HomeMy WebLinkAboutDestin Beach 04-26-2007
Saint Lucie Waterfront Council
P. O. Box 4143
Fort Pierce, FL 34948
Mr. Terry Lewis Jeanne Hearn
Lewis, Lonl.an " Walker, P A Government RelatioDs
Date April 26, 2007
Number of rages 4
Phone (772) 461-7516
Fax (772) 468-8688
PIIo.e (ISO) 122-5702
Fas. (850) 224-9242
RE: Destin Beach, Inc. ~ Submerged Land Lease - Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing of Denial of
Lease to Use Soyereign Submerged lands, Dated January 28,2007.
Hi Terry,
At. per our phone conversation this a.m,t I am sending copies of signatures we have in our file.
First of all, I appreciate you discussing the matter at hand.
The St. Lucie Waterftont Council, mc., sincerely hopes the City and County wìl1 do as the WFC is doing and
that is request this petition be dismissed n:itIL»rdudice. It appears this document is deficient, especially with
what we believe is not Lloyd Bell's signature that is required for the petition to be sufficient. We are sending to
you, with this fax 2 samples of Lloyd Bell's and I sample of Michael Ravelo's signature for your review.
We would appreciate your keeping us apprised of the your action (County's) to this petition. We believe it is
imperative that this action come as soon as possible before DEP allows more time and taxpayers dollars to be
wasted with Mr. Vielhauer's idea of "without prejudice." It is our understanding, that ~'without prejudice"
would allow the applicant 15 days to correct the petition and make it sufficient. Please keep in mind that it has
been over 4 months since the Cabinet denied the application. The 60 days DEP gave the applicant was
extremely generous and certainly gave the applicant adequate time to submit a sufficient petition.
Thanks again,
~.... ~
Jeanne Hearn
Government Relations
St. Lucie Waterftont Council, Inc.
cc George Cavros, St. Lucie Waterfront Council, Attorney
Mr. Rob Schwerer, City of Fort Pierce, Attorney
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