HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-26-2007 Signed Agendas ITEM NO. R-8 DATE: 6/26/2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR (X) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY: Neil Appel Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Permission to Advertise a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to Lease the Land, Design, Build and Operate the Development on the Harbour Pointe Property BACKGROUND: See the attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: NA PREVIOUS ACTION: Board of County Commissioners and City of Fort Pierce previously held a Planning Charrette and adopted a land use plan for the Port of Fort Pierce including the County-owned 20-acre Harbour Pointe site. The land use plan was incorporated into the County's adopted Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element. In 2002, the County was unsuccessful in receiving proposals to develop the 20-acres together with the adjacent 67 acres. RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests the Board's permission to advertise a Request for Qualifications to Lease the Land, Design, Build and Operate the Development on the Harbour Pointe Property. Approved 5-0 Including language that any plan must be E: connected to the remaining 67 acres in COMMISSION ACTION: '~APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER conjunction with Port Master Plan. ./ o ANDERSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ~ ~ ' .) Coord ination/Siqnãfures Purchasing (X)'-.¡}tJ County Attorney (x) ~ rOd'/'? Originating Dept. ( ) 1118 Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ Mgt. & Budget (x) g Other ( ) AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. ~A DA TE: June 26, 2007 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution No. 07-206 - Proclaiming June 29, 2007, through July 5, 2007, as "CLEAN BEACHES WEEK" in St. Lucie County, Florida. BACKGROUND: Mr. Walter McLeod, President of the Clean Beaches Council in Washington, DC, has requested that this Board proclaim June 29, 2007, through July 5, 2007, as "Clean Beaches Week" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached Resolution No. 07-206 has been drafted for that purpose. PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 07-206 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: ;,M APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: E: Approved 5-0 D gl Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: Jr Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing Originating Dept. Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable)___ Eff. 5/96 AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. 2 b DA TE: June 26, 2007 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution No. 07-207 - Proclaiming the month of July, 2007, as "RECREATION AND PARKS MONTH" in St. Lucie County, Florida. BACKGROUND: The National Recreation and Park Association and the Florida Recreation and Park Association designated July as Recreation and Parks Month; and Governor Charlie Crist has extended best wishes to all observing July, 2007, as Recreation and Parks Month. The attached Resolution No. 07-207 has been drafted to proclaim the month of July, 2007, as Recreation and Parks Month in St. Lucie County, Florida.. PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 07-207 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: t~APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approvea 5-0 County Attorney: ~91- Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing Originating Dept. Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable)___ Eft. 5/96 AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. :2 (!., DA TE: June 26, 2007 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution No. 07-210 - Proclaiming the week of June 25, 2007, as "ST. LUCIE COUNTY FIREFIGHTER APPRECIATION WEEK" in St. Lucie County, Florida. BACKGROUND: Ms. Rebecca Kruse, MDA Regional Public Affairs Coordinator, has requested that this Board proclaim the week of June 25, 2007, as St. Lucie County Firefighter Appreciation Week in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached Resolution No. 07-210 has been drafted for that purpose. PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 07-210 as drafted. tXl APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Doug as Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: Approvea 5-0 County Attorney: ;4/ Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing Originating Dept. Other: Other: Fina~ce: (Check for Copy only, if applicable)___ Eff. 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: ~ D DATE: June 26, 2007 Presentation [ X ] Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [ ] REVISED TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: John Franklin, Housing Manager SUBMITTED BY: Community Services Department SUBJECT: Workforce Housing Task Force Presentation BACKGROUND: The County has identified an ongoing issne with limited stock oraffordahle/attainable workfore, housing. Under guidance from the Board, a Task Force was formed to address the issue and identify solutions that will improve the situation. Four solutions in depth and complete a walk-about with the Commissioners. FUNDS AVAIL: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: On June 13,2007 the Workforce Housing Task Force met for preparation of presentation to the Board. October 24, 2006 the Board approved contracting with Florida Housing Coalition to utilize their services in developing a Community Land Trus4 Huusing Trust Fund, Inclusiunary Zoning ordinance and Regulatory Reform. On June 6, 2006 the Workforce Housing Task Force preseuted rceommendations for approval which include; I) Approval to advertise for an Request for Proposal to obtain a nexus study for the county, authorize staff to negotiate with responders, and aothorization for the chair to sigu necessary documents. 2) Designation of Growth Mauagement staff to complete the incluslonary zoning ordinance, to review current regulations in an effort to afford relief to developers, and to assist staff in revisions to the comprehensive plan in support of inelusionary zoning, regulatory reform, community land trusts and local housing trust fund support, 3) Identify or earmark funding sources to cover expenses of nexus slndy and for establishment of a Commnnity Land Trost and a Housing Trost Fund. 4) Identification of staff, Task Force Work Group, and Commissioners to visit Montgomery County, Maryland to tour the oldest most well established Community Land Trust, that also has a community trust fund and an Inclusionary Zoning ordinance, and meet with its facilitators; the TCRPC brought in Bernie Tetro and Patrick Maeir from Montgomery County, MD for the TVC Workshops, a meeting with Housing staff was setup to discuss the Task Force proposed solutions and the challenges Montgomery County faced with implementation. On November 15, 2005, the Board approved the Task Force moving forward with these solutions. On June 14, 2005, the Board created a Housing Task Force to develop recommendations for increasing attainable workforce housing in St. Lucie County. The Task Force identified four solutions: 1) Community Land Trust, 2) Inelusionary Zoning, 3) Regulatory Reform and 4) Housing Trust Fund. On June 6, 2005, Community Services presented Workforce Housing Workshop to the Board. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners hear the presentation by the Attainable Workforce Housing Task Force. . - - Dougl M. Anderson c.oord;na'io~~ . Cnunty Administrator Management & Budget x Purchasmg: x Other: Other: CE: COMMISSION ACTION: ~~ APPROVED (1 DENIED ( 1 OTHER: Approvea 5-0 . /V/ / / I Originating DepartlTlènt: Finance: x Check for A-cii 17 (j) 7 ITEM NO. 5: "=RIIø&,øœl... . COUNTY'. FLORIDA' DATE: June 26. 2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: (X) CONSENT: ( ) SUBMITIED BY (DEPT): UTiliTIES DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY: 1 cl!.LW).... (d~ l rie Case Utility Director TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Establishment and adoption of Resolution 07-208 authorizing the adjustment of wastewater and reclaimed water utility rates, fees, and charges for customers within the St. Lucie County Utilities - South Hutchinson Island District Wastewater Utility. FUNDS AVAilABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: Board of County Commissioners approved previous rate structures for the District in 1997 and asked for a continuance from the public hearing on June 19,2007. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the adoption of Resolution 07-208 authorizing the adjustment of wastewater and reclaimed water utility rates, fees, and charges for customers within the St. Lucie County Utilities - South Hutchinson Island District Wastewater Utility. COMMISSION ACTION: ~PPROVED o OTHER: o DENIED E: o 91 Anderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 Motion to continue to Julu 24 2007 at ~ u.m. or œ soon tÆrearter as possible. -=- _J___.