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St. Lucie County Property & Homeowners Association Meeting
Doug Anderson
County Administrator
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
10:00 A.M.
Conference Room 3
1. Call to Order- Commissioner Chris Craft, Chairman
. Pledge of Allegiance
. Self Introductions
2. Approve Minutes of November 14, 2007
3. Guest Speaker: Debra Brisson, Parks & Recreation Director
Jerry Parenteau, Project Manager Central Services
4. St. Lucie County Sheriffs Office Report: Deputy Gary Gonsalves
5. Old Business
6. New Business
7. Adjournment
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 9, 2008, at 10 A.M.
DEe - 5 iÛO£
Minutes of Meeting
November 14, 2007
Convened: 9:00 A.M.
Adjourned: 10:10 A.M. .
The meeting of the Property & Homeowners Association was held Wednesday, November 14,
2007, in Conference Room 3 of the St Lucie County Administration Building, 2300 Virginia
Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Members Present:
Charlie Brown, Indian River Estates HOA
Toni Trabolsi, Coalition of Sandpiper Bay
Kathy Thornton, Savanna Club HOA
Walter Fauth, FortPierce South Beach Association
Kit Linberger, Palm Grove HOA
Franl:l Guarascio, Villas of Sandpiper Bay
Craig Mundt, North Beach Association
Kathleen Ivins, River Parl:l HOA
Lee Dyer, Indian River Estates HOA
Sonny Jamieson, Savanna Club HOA
Edward Boslow, Oleander Pines HOA
Don Wilson, St Lucie North HOA
Richard McAfoos, Coalition of Sandpiper Bay Association
Also Present:
Commissioner Chris Craft, Chairman
Commissioner Charles Grande, District 4
Deputy Gary Gonsalves, St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office
Sheriff Ken Mascara, St Lucie County Sheriff's Office
Marl:l Boston, Florida Alliance for Retired Americans
Debra Spivey, St Lucie CGunty Rood & Bridge Assistant Manager
Beth Williams, Lawnwood Regional Medical Center & Heart Institute
Charlotte Wollenhaupt, Oleander Pines HOA
Jean Fragano, Oleander Pines HOA
Tom Linberger, Palm Grove HOA
Bob Simons, Mystic Pines HOA
Eva O'Donnell, Aide to Commissioner Craft
Stephanie Bush, St Lucie County Administration Office
Property & Homeowners Meeting
November 14, 2007
Page 2
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 A.M. Commissioner Craft led the Association
in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Homeowners' Representatives and the public in
attendance gave self-introductions.
The minutes from the October 10,2007 meeting were unanimously approved.
Deputy Gonsalves - There continues to be vehicle and home burglaries in LaRewood
ParR and Indian River Estates. Please remember to remove valuables from your car
and Reep your doors and windows locRed at your home. The crime rate is down 7% in
the unincorporated areas of St Lucie County.
There was discussion regarding an article in the Palm Beach Post about retrieving DNA
from weapons.
The St Lucie Sheriff's Office will be wrapping Christmas presents in the briefing room on
December 15, 2007.
Commissioner Craft stated County staff meets in Conference Room three every
Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. Therefore, he aSRed the group if they would agree to change
the meeting time to 9:30 a.m. or 10:00 a.m., in order to give staff plenty of time to
have their meetings. There was a consensus to change the meeting time to 10:00 A.M.
Commissioner Craft aSRed for ideas for future items to be placed on the agenda. Some
suggestions were an update on the Special Needs Shelter, SFWMD and what the water
shortage really means, why they continue to build and what SFWMD is doing about
the water shortage, the Rural Land Stewardship Program, and the Department of
Financial Services.
There was discussion about potholes on US Highway 1 in front of Palm Grove. Dennis
Bunt said he would be having a meeting with DOT. DOT is conSidering rotating and
doing 24 hour shifts.
~ .
Property & Homeowners Meeting
November 14, 2007
Page 3
Beth Williams, from Lawnwood Regional Medical Center, spoRe about the outreach
program the hospital now has for associations.
There will be a speaRer present at Club Med in the Atlantic Ballroom on January 7,
2008 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. to speaR about the January 29,2008 ballot
With no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:10 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Bush
, 1
Doug Anderson
County Administrator
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
9:00 A.M.
Conference Room 3
1. Call to Order - Commissioner Chris Craft, Chairman
+:. Pledge of Allegiance
.:. Self Introduction of Property and Homeowner Representatives
2. Approve Minutes of October 10, 2007
3. St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office Report: Deputy Gary Gonsalves
4. Commissioner Craft
5. Old Business
6. New Business
7. Adjournment
Reminder: Next Meeting Date Decenber 12th, 2007
.. OCT 2 3 2007
, .
Minutes of Meeting
October 10,2007
Convened: 9:05 A.M.
Adjourned: 10:20 A.M.
The meeting of the Property & Homeowners Association was held
Wednesday, October 10, 2007, in Conference Room 3 of the St. Lucie
County Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce,
Members Present:
Charlie Brown, Indian River Estates HOA
Toni Trabolsi, Coalition of Sandpiper Bay
Bill Hammer, ReservejPGA Village
Kathy Thornton, Savanna Club HOA
Walter Fauth, Fort Pierce South Beach Association
Kit Linberger, Palm Grove HOA
Frank Guarascio, Villas of Sandpiper Bay
Bob Bangert, Holiday pines
Craig Mundt, North Beach Association
Jim Lawless, Oleander pines HOA
Also Present:
Commissioner Charles Grande, Chairman
Jeff Furst, St. Lucie County Property Appraiser
Henrietta McBee, F.P.L. Project Development Director
Vicki Spencer, F.P.L. Energy Encounter Director
Stacy Foster, F.P.L. Senior Environmental Specialist
Justin Sobol, F.P.L. Senior Associate Project Development
Andrew Stark, Palm Grove, HOA
Lee Dyer, Indian River Estates HOA
Deputy Glenn Hoffman, St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office
Jim Reeder, Palm Beach Post Reporter
Mark Boston, Florida Alliance for Retired Americans
Michelle Franklin, St. Lucie County Property Appraiser's Office
Swendy Ariyanayagam, SLC Contractor Licensing Supervisor
Don Pauley, St. Lucie County Road & Bridge Manager
Dennis Murphy, Culpepper & Terpening
Skeet Jernigan, Community & Economic Development Council President
Charles Wilson, St. Lucie Association
Leo Sarakinis, Oleander Pines, HOA
Catherine Whitaker, St. Lucie County Fire District
Liz'Martin, Aide to Commissioner Grande
> .
Property & Homeowners Meeting
October 10, 2007
Page 2
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 A.M. Commissioner Grande
led the Association in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Homeowners'
Representatives and the public in attendance gave self-introductions.
A motion was made by Charlie Brown and seconded by Walter Fauth to
approve the minutes of September 19, 2007. The motion passed
Deputy Hoffman - we continue to have vehicle and home burglaries.
Please remember to remove valuables from your car and keep your doors
and windows locked at your home. A lot of residents are afraid to
call 911. Deputy Hoffman passed out a list "When to Call 911."
Don't hesitate to call for assistance when you need it.
ITEM 4 - PRESENTATION: F.P.& L. Wind Energy
Henrietta McBee, Vickie Spencer, Stacy Foster and Justin Sobol from
F.P.& L. were present to discuss alternative energy. Florida is one
of the fastest growing states in the nation. Wind energy for
Florida has been discussed since 2005. This would be the first
project in the southeast. F.P. & L is proposing nine turbines¡ they
would be mounted on steel towers; one turbine would power 225 to 300
homes¡ each turbine has its own computer and will find the best wind;
the blades would span approximately 14 to 16 feet in diameter, and
range between 212 and 262 feet in height¡ each turbine has 3 blades;
the turbines require no fuel to operate¡
The turbines would be north of the nuclear power plant and east of
Commissioner Grande -
existing FPL property
& John Brooks Park.
there is a study of four or five units on the
and then north of there at Frederick Douglas
What impact will the turbines have on birds?
Stacy Foster - we have hired a contractor and are negotiating with
the Fish & Wildlife Commission on a state and federal level to do a
qualitative risk assessment of species that are there. We are also
meeting with Vanessa Bessey, St. Lucie County Environmental Resources
. '
Property & Homeowners Meeting
October 10, 2007
Page 3
Director this afternoon. We will delineate the wetlands, etc. We
won't put the turbines where there is a large impact.
Commissioner Grande - are you buying from outside of the area or from
peaker plants?
Henrietta they are
types of field source.
come up for renewables.
potentially be a source.
predominately Florida sources of bio mass
A lot of those contracts are starting to
If the geo plasma plant continues it would
Bill Hammer - commented that off of Glades Cut Off Road, near the PSL
Sewer Plant, a sand ridge runs through the county with an elevation
of about 30 feet above sea level. The wind is constant and it might
be a good area for you to consider.
Commissioner Grande - answers to the items brought up at the end of
the meeting last month were attached to the minutes you received.
Bill Hammer just a reminder that the response from Growth
Management and the Utility Department stated that comp plan
amendments are due in January 2008 regarding the county having to
show that water is available for new developments for the next twenty
years. Also, that the Division of Forestry would be included in
site review process. I would think that should be moved to the front
of the process. It's just a simple yes or no.
Bill Hammer - I provided copies of several pieces of information for
you all today:
* a poll by CNBC on what is the most important economic issue
the next president should focus on? There were 694
responses, 50% said government spending.
* a list "Thoughts for HOA Leaders".
* a TCP article dated October 8th on gangs.
Property & Homeowners Meeting
October 10, 2007
Page 4
Bill Hammer - many thanks to Commissioner Grande for chairing the
past year of Property & Homeowner Meetings.
Commissioner Grande - it's the most enjoyable meeting in town and
thank you all for attending over the past year.
With no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:20 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
. â , A'd C ., G d
L1Z Martln, 1 e to ommlssloner ran e
Your Money, Your Vote, Politics and Election Full Coverage- CNBC.com
What is the most important economic issue the next
president should focus on? * 694 responses
19".4 _
Free Trade
Government Spending
Health Care
Not a Scientific Survey. Results may not total 100%
due to rounding,
Thouahts for HOA Leaders
An adaptation of some thoughts from
1 ff' - century philosopher Edmund Burke
for use by HOA leaders
HOA's that govern effectively, grow gradually based on the community's unique
network of moral and social restraints.
Expanding executive power as much as possible in the name of protecting
residents can be destructive.
Power must always be based on published HOA rules and regulations.
Some residents will put freedom at the center of their political philosophy.
Some residents will put legitimate authority at the center of their political
The HOA can be viewed as a threat to freedom. HOA power, like fire, is useful
when used legitimately but dangerous when not.
HOA leaders must examine social cohesion alongside individual freedom.
Individualism and segmentation can cause tension. Tension between groups can
tear the underlying unity within the community.
Using this question [Will the community fracture under the strain and be
undermined by lack of social trust?] to validate ideas during the process of
decision-making can be helpful.
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" i' .' , '. " ,.. " ' os by jIiUO,CORTEZ ~ julio,cortez@âértpps:&nn
ment ó _ e ,center. walks awàYfröpfa'foM: Pierce home where the occupants were
Oounty T~skForce Unit omcers confiscated guns, money and drugs.
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Treasure Coast gang activity centers on St. Lucie County
As gang-re..lated arrests and YO.UthVi-
olence along the Treasure, Coast
ease after an active summér,ne~-
borhoods, pastors and police are banding
together totry to, keep YOUths, . out of 1:rI?u-
ble, end the allure ofthng life, and drive
gang members out of the area.
The efforts range from a summer and
after-school program in stuart and a
gang-Ieader-turned-anti-gang advocate's
, work in Fort Pierce, to a
móm who said her son
was . confronted bY gang
members' . and who is
working on awaren.ess ef-
forts ill Sebastian..
Evénthe Guardian An-
gels, 'ân almost
3O·year-old . organization
of unarmed citizens, is
involved, patrolling
areas of Port St. Lucie.
and Fort Pierce.
"We need to gear our
efforts toward preven-
tion, and we've got to try
to reach a generation of kids before
they're inundated with information that
gang culture is acceptable," said Joseph
Jennings, whose RAW. D.A.W.G.S.
Youth Corps program in Fort Pierce tar-
gets 7- to 13-year-old boys. "If we emf
bring the right v3l.ue sys~mand put' the
right foµndation into a ÿoung boy's life,
then eventually we can raise him to be a
productivei::itizen ofthecolDInunity."
