HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 Douglas Anderson County Administration SI. LUCIE COUNIY CIIIZENSt BUDGET COMMITTEE lanua." I', 2007 ,.10 a.m. 'T. LUCIE COUNTY ADMINI,TRATION ANNEX BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI"IONER. CONFERENCE ROOM #1 ¡t..¡J ~",¡c-/J ,r- Calli. Order - Carl Hendep /-1, c'-7 I. :Ie I. 4. s. . 6. Appr.val .1 Mlnules - December 161h Meeling ~ (l,..:J""t... rI C (,.¡-n, ~ Eleel Chair and Vice-Chair '!k;.s /l \¡. d C~, -- Appr.ve 2007 dalesl.r meetings ~ Revbed C.untp P.pulall.n - Marie G.uln , Dbcu.. the m.tl.n Ed L.unds made in Ihe December meeting I. c.ns.lidale the pr.Jeeli.ns I.r gr.wlh ulillaing alllhe laxing enlllles represenledln Ihe C.unlp. 7. Ase~da f.r 'anuarp 10, 2007 Strate.lc Planning Meetln. - D.... Anders.n, C.untp Adminbtrat.r I. ,..I51' Bud.el Calendar - Marie G...in V 9. Update .n MGI Sludp - Rap Waanp 10. Other "sues II. AdJ.urnment Members: Jeremiah Johnson Ron Parrish Nathaniel Wells Jay McBee William Casey Craig Mundt Richard Pancoast 17'1 þr fi/ ;¡ '/)/J'#Ó" I ¡y-'" ¡? r' b;: ¡t." ,-,St! ~ t?C/~ ~ 1I;aß . 1) 0 V'2~~-_ ~ r·····'~ i"\ - . . \,. . - ~ !, ~ f il~ I ~ - ! ~U/ Jl'. 1 7. ·1 l., . I~ i -- -. I . ~£ïCJ Ed Lounds Barry Schrader Randall Ezell Steven Messer Patricia FerrieR -4-indu Bartz Carl Hensley, Chairman 2007 Citizens' Budget Committee Meeting Dates . January 19 February 16 March 16 April - cancel due to budget reviews with the County Administrator May 18 June 15 July 20 August 17 September 21 October 19 November 16 December 21 uly . __ Sun Man Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Independence Day (Holiday) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Budget NACO NACO distributed to the Commissioners 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 NACO NACO NACO BOCC Budget Workshop 9-noon 1 :30-5 BOCC Budget Workshop 9:30-noon 1 :30-5 122 23 24 25 26 27 28 BOCC Budget Workshop 9-noon 1: 30 -5 BOCC Budget W ørkshop 1 :30 -5 BOCC Budget Workshop 9-noon 1 :30-5 29 30- 31 Board adopts proposed millage 2007 ell c: o +:: <J ( ) '0 ... n. c: o +:: ~ :J C- O n. >- - c: :J o U ( ) "(3 :J ..J ..: en III ~ III Q) >- 10 X Q) S ;¡¿ 10 ..- <ñ tv ~ 10 X II) S ;¡¿ I'- ..- ~ III Q) >- 10 X Q) S ;¡¿ o N Õ ;; N B <0 o o ~ >R ß, ... a¡ <f) III e? o .5 Qj "8 E .c 0> £ oo"!" 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Q.U o c: 0.- Q: c1i)1')Oo:)<OO)101J ~ ~~~.~N.~M.~ o;¡NCOI')..-<oOC» :ïc»c»o..-N'<tli)åi Q.,....,....C"\INNC'\IN~ o :¡ 0. 0 I/) 8;;~a~:g:g 0000000 NNNNNNN 1 .1 of' 1:! ~ ~ J RESOLUTION NO. 93-77 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 91-221 WHICH AUTHORIZED THE CREATION OF THE CITIZEN BUDGET DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE BY DELETING THE TWO COUNTY STAFF PERSONS APPOINTED BY THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR FROM SERVING ON THE COMMITTEE: AND CHANG1NG THE TOTAL NUMBER OF THE COMMITTEE MEMBERSH1P TO NO MORE THAN FIFTEEN MEMBERS WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. On October 1, 1991, this Board adopted Resolution No. 91- 221 which authorized the creation of the Citizen Budget Development Committee to increase county government efficiency, and provide for duties and functions of the committee. 2. The Citizen Budget Development Committee has determined that county staff needs to be actively involved in the meetings of the committee in order to provide technical support, but believes that these staff members should be deleted from membership. 3. By deleting County staff as members would change the membership to the ten (10) members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. 4. Further, the Citizens Budget Development Committee has recommended that the total membership of the Committee be no more than fifteen members. 5. This Board believes that amending Resolution No. 91-221 as indicated above is in the best interest of the public health, struck through added. passages are deleted. Underlined passages are 1 ;¡: "Ijt.< CD ~·o n ~:Þo o CD::! '1 ::! c.ZCD CD~ C. ::I: .. 0 CD~ '1 51 0..