__" :1J ¿fc~ Review and Approvals o Management and Budget: o Purchasing: o Originating Dept: o Parks & Rec: o Other: o Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable): Anyone with a disability requiring accommodations to attend this meeting should contact the St, Lucie County Community Services Manager at 772-462-1777 or TTD 772-462-1428. at least 48 hours (48) prior to the meeting. AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 6 DATE: June 26, 2007 SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DEPT REGULAR [XX] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [ ] PRESENTED BY: ~~. County Engineer TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Navajo Avenue South MSBU Final Hearing Public Water Improvements - FPUA BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAIL. NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: March 8, 2005- Board accepted the petition and granted permission to advertise the Initial Public Hearing. April 5, 2005 - Initial Public Hearing held. Board created MSBU and authorized the County Engineer to proceed with project. November 8, 2005 - Board approved Interlocal Agreement between St. Lucie County, City of Fort Pierce and the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority August 15, 2006 - Second Public Hearing held. Board approved the preliminary assessment roll and authorized construction. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt Resolution No. 07-168 approving the Final Assessment Roll for the Navajo Avenue South Municipal Services Benefit Unit. COMMISSION ACTION: :ï~ APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: E: Approvea 5-0 Do gl M. Anderson County Administrator ;/y [x]County Attorney ['IPobli' Wo~, D;' ~~ , ( Coordination/Sianatures OMgt. & Budget [X]MSBU Coor & []Utilities: [ ]Finance AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 7 DATE: June 26, 2007 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [] SUBMITTED BY (DEPT):Administration TO: Board of County Commissioners SUB1ECT: Ethanol - 85 Fuel Letter of Intent BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/ A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/ A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the attached Letter of Intent. U APPROVED [] OTHER: [] DENIED Dougl s . Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Review and Approvals County Attorney: Originating Dept: Finance: (Check for Copy only, If applicable) Management & Budget: Other: Purchasing: _ Other: Effective: 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. q DATE: June 26, 2007 REGULAR [x] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. Mcintyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Local Option Gas Tax Division of Proceeds beginning September 1,2007 BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners determine whether to approve the annual redetermination set out in the attached memorandum and direct the County Attorney to notify the Department of Revenue of the redetermination by July 1,2007. COMMISSION ACTION: Do M. Anderson County Administrator '.b4 APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 [X] County Attorney: ,}k" Review and Approvals [ ]Management & Budget: ]Purchasing: [ ] Growth Management.:_ [ ] Parks & Recreation Director J ] Solid Waste Mgr [ ]Finance:(check for copy only, if applicable)_ Effective 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. J.Q DATE: June 26/ 2007 REGULAR [XX] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Robert O. Freeman Bond Counsel SUBJECT: Resolution No. 07-211 - Florida Capital Improvement Line of Credit with Seacoast National Bank BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt Resolution No. 07-211 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Resolution. [ ~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: ---- COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Do as Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: ~J6' Review and Approvals Management & Budget Solid Waste Dir.: Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: C-A-1 DATE: June 26, 2007 Regular[ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X ] TO: Board of County Commissioners PRESENTED BY: Corine C. Williams ~ Transit manager. SUBMITTED BY: Community Services SUBJECT: Approve and authorize the chair to sign the time extension for Florida Department of Transportation Joint Participation Agreement for the East-West Transit Routes (FM# 41373818401). BACKGROUND: St. Lucie County received two years of funding from Florida Department of Transportation for the operation and marketing of the East- West Connector Transit Routes in Fort Pierce in 2005. St. Lucie County has applied for the third and final year of funding of $112,000 from FDOT. A letter dated December 5, 2006 requested a time extension until funds became available. FOOT matching funds were not available for FY 06/07 budget. In the interim, FDOT has consented to extend this agreement to December 30, 2007, until the 3rd year grant funds are available in FY 07/08. FUNDS AVAIL: 130-4910-582015-400 (SLC Public MSTU) PREVIOUS ACTION: The Board approved application to pursue time extension on the third year of funding of FDOT service development grant for the East- West Transit Routes RECOMMENDATION: Approval and authorization for the chair to sign the grant extension for FDOT's Joint Participation Agreement for the East-West Transit Routes - COMMISSION ACTION: L'>I APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator County Attomey:x ¡y/ CoordinationlSianatures Management & Budgetx~ Purchasing: Originating Department: Other Other: Finance:x Check for copy only, if applicable AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C2A DATE: June 26, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: Perpetual Conservation Easement Round Island Plantation, LLC Round Island Plantation Resolution 07-209 BACKGROUND: See attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: August 23, 2006 - GM-06-021 - Minor Site Plan approval - Condition 12 - stated prior to issuance of any building permit, developer shall submit to St. Lucie County an executed Conservation Easement dedicated to 81. Lucie County covering the preserve area. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board accept the Perpetual Conservation Easement, authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 07-209 and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCU E: [>I APPROVED [ ] OTHER [ ] DENIED Approved 5-0 DOli M. Anderson County Administrator ~ [ x] County Attorney: t () [x] Originating Dept: 1r.dL Review and Approvals [ ] Mosquito Control: [] Public Works: (x] Environment~ ( ] Road and Bridge: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C2B DATE: June 26, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ x ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Sperrazza Lueke Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: First Amendment to Lease from Peacock University, LLC for Guardian Ad Litem Program BACKGROUND: See CA No. 07-1035 FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: Staff recommends the Board approve the First Amendment to Lease and authorize the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: {~APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ J OTHER: Dougl s M. Anderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 _a. [X] County Attorney: :t Review and Approvals ]Management & Budget: [ ]Purchasing: [ ] Road & Bridge.: [ ) Parks & Recreation Director [ ] Solid Waste Mgr [ ]Finance:(check for copy only, if applicable) Effective 5/96 AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. (;" C- Date: June 26, 2007 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ Consent [X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Permission to Advertise - Ordinance No. 07-016 Amending Occupational License Fees to Change the Name to Business Tax and Increase Fees by Five Percent (5%) Pursuant to Section 205.0535, Florida Statutes BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 07-0871 FUNDS A V AIL. (State type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests permission to advertise proposed Ordinance No. 07-016 for public hearings on August 7, 2007 at 6:00 p.m., and September 4,2007 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard. COMMISSION ACTION: '~APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Dougl M. Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: ~~' Coo rd ina tion/Si!!na tu res Mgt. & Budget: $oIfD.D 'ß Other: ~ Purchasing: Originating Dept.: Other: Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C3a DATE: June 26, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITIED BY(DEPT): PUBLIC SAFETY JACK T. SOUTHARD PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Commercial Wireless Router system Approve Budget Amendment #BA07-061 and Equipment Request #EQ07-339 in the amount of $6,832.00. BACKGROUND: Public Safety is in need of a new Commercial Wireless Router for wireless capability in the Emergency Operations Center during exercises, training and real time emergency activations. FUNDS WILL BE AVAILABLE: 01418-2510-564000-200 (Equipment) Emergency M.anagement Preparedness and Assistance Trust Fund PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Budget Amendment #BA07-061 and Equipment Request #EQ07-339 in the amount of $6,832.00. COMMISSION ACTION: L ~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Douglas Anderson County Administrator Approvea 5-0 1"; n;mrp: (r¡"prk 0 Review and AD~iaIS ~ Management & BUdgejl;,'~¡') Other: Originating Dept. Purchasing: I~~ Other: County Attorney: if applicable) Eft. 5/96 AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C3b DATE: June 26, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): PUBLIC SAFETY JACK T. SOUTHARD PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Professional Services Agreement with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council - The Provision of Technical Assistance for the 2006 State Homeland Security Grant Program BACKGROUND: See Attached memorandum FUNDS WILL BE AVAILABLE: 001185-2510-534000-200 Domestic Security Federally Funded Sub-Grant Agreement PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve The Professional Services Agreement with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. COMMISSION ACTION: [~APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: ugl sAnderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 Finance: (Chec f Originating Dep Other: PurchaSing:~~ Other: County Attorney: if applicable) Eff. 5/96 ITEM NO. C 4A DATE: June 26. 2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: ( ) CONSENT: ( x ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Public Works-Blda & Zonina Dennis A. Bunt Code Enforcement Supervisor SUBJECT: Request the Board of County Commissioners give permission to advertise for a public hearing on August 14,2007, to declare the structure at 7909 Paso Robles Blvd., Fort Pierce, Florida an unsafe building. BACKGROUND: The building at 7909 Paso Robles Blvd., Fort Pierce, Florida, has been determined to be unsafe and to constitute a nuisance by the Building Official. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 102-2415-549000-200 PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the approval by the Board to advertise a public hearing. COMMISSION ACTION: Dougl¿ A';,derson County Administrator ..,þ:(A DPROVEDO DENIED u u ¡HER: Approved 5-0 9 County Attorney: Originating Dept: (Pub. WkS')~~" )t Review and ADDrovals 9 Management and Budget: ~ 9 Other: 9 Purchasing: 9 Other: 9 Finance: Check for copy only, if applicable: ITEM NO. C4b DATE: 6/26/07 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: ( ) CONSENT: ( X ) SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): PUBLIC WORKS - ADMIN PRESENTED BY: ~~~_~'L.- Public Works Director TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Request approval from the Board of County Commissioners for Change Order No.1 for Sheltra & Son Construction Inc., for Taylor Creek Spoil Site Removal. BACKGROUND: In 1998, the County initiated the Taylor Creek Dredging and Restoration Project, to remove the muck sediments from Taylor Creek. Removal of muck sediments from the tributaries to the Indian River lagoon is a goal of the IRL National Estuary Program. In 1999, the County initiated a spoil site study, to select a location for the Taylor Creek Project. A total of 13 sites were studied, to select a location for the Taylor Creek Project. A total of 13 sites were evaluated for feasibility as potential dredge spoil disposal sites. In December of 2000, the County selected the "Seminole Property" as a potential permanent spoil site. In early 2001 , the City of Fort Pierce and St. Lucie Village objected to the use of the "Seminole Property" as a permanent spoil disposal site. The County proceeded with selection of an alternate location to be used as a temporary spoil site. The Port Property was determined to be the best location for a temporary spoil site, due to the fact that it was previously built out of dredged fill material. In September of 2003, Mr. Lloyd Bell granted the use of his Port Property as a temporary spoil site. In April of 2004, the County commenced construction of Phase 1 of the Taylor Creek Dredging Project. A 16 acre spoil disposal site was constructed for handling the muck sediments. The Project was completed in June of 2005, and the spoil site has not been used by the County since. In October of 2006, the County approved the removal of the spoil site from Mr. Bell's Property. (See attached copy of October 24, 2006 letter). The attached Change Order No.1 is for removal of excess clay and muck material that was contained in the spoil site containment dike foundations. FUNDS AVAilABLE: Funds are available in the Port Budget account #-140001-4310-534000-46506. PREVIOUS ACTION10/24/06: BOCC action to relocate the spoil site on Mr. Bell's Port Property. 03/27/07: Award of Construction Budget in the amount of $185,406.00 for removal of spoil site. AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. .£: ~- t) DATE: June 26 , 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 SUBJECT: Amendment No. 12 to the Consultant Agreement with Inwood Consulting Engineers to provide post-design consulting services related to construction, as needed, through December 31, 2008, for the S. 25" Street Roadway Widening Project (Midway Road to Edwards Road). BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAIL: Funds will be made available in: 101006-4116-563012-4108 Transportation Trustllmpad Fees. PREVIOUS ACTION: September 12, 2000 - BOCC approval of Joint Participation Agreement with FDOT to reimburse, design and construd tI'Ie South 25" Street widening. On FebliUary 23, 2001 an RFP for consultant services was advertised for design of South 25tll Street Roadway Widening. Proposals were received on March 21·, three firms were shortlisted on April 10", and the Board approved negotiating with the top ranked firm, Inwood Consulting Engineers, on April 17th. On September 11, 2001 the Board approved the agreement with ICE in the amount of $1,219,258.94 for design, permitting and land acquisition services. Because of pending issues with Earthtech, Inwood's sub- consultant for land acquisition services, staff re-agendaed the agreement with ICE to exdude land acquisition services. On Odober 16. 2001 the Board approved the agreement with Inwood in the amount of $ for design and permitting of South 25" Street Widening. Amendment No. 1 was approved on February 5, 2002 in the amount of $39,245.63. The first amendment to the contrad became necessary after the FOOT realized that it would be Lnable to peñorm the Bridge Hydraulic Analysis and Report it had agreed to do. Inwood then undertook this responsibility. On May 14. 2002 the Board approved the Amendment No.2, as prepared by the County Attorney, along with Inwood's scope of services in the amount of $352,301 for land acquisition support and services for South 25" Street Roadway Widening. (All costs associated with the design and permitting of the project are reimbursable through our Joint Participation Agreement with FOOT. Costs associated with the land acquisition work are the responsibility of St. Lucie County, including land purchase costs.) Amendment No. 3 was approved on August 13, 2002 to provide additional engineering services related to the very compressible soils recovered in the borings for the new bridge crossing 10-Mile Creek, and additional survey work to support the acquisition activities. This amendment was for $59,968.60 and brought the total contrad amount to $1,453,621.77. This amendment also extended the centrad time to June 30,2003. January 7,2003 - Amendment NO.4 - a revision to the Second Amendment for a redistribution d. 9reviously allocated funds to the Consultant Agreement with Inwood Consulting Engineers (ICE) for Land AcqUISition Services for the South 25th Street Roadway Widening (Midway Road to Edwards Road). The number of parcels has decreased but the services of Earthtech's sub-consultants has increased. No change in projed cost. May 6, 2003 - Board approved Amendment No. 5 to Inwood Consulting Engineers Consultant Agreement for additional surveying services and engineering design services for the South 25" Street Widening in the amount of $37,151.25. December 16, 2003 - Board approved Amendment No. 6 to Inwood Consulting Engineers Consultant Agreement to provide expert witness services and post design services for the South 25" Street Widening Projed in the amount of $49,968.00. April 13, 2004 - Board approved Amendment No. 7 to Inwood Consulting Engineers Consultant Agreement for S. 25" Street Improvements at the intersection of Midway Road in the amount of $51,796.65. August 17, 2004 - Board approved Amendment No. 8 to Inwood consulting Engineers Consultant Agreement for additional optional services for land acquisition adivities for the S. 25th Street Roadway Widening Project in the amount of $50,000. May 24, 2005 - Board approved Amendment No. 9 to the Consultant Agreement with Inwood Consulting Engineers to 'provide additional right-of-way services and inspections, as needed, through December 31, 2008, for the S. 25 Street Roadway Widening Projed in the amount of $12,000. December 20, 2005 - Board approved Amendment No. 10 to the Consultant Agreement with Inwood Consultin¡ Engineers to provide construction design services, as needed, through December 31, 2008, for the S. 25 Street Roadway Widening Projed in the amount not to exceed $10,000. June 20, 2006 - Board approved Amendment No. 11 to the Consultant Agreement with Inwood Consultin2 Engineers to provide post-design consulting services, as needed, through December 31, 2008, for the S. 25 Street Roadway Widening Project in the amount not to exceed $50,000. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve Amendment No. 12 to the Consultant Agreement with Inwood Consulti~ Engineers to provide post-design consulting services, as needed, through December 31, 2008, for the S. 25 Street Roadway Widening Project in the amount not to exceed $50,000, and authorize the Chairman to sign. [x)County Attorney 1./.... [x]origlnetlng Dept. Public Works~ S25thamendment12.ag ,.-- u las nderson County Administrator Coord~. 1_-_ - - ~ _......'ðM1 (x]Co. Eng .1.1 vi' ( ]RoadlBridge COMMISSION ACTION: t))C APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED Approved 5 - 0 ITEM NO. C-4e DATE: June 26, 2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Amendment #2 to JPA ANX-76 with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for Hurricane Jeanne repairs. This modification removes $2,865,664.88 in unneeded funding from the agreement and redistributes funding for under-budgeted projects, so that they are fully funded. BACKGROUND: The FOOT provided emergency repair and hurricane recovery funding. This agreement was an estimate and now requires modification to close out and receive our final payments. Staff has reviewed this agreement and incorporated both Fort Pierce and Port St. Lucie in the review for accuracy and agreement. See attached memo 07-170. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: On 10/26/2006, the approved Amendment #1 to JPA ANX-76 removing unneeded funding from the agreement and adding funds for under budgeted repairs. IOn 7/12/05, the Board approved Budget resolution No. 05-271 and establishment of a budget for grant . - ,. _ '",-=- _ proceeds from the Federal Highway Administration in the amount of $10,845,011.50 13/ /30- "~On 4/5/05, the Board approved the Emergency JPA with Florida Department of Transportation in the I c:,o;¿'· amount of $10,845,011.50 for repairs to County roads damaged by Hurricane Jeanne. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve Amendment #2 to JPA ANX-76 with Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) for Hurricane Jeanne repairs and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. This modification removes $2,865,664.88 in unneeded funding from the agreement and redistributes funding for under-budgeted projects, so that they are fully funded. Approved 5-0 [x] County Attorney [x] Project Manager [x] Road & Bridge ,0./ ~ ~ V\1f6¡ [x] Mgt & Budget I \ \i ' [x] Fiscal Coordinator e, p,."" oug as nderson County Administrator [x] Originating Dept. Public Works ~~ ~ [x] Finance Dept ~,,:::t¡..---, [x] (Check for copy only, if applicable) COMMISSION ACTION: .I~ APPROVED [ ] OTHER [ ] DENIED ITEM NO. C-4f DATE: June 26, 2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Acceptance of a reimbursement agreement for $1 ,081 ,502.00 from the Florida Department of Transportation for the recovery effort from Hurricane Wilma's debris removal, washouts and bridge. Resolution No. 07-039 BACKGROUND: See attached Memorandum 07-176 for additional information. FUNDS AVAilABLE: This agreement will reimburse the County for Hurricane Wilma expenses that were charged to Acct. #101002- 4112-xxxxxx-1904. PREVIOUS ACTION: On November 1, 2005, the Board approved Emergency Ordinance No. 05-038, an emergency ordinance of St. Lucie County, Florida providing for the removal of debris from private rights-of-way during the time of a declared emergency. On December 15, 2005, the Board approved Work Authorization No. 24 (Contract C03-10-686) with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing, Inc. for Hurricane Wilma Debris Removal Monitoring Services in the not to exceed amount of One Million ($1,000,000.00) dollars. On December 15, 2005, the Board approved Work Authorization NO.2 (Contract C01-03-309) with AshBritt, Inc. for Hurricane Wilma Debris Removal Services in the not to exceed amount offive million five hundred thousand and 0/100 dollars ($5,500,000.00). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board accepts the reimbursement agreement for $1 ,081 ,502.00 from the Florida Department of Transportation for the recovery effort from Hurricane Wilma's debris removal, washouts and bridge repairs, Resolutioin No. 07-039 authorizing execution of JPA, and the Chair to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: . rx APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER Approved 5-0 [,¡¡¡.Ie"",,A""', ~.. ~ [x) ProJect. Manager [')I] Road & Bridge . . [x] Mgt. & Budget [x] Fiscal COOL [] ERD ~-(ù Dou sAnderson County Administrator 0";00';"" De,. P,bI;, w,"" ~ \\ , Finance Dept to ..fÞ-;., (Check for copy only, if applica er . ITEM NO. C 4 fb DATE: June 26, 2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) .E. SUBJECT: Accept the project, release retainage, and make final payment in the amount of $84,345.33 to Atlantic Skanska, Inc., for the Gordy Road Recreation Area. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in 102001-3725-563000-3631 Drainage Maintenance MSTU Stormwater Management.and 102001-3725-205100-3631. . PREVIOUS ACTION: December 13, 2005 - Board approved awarding the construction of the Gordy Road Recreation Area to Atlantic Skanska, Inc., in the amount of $835,133.00. July 11, 2006 - Board approved Change Order NO.1 to the contract with Atlantic Skanska for a time extension of 60 additional days in which all work shall be completed on or before September 13, 2006 for the Gordy Road Recreation Area. October 17, 2006 - Board approved Change Order NO.2 to the contract with Atlantic Skanska for a time extension of 62 additional days in which all work shall be completed on or before November 14,2006 for the Gordy Road Recreation Area. December 12,2006 - Board approved Change Order No.3 to the contract with Atlantic Skanska, Inc., for the Gordy Road Recreation Area to include: Item #1 - Additional concrete sidewalk and concrete apron at a cost of $2,230.00; Item #2 - Revisions to the landscape plan at a reduced cost of $6,600.00; Item #3 - Time extension of65 calendar days. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board accept the project. release retainage, and make final payment to Atlantic Skanska, Inc, in the amount of $84,345.33 for the Gordy Road Recreation a ~ APPROVED [ 1 OTHER [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 [X]~UnIY Attorney .I ~ [x]Orig. Dept. Public Works MY? ~ b8w Gordy Rd. Rec Area final.ag.doc J ITEM NO. C 4 H- DATE: June 26th, 2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ROAD & BRIDGE DIVISION PRES~ ~ ~ Donald Pauley Road & Bridge Manager TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Approve a Bid Waiver and award a contract to Florida Youth Conservation Corps to repair / replace guardrail on Orange Avenue in the amount not to exceed $190,000. BACKGROUND: The Road and Bridge Division needs to repair / replace guardrail on Orange Avenue due to its dangerous condition to ensure the safety of our citizens. The Florida Youth Conservation Corps is a nonprofit organization that provides opportunity for at risk young adults to get on the job training and job placement after one year in the program for jobs in the Construction and Maintenance Industries. This organization meets all the criteria of Florida statute 255.60 (See attached). They submitted a quote for $9.85 per linear foot of guardrail and $.70 per pound of Asphalt. (See attached). This contract is not to exceed $190,000. FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE IN: 1 01 003-41135-563000-49007 Transportation Trust Local Option G uardrail (amount not to exceed $190,000) PREVIOUS ACTION: None RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve a Bid Waiver and award a contract to Florida Youth Conservation Corps to repair / replace guardrail on Orange Avenue in the amount not to exceed $190,000. [ ~APPROVED [ ] OTHER Approved 5-0 [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: [x] County Attorney [x] Finance [x] Road & Bridge Jy" c ~f\1 [x] Mgt. & Budget ~-:fr;O f\J¥ [x] Public Works Director [x] Fiscal Coordinator -ktc~ . ~ [x] Purchasing Dept ~~- Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at 772-462-1777 or ADD 772-462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: C-Sa DATE: June 26, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation PRESENTED BY: Debra Brisson Director SUBJECT: Addendum to Concession Lease Agreement C06-04-447/Lakewood Park Reg. Park BACKGROUND: On April 2S, 2006, St. Lucie County "County" entered into and Agreement with Jimmy Kemp and Domenick Collura to provide concession services at the Lawnwood Sports Complex. The Coµnty at its sole discretion may add additional location by addendum to this Agreement. Staff is requesting that the Board of County Commissioners approve the addition of the Lakewood Park Regional Park site to Concession Lease Agreement C06-04-447. Staff is also