The August arrests in Port St. Lucie
"We need to gear
our efforts toward
prevention ...to
reach a generation
of kids."
Joseph Jennings, R.A.W.
D.A.W.G's. Youth Corps
program In Fort Pierce
See GANGS, page A13
A member Clf the Sf. Lucie County task Force Unit logs info,rmation about .
evidence found in a home In Fort Pierce. :
Fort Pierce Police Department off~" Jim Grecco, right, searches the
department's database as he files Information about a gang-related arrest.
of 16 suspected gang members
and their associates and the
shooting' death the same
month of a 16-ýear,'Old boy in
Hobe Sound's Banner Lake
community in Martin Coun-
ty, which an investigator sus-
pects resulted from a rivalry
between neighborhoods, point
to a need for such programs,
officials said.
The Executive Roundtable
of St. Lucie County, a group
of community leaders 'that
shares information about so-
cial issues affecting local chil-
dren, is assembling one of the '
most comprehensiv.e
gaIlg41ghting efforts to date,
expected . to 'be completed
within tliè ne-xt few weeks.
Fort Pierce Police Chief Sean
Baldwin said it will encom-
pass strategies for law en-
forcement officials, parents,
churches, schools and social
service providers, and likely
take 1 12 Y
to adçlÌ-éSs are those uri!:hil'lY-
ing issues,which are the pov-
erty, the' lack of 'parental
guidarJ.ce for our kids.~'
Fort Pierce appears to be
ground zero for gang activity
on lile Treasure Coast, With
atl€!a~pggang-related homi-
cides\'since . 2002' and more
than>(~o, documented gang
membe~,law enforcement of-
ficialS said.
The OkeechobeeCounty
Sheriffs Office hils reported
five ,gang-related killings
since 2001. Sheriffs Detective
Sgt. Brad Stark såidcritninal
street gangs startf)(i becoming
In Fort Pierce, there
have been at least
'18 gang-related
homicides since 2002, ,
and the citýhas more
than 400 documented
gang members.
a problem in 1993, They've
been linked to vehicle thefts,
home invasions, sexual bat-
teries and homicides. The,
largest of the 12 gangs has
about 120 members and the
smallest just six, he said.
Port St.Lucie PoUce Chief
John SkinIler said there are
about 175 gang members in
his city, which fewer than 10
gangs call home. He said the
most significant issue associ-
ated with Port St. Lucie gangs
is intimidation, though some
robberies and home inva-
,~*r~%" !~
esym "
bigger]ss"Ues in thecommu-
nity -- poverty, a "degrada-'
tion ill community morals," "
and ä lack of parental in-
volvement. Reconnecting par-
ents with their children and
havi11gA1ose paren~ be legit-
'ÏI1:1.ate .'guar~iaIl£! <m,d ,~eep
their children òut of ,trouble
is key, Baldw:ir1. said.
"It's.a deep ,issue that the
Police department really isn't
equipped to handle, but we
èaIl serve as leaders in the
coíD.ll1unity and try to educa-
te people andca1l people toac-
tion," Baldwin said.
- 3-
. Steve, Horton, leader of theTr~¡¡Sure9oastchapteroftreiGuardj·
an Angels, said his group, whíchhas about 1Ómembers, has been
active in Port St. Lucie and Fort Pierce.
''We travel all the strip malls, behind the maHs ìnallthe dark
areðS, all the high·crime areas, Avenue D," he said. "After we're
thewetwo or three nights in a row, thega!]g activity just dissipates
and they go somewhere else and we follow them there."
. Fort Pierce's Police Chief Sean Baldwin has been reaching out to
cliurchpastors sinCe June.
,"Fort Piercé Is not New YorkorLös A!]geles whérewe have ,a
million people inourpopulatlbn," he said. ,"We have40,OOO people
here. This is absolutely unacceptable thatwé're letting this happen in
01,11' community."
Baldwinsaidthecliurcl1 community can playa "real role" in ad-
drt¡ssingthe gang issue, noting the large number of churches in Fort
Pierce. "GoMearing people don't go out on the streets and shoot
people down," he said.
.The Rev. James Brown, co-pastÞr attheMir;acle Prayer Temple in
F0l't Pierce praised programs, but said parents need to get involved.
· Joseph Jennings,a former gang leader who was shot 13 times,
runs the RAW.D.A.W.G,S. Youth Corps gang-prevention program
for children age 7~013in Fort Pierce. R.A. W. stands for "Radical.
Responsible, Respectful And Winners," but only those in the youth
corps program can know what D.A.Vi.(3,S, stands for, he said.
. Port St. Lucie polÎcl9 OfflGfJ!'S and St"cLucie County sheriffs deputies
te~ch Gang Resistance Education and'Training and Drug Abuse Re-
sistance Education programs in schools.
· St. Lucie County' sChoO! resource deputies. visit the parents of a
child who appears close to joining a gang or Who is coming under a
gang's influence, Sheriff Ken Mascara said.
Typically the parents have no idea. ·and the deputy will schedule a
counseling meeting for the family to work with social service provid-
ers to get the child back on traok.
· St. Lucie recently received a grant to introduoe the Kids At Hope
program to a one-square mile section of Fort Pierce. The program
seeks to bring everyone in the community together to stop treating
Children as if they are "at risk" and instead try to draw out their nat-
ural abilities and treat them as "at hope" children.
Florida: More than 1,000 gangs, about 65,000 gang members
Fort Pierce: At least 12 gangs; more than 400 gang members; at
least 18 gang-related homicides since 2002 ·
Port St. Lucie: About 10 gangs; about 175 gang r:nembers
Okeechobee County: About 12 gangs. Largest has about)20
members: smallest has about six members. Rve gang-related killings
since 2001. . .
Indian River County: 50 people call themselves gang members,
spread over about 12 groups,... 1 .
Martin Count:y:'X! organized gangs, but ,several groups on QUSP of
being labeled gangs: . ..' .....
Law enforcement offiçials typically declIne to reveal the ..
names of gangs. not wanting to give thém attention, but an,
Executive "Roundtable of St. Luçle Count~Î<report lists the .
followlng,gangs.~ ttJe:m~t; CQtJlìnQ1t!¥,,r~'OJ1édJ'l ~~;af~
,_, ,'-·c. .- _ ':,:'" _" h. ::~_."" ..._ _" __ ',._:.".. ':,," " .. ,<' -,: :':', ,\_,", ".\ : :.,' " .,;' ',ii-,'_
· Crips: Formed in los Angeles in tM late 1960s, and use blue colors
for identification. . . .
. . Bloods: Started in southern California fu rival Crips; have adopted
the color red. '..
· latin Kings: The largest and oldest Hispanic-IBd street gang in Chi-
cago. .
· V Side, 13th Street, 23rä Street, Vatos lOGos. ISland Boys, 10th
Street. .' .
· Folk Nation: Not a gang, but a ioup under which gangs are aligned.
· Bloods, Crips, latin Kings -
::c:Ai~:'"-f' ,.
State documents and E1cæutive Round~bh; of St. Luèie County repòrt
KIDS AT HOPE: A community effort to com-
bat gang activity is set to get under way,
As a result of the St. Lucie County Gang
Assessment conducted for the Executive
Roundtable of St, Lucie County, programs
are being started to involve adults and youth
in working together to keep kids from joining gangs.
The county has received a grant to begin Kids at Hope in a
one-mlle-square area of the county.
At 7 pm. Monday, a community forum on the new program
will be held at the Lincoln Park Academy auditorium at 1801
Avenue I in Fort Pierce.
Parents and interested residents are encouraged to attend.
Other initiatives to combat the increasing problem of gangs
in the county, in Fort Pierce and Port st Lucie are expected.
Monday's forum, however, is an important step for those
concerned with the issue.
For information on the nationally researched program, con-
tact Rick Miller at 1-866-275-HOPE.
~ U.6~ ~ V~ .I. .
Illegal immigrant roundup nets record number of arrests
Contra Costa Times
Article Launched:l0j04/2007 03:04:25 AM PDT
LOS ANGELES - Federal authorities rounded up more than 1,300 illegal immigrants in Southern California during the past two
weeks in what officials said Wednesday was the largest sweep of its kind.
The raids targeted illegal immigrants who had criminal records, defied final deportation orders or re-entered the United States
iIIegaHy, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
About 90 percent of the people taken into custody fell under those categories and included immigrants convicted of sex offenses,
assaults and kidnapping, as well as suspected street gang members.
"These aren't people that we want in our communities. These aren't just people looking for work.· said Jim Hayes, director of the
ICE office in Los Angeles.
Most of the immigrants were found at their homes, workplaces or local jails throughout Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, Riverside
and San Bernardino counties.
Nearly 600 have been returned to their native countries, officials said.
Others will be prosecuted in the United States for illegal re-entry to the United States after felony deportations. The federal crime
can cany as many as 20 years in prison.
The illegal immigrants arrested in the sweeps represented about 30 countries, but the vast majority - more than 1,100 - were
Mexican nationals.
The operation by ICE fugitive operation teams resulted in 1,327 arrests, exceeding the 1,297 arrests the agency made last year in
raids targeting meat processing plants in six states.
There are believed to be nearly 597,000 immigrant fugitives in the United States, according to ICE.
In recent years, local authorities have worked with ICE to identify thousands of illegal immigrants in county jails. Those immigrants
are handed over to ICE and placed in deportation proceedings after their aiminal cases finish and they serve their prison
sentences, Hayes said.
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About 90 percent of detainees have criminal records
By Matt Krasnowski
October 4, 2007
LOS .ANGELES - More than l,300 illegal immigrants in five Southern
California counties were arrested in the past two weeks during one of
the nation's largest immigration sweeps, federal officials said yesterday.
The roundup by U.S.
Immigration and
Customs Enforcement
was "one of the largest
enforcement actions
ICE has ever taken,"
said the agency's
Assistant Secretary
Julie Myers.
The 1,327 people
arrested - most
already behind bars -
exceeded the 1,297
illegal immigrants
taken into custody at
meat processing plants in six states last year during an identity theft
"In this operation. we located some very dangerous aliens, including
those involved in street gangs, as well as those with various criminal
records that include drug trafficking. domestic violence and sexual
assault." Myers said.
Roughly 90 percent of the immigrants taken into custody bad criminal
records. re-entered the United States illegally or resisted deportation
orders, she said. About 600 have been deported in the operation that
began Sept. 19.
More than 500 alleged immigration vioIatnrs were at large and taken
into custody in Los Angeles, Orange. Riverside, San Bernardino and
Ventura counties, officials said.
Nearly 800 "previouslv unidentified deportable forei~ nationals" were
discovered when ICE officers searched jails in those coun~ Myers
said. Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties have
agreements with the federal government allowing sherift's officials to
check the ;mmigration status of inmates.
The majority of those arrested are Mexican citizens, officials said. but
the sweep found alleged immigration violators Ú'om more than 30
other countries.
Myers said the sweep showed the effectiveness of the agency's Fugitive
Opern:tious Program œams, which were created in 2003 to target
fugitive immigrants and enforee deportation orders. The program. has
rapidly expanded since its inception, and the number of arrests by ICE
fugitive teams doubled in the past year.
"Too often in the past those (deportation) orders were ignored and
aliens who were deported found ways to slip back into the United
States," Myers said. "Those days are no longer."
Doug Anderson
County Administrator
WednesdaYr October lOr 2007
9:00 A.M.
Conference Room 3
~\~\t) / (~'
'U ~ (I (p
if'" [¡ fl, ~
1 rl rØò
Call to Order - Commissioner Charles Grande, Chairman
Pledge of Allegiance
Self Introduction of Property and Homeowner Representatives
Approve Minutes of September 19r 2007
3. St. Lucie County Sheriffs Office Report: Deputy Gary Gonsalves
4. Presentation:
Henrietta McBeer Florida Power & Light - Wind Energy
5. Old Business
6. New Business
7. Adjournment
Reminder: Next Meeting Date November 14th, 2007
OC~ ^ '"~rn
i - j LU'JI
Minutes of Meeting
September 19r2007
Convened: 9:05 A.M.
Adjourned: 10:35 A.M.