£11 w ::! I ' ~ -I() J,N~ wlù~ 'Do ~~'"" ;':'UI~ NUl CD "eI () . ...... ~ '1 . n ot: ;¡: ~. rt þ; gg :><:t: '1 rt O. œen lù~ ~t"1 t: n ~. "eI(1) :Þo G')() t110 t: ::! O~ (71 lù ( ) safety, and welfare of the citizens of St. Lucie County, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: 1. Paragraphs 2 and 3 under the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph of Resolution No. 91-221 are hereby amended as follows: 2. The Committee shall consist of ED no more than fifteen (15) members who shall not be staff members and who shall be appointed as follows: least twelve (12) (a) Each Board member shall appoint two ( 2 ) members to serve on the Committee, and the Chairman shall be selected from these appointments. II!IJ Hie (olJldy ^dlllllllstrdtOl JtJiJ II dppU I III t ~J() ( 7.) 'l\CI1ÜJP.I S 10 IJP COll1pr 1. sed uf County ~,I ,If f to serve 011 t he COllllld t t ee . (b) If any Constitutional Officer elects to participate in this program, each Constitutional Officer electing to participate in this program shall appoint one (1) member each to serve on the committee which would increase the number of members of the Committee to up to an additional five (5) members for a possible fifteen (15) member Committee. "evcnteen (17) struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2 , , 0 ::ø tJ 8 ::0; 0 Q) W ¡þ ." :Þ ø t11 0 0\ W \D -:"). , (c) All Com m i t tee appointments shall· be subject to the approval of this Board. 3. Each Board appointed 2. Each Constitutional Officer appointed member shall serve at the pleasure of the Constitutional Officer appointing the member during the term of the Constitutional Officer appointing the member. Except as amended herein, Resolution No. 91-221 shall remain in full force and effect. After motion and second, the vote on this resolution was as follows: Chairman Judy Culpepper AYE Vice-Chairman R. Dale Trefelner AYE Commissioner Havert L. Fenn AYE Commissioner Denny Green AYE Commissioner Cliff Barnes AYE PASSED. AND DULY ADOPTED this 9th day of March, 1993. \ ,~: .- !. ¿. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS· ST. LUCIE COUNTY, F~ORIDA ..,~~ Struck through passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 3 o ~ I;¡ 8 :>:: o Q) tAl ¡þ. 't > G1 ts:I o 0\ ~ o added. ~tlIWI< tl1rOlJql1 passages are deleted. ".,:< . Underlined passages are 4 t o ~ 8 :oq o œ tAl JÞ '0 )- G1 tz o (11 ¡þ ~ .. , $J, y. À) e f_ DOU'"! ^S D'XON i Ooe Assump S ~t. Lu"e Cocc,ty .' 1139214 Doc Tax $ i}t Clerk Crewl Courl lilt Tax S .<~ By, 'f (~ RESOLUTION NO. 91-221 7Y·,ù Depuly CI....k Tolal S >- I- I- <Ç ( ) Ù ~ _i ~ c- 13, ~ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF THE CITIZEN BUDGET DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TO INCREASE COUNTY GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY, AND PROVIDING FOR DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE COMMITTEE WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of st. Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. This Board recognizes the need to assist County government in increasing its efficiency by improving business and management practices. 2. This Board is desirous of increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of County government by creating a Citizen Budget Development committee for the purpose of establishing a budget development process in order to increase County government efficiency, and ease the problem of future government growth caused by the demands of -a growing population. 3. This Board should further define the duties and functions of the Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of st. Lucie County, Florida. This Board does hereby create the Citizen Budget Development Committee. 1. 2. The Committee shall consist of at least twelve (12) members who shall be appointed as follows: (a) Each Board member shall appoint two ( 2 ) members to . serve on the Committee, and the Chairman shall be selected from these appointments. 