HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 Destin Beach, Inc.
November 30,2006 Dr-
Doug Anderson ' ~} ,1\ 'I \ V \1..- J :6
Saint Lucie County ," ~ () / ßJ
2300 Virginia Avenue co, fti' (\/V) ~ pV VI'
Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 . \. ~ ~ ç II ~ I'
RE: Deslin Beach, Inc. reqnest for Suhmerged Land Leas. - Berth 4 ~
Dear Doug:
My client, the St Lucie Watemont Council, Inc., is requesting, rrom this point forward,
the following steps be taken to insure all the details of this plan are given proper review.
First, only accept information rrom the applicant that is submitted in writing, and signed
by the property owner,
It is extremely costly, not only to the St Lucie Watemont Council, Inc. but to the City
and County as well, to attend meetings that are "getting nowhere" because the facts are
continually changing and not being submitted in proper written form.
Also, the Waterfront Council is requesting this issue be completely reviewed in full
public forum through the normal plan review process, My client requests that no further
deals or preliminary agreements be made with Mr. BelL In my opinion, Mr. Bell's
negotiating tactic is intended to throw the process into disarray and is a sign of bad faith.
The Watemont Council urges the City and County to utilize their energy and time
towards denial of the Berth 4 application, After that issue is resolved the applicant
should be allowed to submit for proper review any plans or application for the
development of Berth 1, and only Berth 1 for cargo use,
We look forward to working together with you tp r~solve this importijnt issue.
I ,
120 E. Oakland Park Blvd. e 120 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Suite 105 e Fort LaJàefd~1~ïij33314ë I
Phone: (954) 563-0074eFax: (954) 337-2658 e email: gcavros@worldnet.att.net--·--_1
DEG - L1 2D06