HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-2003 Signed Agendas ~ -.I AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. ;2~1J DATE: October 7, 2003 REGULAR [X] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: - \ Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBMITtED BY(DEPT): County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution No. Q3-257 - Proclaiming the month of October, 2003, as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in St. Lucie County, Florida. BACKGROUND: - Domestic Violènce transcends all ethnic, racial and socioeconomic boundaries. Its perpetr~tors abuse their victims both physically and mentally, and the effects of their attacks are far reaching - weakening the very core of our County. The Honorable Cynthia Cox, Administrative Family Division Judge, has requested that this Board proclaim the month of October, 2003, as Domestic Violence Awareness Month in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached Resol~tion No. 03-257 has been drafted for that purpose. FUNDS AVAIL. : PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 03-257 as drafted. [X] APPROVED [ ] OTHER: DENIED as Anderson Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: Approved (4-0) Hutchinson Absent '"" jX Review and Approvals County Attorney: Management & Budget originating Dept. Other: Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable)_ - " , " - \ ...., Purchasing Other: Eff. 5/96 '"" 'wtI AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 5A DATE: October 7,2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [x] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Daniel Mclntvre County Attorney SUB('AITTED ~Y (DEPT.): County Attorney - \ SUBJECT: Public Hearing Continuation Abandon a Portion of Hardee Avenue BACKGROUND: Please see attached Memorandum. FUNDS AVAIL.: N/A " PREVIOUS. ACTION: August 19, 2003 - Request for Permission to Abandon Hardee AVe. July 8, 2003 - Request for Permission to Advertise Public Hearing. - . Staff recommends the Board approve Resolution 03-197 and Resolution 03- 198, accept the Warranty Deed for the 10 foot right-of-way, authorize the Chairman to execute Resolution 03-197 and Resolution 03-198 and direct staff to record the Warranty Deed and Resolution 03-197 and Resolution 03- 198 in the Public Records of SI. Lucie County, Florida. RECOMMENDATION: .~J APPROVED [ ] OTHER [ ] DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: , Approved (5-0) Staff instructed \0 work with drainage districl to see il they will allow property owners to use right of way (XX) County Attorney: (Y Review and Aoorova!s (xx) Public WOrkS~ Originating Dept.: (xx ) Community Development: (xx) County Engineer:~ (xx) Road & Bridge '"" 'wi AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. SB DATE: October 7, 2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [xx] CONsENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: , SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney \ / - \ Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Public Hearing Continuation Right-of-way Abandonment - Portion of Maravilla Boulevard Resolution No. 03-196 BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum " FUNDS AVAiLABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: August 19,2003 - Public Hearing on Right-of-way Abandonment- Portion of Maravilla Bouievard July 15, 2003 - Request Permission to Advertise - Notice of Public Hearing RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the B_oard approve Resolution No. 03-196, instruct staff to publish the final Notice of AbãlÍdonment,and record Resolution No. 03-t96, Proof of Publication of the Notice of Intent to Abandon, Proof of Publication of the Notice of Public Hearing and the Proof of Publication of the Notice of Abandonment in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: Approved (5-0) Condition Abandonment & Driveway permit on Emergency Use only- SlaffinslrucledtoworkwithCity, it traffic ligntis neeàed,10 use impact leeslrom new developmenl ¡)(] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHQR: Doug s derson County Administrator [XX] County Attorney: ~ Review and Approvals [xx] Public Works Direc~~ [xx] Road & Bridge:~ [xx] Co"nty Engine." ,ill V P J~ [ ]OMB, [XX] Originating Dept.: :J",-f.. Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Elf. 5/96 G:\ACQ\WP\Cate\Abandonments\MaravillaBlvd\Agenda Item Public Hearing2.wpd \"., "'" Agenda Request Item Number: Meetinl1 Date: S'"0Al Oct. 7,2003 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ X J [ ] [ ] [X] Quasi-JD [ To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development ¡rector - \ Consider Draft Ordinance 03-023, amending the County's Educational Impact Fee S edules, to be effective February 1, 2004. Attached is a copy of Draft Ordinance 03..Q23, which would provide for amendme t to the County's current Educational Impact Fee Schedules, effective February 1, 2004. On August /' 5. 1988, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, adopted Ordinance 88.16, imposing an Educational Facilities Impact Fee in St. Lucie County. In 1993. 1995 and 1996, subsequent amendments were made to the various sections of this Impact fee ordinance. However. the current assessment rate of $800/ per single·family unit has not been adjusted since a reduction to the base fee was made in 1996 as result of several locally approved voter initiatives for capital construction. SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: '. On August 12, 2003, the Sl Lucie County School Board asked that when the County Commission considered any fee adjustment in regard to the educational impact fee, that the County Commission consider a delayed effective date until February 1, 2004. The reason for this delay would be to provide an opportunity for pending construction contracts to clear before the fee Increases take effect The Treasure Coast Builders Association requested this delay. On August 21, 2003, the Local Planning Agency (LPA) for Sl Lucie County reviewed the proposed amendments to the Educational Impact Fee for consistency with the requirements of the County's Comprehensive Plan. At that time the LPA voted to find that that the proposed amendments were consistent with the County's Adopted Comprehensive Plan and further recommended that the Board of County Commissioners approve the amended fee schedule as submitted, with an effective date of November 1, 2004. The reasons cited for the more rapid effective date were that the proponents of the delayed enactment period, the Treasure Coast Builders Association, had not made a compelling enough argument to the LPA to warrant the requested delay. " On September 16, 2003, the Board of County Commissioners held the first of the two (2) required public hearings on the proposed fee adjustments for educational facHities. At that public hearing, the Board heard testimony from several interested Individuals and groups asking that the Board consider adopting these fees but they the take into consideration a reasonable effective date. ¡;UNDS AVAILABLE: PREViOUS ACTION: N/A On August 21, 2003, the Local Planning Agency (LPA) for Sl Lucie County voted to find that that the proposed amendments were consistent with the County's Adopted Comprehensive Plan and further recommended that the Board of County Commissioners approve the amended fee sëhedule as submitted, with an effective date of November 1, 2004. , RECOMMENDATION: This is the second of two required public hearings on Draft Ordinance 03-023. Staff recommends that the Board approve draft Ordinance 03-023, as drafted. rn APPROVED o OTHER D DENIED Approved (5-0) As amended using revised Fee Schedule dated 10/02/03 las M. Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: County Attorney f Originating Òept.: Finance: ~ Coordination! Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Other: \}1"Lß Purchasing: Other: (agend737a) '"'" ." Agenda Request Item Number: ~. h MeetinQ Date: ~003- Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ X ] [ ] [X] [ ] Ouasi·JD [ To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development , SUBJECT: \ Consider approving an Interlocal Agreement For Public School Facllit Planning- /St. Lucie County . - \ As part of the 2002 legislative session, the Governor signed and passed into law Senate BiI11906 which made several amendments to the general pianning statutes found in Florida law. One area which was added to the law required that all local School Districts and local governing bodies within a County enter into a specific interiocal Agreement that would set out specifically how the various units of government wouid coordinate school planning and siting matters. Theselnterlocal Agreements are to be approved by all affected parties no later than December 31, 2003. In the case of SI. Lucie County, rather than enter into individual agreements with each City and the County Commission. the School Board has asked the local governments to enter into one common agreement to be executed by all parties. BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A .' On Thursday, September 18, 2003, the Local Pianning Agency found that the presented Interlocai Agreement between the St Lucie County School Board and the Board of County Commissioners was consistent with Objective 1.1.17, and the its attendant policies, of the County's Comprehensive Plan, and further recommended that the Board of County Commissioners approve this agreement as drafted. PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the attached Interlocal Agreement For Public School Facility Planning - SI. Lucie County between the SI. Lucie County School Board and the Board of County Commissioners, and authorize the Chairman to sign the Interlocal Agreemenl. Approved (5·0) RRENCE: , COMMISSION ACTION: c::!J APPROVED D OTHER o DENIED D glas M. Anderson ounty Administrator (1/ Coordination! Signatures County Attorney 1- Mgt. & Budget: Originating Dept.: Other: \ yw~ Finance: v Purchasing: Other: (agend728a) . '-' ""'" Agenda Request Item Number: Meeting Date: 5D Oct. 7, 2003 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ X ] [ ] [ ] [X] Quasi-JD SUBJECT: Consider Draft Ordinance 03·005 Amending the St. Lucie County Land Development Code by amending the Open Space Standards for Planned Unit Developments, to provide for Clarification of Standards Applicable to areas of The Unincorporated County with a Future Land Use Designation of Agricultural, Residential and Mixed Use and by creating New ..