The meeting of the Property & Homeowners Association was held
WednesdaYr September 19r 2007r in Conference Room 3 of the St. Lucie
County Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce,
Members Present:
Charlie Brown, Indian River Estates HOA
Toni Trabolsir Coalition of Sandpiper Bay
Bill Hammer, Reserve/PGA Village
Kathy Thornton, Savanna Club HOA
Walter Fauth, Fort Pierce South Beach Association
Richard Gardnerr White City Improvement Club
Kit Linberger, Palm Grove HOA
Susan Wynne-Feldman, Sandpiper HOA
Jack Ross, St. James Golf Club HOA
Also Present:
Commissioner Charles Grander Chairman
Jeff Furst, St. Lucie County Property Appraiser
Mayor Bob Benton, City of Fort Pierce
Beth Williams, Director of Marketing, Lawnwood Regional Medical Center
Susie Caron, Interested Citizen
Larry Storms, Interested Citizen
Andrew Stark, Palm Grove, HOA
Dr. Michael Riordanr North Beach Association/Coral Cove Marina
Lee Dyer, Indian River Estates HOA
Tom Linberger, Palm Grove, HOA
Jim Reeder, Palm Beach Post Reporter
Deputy Gary Gonsalves, St. Lucie County Sheriffrs Office
Michelle Franklin, St. Lucie County Property Appraiser's Office
Barbara Felton, Aide to Commissioner Lewis
Charline Burgess, Aide to Commissioner Coward
Eva O'Donnell, Aide to Commissioner Craft
Larry Szynkowski, Growth Management Dept. Senior Planner
Liz Martin, Aide to Commissioner Grande
Property & Homeowners Meeting
September 19, 2007
Page 2
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 A.M. Commissioner Grande
led the Association in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Homeowners'
Representatives and the public in attendance gave self-introductions.
Wal ter Fauth asked for clarification. Under Item 3, St. Lucie County
Sheriff's Report the South Beach C.O.P. Group was not responsible for
the 1200 citations issued by the Sheriffrs Office. The C.O.P. Group
works with the Sheriff's Office but they cannot issue traffic
citations. A motion was made by Bill Hammer to approve the minutes
as amended. The motion was seconded by Walter Fauth and passed
Deputy Gonsalves reported that the July crime statistics are out.
We continue to have a decrease of crime in the unincorporated area
of the county. In July there was a 7% decrease. There has only been
one month this year that crime increased. We continue to have
vehicle and home burglaries and Lakewood Park is having a problem.
He cautioned everyone to lock their doors and please be observant of
your surroundings.
Susie Caron mentioned that we have a lot of rentals in the area now.
The demographics are changing and our neighbors are not as familiar
to us as in the past. If there is any way that you could enhance the
C.O.P. Program, it would be good.
Bill Hammer commented that we are experiencing ~rental overload" and
the owners of these vacant properties, in order to generate a cash
flow, are not being as selective on who they place in these homes.
He asked Deputy Gonsalves if he had any suggestions or action that
can be taken.
Deputy Gonsalves suggested writing the property owner, explain the
situation and the problems the neighborhood is having and ask that
it be corrected. If there is any criminal activity the Sheriffrs
Office can step in. You can also work with the neighborhood
Homeowners Association. The Property Appraiser's Office has an
Property & Homeowners Meeting
September 19, 2007
Page 3
excellent web site and you can find out who owns the property and
their mailing address.
ITEM 4 - PRESENTATION: Jeff Furst, St. Lucie County Property Appraiser
To qualify for Homestead Exemption, you must have established legal
and permanent residency in the State of Florida and have legal or
equitable title to the property as of January 1 st and the property
must be your permanent residence as of January 1st. Initial
application should be filed in person or online between January 1st
and March 1st. If you forgot to file and are eligible for homestead
exemption, please contact Mr. Furst at 462-1000. With good cause, you
can ~late file" and pay the late fee which is $15.00.
Mr. Furst stated that after your TRIM notice is sent out, if you
disagree with the valuation on your property the State gives you 25
days to file an appeal. You can go to the Property Appraiser's office
and the staff will help you fill out the form. Last year there were
1700 appeals. The Value Adjustment Board hires a Special Master (an
independent appraiser) to review the appeal.
The increase in property taxes was discussed. Mr. Furst stated that
he had suggested to the state lawmakers in 2006 the way to fix the
problem was a combination of rolling back local government spending
to 2000-2001 levels, by adding a penny to the state sales tax, taking
school budgets off the local tax bills and putting them in the state
budget. That would have offered homeowners an immediate 20% reduction
in property taxes.
all property appraisers support the portability
The ~super exemption" issue was briefly discussed and Mr. Furst asked
for a show of hands if anyone supported it. No one raised their hand.
Also, briefly discussed was the problem of people claiming homestead
exemption that are not entitled to it. Mr. Furst stated that when
he finds someone claiming homestead exemption in two states he does
file against them for prior years property taxes. Data is shared
between states and technology has increased tremendously.
Property & Homeowners Meeting
September 19, 2007
Page 4
Beth Williams, Director of Marketing for
Lawnwood Regional Medical Center
Lawnwood Regional Medical Center has created a Homeowner Association
Outreach Program. A liaison person from the management staff of
Lawnwood Regional (a Director or above) would be assigned to
individual homeowner associations in St. Lucie County that would like
to participate in the program.
The liaison would be a resource that could be contacted by phone, e-
mail or in person for homeowner association members who become
patients and request a visit or assistance with hospital information.
They could act as a resource for identifying and securing speakers for
your meetings, answer questions regarding timely healthcare or
hospital issues.
If your Homeowner Association would like to participate in this
Outreach programr please contact Beth Williamsr Director of Public
Relations at 468-4441 or via e-mail atbeth.williams@hcahealthcare.com
for more information.
Bill Hammer asked if Growth Management had responded to the suggestion
brought up last month that the State Forestry Department be made a
part of the site plan review process? Commissioner Grande responded
that we are still waiting for staff comments.
Bill Hammer asked if staff had responded to comments from last months
meeting that the State Legislature is requiring that county officials
make new developments prove that water would be available for the next
twenty years? Commissioner Grande responded that we are still
waiting for staff comments.
Kit Linberger - Would like the group to be informed if SFWM and/or the
Army Corps of Engineers provides any new information on the Ten Mill
Creek Reservoir problems.
With no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:35 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Liz Martin, Aide to Commissioner Grande
~ p~~~~,
Page 1 of2
Liz Martin - Re: Property & Homeowners Meeting -
Laurie Case
Martin, Liz¡ Satterlee, Mark
9/19/2007 2:48 PM
Re: Property & Homeowners Meeting -
Anderson, Douglas¡ McIntyre, Daniel¡ Outlaw, Faye
I am not sure when the requirement was actually approved, but St. Lucie County must adopt comprehensive plan
amendments for this by January 12, 2008.
Laurie Case
Utility Director
St. Lucie County Utilities
Ph. (772) 462-1175
»> Liz Martin 9/19/2007 2:39 PM »>
Laurie, what is the deadline? Mr. Bangert spoke as though we should have already being doing this (since it was
approved in 2005).
»> Laurie Case 09/19/07 2:36 PM »>
I am aware of the need to amend the camp. plan to include a 10-Year Water Supply Work Plan. Bob Nix and I
spoke briefly about this item before he left, and staff attended a workshop on this topic in June sponsored
by SFWMD and DCA. I have also discussed our water supply plan directly with the SFWMD Upper East Coast
representative. Utilities is currently pulling this information together and will work closely with Growth Management
to meet the deadline. The County has much of this information already, as we have an application into the SFWMD
for a Consumptive Use Permit that would cover the County's service area water supply needs over the next twenty
years. Population projections are updated every five years to take into account changes in development densities.
Please call if I can assist further.
Laurie Case
Utility Director
St. Lucie County Utilities
Ph. (772) 462-1175
>>> Liz Martin 9/19/2007 1:10 PM »>
Hello Everyone,
At the Property & Homeowners Meeting this morning, one of the residents asked for an update on an issue that Bob
Bangert brought up at last month's meeting.
It's on Page # 6 of the minutes - Mr. Bangert stated that in 2005 the Legislature gave SFWM & the other Districts
the right, not to control development, but that the county officials have to show that water will be available for the
next twenty years for new developments.
I forwarded the minutes to Robert Nix, but maybe he didn't have an opportunity to respond before he left the end
of August.
file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46F14AFDS... 9/26/2007
v~ \4 K~
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Charles Grande - Fwd: RE: Ten Mile Creek Reservoir
Douglas Anderson
Coward, Doug; Grande, Charles; Lewis, Paula¡ Smith, Joe
9/28/2007 7:54 AM
Fwd: RE: Ten Mile Creek Reservoir
»> "Smith, Karen L." <klsmith@sfwmd.gov> 9/27/20074:17 PM »>
Hi Mr. Merritt:
The message below was forwarded to me by Don West at S1. Lucie County. I did not see your
original e-mail but Don told me that you were concerned about the Ten Mile Creek project since
you live in close proximity. To give you a little background, the Corps built the project and is
now ready to hand it over to the local sponsor, the SFWMD, to operate. This is normal
procedure for joint federal/state projects. However, after reviewing the project specifications, the
District has found a punch-list of items that have not been completed and has questions
concerning the original vs. as built design specifications. Considering that the project has some
critical items outstanding, the SFWMD is unwilling to assume operation of the facility until these
items are resolved. In response, the SFWMD and Corps agreed to hire an independent
consultant to inspect the facility and return in October with a complete list of the items that need
to be resolved with projected costs.
As a result of the drought, there is little water in the reservoir and stormwater treatment area and
therefore poses no threat to adjacent landowners. The facility is not being operated at this time,
and I can assure you that the SFWMD will NOT accept or operate the facility until it meets or
exceeds all of our specifications. Since this project is still owned by the Corps, if you need more
information please contact their WPB office at 561-683-1577.
I won't have any more information until the consultant's report is reviewed by our engineers and
Governing Board, but I'd be happy to talk to you if you want to give me a call at 772-223-2600
Karen Smith
Director, SFWMD MSL Service Center
From: Don West [mailto:DONW@stlucieco.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 5:51 PM
To: merrittjmike@hotmail.com
file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46FCB31AS... 10/2/2007
Page 2 of2.
Cc: Chris Craft¡ Douglas Anderson¡ Eva O'Donnell
Subject: Ten Mile Creek Reservoir
Mr. Merritt:
The Corps of Engineers and South Florida Water Management District are the two lead Agencies that are
constructing and operating the Ten Mile Creek Facility.
No information has been shared with the local Governments about the problems that were mentioned in the
recent news article. This is undoubtedly a very complex situation for the Corps, as the news article implies
that the Corps has problems with the original construction that may need to be corrected. It also sounds
like there may be issues with final acceptance of the work that was done by the Contractor.
I would suggest that you contact Karen Smith at the SFWMD Martin Service Center, Ph: 1-800-250-4100, to
obtain more information about this. Karen can provide
contacts at both SFWMD and the Corps that can answer your questions.
Don West
SLC Public Works
Ph: (772) 462-1485.
file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46FCB31AS... 10/2/2007
L~ ~'o/~¥'
Liz Martin - Re: Property & Homeowners Meeting - Site Plan Review Process
page 1 01 1, .
Mark Satterlee
Liz Martin
10/2/2007 11 :08 AM
Re: Property & Homeowners Meeting - Site Plan Review Process
Peter Jones¡ Robin Meyer
Liz - We simply have not had an opportunity to deal with this item. However, I agree that it should be looked into
and it's always good to have another set of eyes review site plans. I will forward to my incoming new Asst Director,
Robin Meyer, who starts next week and have him develop a response.
Sorry for the delay
»> Liz Martin 9/19/2007 1:56 PM »>
Hello Again,
At the Property & Homeowners Meeting this morning, Bill Hammer brought up another issue from last month's
On Page # 6 of the minutes of August 8th - Jim Rath & Joe Spataro of the Division of Forestry answered Mr.
Hammer's question asking what could be done to assist the Forestry Department in regard to developers clearing
land for new developments - sometimes huge developments have a massive amount of burning to do, which affects
the neighbors, etc.
They both responded that if they could be part of the site plan review process they could give county staff an
estimated amount of material to be disposed of - either by hauling it off or burning on site. They could work with
the developer and perhaps avoid a lot of problems with neighbors, etc. The burn permits issued by the Forestry
Department include a smoke impact area and sometimes includes wind restrictions if they are close to neighbors.
Mr. Spataro said that most material removal is done on a 90 contract and if developers know in advance they have
more material than can be burned or removed within 90 days it would avoid a lot of community problems.
Charlie thought it was a great idea, the county could send them a site plan and they could provide comments before
the DRC meets and the Forestry Department's comments could be made part of the DRC findings.
I didn't hear from Bob Nix before he left as to what he thought about including the Forestry Department in the
review process.