2~0758 PA6f2652 ~ '\ (b) The County Administrator shall appoint two (2) members to be comprised of County staff to serve on the Committee. If any Constitutional Officer elects to participate in this program, each Constitutional Officer electing to participate in this program shall appoint one (1) member each to serve on the committee which would increase the number of members of the Commi ttee to an additional five (5) members for a possible seventeen (17) member Committee. (c) All Committee appointments shall be subject to the approval of this Board. 3. Each Board appointed member shall serve at the pleasure of the person appointing the member during the term of the person appointing the member. Each County Administrator appointed staff member shall serve for a term of three (3) years from the date of appointment. Each Constitutional Officer appointed member shall serve at the pleasure of the Constitutional Officer appointing the member during the term of the Constitutional Officer appointing the member. 4. Vacancies shall be filled upon: (a) Death of member (b) Resignation (c) Removal ( d) . Three ( 3 ) unexcused absences in a six (6) month period. Vacancies shall be filled by the person who nominated the member who created the vacancy, subj ect to the appointment approval of this Board for the unexpired term only. Any member may serve for any number of consecutive terms. All members shall serve without compensation. 5. This Board directs the Committee members to designate appropriate officers from the appointments to the Committee as g~O 7 58 PAGf26 5 3 ,. . i t . '. . approved by the Board. 6. The Committee shall establish a time and place for holding meetings as shall be necessary and the Cornmi ttee shall adopt such rules of organization and procedure as may be required, provided, however, that a majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and the concurrence of a m~jority of the members present and voting shall be required to take any official action. All meetings of the Committee shall be open to the public and shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 286, Florida Statutes. The Committee may establish subcommittees for specific subjects or tasks from among its members. The Committee shall hold its first meeting no later than four (4) weeks from the date this resolution is adopted. 7. The Committee members shall possess special expertise and experience in managing large businesses, but the membership shall be balanced in representing views of the entire community. 8. The Citizen Budget Development Committee shall have the following duties and functions: (a) Assist in identifying areas of County government where the need for increased efficiency is greatest. (b) Analysis and review of the existing structure, organization, staffing, management, business practices and procedures of County government. (c) for increased assist in of those Make recommendations efficiency and implementation recommendations. (d) The Committee and County staff will select the study areas. Once selected, the Committee will identify specific sub-area topics g~O 7 58 PAGE26 5 4 ~ " I- , - . and organize speci~l technical task forces. These task forces will analyze the specific 'area, document their findings, submit alternatives to problems and then make their recommendations. (e) The committee will review and evaluate the task force findings and make final recommendations to the County Administrator and the Board of County Commissioners. 9. The actions, decisions and recommendations of the Committee shall not be final or binding on the Board of County Commissioners or Constitutional officers, but shall be advisory only. 10. Upon approval of the Board of County Commissioners, County government will provide legal, administrative and consultant support and facil! ties as is hereby declared to be a County purpose. 11. If any action, sentence, or clause of this Resolution is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining portions of this Resolution. After motion and second, the vote on this resolution was as follows: Chairman Havert L. Fenn AYE Vice-Chairman Jim Minix AYE Commissioner Judy Culpepper AYE Commissioner R. Dale Trefelner AYE Commissioner Jack Krieger AYE ~~0758 PA6f2655 I' .. ·t· . . # PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this ATTEST: .::)":W1'::;";;-~:':_'. :1,~ 7,/ /// .:;....'