HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06-20-2007 ~ ~,~~ ST. LUCIE COUNTY RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING June 20, 2007 Roger Poitras Building, Conference Room 3 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL The meeting was called to order by Chair, Brad Keen, at 5:40 p.m. Roll Call: Members Present: Rick Gosser, Brad Keen, Erik Martin, Albie Scoggins , Members Absent: Kurt Holden and Gabriele Klaesen (excused), Chester Woulard (unexcused) Staff Present: Debra Brisson, Linda Barton Adoption of Minutes: Brad asked for a motion to approve the minutes of May 16, 2007. Erik made a motion to approve the minutes, Rick seconded the motion, all in favor, motion carried. Old Business Youth Svorts Provider Policy Revisions - Brad said this was presented at the May 16, 2007 meeting and comments had been entirely favorable. He asked for any other comments from the Board. Rick said he did some research and had some questions with reference to baseball. He said Ft. Pierce American only had 20 teams in Little League, AAU was eliminated from the user groups, and the recognized organizations cannot fill the fields. He doesn't feel that Little League should be the sole user. Debra said this policy does not state that we will only recognize one group as a provider, as does the old policy. The policy states the names of the groups that we are recommending remain as providers. The policy provides a procedure for other groups to become providers. If the BaCC approves a group as a provider, after Parks & Recreation and School Board programs, the oldest provider for a sport has their priority met first for field usage. Debra said the policy asks the providers to furnish a plan by September 151 of every year so we can determine the number of fields needed and availability. She said the problem in baseball is the different field measurements. Debra explained that this policy opens it up to other groups to come forward to become recognized providers for youth sports, if facilities are available. Rick said he was concerned because AAU had been removed from the revised policy. Debra said that staff recommends removing AAU because our research indicates it is too broad a group for us to serve. It's methodology of recognizing any group under a broad spectrum national designation makes it difficult to manage and it doesn't meet the criteria of what we would like to see as a provider. We would prefer to see groups that are providing a specific type of sport, i.e., USSSA baseball, soccer leagues, etc. Rick briefly discussed league charges for youth participants. Debra said our concern is not how much they charge but who and how they serve. She said sherr,:n 'wl (,)! sought legal opinion concerning Little League and learned that Ft. Pierce National and American Leagues do not have any contracts with SLC. Further, the legal opinion about Elks Park is that it l ~~¡ is not reserved for Little League. They have been there the longest and have priority but if either ~. ~ I organization decides to change their affiliation from Little League, that new affiliate could come I ~'- ~:= i in and request to become a recognized provider. Rick asked how long that would take under the' L q ¡ new procedure. Debra said it would take a little bit of time, just to meet all of the requirements. ~~ i There was a discussion about not-for-profit status. Debra said we do not wish to get into the .', . 31 politics of any youth organization. The County's position is that we have a set of rules, you !-'--,:":~-,-'-,-- .. '1 follow these rules and if facilities are available you can become a recognized user. Debra said this policy gives us an avenue to address change, if and when it comes, whereas under the old policy such a change would have been very difficult. She said, for example, if National League voted to be USSSA and they made that decision as an organization, we would take all their documentation to the RAB for a recommendation and then to the BOCC requesting that they be considered as a recognized provider. Albie asked if it would still be subject to a 6-month review? Debra said it probably could go much quicker if they have all their paperwork ready. The 6 months allows staff time to have the item placed on the RAB and the BOCC' s agendas. RAB members asked how we could address this in a format that gives people an opportunity to be organized and recognized? Debra replied that organizations have to become a not-for-profit, put together a board, and bring their request forward to staff for evaluation. Staff will then review it and determine the availability of facilities and where we have space for the program. It then goes to RAB with all the documentation, then to the BOCC. There was further discussion about imposing a timeline. Debra said financial limitations are the bigger picture in our ability to serve new groups. Requests submitted by January 151 can be considered when preparing the budget for the next fiscal year to make sure funds are budgeted to accommodate a new user group. The season would then begin in the following fiscal year. Replacing an existing user group should be able to be done in a shorter time period. It was pointed out that we may still accommodate a group during the approval process but they would have to pay a fee. Brad confirmed that in the event 2 teams came to the County to play a game, provided there was a field that could accommodate their dimensional needs and they were willing to pay the fees, they would be allowed to do so. Debra said that was correct. Rick said according to the State of Florida, Ft. Pierce Little League is registered as such, but Ft. Pierce American LL is registered as St. Lucie County Youth Baseball Inc. Debra said that's why the revised policy requires providers to furnish a copy of their Fed. Income Tax return every year - that is how you find out whether or not you have a legitimate, incorporated, not-for-profit organization. Debra reiterated that the revised policy opens the door to provide other types of baseball. Rick asked if changing Ft. Pierce American LL who is already registered as SLC Youth Baseball Inc. to another affiliation, would expedite recognition. Debra said we would ask to see minutes where that board recently met and held a vote of its membership stating that they no longer wished to be affiliated with LL and wanted to change their affiliation to whatever group and it was approved by a majority of the membership. Given the history of LL and community support for it, we would need that documentation to take that forward. Rick said he totally agreed with that. Brad made 'a comment that requirements for the providers is extensive and wondered if staff is prepared to deal with it. Debra said that staff requires the Affidavit of Compliance, signed by the president of the league, which attests that they are in full compliance. Should someone come forward and present evidence that a league is not in full compliance, we would conduct an investigation. If a youth provider's president had signed the affidavit without meeting all the requirements, we may move to remove them. Brad said he was concerned about meeting the timelines for submitting schedules. Debra said we must have them, especially now when we anticipate scarce resources, so we can operate as efficiently as possible. Brad asked if a dad and some kids would be allowed to utilize an open facility. Debra said yes, as long as it is not an organized group, and the field is not prepared for a game or under permit to a group. Brad said he feels it is important to offer as many opportunities for kids and non-league groups to hàve access to the facilities. 