Please let us know your comments, the homeowners are asking for an update.
file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\47022692SL... 10/2/2007
Page 2 of 2' .
Could you give us an update on this - is the county making new developments prove that water will be available for
the next twenty years?
file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46F14AFDS... 9/26/2007
Doug Anderson
County Administrator
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
9:00 A.M.
Conference Room 3
1. Call to Order - Commissioner Charles Grande, Chairman
.:. Pledge of Allegiance
.:. Self Introduction of Property and Homeowner Representatives
2. Approve Minutes of August 8, 2007
3. St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office Report: Deputy Gary Gonsalves
4. Presentation:
Jeff Furst, St. Lucie County Property Appraiser
5. Old Business
6. New Business
7. Adjournment
Reminder: Next Meeting Date October 10th, 2007
SEP - 5 ¿Jot
Minutes of Meeting
August 8,2007
Convened: 9:05 A.M.
Adjourned: 11:35 A.M.
The meeting of the Property & Homeowners Association was held
Wednesday, August 8, 2007, in Conference Room 3 of the St. Lucie
County Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce,
Members Present:
Charlie Brown, Indian River Estates HOA
Toni Trabolsi, Coalition of Sandpiper Bay
John Ferrick, North Fork POA
Bill Hammer, Reserve/PGA Village
Kathleen Ivins, River Park HOA
Bob Bangert, Holiday Pines HOA
Kathy Thornton, Savanna Club HOA
Craig Mundt, North Beach Association
Pamela Hammer, President PORI
Walter Fauth, Fort Pierce South Beach Association
Also Present:
Commissioner Charles Grande, Chairman
Deputy Glenn Huffman, St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office
Jim Rath, Fla. Division of Forestry District Manager
Joe Spataro, Fla. Division of Forestry Area Superintendent
Melissa Yunas, Fla. Division of Forestry Wildfire Mitigation
Mark Boston, Florida Alliance for Retired Americans
Vickie Cooke, SLC Adult Services Librarian
Jack Southard, SLC Public Safety Director
Vanessa Bessey, SLC Environmental Resources Director
Don Pauley, SLC Road & Bridge Manager
Swendy Ariyanayagam, St. Lucie County Contractors Licensing
Liz Martin, Aide to Commissioner Grande
Property & Homeowners Meeting
August 8, 2007
Page 2
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 A.M. Commissioner Grande
led the Association in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Homeowners'
Representatives and the public in attendance gave self-introductions.
A motion was made by Bob Bangert and seconded by Bill Hammer to
approve the minutes of July 18th. The motion passed unanimously.
Deputy Huffman reported that a rash of car burglaries have occurred
recently. Don't give criminals an opportunity to commit a
crime. Please remove valuables from your vehicle and keep the doors
locked. The National Night Out uGive Crime a Going Away Party" was
August 7th. Thirteen communities throughout the County held events
and they were all a huge success. The Sheriff's Office C.O.P.
Program (Citizens Observation Patrol) will have a class beginning
August 20th and ending August 23rd. This is a volunteer group of local
residents who assist the Sheriff's Office in the unincorporated area
of the County. Requirements are that you be at least twenty-one
years of age, reside in St. Lucie County, pass a background check,
possess a valid Florida drivers license and complete a sixteen hour
training program. Please contact the Crime Prevention Office 871-
5303 if you are interested. Walter Fauth commented that he had been
in the C.O.P. Program for five years and it's a great Program with
a lot of varied activities and community involvement.
Bob Bangert - You can increase the Sheriff's Budget if you will
monitor traffic on U.S. 1 and also on I-95. It seems everyone is
going much faster than the speed limit. Deputy Huffman stated that
he would report it to the traffic unit. Walter Fauth said that a
radar gun was made available to his C.O.P. group and they monitored
traffic for several days on South Beach. Based on their log sheets
the Sheriff's Office was able issue over 1200 citations. They logged
a gasoline tanker going 67 mph in a 35 mph zone.
Property & Homeowners Meeting
August 8, 2007
Page 3
Craig Mundt - A state law went into effect recently that some of you
may not be aware of. When an emergency vehicle is stopped by the
side of the road you must move to the furthest lane and also drop
your speed 20 mph lower than the posted speed limit.
Deputy Huffman - That is correct and the Sheriff's Office will be
doing some public service announcements on it.
It's a Florida Traffic Law - Section 316.126, UMove Over Law." On
highways with two or more lanes when approaching a law enforcement
or other authorized emergency vehicle parked on the roadway with
their emergency lights activated, drivers are reauired to move from
the lane closest to the stopped emergency vehicle and slow to a speed
that is 20 mph less than the posted speed limit.
ITEM 4 - PRESENTATIONS: Florida State Department of Forestrv
Present were Jim Rath, Division of Forestry District Manager, Joe
Spataro, Division of Forestry Area Superintendent and Melissa Yunas,
Wildfire Mitigation Specialist.
Jim Rath introduced his staff and gave a brief overview of what the
Division of Forestry does.
Joe Spataro - Commented that burning is a natural way to dispose of
landclearing material; without burning on site, more truck traffic
is created on already busy roads; if you mulch the material, you
create other problems such as rodents or other animals living in the
piled debris; untreated mulch cannot be given away because no one
wants the material near their homes due to the termites and other
insects; landfill space is needed to handle the material; possible
fire hazards are created with stored material; illegal dumping will
greatly increase; increased disposal fee's to the developer will be
passed down to the homeowner if burning is restricted. The drawback
of burning, is that the smoke contributes to breathing problems and
smoke on the highway can create a driving hazard.
To apply for a burn permit the person or firm must call the
Division of Forestry for an authorization; the person will
be given a customer number which includes their address, phone
number, emergency phone numbers and history of any legal action.
Property & Homeowners Meeting
August 8, 2007
Page 4
The landowner's information includes the Section, Range and Township
of the property where the burn will occur; if the person has burned
at the same location before; the type of burn - either landclearing
for commercial or residential reasons; agriculture or silviculture
(silviculture is the burning of land for wildlife habitat restoration
and disease control); the purpose of the burn; how many acres; and
how many piles to be burned.
An onsite inspection prior to burning verifies the set back from
the nearest occupied building that is not owned by the person doing
the burning. It also verifies the number of piles or area (acres)
to be burned.
Residential, agriculture and silviculture burns require the set back
to be 300 feet from a building and 100 feet from the road.
Commercial burns require the set back to be 1,000 feet from a
building and 100 feet from the road.
If there are homes or businesses near the burn site, then a wind
restriction may also be part of the permit requirement.
There were 86 inspections conducted last year
approved and 8 denied.
wi th 78 being
Once all of this information is entered into the computer, a map with
the burn location is generated. The computer will then generate a
smoke plume to show the impact zone, if it does not impact a smoke
sensitive area, an authorization to burn is then issued. If there
is an impacted area, wind restrictions are part of the authorization.
From July 1st 2006 to June 30th 2007 there were a total of 1,247 burn
permits issued for St. Lucie County by the Division of Forestry. Of
those permits, 8 smoke complaints were received for authorized burns;
one complaint was received for an unauthorized burn; there were no
authorized burns that escaped the permitted burn area.
Illegal dumping was discussed and Mr. Spataro displayed some photo's
of illegal dump sites. When complaints of illegal dumping are
reported, the Department of Forestry will monitor the site by
airplane and take photo's and proceed with legal prosecution.
Air curtain incinerators were discussed.
incinerators are very effective. When used
massive amounts of smoke.
When used correctly the
incorrectly, they produce
Property & Homeowners Meeting
August 8, 2007
Page 5
Pam Hammer - Stated that the buffers are inadequate and smoke impacts
the quality of life and she is pushing for an ordinance from the
Planning & Zoning Board to ban burning. I understand that you need
to do environmental burning. But quite honestly, I don't care if a
developer has to pay more to haul it away. Their burning impacts my
quality of life. We are here to protect the residents that live here
and their quality of life. I fully support St. Lucie County having
an ordinance against burning. I have a real problem that you issue
permits to contractors that have previously been found in violation.
Cut them off. Don't give them a second chance.
Joe Spataro - The problem is, the Florida Statute doesn't allow us
to do that. If they bring the violation into compliance then we must
issue another permit. I certainly don't disagree with you. Several
years ago I suggested a 3 strikes and your out rule. I was told that
rule would never get passed in the State of Florida.
Pam Hammer - I'm disappointed that the Legislature protects people
who violate the rules.
Joe Spataro - Indian River County worked on an ordinance banning air
curtain incinerators east of I-95 in Indian River County. The very
first day they had to close their landfill at 9:00 A.M. due to the
trucks that were lined up to get into the landfill.
Bill Hammer It's a quality of life issue. I'd like to see
absolutely no burning allowed. It's a health issue and a disaster
on properties that are in the fall-out area. When the wildfires were
happening in the Everglades the ash that fell on homes and
automobiles in The Reserve was so thick it looked like snow. Ash
fell as far away as South Hutchinson Island. The expense to property
owners from the ash was enormous. It would seem the starting point
would be to seek legislation to minimize the amount of landclearing
for developments. Just because it's convenient to the developer to
strip property bare and then plant Us ticks" afterward doesn't make
Joe Spataro - Contractors doing the burn are responsible for any
damage incurred to homes or automobiles. They are required to carry
liabili ty insurance. Contractors are not allowed to burn tires. You
may see contractors place tires across a paved roadway to Uwalk" the
bulldozers over a paved road to clear property on the other side but
they can't burn them. Tires produce a tremendous amount of heavy
black smoke. If you see anything you are concerned about in regard
to a burn, please contact us and we will investigate.
Property & Homeowners Meeting
August 8, 2007
Page 6
Bill Hammer - Twenty years ago developers left natural areas and now
the land is stripped and you don't have anything to filter the storm
water runoff and you have a hard time controlling flooding. What
can we do to help you?
Jim Rath
- Possibly get us involved in the initial site plan review
We can look at the site plan and estimate the quantity of
to be disposed of.
Commissioner Grande - That's an excellent idea. The County could
send you a site plan and you could provide comments before the Design
Review Committee meets and your comments could be part of the DRC
Jim Rath - Most of the contractors and developers have those plans
on computer and they could e-mail them to us. It wouldn' t take very
much time and then you would have some input on the burning that
would be needed and the problems that might occur.
Joe Spataro - Then we could work with these folks and know what is
coming up. Most of the land clearing contractors have 90 days to
clear a site. If we tell them there will be wind restrictions, that
90 day contract period might not be feasible. Prior review by us
would probably save a lot of problems.
Commissioner Grande - I think that is a great idea.
Bob Bangert You may have fewer developers in the future.
Development will start slowing down. In 2005 the Legislators gave
South Florida Water Management, actually all of the Districts, the
right not to control development, but the county officials have
to show that water will be available for the next twenty years for
a particular development. That should shut down a lot of upcoming
developments. We are having a tremendous water shortage this year
and it's nothing to what it could be in the near future. When people
in Florida go to the kitchen faucet and nothing comes out, there will
be hell to pay.
Burn complaints should be called in to 863-462-5160.
covered 24 hours per day.
The phone is
For further information please contact Joe Spataro, Area
Superintendent for the Division of Forestry at (772) 778-5085.
Property & Homeowners Meeting
August 8, 2007
Page 7
ITEM 4 - PRESENTATIONS (continued):
Librarian for St. Lucie County
Vicki Cooke, Adult Services
Vicki Cooke For anyone that might not have a library card it's
free to County residents. You must present proof of residency. All
non-county residents must pay an annual fee of $15.00 and must present
proof of residency in their home county. The library offers reference
services, photocopying, programs for all ages, seasonal tax
assistance, public meeting rooms, computer classes, outreach services
such as the bookmobile and books by mail.
On the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 10: 00 A.M. the UGreat
Expectations Book Club" meets; Every Monday is UMonday at the Movies"
and it starts at 2:00 P.M.; Ms. Cooke mentioned that in August Roger
Neetz, author of Another Time will have a book signing; also, Tommy
Gore author of The Rainbow Chasers in the Great Florida Treasure Hunt
will have a book signing.
Please contact Vicki Cooke at 462-1615 for further information
regarding Adult Library Services.
Charlie Brown - Does anyone know what is going on in Tallahassee
regarding property insurance and property taxes?
Commissioner Grande - Commented that he would invite Jeff Furst, St.
Lucie County Property Appraiser to be one of our guest speakers in the
next month or so.
Charlie Brown - Mentioned that if any of the representatives would
like to receive county public information announcements bye-mail,
just contact Erick Gill at 462-1791 and he will add your name to the
list. You will receive an incredible amount of information to share
with your community.