-'" Paragraph K Cluster.ing of Development for Planned Unit Developments. To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development - \ Anached is a copy of Draft Ordinance 03-005 which would propose to amend Section 7.01.03 of the County's Land Development Code to provide revisions to the minimum open space standards for residential Planned Unit Developments. Specifically, these proposed-revisions are intended to address certain unintentioned conflicts that exist between the County's land Development Code Regulations and the County's Comprehensive Plan Development Polices effecting non.agricultural activities in the western areas of the County. BACKGROUND: . " The attached version of Draft Ordinance 03-005 provides for a variable standard in regard to open space requirements based upon the size of the parent parcel In the County's Agricultural land use areas. In short, aU AG PUD's, regardless of size, are required by the County's Comprehensive Plan to set aside a minimum of SO% of their gross site area as "open space". In. addition, and consistent with the County's standard development regulations, thirty-five (35%) of the gross site area is to be set-aside as "common open space". However, based upon the input received at the Boards recent workshop on this topic, we have proposed that for those AG PUD's involving eight or fewer lots or 160 gross acres, whichever is less, the developer of the PUD has the option of either maintaining the "common open space" in individual or common ownership. If maintained in· Individual ownership, the appropriate restrictions will be required in order to ensure that the required individual open space Is indeed kept as open space. For any development more than eight (8) lots, or more than 160 acres in gross project area, the standard 35% common open space requirement will apply. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A .' N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Draft ordinance 03-005. COMMISSION ACTION: ŒJ APPROVED D OTHER D DENIED Approved (3-2) Lewis, Hutchinson - No - APProvalolOrdinancethalwasusedas _ draft ordinance from workshop on 9130!O3 County Attorney Originating Dept.: Finance: ')'<tJnn.n. Coordinationl Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Other: Purchasing: Other: (agend739a) '--" .....,; Agenda Request Item Number: Meetin¡¡ Date: 56q Oct. 7, 2003 To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. X] - \ Resolution No. 03-1811 Quasi-Judicial I consider staff recommendation to approve the resolution granting the request of Robert C. Schwebke, through agent Harold Melville. Esq., for a variance from the provisions of Section 6.02.02(8)(2) and (C)(1) (shoreline protection) to permit the construction of an access roadway lacking 50 feet of the required 50 foot shoreline ......setback for property ~ocated adjacent to the Indian River Lagoon for the residential project to be know as Pelican Bay,located on North Hutchinson Island. The petitioner, Robert C. Schwebke, through agent Harold Melville, Esq., has requested a variance from the provisions of Section 6.02.02(8)(2) and (C)(I) (shoreline protection) to pennit the construction of an access roadway lacking 50 feet of the required 50 foot shoreline setback for property located adjacent to the Indian River Lagoon for the residential project to be know as Pelican Bay, located on North Hutchinson Island, Specifically. and as indicated on the attached site plan graphics, the petitioners are seeking to develop a 33.31 ·acre site (net deve10pment area Is 17.6 acres) lying west of North A-1-A, just to the west of the Ocean Harbour South and Altimara Condominium projects, on North Hutchinson Island. SUBJECT: BACKGROUf\jD: A small tidal lagoon that is part of the Indian River Lagoon estuary bisects the subject site. Section 6.02.02 of the COunty's Land Development Code establishes a minimum 50-foot shoreline setback for all development activities adjacent to the Indian River Lagoon, including all of its tributaries. Because of the location of this small lagoon, and the existing property lines in the area, the petitioners have found it necessary to request relief from these provisions in order to permit the construction of an access roadway from the area north of the lagoon to the acreage south of the lagoon. .' Although there Is a specific site plan that will be accompanying this petition, the review and recommendations for this requested variance have not been based upon any specific needs of that submitted plan, but rather the broader general question of does the literal application of the shoreline setback standard render the areas south of the small lagoon undevelopable or unusable for other private purposes, and would the granting of the requested variance at least afford the opportunity for the property owner/petitioner to propose a reasonable use of the property. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: N/A NIA , Based upon the apparent fact that no matter what use or activity is proposed in the area south of the small lagoon, the requested variance will be necessary. Staff recommends that the Board approve the requested variance from the provisions of Section 6.02.02(B)(2) and (C)(1) (shoreline protection) to permit the construction of an access roadway lacking 50 feet of the required 50 foot shoreliQ.e setback for property located adjacent to the Indian J3jver Lagooñ, located on North Hutchinson Island, with said variance being limited to the areas depicted in the attached Exhibit A. COMMISSION ACTION: D APPROVED U OTHER :.. --, D DENIED Motion 10 Continue 2 weeks tApproved5-0) URRENCE: ouglas M. Anderson County Administrator County Attorney Originating D,ept.: Finance: Coordination! Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Other: Purchasing: ~ Other:, D (agend738a) \ow "'" Agenda Request Item Number Date: SLb 10/07/03 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development evelopment Director Consider Draft Resolution 03-182 granting approval to the petition of Robert C. Schwebke for a Major Site Plan Approval for the project to be known as Pelican Bay, a 66:.Jnit multi-family residentiai unit project. (File No.: MJSP-02-002 and BCC-03-009) SUBJEOT: - \ In conjunction with the previous agenda item (Schwebke Shoreline Variance), the developer is requesting that this Board approve the construction of a· 66-unit condominium project on 17.76-acres of a 33.31-acre site. The proposed site layout includes 12 _ 4-unit buildings and 3 - 6-unlt buildings. The pröperty is located on the west side of North A-1-A, directly across from the Altamira Condominium and west of Ocean Harbor Villas Condominium. The subject property has an RM (Residential Medium) future land use designation and a HIRD (Hutchinson Island Residential District) zoning classification. BACKGROUND: , The overall project density is 3.75 dulacre. On Development Area B, originally part of Ocean Harbor Condominium, 2-units remain available for deveiopment. Development Area A allows for 64 units under current regulations. The Pelican Bay project proposes to allocate these units over those portions of Development Areas A & B, iying east of the Ft. Pierce Cut. In addition, the site contains approximately 13.75 acres of wetlands (10.91 acres is located west of the Ft. Pierce Cut and 2.84 acres is located east of the Ft. Pierce Cut). Of the total 13.75 acres of wetland, the site design proposes to impact 0.92 acres. This impacted area lies east of the FI. Pierce Cut. FUNDS-AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Draft Resolution 03-182, subject to the conditions contained therein. , D APPROVED mOTHER o DENIED Motion to Con!inue 2 weeks (Approved5-Q) Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: Coordination! Signatures Mgl. & Budget: Other: Purchasing: Other: E"'V.Rl:S:~ County Attomey Originating Depl.: Finance: , \ow """" Agenda Request c:;,r:- Item Number: "J l' Meetin!! Date: Oct, 7, 2003 To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. ] - \ Consider Draft Resolution 03·228 granting approval to the petition of Kenneth F. Lowe, Jr., for a Change in Zoning from the CG (Commercial General) Zoning District to the PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development) Zoning District; Preliminary PRND approval for 1 12,000 square foot office building; and Preliminary and Final PNRD approval for a 170-unit __ hotel to be known as the Parcel37C @ PGA Village (PGA Hotel and Office.) (File No.: RZ- 03,018 and PUD-03-029) Kenneth F. Lowe, Jr., the current developer of Parcel 37c @ PGA Village at the Reserve is requesting a Change in Zoning from the CG (Commercial General) zoning district to the PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development) Zoning District; Preliminary PNRD approval for a 12,000 square foot office building; and Preliminary and Final PNRD approval for the construction of a 170-unit hotel on a 6.93-acre parcel of land to be known as Parcel37C @ The Reserve (PGA Hotel & Office). SUBJECT; BACKGROUND: , Parcel 37c is part of the overall Reserve Development of Regional Impact (DRI). The Reserve DRI is approved for a total of 4,100 dwelling units; four (4) golf courses; 1,600,000 square feet of industrial development; 290,000 square feet of commercial development; 100,000 square feet of office space and 250 hotel/motel rooms. The total project area of the reserve is approximately 2,100 acres. The original development area for Parcel 37 was 106.00 acres of land. Since the approval of PUD 111 at the Reserve, Parcel 37 was divided into five tracts: Tract 1 - 3.2 acres with 80 hotel rooms; Tract 2 - 6.93 acres with 80,000 square feet of commercial uses; Vistana Tract - 25 acres with 400 dwelling units; PGA Learning Center Tract _ 38 acres with 70,000 square feet of commercial uses and a Water Management Tract of 17.56 acres and the final 15 a(~.res is for right-of·way. The proposed Preliminary and Final Development Plan is consistent with the existing and proposed land uses in the area. And with the previously approved Preliminary Development Plan for the area known as PUD III @ the Reserve. