HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05-16-2007
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May 16,2007
Roger Poitras Building, Conference Room 3
2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL
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The meeting was called to order by Acting Chair, Brad Keen, at 5:40 p.m.
Brad welcomed Rick Gosser as the new At-Large Board Member and asked him to share his background.
Rick said he was glad to be on the Board, that he was a native of SLC, is active in softball and baseball
programs, supports any sports programs for kids, sits on the ASA and USSSA Rules Committee and is one of
their State Directors.
Roll Call:
Members Present: Rick Gosser, Kurt Holden, Brad Keen, Erik Martin, Chester Woulard
Members Absent: Gabriele Klaesen (excused), Albert Scoggins (excused)
Staff Present: Debra Brisson, Linda Barton
Adoption of Minutes:
Brad asked for a motion to approve the minutes of Feb. 21, 2007. Erik made a motion to approve the
minutes, Chester seconded the motion, all in favor, motion carried. Kurt asked about the reference in the
minutes to the Savannas rate increase and was told it was nominal.
Old Business
Baseball - Debra explained that part of this issue would be covered later in the meeting under the Youth
Sports Provider Policy Revisions, but gave a briefing of what has taken place to date and plans for the future.
In regard to the County running a Fall League at Elks Park, we have received verbal approval from the
league, but no formal approval. A review of contractual agreements with the League applies to a Spring
season only. This may bring about an opportunity to amicably work with existing groups to use their
designated facility for part of the year. Debra said staff is also looking at options for baseball and is working
on a proposal to possibly offer a competitive youth baseball program at Lakewood Regional Park. Teams
would have to bring their own equipment, and we would provide the facility and the means. Staff will be
meeting with Rick for his input and assistance to see how this could work. Debra said teams outside SLC
could also be invited but they would pay a substantial fee to participate which would help offset the cost for
resident participants. Rick asked about distinguishing between resident and non-resident teams, entry fees,
etc. Debra replied that the Youth Sports Policy would determine how those issues would be dealt with. Rick
asked about elite programs and provisions for kids that aren't on elite teams. Debra said they would be able
to play Little League. There was a discussion about field dimensions/modifications and the issues that
presents in accommodating different leagues. Debra said the issue affecting how we move forward is tax
reform and the impact it will have on us and our ability to start new programs.
Brad said the RAB is supportive of staff trying to generate new programs to meet the needs of more people.
He expressed concern about existing County-owned facilities under contractual agreement not being
available to outside groups and Debra said the field modifications, specifically the mounds, are the issue.
Other than that, Debra said the fields would be and are available for a fee.
There was further discussion about qualifying as a "user" group. Debra said first of all, the County would
have to have available facilities. She said that keeping in line with the policies of other counties and cities,
we have included in our Youth Sports Provider Policy that prior to January 151 every provider will submit a
facility permit application. Debra stated that recognized providers would have first priority and once we
know what they need, we will have an understanding of what's left over in order to consider facilities for
new providers.
Kurt stated that the County is still short of fields and facilities, despite the passage of the Referendum that
provided for new and expanded facilities. There was a discussion of MSTU monies, how it was dispersed,
what is left, and what was built with it. Chester pointed out that other communities have more than we have,
especially in the northwest area. He said he would like to see after-school programming. Debra explained
that prior to the Referendum a study done by GIatting Jackson on how the County's park system should
develop, recommended a 5-regional park concept. The 2 parks in the County's MSTU allocation were
Lakewood and Lawnwood. The remaining 3 parks were to be located in east PSL (Torino), west PSL, and
west of Ft. Pierce. There was further discussion of MSTU funds, and Brad said we need to consider
operational and staffing costs involved after facilities are built because of what is happening in Tallahassee.
Kurt said the RAB members should be more vocal and make sure tax dollars are not taken away from P&R.