Commissioner Grande - Reminded everyone that the September meeting
will be held on the 3rd Wednesday, which will be September 19th.
With no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:35 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Aide to Commissioner Grande
Page 1 of 1
Liz Martin - Monthly Activity Report
Liz Martin
Moise, Mirlande; Nell, Bill; Nix, Robert
8/8/2007 3:35 PM
Monthly Activity Report
douga; Outlaw, Faye
~ G', ~
At the Property & Homeowner Meeting this morning it was brought up by several residents that the report doesn't
include the detailed information that it did in the past. I'm going to send you all a page from the January 2005
report so you can refer to it.
They would like to see:
1. applicant's detailed information (address, phone number, etc)
2. contact/agent's detailed information (address, phone number, etc.)
3. description - detailed information (i.e. 5600 sJ. building on 2.5 acres)
You will see all of this on the copy of the 2005 report I'll send over in inter-departmental mail. If you have any
questions, please contact Commissioner Grande
file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46B9E2B2SL... 8/8/2007
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Doug Anderson
County Administrator
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
9:00 A.M.
Conference Room 3
1. Call to Order - Commissioner Charles Grande, Chairman
.:. Pledge of Allegiance
.:. Self Introduction of Property and Homeowner Representatives
2. Approve Minutes of June 20, 2007
3. St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office Report: Deputy Gary Gonsalves
4. Presentation:
Mike Lannon, Superintendent of Schools
5. Old Business
6. New Business
7. Adjournment
Reminder: Next Meeting Date August 8th, 2007
JUL- 6 ,-
Minutes of Meeting
June 20,2007
Convened 9:05 A.M.
Adjourned: 11:00 A.M.
The meeting of the Property & Homeowners Association was held
Wednesday, June 20, 2007, in Conference Room 3 of the St. Lucie
County Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce,
Members Present:
Charlie Brown, Indian River Estates HOA
Dr. Bobbi Conti, Property Owners of the Reserve
Toni Trabolsi, Coalition of Sandpiper Bay
John Ferrick, North Fork POA
Nancy Spalding, Coral Cove HOA
Robin Schifilliti, PGA Village HOA
Kit Linberger, Palm Grove HOA
Bill Hammer, Reserve/PGA Village
Arlene Goodman, White City Improvement Club
Craig Mundt, North Beach Association
Carole Mushier, Fort Pierce South Beach Association
Kathleen Ivins, River Park HOA
John Ross, St. James Golf Club HOA
Also Present:
Commissioner Charles Grande, Chairman
Sheriff Ken Mascara
Commissioner Chris Craft
Beth Williams, Director of Marketing Lawnwood Regional
Deputy Gary Gonsalves, St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office
Dr. Michael Riordan, North Beach HOA & Coral Cove
Lee Dyer, Indian River Estates HOA
Andrew Stark, Palm Grove HOA Association
Mark Boston, Florida Alliance for Retired Americans
Richard McAfoos, Coalition of Sandpiper Bay
Tom Linberger, Palm Grove HOA
Doug Anderson, County Administrator
Missy Stiadle, Exec. Assistant to the County Administrator
Marie Gouin, SLC Management & Budget Director
Larry Storms, Interested Citizen
Liz Martin, Aide to Commissioner Grande
Barbara Felton, Aide to Commissioner Lewis
Eva O'Donnell, Aide to Commissioner Craft
Swendy Ariyanayagam, SLC Contractors Licensing Dept.
Ann Armandro, SLC Traffic Operations
Property & Homeowners Meeting
June 20, 2007
Page 2
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 A.M. Commissioner Grande
led the Association in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Homeowners'
Representatives and the public in attendance gave self-
A motion was made by Arlene Goodman and seconded by Bill Hammer to
approve the minutes of May 9th. The motion passed unanimously.
Deputy Gary Gonsalves reported that there was a slight increase in
crime in May. He cautioned everyone to be alert, criminals are
opportunist, so be sure and keep your doors, windows and automobiles
ITEM 4 - PRESENTATION: Doug Anderson, County Administrator
Doug Anderson was present to talk to the Representative's about the
County Budget for 2007-2008.
The St. Lucie County annual budget is approximately $573 million.
We employ 950 people and currently the budget to be presented to the
County Commissioners does not include any layoffs, however, the
proposed budget does include a recommendation to eliminate 25
unfilled positions.
Should a property tax reform plan be approved by the State
Legislature requiring deeper cuts than we have already made, we will
handle those in a systematic approach, however, depending upon the
severity of any future state cuts, we may have to consider layoffs.
The State Legislature is talking about increasing our
by the inflation rate or conswner price index.
operating cost increases are much greater than 3%,
fuel, utilities, insurance, etc.
future budgets
Our annual
for example -
Property & Homeowners Meeting
June 20, 2007
Page 3
We are one of the fastest growing counties in the nation and our
responsibilities and commitments increase accordingly.
Our revenues are derived from: 32.6% property taxes; Gas taxes,
tourist development tax, franchise fees, licenses & permits, half
cent sales tax, fines & forfeitures and the state revenue sharing
amount to 6.05%; with the remaining 61.34% coming from other
revenues - enterprise funds, impact fees, interest, etc.
We have over $66 million dollars in allocations going to our
Constitutional Officers (Sheriff, Supervisor of Elections, Clerk of
the Circuit Court), courts, legal system, inmate medical and
hospital costs, medical examiner, juvenile detention center and
others. We have $6.9 million going to the City of Fort Pierce and
Port St. Lucie CRA' s. We have to fund the Health Department and New
Horizons and that is almost $2 million per year; we have unfunded
state mandates for medicaid nursing homes and pauper burials.
Our total unfunded state constitutional mandates total $92.3 million
dollars. This is 57% of your county property tax bill that we
don't have any control over.
Florida is ranked number 28 in taxes, we
what the other 50 states pay in taxes.
states in the country that doesn't have
certainly don't want one.
are right in the middle of
Florida is one of only 7
a state income tax and we
Once we receive the final property tax reform mandates and have had
time to calculate the impacts to our budget, we will meet with you
Beth Williams, Trauma Care Center
Beth Williams, Director of Marketing & Public Relations for Lawnwood
Regional Medical Center was present to discuss the trawna care
center that will be on the ballot June 26~.
Mrs. Williams stated that the trawna center is about saving lives
and the proximity of getting patients to the right place in the
right amount of time.
Lawnwood Hospital has been in this community
the community and adding services without
community asking for assistance.
for 30 years serving
ever coming to the
Property & Homeowners Meeting
June 20, 2007
Page 4
Arlene Goodman - asked why didn't Lawnwood apply for grants instead
of going to the taxpayers first?
Ms. Williams - Actually we have met with all the elected officials
in the county. We spent many hours in meetings with county staff
and also talked to people in Tallahassee about funding sources.
There is no sustainable funding for medical doctors for the trawna
center and that is what we are asking for. What you are hearing
is that Lawnwood wants $ 7.2 million dollars. What we have asked
for, is for the community to support the trawna center and the
language in the ballot specifically says it must be spent on medical
There are two "buckets" of expense for a trawna center. You have
to pay doctors to be on call. That is just a fact. There is the
operational expense. We have asked for a safety net for the first
three years.
We have a tendency in this community to create incentives and pay
out millions of dollars to get companies to come here. But, here
is an institution that has been established in this community for
thirty years, saying we have an opportunity to provide a higher
level of medical service to the community. There will be about 15
physicians involved.
Let me explain the millage issue. If the trawna care center is
passed by the voters, the 1/4 mill will be levied and the funds will
be transferred to the Fire District who will serve as the "Trawna
Board." The Fire District can't use those funds for anything but
the "trawna center." For example, if the levy yields $6.7 million
the first year and the cost to fund the physicians is $5 million,
then you have $1.7 million left over. Those funds would be carried
over to the next year, because it can't be used for anything else.
In year two, you would ratchet down the levy. It cannot be used
for anything else. It cannot be higher than 1/4 mill. It's a ten
year sunset for the mill levy and requires all four entities to
participate (City of Fort Pierce, City of Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie
Village and St. Lucie County.)
It's truly this simple, it's a question - does this community want
trawna services? It's an optional item and you will either vote
for it or you won't. It's one of the few things you get to vote on
Property & Homeowners Meeting
June 20, 2007
Page 5
by line item.
I see things on my tax bill that I'm not really not sure that I
benefit from, but I know I would benefit from a higher level of care
and more medical specialists. It's about bringing those physicians
to our community, the funds will flow directly from the Fire
District/Trawna Board to the physicians. Quite frankly, we don't
want those public dollars coming through the hospital and for the
people saying that, it's just erroneous information.
Commissioner Grande - we have asked each side to tell us what they
know but we really shouldn't badger them about the information put
before us and we need to make the final decision ourselves.
Arlene Goodman - Martin Memorial wants to put in a hospital west of
the turnpike because it's growing so fast. It was in the newspaper
that Lawnwood is going to fight it.
Ms. Williams - Actually we aren' t. It's amazing to me. What
they've done is say, we've "historically" opposed it. But I
haven't spoken to a single reporter on this issue. No one, has said
that we intend to fight it.
Craig Mundt - to spring an election on the electorate and not allow
enough time for proper debate and proper information to get out to
the public has been a disservice and I hope the County Commission
never does it again.
Nancy Spaulding - I heard the same thing said years ago about the
Children's Services Council. It's too early, people aren't here,
the timing isn't right. Now, we're glad we have a Children's
Services Council.
With no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
X;. o-ànCL"-~
Liz Martin
Aide to Commissioner Grande
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
9:00 A.M.
Conference Room 3
1. Call to Order - Commissioner Charles Grande, Chairman
.:. Pledge of Allegiance
.:. Self Introduction of Property and Homeowner Representatives
2. Approve Minutes of May 9, 2007
3. St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office Report: Deputy Gary Gonsalves
4. Presentation:
Doug Anderson - RE: Budget Cuts
Beth Williams - RE: Trauma Care
5. Old Business
6. New Business
7. Adjournment
Reminder: Next Meeting Date July 18, 2007
I, \~ ['i
- 1 2007
Minutes of Meeting
May 9, 2007
Convened 9:10 A.M.
Adjourned: 11:05 A.M.
The meeting of the Property & Homeowners Association was held
Wednesday, May 9, 2007, in Conference Room 3 of the St. Lucie County
Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Members Present:
Charlie Brown, Indian River Estates HOA
Dr. Bobbi Conti, Property OWners of the Reserv
Toni Trabolsi, Coalition of Sandpiper Bay
John Ferrick, North Fork POA
Robin Schifilliti, PGA Village HOA
Kit Linberger, Palm Grove HOA
Bill Hammer, Reserve/PGA Village
Bob Bangert, Holiday Pines
Arlene Goodman, White City Improvement Club
Craig Mundt, North Beach Association
Walter Fauth, Fort pierce South Beach Association
Kathleen Ivins, River Park HOA
ol~) ~
Also Present:
Commissioner Charles Grande, Chairman
Deputy Lee Davis, St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office
Lee Dyer, Indian River Estates HOA
Andrew Stark, Palm Grove HOA Association
Mark Boston, Florida Alliance for Retired Americans
Richard McAfoos, Coalition of Sandpiper Bay
Tom Linberger, Palm Grove HOA
Faye Outlaw, Assistant County Administrator
Caroline Villanueva, Lennar Homes
Aimee Craig Carlson, Centex Homes
Bob Raynes, Gunster Yoakley
John Percy, Glatting Jackson
Liz Martin, Aide to Commissioner Grande
Barbara Felton, Aide to Commissioner Lewis
Swendy Ariyanayagam, SLC Contractors Licensing Dept.
Shane Dewitt, SLCTV
Property & Homeowners Meeting
May 9, 2007
Page 2
The meeting was called to order at 9:10 A.M. Commissioner Grande
led the Association in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Homeowners'
Representatives and the public in attendance gave self-introductions.
A motion was made by Charlie Brown and seconded by Walter Fauth to
approve the minutes of April 11th. The motion passed unanimously.
Deputy Lee Davis - Deputy Gonsalves followed up with the Sheriff
regarding the question last month "could the land owner be
prosecuted" when property is used for cock fighting. There have
been many arrests lately in this county and surrounding counties.
Deputy Davis reported that the case is still under investigation and
the States Attorney will file the proper paperwork when need be on
the property.