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVtOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATIO~: At the September 18, 2003 public hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended to forward the petition with a recommendation of approval by a vote of 9-0. Staff recommends approval of Draft Resolution 03-228 approving the petitioners request for change in zoning from the CG (Commercial, General) zoning district to the PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development) zoning district; Preliminary PNRD approval fro a 12,000 square foot office building and Preliminary and Final PNRD approval for a 170-unit hotel to be known as Parcel 37C @ the Reserve (PA Hotel and Office), subject to the limiting conditions contain~ therein. CQMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED D OTHER o DENIED Approved (S-O) as amended to include improvements if warranted Coordinationl Signatures County Attorney 'l~.r- ()J /'1 Finance.: Environ. Resources; ~ Mgt. & Budget: Fire Dept: Utility: Purchasing: Public Works: Other: \ow- '...I 9~W1~ COUNTY . ..... .F LO RI D A Agenda Request Item Number: Meetin!l Date: 5b Oct, 7, 2003 To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg, J SUBJECT: Consider Draft Resoluti90 03·226 granting approval to the petition of Reserve Homes ltd., for a Change in Zoning from the AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential- 1 du/acrs) Zoning District to the PUD (Planned Unit Development) Zoning District and Final Planned Unit Development approval for the project known as Parcel 11 @ The Reserve (Willow Pines East) a 24-lot duplex residential subdivision. (File No.: RZ-03-013 and PUD-Q3-010) -- , BACKGROUND: - \ Reserve Homes, Ltd., has submitted a Final Planned Unit development site plan for Parcel 11 @ the Reserve (aIkIa Willow Pines East). The overall Master Plan for the Reserve identified Parcel 11 as a 4.3-8cre tract of land approved a total of 26 residential units, with a net site density of 6.0 du/acre. Reserve Homes, ltd is now proposing to complete the development of this parcel as a 24-lot duplex residential development. Parcel 11 @ the Reserve, is part of the Reserve, a Development of Regional Impact (DRI). The Reserve DRI is approved for a total of 4,100 dwelling units; four golf courses; 1,600,000 square feet of industrial development; 290,000 square feet of commercial development; 100,000 square feet of office space and 250 hotel/motel rooms. As of this date, approximately 1,124 dwelling units have been permitted for ..construction, and another 609 units have received site plan approval but have not yet been built. The proposed subdivision and Final Development Plan is consistent with the existing and proposed land uses in the area. And with the previously approved Preliminary Development Plan for the area known as PUD I @ the Reserve. , FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: N/A N/A .' Staff recommends approval of Draft Resolution 03-226 approving the petitioner's request for final Plan Unit Development for a 24-lot singh~-famUy residential subdivision to be known as Parcel 11 @ the Reserve (Willow Pines East), sUbject to the limiting conditions contained therein. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED D OTHER D DENIED , Approved (5-0) as amended to include off ramp if warranted Coordinationl Signatures County Attorney .j/¡¡ ¡jn nJ' 6 Finance.: Environ. Resources; \ ~) Mgt. & Budget: Fire Dept: Utility: Purchasing; Public Works: Other: " \.w ,...." Agenda Request Ilem Number: Meelin!! Dale: 58 Oct, 7, 2003 Consent Regular Public Hearing leg. ] [ ] [ ] [X] Quasi-JD To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development SUBJECT: \ BACKGROUND: - \ Consider Draft Resolution 03-227 granting approval to the petition of Reserve Homes Ltd., for a Change in Zoning from the AR-1 (Agricultural, Residenlial- 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the PUO (Planned Unit Development) Zoning District and Final Planned Unit Development approval for the project known as Parcel20c @ The Reserve (Castle Pines, Phase III) a __ 142-lot multi-family residential subdivision. (File No.: RZ-03,014 and PUO,03,006) Reserve Homes, Ltd., the current developer of Parcel 20c @ the Reserve PUD II of the Development of Regional Impact known as the Reserve is requesting a Change in Zoning from the AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1 dulacre) Zoning District to the PUD (Planned Unit Development) Zoning District, and Final Planned Unit Development approval for the construction of a 142-lot residential subdivision on a .21.78·acre pªrcel of land to be known as Parcel20C @ The Reserve (Castle Pines, Phase 11/). - Parcel .20c @ The Reserve, is one of the remaining vacant lots within Reserve PUD II that is owned by Reserve Homes, Ltd., It is part of the overall Reserve Development of Regional Impact (ORI). The Reserve DRI is approved for a total 014,100 dwelling units; four (4) golf courses; 1,600,000 square feet of Industrial development; .290,000 square feet of commercial development; 100,000 square feet òf office space and .250 hoteVmotel rooms. The total project area of the reserve Is approximately 2,100 acres. The original development area for Parcel 20 was 52.00 acres of land with a maximum of 437 residential units. Since the approval of PUD II at the Reserve, Parcel 20 was divided into three phases: Parcel20a, 13.74 acres with 83 dwelling units, Parcel20b, 16.48 acres with .212 dwelling units and Parcel 20c, 21.78 acres and the remaining 142 dwelling units. The petitioner is requesting the final 142 multi-family units with a density of 6.52 dulacre. The proposed subdivision and Final Development Plan is consistent with the existing and proposed land uses in the area. And with the previously approved Preliminary Development Plan for the area known as PUD II @ the Reserve. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: N/A N/A ;. Staff recommends approval of Draft Resolution 03-227 approving the petitioner's request for final Plan Unit Development for a 149·lot multi-family residential subdivision to be known as Parcel 20c @ the Reserve (Castle Pines, Phase III), subject to the limiting conditions contained therein. COMMISSION ACTION: rn APPROVED D OTHER ' D DENiED_ _ Approved (5-0) as amended 10 include olf ramp if - warranted Coordination! Signatures County Attorney ''/o>:itfnO.J''1 Finance.: Environ. Resources; ~ Mgt. & Budget: Fire Dept: Utility: Purchasing: Public Works: Other; , , ~ ~ Agenda Request Item Number: Meetin¡¡ Date: 5I Oct, 7, 2003 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. ] [ ] [ ] [X] Quasi,JD To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development SUBJECT: Consider Draft Resolution 03-224 granting approval to the petition of Reserve Homes ltd., for a Change in Zoning from the AR·1 (Agricultural, Residential- 1 dulacre) Zoning District to the PUD (Planned Unit Development) Zoning Oistrict and Final Planned Unit Development approval for the project known as Parcel 23 @ The Reserve (Maidstone) a 169~lot single-- family residential subdivision. (File No.: RZ-03-015 and PUD-03-Q07) ,/ BACKGROUND: - \ Reserve Homes, Ltd., has submitted a Final Planned Unit development site plan for Parcel 23 @ the Reserve (alk/a Maidstone). The overall Master Plan for the Reserve identified Parcel 23 as a 59.g0-acre tract of land approved a total of 169 residential units, with a net site-density of 2.86 dulacre. Reserve Homes, ltd is now proposing to complete the development of this parcel as a 169-lot single-family unit residential development. Parcel 23 @ the Reserve, is part of the Reserve, a Development of Regionallr'npact (DRI). The Reserve DR! is approved for a total of 4,100 dwe1ling units; four golf courses; 1,600,000 square feet of industrial development: 290,000 square feet of commercial development: 100,000 square feet of office space and 250 hotel/motel rooms. As of this date, approximately 1,124 dwelling units have been permitted for çonstruction, and another 609 units have received site plan approval but have not yet been built. The proposed subdivision and Final Development Plan is consistent with the existing and proposed land uses in the area. And with the previously approved Preliminary Development Plan for the area known as PUD II @ the Reserve. FUNDS AVAilABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: N/A N/A " Staff recommends approval of Draft Resolution 03-224 approving the petitioner's request for final Plan Unit Development for a 169-lot multi-family residential subdivision to be known as Parcel 23 @ the Reserve (Maidstone). subject to the limiting conditions contained therein. Approved (5·0) as amended 10 include 011 ramp if warranted ENCE: COMMISSION ACTION: c:]g APPROVED D OTHER D DENIED , Coordinationl Signatures County Attorney 'Þ.'if'OJ'''' Finance.: Environ. Resources; ~~ Mgt. & Budget: Fire Dept: Utility: Purchasing: Public Works: Other: \w" ......" Agenda Request Item Number: Meetinll Date: 5J Oct, 7, 2003 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. ] [ ] [ ] [X] Quasi'JD X] SUBJECT: Consider Draft Resolution 03-225 granting approval to the petition of Reserve Homes Ltd., for a Change in Zoning from the AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential- 1 du/acrs) Zoning District to the PUD (Planned Unit Development) Zoning District and Final Planned Unit Development approval for the project known as Parcel 31 @ The Reserve (Thompson Point) a 38-lot single-family residential subdivision. (File No.: RZ-03,025 and PUD,03-015) -- . To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development BACKGROUND: - \ Reserve Homes, Ltd., has submitted a Final Planned Unit development site plan for Parcel 31 @ the Reserve (a/kIa Thompson Point). The overall Master Plan for the Reserve identified Parcel 31 as a 11.3-acre tract of land approved a total of 70 residential units, with a "net site density of 6.0 du/acre. Reserve Hames, Ltd is now proposing to complete the development of this parcel as a 38-lot single-family unit residential development. , Parcel 31 @ the Reserve, is part of the Reserve, a Development of Regional Impact (DRI). The Reserve DRI is approved for a total of 4,100 dwelling units; four golf courses; 1,600,000 square feet of industrial development; 290,000 square feet of commercial development; 100,000 square feet of office space and 250 hotel/motel rooms. As of this date, approximately 1,124 dwelling units have been permitted for construction, and another 609 units have received site plan approval but have not yet been built. The proposed subdivision and Final Development Plan is consistent with the existing and proposed land uses in the area. And with the previously approved Preliminary Development Plan for the area known as PUD 111 @ the Reserve. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: N/A N/A .' Staff recommends approval of Draft Resolution 03-225 approving the petitioner's request for final Plan Unit Development for a 38-lot single-family residential subdivision to be known as Parcel 31 @ the Reserve (Thompson Paint), subject to the limiting conditions contained therein. Approved (5-0) as amended 10 include ofl ramp il warranted RRENCE: COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED D OTHER D DENIED , Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Coordinationl Signatures Coun1y AlIorney '\I¡¡, ~ tJ ,\ '1 u Finance.: Environ. Resources; ~ Mg1. & Budget Fire Dept Utility: Purchasing: Public Works: Other: '--' ..., AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. ~ DA TE: October 7, 2003 REGULAR (XX] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [] TÇJ: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER,S PRESENTED BY: - \ SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJE€T: St. Lucie County Correctional Facility - Agreement with DLR Group, Inc. - Design Criteria Package BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS ÁVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: -' Staff recommends that the Board approve the Agreement with DLR Group, Inc. and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement. RECOMMENDA TION: ¡X] ( ] APPROVED ( ] DENIED OTHER: , Approved (5·0) las Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: County Attorney: jy" Review and A ",f.urFhasing: dP Originating Dept. qerïtrql,'5vcs...