>:;~ ," /7,' ~~ ~ ~.,.. "1 : '.:.:: : ' '., )' . t D ~UTY CLERK ,,~,~,- :;.. ;'.;'D,·t:~;Ù~~,~,~i (Iii" ., : ,,{fit I?"~. ". 1st day of October, 1991..)i.~?<....~;:t:.· . ' ~\O-I:t::llö~_ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS~G~~S ;:i.,- : ;. ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLO~A;<':·"·':·:;"'·:·;>"'v...->· ~ .-2; ,~~\>(~~:~·~·;F:;i;::~~~"~'·";. BY t~fttvJ.Æ.t :1... ;r(t~A)td~::<.·· _.;~~~,:~('.i::': - CHAIR AN\'~ ," -tH:',~> ~' ;{, ': ~.~ '':~? '-.~.,.~ ~:~ "- APPROVED AS TO FORM AND ,. I ·:~~t.'· . CORRECTNESS: '~ A~COUN~~~TORNEY 113921ti '91 (t1 \0 1\\\ :49 i R£.CORO(Ú fl\ (0 A.~Q''(('\14 f'\ fRY GOI): - \~ 1 . S\ \ v . B~O 7 58 PA6f2 6 56 "- ,. Draft CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: December 15, 2006 Conference Room # 3 Meeting convened at 7:35 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Carl Hensley Nathaniel "Nate" Wells Jay L. Mc Bee Edward Lounds William "Bill" Casey Craig Mundt Barry Schrader Steven Messer (8:00 A.M.) Linda Bartz MEMBERS ABSENT: Patricia "Pat" Ferrick Ron Parrish Randy Ezell Jeremiah Johnson OTHERS PRESENT: Jennifer Hill Marie Gouin Doug Anderson Ray Wazny Kathryn Hensley Mike Monahan Toby Long Roger Shinn Mr. Hensley, Chairman, opened the meeting by asking the new members to introduce themselves. Mr. Schrader is Commissioner Craft's appointee and Mr. Mundt is Commissioner Grande's appointee. AGENDA FOR JANUARY 30, 2007 STRATEGIC PLANNING MEETING - DOUG ANDERSON, COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Mr. Anderson brought attention to the agenda, which was included in the meeting packet, for the Strategic Planning Session starting January 30th. They are working on a five-year projection for the Board of County Commissioners. Population projections have been revised. Dr. Kalmanoff is coming to give a Space Needs Presentation on January 23, 2007. Staff has recognized a lot of needed space and listed the needs (see attached). There will be a form for each building stating use, cost and funding available. The growth is almost overwhelming. It will have a major impact on the budgets. The Impact Fee Study is almost completed. Mr. Shinn read the information on the sheet and questions were discussed about the Special Needs Shelter/Auditorium. Mr. Anderson explained the key computer operations ,. Citizens' Budget Committee December 15, 2006 Page 2 would be moved to the bunker. All 911 calls will be dispatched from there. It will also be the staging area. They are investigating the possibility of building a fuel farm. Mr. Anderson told the benefits of a Chiller Plant. The expected payback is five years. Mr. Shinn explained the damage to the Courthouse done by the hurrican~s. Mr: Anderson said the employees are scattered in different locations and the County IS paYing a lot of rent. MINUTES There was a motion by Mr. Lounds and second by Ms. Bartz to accept the October 20th minutes. The motion was approved. Mr. Casey left the meeting at 7:55. Mr. Shinn continued his report on the phases of the Courthouse renovation. The number of courtrooms and parking were discussed. Mr. Shinn gave details of the funding for Windmill Point Library. He told the desired expansion for Hurston & Morningside Libraries. Mr. Anderson explained the plans for the Airport. To get a commuter service, the building has to be ready. Mr. Lounds asked about timing of the requested space. Mr. Anderson explained that funding would influence the timing. Mr. Shinn gave an example of how badly storage space is needed now for documents and hurricane supplies. Money could be saved if they were able to buy bulk cleaning and paper supplies. Mr. Lounds asked it the Cities and County could do joint purchasing. Vehicles, equipment and fuel are purchased with the Sheriff's department. Electronic storage was discussed. Housing is down; but commercial is up, which will bring more sales tax. A regional mall is expected to be open in 2011. Representative Mayfield's proposal to cut taxes and limiting- services was discussed. Mr. Anderson explained how funding for