other: Effective: 5/96 .,Wt,~~..... ""'II" Joseph E. Smith, Chairman Paula A. Lewis, Vice Chairman Doug Coward Frannie Hutchinson Craft Craft District No. 1 District No. 3 District No.2 District No. 4 District No.5 AGENDA November ZI, Z006 REORGANIZATION ELECT THE CHAIRMAN I. The CIerI:? of the Court will preside and call for nominations for a new Chairman of the St. Lucie County Environmental Control Board. /7. ~~~ /Ý. LYrrtrh . COWtir4 ELECT THE VICE-CHAIRMAN t{ z. The Chairman will preside and call for nominations for Vice-Chairman. Cc/fr1 m -Smtih RECEI'- UNTIL AFTER THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING RECONVENE J. eA. MINUTES .f<,~/D Approve the minutes of the meeting held December 6, 2005 4. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT AGENDA I. WARUNTS LIST There are no outstanding warrant lists at this time. NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Board are electronically recorded. Any person who decides to appeal any action talæn by the Board at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings. individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in, Any party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462-1777 or TDD (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. AGENDA REOUEST IIEM NO. SC-I Novembe. 21, 2006 RECULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARINC [] CONSENT [] SUBJECI, Annual Reorganization 10, St. Lucie County Environmental Control Board SUBMlnED BY (DEPI), Administration BACKGROUND, FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACIION: RECOMMENDAIION: Elect a Chairman for 2006 - 2007. [] DENIED Cvrnm. (Iowa rc1 E: Approved 5-0 Dou as . Anderson County Administrator Review and A.....ova.. County Attorney: Management & Budget: Originating Dept: Other: Finance: (ChecR for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: Other: Effective: 5/96 AGENDA REOUEST IIEM NO. IC-2 Novembe. 21, 2006 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [] SUBJECI, Annual Reorganization /"'-- derson, County Administrator 10. St. Lucie County Environmental Control Board SUBMlnED BY (DEPI). Administration BACKGROUND, FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACIION: RECOMMENDAIION: Elect a Vice-Chairman for 2006 - 2007. Approved 5-0 COMMISSION ACIION: ~ROVED [] DENIED -f?¡ [] OTHER: /'- d L,~¡Y1. Ofnl Review and A.....ova.. County Attorney: Management & Budget: Originating Dept: Other: Finance: (ChecR for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: Other: Effective: 5/96 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL BOARD ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING Date: December 6, 2005 Tape: 2 Convened: 8:27 p,m. Adjourned: 8:28 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairman, Joseph Smith, Frannie Hutchinson, Doug Coward, Chris Craft, Paula A. Lewis, absent Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk 1. MINUTES It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve the minutes of the meeting held November 15,2005, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 2. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENTS None There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Chairman Clerk of Circuit Court AGENDA REOUEST IIEM NO. ID Novembe. 21, 2006 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [] SUBJECT, Annual Reorganization TO, St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners SUBMlnED BY (DEPT), Administration BACKGROUND, The Chairman of the Board of County Commission Automatically SelVes as a member on (or their designee) St. Lucie County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors L e WI'.s · · Local Govemment Subcommittee C r4.-11- Public Safety Coordinating Council/Court System Advisory Council CrÆ.J2!- Shared Services NetworR Executive Round Table 5m I '-It Tourist Development Council t!O ~ Treasure Coast Community Alliance 5/ì1¡ M Treasure Coast WorRforce Consortium {! ra ¡I- · · · · · FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMM SION ACTION: Approved 5-0 APPROVED 0 DENIED o OTHER: Review and A....ova.. County Attorney: Originating Dept: Finance: Management & Budget: Other: Purchasing: Other: Effective: 5/96 (ChecR for Copy only, if applicable) AGENDA REOUEST IIEM NO. IE Novembe. 