ITEM 4 - PRESENTATION: Rural Lands Stewardship Program - Cloud Grove
Present to give the
Homes; Aimee Craig
Yoakley; John Percy,
presentation were Caroline Villanueva, Lennar
Carlson, Centex Homes; Bob Raynes, Gunster
Glatting Jackson.
The Rural Lands Stewardship Program is a program to maintain economic
value of rural land, control urban sprawl, protect ecosystems,
promote rural economic activity and maintain viability of Florida's
agricultural economy.
Adams Ranch is the "sending area" for the Rural Lands Stewardship
Program and consists of a 12,000 acre portion of the ranch. The
ranch is located south of Orange Avenue Extension and north of
Okeechobee Road.
Those stewardship credits could be transferred to the "receiving
area" the Cloud Grove property, which is owned by Lennar and
Centex and consists of approximately 6,000 acres.
Property & Homeowners Meeting
May 9, 2007
Page 3
That is an area approximately 3 miles by 5 miles. The property is
located in the northwest area of St. Lucie County between I-95 and
the Turnpike. It begins at the Indian River County line and ends
south of Indrio Road.
The Master Plan for Cloud Grove would consist of 12,000 residential
homes, 300 hotel rooms, 1,000,000 s.f. of retail space, 1,000,000
s.f. of light industrial, a movie theater, golf course and a 140 bed
Lennar - Centex purchased the Cloud Grove property in 2006 and then
formed a special company called "Florida Conservancy and Development
Group" to focus on stewardship.
Craig Mundt - It was stated that the Adams Ranch is 16,000 acres and
the sending area on the ranch is 12,000 acres. Is there not then,
the possibility that the remaining 4,000 acres could be developed in
the future?
Bob Raynes - Yes, there is that possibility. The remaining 4,000
acres could be developed into five acre ranchette's. It doesn' t
change the underlying zoning.
Commissioner Grande - Before we go any further, the reality is that
it would never be the five acre ranchette's.
In St. Lucie County according to our Land Development Codes and
Comprehensive Plan, if the Adams Ranch were to be developed, which
is almost inconceivable based on the ownership, it's required that
it be developed as an Agricul tural PUD. An Agricultural PUD in St.
Lucie County requires a full 80% of the land to be kept as open
space. The entirety of the development on Adams Ranch could only
occur on a contiguous 20% of the ranch. A group named Family Lands
Remembered initiated this plan.
If you take the development rights off of less than 80% of the Adams
Ranch, he could still develop pretty much what he could develop
before, because that undeveloped portion can go through this same
mul tiplication they are using to take Cloud Grove which has an
entitlement of 1200 residential units and build 12,000 residential
units. That's a multiple of 10 on Cloud Grove. They have chosen
not to development in Indian River County. They also don't have a
link to Oslo Road.
Property & Homeowners Meeting
May 9, 2007
Page 4
The conservation easement they are talking about is to the Department
of Agriculture. If there is anybody you don't want to be the
recipient of a conservation easement, it's an elected group of people
that change over time.
Normally, in the more reasonable conservation line it's the Nature
Conservancy, it's the Audubon Society, it's people who actually
assure that the easement remains in perpetuity.
The Adams Ranch, if this is approved, would retain the right to build
on just as much land as they do right now. You would still have the
same number of roof tops on the property and in addition, we would
have 12,000 more roof tops in the north county on Cloud Grove.
Everyone knows residential growth does not pay for itself (the need
for additional schools, law enforcement, fire protection, roadways,
etc). Our taxes are increasing tremendously. If we keep land in
agriculture, we all benefit. Although AG pays a smaller amount in
taxes, it requires almost no services so they are a plus. If you
take Cloud Grove out of agriculture, you wind up with the one land
use that doesn't support itself.
Indrio Road from I-95 to u.S. 1, would be devastated traffic wise.
To take Kings Highway from 2 lanes to six lanes, it would cost $300
million dollars. The bill for expanding Indrio would be in the
hundreds of millions of dollars due to land acquisition costs.
The scale and scope of this project is so large that it takes a long
time to really understand what the impacts are, what the benefits are
and what the costs are.
Dr. Conti - I have concerns because right now, we have thousands of
vacant homes in the county. Potable water, roads, basic
infrastructure, schools, etc., are major issues but there was another
red flag for me and that was they show a hospital going into Cloud
Grove. Who approved a new hospital for this county?
Aimee Craig Carlson - Right now, we are in the DRI (Development of
Regional Impact) stage and getting ready to submit the first response
to the DRI. I think it's also important that everyone understand
that there is a "beauty", if you will, that Cloud Grove go through
the DRI process. It's reviewed by multiple agencies. We are all
concerned with schools, roads, traffic, water, etc.
Property & Homeowners Meeting
May 9, 2007
Page 5
Commissioner Grande - In all fairness, the point about the DRI is a
very good point. As a county, we're not as qualified if you will,
as the Regional Planning Council to review projects of this
On the other hand, going back to the beginning of this process, the
Rural Lands Stewardship Program is not required to go through a DRI
What I might add, this was not a voluntary "we (Cloud Grove)" will
go through the DRI process because it's in everyone's best interest,
it was Commissioner Coward who said, something of this size should
go through a DRI and to their credit, they agreed to do so, rather
than fight it. Keep in mind that the DRI process doesn't come up
wi th a final decision. It means that a large group of more
qualified people have reviewed the project and here are our comments
and recommendations and then they send it back to the county. The
Regional Planning Council never stops a DRI. Their action is to
send it back to the county with their comments and recommendations.
Their input is priceless and incredibly valuable, but the final
decision is made by the Board of County Commission.
Bob Raynes - Let me ask a rhetorical question. Is everyone happy
wi th the way things are going in St. Lucie County? The way
development is occurring? We are talking about something that is
cutting edge and are trying to stop, what we believe, is not the
right way for Florida to develop. It's a long process. If you look
back at the communities you come from, because most everyone is not
from here, we had little towns and villages.
Arlene Goodman - From this day forward, how much input will the
residents of St. Lucie County have in this project?
Commissioner Grande - The residents of St. Lucie County will have the
same amount of input they have on any issue. This County Commission
(putting myself aside) has always been as welcoming of public comment
as any that I've ever seen. I don't see that changing. The group
here today (Lennar-Centex) has gone overboard in voluntarily going
out and speaking to the public and opening it up for discussion. The
presentation you've seen today is due to a large extent to the
input they have received from their outreach and they have made
Property & Homeowners Meeting
May 9, 2007
Page 6
Aimee Craig Carlson - Thank you and I would like to offer to everyone
here, our willingness to speak to your individual homeowner
association. (Ms. Carlson can be reached at 561-536-1060).
Kit Linberger - You mentioned that the School Board policy is to have
a zone school policy rather than a neighborhood school policy.
Considering the cost of gas, is there any chance the School Board
would change their policy and we could go back to the neighborhood
school concept which would make a lot more sense?
Amiee Craig Carlson We have very similar thinking. In
conversations with the School Board representatives, it seems to make
sense especially with an area that is 3 miles by 5 miles but that is
a School Board decision.
Arlene Goodman - What I'm hearing you say, is that kids in south Port
St. Lucie could end up being bused to Cloud Grove. If we
"collectively" don't start talking to the School Board and ask them
to change their ideas, it won't change.
John Ferrick - I'd like to ask a hypothetical question - if Cloud
Grove doesn't go forward, what happens to the credits/development
rights? Are they for anyone else, used elsewhere?
Bob Raynes - They will still be out there, but the only way they
could ever be used, would be for another property owner to come into
the stewardship program. And for that to occur, they would have to
go through the same process as Cloud Grove. The credits could only
be sent to an approved stewardship receiving area.
John Ferrick - I'm just trying to get to the point, that these
credits are not set in stone for this project and they could be used
Aimee Craig Carlson - Today, only the Adams Ranch and Cloud Grove are
within the stewardship overlay and while it's certainly possible that
things could change, with additional land added, there are comp plan
policies that govern what the county must do in terms of visioning
and additional studies before the county can expand the overlay area.
Also, as we all know, a comp plan change is a year long process.
· "
Property & Homeowners Meeting
May 9, 2007
Page 7
The other thing I would like to mention, is that all three
applications are going to converge at the same public hearing: the
DRI, the "sending area" for the creation of the credits - Adams
Ranch; the "receiving area" transfer and location of the credits
Cloud Grove; those three will all occur at the same public hearing.
Dr. Bobbi Conti - If this does go through, would they create their
own township?
Commissioner Grande - The concept that a compact, contiguous town
with a population of 30,000, that is self sustaining to the extent
possible, would incorporate is likely. They will have all of the
same rights that Fort Pierce and Port St. Lucie have.
Aimee Craig Carlson We have no intention of facilitating the
incorporation of Cloud Grove, and while we agree that things could
happen, one point to make is that the concern of the county is the
annexation issue.
Kathleen Ivins I lived in Fort Lauderdale for many, many years
when the Everglades were right next to State Road 441 and now look
at that area and how it has developed. Is it your contention that
when (if) this town is built that it will be self-contained by jobs?
You have retail space, a hospital, etc., on the master plan.
Aimee Craig Carlson - The idea is that the opportunity for full-
filling your shopping, entertainment and recreational needs would be
within the community. There will be employment opportunities,
certainly retail is one aspect of employment, it might not be
necessarily be high value employment. There is also a million square
feet of office and a million square feet of light industrial. So
there is that opportunity to live, work and play in the same
Kathleen Ivins - The job opportunities that usually wind up in that
type of communi ty are minimum wage jobs and the housing is not
Bill Hæmmer - A point I'd like to share is that we can't have an
additional 30,000 people needing to be evacuated in a hurricane. You
need to build storm resistant homes that are reasonably insurable.
Dr. Bobbi Conti - Make it a sustainable "green" community.
Property & Homeowners Meeting
May 9, 2007
Page 8
Commissioner Grande thanked the group for attending and appreciated
their willingness to reach out to the public for input. I would
expect that we will be inviting you back in the near future when you
are further into your planning cycle and more information has been
provided to the county. I tease a lot but I do appreciate your
coming and we look forward to seeing you again.
Again, if you would like them to make a presentation to your
Homeowner Association contact Aimee Craig Carlson at Centex Homes
561-536-1025 or Caroline Villanueva at Lennar Homes 561-333-4700.
A representative asked if there were any new developments regarding
the FPL Coal Plant in Glades County? Dr. Conti was asked by
Commissioner Grande to give an update as she had just been in
Tallahassee. Dr. Conti stated that citizen's from Glades, Lee and
Henry counties went to Tallahassee to share their concerns and
testify before the Public Service Commission. The Governor has said
that he will do everything he can for the environment. The
environmental impact to Lake Okeechobee is so great and it doesn't
appear as if it will be approved. The Public Service Commission is
scheduled to make their decision in June.
Commissioner Grande - It's incredible that when FPL wanted to place
the coal plant in St. Lucie County, people got together and made the
case and demons tra ted that it shouldn't happen here. The coal plant
was unanimously denied by the St. Lucie County Board of County
Commission. Those same residents, on their own time and at their
own expense, shared the information they had gathered with the
residents of Glades, Lee and Henry counties and they have been so
appreciative of the help.
A representative asked about the River Park Marina, that there were
a lot of rumors going around that the City of Port St. Lucie was
going to take it over?
Arlene Goodman - that building was built by General Development for
the use of the residents that lived in that area of River Park.
Property & Homeowners Meeting
May 9, 2007
Page 9
It was suggested that perhaps when everything is finalized as to
funding, etc., that the county hold a neighborhoodmeeting/charrette.
Commissioner Grande responded that he would forward their suggestion
to County Administration. Kathleen Ivins is the River Park
Homeowners Representative and can be reached at 879-2276.
Charlie Brown - Due to the potentially massive budget cuts the county
will face from Tallahassee he suggested that we invite the County
Administrator to the next meeting and have him present his budget
plan based on the potential impacts. It has been in the newspapers
that it could be anywhere from 20% to 40%. Commissioner Grande
will get wi th Doug AnderSon and invi te him to the next meeting. Mr.
Anderson will also be presenting the plan to the Citizen's Budget
Advisory Committee.
Walter Fauth Suggested that we have a future meeting at the
Hurricane House and have a presentation on hurricane preparedness.
Kit Linberger - I know the County Commission doesn't have any impact
or control over the School Board budget, but I have read that school
buses get one mile per gallon.
With the price of gasoline going up every day, now over $3.00 per
gallon, what will this do to the school budget and our school taxes?
Let's invite someone from the School Board to give a presentation to
us on their budget. The fact that they bus kids allover this
county is adding to our tax burden. I think they should reconsider
their concept.