requesting that for clarification and operation revenue purposes, the Board approve the amended language in ARTICLE 2-2.01 (revised procedure and contract language attached). PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A FUNDS WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the addition of the Lakewood Park Regional Park site to Concession Lease Agreement C06-04-447, approve revised procedure and contract language in ARTICLE 2-2.01, approve the amended Concession Lease Agreement as drafted by the County Attorney and authorize the Chairman to sign. [X] APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED CE: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Doug nderson County Administrator County Attorney: Originating Dept: Coord ination/Siq natures gt & Budget: Public Works: Purchasing: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: C-5b DATE: June 26, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation PRESENTED BY: Debra Brisson Director SUBJECT: Addendum to Concession Lease Agreement C05-08-447 ISouth County Stadium BACKGROUND: On August 16, 2005, St. Lucie County "County" entered into an Agreement with Professional Concessions, Inc. to provide concession services at the South County Regional Sports Stadium. The current Agreement expires on September 16,2007. The County at its option, reserves the right to extend the term for three (3) additional one-year periods. Staff is requesting that the Board of County Commissioners extend Concession Lease Agreement C05-08-447 for an additional one-year period through September 16, 2008. Staff is also requesting that for clarification and operation revenue purposes, the Board approve the revised language in ARTICLE 2-2.01 (revised procedure and contract language attached). PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA FUNDS WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the amendment to Agreement C05-08-447 (South County Regional Sports Stadium Concessions) extending the term through September 16,2008, approve the revised procedure and contract language in ARTICLE 2-2.01, approve the amended Concession Lease Agreement as drafted by the County Attorney and authorize the Chairman to sign. [~APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: :7E: Doug Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: ApProved 5-0 County Attorney: Originating Dept: Coord ination/S iQ natu res Purchasing: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: C-Sc DATE: June 26, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation PRESENTED BY: Debra Brisson Director SUBJECT: Approve Amendment to Lawnwood Recreation Area, PH.II, FRDAP Project #F07109 Agreement #F71 09 BACKGROUND: In September 2005, the County applied for and was awarded a $200,000 Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) Grant for Phase II Improvements at Lawnwood. After reviewing the space requirements for the original proposed improvements, the Special Needs/Auditorium including water retention, the Skate Park, additional parking, etc. and based upon currerit project funding, staff is requesting that the Board of County Commissioners approve the recommended amendment to the Phase II Improvements funded by FRDAP. The recommended changes are outlined in the Parks and Recreation Director's attached memorandum. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A FUNDS WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the recommended amendment to the Phase II Improvements funded by a Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program grant. '[XI APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 o A erson County Administrator County Attorney: Originating Dept: Coordination/Siqnatures Mgt & Budget: Public Works: Purchasing: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: C-5d DATE: June 26, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation PRESENTED BY: Debra Brisson Director SUBJECT: Lawnwood Complex Skate Park Donation Acceptance BACKGROUND: During FY 06/07 Budget Review the Board of County Commissioners approved $500,000 for construction of a Skate Park. On September 12, 2006, the Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 06-273 establishing a Skate Park Design Advisory Ad Hoc Committee for the proposed Skate Park at Lawnwood Complex. Several St. Lucie County residentsllbusinesses have expressed a desire to donate to the project. Staff is requesting t~at the Board accept the $150.00 donation from Spunky's Surf Shop. The donation will be placed in the Lawnwood Skate Park account and used specifically for this project. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A FUNDS WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE: 129-7210-366900-760077 (MSTU-Parks-Donations- Lakewood Skate Park) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners accept the $150.00 donation from Spunky's Surf Shop for the Lawnwood Skate Park project. [. ~ APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved S-o Doug nderson County Administrator µCounty Attorney: /I¡¡j Originating Dept: Coord in ation/Siq natu res !L.tL- Mgt & Budget: 1-:10 r~~ Purchasing ~ Public Works: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-5E DATE: 6-26-07 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [xx] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Debbie Brisson, Director SUBMITTED BY: Parks & RecreationlRecreation SUBJECT: Waiver of Fees/Ft. Pierce Main Street BACKGROUND: Ft. Pierce Main Street will be hosting a Fourth of July festival in Ft. Pierce and is requesting use of Veterans Park, next to the Ft. Pierce Community Center. There is ordinarily a fee for using the park, however, Main Street is requesting a waiver offees. The Board has contributed $10,000 toward the cost of the event. This is third year that Main Street has held fireworks in the downtown area used the park at no charge at those times. Attached is a letter from Main Street requesting the waiver. Staff recommends approval. Additionally, as part of the event, alcohol will be sold/served and as required by County Ordinance 1-15-23, BOCC approval must acquired. FUNDS AVAILABLE: No funds are necessary RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests the Board approve a waiver offees for Ft. Pierce Main Street for use of Veterans Park to host a Fourth of July festival. Also approve the sale and consumption of alcohol as part of the event. COMMISSION ACTION: l)4 APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved S-o Do laf M. Anderson County Administrator Review and Approvals i~sleounty Attorney: U..,,¿---- Management & Budget Originating Dept. ,~. Other: " Purchasing: AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C6 DATE: 06/27/07 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT [X] TO: ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: OMB PRESENTED BY: SUBJECT: Request for authorization to submit an electronic application for the State Criminal Alien Grant 2007 BACKGROUND: St. Lucie County Sheriffs Office is requesting permission to submit an electronic grant application to participate in the 2007 State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) offered annually by the US Department ofJustice, Bureau ofJustice Assistance (USDOJ/BJA). SCAAP is a retroactive reimbursement grant awarded to localities that had to incarcerate undocumented criminal aliens. The actual allocation will be calculated by USDOJ/BJA based on the number of detained aliens in the past year. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve electronic submission of the 2007 State Criminal Alien Grant application, and authorize the County Administrator to sign the application. [>4 APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED NCE: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 5-0 Doug Anderson County Administrator County Attorney:xx J!; Coordination/Signatures ~ í / I Management & Budget:.. , Purchasing: Public Works: Other: Originating Dept: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable)-L. AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO.C7 DATE: June 26, 2007 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants / Disaster Recovery PRESENTED BY: Bill Hoeffner SUBJECT: Approval of Work Authorization No 11 (Contract 05-04-190 with LBFH,lnc) and the expenditure of $40,960 for boundary surveying and mapping services for the Heathcote project. BACKGROUND: A $4.19 million grant has been received from Florida Communities Trust to acquire approximately 64 acres from the City of Fort Pierce. The lands are part of the City's Public Works Compound and constitute Phase 1 of the Heathcote project. See attached aerial map. On 3/20/2007, the City of Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, and Heahtcote Botanical Gardens executed an interlocal agreement which details acquisition and land management responsibilities. The interlocal agreement specifies St. Lucie County is responsible for acquiring and completing all due diligence studies related to acquisition of the property. 