21, 2006 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARINC [] CONSENT [] Administration TO, St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners SUBMlnED BY (DEPT), SUBJECT, BACKGROUND, Annual Reorganization The Chairman will appoint one Commissioner to serve on the following boards/committees for a one-year term. 19th Judicial Circuit Conflict Committee Le (,Ù / s · · Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Committee Lew; 5 · Blueway Advisory Committee ~rurd L- Children's Services Council Lev / 5 Weed & Seed Steering Committee (!tJVt:L r-v/ Corridor Advocacy Group (Scenic Highway) ç~ 6 Council on Aging !.-e..w { s · · · · · County Coalition for Responsible Management of LaRe OReechobee and St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee Estuaries 6/Yl'· +0 Cultural Affairs Council 5/h: f~ St. Lucie County Bridge and Expressway Authority r;;"í(;l,¡u/ ~ /-ewì S Friends of the St. Lucie County Library ~ ( -5 Healthy Kids traIl Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program Advisory Board Gt.u1 j e- Land Acquisition Selection Committee Cøuía. re( Law Library Board of Trustees Lew,' :) · · · · · · · PageT.... Nove..... 21, 2006 FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDAtiON: COMMISSION ACTION: ~PROVED D DENIED D OTHER: Approved 5-0 Review and A.....ova.. County Attorney: Originating Dept: Finance: · (~ WO-fd œu? : ~ {!ra-lf- Metropolitan Planning Organization Crft./J{.. fCI'V/arr 4 l / I (4 members 1 altemate) jø,v; s Grt;wj e... ~(I-.:. S /Vi ì'î Property & Homeowners' Associations GfT"L,..J c.. [1rr/1- Local Govemment Sub-committee (Three from Commission Chairman automatic) · · · Space Needs Committee · St. Lucie County Fire Prevention and Control District 5/11 (. II-.. {f {)yV/J..."'--¿;{ · Treasure Coast Community Action Agency Tripartite Board tetu i~ Treasure Coast Education Research Development Authority C~-fl-- Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board ¿eu.J,lS Treasure Coast Council of Local Governments {ìllt..-f/- · · · · Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Gi-t.<.N:Í L ..J (2 Commission members and 2 altemates) .s.. --II¡ Ctl'W~1'V1 Atf:- ~L~.~/{2'a-j)1- Utility Regionalization T as!:? Force Meeting kw I -5 '-C'"- -ff · · Value Adjustment Boar« (J1ll/{- (3 appointments) te.wìS 8!t\:111 Florida Local Government Investment Trust- (7~ tL... · · Wor!:?force Development Board of the Treasure Coast - ti' ~ 5C!nl'/5 <=- ~ ~C-tlí~ !3oCt-rç( - G-c¿nd~ Management & Budget: Other: Purchasing: Other: Effective: 5/96 (CheeR for Copy only. if applicable) AGENDA REOUEST itEM NO. IF Novembe. 21, 2006 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARINC [] CONSENT [] SUBJECI, Annual Reorganization - Ratification of appo ments made by the Chairman. 10, St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners SUBMlnED BY (DEPI), Administration BACKGROUND, FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACIION: RECOMMENDAIION: Recommendation to approve, by motion, the various appointments made by the Chairman. COMMISSION ACIION: ~PROVED [] DENIED [] OTHER: Approved 5-0 D ugl . Anderson County Administrator Review and A.....ova.. County Attorney: Management & Budget: Originating Dept: Other: Finance: (ChecR for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: Other: Effective: 5/96 AGENDA REOUESI IIEM NO. IGI DAlE. November 21, 2006 RECULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] 10, Board of County Commissioners PRESENIED BY. .UBllllnED BY (DEPn. Commissioner Smith ~~~Ç¡iYû.; ~ Com--S~ë~i~~ SUBJECI, Committee Appointments - List attached BACKGROUND. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACIION: RECOMMENDAIION: Ratification of Commissioner Smith's Committee appointments. COMMISSION ACIION: ~ROVED [] DENIED [] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Do gla . Anderson County Administrator Review and A.....ova.. County Attorney: _ Management & Budget: _ Originating Dept: _ Other: Finance: (CheeR for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: _ Other: Effective: 5/96 C~sm~ Smmiit1!I1"s; AP1tees I Contact Info I Committee I Appointee Bicycle-Pedestrian Committee Jan Thomas 772 489-3684 313 St. Lucie Lane Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 Board of Adjustment Diane Andrews 772 467 -0066 114 Queen Ann Court andrewsl14(â)bellsouth,net Ft. Pierce, FL 34949 Citizen's Budget Development Jeremiah Johnson 772 528-5022 1509 Thumb Point Drive Ft. Pierce, FL 34949 Code Enforcement Board Dale Ingersoll 772 465-4328 3004 Lost Tree Blvd. Ft. Pierce, FL 34951 Contractor's Certification Board Derrick Foxx 772462-8331 - wk 5419 NW Edgewater Ave, Port St. Lucie, FL 34983 Emergency Medical Service Eddie Whitfield Advisory Council 1207 Palm Walk Lane Ft. Pierce, FL 34950 Environmental Advisory Commtt Bob Bangert 772 465-0196 5608 Eagle Drive Ft. Pierce, FL 34951 Ft. Pierce Harbor Advisory Comt Jeanne Hearn 772 461-7526 5051 Tozour Rd. Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 Historical Commission Marjorie Harrell 772 461-9241 hm 2804 Dunbar Street 772 318-8417 cell St. Pierce, FL 34947 Investment Committe Todd Bevan 772 460-7155 Harbor Federal 100 South 2nd Street Ft. Pierce, FL 34950 Library Advisory Board Allen Miller 772 370-4443 P.O.Box 3957 Ft. Pierce, FL 34948 Planning & Zoning Board Craig Mundt 772465-2001 5051 N. A1A#12-1 F1. Pierce, FL 34949 Public Art & Design Committee James Gibson 772 464-3362 4604 Matanzas Ave, F1. Pierce, FL 34946 Recreation Advisory Board Chester Woulard 3202 Anderson Drive F1. Pierce, FL 34946 Restudy Coordination Commtt Jeffrey Garland 772 489-2200 1 02 N, 2nd Street F1. Pierce, FL 34950 Tourist Development Council Simmie Burns 772 785-5640 1912AveG F1. Pierce, FL 34950 Smart Growth Advisory Rick Reikenis 772 419-6207 3228 SW Martin Downs Blvd. Suite 5 Palm City, FL 34990 Skateboard Park Committee Denise Sirmons 772 519-1753 - cell 2707 Dunbar Street 772461-5585 - home Ft. Pierce, FL 34947 TDR Advisory Committee Tom Babcock 772 979-6552 261 Marina Drive F1. Pierce, FL 34949 Housing Finance Authority Kim Williams (954) 461-0977 2711 Pineview Drive kim@mystandrews,com Ft. Pierce, FL 34981 CDBG Citizen's Advisory Task Den ise Torre 772 461-6853 Force 7202 South U,S. 1 772 971-4179 Port S1. Lucie, FL 34952 Midway RD, PD&E Study Stakeholders Group LAST UDPATED 11/9/2006 AGENDA REOUESI IIEM NO. IG2 DAlE. November 21, 2006 RECULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARINC 0 CONSENT [X] 10, Board of County Commissioners PRESENIED BY. ~' /) 'UBMmEDBY (DEPI). Commissioner Coward ~.:z( '('IAA,L~ Com . ioner Doug Coward t!6 SUBJECI, Committee Appointments - List attached BACKGROUND. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDAIION: Ratification of Commissioner Coward's Committee appointments. COMMISSION ACIION: ~PROVED [] DENIED [] OTHER: Approved (5-0) Do glas . Anderson County Administrator Review and App.ovals County Attorney: _ Management & Budget: _ Originating Dept: _ Other: Finance: _ (CheeR for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: _ Other: Effective: 5/96 12 .' tføaJ;, . /1µ'9.....~.. ~- . , COMMITTEE NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE # AIRPORT MASTER Charlie Serge 461-7870 PLAN BOARD OF Ron Harris SLC Surveyor/Eng. 462-1707 ADJUSTMENT CDBG CITIZENS Matemst Isoff 573 SW Ray Avenue (H) 871-1630 ADVISORY PSL, FL 34983 cell 772-812-5409 CITIZEN'S Deputy Chief, Ron Fire District (H) 879-7153 BUDGET Parrish cell 216-6146 ADVISORY COMM, CITIZEN'S Nathaniel Wells 609 N. 23rd St. (H) (F) 461-5262 BUDGET Ft. Pierce, FL 34950 (W)© 528-4500 ADVISORY COMM Or P,O, Bx 1811 Ft. Pierce, FL 34954 CODE Mitchell Williford 5443 Deer Run Drive (H) 464-7609 ENFORCEMENT F.P., FL 34951 fax 464-3532 BOARD CONTRACTOR'S Sean p, Mitchell 802 SW Munjack Cir Cell 561-309-0746 LICENSING Port St. Lucie, FL BOARD PSL, FL 34986 EMERGENCY Capt. Mike Monahan Sheriffs Dept. 462-3245 MEDICAL SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL Cynthia Angelos 10521 SW Village 345-5297 ADV, COMMITTEE Center Drive, Suite 101-A PSL, FL 34987 FORT PIERCE Howard Conklin 2030 Harbortown Rd, 462-5210 HARBOR Suite A ADVISORY F.P., FL 34946 HISTORICAL Tim Harrington 185 Cardinal Ave, 464-4671 COMMISSION F.P., FL 34982 HOUSING Jill Olen 106 SW Peacock 871-2347 FINANCE Blvd, AUTHORITY Apt. 203 PSL, FL 34986 INVESTMENT Chris Fogal 603 N, I.R.D. 461-5511 COMMITTEE Suite 300 Ft. Pierce, FL 34950 LIBRARY ADV. Ethel Rowland 3428 River Drive 460-0802 BOARD F.P., FL 34981 PLANNING & Pam Hammer 7672 Charleston Way (H & fax) ZONING COMM. PSL, FL 34986 466-6926 RESTUDY GROUP Debbie Crouse P.O. Box 12249 465-0410 F.P" FL 34947-2249 ST. LUCIE Erik Martin P.O. Box 405 334-3429 (or 3729) RECREATION Jensen Beach, FL BOARD 34958 SMART GROWTH Julia Shewchuk c/o Jordan, Jones and 561-799-3855 X22 ADHOC COMM. Goulding 3300 PGA Blvd. Palm Bch, Gardens, FL 33410 SMART GROWTH Noreen Dreyer, Atty 145 N.W, Central 873-5921 ADHOC COMM. at law Plaza PSL, FL 34986 TOURIST Paul Taglieri Mets Stadium 871-2100 DEVELOPMENT fax 878-9802 COUNCIL (TDR) ADHOC #1 Bob Bangert 5608 Eagle Drive 465-0196 COMMITTEE F,P" FL 34951 TDR COMMITTEE Thomas W, Hurley Becker Holding Corp 595-3112 2627 S, Jenkins Rd, fax 595-3120 F.P., FL 34981 cell 216-8643 AGENDA REOUESI IIEM NO. IGI DAlE. November 21, 2006 RECULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARINC [] CONSENT [X] 10, Board of County Commissioners PRESENIED BY. 