some of the projects is affected by the bond issue. The Commissioners will be updated on the utility and road issues at the Strategic Planning Session. There will be a project sheet with cost estimates for each item on the Central Services - Project Update list. The capacity of the Jail was discussed. Mr. Long said planning should begin now. He estimates that by 2009 another 500 beds will be needed. A wetlands issue and centralized kitchen were mentioned. The challenge of good population numbers was discussed. Ms. Hensley said Fishkind is to have updated numbers to the School Board next week. Some areas of the State are losing students but St. Lucie County may gain. J' Citizens' Budget Committee December 15, 2006 Page 3 Mr. Lounds suggested all the groups use the same numbers and made a motion to consolidate the projections for growth utilizing all the taxing entities represented in the County. Mr. Wells seconded the motion and it passed. All the items listed on the Central Services - Project Update will be discussed at the Strategic Planning Session on January 30th. UPDATE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY STUDY - RAY WAZNY, ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Mr. Wazny explained there was a delay because of a purchasing R.F.P. MGT was selected and a meeting will be held next week. A letter from MGT explaining the plan, services, personnel and breakdown of expenses was included in the meeting packet. Mr. Anderson said that technology is very important and a roadmap is needed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Hensley asked that the appropriate people be encouraged to appoint people needed for the vacancies on the Committee and that the Rules and Regulations be sent to the members. Mr. Anderson announced that the next meeting will be closer to the Strategic Planning Session and he will be able to give a better overview. Mr. Bill Fruth, an economist who was here- about ten years ago, is returning. He was critical at that time and gave recommendations that have been implemented. He now uses St. Lucie County as a positive example in his speeches. He will review what has been accomplished and tell what needs to be done the next ten years. The Space Needs Study Final Presentation will be January 23rd at 2:00 PM. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Brenda Marlin The next CBC regular meeting will be held on Friday, January 19, 2007 at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room #3, at the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. ,. Central Services- Proiect Update . Clerk of Courts Buildin~: This new building will consist of five stories. Square footage will be made up of: 54,000 sq. ft. for the Clerk's use with an additional 1 ,200 and 1,500 sq. ft. of space available to lease for food service. In response to the phenomenal growth that St. Lucie County is experiencing, this structure is providing much needed expansion to the Offices of the Clerk of Courts. Currently under construction and on schedule, the anticipated date of completion is November 2007. . Special Needs Shelterl Auditorium: The invitation to bid was advertised December 10, 2006, and a mandatory pre bid is scheduled for January 4,2007. Bids are due January 31,2007, construction will begin as soon as possible after that date, and the move in date will be May 2008. The facility will be a total of 62,500 sq. ft.; 22,800 sq. ft of auditorium space and 12,000 sq. ft. of multi purpose rooms, and 3,000 sq. ft. of office space on the second floor. It will house five hundred (500) special need clients and two hundred and fifty (250) staff. Funding for this project is made up from Grants, Insurance Proceeds (from the Civic Center), FEMA, Parks Referendum and the General Fund. . New County Emerl!encv Operational Center: Plans are due to be completed on December 19,2006. This new EOC facility is 27,250 sq. ft. and will be located at the St. Lucie County Fairgrounds located off Midway Road, just before the entrance. Given the growth that St. Lucie County has seen, this new structure will be able to meet the needs of its