75% of the County costs for due diligence studies, including boundary surveying and mapping services, will be reimbursed by the Florida Communities Trust grant if the property is successfully acquired. FUNDS AVAIL: Funds for the $40,960 expenditure are available in the Heathcote Botanical Gardens Property Acquisition Fund (001- 1900-561003-16001). 75% of this expenditure will be reimbursed by Florida Communities Trust if project lands are successfully acquired. PREVIOUS ACTION: On 3/20/2007, the BOCC unanimously approved an interlocal agreement between the City of Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, and Heathcote Botanical Gardens to acquire the subject property. In the same agenda item, the Board also approved the Option Agreement for Sale and Purchase of the City of Fort Pierce lands. On 4/17/2007, the Board approved an Option Agreement for Sale and Purchase of the Stewart parcel which is part of the Heathcote project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve Work Authorization No 11 (Contract 05-04-190 with LBFH, Inc.) and the expenditure of $40,960 for boundary surveying and mapping services for the Heathcote project. [XJ APPROVED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Dougl Anderson County Administrator 91 County Attorney: Þ " ,/ Originating Dept: {:: /'1/ / Finance: (copies "ón'1ý) : Coordination/Signatures Mgt & Budget: (~_ ',' Pub1.ic Works: ~ Purchasing: Other: ITEM NO. or¡ DATE: June 26,2007 AGENDA REQUEST Environmental Resources Department TO: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Staff requests the Board approve Change Order #3 and Final reducing the contract amount by ($1,881,345.85) to $3,267,366.15, and reducing the contract quantities as listed in the attached spreadsheet. Staff further requests authorization to release the remaining 5% retainage in the amount of $163,543.31 and finalize the project. BACKGROUND: Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne impacted St. Lucie County in 2004 leaving large areas of Indian River Drive in danger of being washed out. To protect the road, the County received funding from the Federal Highway Administration to rebuild and harden the embankment. Native plants were planted on the embankment to add additional erosion control, to help rebuild habitat lost during the storms, and to help with the look of the newly built embankment. FUNDS AVAILABLE: This is a request to release the remaining 5% retainage in the amount of $163,543.31. Funds are available in account 101106-0000-205100-4914. PREVIOUS ACTION: On April 5, 2005 the Board granted permission to advertise Invitations to Bid for the Indian River Drive Phase II Shoreline Revegetation Project. On May 24,2005 the Board approved awarding Bid #05-045 for the Indian River Phase II Shoreline Revegetation Project to Vila and Son Landscaping Corporation, the establishment of the project budget and authorized the Chair to execute the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. On December 13, 2005 the Board approved a contract extension with Vila & Son Landscaping Corporation until December 31,2006 to complete the Indian River Drive Phase II Revegetation Project. On February 14, 2006 the Board approved a reduction in the overall retainage from $326,386.62 (10%) to $163,193.31 (5%) for Vila & Son Landscaping Corporation. RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests the Board approve Change Order #3 and Final reducing the contract amount by ($1,881,345.85) to $3,267,366.15, and reducing the contract quantities as listed in the attached spreadsheet. Staff further requests authorization to release the remaining 5% retainage in the amount of $163,543.31 and finalize the project. COMMISSION ACTION: E: 'IX APPROVED [ ] DENIED r J OTHER ApprOVed 5-0 County Engineer AIv rí\\'\ \~ [] ~[] MVP [x] , o sAnderson County Administrator Þ6¢-' [xI' County Attorney [x] Originating Dept. Originating Dept. Purchasing Dept (Check for copy only, if applicable) .¥tf\Ü.X\LL [x] Public Works ~,,' ,,[j ~[] Mgt. & Budget Fiscal Coor. To: Submitted By: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: . COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED c=:J OTHER Approved 5-0 Agenda Request Item Number Date: ê.<ab 6/26/2007 Consent Regular Public ^ Hearing ¡ Leg. [ ] [ X ] [ ] [ ] Quasi-JD [ Board of County Commissioners Environmental Resources Dept. \ Presented ~/'ri~ Request of applicants, SLC Board of County Commissioners, for an exemption from the requirements of Section 11.02.09(A)(5), St. Lucie County Land Development Code, to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the project to be known as the St. Lucie County Emergency Operations Center (SLC EOC). The developers of the SLC EOC, proposed to be located on approximately 21 acres of land on Midway Road at the County Fairgrounds, is requesting that the Board grant relief from the requirements of Section 11.02.09(A)(5) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. Section 11.02.09(A)(5)(d) requires that all site plans greater than ten acres in size, include as a part of the site plan review process, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The purpose of the EIR is to assess the impacts of the proposed development upon the existing natural environmental conditions. The Board of County Commissioners may grant relief from the requirements for the filing of this report upon the demonstration by the developer that the information being foregone by such relief is not needed in order to determine the impacts of the proposed development upon the existing natural environment. The proposed SLC EOC site is located on land that is devoid of trees or native habitat. There are no significant environmental features on the subject property. Therefore, the Environmental Resources Dept. (ERD) supports the EIR waiver. N/A None Staff recommends that this request for an exemption from the requirements of Section 11.02.09(A)(5) be approved and that no environmental impact report be required from this project. D DENIED Ýßounty Attorney ,t:r VÓriginating Dept.: ~ Finance: Coordination! Signatures Mgt. & B;t8'get: ~.., VOt~er: J T ~~~~ Purchasing: Other: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C8 Q" DATE: June 26, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: Board' of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Environmental Resources PRESENTED BY: Michael Bush SUBJECT: Authorize the submittal of a funding application to the American Forests' Global ReLeaf Program for $10,290 to assist in a $109,122 total project to plant 14,700 trees and 2,940 saw palmettos in 294 acres of improved pasture at the Bluefield Ranch Natural Area and acceptance of the grant if awarded. Bluefield Ranch lands were purchased on July 30, 1998 with funding provided by the St. Lucie County Environmentally Significant Lands program and the Florida Communities Trust. The entire Bluefield Ranch Natural Area includes 3,285 acres in southwestern St. Lucie County at the southern end of Bluefield Ranch Road (Exhibit 1). This area contains a mosaic of natural habitats including: scrub, scrubby flatwoods, baygall and prairie hammock, mesic and wet flatwoods, wet prairie, dry prairie and depression marsh. This variety of natural habitats supports a diverse population of wildlife and plant species, including 13 federally listed animal species, and three federally endangered and two threatened plant species. Public access to the site includes wildlife viewing, hiking, camping, picnicking and horseback riding. BACKGROUND: The specific project site is approximately 294 acres in which the forest ecosystem has been damaged by human use. Some time ago much of this land was cleared to provide pasture land, subsequently treated with sludge and other fertilizers, planted with non-native pasture grasses and was never reforested. Pasture grasses form a dense mat that aggressively discourages natural reforestation, resulting in a monotypic habitat which limits wildlife habitat, refuge and forage. This project will begin to restore the native canopy structure that naturally occurred prior to human destruction of these ecosystems. This anthropogenic landscape altered for cattle grazing will succeed into a healthy pine flatwoods ecosystem and facilitate the enjoyment of this natural area for County residents, visitors, as well as the wildlife that will come to inhibit this natural area. FUNDS AVAIL. : The Global ReLeaf funds will assist in the cost of purchasing 14,700 Slash Pine trees. The County will provide project management oversight, 2,940 saw palmettos, cost-share of the 14,700 pine trees, and installation of the plant material. Funding for the County's $5,865 portion of the project is in Account No. 001-3920-563000-3104 General Fund - Env. Resources/Env Reg - Cypress Creek /Bluefield - Infrastructure. The remaining County contribution ($83,282) will be in-kind services. PREVIOUS ACTION: The Board approved a previous funding application on January 23, 2007, which was subsequently not awarded. This is a second attempt for funding contributions from the American Forests' Global ReLeaf Program for this project proposal. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval to submit a funding application to the American Forests' Global ReLeaf Program for $10,290 to assist in a $109,122 total project to plant 14,700 trees and 2,940 saw palmettos in 294 acres of improved pasture at the Bluefield Ranch Na al Area, and acceptance of the grant if awarded. COMMISSION ACTION: [' XJ APPROVED [ ] OTHER: DENIED AP""""'ds-o ~ County Attorney: Oriqinating Qept, ~ Finance: Mgt & Budget: Public Works: Purchasing : Other: /~~ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. ,C-9 DATE: June 26,2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO:-' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: DON MCLAM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): CENTRAL SERVICES SUBJECT: Approval to use Central Services Project Reserves in the amount of $23,500.00 for the additional Architectural Services associated with the Courthouse Annex project and the Clerk of Court Building project: . Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Architects-Amendment No.2 to #C03-12-762 (Clerk of Court Renovation) @ $13,950.00 . Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Architects-Amendment No.1 to W.A. #14 (#C05-05-248) (Courthouse Annex) @ $9,550.00 BACKGROUND: SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM FUNDS AVAIL: 316-1931-599330-100 (Central Services-Project Reserves) FUNDS WILL BE MADE AVAIL: 316-1930-562004-1531 (Bldg.-ArchitecturaIService-CourthouseAnnex) 316-1930-562004-16012 (Bldg.-Architectural Service-Clerk of Court) PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends thé Board of County Commissioners approve the use of Central Services Project Reserves in the amount of $23,500.00 for the additional Architectural Services associated with the Courthouse Annex project and the Clerk of Court Building project. Staff further recommends the Board approve Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Architects-Amendment No.2 to #C03-12-762 (Clerk of Court Renovation) @ $13,950.00 and Amendment No.1 to W.A. #14 (#C05-05-248) (Courthouse Annex) @ $9,550.00 (a combined amount of $23,500.00), and authorize the Chair to sign the Amendments as prepared by the County Attorney. MISSION ACTION: [)k APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Doug nderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 ,/ Coordination/Si natures Mgt. & Budget: ,~ Purchasing Mgr.: County Attorney: f1/'-.:... Originating ~ Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) Eff. 1/97 H:\AGENDA\AGENDA-209 EDLUND DRITENBAS CLERK AND ANNEX CHANGES.DOC AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-10 DATE: June 26, 2007 REGU LAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Dennis Wetzel, Director SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUBJECT: Request board approval for Budget Amendment #07-063 to purchase the replacement computer for the IBM RS6000 -H80 computer system, Micro Focus Cobol program language software and professional services provided by ACS-Banner to transfer their ACS-Banner applications products and the Sirsi-Dynix Library application to the replacement Dell computer hardware. BACKGROUND: The current IBM RS6000 H80CMPcomputer system was purchased in 1999. The IBM computer was purchased specifically to process all the ACS-Banner applications utilized by the Commission and Clerks Finance- Payroll- AlP, Utilities, Civil Courts, Purchasing, Budget, Human Resources and Library departments. IBM has informed SLC this equipment is past its' life cycle and beyond their abil ity to extend the maintenance agreement. SLC depends on this computer hardware and these Banner & Library programs to be able to conduct business. FUNDS AVAIL: Funds are available in the Account # 001-9910-599100-800 approve expenditure of $67,385.00 from contingency account. With contributions coming from Mosquito Control district in the amount of $5,900.00 and Landfill Solid Waste for $6,000.00. PREVIOUS ACTION: None RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissions approve the request of Budget Amendment #07-063 to purchase the replacement Dell computer hardware from the state of Florida contract#250-000-03-1, Micro Focus Cobol software license and professional services provided by ACS-Banner and Sirsi-Dynix Library for a total amount of $67,385.00. COMMISSION ACTION: !~ APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Dougl Anderson County Administrator ~/ County Attorney: (, Originating Dept: aE;i) ~ _. Review and Approvals & Management & BUdget:~urchasing: . ., Other: 06-11-/07 13:17 FROM-SLC INT/L AIRPORT 772-462-1718 T-207 P002/0Ø2 F-229 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C11·A DATE: 6/26/07 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) !Q;. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY: Neil ADDel. Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Award of Invitation to Bid #07·055, Customs and Border Protection Facility renovations at the St. Lucie Coun1y International Ajrport to the lowest responsive, responsible, bidder, T & G ConstructD~, Inc. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: FDOT (80% grant· .$96.000) with a local match of (20% . S24.000) in fund 14034~220.563000.4614 - Infrastructure. PREVIOUS ACTION: See the attached memorandum. RECOMMENDA110N: Staff requests Board approval to sward Invitation to Bid #07-055, Customs and Border Protection Facility renovations at the St. Lucie County Intemational Airport to thelawest respon&ive. responsible. bidder. T & G Constructors, Inc., for the amount of $76,500. COMMISSION ACTION: :f~ APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved S-O Dou fa . Anderson County Admini5trator County Attomey (X) Airport (X~~ Sf / Coordination/Sianiltul1!s --" r MQI,&BUdg8I(X)œi0)¡ ~ Purch"ingrx)~ Other ( ) Other ( ) Finance: (check for c;oPY. only if applicable) ~ ITEM NO. C11-B AGENDA REQUEST DATE: 6/26/07 REGULA~ '( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel. Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Award of Invitation to Bid #07-059, Signals Maintenance and Master Construction Contract to the lowest responsive, responsible, bidder, The Signal Group, Inc. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 101004-4109-553110-400 - Traffic Signal Maint & Install PREVIOUS ACTION: See the attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests Board approval to award Invitation to Bid 07-059, Signals Maintenance and Master Construction Contract to the lowest responsive, responsible, bidder, The Signal Group, APproved S-o COMMISSION ACTION: :(~ APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER County Attorney (X) '»að- {}r", Road & Bridge (X) ~ Coordination/Sit! natures Mgt. & Budget (X) ~ bz!t Other ( ) Purchasing (x( f;) Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ITEM NO. C-11C DATE: 6/26/2007 AGENDA REQUEST . REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Neil Appel. Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Rejection of all Bids for ITB #07-050, Construction of Administration Complex Chiller Plant, permission to re-bid the project and Sole Source Siemens Buildings Technologies, Inc., equipment for the administration Complex. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 316-1930-562000-16011 - Buildings PREVIOUS ACTION: Please see attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board reject all Bids for ITB #07-050, Construction of the Administration Complex Chiller Plant, grant permission to re-bid the project and sole source Siemens Buildings Technologies, Inc., equipment and installation for the Administration Complex. Approved 5-0 COMMISSION ACTION: (~APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER ~/ County Attorney (X) l Mgt. & Budget ( ) Central Services (G~ Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ Coordi nation/SiQ natures Purchasing (X) H Other ( ) ITEM NO. C- 12 DATE: June 26, 2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: AIRPORT DIANA LEWIS, DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Request to allocate funds from the Machinery and Equipment Budget to purchase a small batch incinerator, SMART ASH 11 Ov INCINERATOR, for $3,925 to meet new requirements for the burning of regulated garbage collected at the Customs and Border Protection Facility. BACKGROUND: In May, USDA contacted the Airport about doing an inspection on the Airport's existing incinerator. At that time Airport staff was advised that due to a change in rules, Customs and Border Protection would now have to burn regulated garbage once a week rather than on a quarterly basis as is the current practice. This would be impractical and costly given the amount of regulated garbage that is generated weekly, and the cost to use the existing incinerator this frequently. The USDA inspector suggested purchasing a small batch incinerator, SMART ASH 110v INCINERATOR, to replace the existing incinerator. It was stated that this smaller incinerator has been used effectively at other airports where the regulated garbage collected is less. In addition the Airport had already been exploring options to the incinerator that would have less fuel costs and have less personnel impacts. This small batch incinerator option appears to be the least costly, uses no fuel other than to ignite the materials, and would be more suitable for the smaller burns that will now be required. This request is to use some of the $7,215 in the Machinery and Equipment Budget that was budgeted for a new file server. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Equipment Capital Budget, 140-4210-564000-400 PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the request to use the money in the Machinery and Equipment Budget for the purchase of a small batch incinerator, the SMART ASH 100V INCINERATOR, at a cost of $3925. DO NDERSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR rC~MMISSION ACTION: .( APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER APproved 5-0 County AnOrllt::y \ r.= .>l-mQl;5l Originating Dept. ( y::=.tq, (;><::--- l Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ CoordinatioI11$i nat re Mgt. & Budget ( /) ·1Y¡t;Ú) j Other ( ) "-- ( Purchasing ( ) Other ( ) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: C- t:?A DATE: June 26, 2007 Regular[ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X ] TO: Board of County Commissioners PRESENTED BY: Corine C. Williams~ Transit manager SUBMITTED BY: Community Services SUBJECT: Approve and authorize the chair to sign the time extension for Florida Department of Transportation Joint Participation Agreement for the Urban Capital Transit Grant for an additional ninety days. BACKGROUND: A Joint Participation Agreement was signed between the County and Florida Department of Transportation for an Urban Capital Transit Grant. The contractor has been working with County and the City of Ft. Pierce in installing concrete bus pads and transit infrastructures throughout the County. Approximately 90% of the identified projects have been completed but the County needs additional time to obtain right of way approval and other internal course of actions approved in order to proceed with bus pad construction. Therefore, a request for an additional three months is needed to complete and to submit final invoice on this project. FUNDS AVAIL: 001289-4910-534000-6954 (Other Contractual Services) PREVIOUS ACTION: On December 19,2006, the Board approved a time extension to June 30, 2007, for this grant. The project was extended to contractor experiencing delays due to inclement weather. RECOMMENDATION: Approval and authorization for the chair to sign the grant extension for FDOT's Joint Participation Agreement for the Urban Capital Transit t. COMMISSION ACTION: r] APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved s-o ffifcounty Attorney:x }tz,L-. Originating Department Coord ination/Slq natures Management & 8Udgetx~ Other Purchasing: Other' Finance x Check for copy only, if applicable AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: C- 13b DATE: June 26,2007 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners PRESENTED BY: Carine C. WilJiams ~ Transit Manager SUBMITTED BY: Community Services SUBJECT: Extension of Contract # C03-10-825 with Council on Aging of St Lucie, Inc., to provided transportation services through and including June 30, 2009 BACKGROUND: See attached memo. FUNDS AVAIL: Various Department Accounts PREVIOUS ACTION: On October 14,2003, in reference to RFQ No. 03-079 for transportation services, the Board gave approval to negotiate with the top ranked firm, Council on Aging of St Lucie, InclCommunity Transit and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval ofa two (2) year extension to Contract C03-10-825 and authorization for the Chainnan to sign the extension. ~ APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: COMMISSION ACTION: APproved 5-0 ¡tç-\---county Attomey:x-f1 ~ L Originating Department: Coordination/Sianatures Management & Budgetxq other Purchasing: other: Finance:x Check for copy only, if applicable ITEM NO. /1- DATE: 6/26/2007 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( ) PRESENTED BVø Leo J. Cordeiro, Solid Waste Director TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Solid Waste Department SUBJECT: Staff request Board approval of Change Order #2 to the Contract with ERC General Contracting Services, Inc. increasing the length of contract by 21 days with a new completion date of 4/11/2007 and increasing the Contract by $48,410 making the total Contract amount $4,590,110. Additionally staff request approval of final pay #8 in the amount of $276,000, which will result in a zero balance. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 401-3410-563000-3302 I nfrastructure/Phase III B PREVIOUS ACTION: 8/22/06 - Board approved Bid 06-091 Phase IIIB to low bidder ERC General Contracting Services, Inc. 11/14/06 - Board approved Change Order #1 to the contract with ERC General Contracting Services, Inc. increasing the Contract amount by $479,803 for 40,000 cubic yards of processed sand, making the total Contract amount $4,541,700. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval of Change Order #2 to the Contract with ERC General Contracting Services, Inc. increasing the length of contract by 21 days with a new completion date of 4/11/2007, and increasing the Contract by $48,410 making the total Contract amount $4,590,110. Additionally staff recommends approval of final pay #8 in the amount of $276,000, which will result in a zero balance. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER DOU ANDERSO ApprOVed 5-0 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Coord ination/Siqnatures Mgt. & Budget (x) Other ( ) Purchasing (x) County Attorney (x) Originating Dept. ( ) Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C- /õ DATE: June 26, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: SUBMITTED BY CDEPT): Cultural Affairs ~ ~ Jody t Director SUBJECT: Authorize Smithsonian to serve beer and wine at the St. Lucie County Marine Center for the evening of June 26,2007. Board of County Commissioners BACKGROUND: The Smithsonian Marine Station would like to host a reception after hours at the Smithsonian Marine Ecosystems Exhibit located at the St. Lucie County Marine Center. The reception will be in honor of Holly Sweat who has been a Smithsonian employee that has worked for the Marine Center for five years. Smithsonian's request is to serve beer and wine from 5:00 to 7:00 pm on June 26, 2007at the St. Lucie County Marine Center. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval for the Smithsonian to serve beer and wine at the St. Lucie County Marine Center for the evening of June 26,2007. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED 0 DENIED o OTHER: CONCURREd /¿; Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 Review and Approvals County Attorney: ')~ *,"",ocrM Originating Dept: Finance: Management & Budget: _ Other: _ (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: _ Other: Effective: 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. ~ DATE: June 26, 2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT BOARD PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): MOSQuito Control James R. David SUBJECT: Declaration of Surplus Property BACKGROUND: In order to meet the requirements of Chapter 388.323, Florida Statutes, District surplus equipment must first be offered to other Mosquito Control Districts through the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Bureau of Entomology and Pest Control, prior to conducting a public auction of the equipment. A list of the individual property record numbers each surplus item is provided for Board consideration. FUNDS AVAIL.: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to surplus the District equipment referenced in the attached list, Board authorization to offer the surplus equipment to interested Mosquito Districts at the values estimated for those items and consideration for 'Best Offers', and Board approval to publicly auction the surplus equipment that is not successfully bid upon by any other District. COMMISSION ACTION: M APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Dougla nderson County Administrator Review and Approvals Cj)unty Attorney: Management & Budget VOriginating Dept. Other: Finance: (Check for opy only, if applicable)_ ~rchasin~ Other: Eft. 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-2 ~ DATE: June 26,2007 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: Mosquito Control District Board SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Mosquito Control PRESENTED BY: James R. David SUBJECT: Use of Leftover Capital Equipment Budget Funds - Replacement of Kronos Timeclock - Equipment Request Numbers EQ07-342 BACKGROUND: Due to reduced expenses incurred in budgeted equipment purchases, leftover funds are available in the Machinery & Equipment account, which staff requests using a total of up to $5,000.00 toward the purchase of a replacement Kronos Timeclock. Equipment Request Number EQ07-342 is submitted for the Board's approval. FUNDS AVAIL.: 145-6230-564000-600 Machinery & Equipment Account PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve Equipment Request Number EQ07-342, using up to $5,000.00 of leftover Machinery and Equipment funds. COMMISSION ACTION: >< APPROVED ] OTHER: DENIED sAnderson County Administrator Approved 5-0 County Attorney: ~riginating Dept: Finance: 9'.~ v Coordination/Signatures ....,,;ígt , Budge t : Public Works: Purchasing : ,/ Other: ':t:"-r-