2 ì. Debra said the plan is to have a master list of facilities and we'll be able to know what is and is not available to provide for full utilization. We just received approval for recreation software through Active Net which features point of sale, league scheduling and program registration. The software and the revised policy will allow for better tracking of field availability. Albie said that he would like staff and the BOCC to consider the unanimous recommendation of the RAB for a 60/40-residency rule. He also suggested that the May 30lh date for the end of Spring Baseball should be extended to August to accommodate All-Stars and Tournaments. Debra said the policy addresses the general season and then the policy speaks to post season tournament play. Albie commented that Pop Warner and FedEx are two different programs and that serve the same age group; one plays on an 80-yard field and one plays on a 100-yard field. Debra said we are trying to accommodate baseball in the same way through the revised policy. Debra said she hoped everyone had a chance to review the criteria used for background screening by SSCI, as recommended by NRP A. They offer communities a choice of the criteria level they wish to use. Debra said she preferred the more conservative level because it is the best way to protect the children. A discussion followed about how this would impact coaching staffs. Debra said that as representatives of the community, she would like the RAB to give direction. Brad recognized the importance of protecting the children and liability of the County, and asked if we would consider exceptions. Albie said it is not for us to debate even though it may not always be fair. He asked who is responsible to pay for the screening and Debra said it would be the coaches and/or the leagues. Erik said he struggled with #6 (DUI), and weighed it against the opportunity to go through the appeals process. A discussion followed about the type, severity, time frame of offenses that would eliminate an applicant and the appeals process. Albie suggested using the County's baseline to establish criteria for background checks. Brad said he had an issue about someone who may have committed an offense in their youth and it is still on their record. Debra said that would be a good example for using the appeals process. The discussion continued. Debra said the question is, what do are you trying to protect the children from? The committee reviewed each of the offenses listed and agreed that Nos. 1-10 should be adopted as presented, with an appeal only for Nos. 4 - 7. There was a discussion of how the results of the background checks are disseminated. The Appeal Committee will consist of 1 person from the P&R, 1 from the Attorney's Office, and 1 from Human Resources/Risk Mgmt. Albie said we should adopt the policy as written but that staff should have the opportunity to bring it back to the RAB for revisions at any time. Debra said we need a recommendation from RAB to send the policy to the BOCC. Brad asked the members present if they were comfortable voting on the policy this evening or would like to wait for a full board to be present. Because this is time sensitive, all present agreed to vote. Brad suggested that they make a motion to include conditions of the 60/40 rule, and everything discussed about the right to appeal any offenses 1-10, as well as the right to future revisions as necessary. Debra confirmed that the only thing the board has clearly identified to change in the policy is the 90/1 O-rule to 60/40. Brad said there was also a correction to the appeals committee members. Rick again asked if the process could be sped up if Ft. Pierce Little League votes to go with another organization. Debra said that if they provide the proper documentation that they are requesting a change of affiliation, and they are incorporated, we would bring it to this board and go forward. Rick asked if they can continue to operate in the meantime and Debra said they could. 3 ~ Albie made a motion that RAB accepts a recommendation of the background check policy with the correction as noted that there are only 3 people on the appeals committee; that staff has an opportunity to review the policy after implementation so that they can come back to this committee with recommendations if the policy proves to be too cumbersome for selecting coaches; implement the 60/40 rule for residency requirements; and for the noted primary user groups to be able to change their affiliations by meeting the guidelines of the policy without going through the 180 day period. Debra stated her understanding of the motion, that it means Ft. Pierce American, Ft. Pierce National, Northside, American Legion, Pop Warner or FedEx could change their affiliation by a vote of their membership and with that documentation, there would be no interruption of service and staff would get them through the process as quickly as they can. New groups would have to go through the process through the timelines as outlined in the policy. Brad asked for a second to the motion on the floor. Rick seconded the motion. Brad made a point of clarification to the policy cited in the motion and offered that Albie amend. Albie agreed and amended his motion to reflect that it is the Youth Sports Provider Policy dated 5/16/07. Brad asked for a vote, all were in favor, the motion passed unanimously. RAB Recommendations for Future Focus bv BOCC and Parks & Recreation - Brad suggested this item be tabled until a full board is in attendance, and for the sake of time. NEW BUSINESS Grand Openinf! of Lakewood Park Regional Park - June 21, 2007 - Debra extended an invitation to all members to attend opening ceremonies from 5-7 p.m. Brad congratulated staff and said he would make every effort to attend. Linda said former RAB members served as the Steering Committee for the MSTU and staff will be extending an invitation to Glenn Rains to attend. Debra said unfortunately we cannot open the pool for another week due to DEP and Health Dept. water testing requirements for issuance of a well permit. Recreation & Parks Month Proclamation - Debra asked if anyone from RAB could be present to accept the proclamation on June 261h at 9 a.m. Brad said he would check his schedule to see if he could attend. CAPIT AL IMPROVEMENT UPDATE Construction on the Special Needs Shelter has begun. Elks Park is expected to be finished by the middle of July or beginning of August. We are waiting on a Cross-Access Agreement from the City ofPSL so we can begin work on the Ravenswood Pool Splash Park. ADJOURNMENT Albie made a motion to adjourn. Rick seconded the motion, all in favor - meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitte9;,../f- Barbara Heck {) i 4