residents by providing adequate space for a variety of agencies to gather in one location when residents would require assistance from them in time of emergencies. The building is being built to withstand 200 mph winds, and there will be paved parking for one hundred and ten (110) cars and ten (10) spaces for large satellite trucks with hookups provided. It will contain sleeping areas that also can be used for training rooms during the year, and the 911 and Operations rooms will increase in size 4 X what they are now. At this time the civil engineering and mechanical work is being done. Total cost of the project is $9.5 mil\.ign and all funding is in place, including a $6 million state grant. The project should be ready to go to bid early February 2007 with a completion date of June 2008. . Administration Building Chiller Plant: The chiller plant is needed to meet current and future cooling needs for the entire Administration Complex. Immediate needs met by the chiller plant will be the air conditioning in the Roger Poitras Building; it is in critical need of replacement. The new chiller plant will also provide cooling for the Administration Building with the capacity to cool an additional 120,000 square feet. The bid documents will be completed January 1, 2007, and the project should be ready to go to bid by the end of January 2007. The chiller plant will be 6,300 sq. ft. with 900 tons of air conditioning at an 1 .- . 1 estimated cost of $5 million and we plan on completing the project in two phases. Funding in the amount of $2.2 million is available for Phase I while Phase II funding will be made available in the 2007-2008 budget year. The project should be completed by the end of 2008. . Court Facilities-(Prioritv)-Phase I-Old Courthouse: Phase I includes window replacement and exterior water proofing of the building. We are currently out to bid for these items and bids are due December 19, 2006. The basement (level 1 ) will house the new Law Library and inmate holding cells. The 1 st floor (level 2) will house the Sheriff civil/warrants and jury pool room. In addition Phase I will include all life safety systems and infrastructure, including electric, plumbing and security for the building and will begin this budget year, 2006-2007. Court Facilities-Phase II: This will include the old Courthouse 3rd floor (level 4) and will house two courtrooms, jury rooms, and judges chambers. The 1st floor ofthe Courthouse Annex will be renovated to add three courtrooms, jury rooms and judges chambers. Phase II work will begin in budget year 2007-2008. Court Facilities-Phase III: This will consist of the Monumental Stair; it will serve as the main entrance to the Courthouse Annex, and will tie the Old Courthouse and Courthouse Annex together at one central point. In addition, we will renovate the 2nd floor (level 3) to the Old Courthouse; this build out will meet future needs of the Clerk. Phase 11\ is planned for 2008- 2009. . To address current needs at the 7th Street Juvenile Building, we are currently looking at adding a portable courtroom. To meet the current and future needs, the following is a list of buildings that are in conceptual phase and seeking funding sources. Administration Complex *Roger Poitras Bldg.-1 st Floor Renovation *Code Compliance Office Building Library *Windmill Point (New Library in PSL) *Hurston Branch Library Expansion *Morningside Library Expansion Airport *New Airport Office/Terminal Bldg. *New Custom Bldg. Additional Buildings *Renovate Platt's Creek House *Oxbow Eco-Center-Classroom *County Wide Storage Facility *E.O.C. Expansion for I.T. Bldg. *Road & Bridge Build-Out and Renovation *Community Services Building *S. County Regional Stadium- *Smithsonian Classroom Phase II *S. Causeway Island-Restroom *River Park Recreation Bldg. *S. County Health Facility *Relocate Forestry to Fair Grounds Forestry Bldg. *Relocate Supervisor of Elections from Orange Blossom Mall Judicial *Judicial Complex *Public Defender Bldg.-Add Two Floors *Sheriff Admin.-Building Addition *Jail Work Farm *Jail Maintenance Building *Perm. Relocate for Guardian Ad Litem 2