þir; County Eng.: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if opplicoble) Eff. 5/96 \¡"... oJ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-kl DATE: October 7, 2003 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [XX] , Tp: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: - \ SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Fifth Addendum to Shopping Center Lease - Village Green BACKGRûUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Fifth Addendum and authorjze the Chairman to sign the Fifth Addendum -' COMMISSION ACTION: Approved (5-0) RENCE: 1'] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: , uglas Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: ~ Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eri9.: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 \,... -' AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO: C - A-2 DATE: October 7, 2003 Regular[ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent IX] -- - \ TO: Board of County Commissioners PRESENTED BY: Beth Ryder, Director SUBMITTED BY: Community Services Gæ. SUBJECT: Medicaid Transportation BACKGROUND:, As of October 16,2003, the Florida Commission for the. Transportation Disadvantaged, has accepted responsibility for all non-emergency Medicaid trips. Each Community Transportation Coordinator is res¡)ànsible for coordinating Medicaid trips. FUNDS AVAlL: N/A pn::VIOUS ACTION: Noñe RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners approve the contract with the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged in the amount of $496,685:00, for the time period-October 16, 2003 to and including June 30, 2004. COMMISSION ACTION: ou as M. Anderson C nty Administrator c>$.. APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved (5.0) , County Attomey:x I~ Coordination/Signatures &~ Manag<mffit & BUdg,,,,~'''1 Other-x Puccha.sing: Originating Departmem:x Other: Finance:x Check for copy only, if applicable ..... .." AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-A- 3 DATE: October 7. 2003 CONSENT X] REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING [ ] Leg. [ Quasi-JD. TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBIÜTTED ~\ \ SUBJECT: ./ BY (DEPT): Administration - Grants -- . BACKGROUNI¿: , , '. " FUNDS AVAIL. PREVIOUS ACTION. RECOMMENDATION. COMMISSION ACTION. [)(¡ [ ] APPROVED OTHER. Approved (5·0) County AttorneYI ~~ Originating Dept. ¡ff, $ Finance. - \ - \ Authorize the County Administrator to sign the grant application to the St. Lucie River Issues Team for grant funds to assist in the North Hutchinson Island Water Quality Improvement Project., County staff has identified matching dollars to assist with a study of water quality impacts to the Indian River Lagoo:p. from septic tanks on North Hutchinson Island. The Issues Team grant request will include funds for the research and for a preliminary engineering plan for conversion of the septic 'Banks to a wastewater system. Results from the study will provide,scientific data that will be used in future grant applications demonstrating the need for a wastewater system that will improve adjacent Lagoon water quality. Matching dollars for the North Hutchinson Island Water Quality Improvement Project will come from North Hutchinson Island Utilities Þroject Reserves 441-9910-599300-800 and will not exceed $25,000. Although there has been no previous Board action on this project, staff met with the residents regarding the possibility of setting up _an MSBU for the septic tank conversion project. Staff recommends that the Board authorize the County Administrator to sign the St. Lucie River Issues Team grant application for the North Hutchinson Island Water Quality Improvement Project. DENIED ,'.P Coordination/Si atures Mgt , Budget s .... Public Workss AgeSLRIT03septic.doc Purchasing: Other I '- AGENDA REOUEST ..." ITEM NO. C/Atf ADDITIONS Date: October 7, 2003 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heathef Young Assistant County Attorney -' - \ SUBJECT: . Savannas Recfeation Area - Termination of Facilities Use Agfeement with Douglas Corbin BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 03-1413 , FUNDS A V AIL.ÇState type & No. of transaction Of N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissionefs terminate the Decembef I, 1999 Facilities Use Agreement with Douglas Corbin. COMMISSION ACTION: [~APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: CONCU Approyed (5-0) County Attorney: ,y Coordination/Si!matures Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: Originating Dept.: Other: .v:7 Other: Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): AGENDA REQUEST ..." ITEM NO. C-2a DATE: October 7,2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 'Michael Powley, P County Engineer SUBJECT: Work Authorization No. 18 (COO-11-179) for Soil Testing Services with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing, Inc., for South Jenkins Road and Glades Cut-off Road Intersection Improvements. , BACKGROUND ..- The attached Work AuthorizatiOll No. 18 (COO-11-179) with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing, Inc., is to provide soil testing services on an as needed basis during the construction of South Jenkins Road and Glades Cut-off Road Intersection Improvements in the amount of $25,000.00. FUNDS AVAIL.: Funds are available in: 315-4115-563009-41002 South Jenkins Road County Building Fund- E ng in eeri ng-P ubi i c"VVorks PREVIOUS ACTION: November 4, 2002 - Board approved Work Authorization NO.7 to the contract for'roadway and intersection design with LBFH, Inc., for South J.enkins Road Extension Project "P". May 20,2003 - Boarp approved the Wetlands Mitigation Credit Reservation and Sales Agreement relative to the South Jenkins Road extension. June 3, 2003 - Board approved the Wetlands Mitigation Credit Reservation and Sales Agreement for the intersection of Midway and Giades Cut-off Roads... RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve Work Authorization No. 18 (COO-11-179) for Soil Testing Services with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing, Inc., for South Jenkins Road and Glades Cut-off Road Intersection improvements in the amount of $25;D00.00, and signature by the Chairman. ~MMISSION ACTION: APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED [x]Revenue Coord. ßfI t1 Approved (5-0) [x¡County Attorney ~ {x]Originating Dept. PUb~C wo~ South Jenkins glades wa18soil.ag.doc [x]Proj.Mgr. [ ]Other '-' ..., AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-2b DATE: October 7, 2003 SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 REGULAR I ] PUBLIC HEARING I ] CONSENT Ix] PRESENTED BY: ~~ Michael Powley, P.E. County Engineer TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: License:Agreement with the Florida East Coast Railway for the S. 25th Street Grade Crossing \. .''' BACKGROUND: _ \ The attached License Agreement with the Florida East Coast Railway is to construct, use, maintain, repair, and renew an at-grade public road crossing for S. 25th Street. The Railway will install the warning devices and replace the existing grade crossing along with other improvements for an estimate of $ª30,820.00. This work is part of the County's S. 25th Street Road Widening Project (Edwards Road to Midway Road). The cost of this work has been anticipated in our project estimates. In addition, the County's annual license fee will be increased an additional 6,000.00 and will increase 3°70, or by the Consumer Price Index, whichever is greater, FUNDS AVAIL.: > Funds are available in 101006-4116-563000-4108 Transportation Trust-Impact Fees. PREVIOUS ACTION: September 12, 2000 - BOCC aPPtroval of Joint Participation Agreement with FOOT to reimburse, design and construction of S. 25 h Street widening. February 23,2001 - Advertised RFP #01-037 for Professional Engineering Services for S. 25th Street Widening. _ April 17, 2001 - Board authorized staff to negotiate with the top ranked firm and negotiate a contract. October 16,2001 - Board approved the consultant agreement with Inwood for design and permitting. F~bruary 5, 2002 - Board approved the First Amendment to the Consultant Agreement with Inwood Consulting Engineers in the amount of $39,245.23 for a Bridge Hydraulics Report and Analysis for 10 Mile Creek. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the License Agreement with the Florida East Coast Railway for the S. 25th Street Grade Crossing in the amount of $330,820.00, and authorize the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: [ ] APPROVED IX'OTHER: PuUed Prior 10 Meeling I ] DENIED [x]County Attorney [x}Originating Dept. Public Works s25th fee license agmt.ag.doc ~ Coordination/SI [x]Mgt. & BU~Q' [x]Co. Eng IV' ou ~Añcierson C~~ty Administrator 1!J\. [x]Revenue coor~ [x]Road/Bridge ( "'" ....., ITEM NO. C-2C DATE: October 7, 2003 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) ..- . Michael V. Powley, P.E County Engineer SUBJECT: Award ofBid'# 03-076, Picos Road Paving & Drainage from Rock Road to King's Highway to Sheltra & Son Construction, Inc. in the amount of $672,564.70. - \ BACKGROUND: On August 27,2003 bids were opened for the Picos Road Paving & Drainage from Rock Road to King's Highway. Nine Hundred and Thi[!y-one (931) vendors were notified, Twenty-six (26) sets of bid documents were distributed and five (5) bids were received., The low bidder for this project, SPS Construction, Inc., has been.disqualified because of an incomplete bid. SPS Construction, Inc. omitted the Trench Safety Act Compliance Statement, which is a viable part of the contract. The lowest completèbidder is Sheltra & Son Construction, Inc. in the amount of $672,564.70. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be made available in Transportation Trust/Constitutional Gas Tax in account 10 I 002-4112-563000-41 01 O. Also, $290,388 will be transferred from the Lennard Road project Transportation Capital- Local Option Gas Tax account number 316001-4113-563000-4169 and will be replaced in the 04/05 Capital Improvements Program. PREVIOUS ACTION: May 6, 2003- Board approved to reject bids and to revise the plans and bid documents in order to reduce the project cost. RECOMMENDATION: S!affrecommends award of Bid #03-076, Picas Road Paving & Drainage from Rock Road to King's Highway to Sheltra & Son Construction, Inc. in the amount of $672,564.70, establish the project budget and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: , [~APPROVED [ (OTHER [ ] DENIED Approved (5'0) Doug s nderson County Administrator [x] Mgl. & "udget ~ m~ [x] Proj. Man. (x] Depl. Rev. Coor. \'\ [x] Env. Res. Div. (Y\ It - \~ (xl County Attorney [x] Originating Dept. Public Works (Check for copy only, If applicable) '- .", AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C-2D DATE: October 7,2003 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT [X] TO: ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: PUBLIC WORKS PRESENTED BY: DON WEST SUBJECT: , Budget Resolution 03-262 for a $50,000 grant from the St. John's River Water Ma~agement District (SJRWMD) for the Taylor Creek Restoration Dredging Project BACKGROUND: On September 2nd, 2003 the St. John's River Water Management District awarde( to the St. Lucie County $50,000 for the final design and location of the upland dredge material management site, hydrologic survey and cross section ofthe Taylor Creek Canal and finalize permitting to secure an Environmental Resource Permit. A budget resolution is necessary to budget and appropri¡!te the grant funds. Staff received the executed grant agreement on September 23'd, 2003 and as such a budget resolution was not established in time for the last scheduled Board of County Commissioners meeting held on September 23, 2003. In order to correctly record expenditures incurred during the prior fiscal year 2002-2003, a budget resolution is , necessary to be established for the prior fiscal year. Staff recommends the approval ofthe attached budget resolution retroactive to the prior fiscal year ofFY2002-03. FUNDS AVAILABLE: See attached budget resolution 03-262 PREVIOUS ACTION: N/k RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Budget .' Resolution # 03-262 for the grant from SJRWMD for the Taylor CreeklC-25 Canal Dredging and Restoration Proj ect. c]J APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: , NCE: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved (5'0) oug Anderson ounty Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney: XX '~fr 0 r M Management & Budget: X ~..