It's time the School Board starts to rethink the way they plan and
let kids walk to school.
Commissioner Grande - the cost of running a school transportation
system is enormous and the inconvenience of the time kids spend on
buses is incredible.
Kit Linberger - I think going back to neighborhood schools would help
alleviate a lot of the problems the school system has because the
parents in that neighborhood are conversant with the teachers in
that school on a regular basis.
When kids go to school in their own neighborhood the parents get to
know the faculty and see them regularly, not a couple times of year
Property & Homeowners Meeting
May 9, 2007
Page 10
at PTA/PTO Meetings. The kids feel like it is "our" school and
neighborhood and damage doesn't occur. So many parents that would
volunteer at the neighborhood school can't, because the kids are
bused to the other end of the county.
Spending two hours on a school bus each day is not working.
Arlene Goodman - My grandchild lives in south Port St. Lucie near the
county line. She is five years old and is being bused all the way
to Kitterman Road.
With no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 11:05 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
£¡ ~QÅ-~
Aide to Commissioner Grande
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* * * *
We have rescheduled the June Property & Homeowners Monthly
Meeting date.
New Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Time & Place: 9:00 A.M. in Conference Room 3
Presentation By: Doug Anderson, County Administrator
2007-2008 Budget
With Best Rega rds,
Commissioner Charles Grande
Property & Homeowners Chair
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REV I SED - April 5th. 2007 k2, ~
Wednesday, April 11,2007
9:00 A.M.
Conference Room 3
1. Call to Order - Commissioner Charles Grande, Chairman
.:. Pledge of Allegiance
.:. Self Introduction of Property and Homeowner Representatives
2. Approve Minutes of March 14, 2007
3. St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office Report: Deputy Gary Gonsalves
4. Presentation:
Trauma Care - Dr. Bobbi Conti
F.D.O.T. - U.S. 1 Roadway Improvement
Chlo Ann Lawrence, F.D.O.T. Project Manager
Bill Kyzer, L.B.F.H.
Ken Jackson, Kimley - Horn
5. Old Business
6. New Business
7. Adjournment
Reminder: Next Meeting Date May 9th, 2007 (Rural Lands Stewardship
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APR - 5 2007
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Wednesday, March 14, 2006
9:00 A.M.
Conference Room 3
1. Call to Order - Commissioner Charles Grande, Chairman
.:. Pledge of Allegiance
.:. Self Introduction of Property and Homeowner Representatives
2. Approval of Minutes of February 21, 2007
3. St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office Report: Deputy Gary Gonsalves
4. Presentation: Jack Southard & Heather Young
RE: Pet Licensing
5. Old Business
. Request that Charlie's Dodge only have a left or a right turn
lane on U.S.1, while road construction is underway
6. New Business
7. Adjournment
Reminder: Next Meeting Date April 11th 1 2007
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Minutes of Meeting
February 21, 2007
Convened 9:05 A.M.
Adjourned: 11 :00 A.M.
The meeting of the Property & Homeowners Association was held Wednesday,
February 21,2007, in Conference Room 3 of the St. Lucie County Administration
Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Members Present:
Charlie Brown, Indian River Estates HOA
Toni Trabolsi, Coalition of Sandpiper Bay
Sonny Jamieson, Savanna Club HOA
Walter Fauth, South Beach Association
Edward Mcintosh, Nettles Island
Bob Ashley, Indian River Drive Freeholders
Craig Mundt, North Beach Association
Diane Shaw, Bel-Aire Estates
Robin Schifilliti, PGA Village HOA
Kit Linberger, Palm Grove HOA
Also Present:
Commissioner Charles Grande, Chairman
Doug Anderson, County Administrator
Marie Gouin, Management & Budget Director
Liz Martin, Aide to Commissioner Grande
Barbara Felton, Aide to Commissioner Lewis
Deputy Gary Gonsalves, St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office
Andrew Stark, Palm Grove Association
Chris Counsellor, St. Lucie County Code Enforcement/River Park
Don Pauley, Road & Bridge Manager
Mark Boston, Florida Alliance for Retired Americans
Larry Storm, Interested Resident
Jim Reeder, Palm Beach Post
Property & Homeowners Association Meeting
February 21, 2007
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The meeting was called to order at 9:05 A.M. Commissioner Grande led the
Association in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Homeowners' Representatives and the
public in attendance gave self-introductions.
A motion was made by Walter Fauth to approve the minutes of January 10, 2007. The
motion was seconded by Charlie Brown and carried unanimously.
Deputy Gary Gonsalves, St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office encouraged everyone to attend
the 2007 St. Lucie County Fair. He also corrected the crime statistics he had given at
last month's meeting. He had said there was an increase in crime in 2006 and there
wasn't. It was actually a decrease of 4% in crime, in comparison to the 2005 report.
However, there was an increase in burglaries in 2006. The Sheriff's Office has a new
program on the government channel called "AII points Bulletin", which gives you a
behind the scenes look at the Sheriff's Office Operation and crime prevention tips. It's
a very interesting program.
Commissioner Grande introduced Doug Anderson, County Administrator who will give
an update on what the property tax proposals by Governor Crist will be to the residents
of St. Lucie County. Doug Anderson introduced Marie Gouin, St. Lucie County's
Director of Management and Budget who had prepared a summary which she and
Doug Anderson reviewed with the Representatives. Also, these impacts will not affect
the School Board or Water Management Districts, only cities and counties. The
proposal could be on the ballot by December of this year. The county wide property
value is $24,412,809,790.00. A one percent increase in taxable value is equivalent to
$244,128,098.00. St. Lucie County's millage rate is currently 6.7512 mills.
The Governor has proposed the following:
· Double the homestead exemption from $25,000.00 to $50,000.00 for city
and county ad valorem taxes. Also, remember, the state already has an
additional $25,000.00 in homestead exemption for the elderly and low
income residents for a possible total of $75,000.00 homestead exemption.
· Exempt from property tax the first $25,000.00 of tangible personal
property for a business.
· Limit assessed value increases of all non-homestead property to the lower
of 3% or the consumer price index.
· Allow statewide portability of the Save our Homes Benefit.
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February 21, 2007
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Mrs. Gouin gave some examples of the impact that each proposal would be:
Double the Homestead Exemption from $25,000.00 to $50,000.00. The
estimated impact to St. Lucie County would be $11.1 million dollars. This
equates to .4566 mills or $45.66 per $1 00,000.00 oftaxable value to makeup the
tax revenue lost as a result of this proposal.
Exempt Property taxes on the first $25,000.00 of tangible personal property on
a business:
There are currently 8,536 tangible business accounts in St. Lucie County, not
including mobile home attachments or household goods. Of these, 6,124 have
a current value of less than $25,000.00 with current taxable value of
approximately $34,000,000.00. If the $25,000.00 exemption is added to each
of the remaining 2,412 accounts the county has an estimated exemption of
$94.3 million dollars. The estimated impact to St. Lucie County is $636,638 in
lost revenue. Small businesses are required to file a TPP (Tangible Personal
Property) form each year and would still have the responsibility and cost of
preparing this report, even though the TPP would be exempt.
· Limit assessed value increases of all non-homestead property to the lower of 3%
or the consumer price index, which is done on homestead property:
· Based on St. Lucie County's final taxable value of $24,412,809,790.00 for tax
year 2006, a 1 % increase in taxable value is equivalent to $244,128,098.00.
Actual taxable value for tax year 2006 was $24.4 billion. The loss in taxable
value would have amounted to approximately $4.7 billion dollars. At the current
countywide millage rate of $6.7512, this would equate to a revenue loss of
$31.6 million dollars.
· Allow Statewide Portability of the Save our Home Benefit:\
This proposal would allow the Save our Homes assessment differential to be
transferred by the owner of one homestead property to another homestead
property of the owner. There is no definitive study available that outlines the
impacts of the portability proposal. There is a study in draft form entitled
Florida's Property Tax Structure by the Florida Department off Revenue. The
report notes that there is some shortcoming to this methodology, but at this
point that is the only report that had studied the portability issue.
Total Summary of the above four proposals:
If the above four proposals are approved, it would have the following affect on St. Lucie
County tax revenues:
1. Double Homestead Exemption
2. Tangible Personal Property Exemption
3. Limited value increased on non-homestead property
4. Allow statewide portability
$11.1 million dollars
$ .6 million dollars
$31.6 million dollars
$ not determined
Estimated lost revenue of the first 3 proposals
$ 43.3 million dollars
Property & Homeowners Meeting
February 21, 2007
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A loss of $43,3 million dollars in revenue to the St. Lucie County budget would be
catastrophic and would require that all county services and budget allocations be
Mr. Anderson stated that he had called an emergency meeting of the Citizen's Budget
Committee for tomorrow morning at 7:30 A.M to present the same information he and
Mrs. Gouin had just discussed with the Property & Homeowners Representatives.
Also, a meeting will be held at the LR.C.C. Kight Center tomorrow night for the
Legislative Delegation to receive public comment on the proposals.
Black History Month/History Makers:
Commissioner Grande stated that the Board of County Commission had presented
resolutions yesterday to Queen Towsend, Samuel Gaines, Havert Fenn and Charles
Hayling, Jr., honoring them for being Black History Makers. Walter Fauth told the
representatives about a dinner at the Pelican Yacht Club on February 22nd. It's $45.00
per person. A letter signed by Commissioner Alexander, Jack Cahill, Larry Lee Jr., and
Delores Hogan Johnson giving information about the honorees and the dinner was
passed our to the representatives.
ITEM 5 - OLD BUSINESS - Updates Requested at January Meeting:
1. North County MSBU Proiect
The St. Lucie County Utility Department is in the process of reviewing the
construction costs for the project and hope to have estimated costs by the end
of February. Ballots will be mailed to the residents after construction costs are
determined. Again, hopefully by the end of February. Please contact Laurie
Case, Utility Manager for further information 462-1846.
2. U. S. 1 Roadwav Improvements & Hotel:
F.D.O.T. U.S. 1 Roadwav Improvements - Per Mike Powley, County Engineer
The project is on track for completion in October 2008. At the south end, traffic
is being pushed to the outside of the right-of-way and work is on-going in the
middle area. F.D.O.T. is presently placing drainage structures and pipe in the
median, between Rio Mar and Brazilian Court (Kitterman Road area). From
Kitterman Road to Midway Road, traffic has been diverted to the western half of
the right-of-way, while the eastern half is completely rebuilt. At the conclusion
of this effort, traffic will be flipped and work will commence on the western half.
The three retention areas are still under construction.
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February 21, 2007
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Hotel _ St. Lucie Oaks Commercial (the applicant) is proposing an 88 room hotel
MMthe rear of the property and adjacent to the residential area owned by ~hem.
A restaurant and office space building will be located along U.S. 1. Planning &
Zoning is scheduled to hear the proposal on January 18th. Pr~vi~ed that date
is accurate, it should come before the Board of County CommiSSion the latter
part of February. This is a Preliminary PUD approval request. (Growth
Management Department Planner, Lisa Wargo 462-1580).
3. Burnim:l/Chippina of land debris - Per Environmental Department
To require and enforce chipping instead of burning for land clearing would
require an ordinance by the Board of County Commission. Burning permits are
obtained through the Division of Forestry and the Fire District. (Please contact
Vanessa Bessey, Environmental Department Manager at 462-2528 for further
4. Plantation Manor Mobile Home Park - a question was asked after the January
Meeting, if the county was aware of any plans the owner of Plantation Manor
Mobile Home Park has for his property.
In a phone call to Matt Margatta, City of Fort Pierce Planning Department (460-
2200) we were informed that "the residents should stay in contact with the
owner of Plantation Manor. As of January 23rd, the City of Fort Pierce had not
received any site plan, permit requests, etc., for the property.
Kit Linberger, a resident of Palm Grove, wanted to discuss the F.D.O.T. U.S. 1 roadway
improvement project. She stated that when the residents exit Palm Grove they are
only allowed to make a right turn onto U.S. 1 (going north). However, across the street
is the Charlie's Dodge Dealership and they can turn either left or right turn. Something
must be done so that they can also only make a left or a right turn only before an
accident occurs. Don Pauley, Road & Bridge Manager stated that it's a state project
but that he would follow up on it and relay the residents concern.
Craig Mundt _ Suggested that Growth Management develop an "absolute" check list
for these massive projects that are coming into the county. A check list that indicates
what the county needs will be due to the impact of these massive projects - acreage
for school property, fire stations, sidewalks, drainage, parks, number of homes,
turn lanes, etc. He would also like to see the county pursue year round tourism
(aquariums, etc.) to increase our revenue. He would like to see a group put together
to research this.