'z,,¿g7 / Commissioner Paula SUBMlnED BY (DEPI). Commissioner Lewis SUBJECI, Committee Appointments - List attached BACKGROUND, FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACIION: RECOMMENDAIION: Ratification of Commissioner Lewis's Committee appointments. COMMISSION ACIION: ~PROVED [] DENIED [] OTHER: Approved (5-0) Review and AIIP.ova" County Attorney: _ Management & Budget: _ Originating Dept: Other: Finance: _ (CheeR for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: _ Other: Effective: 5/96 3G3 ~ Committee District #3 Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee Peter Wittkuhns Board of Adjustment Buddy Emerson Children's Services Council l~itizensBudgetDevelopment Jay L. McBee Committee William Casey ¡Code Enforcement Board Sandy Jackson Community Development Block Grant Citizen's Advisory Task Force Darrell Drummond Comprehensive Economic Development strategy VACANT \Jontractors Certification Board Craig Dunkelberger Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council Jane Rowley Environmental Advisory Committee Mary A. Chapman Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee Mary Chapman Historical Commission Ramone Trias Housing Finance Authority Bob Davis Investment Committee T.J. Buckley Library Advisory Board VACANT Midway Road PD&E Study Stakeholders Group John Ferrick Planning & Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency Stephanie Morgan Public Art and Design Committee Bill Ward Recreation Advisory Board Kurt Holden Restudy Coordination Committee Judy Gersony ¡Skate Board Park Committee Robert Perkins ¡Tourist Development Council Marliyn Minix Smart Growth Advisory Ad Hoc Patricia Ferrick Committee Marty Sanders Johnathan Transfer of Development Rights Ferguson (TDR) Advisory Ad Hoc Committee Gary Roberts AGENDA REOUESI IIEM NO. IGS DAlE. November 21, 2006 RECULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING 0 CONSENT [X] 10. Board of County Commissioners PRESENIED BY. SUBMlnED BY (DEPI). Commissioner Craft tvClOl Qr1J 0 j ~(J'f Commissioner Chris Craft SUBJECI, Committee Appointments - List attached BACKGROUND, FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDAIION: Ratification of Commissioner Craft's Committee appointments. COMMISSION ACIION: ~PROVED [] DENIED o OTHER: Approved (5-0) E: Review and A.....ova.. County Attorney: _ Management & Budget: _ Originating Dept: _ Other: Finance: _ (CheeR for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: _ Other: Effective: 5/96 I Committee I Appointee I Contact Number Board of Adjustment Larry Storms 772-464-2260 3150 N. Hwy A 1 A #11 02N Ft. Pierce, FL 34949 Citizen's Budget Development Barry J. Schrader 772-336-8559 2602 SW Monterrey Lane 561-248-9249 Port St. Lucie, FL 34953 Ed Lounds 464-7675 1491 S. Brocksmith Rd Ft. Pierce, FL 34945 Code Enforcement Board Tom Siplin 467-2075 1441 Pineburke Lane ext 2410 Ft. Pierce, FL 34947 460-3974-HOME Contractor's Certification Board Hayden Curtis 468-3198-HOME Donadio & Associates Architects 234-4066-WORK P.A. 609 1 ih St. Vera Beach, FL 32960 Emergency Medical Service Glenn Raines 464-4532 Advisory Council 7900 Plantation Lakes Dr. 216-4479 Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 Environmental Advisory Commtt Jane Brooks 464-3088 924 Jackson Way Ft. Pierce, FL 34949 Ft. Pierce Harbor Advisory Comt Bill Theiss 370-7804 2512 Lightwood Lane Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 Historical Commission Arlena B. Lee 461-8840 P.O. Box 939 Ft. Pierce, FL 34954 Investment Committe Howard Conklin 269 Marina Drive Ft. Pierce, FL 34949 Library Advisory Board Elizabeth Mallonnee 465-8299 2705 S, Indian River Dr. Ft. Pierce, FL 34950 Planning & Zoning Board Ramon Trias 468-7019-HOME 703 Florida Avenue 34950 Public Art & Design Committee Roy Pat Cochran 595-0937 -home 3112 N. Indian River Dr. 528-2402-work Ft. Pierce, FL 34950 Recreation Advisory Board Glenn Raines 464-4532 7900 Plantation Lakes Dr. 216-4479 Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 Restudy Coordination Commtt Bill Theiss 370-7804 2512 Lightwood Lane Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 Tourist Development Council Diann McDonough 772-462-8545 2031 Island Ave. Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 Smart Growth Advisory Larry Storms 464-2260-HOME 3150 N, Hwy A1A, #1102N idstorms@earthlink.net Ft. Pierce, FL 34949 Smart Growth Advisory Micheal Houston 772-221-2128 The Houston Cuozzo Group, Inc 735 Colorado Ave" Suite 1 Stuart, FL 34994 TDR Advisory Comtt John Martin 323 SW 11 TH Ave. 561-436-6541 Boyton Beach, FL 33435 Housing Finance Authority Trisha Pollard 871-5284 121 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisroy Gary Manzo 483 River Prado Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 Midway RD. PD&E Study Ramon Trias 468-7019- HOME Stakeholders Group 703 Florida Ave Ft. Pierce, FL 34950 Danielle Schade Skateboard Park Commtee 1404 Georgia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34950 LAST UDPATED 11/8/2006 AGENDA RIOUIST IIEM NO. IG-6 Novembe. 21, 200& REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARINC [] CONSENT [] SUBJECI, Annual Reorganization - Advisory Boards and Committee Vacancies - Board at- large appointments - The Board will have the opportunity to maRe Board at-large appointments to the attached list of Advisory Boards and Committees, which have vacancies. 10. St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners SUBMlnED BY (DEPI), Administration BACKGROUND, Please see attached list of vacancies and applications of citizens whom have applied. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACIION: RECOMMENDAIION: Board at-large appointments - Recommendations to ratify, by motion, the appointments made and grant permission for staff to advertise for applications to fill vacancies with no applications submitted. Approved (5-0) COMMISSION ACIION: ~PROVED [] DENIED [] OTHER: Do las . Anderson County Administrator Review and A.....ova.. County Attorney: Originating Dept: Finance: Management & Budget: Other: Purchasing: Other: Effective: 5/96 (ChecR for Copy only, if applicable) t G~,r,Cc Committee At Large Doug DavIs Charles Q James Fred Rohrbough John Langel Contractors Certification Board Fred Vaughn Jeanne Johansen Vera Mann Leland Carpenter Anita Prentice Stanley Silver Jenene Skrupky Jack Connolly Bonnie Hodge Cultural Affairs Council Jacquelene Burke Early Learning Coalition of St. Lucie County, Inc. Beth Miller Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee Pieter Stryker Library Advisory Board Michael Bausher Planning & Zoning VACANT At Large Commission/Local Planning Agency VACANT At Large VACANT At Large Recreation Advisory Board Albert Scoggins, Jr. Erick Ferguson Skate Board Park Committee Kip Rayside Tourist Development Council VACANT At Large D. Richard Claassen, Treasure Coast Health Council, Inc. Ph.D. .~ " St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Application for Servinq on County Boards and Committees Thank you for applying for a position on one of St. Lucie County's many advisory boards and committees. The minimum requirements for committee membership are: · Must be a County resident · Must not be related to another committee member, County Commissioner or County employee involved with the committee of interest. · Must not be employed by the same business entity as other committee members. · Must not serve on more than 2 County committees Note: Some committees have additional requirements; please inquire when submitting this application. In addition, service on committees with planning, zoning or natural resources responsibilities may require disclosure of financial interests. Please complete the following information: 1. Please indicate the committee(s) you are interested in. See the list below, 2. Namé G~ lv"\~ Phone: ~71 GOlO <lRC, tfD/J-iJ¡ 3, Home address: /7 ~5' \) t12- PS' L "3 ttlb 3 5. Business/Occupation ~ TVV'. þ:.T ç- Pœ~ P5jJ~'7 4. Which commission district do you live in? 6. Business address: C .ù ~ ~ [..... 7, Brief resume of education & experience: (Please attach resume) ßA- IQ¡1..- rY\4J 1- Wlh ; , Y6 _D.¡¿ 7-0-0 t7 8. Do you currently sifì'e¿>n a county committee(s)? If so, please list: 9, Why do you think you are qualified to serve on the committ~e(s) indicated? /ÝY'J Û/>vUNV\, I..J l\- Ct,<+t "?Þ1- 10. Would you consider serving on another board other than the one(s) stated above? (Please specify) 11. Comments: I J r l I .