{) Ì'\\\~'("rurchasing: Public Works: 1.\11\. Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) ( I '- - AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-2E DATE: October 7,2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Michael V. Powley, E. County Engineer SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 SUBJECT: HiddenHiver Estates Stormwater Retrofit Project - Project Acceptance, Release of Retainage, and Final Payment in the ¡¡¡mount of $1 ,989.00- - \ BACKGROUND: This joint project with the City of Port St. Lucie was for the construction of stormwater improvements for a drainage basin that encompasses a residential area within the City limits and the Hidden River Estates subdivision in the unincorporated County. It is located approximately a mile south of Prima Vista Boulevard and just east of Floresta Drive. Two stormwater detention areas were constructed and the associated storm drain pipes installed to alleviate the flooding in the area and to provide water quality treatment prior to the stormwater discharging to the North Fork of the St. Lucie River. The contr,actor, Sheltra and Son Construction Co., has completed this project satisfactorily. FUNDS AVAIL.: >Account NO.1 01211-41134-563000-425017 PREVIOUS ACTION: September 3, 2002, the_Board awarded the construction contract to Sheltra and Son Construction Co. in the amount of $236,335.00. June 24,2003 the Board approved a reduction in retainage from $19,206.83 to $2,500.00. Also approved was Change Order NO.1 to reduce the contract amount by $22,831.00 for a total contract amount of $213,504.00. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board accept the project, approve the release of retainage in the amount of $2,500.00 minus failed lab tests in the amount of $221.00 and minus $290.00 for accidental damage to a sprinkler system, and approve the final payment to Sheltra and Son Construction Co. in the amount of $1 ,989.00. , COMMISSION ACTION: f] APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED E: Approved (5-0) ou I Anderson Coun y Administrator coordination/~¡, ~ IX ]Mgt. & Budget ' ~('rI IX ]Co. Eng ¡¡W P IX Jproj. Manager ?11 _~ [ ]purchasing IX ¡Revenue Coord. ßR H IX ]County Attorney [X]Originatin IX ]Finance .,." ITEM NO. Slf DATE: 10107103 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: ( ) CONSENT: ( X ) PRESENTED BY: TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT\: PUBLIC WORKS - ADMIN .Þ.~'M~~f·~ (Don West Public Works Director \ / SUBJECT: Lakewood Park Stormwater Permit Modification. Engineering Design Contract with Hazen & Sawyer Engineers. - \ BACKGROUND: The Eastwood Canal in northwest SI. Lucie County receives stormwater discharge from the Lakewood Park subdivision, Spanish Lakes County Club Village, and a new development, Portofino Shores. The Eastwood Canal discharges stormwater through its control structure to the Fort Pierce Farms Water Control District (FPFWCD) Canal No.3. Residents of Lakewood Park have raised concerns overthe increased disçharge from the Portofino Shores Development and_~ossible impacts to the Lakewood Park and Eastwood Canal stormwater system. At the request of County Staff, Hazen & Sawyer Engineers has performed a hydraulic modeling analysis of the Eastwood Canal stormwater system. The system was modeled to evaluate any impacts that may result from the additional discharge generated by the new Portofino Shores Development. , Based upon the design storm event (10 year, 24 hour rainfall) of 6.5" in 24 hours, the impacts are minimal. A meeting was held with representatives of SFWMD, FPFWCD, Portofino Shores, and County Staff to discuss the modeling results. Both Water Management Districts agreed to work with the County to permit a modification to the Eastwood-Canal water control structure. This will insure that there are no adverse impacts to the Eastwood Canal system and the level of flood protection forthe Lakewood Park subdivision is maintained. The attached engineering proposal from Hazen & Sawyer Engineers outlines the work required to prepare the necessary permit application, engineering design drawings and hydraulic modeling to secure a permit modification for the Eastwood Canal water control structur.e. The construction will be completed in the field by the Portofino Shores Developer, once the County obtains the necessary permits. , FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be made available in 101003-41131-563005-425047-Transportation Trust Local Option Culvert Replacements. PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the attached Work Authorization No.4 in the amount of $19,900.00, with Hazen & Sawyer Engineers & Scientists, Inc. forthe Lakewood Park Permit Modification, and signature by the Chairman. '-' '..J o APPROVED' )t:' OTHER:. ... o DENIED I Anderson y Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: pulled Prior to Meeting Review and Approvals 1Ø1I/lJÎ16¡ " Originating DePt~(Pub. WkS.( ~ "County Attorney: ·~Ið' f)d"I/o1 " Management and Budget: " Purchasing: ~~ 0 Parks & Recreation: 0 Environmental Lands: " Financé: 00 0 Other 01\ YÄt, (¿ , Anyone with a disability requiring,8ccommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services l\ianager at (561) 462-1777 or TDD (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to tbe meetiug. -- - ..... - , AGENDA REQUEST ....., ITEM NO. C-3a ..... DATE: October 7, 2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): Countv Attorney Daniel Mclntvre County Attorney ./ SUBJECT: _ \ Contract for Sale and Purchase Permanent Slope Easement Lennard Road MSBU Frank and Sandra Lagana Parcel 23 - Tax I.D. #3414-501-0608-000/0 BACKG~OUND: See attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be available in: Account No: 396-4115561007-4502 Lennard Road MSBU .' PREVIOUS ACTION: June 6, 2000 -Initial Public Hearing Held. Board of County Commissioners approved the Lennard Road MSBU Project to provide roadway, water and sewer improvements and authorized staff to proceed with design and permitting November, 2001- Second Public Hearing Held - Adopt ed Preliminary Assessment Roll. Approval to Commence Construction RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Contract For Sale and Purchase with Frank and Sandra Lagana for the purchase price of $12,850.00, authorize the Chairman to sign the Contract and direct staff to proceed with the closing and record the Warranty Deed and the Permanent Slope Easement in the Public Records of SI. Lucie County. COMMISSION ACTION: _JC1 APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved (5·0) Dou a M. Anderson County Administrator (X] County Attorney: y Review and Approvals [X] Management & Budget: [x] Engineering~ [ ]Road and Bridge: [x] Community Dev:~ [ ]Originating Dept: [X] Finance:(check for copy only, n applicable) '-' 'wtI AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-3b DATE: October 7, 2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x ] TO: BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: / Daniel McIntyre County Attorney SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): Countv Attorney - \ SUBJECT: Contract for Sale and Purchase Indrio North Savanna Parcel #134 Edward C. Bloniarz, Tax I.D. #1418-143-0025-000/7 BACKGROUND: See attached Memorandum fUNDS AVAILABLE: funds will be available in: Account No: 382-3915-561000-3106 Environmentally Significant Lands Program PREVIOUS ACTION: - See attached Memorandum RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Contract for Sale and Purchase with Edward C. Bloniarz for the purchase price of $28,500.00, authorize the Chairman to sign the Contract and direct staff to proceed with the closing and record the Warranty Deed in the Public Records of St. Lucie County. [~APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: COMMISSION ACTION: Approved (5'0) Doug . Anderson County Administrator Review and Approvals [X]County Attorney~· [Xl Management & Budget: Ú{) Ill~ ] Purchasing: []Originating Dept: [X] Community De~(X]Finance:(CheCk far capy only, if applicabie) '- ....I AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C,; 3e,., DATE: October 7, 2003 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [XX] TO: BOARD OF COUNìY COMMISSIONERS \ / PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT):-Cðunty Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT:' ~esolution No. 03-249 - Prohibiting Right Turns on Red from Prima Vista Boulevard onto U.S.l " BACKGROUND: " See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: -' Staff recommends the Board grant permission to advertise Resolution No. 03-249. RECOMMEND A TION: COMMISSION ACTION: ou sAnderson County Administrator ¡X] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved (5·0) Review and Approvals County Attorney: Ja/ Management & Budget Public Works Dir: I.J\~\N· Rood & Bridge Mgr,: ~ County Eng,: MV¡> Originating Dept. Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Eft. 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST 'wtI ITEM NO. ~:;c::3.Q '-- DATE: October 7,2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONSENT [XX] PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): Countv Attorney Danie] McIntyre' County Attorney - \ Révocable License Agreement John Richard Carow 7690 Picas Road SUBJECT: " Mr. Carow has requested an "after the fact License Agreement" for an existing drainage pond and fence in the right-of-way of Picas Road. Staff has visited the site and approved Mr. Carow's request for the License Agreement as long as Mr. Carow maintains the area that is located inside the fence. Attached is the license agreement for your review. BACKGROUND: FUNDS A V AILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION:- None " RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Revocable License Agreement with Mr. Carow, authorize the Chairman to execute the agreement and direct staff to record the document in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. , Approved (5·0) COMMISSION ACTION: CONC l]J... APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Review and Approvals [X] County Attorney: ~ [] Originating Dept: [X] Public Works:~~' [X] Road and Bridge: []Finance:(check for copy only, if applicable) [X] Engineering: MVP Effective 5196 G:\ACQ\WPVanetILicenseagree\Carrow Picos Rdlagenda.wpd '- ...,., AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. ê3e.