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February 21, 2007
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Commissioner Grande _ If it's a really good project and would pass on it's own merit, then
we need to change our operating philosophy. If you read our Comp Plan and Land
Development Codes, everyone understands the concept of zoning. If you look at the
Future Land Use and the Future Land Use says this is the maximum we have in our long
range, zoning is what the current entitlement is. The zoning belongs to the owner. I
believe the right to build a house is a tangible asset and all of the TDR's (Transfers of
Development Rights) that have been tried are there because the rights that go along with
the land are tangible assets and can be traded just like stocks and bonds. What that leads
to, if we would change our operating philosophy so that when someone buys property
zoned for 1 unit per acre and then they come in and want 4 units per acre, what we have
always done is give him the ok if we think the plan is a good one.
What I would really like to see us do, if the plan is a really, really good one and would pass
on its own merit _ then we charge them. Those increased density rights are not an
entitlement of the property owner, they are owned by all of us collectively that live in this
If we're going to give them to somebody, then we should get value for them. If someone
comes in and wants to build a thousand homes, after buying the cheap land zoned for 100
homes and now wants a 1,000 homes, we (the entire County) should benefit from it.
Create an income stream to off-set the ad valorem tax base.
I would like to have people start thinking along those lines. There has to be some
imaginative way to pay the county's bills, instead of by the people who are getting killed
by property insurance and taxes.
With no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 11 :00 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
£¡ J!\~
Liz ~rtin
Aide to Commissioner Grande
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
9:00 A.M.
Conference Room 3
Doug Anderson
County Administrator
1. Call to Order - Commissioner Charles Grande, Chairman
.:. Pledge of Allegiance
.:. Self Introduction of Property and Homeowner Representatives
St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office Report
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Approval of January 10, 2007 Minutes
4. Old Business
.:. Update on North County MSBU
.:. U.S. 1 Roadway Improvements & proposed hotel on U.S. 1 near Rio Mar
.:. Chipping vs burning of land debris for new development
5. New Business
.:. Jack Cahill, Black History Month/History Makers
6. Adjournment
Our next Meeting will be held March 14th
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Minutes of Meeting
January 10, 2007
Convened 9:05 A.M.
Adjourned: 10:40 A.M.
The meeting ofthe Property & Homeowners Association was held Wednesday, January
10,2007, in Conference Room 3 of the St. Lucie County Administration Building, 2300
Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Members Present: Charlie Brown, Indian River Estates HOA
Toni Trabolsi, Coalition of Sandpiper Bay
Sonny Jamieson, Savanna Club HOA
Barbara Daume', Villages of Lake Lucie
Jack Cahill, South Beach Association
Bill Hammer, Property Owners of the Reserve/PGA Village
Christi Mollet, Indian River Drive Freeholders
Craig Mundt, North Beach Association
Diane Shaw, Bel-Aire Estates
Robin Schifilliti, PGA Village HOA
Rita Nulany, Plantation Manor Mobile Home Park HOA
Dr. Bobbi Conti, Property Owners of the Reserve
Kit Linberger, Palm Grove HOA
Also Present:
Commissioner Charles Grande, Chairman
Mayor Bob Benton, City of Fort Pierce
Vickie Williams, Florida Department of Financial Services
Liz Martin, Aide to Commissioner Grande
Barbara Felton, Aide to Commissioner Lewis
Kathy Thornton, Savanna Club HOA
Deputy Gary Gonsalves, St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office
Joe Toth, Villages of Lake Lucie
Carol Mushier, South Beach Association
Swendy Ariyanayagam, St. Lucie County Contractor Licensing
Mark Fowler, St. Lucie County Code Enforcement/Indian River Estates
Carl Brome, St. Lucie County Code Enforcement/Lakewood Park
Chris Counsellor, St. Lucie County Code Enforcement/River Park
Dennis Bunt, St. Lucie County Code Department Supervisor
Mark Boston, Florida Alliance of Retired Americans
Fred Cook, I nterested Resident
Stan Widing, Plantation Manor Mobile Home Park HOA
Mark Boston, Florida Alliance for Retired Americans
Larry Storm, Interested Resident
Barbara Miller, St. Lucie County Road & Bridge Department
Doug Barker, Palm Grove HOA
Marion La Riviere, Palm Grove HOA
Property & Homeowners Association Meeting
January 10, 2007
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The meeting was called to order at 9:05 A.M. Commissioner Grande led the
Association in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Homeowners' Representatives and the
public in attendance gave self-introductions.
Bill Hammer made a motion to approve the minutes of December 13, 2006. Charlie
Brown seconded the motion and the approval carried unanimously.
Deputy Gary Gonsalves addressed the group about a check scam currently operating.
He urged everyone to report any suspicious phone calls or mail requesting financial
information to the Sheriff's Office. Fraudulent companies are sending checks to local
residents, asking them to deposit the checks and then wire cash to a distant city. The
checks, of course are bogus and the resident is responsible and must return the money
to their bank. There is also a group operating out of South Florida stealing purses from
vehicles at gas stations. This is occurring in our county and the surrounding counties.
The cars are left unlocked while the gas is being pumped and the purse is stolen from
the passenger side of the vehicle. It usually occurs in less than 15 seconds and the
women are unaware of it until they get back in their vehicle. Please keep your car doors
locked and always be alert. Deputy Gonsalves also reported on the 2006 Major Crime
Report statistics. A slight increase in crime has occurred in the unincorporated area.
These statistics are reported to the FBI. The report is on-line and it can be viewed by
community and zone. The largest crime rate increase was in the area of the Weed &
Seed Program. This program works to reduce crime by the presence of increased law
enforcement. With more arrests being made, it then increases the crime rate statistics
for the area. The clearing rate for criminal cases is around 47 percent. The
international average is around 50%. With the increase in population the crime
rate increases proportionately.
Mayor Benton thanked Sheriff Mascara for partnering with the City of Fort Pierce in
the Weed & Seed Program. The lowest homicide rate in 20 years was reported in Fort
Pierce last year.
Vickie Williams, Consumer Outreach Coordinatorforthe Florida Department of Financial
Services gave a presentation regarding insurance.
My Safe Florida Home is a program designed to protect Floridians and their homes.
The Federal Alliance for Safe Homes has reviewed this program and reported that in
excess of 14,000 free home inspections were done throughout the state. To get into
the program you must be a Floridian and own property that is homesteaded and the
Property & Homeowners Association Meeting
January 10, 2007
Page 3
property must be worth less than $500,000. Matching grants are available, up to
$5,000, to help pay for hurricane resistant improvements recommended as a result of
the home inspection. You can save a great deal of money on your yearly property
insurance premium with hurricane resistant improvements such as shutters, roof
improvements, impact resistant windows, upgrading garage doors, etc.
Mobile homes and manufactured home insurance was discussed. Insured value and
depreciation was discussed, because as a general rule mobile home values
decrease rather than increase. Mobile homes are licensed as a vehicle.
Discussion was held on hurricane claims and Ms. Williams office can advise you on
protecting yourself from predatory lending, deceptive loan practices, identity theft,
automobile insurance, property insurance, etc.
The Department of Financial Services offers free community outreach programs on a
variety of topics to help residents make sound financial decisions and avoid becoming
a victim of insurance or financial fraud. Insurance fraud and insurance scams can
inflate yearly premiums as much as 30% on auto, homeowners and other types
of insurance.
This is a major issue affecting all property owners and Ms. Williams can be
reached at 561-640-6712 and she would be happy to make a presentation to
your Homeowners Association geared toward your particular circumstance. You
may also contact her via e-mail atVICTORIA.WILLlAMS(cì)FLDFS.COM
Glades Cut-off Road drop off at the entrance to PGA Village: The repair was
completed on September 27th. Any repairs on or along PGA Village is the
responsibility of the City of Port St. Lucie. Bill Hammer stated that the entire
length of Glades Cut-off Road needs to be repaved.
Next Months Meeting Date - Cancel or reschedule the February 14th Meeting:
Charlie Brown made a motion to reschedule the February Meeting date to February 21 st.
The Commissioners will be in Washington February 14th, 15th and 16th. The motion
was seconded by Sonny Jamieson. The motion passed unanimously.
Jack Cahill - This group has a great deal of strength if we utilize it and work together
as a group. We all need each others help and should combine our strength.
Diane Shaw Stated that Commissioner Craft spoke in the North County last
November and said the MSBU Water information and ballots would be mailed out in
February. She would like an update on the issue and wondered if that is still an
accurate time frame?
Property & Homeowners Association Meeting
January 10, 2007
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Bill Hammer - The small advertising signs you see throughout the county are a
blight. Dennis Bunt responded that they are illegal and are pulled up every day. A
recent sweep was conducted and 350 signs were picked up. His department can only
address the signs in the unincorporated area. Please contact Code Enforcement (462-
1625) if you see any. Mr. Hammer feels the penalty should be severe enough and the
fines high enough to pay for the cost of taking the violators to court and shutting them
Dr. Bobbi Conti - The FPL Coal Plant that was defeated in St. Lucie County
unanimously last year is not a dead issue. FPL is trying to place the plant in Glades
County on the berm of Lake Okeechobee. The residents of that County need your
support to defeat it. It was suggested that they contact their State Representatives.
Dr. Conti said that if passed in Glades County, our County would still suffer, because
the trains hauling the coal would still come through St. Lucie County and she urged
everyone to stay on top of the issue.
Kit Linberger - Wanted an update on the U. S. 1 roadway improvements, between Rio
Mar and Midway Road, when the project will be completed, etc. Also, she read in
the newspaper that a hotel is going to be built on the west side of U.S. 1 near Rio Mar
and she would like information on that.
Bill Hammer - Suggested that this group form a contact list for issues so that the
representatives can share it with their communities. A list of names, phone numbers
and e-mail addresses, so that if you are interested in an issue you would know
who to contact.
Dr. Bobbie Conti - Questioned the burning of land debris for new developments instead
of chipping it. The burning is polluting the air. Commissioner Grande said he would
check on it. Mr. Hammer commented that if it's within 1,000 feet of a residence they
can put in restrictions based on the direction of the wind. We're having ash fallout on
cars and in swimming pools. Dr. Conti said that individual citizens had taken the issue
to the attorney but it hasn't been brought forth to require chipping.
Craig Mundt - Reminded everyone that Party in the Park will be held January 20th
at the Fort Pierce Inlet State Park. Also, on the same day, the Geoplasma Workshop
has been scheduled by the Board of County Commission. This is an issue that
everyone needs to stay on top of. The emission from the proposed FPL Coal Plant was
quite controversial and we don't know what the emission from the Geoplasma Plant
will be. The question has been asked, what are the emissions and the only answer
that has been forthcoming has been, it will meet EPA standards. The FPL Coal Plant
said their Coal Plant would meet EPA standards as well. So, until those numbers are
available and there is an in-depth analysis on what they are telling us, I would
encourage everyone to pay close attention.
Commissioner Grande - We should find out what the potential problems are. I
couldn't agree more. Even though, the comment about the FPL Coal Plant meeting
EPA standards, what we need to realize is, the EPA standards for coal fired electrical
generation plants are different than the EPA Standards for a nuclear power plant or a
gas fired generation plant, so the fact that we say it "meets EPA standards doesn't
mean it's clean, it means it may be relatively clean for that particular process or that
Property & Homeowners Meeting
January 10, 2007
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particular fuel. I don't think anyone seriously believes that if you burn coal, it's not
going to affect the lives of children. I don't think there is an industry standard for this
kind of process, because it doesn't exist in numbers anywhere else. Rather than go
faster, we need to go slower, because we are breaking new ground. We are the
"experimenter" if you will, everything that we've seen on paper, says it's a great
process. Whenever that happens, there's always the question, if it's a great process,
why isn't it already someplace else? We need to make sure of all of the answers.
Dr. Conti - Everyone needs to do their own research, but what I've found is that the
temperature of the geoplasma arc is hotter than the surface of the sun. Secondly,
what is up and running around the world, that technology is being used on certain
types of trash, not everything you throw in your trash. So, the concern now
is.......because of all the plastics and everything else you throw in your trash, what are
those by-products? It's my understanding that the plant they went to see in Japan
is not the type of plant that would be placed here. I've been in touch with scientists
around the state with experience in incineration dating back to 1985. I'm continuing
to do research.
With no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 11 :05 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Liz ðartin