He said to let Commissioners know that taking dollars away from P&R will affect our community. Chester
again said the northwest community has been overlooked and Linda said we have used other monies to
complete a long list of improvements in that area. Debra cited the new basketball canopy going up for
$626,000 and the new pool. Chester said the people in his community feel slighted, that money goes to other
places. Board members said they have never been completely satisfied with the way the MSTU money was
spent. Chester wanted to know who determines how and where money is spent. Brad said many people in
County government and administration have a say in projects and where funds are allocated. Debra said she
hoped there wou Id be some additional monies in MSTU in 2010 or 20 II to provide restrooms to serve the
sports fields at Lawnwood. Brad said that in response to Chester's comments, he would like to see the
County purchase property in the northwest area to plan the eventual development of a full service facility _
gymnasium, all purpose rooms, etc. Debra told Chester that she has been working with community leaders
in the northwest section and had hoped to be able to implement a mobile camp program but funding for it fel1
through. She said staff is working with Commissioner Smith and Commissioner Alexander to find ways to
make things happen. The basketbal1 cover, $620,000, wil1 be going up soon, and we are working on some
other things. We've done the new pool and we have $500,000 budgeted to purchase land. Brad added that
we need to look at additional new facilities for the ever-growing population in Lakewood Park. Kurt
commented on the heavy usage of the new Weldon B. Lewis Park.
Brad asked that each RAB member, including Ms. Klaesen, come to the next meeting with a short list of
things they think are important for the County to focus on in the future. Debra said we do have an approved
Capital Improvement Program, as weJl as the Glatting Jackson study. Brad said that as representatives of the
public, he would like to see the RAB's recommendations blend with staffs vision of what needs to be done.
Debra said that they have added a line item, Maintenance Improvement Projects, to the Parks Budget for
$350,000 to $400,000 per year for the next 5 years to replace playgrounds, resurface tennis and basketbal1
courts, etc. The amount will likely be reduced because of the budget cuts but we are hoping to start actively
addressing maintenance issues.
Brad said Parks & Recreation could no longer be viewed by County Administration as the department where
you can make cuts. The services provided by P&R are essential to quality of life, and having kids involved
in recreation keeps them out of trouble and lowers youth crime rates. Rick said he heard local law
enforcement representatives state at a meeting that every time we build more parks and more recreation
facilities crime rate drops by 5-10%. Brad added that although it will be necessary to make cuts, they should
not be so drastic as to strangle the efforts of the professional staff trying to deliver services to the public. He
said the RAB has tried to promote the value of P&R as to how it is perceived by Administration. Brad said
we have to convey the message to appointed and elected County leadership. Chester suggested a workshop
or meeting with them.
There was a discussion about the Skate Park and Brad said he thinks the RAB should have had some input in
that project, or be asked for a recommendation. He also said they were not asked about the possibility of
land being available for a park in White City.
.. ..
New Business
Election of Committee Chair - Brad asked for nominations. Kurt nominated Brad Keen to serve as
Committee Chair. Rick seconded the motion, all in favor, motion carried.
Brad asked for nominations for Vice Chair. Erik nominated Kurt Holden to serve as Vice Chair. Rick
seconded the motion, all in favor, motion carried. Kurt said his schedule as a corporate pilot may cause him
to be absent at times, and asked for the committee's understanding.
Youth Sports Provider Policv Revisions - Debra presented the current policy and a revised policy. She said
the current policy is cumbersome and much of it is not necessary because the Facility Use Agreement covers
much of what's in there. Debra thought the policy should just be about the provider and rules pertaining to
them. She met with legal and they agreed that rather than try to amend the current policy, a new one should
take its place. Debra said she would like to have the committee members thoroughly review it, and help to
create a policy that is pertinent and workable. Highlights of the revised policy are as follows:
· Debra reviewed the staff-recommended list of current recognized providers: Staff removed providers
that are no longer in existence, i.e. Babe Ruth, and staff recommends removing AAU because they
are too broad of an organization; Senior leagues are covered under Little League; we never had a
basketball or soccer provider; and Men's Softball was removed because the policy is for youth sports
· Although the RAB has recommended a 60/40 residency rule, the BOCC approved policy currently
stands at 90/10, so that is how the policy is written, but it is subject to change.