- DATE: October 7, 2003 REGULAR [) PUBLIC HEARING [) CONSENT [XX] Tp: BOARD OF COUNTY CQMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: - \ SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Assignment of Agreement between County and Sierra International Machinery, Inc. BACKGRÖUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS,AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: - RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Assignment and authorize the Chairman to sign the Assignment. L~. APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved (5·0) D 91as Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: , 0/ Review and Approvals County Attorney: , Monagement & Budget Purchasing: {l Originating Dept. Public Works Dir:~ Solid Waste Dir, ~ Finance: (Check for Copy only. if applicoble) Eff.5/96 '- "'" AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. ~ DATE: October 7, 2003 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [XX] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: -\ SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Cabinet Connection of the Treasure Coast, Inc. - Approval of Financing by Florida Development Finance Corporation BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS -A V AILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve Resolutions 03- 259 and 03-260 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Resolutions. COMMISSION ACTION: NCE: uglas Anderson County Administrator ~] APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OJHER: Approved (5.Q) County Attorney: ~ Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for Copy only. if applicable) Eft. 5/96 '- ...".¡ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-3G DATE: October 7, 2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [XX] TO: BOARD OF COUNiY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: , SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County At1:9rney \ Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney - \ SUBJEct: South Causeway Island Lease Renewal - Sovereignty Submerged Lands BOT Lease No. 561391568 BACKGROUND: Attached you will find the Sovereignty Submerged Lands Lease Renewal for South Causeway Isiand near the Historical Museum. The effective date of this lease renewai will be from June 14, 2003 through June 14, 2008. ' , FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be made available in: 140001-4310-544200-400 (Port - Land Lease) PREVIOUS ACTION: July 28, 1998 - Board of County Commissioners approved the Sovereignty Submerged Lands Lease for the term June 14, 1998 to June 14. 2003. RECOMMENDATION: Starf recommends approval of the Sovereignty Submerged Lands Lease Renewal, BOT Lease No. 561391568, extending the effective date to June 14, 2008, authorize the Chairman to execute the Lease Renewal, forward .' to Department of Environmental Protection for signature and record the Lease Renewal in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Approved (5·0) Do i Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED [XX] County Attorney: )r Review and Approvals ] Public Works Director: ) County Engineer: (XX] Originating Dept.: :1",1- ] Road & Bridge: JOMS' Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 G:\ACQ\WP\JoAnn\South Causeway Island Agenda Item.wpd ~ ....,¡ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. c-3H DATE: October 7, 2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONsENT [XX] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attd'rney - \ Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney . SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement South Florida Water Management District BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum FUNDS AVÀILABLE: Funds will be made available in: 382-3920-561000-300 (Environmental Lands Capital Fund) PREVIOUS ACTION: N/ A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Interlocal Agreement between the South Florida Water Management Dismct and St. Lucie County, authorize the Chairman to execute the Interlöcal Agreement and forward to the South Florida Water Management District. pt] APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED E: COMMISSION ACTION: , Approved (5-0) [XX] County Attorney: ~ 1~t, Review and AtJOrovals [XX] Public Works D;r.cto~ [ ] Road & Bridge: (XX] Environmental Resources: (XX) Originating Dept.: [ ]OMB, Finance:: (Check for Copy only, if applicable:) Eft. 5/96 G:\ACQ\WP\JoAnn\SFWMD\Interlocal Agreement Agenda Request.wpd '"'" ...,¡ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-3i DATE: October 7, 2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] PRESENTED BY: Daniel Mclntye County Attorney Requ~st for approval of the Florida Communities Trust Grant Award Agreement for the Lloyd Taylor Parcel on the North Fork of the SI. Lucie River-Phase Three FCT project and Authorization for the County Administratorto sign and transmit the Agreement on to Florida Communities Trust on behalf of the County Commission TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney SUB~ECT: - \ BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVÀILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: -' RECOMMENDATION: , COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED [ ] OTHER: Approved (5-0) [XX] County Attorney: Wir-- OII7-1 [ ] Originating Dept.: See attached memorandum Funds are available in account #382-3915-561000-31013 On June 24. 2003, this Board approved, authorization to sign and transmit of the Florida Communities Trust Grant Award Agreement for the North Fork of the SI. Lucie River Phase Three project. On Januarv 7. 2003, this Board approved authorization to sign and transmit - of the Florida Communities Trust Grant Contract for the North Fork of the St. Lucie River Phase Three project. On November 15. 2002, FCT awarded the County a Grant in the amount of 75% of the project costs or $1,537,500, whichever is less, to purchase the 93 acres in the North Fork of the St. Lucie River Phase Three project. The County's 25% match is $532,000. On Julv 16. 2002, this Board authorized submission of the North Fork of the St. Lucie River-Phase Three FCT application. Staff recommends the Board approve the Florida Communities Trust Grant Award Agreement for the Lloyd Taylor parcel on the North Fork of the SI. Lucie River Phase Three project, and authorize the County Administrator to sign and transmit the attached Grand Award Agreement to Florida Communities Trust. [ ] DENiED Review and Approvals [ ] Public Works: [ ] Purchasing: [ ] County Engineer: [ ] Road & Bridge: AGENDA REOUEST '-' ITEM NO. é>3j "- Date: October 7, 2003 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney ..- - \ SUBJECT:.Art in Public Places Program - Assignment of Agreement with Patrick Cochran and Ginny Piech Street to Shadetree Studios BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 03-1403 '. FUNDS A V AÌL.çState type & No. of transaction or N/A): Account Number 665-7310-563000-700 - , RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Assignment of Agreement for Artist Services with Patrick Cochran and Ginny Piech Street to Shadetree Studios, and authorize the Chairman to execute the Assignment. Approved (5'0) E: COMMISSION ACTION: ¡]J..APPROVED [] DENIED 1 ] OTHER: , Coordination/Siena tu res County Attorney: '1\¡;1 þ> {).J '" Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: Originating Dept.: Other: Other: Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): ~ .., AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-4A DATE: October 7, 2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] " - \ TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT) : Utilities Department william R. Blazak SUBJECT: Séaff requests a partial reduction of retainage for portions of the project that are complete and being utilized by the county. The amount of the redu~tion is $10,000.00 for the North Hutchinson Island Wastewater Treatment Plant facility modifications. FUNBS AVAIL: 449-3600-563000-36001 (NHI-Capital Improvements) PREVIOUS ACTION, Board approved the contract #02-068 with Speegle Construction II, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests that Board approve the partial reduction of retainage for Speegle Construction II, Inc. in the amount of $10,000.00 for the North Hutchinson Island Wastewater Treatment Plant facility. [X- [" ] APPROVED OTHER: DENIED COMMISSION ACTION: Approved (5-0) , (Q¡/., ?A' Coordination/siqnatures Mgt. & BUdget'~ Other: if applicable)____ purchasing County Attorney:X Originating Dept:X Finance Director: (Chec Other: Eff. 5/96 ~ ...I AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. c.- 4 b DATE: October 7, 2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] -- - \ TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SqBMITTED BY (DEPT) : Utilities Deuartment william R. Blazak SUBJECT: Change order number 5, in the amount of $17,150.42, to Speegle Construction II, Inc., contract number C-02-08-601, for repair of thoroseal sealant and_.additional painting of the exterior walls and existing building. , FUNDS AVAIL:. 448-3600-546240-300 Renewal And Replacement Fund PREVIOUS ACTION: Award of bid to Speegle Contruction II, Inc. and approval of change orders 1-4. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve change order number 5, in the amount of $17,150.42, for the repair of the Thoroseal Sealant and painting of exterior walls and existing building to provide for improved astheEics. - LX] [ ] APPROVED OTHER: DENIED derson Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: Approved (5'0) , Coordination Si natures Mgt. & Budget: u.,L) m purchasing County Attorney:X Originating Dept: X Finance Director: {Cne Other: if applicable}____ Other: Eft. 5/96 "'- ...., Agenda Request Item Number: Meetinç¡ Date: c.sp.. Oc\.", 2003 Consent Reguiar Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] Quasi-JD [ To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development evelopment Director - \ Watersong Subdivision - Final Plat Review On August 19, 2003, this Board approved Resolution 03-091, which granted Planned Unit Development approval for a 91-iot subdivision on __ 23.82± acres of land to be known as Watersong, PUD Subdivision. This parcel is located at 4900 South Ocean Drive (on the east side of State Road A-1-A, approximateiy 3 miles north of the FP&L Nuclear Power Plant). The subject property was previously cleared with road infrastructure improvements for Phase I being completed. The developer has submitted a "Letter of Credit" in the amount of $918,428.16 for the remaining infrastructure improvements. SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: , FUNDS AVAILABl,E: PREViOUS ACTION; NIA RECOMMENDATIO\-J: On December 27, 1999, the Community Development Director issued an administrative approval granting a minor adjustment to the approved Planned Unit Development Plan for the Ocean Oasis Site (f/kla Ocean PUD) Plan. On April 16. 