- :I Lf/òL-~~J ~ ~~"-~,,~ SIGNATURE: DATE: St. Lucie County Advisory Boards and Committee Citizen Appointments Available Please check the committees you are interested in: a Beach Preservation Task Force a Board of Adjustment a Central Florida Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. a Children's Services Council II Citizen's Budget Development Committee a Code Enforcement Board a Community Development Block Grant Citizen's Advisory Task Force a Contractors Certification Board a Cultural Affairs Council a Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council . Environmental Advisory Committee tt Environmental Hearing Board ? . FI. Dept. of Children and Family Services Committee District 15 . . FI. Dept. of Children and Family Services Nominating Qualifications Review Committee District 15 . Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee tt Historical Commission tt Housing Finance Authority tt Investment Committee tt Library Advisory Board at Planning & Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency tt Restudy Coordination Committee tt St Lucie County Recreation Advisory Board tt Tourist Development Council · Treasure Coast Health Council, Inc. · Treasure Coast Regional Economic District/Overall Economic Development Program Committee t:t Vegetation Protection Committee I:t Bicycle/pedestriélriAdljisóry· Committee · Attainable/Affordable/Workforce Housing Task Force at Treasure Coast Education, Research and Development Authority Board R Smart Growth Advisory Ad Hoc Committee J:% Transfer of Development Rights (TOR) Advisory Ad Hoc Committee APPLICATION WILL REMAIN EFFECTIVE FOR ONE YEAR Submit to: St. Lucie County Administrator's Office, Missy Stiadle 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1156 2 Gregory V. Wilson 1743 SW Import Dr Port Saint Lucie, FL 34953 772-871-6010 SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS . Doctor of Ministry, Columbia Theological Seminary, 2000 · Ordained Baptist Minister, May 29, 1988 · Fellow, American Association of Pastoral Counselors, 1998 . Certified practitioner, Neurolinguistic Programming EDUCATION Doctor of Ministry COLUMBIA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 1997-2000 DECATUR, GEORGIA Doctoral Work CANDLER SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY, EMORY UNIVERSITY 1993-1997 DECATUR, GEORGIA Pastoral Psychotherapy Residency, Georgia Association for Pastoral Care 1993-1996 DECATUR, GEORGIA Masters of Divinity SOUTHERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Preparation for Ordination as Baptist minister, May 1988 1986 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Clinical Pastoral Education LOUISVILLE CLUSTER nine units: three basic, two advanced, four supervisory in training 1983·1989 Louisville, Kentucky EMPLOYMENT Contract Minister UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF BREVARD 2003-present WEST MELBOURNE, FLORIDA Pastoral Counselor PRIVATE PRACTICE 2000-present PORT SAINT LUCIE, STUART, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA Co-Director of Education and Staff Therapist COVENANT COUNSELING AND F AMIL Y RESOURCE CENTER Organize and present community workshops, and provide counseling 1999-2003 SNELL VILLE, GEORGIA Pastoral Counselor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF LAWRENCEVILLE Provide counseling and community workshops 1993-2000 LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA Pastoral Counselor 1990-1993 PRIVATE PRACTICE VERO BEACH, FLORIDA Pastoral counseling and community education. Founded non-profit organization, "Adults Against Child Abuse" to provide treatment and education for individuals and groups affected by childhood sexual abuse, both adult and adolescent populations, victims, offenders and non-offending parents. Substance Abuse Counselor 1989-1992 NEW HORIZONS OF THE TREASURE COAST, INC. VERO BEACH, FLORIDA Provided outpatient therapy for adolescents and adults in group and individual settings, Director PARENTS UNITED 1988-1989 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Responsible for administration of non-profit organization dedicated to helping victims of sexual abuse through education and guided self-help. Liaison between community and organization. Supervised staff. Led support groups and provided crisis counseling upon demand, Pastoral Counselor/Chaplain SALVATION ARMY ADULT REHABILITATION CENTER 1986·1988 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Gregory V. Wilson 1743 SW Import Dr Port Saint Lucie, FL 34953 772-871-6010 SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS · Doctor of Ministry, Columbia Theological Seminary, 2000 · Ordained Baptist Minister, May 29, 1988 · Fellow, American Association of Pastoral Counselors, 1998 · Certified practitioner, Neurolinguistic Programming EDUCATION Doctor of Ministry COLUMBIA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 1997-2000 DECATUR, GEORGIA Doctoral Work CANDLER SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY, EMORY UNIVERSITY 1993-1997 DECATUR, GEORGIA Pastoral Psychotherapy Residency, Georgia Association for Pastoral Care 1993-1996 DECATUR, GEORGIA Masters of Divinity SOUTHERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Preparation for Ordination as Baptist minister, May 1988 Clinical Pastoral Education LOUISVILLE CLUSTER nine units: three basic, two advanced, four supervisory in training 1986 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY 1983-1989 Louisville, Kentucky EMPLOYMENT Contract Minister UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF BREVARD 2003-present WEST MELBOURNE, FLORIDA Pastoral Counselor PRIVATE PRACTICE 2000-present PORT SAINT LUCIE, STUART, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA Co-Director of Education and Staff Therapist COVENANT COUNSELING AND FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER Organize and present community workshops, and provide counseling 1999·2003 SNELL VILLE, GEORGIA Pastoral Counselor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF LAWRENCEVILLE Provide counseling and community workshops 1993-2000 LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA Pastoral Counselor 1990-1993 PRIVATE PRACTICE VERO BEACH, FLORIDA Pastoral counseling and community education. Founded non-profit organization, "Adults Against Child Abuse" to provide treatment and education for individuals and groups affected by childhood sexual abuse, both adult and adolescent populations, victims, offenders and non-offending parents. Substance Abuse Counselor 1989.1992 NEW HORIZONS OF THE TREASURE COAST, INC. VERO BEACH, FLORIDA Provided outpatient therapy for adolescents and adults in group and individual settings. Director PARENTS UNITED 1988-1989 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Responsible for administration of non-profit organization dedicated to helping victims of sexual abuse through education and guided self-help. Liaison between community and organization. Supervised staff. Led support groups and provided crisis counseling upon demand. Pastoral Counselor/Chaplain SALVATION ARMY ADULT REHABILITATION CENTER 1986-1988 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY J'" ~ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. Ca DATE: November 21,2006 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ x ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Sperrazza Lueke Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Declaration of State of Local Emergency - Indian River Drive BACKGROUND: See CA No. 06-1905 FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Declaration and authorize the Public Safety Director to sign the Declaration. COMMISSION ACTION: [~PROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Dou as . Anderson County Administrator [X] County Attorney: 9Y Review and Approvals [ ) Parks & Recreation Director [ ]Purchaslng: [ ] Solid Waste Mgr [ ]Management & BUdget: [ ] Road & Bridge,: [ ]Finance:(check for copy only, if applicable) Effective 5/96 .. INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM COUNTY ATTORNEYS OFFICE ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Heather Sperrazza Lueke, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO: 06-1905 DATE: November 21, 2006 SUBJECT: Declaration of State of Local Emergency - Indian River Drive BACKGROUND: Based on the recommendation of the County Engineer and the advice of local law enforcement officials, there is a clear and present threat to life and public health and safety as well as a threat of significant damage to improved public and private property as a result of the failure of several property owners to repair their embankments causing severe erosion to the embankment and undermining Indian River Drive in several locations, Resolution No. 00-277 authorizes the County Administrator and the Public Safety Director to exercise certain emergency powers and authority during a local emergency, Attached is a Declaration of Local Emergency for Indian River Drive. RECOM M ENDA TION ¡CONCLUSION: Staff recommends the that Board approve the Declaration and authorize the Public Safety Director to sign the Declaration. HL/ A DECLARATION OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR DECLARING A STATE OF LOCAL EMERGENCY ( Indian River Drive) WHEREAS, the St, Lucie County Public Safety Director has made the following determinations: 1. The Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County has adopted Resolution No. 00-277 authorizing the County Administrator and the Public Safety Director to exercise certain emergency powers and authority during a local emergency. 