· In an effort to understand what a provider needs so we can make sure we accommodate them, on
September 151 of each year a provider must submit a facility permit application, a signed Affidavit
that they understand the policy, are bound by it, and accept their responsibilities. Debra said we
have been experiencing great difficulty in getting our youth providers to do background screening
and to get coaches certified. Those requirements have become industry standard in P&R and the
County is at considerable risk if we do not require providers to comply with the policy. When the
Affidavit is submitted we will also want to know the period of time the program will run, the number
of participants expected for each age group, a list of board members, and a tax return to prove non-
profit status. . Sixty days prior to the start of a season, the provider will submit certificate of
insurance and proof of non-profit status, league by-laws, rules, and fees. Debra said we would like
to adopt a disciplinary guideline for players. We would like some input on this, so we would like
copies of what various league guidelines are. We will also need a copy of the Code of Conduct form
that will be signed by administrators, volunteers, parents and officials. Providers will also be asked
to submit layouts for fields. Prior to the first game we will need a list of coaches, assistant coaches
and their NYSCA certification number. Providers will have to submit a final practice & game
schedule, post tournament schedule, 3 copies of keys to any non-County structure and security
system codes, and a check for $250 for cancellation fees.
· For groups seeking provider status, an application must be submitted by January 1st in order to start a
program on or after October 1 st. After review of the application, if the criteria is met and we have the
facilities available, the County will come to the RAB with the request for a recommendation and to
take to the BOCC.
· The policy states that providers are to enter into a Facility Use Agreement. This agreement lays out
rules for concession stands, who is responsible for scoreboards, etc. This has to be executed before
the start of the season.
· Each provider group will be furnished with Accident/Incident Notification Forms. By law, we have
a set number of hours to notify our insurance company of an occurrence, so in the event of an
accident/incident, forms must be submitted by noon of the following day.
· Background screening and certification of coaches and volunteers: our recommendation is that we
follow NYSCA Coaches Certification, and that for background screening we follow the
recommendation of National Recreation & Parks Assn., utilizing the services of SSC!. The
background screening is $20.00 per person and must be done annually. As a community, we provide
SSCl with a policy of expectations of what a coach can or cannot have on their record and be able to
coach. The revised policy includes criteria recommended by NRP A, but it is up to the community to
decide if that is what we want, or to recommend less restrictive guidelines. Debra asked each or the
members to look it over very carefully, recognizing that some people currently coaching in programs
wi] not be able to continue to do so. We must decide how far we want the policy to go to protect
children and who and what to protect them from. For instance, some communities are not concerned
with a single DUI, but they do care about multiple DUl's. Most communities agree that a history of
violence or sexual crimes against anyone would be cause for disapproval. Debra said that once the
RAB makes its recommendation, it would still have to go to the County Attorney's office and Risk
Management to decide whether or not they agree with the recommendation. Debra said there would
be an appeals process for those disqualified. Kurt asked if the County wiJl still provide the coaches
training and Debra said we would.
· The policy also includes a Non-Compliance Clause for providers who are not in compliance with the
Policy or the Facilities Use Agreement, giving the County several options to deal with it.
Kurt and Brad said this revised policy is much clearer and easier for providers to follow. Debra again asked
the members to take time to review it, and to discuss it with coaches and neighbors for their input. Brad
asked when staff would like to implement the new policy and Debra replied that she would like to have it
ready for September. Brad suggested that the members review it over the next 30 days and bring their ideas
back for discussion at the June meeting. Staff will then have time to consider what is feasible and get an
opinion from the County }\ttorney's office, and, come back with what we want to do at the July meeting.
Debra asked those involved in organizations to study the time line for league submittals to make sure they
are feasible because we do not want to pass something that is impossible to carry out.
Capital Improvement Update
The Special Needs Shelter groundbreaking is scheduled for June 1 51. We expect it to be ready in summer of
Debra showed the plaza concept drawings of the skate park plan approved by the Skate Park Committee.
Brad asked about the Splash Park at Ravenswood. Debra explained that we are still waiting for a cross
access agreement from the City of PSL to utilize the same entrance for the community center so we can
apply for a permit, and that we already have signed contracts with the contractor. Brad asked for a copy of
the drawings so he can see how it interfaces with the City's plans for the community center.
Chester asked for the next meeting to be at Mets Stadium.
Debra announced the grand opening and dedication of Lakewood Park Regional Park on June 2151 at 5 :00
Erik made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kurt, all in favor. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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/Irárbara Heck
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