2002, this Board granted approval to a 12-month extension for this project, with said Site Plan Extension establishing a new expiration date of December 27, 2002. On March 3, 2003, this Board granted approval for a final 12-month extension for this project with said Site Plan Extension establishing a new expiration date of December 27, 2003. On August 19, 2003 this Board approved Resolution 03-091, granting approval for a 91-lot residential subdivision, known as Shadow Oaks Subdivision. Staff recommends that the Board approve the plat for Watersong, PUD subdivision, and authorize staff to proceed with its final processing. Approved (5'0) ougias M. Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: rn APPROXED CJ OTHER D DENIED Coordination! Signatures County Attorney ~Jo !).rfon Mgt. & Budget: Finance.: Fire Dept: Environ. Resources; ~ Utility: Purchasing: Public Works: Engineering: (agend714a) , '-' .., Agenda Request Item Number: Meetin!! Date: C.Sr:\ Oct. 1, 2003 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. ] IX] I ] [ ] Quasi-JO [ To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development SUBJECT: Consider Final Record Plat approval for "Parcel 34, A-E @ The Reserve (The Lakes)" Plat - \ rOn April 1, 2003,. the Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution 03-014, which granted a Final Planned Unit Development approval for the portion of the Reserve PUDIDRI known as Parcel 34 A-E @ The Reserve (The Lakes). BACKGRQUND: Parcel 34, A-E is located off Commerce Centre Drive at the Southeast corner of the intersection of Dogleg Drive and Champions Way, directly across from PGA Learning Center. This phase of development includes 213 residential lots. The applicant has submitted an Irrevocable Letter of Credit for the subdivision improvements. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: N/A NIA Staff recommends that the Board approve the Final Plat for "Parcel 34 @ The Reserve (The Lakes)" and authorize staff to complete the final processing of this Plat. COMMISSJON ACTION: o APPROVED [x:::J OTHER D DENIED RRENCE: Pulled Prior to Meeting ouglas M. Anderson County Administrator , Coordination! Signatures County Attorney '1t!"ÞJ i'1 Mgt. & Budget: Finance.: Fire Dept: Environ. Resources; ~ Utility: Purchasing: Public Works: Engineering: (agend714a) '"" To: Submitted By: SUBJECT: BACKGR9UND: - \ - FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: CXJ APPROVED CJ OTHER , "-II Agenda Request Item Number: Meetin :¡ Date: C-fX', Oct~, 2003 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] Quasi-JD [ Board of County Commissioners Community Development Consider Final Record Plat approval for "Parcel 6 @ The Reserve (Willow Pines)" Plat An April 1, 2003,. the Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution 03-005, which granted a Final Planned Unit Development approval for the portion of the Reserve PUDIDRI known as Parcel 6 @ The Reserve (Willow Pines). Parcel 6 is located at the West side of Legends Drive, approximately 450 feet north of the intersection of Legends Drive and Reserve Creek Drive. This phase of development includes 48 multi-family lots. The applicant has submitted an Irrevocabie Letter of Credit for the subdivision improvements. NIA NIA Staff recommends that the Board approve the Final Plat for "Parcel 6 @ The Reserve (Willow Pines)" and authorize staff to complete the final processing of this Plat. D DENIED - Approved (5-0) ouglas M. Anderson County Administrator Coordination! Signatures County Attorney ')oyJ..on, F. v Inance.: Environ. Resources; \JIi1..1b Mgt. & Budget: Fire Dept: Utility: Purchasing: Public Works: Engineering: (agend714a) . '-' TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJEßT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: æ APPROV'l::D D OTHER '-" Agenda Request c---£cL Item Number Date: Oct 7, 2003 Consent Regular Public Presentation Board of County Commissioners Community Development Authorize the submittal of FY 2003/04 grant application to the Florida Department of Traosportation Highway Safety Grant Program to fund the third and final year of the County's Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator position. Approve resolution number 03-256. The resolution is to accept funds above the budgeted amount for fiscal year 2003/2004. The Florida Department of Transportation receives funds from the Federal Highway Administration to be disbursed for Highway Safety Projects that fulfill the National Priority Program Area. For the last two years, grants were submitted and awarded to fund the Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator's position. Heading into the third and final year, the Florida Department of Transportation will cover 50% of the salary for Coordinator's position. The Coordinator will continue to assist in identifying problem areas and implementing the most critical infrastructure PIojects to improve the safety of our community for bicyclists and pedestrians. In addition, the Coordinator will carry on with the current Indian River Lagoon Scenic Highway and Hazardous Walking Conditions projects. The grant covers 50% of the salary for the Bicycle /Pedestrian Coordinator's position. The remaining 50% will be included within the Community Development Department budget. The grant award is $27,105. The '03/04 budgeted amount to grant # 102107-1510 is $25,000. Therefore, a difference of $2,105 in anticipated revenues is realized. N/A Staff recommends that the Board authorize staff to resubmit the grant application to the Florida Department of Transportation Highway Safety Grant Program seeking funding for the third year of the Bicycle /Pedestrian Coordinator position and approve Resolution No. 03-256 to place the $2,105 into project reserves. D DENIED ouglas M. Anderson County Administrator - \ Approved (5-0) Coordinationl Si9~~A J j Mgt. & Budget: r1fiV.Y Other: Purchasing: Other: County Attorney '~().)''''' Originating Dept.: Finance: . AGENDA REOUEST ...,; ITEM NO. C-6A '"" DATE: OCTOBER 7,2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMmED BY(DEPT): PUBLIC SAFETY PRESENTED BY: JACK T. SOUTHARD PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR SUBJECT:\ 9G-19 Grant. County Ëmergency Management Preparedness and Assistance :rrust Fund Program Base Grant (EMPA). BACKGROUND: Base Grant provided by the Department of Community Affairs, Division of Emergency Management. Agreement Number 04BG-04-10-66-01-056 Amount of Grant is $105,806.00 less $2,847.00 for State of FlOrida . Communication Services. The Revenue was included in the Budget for Fiscal Year 2003-2004. FUNDS WILL BE AYAILABLE: 001286-2510-334202-200 (EMPA Trust Fund) PREVIOUS ACTION: 'Already included in Emergency Management Budget approved during Budget Workshops in July RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Agreement #04BG-04-10-66-01-056 along with Budget Amendment 04-101 and Equipment Request #EQ04-206 and have the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: [ ",. APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Dou Anderson County Administrator Approved (5-0) Review and A roval '11Æ~ County AttorneY:~~ Management & Budget vþ!·~j , \.1 Originating Dept. Other:.J Finance: (Check Copy only, if applicable) Purchasing: ¡J~ Other: Eff. 5/96 '-' 'w1I ITEM NO. C6-b DATE: Oct. 7. 2003 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: ( ) CONSENT: (X) PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Public Safetv Jack T Southard Public Safety Director " SUBJECT: 800 MHz Publiè Safety Radio System. Amend Inter-local Agreement with the City of Ft. Pierce. (see attached original and new including exhibit) BACKGROUND: Amend the original agreement signed on February 2,1999, #C99-02-268. Approve the new agreement back dated as of April 1, 1999. The only change was the cost was increased from $807,640.00 to $821,024.00, an increase of $13,384.00. FUNDS AVAILÀBLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: Approved Inter-local Agreement with the City of Ft. Pierce on February 2, 1999, #C99-02-268. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the amended Inter-local agreement retroactive to April, 1999. -' COMMISSION ACTION: OOPPROVED LJ OTHER: o DENIED A ~ Do g~s Anderson County Administrator Approved (5-0) Review and APprovals , o Finance: Chec or copy only, if applicable: ,rM o Management and Budget: o Purchasing: o County Attorney: o Originating De o Other: I T o Other: '-' """"'" AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C-7a DATE: October 7,2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): Administration Doug Anderson County Administrator SUBJECT\:. Fort Pierce Harbor AtIvisory Committee - \ BACKGROUND: Commissioner Lewis is requesting that Mary Chapman serve on the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee as her appointee, and also that Jerry Kuklinski be appointed as alternate. . FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTÌON: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board ratify Commissioner Lewis' appointment of Mary Chapman to serve on the committee, and Jerry Kuklinski to serve as alternate. Approved (5'0) o~las Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: L~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [,] OTHER: , Review and ADDrovals County Attorney: Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Other: Eff. 5/96 '-" '-' AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C-7b DATE: October 7,2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): Division of Forestry Joe Spataro Forestry Area Supervisor SUBJECTi: Annual Fire Control ~eport - \ BACKGROUND: The Division of Forestry is required to submit their Annual Fire Control Report to the County Commission. This report outlines the Fire Control activities for the past year. They request that it be placed on the consent agenda for Board acceptance . FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTÌON: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the Annual Fire Control Report from the State Division of Forestry., -' CÐMMISSION ACTION: [J~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: uglas Anderson County Administrator Appro~ed (5'0) Review and ADDrovals COW1ty Attorney: Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Eft. 5/96 '-' --' - . .' .. ... AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. Co K aI DATE: October ~ 2003 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ) CONSENT [X) SUBMITTED BY: Community Servicê's - \ PRESENTED BY: Beth Ryder, Directo~ TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS , SUBJECT: Final approval ofthe request for funding of$10,000 from the Shared Services Network Executive RQundtable and approval of the contract to expend the funds. BACKGROUND: See attached Memorandum # 04-01 FUNDS A V AIL: FY 03/04 801-1110-F5820000-100GAid to Erivate Organizations enera una, B CC eneraL Governrnenc PREVIOUS ACTtON: At the budget w.