2, Based on the recommendation of the County Engineer and the advice of local law enforcement officials, there is a clear and present threat to life and public health and safety as well as a threat of significant damage to improved public and private property as a result of the failure of the several property owners to repair their embankments, causing severe erosion to the embankment and undermining Indian River Drive in several locations, 3. The presence of this severe erosion and undermining of Indian River Drive has placed St. Lucie County in a state of emergency, exposing the citizens thereof to danger to life and property, 4. In order to respond to such emergency, upon this declaration, the County Administrator or his designee is authorized to initiate and take such actions authorized by Resolution 00-277 for and on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners during the term of such local state of emergency, 5, Such declaration shall remain in full force and effect for seven (7) days unless extended in seventy-two (72) hour increments with the concurrence of the Board of County Commissioners or sooner rescinded by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County or the County Administrator. 6. This Declaration shall become effective immediately upon signing this day of November, 2006 at _.m. Jack T. Southard Public Safety Director .J...L..LU lOW J....l)Vt J uJ.I.Ld1.J.J...1. u V.1...1 ..I.VL.. I I.~ ~u-.J' ....u'-'~ J. ............ L U.....¡......~ ...... ............. 6btríff KEN J. MASCARA TelephonB: (772) 462-3200 · Fax: (772) 488-5851 4700 W$$t Midway Road · Fort Pierce, Florida 34981 November 16, 2006 Mr. Doug Anderson, County Administrator St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Re: Indian River Drive Dear Mr. Anderson: On November 15, 2006, staff members from the St. Lucie County Sherifrs Office examined Southeast Indian River Drive, south of Walton Road. The reason fur this examination was due to concerns that the eroding shoulder area of Indian Ri Vet Drive in this location is becoming a hazard to motorists. This area was examined, and there is only a small area left before the roadway is in jeopardy of collapsing into the intercoastal waterway. Should St. Lucie County experience a substantial rainfall it would certainly expedite the erosion ofthi~ area. We consider this erosion area a safety hazard to the citizens of St. Lucie County who operate their motor vehicles on Indian River Drive as well as emergency responders, both fire and law enforcement who may be called upon to respond to emergencies south oHms intersection. It is the recommendation of the Sheriff's Office that immediate action be taken to ensure the erosion problem is addressed so that the collapse of Indian River Drive does not occur. Should you have any questions with regards to this correspondence, please contact me. ts . NiJV-lb-C:Wb 11::,(H t-¡..(UM:::OI. LU'~lt:: LLIUNIY t-H( rrc-qbC:-lt: ~~ IUõ,=,<-tOC:l.O<-tO r-. .I. Jay Sizemore, Fire Chief ~tfjUN'y~ ~.<Q - 'eo ...,: = en ~ ~ ~y.., ~t D'S1~\~ 2400 Rhode Island Ave, Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Phone: 772,462.8301 Fa (: 772.462.8461 ST. LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF November is, 2006 \\\\~,~ ~~ Mr, Doug Anderson County Administrator St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Dear Mr. Anderson: Based upon the information received from you, I sent one of our Battalion Chiefs to inspect the washed out area on Indian River Drive. His opinion is that the roadway in its present condition wilt not hinder our vehicles from responding down the drive, However, he is recommending that we evaluate the situation on a daily basis, especially if there is rainfall. to determine that the situation does not deteriorate and then hinder our response times or that the roadway does not become a liability for our equipment to use, If you have any questions please call me. ~rJ-ly. Jaâ¡ e ore Fire C . f "'\, "~~OW7r=' ,,, ;~: c:::"] \ ~ ':'\.' Ii'..:, =.~..I \ .' ,..·-....··..1 ,iJ· '- -- I' I \ . L Nnv 1 b 20m" )ul co. AOMIÑ. OFFICE I ~~