órkshops the Board requested additional information before final approval of the request for participation in the funding for the Youth Advisory Board which is a project of the Shared Services Network Executive Roundtable. RECOMMENDATION: Final approval for funding of $JO,OOO for the Youth Advisory Board project, and approval of the contract to expend the funds with the Shared Services Network Executive Roundtable, the fiscal agent for the program. COMMISSION ACTION: [)f. APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: .., o I¡(f"M. Anderson County Administrator Approved (5·0) , County Attorney: x Originating Dept. o Review and Approvals Management & Budget: X()~t'îI~urchaSing: Other:_ Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable X ) ElI. 5/96 'í!w- -...I AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. o-ij, DATE: October 07,2003 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT: [X] TO~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUB""ITTED BY: Community Services \ / PRESENTED BY: ð- Beth Ryder, Director ¿D SUBJECT: Approval of tWo grant ,agreements with the Council on Aging of St. Lucie County, Inc., for match on the Community Care for the Elderly Act grant in the amount of $25,000.00 and match on the Older Americans Act grant in the amount of $90,336.00 - BACKGROUND: For FY03/04 the Board approved a grant to the Council on Aging of St. Lucie County, Inc., for match dol~ars for two grants, Community Care for the Elderly and the Older Americans Act. FUNDS AVAIL: " , . Account Number: 001-6900-582015-600 (Community Care for the Elderly) Account Number: 001-6900-582015-600 (Older Americans Act) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recõmmends approval of the grant agreements with Council on Aging of St. Lucie County, Inc. and authorization for the Chairman to execute the agreements. Approved (5·0) COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED [] DENIED . í r OTHER: , County Attorney: I '1!y dr' 1J.r/'J Originating Oept I Review and Annrovals Management & Budget IØ ·~('(\G;¡ Other: PurchaSing: Other: Finance: Check for Copy only. If appncahle !. '"" ....",¡ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-8 U DATE: October 07,2003 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT: [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Community Services ..- PRESENTED BY: Beth Ryder, Director~ - \ SUBJECT: Approval of FY2003.04,Agreements with New Horizons of the Treasure Coast, Inc., for mental health, alcòhol and substance abuse services: . .1. Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment services match of $623,144.00 for the Department of Children and Families contract; 2. Bridge to Recovery program for substance abuse assessment and education in cooperation with the SI. Lucie County Sheriff in the amount of $30,282.00. '. BACKGROUND: For FY03/04 the Board approved grants to New Horizons of the Treasure Coast, Inc., for mgtch dollars to'Pfovide the above services. FUNDS AVAIL: Acèount Number: 001·6900·581030·600 (DCF Match) AccounlNumber: 107·2115·581030·200 (Bridge to Recovery) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed agreements with New Horizons of the Treasure Coast, Inc., and authorize the chairman to sign the agreements. Approved (5-0) o as . Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: [)\ APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: County Attorney: I ,¡It¡ Þ 0 J n Originating Dept I Review and Approvals Other: SLC SHERIFF Finance: Check for Copy only. If appUcable!. Management & Budget {jl~ '('f\~ Purchasing: Other: '"" """ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-K cL. DATE: October 07,2003 REGULAR I] PUBLIC HEARING I] CONSENT: IX] TO~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBI'/IITTED BY: Community Services " PRESENTED BY: -.tl Beth Ryder, Director0JL- SUBJECT: Approval 01 the grant agreement with the Healthy Start Coalition of St. Lucie County, Inc. . BACKGROUND: For FY 03/04 the Board approved the grant to the Healthy Start Coalition of St. Lucie County, Inc.., for 50% of the cost to provide non-Medicaid pre-natal care and deliveries not covered by any other source for low income women, in an amount not to exceed $45,000.00. FUNDS AVAIL:' Account Number: 001-6900-582000-600 (Aid to Private Orga'nizations) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the contract with Healthy Start Coalition of St. Lucie County, Inc., and aùthorization for the Chairman to execute the agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: JC¡ APPROVED I] DENIED i 1 OTHER: Approved (5'0) ou s . Anderson County Administrator , County Attorney: x 'I!t; t' Ð.r.... Originating Dept x Management" Bndget x ; !. ' Other: rrÞJ Purchasing: Other: Finance: Check lor Copy only,lf appllcable!. ~ i""."",;,·"·,,·,·····j,,,;t=':ii<n.' ,-q;_·;:c~{'1i)7W*';Wi";._0'éb:œØlli'W5ft!i'kh ~~~-?~j~:i'_!r'\lm;!>t~;.' '·:;;y£rS~J!-;:~Y,ll~~~;~¡Çi_¥1j;¡¡~t~~ ~ ITEM NO. C-9a DATE: 1017/03 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Purchasing Department Ed Parker, Purchasinq Director SUBJÉCT: \ Invitation to Bid, IFB #03-074, Temporary Personnel Services. Reject all Bids. " . BACKGROUND: On-A'ugust 13, 2003 IFB #03-074 was opened for Temporary Personnel Services. Two hundred and ninety-nine (299) vendors were notified, eighteen (18) bid documents were distributed and ten (10) responses were received. Staff recommends rejection of all bids. (See a'ttached memo) FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends rejection of all bids for IFB #03-074 Temporary Personnel Services and permission to re-advertising with revised specifications. COMMISSION ACTION: IX) APPROVED ( ) OTHER ( ) DENIED E: Approved (5-0) U M,JDERSON CO NTY ADMINISTRATOR , Coord i nat; 0 n/SiQ n atu res County Attorney ( X ) !À Mgt. & Budget (X ) ~I h\(V\ty Other ( ) Purchasing (X) 4/ Other( ) Originating Dept. ( ) Finance: (check for copy, oniy if applicabie)_ ...., ITEM NO. C-9b DATE: 10/7/03 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Purchasing Department Ed Parker, Purchasinq Director SUBJÉCT: First Extension to Contract No. C01-10-145 with Ardaman & Associates Inc., C01-10-152 with R. L Weigt Environmentai Cóñsultants, Inc.; C01-10-161 with B. S. E. Consultants Inc., and C01-10-189 with KimleyX-Jorn & Associates, Inc., for Environmental Services Phase 1 Assessments and Wetland Delineation. BACKGROUND: On October 9, 2001 the Board of County Commissioners approved a two-year contract throtlgh October 8, 2003 with Ardaman & Associates, Inc., R. L. Weigt Environmental Consultants, Inc., B. S. E. Consultants Inc., and Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc., for Environmental Services Phas-e 1 Assessments and Wetland Delineation. The contract allows for four (4) additional one-year extensions at the same terms and conditions. Staff is now' recommending that the Board authorize the first_extension. , - FUNDS AVAILABLE: Various Department Accounts PREVIOUS ACTION: On October 9, 2001 the Board of County Commissioners approved a two-year contract through October 8, 2003 with Ardaman & Associates, Inc., R. L. Weigt Environmental Consultants, Inc., B. S. E. Consultants Inc., and Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc., for Environmental Services Phase 1 Assessments and Wetland Delineation. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the first extension to the contracts with Ardaman & Associates, Inc., R. L. Weigt Environmental Consultants, Inc., B. S. E. Consultants Inc., and Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc., for Environmental Services Phase 1 Assessments and Wetland Delineation and authorization for the Chairman to sign the extension as prepared by the County Attorney. ( 'APPROVED ( ) OTHER ( ) DENIED E: COMMISSIQN ACTION: Approved \5-0) G ANDERSON UNTY ADMINISTRATOR County Attorney ( X) (J Jl , Coord i natio n/S i q natures Mgt. & Budget (X) 4/ Other ( ) \ "" \.r '¡ ¡ ~ I. t ::- I " ···í Purchasing (X) rf:Ií Originating Dept. ( ) Other ( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ~ ...,¡ ITEM NO. C-9c DATE: 10/7/03 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Purchasing Department Ed Parker, Purchasinq Director , SUBJECT: First Extension to Contract No. C01-10-146 with Ardaman & Associates Inc., and -- Contract' No. C01-10-159 with URS Corporation for Environmental Services for Phase II Contamination Assessmè'nt BACKGROUND: On October 9, 2001 the Board of County Commissioners approved a two-year contract through October 8, 2003 with Ardaman & Associates, Inc., and URS Corporation to provide Environmental Services for Phase II Contamination Assessment. The contract allows for four (4) additional one-year extensions at the same terms and conditions. Staff is now recommending that the Board authorize the first extension. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Various department accounts. PREVIOUS ACTION: On, October 9, 2001 the Board of County Commissioners approved a two-year contract through October 8,2003 with Ardaman & Associates, Inc., and URS Corporation RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the first extension to the contracts with Ardaman & Associates Inc., URS Corporation to provide Environmental Services for Phase II Contamination Assessment and authorization for the Chairman to sign the extension as prepared by the County Attorney. - COMMISSION ACTION: ~l APPROVED () DENIED ( ) OTHER E: , D U ANDERSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Approved (5-0) Co 0 rd i n atio n/Siq na tu res County Attorney ( X) ,cv j!J Mgt. & Budget (X) ~ ['I \ \\\e:J I I , Purchasing (X) ð/' Originating Dept. ( ) Other( ) Other( ) Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable)_ ~ -.t AGENDA REQUEST ITEM: # C-10 DATE: October 7,2003 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Wayne Teegardin Risk Manager SUBMITi;ED BY (,?EPT): Human Resources/Risk Management SUBJECT: Retire'e Benefits (Medicare Plus Plan) BACKGROUND: Risk Management would like to offer the Medicare Plus Plan to county retiree's who are age 65 or older to help defray the rising costs of group health care. GENERAL NOTES: The Medicare Plus Plan will offer an affordable health care plan to qualifying retiree's and will be fully funded by the fees collected. FUNDS AVAIL.: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: ' . N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Retiree Benefits Plan (Medicare Plus Plan). COMMISSION ACTION: E: P'J APPROVED [J DENIED -[ ì OTHER: D glas M. Anderson County Administrator Approved (5-0) , County Attorney: 'kk t" 03">11 Originating Dept.lN\t'r 4 Review and ADDrovals Management & Budget: ~ Other: Purchasing: ¿¡fJ Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable)